The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 07, 1896, Image 2

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gaily gUtottau.
Telephooe No. M.
Sent by mull, per year
8nt by mail per month
Served by carrier, per meek..
Bent by mull per year, J Ip advance.'
Postage free to subscriber. '
All communications Intended for piibll-j
ration should be dim led lo the Mltor. ,
Ituslness communications of nil kinds
ami remittances must be addressed to
TM Asioiian. )
The Astorlsn ptiarantces to Its sub
scriber th largest circulation of any
Deaspapcr published on th Columbia1
Advertising rate ran be had on applb;
cation to the busing manager. '
The Weekly AstivrUn, the second oldest ,
weekly In th state of Oregon, has, ncvt
to the Portland Oregwnlan. the largest J
weekly circulation In the slate. I
Jno. F. Hamlley & Co. are our Port
lam! nctilv anj copies of the Atorln
ran be had every morning at thtr stand.
U4 Third atreeu
It Is a gratifying fact that the crews
of the meo-of-war of the I'nlted Stale
navy now comprise a larger proportion
of American cltixens than ha) be n the
case for many year. President Harri-:
on, Just, at the dose of his admlnUtra-'
tlon, upon convincing representatlonsi
made to him by Secretary of thj Navy
Tracy, advanced the wages of sailors In
certain grade, to which can be traced
the change which has worked wonders
for the naval branch. A few years ago
lea bluejackets were largely foreigners, j
-it It now appears that a majority of the
men on our cruisers are citu-ns, and
this change, la still going on. '
This statement Is no reflection upon the'
natives of other lands, who have mad?
fficicM sailers In years lust. While
giving theui thel.- duo. the fact remains
that a much greater degree of efficiency
can be secured by manning our worships
with American citizens. The latter nat
urally tike a special pride l.i adding to
the glory of the navy, in maintiining
the honor of the flag on every sea. For
merly the pay of the Jack Tars was so
small that enterprising young Americans
wwild not accept It, and forclgn-rs-prin-elpally
Norwegians were enlisted in
Jargv numbers.
The impression that a very considera
ble majority of the sailors of the navy
are not cltiaens still prevails, but It Is
an error. In fact, young men, who are
finding that many occupations en shore
are overcrowded, should consider whether
th'V1 is not orjDortuniiv fnr thm in th
navy. Steady men. those who take an
interest in their work, are sure to ris
and special inducements are held out to
such persons. The constant addition of
modern vessels to the navy calls for an
additional number of men of intelligence
and spirit. New ships and the most ap
proved armor, however, can never pre
vail unless the men behind the guns are
iuplred by patriotic sentiments and
moved by a determination to reach the
greatest efficiency In seamanship. Never
before were there more or better chir.ces
In the navy, for young men who are fond
of a seafaring life to enter upon an hon
orable career, and it Is gratifying to
know that they are lielng improved.
According to a Washington di!iatch the
president threaims to ea'.l co.igrss to-
gether In spetiul seslson If it adjaurr
"without substantia! rtlief being afford..i
the treasury." This conwmpla.i-'i '-etion
is spolcn of as a poll'itij maneuver de-
. . . . , , ,
signed to wi.:y the Rupublicam. It is
clear thai Mr. Cleveland could gain notb
imj nor thi Republicans lose anything
were such a game as that tried, for the
latter have offered to relieve the treasury
and Mr. Cleveland has rejected the offer.
They pteii a bill In the house which
would have yielded thirty or fo.ty mill-; Xowl. chara,j. riorence Turner: read
Ions more revenue. It has been defeated' ing, Leon low: recitation,. Adolph Be-
in the senate, but it would not have
been If th president had been desirous
to relieve the treasury. Every Democrat
In the senate voted It. Put if
those of them who stick by Mr. Cleveland
hf.d supported It It could have te.-n
passed. T'ley world have dun so had
he asked them to, but he did rot. and
though the needs of the treasury were
es apparent to thfm as to the Repub
licans in the house, they voted stiaJily
against considering the revenue bill. This
course on the part of the Pemocrirs 'a
Inexplicable. The president Is a mem
ber of their party. They are respon
- slble for the administration of public
" affairs. One would imagine that thfy
would be eager to have sufticL-nt mon-y
to run the government and that this con
tinuing deficiency would worry them so
that they would resort to almost any
thing to stop It; on the contrary, they
seem to enjoy the situation. The Democ
racy having shown such amazln? Indif
ference to the needs of the treasury and
the president not having lifted a rtniriT
to get more revenue, it Is not likely that
he will call a special session to secure
special relief for the treasury. He could
mske no political capital by such a
move, for he has rejected relief when
tendered him.
