THE IUU.Y ASTOKl.YX. ASTOKIA. S.TIKH.VY MOKNINO. AIM.ll, 4. HUH 1 1 Boyle & Go, HJH Commercial Mt.. Aatortn, Or. SOMETHING NEW. Ckildrt Totks' $tl-Shod Shot. XII Sites lid Styles We also carry a line line of adies' and men's sIkkns, from the best to the lowest reliable goods. All goods warranted just as represented. JOHN UAHN CO., 479 Commercial street. YESTERDAY'S W RATHER. Local weather tar twenty-four hour coding at I p. tn. yesterday, furnished by th. United 8late Department of Ag rtculture, weather bureau. Maximum temperature, W demreea. Minimum temperature, S degows. Precipitation, none. 1SS4, to date, 5I. Inch. 1st, ISK, ts date. .U Inch. BUSINESS LOCALS. ! Job printing of all klnda at the Astorlaa Job office. Vm Marshall's: tb other. Tou take chance oa C O. Palm berg, architect. Room Num ber . Kinney bulidlrg Try C B. Smoth's vanilla lea Cream. 1 It to something floe. t Summer clothing sold at extremely low; pricea at P. A. Stokes.' For the beat of commercial job print In call at the Astorlaa Job office. Meany la the leadlmt tailor, and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. ; Marshall' twins used fcr 73 per cent of th flsherroen on the Columbia river. ' Marshal!' salmon twin la without a competitor. Strongest, handsomest, bet. ; The Scow Bay Wood Yard Is well amp- The Facltlc Can Company yesterday plied with the best grade, of flr ard hard ' shipped one of Its patent oval ran col wood. Orders promptly filled derlng machines to J. O. Metier, ot ! BrookneM. Parties dealrtnr the best of Job printing at the lowest price ah lid call at the those elegant new spring pa'.terns About I o'clock yesterday morning, a Astorlaa Job office be for going else-, tn colored front shirts and ?ulf . to procession of enthusiastic Kepuhlican where. j mat-h at Herman Wise, the rc;ub!e was seen marching up the streets, wnv- , Clothier and Hatter. ; Ing lantersn. and banners, snd in hooping Business men, tt you want to fix up , it up for the Portland victory ami gen- year ollice for the coming year, with the . professor Tyndall will remain In the ' eral prospects for Republican sound n n beat of letter bead, bill heals, state- flty doing private work, for the next ; ey domination. I nents, etc. call at the Astoriu Job office where you will find the best of stock and material. , ..I V. The Oregon Trading Co.. m commercial irr-N, is me piacj io out your nr goods, clothing. booU and shoes, men s and ladle furnishing goods. Should you want an auctioneer. S. Friedman make. his office at the Oregon Trading Co i . . ,. : e-usi received A beautiful line oi an -arool and lllk mixed Plaids, a handsome j line of dreaa good in black, and .ill lu? now shades; also Uks In aU the new?t j designs for walstf- Just landed, our Wcetorer l'BlY . Jxrw Price Store, 431 Bond street. , Go to Elmore, Sanborn's office and see , their new and handsome twine testing machine. Take Hong some of the twines . " good a. Marshall'!." in your pocket, i ' l:l"", "V., u" Marshall'! wlU stand. It's money in your ! pocket and nh In your net to find out A prominent steamboat than ay: it A etter was rw-eV(yi yesterday from ! Photographer Snoilgra. has Just eom famlly have used nearly every Brand of, Herman -yvise, who Is visiting in San pleted the remodeling of his parlors nrd Beef, Iron and W ine made, and are sat-, Franct5COi sta,inif ,hat he was having studio on Commercial street. New paper iafied that the preparation mada by the ; a r0J.B, good Mme and waJ ony Bml furnhlngs have made a great Estes-Crain Drug Co. is the most palata- thgt he woul,i have to return n-xt week. : change, and th establishment is now I bat and nutritious of any they have ever i , ,,ulte in keeping with the art. Mls Lucy rli'.ZA? The gooellM displaced in the Spa ton-! Morton, well known In the city, has' tonic you ehQ.-ld tu it klningnany Easter novelties, make a t now taken service with Mr. Sno.-.grass - . . " , verv attractive showing. Xo douht the as his assistant, For cents Ju cn secure an excel-' -nleg 0f the small boy which he csa . ..