The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 28, 1896, Image 3

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    TIM DAILY ASTOltUX, aHTOiIIA, nATl'ItlUY MOUNINU, jlAi.CH 211, lii'A
l rrb . .. winn
for Infante and Children.
MOTHERS, Do You Know that ParrfriCt
HalMiiaii'l limp,, Oodfiey's tonllal, many aiM-slIrd Houthlng llynipe, aud
wal leaudlat fur chlldrsn an cuiiiacil of opium or norphlnaf-
Vm Know thai opium sndaiorplilnesreelupafyliig narrate poteoaaf
! Vent Know thai In asuet cuuntrlssdiuiglslssis not peiuillted to nil nalOjtWa
wUImmU latarllaa; tluaa puUoo, 1
Yam Know that yon should nut partnll any medldne to ba girts your child
atese you uc your pliyalvlaa knuw of what ll la composed t
t9 Vn Know thai Caatorla la 1 puitly preparation, and thai lUt of
lu laaredltuls la pukliahed wllh awy Mllcr
tn Tom Know lhal Caalutla la Ihr praerrlptliMi of the famuue Dr. Samuel pitcher.
Teat II ha baa a In uaa fur nearly thirty yeeie, and lhal niurs Caelotla la now euld than
a all othet rtmedlea fur rhllditn combined 1
to Von Know lhal lha I'alrnl onVa Department uf lha United SUUe. aud of
(her cuunliln, ham ImiwI sarltiales ilahl lo In. rluher acid hla aaalgna lo uaa lb vwd
t'aalorla) " and lla (urmula. and thai la Initiate thani la a alala prison ofTeuet t
Ho Ynn Know lhal one uf lha reeaoo for graining Ihla government prutactlua
wet lraueCaioiia had been pima lobs atMolutrty harmless 7
to Vow Know lhal JJ Average doaca of Caatoila ai furnlahcd fur J)
canla, or ouacrul a to)
Ho Von U now thai when pneeraerdof Ibla pel fed plrparelloo, your chlldien may
b krpl wall, and lhal ia may have uubrokrn teal f
Writ, thr lhln aia worth knowing. They aft facta.
Tha fuc-ai
re nf
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
flow Look Here;
When You Buy MARSHALL'S Twine
in This City, You Don't Oct a PIjc In
a Pokc.You IK)k at the Goods, Un
ravel Them, Put the Strands in a
Special Testing Machine, and See
for Yourself What the Stuff Will
run BEST
The Right Twine to Buy
f l-J m V fMnMo id rur tvll l Ilium M VmI Mmmmrv
NI fJU V ' "StaWI my eyftv - VTTK fMlinil eMTir tirtMMln ke aaf 8M tA tMtaB
.JB1 1 aLJ m MitriMlaBiB h.vta tNl tm Innrwiliv fmmimtmm m Im-8.ii ft
rfrial ft tee rh 11 feaf ba.k I f U Mil "-iwi-el '"fu'r
ro't tit m irt
) li , hi 'u,
h r-.lta llf tnJ
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Aatorla and Upper Attune
l la, Taa, and Cof?ei, Tat-le Dlli Doatatlc
and roirkal I rull,. Vn,utl. Sugar
Lue4 Ham,. Haiun. Lie.
Choke Fresh and Salt Meats.
Pew Hen Would Ask !
for a Finer Dinner
than Ihoao we arrve. Wo' re trying In
every way to make them the moat en
joyable In town. All Ihe "good thing,"
if lha aeaaon cooked by our excellent
cook -In tho moat dellcloua atyle. l'er
feot aervlre.
If you Invito n frb'nd In Ihe 1'alnce
HiMluuiniit the plnce la a aulhVli'iit gimr
nnleo Ihut lie will receive good m. al.
The Palace Restaurant
Snap A iodok
at any innn rumliiK mil ol
our aiora mid you'll iti'l
purtrall ol a man brimming
over with pleaaitnt IHouKliK.
