The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 19, 1896, Image 1

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4 (orKMl (of Wjihlnlon md OragM, ft
J fiilr woalhor, ti'luw,il lijr rait . If
tiff mlMfilirctttWf;
Tlx ASTORIAN ha ths LOCAL ft
clrculatimi th largnt GF.NERAL clrcuis- ?
T Hot, lad tlwj larrnt TOTAL circulation '
(II ipr subl.ih.d In Aiterla.
NO. 42.
The Bottom Has Dropped Out!
I t
H rr " 1 "'
,Aml you niu lny nt inn 11 ufii't ! rt-rs
cost t tli Trustoo's Salo of Mon'a
and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing
Goods, Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes
Truulcs, Valisoo, Umbrellas,
Blaukots, Quilts, etc., mw
tlic I'CIH lit of cnditnlH.
The One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers.
ion i,1 Mill COViMKUClAl. STKKKT. ASTOItlA, .
N cchil .Mutiny to Consider the Mut
ter of Opening t lie Cascade
Links Xcut Month.
Till. ;o.M.MITTF.i;H KEI'OKT
Ailniltd Connresi tu lie Memorialized 10
Appropriate t'iod to fioKta Hit Vork
laol. Nrennnlt Asked 10 Allow
I'lliili to I'm ar J Llrjhtsltipt.
At a apci'lal meeting of the Chamber of
..mincrr litMt night there were present
I. WliiKntc. pi.-.. nl: J. II. Mniisrll.
iliiir secret nry. M J. Kin my. 8. B.
Hum h. J. o A. Ilowll.r. II. F. Allen. J.
M. I. (liny, T. P. Kendall, J. II. Cope-
land, . H tliinderaon.
Ii.' mcr.iary mi. I the call of mem
ber for lh. social nicctinv.
I'lii, report of tin- special committee oil
the t .-hhratloii of the opening of III Caa.
ml' ljxk wa. read by the secretary
ami adopted, uk follows:
urge III Immediate arorlullon of 1179,.
W asked fur by Ihq chief of engineers,
part of which la to protect ami mako tills
great work operative and useful at one;
'I lial a clV of said memorial and rnimrt
I will lo each of III I'liMiktl of Com
rnerce, ollard of Trde, and Commercial
Club of Oregon, Washington, ami Idaho,
whose lull-real am Identified with the y opening of Ilia Cascade of tne
Columbia, with the request Unit they en
dorse said memorial, and urge their aena
tora and congressmen to puah Immediate
action, and If poaslhlw secure th amount
recommended hy Ihw chit f of engineers,
before Ilia aunimrr IIomIi tneka It Impos
all.ln to romlita th work., or makf
thnn oiwrallvt lhl yiar.
lli'lTifully ulnnlilMl.
J. II. ril'l;l,ANU,
U. H. tll'MiKKWJ.V,
On motion II waa rvolvnl that con-
irvaa Imi mi nw.rallx l to airoirlat the
um or nu.', tn amount nn-mwry to
romplrte lha on. I ruction of the Caarade
lock and ranal.
On motion a committor, ronalatlna of
J. 11. 'op-land, J. II. r. Oray and J. g.
A. Ilowlhy, i appoints! to draft the
ahove memorial.
On motion llir rriary waa Iruiruci.d
to wrlia to Henator J. II, Mltchrll, re
firrliiK to the communication from Ihla
clianitoT on the aurvvy and Improve
ment of Aatorla hartior, and aik If any-
Execution of the Distribution of
Sced.H Appropriation Made Man
datory l'Min Stcretaiy.
; Waited to Cat Dis Salary Dual to $23 rer
Tear lull Me Eipcidcd tkc'Appro-
priat loo- Bill lor Rcstrictwm
of luniyratio.
Wanhlnaton. fb. H. The houae to-lay
A New Fleet to lie Put In Operation
From the Knat Kerly Next Month.
Philadelphia. Peli. la Much aurprlee
cauaed In the Maritime Exchange
yeaterday when the announcement
made that a line of veaaela will be char-1
tered to run from thla city direct to Ban I
Krunclaco, Cal. The Drat veawil of the
proponed line, the William O. Iiavln, waa
harter.d yeaterday by Ship Broker
tHmium It Hoidt, and will aall from thla
Mrt early r ext month.
