'I'JU, UKllYWlyuiKH,. inivllU, .tyfMfcDAY. MOftVINH, FFXttfJAllY 10. MM. L'.JJUU. .'.ILi iJTJiL If you want curt relief for limb i. ui an AUcoc Drar in Mind- Not on of tlom It a good ai th (tiiulnt, The Asforian' J e-,,,,IM,,MIIH,nt f Dcst of lock. Is always prepared HI I.I, 1 1 HA lis, urrra; iieaiis. NTATKMKXTS, iU'SlNUSS (AIM'S, KNVKMI'KS. KWKIITS, 1 And all kinds of Commercial Printing at Prices as Low, if not the Lowest in the City. FOR TmhAmooK, NBHALEM AND GOAST POINTS OTHER STEAMERS R. P. ELiMORE.j m u rtnDDisnu v AUGUSTA. Siiiliii date to iiimI from Tillamook unci Xcha'cm depend on the weiith.T. For freight und passenger rules apply to I-LMOJiU, SANBORN & CO., Agents. O. H & N. CO., flfter (Deals I ir nl any t her time wlion )oil hli H kouiI i!i(jHf link Jor me well known, luuiio-ninili", niiii!, whito labor cinr- "Lh Hello Asttorlu " Lnon.cil hy nil smokers In U tiin boat oliiitr , 1 1 uttt uf no ' n rt'l . V. P. SCHIEBC, 71 Nintl? Street, Aatnrls. Oregon. ROSS HIGGINS & CO .- -n. Grocers, : and : Butchers Aatorla and Upper Aatorla Fins I ft tni Coflfft, Tble liellcaiitn. Donmtlc and rruli l I IUIW. VtgeMhlrt. bu(tr Oued llama, Hatun. h'c. Choice FresO and Salt Mr :its. ISTHERE? la there a miin with heart no coU, Thnt from hi fnmlly wnti'd withhold "m- ...i.iinrlH which th-.v nil could find ' in i.rrtcl'- oC FltUNlTURK of th li'it. kind And wm would tiuKgeat lit this fiensun, .,.,t :)l'l .) i'iir.1. ICxtenulon Table, or se ,f Vilnius Ohntrs. 1 tmve the lirc.es: . ill XiiHHt Itim ever nbrtt-rn In the city vd nt iTlrfci Hint cannot fall to plena ..(Mqf huyor. HEILBORN & SON. . paint In Ida back, aid, cheat, or Porous Plaster the hoit of counttrfilti and linlta- Neat Work. to "print to order I.KCJAIi JJLAXKS, NllllTINfi TA5S, LAI1KIX, TK'KKTS, jANIMI,I,s. KIV., 1T AI1I1 Open For Special Charter. Airena, I'ortl.ind. BREA1NER & HOLMES. HlMcUeiniltliei. HicIhI attention paid to atmminn,t re puning, tlrst-china horiieailuielng. etc LCGCU2C CflflP CORK A SPECIAliTY ll7 Olney street. Nwwn Third and and F'oiirth Astoria. Or. ASTORIA IRON WORKS CoiKumly St.. font of larkton, AltU. GoikirI Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marino Cnglnti, Bollf work, Slum boat and Cannary Work a Spaclaliv. Cutlnfi or All Drirrlpllnna Mad to Uru.r on Short Nolle. John Kox.rrr-nlitent and F"',rlntendi'n' A. U Fox vioa Prealdeoi O Tl. 1'ranl Saoratar "A TAI.UNTED EDlTOIt." Oi-nlli'mrn: t hail ooranlon to uiio acv-i-nil lmxi of Knumc'a llrnilaeha Cap nulcs wlilli travt'llnn to CIiIcuro to at t.'inl llio Nnlldiml Uimooratlo oonventlon. Thi'y uctwl like a rharm In prcvrntln liMidiicliFM nnil illrxlnt'xn. Havo had very lltlln hcudm'ho rilru'e my return, which l rrtniirknlilp. Your rtniwt fully, JOHN V. StrAFFEn, Kd. Knnovo (Pa.) Itocord. ' Vor r.ilo hy Chan. Rogors, Aatorla, Or., sole OKPtit. f,t' .,.y ramixly fur Uoorrhr, J t Vltr.tX i (ilort, flprmirr bi.iv, . in 1 uo-. ' Whlina, ana t n rl dli- Jf uuaraiitMl t rlinri;iy., or any liilUmtna. nJ aol m atrl.i.r. Hull, Irrttnliuti or ulrxrit UcTl M"hU m1' Ui'ii of mti co 11 a mri S'al'"E!l)ti"'lllil, litaaua. Non-wirliiarn!. ts."'moiifi, f'.':""! y nnnraiais V - 0. a a ).' a or ml 'n r'aln fi,nr. Ai'" '.. .fA'.'J ojipri.. .rl,l. I. '&"yzs iti " m'."r -1 ' l.ilcillilf ai'lli u.l liyUl't. eli Olee Tide Tabic for II jivn: ! a. i. Ii, in. I (1. I ' l'll.:lV . . , m;m.Vv .., M'Hiilny 'I iik Itiy . . . , , W 11 1 t d , , 1 1 1 1 1 r r I n . , , Trillin Mititnlnv . .. , M NIUY ... Mmiiliiy Thi-i ly . . Wl'llllrnlll) , , 'I'llllmilllV, , . , I'llil-y..'