Mr. Wambold's suggestion as to the
necessity for a sea wall along the wal r
front may not be a new Idea, but there
can be no question that It is a most
pertinent subject for the comdderatiem
of all property own-rs In Astoria who
are alive to their Interests. That a large
and modernly constructed city cannot
be located on the present site of Astoria
Is patent to every Intelligent resident and
'ncoming stranger, and the belief so gen
erally prevalent that the Astoria of the
ruture is to be built elsewhere than the
tocatlon of the present city. Is more re
sponsible than any other cause for the
apathy and delay In real estate move
ments. Through the provident fore
thought of a leading citizen, the neces
sary power and legal machinery to build
a seawall around the entire compass of
Astoria's water frontage was obtained
ts rolled" intofevor
Hie largest piece of
Good tobacco
ever sold for 10 cents
from the last legislature, and It only I
neeils the action of the city council to
star; the matter Into Immedlnte mo'lon
There a 111 he no difficulty whatever In
obtaining thu money needed for Ih
work, provided immediate steps are tak-
en- anJ lh? m,r Ir' ,r",, ca,"al w
rothcomlng for a work or such majmi-1
tude would do as much to prove the
rwlity of the coming Astoria as the
completion of the railroad, with this dif
ference, that while the railroad Insures
the building of a new Astoria, the s-a-wall
would settle the question of Its lo
cation. ,. ..... ,, ,.,
W hile It may be true that Police Judge
kelson had no Jurisdiction lo try thi
gang of toughs before him yesterday, for;
. the crimes of burglary and assault with
deadly weapons. It appears very strange
fh.i tnr h. -hi..h ... ..m.,..i
bl lefore him that of disorderly con-
duct and resUtance to an officer he did
not see fit to impose the maximum pen
alty provided by ordinance. It Is cer
tainly little encouragement to a faithful'
and over-worked police force to risk their '
lives and limbs in an attempt to pr-serve
the peace of the city against overwaelm
Ing numbers, as was the rase i:h lull
eers Thompson and Safc!dt In th In
stance wtv-n iuw-brnakera get off ltr
such I'.iient niilli..
Societies Hld Regular W-lyl
Mee-tinxs. i I
mM t.ornun;i,1 suxlety met In regnBrr
session yeoteraay afterncwti- The elsi
Uon ot officers ri-sulled as follows:
President. Will Gray: vte-presldent,
PIlinMn,. tr . ,., Tri,r
linger: marshal, Ralph Vr-dey; chor-1
isier. Retia Hoonon; censor. Miss WeeiL
The. fiilowinsT program was rend?r"sl,;
every numler of which was excellent:
Reading, Antona Johnson; recitation, J
Ted Cherry: essay. Ed. Itabhidge: im-.
personation, Russia Falor historical
man: essay, Austin Osburnr lniprsatxn,
Hugo Bowlby: address, N'cal Gearhart:
historical sketch. Vinnle Lo-rett: allitera
tion, Clara Simpson: reading. Lillle Mc
Millan: recitation. May Jeffery: essay,
Tom McCann; Impersonation, Flor-nc -Ross:
address. Amy Lemon: reading.
Will Gray: recitation, Llllie Malone; es
say, Ella Powell.
The following program w.s rnderea at
the meeting of the Phllogi'an Society:
Song, society: recitation, Willie Cyrus;
reading. Emll Jupiter: conundrum, Mdge
Sovey; original Impersonation, Ernst
Olerg: charade,
Edward Sutton; reclta-i
tlon Ethel Stinson; conundrums, Oscar'
Prael; impersonation. Annie Jefferv: (o-!
etry. Earl Hansen: funny story. George'
Oratke: Instrumental solo. Olga Noe.--funny
story, George Conner: comositior.j
Clyde Layles: recitation. Randall Reed.
Are the Retiorts of th Tacomx Rusltas
to Alaska.
Mr. Mark Wllxinskl. a prominent Ixsl
neyman of Seattle, is In the city. An As
torian reporter had an Interview with
the gentleman at the Occident y-str-day
afternoon and was given a few point
ers on the Alaska mh, of which Sound
papers are full.
"The further away from hsme I g-t, the
greater becomes that Alaska rush," said
-Mr. Wllxinskl. "This dispatch, (referring
to the AssfK-iated Press report from port
Townsend, published In yesteplay's pa
perl says a great number of people and
110 dogs sailed for the land of the mid
night sun. More likely the
number of
dogs wan VI. Why should people take
dogs to Ala.ska from
the Bound when.
matter of fact, dogs are very pi
tlful In that country? The dispatch fur
ther says a high as I-VJ each are offeie-d
for dogs of large size. Just think: f-'X
for a dog. Why, an Indian brought
three dogs to Seattle recently wht-n he
came down from Alaska, and said he
could buy all he wanted for from t'.i to
15, and Eskimo doirs, too. American dogs
are of practically no value to Alaskans
for hauling sledKes, and Just what they
are wanted for Is Impossible to
mate. Of course,
Ing to the North
the people are rush
but the rush Is not
as great as reported."
The Sound papers publish column aft r
column on the Alaska rush In fact, that
Is what chi.-fly constitutes the local news
of several publications. The papers evi
dently refard the "rsh" ss rt rrood t'llntr
and atvj therefore puthlng It along.
