V "r- Till-: IVVll.V ASTOKI.VX. ASTPKIA. VKlNT,SlUV MPUXINi., MAKl'll s 1 ! 'e i . f i ' h 1 I i ' f" . k Boyle & Go. KJH Commercial m., Alorl, Or. SOMETHING NEW. Ciildrts and loath.' Stccl-Saod Shot. All Sites id Styles Wo also carry a tine line of acHe' and men's shoos, from the tVst to the Invest reliable goods. All goods warranted just as represented. JOHN HAIIN A CO., 470 Cotii:iierei:l street. YESTERDAY'S WKATHKK. Local weather for twenty-four hour ending- at i p. m. yesterday, furnished by the United States Department of Ag riculture, weather bureau. Maximum tvmporature, M degrees. Minimum tvmperalure, 4. desrrtv. Precipitation, .71 Inch. Total precipitation from September 1st. to date. I-iSJ Inches. Kxcees of precipitation from September 1st, lSei, to date. 1.13 Inches. BEMNESS UU'AI& Tt A large consignment of Tea from I Oc Ih. up at Pacific Commission Co. Job printing of all kinds at the Astorlan Job office. Use Marshall-: Tou take chances on the others. C Q. Palmberg. architect, ttoom Num ber 8, Kinney's bulldlrg. Dr. O. F. Ball. Dentist, with lady as sis tan t. Room 1 Kinney Building. Meany It the leading tailor, and pays the, highest cash price for fur skins. Marshall's salmon twine la without a competitor. Strongest, handsomest, beat. Just received, at the Scow Bay Wood Tard. US corda of oak wood. The finest wood ever brought to Astoria. Dumharton'a Irish flax salmon twine, superior to any In the market Fisher Brothers, agents for the Columbia rtver. Parties desiring the best of Job printing at the lowest prices aha aid call at the Aatotiaa Job office befure going else where. For the best of commercial job print ing call at the Aatortan Job office. Go to IS Ninth street to hare your umbrellas repaired or recovered. A fine line of cover goods to select from at leasonable prices. Business men. It you want to fix up your office for the coming year, with the best of letter heads, bill heads, state ments, etc, call at the Astorlan Job office where you will find the best of stock and material. Our own Sarsaparllla is jiade of the best material that money can bay. It's a specific for Impurities of ,ht u'ood. It cures rheumatism, pimples, liver com plaint, and foul stomach. Large bottles K cents. Charles Rogers. The Oregon Trading Co., Commercial street. Is the placs to buy your dryj roods, clothing, boots and shoes, men's and ladles' furnishing goods. Should you j nt n auctioneer. S. FrieJmari makes i his office at the Oregon Trading Co Marshall's twine used by 73 per cent of the fishermen on the Columbia river. A prominent steamboat man says: "Sir family have ued nearly every orand of Beef. Iron and Wine made, and are sat isfied that the preparation made by the Estes-Cratn Drug Co. is the most palata bel and nutritious of any they have ever used." If you are run down and need a tonic, you should use It. Most so-called "salmon twines" are col ored with acids. The acids rot the fibre and render the material useless. In the office of Elmore. Sanborn 4 Co. is an ob ject lesson that ought to be examined by all fishermen. It is the whole of the material used in the manufacture of Mar shall's twine from start to finish. Go there and examine the color right through. You will sec then why Mar shall's is called the best In the world. Go to Elmore. Sanborn's office and see their new and handsome twine testing machine. Take along some of he twlnea "as good as Marshall's." in your pocket, and test them. Then see how much more Marshall's will stand. It's money in your pocket and fish In your net to find out. For 25 cents you can secure an excel lent well-served meal at the Bon Ton Restaurant, No. 571 Commercial street. They are also fully prepared to terve all kinds of fish, game and delicacies of the season, as well as oysters In every Imaginable style at the lowest living prices. Come once and you will cm tlnue to come. Charles Wlrkkala's saloon on S-"vcrtth street, the well known and popular re sort in the Bowery, still maintains Its reputation. Mr. Wlrkkala la an expe rienced man in his line of business and keeps on hand only the best grades of wines, liquors and cigars. Concert every evening furnishes amusement for visit ors, and Professor Srhwabe, the well known pianist. Is making the music one of the features of the place. Call and bring your friends with