THE DAILY ASTORUN, ASTORIA, SaTIKDaY MOKNIXO, MAKCH 21. JRJKJ. SECY CHICAGO Col. R, M, Littler Recommends That Best of Rem edies, Paine's Celery Compound, . JWtti For Ion yesjs aocrtlary of th Nallunal buttar and cg association, and aloes laj senretary of the Chlraso produce ex change, Cul. Robert M. Littler hu ben In constant demand as a bureau of In formation by onrraMindnta who nrat. Mae Chlrago aa Ih commercial center of (ha country Wh such peopl aa C. Littler, Ktate Tmu. Culvin. of Now York. Modjeska. th antral, ex-Mlnlater lo Austria. John M. Kranola. and hosta of olhr equally re sponsible pte-mms volunlcor testimonials a to tha srondecful vlrlu of I'alne'a oslsry compound, no Irk or suffering person ran Willi any how of r'aum haaltala to tnak ua of tha it rat reme dy that )aa mads ao many people well. Co. Miliar says: "f haw iiand wllh great benefit eevral bottles of I'alne'a celery rompound and 1 hav reoommandad II lo my friend. It la a wonderful spring remedy." do to tha busiest lawyer, editor or FOR WW uh ?',.wr'.j -fS'.:iir .rJ4j 1 ' . .hi 1 1' i'ikfr amv.mhu.wmv. tvwvv TlhbAmOOK, NEHALEM AND . 0T8BR GOAST POINTS STEAHERS P. ELiJWOPrJE.J M- H. HARRISON, AUGUSTA. Bailing dalofl to ntul from Tillamook and Nehalcm depend on the weather. For freight and passenger rates apply to ELMORE, SANBORN & CO., Agents. 0. K & N. CO.. MANHOOD awaeaataod to aara all r.oaerl Peaia nmm. BevWeaa, j2J Wi iiiiiaJelMafeaeJai 'JJyJ''' g,r L3- 1e ar a aauwa vhk katf 1 ah Paaa MelllHne Oa.. tl0iU,iii9A(U)USiN8. ala agoata, Tiff aodTHaakltl an., rartlaad. Or. ' ' J W.i.tlNN,Aonl,Artori. wmmmmmk bualnnaa man of your acquaintance who haa -taken Talnai Mlery compound. There ara host of such professional man In every city who would hardly spare you a momaiit'a lima for etrlrtly bualrma mattara. Ak on of Ihnm In hit hualeat hour whathnr ha ran recommend 1'alns's celery compound, and Ian chance to ona he'll uy: "Hit down. No matwr about my brtiur buay: alwaya alad lo praiaa Talna'a celery compound." That la tha fooling amorut poiU who hava boon mado trivia; and well by I'aJna'a cvlary romiwund. Thay ntvor fml happlnr than hn thry can p-rauado oma man or woman who la out of hralih to try I'alne'a rolory comiwunl. Nrit to dolni good to ona'a aolf 111 fro la a iMIuht In Aalivt rd to olhara. Thora la no morn antliualaallo lody of Intelligent nirn and wornm throiiKhout tha couniry than the grnat army of thoaa who have recov erod health by the UN of I'alne'a relrry mmiound. The vaat majorlly of dlaoaaea that end Alih Open For Special Charter. Arena, Portland. REST0RED45kk aareaaa tjmaaa aaak aa K w I i ill aUaaMiaHiil k laaraaHa. rkanagriiai at anamlta fja aa Prl& ri.aoi n. b rte. AMk. EXCHANGE. dlaaalroualy might be qulrkly and per mannntly cured If elck paraona could only ba Induced to tak PaJne'a crlery compound. If womrn. burdened beyond tholr atrength with houaehold caraa. would only take Talnr'a eatery compound, when they fro) that dlaplrlted, (narrated condition coming on, they would earaoe tha martyrdom of barkachr, headache, dlaorWd liver and heart trouble. Inatead of being thin, nerroua and un happy, they would experience tha joy of perfort health. Bound illgi-etlon and let nervea. I'alne'a celtry comiwund la Jut the remedy nonled by women who ara In continual Ill-health and eplrtta, ea-mli.g ly well one day and almoat elrk abed the nrxL Their Iroultle lira plainly in Hie want of good, rich blood, and plenty of It, and In the conaequent famUhed atata of tlu-lr nrvoa. raine a celery compoun I hould Iw taken without dWay. It will reatora tha health and atop every ten drttry toward a debilitated condition. KOn ENOL18H-8PKAKINO PKOI LE. International Hymn Written by Prof. Ucorga Huntington. Trof. Reorge Hunllngton, of Carlton oollogr, NiirtlitlfM. Minn., haa written a poem In reeponae to a requeat for an In tarnathMiaJ hymn for Engllah-apewklng people. It wan flrat aung at Carlton oolliwo on Kebruary SX. and haa become quickly popular. It folluwa: INTKKNATIONAL ANTHEM. (Tune, "America." Two emplrea by tha aea. Two nallona great and free, Ona anthem ralae. Ona race of ancient fame. One roiurue, ona faith, w claim, Ona God. whoaa glortoua name We love and praise. What deed our fath.