- .. l i . v. - lAn Tm . ... i , I . i . i . i lent .en c . . - jL.....M-t Vv 571 Commercial street.: iwa l.ui.v n .CA ftlllv TireDSred tO terVe LV1VF " J I " . ail kinds of r fish, -game nd delicacies of the season. as weu as oysters in every, hnaginabl !iyle at the lowest living j.-: . v-v.- i v.-.-. winter Fruit was mnea in many . nvw ... "'"" trou," to come. Kclloni and la rlpfe ftnJ influenxa ere tic execution, anything of the kind ever --.- i j. ' ! seen on the pacific coast. Mo ltWwlt'4 "ffi.roon twine" are col, Prelenl- , brtsl wltn Wf The acids rot the fibre. Q & Reed'a Easter window con- Captain Norrld, of Uiti steamer Dls Arl r-nF the Material uselei. In the " beautiful and seasonable ar- I patch, bade good bye to, all of his friends - of Elmore, Sin born A Co. is an ob- whYe the noveltleg are of a a- 1 yesterday afternoon, and will start early Ject lesson that ought to b examined by, rtedi,arac-ter and new, and In keeping 1 this morning for -Ana-one, where his all nahermen. It U the , whole of the . u.tOMittte methods of this pop- trim little steamer will be placed In the material used In the manufacture of Mar-1-7. ' I service of the salmon canneries. MY. :anail s iwine iruui vtiri vu iiiusii. j there and examine the color rurht through. Tou will see then why.Mar .hall'a to' called Uie best In the world, Charlea Vrirkkala'i inJbbn on Seventh -saj.trfet, the well knon and popular re ort 111 the BoWry, still maintains In reputation. Mr. Wirkkala Is an expe Henoed. tnan In his line of business and keeps on hand only the best grades of wines, llquora and cigar. Concert every ajvenlng furnlshea amusement for visit ors, and Professor Schwabe, the well known pianist. Is making the music one of the f'aturee of the place. Call and bring your friends with you. OUR CORNER. A gentleman's resort, at comer Bond and 11th streets. The finest brands of liquors and cigars always on hand. Call and try oa. ANDKRSON FETiSRSON. FROM NOW UNTIL SPRING Overcoats and winter wraps will be In fashion. They can be discarded, tempor arily while traveling In the steam-h'-ated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Bt. Paul Railway. . For solid comfort, for speed and for safety, no other line can compare with this great railway of the West Those men's 12.00 shoes that fit perfectly, wear as they should, are solid, honest leather, and more lowly priced than you are used to seeing such shoes. THE ARCADE. REMOVAL. Having removed to Bond street next door to Jefffl's restaurant, I respectfully In vite my friends and others In need of good, honest footwear, to call on me In the new place. New work as well as re palling. Good workmanship and live and let live prices. S. A GIMRE. A TWISTER. A twister in twisting May twist him a twist. For In twisting a twist Three twists make a twist; But If one of the twists TTntwiats from the twist, The twist untwisting Vntwists the twist. That Is, when It's twlted with sny other twine than MARSHALL'S. Miss Balfour says In her book that she saw In Dr. Jameson the hardest work ing man In South Africa a firm ruler, and humane reclaimer of the native race. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. Rent Bntnte, sLontiH, ltivcHtmctttH oticl ItiMiirnnce. SPECIAL OFFER We have now placed on the market Block 105 and water frontage, and will offer lots in that . addition at prices way fcelow adjoining property. We will give yon pood terms on this property, and a few dollars invested in lots in this addition will sure make you money. Sec fine display map in our window. .Nazareth Waist. For Boys and Girls Once worn you will use no other CORSET WAIST Albert Dunbar t e. uum Dens, jji uta : AROUND TOWN. Easter cards and booklets at Jrlffln ' Roods. i ; ' ' Easter nv". stacks of thorn .it Partite . I Commission Co. I VeavtaMea of every Commission Co. ,Vvo lbs. Prunes at your own price. Pacific Commission Co. Captain John Prattle, the skip Butter. JS and cents per roll or l"'r