The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 19, 1896, Image 4

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rfllfi iulU aWBUN( ASTORIA, WJUWMIUT ItlMWKO,- 19, IfiQl
SPECIAL-Fora fewclays only-2 lots i blk. from brewery $112.50 each.( CTTl IT t)T fiOflQ
DONT FORGET-Prices on rieriwcther Down lots advance March-jl UHK1 DIUJD.
ki 'rwent nrice ajo3 cas 1 ana a.: nor mom 11. rrr:
I It IT CAIili
Cor. Tmli ntl Comnitrvliil.
i ' -
Cildrf Mil Touts!. 5tre-Scid SWv Ml
Sites aid Stile.
Wo also carry a fine line of
ladies' nnJ men's shoos, from
the bos-t to tlio lowest reliable
poods. All goods warranted
just ns represented.
JOHN 11 A MX oi CO.,
170 Commercial street.
Laval weather f.r twenty-f.ur lisnirs
ending at i p. m. yesterday, furnished
by the United Htetes Deportment .1 Ag
ticuHar, weathr bureau.
Maximum ii-miM-raturv, '2 degree.
Minimum temperature, degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Ttul preetptratt.a tta Ssstumker 1st
l.V lo dale, ;.K3 ini-li.
Kims of precipitation f"tra September
1st. itou, 10 date, .ts Inches.
J oh prlnllns af all at tha Astorian
job office.
Vn Marihall'a: You take chancra on
th athera,
C O. Palmhorc. an'hits?t, Kom Xum
bor S, Klnney'a bullJIrs.
lr. O. P. PH, IVntlst, wiih a
alsiant. office Si Hth trL
Ito blend tea ta tha best. Ask yeur
grocer for It, and take no at her.
For the best of commereiai Job print
ing call at the Astorian Job oftlee.
Ueany la the leading tailor, and par
the blgheat cash price for fur skins.
Marshall's mOmon twine Is without a
com pert lor. Strongest, handsomest, best.
Just recelve.1, at the Scow Hay Wocit
Taut. 115 cotils of oak wood. The finest
wood ever brought to Astoria.
Dumbarton's Irish flax salmon twine,
superior to any In the market. Fisher
Brothers, agents for the Columbia river.
Parties desiring the best of Job printing
at the lowest prices should call at the
Astorian Job othoe before going else
where. Oo to 1S1 !Uh street to have your um
brellas repaired or recovered. A tlno line
of corer goods to select from at reason
able prices. , ,
Don't use a plaster, but take Rogers'
Kidney Cure for lame back and kidney
complaints. It will probably glvo you
permanent relief. Chas, Rogers,
Business men. It you want to fix up
vour office for the coming year, wilh th
best of letter heads, bill heals state
ments, ete call at the Astorian Job office
-where you wui Ena me oeai vi "
and material.
tv. rnvi-r-n Co.. t) Commercial
street. Is the placi to buy your dry
-r 1 .i.thincr iwi't jnd shoes, men
and iarlles' furnishing goods. Should you
want an auctioneer, S. FrleJman makes
his office at the Otan Trading lo
n tm. Clmnr. Rnntmrn's afTIre and see
their new- and handsome twine testing
machine. Take along some oi me mines
"as rood as Marshall's," In your packet,
and test them. Then see hew much more
Marshall's will stand. It's money In your
pocket and fish in your net te find out
Marshall's twine ueU tr 73 per cent
of the fishermen on the Columbi river.
A prominent steamlicat man suys; "Mv
lumlly have used nearly every Drawl of
Heef. Iron and Wine made, and are sat
isfied that the preparation mada by the
Estes-Crain Drug Co. Is the most palata
bei and nuiiitlous of any they have ever
used." If you are run down and need a
tonic, you should use it.
Most so-calied ''salmon twines' are col
ored with acids. The acids rot the fibre
and render the material useless. In the
office of Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Is an ab
ject lesson lhat ought to he examined by
all flshermun. It Is the whole of the ma
terial used In the manufacture of Mar
shall's twine frcm start to Cnieii. Go
there end examine the coior rlirht
through. You will see then why Mar
shall's Is called the best in the world.
For S cnts you can recur an excellent
well served meal at the Bon Ton Restau
rant, No. STi Commercial street They
are also fully prepared to serve all kinds
of fish, game and all delicacies of the
season as well as nyiterj In evry im
aginable style at the lowest living prices.
Come once and you will continue to
Charles Wirkkala's saloon, on Asior and
7th streets, which has loni; been one of
the most popular end test patronized
drinking places in the city has been
moved from Its present location to the
lot immediately east of the Casino thea
tre. Many Improvements will be added
as Mr. WIrkkala Intends keeping up the
reputation his saloon has had since be as
sumed charge years ago. only ine rest
wines, liquors and cigars sold at the bar,
a musical concert by the best talnt in
the city, under the leadership of Profes
sor Schwabe. tne wen Known pianist.
given nightly. Call around and bring
your friends with you.
Soothing, healing, cleansing, D Wilt's
ivu. h Hazel KaJvB Is the enemy to sores.
wounds and piles, which it never falls to
cure. Stops licning ana Durmng. v.urea
chapuid lips ar.d cold sores In two or
three hours, Chas. Kogers.
Overcoats and winter wraps will be ir
fashion. They can be dis.'S,rtled, tempor
arily while traveling In the steam heated
trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and 81.
Paul Railway. For solhl comfort, for
meed and for tsea.fety, no other line can
compare with thin gTeat railway of the
For a dinner, served on the Dining cars
of the Chicago, aniwauaee ana . raui
Railway, will be sent to any aaorras on
receipt of a two cent postage stamp. Ap
ply to Geo. H. Heafford. U-rKs-al passen
ger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chicago,
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
"Tk'obbauer & bbach.
ft Best Brands of
The Fsoisus Gsmbrinus Beer
Alwsys en Tsp.