Amnna: ahlpjiInK men the runnlrut of the
new lino waa received with much Kratl
flcallon, ami the impreulon aeemed to be It would give Phlladelphlaia a
chance to ahlp Rood to the Pacific cnaat
without le,:K dlacrlmlnated aicalnat aa
they a-e'now. At present there la no
line running: from thla port to Han Kran-
cluco. and merchanta here who ehip ireoda
to that point are compelled .to aend them
to New Vork lirat. The fact that mer
chanta trading with Ban Prancleco wrej
forced to pay theae additional freight
charxea liaa been the meana of dlmlnlvii-I
paaaed the arrtcultural appropriation hill InK the trade between theae porta. New fr0R) Newcaal'le Tot aava-
. .,..-. .i.ii.t. i no wilion Ul mr - . i.viu u- All eXDlna on arm - - ,- V...
fnrd In . l I Mr.rrli.fuHM In C-llln.n I K . 1. . . u n i.
a much lower rate than bualneaa men in
Ihla city. The hut veaael left thla port
for Man Francleco In July. 1MH. and alnee
then all ajooda Kolnr In that direction
frcm thla city were firat shipped to NewJ
An Explosion in n Colorado Coal Mine
Causes a Frightful Loss
of Life.
Vork ol Rettie Derjii it Once, bit, Oalag
to tke Gas. It i .Necessarily Slow
. forty-tight ,lei ii tk Mill
Vkei fxptosioi Occirred.
Denver. Feb. 11-A aprclal to the New
revlaed atntutea ror the "purchaae and
dlatrlhutlon of rare and uncommon aeeila"
which Secretary Morton declined to exe
cute In the current appropriation law,
waa repeated, and the appropriation for
seeda waa Increased from fW.UiO to tiri.
000, and Its execullon made mandatory
upon the secretary.
mine at 11; this moraine;, which waa the
moat, dlaastrous In the history of thla
camp. Tonight doiens of homes In the
little city are desolate. Men who thla
morning; left their homes with not a
thought of danger or the awful death
York. The firm has huslnees enough j that so surely awaited them
1 nr.-aenl to kP.n Ih. 1vl. m .h-l " "w ly-
.n. W.T.. I ,UCTC"" bottom of the Vulcan
All of Vcrv Ltitcst Styles.
Cousins introduced his amendment In
thing has been done In the matter, and I reduce Morton's salary from tx.UiO to i&i
rn t' e pi-isld.-nt and Mi mlwrs of the As-' 10 requi-si mm to rurnun the chamU-r until he expended the appioprlallon In the
1'irla t'huml.r of I'ainmrrre: with a copy of the engineer s report. current law, but the amendment was
"i.-iiilimin: Your committee appointed' "n n""lun h "'"'mllUe on navigation I ruled out on a point of order. Reveral
to ax.-iiiilti a In n th,. opining of Die Cua-I mairuciwi 10 ininre into tne atKie amendmenta to the meat Inapectlon act
01 11, recommemieii ny wecretary Slor
ton, which would have given him addi
tional wwer to enforce the regulations,
and have etrengthened the Inw hy the
ImiHWlllon of penultie for violations,
were stricken out.
present year.
r4i! LhI(, UiiIII.I lice,,, un.l A'li.,1 r-t r'Kirt,
O xil.l 1 luli.Mi by thla Chiimh-r, In con. I un motion secretary was Itistnictid
ii il,.n with other sinuliir orgunuall ,ns 1 orrwKin,i witn lapi. raretmolt aa lo
'f r. K,.ii und WashliiRlon to pcpeilyi K'V'K permtrsion to pilots to buatd the llmt ev. in. would report that 1 nl ,rom o"'-"'" vessels in the
hue hud several communlca t Ions i aiieence of the pilot boat, on itaying their, The I ...II.. C..nim. rclul I'luh and m' " """I " off by boat.
ji... h..l Hi.. Imitation of that club l.i . n motion Ihe Chamber djoiirne.l.
i ml two del. ijut.a to m
et a like cuinmlt-
Comic, Sentimental, Cupid's Darts, Hit 'Em Hard and
Otherwise. From 1 Cent to $5.
Citv Boole Store.
ilisiraKlt l.-c itioii, 2 lilnc-kn from Ii;li School.
In a
t)tt the ui'w I'Ik Line I!.i ilorr.) -.Iiwi llio pluoe tor a i lie.i l:om.
HTI1KKT ('Alt LINK ii l-stien,lel tni m 11111.T lu
walk ol this iMisity Will nt ilml lml Imrcam.
j fr..m I'.ntlMii.l. Vaiicuver. and Aato- ,"Al 1) A I IP VITIiI,fi
rl,, al the Cawude !... k on the 111 h Inst. 1,1 II II I ( 1 1 1 1 1 A V V 1 1 V 1 1
1 Th,. rhuitman of your coinmltne not I UlUiv JLVJ iMjLiVLdU
Kills were parsed to i!lKKM"e of the Fort
Klamath hay reservation and to grant
the Columbia and lied Mountain Hal I road
a right of way through the Colvllle reservation.
