The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 09, 1896, Image 3

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Ills Letter In (lie (iiiuriiiiiinf. U'lilrh
I'll st llruiiyht Ills Name lie
1 01 c the Urn lil.
Bci-ass He Wad as I uttiai ruUlilc Airtlte
lor limb aid ,cdcd i (iult ut Isder
clulhc. WhUk iki Keccipl ul Hit
Office Votild Xo Alluw.
Kansas (Ml)- Mlar.
In lM Ny a lirlurtuM lwyr dab
bling lit rounlry newspaper work In
Laramie, Wyo, Tha thing which drew
him out ul hla obscurity unit eventually
mad him 4 famous humorist wlilt
good-elicd tori uiio, waa ilia Idler In
which tin rel-nM Ma plan ua 1'nlled
Hlatee rominllunr. Tha latter, whlrh
wa reprinted everywhere marked th
vanl u( a new riiiiil'! writer, and tha
Him ul tha 1 1. In In Hi alT,ilra of Kdgur
Wll.on Nyo. Ilrra la Ilia famous rplslla:
"I'd Ilia Wiutrlnipiil ul Juallra, Waeh-
dial. 'ii. It. ('.
"rivxrtnl itiiiiiiha agu I resigned aa
t 'lilir.l Hlulva rumiiila.iuner fur I 111" Ju
dicial illiiirlrt. The guvariinirlil .11.1 nul
ao-pl my rrelKiiatlon. litis t . 1 1 1 V aa
Serin. Hi. it lli.'m waa tin una whu a
run. . bred rutiiHlriit lu lake my place
In holding up tli corner ul th national
"I tmw once ni.irn rnltfit, I tin nut il
a U.nn. I am .ll..l-.i. .1 Willi III" v.
nrnm(.ni, ot Iwaiiav I .tin illNiilmartl talttt
liui.lli- IK. Ttrnrr la nn rrain hy Ilia
otrnnirtil ainl niya'lf himl I nut run.
ilnua to lw tri. lull un.l. r llin n w
rln. fur l'nlil Htt-a rmimlaiuiura
if iltairli'i ruuria, I am -onM.l-4 10 iw
tiro Iroin Ilia udl'lsl nimilir wlilrlt
I havii ao tun rill.-J Willi to murh
kill ami rrr.lll. Uith til myarir anil lha
I'nli"! Hlatra.
"Tho .1. .rtnirni of luatlra now ra
ijultva ma lu liirnlah tltalliM atali"
nnl narlt numih of all lha bualnnaa iluna
hi lha iHimmlaalunar, with hla utile. al
alctiatura nl'.irhMl. S nm alao rwiiilrwl
lu k-p largr voluina In my nflli aa
rr.ur.l of lha I'nltad lliatra niM iam
Inxl ly m. I am la ,1a thla at my own
riHniH in otUar Ih4l Ilia honor unit
hiah mural Ion of lha natlnn may rr
main unmlrf hfl
"All thi" rniilrmnla I roulil. of
ruiirM. with, but I nm ruraad
with Iho hnriilila atiunhtilon that In
lha lulur I ahall ba rquirr1 10 lo mora
ol thla till lha ripnaa will ha mors than
I ran mml. I rouhl now, ol roura. (al
llltla rhurra sruunil town anouh tor
nii-aBMty ftin.U lu buy tha racorda. lie.
hut trforr an'uthor yr lha govoromrnl
may rrulra ma lo buy a marhla Inp
ranirr labia ami two or thra palnllna
by lha obi maalrra, In ir.. r lo ilva lha
IMHiutar an'.oiinl nf terror lo tha Vnlto.1
ntataa rrlmlnala. Thla woul.l ruml
ma lu o will. out now ovrr-wl ami
'T" ; . . ' : . . u.r
in nn1 I h.,1 ho,l thai with lha ,
linnniiti .roM.rii7 i iiip hhi jwir
lhr wotiM In una raw, .11 lanat. for
rianilnrton. fur hl.-h I rotiM rrattta
M nr i:. an! whlrh W011I.I raw thla ,
brnnrh uf iho tlniiartmonl of )uil.-o trm
porarlly. I.ut I hava boon itlaappolntod all !
tho way throtirh. 1 rniihl aiiuorao alnna i
wlthuut tho ovon-oal In ur.lrr tn art tho
; roror,l ihi. wintor but th un- .
h-a I f. aa I ouahl lo h.vo !
"I mlahl illo auddrnly whllo un Ih
brhrh. nml It would aotind harahly If Ihi
lolraraphl.- illapntrhoa woro lo atato that 1
whrn tho i.i murtom waa h.1.1 th Jury
found a cr.llii thni Ih 1'nll.d Bmii-a
rummialoiii'r had dloit from ripoauro
and a trmunrary ataatuitlon of un.l. r- 1
"inir wlntra hrr aro ijulto a..vrro and 1
If tho .Irpirtmi nt of Ju.ll.-o .houl.l I
day r.u.ulr mo In my oftVlal r.... ity
In buy an upnrhl plnno and ko. p II on 1
fil. I wn.,1.1 hnvo to rlmh. mv-rlf in I
n.v .mirrii. i.,i.riiv .t a i, of
aoM.huwod ! i
" la 110 qutlon altout tha air of I
rhoorfulnraa I hut a luno would Klv la ,
my uitl'-o, oii'ially If aumo iaily wora ,
to lio trlod on aomo obara or another, '
for ah 1011I1I bans an uvortnr out of
Iho Inalruinoiil whllo w.illliiif fur Ih
t' Btatr altornay to mm, and It
would brtp Mm 10 kill lima, but th
court would hav olthor to lot'H Itaolf In
an a Uolnln i loai-t till Ih dofonilunl
had a in or auk hrr lo loan him n ahawi
iliitmii iho trial.