.... r.l 'ir.lai'. .. M'S'DAV .'.! iinl.1) , . . I nr.i.liiv , , , , U'-.li.eiili.) , . Tliiirwlnv. , . . l r.. y vl nrilii, , , , 'f.MAV.,.. M'ii.i.iv I iH'. iliiy V.'i.ili.i.nluy , Tlmrtulay . . I il'fuy Satnriliiy SHIPPING DAY BYDilY plarine matters, Here, There ar.d Everymhere. Th il. inn. r Kluhftt alol yrnlrnluy for 1'Uk'il tSounil iurla, Tim alilp Y.irunit la rvo-lvlnx a miirhly Hn.liil i-oal of puliil. Th Kulwooil, from Orlmahy for HiIh pun, pu.nl luillaml Hill 1'i liluury . Hli-atm-r 8tat of California, for Ban (.'ntiu'lMo, Irft out y.nli.nluy hvirnlng It II a lurk-r. puawliKfr Hat. Tlii pilot aihoonir Jnwlr. arrlvr.1 III ivii..riluy to uii'liriro a few rrpalra. lioih tlii Han JiiMt anil jtwaln are now In port. A talk. In hnllnat, waa nportnl aa hav lux iikukI In yiT.irr.liiy afternoon, lui haa nut aa yrt ami til in I Iik illy. 8lw will j, riil.nl. Iv Im up thin mornlUK. Hlir In ml. I tu In. Dm (irli'lo. A ftpi'Wul illapulrh lo Hi" AntnrUn u- Ivnl lain M.in.liiy nlKht from Hun I'ran- i irro ayn inn nii'Anit'r i uianiriie, wiiirn j i-u nun iori a lew uuya airo, loai nT ruilili-r hmI off Momloolno ami maila thr nvi of I In. voyaK with a jury ruilili-r. Tht M.-nmnlilp AI-KI. which la now t.e ItiK 0V(rhnui il at Hun rranclaro, will Ih? plunil on Itin I'ukW aouiul anil Alaaka riiii hy llio I'a. inc Conat 8tramnhl I'lMiipany In opponltlon lo the atettim.r W HIIpl. a. ail runnlnx umlir Nonticrn I'ui'ltlc p.ilroluiK... which hna bt-ti ci t tliut rinaitiralil burlnraa alnra hir a.I .it a yir aao. Tim AI-KI will be nuily lo ao In roinmlaalon attain In almut I. n ilaya. Th at.amrr An'ata broke h"r aliaft ou hi r. Inn! voyasi' down the roamt. 8h aa ilmi rvpurtr.1 by the culllrr WVlllnu t.m, hlt h pn.a.l Hi dlanblrj atami-r on lat ThurmlBy mornlnx near (.'ape Mi'ii- ilutliio. rilin wan llie.i trylna lo r'ach i.rt uiuliT all, and rvfunnl Ihe Wcl-1 lluKton'a iffir of alaiane. hnut In llio day Iho Hun Kranrlnco tlxchunxe r imivihI a t.l.'Kiuiu Hint 111 AriiKO had I'Ii-WmI the Aii'Hia up and waa tow tine li'T lo port. The A real a In owned by (h urKn Co.il and NuvlKatlon Coin p:iny, la roniuiaiidrd by Captain Counina mid'ruiia ui i'oia bay. j After one of the rouchrat, moat ilia aicioi'iihle trlpa on record, the atoamcr i lly of Tovka arrlvrd In 8ittle lunt Sunday n Ik hi twoiily-four houra lute. I There waa not two houra pleaaant wiaihrr durtna Ihe cntln trip, and often tliinn Pilot tirorae rotilil not ana the watrr over the Kuard rail, no tlenne waa i the fnit. When the alt-amer left Juneau on Wt.liiemltt.v, Kehrunry II, the mer cury wan IV diKreea below aero, and the allow wan from rtKlit tu ten feet ' on a : h el. explain Wallace aaya the weather ihirlni; Ihlii trip wan Ihe roldi-at and immt m-vere he baa ever exNrlenrl In Alimka. and lenldtiiln of Jumuu kept no. ilt.no to their home that It la Inipon nihle to Ret any new. The wind blew f.i Imrd after IhivIiik Juneau and the w.Miliir Kot o thltk that the ateamer ha.t to put Into liunier'n bay for ahelter all one iiIkIiI. I