!(,. . aU-"lV" v.. -V. ..v : THK DAILY ASTOKUX, WlSMtu Sl'N.nY MlKMNit, M.VIUMl 21. HUM I" v irv !.. JOHN T. I.IOHTKR. Rdltor. TfcRMS OF SUBSCKMTHN Tlphon No. W. DAILY. Gent by nill, per year Sent by mall per month Served by carrier, per wk ..K.W .. .& .. .19 WEKKIX Bent by mU pr year, S3 In advano. Postage fre to ubsi-riber. All communications Intended for publt ration should b dlrec-trd to the editor . ..... - M , LlHJ Business communication 01 iou. ami remittance must be addressed taj The Astorlan. j Th Astorlan guarantees to It sub scribers th largest circulation of ny n-spapr published on th Columbia river. Advertising rate en b had on appli cation to th business manager. The Weekly Astorlan. th second oldest Weekly In th tt of Orrgon, haa, next to tho Portland Orronlan. th largest weekly circulation In the Mate. Jnv F. Handley Co, ar our Port land agnta, and copies of th Astorlan can b had every morning at thMr stand. Hi Third afreet. XO POLITICS IN RECirROClTT. Now that the Investigations of the ub-comralttee on reciprocity with refer ence to the advisability of restoring th reciprocity treatlea that were negotiated by Secretary Blaine have ended. It l not too much to say that the work of the committee constitutes the most valuable service rendered by th fifty-fourth con (Ties. There was some doubt manifested by politicians at first as to the advisa bility of such an Inquiry. Some of the party managers were not certain that the replies to Question s:t out by the committee would form the kind of campaign material wanted. But fortunately the committee refused to take a narrow, partisan view of the mat ter, and the result la not only gratify ing to the party men but demostra'.es that there Is not as much politics in the reciprocity question as was at first Imagined. The commendation of the general prin ciple of reciprocity rsema to have corot with general unanimity from all sorts ot manufacturers regardless of party con siderations. There is probably no feat ure of our tariff system, past or present, that has come so near as reciprocity to being a purely business matter. A portion ot the Information elicited by the committee which Is invested with special significance is the showing ot the effects of reciprocity upon our dealngs with Cuba. It Is shown that under three years of reciprocity our trade with Cuba reached the highest point ever touched, showing an Increase of PJOOO In ex ports and ru.OOn.OuO in Imports. Upon the passage of the Wilson bill. In 18M, which compelled the abrogation of the reciprocity treaty. Spain quickly re vtallated by increasing the duty on door from $1 per 230 pounds to HT5 per 2S0 pounds, causing a great falling off In the export trade in that article. The time has certainly arrived when business mn shsll consider the subjoct upon a strictly non-partisan political basis. The practical application of the system has demonstrated the ability of reciprocity treaties to extend and en large our foreign trade and to render more cordial our relations with for Ign countries. By the time another presi dential campaign arrives it is highly probable that the reciprocity system will have ceased to be- regarded as a party Issue, but will have become a fixed American policy which no party win dare to abrogate. A NEW KIND OF STATESMANSHIP. The report given out by S.-nator Teller and bis band of Republican bolters as to the recent conference between :h-m and certain Eastern manufacturers turns uul to be so untruthful and misleading that the latter have been forced to come for ward with tbelr version. It 1 altogether different from tint given out by the five Bepubilcan senators who were pres ent, and should be published far and side as an evidence of bow those men ave ceased to be Republicans, and the xtent to which they are trying to scare is country into some kind of a comprom i with ehem and their currency ideas, wltli them and their currency Ideas, n are not to be moved by the threat these desperadoes. They know well igh that the peril Involved In any sort -concession to the free silver mania would.- ) far greater than to continue to Jt" business for a few years longer un terlHie present tariff. Alexander Crow Jr.4,:qn ot the biggest carpet manu fatSor. r of Philadelphia, give this ac tOJ;tK,. f. tht-conference: ,Ve, la w that Ihe men who had ask eu iJ to come to the conference had the pov-f c I'll a slop to tariff l.