The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 12, 1896, Image 2

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gaily SUtovlmt
HN T. UCIHTKH. Editor.
Telephone No. M.
Sent by mall, per year..
. .Sul
Bunt by mall per month...
Served by carrier, per week loj
Bent by mall per year, $J In advance.
Postage, free to subscriber.
All communleatTcmTTr.tended for publl-
ration should be dlre-ted to th. Mlior.
Business communications of all kinds
ust be addressed
and remittances
The Astortan.
The Astorian guarantees to Its ub-i
scrtbers th largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia!
Adverting rate, can be had on .pII-; Mdn.n. -twure cl.l.-n and
cation to th business manager. I h " Wli MUlca! sentiment
j from their reining members cf commas
The. Weekly Astorian, the second oldest' .m rh,r ve K K0 viln.llt cabbages
weekly In th state of Oregon, has, nextj anJ ,urmi,a of ,h,.tr own r;i,,;,1(., r ,Mt
to the Portland Oresronlan, th largest nto tho sel Nxs of corner groceries.
weekly circulation In the state.
Jno. r. Handly Co. are our Tort-!
bind agents, and copies of the Astorian
can be had every morning at thMr stand,
TH Third street.
Mr. Nlmo, th theorist and statistician,
m hi reevnt article In the Forum,
talks th same w.y-and It would be
with th same effect. If It were rot for
the delay It t-nds to cause-about the:
pracUcabllity and profit of th Nicaragua1
canal as other wise men of the East
talked to their day about the feasibility
t the Atlantic cable and the
to build a railroad over the Rocky mount
ains. Mr. Nlmo Is doubtless sincere In his
".... ,j.. i,,in.!
of the canal are almost Insurmountable.
and. If ever constructed. th enormous
cost of the canal would forbid Its
promawe operation. m .nere s-u,
reason to brlleve that the widespread .
publicity now Wing tflven to Mr. Nlmo's,
argument can oe iracei wun .ue
trouble to certain Influences which have'
secretly fought the canal project ever
line Its first Inception.
The canal will be built all right enough,
although it may. be at such a far dls-J
tant Jay In the future that no person'
now on this continent will live long'
enough to derive any advantage from It. ,
What thla coast needs and must have to'
enjoy the full measure of prosperity pos-j
ilbl lo it hi the Imreedlate construction,
f the canal, and If the timidity or pr-u-:
41c of congress Is going to result In any
more tommlslsons of Inquiry or other j
pretexts tor delay. It would be far better'
for the" frtenda of th canal ol abandon'
tb Utys upon which thy art now work-;
and adon a new scheme entirely.
Other England. Germany or Russia1
. ; . . , , . I
IU put up the money and complete !
the eanatmctlon of the canal within the.
next Ave years :f the United States '.
will cease to play the part of the dr.g
in the manger about the matter. In
deed. It is believed that the rocated ob-
structlons which Mr. Cleveland has cast '
. ... . . . ,, , ,K, pians lor tne puonc oeneni or In ex-
ln th way of the canal ar due to the helpln(r hanJ Q othm u )s
machinations of the British cgents and not surprising to find that th tickets of
diplomats at Washington. the Mountain Road lottery In 170 w-re
England, very properly from her stand- y him. and that he spent fifty
, . pounds therein. . . He evidently did
point, does rot want the canal construct- not LswcUtt lottery tickets with gam
ed under the auspices of this govern- bllng any more than the modern stcek
ment or subject to our control after it broker associates his "puts" and "calls"
put in operation. She may never ex- BVTnJm wg'
pert to own or control the canal herself. -Avoid gambling, a vice productive of
but she does not propose that any othfr every possible ill."
nation shall occupy such an a dvantage. ? wuld he extraordinary If a man of
. , . , ,tl .... .. Washington's passionate character had
and. least of all. this country. And ently tTom the use of force-
with the Influence of our own citlxens ; ful and emphatic language. As has been
whose Interests are against the raral. It elsewhere said, his language was always
now begins to be apparent that there Is flean- and- " ""f ld'led- never was
B vv i in any way vulgar beyond an occasional
little hop for the canal under the pres- ; expletive. . . .
ent plan In the near future. These phases of Washington's life bear-
However much It may so asalnt the! In cn the problems of drink, naming.
