The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 28, 1896, Image 4

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. . ..
K. L Boyle & Go.
BJB Commtrcial Ut., Amtortn, Or.
CaJIdret Mi WkV Sietl-Shod Shots. XII
Slits Suits
We also carry a tine line of
adieu' ond men's shoos, from
the best to the lowest reliable
poods. All gootls warranted
lust as reprisented.
479 street.
Local weather for twenty-four hours
ending t 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished
by the Vnlted State Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature. H degrees.
Minimum temperature. 1$ d'grcea
Precipitation. .M Inch.
186, to date. Kit Inch.
Int. 1SS&, to date, l Inch.
Ninety per cent of the cigar made In
Germany sell for one cent or on and
one-third cents each. Good place for As
torians to buly the weed.
Job printing of all kinds at tha Astorlan
Job office,
C O. Palmberg. architect. Boom Num- j
tor t, Kinney's butldlrg. j
Dr. O. F. Ball. Dentist, with lady as- !
Blatant, Room a, Kinney uuuuing.
Meany Is the leading tailor, and pay
Uw highest cash price, for fur skit
Marshall's salmon twine la without a j
competitor. Strongest, handsomest, best.
Just received, at the Scow Bay Wood
Yard. IIS cords of oak wood. The finest
wood ever brought to Astoria.
Dumbarton's Irish flax salmon twine,
superior to any In tha market Fisher
Brothers, agents for tha Columbia rtvar.
Parties desiring th. best of Job printing
t tha lowest prices she lid call at the
Astorlan Job office btfar going else
where, For th. beat of commercial Job print
ing call at the Astorlan Job office,
Oo to US Ninth Street to havs youT
umbrellas repaired or recovered. A line
tins of cover goods to select from at
icasonabl prices.
Business men. tt you want to fix up
your office for the coming year, wltb the
best of letter beads, bill beads, state
ments, etc can at the Astorlaa Job office
when you wtll find th. best of stock
and material.
Our own Sarsaparllla Is made of the
beat material that money can buy. It's
a, specific for Impurities of che b'ood. It
cures rheumatism, pimples, liver com
plaint, and foul stomach. Largo bottles
H cents. Charles Rogers.
The Oregon Trading Co., Commercial
street, to tha plaes to buy your dry
i AiAthin hwit. j nil .hoes, men's
gwua, i -. .
and ladies' furnishing goods. Should you I
want an auctioneer, a. rnejinan
his office at the Oregon Trading Co
Marshall's twine used tr 73 per cent
of the fishermen on the Columbia river.
A prominent steamboat man says: "Sir
family have used nearly every brand of
Beef, Iron and Wine made, and are sat
isfied that the preparation made by the
Estes-Craln Drug Co. Is the most palata
bei and nutritious of any they have ever
used." If you are run down and need a
tonic, you should use It,
u 1 1 a,l ".aliYinn twin," im col
ored with acids. The acids rot the fibre!
and render the material useless, m the
office of Elmore. Sanborn A Co. Is an ob
ject lesson that ought to be examined by
all fishermen. It Is the whole of the
material used In the manufacture of Mar
shall's twine from start to finish. Go
there and examine the color right
through. Tou will see then why Mar
shall's Is called the best In the world.
Go to Elmore, Sanborn's office and see
their new and handsome twine testing
machine. Take along some of the twines
"as good as Marshall's," In your pocket,
and test them. Then see how much more
Marshall's will stand. It's money In your
pocket and dsb In your net to find out.
For 2S cents you can secure an excel
lent we'll-served meal at the Bon Ton
Restaurant. No. 571 Commercial street.
They are also fully prepared to rerve
all kinds of fish, game and delicacies of
the season, as well as oysters In every
Imaginable style at the lowest living
prices. Come once and you will con
tinue to come.
Charles Wlrkkala's saloon on Seventh
street, the well known and popular re
sort In th? Bowery, still maintains its
reputation. Mr. Wlrkkala Is an xpe
rlenced man In his line of business and
keeps on hand only the best grades of
wines, liquors and cigars. Concm every
evening furnishes amusement for visit
ors, and Professor Schwabe, the well
known pianist. Is making the music one
of the features of the place. Call and
bring your friends with you.
A gentleman's resort, at corner Bond
and 12th streets. The finest brands of
liquors and cigars always on hand. Call
and try us.
