The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 22, 1896, Image 1

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A ftfactil fae WiiMiiftM d OrtfM. ft
4 Tas XSTORiAN hu tttt lirreat LOCAL )
j clrcalitlMi th.largnt GF.NtRAI. circuit- I
" Me, sad tt largsst TOTAL clrtiilallM f "
till inra tablliM hi Alter! a. t
'J- r 2--
NO. 67.
if-nn I EX,. ,f-V J 5,1 II III WvrVr IB . - - f ia
f f M I HYB Ea" "H 11 iV 'YaT'iTl . . tiling. .-. . r VTT. .
The One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers.
Do you int'il anything in Ofliee Supplies, Letter
Fresnon, Copying Hooks, Inkstands, Tablet, Inks, Blank
Jtooks, Illuo Print Taper, Waste Barkt-t, Irk 'fraye, Pen
Racks, Typo Writing Papoi, Hiblon ami Carbou Papci.
If bo, we can Biipply you.
A new lot of Ploying Cnrcl
jimt received.
Griffin & Reed,
City Hook Store.
New Stock
We put more renulne service for the LOGGERS SHOES that hold calks,
none" Into our School Shoes than Into
any class of shoes we sell. Give them FARMERS' SHOES, all kinds,
a trial; you won't regret It. I
Copeland 6k THorseti.
Such as Never Been
Hardware. Granite Ware, Rope, Stoves, Iron
Pipe, Terra Cotta Pipes, Bar Iron. Steel,
Cannery Supplies, Loggers' Tools
At prices that defy Competition.
Done by experienced workmen. Fixture at Coat.
Sol Oppenheimer,
In our Trustee Sale of
Men's and Boy's Clothing,
Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Boots, Shoes,
Trunks, Valises, Etc., nt
price" tlmt will quickly nell tliem.
New Stock
Kid and .
Cloth Top,
A to EE.
Offered Before In
Call and Be Convinced.
Trustee for M. C. CROSBY.
A. 1 A. AS A
The Intention of the Supreme Advis
ory liuiird to Tukc I'art In the
('residential Campniijn.
Still flirpisg bi the htiue la Ciplorer
fl.rqiciu lacidacte la tit Cuntl-tstlti!-
The Yeseiselaa Bussdarj
tonaisslui (li her Notea.
Washington. March 21. Th Amerlcin
Protective Aeaoclallon. which hu larn a
factor In ma municipal pollilca of
several stale, fur a number of years,
ha. announced lla Intention lo enter III.
field of national pul'. in coming
prealdiiillal campaign, lla Aral mov.
tnrnl toward Ihla rruaade will b taken
at lh meeting of lh supreme advisory
board of organisation, called lo m.-t In
Washington Tuesday. Marrh 14. Thla
meeting la preliminary to th. araalona
of Ih auprmr rounrll, whtrh will It1
hl1 hrre In May. Prominent mMnb.ri
from r-ary rotirr rational dlalrlrt In th.
rounlry will lak. part In 111. auprrma
council, and will dnrrmln. th. part Hi
ontanla&tlon HI ak In th. rampaUn.
It la part of th. program to Inalat on
th. r.-rnarlnvnl In parly platfurma !h
yar of Ih plank, of Ih. lJrmnrraile
and Hepulillran platforma of 1171, in
which both partlr. daclartt axalnat anr
tartan appruprlallona and miolumnla
from public tnoiipy and property. In thai
yar Mr. UlaJn. proiward In ooncrraa an
am.ndmfftit to th conatltutlon, aa fol
lowa: "Arilrl. XVI-Nllhr roncma nor any
lata ahall paa. any law raapcotln th
aaiabiuhrnnil of rllslon, or prohibiting
I ha fra Mcl.a thrrrof, or ua prt;ny
or crwdlt of th. Vnliad SIMM, or of any
lata, of any money ralavd by taxation,
or authortM Mthrr lo ba ual for th
purpoa. of founding, malnlalnlng or aid
ing, by appropriation, payimnl for ar
vtcna. .ipanai or othcrwla.. any church,
rwltrtmia dnaomlnatlon, or r4lgloua ao
otvty. or any Inailiutlon or aoctrty or
umlrrtaklng which I. wholly or In part
undrr an-tarlan or acrlwlaallral con
irol." t'urtng thla rongra I.lnton, of Mlchl-
in. Intmlucrd tha aam amandmrnt,
and Ih A I'. A. will .ndravor to hav.
