The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 28, 1896, Image 1

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J tooY' mmutS'
j faratnt far Woiltrn Wahlncton in t
O'oi Occnlona! light rslai. r
I far (attain Wiihlantos sad Ortfoni
0ailoaal ralai er mm, teotsr. f
Tks ASTORIA" kit lirreit LOCAL
m cireBiaumu ine isrgeiT ur.SLnsi. areata- &
S ties, isd Dm tin nt TOTAL clreiilitlM ef fr
ill iisen puWiittad In Ailorli. It
NO. 72.
Time, Tide and Creditors
ets, Quilts. Etc., nt I'Vtory
The One Price Clothiers,
(04 and 108 OUMttKUOUL
Do you uml anything in Office 8ii'rlU'H, Letter
PronHOH, Copying Hooks, Inkstandr, Tublets, Inks, Blank
Honks, Blue Print l'nper, Wnfte Harki'tp, Dk Trays, Ten
Rucks, Typo Writing PaHif RiMnwh it ml Carlon Pajxt.
If ho, we can nupply you.
A new lot of Ploying CwcIb
jtmt received.
Citv Hook Store.
New Stock
We put more genuine service for the
jnoDc Into our School Shoes tain Into
any class of shoes we sell. Give then
atrial; you won't refret It.
Copcland &
Bargains !
Such a Never Boen
Hardware, Granite Ware, Rope. Stoves. Iron
Pipe. Terra Cotta Pipes, Bar Iron, Steel,
Cannery Supplies. Loggers' Tools
At prices that defy competition.
Done by experienced workmen.
Oam Fixtures nt CohI.
Sol Oppenheimer,
Will wait for no man. Thcr'
foir, the
of ricn'5 and Boys Cloth
Jng.Pumlshlng Quods, Hats,
Caps, Hoots, Shoes, Trunks,
Valises, Umbrellas, Blank
IWh, nt tho
Hatters and Furnishers.
!ISew Stock
Kid and '
Cloth Top,
A to EE.
Tl EM.
LOGGERS' SHOES that told calks.
Offered Before In
Call nncl Be Convinced
Trustee for M. C. CROSBY.
ll Whs (he l.nnjot Contention Held
la Great Many Years
In This City.
mi: i'i:oi'i.i: take the kei.vs
Mretiig Split lam Tlirr. Secttnsa. Oae lor
Nek VardTlic )elciatci Causes Tu
da) V ill Stmt the losat? IMIiter
fur l tie Consist Tern.
Thn Urgent mass meeting of Ripulill
rant that perhaiM ever took plsr In tli
my. waa held Ut nlxhl. All through
the day there .armed lo k a general fail
ing lhat II wan lima thai iha bualmea
man. working man, rapltallai ami all
nilirra Interi-ated In maintaining purity
In pullllca, loTik a hani In Iha primaries.
Thn aelretlon of delegates at 'city tfr
rotinty prlmartM. la lk Ural step towards
securing good afnrlals, and never befor
In I'lsteop rounty. hws so much lnteaai
ln taken aa was exhibited laat
nlghl. (arrllhr Hall roulil not ltn
to hold lb Republicans who assembled
lo lake part m the formation of the
county's affairs. In th crowd could I
wn .vary man promlnfni m Iha rank,
lrhlla upon rrf JiHitllnK rllKa
wlih Iha kad'ra, arvrt tha rank and rtl.
if Iha party.
rhalrman Fo rallr.l th mfllnir to
onli-r, ami atatcl that th popla wrre
aaaMnhIM to 9rect namaa to he volrd
upon iixlay aa riHraatra to tha nounly
runvanllcm. Tnw Brat lhln In order araa
tha iwliwllon of a rhalrman of tha mral
Inc. and uMn Iha mollnn of Judira Oray.
V. J. Taylor waa unanimoualy alrotrd
chairman of 1h Hnrond Ward dlvlalon,
and W. V. Mrftrrgor mm mada rhalrman
of tha Third Ward ronilnifnt. W. O.