-gisiaiion at ti'-fc -Mlon of congress, and we hoped that in iv presenting ot our view as manuf..cu; ts we might be able to In duce the.u to yield a little. When the time for the conference came. Senator Teller, C ion; Jones, Carter, Dubois and Mantle w e present. They sailed right. In, without loss of time, to tell us that we need expect no I gUlaikn from this congress unless sllvw l-glslatlon accom panied lb The gist of their talk was that wv an the lamest manufacturers ot the country.'' owed It to ourselves to use our kitlnrice toward securing support for a silver colnuge measure, thereby gaining 'thftir L'.-lp m- putting through a tariff bIM. t Trie? wera tnirt.n in the Philadelphia fcl'-gatuyii who spoke at the conference. Kour fa'ored the idea ad vanced tr the silver venators, and the remaining nine nat down upon it How land Crott was cm who did not mince matters, H void fiefiatrir Teller and his associate, that their sliver Ideas deserv ed and sheuld have no consideration, and characterize U pronation made to ua as 'nonsense.' He concluded his talk by turning to Senator Taller UuA remarking, I say to you, sir, h!t you will get nothing.' . . "The remainder of us, while Just as emphatic, Wtrtf frtmT)" sjoc so vigorous in our langmuf. I aroused Senator Tel ler's Ire to a cxr.!d raMe extent by what I said, and Ic-wonle uf others were suf ficiently plain to- loave no doubt in the minds of the Wium statesmen that we were unalterai'Ij '"oppwted to their view. Those who did it speak felt the same as those who "id, -and Jo est pressed them selves after th-9-raorifarsnc wag over. "Senator Teller and.l U associates told us one after anolker that they knew our buslnee was prostrated, that th y knew we were losing money, hut vhat they also knew they had us where th'y had been trying to get us for years, and that they Intended to kp us there until the bvlslatlon they wanii-d for their constit uents was accorded thorn. Their lan guage was Just as plain as our was, and no room was I ft for a misunder standing on either side." The eonfeivrioe is said to have boon rxcltlng at time. Vhtl! Alexander Crow was speaking, he a Interrupted by Senator TMIor, who shouted, "Thin you'll get no tariff bill through: you'll gt no tariff bill through." 'Yes, we will," retorted Mr. Crow; "we will, sir. for without protection our In dustries must die." The abator bcvam angry before the conference concluded, ami said to the men they had Invited to Washington to talk with them that th?y controlled th I'nlted States senate now, and would for the next eight ywrs, sJid that the man ufacturers of the country n J nut hope for any tariff legislation In all that time unless a silver measure which met th.ir approbation went through congress. Th y followed it up by asserting that sixteen Western senators had sign-d a written agreement to that effect. Th Cctcago Times-Herald, ant-werlng a correspondent who ask-M what pro nouncement by McKlnley warranted th Times-Herald in assuming that he Is un equivocally In favor of the gold standard, says: It Is true that while (n congress Major McKlnley so spoke upon the currvn.-y question as to seem to fax or a very large use of silver, but the conditions which existed then have undergone sub stantia modifications. There have been limes when Carlisle and Sherman were of Ilk opinion. The moy question cf today Is not th money question of th past. The tendency of progress Is to the highest standard. So is the logical trend of Individual conviction when rightly Informed. Mr. McKlnley is bound, as a presidential candidate, by his own utterance this year. H said In this city on Lincoln day that he favored money composed of "gold, sliver and paper, good th world over." Is this language capable of more than one con struction? To be good the world over as money, paper and sliver must have a gold basis. Paper Is not money, but a representative of money, and the only money good the world over is gold. Sil ver has a value cf Its own commercially the world over, but It monetary value depends upon a stability prooerly main tained in a ratio of gold. When, there fore. McKlnley said that he favors a currency composed of gold, silver and paper, "good the world over," he placed himself unequivocally on record as a believer In and a defender of th gold standard for the United State. The Times-Herald Is not committed to any candidate or any party and will not sup port for the presidency any man who Is not an advocate of honest money. If th Tiroes-Herald did not believe Msjor Mc Klnley to be absolutely sound on th monetary question It would oppose him with all the force at its command both before and after th? St. Louis conven tion. STATE NEW. Interesting Items Culled Krora Oregon's Leading Newspapers. Eight counties In Oregon cast more vote than Clatsop. There have been KiOu) yearling sheep sold for tl.10 per head, 10 cents advance on last years' prices, says a Heppner correspondent of a