'You will ' frjin h-o auaaratlun
chilli... ma arm rfririln
"I will now turn tho nm.o vor to tho
donarimoni. Il ronalala of a lilim boi '
with aomo attot'lmi'iiA of aoi-unil-hnnil
rhowlna lulmwo pr.-..rvr.l In anwduat
nnd n hnhl'hi'nilod f.uillirr diiat'.r. Thn
dapiirlmi.nt will plriw aond 11 r.'ri'lpt to
nio for thofw ari'lilvoa, ua I d -alro lo
Imvo wor) thiiia dono rorrortly nml with
th iiaunl iimoiint of pnHialuu of di-lay.
"Tl.. I'liltcd Blnlra, In my r-litniitilii,
aiiatulna a loa.t whl-h It nm III nfford,
and thn iiuiliinil aup.'i'airtii'tiir boi-omoa
nlmnal a tnltrrlnir wnn'k. Tho pupulnr
miin nitty ho mlaod up fur thla rrlala,
bin It la not nl all prohulili.
"lir. Tallin r wiiuld Imi a kixhI man I
almplv throw thla out n n auai-ailun.
"hull, ho winilil rui'ilro cloth. . I
hiiilu'l thouulil uf I hul
"It la viry aililom that you will find
11 man with tho happy union uf ,iinllfl-
rallona neceaaury for thla ulllcc. 1 oil
may act-iire a man who enn live on th
ilellKhlful climate ami what cold food bo
can aociire nmonn Ih noliihlairB, hut he
la liable tu ham an uiiKoverniiblc ap
petite fur clothe, while, on the other
Initial, you niny find it man who la thn
exact vice veraa, or whatever you may
call It. of Iho other man.
"You will pnrliapa wonder nt 111 doliiy
of tn v hint moii 1 lily repnrl, but U la cually
explained. Th man who prnmlacd thnt
lie would come before me In AukiiM un.l
iicknowledgii deed nnd pay nm two
blta for II, cam tn mo In September nnd
tnld 1110 hn didn't mnko the aal of prop
erly lie hud nntlclpnted.
"I now realgn.
"CotiKrea may Ink inch notion In ac
knowledgment of my paat aervkea n It
may aoo fit.
"Whatever appropriation la mail will
bo thankfully received nnd receipted.
"I would nlan rooelpt my winter punt
at th anm Urn.
"I find that I con atarv to death Juat
aa aiicceaafully In Joiirnnllant aa I rnn
In my offlulal rapacity, and I hop thnt
tha government will not feel hurt over
my cotira.
"Handling the amount of money that
I hava, bring a United Biatea commla
alnner, haa been a terrlbln atrnln on me,
nnd I realgn before It la too Int.
"I realgn while I hava th manhood aim
liift to overcome my flondlah dealre to
pmbeixle the ooal hod and the front
door uf the office.
"Hoping that no further explnnnttona
will he nvceaairy, I auharrlhe myaolf.
"Your, with a ma.lornnt amount or
flrmneaa, and a paalonnt dealr for
Kruh. HILf' NYE."
If you want a ture relief for
limbs, uae an
Bbar IM Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and imita
tions 1 us Rood as the genuta,!.
Tide Table for April, 1896.
A, M.
I., in. I
11. a
7 II
Wlllltll'Sllll) I
Tliiii.iln . ,., 'i
r- rliluy ( a
Hatur.liiv 1 4
HCNDA'Y ! ft
' li
li U2
r ih
7 44
N fjM
10 IHI
III fi'i
11 :u
(J IK)
II ill
1 10
I 41)
'J 17
l r.l
;i K
i -a
ft iUI
II 47
U I'l
II it
(I 17
0 i:
Mnixliiy , ,;' I)
vtV.linia.lny ,
'1'lium.iM. , . .
Hkhinlay. ...
Tniwlny , . . ,
Wiiin-wl , ,
Tlitinalny. ...
I iiiwlny
Tliiim.)iy .
Mniuluy . . .
i'tirialay ....
Wiliir-ly , .
Tliiira-lay. , ,
M A'l'l I'KH MAXIM-:.
Sue I'liltd (a Jkloi'l Hit Vaicr rrusl
Hiinmrr Iftuplr. fur Inn
aalled-yealrriluy morning
There ar two veaaela luadlng lumber
I lh Knapplun Minn.
In. tell
schooner Maid of tirlinna, lumber
for Hn KraiwlM-u, eillM yiaiar-
Tho turk VM'tin. lumlK-r lailrn fur
Han Krnrlao, arrlvnl .luwn lha rlvrr
Tho a.-hounnr Jnaala rami- In yra
tartlay fur wotrr nnil provtaloni. Aftrr
rrcalvlna au.illra, alio croaaril out.
Tha I'a.tolua haa alil..l a rraw In
rurtlaml ami will ! Uuwn lha rlvrr
tiKlny. Kh tiaa rarao fur lotuilulu.
Tha alaatnrr All.- IIUnrhaM arrlvad
from Ban Fram-laro and way puna
tvnlay. with a lara quantity of fralabl.
Mha loft up lha rlvvr In lha aftoruoon.
Th atramnr Hnuth Coaat, frum Han
rruni'lK-o, arrlvad yoatarJiy. an.1, aftar
Ua-haralnaT frriahl lor AaliHU mf
rhanta, lull up lha liver fur I'orlland.