Howell waa choaan aarr'tary of tha Sec
ond Ward parly. On moilon It waa de
rtdad to divide tha meetlm Into three
pari a rorrenpondlnx wllh th. differ
ent warda. Tha Berond and Third re
mained In aeealon In Carruthera' Hall,
while the Flrat adjourned lo Iha rmirt
hnuae. Thn Thlnl Wanl orranlard In
the hai'k room, and wllhnul delay pro
reeded lo hallo! for randldatea to rrfire
aenl lhat prrlnrl In the rounty ronv n
llon. They went about tha hualnaaa with
out dlacwaalon. and qulrkly dlanoaed of
the mailer hy rlTllnn Iha following nom
inee; Then. Bivrrann. l-ar Anderaon. )?:
fleo Nelaim. S: W. V. Mrflrefor, SB: W.
II Markr. 3. W. Talnler. M: Heo. I.r
land. 73; John Knhera. X: C. nivK )4:
K. Mauke. y.; KncM-k Jei,.raon. Jd, Tarn-Ir-nlne
vmea were raal. and the aurreaa
ful ran.Iiilntea received Iha numler art
of.M,ite ihelr namea.
Thn affalra of the Swond Ward
dfil not run quite ao amoothly aa tha
Third Ward. Hardly had rhalrman Tay
lor railed Ihe me-tlnif lo ord'T when
the auh-eiralum of war betwe'n aererwl
fartlona hroke out In anary worda. Jitdae
dray arured the floor and called upon
all rood Hrpuhllrami not to vole for Mr.
J W, Welch hecauae he had uacd under
handed mcana lo aluff Ihe ticket ty
havlna hla rame placed on each of three
different tlckela. Mr. Welch at one
look up Ihe alove and dlaowned helnir In
IcreaiiNl In any particular tick"! pre
pared before Ihe mretlnjr. Judtfe I?r.y
denlwl the atatemenl and made a few
peraonal rrmarka which were hurled
hark al Mm wllh tntereat. Matters W-
iran to iret warm roaia rame oT and
the situation looked serious when Chair- I
man Taylor called for order and th
main business of hn evening proceeded.
On motion of V. K Parker, nominations
were made of delegates lo thn rounty
convention, the first sixteen receiving thn
highest number of votes to be declared
the elected candidates. The chair ap
pointed If. O. Smith. Messrs. Warr n
and Iteverldge as tellers. Thirty one
nominations were made, and aft'r the
rhalr declared nominal Ions closed, bal
lots wetv cast. The 'total number of
votes was 107, and aftr one hour's count
ing, the tellers declared Ihe following
sixteen gentlemen elected as randldatea
from the Second Ward to be voted upon
Martin Foard, 107: O. O. Moen. 107:
Chas. I,arsen. ): W. T. Chulter. : CI.
Zeigler. W: John Fox, (5: H. I). Thing. :
M. J. Meara. : Fred Wlrkman, tS: F.
U Tarker, M: F. J. Taylor, M; 8. A. Ko
er. Si: A. F. Kragcr, a-, C. A. Powell,
51: August Nelson, SO; J. W. Welch, tl.
The Ftrst Ward contingent which ad
journed to th court house, gathered
numbers on the way and completely filled
every noo. and corner of tho district
court room, even overflowing Into tho
halls and anterooms. ' An Organisation
was effected by tho election of J. A. Ful
ton aa chairman and F. J. :arney as
F. P. Win ton opined tho hall by tnov.
In that twenty-flvo delegates be sele?tfd
by acclamation, rlvo voce nominations
to be made In the audience. Several
amendments were Immediately ofter-d
which resulted lit the question being al
together lost, and the regular print -d
slips containing tho namea previously se
lected wens used. There waa no occur
rence to mar thn peaceful aerentlv or
tho meeting, resulting In the selection of
tho following names, by tha adjoined
vote to b. voted for at today's nrlmnrv
Thfro were two tickets in thn Yield
known respectively aa th. Kendall nd
risnor iiraeis, oecatisn ndlvldustlv wivnit.
ed by gentlemen of these names. Thn
Fisher ticket as a whole was defeated.