A strawberry luncheon Is an expensive
entertainment at this season. j
RQYAL, B&Ktng POWtJet. '
Hlghest of all in leavcnlnz
StttflZt h V. S. Ootwetot Report i
Wiggles I know Just to t ike for
'iisli'kness. Waggles teagerl) V I'o you?
What Is It? Wlcgles A chai.iul steam
,t. Pears in's Weekly.
Don't Invite disappointment by eiperl- '
minting. iieind upon line Minute
Cough Cure and you have Immediate re- ;
lief. It cure croup. The only harmless
remedy that produces Immediate results, i
Ct)4S. Kogtrs
Sir Henry P'irkes, th- famous old us
traJian statesman, is selling his llbrnry
of S.'o volumes. Including some which
are rars and valuable He states that
" ,0 h, .' '.
lumseif and those dependent cn lUm.
"Utve m a liver regulator anu x can
regulate tire world." said a genius. The m,.nt for tbf im,,tov,m,.nl nf i:,id
druggist handed him a hattle of De Witt's, ,.,, from ,h, WIHt Un f por,y.
Little Early Risers, the famous little i ,.0,)nj Iwt to ,he wt n,,, of Korty
plUa. Chas. Rogers. . nflh .ir,.,. t.n tllel In the
' tffice- of the aftditor and iiollce Jmlge and
People wno rid bu-y.-ies say thr c-; Is now open fsr InsiMctloti. an4 will so
c.uired hump conies miirhty handy in; remain oi'n until the 3d iluy of Mnrh,
shoveling snow. Wichita Eugle. 1 1M. prior to w filch lime nil nhj-i-tions te
: said us!-ssm,-nl trust le tlie, In writing
jS, ! lh Itie aidlte and p-dl.-e Judite.
VutnilQlCn OlJ TO" ; The committee on strw-ts and public
, . . , , i ways, Oogether with the hoard of a-
PltCnGr 8 C3St0ri3e : '"'" or th city or Asioria. m mr. t
i In the eoum-ll chamtH-m in the city hall
It is Just as gowl as It looks, nr. Price', j ?' "ly of Aatorla, on Tues.lav .March
I nking Powder, the most perfect made. 5- , , lork D- m- r, v'""
Mpuillxe said assfssment and report their
H was a kind and thoughtful toad.
I whofe skin was fliled with good cheer.
f and whose spirits' rose with eating as
j wnie men's do wifh drink." Irving.
Bread mlet.
Fried Smelts.
Fw-etbreads au Grarfn.
Fried Yellow Meal Mush.
j Chicken Soap with Rlea.
Celery. Radishes,
i Terrapin a !a Newhurg.
Chicken a x Pondlcherry.
Lima Beans a I'EspaKnole.
Roast Fillets of Mutton, Currant
Tomato Salad.
Scotch Marmalade Fritters.
Cheese. Wafers.
Creamcl Clams.
Roast Quail on Toast.
Cake. Fruit, Tea.
J lly.
A hlih liver with s loa'ld liver will not
he a long liver. Correct the liver with
De Witt
Little Early Klers. little piils i
that cure dysjiepsla and constipation
Chas. Rogers.
A hatchet was fo'infl a t"
iays ago
completely Imbedded In the trunk of a'
tree cut down In Ohclioygan county.;
Mich. The wood had grown over It soj
that it was Incisure from the outi b-. I
It bore the name of Rob'-rt I .a Salle, i
tire French explorer, the date P:.', anI
the Ttin Invcrlptbrfi, "Ad Majorem l)e
Olorlam," the motta of the Jesuit order
to which I.a Salle IHonge-d.
It Is a fixed and Immutable law that to
have good, soiind health one must have
pure, rbh and abundant blood. There Is
no shorter nor sirer roue than by a
course of De Witt's Sarsapariila. Chas.
Rogers, Druggist.
Sir Douglas Straight, who r- Inn-
Henry Oust as editor of Mr Astor's Pall
.Mall Gazette, was calb-l to the ber as
long tigo as lSCj. Afterwards he became
J "i1" p nL Aimnsiiiii, iirni.-ii inula. lie
reiuriieii in ir:uun in i:i wun an en
viable reputation and a pension. He has.
hud some experience In Journalism.
Mr. i. Cailloue'i. druggist, navers
v lie, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New D.s-
covery I owe my bf-. Was takn with
f a flMr.t.i. an.l lul all tha ,.I..,-UI...
..a ..,,, a.., ....... a,. ... ,; -Alalia , U.IOHUr HII'I IIOIICI" JUM'I' ti1li
tor miles abouj'., bin of no avail and was j Is now open for inspection, und will so
given up and told I could not ).ve. Hav- I'-nmin open nrull the 'M day of .March
Ing Or. K' tig's Now Discovery in my IM;, prior lo which lime all -ibj ctiins to
store, I sent f.r a bowle and began its! raid assessment must be III. d in writing
use a.n.1 fr-n the first duf- began to get I wiih Hie auditor and police Judire.
bH-.t.-r, and after using three bot:le was The. committee on streets and public
up l alsmt agiln. It Is wrih it i ways, luueiher with the board of as
Ki:'.:;l ,n g.d. We won't k, ey Kt.ire ori sessors of Ibe .-ltv nf Astoria, will m....i
noose without i. ll a fr iriol at
Jtogs-rs' drug store,
! 3,
KARL'S OLOVF.Ft Ttryr wilt purify I
your blood, cbar your compb rion, regu-
late your Jlowels, and make your head
clear as a bell. 25 cts., 5n cis, and SI CO.