Pendleton paper. A great many sheepmen say they will sell no yearlings for less than SLIM and two-year-oids at (1.73. The market Is full of buyers, but sales are not being made. Mr. Noble, of Butte City, Mont., bought in the Heppner market 4ci head of caul? for his company at Butte, and may pos sibly purchase a band of sheep. The spring run of hobos has commenced and the city is overrun by this gentry. It would se to that the police are In capable of handling .this nuisance and if It continues the people will be com pelled to take th.' matter in their own hands. The boldness of the hobo Is some thing alarming. They try to force an entrance into residences at the dead hour of night, and in the absence of the male part of the household are liable to commit any drpredation. If this thing continues a dead tramp or two are liable to be found in somebody's door ysrd. Baker Democrat. Rev. R. B. Dilworth has shown us his system of arithmetic, which he has per fected after years of experi-.nce as a t-wcher. Mr. Dilworth claims his system of teaching will save the wear and tear of text bocks ten-fold, while greatly fa cilitating the work ot calculation. We are not up in mathematics, but the plan is so simple and withal so perfect that it Is perceptible to the novice in figures that it is a great Improvement In the art of teaching. From a hasty Inspection, It appears to be the acme In the plan of teaching the science of numbers. Mr. Dilworth haa copyrighted the work. Roseburg Plalndealer. Curry county does not em to he happy unless it has an A. P. A. causing trouble. Two years ao It was the Alaska Pack ers' Association that was destroying In dustry in the county, and now it is the American Protective Association that is causing strife and dissensions. If the people of the county would relegate to oblivion both these mischievous A. P. A.'s and adopt the principles of a third (American Poultry Association), there would be more provisions for the family, tno re money in the pocket, and more p--ace and good fellowship among our you get to It. Wedderbum Gazette. The Del Ncrte Record. In speaking of the project to draw the water out of upper Rogue river In an immn-ee canal, for use in mining and agrlcultu-al enter prises, says: "The consummation of the project will be the means of destroying the fishing on lower Rogue river, which is the main support of Curry county." At present there is not much cause for alarm, as th-re are evidences that the scheme is merely wind. There are neither the agricultural, mineral nor manufacturing conditions In Josephine county to sustain such an enterprise, and will not b in this generation. Even if work should be commned on the scheme, the proj-ctors would soon dis cover that there wre more s'-rlous ob stacles to their draining the river bed. There Is an old adage to the effect that it is not time to cross a stream until you get t It. Wedderbum Gaxette. It is not a miracle. It won't cure everything, but it Will cure piles. That's what De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will do, because It has done it In hundreds of cases. Chaa. Rogers. A CORRECTION. Astoria, Or. March 2S, Wii. Editor Astorian: Your reporter, writing of the Republi can mass meeting, held In the court houw, says that the motion to nominate delegates viva voce, "was altogether lost, and the regular printed hIIH containing the names previously s-wted wre used." This is not correct. The motion, that the delegates to be voted for at the primaries b nominated in that meeting, was not put because the meetlntf actually adopted and followed the method pointed out in the motion. Nominations were made viva voce, and s-I-ctlons were made from thop nominations. In mak ing the motion referred to, the mover voiced the sentiment of many who think that no ticket Is "regular" simply be cause some politicians and ward xtrlker get together and select names, the great majority of which are known will follow I a given course. In the distribution ot j onV-va which are not In their gltt to dls j tribute, but which, at lews In theory, be long to the people to distribute. The method follow., I last night to collect the voice which werj cast was of the crudest character. Were on so Inclined ho could pm In one or as many balioi at he wished, and 1 heard p.rous there pres ent say that they had put In a haii.llul Into the hat as It Was passed around. It Is a mailer of regret that any one should adopt such methods to gain his po-nt. It Is the op-nlng slop io that corruption of the ballot box that conrronta us at every election. Men will sown open thmr eye, and will wonder that Am.-rlcana ever permitted such practices. 