The following aro Ihe names of thos"
chosen, all helnjr upon tho "Kendult"
ticket :
F. P. Kendall, 22!: C. W. Fulton, iil:
Frank Patlon, 222: O. F. Hellhorn, 23);
Martin Johnson. 2,11: Frank Norberg, 222:
II. I'rael. EM; N. Clinton. 225: Alex.
Clllbert, 221; J, A. Duffy. 218; C. H. Stock
ton, 191; P. J. Goodman, 223; Walter Rlde
hiilgh, 226; Frank Cnrnoy, 224: Duncan
McLean. 222; J. W. Sttrprenant, 224: An
drew nrlngdale. 22tl; John L. Carlson,
: i. j. Movickcr. 22r: W. N. Smith.
M: Orant Trnlllnger, 221: Thos. I.lnvlllc.
223: A. S. Reed. 223: D. McTavlah. S21:
Andrew Henderson, 222.
John I Carlson. H. F. Prael and Mnr.
tin Johnson, more fortunate than their
fellows, were placed upon both tickets.
Only a few of the votns were scattering,
tho great majority contenting Itself with
voting the tickets already prepared.
Think a Portland Institution Haa an Ad
vantage Over Them.
Yesterday afternoon Cllv Atlnrlnrv
Curtis swore to three warrants emoow.
erlng Captain Hallock to apprehend Mr.
uerg, Air. Bcherterman and Holmaa ft
llelnirid, for oiwratlna' laundrl'a with
out Itcetiae, It apiara thn laundrymn
of thla Hiy Ihlnk th y have a ar'marire
In Iha Hty'a a4tltud toward the Model
Hnaim laundry, of I'ortlatid. The local
mn claim thla Inatlluilon haa an aa-nt
In thla rlty who haa ain-reeded In cap
turln thn bat trl of Aatorla. The
I'oriland oompany paya no llcnae.
Tlierwfore, th. Aaiorla peopl. think they
ahould fay no tlcenae;.
AnroMlnaly, tha Ihrea flrma alova
name.1 failed to put up tha requlaita 110
for Ihn coming- uarler, and I ho city
twrrtaler raond"I wllh thn warranla.
Kach dfiMMltM 11V wllh thn captain of
IHillcn. and whan thalr cajwa. aro caUW'd
In Jud Kelaon'a court today. In all
pnilillliy lhy will fall to appear.
Thern ara thirteen laundrk-a In Aato
rla, ulna of which v run by Chinamen.
Tha Chinamen ara alwaya the flrat to
lay their Ilcena'a. It appear, however,
thn town la ao cleanly Inclined It had to
all for oulald Induatrb-e, ll local Inatl
I ii I lima havlnv an Inauflldent. rapaucliy.
If Iha Mode! Company haa a right to do
bualneaa In Aatoria without a llc'nae, ar
gue iha local laundrymen, why ahouhl
they pay llc.nar In anawer, thn cliy
of Aatorla aava they hav th aamn prlvl
lea aa Iha Modal, and may extend opera
tlona to Portland. Tha Chinamen nrvr
aatd a word.
I'roa and Cona Reaanllnir the Advtntur
oua Kidillon l p the Mir.
Ior,ikn. March T In Ihn houae of
rotnmona tmlay Mr. John Morley aakrd If
a majority of tha Kityptlan ddit rommls
alirn were romueterR to aanr4lon the pro-pei-.l
eip'fxllture for the Imnaota ex
pedition. Mr. Curson aald that iha com
mlaalon win I rolled (wo funda. The largeat
of tfw-ae, which waa derived from a -ron-vrralon
of th Egyptian debt, r'xjulred
the unanlmotia ronaent of the power, to
authorlraa expemlllura of thn whol or
any part thenof, but lh. amalli-r one. a
rerrrva fund, amounting to (t.un,w, ha
aald. might be dlauoaeil of by a majority
of tha rommlaiion. Mr. Morley aald It
waa unfortunate that th. govHrnm'nt
ahouM divert Ktryptlan funda rrom th
purpoara of Egyptian deeociment ana
Ihn appllcatoln of the money i Eng.
land's own sanrsuae.