Kuril itiallly In Ihe llquora
we Imve pMilT.-r HrceiiciiiKli lo
Con?e and Try Them
It is the
direct line
Tho dlfferonco
tho llurllngton
other 11 nee to
and all
Kansas City and St. Loula
la the tllfferfnco between a
OlriH-t linn and a line that
Isn't direct.
Tho Ilurllnglon Is the
direct line.
It Is from CO to .128 mil s
miles shorter than any
other routo to tho south
ivnd soulhciiHt. Time mid
aorvlne nro corresponding
ly satisfactory.
Tickets and limn tublaa
on application lo Ihe local
ticket Mgotit or by address
ing A. C. BIUOI.DUN, O. A..
Portland, Or.
o . (Mm. i
' I on every
Just a JIoment
tit Ak Tar H. lalk
rrl PV4- Ur lt
TUIhltl tHAV i7v1
J W CONN, Atonl. At.ri.
li. ricNEIL, kecelver.
Given Choice
Jmo Transcontinental
St. Tiiul.
Omahu or
St. rani
r-uiimain ana lounat olOMwera
Free Reollnlng Ohulra cnr.
Astoria to San Francisco,
Stalo of California, Thursday, March 15.
Jueen, Tuesday, March 21.
Slate, Sunday, Murch W. .
Queen, Friday, Aurll I.
Sutf, Wednesday, April 8.
Columbia, Monday, April 13.
Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
The I. It. ThomiMion will leavo Aslorla
at 7 p. m. dally except Sunday; lonve
Portland at 7 a. m. dally, except Sunday.
The Steamer Lurtlne will leave Aatorla
at :46 a. m. dally, except Sunday; leave
Portland at I p. m. dally, except Satur
day. For rates and general information call
on or addrcaa
Oon. Pa. Art. Portland. Or.
Oentlemon: I huve always reconi
uteiidud Kru use's llcudHi-ne Capsules
whurever I have hud a chance. They
have proven a veritable boon In my
family against any find all kinds of
headache. Yours truly,
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For sale by Chas. Kogers, Astoria,
Oregon, Bole agent. . a.
LL fun ll o
II ..... aura relief Inf
II . . " "
' innus, gm in
Dk a in Mind-Not on of
t Ion a la at Hood a tlm (yriiunu,
Tide Table for
DATK. j A.M. j; . P.M. !'
ih. 111. I ft. 1 h. 111 ! ft li. in. I ft. i h. tii. I ft.
hl'NIMV J 1 t w U.t ai7i. m 1.1 11 & H !il 0.2
MuniUv : 2 I 2 41 .l S lift . M.2 U II. H 1)07 1.0
Tii....l'v Hi 3 22 II 2 4 mi 7.4 11 M H2 ll 44 I.H
WwliH-iiUy d 4 id . I B 00 ll. fl , KIM 0 2 lo . 2.B
TlmraiUy ' ft I 4 Wi K.h H 10 ' ft H II fiH (ID 1117 3 6
Kri.lnv C ! 6 44 H.5 7 41 & , 1 13 0 4
Huliir.lny 7 (147 H.I ! II J ; 6 0 Itt 4 2 2 0 4
HI NDAY H i H imi 7.11 , 10 'A'i l 0.0 2 21 4.U 8Wi0.1
M.Midny 0 li in 7 ll i II II 7 8 4.'. 8 11 4 8.1 j 0 0
Tiifxlay III In 1.1 H.n j 11 W) 7.2 4 47 8.5 ft Ifi -0 1
Wnlm-acUy ill (I7 M.O I ft :1 8 0 ft ft4 Oil
TlmriHlay 1'.' 02'l7lllftl HO ll U 2 5 2l j 0.2