M No; we're not making much
J II money on those men's shoes we
al P are selling for J2, but w are mak
II lng an active canvasser for ut out
II of every customer who buys a
t- . 4innM arverf on the Dlnlnff cars
of the Chicago, Milwaukee and 8L Paid
Railway, will be sent to any aaaress on
receipt of a two-cent postage stamp.
Apply to Geo. H. HeatTord, General Pas
senger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chi
cago, Illinois.
Notice Is hereby given that the tax roll
for 1895 Is nov in my hands for collec
tion. Taxes must be paid on or before
April L to save additional costs.
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
The following transfers were filed for
record yesterday at the office of County
Recorder Ounderson:
State of Oregon to Nicholas Kr
eage, 8.12 acres In section , town
ship 8 north, range 7 west $ 40
S. V. Adair and wife to Louis
Martin, Lot 18, Block 1 .Meri
wether Downs, 67
Joseph Viles and wife to David
Alrth, Lou 9, 10 and li. Block
18, Warrenton ZfO
D. Stuart Jr. and wife to B. G.
Anstadt, Lots 1 and 2, Block 66,
Upper Astoria 4(0
C. R. Hlgglns to Hans SkerydHtrup
Lot 15, Block 8, Astoria Addition
to Warrenton M
R. L. ', Boyle A Co. sold two lots in
Adair's Astoria yesterday.
Rcnl BHtntc, Loiuis, ItivcHttuctitH ititd liiHttrtuicc.
SPECIAL OFFER We have now placed on the market Block 105 and water frontage, and will offer lots In that
addition at prices way below adjoining property. We will give you Rood terms on this property, and a few
' dollars invested in lots in this addition will sure make youjmoney. See fine display map in our window.
Ladies' Shirt Waists
Latest Styles and
Albert Dutibnr
Reductions ON ALL GOODS
.To-day Only..
To make room for the new lines we
will receive cy Monday" steamer.
Call early and secure bargains.
No Troutle to Show Goods
Herman Wise
The Reliable One-Price Clothier and
J. B. Eddy, of Pendleton, Is In the city.
E. J. Ford was up from the Jetty yes
terday. A choice lot on Bond Street to lease.
R. L. Boyle Co.
Try C. B. Smoth's vanilla Ice Cream.
It Is something fine.
Summer clothing sold at extremely low
prices at P. A. Stokes.'
Mr. and Mrs. I. Bulllvand, of Port
land, are visiting In Astora.
O. F. Morton was appointed a notary
pubtto by Governor Lord Wednesday.
R. S. Lewis, of Grand Rapids. Mich.,
was In the city yesterday, a guest at' the
Ice Cream Soda In twenty-two different
flavors at C. B. Smith's. Private par
lors for ladles.
Just received, an Immense amount of
Gents' summer clothing, from Eastern
manufacturers, at P. A. Stokes.'
Butter! Butter! Fancy Creamery and
Tillamook Butter today at cut prices.
Pacific Commission Co.
Circuit convenes April 1 Among th
Interesting cases on the docket is the
election contest of Richard Hairy vs.
Harry Bell.
Celery, Rhubarb, Peas, Asparagus. Let
tuce. Radishes, Cl.ry, Boot Cauliflower,
Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes, Fresh Ranch
E?s. Bananas, Pacific Commission Co.
n up to date and karn to ride a bike.
Sherman & Thing, oi-i Commercial stre. t.
give Irsaons free to purchasers of Cleve
land and Crescent wheels. Bicycles for
Testtrday an exceptionally high tide
occurred, and fears were entertained
that the wrecked Glenmorag might b
seriously affected by the tide and h-avy
wind combined.
Don't forget that Snodgra.s, the Totog
rafer, gives a crayon portrait and frame
made to order, valued at fu. free of
cost, to some one of his customers this
month, guessing contest open until April
L. B. Bwrs, of Wise, was In town yes
terday. Mr. B-ers has bt.n a sufferer
for many years from rheumatism and In
tends to start next wek for a trip to
Southern California In the hope of bene
fltttlng his h-alth.
M. J. 9. Glrdner, formerly of this city,
who has been attending the Oregon Ag
ricultural College at Corvallts the past
winter, is expected home this morning,
when he will accept a position In C. B.