-ira wrought. What battlea wa have fought, It fame record. Now, vengeful paaalon cease. Come, vlotorlea of peace; Nor hate nor prtde'a caprice, I'naheath the eword. Though derp the ara and wide, 'Tvrlxt realm and realm, Ita tide Hind alrand to atrand. So he the gulf lietwrvn Oray coaxta and Manda green, t)nt populace and quoen, Hy frlenditlilp spanned. Now. may the God above Guard tht dtor lands we love. Or Kast or West, Jjet love mora fervent glow. As peaceful ngi's go, And strength yet strongor grow, IlloeKlng and blwt. Don't Invite disappointment by experi menting. IVpend upon One Minute Cough Cure and you hsva Immediate re llrf. It cures croup. Tho only harmless remedy that produces Immediate rosults. Chas. HoKvra. I'lOl'S FAITH. Yonkcrs Statesman. Minister And do you believe your greatest troubles come from heaven? Deacon-Well, they say that's whera marriages aro made. All tha patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with tha choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc., ran be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occidental Hotel, Astoria. HE WAS AGREEABLE. Richmond Dispatch. Photographer Your pose Is all right, my friend, but don't you think a amlle would be an Improvement? Jerseyman Quinss It would. Fotch on tho nectar. SHILOH'S CURE! Is sola on a guaran tee. It cures Incipient consumption. It Is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 rents, (0 cents, and 11.00. For sale by J. W. Conn. CRIPPLED. Youth's Companion. "Hava you lost another tooth, Heth srdn?" asked auntie, who noticed an un usual lisp. "Yes'm," replied the four-year-old, "and I limp now when I talk." It not only is ao, but It must be so. One Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and that's what makes It so. Chaa. Rogers. Tide Table for UK. IMTK. M N1MY .... Munilay Tih-wIm)' Wlni'Uy..., Tliuralny Friday Saturday M'.NIMY .... Monday Tucs'lay Wednesday,., Tlitinmay KriUy Halurday HUHMY Monday Tuesday WvdiiniMUy . . . . Thuradiiy Friday Haturday HUN OA Y Monday Tuesday Wednesday . . Thurwiay Fri-lay Hsturdsy ..... . Hl'NLMY Monday ..... Tuiivlay . . SHIPPING DAYBYDAY Marine matters, Here, There ui Everytuhere. A square-rigged veaeel Is reported in the oiling. Tha Queen Is due from n Franclaco this morning. Hlla has a very large pa sngr list. ti trk vtileite arrived from Redondo yiaterday afternoon. Bh will load lum ber In Portland. The srhooner Annie Gee arrived from iiLuul! llra-h yrsn-rday afternoon. Bhe will load lumber for California. n.. niM.K .hin Itmllorhmvle. Ii3s tons. Captain Tall, which sailed January 4 fiwm Newcastle. N. S. w.. (wun a cargo of coal, arrived yesterday. Hh U ion algned to Jamea Laldlaw Co.. of Port land. Senator Mitchell asked Becrelary Her bert, of the navy department. Co gl permission to hava the new battleship Oregon steam up the Columbia river and to Portland, but was Informed that If the captain of the Oregon went up Columbia river ha would have to do ao en hla own responsibility. The Ore gonlan correapondent thinks It more than pronablt that tha captain won't comply with the request, adding that naval offi cers, aa a rule, object to having to to to plaoea merely for the purpose of showLns off their ship to an admiring crowd. The Oregon has a draft of !7 feet I Inches, and the department couia serve the purpose of proving that the millions of dollars egpenilefl t' tn gov ernment In making