Mr. Chamberlain aald that If lh reautl
of th. tirlthh expedition shouM In a
mnaaur. MIev. Egypt from thn constant
menace of attacks by the derrlsies the
axpendHura Incurred would be more than
compensated for. It would bn tmpos
alliM, to fulfil England's duty to Ihn peo
ple aa lung aa thf dorvlahee mere vr
mllted to threaten peaceful Industry by
inn- constant raids. Whatever ih
r.gypiian advance mlcht ulllmalely b',
ha said. II would only he llmlu-d by th
nature and extent of Ihe resistance n
cmintared and thn malntenanr. of th
swurlty of the rommunltlrs.
Mr I-almuchere said the governm-nt
should wait oefore uklng action until
r.gypt la aitnrurd by the dervlnhrs. Thn
reiuoum-e on the part of the ministers to
disclose fhclr plans, he declared, con
cealed a largo scheme. Mr. Labonrher
tinedlrt'M thai Ihe rxpidit.on. unle.a
ch-kcd by diaaster, would go to Don
go's. Khartoum and Darfur.
Mr. Stanley, ihe explorer, anserted that
Egypt had a right lo reclaim her form r
frontiers, and that Ihe opiwrtunliy to
do so had come. The total defeat of
the Mahillxts. Mr. Stanley derlared, mut
prwle tha- Indrpendenr; of Egypt.
Mr. Curm.m. parliamentary secretary of
the foreign Oltlc. said that the expedi
tion would take a atronxly d.'f.n-lvJ
Hartlon at Akasheh, wher It would re
main nutll the hot season, when. If It
was thouirtit desirable. It would proce
to TVngola. The government, he added,
posewseil pmofs that there wna a ovnerai
firment among Ihe dervlsaes. and that
they were threatening KasssJa and the
Nile valley.
Mr. Hairour said there waa nothing In
th expedition to exclt. suspicion r
alarm In Franre. The operations hurl
"o relation to Ihe Rriilsh occupation of
r.g pi. I ne position or Egypt could not
be sartsrartory until that country re
gained control of a large part of the
Soudan. Everything gain! for Errypt
would be gained forever. It would not
te an advance followed by a retreat.
Known Jockeys and Owners Warn
ed Away from the Track.
San Francisco, ' March 27 As m. result
of today's sensational disclosures In rac
ing circles, the stewards of the Califor
nia Club made a clean sweep of all those
under suspicion of having been mixed up
in the scheme to defraud the bookmakera
and tho public by means of "tlx so
ns ora.
Jockeys Chorn, 'Chevalier and Hln
rlcka are almost stir to be ruled off for
life. H. T. Orlffln, -owner of Sir Vsuaar
and half a Itoaen -other horses, win not
be allowed to start any more horaea at
the Bay district, for refusing to swear
to tho ownership of Fond Hop "Uttlo
Pete," tho Chhieao pluager, who . la sraid
to hare fied Jockeys, by means of which
he has won probably a hundred thousand
dollars In th last month, will bo warned
away from the track, as also will Dan
Williams, formerly tranter for Lucky
usiuwtn. nut now an owner. Wlllla
Is also thought to be mixed up In the
"Little IW scandal
It la said there are several others Im
plicated upon whom the hatchet will soon
fall, as th. atewarda are determined lo
make a general clean-up and put a atop
to an auspicious racing.
Rome, March 17. Fearing possible de
feat, the government is seeking o avoid
the motion for a vote of eonfldenoe.
The Trlbuna declare that the king Is
opposed to a dissolution of the chamber,
and Is dissatisfied with th prime minis
ter's failure to take action in regard to
the anti-dynastic outpourings of social
istic orators, and that th ministry in
general Is In a doubtful position.