Ih. anirndmiHit mad. a part of th. con
atltutlon Another fratura of Ih. pro
gram with which lha advlaory board II
deal la what th political Mm of th.
A. I'. A. call a campaign of education.
They dnrlar. IhHr llt'ratura ahall reach
very oitofflc and .vrry voter befur
flection day.
Henalnra and rirerntallrvea hav.
heard from In A. K A. organlutlnna of
thetr atatea during the paat month.
Following ia lha copy of a letter which
haa com lo nearly all of them:
"At a W'rnt meeting of Ih alata coun
cil of th A. P. A. a rraotutlon wai
unanlniniiKly .debited that we requrat
our a, nalor and reprracntatlvra In con
groaa lo work and vol for th following
"Mi", now pending: -A bill to aecur tuat
dtatrlbutlun of federal nfflrai; a bill to
catahllah a national untvrralty: a bill
to reatrlci Immigration and rngulal nt
uralliatlon: l.lnton'a joint rraolutlon
amending the comtllullon. prohibiting
for all time acclarlan appropriation: a
bill to prohibit advertlra or oth.-ra from
ualng ih national .mlilera aa an adver
tising advlc.
"We hoi Ihla exprcaalon of th. r4re
omativea of ao many of your oonatil-
tiwta will niert your endowment aa
bwng for th lntrmt of oir country
and In lit with the. Idea of th. found
er, of our govrmmont.
"V alao dealre to revpvctfully call
your attention to th. fact thai It la the
deolgn to place In Statuary iiall a statue
of Plrr Marquntlc-. Wa rvgard thla a
a dangrroua Innovation."
Waehlngton, March II. Mr. Mll.'t Pro
voat, vrtary of ths V'emudan Com-
nilaalon, tolay aulhorlint th. following
aiatmam :
"nurltUjT th paat weak a ntiort haa
become current that the commlaalon PJ
rcachrtl a dwlalon with rferenc to lh
iHititHlary uiicatlon fnvorabl. to Vendue
la. Thla having hern denied, th. report
haa been crculated In another form, and
It la now aaserted that while Ihe com
mlaalon aa a body haa reached no auch
conolualon. the commlsalontra Individual
ly entertain the vlcwa referred to.
"It muat be evident to all that, ao long
aa anything remain! to be examined and
coneldered, th rommlaalonra are not
In a poaltoln to form an opinion reopoct
lna th. merlta of the controversy."
Washington, March II. The lateat mall
from I Ouayara contalni a long-expected
addition to th. raae of Vrnraucla
aa It will b. laid before the Venvsuulan
boundary commtaalon. '
Wholeaalers of the Coaat Organlie a Gi
gantic Trust.
San Tarnclaco, March M. The Central
Lumber Company, a corporation Into
which th. lumbermen of th. coaat have
organised themselves. Into a gigantic
truat, haa opened Its local office.. Prices
hav. been advanced, and steps have been
taken still further to lncrense the coat
of lumber to retailors and to builders.
The price Hats, which were prepared sev
eral days ago, and which ar. In the
hands of dealer, are the subject of gen
eral discussion among merchants. The
prices of lumber, as they are now quoted
In this market, under orders of the trust,
may be divided Into three great depart
ment!. The new schedule of prices
means a generl advance of fifty cents
per thousand In each of the three de
partments of trade.
The Roof of a Frame Building Tuk.s
Fire During a Wake.
Wilmington, Del., March SI. On Wed
nesday, William Ward, a colored man,
died In tho county almshouse, where he
had been sick for some time, ills body
was brought to the horn, of bis widow
In thla city, a frame house on Water
street, along the line of the railroad.
At night a number of friends of the
family "Jea" dropped In" to console with
the widow.
What followed Is not definitely known.
but when Policeman Ward reached the
vicinity of the hotmo at 11:90 o'clock he
srcelled smoke. Upon making an In-
wtlgatlvn be found that the roof of
lb. buua. was on fir In a dsn pla:ra.