. . , ... ... . .... etc., emphasize most strongly the Inevl-
rraln of their patriotism, the wise thing ,rend thM lofal and opn.
for Pacillc coast people now to do Is to ; ons giv to th thoughts and habits of
ccaM all further effort to get our gov-' a rising generation. Accepting unhesl
ernmenf to foster the enterprise, and. I tatlngly the amusement., habits ami
i- views of those whom he loved best as a
instead of passing a Nicaragua canal chld ne (1,C0ses tne ,, strength of
bill, to Indue congress to negotiate a; his Individuality In that he fell Into no
r.rv vlih the leadlnr commercial na-l sloughs of despond, but that In years of
, . , . -,i-1
tions of Europe, under which any nation,
or combination or nations may u.iariaae,
the construction of the canal, with a,
guarantee from all the others both as
to the protection of the capital Invested
and the absolute commercial neutrality
of the canal when put In operation.
This Internationa agreement should also
provide for th closing of the canal to
the war vessels of all nations except In
a time of universal peace.
There can be no doubt whatever that
a treaty could be successfully n'-j
collated with every European govern
ment, and that the monJy could
raised and work on the canal commenced
within twelve months after Its ratlflca-
tlon by our senate. As bitter a disap-
,. .u. . h ,.a,Hrti
pointment as It might be to the patriotic,
people of the 'iioie Lnite.i stales wno
believe that this rfreat canal Is of such
national Importance that it ought to be
constructed regardless of cost directly by df.vmel! nirnself to svatem;lc tollrBe
this government, and und t the super- of gymnastics for strengthening r.ll ot
shflon of out navy d'partmenr, the Pa-' the physical powers which are called Into
Uie coast cannot afford to have its de-! P v hlg Performances at the piano.
Those long, slender piano ' fingers are
selo nt retarded by the century of put through tner paces un, ,n(,v ac.
sclay which will yet be required to edu- quire trngth, flexibility, aglli'y and
cate our people up to a proper reallza-j staying power. His magiiitlcent tech-
, ,,., , ,K. . i,(, i nlque Is not maintained without this
tion of th. significant of the subject. constar,, f,t4rln an(1 iubrlcatlnK of
i springs. This little band of live falth-
... ' , . . . f"! servants which each hanJ commands
By decidln that Individual stockhold- , ln tenure to a wrist like ste. Hut
eis in the Central Pacific Railroad Com- I his arms lu have to le strengthened,
pany are not liable for the company's F"r tnis purpose he employs an appar
euedns ,o the general ,v-r,ent. , CrVSttW h'know,,!
the supreme eo irt of the United States j nobody else.
fttvr to Stanford University a base of i .
;-tft which may ..-ontinue to the end of ! WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN,
tfm. During the latter days of Kenator Boinon Transcript.
'ajfrd carevj there was a great deal j Fuddy It is said that an infant at birth
t Wild speculation as to the senator's ' Wind, and that some time elapses be-
..... L . , - . , fore he can see.
aUtu, ami InMh. mind, of most people, Duddy-I wonder If that Is so? By
eii-gm-raled Id-as were common. That ; jingo. I'd have taken notice when I was
(he ijm total exceeded fifteen millions born if I had supposed the question would
tr dollar "4 is, riasonably sure, and It ! CTer ralBed-
,, for 5 237,000 that suit to recover
wtsWtituted by the United Stttes. Had
the government won. Its case the loser
would not have been Mrs. Btanford-who
. . ., , . ... , v,,
has undoubtedly been provided for-but
Stanford University, to the support of
which the estate Is dedicated. Quite as
. . .x. .. , injMtli
important as the definition of individual
and corporate liability Is the fact that
th unlv-rslty will hot ill of poverty
Of thai phase of h probabilities the
supreme court took no notice It was
dealing KiWjr with the lawbul the re-
null of the decision affects many thous
ands who may never own railroad stock
ami who but for the educational fuel. Ill' s
afforded by Stanford Vnlvwslty would
I never achieve mediocrity In any business
or professional pursuit.
Secretary Morion coiil.l not adopt a
course belter cal.'ultted to Illustrate th
Impropriety of the agricultural depart
ment s wholesale free sccei uisirimni n
j than lo buy the seeds In th open mar-
I ket and send them out in th original
,rkxr of the seedsmen from whom
(m.y trr ,u,vnase.l. a i,m that h
- "' ' h" '
since !h-re ten l sufficient time
TO navf tnrm iwcrim in hip l'miiu rx
to;r""'vc way by a special force at the
department building, in spectacle ot
the government distributing gratuitously
,0 favorn,. oonstltuMi of ininbers o(
centres rh- familiar yellow packages
bearing tin UN-Is of Messrs. I-andreth,
I. XI. Feny oi Co. .tnd other reliable
cannot fall to have a very edifying effect
average mind of the country.