473 Commercial St., - - Sstorla, Ore.
Ut-i imiU'itl
T. Howis of N u Vok. in town
Horn, to lb lto of S Wright, yes
terday tnornltiK. a hoy.
Tamarlhte Is the name of one of the
smartest, spring .lira fabric.
Mr. C. S. White, nn.l wife, i f Si. Paul.
Minn, arc visiting In (ho city.
t'i lt Hi.slfMsl tmiloiHiin'!i ol::iruo(or.
An tnt npimwoho ih. ,hoiiKht l. ( ,!irtv, sMk H.m.ll.. n hlof to ih,. Ut
Vt run t itlvr ii. tlmt will not !,,,,,.. u,,. liiit to im, M R. nll.-nvaii
sum MiMh Mun, iio n txsn vi-ryi
low with t!rrmmi in.Mlo, Is r. wt!-.l lo
N slowly Imi.rovliiK. ,
ValkiiiB on ory plunks iisain tin not ,( .r 4-ii.rlt s .1. I!. Taiison.
Nwmo so muoh of a rifsular lhln ih.n i Thc hpiy i vont t.H.k pU.o .it iho ivsl
the iwitlty hits worn off. . ilon.-o of Mr. Aiirusi li.miil.on on li e
Work of rvimlrlnir the cretin at the ; ,nN liBliihoiiso tomli r. and Miss lvtvr
Interstvtkin of Thlrty-llrst street and , ( H M,trr of Mr , u ivtoraoii. a
Kmnkltn avenue hns N'uun. j known Aslori Imvlnoss m,in. Mr,
, Onrlson. the KrtHtn, o.imo nriiuiul the
Miss Laura Fox. who has be.n quite 111 ,lrn w(lh ,-0limilllw ,.r mm..,!
for the tst two weeks Is uhiii ahle tu ; ,rlll- ,, nMa (. WUn , v,.,,, rv.r
resume her studios at schwl. j ,IUV AfI(,r ,,. ,.,-rm(,nv. n eloant r.-
. past was srrvo.1, antl the m'Wlv nnirrlrtl
Almost the entin population ws out ; XH!le took the steamer 1'ollrr lor tVrt
yitenlay on the !o.-ks. sunning them-. an,, Vhw they will spend seveial .lavs
selves in the wrirome spring air. , t from whence thev will aw tin I'hlcai;.!
i . f.. V.kiv V,irk a f.,n- i,nih,1 l
Mrs. Mary Kdee. mother of Mrs. J. J. i Sweilen. Their perm.inent horn." tiill 11 " 0,,l' w,,r1 l,ri" tlw good
W aller, left Astoria Monday nuiht on ; m,, m Astoria Anions the guests pre. S tlim na1' M'r. Haker anil I'enh. eit
her return home to lVcatur. Mich, ent wor.. Miss Aln.n Itacklun.l MUs Mnv tertulne.1 the gaiherlitg Willi theatrical
Chas. Finch anil his bike got mixed t:p
yrsienlay and Chas. came cut of the
scrape little the worse for wrar. hut silil :
' i
I . llirHS, Jr.. I imii.riiiii.11. ..i.
er, F. Sllverstone, and K. 8. Issacun and
wife, all of San Francisco, were In As-
toria yesterday. ,
t Nelson, of Oneida. Fred Olsen. of OI- ,
... . ... . i ..... i.. in......
ney, aim ra. sminwm o ..!.. ;
merchant, were among yesterday's vlsli
ors from the country
By put;lrg ca:or ell In molasses coOWIes
Is the way fond mothers Induce their
coniullng offspring to take "something
thai Is good for Ihem."
A. R. Ock?rman. managing etlltor of the :
Pacific Coast Klk. of Portland, and sec
retnry of Portland Lsxlge, So. Hi. called
or the fraternity yesterday.
Crocuses and other spring flowers have'
made their appearance on ihe lawn, ami ;
there can be little doubt that the grand
change of nature has commenced. '
1 :
X't'nager Western I'nion Johnson, yes- -
teniay. by nis own eironr.compieieu me
manufacture of one of the new style re
ceiving desks. Of course he Is proud of 1
the result of his labors.
Parisian ladies are now wt-arlng the.b.:bg made by certain parties to have
hair prettily waved and coiled up In the j the council atiollsh the place, but a coun
midille of the back of the head and orra-1 oilman yesterday said he tlld not think
nicnted with a satin bow. In front a few j they would succeed. However. Ihe elfcrt
loose curls fall over the forehead.
Engineer Jamleson reports that Ike
last few days of good weather huve en
abled the workmen at the bridge to make
line progress. If there could another
week or two of the same kind of weather
the pile-driving mlcht lie finished.
In yesterday's Issue apjieared a 'local,
the Import of which was that Samuel
Matthews had died In San Francisco. In
stead of Mr. Matthews, it should hi.te
read Mrs. Matthews, wife of the fornti r
foreman of M. J. Kinney's cannery.
! Common inrr on Mond.iv r.I.iit. Febru
The following Portlander were In trie- j Hr. Ihl. it.,,.,,,, wlM , Kill
city yesterday: U Naix. C. C. Barker, j .,. ,,., engu.-m. nt at i i-h, r's Op.
A. J. Rhode. A. H. Colby. 11. E. Colman. I era lUlUl. aIlll w,n pr,ia,.,. ,,., ,. r lr
Frank King. W. II. Mend. 8. Schmitlt. j lltrs, i,,.,.,.,,,,,. Tt. ,;,.K puv n
Joe McKee, II. S. tlrllfiih. Tom Williams. 1n. -a .ri.Wlf 1f War nil,1;,t.; ,,ru.
ami Alfretl 1L Oikerman. all of whom ma , ,1X. tt,.Ia ,, , , ,,e thp
were guests of the Occident. j company's master;, live. The plot of the
play is laid In Kentucky during Ihe lute
The Knights of Pythias annual me- j war ,,, u0,.(. u , ..sllH.
mortal service to be held tonight, is at- am'.oah." H. Id In- the i:n-my " etc It
trading unusual attention. From the , lUi,biins oter with yn tl,.
fact lhat the very best local musical t piltile,i,. ,,,.es ar.- frequent 'enough t,
talent has been engaged, is in itself sut- ; Cauo the auditor lo alternate, hrit a
flclent to call out a very large attend- j allKhi ,,. a ,...,r Aside from the scenic
"ice. and mechanical effect;!. It is a tin st In-
" terestlng story. Jlr. Co. W. Webster
Among the visiting Elks from Portland ( wlu aul,Par in Ihe leading role and Mr.
yesterday, were noted "Cactus Joe." fa- , i!aeon has the comoly pan, the oth- r
millarly called the baby I.Ik. Long lorn ;
Williams, and Advance Agent Hob Slay.'