To ave tltn. ha ran a blix k or two
,wl In Mil Inrm for th flm
nwnt. Tlr-n be rtullixl to tht nous.
arid priiceMled lo enter lo notify th. oo
rupanta Aa u opened tile door h. was
almost knocked down by half a dos n
colored mn. who w.r carrying Um Ic
box. In which was th. Idy of Uw col
i rod man. Aa the men left th- hrjuae.
th.y tor. tr. crap, from lit door and
Ibrarw It upon the tup of Ih. lua box.
Tln tln-y carried Uvelr burd,n to a
rMlgbbjrlng lumlier yard, where It was
aaf. The fir. dvartmrnt aoon put jut
ih. flaniM and tho body waa returned
lo ttia nouM.
Whr-n queilunl coe.eernlng the fir4
th. orrupenta of th houe could tell
nothing Dura than thu the stove waa
kept ftrl up It Its highest ppch Jurlng
lb. evening, and that It kept getting
warmer and warmer. The flu. bream,
overheated, and started a fir. In the sec
ond story, ttmoe spreading to th. roof.
Lightning Overpowers Th re Toughs In
a Pennsylvania Town.
Has'llon, Pa., March 21 -P. A. Kelly,
station maater at Ih. guakakl electric
light station near her had an experi
ence last night which ha will not forget
for aom time. Th. station Is located
oulald. Ih town In a lonely spot. Two
dynamos ar uead to general, th. cur
rent which lights lb. docks and a few
at reels of the settlement Th. night
as very stormy, and frequent adjust
ing of rorvriTS and meters kin th.
attendant on th Jum About midnight
h. was a tart led by the appearance of a
big, vll lalnoue-look trig man, who demand
ed that the lights be cut off. Kelly Is
a amad but nervy man, and ordered the
fellow out of th. elation. Instead of
going the vlaltor reau hrd for th. it. am
valve, and was turning It when the elec
trician stunned him by a heavy blow on
Ih. Jaw. II. then made a signal, which
waa responded to by three dark-viaaged
pale, who bad bean crouching behind th.
dynamo. Aa they attempted to croaa
the room the eeement interfered as If by
magic. A heavy gal. of wind brought
two wires together, sending th. current
bark Into tho smaller generator, which
Instantly waa converted Into a motor
and reversed lis motion. A streak of
lightning flaahed about the room, while
a blu. light aw mad to come from every
part of th. building, and tongues of fir.
struck terror to tho hearts of th. visitors.
Th. big fellow nod precipitately, but his
compauilona lost th-lr beatings and
begged for merry. Kelly had seen th.
cut runt playing at rang pranks, hut never
anything like that , After getting th
three men out he brok. the switch and
quloi waa restored. The electrician ex
plalna that the wire became crossed by
the wind, and whan the switch was
broken the tvtulon was again released,
and uton alerting th. dynamo It worked
all rtghl. It was learned today that the
thuga had planned to rob aeveral houses
In the vicinity. and for that reason
umtI to put the town In darkness.
A Oood Oouttook for a Firm Money Mar
ket In Future.
New Tork, March IL Th. Financier
The statement of the associate banks
of New York City for the week ending
Marrh tl reflects Ih. prevailing shrinkage
In th. money market. Th. loan expan
alon for the week was not quite 11 no.-nn
The outward movement of currency still
continue., and It la the prevailing sen
timent that th. return tide will not set
In until April or per ha pa later. Thee,
are eigne, however, that this flow Is
nearing Its end and while there has been
a fair demand from western centers, ex
change rates are easing slightly. The
outlook, however. Is for a nrm money
market for some time to come. The
government depository banks Isst week
turned over four millions Into the treas
ury In response to th. call for the S)
per cent payment and as the sum remain
ing lo lie paid la a very larg one, the
amount of payments to be made has an
Important bearing on the general situa
tion. The execes reserve Is down to 20.
000,000 and a call for the balance of the
government deposits would hav. an em
barrasring effect on the market as th.
reserves of the banks are In many rases
at a low point. The treasury Is, how
ever, treating th. banks liberally In this
matter, and no fear It Is said may be
apprehended from such a causa.
New Tork, Marrh 21. Rradstj-eet'a sayi
the trade throuhgout the United
States for the first quarter of IStt ia dis
appointing. When the Improvement In
Industrial and commercial line, between
March and September, ISM, Is recalled,
occi rrlng, aa It did, two years after the
panic of 1KS3, the re aeon would seem to
have been behind confidence that the cur
rent calendar year will bring a general
revival. But the most favorable report
at this time are those which declare the
volume of business only equal to. and
In a few Instances In excess of, a like
total one year ago.