of the Invcrness-shlre. sji.vs lhal he brick at Pacific Commission Co. ,! "lad 10 tret hack to Astoria, and la enjoying his visit here very much He A seamstress wanted Immediately at Mrs. F. A. Robinson's, 1 Bond ttrcct. T,. iriiM w.irk at art ts hut the ahadoa cf th Plvlne perfection. Ml-hael An- I gelo. Druggist Conn's window Is full ot Easter novelties which make the .yes of youngsters sue up like saucers. For Easter Etic Ives go to Rogers' Drug Store. I.ook In the window for colors. Eltrht for S cents. School children can avt their photo- graphs taken for II iv per doien for the DfXx. S days at Crow's gallery- ,wo Jari Thls wlu rrohably be the last ,lme tnat he wn, ,ver vlslt Astoria, The candy house built In the window f ,h. .k,,....,,,. .ttracte.1 the little folk from a, ovrr town yeMer,iay. and tne Easter novelties were certainly wcrth : c Herman wise's Clothlr.g store J and look at the latest arrivals In shirt-, cuttt hau n ciothi?,s. Son e nobby and ttracUve goods both In stvle prtces, ! . j haoes tn new spring J.ats ! .ndp. '."nTc.otM: IZHX new fty "ew pr(c No . show fin.hli. goods, at Herman Wise a, the one price Tne ,,, w, hold . mas, meeting Wedne8day afternoon. April S. In Fisher s Hall, to decide upon what action ... . ,.,,. hn ,h k.ASOn shall be taken when the flshln? eason , opens April 10. save ITOra ine mile uw ... i i " v-1 i . 1 nere. Xu,t xeion has Just received a let- ffom Sweden, wh!ch states tha the M countrr has 'passed through a very m j . .i v. .... i-nnvenrlnn WSS not in Virion I yesterdaV. quite a numhwr of politicians held curbstone meetings of The,rthdehn. w"al r us ine?ed that M We discussing the ellglbles. Ju.t Arrived-A large line of imported Ilk velvet and cloth wraps, no twh v.? . - v....ii un nt l.iuek rlfesa goods' in the newest designs, nls. fancy j nw. fnr trimmings and waists and ai large line of duck suits. J. Cohen, Low Price Store, 491 Bond street. The kindergarten was out In full force yesterday afternoon, taking In the bright unshlne, and incidentally looking a', the p-Anter roods In the shop windows. The little folks were well behaved and made mote a nrocesslon as they walked up the ! treet two and two. Many of the merchants yesterday re- ported that business waa unusually dull, I occasioned, no doubt, by the uncertainty In the affairs of fishermen. The tannery- i men have advanced no money, and the usual amount of supplies purchased at this season by the men have not been bought this year. Nearly all classes of business came to something like a standstill In order that everybody might discuss the pros and cons, probabilities and Improbabilities, of the depot situation. Congratulations were heard on all sides and confidence was expressed In the ability of the commit tee to quickly raise the additional amount needed. Mr. Sofus Jensen, secretary of the Fishermen's Union, says that the action of the fishermen In removing the traps from the south side of Sand Island Is nothing unusual. Season after season they have opposed the placing of tmps In this drifting ground, and have often heretofore removed them as they did on Thursday. Thursday's episode had noth ing whatever to do with the question cf prices of fish. Miss Mason's kindergarten will give an entertainment and social In the apart ments occupied by the school at the Tlghe Hotel on Friday afternoon, April 10. All parents and other Interested or unacquainted with klndeigarten methods are Invited to be present as a demonstra tion of this popular and rfureesr-fiil plan of education for young children will be the prominent feature of the occasion. A lady visited Professor Tyndall yes terday morning at his parlors In the Oc cident and Informed him that she had lost a valuable gold ring. The professor went Into a clairvoyant trance r.nd In five minutes announced that the ring had fallen down the wast" pipe of her kitchen sink. Returning home rhe at once went to the plaee Indicated ami discovered the ring. This was only one of many ways In