1 fear for my country If such methods can go uiirvliiikcd. Youis r-spvotiuXv. r U WINTON. Tak? a dose of lVWiu's Utile Karly Klsers Just for the good they will do you. These little tills are good for In digestion, good for headache, gwd for liver complaint, good forsconstlpatlon. They are good. Chaa. Kogers. P1.AIN, Hl.VXT MAN. Itloevmlngton lantagraph. John K. Tanner has submitted his slyle of oratory to the severest crucible of criticism. He spoke ihe other night at ilalesburg In the Knox oolleg alumni hall and had many studonts for his audi tors. The rtorts indicated that he came out of the ordeal all right. The college boy, after all, has a good deal ot admiration for a plain, blunt man. who, like the Hon. Marc Antony, has no extra flourishes, but speaks right on. KINO'S JKWELS NOT VALl'AI'LK. The Jewels of King rrempah of Ash anee, which Sir Krancls Scott took to London and delivered to the erown sgent for the colonies, are said to he worth not more than llu,.w. The most Inter esting piece In the collection Is a crown made of antelope skin, surmounted by ornaments of. pure soft gold, wrought into Imitations of human and animals' heads, two goats' horn of gold project ing from either side of the crown. RAILROAD Hl lI.DINCt IN MAINE. Main is confident that this year it will break the railroad building re-cord ot the North. Not only will the Itangor and Arooetook extension be pushed to completion, but th shore line from Mt. Desert Ferry to Eastport will be con structed. In connection with the Maine Central a direct rail connection between Boston and Eastport will thus be estab lished. HORSES CHEAPER THAN BICTCLES. At a recent sale ot the assets of a riding academy in New York city the saddle horses brought on sn average less than tW apiece. This Is said to be th lowest price on record for horses of this de scription, and th fact was generally noted that In New York th market value of a hors is lowr than that of a bicycle. PROF. DILLMAN'8 LIBRARY. Th splendid Semitic library of the late Prof. Christian Frl.-drtch August Mil man, of the University of Berlin, which was given to John Hopkins university, will soon be put In place In a spe:ial room In the university library' provided for It, COI LD NOT STAND THE PRESSURE. A young bridegroom In Frderlck. Md.. fainted away while th clergyman was performing th marriage ceremony. It was a case of tight boots. WHERE THE BLUNDER WAS. Kansas City Journal. Kentucky's mistake was in not going a little more strongly Republican while it was about It. DUCHESS HAS A SLAVE. Constielo Marlborough has returned from Egypt with a living souvenir In the form and shape and color of a Nubian slave. SHILOH'S CURE Is sola on a guaran tee. It cures Incipient consumption It Is the best Cough Cure. Only on cent a -lose X cents. 3) cents, and ll.'O. For sale ry J. W. Conn. There ought to be a rainy day recep tion room In homes where a dripping mackintosh and white and gold furniture can hardly be termed a compatible com bination. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. A Republican convention for Clatsop county Is hereby called to meet at Mc Klnley ball. In the city of Astoria, on Thursday, April X, At 10.30 a. m., for the purpose of elect ing seven delegate to attend the Re publican state and congressional conven tion, to be held at the city of Portland on April , 1896, and for the purpose of nominating the following county officers to be voted for at the election to be held on Monday, June 1. IK, towlt: Two rep entatlves, one commissioner, clerk, re corder, sheriff, treasurer, surveyor, as sessor, superintendent of schools, coroner. and one Justice of the eace and consta ble for each precinct Th committee hereby recommend that the primaries in th various precinct be held on Saturday, March 28, IKtt. The following apportionment ha been made, being one delegate at large from each precinct and one delegate for every 15 votes or fraction thereof over S vot cast for Ellis for congress In 1894: Astoria 1st ward.. 25' Lewis and Clarke. I Astoria Id ward..l Mlshawaka Astoria 3d ward. .IP North Fork 1 Bear Creek I Seaside I Clifton 4' Vesper 1 Elsie t Westport 1 Clatsop i Walluskl 3 Jewell 3, Young's River 3 Knappa 4 John Day 1 All voters In favor of the Ropubllcan principles of protection to American In dustries and labor, and the upbuilding of the home market and fishing Indus tries of the Columbia river, are cordially Invited to unite with us. It Is further recommended by the com mittee that no proxies be allowed except those held by residents of the precinct from which the proxies are Issued. The recommendations of the committee are that only the seven delegates be eleoted at the convention