Hlaamar Blata aalld for laa Kranrlaso
yralarilny. Amuni hr AatJrta .aa.-n-aara
war: Mr, tl. W. HraM. rharlaa
llalllMtrn. Mr. ami Mr. W. r. Mrlror,
A. J. Minllh anil Mlaa Uraclo Hlokoa
Th llihihuua londor Pulumblna wrnt
down lo lha mouth of lha rtvr yralar
day, but, a lh walhr waa loo aovar
lu allow tha lamlliuf of mn and pro
vlaluna on Tillamook rock, ah rvlurnnl.
fh "rttlah barh lKford la out nln.iy
iU from N,c wnl,.h
aya from Npwraati.
of much anib'iy lo lh "marln nlltur"
uf Ih orraonlan. That Imllvlilual aaya
If ah la nul hrar.1 from aoun lonaldxra-
,. , ,,, ..,,
Tho llrlllah ahlp (Iwllva la In a gimr
nrrtlli-amrnL Bh la and rily
1 for . but rannut p away I rum lui
,,, HK.,U1W of , rMt, of muj that
u ,,,. Thp ,lov,
I a foel. ami aa Iho Hilar la only II foot
at hlah watrr. Ih vraaol rnnnol .aaa
ovrr II. Th mini la aoft. howovor. and
lhro lua will t .ut nn tho ahlp tiMlny
and alio will Imi pullrd lHllly ihrouah It.
'Phrr la no truth In th rumor thai th
I tloillva wa lo ho illa.iuirao.1 -Call.
Tho Amorlran ahl Tllllo K. Bturburk.
ll "". rlialn I'urila. arrived In Hrt
V "l-rdnv. with a rarao, . daya
from Now Yurk Tho iMa.o waa an
r.t ntliiimlly fair 0110. an.l. but for morl'
l" '" ' onthor. ah w-
would uniluii- !
nlly l.ava lua.lo Hi trip In nn even HU
.Uja The Hlnrbiirk rounded the Horn """''" " nonorioio arcrei.iry 01
17 daya after liavln- New York Boon 1 nr ,'n retum.1 aa approved,
after ah encountered aover weather. 1 "ml ,h pour having examined th lo-a-an.1
waa O daya In reaching tho lino, j ,on "'' '"'" f h opinion that lh
Krum the eijualor lo Aaturla aho waa I I'rldg ahould he built: and the hid of
nineteen iIih. a run wlilch la almoal a W'-Vor. Iltt. having heretofore
record breaker. Tha Sturlmi k la tha ,1", "-rpled. It waa ordered that a
flral Iron aalllng ahlp aver built In tha , ronlract b enlere.1 Inta with Ih above
Tutted Btutra. ami I a, alater rhlp lo n-iitlone.l firm. II waa ordered that
Ih William II. Blnrbuck llolh veaaela , 'l'la be adverllaed fur for Ih conatruc
nro well known nt tbl porl. having been I ot hrhlae and for making nln
here aeveral llmca. The Tllllo K. haa a I " county nwj between Jewell
geneml cargo, which conalata principally -'-
ut ""'I ,0'. cotialfird 10 Button
Hh. J'urtlnnd.
On hrr way up tno Mexican eoaat iha
I atenmer tirltabn. or Wlllamelt Valley,
I ua aho haa Juai ceaaed lo w known,
i had 11 n paaaenger the dlatlngitlahed
i old military chleft.iln of Mexico, lien
oral Murlnnn Ba.itiedo. He iKinrded Ih
teaael nl M.iiittlnn, and left her alx
il.iy later at Ouiiyma. on hla way 10
Niirthern Mexico. He waa on n tour nf
Inapecllon. comnil-ialuiicil hy rrealilent
liuia. Kacotieilo la the nian who cui
t lire. I nnd ahut Miixlnilllan, ulthuugh hla
ml II 1 11 ry dlailnctluti wua nut won by that
action He waa 11 mulelror when the
Amerl'an Iruupa marched upon Mexico,
mid ralNiHl a company uf muleteer to
defend hla cnuntry nualnat 'nvnalon. Hla
fun-o kepi up a guerilla warfare on the
Iluiika uf tlener il .acliary Taylor' force,
but foturhl In true military f.iahlon at
Cumin tie Bunla Kuan. I'.tlo Alta and
Iteaacit ile tlucrrcro. Later he became
a ru-lcailer Willi Junn-1 In the war of
the reform, mid alao In the campaign
iiKiilnal the empire. The army which
look (Jiiereturo frum .Maximilian waa
furmcd In New Orlcana by Kacubeito, ami
grew In number ua It mui-lied through
Mexico. Hit wua tincu propnrlug to take
mma nualtiat Dlua, but dealaied and took
olllcc under the republic S. V. Chron
icle The apectacle ol 11 large 'tiitlah ahlp
loading her huld to Ha utmoat cnpnclty
with aui'h 11 cargo ua California redwood
waa atiftlrlviip to cnua the habitue or
th water front to alum with open-eyed
wonder today nt the operation under
way nt th Kalla of llalluil.ilu'a morilnga
nt Fremont atrcct pier. lied wood In
Orent Ilrltaln la a rarity, nnd Inatcnd
of being devoted to the building of burn
and fenrea, aa la the caae hero, It la
aought by the arlatocracy for Interior
decoratlona, fnncy paneling and wnlna
ooltlng. It tiring a high ;rlre there
and the fact arouaed aeveral wlde-nwnke
ahlppera to the opportunity for making
money. The Brltlah ahlp Mol Tryvan
wna towed to the Ileal atreet wharf laat
week and loaded with over a million
feet of redwood. Bh la now out In th
atreatn and ready to atart for the old
country, Aa aoon aa the berth waa
clear the Fall of Halladalo took poa
eaalon of It, and I now taking on rvrn
a larger cargi than the Moel Tryvnn haa.