Th preoent is an era of ' Journnl-
i Ism. The Cuban quetlo,i has thron an
I amount of sensational llteratur-, dtacrlb
j liig Weyler's cruelties, tnlo ihe iMngrc
; slonal record that canni: fall to shock
I a larice number of old subscribers. And.
I the Washington S: sy, there Is
for PPrhnslon that Ih trouble,
N",n th- English Sn.l American
tranche! of th. Salvation Army have
orapgeu ,ne aiway. esieeme.1 ar (.Ty
Into a heated political discussion.
Compared to th Vnlted States Cuba Is
but a small spot on th map. The length
of time Spain ha been engaged In the
still uncompleted task of stiNluing that
t'!nd should prompt her to pause before
Peki ng anythlrur so big a. this country
ever If she were confident as to th final
I out come.
Th president ohjecte.1 to any unofficial
noW tkin oJ ,h( ilruKKl , I
Cllha darns the AlJanu ,xpwluon. He j
w rtoul)telt, impressd by the fact
,h4, ,hi apt,0u of (he nte 4nd huM
are official In th strictest sense of the
Mr. De pew's numerous admirers would
like it understood that there are several
kinds of "favorite sons," and that a man
need not necessarily be a nresldentlal
candidate to come within th? specitlca-
Lay by Hb Knvlronments;
His Tendencies Toward Higher Ideals.
A 'sh't!?th JT T" of
chance and betting were universal prao
tic In Virginia, and from Washlnirton s
earliest account! It is known that from
' 14 Indulged moderately
therein, write General A W . Greeiy In
flr9, Qn p, slJe
of Washington." In March Ladles' Home
Journal. That most Insidious form of
gambllng. the lottery, was an especial
favorite, being resorted to for the pur
pose of raising funds for charity, church
use or public improvements. Active ar.u
lous as Washington was In promot-
dlscretloti all his tendencies were away
from h high
f thought and action,
How the Great Pianist Keeps In Perfnrt
Condition for flis SVork.
Pailerewskl rises, as a rule, about lu
o'clock on days when he does not give
a concert or is traveling, writes John
J. a'Becket In an article upon th grat
pianist's daily life. On days wl en be
Is to play in the evenings he rls ot L
Hv wav of mornincr meal he taks a cut.
0f cofM or tea nothing else, not even
a roll or morsel rf bread. He practices
usually for live or six hours each day
on a piano wnicn tie has sent to his room
in the hotel as soon as he arrives in a
city. When he has an afternoon con
oert he does not practice at ill. how-1
ever, and if the concert Is an evening onei
he iwoUB Qny tw of lhr
exercising on the keyboard.
to strengthen his fingers lie plays only
five-finger exercises Like a prizefighter
; The best salva In the world foi Cuts,
' Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
i Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands,
chnblanl) Cong A' kn hTup.
:tioi;.-. and positively eures Piles, or no
I pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded,
, pr)ce Fo g,e by
Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building.
Aood Thing-push
The largest piece of
Good tobacco
eer sold fono cents
Oh. flee from his pathway, all creatures
of vice.
And likewise all good men and true;
For he handles a weapon more cruel than
And Its terrors are thirsting for you.
His wounds are not mortal. He chal
lenges not
To combat that reddens with bloo-L
But the blushes he raists are nev-r for
got: The man with a handful of inu.l.
And he hurls It on high, and he watches
It spread.
And his laugh echoes fenrf'il and loud.
He cares not. though some may alight
on his head.
If It only bespatter the crowd.
The whiter the object, the deeper th
When abuse covers all In its tlol:
But his Joys are his own. and he laughs
at their pain;
The man with a handful of nud.
Washington Star.
I stood In the hall at midnight.
And the clock was striking the hour.
And her pa slid down the baliistra le
And kicked with alf his power.
Oh, little I recked her parent's boots
Were tilled so full of feet.
I went on the "spur" of the moment
And landed In the strvet.
Toronto News.
Don't Invite disappointment by experi
menting. Depend upon One Minute
Cough Cure and you have Immediate re
lief. It cures croup. The only harmless
remedy that produces Immediate results.
Chas. Rogers.
Stephen Salisbury, of Worcester. M iss .
has given t?rt.iD with which 10 build I
a museum of fine arts in taht city.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all In leavening
Strength. V. S. Owvernawat Report
Mrs. Lucy C. Carnegie is the first wom
an to be admitted to membership In the!