the Columbia navl- able had been well eipended by allow Ing the Oresmn ptople to entertain their legal namesake. A Port Townsend dispatch cays: In IH the Pacific Coast Steamship Com pany's steamer Idaho, plying between tills port and Alaska. i sru'd by Col lector of Customs H. F. Ileecher, and worth of opium was found aboard. As Captain Jamea Carroll, commander of the steamer Idaho, owned a nsn can nery at Ksssan bay, Alaska, the revenue cutter Wolrott was dispatched to that point, where eleven additional barrels of opium weee found. Three months later 6u0 pounds more were found on the Idsho on her return from Alasks. Bhe was again aetied and placed under bonds In the sum of WO.onn. When the trial came oft she was forfeited, and an appeal was taken by her ownfra to the United States supreme court, where the findings of the dlatrlct court were sustained. Early In the year 1M the steamer was wr-cked on Race rocks, but afterward she floated off and drifted Into Dungeness bay, where she drifted around, and was flna ly p rk 'd up and towed Into Port Townsend bay, where she afterward sank. 8veral hun dred pounds of opium were tsken off the steamer while she lay on Rare rocks. The amount of all the opium raptured, taken In addition to tho bonds In which the steamer was held, footed up fliw.000. The bondsmen were three prominent men, one of Port Townsend, another of Seattle and the third of Tsroma. The matter dragged on from one term of court to another, and. as the principal wltnessee had been spirited away, there was probably good reason for such con tinuance. However, the case has been sottled now, the amount paid to the gov ernment being $1.. Aa the opium was sold tlwre n-aa no losa to the government on that score, but on the bonds of the steamer the government loses $K,i0X Ex Cnlloctor Heeoher, who selaed the Idaho, had a claim of ls,ooo against her for In former's foes, and of course will get little or nothing of that amount. It was In trying to wreck the hulk of the old steamer Idaho that Captain Peter Pec arty was blown up with dynamite less than a week ago, West Coast Trade. The T'nited States cruiser Rennlngton llmpwl Into port today after an absence of mnny months, durltur which time sho was stationed In Japanese and Hawaiian waters. The cruiser left Honolulu on March 4 five hours before the Oceanic steamer Alameda sllwd her moorlnss and started hither. The Inner vessel arrived here last Thursday, and now ths cruiser comes crawling In four days later. Hut tho Rennimrton's tardiness was not without cause. It appears that the old "hoodoo" Is still with her. She breaks down every time the opportunity presents Itself. The voyage over from Honolulu did not prove to be an excep tion. The Rennington was five days out of the Hawaiian capital when her port engine collapsed. After an exam ination the engineers declared that It would be useless to atop In mid-ocean to attempt to make repairs, so the order was given to finish the voyage with the engine operating the starboard propeller. While this meant a slow trip, still all would have gone well enough had no other accidents occurred. But the Ren nington never gets off easily, and It was only a matter of about ten hours after the first breakdown when the air pump got out of order. This necessitated a complete stop. For several hours the cruiser 'tumbled and tossed about In the dead of night while her machinists and engineers labored industriously at the air pump. They had it In working order about daylhrht, and the voyage was re sumed at half speed and on on? screw. It was a snail's pace, and was the cause of the war vessel's arrival four days be hind the Alameda. The H-nnlnston broke down several times on ht-r recent cruise, and once when nhe became dis abled In Japanese waters the Rritlsh naval officers poked so much fun at her and the American navy that there came near being a serious rumpus between the officers and men comprising the comple. mcnt of the vessels representing the two nations. The Rennington will go to Mare l-sland in the morning, and will probably remain there some time. San Francisco Examiner. Checked ulsters are being ordered for steamer wear. Harch, 1896. II WATCH. UW WTKH. A. M. i r. M. a. M. P. M h. tn. (t. U. in I (t. I i. in. ft. i hi in. (I. I ! iiMQ."t i 2 17 N O H 15 l H 2H 0.2 , . 