which this nally won derful man astounded the crowds who visited him In private consultation yes- tvrday. IllsrpMitlng of the past. pr ent and future nre most rvmnrk:ili. R H. tlanarn, of South Omaha, Is In town. Mr. A. M. Smith, of Sal.m. ts In Die city. M,wm M. J. Hunt and J. It. ttittentoit. of Chicago, are visitor In the city. Curtain Rv, look the Chin stvamer Mount !. Ninon up the river yemoixl.iy afternoon. KNr the girl who values her . umplrxloa peanut should he ulvittut.,d for lon bona. ne tiiuca ami wnne v-oinmniiutin in hal!,, -,,, and fiwks are smarter than A Huffy yellow chick on a can! readme "Kaster Joy" Is one of the ninny i ivel ties of the season. Messrs. H. I.ang. J M. Shelley. J. II Henderson and A. Vov, of IVrtlmul, mere at the Occident hotel yesterday. 1 "A Tens Steer," Chaa. Hoyt'a rat Ira variety Pacific on American politics and life In Wash . tttgton. comes to Astoria Tuosd vy and will without doubt he welcomed by a larire audience. n0 " UP ,n river 'or several days, i The little nephew of Martin Olson, of I'PlK-r town, late Thursduy night, had hi "ncer chopped olt In some unknown manner. Pr Kate did the soil. Ins; and the little fellow is resttnir is easy as possible. L. Hartwlg secured ih contract, and yesterday started work upon the wool work of the Casino. The bull lint will be remodeled Inside and out. and put In line with other Improvements solni? on In the same neighborhood. The fl.K on the mast atK)ve the Junior Order hall was at half mast tcsvrday ' on account of the death of H. K. Top ping, whose sulctde was rhiMnlol.'d In yesterday's Issue. Mr. Topping's death took place at T o'clock yrstenlay mcrn i Injr. The beautiful sunset last evening, was watched with much Interest by many people, particularly those living on the hills. The colon In the sky wore superb. and the ever-changing hade reflected upon the smooth waters of :he bar made a plcture mrU worth rememberlng. j Oood Friday services at Ofnce church . yesterday afternoon, were of the most ' solemn and Instructive nature. The events commemorlsed were graphically , pictured and all of the attendant at the church were thoroughly Imbued with the d,'ep solemnity surrounding thl mason ' of the church year. j j A large number of school children wtr yesterday excused rrom attenmnce trai they might participate In me religious services at the various churche. Roth Grace church and the Roman CMholle ' church were filled with 'h children, all of whom seemed to take great Interest In the exercises of the day. aukuai r.rivswii i-uj- vnc. ram " - t u .. n i- .i..k.,i i -hi k. nn..nrf ' 1 1 - itan m tuiui.i. .r . ... .... . - K. I..L.lV m.Kll.. InUna and gentlemen, one entire day. beforo I the stock or goons is put in. ine ire.eoe work In the main hall will -robaMy iurris ieav. nwoi ut iocuu. m nor- torla who wish him success In Ms new , " ne t0 ro to Aianca. I "A Texas Steer" 1. full of funn, s.tua- i a?-Wwhrss ,f Uav,c Branler con(tIvl,,man r 'rom Texas. Is a bright young comedian ; "ho always portrays th. of . the rough and ready ranchman spbn- dldly. His superb make-up -ind reon'Dt voice make him precisely tne weather- beaten ranchnruin that he portrays, and the excellent support he receive at the hands of a well selected company Insure a highly artistic performance of this best of Chaa. T. Hoyt's plays. It wa rumored yesterday afternoon that several gill-net fishermen had been found taking fish out of season and were arrested, but the rumor could not he verified. Mr. Jensen, secretary of the union, said that he knew nothing abcut the matter and thought It must be a mistake. Th story was that the men were packing tne nsn away in crusnen Ice, ready to throw upon the market when the season opens. Mr. Jensen thought that the men would not be foolish enough to do such a thing, for no other reason than that there was no certainty as to what price the fish would bring. The presence of Tim Murphy and his clever company at the Fisher next Tues day In Hoyt's lively