A member of the cabinet is authority
for the statement that a French occupa
tion of Tripoli would lead to Incalculable
London, March 27. The Oxford-Cambridge
games took place today at Queen's
Club. Jordan won the 100-yard dash In
11 seconds. In the quarter mile run
Fltiherbert beat Jordan In 49 S-4 seconds.
The long Jump was won by Bachelor of
Cambridge, with 23 feet 7 Inches. Cam
bridge won five events and Oxford four.
Liverpool, March 27. Wheat, Spot,
steady; demand, poor; No. t red winter,
Ga 5d; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 5s iW; No.
1 California, 5s 6d.
Having Hoe Cake Soap in
your kitchen or bath once
means always.
Senators I'nijaije in Sharp I'crwinal
Encounter Over Assembling of
New Mcileo Legislature.
n il Cksrncd rliticsl Trickery. Vkick Did
Not Meet ritor With Clkiis Debate
i Ike Itoa oi tfae Saodat Civil
Appropriating Dill.
Waahlngton, March 27. The senate In
dulged In an acrimonious political de
bate today, which developed Into much
personal politics, and brought on two
sharp personal exchanges between Hill
and Elklna. Th. controversy arose over
Hill's motion to strike from the pending
appropriation bill th. proposed cbang.
of data of the assembling of th. New
Mexico legislature from December to
May. Hill vigoroualy denounced the
change aa a "political trick." which had
bena "sneaked" Into this appropriation
in order, as he clalnved, to postpone tb.
meeting of the Democratic legislature.
In Ihn hop. lhat a Republican preald-nt
would be elected and th. political control
of thn territory be changed. Elklna pro
tested against the words "sneaked In."
Th. exchange between th. senator waa
vary animated, but HUI persisted In th.
nsa of hla adjectives.
This Is the Aral time In twelve years,"
said Clorman, "lhat a purely political
question haa been brought Into the dis
cussion of an appropriation bllL There
ahould be full opportunity for debeje,
and there must be."
Cullorn opposed adjourning over Sat
urday, and demanded a roll call on
which thn motion to adjoum over Sat
urday prevailed, O to 11
Cullom moved to lay on the table th.
motion of Hill to strike out the New
Mexico provision. Oorman appealed to
Cullum not to seek to rut off thn debate
on such a measure. "We are entitled l
a full discussion and we will have IL
said Gorman. Cullorn said his only pur
poso was to secure a test rote and.
such, Gorman said ha was ready for It
Cullom's motion to table the Hill motion
waa defeated, 21 to 28.
On lh. announcement of the vote, Cul
lom elated that he would not further re
sist Hill's motion to strike out the N
Mexico provision. Thereupon, the H
motion prevailed on a viva voce vote.
without division. The legslatlve appro
priation aa amended, and Including
change of the compensation of district
attorneys and marshals, was passed,
Washington, March 27. The appropria
tlons committee attempted to take tip th
sundry civil appropriations bill today, but
the members who are Interested In the
bill on thn private calendar defeated
them by 112 to 77. Members of the ap
propriations committee do not view their
defeat as a result of opposition to th
hill. The members from the North who
are Interested In the pensions legislation.
and those from the South Interested
war claims, have be-n chafing for some
time over their Inability to proceed with
the work on th private calendar.
Today, by a sort of combination, th
appropriations committee was defeated.
The victory, however, was completely
barren, so far aa the Southern men were
concerned, and after the house went into
committee the Republicans forced the
motion to pass over the claims on the
calendar. The Southern men retaliated
1y filibustering against the pension bills
so that the result today was less than
hsl' a doxen bills passed.
It developed during the day that
lively fight would be precipitated Mon-
hay when the sundry civil bill is caT-d
up. on account of the fact that the Idll
carries an appropriation for continuous
contracts on rtver and harbor work and
public bundmgs for only -eight months
of the next fiscal year. That would corT
the aiproprlatlons up to March 1. 1897.