The lumber la principally In the ahape of
unuauntly wl.1 and thick planka, which
can be anwed tqt for moat any purioae
paint in the back, tide, cheat, or
A. M. ;j V. M.
i! I'. M.
h. 111. I It.
o t) , 7.1
4 fin il 4
ft I fi.7
7 !il , 5.7
H Hi f) 11
II 44 I H 4
HI 'X II. 11
II 01 , 7. '2
II 80 J 7 ft
0 14 ' 7.8
0 frl I 7. U
1 Jl!7 0
h. 111.
II .14
Hi ;mi
II vl
II 4'J
II 4.'i
I ')
11 ;n
4 :n
ft 17
ft .VI
11 i
7 Ul
7 Ui
n uu
H 67
U ;H
in i't
II 27
0 Alt
II 47
U 17
8 UH
4 Uii
ft 14
II 01
e ftt
7 IW
11 Ift
11 7
0 ft
H. H
8 4
;i :i
II ft
0 8
0 1
I). U
U 4
0. U
.1 U
i 1
1 U
1 I
I. ft
1. ft
I ftl
8 Ml
8 ftft
4 41
ft M
ft 4H
7 I'l
7 84
I), ft
11. II
0. 7
1. U
I 4
U ft
i 7
7.1 1;
h.4 ;
M 4 1
7.11 '
7 ft1
7 Hi
II t
11.4 !
a. 2 1.
i Ul 1 II M
U 411 11.(1
ft. 4
H 112 !
4 HI
ft m
II. (I
II. ft
HI ' 8 1
In III I 8 4
11 IU 8. ft
l II
7 Ul
H Ui
U Ift
HI 1)4
I D7
I fti
'I 4H
A il
2 ftl
8 4H
4 :io !
ft -Il I
fl 14 1
7 8H 1
H ul ;
0 7
0 7
fl H
0. N
1. U
1 (I
U 0
H 2
7 0
7 U
Iho ICnallali urlluina nmy If
lhaa two carKua hrlna roturrta
f . r I hi . Mulnliira ullmr loaarla wilt fol
low iiimUiirly lu'l'-'l - Kiumiiicr.
TAX HUM, HKIfltri:i).
Hli rlT llnro M iki a Hi Annual Hi turn
to Iho t'oiiniy Court.
Bliorlff Ifaro yoati-rduy roturnoil to lha
rouiily roiirl tha laa rull of 1'0, tuaotlur
Willi a Hat of d. Iluijui'iita ami nn ac
ciiiint uf tho nionrya cuIIitI'mI th-rron,
Tho nmniint nf tho Ini roll lurnod ovrr
la ll.U2..1. Willi h, with MHK'I aaaotard
by tho ahorllT, lirlnaa tha total to III'.
(in, Iho ri Mirt runtlliiii-a:
I'.i I.I tr.'aauror, atntn Ui-. ll.Vo:;
cuiinty ln... HI lt: '; county houl
luioa. IK.rK.M: ruad tno. Il.&l O road
pull tin-, I .Uk'.1 01 : BrhiMil llatr.-t Nn.
I. tairt-a, .77J; No. . fl.'d TH; No. 7,
Iliu m; No . WtW; No. l, WS; No. 17,
tut. No. SI. 11 Jl; No n. K.wi; No .
II. JX; No. . Nu r, l U: No. i.
UMM. No 11, KI7I; No 3. 117 10: No.
M, W.d; city of Aat irli. n.,71 l: two por
ront fooa rrlalnrd, lia M; pll taxoa ro
niltlod on roal atiirvlanra' rrcolpta,
III 00: poll laira rrNtld, Ul orrora and
double aaaotumvnia. She) 73: leaving atlll
uniwll an I delinquent, l.iV
II wa ordered thai the aherllf b crrd
lied with tbe amount of taxra ao r
turned aa unpaid and th orrora and dou
bt aaaeaamenta.
Illlla on lha a-eneral and aiierlal road
f.inda were riamlne.1 and allowed. Th
appllrntlnn of Kata I'alntor to cancel tha
laa aal of a mrtio on th aoutheaat
quarter of ae-ion II. townahlp 7 north
ranc wat, wa referred to ). A. Ka
kln Mary I. Gillette preaonled a petition
aaklna that th lai aal of property for
ll Ik ranrelled for the reaann lhat ah
ha paid Ih laa It waa nrdoivd that,
unlea Mr. OIIMti produro a rerelpt of
lit payment of her !, th petition b
not aranird. Il appenr that Mr Oil
leito haa paid her tana but haa loot th
rei-rlpta, and. btinv aaaeamvl aaaln. can
not produce the nereaaary documenta. It
waa ordontd that a warrant for K& b
laaued on th Ireaaurnr fur th benefit or
Mr r. A. Blruna for the amount fald
by h.-r for a deixl for a lax pun-iiaao
by Iho rounty of land In aerilon tt,
lownahlp I north, rang 10 writ, wild for
IK4 delinquent taxoa
John I'eterwon. a native of Sweden, and
Alfred Anderaon, of Norwty, wer ad
mitted 10 cltlaenahlp
A communication from lluwrll I wla,
reiUrallii lhal tho road tax rnllcted In
tho vicinity of the road runnlnx from
II. 1-wla to J. Anderaon a tie . 1 pen. led
In the Improvement of aal I road, ond It
wua ordered Ihjl the I'l.-rk notify the
auNrvlaor of road tflatrlct No 9 to ex
pend not Iraa than 120 In th Improve
ment. Th report of C. C. BtHTIer on Ih
txMik antj account of Ih achool au
perlnlrndcnt waa reid ami orderrd filed.