Portland, March 21. It Is stated that
Justice Field was recently requeei-d to
come to the coast and exercise his au
thority In removing A. F. Burleigh from
tho receivership of the Northern Pacific.
Justice Field intimated that burlelgh
was entirely satisfactory and would not
be removed.
Will Be of Great Benefit to Communities
Served by the Company.
New York, March 21.-The Commercial
and FinnnclRl Chronicle, speaking of the
Northern Pacific reorganisation, savs,
under authority of Chairman Adams, 'of
the reorKaniiatlon committee:
"While the carrying out of the pro-
nostsl renrtrfliiiinH,-,,. .Ill
security holders of the Northern Pa-lllo
II will hnnlly mean lost to communities
which the system serves. It may be
taken for granted that the. local senti
ment Will Via fMl'L-nhU ., t
company, since the road Is to be main-
iiuru an separate system, vy lm
Drovins: the itmiurti. I. n-m t,A nia...
' ,. - . ... . . i nil, ' V , 1 1 1, . V.
In a better position to meet the requlre-
inciuM oi me various sections traversed
by the road. Furthermore tha nuwran.
Ixers propose to spend large amounts
muiruiaieiy lor sucn improvements, and
this will have a marked effect In stim
ulating trade In the Northwest.
"Litmllv II la Ih. In, .
- , , ... ,.,..,,, ,u ,u,oua
a vigorous policy In the development of
the teriitorv trlhtlrv tn .ha enn I...
promoting settlement on the company's
Best Washing Powder on
earth. Larce size. 20 cents.
Soap Foam.
It Is Generally believed in London
She Has burned Her Fingers
Kith Egyptian (Jue'stiun.
for the Trtich Covermest. Whose JUtitade
It Looked I p.! as ! Creil liter,
est Ccitera I' pot the Healer Regatta
Teles titrjf Vclcosud.
(ropyiighted. 1W, by Asaoclsted Press.)
Ixindon, March H. France, It Is gner
ally believed here, la burning her fingers
with th. Egyptian question. The French
government. It Is asserted, eipect-d the
co-operation of Germany, but found she
had been anticipated by Grat Britain,
us the Marquis of Salisbury asaured him
self of th. support of Emperor William
In th matter, and the latter Is said to
have Informed the British premier that
Great Britain could rely upon the sup
port of Germany and Austria If h- aided
The Marquis of Salisbury, It app ars,
had not consulted with the Congo Free
Btst airthorttle before announcing th.
government's decision. France Conse
quently found herself confronted with a
plan fully prearranged, and It Is stated
sh- now shows a disposition to "climb
down" from th. attitude she assumed
when the government Issued Its note of
Wednesday last, saying that the proposed
advance up th. Nil. was a meat sur
prise to the government of Franc, and
would serve to embitter the English feel
ing In that country at the time when a
better understanding was promised, and
adding that Great Britain's explanation
that advance Is necssary to the Interest
of Egypt Is viewed with sarcasm In
Th. wording of this not Is now sad
dled on the premier, M. Bourgeois, who.
It Is aeerted. Issued It without consulting
th rest of the ministers.
Much Interest Is manifested In legal and
other circles In tha bill Introduced at
the Instance of LcrJ Salisbury, for th.
suppression of Indecent evidence. This
measure waa read for th. secon time In
the house of lords yesterday. By Its
provisions th. Judge 1 empowered to
order evidence which he thinks will be
prJudlclal to public morals not to be
published. The lord chief Justice, Baron
Russell, of Killoween, Is known to be
opposed to the bill, and It Is quoted that
the master of rolls. Baron E'her, presi
dent of th. divorce court. Is of the opln
In that the law Is already strong eoouRh,
and that If the pi ofjosad measure b
come, a law. It will practically establish
a censorship of the press.
Lord Clenesk, proprietor of th. Morning
Post, contended that th. tendency of
the press was against the publication of
such details, and asserted that he had
read more offensive things in recent nov
els than had ever been found in news
paper. Although the bill had been read
for th. second time in the house of lords
It Is doubtful If It will be adopted by th.
house of commons.