The appropriations committee suffered
another reverse Just before the house
took a recess. It was Cannon's intention
to force the house to sit tomorrow and
proceed with th. sundry civil bill, but
the members were overwhelmingly In fa
vor -of taking a holiday and by a big ma
jority voted to adjourn untn Monday,
Moat Favorable Feature the Advance in
th Price of "Wheat
New York, March 27. Bradstreefa to
morrow will say:
The week has brought more favorable
weather, which tends to create better
feeling. But trade, except at Baltimore,
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, and
to a moderate degree at other points, re
mains dnll and unsteady. The most
encouraging feature Is th advances In
tha prices of wheat, Indian corn and
Bessemer pig Iron, the latter being based
on th higher value placed on lake ores.
While there has been larger sales of dry
goons, shoes, hardware. Iron and learner,
at Chicago, huslness In other lines con
tinues slow.
San Francisco exports to Asia have
fallen off. but those to Mexico and Cen
tral America are the heaviest on record.
Portland and Astoria, Oregon, are send.
Ing large quantltea of lumber to the
west coast of South America, and Ta-
coma cloth flour and lumber to tha tram
Paclno markets. One of the most Im
portant features Is the lack of Improve
ment in mercantile collections. This
week the commercial calm at many more
Important trading centers points to some
or the effects of the prolonged period of
witnurawal or capital from enterprises In
tho 1'nlted States, and to Ihe unwilling
ness of accumulated domestic capital to
see new ventures at present.
Only 276 business failures are reported
In the United States, compared with 300
last week; but an unusually large pro
portion of them are comparatively heavy
heavy capitalised concerns There are
44 business failures reported from the
Dominion, compared with 40 last week.
Abyssinian Invasion Said to Be the Cause
of the Migration.
New Tork, March 27.-At least 400 of the
2.000 Italian Immigrants who were land
ed on Ellis Island Sunday and Monday
will be deported, as they have no means
to subsist for thirty days. The law re-
Best Washing Powder on
earth. Large size, 20 cents.
Soap Foam.
quire that each Immingrant la to havs
at least t-H. or to have some relative in
America, before he Is admitted. Com
missioner Eenner attributes th. large
migration of Italians to th. Italian In
vasion k of Abyssinia, to 'which moat
Italian peasanla ara averse. They do
not wish to be drafted Into tha army,
and to avoid conscription, they emlgrat.
In many Inatanres they have sold their
household goods In order to raise their
passage money. Of lh. vast number of
Italian Immigrants now on Ellis Inland,
but a small proportion are ticketed
through to other towns.
Alleged Combination Entered Into for
Mutual Protection.
Ran Francisco. March 27. Th. North
China Dally News prints what la said to
be a translation of the treaty entered in
to between Russia and China. Th. trea
ty allows Russia to use any harbors
along the coast of China: to mobilise
fleets therein: buy coal and supplies: buy
horses: hire coolies: and Russia Is to
have the uae of Port Arthur as a winter
harbor; but tf complications with other
powers should arise, Russia may use any
other porta on th. coaata of KUng Bu and
Cbeklang. In return. Russia is to help
Chlpa In case of war with other powers.
Russia will be permitted to build a
branch of the Siberian railway through
Manchuria, the Una to be controlled
Jointly for fifteen years by China and
Russia. At the end of that time China
Is to be allowed to purchase Russia's
share of the branch road.
Disposed of aa Unclaimed Freight Salt
Lake Disclosures.
Salt Lake. March 27. Investigation here
today developed further facts relating to
th box containing the corpse which was
sold as unclaimed freight at an -auction
sale In Chicago yesterday. The box In
question waa dMIvered to the Union Pa
cific freight office here February 7. Th
man who paid th freight charges. 117.55,
signed his name C. M. Morgan, and th
package was consigned to G. M. Morgan,
No. 16 Jefferson street, Chicago. C. M.
Morgan took the train for Chicago on
the same date. Railway officials her
remember that th man was excited and
acted nervous while transacting business
at the depot,
The Old Brig Hidalgo WUI Try Another
Cruise to tha Froxen North.