you. OUR CORNER. A gentleman's resort, at corner Bond and 12th streets. The finest brands of liquors and cigars always oa hand. Call a,nd try us. ANDERSON & PETP.SON. i No: we're not making much money on those men's shoes we are selling for K, but we are mak ing an active canvasser for us out of every customer who buys a pair. THE ARCADE. AN ENIGMATICAL EILL OF FARE. For a dinner, served on the Dining cars of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Pa i Railway, will be sent to any addr' &s on receipt of a two-cent postage utarrp. Apply to Geo. H. Hecfford, Gf.mral Pas senger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chi cago, Illinois. CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants Indors ed prior to May 8th, 1853, to present the same to the county treasurer for pny ment, as interest will cease thereon ufter this date. Dated the 14th day of March, A. D. B. L. WARD, Treasurer of Clatsop Co., Or. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. Notice Is hereby given that the tax roll tor 1896 Is now in my hands for collec tion. Taxes must be paid on or before April 1, lf&C, to save additional costs. JAS. W. HAKE, Sheriff and Tax Collector. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. Rent SPECIAL OFFER We have now placed on the market Block 105 and water frontage, and will offer lots In that v addition at prices way telow adjoining property. We will give you good terms on this property, and a few I dollars invested in lots in this addition will sure make youjmoney. See fine display map in our window. NEW TODAY Ladies' Sweaters Albert Dunbar. Black veils edged in tutter color lace. SOc. each. AROUND TOWN. Now the festive little urchin. When he hear the curfew bell. Makes a hk for hotn - and mother, Saying sotto, voice, "t ell!" Work keeps many a woman out of mischief. Mr. Kdmund IVdrlok. of IVnver. Cel.. t Is In town. Mr. Flint Brown, of Kansas City. Is at the occld-nt. Judicious business management re quire honesty. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Portland, are visiting In the city. Summer clothing sold at extremely low prices at P. A. Stokes." Miss Edythe Bingham, of the metropo lis. Is visaing In Astoria. I Thomas Huston, a well known cltiaen of I-afayexte. Is in trie city. The poke bonnet. In modified form. Is one of the Joys of spring millinery. The accountants have completed their work of exporting the city's books. If you have a grievance don't air It In public unless it be the depot site ques tion. It Is easy tu say. "Have It charged." but It la not always so easy to settle the appalling total. Mr. E. O. Hall, of JameatownT New fork, was In the. city yesterday, a gurst at the Parker House. Heruy Adams, of San Francisco, who is In the city, has decided to remain her and go into business. Have you seen those Ittc Bottles of Fla voring extracts that are sold for he at Pacific Commission Co.? Mrs. J. V. Marion return-tl yest-rday from Knappton. bringing with her as a guest Miss Alice Manaur. Just received, an immense amount of Gents' summer clothing. Iron Eastern manufacturers, at P. A. Stokes.' "Oettln" religion" Is a very nice thing In Its way. but keeping religion Is a ! mighty sight better also harder. The city council meeting next takes place on the first of April. Possibly the city fathers Intend to fool their people, A rw patent Jensen Can Wiping Ma chin-e will be shipped to Alaska on the next steamer by th Ihtlg-ty Iron Works. Grass linen will be combined with silk, satin, ctvpon. :n fit. t. almost . wrything, for It Is to be the reirnlr.g f:id In smnur dr-ss fabrics. Why does the big woman think she looks too cut- f.T anytmiii: in a hat that mieht b the understudy f.r a buckwheat cake? Tht Astoria Iron Works yost-rday paired the crank pin of the sttanier waco, and she ill I ready for her r ular run tomorrow. Tlv? boiler of the st amer Wspatoh was being place! in (Kjsition yesterday and Captain Norris expects to sail for t.,e Sound in a few days. Mrs. P. Daly, of Portland, wl!l arrlvv down this morning, on the way to San Francisco. She wlil vb.lt h r sht-r, Mis. O. Sovey, for a few days. Among the Portland rs in town yester day were A. B. Colby. K. II. Caswell, Thomas W. Jenkins, E. A. Be-ley, Carl Gray, and W. M. Singleton. Clinton Brothers yesterday secur d the contract for driving the piles for th foundation of Kopp's new l rm.ry. Tl e other contracts have not yet leen award ed. Mrs. M. McKenile, corner 9th and Com mercial Btreet, Invites the ladles of As toria to her display of spring millinery on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 24th and ZSth. The Ross Millinery store will hold Its spring opening of the latest novelties on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 24 an,l 25. All the ladles of the city ari Invited to attend. "How curious It is that so f w people are "atlsfied with the man vino is perfei-iiy (ai'.