Smith's confectionary store for the sum
mer. Just received A beautiful line of all
wool and silk mixed Plaid', a hand-ome
line of dress goods in black, and .ill the
new shades: also silks In all the new st
designs for waists. Just land"!, our
spring wraps In silk and velvet. I. Cohen,
Low Price Store, 431 Bond street.
The stiff westerly wind of yesterday
filled the river with whltecaps and the
view from the hills In the afternoon was
a beautiful one. Several scows and fish
ing boats scudded across the bay and
with the large ships In the harbor and
the big river steamers the picture was
Two bicycle agents registered at the
Occident yesterday. They were F. K.
Masters, representing the Sterling, and
8. W. Poole, travelling In the Interests
of the March, which, according to the
register at the hotel, is "built like a
Ladles, take notlos The Unique, No.
367 Commercial, one door east of B. F.
Allen's, will formally open as a ladles'
cloak and suit house about April 1st.
Madame Levins, established for the past
ten years In Portland, will occupy the
place of head cutter and fitter for the
In the police court yesterday the case
of C. Berg, of Warrenton, was called.
Mr. Berg was beastly Intoxicated on
Thursday and was guilty of conduct un
becoming a gentleman. The complaint
charged him with disorderly conduct, lie
failed to appear when Judge N-lson call
ed time and his bail was declared for
feited. John Anderson evidently thinks more
of President Cleveland than he does ot
the Czar. Of course, the Czar will tn 1
very much put out about it, but John
doesln't care. Yesterday he vlgorouxly
renoun'-ed all claim to the Ruwlan gov
ernmeat and declared he would h'-r'after
take a hand In running Uncle Bamu-l'i
little Country.
A resident of Unlontown yesterday af
ternoon who visited the office of the wa
ter coi iml.HHlon stated that he was glad
dosn' care. Yesterday he vigorously
clfic Bridge Company, again In town, and
was satisfied that gentleman would take
steps at once to push forward vigorously
the laying of the supply pipe for water
to Unlontown. He also said that doubt
less a much larger force of men would
he set to work cleaning the eight-Inch
pl, as It would be necessary to rush
that part of the work If Vet Astoria
was to have any water during the coming
I's Marshall's: You take rhmm on
tha others.
Try the finest tweet corn at UV can.
aeltlo Commission iv
Only fourteen lota left of our cheap
lorts In Adair's Astoria. K. 1 Boyle
A Co.
A new frying pan that eliminates the
possibility of the food horning Is a re
cently Invented boon for housekeeper.
Bargains for today. BaMns, JSc box,
guarantee! sweet sugar corn. UV can,
fancy butter S.V roll, Pacific Commission
The Maid of Oregon yesterday took '
on a lot of supplies at Koiu. MltiKlns A !
lV. I
The old Central Hotel restaurant will
be oivncxl In a few days by a new pro
prietor who has come down from Port
land. S. Farrell. David M. Clarkxon. K. Can
non. O. II. jacktcn, and Loyal II 8trn.
all of Portland, were at the Occident
It Is understood that Smith Brother,
the lawyers, will occupy one side of lr.
Kinney's new office building on Commer
cial street.
Don't blanw us If you don't get on i
of those cheap lots In Adair's AstorU. i
R. I- Boyle A Co. I
A touch of black In piping or braldlrg !
gives to light summer costume a dU- ,
tlnotly Frenchy character.
Do you want to lease a cheap piece of
property suitable for offices or small
store In the best location In the city? R.
U Boyls Co.
A very large shipment, consisting of
some fifty barrels f salmon oil, will be
made by Ross, Higgltuj A Co. on the
steamer Blanchard.
Many people took the cars yesterday
and vtslted Boyle's block In Adair's Ad
dltion where lota wer selling al cheap
prices like hot cakes.
Ws are not afraid to show our lota In
Adair's Astoria. They are th best lota
offered in the past ten years for the
money. R. L. Boy!. A Co,
The elght-lnck water pip taken from
the old pips line and which will be uaM
for supplying L'nlontown. was yesterday
being cleaned and re-dlpped.
James Thompson, of North Shore. Wm.
Hoeck. and H. P. Anderson, of Gray s
River, and Thos. A. Irving, of Cathlam t,
were visitors In ths city yesterday.
August Danlelson entertained a number
of visitors yesterday by showing them
through his well kpt stock room. Ther
Is only one key to this room, and this Is
kept In Mr. lanlelon'a pocket.
