, . THE DAILY ASTOKUX, ASTORIA, SlWIttY MORXINO, MARCH it f H-hBoyle&Go. m &.Au. nr. SOMETHING NEW. Clildrtt nd TostttV Sitel-Slio Siot. Ml Sites tit Styles We also carry a fine line of adies' and men's shoos, from the best to the lowest reliable goods. All goods warranted iust as reprvsented. JOHN HA11X & CO.. 479 Commercial street. YESTERDAY'S WEATHKR. ; Local weather lor twenty-four hour ndlng at i p. m. yesterday, rurnisneo by the United 8tates Department of Ag riculture, weather bureau. Maximum temperature. 60 dogr. Minimum temperature, decree. Precipitation, none. Total precipitation from September let. ISM, to date. 56. B inch. Skm ot precipitation from September 1st, IMS. to date, .54 Inch. BUSINESS LOCALS. Job printtnt of all klndi at the Astortan Job office. Tee Marshall's: Tou take chance on lb other. C. O. Palmberg. architect. Room Num ber S. Kinney's bulldlrg. Dr. O. F. Ball. Dentist, with lady as Blatant. Room I. Kinney Building. For the best of commercial Job print ing call at the Astorlao job office. Meany I the leading tailor, and par tbe highest cash price ror iur ,u Marshall's salmon twin 1 without a competitor. Strongest, handsomest, best. Just received, at the Scow Bay Wood Yard. 115 cords of oak wood. The finest wood ever brought to Astoria. Dumbarton's Irish flax salmon twine, superior to any In the market. Fisher Brothers, agents tor in v.wumui n. Parties desiring the best of Job printing .. ,. lr.wat nrk-M she ild call at the Astortan Job office before going else- wher. da to US Ninth street to have your amhcallaa reoalred or recovered. A One line of cover roods to select from at iwasonshU prices. Business men. tt you want to tlx up your office for the coming year, with the best of letter heads, bill heads, state ments, etc. call at the Astortan Job office wher you will find the beat of stock and material. Our own Sanaparilla Is mad of the best material that money can buy. It's a specific for Impurities of ihe utood. It cure rheumatism, pimples, liver com plaint, and foul stomach. Large bottles cents. Charles Rogers. The Oregon Trading Co.. Commercial street. Is the pl to buy your dry goods, clothing, boots and shoe, men's and ladles' furnishing goods. Should you want an auctioneer, 8. Friedman makes his office at the Oregon Trading Co Marshall's twine used by 3 per cent f the fishermen on the Columbia river. A prominent steamboat man says: "Mv family have used nearly every rjrand of Beef, Iron and Wine made, and are sat isfied that the preparation made by the Esles-Craln Drug Co. is the most palata bel and nutritious of any they have ever need. If you are run down and need a tonic, you should use it. Most so-called "salmon twines" are col ored with acids. The acids rot the fibre' and render the material useless. In the office of Elmore, Sanborn ft Co. Is an ob-1 Ject lesson that ought to be examined byj all fishermen. It is the whole of thej material used In the manufacture of Mar shall's twine from start to finish. Go. there and examine the color right, through. Tou will see then why Mar-i snail's is called the best In the world. "For 25 cents you can secure an excel lent well-served meal at the Bon Ton Restaurant, No. 571 Commercial street. They are also fully prepared to terve all kinds of fish, game and delicacies of the season, ss well as oysters in every Imaginable style at the lowest living prices. Come once and you will con tinue to come. Charles Wlrkkala's saloon, on Astor and 7th streets, which has long been one of the most popular and best patronized drinking places In the city, has been moved from its old location to the lot Immediately east of the Casino theater. Many improvements will be added, as Mr. Wlrkkala Intends kerning up the reputation his saloon has had since he assumed charge years ago. Only the best wines, liquors and cigars sold at the bar, a musical concert by the best talent In the city, under the leadership of Prof. Bchwabe, the well-known pianist, given nightly. Call around and bring your friends with you. lit NEW GOODS Arriving Daily. NOVELTIES Shown in Every Department. C. H. COOPER, The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria Rcnl SPECIAL OFFER We have now placed on the market Block 105 and water frontage, and