Mr. May says that Brother Colby has1
selected the grounds for the circus, and i
ne expects to nnr on nm .-now in i
toria very shortly. ;
At St. Mary's Hospital last evening.
Dr. J A. Fulton performed a very deli-
cate surgical operation upon Mrs.
G. .I'igler. The lady's many friends will ,
be tiad to Know that she stood tne cp-
eration very well and was resting easier .
at a late hour last night, with
pros;H-ct of a complete recovery.
Suntrintrnilf nt Wattis. of Corty Bros.,
reiui-ned from Portland yetenlay and Im
raetttately went out to camp. He took
with him twelve men and a large lot of
suppli- s. In this connection It may lie
noted that lo gain entrance to t'orey
Bros".' office. It Is necessary to use a
very peculiar rloor In-U. Paymaster Joins
has the combination.
Monday afternoon a party of rt al es
tate and newspaier men. chaperoned by
Messrs. Stuart ltrolh:-rs, made a trip in
tho launch Fanchon to Meriwether I
Downs and Inspected that Ixautiful tntct. I
In the depth of winter this tract Is quite j
dry. and Its lr,intss makes it a very I
desirable site fur a town. Property in J
Mi-iiwiihtr is relilnsr fast.
The Monte .Carlo, of Asiorla, ' August
Erickscn s new building on Astor street, (
is rapidly nearlng completion. Manager j
Thompson thinks lhat It will be ready for i
occupancy by April 1st. At least the bar-,
room, billiard room and club rooms will
lie ready by that time. He claims that
it is tin- best constructed frame building
on the coast, and the statement has not
been tleriie'l.
Cries for belli about 5:20 o'clock ycs:er
day attracted a larg ; crowd In front rd
No. l:l Eighth street. Officer Beafeblt
burst open Ihe door of the house and
found Richard Harry, county surveyor,
beatin:: his wife in a most brutal mnnner.
He was taken to Jail and locked up. The
inhuman treatme.H of his wife by Mr.
Harry. It Is said, has gone on for several
years. I!.- will probably I tried this
The rn'-w-ntation of "The Fairies' Es
capade." ut Fisher's opera House last
evening, was witnessed by a large nnd
faslilonalile auilietice. To dwell upon the
merits of any one performer would be
lmpoKible, wlt.i Ihe exception, probably,
of Sla-.'ter Ernest oberg, who, as "Beech
nut," excellent, and Miss Pearl Es
tes, qi;e.-n of the fairies. A veieal polo
by Mr. Harry Vi.lalln was exceedingly
well rendered and very much appreciated.
The alfair was a most successful ore.
On Monday ofu-moon In tho p'lic court
P. J. MK'ah wan fiwrt IIS for ilrunk
enne: was what Is commonly
trmf( a "soak," being In a state of In
toxication from morning till night. Judge
KelKon ugrenl to KUHpfnd th Knp. if the
man would lve the r iiy, which he prom
ised to lo. ie haw bon very much In
evident- around town for the past week,
having while lntoxn-aUd. fallen and ter
ribly rimtlgured his far-e. wa a maun
of Liol from heitfl to foot. True to hlf
lroTl- he Ifft town, starting for Port
lain! cn u liv.T beat. At Aiaygcr'H iand-
hyjr. w htlo piuhiinj in wottd, N .'.. rr
i UmiM. nn.l ltfiuv w nrrivisl, hi was
'ilrvniuM. Th hody w. ivmiird, ittluN-
! wlt iHitn w4n Ht one litiu a
l.oon.un m IVnu.nd, l.othtnn mhi
of him.
On uccni.ttt of ii I hi-ui 1 1, al iviiouuunoe I to take place ut Fisher's opetaj
llueni, th Herman iw I i-kiii-
(x-IU.l to pottm his niUi'rili' lU for i
im niKiit, tiiHt k to rrwny niKiit. itic
.Mil lnt. m!r tlio lmo, i!c Jxilij
of itn month, mo .ios Ki.hw' um.
Itfllcmrn liui'it llaNO tit kin. ItolU'A ft.
A tlno silk iimlvnllA to tho U'ft
t.ili,fl holy's cluiruoior. nn ovnviil to
vip,v,.. .. ,., ,.. i,i,... v. u., r.r I
lhl. nr?, ,;. , , , . ,ntMM , ,.',
K n xv,,i,iiMir .vivniony Tit- r.-u- i
tmotinu o.-irltfS Hiti' Miss Aunt.' A IV.
hill. Mr. 1'iirlson !s chuo of llio I'oluin-
IVrglund, Miss Amelia lirsrii. S. U. IV
u-rson. Victor I'eterscn. Aiiitust Hunlel
son and family,
Ill tie ivllce emu t yeslei .l iy uliei noon.
I- I-., lit. ivmr.iKor of ilu- Casino i
incuUC. W IIS Heroic JlMge Nelson Oil a
rharge of selllna Itouor without a Iht-nse.