to be held April 2, V&H, and that the delegates be elected to represent both congressional and state convention. That the con vention tl'en udjoum unill after tha state convent! in mane romlnatlons, tl p date of adjournment to be decided by the convention. JOHN FOX. 4 Chairman. W. F. McGREGOR, Secretary. ENGLISH CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. Important to Americans seeking Eng- Uh Captlai for new enterprises. A llMt containing the names and address ot 3f successful promoters who have placed over 10O,(7iu,000 Sterling in Foreign In vestments within The last six years, and over 18,000,000 for the seven months of lt. I'ric:-, 5, or Vdt, payable by postal wler to tho London and Universal Bu reau of InvesLurs, 20, Cheupjfde, London, K. C. Subscribers wil be entitled, by ar- rantcemeM with tfie directors to receive elrhor perswnaC or totters of introductoln to any of theeo sujceadful promoters. This llrtt Is first CIsjw In every respect. and every man or firm whose name ap pear!! therein may be dended upon. For placing the following it will be found lnvauahie Bonds or Shares of Ih duwtrUi', Commercial and Financial con cerns. Mortgage loans. Sale of Lands, I'ajlietits or Minos. Directors: SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTER C. PBPYS, CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFE. Copyright. A UOOD WORD. Mr. J. J Kell, Sharpsbiii'g, Pa,: IVnr Sir: I nm iilnd to say a god otd lor K rails Headache Capsule. After suiVerlng for over thre years with aouto neuralgia and Its consequent ' In Monma iwhich aivtued to laill th f fort of some ot our best physicians) you suKKVMietl this remedy which gave me ativcst Instnnt relief. Words in to xpre. the I'talr I should Ilk to be stow on Ktause's liradache Capsule, iluitefullv your. , MllS K. It. HOLM I 'M. Montrose, I 'a For snle by Chas, Itogerm AsiorU, Or., sole agent. During the Interchango of compliment at Cannes between Mr. Gladstone and I'rvsldoiit Kaurc of France, tho latter aked th great Kntillslunan If .he found time hanging heavily upon hi hand. "No," answered ihe Grand Old Man: "I follow very closely th affairs of my country. Th man who ha nothing to do I th most miserable being In ex lstnc th most to hs pilled " Or. Price's Cream llaklnf Powdof amam.ia or Alusa, Fran Von Lcnbach, who has Just fin ished another portrait of th pop, v that hi hollne I greatly Interested In Prince Hismarvk.' II could not hear enough about th ex-chancHlnr from the painter, and ended by ordciiw a por trait of him. OLD PEOPl.K. Old people who require medicine to rc ulatv th bowels and kidney will find th tru remedy In K:ctrlc Itinera. This medicine doea not stimulate and contain no whisky nor other Intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It sots mllv ly on th stomach ami bwla, adding strength and giving ton to tns organ, tleroby aiding nature :n th perfonnam ot the functions. Electric Bitters to aa excellent appetiser and add dlgMtloa. Old peopl find It Just exactly what toes' nd. Prior 10 cot pr bonis at Chaa, Rogers' Drug Store Chief Justice Mercer lleaslcy. of New J Tsey. now an octogenarian, has sat on th bench for nearly forty yari "IV" spit hi advanced age." say th Phila delphia Record, "hi Intellect Is a bright a evr, and hi sons of humor a keen as II was fifty years ago." BL'CKLEN'B ARNICA SALVE. The beat salve In th world foi Cuts. Bruise. Sorva. Ulcer. Salt Kheum, Fvr Sore. Totter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Con., and All Skin Ktu ra tions, and positlvsly cun-a Pile, or no pay required. It t guaranteed to giv nerfe.-t satisra.-tlou, or money rerunoea. Price !5 rent per box. For as! bj CTia Rogers, M Fellows' building. A French newspaper publishes th fol lowing advertisement: "M Kmll" Zola, of Plambeuf, inventor of th sprlnit nip per, notifies hi customers 'hat he has noting In common with hi namesak', Emil Zola, th writer." Just received a large consignment of wall paper and room mouldings, by far th largest and best stock of goods In the city, now on hand. No house on the coast can undersell us. Bear this In mind. Call and get th proof of this assertion. H. F. Allen Son, successors to B. F. Allen. rn the twenty-nine years In whliii Pr Bamailo of England has hvn engaged in hi humane labor r.' waifs and stray have been rescued. Of the over t.') have be"n sent to the rolonle. It is a fixed and Immutable law that to have good, sound health one must havs pur, rich and abundant blood There Is no shorter nor surer route x'nn hv a mum of DeWltt's Sarsaparllla. Chaa Rogers, Druggist. Not the Largest Circulation In th World A newspaper winds up th an nouncement of a charity concert, to