Bold by J. W. Conn.
Poor bird! you've had hard work to
your maincd,
You've pecked for bug lit rain, and
grain In Wlntnrd,
You yearned for food while you had
hi and breath,
What tnoekci y this slurring aftm- diath!
J. J. In Huston Transcript.
The best wilvv Hi the world tut Oim
Urulsea, Sores, I'locm, Salt Hheuiu,
Kvicr ftorva. Totter. ChupiHil timid.
Chilblain, v'xn.n, and All Hkln hrup
tlons, and ponltlvely cures Plica, or no
wy required, it la gtairanteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, Si cent tr Urn. Fur sale by
Chas. Hugr-m. Fellows' building.
"Which would ou rather do. Jiirlcy,
kl.'s a girl on her Hp or on her ryes?"
I "Her eyes, of course. You would have
I to do it twice to cover the ground."
! Harper's Hassr.
When IUhy was sick, we gate her farioria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Outorla,
When she became Ml, she clung to (Outorla,
Wheashel. Tilklreo, she g itlwui Outorla,
It is nd cn rtunt t, n all drttg-
glsta. It cures loopisnt fVnsumptlow
ajullAthabest Oouc'mr i(uu Uiuw.
Vir Sale b J W. Cnnn
Opt'D everv day from 3 o'clock to AiIW
iinl to ::Hl p. in.
Suhncriiition mli. f; r aiiiiiitii
Southwest cur. Elewnth auj Paane 5la.
.1 Looryoty t , fwt ot Jsiliv n A"i
Garten! MdChipistS .lid B(v!rr M lkerS
l4r J J Me-'ee Fspln 0
rest tri '-ir(wr Wmli V'sHv.
Conors et A'i tWrt, n .-, iHvi.r
'r." r or.l', ee!(nt .n; ll,'.'t'(lu',
. 1 Fox..... Vice President
P-C' . . . . SU.-fr
Tie Si Is a sca-rciteonaa
lil"l. Slorrit.'tt h.i .
lht:r. au natural
I rrrp-. r asr UtlUnt.
' Itun, irrtuu.'B r ul.
li.o .f mu,'n m-o
xittCst''i,C'V br. N..H siiuiaYul
-ISC1SS4H.0 n TW,
hr rptr rrimi.l. lur
: m, , r i Ivoitl. r ;
l.' wtii rriiut.
itut.i. ni. s. impi:ovi:mi:t
Nott-e Is hereby green that asrytnenl
rol t Vo V. .'itntainlnt lh iihvidl n,
i actions tt the common council.
i i'uihi Astoria, r., renrusry :i.
Auditor and Police J-irV.
Notice is hereby riven that assessment
roll No. II.. containing the special anes-m-nt
for the Imiiroviment of Forty
fifth stre.-t, from the allew-way run
ning throuifh blocks lie ami IH to
the north line of Am or strvet In the
city of Astoria, has been (tied In the
office of th auditor and police Jude and
is now open fnr Inspection, and will so
remain open until tha Sd day of March,
IUKi, prior to which time all oliju'tliws lo
said assessment must be tiled in writing
with the auditor and police Judne.
The committee on streets and public
ways, together with the hoard of nx-
I sesors of the city of Astoria, will mi't
j In the council chambers In the city hull
I ut the city of Astoria on Tuesday, Mairh
I J. lk!;. at 1 o'clock p. m., to review and
, equalize said assessment and report tNelr
j actions to the common council.
Dated Astoria, Or., February 1, HH.
H. R m,t).V,
I Auditor and Police li .ige.
Notice Is hereby given that assissment
roll No. 9, containing the special assess
ment for constructing a sewer on Four-
tcenth street, from a point I!) ,'eet south
of the south line of Jerome avenue In
the city of Astoria, has be-n filed In the
i.ffice of the amiltor and police Juiltre and
Is now open for Inspection, nnd will so
remain open until the Jd day of .March,
Iw, prior to width time all objections to
said axHC'SHmert must be filed In .riling
with the auditor and police judie.
Tee committee on streets and public
ways, together with the uourd of as
sessors of the city of Astoria, jvill mee t
In the council chambers In the city hall
of the city of Astorlu on Tuesday,
3, ISM, at 2 o'clock p. m., to review end
equalize said assessment and report their
actions to the common council.
Dated Astoria, Or., February .1, .MiC,,
H. E. NEL.-ioS', '
Auditor and Police lud-e. i
HULL NO. :i, l.MI'I'.'iVK.MI.NT
OF IIOXD fiiiti;i:T.