S. F. Call.
Th old whaling bark Hidalgo is again
going to tempt fate In the froxen north.
In years past she has made fortunes for
half a doxen owners, and Captain "Lew"
Williams is of the opinion that the ves
sel Is now as good as ever she was. and
that on her return to San Francisco next
November she will have the result of a
successful season aboard.
On her last cruise the brig met with
hard luck, ami all she had In her hold
was trade In the shape of fox skins tod
Ivory. The profit on these, however,
paid the expenses of the vessel, so th-re
was no loss to her owner. Captain
Williams will not go to the Arctic this
season, and Captain C. F. Gifford will
take the vessel out. Last year he made
a most successful voyage In the Cap
Hern Pigeon, and expects to repeat It
In th brig.
The Hidalgo la one of the best known
vessels under the United States flag. In
her young days she was a privateer, and
many a time she ran the blockade In
Southern waters. After th. war she
waa turned Into a passenger ship, and
later carried freight between East-rn
points and Europe. When steam super
seded sail she was sold and turned Into
a whaler. Tear after year she has gone
to the Arctic, and year after year she
has returned laden with oil and bone.
Captain Williams has not made a fortune
out of her. but, nevertheless, he has
enough to live ashore and keep the wolf
from the door.
The old Hidalgo could toll many a tale
of the sea, if only her timbers could
speak. On one occasion she was lifted
up onto a cake of Ice and was carried
alorg for twenty-four hours in the di
rection of the north pole. "If the ice
had only held together." said Captain
Williams yesterday. "I would have dis
covered that north pole sure, and saved
Nar.sen all this trouble."
On another occasion when the brig was
carrying lumber from Eureka to San
rranclsco she went on Humboldt bar.
Her crew deserted her, but with the next
tide the Hidalgo floated off and went
to sea, on her own account. Her crew
chased after her In a tug and one more
taxing possession navigated her to San
Francisco. She was docked, but not S5
worth of repairs had to be made, Srfe
nas neen asnor. dosens of times In tha
Arctic, and "Joe" Spencer says she has
had more narrow escapee than any half
dssen ships afloat Still today ah is as
sound aa a dollar and can make better
time under aail than any vessel in th
Th Hidalgo la at present In Oakland
creric. but thla week aka wilt b brought
to San Francisco and after overhauling
wffl art on her eight-months' cruise.
Th suestlon was raised vnfi.
whether or not the Astoria lumber manu
facturers had Joined the California com
bine, and if so. whether the prices In
Astoria would be raised nn lnoi k,,.i
Investigation mads yesterday by an As
torlan reporter revealed the fact
that th two principal InmW
ufaeturers here, the Clatsop Mill
Company and th. Astoria Box Com
pany, are both members of tha
combine. The managers of thiu.
tlons atate, however, that nn
whatever has been mad In th prices
of lumber, box .hooks, or salmon boxes,
for the local market. They are only af
fected so far as their lntw..
destined for California, Upon this busi
ness the combine prices will be observed
8lnce the beelnnlnir o .kl 1
fewer than fifty two vo csnTe"1..",: I
have risen out of the sea- ninetJe aT
regain ..T. ,ut,mn?. the others
" are now '"habited. The
sand island opposite the coal bunkers,
may not be volcanic, hut if .. "5
correct. It la liable to ba .mJ.h
Wong with the new flihtng station.
Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U.S. Govt Report
1 rW as.
ilatform I'ledijes Candidates for the
Legislative Vote Against Use
less Commissions.
Deeuad lor tke Speedy Ketiresjeit of ill
risk Trips aid Wheels, aid Striageat
Itegatatio of Seise aid Gill Met
riskiig. Reserved.
Special to th. Astorlan.