Messrs. Hllirreen Brothers nd Charles
Ashton, of Bandon, are in the city on a
business trip. They have many frttnds
her who were glad to welcome them
Mr. James Stok's, who Is now visiting
his father in Berkley, Cal., tel. graphed
yesterday to Messrs. P. A. and Frank
Stokes, that their father was lying at
the point of death. The men left
on last night's steamer for California
It is only about one woman In trn
who opens an enveioins with either scis
sors or raper cutter. A ragxe.1 tear ti-at
carries a:' a portion of the wrltt'n
ma, r lt;siue is the general feminine for
mula. Corey Brothers have completed the
moving of Camp No. 1 to Tonsil.. Tolnt.
The rails and dump cars have been re
moved from old Camp No. 1 to the
new location, and work has commenced
on the cut across the Tongue
The street car bridge at the corner of
Eighteenth and Commercial streets was
yesterday undergoing repairs. A break
had to be made in the track which n ces
sltated transferring passengers ail day.
The bridge will probably be completed
Captain Hanthorn, of the Ida Haiel,
contemplates taking a number of his
friends on a trip to the railroad camps
Sunday If the weather Is good. He Is
not ashamed to exhibit his smart little
yacht since she has been thoroughly
overhauled and re-palnted.
Commercial street was yesterday
cleansed of a foot of filth more or leas
which has been lying on the north side
of the street between Twelfth and Four
fenth for probably many years. One
can now cross the street in that block
without wading knee deep In mud.
Captain John Llnde, who was over
from North Shore yesterday, said that
he and his neighbor were preparing for
a lively fishing season. Prospects, he
thinks, are good for a large business
this season, and consequently everybody
in his section is feeling good.
Steamer Harrison Is. loading a very
large consignment of cann'ry machinery
for the packing houses at Anacortes. She
will sail 8unday morning, weather per
mitting. Upon her return from this trip
another load of cannery machinery will
be taken on at the Astoria Iron Works
for the same point
Fisher Brothers received yesterday
from New York via the Panama route,
five large casks of malleable Iron row
locks, blocks, cleats, etc. The whole
shipment probably weighed two tons,
and Is one of the few consignments coin
ing by the way of Panama to this city.
Any one who has not visited Uppertown
for some time past will be repaid by a
trip there now. Th. treses yesterday
were leaving out, the fruit trees are In
blossom, and every lawn Is dotted with
early spring flowers. Yellow and gren
are the prevailing colors, and the many
hills decorated with wild flowers and
green grass, make a beautiful back
ground to Astoria's handsome suburb.
Highest Honor World's Fair,
0!d Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
The Great Financier Found Health in
Paine's Celery Compound.
Prominent among the New I.ngland
men whose brains ami energy have
helped to make th. Western state rich
and powerful Is General David T Reals,
president of the Union National bank,
of Kansas City. Successful In hi many
enterprises, he Urea today tn a tin man
sion at th comer of Independence and
Wabash avenues.
Th. work and th responsibility ln
cumbent on th president of so Important
a banking Institution as the 1'nlon Na
tional would endanger the sturdiest
h'alth. General BealeV clear-hcadrd-ness
and good sense were a manifest
In the choice of a remedy as In his busi
ness enterprises. He strengthened his
tired nervous system by th us of
Paln'a celery comiound. It Invigorat
ing, hmlth-glvtng effects Jti.llll d his ex
pectations, sntl showed In his own case
the remarkable power of this much dis
cussed for thoroughly r'st.rltg
and strengthening the "run-down" sys
tem. "I found Paine's cvtery compound an
agromhli tonic and soothing to the" says General Heals.
Th-iM ar the concise words of com
n'endutlon characteristic of the couera
tlve business man and th Influential
banker, who has Irarntd to w.igh s II
his wonls.
The scanty sunllKht and the stanunt.
ucd-up air of living room during the
winter reduce ttu air'ngth aiul n rvou
energy. ep,-lally of eron employed
M. E. Church-Morning theme. ' Th
N'. w Cr.xitlnn. or Christ's Vl.-toilaus C. l
lratlnir Palm Sunday. ' Evening. "A
Lesson from Israel's Wanderings." .Morn
ing class me ting at H Evening class
tt SI. Kpwnrth Ugm. meets at 6 .
strnngTs cordially Invited.