Anil .v hamrs a tu!e. .VI a meet I; e
0f the ivrnmnii council some winks urn
u petition, sicno.1 lie severnl iiilnltr ,m
ln rt5., wa, presented, nskltur that the i
. '
council retrain Iron, grantlm; this p!mv
a license. To make the effect complete, a
numlH'i of ladies werepresent and heard
; the rcudtng of Iho peinon, tvliieh tvna
j published In full in this paper ut the
j time. The communion ion iin reterroit
to a committee. The complaint for the
; apprehension of Mr. Sellir was sworn to
by City Attorney i J. I'urti. but was
sej t the request of the ministers.
the following Jury was impaneled to
try tho ease; Chas. 11. Cribble, T. o.
Trulliiiger, John W. llrown. 15. S. Wors
ley. and Win. K. Clinton. Mr. I', w.
Fulton apii.-art'.l fiir the li f. The
facts in the ease are lllut .Mr. Johnson,
proprietor of the Casino, h.ol dei. slle.
. with the city trvu-siirvr the sum of llio.
the smount of the 11. tun rhivn.., nn,i
that he had deposited it on February 14.
is apparent, n is argued by tne sup
porters of the movement that the Casino
Is one of th worst dives In Hie city, and.
If the lloml street nuisance could be re
moved, wiiy could not the Casino.' Aguin
It 1 said ihe I'astno Is a Kruit Improte
ment oter t lie. shacks lhat constitute
Chinatown, nn.l It Is argurd that thcie
should be removed tirst and the Cusl:u
afurward. The outcome of ihe agila
Uor is at- albil wtlh much Interest.
COMPANY. members all 1-lr.g well cast, and a Hit- 1
production may be looked for. This Cl,m. I
pariv wm rememla red us opening t!.e 1
opera house lust September, and made I
such a favorable impression, and the
prices will be within the reach of all. I.'..
- und in cents. The second night "A
Harrel r.f Mom y" will be given, nn.l cn
Wednesday i'nele Danitl." Heats are cn
saje a, t. 1;j,ua uiaee. The folloiving
a the cast for tlx- "Ptlsciu-r of War-."
q0 Blanchurd
U..o. P. V.'.-lHWr
Flank Huron
Albert Ilosmtr
Wm. Iliirr.-ss
Iltmar-I Scott
Albert Trendt
Uin. Bei-kwit'i
Ml. Camilh- ii. ye!nnil
I.-nnie Weldtr-;i.i
Vh mnlu J.1' U,or
, -'; 3i mil it e i -,
Edwin f'nnyle
Judge Carlyle
Du.iliy .Mld.lletcil
I'nde Joe
Kate Wlini.-ill... ... .
- K rr.i-nib r. the' pr
liltli'lT Coliii'.
Circuit court was in eesoin yesterday.
V. E. U'arren t s. Daniel .Muy et al.,
default an. I decree for plaintiff.
i,. P. M.illinlx ts. tb-.t. Crul.-li!hank,
default und Ju.l;roi nt r r-lerlng sa'e of at
tached pre;per:y.
Astoria, and Columbia Rlv-r ': -
Company vs. Andrew Tronsin e. .. , e
for trial Februaiy 2.
Prank Patten vs. P. H. Johnsun, set foi
trlfil February 2
.Mutual 'oust Company vs. Pacific i'r.
on packing Company, l for trial I
rUury ;'i.
Uosenfeld-Sinlth Company vs. J.
iaw et nl., set for trial March 2.
Sidney Campbell vs. William Holmes,
Match :!.
Portlr.n.l Trust Company vs. August C.
Kinney, set for trial March 5.
Astoria Havings Bank vs. Wm. Chance,
et al, default of William Chance and
And ne.w she sighs for short skirts or
A touch of black on
deemed chic and Parisian.
any gown li
Highest Honors WorId' Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Meet r.;rfcct Made.
i Wars fle f.'..iMl..rri.
.no co ition ices nut m. ei until tins ' ubk. a,. AsMiK-lation- "l Hin forty years ago Kniillshmrn
levelling. Mr. Jou.sun con, nr.t nossibiw I Asiona i uum i.iorai) amwiauun. .. . . ...... ; ' . .
, ' i t i,,.- to nres.'nl ihrt fo lowimr slate- niiKin sun tioiu unman iieiiia in ootioase
procure a license. Aft.g- a very brief I 1 ,H lrT" nl nt loiiowing siau " . h... n,- .,.
' iliseusisino t ti r.inrn .i . . ..ii ' meni or rejiori as secretary oi ine a:so- - - r.t-... -
I of noT gmlty. A very stronir eil.irt Is I " latlon for' the year ending F.bruury century they nughl kli.nap and carry
(,c 1' SlU'lill I.BSt Kvcnimi Tor
the I'ntcrtnianicnt ' the Is-
i .i.i II,..,, l,.,-
1 ort In ml lirotticrs.
Tilt: ll YlRtilMA
I eft alMini Mrcsi Vilk ,Mj Mi"
liois-ltkcr tail fcrtl Cuatrihntcil
i Vihnlc Shtm -C'Daie ial
im. rricaJi.
It wns well rsluhllslied last eiening that
AslorUns in general, and Aslorin Klks
In paitlciiliir, ihoroughly undrrsiaml the
art of entertaining. A large niimlicr of
visiting Klka from I'oillunil Hild a fitt
ternul visit tu iheir Asiorla brothers.
Qulnlln lixlge wa eiiual tit that occasion,
and the ellliens generally have cause to
comsrutulaic themselves that they were
not found wanting.
In tho early part of the evening a mi
nim session of tho lodge was held am!
candidates Initiated After the ceremonies
a typical social was held and Koyal Is
represeiimiioiis. ,ir. imiver i. iiniwimui.
a I Ion of I'r, Jrkyl and Mr. Hyde, and of
Fugun. hi I'lckens' Oliver Twist, were
masterpiece. Ills rendition of "Myself
and tho Hoiilo Alone," brought down the
h.ii.A The iliiet lielwoefl the two Eentle-
...n .... Hi,, ilowerv was full
of humor and puthos. "Paradise Alley"
by Mr. Penh and Ih Hire lodge, was
full of humor. Mr. linker wound up this
parl of the eiitertulnmeiil Willi "Prlond-j
ship Is but a Name.