Vv Vnrir VonKt rMtih 1
It Is a fixed and Inimitable law that to
have good, sound health one must have
pure, rleh and abundant blood. There Is
no shorter nor surer route than by a
course of De Witt's Sarsaparllla. Chaaj
Rogers, Druggist.
Those that are good manners at the
court are as ridiculous In the country,
as the behavior of the country Is most
mockable at the court. Shakespeare.
" - J W j
s iiviivi o vasiviiM
They that marry ancient poeple merely
In expectation to bury them, hang them
selves In hope that one will come and cut
the halter. Fuller.
"Give me a liver regulator and I can j
regulate the world." said a genius. The 1
druggist handed him a bottle of De Witt's J
Little Early Risers, the famous little
Pl"- Chas. Rogers.
Miss Rraddon was at one time an nct
rs, playing small parts In the prov
Open every day from 3 o'clock to 5 :30 1
and ti:Ho 9:30 p. in. ,
Subscription rates $3 per budiiiii. i
Southwest cor. EUvsnth sud Duan St.
CoDeomlySt.footof Jackson. Akturla 1
General Machinists and Boiler Makers '
Land and Marine Engines, Boiler wurk. Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. 1
Castings of All Descriptions Msds to Order on I
Short Notice. ,
John Fox.. ..President and Superintendent
A. L. Fox Vice President
O. B. Prael Secretary
Biff CI ii t non-DoInonnn
rnieHljf lor (ooorrh(-at
Olf-t, Bprrmiitorrbri-H, i
Whltxj. unmturil rli-
(Juruued charK". or tuj ifilliifmni-
Doi ( iuutof. lion, irrlUtion ur ulrttra-
riftDU coowctoe. tion of miicotiH miri-
'HeEvANSChemTii Co. trn. Ajon-iMlrlnmrut.
0. , !23i or Bl'nl 10 " n wriiiir'
ti rii i.r 'a L.iti. wi
Circular ttljt uli retjuetft.
.sff l it
Important to AmerVana seeking Kng
tth iwikuU for now n:irprs. A th
ci.iiiulninc the and ! ot
X) su,x--sfiS promoters who have ac)
over Storting in Foreign In-v.-innwrxe
withm en last s.x years, and
over flS.ODO.iM) for nhe seven mont'ia of
'.'. l'r:o iX or ti, poyjie by ptal
urk-r to tbo London an I I'nlwrsal llu
ru of Inverttora f. vhipl'le. London,
E. C. tutscnbra wil be en:.t r.l. by ar
roncemwr.t with Ci dlrnrtors to receive
ei:-t.- pec-MU: or inttera of lntnductoln
to any of ttvesn soc-wkSfiil prorer.
Ttils 1M is first eiaso In every nwpect,
and every man or firm whose name ap
peurs therein rnny b. d.erled upon.,
For puu.'tns the folluwumr it will ba
found Invaiuwbie rtonds or Hhasvs of In
4uwna. CoawnercaU and Flmuicia: con-.-ern.
llonirmfe asans, Sale of Lands,
Patents or Mtnea.
White satin sashes on linen rosin will
Ni distinctively elegant when summer
deys arrive.
Waen Baby was sick, wegae her Castorav,
Wsea she was a Child, ah cried for Ouurla.
When she became Mbw, she clung to Caatoiia.
WaeasbeL llldren.shega stbemCastorla,
It Is sold on rnaranreo by ail drug
gist. It cures Incipient Consumption
and itha best Couear-1 Croup Cor
For Bale by S. W. Cbnn.
Notice Is hereby given that the common
council of the city of Astoria propose to
establish the grade on Kxchange street,
In the city of Astoria, as laid out and
recorded by John McClure. between the
east line of Seventh street to the claim
line between MeClure'r and Hhlvely's As
toria at the folk wing helghth above the
base of grades:
From the east line of the Intersection
of Hevenlh and Kxehange streets on the
north of Kxchange street at 01 feet and
at the south line at n feet. Ihenee esst
on Kxchange street In a direct line to
the west line of Klghth street.
From the east line of Klghth street at
Its intersection with Kxehange street, on
th! north side at M.f. feet and on the
south side at 59 5 feet, thence east along
Kx.:hanaq street in a direct line to the
west line of Ninth street.
From the east line of Ninth street at
Its Intersection with Exehnnge street, on
the north side at 43 feet and on the south
side at 4S.5 feet, thence east along Kx
change street In a direct line to tho west
line of Tenth street.
From the east llr.e of Ten.h street at II
Intersection with Kxchange street, on the
north side at 28 feet and on the south
side at 3ii feet, thence ea"t In a direct
line to the west line of Eleventh street.