-f' "I with himself," said a t"nt!eman yeMerday who had been working on the depot ma,ttT. The steamer Chllcat was beach d at the Astoria Iron Works yesterday, and will undergo a thorough overhauling. It Is also nec-'ssary to put a new end on the proiieller shaft. The Board of V legates of the Astoria Pre Department la.it night accept-d the new hose company of l.'nlontown. and requested th- city council to make a similar acceptance. One n4-dn't worry much about the devil who Is said to have horns and a tail, but you had better keep your weath er eye out for the d--lls who appear to I very attractive gentlemen. It was rumored y-sterday that O. F. Jacobsen, who had gone on a visit to D-ep hlver, will rwlurn In a few days bringing with him Mrs. Jacobsen. Ills friends congratulate him in advance. The Dalglty Iron Works yesterday com pleted the maehin-ry in the nfw st.-am lisblng boat for a tlsh -rman t l:roi,k lield. The boat was launched in the af ternoon and worked very successfully. The family of frogs in the Esbs-Craln window Is Increasing. Above them In the window are hung a large numb r of brocms, presumably for th- purpos" of sweeping out the HI' s from the Aquarium. Don't forget that Snodgrass, the I'otoK rafer, gives a crayon portrait and frame made to older, val'ied at t;T,', free o' cost, to som? one of his customers this month, guessing content open until April 1st Col. John Adair was over yesterday from Siinnym-ad, and says that every thing In hlK part of th country Is lovly, depot or no depot. Mr. M. .1. Klnroy will commence work on his new cannery at New Astoria about the l.'th of April. Mr. Dan Campbell has agreed to train for the .Multnomah rpring handicap games, iie will commence work this 13wtitc, L.0011H, InvcHtmcittM nttd liiHurmicc ek Mr. t'amplH-il HI contest In Ihe hillf ami mil, iritt. lie will doubtli iriike an v.vllcm showuw tor the A. K. C. At i uik moiit were yesterday ivn.lc for the use of th, t'lav I dock upon which to land the bi idcv Iron for Hie Young's bay railrvwd draw. Andrvw Young. Young's Uler. M An derson. John WbkkAlii. Hli.l I m ili'i. of lb"i Ulv.r. Fred Olson, of olnry. J. P, Mo-ban. Kllloti's Landing W J Hovkard. l.owls and Clurko, and . !' Soouitl. of knappa. were In the city yesterday Cory Brother' scow engae d III haul ing tho rwk from Tongue point for rlp rapWng the line at Vrr -tit on. y. sierd.iy ran foul of a snag near the Kbivel bind ing which punch xl a hole In h r bo'i.oo The ocw will be put on the gttdlton today for repairs. Just received -A Nnutlfil lln of nil wvo! and silk mixed Plaids, a h.md-o'o line of dr-ss goods black, and a'l I' e new- shades: !o silks In nil the new st designs for waists Just lumbal our spring wraps In l!k and velvet. I. Colon, Ia'W lrl,e Store. IVt Pond strvt. Ladles, take notloe-The Unique. N.v J7 Commercial, one door east of H I-' Allen's, will formally open as a lad'ea' eloak and suit house about April 1-t. Madame Levins, established for the past ten years In Portland, will occupy tho place of head cutter and fitter for tho establishment. Just resseivrsl a large consignment of wall paper and room mouldings, by far , the largest and best stock of goods In the city, now on hand No bouse en : the coast can undersell us. Bear this : In mind. Call and get the proof of this assertion. B. F. Allen Son. successors i to B. F. Allen. 1 casting bW'l on nh net lines nam- A gentleman who returned yesterday tiff claims lo have Wen In great from Portland, says that the fruit tr.