will offer lots in that . addition at prices way below aajoininn property. We will give you good terms on this property, and a few ) dollars invested in lots in this addition will sure make you money. See fine display map in our window. NEW TODAY. Ladies' Sweaters Albert Dunbar. Black veils eJfei in tutttr color lace. SOc. each. AROUND TOWN. Though a man has fourteen pockets. And a woman has but one. He can ro through all of hlsn While her search Is Just begun! Ilwiw'i Bataar. The small dog Is one ag'n .o have his day. There are no Frog In R U Boyle ft Co.'s window. Mr. M. Abrams, of San Francisco, Is at the Occident. Harry B. Holman, of Portland, Is down on a business trip. 8ummer clothing sold at extremely low prices at P. A. Stokes.' Mr. J. P. Wampel. of San Francesco, Is In the city, a guest at the Parker. Buy lot In Block 106 of R. L. Boyle ft Co., It you want to make money. Mis Annie Turner, of Fortland. Is In the city, visiting Mr. George Marsh. Mr. P. Matson. of Seaside. Is the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. August Panlrlson. Lent Howes and James Tsylor returned yesterday from their San Francisco trip. The ship Balochmyle yesterdsy took on a lot of supplies from Ross, Hlgging ft Co. 8om of the new blouses for ladle are so Ttrr Persian they look like old rag carpets. Mr. R. A. Abbott and daughter, of Sktpanon. are spending several Jays In the city. Mr. A. L. LIndsley, of Tacoma. was In th city yesterday, a guest of the Occident. The boiler for the steamer Dispatch was yesterday shipped out of the Astoria Iron Works The Estes-Craln Drug Store has gons Into the Frog business. R. U Boyle ft Co., sole agents. Councilman W. V. McGregor ! building an addition to the south side of his East Astoria, residence. Messrs. D. K. and P. C. Warren, of Warrenton. were In the city on a busi ness trip yesterday. Ed. Adllng is said to be a candidate for constable at the coming elections, on the Republican ticket. Just received, an Immense amount of Genu' summer clothing, from Eastern manufacturers, st P. A. Stokes. The summer girl Is already planning her bathing suit. Puffed sleeves will not be one of Its beauties, as formerly. The Astoria Box Factory will dose down tomorrow for repairs. The work will cover a period of two or three days. Local contractors are about through with the work of compiling figures for John Kopp's new building. Bids will fce opened tomorrow. O. A. Johnson, of San Francisco, who was formerly constable In I'ppertown, arrived yesterday on the steamer Wueen . for a short visit in this city. Look at the map in our window of Block U6 If you want to see where It Is located, and then get our prices. They will astonish you. R. L. Boyle ft Co. During the recent lrehe-j In the small mountain streams about 2,W.M) feet of boom logs were Moated down Gray's river, where they will remain until sold. Mrs. M. McKenile, corner 9th and Com mercial street, invites the ladle of As toria to her display of spring millinery on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 24th and 25th. The Ross Millinery store will hold Its spring opening of the latest novelties on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 24 and 25. All the ladles of the city are Invited to attend. A Frenchman declares that vegetation can be aided by electricity. Potatoes planted in the path of an elecrtic cur rent grew enormously, and electrified LADIES' WAISTS CORRECT TtAINDV GUARANTEED flrpd Sold at Estate, LomiH, lt.veHt..ietitH ntict Inmirrmcc. tomatoes became ripe eight days bfor the others. Clatsop is tnai mucn ocvier than Prance that the vegviahlca grow enormously without X rays. j The man from the railroad camii who , ha be-n Isld up In the hospital with fever. Is reported by Dr. Tut tit? as heng In a condition to return to work In a few days. An Interesting set-to took place on Pla vel's wharf yesterday afternoon when th Telephone was landing, much to the uuiMnwnl of a large crowd ot people, i No damag was done. j Th Unn county Mountain Trout Can ning Association, of which Captain O V. Pope, of Portland. Is the agent, ha i about concluded to have It cans mad j by the Pacific Can Company. i Mr. O. 11. Crandall. of Oak Point, was I brought to this city yesterday, suftermg