In tho mutter of tho hrt bra trn aa tho
I-ela and Clark rlv.-r. It aptiearlna; that
,n "' aie mc itlona hen-tofor
In tho mailer of CortlolU Ilrown v.
J. V. Ilrown. Juilg Mcllrldtf yratrrdny
granted a deemt uf divorce to plaintiff.
Tim rompl.ilnl alleged Inhuman Irrnt
meiit. Mr, Ilrown wua awariled ouatody
of two of the children, both glrla. and
Mr. Ilrown Iho two hoya. Mr. Ilrown la
Ih well known captain of tho atoumer
No need to arbitrate the merit of Dr.
l'rlce'a linking rowder. They're con
ceded. MKM; I tllt MONDAY.
"I tiiual rut when 1 have atomnch and
wait for no man' lelatire." Much Ado
Abuul Nothing.
tlriipe Fruit.
Whcuilet. Cream.
Calf! llrnln. Fried.
Ilrulled Uecfate.ik.
Hot Croaa lluna.
Ill-oiled Salt Mackerel, Cream Sauce.
I'utnloea nu Nnlurel.
Th In Bllced Cold Uimb.
Knttre Wheat Hrcud,
Hum nnd I'cn Soup.
Celery. Olives.
Hulled Hluellah. Muainrd Bituce.
Hrenat of Uimb, Bhallot Bauoe.
Mounted Capon, with Watorcivss.
French Pea,
rotatoia, a In lllgnon.
Ctiler Jelly.
Club Bnuauge, Cheeae Wafers.
The Great London Myatlo, Tyndull, to
Remain Another Day.
Those that have not had a rhance to
ronault. Professor Alex. J. Mclvor Tyn
dull, the famoua reader ot th future
and remarkable clairvoyant, ought to at
once seek thla laat and may be only
opportunity to meet this wonderfully and
strangely gifted man, If man he be.
The professor waa to have loft today,
but he haa made arrangements to remain
over on account of the deep Interest tak
en In hla clulrvoyant powers. The skep
tics of Astoria hava been before him and
h has been enubled to give mnny of
them reason for doubt whether hla pow
er of discerning- thoughts poaaeaacd by
the Chrlat, which aeems acilllKloua, or
whether It la a peculiar .nentul forma
tion remalna for wise men to say. His
prophecies ar wonderful, and his rend
ing are unexplalnable.
Thnt there arj Individuals possessed
of occult powers toduy no noo who has
Investigated the aubjwt by personal ex
perience In the proper direction will have
the temerity to deny.
Bin red Scriptures nfflrm the truth .of
I fl. I II. III. I ft.
II 1 U 4
U IM ! ;i U
II Ift I H.H
What is
Cuatorla la Dr. Samudi Pitcher's prescription for In&nU
nd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance). It Ut harm 1mm substltuto
for Paregoric, Drops, Boothlng Syrup, and Castor OH
It to Pleauant. IU guarantee la thirty jreara' nae bj
Million of Mother. Canton destroy Worms and allaya
feveriahneas. Caatoria prerenta vomiting Sour Curd,
cure Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Caatoria relleree
teething trouble, cure constipation and flatulency.
Caitorla aairtmllatea the food, regulatea the stomach
ad bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Caa
toria la the CbJldren'a Panacea the Mother' Friend.
"Csstorta Is sa ncalkmt aardldna fbrcblb
dren. Mother haa repeatedly told m of it
good (Orel apos their chlldrra."
Da. O. C Ooorjo,
Lowell, Maaa.
Caslorla I th beat remedy for chlldrra of
Which I sm acquainted. I hop the day la not
far dlataat wheat taothan will cuwalder Ih
net laurmt of lhrirchlldr,aBdaa Caatoria
Instead of In arkaie quack sxartnune which
art deal raying their loved onra, by forcing
ophirn, saorphlaa. aaothiaf syrup aad other
hurtful ax rata down their throats, thereby
foiiwj Uaga lo prcmatur grave."
Pa. J. 9. Kuxcnsuax,
Coo way. Ark.
Tha Centaur Company. 77
tin. statement and cite IneUrve In proor
thereof. Moaea and all of the writers
who followed him poat-d Hie power.
Chrlat oeed It In a uprlatlva de
gree, and lit Apolle. though Mjeaed
of II In a leaver degree, wrot In auch a
manner a to change th nlalory of man
kind. Human nature la poaaeaacd of Ave
acknowledged senaea. but paychology
hlnta at another. Intangible, evasive, but
none th leaa real, and endeavors to reach
out toward Ita analyale. Today wa hava
In Aelorta-iight here among ua Just
such an Individual. It aeems ImpoMlble,
Incredible, but It la a fact neverthaleaa.
Th prolsaaor Indeed, poaaemra power
ao remarkable as to place, them on a
planet woltb the supernatural and mlrac
uloua. There scarcely aewma any limit
lo what he can do.
Remember thla Is the laat day of Pro
foaor Tyndall tn Astoria. lining hla
atay her he has mala many friend, all
who hav witnessed hla power pronounc
ing him an extraordinary being.
Full Trxl of a Pill Introduced for Their
Washington. D. April l-Mopr-
aentntlve J F. Sufrotli. of Culuradd. haa
Introduced In rongieas an amendment to
an act en iff led "An ael to provide for
tha protection of the aalrr.on flaherle of
Aluaka, whlrh a-t wis upprovrd March
2, 1."