Notice Is hereby given that liSK.-ssnient
troll No. 3, I'ontaining ih- p clil assess-
I no-nt for th- improv. nment of I.uime
r" ' "' inirty-
lilth slrcet to Hie enst line of Thirty-
revenih sireer. in Hie eliy ,,f
Asiurin. bus been llb-d In Hie
...... r , L. , . ., . .
In Ihn rnunrll Shnmbirs In Ihe ell I. .11
I of the
rliy of dtoiiii on Tuesday, Mnir h
a I 2 o'clock n. m., to revbw nnd
ei(iiai.e said assmsnient and report their
'nons 10 ine common council. i
Haled Astoria, dr., February CI, ive.
H. 10. NKL.M.V,
Auditor and Follce Judge.
,w-wn.issj'.-' a ij, i-nrfirH
I i.wntt:.' sf' v it 4 HJ
OnaceH a :. . ''lvlZri
NnlU Is hereby given Hint by virtue
uf a warrant Issued by ra,r of til lorn
tuon council of the oily il Astoria, to me 1
I directed and attached lo the assessment ;
roll of snld cltv for lh- yer ;vi. cum
tiiaiidlng me, lis 1 had be it pieiinusly.
I coiiiiiinnciiM to levy upon the uvula and
! cluiilcls of the iMliiitm-til lavpityera of
1 s.tid city In and named III aid loll, and,
If none lo be found, then noun the teal
. ,ro-rtv as,s,sl to such delliciueuia on
said roil, or so luiicli thereof aa will sat-
; Iffy tile talcs ehurt vd llu iootl, together
i with the costs itud expense, mid lor
waul of iHUftonnl property to make snUl
taxes I hue leiled upon, and on Hntur.
. iluy, the Hill day of March, IMW, rein.
, inciiclnu at lo o'clock n. lie, I will sell
nl public auction at the courthouse III
1 suld city of Astoria, county of Clatsop,
stale of Oi cttou, to I lie highest bidder for
' cash, to satisfy said Isxis, costs and ac
ciuliig costs, no much of the rollowing
dcscilbcd lots, blocks and a reels of laud
' as may he tirccsaiy lo pay the taxes ilut
thereon. In P. S. sold or siller colli, lo
Kcilur with all lc and costs. Maid
I ml Is situated In lbs city of Astoria,
Clatsop county, Hrvgon, and was nerd
lo the following named pcrwns, to wit:
Aster Laud and Trust Co., lot I.
block III, Shlieiy's IrWlig
Hrlwli; lots J, i. S, . block I.
SIHi s Irving Heights; lota I,
. II. Iii, 11. M. U 11, IJ, Hi, i, I
J, 4. 1, , block S, Hlilvvly's lr
Hug HriKbts: lots ;,,, Hi, II
I.', li II, b's Hi. W. is, PA i, Jl.
:v. :i. :i. : is :;. is, ,
t loek rililvely'a In lug
Ili itilils; blocks . J, K, Hlilvcly !
Irving Heights: lots J, , d. a, T, '
block , Wliliiiy's Irving 1
ll li:hls JtS ti
Aniotia Parking Co, fronMge lot
4. blocs . Mci'iurv's; fromago '
lot I. block Meiiure's: from,
age let i block Met lure's;
liouu.v. It t, Id k M I
iii n . ii. ri'i biilf lot X Idock
, MeClure's; Ilolitili;e lot 1, '
M. ek ', Mci lure'; fioiilai; lot
2. block , Mct lui' s. fro'iMcc
lot 3. block ', Mciiiur s, fiont-
re h i 4. Nock U, Mcliur. ..
M J. Kluiiei. lot I. Hock 1. Me
iiure's; f-oc.tnge ol , htock 1,
McCbire's; b t t. I lin k I. Mc
liurv's: trotiiuire lot t blo, k I.
Meiiure's; lots 7, x, bhs-k I, Mc
tiure's; east 3A feet lot I,
block .Mei iure's; lota 1. II.
block to. Met 'lure's; raal 23 f-ct
bit It block Mciiure s: west
half loi IS. bl.H-k bs Mcl'lure's;
lots t II. U, U 14. blo.-k 1, Mc
Clure's; lots I. J. J, 4. bbK-k I,
Kinney's Astoria: west half lot
(, Muck I. Kinney's Astoria: lots
I. !. t 4. S. S, block I. Kinney's
Astoria: wrst half lot T. block
Kinnry's Astoria: lots 1, ?. I,
4. 8, fi. 7. . 10 II, It 11. block
5, Kinney's Astoria; let 4. blin'k
4, Kinney's Astoria: lota 1, 1 X,
4. i. i. block t. Kinney's As.
toiia: west hatf lota a and 1. 2,
X 4. block i. Kinney's AMorla..
. WIllKnte, lol , blot k S. Alder,
brook, blocks f. X 4. i, , s. 10,
II, l. X li. U Central Park:
souih -il feet Idoek . 1st add
Astoria: south reel ,lu k X
1st add Asioria; blocks 7. 1. .
