XI TI1K DAILY ASTOliUN, wisuuv I 3 gaily gUtovimt. JOHN T I.IOHTER. Rdtuw. Telephons No. U. DAJLT. 8nt by mall, per year Bent by mall per month Served by carrier, per week., K.Oui to I WEKKI.T. Bnt by mair per year, In advance Postage free to subscribers. AU communloatlona intended for pbll ration should be directed to the editor Business communication of all kind and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. Th Astorlan ruaranleea to ita ur acrlbera the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia ' river. Advertising rales can be had on appli cation to tha business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, th scond oldest ' weekly In th state of Oregon, has, next, to the Portland Orestonlan. th largest; weekly circulation in the state. Jno. F. Handley Co. are our Port- land aent. and copies of the Astorlan to g,v nann anJ ,Jdn ran be had every mornlns at th'lr stand, Hi Third afreet. I1' " h ame, a sllKht cold, con- 1 irested lungs, or severe couko. On Mln i ut Couph Cure banishes them. Charlea OLTSIPUN GAMES. The departure of the eight young Amer ican athletes for the shores of ancient Grose, to participate in the contemplated revival of th Olympic tram's is attract ing much attention outside of the sport- " big fraternity. Th contest la to be In ternational, will be limited strictly to amateurs and will follow the lines of the ancient frames of torn) years ago as close ly as conditions will permit. The Int'r wational congress of athletic associations, which met in Parts two r"rs ago, pro jected thla revival, and their plan has been warmly and practically seconded by the Greek people, and especially M. AberofT, a wealthy and public-spirited ' Greek, whose generosity has gone far to make th revival possible. Tho gamea will be held In the Panthenaic Stadium near Athens, the Stadium navlng been rebuilt as nearly as possible on the orig inal lines. They will Include the ancient features of jumping. runnlnr wMirht- running, wrignt ling, and sprinting, but there will also be shades of Homer! tennis, polo, golf and cricket, not to mention rowing and bi cycling. Th spectacle of a victorious wheelman crowned with laurel, or a panting tennis player receiving the am phora at the hands of the king of Greece will be a sight for the gods especially the; Greek gods and men. The Amer ican boys will doubtless have a most enthusiastic backing among th'lr com ' patriots, although there will probably be teas excitement over the contest, from an International point of view, than over th Anglo- American gamea which wfll mark the year. Perhaps the moat truly Interesting and significant feature of it all to the fact that while the world has fetched a circle bark to the point where healthy, honest physical prowess Is re spected and admired, the men who claim It hare ceased to be heroes on that ground aloo!. There are wors? things than the worship of physical strength, but we believe It can be said, without anflue complaoncy, that th time Is past when that alone la sufficient to crown a man with laurel In the presence i of a nation. The Olympic revival is not an International vent, nor ev n a na- j Uonal event, but merely a wholesome di- i version. . The wonderful lnttrest shown all ov r th country in the primaries and con ventions of the Republican party, with the corresponding Indifference manlf-sted In th results of those meetings -wherwer held by other parties, attests the extent of the revival of confidence among tha people la Republican princi ples and their belief In the ability of the statesmen and lead-rs of that 'party to Mttia all qowtlons of national concern . so