A l'ert Townniiid dlnpatrh to the Tu eoma Idper, dated February 17th, rwy;l Willi nix powerful tuu pulllnir, nil her1 extra weiishl In npam and bnllant re niovnl and exceptionally favorable, weather, I lie Hrltlnh ahlp Kllbrannan, which went anhon! In a nqunll ten dayn nun nt I'olut Wllnon llKhthouae, In only elKht fee! learer deep water. The nt tempt to i'wi her wan made nt ilayhreak 1 thin moii.uiK, but had to bo atnppixl j when the hlit H'K Yyee Krounded and him to bo pulled lino deep water by t!i uthera. It In tindei -tcod that unother nl lenipt will be made tomorrow morning, and aa that In the hlrthent tide of th month If Hi" '.: II lirnnnun doc not tin ; the will rciiu. 'i en the nhliiRlo heach Mi ll! the bin li bs f April and May. Itc yond the ntiuln i ll the vennel and a fiw in it 1 1 holcn which have been puncturrd In her liottom, the vennel la atlll milii Jureil and will remain 0 unleaa neveie weather cornea. A dlnpati'h dated Santa Crui, February 1.1, auya: "Two ealera are now entchtnir fur neuln tietwwn thla city and rigeoni point. 8ialn are aeen In echoola In the! lay. Salmon Ushers today naw one; siliocl of twenty-Pvc. Yesterday five, Mm. !.::.'' near I.lKlithoune point. A lihiarman enuiiht a hlir one hint niulit, but the neal made auch a atruKvle that he had to let It Rn. The bay In filled with nardlnen and whalea are aeen from allure. Mora boata than ever went out fler million today. From the wharf im- craft of the aiiKhrn look like a nmall lleot. The total catch nitirrcKated tW. Many wero cauitht by trolllna;. Thosa cauh'ht thin afternoon are the InrRent aeen thla year. One welKhcd over forty poundn. AnKlera from San Franclnco, Sun Jcwo and other places have arrived, Flnhermen any that the run will be a Ionic one, an there In no aiirn of the nup-j ply dlinliilahliiK." Think of the Vcrc tnhlca and fruits annually dumped Into the bay hecaime the markets nre (rlmtul. l'.noui;h la thrown sway to feed million", and all con bo utlllied prolltably when transportation eeancn to be bnsctl on "nil llio tralllo will bear." j Judging from Ihe followlnpr ilcxciliitlon' of the striiRitle Involved In ireiiliiH the Clly of lVkln In the dry dock nt San Franclnco, aa published In the Kxamlner, they not only emnloy rather crude meth ods down there, but oivlnir to Homebody's miscalculation their dry dock mmt be pretty badly located: "Am the City of l'ekln In i lie of the largest vomels which siilln lino thin perl n wide channel won neec.-snry to hrlnit her up to the Hunt' cr'H J'olr.t dry dock. it would have tnli. n two dnya for the stnte'a drn'tr" r to linve nciK'pcd up the mud In front Pf thi dork, but the work has been druie In a Utile lis than one-'.i-nth of Ihe t;me. On Thursday the tug Sea King wan char-; February, 1896. Hill '.VI. il 1 w'Ami, h. ' Ii. in. I It- I 1 2 4t jri.7 'i V7 : m u n:!t I ), j :i --ti. 3 i a M h.1 in i h.'i 1 'i ;.i J 4 i i .h ; 0.:; II I ,1 1,2 'l, '1 4 117.7 n II 1..' , i II I 'i 4 1 4 i h.ii ; j 11 ; 11 11 : ii i'.' 1 .11 ' ii ;,i 1 21 fi U-i H.H ! -lV,'i": II 3-1 I II H II 41 i! I 0 1 (I i;i n.7 ' 7 4K ' m 1 I :i I ("i ; 7; 7IHI H.6 ' II .7 fit! 0 Ai I 8.U 2Mn.l ! fi 1:1 M.4 1 l' M f.W 3 114 4 A f.7 -'1.3 0 I131 M.4 It 4SI0.3 4 J 4 4 4 6- U U ID j In 8 0; 4 M ; 4.0 ft v Ui.h 111 0 IIS , II I.V H.fl 5 4S7 0 3 Ut.H 13 0 Ml 7.4; 0 03 K HI14 .",3 II M -0.7 l;i 1 34 7.M i 0 41. H i 7 14 2.H 7 37 ,-ii 4 11 1 M H.II '. 