from a very sever Illness. She Is at j the residence of K. O. Hoed. Dr. Tuttle . was called to attend the case. There was no atatmcnt In the Interest at th Boyd revival meetings Issl night. Several person arose for prayer while three young men cam forward and sur rendered themselves to a christian life. The Astoria Box Company h chased from Thomas Boyle all the re maining timber at his camp on Young a river. There is about I.M.vM feet In th lot. and It Is arriving dally at th mill. Don't forget that Snodgrass. the Potog rafer, give a crayon portrait and frame made to order, valued at I15.W. free of cost, to some one of his customers this month, guessing contest open until April 1st The pile driver used In making repairs to the Frsnklln avenu and Thirty-first stmt crossing Is still occupying half th avenue. It has been ordered removed, but. like the stars and stripe. Is still there. The difference between the Columbia River salmon packers and Columbia Rlv. er fishermen Is that the packers haven't been able to form a combination, while the fishermen made one In about fve minute last night. A new spring gown of cloth has a full shoulder cape trimmed on the edge with a band of black velvet covered with braided embroidery. The soft frtll which fills in th front Is of chiffon, edged with lac, and rosette of lac trim th neck. "Oour Corner" was opened laM night by Anderson ft Peterson, with a full house. A bras band In the evening at tracted a large crowd to the corner, and the many visitors were loud In 'heir praise of the beautiful decorations of the buffet room. Harry Wood, th trap man. Is erecting stables and net racks on Desdemona sands, st which place he will operate a elne during th coming season In con nection with his traps. Mr. Woods shipped the lumber for th Improvements on Wednesday. Superintendent Newell experiment. d yesterday afternoon with th first of the new combination car. The car Is a handsome one with outside seats on each platform. It worked very success fully and goes around the curves easier than the old cars. Keep your eye on Block 105. R. TL Boyle ft Co.. sole sgents. Just received A beautiful line of all wool and silk mixed Plaids, a handsome line of dress goods In black, and all the new shades; also silks In all the new st deetgns for waists. Just land, 4. our spring wraps In silk and velvet. I. Cohen, Low Price Store. Ml llond strut. Go to Elmore. Sanborn's office and -e their new and handsome twine testing machine. Take along some of the twln-'s "as good as Marshall's." In your pocket, and tt them. Then see how much more Marshall's will stand. It's money In your pocket snd fish In your net to find out. Workmen who have made repairs to the city pipe line In Esst Astoria, have been very carelees In replacing the plank ing which they took up and as a conse quence there are many loose planks on the street. This 1 a very successful man ner In which to destroy tha city's thor oughfares. Ladles, take notice The Unique, No. 3C7 Commercial, one door east of B. F. Allen's, will formally open as a ladles cloak and suit house about April 1st. Madame Levins, established for the past tan years In Portland, will occupy the place of head cutter and fitter for the establishment. Just received a large consignment of wall paper and room mouldings, by far the largest and best stock of goods In tho city, now on hand. No house on the coast can undersell us. P.ear this in mind. Call and get the proof of this assertion. B. F. Allen ft Son, successors to B. F. Allen. Corey Brothers have movd Camp No. 1 to the saddle of Tongue Point, and will be reaily for business there Monday. Work will commence at once opening up the cut through the point, and It will STYLES- FAST COLORS. Bottort? Prices. not be a difficult matter for clllsem to reach the place of operation front I'p pertown. (superintendent ama says that he Is always glad to entertain lll or. Mr. Chailca Francis Adams, formerly president of the 1'nion Pacific rallios.l, I now visiting In Portland. Four years ago Mr. Adams was In Astyrls, and at that tint staled that when the Jetty was completed at the mouth of the rtr, As toria would have all the railroads she wanted. W. W. Corey went to Portland last nlsht and waa