From the east line of Klevcnth street
at Its Intersection with Exchange street,
on the north side at 21 feet and on the
south side at 24 feet, thence cast In a
direct line on Exchange street to the
west line of Twelfth street.
From the east line of Twelfth street nt
Its Intersection with Kxehange street, on
the north side at 2T feet and on the
south side at ZI feet, thence easterly In a
direct line to the claim line between Mo
f.'lurc's and Hhlvely's Astoria.
At the claim line between Mef'lure's
and Hhlvely's Astoria, at 21 feet above
the base of grades.
And unless a remonstrnnce signed fcy
tho owners of three-fourths of the prop
erty fronting on said portion of said
street lie filed with the auditor and po
lice Judge within ten days from the final
publication of this notice, lo-wt, on or
before February 25, IMS!, the common
council will establish said grade.
Ily order of the common council.
Liated February 4, WM.
Auditor and Police Judge.
ILOOBottln. iy gA 0 fi r J L I
Ons cent a Aom. 1 V
A llOWMmildl TUWAHl'ltlC.
IV W. Fuller, of CaimJ.mnrle, N. T.,
ssya that he alwnvs keta lr. Kliia's
Now iMscovery In U house and his fam
ily has lya found th very l't re
sults follow Its uso; that lie wmiII not
be wl'houl It, If procurable, tl. A, lyke, I'nituKl, i'a:aklll, N. V, .iyMli(
lr. King's Now liMvei'y la undoublUy
th best couuh ritedy; that h has used
It In MU fniiilly for mV. years and (list
II has never f.iltel lo l all thai Is
clAliitrd r It. Why not trr a remedy
so ln tried and I..I.-.I bottles
! free at Chas. Ibvers' drug mors Kegular
i sv and tl.
! Fate entt'rs roses In our ay.
i With lavlah hand
1 If the ror were bill ashes.
WoaUlu'l It he a rand?
- IVtioll News-Tribune.
A hUh liver with a ,nrpld liver will not
be a long liver. Correct the liver with
m- Witt's Utile Karly Itinera. Utile pills
that cur dyspepsia and constipation.
I'haa. Rogers,
Noll, Is tirrrbv given that by virtu
of a warrant Issued by order of lbs com
mon council of the city of Aaturla. tu me
directed mi l aiu.-he.l to the assessment
roll f snbl ritv fr th ywr :s.''J. com
uiundliig inc. as I had bo, 11 previously
commanded to bvy upon the loihIs and
chattels of the delinquent taxpayer of
aid city In nud nam, si In said loll, and,
if nouu to ! found, thou upon tho real
property assessed Itk such delinquent on
said roll, ur so touch thrreof aa will sat
isfy Ihe taxes charted thi'iootl, together
mih the cost and expenses, and fur
want of pel sons! property to make said
taxes 1 h.ive IcvIihI upon, and on Putur
day. the llih day of March, com
men, ins at hi o'clock 11. in, 1 will sell
at public auction at the courthouse In
said city of Astoria, county of t'lataop,
state of (iroson, tu th highest bidder for
cash, to satisfy said taxis, costs and se
ct ulna- costs, su much uf the ollowing
ile.-r IU-.I lots, blocks and parcels of land
as may In necrssaiy to m- the laxra du
thcroon. in t. 8. gold or slUer coin, to
gether with all lees and costs 8ald
land Is situated lu the city of Astoria.
Clatsop county, Oregon, and was assessed
to tho following tismiHl rort. to wn:
Astor Ijiud and Trust To., lot i.
block lit. Hhhely'a IrWii
lleights: lots x 4. 6. . block t,
Xhlvely s Irving llaighls; lots '..
K . !. II. U II It. 14, l. 1. t
X 4. 4, , blocs t Hhlvely's Ir
ving Heights: bus I, . . lu, 11.
13. 1J. It. IX la. IT. 1. 1. . :. j
a a :i, , k 1;, , s. .
block i. Hhlvely's trvllut
Heights: blH-ks .;,, Hhlvely's
Irving llelglits: lots J. 4, a. a, f,
K. bUn-k . Hhlvely's Irving
Heights I 143 44
Astoria Paeklng "o , fnMil me lot
4. bloca 5. Mcc'lure's; frontage
lot 1, block MciMur': front
age lot i, block Met 'lure's:
fionitgc bt 1, l.kMk &. Me.
tiiire's. nenh halt lot J, hlw-k
. Mcc'lure's: frontage lot 1.
blo,-k 4. Mcfiurs'r; frontage lot
J. block it. M, 'lure's: frontage
lot J. blcM-k S. Mel 'lure's; rront-
age lot 4. block d. Mcc'lure's .. K3 ID
M. J. Klarx-y. lot 1, U,xk I. Mc
c'lure's: frontage lot 1. block I.