be held at one of the cafe In the town, as follow: "We would urge all our read ers to book their places In advance, ow Inr ot the small six of the room, which Is only capable of accommodating about rlfty persons"!. Figaro. Soothing, healing, cleansing. D Witt Witch Hazel Salve Is the enemy to sores, wounds snd plies, which It never falls to cur. Stops Itching and burning. Cur chapisd lips and cold sorts In two or thre hours. Chss. Rogers. ' Prof. Henry Jones, upon whom the University of Glasgow has conferred the degree of I.L.D.. b nan Hf a a shoe maker In a small village In Denbigh shire, England SHlLOH'8 CURE, th great Cough and Croup Cur. I In great demand. Pocket sis contains twenty-five doses only Si cents. Children love It. Bold by J. W. Conn. As sn scknowiedgment of Queen Vic toria's hospitality to his on s few months ago the Ameer of Afghanistan has Just sent hT presents valued at 120,000. "Give me a llvr regulator and I can regulate the world." said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of De Witt' Little Early Risers, the famous little pill. Chas. Rogers. The Prince of Wales hss been unani mously re-elected grand master of the Mark Masons for the ensuing year. He will be Installed on June 2. The U. S. Oov't Reports thow Royal Baking Powder superior to all other, He Has Hopes. "I'm afraid there Isn't much energy about that young man who la calling on Ethel," said the mother. "He doesn't seem to have any snap. "No," said the fulher. "I think he Is waiting for on", thouirh." Indianapolis Journal. Quick In effect, heals and leaves no scar. Burning, scaly kln eruptions quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Haxel Salve. Applied to burns, scalds and old sores, it is magical in effect. Always cures piles. Chas. Roger. Theodora Thi y say Mis B. celebrated her sixteenth birthday by attending the leap year ball. PrlsclllaWhat? A fe male medical student so young? Th'-o-dora The ball as held on February 29, you know. Wrinkle. One Minuet Cough Cure touches Ihe rlcht spot. It also touches It at the right time If you take It when you have a cough or cold. See the polnt7 Then don't cough. Chas. Rogers. Dolley What do you mean by saying that your father mad- light of my pro posal? Mis Olggles Well, he did. He used It to Ignite his cigar with. Detroit Free Press. When Baby was lick, we gsee her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she L ilarao,ahega-.t them Castoria. Crimsonbeak Do you know Puckerton, the cornlst? Yeast Yes, he lives with in gunshot of me. "Well, you must be a frightfully bad shot." Vonkers States man. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. "ovivsS FV1 vr vw nriw f fJj ij tl m 1 ' l.ou lwttKSU .Cf (J M A 2 On caul a dona. O, Q,tf It U sold on gtihrante by all dnio gists, II cures lucipieut onaumpUoa uul&th bel Oou! ai d tVwi Our, Fvr Bale by J- . n J. B. WYATT. Asterls, Orage. I lord ware, ShlpChimdlery, CirocerleH, PrOViHiOI.M, I'AINTH niwl OILH. Spetlal Aiuntlea Palate upr) ll Skips. UKEMNEK & HOLMES. tllfickstmittist, rfpectal attention paid to stambl re pairing, first-clasa horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CAffP (DORK A SPECIALTY iT Olney street, between Third sod and Fourth. Astoria. Or. E. rtcNEIL, Kelvr. Glve Choice of fmo Transcontinental "kT Routes, Via Via S-okam Oplen.Donver an. I and M. huil. Oiujiha or M. Paul. Pullman and Tourist lsk)r olinlna Chair Oar Astoria to San Francisco. Slat of California, Thursday, March U. VJuern, Tueaday, Match 24. Stat. Sunday, March ?. Queen, Friday, Aurtl t State, Wednesday, Aprli 1 Columbia, Monday, A.rll 11 Astoria and Portlod Steameri. The K. K. Thompson will tewv Astoria at 7 p. m. dally except tlumlay; leav Portland at 7 a. m. daily, escep Sunday. Th Steamer Larltn will leave Astoria at I t a. m. dally, wie.pt Sunday; leave Portland at I p. m. daily, escape iatur day. Fur rat and general Information call n or address Q. W. UH'NUUEHRT. Ageat. X H HmLHURT. Oen Pas .g. Vtland rv Canadian Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Gmtest -v Traus-Contiaental Railway System. -IN- Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elrgant Day Coaches. ALSO - Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Views ot the WonJrrful Mount ain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 Raved on all tickets F.ail. Toiirlit car th bent on wheels. KdUinmeuts ot th Varv finest throoghoat. Canadlan Pticiflc BO! Ml STEAMSHIP LI -TO- China and Japan. China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C Fmprett of India Empress of Jspsn F.mpr.is of Chins Empr.ts of India Aug. fti, Aug Xlr. Sept. loth. Oil. uth, rmpress of Jarn riov. nth. fcmprrst of