- s j : trouble and expense In Inventing and there are In full blossom, and that the ! manufacturing machines for casting leads air Is redolent with the fragrance of the j n tlsh t t llnea. and making them ptotU many varieties of blooms Not to be j able to hints-If and Ihe puMlo. and. tu t outdone a patriotic Astorlan statrd to : withstanding that he was grant. d a pt tr' visitor that he had fruit trees In , rs-it on his machine some twelve yeaia bloom here on a sunny south slope. ' slm-e. .1 fendant. In defiance of his right. ; made and u-ed a machine containing Dr Kinney says that after all the trouble in dredging out the river bottom for the draw bridge, Contractor Jacob sen hss finally secured the service of Henry Harrison, of Warrenton. who. with his "drag net." I rapidly digging out thf sticky mud of the rlv- r bottom. A few days will complete the work Mntiy ecpresatlons of sorrow and regret j and that the damage plaintiff has sua av W'en expnesed concerning the sud- talnrd by reason of said Infringement and hav den death on Saturday last. In San Krai Cisco, qf Mtsa Ella Jordan, daughter ot William H. and Mary A. Jordan. II, r charm of p-rson and manner made a l.istiu,- Impression upon h r many friend and acquaintances In Astona. who deeply sympathize with the Wreaved parems In th loss of a beloved daughter. J good Iteatlllng that three. fixirths of The "Gypsy Fantasia" will be present- all our sufferings arise from stomach td at Fisher's Opera H.mi- April b :h i troubles, that the country Is llt-raJly ami 11th. with a Situ-day matin.- The i tilted wffh ie.,ple who cannot -nt ai d ntertalnmHit will ! entirely dlff -nnt I digest food, without suie.quent suffering from the last one given by this class of pain and distress, and that many are fancy duncer. The class has in-en pruc- ; starving, wasting lo no re -kei tons, o. -tleln for the coming entertainment i cause their ft! docs them tio g'-exl. ihy every aft moon and evening for three i have devot.sl much sttuly and thought to months past. The full program will be . the sub) ct. and the result is this di-. published later. ' cov-rv. of th.-lr Digestive ConLal i A llttlo Ins.k ran W obtained from vnur The Anchor Saloon. Johnson & Ca-I-! druggist that will tM.int out the w.iv nf son. pr.Mirleti.rs. has be, n thoroughly j relief at once. An Inv -tiga'len will e st r-novale,y ar..T Fhiarg.sl 'n Satur lay j nothing and will tesult In iiiueh giHsl night the gmr.d ote-ning will take place, at which the rlnest fr-- lunch ever sl in the city will I,.- In ev;.l tic . T'.e I'lihllc is Invit.sl to cull at th s r, soi t. Tne uianag-ment is tirepar.-d to rat-r to the vvWh,-s of the pul lic In a i atl-f ry niann -r. stid only th-' tin. st winee, ;i pior and cigars will be handed over the bar. It was stat.d y st-i-ilay en go-'d autor- ; Ity that trie efforts rventiy nuole In the I city count il to itidlr-. tly previ nt I'l-h.-r ) Brothers and P. K. Warr n from ext n.l Ing their warehouses and d'H'ka to th chanu I line, would not held water. I' Is understood that work on th.-se Ini-prov.-m nts will commence In the near fu ture. Following the Inipruvcm nt" to th.ee docks, the Flavel and O. It. and N. docks will no dotibt tie pushed out to ths chann l line. This will make plenty of work during the spring and summer. Mr. H. A. S. haub. r pr"S ntlng the North Pacific Steamship Company, was In the city yesterday, and stated that the lt-m published In regard to the suspension of that line, or that th y were about to go out of buslniss, was entirely without foundation In fact, lie says that his company Is now as it ev. r has b en, In full running urtl r, and that having been the pioneers of low rat. s, he thinks they are entitled to the patron-ag- of the business men. No d .ubt Astorians will lie as liberal us In the past . , A new Smith-Premier No. 2 typ writer graces the city auditor's office. It has not yet been purchased, but, as ih agent. Mr. Woodson, thinks Ilk ly the city Will buy the machine, h" i.as I ft If at the office. It Is s;,d Ooini.lln.an Webh Is not in favor of this make of typewrit -r, but Mr. MeGrcgur, who has a D.-i srr.ore In his office, says th Sml'h Is a m ich b-tter ma'-blr.r-. I;,- that as It may. the -mjHoye In the au.ll'or's oflbe are very partial to the Smith, and It will ilouM-ns b- purcliawd Mr. Woodson was In the city .Monday and I sold several of his type writers, T, le- I graph op.-rators, wtio must make every iceond count, sp ak highly of the Sml'h, ! THAT CURIOSITY.. Joe, the orang-outang, will be on exhi bition today only, at the stejre on Com mercial srr.