comedy. "A Texas Steer." will have the effect of attnctlr.g to that place of amusenent a very large percentage of local play-gor who have on previous occasions testified their In dorsement of this really funny play and the cleverness with which Mr. Murphy Interprets Its leading character. Maverick Brander. "A Texas bteer," a every one Is pretty well by thin time, Is a keen-edged satire on pollllc and society, In which the wit of Hoyt and the art of Murphy form a nnlon Ihiit is particularly agreeable to American com edy lovers. Captain Patterson, the well known O. R. and N. pilot, with Captain Grepn, of the steamer Queen, spent h t'w hours In the city yesterday mornlntr. Thiy said that the dispatches con-erning the election scenes In Portland, did not begin to convey an Idea of the dlsjf-aceful riots. There was fighting and trouble In every wa-d In the city, and the blame w ined to be equally divided between th'.' par ties, raritaln Patterson siys that so far as he could 'tid-e from personal ex perience, the police w-re Irnpa-tlal In making arrests. Some of the best known and most respected citizens stood In line for hours for an opportunity to deposit their ballots, and then upon renclilujr the polls, they wer met by ruffians who In many cases threw them out bodily. Men who were never known lo pick a quarrel or use a weapon, drew revolver.! w'th which to defend their Inalienable rk-lits as American citizen. The ..c n' s ena t rj all over the city were beyond description. The gentlemen said that In all their ex- perlrnc this was certainly the hottest election ever held on Ihe coast. Crowd visit Tyndall. Mrs. August Johnson was down front Chinook yesterday. A lei. Campbell went to Portland last night by himself alone. The Columbia Harbor I .and Company will he ready for business Monday. The ladlea of th W. C. T V, are ar ranging for a "Silver tlray" medal con test for the tlrst week In May. Just received, an Immense amount ot dent' summer clothing, from Kasterti manufacturers, at P. A. Stokes' The Yarana and luverness-ahlr yes terday had officials at Ross llleglu A Co.' laying In Kasler supplies. The O. K. yesterday took up a few more men to the camp but Mr. Corey report that men ore getting scarce. Kvery man who Is out of a jo ran go to work on the road If he want to Fred Johnson. 11. P. Alhrld. tlrsy' rlor; IV U Chapman. IVep river: John Chrlstenson, VValluskl. tins. Stom. Knap pa: Alfred Johnson and family. Fort Stevens: John Iturk. I.els and Cli rke, and tlus tlrundi. uikl John logg. of North Shore, were among the visitor from the country yesterday. The steamer Telephone yesterday brought down the donkey engine H.r Mr. Fastabeitd new ptledrlver. There Is , something peculiar, by the a ay, about : this piledrler. It is a patent of Mr. i r astalx'nd s, and can U cotneitcd al will Into a battery or stralgat timer. The machine will bo used on the bri Igea ; at Tansy and Alder creeks. Joseph Peoples, the famous rat catcher. 1 reports that when the Telephone pasi-rd Kalamn yesterday, on her trip down the river, the Riverside hotel nt thai place was burning, or rather, had burned to the ground. It was only with the nivci est efforts that several other .tructurc 1 near were saved. The Inilhlln.- ts a total loss. The fppcr Astoria Social Club held It regular meeting last nlgnt wlili a large und appreciate c audience present After the rendition of un Interesting program, the following question was discussed ; "Resolved. That the cannervm- n i4iould pay the tlshermrn live cent per pound for salmon." After a Irvely Mt .Mission, the debate was unanimously decided In favor of the altlrmntlve. THE ULIXDKOl.UKIi JKIU'. Professor Tyndall Exercise III Wonder ful, Mystic powers. Professor Tyndall gave a public exhibi tion of his powers yesterday which iuu ed the thousand people who saw th lest to wonder. The performance was ! the nature of a drive, with Mr R. L. I'oyle as the subject. A committee of well known cltlsens had planned the course the currlu wo to take and had hidden two thing which the professor was to And. The objects were a hammer and a nail, the former being hidden In a length of water pip, a largo quantity of which Is piled up In a lot at the corner . of Exchange and Fourteenth tree I. t The nail wis drlvn In a post near by. Just deep enough to keep It In po.iltlon. ' Rllmlfolded. Professor Tyndall took the rein In On hand and J.