as to put an end to the dUtraotlons toA uncertainties of tho past thre or ' four years ana restore the old-time con dition of permanent prosperity. It Is jswJd that nevtr before In the history of Osiaop. couuiy has ther? bean such a disrlay of cnera! interest in any ante- , clfclioo as tliAt shown in the pri- mart a last Pxiurtlay. The mass meet- ' maa before the primaries were crowd d ' 'beyond th capacity of the rooms In which they wro he id, and the vote cast - .t ,th primaries is the largest recorded an a similar occasion. In all this the 'jiarty loaders may s?e both an encour ageovsit and a warning. It Is plain ' fhnt many RcpabiYans mean to take a ' land Sn'thft "lectlanj this yar who have heretofore no Interest in politics rurf' tarod enough for the suco ss of the r'Jrty tiikei to no to the polls and vote i, There If, ;ji refor?, an unknown , luaii'.lty i iv cuculatrd In the esti riMib mri " to e probable strength of ltd car. hiiit . and, on the principle , tfoat. a. chi;n , :. stronger than the ft4Jwit HiiK l:i !u th! possible loss or diWuptirm of ;h general ticket by a si.'K'lc urwi. r.t "Judicious nomination ljiuld bo a inaiT of timely and cau ticcs considbntk On the other hand, ' if aW party rtiw i 'ion Is avoided or kept ' it'wW to a miuirn'im, and none but good and I oapablc n-n are selected fjr each oounjfy oft th- Republican party will ' t iriV''f1:W'l t' 'tsop county this year, iij.d rery. fan Its ticket will be n3,je by a bafMlsome and unprecedented ' siaJorl'V- " : Tlit Ireport came from Virginia that 'four b.A'rels of whisky were found In the hou; one of Its legislators, but an ljVltilfl tlon proved It was all "moon- (faring" . "If the otter to lOemocrats find enough of each get together" that Is about all Pmy can xpret to get this year. "VTbO's lot 'he button" will be a fa- voriio ent:l' lh 8L Louis, with the ac- f.Hf on 1-1 the. n race appears to be the owofod evJ! on the human programme ; 't.jefcfri& .low I" who enter Canada this surffner wU) V- required to deposit the full price of their wheel with the cus tom house officials. The man who en ters Canada under those conditions will hav no many wheels It will H nn rx pjwslv lvixury. Senator Pavtd K Hill Is still Now York slate mul far from It. from It s wml-iKn now. Half tho lth mil Ian oily was hurnod. Weyler smokes cigarettes, . That t- tlee It. WIND Ht.KW Him Off th Train. Painfully Injuring Him-IVoulUr Accident. N w York Sun. K. D. Hachman. of 2M North SUth street. Koeevlle. N. J . an Insurance acini, was blown otT tho Lohlgn Valley train which loft Nvwark for N -w York at S:25 o'clock thl mcrnltut, near th station at Harrison. Mr. r.achmaa loft tho smoker to x Into th next car. When on tho platform at that place hla hat waa partly lifted from hla head. He let m the break to catch hla hat. ami tho wind llftnl him bodily from tho platform and carried him Jo foot. Th train waa rotn at a hla-h rato of speed, and wont a quarter of a mu he for It waa topped. It waa backod down, and wlllltu? hand lifted Mr. Hach- man Into the hatnrage car. lle waa him, and moaning that ht back hurt j blood was Mowing freely from thr.e rash es In hla head. A ph.valcian who waa on lh train administered stimulants, which Hoger. HOW IT WAS PONE. ff. TV. Lumberman. Next month Way ft Williams, of Chi cago, will bring out, under title of "A Mountain Woman." a book of short stories by Klla W. Peattle. a newspeper woman of Omaha. Mr. Way was tell ing me a bit of gossip the other day about the preliminary vagabondage of that little gem for It Is that or rather, perhaps, a cluster. Most of the storl s had been published. Mrs. Peattle sent th