M.flure's: lot i, blmk I. Mc
I'lure's: fronioA- lot 1 block I.
Mctiure's: lots 7, i. block 1. Mc
rlu re's: cast Si feet lot t
block M. Mei iur.'s; lots J, II.
block SS, Mcflure's: east S3 feet
lot 13. block U, M.-CT lire's: west
half lot IX block W. M.-c'lure's:
lota t tl. IX IX 14. block 1. Mo
aura's: lou U I t block 1,
Kinney' Astoria: west half lot
5, block 1. Klnnsy's Astoria: lots
I. X X 4. 6. a. block X Kinney's
Astoria: west half lot 7, block
X Kinney's Astoria: lots t. X X
4. 6. , 7, I. I, 10 II. IX 13. Movk
X Kinney's Astoria: let 4, Mock
4. Kinney's Astoria: lot 1, X X
4. X 4. block X Kinney' As
toria: west kalf lots t and U X
X 4. block X Klnnsy's Astoria., l.ftj) 47
0. Wlngate, lot X block . Alder
brook: blocks X J. 4. X . . 10,
II. IX IX It. U. Central Park:
south JU feet block X 1st add
Astoria: south 230 feel block X
1st add Astoria: blocks 7, X ').
lu. 11. 1st add Astoria
I) II. Welch, block . William
St O
port: lot x Mock 21. Hhlvely's:
und two-thirds lot 4. block VI.
Hhlvely's: rrantnge blmk 123.
Hhlvely's: east 15 feet west half
lot 2. block 121, Hhlvely's: und
half middle part lot X block 134.
Hhlvely's: undivided mlddln pan
lot , bloc k 134, Hhlvely's: und -,
west block I2t. Hhlvely's: K 15
feet frontage W lot X Murk
129. Hhlvrly.s; all frontage blmk, Hhlvely's: und c frontage
W blmk 13, Hhlvely's: und
' W i block 13J. Hhlvely's 12 2
Nancy Welch. lots I. 2. X 4, (I. .
block 12, Hhlvely's; lets I, !, 1. t.
9. 10. II. 12. block 17. Hhlvely's;
lot I'), block SX Hhlvely's: blocks
S. XI. Hhlvely's: lots I, 2. block
53. Hhlvely's: und u, lots X I. 5,
. block V, HBively's; lots 7. X X
10. II, IX block 53. Hhlvely's:
blocks ), Ci. TH, k, K, HO. Hhlve
ly's: lots I, t X 4. 5, , 7, X. 5.
ID. II. 12, Nock 49, Hhlvely's;
12'v5 feet lot X block 54, Hhlve
ly's: 121x50 feet lot 10, block 54.
Hhlvely's; 12'.,s'l foot lot II.
block 54. Thlvely's: 1314x7) feet
lot 12. block il. Hhlvely's; und ',
all block in. flhlwly's; ;."vi
fe-t lot 2. block 112, Hhlvely s:
12'X.V feet lot tl. block 112.
Hhlvely's; 12"jX'( feet lot 7,
block 112, Hlnveiy's; In the HE
portion ot J. M and Susan I
Hbivelv i I. C, Hec: pi, T 1 N.
It 3 W, being hounded aa fol
lows: f'oiriniencli.g ut the HK
corner of said I) L t th, nc N
along tle E boundary line of
said clulm to the H txiundary
life of the tnwn of Astoria, as
laid out and recorded by J. M.