I". 11. 1st add Astoria
D. II. Wrlch. block a. Wllllania.
port: lol X blook Si. Hhllrly :
end two-lhlrds lot 4. block ;i,
Shlieiy's; frontage block TX
KlnvHy's: east 15 feet west half
lot :. block l.i. Hhlvsly'a; und
hilf middle part lot i, I.I.K'k Ul.
Hhlvrly's; undivided middle pari
lot t. II,h k Ul. Shlvely's; und '
west i, blis-k Ul. Hhlvrly's: E '.i
feet fioniugn W S lol i block
13. rUilvrU.a: ail froutage Hock
1. Shlvely's: und i, friniag
W 4 block IS. Shlvely's; und
ti W i, block 133. Shlvely's
Nancy Welch, lots I. 3. 1. I. a,
tdock U H'llv ly's: bts I, :. t. 4.
. in. II. I!, hloi k 17. Nhiti-ly's;
lot fl. block 12, Shll ely'n. Mock
T. Ik Sblvcl s: lots I, - liloi'k
U, Shl elv's; uiul llj lots J. I. 5,
IS. hbs-k V.. Slliv. ly's: lota 7. . 1.
lo. II, 12. bliH-k U. Slili.lys;
blocks i, (I, 7t, s. K, W. Shin
ly's; lots I. t. 1. 4. h. . 7. . X
I". II. 1?. block 4'.i. Hhi-ly's;
i;t...ji feet let . block 11. Sidle
ly's: l.'SS0 fct lot pi. Muck M.
Shllrl's: IS'.X'SI feet lot II.
bbak M, li'lvely's; I'l'ji'il feet
bit 12. block . Sblvely's: und '
all block III. Iihl.-ly's. ;.",'-ti-t
lot 2, Mock 112. Hhlielys:
KU feet lot , bio, k II'.'.
Shlieiy's: i;i..x'i) fed lit 7.
block 112. Sluveiy's; In the SK
porilon nf J. M. und Stiaati H
t. t:
Sluvelv I' I. C, Sif K T !l N. I
It 9 W, la-ing Isiomled ss fol-
lows: Coiiunrmit.g at the SE
itirncr of said D I. O, tlon e N i
along the E boundary line of
said rtulm to the H iKiundary '
line of the town of Astoria, as
laid out anil recorded by J. M. ;
Shively. tin nee SW on said H
line of said town of Astoria lo
tract owned and platted n
Summit Addition by the Astoria '
Rcul Estate Association, thence i
S nlong said tract to H Uiund- ;
ary line of slid IJ L C, then-e i
E to place of beginning, con- i
tabling Hnf acres, there- '
from lu acres deeded to the I
railroad trustees as per de.l
dale.1 Fed. '.li. DflJ t,t3)
W. K. and M. S. Warren, lots .
7. . block n, McClure's extend- 1
rd by niniy: lot II, bbn k 70,
Meiiure's exieuded by Olney; i
lot , block Si, McClure's ex
lend, d by olney: lots I. 2, n. 14,
blink :-3, M'-iiui-e's ixun.l .1 hy I
idney; bd f. I. lie k isi. Meiiure's
I xleiub d by Olney; Pit I. block I
7, Meiiuie's rxictiibil by ul
1" v: loi I, block tr. Mi tiur -'s j
exleridrd by (limy: lol 1, block i
I'll. .MC'lllie's extended by III-
n. y: mid ir, lol I, l.l.e k Imi, Me-
lino 's ( i , ,1,1 , by inn- v; lot 1
2. blci k l.'A M. lime' riini bd j
by filmy: lol 7. bluek l"S. ,c. 1
f'lur. .xiendid by llln y; lot i
2. block 1'.'"., .M. iiiii, a ixieubd
by Olney; I'd X Uv k I2X. M.-
( line s i xlend. d by Olney; lot
I. block 11, McClure's exieuded
by filmy; loi 5. bio, k i::2, lie.
Clure's ixlencled by (lllley; lol
1. block l.'S, XI -liur '" exlended
by Olney; lol , bloik HI, Me
'iine's ill, n,l,, by Olney; bus
2, 4, bio. k . .cCre's cvteiid
id by Olney; lol 4, block I'i'i.
Moiiuie". i , by in y:
lot I. block M. M.iiiirc'i ex-
lend, d by Olney MM)
The sub- to cimm.iiie nl in
n'el.i. k n. m. of snld ibir mid conllnue '
until nil the above described purcels or!"' lining limlrs. We have th" lurgcut
real csinle nre sold I 1111,1 Unest line ever shown In Ihe city
c. w. riccifiirtv,
Chief of follce.
Aslnrln, February II, fs'si.