Salem, Or., March 27. Th Populist
state convention met her today and
mad. nominations for suprem Judge,
congressmen, presidential electors, and
district officers. The platform adopted
reaffirms th. fundamental principles of
tb. Omaha platform, and Instructs dale
gates to th national convention to re
adjust any details, tf possible. In such
a form that ail reform dementi can
unit, on on platform and on national
ticket. It pledges candidates for lbs
legislative vote for the abolition of all
useless commissions and boards; for s
salary system of paying pubtle officers;
for a state appropriations Mil. providing
only for cocstltutionajr salaries, and
eonomlcal support necessary for stats
Institutions, and against any appropria
tions for sectarian Institutions. It de
mands the redaction of fiscal salaries I
correspond with the reduction In th
wages of th laborer, and th prices
of the products of labor. Th demand
for th speedy abolition of all flan traps
and fish wheels, and ths stringent regu
lation of seine and gill net Ashing Is
The following officer were nominated:
Suprem Judge Joseph Gas ten, Mult
nomah: congressman. First District, W.
8. VanDerburg. Coos; delegates at larg
to the national convention, J. C. Lnce,
L. A- Ward, J. & McCain.. Nathan
Pierce; delegates from Judicial districts
Second, R. P. Call (well: Third. H. Wat
kins: Fourth, 8. B. Rlggen: delegates
from Second congressional district, A, P.
Nelson and J. t. SturgilL Judge of tha
Fourth district, F. D. Jodon; district
attorney. Newton McCoy; district attor
ney. Second district, J. M. Upton, of
Coos: Third, C. H. Dalrympl. Linn!
board of equalisation. Second district, F.
Ward, of Douglass county.
Coats a Physician SSO.OOQ for Disclosing
Secrets RevtaJed Inn Professional
London. March 27. In the libel suit
brought by Mrs. Arthur Kltson against
Dr. Wm. Payfalr. a yerdlct was rendered
today In favor of the plaintiff, awarding
her tSO.OOO damages. The verdict was
greeted with loud cheering. Ths plaintiff
fainted. The case Involved th rlxht of
an attending physician to disclose any
secret revealed in professional confidence
to him. Th doctor. It appears, made ,
statement to his wife about Mrs. Kltson
and she communicated It to Sir James
Kltson. the brother of Arthur Kltson,
with the result that Sir James, who Is
a millionaire, withdrew an allowance of
tS.OOU which he was making to Mrs.
Kltson after her separation from his
London. March 27. A dispatch from
Cairo to the Glob says:
"The Khalifa has proclaimed a holy
war against Egypt, calling upon all der
vishes capable of bearing arms to enroll
themselves under the green banner. It
Is asserted that Osmun Dlgna will quit
Kasaala and Join the dervish forces
around Dongola.
The British and Egyptian troop are In
a healthy condition and are drilling daily.
A number of machine guns have been
started for the front The weather Is
Boston Republicans Declare for Protec
tion and Gold Standard.
Boston. March 27. Tha Republican
state convention met here today. Th
first gun In the Thomas B. Reed cam
paign for the presidency was fired. Tha
platform declares tor protection, for th
gold standard and against the fret coin
age of silver without tb th co-operation
of th leading countries of Europe. Tha
convention waa largely attended
nuch enthusiasm was manifested.
San Francisco.' March r.-Among th.
passengers on the steamer Cop Us. which
arrived tonight from Yokohaha and
Hongkong, waa Field Marshal Marquis '
Yaroagata. who commanded the Japan,
esa forces during the war with r-hi.
Gen. Yamagata la on hla way ta Moscow
io aitena the coronation of the Cfar, as
th representative of Japan,
Irkutsk, March 27 Two me..
have left Yakutsk, to Inquire Into th
''I"' regaruing vr. Hansen's return,
by way of the New Siberian Islands.
Orders were given to these messengers to
Inspect and replenish the various provis
ion stores which had beta placed for
Dr. Nansen'i use.
Dr. Estes says that it can be mentioned
In tfte Interests of antisceptlo purity and
u"nK humanity, that a good, stout
! " "f of '"' "
m'"rK"V"v uemince, applied morning and
night, afford a greater safeguard against
more diseases, than many people ara
From the Indications at last night's
mass meeting, there will be a heavy
vote polled today at th. primaries.
....... -
.J n