131 K.I 7 !! 3 f 7MJ0.1 1.. lll i 8, fl I 1 1.7 7.8 H 24 I 2.2 M i;i ; 0 ft In 3 41 H.fl J 3 Ai 7 :i K.VI'II , 8 IK! 0 il 17 II l-J'i K.fi j A II 7.(1 U .1 18 , IM 1.4 18 It HI 8ft i! M (14 10 M J.7 i U "II 111 ID 4 111 H.fi: 4 40 ft V I'Mft l .ft I tt 68 ! 2.8 30 4 Ml 8 4 A 41 ft. ft II 117 1.4 ; 10 84 3.8 il ft III 8.3; II ft'.l ft I II 1.2 11 21; 87 33 'il M.l ! 8 I12 ft 2 2 Ml 0 ! i j '.'.'l 7:j:ilM,2 VM ft.li 42 4 1 !1M;4 21 H 4:1 H.II MM 0.8 2."-'. 4.11 ! 4 )ft -0 i 2ft 0 ftl 8.(1 11 iH 7.2 4lft 3.11 j ft III - 7 2 10 W (Ml ft 8 3 8 ! 6 ftl -I 27 0 14 7.H 11 47 0.2 (i ( 2 ft flSi'-l.O 38 0 62 8.4 0 118 I). 2 4fi I I 7 10:0.8, 2U 12 8.8 1 27 9.1 7 2 1.1 ! 7 48 -4.4 i l , lered by Captain liriice and taken ovit ot llunler'a 1'olnt to do the work of the atale'a drrdgi-r. The gate of the dry dock waa taken out ami removed to the forward part of Ilia dock. Then the S-a King waa brought In to the outward end of the dry dock and luahwl with rox a In order that aha might kwp th poal llofi Inli-iidiHl for h r. After the lug waa (Irmly faatenid her englnea wer reveraed and driven at full apcal. Jt was low tide at thin time and aa ! lug could not break away from her moorliign her propeller scooped up Ihe mud In the chan nel, and the wash ot the vennel threw Ihe mud out Into the stream. In thla way a channel was cleared, after which the tug was tranafrrn.d to within sev eral fi-et of Ihe dry dock, at which point she also threw up the mud In large quan tltlea. When thla work was completed the Hex King waa made taut at the other extreme end of the dryduck, and the pro peller waa worknl wlih auch auccaa that Ihe mud (here waa scooped up and washed out Into Ihe bay by the back wanli from Ihe vessel." NOTICE TO MARINKK8. Kalrance to Cray' Harbor, Waahlnr.ton. Notice la hereby given that the outer bar buoy, first-class can, black and white perpendicular atrlpra, lately .vported gone adrift from Ita moorings on the out er edge of the tuir. Is now in Its old position. lly order of Ihe lli:lithnils hoard. O. W. FARKNIIOI.T. Commander V. 8. Navy. Inspector 13th I II. District, Offlca of V. 8. Lighthouse Innpector, Portland. Or., Feb. Ii, itfi NOTICE TU MARIN I'.ltS. Wlllnmetto River. Channel to Oregon. 'orlland. Notice la hereby given that Ihe Swan Inland liar single pile post light beacon (upper) and I'oalollli-e liar flniile pile post light beacon (lower), both of which were recently carried away, have been replaced in thalr old positions In the Willamette river. lly order of the lighthouse hoard. O. W. FARKNHOI.T, Commander U. 8. Navy, Innpector 13th il. District, OITloo of V. 8. Lighthouse In'pector, Portland, Or., February It, W. NOTICE TO MARINERS. I'olnt Arguello, California. It la reported that the Point Arguello whlatllng buoy, palmed red and mnrked "Ft. A." In white, has drifted threo luarlera of a mile to the northward of Its old position. It will be replaced In Ita old position as soon as practicable, when due notica will be given. fly onler of the lighthouse hoard. FRANK COURTIS, Commander V. 8. N., Innpector. Office of I'. S. Lighthouse Inspector, Twelfth District. San Francisco, Col., February 12. IS. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. The worst of all knaves are those who can mimic their former honenty.-Lava-ter. Mrs. L. R. ration, r.ockford. Ill writes: From personal experience I can recommend DeWltfs Snrsa-iartila. a cure for Impure blood and general debility." Chas. Rogers, Drught. It Is Impossible to lie a hero In any thing unless one Is llrst a hero In faith. Jucobl. "Cilve me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world." said a genlun. The druggist banded him a bottle of De Wltt'a Little Karly Risers, the famous little pills. Chas. Rogers. Conversation Is on art In which a man !.an all mankind for competitors.- Kmer- i in. -i;iisia .'.Il tho patent medicines advertised In Ihlo paper, together with the choicest . -I fitnu ry, and toilet articles etc.. can I i bought at the lowest prices at J. W. ""n's drug store, opposite Occidental l.u.d, Antorla. TIT FOR TAT. "They say thnt egg should always como packed In layers." "Yea, ard onions In tnrs." IT MAT DO AS MUCH FOR YOU. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irlngr, IH., writes that b had a aevece ktdtiey trouble for marry yenra. with aovnre palna jn hl back and also Chart his bladder was affected He trleil many ao-oalled kid ney cure, but without any good result. About a year ago he begun the use of Electric Rtttera and, found relit at once. Klectrlc Blttera la eapeclalty adapted to the cure ot ail kidney and liver ttvublea and oftew g.vea almost inatant relief. One trial wtu prove our BtAti.nt. Price only 60c fur large bottle. At Chas. Roeem' drug store. LOVE IN UOLF. "If you will be my sweetheart, true. Then I will be your laddie." "I really can't," the golt girl said; "Rut you can be my caddie." Exchange. A GOOD WORD. Mr. J. J, Kcll. Shnrpsburg, Ta.: Dear Sir: I am glad to say a good word for Kraui-e's Headache Capsules. After suffering1 for over thre yeRrs with ucute neuralgia and It: coni.-oucnt in somnia (which seemed to lia;lle the . f forls of some of our bent physich'.ns) you suggested this remedy whiili e.uvo me almost Instant relief. W'crdn 'a I to expnva the pralvo I. should like tc '-p-810 en Krause's lleaiuiche Capsules. Gratefully yours. MRS. E. R. IIOLMIOS, Montrose, l'o. For salo by Chan. Ro:rers, Astoria, Or., sole ngrnt. "N(. rri....i i:r""Mni ut on I; Ami tit.iiiii Kfi huh," fif It- . ii In m. ( n r- :i h (I I. im if i-f l J- I-:! h.f. iif) m!1 ir t' .rn -T K'l' J, fi inlifiui'i Hi M ' Ml'rV, A'l IMf, I ll If I , ( ,1!) It ( IT. il hY 'f. th Niiiiii '.f Hi - tir, jftv' in ih ), UIh lit ;' -I'f .. i 'V'-l 'l.,.,tlf. 10 Wtiil hji; f'.'i., dt-'i J . uU ui ti'Ih." 'y ill l.UlMlK, AMh? I., f,.ii J.j-.y tv.f ;.,! ( y ftMly iiii-fv( r.l trvtrn tit. A di . for utiwn, I:. if ill ?, N, v. TlirST.'X'l Tu LI ci:. C!i:i Inniill 1 ; rrj ii 1 r r. "What In liiln I hiar at,OMt a. trolley trnil ? "I guens it a tie iiw o'l tiling -trusting to lrk IIBt..Mi of f. 'ol -r,i ' Children Cryfojr Pitcher's Castorla. ''In-np at llm I'rlee.