Notice Is hereby given that N. Clinton
S,,n:i c.iilrncl,,r foe Ihe lmi.r,.,..,m..i
nf Kichteenth direct In Hhlvelv's Astor a
under the provision, of Ordlnanea N! 5i,li
rm the ir.lh ilnyof February, lwt, filed In
1 he olllc of the auditor nnd police Judge
r th,. ,.ly , Astorln, the crtlllonto of
11, ii ....... 1... - .1.1..J..1
1 ,... ,., n , , , ,00. II I.
nt streets, npiunveil bv the cuminlttee on
rtreiis nnd public ways . After the ex
piration of the time hereinafter speollled,
if not objections lo the necc plance of
such work be flhd, nnd the common coun
cil shall dcemm such Improvement prop
erly completed, according to the, contract
nnd plans and spcclllfnllona therefor, the
sairte may be accepted.
Objections to the acceptance of said Im
privmcnt, or any pnrt thereif, may be
riled In the office, of llio auditor and police
Judge on or before Wednesday, February
i:rlh, isyn.
Auditor and I'ollca Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, February 15th, 18S6.
Tmu Oasis oh thi1
Colorado Disi ht
A Hew
OH Tilt SI A
Dry and Pure Tropical
I'ronomifoil hy riiysicians tlic
inont Kavorulilo in Amorim
! for Sull'oivrs from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objections urged against Indio In
i Ibe past h) tho large tiuinbcis wliu
Olll'rwlse would lime Uell glad lo luka
adianisii of Us Isii.llcuil clonal is has
been a lack of suitable accoinniod.itioti
: The liouthcrn Pacitic y lakei.
pbaauii In aniiiiucrliig thai sever. il
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
havs Jtiat be. ii rrcird at ludlo stailoii.
i that will be rental lo aupllcanis nl r a
! aonabl tales. They are fiiriiKhed will
I modern comciilrn -ra, i,pplitd with pure
artrslnn waici aul slluaKd as to gli
occiii a us ti adiatilugi to tlx
: rlird from mora or leas protiaet d
' resldenc-i l i this delightful rllmats.
I From th San Franrlaeo Argonaut )
"In tli hturt of the great desert of Ibe
Colorado-- Inch h 8. oil hern Paciilc
trniersra iherj 1 an oaala called hullo,
which, lit our opinion, 1 the sttnlini lout
of Ihe eurlh We bcllcio, from p, isointl
liiieatiK4ilon. thai for certain Indmd.ui
tbete la no sp:tt op this planet ao fmor-
U T Hirwart, M IV, wrllea: "Thr
purity if the air. and the sun
hliie. All one with wotid r and .blight
. . . Nature has accompllshrd si
much Unit l hers remains but Utile for
man to do. A to Its possibilities aa
h.alth morl lure la the moot perfect
sunshine, with a temperature always
pieaaaiit. a perfectly iliy soil, fgr rain Is
an uiikn.iwn factor: pure oxygen. d-ne
atniosph. ro and pure walrr. W hat mote
eon Ik- ,1, sired" t la ths place, abov
all other', for lung troubles, and pars
disc for rheumatics Considering Hi
nuinln'r of sufferers who hnvo b-'n
cured, t hale no lie-IUncy In rcculli
lo en, img im, genial oaala as the harn
of the atllli led
Is 612 mill's from
nnd 130 milt's fmm
Fure from Lo Angelts
For further Information Imjulr of
any Miutnern I'acino Company Meet,
or address
e. p. RooEnia,
Ast. Oen. I'aaa. Agt. 8. P. Co.
Dint. paaa. Agt
Tor. Firs' nil Alder Sta. Portland. Or
I7J loot.
A Specialty.
SJiip CliaiiiloltTV.
1 IiirIvvitri4,
Iron it Sti cI,
( irori-rii'i it Provisions,
Flour it Mill
Paints, Oils, Vurnir'liOH,
Iorti Supplifs,
F'aii luiiik'n ciilcM,
iKiorn it rindoiirt,
Aj.'i iculturit! I inpli mi'iitti
U'll-JIHIH it VfliiclcH.
1 Is there a mini with heart so cold,
I iiuit from his family would withhold
1 The cumfoits which they nil could Und
j In nrilrlcii of I'i'H.Mii'Itl.' of the right
Ami we would suggist nl Ibis sensnn a
nl1" Hirb Imiird, Intension Tnldc, or st
n 11. 1
lit prices t Hit I Clltlllol full to pbusi
closest buyers.
gaT-tii utt Moving Tools for Kent.
Groceries, Flour, Fred, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Can suil Squmnoqiia Strn tt, Astoria, On
Wall Piper, Artists' Materials, Paints,
Oils. (iln, etc. Japanett Mailings,
Ruga and Bamboo Goods
365 Commercial Htreet.
times, upalalis, Asluiisn llulldllig.
lleruuil liiyabisll. KebotlO.
oil. luitriou
Oltlc over Albsrl liunlxir's slurs, esir.
ih and Co imerclal, I'rlcsai Call. II I
eilliflllellli'llU. 1 1" HI I Iper4(iiin at Ulrica
fres; insdlcliiva furnlalod,
Offlcs over (ilsen's drug slurs. Hours. 10
In II a. ni.; I lo I and 1 10 I p. 111. Hun
dnya, 10 lo 11.