-aap- d Mr. . Royle- hand with th other. Then the wonderful worker drove Identically over the course as planned by the committee, topping at the place where the hammer was hidden. The lot Is ncmi illt!nc , below the level of the street, which ne- cessltnted a descent Over a pll of broken lumber. Going to th pip In which the hammer was hidden, professor Tyndall extracted It: then proceeding to the post, with one blow he drove the nail, which was three Incele In length, into the wood. The professor explained thet Mr. j Boyle's exceptionally strong mind made mury surgeon in me wesi. the. test comparatively easy: and now Mr. Boyle won't recognise his friends. 1 It's Just a easy (o try One Minute A select audience assembled et Cnr- , Cough Cure a anything ele. If !er ruthers' hnll Inst evening, where Pro- ' to cure a sever cough or cold with IL fcor Tyndall gave some wonderful tests I-t your next purchase fur a cough be of telepathy and occultism. A most In- I One Mlnut Cough Cur. Heller me.ll teretlng test was a mock robbery. In dne: better result; better try It. Chas. which the principals ere two ladles. . Rogers. One removed a scarf pin from the other and concealed 11. Professor Tyndall. without th least healtntlon, found the missing trinket, nnd restored It lo the owner A larre number nf ladle and ielltlemen yesterday visited Professor Tyndall at ..... the Occident, and he proved to all ni wnnilnrfiil elnlevovnnt nnwpr. GTP8T FANTAS'A. A Beautiful Entertainment In Store for .Lovers of Music and D.inrng. Professor J. N. Heggs' claases in danc ing will give an entertainment In Fisher's Opera House Friday and Saturday even ings. April 10 and 11. The classes will be assisted by Miss Kate Orant. Miss Reba Hohson, and Messrs. Belcher and Terry McKean In the solo part. The first port of the entertainment will consist of a I grand tableau procession, followed by I the Amazon minuet, hornpipe, Scotch dances, reel. May pole, and Irish t'lt. The tots' minuet, will of Itself be worth the price of admission. The skirt solo dance, with calcium lights, v 111 close this part of the entertainment. Part second will be In the nnlure of a i Gypsy comedy opera. Thl amusing mu- i lcnl piece waa written upci-Miy for i Professor Fleggs. and In comtiosed of comic dialogues, four solos, two duets, one trio and a grand chorus. The Span- j Ish Gypsy Wedding and the Wedding Dance, is sure to be a surprise and plias ure to all. Probably nothing like It has been seen at any entertainment of this kind anywhere In the east. The physi cal culture posing by the tots will be something new In Astoria. Professor fleggs says that he can guar antee that the entertainment will be ons of the most modest, graceful and refined ever seen In the city, and will be en tirely different from the one previously given here which proved such H success. Tickets will be on sale next week and only a limited number will be disposed of to any one buyer. Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder Contain no Ammonia or Alum. WANTED. WANTED A reliable lady or gentle man to distribute samples and mak a house-to-house canvass for our Vegetable Toilet Soaps. 140 to 75 a month easily made. Address Crofts & Rood, 442 to 850 Austin Avenue, Chicago, III. WANTED An honest, active, gentleman or lady to travel for reliable established house. Salary, 170, payable S15 weekly and expense. Situation permanent. Ref erence.. Enclose elf-addreed stamped envelope, The Dominion Company, M Omaha Building, Chicago. FOR SALE. TaPAVEHK OOODS-Just out Just re ceivedJust what you want, at Wing Lee's. Ml Commercial street. FOR RENT. FOR RENT A furnlphed suite of room! on ground floor, centrally located. 