There will be servtcts In th- Uerman
langunse at the Congregational church
on Sunday afternoon at 1 conducted
by Kev. O. J Brhmld.
At the Baptist Church-PrnchlhK
mornlnft and evening. Morning subject,
"Th Three Kingdoms." Evening sub
ject, "Christ passive and active " Bun
day school at 12.13 and B. Y. 1'. I'. at
) p. m. Prayer m eting at 7 Si in
Wednesday evening. You are Invited to
worship with us.
All nersons sre hereby notified not to
trust my wife, Bessie Marsh, a I will
not I responsible for any debts she I
may contract without my wrlit n onpr.
Astoria, Oregon, March 25th, lMsl.
FOR RENT NIc rooms, over C. B.
Smith's candy store. Inquire of Alex
The Republican primaries for I'ls
and Clarke precinct will be held at ihe
Chadwell school house, Pat unlay. March
28, at 2 o'clock p. m., sharp.
Central Committee.
"This." said the mother, in her best
instructive voice, as she guided the child
through the museum, "this Is a praying
machine used by the benighted healhen."
"I don't think that la half as nice as
having your praying done by the preach
er, like we do, do you, mamma?" asked
the small girl. Indianapolis Journal.
ROYAL Baking Powder
baa been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
Emperor William of Germany ha been
a blight to the aristocratic society of
Berlin. His arbitrary manners have ltd
to quarrels with many of the society
leaders of the German capital, and the
court circle has b-en narrowed by the
withdrawal of prominent members who
could not get on with their autocratlo
Overcoats and winter wraps will be In
fashion. They can be discarded, tempor
arlly while traveling In the stenm-heated
trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St
Paul Railway. For solid eomf)rt, for
speed and for safety, no other line can
compare with this great railway of the
weak m
Victim of Lost Manhood fthould Henri at
rn e lor a ixwtk
thntcxrilairm huvr
full manly vivor
in eft!-1 1 y, quickly
and jM-rmfiiiintl
retort I. No num
nu rrurl nu from can ' f
foid Utfywmt tM 1
timely ad vi:.
IlKtk telln Imw
'full Htrcnulh. il-v
ToloTrment and tone are Imparted to every
portion of tlie body. 8; tit with powif.ive
proofs (sailed) free to any man on application.
constantly Indoors Th need-(he ab
solute necessity of a genulna Invlgor
ator al this spring aun has Impress',
Itself on th attention of ail thinking
In th famous laboratory of Dartmouth
Medical School, ITof. Kdward K. I'hlpa.
M IV. l.U !.. discovered th formula ot
Paine's celery compound, a remedy lhal
has heoom th atandard ntv restorer,
blood purifier aiul strengthenor from one
end of th country to th other, a
preparation that stands unrivaled as Ih
medicine that makes peoplf well.
It Is a fact much commented upon
that men ami women of national reputa
tion. Ilk Urn. Heals, State Tr. as. Colvln
i of New York, Mr. Carlisle's prlat 0-
retary. Mayor Mcrlhan of Montreal,
Kev. Kr Ouellet, Cum. Unwell. rx-Min
Ister tn Austria John M. r'rancl., and a
host of oth.r who ar careful what they
etrploy when sl. k. and have tho amplest
opnrturiltl f..r fin. ling out what I tst.
h.ive of their own .ord tint letters
describing fully ihelr pcrmanonl ranir.
ry from rheumatism. hirt wrakneas,
slfepl-Ksnc, .lability, kidney trouble,
iu. I d!cii.i of tlm stomach and llvor.
In all thewe case ralne'a celery coni
1h und was the one remey that was able
to complet.'ly and permanently bring
back h'nllh, muke p,nr Wtcl again rich
and pure, and regulate and build up tho
nervous sy.t.-m wh-n weaken.-.! and de-
Second liMiillnu-nt of IS'lii Willi 1
I'n pc i s, a 11 J More to Come. j
1 Parties who are desirous of securing !
th lutrst patrrns and designs In
wall paper should call on 1.'. M. Cut- j
birth, who lias Just reclvrd his second !
Installment from the East A third I
now on the way. Mr. Cuttilrth claims
he has the best Selected stock In the
city, and It will be sold at lower prices
than prevail elsewhere. The stor oc
cupied by Mr. Cutblrlh Is spacious and
' well lighted giving the purrhaaer a fair
; chance to eiamlne his gmnts. Bear In
1 mind that this stock Is all new and up
to date. Opposite pustufflre, on wiai
' side.