Friday 18 0 4 7 0 30 I 7.K C f4 2 0 ll 54 1 0 li
ht.liir.lny 14 1 HI H I 1 04 7 fi Tl't 15 7 10 ' 0.H
M NHAV 15 8:' 8.3' 1 :iM ! 7 ft 7 47 1 8 7 41 1 2
Mumliiy M 1 ftH H.4 2 12 7.1 K 17 1.1 M 05 1ft
Twaduy 17 2 2i H 4 8.Vl;U 8 47 0.! 8 21 2.0
Wmliiwuln)- i H 2 ft' K.ft 3 XI ,3 9 24 0.8 851 2 8
Tlmrwliiv I ' 3 2 M.ft : 4 20 ft 0 10 IMI (18 11 'fft 2 II
Iri.Uy 20 I 4 I Hi H i ft M ft. 7 10 57 i 0 Si In lift 8.2
Hnlur-liir 21 4 ftl Hi- (I 84 6.4! 0 KM 0 ll 11 02 3.0
SfNI'AY 22 ft 54 MO. 7 67 6 7 ! 1 17 I 0.8
M.iii.Uv 23 i 7 tf, 7.8 i 012:6 8 i 0 at 4.1 2 82 0.5
l n...,lv 24 1 8 24 ! 7.'J 10 07 i 0 7 i 2 27 3 H j :j 37 0 2
V..ln.ilv 25 I II 8i H 2 10 62 ; 7.4 ! 3 4'i 3.2 ' 4 :.l I
TlmraiUy ' 20 I 10 81 , H ft 11 84 S O j 4 48 2.8 i 5 17 -0 2
Kii.lnv 27 ! II 35 j H.7 j 1 1 ft 40 J.4i film -0.1
iSntiinlnv 28 j II 12 ; H 7 ,1 0 27)8 7 0 24 0 5' 1140 II li
SI MMY 2UI 0 6118 8! lllliH.H) 7 OH On. T'il 05
Mmii.Iuv II ! 1 27 1 11.2 i! 2 00 1 H 4 ! 65 0 II j. 8 iri 11
TurmU'v 81 : 2 IH1 I 11.3 I 2 65 1 7.8 I K 4.1 0 7 I 8 42 1 7
Notes Pkkel Up Alon? the Water
Front Yesterday.
l'iiK''l Htmixl. U nnliliiKl'Xi.
N.ill.n la h.-rrliy HiaI lh
witmlah ll'fcil ImII tiiKiy. (mlnird rt
I i.i
. haa
I. -in. rr.ljl In Ha oll Ixvrliur loul onn
iuarlnr lulln to lli northwmlaarO of
iMjwafitlali Head, aouth aldn of IIim entrant-
lo 8mMln harlwr.
Thla imilro airiDa tlm 1. 1,1 of Itaaoona
aixt Huoya, I'aiiflr I'inuI. 1. 'o L
lly unlnr of Ihn I.lKlithnuao Hoard
f'ommanilrr I'. 8. Navy,
Inapri'tur Tlilrienth L.lirlitl)OUaa Dlairlct.
Thp I.")r ronialna lha following ac
count of llmt (ukn Uil.T.k alory:
V"IT Kiually, an Indian who imtrh a
nh In ihr lay and arlla them lo tlio
North I'arlllr Klh t'omiNiny, uni-arlhrd
a aiaatlon Thurialay and laulilled tnio
Ihertty wlih It yratmlay. Whll alk
li alonr the aaruly Urh of llrown'a
nlnt ha found a liottlo. tlirtilly a. .-1.
iontalnln( the following harrow ins note:
Runday. January 1. 1
"Wft lha rrew of Ihe Hrlllah lrk
fValovan. are adrift In mid-ocean with
no prnvlnlona or water; In all prolmMllty
we will lie loal. !od hrlji u. The
nmlrc will pleaae reiMirt nams to Halfour,
ilulhrle A fo , Han Kranruro.
-8TKVK OIKINKN. l!ontwtUn."
Hqually toaai-d the bottle away, but
brouirht the paper to the Hah romiuiny.
where Dm runner waa lookeil uiwn a a
"Joeh." Ilnrliornmater I'lllt doe not le-
llfve tbrre la am-h a eafiel aa the fodo
van. Ilitlfoiir. (iulhrV ft Co. r iiirtet
it evenlnir that ilo-y bad no aurh luirk
on the way to Han iranrlaro and did
not know of nny veaael by that nume.