China - Dec, gih. Australian steamer leave Vancouver, R, C , 6th of svsry month. For ticket rates and Information call on or address JAS. FINLAYSON, Agent, Astoria, Or. W. F. Carson, Traveling Pass. Azt., Tacoma, Wash. Geo. McL. Brown, Dlst Pass. Agt, Vancouver, B. C. Ills Q is a non-polsonon rmiwlr for Uoiiorrhira, fiwwt, flpflrfflntorrhfi'a, WhltAi, unnatural ills- rhsriiis, or any liiDsmni tl'tn, irritation or ulera- tlon uf in nnn ii. ni.ni. l'HtECKIMirn Do, braniHi. Mon-uirlnsiiul. Dal ay liragglala. or sunt In plain wrnpper, hr fxpre.t, pri-pslJ, for ii on. or a Uul.., at.n. Circular sunt on rssiiMt. PROV1CN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recom mended Krause's HeadaL-ne Capsule wherever I have had a ohanc. Tby have proven a veritable boon In my family against any and all kinds ot headache. Your truly, J. E. WALTER, Leavenworth, Kansas. For aale by Chaa. Roger. Astoria. Mm w 0u.&tM4 mt'nwtU MOUCiOas Voiciii.o s'J Oregon, sole agent. Indio Tun Oasis oh- tho Colorado tnsrhT A New Resort BELOW 1MB Levi! OF Till) SliA Absolutely Dry aod Pure Tropical Climate Pronouncod by riiyHicians tlu mot Fttvoriiblo hi Amorioa fur Surtorvrs from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The objections urged against India In th fast ty th large numbers who otherwise would have l glad to take advantage of II Imnerlvlal rllmale, haa bn a lark of suitable acoummodaiinn. Th S,itilhMI l,.in.4 I 'mtiiur w I . i. llcur In announeing that aevaral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just beea areoted at India station, that WUI b rented to amillcanta at rea sonable rates. They are furnish! with niodsra oonvsnleo upllnl wnk pur artesian water and altuated aa to tlv occupants all th advantage la be 1s rld frua more or las iroraot4 resldvnee It this delightful ollniai. rnm th Ran Franrlseo Argonaut.) "la th heart of th great dasert of th Colorado whlih th tt.mt hern I'aolil travre there la aa oasis railed India, which. In our opinion. Is th eenltertura ot th earth. V bllvn. from personal Inrsatlgatloo, that for etrtaln tndtvlduala there la no spot on this planet so favor able." 0 T. Btawart. U D. writ: 'The purity of th air, and lh irul sun shln. nil on with wond-r and rtrlight. . . . Nalur haa aerompllshed so much that thsr remalna hut lltll for man to do. Aa to Its poallilltlr aa a hsalth resort hr la Ihe tnost perfrri sunshine, with a temperature always pleasant, a prfo!ly dry soil, for rain Is an unknown fantur: pur oiygsn. dens atmosphsr and pur water. What mnr ran lie desired It la th pla-s, shove all others, fur lung troubles, and a para dise for rhmimatle. Considering thJ number of ulTrrs who hav twn rur.l. I hav no hllancy In rvrom- 4nMidlng this gnlal oasis aa th haven of th afflicted " INDIO. Ia 6ia mile!) from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 aiili from LOS ANOKLEsS Fare from Los Angeles Ij.oc For furthr Information Iniiulr of any Southern Patina inmnn m. ur addrsa B. P. ROOE3RH, Asst. 0n. Pass. Agt. 8. P. Co. J. a KIIUC LAND, Dlst. I'aaa. Act 'nr. riret nd Aklar St. Port hand. Or I8;a 189) Fisher Brothers, Sell ASTORIA, Lubricating OILS A Specialty, Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Stpol, Coal, Groceries it Provisiona, Flour A Mill Fei'd, Paints, Oils, Varnishca, Ijoggers Supplies, Fairbank's HcaleB, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons A .Vc'hiclt. s S THERE? , la ther a man with hart so cold, That from his family would withhold The comforts whlrh they nil could llnd In articles ot FUHNlTlUtK of the right kind. And we would guggist at this season a nlcs Bldolioard, Extension Table, or set of Dining Chair. We have th largest and finest line aver shown In the city and at prices that cannot fall to please th closest buyer. HEILBORN & SON. J.A K AST A BEND, QENERAL CONTRACTOR, HOUSE, BRIDGE AND BHAflF BUILDER HOUMIt MOVKRi 1 Hiius Moving Tool for Rant. ASTORIA. OR A. V. AIvLEN, DEALER IN Groctrles, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor, Cass aud Squsmoqu Slrsets. Aslorls, Ort JricaTth Wll psetr, Artists' Materials, Pslnts, Oils, Glsss, sic. Japansss Msttlngs, Rugs and Bamboo Goods 365 Commercial Street. PHtirtHHIONAILjCAKliM JOHN T. I.IOIITKH. ATTOHNICV.AT-I.AW, tim.', upsialrs, Aslmlan llultdlug. int. mu.iv JANHON. IMIVHK'IAN ANO KUIU1KON. Orrii- ovr Olaen' drug slur. Hour, ! to It a. m.i I to 6 and 1 to I i. 111. Hun. day. 10 In It. rut. O, II. KHTICH, I'HTHK'I iN AND miltlimN, Ppi l atuitilon in IIm of wom an and urr Offlo uver I"nalgr ior, Astoria. Tlphn Vr 1 JAT TIITTI.W. M D- I'livmt'iAN. Puna0N. ajd ACCOUCIMCUH. Offliv, litMinti and 1 I'ythtM llulldlng. Hour. 10 to II and I to k. iissMdstiM. US, (War trl ' . ir T."oiuiiut." " ATTOMNICf -AT-LAW. m .mntrolal Hire I. W. al. Larore. . a Bnilk. uroitcM auiTit. ATrOHNa3-AT-tAW, M CeataerekW ItrseU J. N. Dolph. Mohiril NUa Vhtr V. Dolp. IMJU'II. NIXON ItOU'll, ATTOIlNKtd AT LAW. PortUnd, tiregiin, li, M, M, and IT, Hamlllou llulldlng. All legal and 00. leolKm buua utvnip'ly alletided to. Claim against th (uvrnnkl a apo daily. KOCIKTT allarriNOH. TIII'UO t.l'lHlIt NO. T, A. t. and A. M lingular rtiHiinunli'atlun bald in th first and third Tuesday vnlu if vaokj month. 