accompanied by Mr. 8 J. Allen, who for the past few week has been doing th purchasing for the ramps, ami la now on his wsy to (he Ogdrn office. Mr. C. J. Core). who arrived ihe other day from Ogden. will attend to the purchasing for the present. Judge McGulre. of Seaside, who Is In the city, reports everything quiet there, but they anticipate a good summer's bus iness when the Young's Hay bridge Is complete He stated that Alex. Gil bert la building a new pavilion, and ras a lot of boats secur'd. and that he Is iienerally painting and cleaning house. Among the visitors Irom the country yesterday were Wm. Anderson. IV-P River: lald Keefe. John lv: Andrew Young. Young's Itlver: Olaf Olson, l II. ami W. J. Heckard. Mrs. l.lbke, and Mi Wm. Hartell. l-ewls and Clarke; A. Max im, Warrenton: Carl Hansen, Crooked Creek; Alex Tagg and A. II. Ilaumgar len, of Clatsop. Jame llornback'r. of Foard ft Stukes, met -with a sever accident yeafnUy afternoon while handling a large cross cut saw. The saw slipped from his hands, snd In dropping to the floor struck his leg. driving on of th teeth about an Inch Into his kne cap. He had the wouml dressed by a surgeon, and Is abl to limp around. Councilman McGregor, who made a trip Into th country a few days ago, reports the road from this city to the VYalluskl bridge In excellent condition, due to the pleasant weather. Considerable corduroy work has been done on th road this sid of th bridge, and th drive la a pleasant ono. Thst much-talkesl-of mud hole near th reservoir has been dons away with. Captain Pope, of Pope, Anderson ft Co, Portland, who Is In Ihe rlty, says that h will be In the market for Cascara ' grada." the sacred hark, or w hat Is com monly known as chlttem bark. If picked clean and In good condition, gath rers ran get $30 per ton for It In Portland, and the captain wants fifty tons. It Is understood there Is plenty of Ihe bark to be had on Grays and Deep rivers. Charles Wlrkkala's saloon on Seventh street, the well known and popular re sort In the Howerr. still maintains Its reputation. Mr. Wlrkkala la an tine rlcnced man In his line of business and keeps on hand only the best grades of wine, liquors and cigars. Concert every evening furnishes amusement for visit ors. and Professor Hchwatvp, the well known pianist. Is making the music one of the feature of the place. Call and bring your friends with you. The entrle for the coming Indoor game to be given by the Astoria Koot-l-all Club will close Monilay evening All active member are ro,ueste.l to l at the club rooms on that evening, as th try-outs will take place. The club's mem bership list Is dally growing longer At the next meeting of the executive com mittee ten new applicants for nieml-er-shlp will be admitted. The handball court has been completed, with the ex ceptlon of the painting, and presents a very neat appearance. At the committee of the whole meeting soon to be held by the common council the loader of the combine of Insurance companies will b In attendance. The discussion of a new rate for the city will take place. Mr. McGregvr. chair man of tho fire and water committee, -iMiins no r-sluction Iias lt-,-n niHle since the excellent water system has been rompleLsl, and. now that the city has the beet fire protection on the coast, a re duction should be made. It Is not ilefl. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Onld Medal. Midwinter Fair. DjR; CREAM urnm Most Perfect Made. 40 Years tbe Standard. V I vilely known when Ihe meeting will be held, but II Is thought Ihe liiaurano matt will arrlv aom time this week. FISIIKKMKN IN HKSNION, lecld.t That Five Cents Must II Paid or They Will Strlk. A mass meeting of fishermen waa held In Klsber s hall last evening Th meet ing was largely attended, there Iwlng tA men present It was decided to de mand live cents per pound for fish,, and. In the event of failure of the cannerymeii to comply with this, ihe fishermen will strike. Harry Olsen waa selected as light-keep-. It waa decld.d to utilise th scow Pathfinder In pulling snags in th river. It waa further decided to Incorpo retn the Columbia Itlver Klshfrmrai'a Protective 1'nlon A hoard of trustees, consisting of seven members, waa elected a follows; II Lorusten, 11 Mettvm, N. J Svetidseth. It Kllbrig. J Maltsvin, C. Christens.'