As amended, the bill now provides that
the erection of dam.', bariicadca, Hah
wheels, fencra, traps, pound nets, nr any
Axed or stationary obstructions In any
part of the rlvrr or stream of Alaska,
ur 10 flah for, nr catch aalmon-trout In
any mu liner or by any niruna with the
purpose or reault of preventing or Im
peding the nacvnt of salmon or salmon
trout to their spawning ground, Is de
clared unlawful, and th secretary of
the treasury Is authnrlxetl to remove such
obstructions and to establish and enforce
such legulutlons and surveillance aa may
lie necessary lo Insure that this pro
hlbltatlon and all other provisions of law
relating to the salmon flshe.-i-a of Alas
ka are strictly compiled with. It will
also Ik- unlawful to catch Ash or kill
any salmon or salmon-trout of any vari
ety, except with rod or spear, above the
tide water of any of the creeks or
rivers of leaa than frX) feet wide in th
territory of Alaska, or 10 lay or art any
drift net, set in t, or seine for any pur
laise across the tide waters of any river
or stream tor a distance of more than
one-third of the width of the river or
channel, or lay or at ana, seine or net
within one hundred yards of any other
net or aelne which la being laid or set
III auch stream or channel or to lake,
kill or fish for salmon In any manner or
by any means in any ot the waters of
the territory of Aluaka, either In the
streams or tide waters, from noon on
Saturday of each week until o'clock
past meridian of the Saturday following,
or to fish for, or catch, or kill In any
manner or by any appliances, except by
rod or apcur, any salmon or anlmon-trout
In any stream of less than one hundred
yards In width In the territory of Alaska,
between tho hours of ( o'clock In the
morning nnd 8 o'clock In the evening of
the same day of each and every duy of
the week.
It la further provided thnt the socre- ;
tury of the treasury may, nt his discre
tion, set aside certain atrcnm na ipnwn- .
lug grounds In which no tlshlng wlil be
permitted, nnd when, In his Judgment,
the results of Ashing operations on any
stream Indicates that the number of sal
mon taken Is larger than the rapacity t
of the stream to produce, he Is author- ,
lxed to establish weekly close sensons, to
limit the duration of the tlshlng season, 1
or to prohibit fishing entirely for one 1
year or mure, so ns to permit the salmon j
to Increase. ,
To enforce the provisions of tho law j
and such regulations as the secretary of ;
the treasury may establish he Is author- :
lxed to nppolnt nn Inspector of fisheries .
at a salnry of S per day, and two In-
specora at n salary of 16 a day. nnd to 1
annually submit to congress estimates to
To be thin, for a baby, is
to be deprived of its natural
ease ; to suffer and not be able
to feel it ; to wear a sad pinched
face; to live on the edge of
sickness ; to grow Imperfectly ;
and to lose the power of re
sisting disease. When a baby
is thin it needs more fat than
It gets from its food; it is
starved, fat-starved. Scott's
Emulsion is the easiest fat
it can have; the fat it needs.
jo. and ti.00 at aU dragg-tsts.
"Caateri Is eowefi adapted tochndrra that
I recommend It aa aaperlor to any preacriptioa
fcaowa. to me."
R. A. Aacnaa. M. D,
III So. Oxiord St., Brooklyn, N. T.
"Oar physirlaa In Ih children's depart,
meat bar tpokra highly of their expert.
nc la their ealald atactica with Caatoria,
and although wa only have among oar
mad leal supplies what la knowa sa regular
products, yet w ar free to confess that the
merit uf Caatoria has woo as to look wttk
favor apon it"
I'bitbd U oar FT AX ajrD DtargsaaaT,
Axuui C Sairra, Put.
Murray Strawt, Now York CHjf.
cover the salartra and traveling exprnaes
of such ofllrcrs.
Any person violating theae provisions
will, upon conviction, be punished by a
line of 11.0"). or Imprisonment at bard
labor for ninety daya, and a further
fine of KO per diem will be Imposed for
each day that tha obstruction or oba'.ruo
tlona are maintained after notice to re
move them.
Tint bill haa been report ,d to the com
mittee on the terrttortea, who recommend
that It paaa.
The month opened and closed with cold
weather; from the 6th to rrth warm or
normal weather prevailed. The mean em
peratur lor the month waa about nor
mal, ranging from S degrees at Bager
City, to 47 degree at Portland. During
the nrst three daya unusually cold weath
er, with north to east winds, pievalled;
the temperature at Portland fell to at
degrees, whlrh Is three degrees lower
than waa ever before experienced In
March In Portland; at Astoria It fell to
U degrees and at thla place, too, the
temperature waa t degreee lower than
any former March record. The cold
weather the laat three days ot the month
produced general froata. The precipita
tion waa materially below the normal,
except In the northeastern portion of
the elate, where It was above tbe nor
mal: the total for the month waa from
4 to Inrhea along the roast, from 1 to
I inches In the Interior valley, and from
1 to 1 Inchea east of the Cascade.
Snow fell In all portions of the state
In amounts from 1 10 t Inchea; none of It
remained on lite ground for more than
4 hour.
The cold weather of the first few days
of March froa out considerable fall-sown
wheat, east of the Caacadi. The mild
or rather warm weather of January and
February caused all vegela'lon to rapidly
advance: when the -old wather of
March 1 to S appeared, many fruit trees
were about to burst their buda and put
forth bloom: the cold weather retarded
their early blooming. However, the peach
and apricot trees were in full bloom
March IT, and general bloom of cherry,
pear 'and prune trees can snfely be aet
down for March 13, except eaat of the
Cascades and south of the Columbia riv
er Valley, where bloom was not on the
trees at the close of the month.