0. v. iit'NBHrrtitr. w. m. C. C. HOI.DKN. sWiary. : CITATION. In th 'county i-uurt nf th nat ot OiTgon. for lh county of t'laisop - In lb nuttier of lh tt uf klitial Ttu-niin. dereaaed Ta tli unknown heir of kllcha'l Thompson, dm-eascd- tlrcieilng: In the nam ot th iai of tVsgon, yuu are horol.r rtissl and r4utrid to ap par 111 the county court of in stala of (run. fur th rounly of t'Utot, at lb courtroom Ihsrecf, at Aatorta, In th county of t'laisop aforsaakt. on Wednesday, lh Ith day of April, fatal, at M o'clunk In Hi torsnoua of thai day, tha and thsr to show cauws If any tlat. why an ordsr of sal should not be mad, authiirlsing and lli.-tlng Ihe administrator lo soil. In ihs mannrr pro rMi by law. lot 11. of Murk I of Tay lor's Astoria, la t'laisop county, rrgin. togstbrr w Ith th lenrimiite, hnllla mi-ins and appurtenanost thereunto h longing, ami also I stuim of to. k In th Astoria llulldlng and l.oan Assa-latlon, of AilKla. Oregon. This nolle Is pub llshr.1 by orl of th abovsM)illd rourt. mad and etitsrml on lh 1th day of Man-h. IW. WltiieM, th linn. J. II I Oray, udg of th county court of In alats of tn-a-gon. fur lh count nf t'laisop. with th a! uf said court affinal, Ihla Ith day of March. A I). IC4 lAtteat I K. I. PlINHAn, IW ) Clerk. AHMINIrlTltAToU'rt H.M.K OK K8TATK It P. A I. Nolle 1 hrvby given, that undr and by virtu of an unlr f al mad and mlam! in lb t'minty t'tiurt fur (lalni t'ounty, fiaii- ot Orsvon, In lh raattxr of th tatn of II. I. Jrfia'll. ilniaint, I. Jaiiic Wraion, Ibr ailmlnlairaliir uf said ratal of said II I. Jrnn, il era')). lll. on Mumlay, III S lh day nf April, KM. at lh ruurt nous door of lh rount- court hoiisr. for aald t'Uisop t'otiniy, at b oilcx k a. m. of ald day, Ihnri and tber ottrr fur al atul Ml al public sue 1 1 on 10 th hlhrl bidder for rash In hand, aub)i-ct lo confirmation, lh folloalng di-scrllml rrl iatc, tolt: An undivided one-half Inleraat In !xt t, of block No, V. In Adair' I'oft of I'pp-r Astoria, aa laid out and rrcurdrd by Ji tin A lair. JAVIIta YVKHTON'. AilnUnlslraliir of Ihn K.tatr of II 1. Jnnn, lread. I'atisl this isih day of Marsh, 1M. DON'T TOHAOOO flrTT OR BMOKI TOUR Lira A WAT I thai truthful, start ling tit! of a loo about . Nw-Xu-lJao, rn tiarr.d, gaar. aiUt brtawxyi kslK eatra that brara up HtoxiOnlaftt gtervea. rinilrsitsa Ua nlcKitlis aaatv tnakas wraOt nssa raid treiiotii, 'Vlsrur and nauttmod. To run no iyloJ nr flraanraal rtsai, a Vo-TVIasss la sM by Hbartaa fUarer urnW a giiaraarta to rair nr money re fill ksd -Jkiokifr Adtraaj marllrsj Hmnasty ti.. New Tor or CMrco. KAItL'rl CI.OVKH HOOT, th treat lllood purlllcr. gtvna frrshnrss and clnar na to th oompli-ilon and cur Coo atlpatlon, M cU , to rts , ll.oo. rr al by i. W. Conn. STEAMERS Telephone & Bailey Catzert. "Tlphon" lava Astoria at 7 p. m. dally (irpt Runday). Iava I'orlland at 1 a. m. dally., eg. eept Hunday. "Bailey Oatrl" leaves Astoria Tus day, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Haturday morning at :U a. m. Sunday vnlng at 7 p. m, leaves Torlland dally at p. m.. g. cept Runday. On Saturday at 11 p. m. ' WALLACK MAIWkiHT. Agrnt. Popular Science Natur, lnvntlm, - - - NEWScK;n.HEALTH Mygltn. fornifrlj BOSTON JOIKSAL Of rHHISTRf linlargnl and Improved. Contains a larg number of Short, Kay, Practical, Interesting and I'oular, Bslentl Ho articles, that can b appreciated and enjoyed by any Intelligent reader, vn though he knsw little or nothing of Ml snoe. Profusely Illustrated and Tree from Technicalities Newsdealers, 10 cent. $1 per year tMenUon tht papar for a sample copy. Largest circulation of any Scientific paper in the woild Published Monthly by BRNJ. LILLARD, New York. "A TALENTED ED1TOTI." Qentlemon:-I had occasion to us scv onU boxer of Krauso'i Ilnudach Cap ulea while traveling to Chicago to at tond tho National Democratic convention fhy actod like a charm In preventing hmulanhe and dlulnssa. Have had very little headache since my return, whloh ' 1 remarknhle. Your respectfully, JOHN U. fllTAFirnn, Kd, Itenovo (Pa.) Record. For rata by Chas. Itogera, Astoria, Or., ol agent. ) v ' . 1 -4 ' ...-Wil , i ' ' li i. mi. mm i i"i "I' ""j '