-"! paid a dollar ami a half for thin seat," raid the angry pleblun In the Iront row, "uiid I didn't como lore no fly lo listen to your chat ter." "My ii nh feliaw," suavely r-pllid ( liollle from the box. "Iheuh aw perains who have gone to the ripenae of thoun aiula and sun acre unablo to Let within hearing illniiuig. of ny of ou.ih s-t. You have a bawfcain. Indlanapolla Journ.il. J. W. Pierce. H, public, Iowa, aaya: "I have used (inn Minute Cough Curo In my family and for myself, with results so entirely satisfactory that I can hardly rind worda to express myself as to lis merits. I will never fall to recommend It to others, on every occasion that prtscnts Itself." Chas. Rogers. H in a good government when those who are near urn mode happy and those who are far are attrat led. Confucius Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Contains no Ammonia or Aluro. There Is a tlmr In every man's educa tion when he arrives at the conviction that envy In Ignorance. Emerson. Quick In effect, henla and leaves no scar. Hunting, scaly skin eruptions quickly cured by De Wltt'a Witch Haael Halve. Applied to burns, ecalds and old sores. It la musPal In effect Always curta plies. Chas. Rogers. Do not allow Idleness to d.-colve you: j i or wnuo you give mm today, ne steals tomorrow fiom you Cowgill. It not only Is so. but It must he so. One Minute Cough Cur acta quickly, and that's what makes It ao. Chas. Rogers. Great men are the comm!.sioned guides of mankind, who rulo their fellows be caure they trc wiser. Oarlyle. A hli;h liver with a torpid liver will not be a long liver. Correct the liver with De Witt's Little Karly Risers, little pills that curs ilyp"pla and constipation. Chas. Rogers. Heroism, tio divine relation which in all times unites a great man to other men. Carlylr. BlllLOII'S CURE is sola on a guaran tee. It cures incipient consumption. It la the best Cough Cure. On'y one cent a done, 55 cents, DO cents, and ILtO. For sale by J. W. Conn. Tho human heart Is like heaven: the more angtls the more room Fredrika Bremer. BUfKLEN B ARNICA SALVE. The beat salve in the world foi Cute, Rrulaes, Sore. Ulcvrs, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Han'lfl, Chilblains. Con s, and All Skin Krup tlor.s, and positively curee Piles, or no psiy required. It u giiaranteed to (rive perfect snttfnotioii, or money refunded. Prlc. J5 centj per tox. For sale by Chas. Rogers. Wld FellowV building. THE SAME THING. Woonsockct Reporter. The hypnotist smiled confidently. "Yes," snld he. "by making a few passes I can cause a man to go to any part of the city 1 choose." "Hm!" said the railroad magnate. "I can do the same thing and send a man clear from hero to San Francisco." Cuticura Beauty To preserve, purify, and beautify The Skin, Scalp, and Hair, And restore them to a condition of health when Diseased, nothing is so pure, So ajrreeable, so speedily effective as CUTICURA SOAP, Assisted in the severer , Forms by gentle applications of CUTICURA (ointment), the Great Skin Cure, and mild doses of CUTICURA RESOLVENT (the new blood purifier). Bold everywhere. Price, Ctrrrcnu, eoe. Soak 56.; H-solt-kt, fl. Porrxa Dace aNDCns Cone, Sole Props., Roatoa. "AH about Uio tfltla," 64 pgs, llliut., tree. f." 2w TMC ABOVJ- PICTURn DOES NOT KF.PrinSENT A pnsstiigcr train 011 the Chicago, Mil waukee and St. l'aul Railway. No. Its t a rlnn nre v.estlbulcd, heater by steam, and lighted by electricity. Each sleep car berth has an electrlo reading lamp, its dining cars are the best in the world, and Its coaches are palaces on wheels. r-rnt