2il.ll 8H5 H.U IHi.' 0 8 U07 1.0 HI;2i 4 011 7. II M 0.2 Mt l.H ! 4 4'.1 : rt 'H.(i IIIW 0.2 1I . 2.6 A I , r) 10 ft 8 II M OS 1117 3.6 fi 5 44 H.6 f: 7 41 ft 0 1 13 0 4 7 r 47 i ft. I 6 0H2 4 2 2 30 0.4 Ml H HOI 7.11 :MH2 B.O 2 21 4.3 8 Wl 0.1 H U In 7.1 II 1ft H 7 8 45 8.9 4 38 0 0 10 ID 13 8.0 11 W : 7.2 4 47 8ft 610-0.1 11 II 07 H.O ; 8 80 3.0 ft 64 0.0 ! 12 0 20 7 0 ' 11 M 8.0 8 18 2 5 20 0.2 18 0 4.i 7. ti, 0 30 : 7.8 6 64 S O 8 54 0.6 14 1 10 8.1 ! 1 04 ; 7 6 7 25 1.6 7 10 0.8 1ft 132 8.3 188 7 6, 7 47 1.8 7 40 12 10 I A8 8.4 . 2 12 I 7.1 8 17 1.1 8 Oft 1 6 17 2 20 8 4i 8 60 0 7 8 47 O.H 8 28 2.0 18 2 5. 8.5 8 81 8.3 0 24 0.8 ' 8 64 2.3 l'J 3 28 8. ft I 4 20 8 0 It) 0 0.8 ' '!5 ! 2 0 20 4 Oft 8.4 ! 5 20 6.7 10 67 0.9 10 Oft 8.2 21 4 54 8.1 0 8t 5.4 0 00 0 9 11 02 ,3.6 22 6 54 8 0 7 67 5 7 1 17 0.8 U 7 05 7.8 1 9 12 6.8 0 89 4. 1 1 2 32 i 0.6 24 8 H 7.9 110 07 0 7 2 7 3 9 8 87 : 0.2 25 9 30 8 t 10 A2 7.4 3 4l 3.2 4 31-41 20 10 38 8.6! 1184 t.O 4 48 2.3 6 17-0.2 27 11 35 8.7 I 5 40 1.4 ' 00 -0.1 28i 0 12 8.7 1 0 27 8 7 6 24 0.5 6 40 ; 0 0 M 0 51 8 8 1 10 8.8 7 08 0 0 ' 7 23 ' 0 6 0 I 1 27 9.2 I 2 10 8 4 55 0 6 ! 8 02 1 1 31 ' Mi I n.;i 2 51 ! 7 8 8 43 ft 7 8 42 1 7 KRKK PILL8. Hend your eddreaa) to II. R. Buckets! A (V, CMnatfo, and g a free sample bog of Dr. King s New L-fe Pills. A trial will oonvinee you of Mieir menu. Thesa; puis are easy In atti-at and art punacalar'.y ffectlv In tha cunt of Oonaaoatlon and Hi.-k Hv.daxhe. For Materm aod Liver tts-y have been proved mralu- al) They ar guaranteed to perfect ly free from every deleterious anjbesano and to be purely vaeMtavbl. They do not woakeu tr their vtlw, but XT giving tori o atrmssch and tauams greatly In- tlgonuing trie assjaaea. MrSTuasr also Be per box. Bos baa Oasts Kegww. Druggtat. utM r autnerranhs fn London show that Mark Twain's signature Is worth twnlve shillings and sixpnc', Flrat Hartr's etaht. Andrew ling's six and Rider Hagagrd's three. For aoms Inscrutable reason Mrs. Humpnr-y u. ..I' . rhlmvnnhv la considered worth six shillings, while Southey's la only fifteen. On Minuet Cough Cur touches the right spot. It alsu touches It at the right time If you take It when you have a cough or cold. Bee th point? Then don't cough. Chas. Kog?rs. Sir John Mlllals. the new president of the Royal Academy Is an enthusiastic a porta man and prefers Ashing above all all other divers loci. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, th great Blood nurifler, gives freshness and clear neas to the complexion and cure Con stipation, S eta, 60 eta, fl 00. For sale by J. W. Conn. Gladstone haa written a letter to the author of the biography of Cardinal Manning commending his work. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins. Chattanooga. Tenn., says: "Shlloh's Vltallser 'SAVED MT LIFE.' I consider It the beat rem ed for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia. Liver or Kidney trouble. It excel. Price 7s eta For sal by J. W. Conn. Itoman blankets make delightful couch covers. J. W. Pl.-ree. Republic. Iowa, says: "1 have used One Minute Cough Cure In ny family and for myself, with result so entirely satisfactory that I can hardly find words to express myself as to Its merits. I will never fall to recommend It to others, on every occasion that pnaents Itself." Chaa Rogers. TWO WISHES. Mister Oh, dear, I wish I could get hold of some good biscuits like mother used to make for me! Missus And I wish I could get some good clothes like my father used to buy for me. Mrs. L. R. Patton. Rockford. 