Sea voyag are usually do med promo
tive of health. Ho they are In most cast.
But It may be doubted If the shaking up
alioard ship, which most people of very
fragile constitution and weak n.TVea get,
la ont prejudicial In it effects If nut
HVTI.-.1 or nullified by a medicinal safe
guard. Tha best, If wn are lo believe the
testimony of ocean traveller, whether
th.-y go abroad for health, pleasure or
business, a Hosteller's Htomach Bitters.
Invalids, commercial travelers, sea cap
tains, and yachtsmen concur In recom
mending Ihla fin defensive tonic. So
do emigrant to th frontier, th Inhab
itants of malarious r'glun, and all who
are exposed to hardship or rigor of cli
mate. For malarial, rheumatic, or kid
ney trouble, nervousness, dyspepsls, liver
complaint, and constipation, It Is emi
nently efficacious, and commended by the
medical fraternity far and near.
Having removed tn Bond street next door
to Jerrrf'a restaurant, 1 respectfully In
vite my friends and Others In need of
good, honest footwear, to call on m In
the new place. New work as well as re
pairing. Good workmanship and live and
let llvs prices. 8. A. OlMRE.
A twister In twisting
May twist him a twist.
For In twisting a twist
Three twists make a twist;
Hut K one of the twists
Untwists from th. twist,
Ths twist untwisting
Untwists th. twist.
That Is. when It's twisted with any
other twine than MARSHALL'S.
We're no stopping ths sel
ling of those boys' tl.GO shoes
for 11.28. The course has opened
as we' vs. got along, and now
they're selling without much
To People Wanting Homes
On the Hinman Tract
Good Resld ence L,ott ICqhv of Access
Compnroiivcly Level
And only five blocks west of the Post Office Square, will be sold at low prices and on easy terms for a short time only
W. R. SMITH, Manager
Headquarters at Smith Bros.' Law Office.
A Large Selected Stock of
Also a Choke Stock of
Twentieth St.
48a Bond Street.
. I Kl i:.MAN, 11 ol t'rwsssa A rl.isi. ..
Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers.
and Brass Costing.
Welch alnt W heel. Ship Smithing and Steamboat Work,
Cannery and Hill Machinery, Matin and Stationary
Boiler UuHt to Order
irSpe;Ully cjulpprd for IpgHer' W'otk. LovatrJ on 18th ami Ftinklln (Scow
B.1V FounJry). Phone 78. CorrespunJrni solicit J.
Tho Klnlsyson Shipping and Commis
sion Agency are no longer agent for
th North Pacific S. S. Co, and not
authorised to r.-lv ur deliver fr ight,
or collect frAight chatges for sccount of
this company.
On and fbr April Ut steamer Alice
lllaiiclmrd and Kmplr will tolitlutl to
land st Main stivei wharl as heretofore
t-'or rates and spar call at wharf or ad
dree I'. K, .In i'luii. V. A M , IVrtland,
Men buyer are coming In
from every part of the city shoes.. And no wonder!
Those shoes w pric st U they
think ought to Im W
I k'resh Million: office Chief Com
missary. Vancouver Barracks, Wash,
March Vx Ivl. Mealed proposals In tilp
II. ate will lw nveived her are I at office
of mmlsarta at following named
pouts, tfor fresh bef and fresh mutton
to l.e delivered al that post only), until
13 o'clock, noon. Friday. April U. I'S.
then opened, for furnishing and delivery
to Hubslstrnr. Department, I'. S. Army,
tli freah bef and fresh mutton railed for
by lb Commissary of post lo h sup
plhsl during six months, and also -p-arate
prntmsala for year, commenting
July 1, K;: BolM Barracks and Fori
riberman, Idaho; Forts Canby, ripokann.