rui'.v.'iiy, connecting ns It docs Willi u'.l trunroonltnental lines at St. Pad and Omaha, assures to the tarvellng pu'.iMc the best service known. Tickets via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway are on sale at nil railroad ticket otllcea to any point In the United States or Cannrin. For maps, folders and other 'iinrnation, eiMrcs. (". J. EDDY, General Age-nt. .! v. CASEY, Portland, Or. ' rav. Pass and Tkt. Agent, , Portland, Or. WEAK-LIEI. CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Victim of Leal Manhoo-i ahonld aeod at one for a rAX tiinlaipialua how nil msuly Tlinr a eaallf, quietly and pnriTiarMntjy milnred, homaa aa rt.rl af from nwlniM ean af ford Pi Ignore thl tlmalr adflea. Book tails bmr full fltr-iulh. nW Telrirrmant and tona ara Imparted to vry pnrtlou of I lie body. Bent with tIUr proofs (aealMl i frt to any man on aplUmUoa. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO,!. Y. Are You Oolng East? If ao, drop a Una to A. C. Bhaldoo, general agent of tha "Burlington Route," Km Washington at, Portland. Ha will mull yon free of charge, mapa, time utblea, and advlac you aa to tha through rutea to any point, reeerra sleeping car accommodatlona for yoo, and furnish vou with Ihrnua-h tlcka via either tha Northern, Union, Houth rrn. Canadian Pacific, and Orsat Nortb rn rallroada at tht very loweat raura oniiinaoie. Tba Burlington Route la rnratly oncwded to be the finest equipped rail road In the world for all claaase of utstL I872 1895 Fisher Brothers; Sell ASTORIA, Lubricating OILS A Specialty, Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & Steel, Coal. Groceries & Provisions,' Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils. Varnishes; Loggers Supplies, Fairbanks Pcales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implements Wagons & Vehicles. E. ilcNEIL, Receiver. i 0 ni Givea Choice -of 1 Jiqo Tr anseontinental UOUICB, Via Sjiokane and St Paul. Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha or St. Paul. Pullman and Tourist Sleek Free KeollnlrtK Chalra Oar, " Astoria to San Francisco. State of California, Tuesday, Feb. IS. Columbia. Sunday, Feb. 21 8tate of California, Friday, Feb. 2t Columbia. Wednesday, March 1 State of California, Monday, March $. Columbia, Saturday, March It. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. ; The T. J. Potter will leave Aatorla at T p. m. dally, except 8undiy; leave Port land at 7 a. m. dally, except 6uaday. The 8teainer LurCine wfll leave Aatorla at 1:45 a. m. dally, except Sunday: leave Portland at I p. m. dally, except Bator day. For rates and general Information call on or address . - O. W. LOUNSBBRRT, , Aceat. W H. HT7KLBURT. Oen. Paa. Ajrt Portland, Or Are You Going East? Be sure and aee that your ticket ' reada via THE NORTH-WESTERN I line:. the CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS! Thla la the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track, Feerleee Vee- Ubuled Dining and Bleeping Uar Tralna and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given thla road a national reputa tion. AU claaaea of paaeengera carried in the veatlbuled tralna without extra harge. Ship your freight and travel over thla fatnoue line. Ail agents have delete. V H MrLAD, F. C. SAVaQE; Uen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt W Washington eU Portland, Or. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn.. says: "Shiloh's Vltallxer 'SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider It the best rem edy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia. Liver or Kidney trouble, it excels. Price 75 cts. For sale by J. W. Conn. tfr. k " 8i!sitt;rijT:-.r'.M 4 jS- ZLr-iXs Ctaiosj PATtMTa. anrrnrnrmncinqasia Tr naiwliamk r:l. tr. nt;. a im, tol iiaoaowar. m OMMt rmrean fo aneiirlns aaC.,ntn in Amrlma r very patent Ulan out hr u. la tmmufrt ke-fora ; UMaii4a9lryaaHios(lrBitebar(uiui4 larrasl etrenlarlnai of arrr -ieitlSn mw m foe Wend. S:.lei,l.ll IlliistraUJ. i lut. ll:. nt aaaa ahonld ba wlihuiu It, Waeklr, II.Iki, nwt tLWalrmoniha. a.ldrm, (.yr i "1. rnuaaaaaaMt awuadway.aaw liuracity. OUNSET 0 MMiTrn aUIIIII I LUi kabon or iaeg.iaa. WILL nUrt Tuiiee a Week BETWEEN . San Francisco - AND . New Orleans Over the Great J unset Jjoute Leaving San Francisco Tuesdays and Saturdays From Tnesday, Nov. 5, 1895. The mot eompCMe, modern, elegantly equipped and perfectly arranged VeasU tuted TnanarooUneotal Train In America. New Eoimrant, eapeclUly deeigned for Direct connectJotM la New Orleans or all Eastern points Quick time. THE flSTORLa SHVISGS BfiKK Acta aa trustee for corporation and In dividual Transact a general banking business. Interest paid on tune deposit. i'J5'." BOWLBY President ENJ. TOUNO vice Present FRANK PATTOuV Caebier DIRECTORS. J. a A. Bowlby, a H. Pag BenJ Touoa;, A. 8. Reed. 0. P. Thompson W. K. Demeat. Oust Hotanea. Few Hen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than those we eerv. We're trying in every way to aoake them tha ma joyable la town. All the "good things" ex ue awaaoneooked ty our txcellant COOS: In thm auial A.llMnii , servicer ' If you invite a friend to the Palace Beetaurent tae place le a eufflcient guar antee that he will receive a good meal. The Palace Restaurant " I. A FAST ABEND, QENERAL. CONTRACTOR, PILE mm, HOUSE, BRIDGE flUD WHARF BUILDER. AMnss. box its, Postofics. ASTORIA. OR SEflSIDESIlWulJiL. A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling, and all kinds of finish; mouldings and ahinglea; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and vnrd at mill. H. F. U LOGAN. Pron'r. Seaside, Oregon. Captain Sweeney, U. a A.. San Diego, Cel.. aaya: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy la the first medicine I have ever round that would do me any rood." Prl en cents. Sold by J. W. Conn. INDORSED BY THE PRESS, a Gentlemen: Th I. i. in nr.-. i ... . have used Kraune'a Huii.ni.. n.n...i.. - j vf.um with satisfactory results. I bought a oox wnicn coat me 25c, and one capsule cured me of a dreadful alck headache. Mv wife and mvaAir Kb,-- w,i, j . l medicines manufactured by the Norman cmy satg. co.. and we recommend them to the public aa being just what they are represented. Respectfully. W. P. HUTCHISON. Ed. Caxette. Pleasant Hill. Mo. Twenty-five cents, for sale by Chas Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agents. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the great Blood purifier, gives freshness and clear ness to the complexion and cures Con stipation, 2S eta., GO cts., tl.OO. For sale by J, W. Conn.