-et, near the corn-r of Ninth, Children five cents. ' ABOUT RUSSIA. Dr. DeKann-t, a native Itu-slan. wdl Lecture In This City Next W-ek. The Unlteel States has a staunch frb nd and ally in Russia. More la known or her tyranny and d-spotlsm In former times than of the mighty strid'S In civi lisation that ths growing empire has made n the last quarter of a century. The high school has secur-d Dr. DeKan net, a native Russian and eminent schol ar, to deliver two lectures In this city next Monday and Tuesday evenings, The Oregonian, in speaking of th'se Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. a U. CREAM Jloit Perfect JIarlc. 40 Years the Standard. . " S! lectures, which were delivered In I'ort lnd last wis-k. sas that lb, y ie a rare Imil and atl nded h crowded houses. The lecturer dcseilb the con dition of the pts.ple, tl.ir customs and biiblts, and llliisiiittm each bstuiM with more than hn splendid .t. rwpllcon vb ws of th- palaces, art and lite of Oil" stent historic powor. No doubt Astoilana sen- , erallv will le deilgliied to have tlw op portunity of seeing and hearing this gtt I eturer and of g-ttlng a better Idea of liussia and the t'tar. PROMINENT VISITOR. From Franco Is Taking In the Situation at Astoria With a View to Business. It. glstei.sl at thetVcld. nl Hot.4 l Mr It Itcat't. of Poliamcm . Fiance. The semi, man Is a latte packer ot Fr. nob, saidmes and a most auccessf.il business man Yesierdav Mr P Hers spent ihe day in Msitlng the various points of Inter st aNnit the city, and Investigating Us tuie business prosp.vis lie so imil to ! very much pleas.sl with what he saw and was favoiably Impicssed with t'l' cliv as a nianuracturlng point While i... .11.1 n.ii so state definitely, vet It was ,-,,1)1. -r.sl from Ins conversation thai If all .i in. nil, ins u re found favorable. It might become part of his plan" to es tabllsh a bouse h re for picking the Col umbia river .si,line... n li ire f "in, I so abundantly In thrao waters. SAYS HE -01'li:l HIS PATENT A Suit Which Will Inter.'" Elshennen The tr gonlan. Suit was couuiv-nosl In th- I'nte.l States circuit ixoirt " sterday. by Erl. k Manilla, of I'cs-P Klver. Wash . against Charles Matjassl. alias Arel rson. of As toria, lo have him restrained from fur ther Infringing on a patent machine for his Invention, and Is thre atening to make and use, more. In the casting of leads on fish n't lines, to the Injury and damage of plaintiff Wherefore, plaintiff prays for a writ of Injunction r-stralning de fendant from any further construction sale, or use of said patnetcd machines, and that the machine In his possession be destroywt. or delivered up to plaintiff. ; the actual damages he made tnr-e times i the amount of such asse-sstnent tinder the t circumstances of the wilful anil unlu.t i Infringement, and for such other rell.f as ! to the court may em mssi. j The Shaker have made a dlsnvery ! which Is destln d to accomplish much 1 Children .ill hate to t.ik- c.i but not Laxol. whbh H inlat.il j j ll'ST KUI l ll. j ' ' ' T, Sccoml Iiistitlirncut "f iw NV.tll ! ap-.r-.. aiiU Altirc t" ('nine. Parti. . w ho ar.' tl--; irons of se. ur.ng -t 1-V pat.: n ur;-i d, signs In p. r shou'd e.iP ..n c M. C.it lio I. a- l i-t r. ' Iv . d hi. se.-emd i n: fr..t:i tile I'.n-t A tb r.l Is t I li th. o lIlMlllill r...w ..n the way. Mr Outt-irth claiius b Ian lb. b. it e, fed sl.u k In Ihe city, and I: wlil be s. Id at lower pil es than pr-vnl! .Isewh.re. The store uc cuplid by Mr. Ciitbirth Is spacious and well lighted giving tin- purchaser a lair chance to examine his good. Ibar In mind tliut this stock Is all new and up to dale, opposite postoltlee, on w-st Side. ICE CREAM St IDA TODAY-. C. II. Smith, the confectioner, will he gin the manufartur- of bis fatuous Ice ert-am today. Everyl-ody knows what his goods are, as they are made from the pure cream fresh from the creamery every morning. Ice cr-'ani soda a sp ialty. Private parlors fur ladles. REMOVAL. Having rm v'd to Bond street text doot to JefffT's restaurant, I re-peetf up.y in vile my friends and others In need of coo.!, honest footwear, to tall on tne In I the new place. New work as w- II as re- pairing. Good workmanship and lln- nnd let live prlc-s. S. A. HI M HE. We're no stopping the sel ling of those boys' Si 50 shoes