Walla Walla, and Vancouver Barrack,
Wash. Fresh beef sliull ba good 111 qual
ity and condition fit for Immediate use,
and from for. an.l hind quarter meals
proportionally. Including all best cuts
thereof. Freh mutton shall b of good,
fat and marketahl. quality, from wthers
owr on and under three years old. Iteef
and mutton to be dressed and trimmed
and delivered a prescribed In circular of
Instructions to bidders. Proposals will
ba also received slating price at which
bld.bT will deliver fresh bef or .nutton
of character abov slated, and to hJ de
livered of temiierature not greater than
fill itogreies Fahrenheit. Oovernm. nl re
serve the right to reject the whole or any
part of any or all bids. Full Information
furnished here, or by Commlsssry al ths
several posts. Envelope containing pro
posals should b msrked "Proposals for
Fresh Beef for Mutton) at ," and
addressed to undersigned or to Commis
sary at post lo le supplied. W. II. Nash
Maj., C. 8.
C.rtalnly you do and of oours
you hav. laundry work dona.
Avoid all danger of Chines
disease and uncleanltness by
having your work dons by
whit, people.
Will be returned from ths
Astoria Steam Laundry a
purs and clean as though Just
new. Calls mad for cloth
ing, and delivered fre of
RICHMOND & ROSS, Proprietors.
J. P. HOLLOWMAN, Manager.
Corner of Ninth and Aator streets, op
posite the Parker House. Charges rea
sonable and special weekly rates for
iintl McKee Ave.
Im hituutoil on tlio Hoiith hido ol Ab
toriiiV liilla
Twenty ilcri't'H viiniitT and vqjrtii
tion thirty lavH in mlvaiico of tho North
Magnillci'iit niter ftr riHiilfiirt's, (vt'r
lookinj; river ami hay, wunny aiul kIu'1-ttn-.l.
Kiisy aiul natural gradert; little or no
gnulinj; nm unary.
H. T. 11AKI.I1, si ttKklaa, Cal.
General Blacksmith Work.
RICHARD A. McCUnDY Pwrsiotxr
For th yser .nillng IWmber 31 1I9S
i.t. . . . ii.i.:i i
l.l.blllll IBI.SI 1,111
K.rpls. j. , I
T.t.l l.ees.. .... t S,iu;,t30 il
Tots! I'.U r..llri.heldrr. Is
issi . . . . . m,ii,: a
In.srsne. sad AHssltl,. In .... S5.0!I,I4S 7
J.t ls la lsJ . 0l.oi;.UI
V .-. tn.i rne... Bt.f.l. ..,. i.
tt s. . M.O.ineiil . "U. cti.l.-.hi.f, !
ml, hi... n. .,(...!., ittue.1 .n.l I I". U
is.K I. tn.
I r... r ...mined ll. f.'crf. In( li.l
MM snrl fiit.l Ih. MHi. tn Irf cntret t
li. .IS. A. I ..II.S An.lllra-
Ftesn 111. Surplu. . dKlJen l .ill b. .pp..inad
al ii.i.l
Report ol the l:xmlnlng Commltte
OAcs l Th Muni.l I If. C.mpuiy
ol New Vuih
FtUiisry li, liS
At S swells; ( lli tset .' Tru.iee. o( ihl
Conpssr. held " ts ''" '. U IsnsmUf Is",
th. .sil.ned Cemsihle la
MM IS. ssniial MSMM.M ! In
l.fltlll l, IM. S""! '" "h " B
rnsiiariMMi iih id. sseu ol lb C'snpany
Ih. to. mine. Kav. csrefidly psrlessied ih
duly .Mli-nrd l. tl.rm, ni hereby nitily ikal
th. .1. la In .11 par'k'uUn own! slid lll
lb. sun sptUid therein si I puliswlns of th.
In Slaking lhl rmlnr.t ik. Comnlne bear
tttlimanr la th. hi(ll chuselsr ol ill. In.cMsitut
ol ih. Compssy ami a.preu ihelr appnivd of Ih
syticm, oid.r, and struts, y ith shl.h ih o
counit and voucli.rt h.. beta kepi, sad Ih.
buuo.H la general ItmnMcltd,
(im H 0. m Sraf Mowsr Oosast
Cms. N. Misotlios Ws P Duns
Jsall a Hacaw 4. rl. H.cs
Waits B. Cii lsth
Imu K, l.inyi.
yail.isir t'.oMwsi.i.
Jlhosv McClistuis
( erssrsl M ft. ft. if
ml VkIWdnl
Cor. T.nth and Band Alrssts.
It h.t Brands ol w
Th famou tlambrlnu Beer
Always on Tap. . . ,
473 Commercial St., - - Astoria, Ore.
... i.V. . -i