It la rrna.iufil that If the note wan ic-nu-
liv It rould hnrdly have niaile aurh Kood
time a Ita date would Indicate. All
who auw the note believe II waa written
by a prni lcal Joker.
The men on III bark Oregon, which
bad lo put In here In dlatreea Inat Sunday
morning, nay Ihey were half Marved dur
ing the voyage from Jiinln lo Kan Fran-
rlaio. Captnln 1'aiker aaya th-'re la not
a wont of truth In their atntcment. and
Hint there la etlll plenty of food aboanl
and enmiKh lobacco to laat a no; her voy
age. The entire rrew. Including Ihe
llrwt mate, left the vreeol na toon on ehe
came to an anchor. They a.y that In
onlcr to r.ah port Ihey had to guar
antee li n extra 4i'. to the towhoul b.
fore a hawacr waa put aboard The
agent of the Oregon cnlla (tie en w of
the hurk a chronic art of klckera, and
anya Ihey do not know when Ihey are
well off. Mate Flutter, who waa former
ly innnter of the bark Ophlr, la the moat
oinapoken of the crew. "1 wjn'i going
to may out there and atarve." en Id he.
ynnlerday. "When the maater refused
a tow 1 pok up and the mti Joined In.
We called the tug hack and finally
reached San Francisco. It la the laet
trip I will ever miike In Ihe Oregon."
A lHt nice w hich rxcllixl consld-mble
Inter.wt In ahlinilng circles Imik place on
Sunday afternoon In Siiimnllto bay, says
in. nan r rnncmco ivinmerolaJ News and
Shipping Mat. The crews of ships laid
tip have a nomfwhnt dreary time, and a
Utile change ninl exclli-mi nt Is gladly
welconifd by those on board. The cliap-
For Skin Tortured
An1 TTifrt(l
In One
Application of
A warm bath with CUTICURA
SOAP, and a single application of
CUTICURA, the great Skin Cure,
will afford instant relief, permit rest
and sleep, and point to a speedy,
economical, and permanent cure of
the most distressing of itching, burn
ing, bleeding.scaly.and crusted skin
and scalp diseases, after physicians,
hospitals, and all other methods fail.
Cuticura Works Wonders, and
its cures of torturing, disfiguring,
humiliating humors are the most
wonderful ever recorded.
Cmcrn Ranroia, are aeld throughout the
world. I'ottes Ilium ami Oir.M.Ooar., Solo
Proprietors, llixlon, ll, B. A.
"All about the lllood ,BUn, Sralp, and t!ulr" frea,
PIMI'l.KM, blarklicndu, red and oily akin pre
I I III vented anil cured by Cl'Tloiini 8ojp.
Ll In a single
nnlllS In th back . ld, CllCSt, Of ,1
iht boit of counterfeit! and lm;!a-
flarch, 1896.
! lain of the H'm-n'a Inilltule. havlnc ob
talne.1 tha curutriit of the captalna for
' tha raiw. made th m-iiry arranir -rni-nta
aixl obtained prUea for the win
nlnir toaia. 1'be rourwi waa about two
. nOI" In lonirth. rtnUhlna abreast of th
i llrltlah ahlp Kllmriiy. At 4 ) p. m, the
; iMKita from tha Hrttlnh rhtpa CralK'-nd,
Wyniiaiay, llyderalmd, Hahnemann,
' IXnnballvmore and Kllni'-ny were atarl
e.1 by Mr. Cirtrn, chb'f offli-w of Ihe
llnhnemnnn. An excelicrit rare eruiued.