414 Exchange street FOR RENT Nlc rooms, over C. B. Smith's candy store. Inquire of Alex Campbell. JUST AT THIS TI1IE A l ew Valuable Hints tr Tlitixu Who Arc ttilv.k lu lake Avium. I ti ot SiihhvHiiis. Can you afford to risk your life dur ing this spring? This Is a question which a treat many people will do well to consider Jusl al this time. How nmnv people there are. inl now. who complain of llred, worn-out feel lugs. They feel Unties, languid, have headache, liackache and t oiiilmialty tifTer from stomach iionl Their svmptoni plainly show tlwt their liver and kidney nre nut of erdi-r Other nre sulTeror from dnili'.ws, palpitation mid pain near Ihe hi ait Their blood does not circulate properly and It needs purifying. I'nless these things nre at tended to the first cold or chill they oal.'h la very apt to turn Into pneu monia, consumption or some other dan geroua malady. Can anyone afford lo run risks These dangers are not en luveruted They actually eIM. Ihey must le faced, nnd II Is a serious mstter for people who have others depending on them. Such people cannot h fiord to be laid up with a severe illness, lose work and pav heavy doctors' bills It is wl,.r to guard against the many ilangi rs hv toMin up Ihe system and putting everv oraan of the body In perfect condition. This Is easily accomplished bv th old of W ir ner's Safe Cure, which for voir) hs been recognlacd a the greatest nnd best remedy for renewing the streng!li and building up the health Every doctor know tins truth Thous and of prominent people hive proved Its value In their ow n exnerie i Ask them and they will tell yon tliry always Cure whenever any Ill-health approarh- Safe Cure whenever III health api. oacll- es That Is why they eon face the most dangerous exposure wlthoit risk and alwavs keep In perfect lu-all'l There an- few people who can afford to Ignore these augegsllons, frw Hill should full lo avail th. msalve ot the valuable hints they contain. KEI'OUTKP" 11V AN KYtl-WITNESS. Languid Tourist tlooklng out through ear w In. low - hut town Is t'il Fellow Passenger This is Indt ninpolls ln.llan.ip.ills - H m' What bull Hug Is that over there "Thai Is the State Ca Hot " "Ah? State Capitol Fine looking structure. Ity the mt, whit w- that iiagnlil.-ent liHiklug I'u, I. In ne passed a few miles Ki. k ' II 1 1 a rather lint dome. Pure w hlli- " "That was he I'M olumb: m M .. sellltl of iIiicuko." We might tell you more about On Minute Cough Cure, but you proluibly know that It cure a cough. Every on doe who ha use. I u. it , prrfeci remedy for roughs, colds, hoarseness. It I an especial favorite for children, be. ing pleasant to take and quick In curing. Chaa. Roger, UCYKUH A.N'U SlXLEJlfl. The folluwlug transfer were tiled for record yesterday at th oftlce of County Recorder Gundrrson: Fred Robinson to Frank Feldler. I Alt Hi. Itlmk . Prosiss..! Pit-k .1 I. K. Warren and wlf- in II. 0, Wool, lait Kl, Rio. k I 1 Captain PWemMy, t'. II A., San Diego, Cal uyi "Shlloh' i'tanh It. nici) i lc Rrl medicine I have ever found thai Would do ni any guod." cents. Sold by J. W. Conn. Price h Governor Morton I In tece'pt dally of letters offering him aid an I encourage. men! In his presidential asplraon Many curious epistle i tlnd their way Into his mall. one morilng recently hi secretary was astonished to find a communication to th governor offering him the support of a so-lety uf veter I j Ilrownkln-I shouldn't think Vnock , would pay lhat typewriter of hi muuh. i She don't uppeur lo know anything. I Bmlthson Not know anything! Why. I VaMork I paying her big wages to keep her from telling what she V - L. II' 1 j anuw. .sow n mm. - isusy people nave no ume, ana sensmie people have no Inclination to ue a slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure act! j promptly and give permanent benefits cnas. nogera, Tou know what rubbish slips 3c along with a bait price under cover of a 1200 