for H.28. The course has opened as we've got along, and now they're selling without much talk. THE AlfAI'l: f ROPOSAI.S FOR l- l'.EHII BEEF AND 'resti Mutton: titllce Chl.f Com missary. Van. ouv r liiirriu k -, W.i.eli., Mareh S,. I-I: Healed pmpu-als In lp. lb-ate will Is- ree.v.d here and at ..flo-is of Cejmmissarles at following nan ed posts, i for fr sh beef and fresh mutton to be delivered at that post onlyt, until 12 o'clock, noon, Friday, April 21, lkim. tlen oens, for furnishing and delivery to Subsistence Departm ni, U. H. Arrnv, the fresh b.s-f and frwh million called for by the Commissary of post to be sup plb.l during six months, nnd also s p arafe proposals for year, commencing July 1, JVS: Ilolse Barracks and Fort Sherman, Idaho; Forts f'anby, Spokane, Walla Walla, and Vancouver lliirrnclts, Wash, Freeh beef shall be good In qual ity and condition lit for Immediate use, anil from fore and hind quarter mints proportionally. Including nil best cuts thereof. Fresh mutton shall be of good, fat and marketable quality, from wetlo i s ov r one and under three years old. lbs f and mutton to Is? ilr-sw-d nnd Irimmul and ib-llvered us prescribed In circular of InmruellonH to bidders. Proposals will be also rocelvd staling price nt whbh bldd t will deliver fre-.ii beef or .nut'i.n of eharaz-ter above slated, and lo I, de livered of leinpernturo not greater tbnn fl il gn- s l-'.'ihrenhelt. Gov eifun. ril r -serves tin- tight lore- i the whole i.r nny part of any or all I, I. In. Pull Information furnished here, or by Commissary at th-Bev-rnl pouts. Envelopes containing Pro posals --bouid be marked "Pioposais for Ere.,) it.i.f (or .Vint i on i m .. ," arid N.'i-ii a. Mr s'-d to undersigned or to I wry at fiosfs to be supplied. ',v I MnJ.. C. S. SURE THING ANYHOW. A mfin w-n th answer fo a IiooK ! strllf-r who H'-nt in Mh armunt for n httttk ! f ome Mnv h fore fl1l vcr-r : "I rvi r i onl'-rn th )k. It i dlo, you dhl not i I fo-n'I It. If you g-nt It, I m v r trrt f. If I wot It, I pal') for It. If I lhl;t, J t won't. His face wins th'e was of lln- doubtful kind that y: and not the mind. -He Ht. 13- T OF Condition of the KucKitl Hi itbh Ship i on (he 'iihiniton I liulst ki lOYiMiNO vnoNs am: madi Cop. I'i'i'f 1'hiskx Vtsscl Caa lie rioateil. but lltat Nht Minalil fie Striid Icmlris to Votk ua 'iiuciilc ' No laie. No l'a." A stm la. March I't. IV p I. t'loMtv, l-isq , Lloyd's Ageiil -Sir Ptiisuant lo our request, I have Msiii-d die Hrltisti ship lilriimoiag, wbeie I ,r, n. oil th lusicb. siHiut i in .v miles tioitli of Ocean Paik on the aslllllgtoh coast, and b. g to re ( pot t as follow si I The v.vs.cl Is imlr.bbst u th- sand to th- depth of alsuit nine feet, lying with the held to the having With au dio! dropp.sl. which ar- aisnit sixteen r,, t forward of a perpendicular line fioni the liana 'pipes. Indicating that the Ves sel has moved through the sands ahorc watd that distance It would appear that tlie vessel bad sli uck the Wach wtule Ihe lid.' bad b,s-ii Ihr --qiiMt tors flood. II Isiiog on ihe Isih of Mr h. the day of the casually. l tides prior lo the lowest neap tide 1 hav- mads a can fill -x-animation of the hull, and nnd the same In excellent condition, there leetna tio water In ths hold, and the vessel la making none. There Is no mi raining at pr.rti!. and ttwi masts, spars and sails and other equipment are Intact, except two Wmia which wrrs broken In attempt ing to land. The stern of ths vs., I Is now alsHit three hiinelred and fifty fe.-t from high water mark. The shoaling of the Wach la gradual, and the Urn Is atsvut Ji.-O i el from nltvetern feel of wa ter ssmwanl Ther-s atiisvars lo me no Immediate danger lo ths v-sseel t am t the opinion that Ihe vessel may be float ed when the fine weathrr sets In, but rscsunnvetul that the vrwsW tie stripped of all neivalife and equipment, and that Ihe same be laiMtest an.1 ses-ursxi agains the elements. It la further reeommended that tender be calltsl for to float the vessel on ths principle of "no cure, no pay." Respectfully submitted. OKOItilK POPK. Survi vor lo Lloyd s ll.