Hhlvely. thinee BW on said 8
line of said town of Astoria to
tract owned and platted as
Summit Addition by the Astoria
Heal Estate Association, thence
8 along said trnet to 8 bound
ary line of said U L (', thence
E to place of beginning, con
taining IK) acres, except there
from I'l acres deeded to the
railroad trustees as per deed
dated Feb. zc, 1K12
W. E. and M. 8. Warren, lots rl,
7, 8. block til. Mcflure's extend
ed by Olney; lot 14. block 70,
Mef'lure's extended by Olney:
lot . block XX McClure' ex
tended by Olney; lots 1, 2. 13, 14,
brock Ii3, Mcflure's extended by
Olney; lot !, blmk 90, McCliirc's
extendwl by Olney; lot 1, block
7, Mcflure's extended by Ol
ney; lot 1, blmk OX Mcflure's
extended by Olney; lot 1, block
100, Mcflure's extended by Ol
ney; und lot 4, bloc k 100, Mc
flure's extended by Olney; lot
2, block 158, Mcflure's extended
by Olney; lot 7, block 108, Mc
flure's extended by Olney; lot
2, block 123, Mcflure's extended
by Olney; lot X block 128, Mc
flure's extended by Olney; lot
4, block 130, Meflurc's extended
by Olney; lot 6, block 132, Mc
flure's extended by Olney: lot
4, block 135, Mcflure's extended
by Olney; lot 8, block 144, Mc
flure's extended by Olney; lots
3, 4, block 153, Mcflure's extend
ed by Olney; lot 4, block 100,
Mcflure's extended by Olney;
lot 1, block 15fl, Mcflure's ex
tended by Olney
1.130 10
399 ta
Tho above snle to commence at 10
o'clock a. m. of snld day and continue
until all the above, described parcels of
real cslate are sold,
C. W. TVtrwrERY,
f hlet of Polloe.
Astoria, February II, 1806.
Tin! Oasis of thh
A Hew
' Absolutely
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronoiincotl ly I'liyHicians tlio
nuwt Fuvornblo in A morion
for Sufl'ororti from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objections urged against Indio In
the past by the large numbers who
otherwise would have been glad tu lak
advantage of Us lu-uerlcial climate, has
b.Sn a lack of suitable accommodation.
The Houthern Pacific l'onii:y taken
pleasure In announcing thai n-vvrsl
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
havs Juat been erected at Indio station,
that will be rnte,l to anplii-aitla at r-a-
sonaMe rales. They ant furnished with
modern ronvsnlen.a, supplied with pure
artesian water and so situated as tu give
occupants all the advantages tn be !
rlvml from a more or leas prod acted
residence In thla delightful climate.
(From tht Han Francisco Argonaut.)
"In th heart of the great riearrl of th
Colorado--which the Houihrrn Pacific
traversea-lheiM Is an oasis called Indio,
which. In our opinion. I the sanitarium
uf the earth. Wt believe, from persona
Invrsilaailcn, that far certain Individuals.
th, re Is 110 spot on this planet so favor
O T. Hiewart. M l , writes: "Tho
purity cf the air. and th elrrnal sun
shine, nil one with wonj-r and delight.
. . . Nature ha accomplished
much that there rsinalns but little for
man to do. As tu Its xaslhllltir aa a
health retort here Is th most perfect
sunshine, with a temperature always
pl'asanl. a perfrelly dry soil, for rain I
an unknown factor: purs oivn, dense
atmosph'rs and pure water. What more
can be desire,!? It Is the place, above
all others, for lung troubles, and a para
Use for rheumatics. I'nnslderlng th
nutnlHrr of sufferer who have been
runr.1. I have no hestianey In recom
nmndlng this genial oasis as ih haven
of the affli. t.l."
Id 61 a niiloH from
iiinl 130 niiloH from
Fare from Los Angeles
For further Information lDcjuIr of
any ttoutBern I'acino Company agent,
ur address
At Oen. Paaa Agt. H. P. Co.
llt. Pass. Art.
"or. Flr nJ Abler Sta.. Portland. t)r
" ' " 1873 iiku
Lubricating r" i ; F,s?cr
A Specialty. Brothers,
1 Ship Chiimlt'lpry,
Iron it Str-el,
; ("oul,
j (Jrooorioa S: IVoviHioiiH,
I Flour .t Mill Fed.
1 PiiintH, ( VartiiHlit'H,
i Ii'rj'crH Siiii'S,
j FairliankV Scale,
i Doors cfc WiiidoAH,
Arifultural I iiiilcmciith
Wiiojoiih it VcliicloH.
la there a man with heart so cold,
That from his family would withhold
Tit,. cronfi.rtS Mlllch fheV Mil COllM find
In articles of PIJHNIi'lUtK of tho rlghl
And we would suggist at this season a
nlcs Sideboard, Kxtenslon Table, or set
of IMnlng fhnlrs. We have the largest
and finest Hue ever shown In th city
and at prices that cannot fall to please
the closest buyers.
Hous Moving Tools for Kent.
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. ' .
Cor. Cs mi Squssioqus Streets. Aitrirla, On
Wall Paptr, Artists' Mstsrlsls, Paints,
Oils, Glass, stc, Japansss Mattings,
Rugs and Bamboo Ooods
365 Commercial Btrect.
orrlce, tipslalrs, Aalorlail llulldltil.
(Isrnisn Physician. KcbtlUa.