Kllineny and U'ynnatay drew atlKhtly
ahead, with llydi-ralal and Cralrnd
neit. A keen race to tli' vi-ry end waa
made for Itrat place, but Kllmi-ny pluck
, lly k"ji the lead and won by a few
yarda. Wynnatay oetrur. a-yvmd, while
llyderalavd came In third and CralK'-nd
: fourth. II ahould b monuonel that a
! Ilarlit foul between Hahnemann and
i KdenlaUlymore waa probably the cauae of
I heir being last. Great anthualaam waa
. ahown on the ahlpa aa the boat pulled
' up to Ihe (Inlah. Ity kind permlealon of
Taptaln Newaon, who mom liomdiably
plairvl hla ahlp at the dlapoeal of vlaltnra,
tha rrewa of the varloua boata rame to
the Hahnemann after the rae, where
Mra Iywthwalf. of the Ci-ala-nd. kind
ly dlairlbiited th prlaea Mr. Wood
and Mr. Kraaer, chief officer of the Kd n
ballymore. officiated aa judae and refere
and the whole proetedlna; paaaed oft
I wltlwul a bitch.
A force of men la employed at Btef
fen'a yard, bending the huge ankle Iron!
for the rtba of the new itovernmnl IlKht
ahlp. aaya the Dreronlan. Aa thla I,
Ihe Out Iron-framed veeael ever built
In Portland, apeclal appliance wire re
qulreil for hendlnir the Iron and for rivet
ing the framework together. The kel
la of Oregon nr. and la already laid, but
Ihe Ironwork will not for nome tlm be
ready to be placed In poeltton to aecur
the ehell. The llgbtahlp will ! alatloned
at I matllla ref, off Cape Flattery.
The trim llltle ach doner Maid of Or
leana arrlvd In from Ban Francisco yea-
ternay. and livkel at lluetler'a wharf.
wh.Te ahe dlK-hanred tona of ballaet.
Hhe had a fair trip up from the. cltv.
Tha achoon-r la chartered to load lumber
for California.
Captain Farenholt. IlL-hlhouse Inaneolor.
haa gone to the Sound to Join th tender
Columbine, which wnt iiroim.1 under
temporary command of Captain Oregory,
and lo make a rvh'ulnr Inapectlon trip to
the various atatlona on the Sound.
The I.otila will load feet of lum
lnr at Skamokawa for Shanghai. This
will he the flrat cargo of the kind ever
ehlppe,! from the Columbia river to
The Cockermouth, 1I9T tona, now on
Puget Sound, has been chartered to
load lumber for Mollendo. at w. The
Khora-iln. IH.15 Ions, has ben charterixt
to load lumlier on the Sound for Valpa
raiso. The Howena. from Aslorla for Queena
lown. was aoken February 12, In S
aouth. SS 'eat.
The O-wge Curtly which nailed from
Aatorla November 6. for Harron. was
reported at Fleetwood March 22.
Th lorron will tlnish loading lumbT
nt Mtamokawa today.
I lie Marian I.lghtbody has finished
loading her wheat rnrgo In Portland.
The steamship Chlttngong sallwl from
nongKong .Murch 18 for this port.
The Hceswlng arrived at Cork March
i mm mis port. ne carried: a cargo
oi wnoni.
The barkentltie Omega arrived In vej
torday to lond lumber at Knappton for
r nn-uin n ue, Australia.
I "Ciod gave us nit at, but tho devil s nt
' us cooks." Is a trite saying. From Iwd
i cooking, fast eating, and overeating,
! comes a w hole train of diseas e tndigi s
I Hon, dyspepsia, biliousness, catarrh of
I the stomach, headache, dlnln-ss, and the
like, (tod also gave us a brainy man,
, who compounded the "Uolden MiiUcal
I Discovery." a corrective of nil the Ills
resulting from overeating and bad blood.
Dr. Pierce, of HufTnlo. has furnished in
I the "Discovery," a great d -sldcratum in
America, where everybody are In such
a hurry lo make money thy huve no
time lo eat, and scarcely any time to
live. It Invigorates the liver, cleans s
the blood and tones up the system.
Delicate diseases of either sex, however
Induced, speedily ami permanently cured.