Oaming and gondii! fun o. cupli d th;
rest cf the evening. J. S. IMIiiii-rr was
the most graceful danecr bn the lliHtr.
lbincan MoTavlsh was next In order, and
his only excuse for not occupying llrst
place was that he had a pain In hLs left
arm. Hilly Mead, the ureal, sat back
In his dignity and took II all In ll.irry
llplfliii mi., tin, frnitiv nimi MO, I MrllHl
his share of the lunch. f comfort and ease of a comparatlv few.
Seriously si-caking. Ihe entertalnmrr.l All religions, with their superstitious In
was one of the best ever given In Astoria. Uneiiees so indent ov.r Ihe Igiiorant. have
and Is only another proof that whenever '"' h auxiliaries of the enslavers,
the Files undomtake to hav.t u iroesl lime And. from llenesls lo Itevelnllons, even
they are sure to achieve It.
.V'toila Public Library Asoclulloii.
1st. ivsi:
It Is a matter for congratulation that the
Association has pased through a year of
unprecedented llr.anclul tb-pivs-ilon, unu
not only hut--- we m-en uble to ko.ii out
.,f debi. ttl.unks in mtrt lo ihe ui'm-rou
al. I received from the cllsi but h.ue a
t-nuill balance cush on hand to lieclu the
next yiar. We I. ate also adtbd lo our
stock of lcok and iHriodlcals to a ctn
eldemble extent. I Mir free reading room
Is a success., as proten by Ihe large anil
n;i,'r!ol.i:tt utte.nlunce of rtuders. titiil
fi-om the fuel that Ihe majorlt are
stiurgers knd yoonir n:er. I consider that
this branch nf our lii tui y should Ik- gi.-en
careful und g- neritUM uttention. The fol
lowing arc a lew facts show leg w hul has
been accomplished In Ihe vurl'iua
brunches: We are regulurly receiving
fifty-two leading mugaiities. octio.licals,
und newspapers la few of Ihem donuted
by friends of the library! for the use of
the free i-eailliu; room: II'IW readers have
enjoyed th benetits cf Ihe rending room
during the iist yiur; 1IH luxiks were taken
out from tho drculuilng library during j
ine year: tne itnrary coiitains hooks;
l.S new Ixiok wire iiildrd lo our sbu-k
last year. The treasurer will hand In her
report, but purt of my duties as prescrib
ed by our constitution, seems lo be to
make u statement In regard to the fi
nance of our Assoclnllon, which Is us
Cash recelvi.l from all sources f 11X"..!M
Cas.t paid out MI7.M
Balance cash oil hand
Ri sM-ct fully submit lt d,
MRS. il. W1NUATI-:, Secretary
It Is s.ii.1. but the shaker tt ho shakes be
cause l-.e niti't heli It Is by no means
a happy Indlt idual. So th?- p r
son troubled with chills and fever. Th,
fluttering and sensation Ir
followed by no less a plague, namely,
burning fever, which Is follow. M by a
perspiration bath t l.utis the tin-
liattov snfTerer us "Wi-ali -is u rot
most unfortunate simile, by ihe v. n . ns ,
the cut, for Its size, is ti purticultirly inns
cular animal. I'mlei Ihe uluive eirciitn
htai.tri vital sluinnla. Is ..ntitl use. I up.
What will recuperate II .' Imstoti r's
f'ton.ach Hitters, whlci; .-ra.licu'.ts mala
rial disease in every form and icputis Its
t.-rrlble ravages upon the :yston De
rangement of the llvi r ulways uccorn
panles malirlal tlisord.-r. I'o the relief
of this complaint . s well aj constipa
tion and dysp i- ... i .e ,'lllti ts Is admira
bly adapted. No less e-ffi--acloiis and thor
ough is It for kidney troubl", nervousness,
rheumatism, und neiiialgia. A wineglass three times a day.
One new, upright, Sx9 duplex marine t n
ine. A burgaln. Apply
No. t' First Street, Portland. Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that the tax roll
for lsi."i Is now in my hands for collec
tion. Taxes must be paid on or before
April , IH.tfi, to save ndtlitlonnl costs.
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
Tho Kimball Comic Opera orgaiil7n!Ion
will appear In "Hendrlck Hudson Jr., or
the Discovery e;f Columbus," at ihe Fish
er Opera House. The superb production
of this operatic extruvnnza is i li'i.jrute,
magnificent, bright, melodious, tip-to-tlule
and International In the delight It ofTers.
It Is said every stitch of scenery and ev
ery thread of costume was designed ami
made expressly for this production. The
scenic pleture-s are extniorillriary, elab
orate and beautiful, nnd Ihe costume are
the very richest ImiiKlnuble.
Sixty pe-uple are In the company, which
Is h'-ad-d ,y the ulways charming Co
rinne, who w-as never as attractive or
as accomplished as not. The fuvotite
little urtisi has new songs, new ilnni-ts
and new graces innumerable. A multitude
of beautiful girls In a variety of hand
some, striking costumes attend the action
of the vivacious plot. There need be no
fears that Mrs. Kimball does not appre
ciate Ihe value of feminine charms In
stage presentations or that she tloes not
thoroughly understand the art of ills
playing Ihe materials most effectively.