manuscript revised for book form to a Chicago firm which is conspicuous for fin selections of bindings thouch some times a trifle shy on proofreading, and It was refused. So she made up her mind that their merit waa exhausted with thr fugitive publications. Not so her husband. He sent them to Way Williams, and Mr. Way sat down st home on night to look them over, and I almost entirely forgot to go to bed. And I to the tenderest of them all th.' publlsh l er's wife paid the glistening tribute of j sympathetic tears. Then Mr. Way asxea a gentleman, nimslf an artist In 1 la ' inem. ana m artist , . . iiki-. T.rn,. proposed and accepted, and the f'inny part of it all is, that until th? contract was presented to Mrs. Prattle to sign, she did not know the stories had again been submitted for publication. And not till then did Way Williams know that they had been dealing wtth the hus band instead of the author. Busy people have no time, and sensible people have no Inclination to use a slow remedy. On Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permaifnt benefits. Chas. Rogers. UNCI1URCHLT DOCTRINE. To the Editor of the Living Church: In the leaflet for the Sunday next be fore taster, edited bjr th Rev. fclliot White, diocese of Newark, there appears the question: "What are th duties of a priest ?' "A priest's duties are to bless, pardon and offer sacrifice.'' Of course the editor of the leafl-t does not mean that these are all. but some of the priestly duties, but many other duties might be named. As to the three speci fied duties, no one n-ed take exception to the first, and. with explanations, the , miru mignt do accepted. But we must . draw the line at the second. That any j mere man. be he prophet, prl at or klnit. j can pardon sins. Is an unseriptural. and i hence an unchurch!-, doctrine. "Who 1 can forgive una but God enly?" The J declaration of absolution states cl arty j the prerogative of the priest: Co declare and pronounce God's pardon to repliant and b.lleving sinners. In.llvi.lual opln j Ions, contrary to the teaching of the church, should rot, we submit, be intro duced Into leaflets for which a g n.-ral circulation is solicited. M ARC'S H. MARTIN. Grand Rapids, Mich. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of mil la leavening Strength. V. S. Oovarnment Report USED TO FILL TEETH WITH WOOD. Chicago News. They used to plant trees In men's teeth years ago, and last week Dr. Ar thur Church. In removing the filling from an old man's tooth, found a well-preserved piece of pine wood In the root canal of his patient's tooth. Forty ars ago many dentist used this method of filling the root cavity. THE IDEAL PANACEA. James L. Francis, alderman, Chicago, aays: "I regard Dr. King's New Discov ery as an Ideal panacea for couphs, cold and lung oomplalnia. having used It In my family for die last five years, to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other preparations." Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I have been a miniater of the Methodist ErXsoopal ahun for 50 years or more, and have never found any thing en beny ftdil, or chat gave me such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discov ery. " Try this ideal cough remedy now. Trial birttles free at Chart c Rogers' drug store. GOING TO EED AND GETTING UP! Said little Johnny Gren, "This Is the funniest world I ever seen; A fellow Is sent off to bed When he hain't (rot a bit of sleep in his head. And he's hustled out of it, don't you tee, When he's Just as slty as he can b-." Boston Transcript. If there Is not a touch of purple in your new hat you will be woefully be hind the times. The "University Junior" Is a smart suit for a lad lust out of dresses. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Onld Medal, Midwinter Fair. DRr CREAM Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. mm PLP The largest piece of Good tobacco &er sold for locents First Laboring Man You had a late session at th assembly last night. I hear. Second Laboring Man Yes: w didn't get through till nearly i o'clock this morning. First laboring Man What was the dispute about? Hvom! j Laboring Man O, the aalklng delegate wanted us to buy him a bicycle. Somer- j vlll Journal. ! EXTENDED 8TMPATHT. "Do unto others as you would havt others do unto you," Is sympathetically shown tn the following lines, the pre sumption being that sympathy is ior. or akin to pain or sorrow: "Gentlemen: Please send Krause's Headache Capsules as follows: Two! boxus to Flora Seay, Havanna, N. Dak. Two boxes to LiUle Wilcox. Ilrookland. N. Dak. I have always been a great sufferer from headache and your Cap sules are the only thing that relieves me." Tours vry truly. FLORA SEAY. Havanna. N. Dak. For sal by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Or. sole agent. The bandana costume Is a novel and stylish Importation. Burns are absolutely painless when De Wltt's Witch Haiel Salve Is promptly applied. This statement Is true. A per fect remedy for skin diseases, chupped hands ami lips, and never falls to cur plles. Chas. Rogers. At a suburban theater, during a per formance of the Tour de Nesle. the Her ald announces "The King!" Voice from the gallery "What, him a king! Why, he owes m half a crown!" Etolle BHge. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. A Republican convention for Clatsep county Is hereby called to meet at Mc Klnley bail. In the city of Astoria, on Thursday, April I. ISM, At 10:30 a. m., for the purpose of elrct lng seven delegates to attend the Re publican state and congressional conven tion, to be held at the city of Portland on April , 1396, and for the purpose cf nominating the following county ofllcers to be voted for at th election to be held on Monday, June 1, 11, towlt: Two rep sentatlves, one commissioner, clerk, re corder, sheriff, treasurer, surveyor, as sessor, superintendent of schools, coroner. and one justice of the eace and consta ble for each precinct. The committee hereby recommend that the primaries In the various precincts be held on Saturday, March 28, 183. The following apportionment has been made, being one delegate at large from each precinct and one delegate for every 15 votes or fraction thereof over I vots cast for Ellis for congress In IKel: Astoria 1st ward. .Si Lewis and Clarke. J Astoria Id ward.. 16; Mlshawaka i Astoria Id ward.. 11 North Fork 1 Bear Creek 3' Seaside 1 Clifton 4! Vesper t Elsie 21 Went port 3 Clatsop ) Walluskl 2 Jewell t, Young's River 3 Knappa 4 John Day 1 All voters In favor of the Republics! principles of protection to American In dustries and labor, and the upbuilding of the home market and fishing Indus tries of the Columbia river, are cordially Invited to unite with us. It Is further recommended by the com mittee that no proxies be allowed except those held by residents of the precinct from which the proxies are issued. The recommendations of the committee are that only the seven delegates be elected at the convention to be held April 2, l&M, and that the delegates be elected to represent both congressional and state conventions. That the con vention then adjoum until after tha state conv:nti in manes romlnatlons, the date of adjournment to be decided by the convention. JOHN FOX, Chairman. W. F. McGREOOR, Secretary. ENGLISH CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. Important to Americans seeking Eng- Hn Capital for new enterprUtes. A um contiulnlng the names and aldresos 01 3M swceeifin' promoters who 4iave placed over floo.O'XI.OOO Sterling in Foreign In vestments within the last six years, and over 18,000.000 for the seven months of lMTi. I'rie:, 3, or ft5, payahle by postal order to tho London and Universal Bu reau of Investors, 20, Cheapside, London, E. C. .Subscribers wll be entitled, by ar- rangement with f,ie directors to receive eit'her personaS or letter of lntroductoln to any of ttiesa su?C2a.iu promoters. ThU llt is first cOun In every respect, and every man or firm whose name ap pear therein may be depended upon. For placing the following it will be found Invalualsle Bonds or Shares of In- diMtriaC, Conrmerdlal and Financial con-i eerns, Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or Mines. Directors: SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTER C. PEPYS, CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFE. Copyright. "Ah," he whispered, "I will print a kiss upon your llpa" She started affrighted ly. "Ileavons," she crird. with a gesture of deprecation. "Sonii'luHly would Im sure to rad my face."Irtrolt Tribune A ntHiD WORD Mr 1. J. Keil. Sharpshurg. Pa.; IH-ar Mr: I am glad to say a good word for Krause s Hradach Capsules. tier suffering for over three years wit acute neuralgia and Ita consequent In somnia iwhtch s.-emeil to battle the ef forts of some of our best physicians! you suggested thla remedy which gave me almost instant relief. Words fa to express ths praise I should like to br- "l0' on Krauae'a Headache Capsules. Gratefully yours. MRS. E. R. HOLM KB. Montrose, Ia. For sale by Ctias. Rogers, Astoria, Or. sol agent King George of Gi-ce ro"ntly tin veiled the statute of I.ord Byron a Athens. It was made hy Chspo and Falgulerles. the French sculptors. Byron Is r--presnted ss advancing toward Greece; a female figure, who holds out to him a laurel crown. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Coatslaf so Aatssoala or Aluss. M.VKI E 8 AMNICa 8ALVB. ' h- best salve In the world foi Cuts. He-iises, Sor. Ulcers, Salt Kheum, -. er stores. Titter '.'happed Hnn-ls, Ch'lblalns. Cor.s, and All Hkin rvrup- tl ii. and positively cures Piles, or no iwy required. It Is guaranteed tn five i-.-fe-'t satls'H.-tloti. or money refunded. r,-lc. ?5 cents per box. For sale by rrms. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. Deacon R. P Pratt snd his wife, of Dummerston, VI.. who ar each W y ars old, celebrated their sixty-fourth Wed ding anniversary last week. Among th gu-ta were Deacon Leroy Wilder and wife of the same place, who celebrated the slxty-fourch anniversary of their wedding on January 17th last. The U. S. Oov't Reports sAov Rojral Baking Powder superior to all others. Senator Proctor, of Vermont, Is con sidered the most solemn looking man In the United Slates senate In this con tvsMlon It may be remarked 'hat he made his fortune in the manufacure of gravestones. When Baby wasskk, ws gar her Castoria, When she was a Chad, she cried for Castorla, When she became Hist, she clang to Castorla, WbeasheL rl!dreo, abe ga them Castorla. The death of George Davis, who was attorney general of the Confisl-rn'e states, leaves only on" memlwr of Presi dent Davis' cabinet alive, and that Is John H. Reagan. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Mrs. Muslcus Did you have much trouble In learning to sing so l null fully? Miss Frankly Yes; especially with the neighbors. Cleveland Plain Dealer. She I suppose you know, Charley, that this Is leap year? He This in rather surldnn, but never mind; I'll be a brother to you, and let It go at that." Boston Trarscrlpt. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the great Blood minder, gives freshness and clear ness to the complexion and cures Cop stlpatlon, 25 cts., .7) cts., tl.00. For sale by J. W. Conn. Mr. Crusht This Is the anniversary of our wedding day, love. Today we have b en married a year. Mrs. Crusht Thai's right, deanwt; and what do you think of marrl'd life In the light of the year's experience? Mr. Cruhsb-I don't think at all, love; you have relieved me of all necessity for that. Richmond Dis patch. PROVKN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recy mended Kmuse's HeadnL-ne t:Hpn. wherever I have hnd a chance. They !ve proven a veritable boon In m tiiiiuiy against stiy and ail kinds headache. Yours truly, J. F. WALTFI-. Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chas P.ogers, Astoria Oregon, Sole agent. fAin" f f S ' sssT ft VfjiiW JpLOOt m (,. It WUA NQ1 I.IIHL a Anaswahks laxative ami N Kit V K TOMOL old y liniggistaur sunt by mall ttOnfcXx, and I1.0O pes pacing, rsuuplo fre. ir II f Ths Parortts tOOTl KwTU tvU IlUf'rl!'ol'wUiaodUriwUi.ui, For HaJ by J. W. Ct.nn J. B. WYATT, " Astoria, Oregon. 1 1 tin I wnrc, Ship Clmmllery, (iroccrieH, I VovIhIoiih, PA I NTH nmt OILH. SpecUl Attealloa Paid Is supply in klpe. BRUMNI-R & HOLMES. MlnokMttiitlm. rliilal altentioa paid stsaunboat re. luitrtng, rirt-rlas horseshovlng. no. LOGGING CAInP CJ0RK A SPECIALTY UT Olney strvst, betweso Third and and Fourth. Astoria. Or. After (Deals! Or at an) oilier tlmr wlioii Null wish a gixiil oiifar nek lor Hi welt kuowu, lioine-mailt', hnntl mailt, white lalxit Hello Aislorin ' Oiinix-lol by all stticki rs Ut lie the heel olk'ar nmuiifai.Uiiri'U. W. F. SCHIEBE. 71 Nintb Strt. Atlorla. Ongoa. They Lack Life There ars twines) sold to fishermen on ths Columbia river that stand la the asm relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden Image does) to to human belng-they lack slrngth-Uf evenness and lasting qualities). Don't fool yourself Into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "Just as well." They won't. They cannot STIC A M ICRS Telephone & Bailey Catzert. "Telephone" leaves Astoria at 1 p. se rially (except Sunday). Leaves Portland at J a m. dafty., as oept Sunday. "lialley Oat serf" leaves Astoria Tues day, Wednesday. Thursday. Friday and Saturday morning at :t a m. ; Buaskty evening at J p. m. Leaves Portland sWIly at I p m., ra oept Sunday, On Saturday at It p. m. WAI.LACK IfAUZtHT. Agsnt, Popular Science Naturs. Inventlofl. NFWC Hotaoy, Klrctrlclly. UCAITU Palartrd and Impravtd. Contains a large number of Short, F.aay, Practical. Interesting and Poular, Slimli ne, articles, that ran he appreciated and enjoyed tiy any Intelligent reader, even thovgn he knew little or nothing of scl ence Profuse y Illustrated and Free from Technicalities Nw4jctter, 10 cents. Si per year t7Mntlot. this paper for t amp cupf Uaigest circulation of any Scientific paper in the woild PuUlnhed Monthly by BENJ. ULLAkD, New Yerk. Hl CI Ig ft finn-atnlfttnoiM Otrsft, Mpr-r cn 1 or r hr , Whitm. nuiikitipfti dis). 1 fhrg-i, nr tut tittlaaiftik ttofl nf in u r 11 11 i rjini ItwtlvmtonwwnGn. Vnnm. Hun-wntittfM. I4 hf prwvfjtela. or woal In kUtn w r l)jf tprt prr-rmi.. ir iilruir fill un nvquoaii. BiTORIfl PUBlilC lilBRBRV MEADINa ROOM I-'flKE TO AI.I.. Ojien evnry day from 3 o'clock to 6:3u and :M to 1:30 p. m. iilscriptlon rates 1.1 per annum. 