Hook of particulars 10 cents In stamps,
mailed sealed In plain envelope. Address,
World's Dlsiensnry Medical Association,
tW3 Main street, ltuffalo, N. Y.
rirother Jack (savagely) You'd better
drop that Tom Higby, Maud, lie's lit
tle better than a card-sharp. Maud
Why, Jack, how can you say thatt
Hrother Jack We played poker six hours
Inst night and quit even. Leslie's
A high liver wltn e. torpid liver will not
be a long liver. Correct the liver with
De Witt's Mttle Early Risers, llltle pills
that cure dyspepsia and constipation.
Chna. Kogers.
Why do not the confectioners keep Ihe
sort of candy Hint nppcalcd to us h.n
we wero children?
Mrs. L. n. Patton, Rockford. 111.,
writes: From personal experience I can
recommend DeWltt's Snrsaiiarllla, a cure
for Impure blood and general debility."
Chas. Rogers, Drucglst.
A Pain
An Ache
A Fear
A Discovery
The above words are only f-w In num
ber, but theytrll a startling alory. It la
the atory ot Ih man who aiiff -ra from
dlanaa'd kidneys and Impure blood. He
has hrn ailing for soma lime past. He
haa complain! of tired feeilnira, low spir
its, dlulnnM, constipation, dyapepala,
bad taatlng mouth, coatnl tongue. Ho
haa been troubled with pains In the back
and limbs, sb-k headaches. He (-Is
alarmed and al last discovers Hie cause
of thm distressing eymploms
Thla Is not the experience of one man
alone, ll Is the experience of thouaands
of people who today find thems'lvei In
a had state of health. They know they
are ailing; they feel the li-'e l of a rem
edy hut they know not what to take.
ll la for Jual such people that Warner's
Safe Cur Is specially preset lbd and rec
ommefwIM by nmlm-nt phlyiiclsns This
1 l-raue It la no ordinary rein'vly but
a aclt-niinc discovery of the high at nvr
It. It U not an rxperlmenl or a new
thing, but a timely remedy that has
stood the teat of years. It la the best
remly for people who auff'-r Irjm Ilvr
and kidney complaint and Impure blood.
There Is nothing like It for building up
the system and restoring the strength.
8-verity-two races Inhabit the world
and use Z.tfi different tongues. There
are about I.OuO religions.
The number of men and women li vry
msrly equal, the average longevity of
both aexea being only M years. About
one-third of the population dies before
the age of 17.
According to the most careful com
putation, only one person In lWl.uOo ot
both sexes attains the age of luO years,
snd six to seven In 1W the age of 0).
The total population of the earth Is
estimated at about l.KiO.Cttl.Oov souls, or
whom 36,211.000 die annually, an averag
of M.MS a day, 4,030 an hour, and (7
The annual number of births Is esti
mated st S6.TS2.0U0, sn average of 100.WO
a day, 4,94) a day and 70 a minute.
"There doesn't seem to be a great deal
of money In stories," remarked the
young man with lltrary aspirations.
' That's where you are palpably mis
taken," replied the architect "Just go
out and take a look at that seven-story
building I have been putting up." Wash
ington Star.
Fry your food in Cottolene
instead of lard and it will be
free from that greasiness and
"richness" so distressing to
dyspeptics ; the flavor will be
delicious instead of raucid,
and your food will you
good. Put it in a cold pan,
heating it with the pan.
Cottolene vaches the cook
ing point muvh quicker than
lard care shculd therefore
be taken not to overheat it.
Follow these instructions
you will never use lard ngv .in.
li.-nuin C.'tt.iWn his tr:-.d,'-mnk T.
l:t.t" aud ...r' .;J . , .,-,'...(
vn-d'A on vvirr tlu. Si. A. r..- tg
Tl' " K. FC'RaiK CGM.V'Y Si. Leu'v
.-ww lert, r 4.1 is.
Jiiuimuiiai: imninmLtim.'i.