The Field continues Its opposition to
the presence of the Tals crew at the
Henley regatta, and prints a letter urg
ing the most stringent Inquiry Into the
amateur standing of members of that
crew who Intend to take part In the
race at Henley, "without being desired
to do so," as the writer says, and sug
gesting the passage of a rule excluding
all foreign crews from participating In
the annual regatta at Henley.
Another letter to the FIHd contends
that racing for money by public sub
scription, as has been done In the United
States, prejudice! the status of members
of the Tale crew and amateurs.
Henley. On the Thames, March a. Un
usual attention Is centered upon this
year's regatta from the fact that more
than ever It will partake of an Inter
national character. In addition to the
entry of the Yal. crew, there are entiiJs
from rowing clubs from Holland, France,
and Germany. It Is also hoped the fa
mous Argonaut Club, of Toronto, will
again cross the Atlantic and compete.
In consequence, the officials are making
preparations for what will undoubtedly
be the record year.
J. F. Cooper, secretary of the regatta
committee, said: "Nothing could have
given the committee more satisfaction
than the entry of the crew from Yale
They are so well known to English ath
letes, by reason of their contests, that
they will be welcomed with open arms."
Not Thought Likely the Cannerymen
Will Effect a Combine.
Portland, March SI. Saturday night
finds the cannerymen still talking, with
no solution of the vexed questions con
fronting them yet provided. They are,
if anything, more at sea than at any time
during the session, and It Is not at all
without the range of probability that a
combination will not be formed at this
time. Some of th. members left for
home this evening, but those remaining
are holding another session tonight. From
the present outlook, It will result as all
others have. Ther seems at this tlmu
no way to harmonise the various clash
ing elements sufficiently to allow a suc
cessful combination to be made.
The meeting of packers adjourned to
night to reconvene In the parlors of
the Portland Tuesday. Many matters of
Import have been settled, but nothing
tending to a realization of the primary
object for which the meeting was called.
Tho meetings have been exciting, in that
almost each one had an idea of his own
to introduce which he .strenuously sup
ported, but the result has always be n
the same. It Is understood other con
solidation schemes are In preparation for
Tuesday, and that at that time the de
sired combination will be formed. Mem
bers absolutely refuse to divulge any de
tail of the matters considered In the
meetings already held.
Roseburg, March 21. In the case of
the state vs. R. B. Matthews, charged
with attempt to commit rape, the grand
Jury returned a "not true bill," and de
fendant was dismissed.
In the case of the state of Oregon vs.
Albert and Andy Pool, the grand Jury
found a true bill. The ball Is fixed at
UOQO, which was furnished. The charge
Having Hoe Cake Soap in
your kitchen or bath once
means always.
la being accessory to murder by aiding
Ham H Brown to escai Jail on the
ith of last December, and secreting him
afterward.. Tha grand Jury Is still In
session, and other Indictments In the
asm direction ara expected.
Passenger on th. Steamer State At
tempted to End His Life.
San Francisco, March IL Th st amer
Stale of California, from Portland, ar
rived today. On th. trip down th. ent
ers of th. vessel had a lively time with
a passenger named J. Corenigl. who
tried to end his life by Jumping Into the
sea soon after th. Stat, left the Colum
bia river. Corenigl. waa seised by mem
ber, of th crew, but h. mad. a desper
ate effort to free himself. He had to be
placed In Irons and confined In his state
room, a guard being placed over him.
On Ih arrival of lb Heanw here.
Officer McGrath, of the harbor police,
srved a warrant on th. passenger, which
waa telegraphed from Portland at the In
stigation of 8. Sanders. It was devel
oped that Corenlgie la Inaane and that
b. cutely planned and effected hi! . a
cape from his custodians at Portland,
bought a ticket for this city and made
good his escape.
Considerable Anxiety Felt In San Fran
cisco for Their Safety.
San Francisco, March JX Considerable
anxiety is felt In marin. circles! regard
ing th. safety of aeveral veasela, which
ar. considerably overdue. Tha five mast
ed schooner Louis Is now U days out
from Moleodo. bound for tha Columbia
river. Sh. should hav. arrived there
at least a fortnight ago.
The bark Vldette Is out 27 daya from
Redondo, for Portland. Another veaaei
which la causing soma uneasiness Is the
barkentlne Eureka, now out Is) days from
Ban Joae de Gautemala for Tacoma. Tbe
three-masted schooner J. B. Leeds Is M
days out from Guaymas tor Gray's Har
bor. Th. bark Vldette arrived at this port
on Friday, and left up the liver yeat -r-day
afternoon In tow of the Fannie.)