-glater of II and F Shipping lt Vol WANT TO UK A MAKTVIIT rrUilly nut' Hut II you try and f-t lhf tt Vvrf t iy iinwt fir.tlMX. Th--n yiril nfTrr mrt nl'Mi with x ''iiir'it.n' ! Sonm I-,..! ttrr muriyt n to thi titnnliiliit frnm rhiti1hia1 lo th ifntv-, tiinrltiif from r!I Uj tttn-Unl Uorri ri uf (n-rtrthuttt. lnl atnl pttiit In th fttomtit-h, wHrv .uni.Mr An1 ninh tn:ir rnprh tmi nip-tit'-. n.tti .fit, ( I lnii r xf. luntH ) h n u I tow tHMtji. S'.i ii.v Ht.ny for fill thin Thf foiuiUttit, ttittraf n It l'.in thr or'Una-y r.iuit:xs apf trsti);hf to tw-ar utu) it, urtriMv ytltl to th urtstt tti.nni- hU', llo-ii.tt t Htotimi h Hiit. r. h.i h r- nor.-, trnt.mil IM y t. th. Kd-J'Tt.- r-nl -h aitil fnr o-, rt-fc- : i t he II v r tin J l-owi'h, ltri if wlii.-h ri tll"tui o 1 l-y W llknt"- t,( th" iti'lll.ti tl, (tll oroMtittrrt iii'"Mitc mul iii) In. . .( o( i( th T:mt to.n of th .ul." tiV tllr.nt-r l- II, urtH-ii It ' .U hj-4n Ih' far, minn h.ti no v -trioiitt ii-n of .lli tjjiici I ii urtt-r 11 UM fcptii!.. ni.til If mi h.ivi' trt'-it a r.iii'. .-f ih- l iti.-iN, TAhh-h ul-tti h.ini-h.-n Mi ll ii. f i -t, r h- 'iinti ( i.- in. r.rt tnsni ii. niti Un.i ar 1 kl-ln-y tuiul.;.- NTi''i: St i .iit'l.. lit ii it h 8htp ib rtmuiuit Tvn-r r" tir- in ttiil hy the liii.Mr tlKn. 't ui Mont th Hiiii'h hii Ult'ttiuoiHtc ii. iw -irian.li.l four inl,- t north of Oi-hii Park, I'M. tllr fn. V-h V. .! lit k.'imI oj Hon, U than four int.. from rallroa.l. TiTint. tin ruri no nny. Aihlr ti, I'. I- fllKltltY. l.Ioy.l'H Atvt nt. Aitorlit. ATTK.NTIiiN .SUIITKHS. Th r'lhl.iyon Hhlpintf and Cominl--mon AU''fi'y ar no hriKr aif.nu for Kit North rurlfh H. H, 'o. un.l not authorisf-tl to r-- tivi- or ih-llvt-r fr Ik'ht, or ollft frtMKht chat Kit f(r iirniunl of thiw rotiipuny i n am) aft r April Ul Mi-um. rt Alh IllaiH hurij mul Ktnplr will ronilmit to uiihI nt Main ntr-t wharf n hrt(tfor.-. Kor rniiw ami f.mr call ut wharf or ail-lr-?w I. K. .In I'luri, V. A M . F'orllari.l, 'tr. PHOPOHAI.H FOIl I'.RKWF.RY IIUI1.H I. VI, Honied proposal will be received at my office at the Notth piuifle llrewery, where plans and spe, -mentions can be s en until f a. m March 3. 1!1. for the coiistrueUoti of n iirewcry building at Astoria, or. for John Kopp. The' right Is nei-rvid in reject any or all Litis and to waive any defects. JOHN KOPP, N. P. llrewery, Astoria, Or, a 1 Men buyers are coming In 1 from every part of tho city for shorn. And no wonder! i Thoao shoes we price at 12 they think ought to be 13. ; THE ARCADE. ! FROM NOW UNTIL HPIlINO Overcoats and wlnier wraps will he In fashion. They can be discarded, tempor-1 arlly while traveling In the stnm-heatel trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Ht Paul Railway. For solid comfirt. fori speed and for safely, no other line ran1 compare with this great railway of thoi West. i A TWIHTKR. A twister In twisting May twist him twist. For In twisting a twist Tnree twists mnke a twist; Put If one of the twists Untwist from the twist, The twist untwisting Untwists the twlat. Thut Is. when It's twisted with orher twins than MA IIHH A 1,1,'H To People Wanting Homes On the Hinman Tract (iootl Iewidence I-otH ICfiwy of Aocesw Compfirnti vely Level And only five blocks west of the Post Office Square, will be soli at low prices and on easy terms for a short time only. ALL CHICAGO W.M.Watson, Leading Real Estate Man, Restored to Health by Paino's Celery Compound. MmMmmm rilU'AtK. Murrh .--Mr W W Vi hh' ivii.itntlun tlmtMEhoil Wi fr urrrtn ).titn.ii,l In In lu(hin or luiwl h iiia him formKMt atmintf lh iiio-i roix'Tv.t.lr. crt(ul iIik of in- rMC lit ihU lMCO t'nllkr iniuiy hn ijrlvrn lnilnr-B turn. thA tmhrf of "Alpln 1 1 r-4M tl t . ' tht I tili4htiil uhurh of t'hh-Jiiro, h i ot tic-Kli-4-tv.i, hU hrth on naounl of I I- n rttnf tninla. 1tw following un rN)iint. sT4(tmiitii from Mr. u ion down Itotr. rvmsil-ttni with hl Hfr-tonif. i'ntfnl. iHnssi'ift.ttuu ami pui'iri.ful huiti.n ImMt has Iwh hli attnttn to rWiiiiM lit pltioa In thr rint- M-nnht "I'pott tho rtx'oimix ii..atUnn uf frlcnl. j I ut1 rltn-' ivlrry MttiUMinii fur ti. A.la.'hf. ronwtil'sil.on. llullttoH IU)1 I !.. of ! ,. oii't fotin.l It atl tt rt oinm.-iKtot t Iw I ufT.-r ni inorp j fiutn hfa.U' h, l r mmn.lly at nlnht, an.t am now In itf't hrallh 'Mil ! ! thr only nicnttVin that 1 hate Mr tak n : for th"-" inillnt hi. h hn t.tnr nt-wl inn at all " W W VA Ii-N j I-artnrn tr.- iuv in. mi and w tmrrt nr npt ti. think th.rrx 1 HlMA.i Urn U t Will. Thf fart that only unit (wr-Min tn a huitslr-4l ill. -a of old iKf "H" luiw t- k- l.stih mm mul worn n oMt,.