111.. writes: From personal experience I can recommend DeWltt's Santanatilla, a cure for Impure blood and general debility. Chaa Rogers, Druggist. HERE TOO. If "Ignorance Is bliss," There's reason In my rhyme Some people In this town Must have a Joyous tim. Toronto Catholic Register. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of mil la leavening Strength V. S. Oovsrnmeat Report. A VALENTINE. He eatd his heart went plt-a-pat For her. Ho rhymed off this and that In lifting line which love begat. She did but laugh. Rut laughter which does last befall Is beet, they tell us, after all. He sold that poem for two dol lars and a half. Washington Star. a 'ecretof Beauty of the complexion, hands, arms, and hair is found in the per feet action of the Pores, produced by lUliUlII skin purifying and I1ADa keaut'tyinS soap in I UUni the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. For distressing facial eruptions, dry, thin, and fall ing hair, and baby blemishes, it is absolutely incomparable. Boll throughout the world. Poms Dsue in Cbxh. OoarM Sol Props., Bostoa, V. B. A. W3i A lflifW0RD (WhJ A YOUR ES Qalrklr.Tkereeahly, forever 4;aree. Four oat of Ave who Buffer nervousness, mental wnrry.altacks of " the bines," ara but paying the penalty of early unsii, Vic tims, reclaim your manhood, regsia year vigor. Don't despair. Bend for book wllh explanation and proofs. Mailed (aaalad) frae. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, M.Y. North Paeifie Breiaery JOHN KOPP.Prop Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. Leave order with J. L. Carlaoa at tha umtyald) Balooa or Louis Boentg at ih Coemooocliaa aeJooa. All order wUI k promptly auaodad to. If time is money and th opinion Is quite generally held that it ls traen the traveler who goes F.aat over the Burlington Is from 2 to (3 ahead of th man who take any other line to Omaha, Kan sas City. Bt Louis or any other Southern or South eastern city. Not because th rat la lower. Hut because tha time Is faster. The man who take th Rurllngton reaches hla dtlnatlon nearly a whole day sooner than the man who takes any other line. And he Is In pocket Just what It would have cost him for that day's ex penseand TIME. Tickets and time tabl-s on application to th local ticket agen. A. C. SHELDON. O. A., Portland. Or. E. HcNEIL, Receiver. Gives Choice of T iao Transcontinental Routes, Via Spokane and St. Paul. Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha or St. Paul Pullman and Tourist 8leerw "r Raeiinlng Chairs Car. Astoria to San Francisco State of California, Thursday, March 11. Queen, Tuesday, March 24. State, Sunday, March 29. Queen, Friday, Aurtl i. Bute, Wednesday. April S. Columbia, Monday, April 11 Astoria and Portlud Steamers. The R. R. Thompson will leave Astoria at 7 p. m. daily except Sunday: leave Portland at 7 a. m. dally, except Sunday. The Steamer Lurtlne win tears Astoria at (: a. m. dally, except Sunday; leave Portland it I p. a. daily, except Satur day. For rate and general information cai on or address O. W. LOTJNSBERRT. Agent. V H. HTJRLBTJRT. Oen. Pas- Agt. v--elarxl Or Are You Going East'? Be sure and see that your ticket read via T HE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. -th CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS , and OMAHA RAILWAYS. This la th GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO r And all Points East and South. Their MamMoent Track. Feerleea V ra ti Duled IK nine and Bleeplas; car Train and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have Riven this road a national reputa tion. AH classes of paeeenxera carried on tha vestibuled trains without extra charg-e. Ship your freight and travel over this famous Una. All scents have ucaeus. W. H. MEAD. F. C. SAVaOE. Gen. Agent. Trav. F. and P. Art 148 Washington at.. Portland. Or. PROVKN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have alw&va recnm'. mended Krause's Headacne capsules wnerever x nave naa a chance. They have proven a veritable boon In my family against any and all kinds of headache. Yours truly, J. E. WALTER. Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chas. Rogers. Astoria, Oregon, sole agent. SoUntifle AmtrlcM .. Afltncy for rjivvsr. Tfflns Mss-aj- DltiOM FATsar. COPVSKIMTa. tJ srirnirnrrMmamnrreensiMibanK write an genu a co Ml bsniBWAT. Maw Yosa. Olilmt brrrssa far amrln Betas! Is Amerle t.nrr esient taken out hr aa la hronaht b-re aba paiiu by a sooe givaa tra of aa la Ua Mtniiiit &mtlm Urieea emralesVia f serf eHeasJrb, paper fa world. Spln.Ud:r ItluatraaaO. He Ullliru aaaa ahoold be wtoicua IL Wa.Hr. nini WltlSiaiiMMM Atdieaa. SOXjr i Ua. , ai jHuaows, jmw isa Guy. 0UNSET 0 I IMITPD 1.1 III I I L.I1 KAaoN or ig.i. WILL kU.n Toiiee a Week BETWEEN San Francisco AND New Orleans Over the Great jj unset fjoute Leaving San Francisco Tuesdays and Saturdays From Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1895 The mot compete, modern. legaat!y quipped and perfectly arranged Vesti buled Transcontinental Train In America New Equipment, especlilly deadened for th i Direct connections In New Orleans or all Eastern polnu. Quick time. THE JLSTOHIflSflyiflGS BAflK Acts as trustee for corporations and In dividuals. Tranaact a general banking business. Interest paid on time deposits. J. Q. A BOWLBT... BEN J. YOUNG FRANK PATTON.... President Vic President Cashier DIRECTORS. . J. Q. A. Bowlby. C H. Page. BenJ Toung, A. 8. Reed, D. P. Thomirsoa W. E. Dement. Gust Holmes. THE ABOVE PICTURE DOES NOT REPRESENT A passenger train on the Chicago, Mil waukee and St. Paul Railway. No. Its tarins are vestibuled, heater by steam, and lighted by electricity. Each sleep car berth haa an electric reading lamp. Its dining cars are the best In the world, and Its coaches are palaces on wheels. This great railway, connecting as It does with all transcontinental line at St. Paul and Omaha, assures to the tarvellng public the best service known. Tickets via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Railway are on sale at all railroad ticket offices to any point In the United States or Canada. For maps, folders and other Information, address. C. J. EDDT. General Agent, J. W. CASEY. Portland. Or. Trav. Pass and Tkt Agent, Portland, Or. SEASIDE SflWjaiLIt. A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, ceiling, and all kinds of finish: mouldings and shingles; also bracket work done to order. Term reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H. F. I LOGAN, Prop'r. Seaside. Oregon. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regu late your Bowels, and make your head clear aa a bell. 2S cts., 60 cts., and $1 00. Sold by J. W. Conn. INDORSED BY THE PRESS. Gentlemen: This Is to certify that I have used Krause'a Headache Capsules with satisfactory results. I bought a box which cost me 25c, and one capsule cured me of a dreadful sick headache. My wife and myself have both used the medicines manufactured by the Norman Llchty M'f'g. Co., and we recommend them to the public as being Just what they are represented. Respectfully. W. P. HUTCHISON. Ed. Gaxette. Pleasant Hill, Mo. Twenty-five cents, for sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria, Or, sola agents. Captain Bweeney, U. 8. A, San Diego. Cai.. says: "Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy Is the first medicine I have ever found that would do m any good." Price GO cents. Bold by J. W. Conn. A