Tacoma; March XL H. R. Deplatn, who
baa been constructing th. drainage tun
nels on th Northern Pacific main line
In th. Cascades mountain, waa sent to
Boseman. Mont., today to take charge
of th. work of repairing the tunnel th-re.
It has been determined to permanently
line the tunnel with concrete, malting
Ares Impossible. Three years will be
required to do the work, and a large
gang of men will be steadily employed.
New York. March JL-Willlam Q. Jude
of the Theosophlcal Society, died in
tbi city today. H. had been, since the
death of Mme. Blavatsky, the most prom
inent theosophlst In this country. He
had been ailing more than two years
and this morning he succumbed to an
affection of the lungs, which a change of
climate had faired to cure.
McMinnvuie. Or.. March 21.-The Re
publican primaries today elected about
an equal number of delegates on each
side of the silver question In this county.
Tha North Yamhill precinct endorsed
Hermann and free silver.
Liverpool. March a. Wheat, spot,
seady; demand, poor: No. X red winter, S
d; No. 1 hard Manitoba. Is Sd; No. 1
California, G (d.
Hops Paclfio coast, 1 Us.
Portland, March i-.-Wheat Valley, SSU
GO); Walla Walla. S7058y.
Safe In Port After a Tempestuous Pas
sage from Newcastle. .
The old colonial trader Balochmyle
came Into the harbor of Astoria yester
day, after a passage of 76 days trora
Newcastle. N. S.W. Captain Talt, her
commander, reports a rather unpleasant
voyage: this and an accident which
occurred four days after leaving New
castle has bad, no doubt, a good deal
to do with the length of the passage.
At about 9 p. m. on January 8. l.v,
while the ship waa In latitude 12 south
lil9 east, she encountered very severe
weather and was dismantled, her main
topmast carrying away about five t.'et
above the lower cap. The wreckage fell
paruy on uecK ana partly over tn. siae,
and, In order to save the ship, the gear
and rigging had to be cut away. After
almost superhuman efforts the decks
were finally cleared and the ship' was
once more headed for Portland, ur.der
Jury rig. The heavy Iron topsail yards
were broken like carrots, and h.r imwer
ful pitch-pine topmast splintered like
matchwood. The loss of canvass and
ropes was great, particularly on the
Captain Talt and his crew, hower.r,
did not remain Idle: every available soar
and plank was used up In making new
masts and Ashing yards that were brok
en. Hawsers and hauling lines were
utilised In making rigging and when '.he
vessel arrived here yesterday she did
not look as If she had passed through
such an ordeal: but to the practical sea
man she appeared a sort of nondescript
craft, for, while she had double topsails
on the fore, she carried the old-fashioned
single topsail on the main, with double
topgallant sails on the fore, while the
main was minus both upper and lower
topgallant yards. The ship, as sketched
at the time by one of the officers. Is a
truly marvelous sight.
The vessel will take out part of her
cargo here and then proceed to Portland.
The damage to the vessel's rigging, while
serious, has In no wise, however. Im
paired the hull, and Captain Talt ex
pects little detention. If any, on account
of the mishap. Captain Talt deserv.-s
great credit for bringing his vessel safely
into port. Many a shipmaster would
no uouoi nave run his vesael Into some i
N;w Zealand port and re-tltted her. All ;
the world likes a plucky man, and it 's I
to be hoped Captain Talt will have his I
reward from the proper Quarters.
Incipient panlers are appearing on j
spring models.
Highest of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Sailors of the Glcnmorarj Talk of the
Trouble Ther Experienced
in the Pofj.
Except There Wat ReiTj roj Soaodiig
Takes it Soot aid So Botloa Vat
ruaid Disaster Caoe Jtost
An Astortan representative who visit!
the scene of th Ulenmoraa; yesterday
Th vessel lies In a peculiar position,
having the appearance of just anchoring
on the edge of th. beach for cargo. Her
anchors were let go soon after th. Mp
struck, and the bow, holding the cor
rent, lifted her stem up onto the beach
leaving her heading about east southeast.
At first sight It seems an easy matter
10 save the ship as site looks ready to
leave herself: bat after examining the
position (almost broadside on) and tu
slope of th. beach, which Is very gentle,
the Idea Is quickly dispelled.