Olflc ovsr Albert tnnilwr' slor. cor.
ih and t'u amsrclal. I'rlcl Calls, Hi
cinniisnisiiii. 110'W. OpsMllon at uBIos
fr; nis.lMne furnlshrd.
Offli ovr Olissn't rlrti liirs. llnur. II
lo It m.i I lu I and t to I p. m. Bun.
lays, 10 to 11
Pit O. n. RHTKaV
HiiaoUl attention In OlveasM ot wom
an and surgerr,
Offlo over lansir- i"ra sunns
Telephnn No at
Offlc. Itooms nd Pythian
Mulldltig. Hours. 10 lo II and I to
k HMldeniss. Us, Cwclar street
CnmrrMTClaJ Mtreel.
W. U. Laroro. H
M Oomroerclal strl.
DtHi on tuoood Ht-Mit, Atturw. Or.
J. N. lKdph. Ul. harvl Nlicm
'.'hter V. lblph.
Portland. Oregon, 14. li. !, and IT,
Hamilton llullding. All legal and cot
leclk'lt bustne proinp'.ly attended to.
t.'laliua again! tli gMVrninnt p
1 e
TKMPI.K lAllKlH NO. T, A. V. and
A. M. Ilegular cciniinunlcatliHia bsUl
on th flrst and third Tuesday svsolng
t saort month.
W. O. HOWKtX, W. kl.
K. C. HOIJUKN. aWotarr.
ITI Tsuth strl.
WHKN IN IVItTl.AN'l-c on Jno.
r. liandlry A Co . I Third strwet, and get
th I 'ally Astorian. Vlsliors nee.1 not
miss their morning paper whll Iher.
After (Deals!
Or a! any other lime
when ) oil wish a ipsxl
cigar ask lur Ilic well
iiiiwii, Inline mail,
liatul tnrclc. white lalsir
citr -
"U llclle "
Oonntolril by all smukcrs
lu be llin Ixwi pKar
71 Ninth? Strset.
Astsrl. OragM.
"IV) unto other aa you would hav
others do unto you," Is sympathetically
shown in the following lines, lb pie
sumptlun being that sympathy I,
or akin to pain or sorruw:
"(lenlleni. il, pleas send Krauss'
Headache t'apaule aa follows Two
buses lu Flora Heay. Ilavanna, N I'sk
Two boles u Llllls Wllcoi, llrookUml.
N. Ik I have always been a great
sufTerer from hesiUchn and your I'ap
aulra ar Ih only Ihlng lhal rsllevr
me." Yuurs Vry truly,
Ilavanna, N. Iok
Kur sale by ('has. lingers, Astoria, or.,
sole agent.
They Lack Life
There are twines sold to fishsrmsn
on th Culunibla river that stand la
the same relationship to Marshall's
Twin as a wooden Image does to lb
human being they lack strength Uf
-evenness ami lasting dualities. Don't
fool yourself Into th belief that other
twines besides Marwhall's will do "just
ss well." They won't. They cannot.
Telephone & Bailey Catzert.
"Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. m.
dally leicept Hunilayl.
l-eaves Portland al 7 a. m. dally., el
cept Hunday.
"Ilalley Oatsert" leaves Astoria Tues.
day, Wedniiaday, Thursdsy, Prlday ana
Baiurday morning at I 41 a. m.; Hunday
evening al 7 p. m.
leaves Portland dally a! II p m., rl
cspt Hunday. On Saturday at II p m
Popular Science
Nature, Invention,
Pnlarged and Improvsd.
Contnlns a large number of Hhorl. Kasy
Prnnllcal, Interesting and Poular, Halcntl-'
flo articles, that ran he appreciated and
etiloyed by any Intelligent render, even
Ihough ho knew little or nothing of sci
ence. Profusely Illustrated and Tree
from Technicalities
Newsdealer., 10 cent. $i per year
rrkfentlon this paper for a sample copy.
Largest oiroulation of any
Scientific paper in the woild
Published Monthly by
OantlameBi-l kad ocoaslon lo use sev
eral boxes, of Kraiisa's .Jlesdncha Cap
sules whll mvallnf lo Chicago to at
tend the. Natlimal PunocraHo oonvenllon
They acted like a eharm In preventing
headaehe an fllrslne-t. leave had very
llttl h.dah since my return, which
Is remarkable.
,1 "Yours reirMKitfiill',
.!,. - t, . 114. Ranovo (Pa.) Heeord.
For rale by rha. Rogsrs, Astoria, Or
sol agent. n
' l.,,u:;::;;:r 'jzz