-ii( f,tt.nl hiif to ifi.-lr tiralth tit.t alhiw It to mt tn ph.rsi wlill'- tlwy t"l.-Oto tf.otnsr-lV A h.-itrt un-l ..ul lo nfTitlrti that aiv trtrtlfif In linnii.rlsiiii Wivra ainl ittoitt m tti lin Krv.itrr ttnlv than to o thrtl th" l.-i r to th'-m .. not !. nni no ! ii in In th w.'tk of nrnvi.lttiir fur th tionat-e Itsohl n to .,v thofr h.-rtltti jn.I "h.-rf.-n th-tr .luv N.t in..!-- th.-uiihif il t. . mil. I ! tuk''ii j ilurinn th.- .rinc .lrt Hint mi ru-w h.r ihitn in iiik" u )i llifl an.) nfi. ii Itrltn- I ht.' In mih" l-ro.liin i.i tak I .ihm n .'. 1 rv tniHHitt. Then ;itf ihiiti-4intsi ut THE FINEST TEA AND The Best Brands of Canned Goods, The Purest Extracts and Spices. The promptest attention to your orders at FOARD & STOKES CO. FOR HALF. Hloop Iiolphln. Length, X' feet; breadth 13 feel. Apply nt once to I.OVAI, I., t Hay Centc .AUK. . Wash DO YOU WASH? Certainly you do and of course you have laundry work done. Avoid nil danger nf Chinese iHsisisn and unclennllnesa hy having your work dons by white people. YOUR CLOTHING Will bo returned from the Astoria Hteam Laundry as pure and olean as though Just new. Culls made for cloth ing, and delivered free of charge. RICHMOND & ROSS, Proprietors. J. P. HOLLOWMAN. Manager. Corner of Ninth and Astor streets, op posite, the Parker House. Charges rea sonable and speelul weekly rates for families. THE BOARD OF TRADE., , I'I'.TI'.I nolil-H-ll-l., I'rofi, :01NLY THE FINEST LIQUORS. I Cor. Tenth and llond Streets. W. R. SMITH, KNOWS ,.-,,.44 :"fJe-ilS.f, V S;,'N!c"'. v htinrn ivr0iil hJ 14 lv rfy- Ug, fnHtln ntl 4i0fnticy, thai nac,! only rt4tiw' lpry oumpoiltwl t lanlh Dm unh-lthy atmohf o ! niako thUur hrUrhi nml .hrful n a I' ll la thr only prill r-mrly ttnivrttlljr ii-rrnrtl hy ph)l ian It niakr iwo Un hy 1x 1m thm a hrurty ariir tlti an., h rrih for tlvir f-4 IUm1 wn.rk'l niru aiwl aotiiiii. th n-r.ui, emk ami .IrMUtatcl, t rum tr-tith. freatt nnr.ou tMirrgy ai4 a puraf, moro tiitoroti hhiw.1 tiup4y from I alne't. i rr iHiaiMMinJ Thin imMt Tatinihl nnfv ami ttm In vlirraH'r aiul rrurrr ira. HUv ttr niotitrntia Ihn llf' -lonn toni. iln of )( ninlltnlit illi io. rirr. Tntf nswuf llrli, l. I. 1.1. I. ur 1'artimmili rtflln I'n f.vsuir I'liHoa mm for a loin, : lti .-un Hm--.1 Hi-it uuml iiiitiinuM ni kty Kiortt o( nt nt h alt It. unl that hern ! t.'ifrt ri ign .f t"'"' . ilhr jinro Uirnitm. antl f thin, .alv --olurrt1 I h.M1, Miiir nii aiii mtii lr l I Uni to -nj..ly thNi lt n Ifiu l-a hrtikly jml r. ! litl I'rofiNniNir l'htli n'ar-l 'nlti' j let r.Hiiiioiin.l on ttil- lat 1 1 hi '.iort tin Ini lict-raiot. a t r- nn t Ii n.r. m1 I a ar-at i''tii iiurittrr. kucIi a th.- Huihl Umm m-vrr ni)oyrt ttftr mir 'l' i Totitorrim, r ir t ilav, or tht th. f ' tr 1 1 n.t iiMti nooih lo It, k 'Hut e t- ttna1 rht or a . ako- .It. t 1 akc j f'alno'a cWvry iHitHMunl t-xlai . I torn im no tlttm riual to th'r rarlx I'tlDtf t(t for tfnowtna off iMNir htHh l lntr ut 1 iM-t n,ui a hi .to iti.t li. r. t t 1 atf a i'il.i rint-'ly Muii not il"W in itxlit h k, hut Hit. I .-r ill.. I. IT. wouhl U- lltith. tl. I V h.-llil!fi i h' t it I. in if I'ntttt' r v ronipouiiil, ru - tally at thtw (mrlh i.lntlv tiw m nM.- .l. 'on of I lo vt-nr Th 1 1. ti r t Million ii. I a ill l-a mi, 'i -..it tli-.t f.-s'Iitut, i li-atinn Ih hl.HHt an I i mat Ih nt-nr. COFFEE WANTKI). WANiilD To pilti'buse II lot suitable for a store building ut 'linker's. North Itench. Htato situation, sine and pi Ice tn A. C Haw-sou At . 'o , Merchants, Ar lington, iitsgou. I WANT hi i To rent a eight rooms. Must be dress at once, W. C hoim nf nix or i-ill lti.nt.it. Atl Unrnhart, rare j iigbe Hotel. WANi'KP -An honest, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable established house, Habtry, ITVti, payable SI5 weekly and expenses, munition pcrmnnant. Itif ereiiceii, Unclose self-nddressed stumped j envelope, i'hn Ifomltilon Company, fll ; Omaha llulldlng, Chicago. I FOR 8 A 1,IC j JAPANKHIO oooiim Just out-Just ri j eelved Just what you want, at Wins; Ut i. MS fommercui street. JHE RESORT H!ltllAlli:U A III? AC" II. w Heat llrands ol WINES, LIQUORS ami CIGARS " HP8T ON THf! COAST," The Famous Oemhrinu llrrr Always on Tap. . . . 473 Commercial St., - - Astoria, Ore. Manager Headquarters at Smith Bros.' Law Office. n F . ) 7 -7- rr-