For the purpose of comparison the fol
lowing datea are given aa the time of
general bloom over the alate: Ma. March
23; lKMt, April t: 1N1. March S: PW, April
I: P.J, April 19; lk9l. March S): lff5. Miirch
ir: liS, March 23. January and February
of IK; were the warmest months on rec
LATIOX la the non-posacnaOn of an aotlvely sen
sitive nervous system. There are hosts
of people who, although free from any
positive nervous disease, are aet, so to
spenk. upon "tenter hooka" by slight
noises or an unexnecti.'d occurrence ot
the smallest moment. Hortter's Stom
ach bitters is of Inexpressible benefit to
the nervous. Taken before bedtime It
insures tranquil, health -yielding lumber,
nnd used between m-vils It restores thnt
sound digestion usually denied to nerv
ous Invalids. It la ilso eminently hene
ficinl to sufferers from, ma
laria, debility, constipation nr.d kidney
troubles. Persons fnlMne off In the mat
ter of appetite, lleh and the ability to
sleep soundly should resort at once to
this superb nervine, alterative nnd 'onlc
For nearly linlf a cent 'try It hits been a
lending medicine, and has received the
hlirhest tributes from the medical pro
fession. I'se It and be convinced.
The following transfers of real estate
were filed In the office of Recorder Gun
demon yesterday:
A. J. Adams to Jack F. Adams, ISV4
acres In section . township 4
north, r.ingo 7 west I 1
& K. Josup and wife to B. M.
Crolson, the northwest quarter of
the west half and the west half
of the southwest quarter, and the
northeast quarter of the south
west quarter and the northwest
quarter of section 36. township
5, north, of range 10 west, 320
acres .'
H. C. Thompson and wife to J. W.
Hlbbs. Lot 4. Block Warren
ton Addition to Astoria
J. P. Weber- and wife to August
Scherneckau, Lot , Block HZ.
Shlveley's Astoria 1000
Try C. B. Smith's Vanilla Ice Cream.
It Is something Una.
Tomorrow Is the laat day on which to
pay your water rates.
A noble cause doth ease much a griev
ous case. Sir P. 81dney.
Postmaster Wise left San Francisco on
yesterday's steamer and will arrive to
morrow, Gypsy Fantasia at Fisher's Opera
House Friday and Saturday, April 10
and 11. Reserved seats only 50 cents, on
salo now.
All the latest shapes In new spring- l.ats
and caps and clothing: new cuts and new
styles, new prices. No trouble to show
goods, at Herman Wise's, the one price
Indianapolis Journal.
In addition lo giving tha oonvMed man
a term of ten years In prison, lha Judge
Imposed upon lh gruluttoua punishment
of llatenltig to a lung wefh mad for
ihi hener.l of Ih reporter. In which he
ael for specifically lha reaaona for hla
"You needn't of done all that npolo
ylnln' f'r Impoaln' on a feller man," aald
Ih culprit klnlly. "They ain't no bard
frellnga on my part. I know aa well a
you do that a man can't nold a Job of
JiKlg and act th gentleman at tha
Hh was refln d, Intelligent, and not
bad looking but somehow sho never
aeamed to take with th gentleman.
They didn't like her llatleas wsys: they
aid she hadn't any "anp" about her.
Poor girl! ah waa suffering from func
tional Irregularities, and It waa actually
Impossible for her to taks much latere;
In ar.ythlng. Hut a ching cam. On
day ahe heard of Dr. Tierce's Favorite
Prescription. Mhe procured a bottle, ami
ahe had not taken half Ita contents be
fore ah felt like another woman. Now
ah la In the enjoyment of perfect health,
and has aultora by the score. No
woman need auffar from functional Irreg
ulatltle and weakness. Th "Favor
It Prescription" la a aafe and certain
cur for all Ih weaknesses to which
jromei. ir peculiarly subject
Ir. Pierce' Pellet cur constipation,
blllousneaa. Indigestion and headache.
One a dose.
Bea salt In bags Is being sought by the j
women who go In for the cultivation of
their physique. I
Captain Sweeney, U. B. A., flan Diego,
Cal. aaya: "Hhl'oh'a Catarrh Remedy)
is the first medicine I have ever found I
that would do me any good." Price K
cents. Sold by J. W. Conn.
A madcap ruffian, and a swearing Jack,
that thlnka with oata to lace th matter
ouL Shakespeare.
Pure blood means good health. De
Wltt's Sarsaparllla purifies the blood,
cures Eruptions, Kcsema, Scrofula, and
all disease arising from Impur blood.
Chax. Rogers.
Even from the body's purity the mind
receive a secret, sympathetic aid.
It Is not a miracle. It won't cur
everything, but It will cur piles. That's
what DeWltt's Witch Hasei Salve will
do, because It has dons It In hundreds
ol cases. Cbas. Rogers.
The beat hearts. Trim, are ever the
bravest, replied my Uncle Toby. Sterne.
8KILOH-8 CURE, th great Cough
and Croup Cure, Is In gnat demand.
Pocket else contains twenty-firs doses
only S cents. Children lore IL Sold
by J. W. Conn.
A brave man Is clear In his discourse,
and keeps close to truth. -Aristotle. .
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Before man made us clUaena, great
Nature made us men. LowcIL
Important to Americans seeking Bn
sh Cafsrlal for new enterprlaea. A KaxJ
containing rhe names and addressea or
XO succeaafm promoter who taxes placed
over CluO.ono.OCU Sterling In Foreign In-;
restmenui wlrtitn taie last six years, and ;
over 08.000,000 for the seven months ot
IMS. I Ho, B. or fcS, payable by posftati
order to tho London and Universal Bu-I
reau of Inventors. 10. Cheapslde, London,!
E. C. Subscribe wll be entitled, by ar
rangement with the directors to receirs
etcher pereoroC or tetter of lntroductoui
to any of ttieae a:casfiil promoters.