!) and II Simons. OFF Foil TIIK IIKACII. A Unto party of bicyclists will leave this morning on the steamer llwaco for the s.-ene of th wreck of in Glenruitag. Nearly all ar members uf lb ,. p, t Arriving at llwaco Ihsy will ride to Ocean Park, a vllsiam of I? mile, near which place the wrecked vessel tic. A targe party of Portland bicyclists are eipcoled down this morning, and th trip will doohtl-sa be a pleasant on for all. From this time on regular Dunday ex cursions will In. made by the bicyclists. IH YOI WANT TO UK A MAIITYHT Prot'dbly not' Hut If you do, try and gvt th dyspepsia by unwise feeding. Then you'll suffer marDrdom with a veivgnvance! Mom people ar martyrs to this complaint from childhood to the grave, sulTerlng from all It attndan horrors of heartburn, wind and pain In th stomach, weary slumber and night mare, capricious appetite, nausea, till loustkess, leanness ami sallowne. No nv.-uy fur all this The complaint, vibstlt at a It is, when Ihe ordinal y remeille are brought to hear upon It, Invariably If 1.1 to the gri stomachic, llottt-r's Htoma.li Hitlers, which re store tranquility 10 th gastric rgl in and nerves, regulates th llvr and (hi vveli. Nun ot which are dlslurbol by weakness of live stomach, and promol appottts and an Increase of llrsh That "tocsm of the soul." th dinner hell, when It peal uHm th ear. suggest no pre monition of dlr qualms after a tom fortable meal If you have tried a course of the Hitters, which also hsnl.hr bil iousness, rheumatism, nervousness, ma laria and kidney trouble. g) No; ws're not making muoh t money on thos men's shoe, w ar selling for 13. but w ar mak ing an active canvas w for us out of every customer who buys a pair. THE AHCAPK. PKIHJT UsCATED, It L. Iloyle A Co. located th depot at Alderbrook. Be th map In their window. AN ENI'lM ATICAI. HIM. OK KAItE. Por a dinner, served on th Ilnlng cars of tbe Chicago. Milwaukee and Ht Paul Railway, will h sent to any addres on rooript of a iwj-eent postage stArrp. Apply b' "on H IISnfTord, Oineral !'-sengi-r Agent. Old Colony Hulldlng, Chi-1 ., Illinois. j CAM. Poll Cof ST V WAHP.ANT3. Notice Is hereby given to all partle holding Clatsop county warrants Indors ed prior to Msy th, isM. lo present the sum to the county treasurer for pay ment, as Interest will cease thereon after this clnte. I'ated Ihe lith day of March, A I). 1S-A It. K WAHD. Treasurer of Clatsop Co., Or. FItOM NOW t'NTII. 8PKISO Overcoats and winter wrapa will lie In fashion. Thev ran be dlsrardrd, tempor arily while traveling In th steam-heated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Pt Paul Hallway. l-'or solid comfort, for speed and for safty, no other line can compare with this great railway of the WW. Men buyers are coming In from every part of the city for shoe. And no wonder! Those shoes w price at 12 they think ought to be O. THE AnCADE. If CI.AI rtVOYANCK. Mrs. Ilnrgess Wheeler. Clnlrvoyint nnd Magnetic Healer, itoom 3, Hotel Tlghe. PKOI'OHAI.8 POIl HHKWEnr HCIU INO. Scaled proposals will he received at my office at the North Pacific Ilrewery, where plans and specifications can be seen until 10 a. m. March 23, 1MS1, for the construction of a brewery building at Astoria. Or, for John Kopp. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. JOHN KOPP, N. P. Brewery, Astoria, Or. WIFE WANTED. By the 11,000 neauty, Jones, th Orang Outing from Borneo. For further par ticulars call and see Joe, at Via Com mercial street, where he Is on exhibi tion from I a. m. till I p. m., for on week only, commencing Saturday, March 21. Jos la the first orang ouuuig ever exhibited west of Chicago. Everyone should see him. Admission only 10 cents. A TW1MTBR. A twister In twisting May twist him twist. For In twisting a twist Three twists mak a twist; But h on of th twists Untwists from tho twist. The twist untwisting Untwist th twist. That Is, when It's twisted wltn any other twins than MARSHALL'S. ROYAL Baking Powder has beta awarded blghett bonora at every world's fair where exhibited. TpPeople Wanting Homes On the Hinman Tract Good Reidence Lots Kasy of Access Comparatively Level And only five blocks west of the Post Office Square, will be sold at low prices