The Glenmorag left Callao on Jarmarr
S. experenced a very fair passage with
the exception of head winds and fogs
which were encountered for a few days
previous to the fatal one. The captai
would give no statement to th press,
but soma of the sailors interviewed talk
ed freely. One said:
"We were going along at a fair rate
when we ran Into fog and ware oa th
point of wearing around when
struck. W. hov the lead at 11 o'clock
In the morning and got lu fathom. At
11 o'clock we got no bottom.
The sailor who had lb wheel at tks
time of the accident, stated: "I went
to th wheel and followed th course;
we were In a big foe bank when a slight
Jar was felt: the second and the shocks
which followed la rapid succMaloa were
very severe. I remained at th wheel
about IS or 30 minutes, until I was called
to go to one of th. boats, whl.-h n
the second to leave the ship, sad
tha one In which Reddle and Adams lost
thetr lives and the others were Injured.
We made the shore after a hard struggle
there being only on man la the beat
beside myself wbe waa able to pull.
After we gained the beach we found that
the first boat had arrived safely snd
that aid had been summoned. The third
boat cam. ashore shortly after. No sig
nal guns were fired, as It all happened
None of the men ascribe any reason for
the wreck except that a dense fog was
prevailing. The "injured men ar uuder
the car. of Dr. Parks, under whose
treatment they are rapidly Improving. '
All of th. uninjured men are busy trans
porting the portable goods to a place of
safety. Quite a quantity of stores, sails
and spare rigging . have been takra
The Ilwaco Beach crew made one trie'
to the stranded ship to get some of the
men's clothes and to render any assist
ance possible. The life crew from
Toque's point was towed down by the tug
Coleman en the afternoon of the Zftth,
and after signaling th. share returned
to Willapa Bay.
Vice-Consul Cherry west over to the
scene of the disaster yesterday to give
Cast, Cunie counsel and to take the
crew their letters, which seemed accept
able. Mr. . Cherry stated that nothing
definite could be green out about selling
the ship.
CapL Currle haa been with the ship
over eight years and feels his low
Cap tan G. W. Pope, leave on the Il
waco this morning for the scene of th
disaster, and will make a final examina
tion of affairs In the Interest of under
writers. The tug Relief went around
yesterday morning, but no attempt waa
made to draw the wrecked vessl off th
sands, th Relief returning In the after
noon. After the court of Inquiry slta.
It will be decided who will undertake
the task of the salvage of the rsael.
A Party From South Bethlehem Who
Have Gone to Alaska
South Bethlehem, Pa., March 21 Sev
eral Bethlehem capitalists are Interested
In an expedition In charge of J. P. Hop
kins that has Just left In a steamer for
Alaska from San Francisco to hunt for
gold. Hopkins Is an experience gold
prospector, and has relatives here.
He Induced several wealthy men to go
Into the enterprise with him. There Is
much interest felt here In the result of
the expedition.
Harrodsburg. Ky., March 21. Some
weeks ago Mr. Steel Coyle, whose farm
lies partly In rhis and Washington coun
ties, was boring; a well on his place, and
at a depth of 10S feet struck a stream
of oil that, with the water, rose to with
in a few feet of th snrraM tr k.. ...
v - w.vufljut
a sample here that was nmnnnnni
fine by those who are judges of petro-
.cuiu hi in enrae state. Tee ten! ay Dr.
H. P. Cox. of Mscbvlll. IT- .-J Y. .
H. T. Catlln and Colonel Abn.r Daniel
i-TiiiiKion, reasea nr. coyle's farm
for 99 rears. Tha avnriicata iu k....i..
1.000 acres of land 1n the vicinity, and
wui operate tor oil extensively.
Grand Worthv Mutmn Me v-nn
will make an official visit to Fern Chap
ter, Order Eastern Star, at their regu
lar communication Monday evening. It
is expeciea ail members win be present
"How much fur a photograf?" he
queried as he entered the room at the
head of the stairs. "My dear sir, you
have made a mistake," rwplid the occu
pant of the office, "This Is a dental
office, while the photographer Is next
door." "O, you pull teeth?" "Yes.
sir." "How much?" "Fifty cents
apiece." "Well, go ahead and yank out
one or two. It's about the same to me."
Detroit Free Press.
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