North Pacific Bremery
Bohemian Lager Beer
Leave orders with J. L. Carlson at the
Sunnyslde Saloon or Louis Boentge at
the Cosmopolitan Saloon. All orders will
be promptly attended to.
lanainiasuisa.nnaiuiaii nil iimun uiina-rs '
if ill
13 now
printed in
'As v-e- uriuiL-u in JPStTJ'S' -W- h
BLUE, diagonally
:;:osj the OUTSIDE wrapper of every Loliie cf
i-ln-l r.nd (ivi h; V. ni;
) t:c:i.-:i cij)5.
? "" -rf..fn.el5la: ..JCHM
r -.c c
I Couples, hard up after an extended j
I honeymoon lour are frequently met in !
I Jowi-l-rn" establishments trying lo dla
ixnut of "duplicate" Wilding prrarnts.
Mra. Phielie Thomas, of Junction City,
III., was told by her doctors she had Con
sumption snd that there wss no hope for .
her, but two bonus Dr. King's New Lis-1
f .very ci,rop.ei"iy curd hT, nd aha aaya j
It saved bar life. Mr. Thomas Eggers, j
lit Florida street, Baa Francisco, suOVrtd
from a dreadful cold, approaching Con
sumption, triad without result everythlnf .
alae Chen bought one bottle of Dr. kU rig's
Near Dlacowy and In two weeks was
cured. He Is naturally Lbauetful. It Is
such results, of which thass are samples.
that prove tns worwarrui emcacy oi mis
nd:elns In Coughs and Colds. Free trial
bottle at Chas. Rogers' Drug tors, tit'
itar slse 10 nts and tl W.
A heliotrope cloth trimmed with er
mine Is very lovely at a reception, but
It la not half so pretty ss a mackintosh
under a dripping umbrella.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all la leavening
Btrength.V. . Oevsrasssat Kspsrt
Doesn't your heart ache for the bach
elor frlnd trying to think what to say
to hla chum's new baby.
KARL'S CI.OVEK ROOT, the great
lllood nur.fler, gives freshness and clear
ness to tha complexion and cures Con
silpstlon, 25 cts.. 60 cts II 00.
For sale by J. W. Conn.
Relan. who Is plsylnr In "Vlveura."
In Paris, haa aet the modes for the
feminine world this spring.
All the patent medicines advertised In
this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, snd toilet articles etc., can
I bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug rtore, opposite Occidental
Hotel. Astoria.
The Ardmore dances are among the
most enjoyable functions of the season.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Extremes meet in the Louis XV. hat
snd the twentieth century boot
Don't Invite disappointment by experi
menting. Depend upon One Minute
Cough Cure and you have Immediate re
lief. It cures croup. The only harmless
remedy thst produces Immediate results.
Chas. Rogers.
WslI psper Is shown In brocad-d ef
fects In solid colors lo b used In come
blnatton with floral dealgns.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
The Jack Ros. umbrella was so narad
because the maker's nam. Is John Roa.
Cuts Idea, Isn't It?
J. W. Pierce. Republic, lows, says: "l
have used One Minute Cough Cure In
my family and for myself, with results
so entirely satisfactory that I can hardly
find words to express myself as to lu
merits. I will never fail to recommend
II to others, on every occasion that
presents Itself." Chas. Kogers.
Many women are lightening their win
ter capes by adding ruffles ot chiffon to
Mra T. S. Hawkins, -Chattanooga,
Tenn.. aaya: "8hlloh's Vltallxer SAVED
MY LIFE.' I consider It the best rem
edy for a debilitated system I ever used."
For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble.
It excels. Price 75 cts.
For ssls by J. W. Conn.
If you want the baby to be quite up to
date buy It a pique coat and bonnet
Are You Goiiis: East?
Be sun and see thai your ticket
reads via
This la the
Ami all Points East aiid
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves
Ubuled Dining and Sleeping Car
Trains and Motto:
Have given this road a national reputa
tion. All classes of passengers carried
on the vestlbuled trains -without extra
charge. Ship your freight and travel
over this famous line. All agents have
Qen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt
its vvasmnguin St.. fortiana. or.
-.TnSSH:RS.aa n further riv-
i . It i:riUationj.