and on easy terms for a short time only. . W. SMITH, Manner .Headquarters at Smith Bros.' Law Office. Lightest Store in Town Ycu Can See What You Are Buying You DON'T WAIT I CAN FISH FLY This Offer Holds Good for a pew Days Only. HERMAN WISE, The Reliable Price Clothier. COME AND X Fruit and Urge and Choice Stock of All the Delicacies in the Market . . . Per San Francisco Steamer Today FOARD & STOKES CO. Jt'ST AKKIVI l. I SccunJ lti-.lulliiiv.itt.if IH'Ml Wnll 1'npvrs, nuvl More to Come. Part lea who ara d.wlrous of securing tho latest lv! patents and deslsns In wall paper should call on C. M. Cut birth, who haa Just received his second Installment from the Kast. A third Is now on the way. Mr. Cutblrth claims he has the best selected stuck In th city, and It will be sold at lower price than prevail elsewhere. The slor oc cupied by Mr. Cutblrth Is spacious and well llxhtcd giving th purchaser a fair chsnc to eiamlne his goods. Bear In mind that this stock la all new and up to date, opposite postolflce, on Wist side. ICE CKEAM HolA TODAY. C. 11. Rrnlth, lh confectioner, will be gin the manufacture of hi famous In cream today. Everybody knows what his goods are. a they are made from the pure cream fresh from th creamery every morning. Ice cream soda a spe cialty. Private parlors for ladles. a HKMOVAI.. Having removed to JJond street nest door to Jerrff's restaurant, I respectfully In vite my friends and others In need of kihhI, honest footwear, to call on ma In Ihe new place. New work as well as re pairing. Oood workmanship and live and let live prices. B. A. U1MRK. FOB HALE. Hlonp Iiolphln. length, IS feet; breasih II feet. Apply at once to LOYAL U CLAIIK. Bay Center, Wash We're no stopping the sel ling of those, boys' 11 SO shoes for $1.28. Th course has oponed as wo'vs got along, and now they're selling without much talk. THE AltCADK. NOTICE TO TAX-PA YEHB. Notice la hereby given that the tax roll for MUG Is now In my hands for collec tion. Taies must bs paid on or before April 1, 1K90, to save additional coats. JA8. W. HAKE, Sheriff and Tax Collector. EXCURSION. Th steamer llwaco will leave Astoria at 7:34 Sunday morning and will connect with the train for Ooean Park. lUduoed rate will b mad to afford all a chanc to visit the wreck ot th Qlenmorsg. OUR CORNER. A gentleman's resort, at corner Bond and 12th streets. The finest brands of liquors and cigars always on hand. Call and try us. ANDEBSON A rETKHHON. r would laugh if any one were to tell you that fish can fly; of course, no one makes this as sertion, because It would not be believed; but when we say that we will sell foods at a reduction of IS percent.the balance of this month you can bet that It is the truth., because our Mr. Wise joes to 'Frisco in a few days to buy the balance of our SPRING ST0CK part of it Is now on the way from the East-and we wish to make room and. besides, we want to raise a little money. DON'T HESITATE 1 SEE Vegetable Display WANTKI. WANTKI An honest, sctlv gntlrm.in or lady to travel fur reilabi established hous. Halary. t7M, payable HI weekly and espense. Mltuatlon perrnansnt. llrf srence. Kni-los set f-sd tressed stamped envelop. Th Iiotnlnloii Coni any, fit Omaha Building, Chicago. POK SALIC For Bal-Th FrrU property, oorner of Klchang and 14th streets. Price, M.Xt). W. C. Cassell, 171 loth street, agent. JAPANK8H aOODts-Just Out-Just M-clv4-Jut what you want, at Win Use's, Ml Commercial street. THE RESORT 'UHIMIMUKH St II H ACM. w flsst Brsnda l WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. MUST ON TMIi COA5T," Th I'smous (Ismbrlnas Hear Alwsys n Tsp. . . . Mi Commercial St., - - Astoria, Ore. DO YOU WASH? Certainly you do and of ooursa ysu have laundry work dona Avoid all danger of Chinas disease and uncleanllnsss by having your work dons by whit psopl. YOUR CLOTHING, Will li returned from th Astoria Steam Laundry aa pur and clean aa though Just new. Calls mad for cloth ing, and delivered fre of chart. RICHMOND tt ROSS, Proprietors. J. P. H0LL0WMAH, Manafer. Corner f Ninth and) Astor streets, op posits th Parker House. Charges rea sonable and special wskly rat for famllle. THE BOARD OF TRADE PBTBR DOURBLL, Prop. ONLY THE FINEST LIQUORS. Cor. Tenth sad Hand Atrssts. i ... 1... t; IXLT