Thts last is arsi c-asw In every reapect, '
and every man or firm whose name ap-
pear tbereln may be depended upon, j
For placing tbe followi.-kg It will be
found Invaluable Bond or Shares of In-1
dustruK, Commercial and Financial con
cern, Mortnge loans. Sale ot Tmt
Patents or Mine.
For a dinner, served on the Dining carai
of the Chicago. Milwaukee and SL Paid!
Railway, will be sent to any addresa on'
receipt of a two-cent postage stamp, I
Apply to Geo, H. Heafford. General Pas-'
senger Agent. Old Colony Building, Chi-:
rago, Illinois.
Mr. J. J. Kell. Sharpsburg. Pa.:
Dear Sir: I am glad to say a good
word for Krause'a Headache Capsule.
After euffering for over three years with
acute neuralgia and Its consequent In
somnia (which seemed to baffle tha ef
forts of some of our beat physicians)
you suKgested this remedy which gave
me almost Instant relief. Words fall
to exprejs the praise I should like to be
stow on Krause'a Headache Capsules.
Gratefully yours, :
Montrose, Pa. j
For sale by Chas. Rogers. Astoria, Or.,
sole agent
Gentlemen: I had occasion to use sev
eral boxet of Krause's Headache Cap
sules while traveling- to Chicago to at
tend the National Democratic convention.
They acted like a charm In preventing
hoadarhes and dlxxlness. Have bad very
little headache since my return, which
Is remarkable.
Tours respectfully,
Kd. Renovo (Pa.) Record.
Fur rale ? Cuts. Roeera, Astoria. Or.
sole agent
' Vresh Mutton: Office Chief Com
missary. Vancouver Barracks, Wash.,
March 25, IS Sealed proposals In trip
licate will be received here and at offices
of Commissaries at following- named
posts, (for fresh beef and fresh mutton
to be delivered at that post only), until
IS o'clock, noon, Friday, April !4, 1R9,
then opened, for furnishing and delivery
to Subsistence Department, U. 8. Army,
tho fresh beef and freah mutton called for
by tho Commissary of post to be sup
plied during six months, and also sep
arate proposals for year, commencing
July 1, 1896; Boise Barracks and Fort
Sherman, Idaho; Forts Canby, Spokane,
Walla Walla, and Vancouver Barracks,
Wash. Fresh beef shall be good in qual
ity and condition fit for Immediate use,
and from fore and hind quarter meats
proportionally. Including all best cuta
thereof. Fresh mutton shall be of good,
fat and marketable quality, from wt-theri
over one and under three years old. Beef
and mutton to be dressed and trimmed
and delivered as prescribed In circular of
Instructions to bidders. Proposals will
be also received stating price at which
bidder will deliver fresh beef or mutton
of character above stated, and to bj de
livered of temperature not greater than
60 decrees Fahrenheit Government re
serves the right to reject the whole or any
part of any or all bids. Full Information
furnished here, or by Commissary at th
several poats. Envelopes containing pro
posals should be marked "Proposals for
Fresh Beef (or Mutton) at ," and
addressed to undersigned or to Commis
sary at posts to be supplied. W. H. Nash
MaJ C. 8.
MtcAMON or taoa-idoA,
Tuiiee a Week
San Francisco
. . AND .
New Orleans
Over the Great
unset Route
leaving San Francisco
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, Nor. 5, 1895
Th mot osapiata, modern, elegantlr
equipped and perfectly arranged VesxJ
buiexl TnnsxHXMxnetatai Train to A marie a.
New IruipToeoc, axapaetiUy oslgxawl for
Oxs awrtoa.
Direct connection Is New Orleans
or ail Eastera points. Quick time.
E. flcMEIL Receiver.
Gives Choice
Jwo TranseoDhneDtal
St. Paul.
Omaha or
in. Paul.
Pullman and Tourhst SlteSpcrsi
fteollnlng Chairs Oar.
. . , ' -' ,
AstOfla tO Sail r railCISCO.
State of California, Thursday, March 11,
Queen, Tuesday, March X
State, Sunday, March S.
Queen, Friday. Aurll X.
State, Wednesday, April S.
Columbia, Monday, April 11
Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
The R. R. Thompson will leave Astoria
at 7 p. m. dally except Sunday; lear
Portland at 7 a. no. daily, except Sunday.
Tha Steamer LarUna wlQ leave Astoria
at (: a- m. dally, except Sunday; leara
Portland at I p. m. dally, except Satur
day. For rates and general Infer lation call
on or addresa
Gen. Pas. Art. Pr-tland. Or.
A passenger train on th Chicago, Mil
waukee and St. Paul Railway. No. Ita
tarins are ytatibuled, heater by steam,
and lighted by electricity. Each sleep
car berth has an el ec trio reading lamp.
Its dining cars ar th best In the world,
and its coaches are palaces on wheels.
This great railway, connecting as. It
does with all transcontinental lines atf'.eT
Paul and Omaha, assures to tha tarvelft
publlo the beat service known. Ticks,
via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Pat
itauway are on sals at all railroad ticket.
office to any point In tha United Biatea
or Canada. For maps, folders and othar
Information, addresa
C. J. EDDT, General Agent
J. W. CASET. Portland, Or.
Trar. Pass and Tkt. Agent,
Portland. Or.
ONCB MORB la harmsay
with tha world, 2OO0
eomplately on red men are
.Inting hauov Drain foe
the greatest, grand
est ana most euo
eessful cure for sex- -ttal
weakness and
lost vigor known to
medical science. An
account of thistoon
derul discover". In
book form, with ref
erence and proofs,
will he sent to auf.
faring men (sealed) jVee. Fall manly vitror
permanently restored. Failure. Impossible,