shoe In som store, made from allmpsy, ilea sy, orryful stuff. We don't keep that kind. THE ARCADE. The man with tho satm-llne.l coat Is not alway the one wllh the monry-llned pocket. When my little girl ws on month old, she bad a eab form on her face. It kepi iirel- Ing nntil she wn eoniiileujly entered from head to foot. Then he had boll. Hh had furtf en see "! al m w, '" "" ISNiy. WllCn SIX llllimine.i,n ..... sten pound, a jHiunil nd a half lew than at birth. Then her kln started to dry up and Cot o bad sheeoiil.1 not shut her eye toaleen, ut lay wllh them half "iwi- About thl! time, I tarted using (.'trrictinA Kr.MKnini, ntl in cms n.w". - r ; The doctor and drug bill were over on Aa drtd dnllan. Hi Ci. riuuBA bill w not more than Hut doltari. My child I now trong, healthy, and large a ny child of her ae (ftm photo.), and it Is all owing to Cuctuuha. Vour with a Mother'. BleMlng, Mu. IE- II. TUCKER, .Tn., Oil Walker St., Milwaukee, Wig. Bpexpt Cong THmT.-Wnrm baths With CUTICIJBA Hor, gentle tipllrjitluns of CU Titus (ointment), nd mild ousel ol CuTictias Kol.rKT (Wood purifier). gT" How lo Our Ktary Hkln Dlseue," free. Bold throughout the world. Pottub Dboo tl Gnstf. Conr., Hole Propi., Iloston, 1J. H. A. INSTAKT RELIEF In a single Culicuri till PliiUl mm ! Mm ..Croaids Visit Tyndall.. ???Your Future Life--??? .HI- VOl) MICCI;S5I11. IN IU).VM;s5? MAVIJ YOU TH01BI.U5 AND WOKKII'.S? The Most Marvelous Clairvoyant Reader In existence. Versed In all doo mysteries. mm. Iwl) Visit his Parlors at the Occident and consult him on all subjects. He reads your thoughts: your Past. Present, and Future. He sends you away happier, wiser and bolder than before. Reduced Fee . . . Two Days Only Irish Scotch Canadian Club and Bourbon ... y ... FOARD & STOKES CO. Hustler's Twentieth St. Good Reason Why Lots Are Selling! ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO., 483 Bond Street. North Pacific Breuiery JOHN KOPP, Prop Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTEF. Un orders with J. U Carlaoa at th Btmnyslde Saloon or Louis Boetrtgt at th Cosmopolitan Saloon. All orders will b promptly attended to. THE BOARD OF TRADE PHTBR DOUR ELL, Prop. ONLY THE FINEST LIQUORS. Cor. Tenth and Bend Strttt. THE ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Act! ai trustee for corporation! and In dividual. Tranaact a general banking business. Interest paid on time deposits. J. Q. A. BOWLBT Prnsldent BHNJ. YOUNO Vice Presldenl FRANK PATTON Cashier DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby. C. H. Page, IlenJ Toung, A. fi. Reed, D. P. Thompson W. B. Dement, Oust Holmes. Ice Cream floda In twnnty-two different flavor at C. B. Smith's. Trlvate par lors for ladles. Timl citl W,T HYSTIC POWIiRS TMIJ WOKI.D'4 WONDI1K.... CAN III3I-P YOU the Occult Sciences and Hin Kentucky Rye... ...Whiskies Astoria and McKee Ave. Is situated on the south side of A toriu's hills Twenty degrees wanner nnd vegeta tion thirty days in advance of the North side Magnificent sites for residences, over looking river and hay, sunny and. shel tered. Easy nnd natural grades; little, or no grading neeeur-ary. Wouldn't It be a good Idea to take ths Burlington next time yon go saatT Not onl la It th! HHORT Una to Omaha, Kansas ' City, and HL Louis, but ' Its service to tho ana all other southern and southeastern points Is b't tar and faster than that of any other railroad. People who takt It ono, taks It a ssoond, a third, a fourth, a fifth tlm. Tlckrta, time-tables and full Information on appli cation to ths local ticket ag.nt or by addressing A. C. SHELDON, O. A., Portland, Or. ROSS HIGGINS & CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria (nd Uppr Astoria Fin. T nd Coflroa, TM DllrciM, Onn.tllc and Tr(ilcl Fruits, VcgftUble., Siikm Cured Hititi, Bacon, Etc. Choke Fresh and S.ilt MraK Two things worth knowing first, to make friends; next, to ''kiiep thorn. We bullcve our granite ware stock Is doing that dally. Large Dish Pan 42 cent. TUB ARCADE. I J ..