The organization consists of well known
artists and contains a number of clever
specialty performers, the most proniln'-nt
of which ure P.e-n. F. Grlmb-ll, Charles
Fostelle, Lindsay Morrison, Marney. Me
Iionougr)7jV TTswry Mlt'-k, -FrauJuUril'-n,
oho Ctaft, the Nichols Sisters, Mabel and
Lulu, Lillian Knott, Fanny Iterosia, snd
M...I... t1,-l.l.... Itan, ..f tit.
i , .. i inetii till, taint wots nielli inrrniiy to
DooikIa KuIi Tlio I'liorim niiiiilu'm tf.
nn.l iiiiiiiIht of hluli oliisn wliiUh'
hikI iiiimUUi nro liilio.liioo.t. Homo of
Urn sooiiihi tiiv mtll lo Ih of I ho most nor
hisiii l soi Ipl Ion. NolwllhatHiullnil I In
viiuriiimnt iptnn llio smno prlws llml
riivoiii III N'W York, Hosion mil I'lilcmio,
riiKi;Koiiiills lll piviiill, :; till) mill
i iiio full not of Trllliy will proiltnnl,
liy sixs'lnl Hrmlsalon of A. At. I'lilmor,
uml Is iut on with nil of llio (oriimitismKs
of llio orlKlinil.
l.APY I'lMiK
S.i. I'.olh I ho KtlstliiK iVihlllloii nl
it onion.
This wotd slave, now a term of Ig
nominy or reproach, Is derived from the
Hlaviiiilnit slava. which mount glory oi
renown, and formed th teriulnatlon ut
1 llio most Illustrious names In nil the dia
led of Unit tongue. Hut when llio
Slail hud been reduced to servitude by
thn tlrrmans, their nam Imcuiiio synony
mous wild Iholr slan and our Teuioiiie
ancestors briiuralhrd tlio woitl to us to
Indicate those III homlugo. Thus tlllihon,
In his "IVcllna and I'nll of the lloinau
Kniplre," suy of the Slav; "From the
Kuxlne to the Adrlallc, In the slate ut
capilvrs or aubjerta, or allies or enemies
of the tlr.vk rn plir. Ihey overspread the
land; uml the natlounl apioilullon of the
slates bus been degraded by chance or
nis I lie fiim the slHiillicallon of gluiy to
(hat of servitude."
Few of the lower aiiluiula have had the
art or the Incllnatlun lo make slows ot
nitnra. but man's Ingenuity was exer
cised In this manner ages before the
dawn of history. The sacrlilcial atnnrs
ami the contents of sepulchral tumuli tell
their own tale aa cogently as If writ
ten. Ills presumption rlalmrd all anl
nulls for his use, and this was speedily
followed by the suhjugullon nf the weaker
of his species. The classic rhapsodies on
I Freedom, by tlreeks ami Kom.ins, re
ferred only lo a privileged clnss. Those
j who were always ready In pour out their
I blo.v.1 for their own liberty felt no Im
propriety or remorse in visum in trniai
otTinsrn of their slaves with cruel alrlpca
or a more cruel death. Ken our own
Magna Chart was extorted by freemen
for freemen, and contained no provisions
for the numerous servile. From the
lime man llrst appeared on this earth
slavery has been the lot of Ihe great hulk
of humanity. The masses huve lived and
suffered, have lolled and served, as chal-
i our own sacred lock contains no ills
i upprobHllon of the practice. On the con-
trury. It Impllclty iiiholils slavery, as It
I doe the cognate custom of !olygitmy,
and demund unquulllb-il olH-dlence from
servants ami wives.
Juhn Hluarl Mill, writing In 19. said
work them lltrrully
death" We have had abundance In
stance of men of honor and sincerity
who kl.lnaprd and snrigglrd with pious
seniiutents and devout asidratlons. They
' rcllnl on scripture-'th refealni will
of Ood " -Just a Ihe opponents uf til
vorce. or the "deceased wife s slstet s
bill," and of woman's entunctpatlon gen
erally, rely still. Was not Canaan rursed
by Nonh for Ham's Irunsgresslons? "A
servant of servants shall he Im unlit his
brethren." And so the Rev. John New
ton. Ilk Sir John Hawkins and so many
other English worthies, preached on deck
from tho text. "Itte one another," while
the hold below was crowded to suffoca
tion with stolen negroes, by whose cap
ture and sal he was i nrlched. The
consciences of such men were clear: they
were curr) ing oui the will of Providence,
like their Imitators toduy. Was nol the
Honctn mud for ih iniin. uml not itiun
for Ihe womnti? Was ttol her cretitlon
a divine uflerthniigiit, caused by plly for
his loneliness and wunt of suitable help?
And wns not she uln cursed, by a higher
than Noun, "Thy desire shull be to ihy
husbunil, and he shall rule over IheeT"
And so our bishops, good men some of
Ihem, and mosl of Ihem "lllierully edu
ruled." have no compunction In hinder
ing the freedom of women, lietttg ussurrd
that they ar thus fulillllng Ihe will of
Uit. Hut If a spntrow cannot full to
the ground without the will of our
Heavenly Father, would It not have been
equally -Ills will had the bishops the
mher tiny voted for the marriage with a
deceused wife's sister. Instead of defeat
ing 117
II would be a profound mistake to
linngnle I hut the lutrbiiitsms which sur
vive longest are lies burbtirisms than
those which tile larly. All unnecessary
Interference wilh Individual liberty Is
either a survival of barbarism or a re.
version to It. Every adult shuiild be
free to rut, drink, work and think In any
minuter that he desires and is able. To
curtail or modify any of those by law or
force Is to render him more or less a
slave, and lo do so for Ihe suppose.! Is lic
it! of 1. 1 hers or for I he good of some spe-
Ponlon of Ihe community Is the very
essence of slavery. In the struvule for
existence and supremacy, or even for a
fad, we may see many reversions Icduy
todiHoleie forms of I). milage; all holding
lo retard progress by e rippling indlvlduvl
enirgbs'tinil ublllllis. or by producing n
Plrll of subserviency. Hut Ihe oldest
uml worst survival I Iho subordination
of women. Comparing the past with the
present. Mill says: "Human society of
old was constituted on a very illfferem
principle. All were horn lo a llxed social
position, and were mostly kepi In II by
law, or interdicted from any meuna by
which they could emerge ftom It. . . .