8.W. COIl. KLKVKNTH A lil'ANK ST8. Few fieri Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than those we serve. We're trying In every way to make them lh most- en joyable In town. All tho "rood thlng-j' cf the season cooked by our excellent cook In the moat delicious styls. Per fect service. If you Invllo a friend to the Palace Hustaurant the place Is a suilli-lent a-uar ar.tee that he will receive a good meal. The Palace Restaurant Snap A rodok at any man romlnic nut nt our store and you'll get portrait of a man brimming over with pleasant thong-lit. Huch quadly In the lliunra we have to offer are enotiKh to PLEASE ANY MAN., Conrje and Trcj Them HUbHKS at CO. FAILING MANHOOD General and Nervous Debility. Weakness nf Hotly and MI111I. Kirecta of KrroiH or KxnHe In Old or Ynmitf. IbiliuM., Nrihlo Manhood lulls Ilentnred. lffonf tn l.-nl.... n,,ii Mtrennrun trk, ' I n (developed Portions of I falllr-gTIiinioTreaUnout. I llticllts In a ilav. 711 11-ni.iiv jruiu w niKis aim FitrciKU .. . I Cl s 1. I . 1 1 . . n I. - . .-7.1.. an n.... ...e ,. t..iiiiii.rim, ntrnii iir 4f.-w-rriii.ive miiia, C4 plaoatioa and proofs, mailed (sealed I free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. sjsn ts iinyar. rVtftfjM IIISMIIA VAitiin.o t" "I a. x . . . r r mt Indio THI: OASIS 01 I Ml ClU.lHAI0 llllHI A New Health esort III LOW I III! 1 1 VI I OH TMi M:A Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pionottiimi ly I'lipifiuns I lit niiwt Fiivombli' in Ami-rim for SufltTtTH fltllll . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The objections urged agatnsl Indlo In tho past by ihs lro ntinibois who othsrwlse would have len gla.l to take advantage of Us henrnclal i-liniste, baa lx-41) a lack of sullabla at'comiin.Utln Th Hotithern Paclhc Company take ploaaur In announcing that srvctol Commodious and Comfortable Cottages hav Just been erected at Indlo tsilon. that will be ranted to anplUaiiia al r-a sonable rata. Thay are fuinlihnl with modern oonvsnlen lea, supplied with pun artesian water and so sltitatsd as to occupants all Ih advantages 14 be 1 rived from a more or less proltacteil residenoa tit this delightful clln.au (From ths Ban Francisco Argonaut.) "In th hart of Ih great ilmrl of tlx Colurado--whlch th Sotnhrrn I'm-lflo traverses thr I an oasts rslled irului, which. In our opinion, la th sanitarium of the earth. W bellrv, from personal Invest Isatlon, that for certain Individual. Iher Is no spot on this planet mi favor able." U T Htewart, U IV, wrlt: "The purity of th air, and the irnl sun- bin, fill ons with wondr and ,. liM Satur has accoimillthed so much that thr remains but Utile f,T man to do. A to lis possllillltir as s health resort her Is ths nu! perfrri sunanin, witn a Inni-rstuie a:rs pl'asant, a perfectly dry soil, for ram I an unknown factor: pur on, dnw almoaphrr and pur water. What nmr ran be dlrd? It Is the pl.-. all other, for lung troubles, and a para diss ror rheumatics Considering th number of sufferers who hav bn rure.1. I have no hfeltanry In n-.-o mending this genial oasis a Ih haven of th afflicted." INDIO. Is 61 3 miles from SAN FKANOISCO and 130 mvn from I.OH ANCJKI.KS Fre from Lo Angele Ij.oc "or further Infi.rmatli.n Inqulrs of rn.uwiern vacino Company aa-ent it BMnjrvs a p. nwEiiH Asst. Uen. Pass. At. 8. P. ), J. a KIRKLAND. Til. , , . ?or. rirst nd Alder Bta. Portland, r 1 I8?a 1805 Lubricating 1 OiLS a specialty. ! Brothers, ..... . J Sell ASTOKIA, Ship Chandelery, j Hardwure, Iron it Stel, Coal, CirtH'erit ct Provisions, FIoiifA Mill Feed, Paints, Oils. ViiniiHliPH, Ixiggers Supplies, Fairlianlc's HorIi-s, Doors tt Windows, Agricultural Injplomiiiitf Wll gf 111 8 it Vt'lliclfH. IS THERE? Is there a man with hfurt so cold. That from hla family would withhold The comforts which I hey all could find In articles of PUHNITUft!