Oil. O. II. KHTKsl,
mrttlCI iN AND Hl'UOKON.
Kpsclnt allsnllon In (llwmtwa nf wom
an and surr?.
Ofiio uvar Oantlgwr'a stora Aaturla
Talaphons Vr U
Offtiv, Itisuiis a and t, I'ythlan
Hulldltig Hours, 10 In II find I la
& llMldenua. . Csslar atiss.1
m Commercial Htrwl.
V. M. Urorr.. i. It. ondtb.
Urolti'K It SMITH.
ATTl 1 II N K Y8- AT- T A W,
M CommsrrlaJ alrast.
tiltlc on Hssmuid Mli-Mt. Astoria Or
J, N. IXilph. Hlchard Nlxoo
Cheater V. Ibdpll.
lioLI'll. NIXON lHiU'll.
I'orlUuid. Oregon, 34. 3i, :, and fl,
Hatnlltoii llulldllig. All lcl and ool
ps-thn busiiiesa proinpiy at tended to.
Claiiua agaluat lbs (ovvrnniwil spsc
rlnClfcTT MKK-TINUrt,
TKMI-LK I.OlHlia NO. T, A. T. and
A. M -Ksgular csiniinutilcatlons bald
in the rirsl and third Tueaslay avanlntt
'if each nuMilh.
V. rt. IIOWKlsL, VI. U.
F. C. IIOI.ntCN. Hemury.
W. C. CAtWKlX.
i: TsiiU strsst.
WilKN IN li iltTLA N I I'all on Jno.
K. Hundley a Co . IN iiilid atraet, and get
the I 'ally Aatorlan Vlaltoia need not
mias their niurnliig iMir whils thcro.
After (Deals 1
Or at any other time
W lirll loll m-iali a giael
pitfur ask lur I he well
klinwii. Inline lunili',
liand, while lalxir
cijfnr -
"Ui llclle Antorln "
Cotirsslisl by all smokers
In In llio IhwI clgnr
W. V. SCMIf-m;,
71 Nintr) Street.
Astoria. Orvgosi.
"IKi unto othsr as you would hava
others do uiilu you." la Byiii,atbeilcally
shown in Ihn following lutes, ihe pie.
suiiipllon lielng that sympathy la horn,
or akin to pain or sorrow:
"tientlemrn.-lieaae send Krause's
Headacho Capaulea as follows: Two
Isiaea to Flora Hey, Haiaiins. N Hnk.
Two boil lo Lillle Wiles. Iiris klaiid.
N Oak. I have always been grrsi
tuffrrrr from liea.lachr and your Cat.
11I1-" am tha only thing Hint relieves
me." Yours very truly.
Havanna, N I'nk
Kor sala by Cbaa. lingers, Astoria, nr.,
solo agent.
They lack Life
There are twines sold to fishermen
on the Columbia river that stand Id
the same relationship lo Marshall's
Twin a wooden Image due to th
human being they lack atrcngth-llf
-eventless and lasting qunlltlea. Don't
fool yourself Into the belief that other
twine beside li a rah all's will do "Just
sa well." They won't They oantvot.
Telephone & Bailey Gatzert.
"Teh-phone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. m.
ilnlly (eieeit Kilndnyl.
Leaves liuilaiid at J a. til. dully., ri
cept Kiindnv.
"Hailey Ontscrl" leaves Astoria Tues
day. Wednesday, Thursday, Frldnv and
Hniiir.liiy mntiilng nl if. a. m.; Hunday
evening al 7 p in
Isvfi I'oriland dully l II p. in., eg.
cept Sunday, On anndar at II p. m.
Popular Science
Nature, InvtntMm,
NEWS ChsmUtry, rirdkino, HEALTH
linlarged and Improved.
Contains a Inrgo uiiuibcr of Hlmrt, Muay,
rruclleiil, Interesting nnd I'oiilnr. Hsb-tiil-'
lie arlliies, thin ran bo npprccliiicd mm
enjoyed by tiny Intelligent render, even
though bo knew little or nothing of sci
ence. Proluse'y Illustrated and Free
from Techhic hties
Ncwsdcnlcr, 10 cents. $1 per year
tr.Muntlon this paper for a sample copy,
Largest oiroulo'.ion of any
Scientific paper in the vwoild
Published Monthly by
linNJ. I.ILI.Akl), New York.
nontlciiicn:-! had occuslon lo use sev.
erul boxer, of Krause's H.ndacbo Cap
siilcs while .traveling to Chicago to at
tend the, National Jicinncrutlc convention,
Tiny nclcd like a charm In preventing
heiuliiclicM mid dlulnnas, Hnvo hnd very
little hcndHche since mv minrn u,hini.
Is rcmarkiible.
Yours respectfully,
Kd. Itennvo (Pa.) Itecord.
For rale by Chas. Itnuara. Astorlu tr
sole agent. ,