Manufacturers huvt stood In the pillory
for prctumliig- lo tarry nn their business
l.y neiv and Improved methods
At present, In the more Improved coun
tries, the disabilities of women are the
only case, save one. In which laws and
Institutions lake persons at Iheir lilith
and ordain lhat they shull never, In all
their lives, be allowed lo compete for cer
tain things. The only exception Is roy
ally." And yet there are some people
who urge lhat women have no wrongs
and no Jusl cause of complaint! Th-y
point lo the majority of women irbd say:
"See how satisfied ihey are. They nre
not clamoring for a change."
Even If this be true, It proves nothing
except Ihnt slavery paralyses lis victims.
Iturely In the world's history have Hie
oppressed risen unless stlmnlut. .1 by on I -side
sympathizers. And If slaver) ii nol
good it r se, II Is not good for wome n,
whatever many of them may think or
To those who dream lhat nothing can
be more beautiful or more successful
I linn our present marriage system, we
commend the following pnssuge on Eng
lish wives by Ihe author already quoted:
"I am fur from pretending lhat wives
are In general no better treated Initn
slaves: but no slave Is a slave to Hie
same lengths anil in so full n sens of Ihe
word a a. wifo Is. Hurdly any slnve,
except one Immediately attached to Ihe
Master's person, Is a slave at all hours
anil all minutes; In genurnl, he has, like
a soldier, his fixed task, and when it Is
done, or when he Is off duly, he disposes,
wllhln certain limits, of his own time,
and has a family life Into which the
muster rarely Intrudes, . . . Hut It
cannot be so with the wife. Above all,
a female slave has (In Christian court
trleel an admitted right, anil Is consid
ered under a moral obligation lo refuse
to her master Ihe least familiarity. Not
so Ihe wife: however brutal a tyrant
she muy unfortunately be chained to
though she may know that he hates her,
thriuuh It' may-bo his dully pleasure to
tottWeJfTif, X nil 'though she me.y feel II
Imposi.lble not to loathe, him he can
rlnlm from her and enforce th lowest
AH GOOD Fishermen
ib'gredalloii of a human being, thai ol
being made thn Instrument of an animal
function contrary to her Inclination.
Slavery, thru, l not dead, and wivei
are chief sufferers. In face nf this fact,
whalevrr difference "f opinion may exist
on older tnalters In Ihe minds of Ihose
who love their Irllow-crralures. It must
lie tho duty'of all lo resist all forms id
slavery, whether spiritual or phyelial.
menial or social, and especially
slavery, so that Ihe day may not be dl
Innt when women may enter Into equal
and honorable competition Willi men In
whatever Is good or great. From Ihnl
hour only the mural regeneration of win
kind will seriously begin.
inc Tennraseo Clulllui
For mom than a hundred yetra the Sha
kers have kin stutlylut the r-uii-dlnl
I pmiteillet. of plants. I'hey hate made
many tllscoverlea. but their tareuitst
achleremenl wss made last year. It Is a that contains already IlitesHd
loud and I x digest ..r of food It Is ef
fictile III removing distress after .'UtlbK.
and t'l-enl' s an appetite for mure 'nod. si
thul ruling Itec nnes a ideasure. Pule,
thin 1-o.iplo become nlutup and lieali
under Its use. II .irr-sls ih wosi'cg ol
There never bus Iteett such a slut fot
! tturd In the cure of Indlgesiloii .is 'els
HI'uker Cordial. Yoil druggist will Is
glntl to git you a Utile .b-scrlpine
ot Ihe product.
Illve the babies l.uxnl. which Is Car lor
Oil made as paluluhln a lloil 'V.
Kb Allowed Her Hair lo lie ""urn Out
lo Sato Life.
Anderson, lint, Feb. 1. -Mlnnl Shuts,
a work girl at the boll works, bud a nar
low escape from a horrible ileal It tonight
by sacrliliing her hull by the routs Hi.
Is on uf th Isilt machine hands, and
was at work. Her tresses were hunk
In loose, 8ho bolt over snd they be
ruin raught In Ih revolting shall. Iler
head was driven Inward the big wheel,
but by a wonderful display of nerve she
braced herself kml Irt her hair I"' loin
out roots and all. She had in lu re
moved lo her home, nnd doctors are now
unending her.
How Prof. Trovvbrl.lK Finds a l.ulb t In
it Mutt's Leg.
Cambridge. Mass., Feb. IV - Pi of Trow
bridge, by Iho application of will-kiiouu
mathcmiitlfiil principle, ilemoiisiiulid to
duy the possibility of b'.-nl log the rt ict
Me( of u bullet III a III nil It:. I'te-
vloiis Investigations hud ptovc.1 ttuit Ho
position of a bullet could be approxi
mately doteimltusl by Its shiidow, 1ml
there wns nothing to show whether It
was In Ihe front or th Im. k of Ihe limb
Two discs In Crooke lube w. re set ut
a certain nieasurtil distune liom on
another and Iheir ray thrown upon the
limb, and each cast u shuilow upon lis
photographic plate showing a foreign
liody. Those plate were at a known dis
tance from each other, und Ihe Intel sec
tion of the line running from Ihe photo
graphs of the object lo Ihe two soureis
of light was, of course, tho i im-l Im a
Hon of thn bullet.
Suyi He Will Break Fill' Face for Call
In lllin a Cur.
Special lo Ihe Aslmiun.
El Paso, Feb. IK Prix light tniitlets
ere very quiet today. Nol a rorpoial'
giiurd of sporting men Is on hurul wultlngi
for l-rliluy, und it Is nol sure Hint nil or
them will remain that long.
HI Paso. Feb. 11 FHxslmmon re."in.l
this morning the following lelegriitn from
Chicago: "I rend In tonight's papers Hint
you said I whs a cur. Next tlloo I see
you 1 will mnk you take It buck Ilk" I
did before. James J. Cornell."
Julian sent Ih following reply: "All
right, chappie, (let yourself In comllllon
and gel down hern quick, but mind you
get yourself in heller condition than you
were (it Hot Spring. Pltxslmmoii will
put you out nf existence Ihe very next
day nfter he place Mnher amting Hie
has-beens. Murlln Jtillnn "
Mude Ills Forlune of Protection
and Is nn Oppressor of the Poor.