T 8olentl.1o Amerlaa
Titans aaangSJ.
ww inrnrmaxwaaiNirr HaistbuoS writ S3
MI NN a CXI, Ml BoDWr, haw
Nireaq f aer-lirlng palenta In AmerleSk
r very paten, taken out hr it la bronrhl b-fnra
tM pul.usbyaiiotioaglTaauaeofoaarseialliS)
gtitniiti: mxim
larxat etmlarien of any eHantlla parwrm
Worut SpUn.ll.llr lllutraud. to luf Illr'nS
aiaa atiml.l h wluiout Ik wee. It, (xia
KiriIJilalmonina AtdeMa, HvSrCi u.
ausaaas, act tUusdwa, Haw lark Cur;
MBAtsON Or ISqg-lSoA.
Tiaiee a Week
San Francisco
New Orleans
Over the Great
jj unset poute
Ieaving San Francisco
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tupoday, Xor. 5, 1895
Ths mot edopiatt, modern, elegantly
aquippad and perfectly arranged Vests
billed Transcontinental Train In America.
New Equipment, especially designed for
this senica.
Direct connection In New OrleaiM
or all Eastern points. Quick time.
Acts as trustee for corporations and in
dividuals. Tranasct a general banking business.
Interest paid on tlm. deposits.
..Vic President
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C H. Page. BenJ
Toung, A- . Reed, D. P. Tbompaon
W. K. Dement. Oust Holmes.
A Dassena-er train nn th m.l.-on jtn'
waukee and St. Paul Railway. No. . Its '
tanns are vjMriouiea, neater by steam,
and lighted by electricity, pach sleep,
car berth haa an T-w-i H .,ihn ,
Its dining cars are the best In the world,
and Its coaches are palaces on wheels. '
This great railway, connecting aa lt.
doea with all tmntfnnitnMtal ll s, c .
------ - i ui. i .... iu-a.a ou-
Paul and Omaha, assures to ths tarvellng '
puonc me oest servtcs known. Tickets
via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
Railway are on aale &, nil niim.i i i.j
offices to any point In the United Slatua -
or Lanaoa. r or maps, folders and other
Information, address. ". '.
J. W. CASEY. " Portlitid Or
Trav. Pass and Tkt, Agent. J. .
Portland, O:- '
SEASIDE . SfiWfulliIi.-
A eomnlete atnlr .r UmU. -. A 1 a' .
In the rough or dressed. Flooring,' r us-v
uk, ceiling, ana ail Kinds of fln!ht "
mouldlnes snd ahinu-iM. k...i... -
work done to order. Terms' reasonable '
and prices at bedrock. All orders -
promptly attended to. Ofllce and yard
mill. H. F. L. I.OiSA.N, Prop.
Seaside, Oregon. . . -
your blood, clear your eomplexlor,, 'rejru-' '
lain your noweis, ana liiaKl your bind
oledr as a bell. 25 cts.. 5u uta., and UJO.
Sold by J. W. Conn. . - .
Gentlemen: This Is to certify rtist I .
have ua.l Kraupp's Headache Cn'p 'ulesi .
with satisfactory results. I bought a .
box which cost me 2.c, snd onn capaule
cured m. of a dreadful, sick headache. p.
My wife and myself have both' used thi
medicine manufactured by the tfuriuatr"
Llchty M'f'g. Co., ami we ltTorumend -
thun to the public as being just what
they are. represented. . . . nf '
Respectnillr. '- ' ' ,i
P. HUTCHTEOfT. ''. .
. Ed fJazttte. P'unaanl J1I1K- !.." '
Twenty-tlve cenin, toe- snlo- by' Chas, '
Rogers Astoria, Or., sole agent. .- '..
Captain Sweeney,. II, 8. A., fun ,ttf-Ko. t
Cal., says: "Slilloli's Catarrh- numedia-'
i the flrrt medicine -I ' liav. erf found
iliat would do me any got!." Prioe 50
11 r m m
cunta Sold by i. W. Oono. : . - .
3 1 .
.' .e. I
"': - 'j: ?
: "5
1 -.