-: of the rlKht Kino. And we would suirxest at this season a nice Hineimartl, Extension Table, or set of Dining- Chairs. We have ths largest and finest line ever shown In ths city and ut prices that cannot fall to pleaan tne closest ouyers. HEILRORN Si SON. J.A FA ST A B END, OENERAL CONTRACTOR, HOUSE, BRIDGE AND CQHARp BUILDER HOlT MDVKR. House Moving Tools for Rent. ASTORIA, OB A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Heed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Lowers' Supplies. Cor. C sud Sqiumoqu Strtets. Atnrla, Or, B.F.'AIiLiEN&SON Wall Ppr, Artists' Mslerlsls, pslntt, Oils. GUtt, etc. Jspsnts Mattings, Ru(f snd Bsmhoo Goods 36s Commercial Htrcet. rsaxinNAL CAHI I III" e- yoiN'rTiitiVTKit. Arit'HNKVA'r-I.AW, tirflc. tipslsli". Alotlll Mulldliig, , It KII.IV JANMON. PIIYHU'IAN AN1I M'lUIIUIN. i.m.-e ovr tHeen's dru slor. Hour, II ,0 II a. I" I l" ' ' u ,lavs, lu t i. 11. It. KHTKaJ. I-IITHK'I M AND VVIUIKON. Hpvclal altellHoll I" JAT Tl'TTLei l I IITHICIAN. IHIIUIKOM. AND jn.voucimun. 11m. Hoonis I ani . Tythlaa . 11 esldencs, US, I War ' h" t emwt't. ATTOIlNKr-AT-LAW. Ss) tVa-Mwrctol Utreet. W. VI iirorc. sUnllk. UFtmt'kl atlTII. ATTOMNItTsVAT-tAW, Hi Coauwrclal street. j y, A IIOWUIT. ATTt'UN tCT AND OUUNKLOH AT LAW. Orflo uo "eoood Utrast. Asl.Mis, Of. 1 v iMuh. lUohaxd hlxom CKr V. Uolufc, lKH-PII. NIXN IHIU'II. ATTOltNKYH AT IJkW. PorlUuiJ. tvresion, 14. I. M, SJld 17, Hamilton llullduig. All lwl and e lecthni business iirotnp lr attewded to, i laitiis against Uis guvsromenl a spo claltr HtK-lkrrr MKKTINtllt. KIpTk l.otKIM NO. T. A. r. and A M.-Heulr communications bald .,n th flrt and third Tulay svmliuj if each month i W KHINHIHCllltr. W. M. r C. lil.tKM. tutary. MIHCFW-ANKOtm itKL IOTATrNtiTAItr PUUUC." W. C. CAJUIKtX. n Tsiilh street. miru ivj iiiiiTl.iNrv-Call aa Jae, r. Handler Oo.. IM Third street, and get Ih IHiHr Aslotlan. visitor sew awi ml s iheir morning paper while there. I!. "UNTIL. Krtsivsr. (.iVCH Cl.tl'C 1)1 Tmo Transcontinental HMMS . . . .A Via Spokane ami St. i'aul. Via OpIiMl.lH'llVIT and Dm ah 11 or m. rui. Pullman and Tourist meaerw Astoria to 5an Francisco. state el California. ThLtelsy. Marsh II. Wi.t. Tueeilay. Xlairh H Htalo, kunday. Mar, h n ijuern. I'tlday. Autll t. Huio, w'nliHfUy. April 1 t'olumUa. iUndAjr, April II Astoria tod Portlnd Stesmin. Tim It il ThumpsuO wilt leaie Aelorla t ' 111 dally rttvpt Hulutsy. Imvi I'.irtlsna al 1 a. 111 dally, n-pt llumlay. Th Hlww Lartln WIU leave Astoria at I a m dally, eicepi sunar; leave IHirtland at I p. ta oally, sn-.pt Satur dajr. ttir rates and general Information call on or addrsss . W. UX NHIIKItHT, Aswot. W. II. HUtlMIUnT. Oep, I'aa Alt.. sVMIanrl. Or Canadian Pacific RAILWAY. AMICUICAH Gralesl -i Trans-Continental Railway System. f TO IN P.il.u.c lining 1(00111 and Slrrplng Cars. Luxurious ilnlns Can.. Elrmt hav Coaches. -AI.HI) . Observation Cars, il lowing Unbroken Views of the Wonderful Mount ain Country. $5.00 ond $10.00 bl?, "!! '''J0'" K"- Tourl.t ear. th llinmilMiut. l" "mtf ttunX Canadlun I'uclfio BttL IUIL STEAMSHIP LINE -TO- Chlna and Japan. China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C fmnr,,. f I - ,, . I mpre nt ,p, J:mires(rf (.,ln tmpr.i, , (nu Irmprestaf l.t.n linpri f Lhlns ?ttl. Aug sMh. Sent, ,r,th. cl. i,lh. Nov. nth. "sc. gill. Au.lr.llsn ..,.m lr.v, V.cv,r. . c nth of ever m,.-,i. ',, For ticket rales m.,1 l..f..,..n -,i onoraJdress ..........u..ii 1.111 JAS. FINI.AYSON, ARent, W. F. Carm, Travel!,. fSNtf Oeo. McL. Brown, D.- gfl1BIyjD Vancouver, B. C. vs