Cleveland, Feb. 1K.-The (lovi-luml
Chnmher of Commerce tonight l.lii.-kh.ill
ert Ihe name nf Andrew Carnegie, which
hail been proposed for honorary mem
bershlp. Before thn vote won tuki 11, L.
A. Itussell, a lending attorney, mndr 11
speech, saving i'ii' n hnd le.-n i-l lo
suspect Carnegie made his for'.uno be.
cause nf tariff preuetiton, nnd he also
suspected, from what ho hud rend nf tint
Homeslend strike, that he was nn op
pressor of Ihe poor. I'nlrss somebody
could convince him to tho contrary, he
would vote agnlnst admitting Cam. -gin lo
membership. Five blackballrt were volol
Ihe constitutional number rcsiilrrd lo
debar and applicant.
Han Francisco, Feb. IS. Tho placing
of the steamer Lnkme on the route from
Puget Sound porls lo this rliy hits i-nim-etl
a reduction In freight rale on the
stenmers of ths Pnclilc Const Mfeumshlp
Company. When II. e T'matllla sails to
morrow for thn north she will be loaded
down with general merchandise nt tl per
ton Heretofore the rule hns iL'.lft
to 13 fo r ton.
Ban Francisco, Feb. IB.-Hope Is about
abandoned for the bsrkentlnn Discovery,
owned by Pop A T11II10I, of this city.
The vessel Is now out twenty-eight days
from Port Onmble, with lumber for (hi
clly. She was commanded by Ctiptuln
Chrlstensen. There were twelve men In
her and there Is scarcely any chance of
them turning up alive.
The womnn with the small foot la the
exception these elnys.
Having moved In lloinl slreei, two doors
fioitl Jeff's restaurant, I re.peclftilly In
vito my friend and ulhria In need of
good, honest f mil wear, lo call nn mv III
lb new place. New work aa well as re
pairing, tlood workmanship and lit and
let lltr prices, H. A. IIIMIIE,
let vour I sin I sails mad by Ih As
toria Toil and Awning Co I, o test
With tblrlvslx people, al Fl.hcr's Op
era House. Friday. February :I. It. a. I
up and who aha Is. You will nnd
Hint stv baa Ih best uftracitou n th
A twister In twisting
May twist him m twist,
For In twisting a twist
Three twists niskt a twtst;
Hul If oaa of th twists
t'utwists from ih twist.
Tha twist uiitwlsllr.
Pnlwists Ih twist.
Thai la, when H's tlsl. with
oi W loins than MAItSII ALL'H
SHII.ollH tiitK, the nl Cough
and Croup Cute. Is In great dmmii.l.
I'm kei ! ronultis twei.iy-rtv tlnsr
milt" ;"i cents. children lot II, Hold
by J W. Conn
Popular Science
Nature, Intention.
lit f. en.
iw.'ij postoV jiiis-va or fiimisiKt
llnlsrteii and lipri-J,
Contain a lutg number of Short, Hu.v.
Practical, Interesting and Poulsr. S'letiil
lie arlbii-, ll.ul can 1- appreciatnl nn.l
enjoyed If at-V Intelligent reader, even
though be kui'W Mtlr or nothing of eel-
Prcfusey lluitrMid an1
from Tcchhic Ii es
Newsdealer, lo tent. $i per year
I r Mention this paper for a rumple copy.
Largest circuln'.ion cf cny
Soiertific ptpef ir th wood
piibllrhril Monthly by
llf.NJ., New York.
r.KADibn KOH.M FIlKK Tu Al l..
(l n nverv iluy fmm !l n'ldig'ti in o :Ul
anil ic.i.l in IM'ill i. in.
Sillectiilioti rules (II (M-r ui.miiii
Sullwe.t cnr. Pleventh u4 lua 51s,
: w.ii I'.i.t. Artiitt' M.i.tiiii. r.i.ii.
Oils. il4i. elc. Jrtie Msttl i.
. leuet SHJ llAml-oo Ij.MiJt
305 Cooiiucrclnl Htrcet.
Take the
und you will rin.ii Oiicih.i,
IviiiiMis Cliy. or SI. Louis.
11 wiiule day liheud of Ihe
man who lulus liny other
.ml tu.. will liuvel a
whtde lot nioio c-nufortii-bly
tlmii he will. Ion.
Tickets tin Ihe Hurling
ton to all lust. tii and sou-.i
ern titles nra on sole at
the local ticket office. Ask
for one and be sure you
gel II.
Letters of Inqiilty ad
dressed to the iiiiilerslgtted
will riciive ptnttipt iliiti.
. C. SHELDON, (I, A.,
Portland, Or.
LOST Aj Llewellyn seller deg, 7 months
old, I. luck 1111. 1 white nn.l fun, and has
lieimemade brass collar und lock, Sulla
bln reward will lit- paid for lis return lo
J. Positrlh, N. P, Htowery.
Furnished rooms, furlng (h river,
the week or month. No children, wo 1
street. P. E. Ferchen.
Wunltsl -(,1 nil. mini nnd wf dcii-n
board mill inorns Willi private family.
References rxiini tifie-l. A. lilies ,y letter,
I). (I. Illulr, turn of Aslnrltin.
VI ANTED Ao-Mnta lo run, Ik.
old Natltinsl Life Inniirunce Co., of
wontpeiter, vi. For further Informa
tltm. address (I. M Kiolp, General Coast
Manas-er. 'l-m CeneltMe rinion.. u..
Frunclsoo, Cal.
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
soms ofTl. work, and manage agents
You will dual through your leading- mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. W. pay all expenses. Position per
msntnt. Send fane mfiMii... .
cents for full particulars. John Finn.
Mgr., P. 0. Box 4i Ht. Louis, Mo.
.MPANESP! nnoOH-Just nut-Just r-celved-Jtisf
what you want, at Win
-'. M Cnmmsrclsl sfr,
1 p..
...... J-
- - ' --