Washington. Feb. IS. The session of
, the senate today furnished a succession
. of breeiy Incidents. Little actual work ' 1
AS NeCCSSary tO CllltSnp CoUntV as1"" accomplished, but drlef debates on
1 a ,iiiinorr ui suiijecis oeveiopea irequent ; iiui 1 lute ivccu III a uruill llUsuana
I sharp personal exchanges between sen-! . u 1, r
lators. Two appropraitlon bills, the mil!-1 ,n .larsntieUl, UrcrjOQ.
; lry academy and the pension bill, were j
the Im-kx. hut lie was absent on I'uuei !r..'. i:.. s.,... . i.,.i. a... i'.;t I P"ed during the day. KfTorts were. and . I llev,. has not returned ! ... ..... .. . ,t ...... . ! '? mtnd """" academy j rircd riv. Shu. , t hick Were at res ' ThO only man who got out of the mine
.icass ruiiuca tor t.oaiaissitiios .1.111 uy increasing tne number or cadets; -lot the time of lh ...i,. V. .
lug able to hi,. I anyone else to go. winl,
iiMvtinii st the lucks Missis. A. 8. ale-All-!,
r and I.111II,. Hi'honiie, of the Kull.s
1'i.ii.iii. r, Club, and .Mr. James Craw
ford, of the X'uiuouver llour.l of Trade.
Til., cnuiMilii.o expected that Captain W.
I.. I'lxk, I llll.-l Ml.iles chief rllglneer 111
chnige of the wulk, would meet them al
a Kailroad.
yet. 'I'he Joint roiumltm., however, found
l.leutei.Hnt II. I.. Tnylor of the engineer :
oip., then, In eliurKe. who kindly gave
us all 1 lie liilormatlon lie could, un.l In :
connection Willi the contractors, Messrs. j
J. li. and I. N. I in y. fully cxplalmd to
us the woiks. The contractors claim that
lin y can puss a al.amhoal through the j
locks liih!r of Unity il.tys, which was not 1
n'icstloiK.I by l.leut. Taylor, but aa 101
ahrn tlie lo. ks would be ready for thai
paxiuiKe of sliambouts and general trans-
..,rtnili.n, h rer. rriil the committee to j
Ciiptain W. I I'luk and the secretary
or ur. I. lent. slated that when
the xiiM.luiitlon by boring was lirat tnnde
to am-rtulii the character of material lo
be excavuled between iiie hrat and second
, siope. All business is practically sus
1 pended; everyone la daxed at the awful
, neas of the disaster. .
Ta.Ta Feb. le federal grand j ZSI
Jury to.lay returne.1 an lndlctmei.t hundred cannon. r,nli iTLT..!
the. valley making the earth tremble. The
force of the explosion had caused a care
In and the tunnel and air courses were
niled with fallen rock, earth and timbers.
Both fan houses were wrecked, and the
slope and vicinity were, so full of debris,
and the gas was so bail, that it was hard
and dangerous work to begin the rescue.
Nevertheless, willing hands were soon
at work, and Hve men went down as far
aa possible to ascertain the condition of
the slope, and found It such that It will
require much labor to regain the miners.
The-gas was so bad that, after the party
had gotten Ml feet, they were compelled
to recede.
The construction of a temporary fan
house waa commenced at once, and the
work of pumping fresh air Into the mines
will soon begin. Jt la hardly possible
inai any 01 tne miners are attll alive.
ogulnst Caahler W. (I. Peters, of the Col
umbia National Hank, on forty-six
counts. It alleges a violation of the law
In making fraudulent entries In the
liank's books to deceive the bank exam
iner ; with falsifying hia report to the
controller, ma le Jt;i;e 5, ISM; by raising
his cash account and making other
false statements.
ISeoJccl fit lid .Markets.
by two from each state, ninety In all. but '
after a debate of three hours, the plan '
was defeated. The pension appropriation'
hill, carrying 1142,0"). was passed alter'
ten minutes' debate.
Woman's I'rostraie fora Citizen
Talkiig ol Lvocbicg.
lilliln S niitml.s
In 5 or 10 acre lr.e' Iu-pU lliemty limli i, H.lj'un'n.f r'l.nol.
G K( ) R G 12 I II U L. -17 1 IWI St.. ( Widen t HWk.
IMI I.N Kl? Al- l-Sl Afl- RXr.HANr.K.
1 . Finish
0Y Style
No furmera. No roads. No traffic on
I.k-iiI Units In farm product.
Complaint has been made recently that
A-.torl.-v merchants are buyiag potatoes
In Portland, anil butter iB l'stuoinia. An
investigation of the matter by an Asto
1I1111 r, presentathe has r. euKd the fact
llmt the statements made are true. It persons who ere so ignorant as
naa iH-n .a 1.1 mat tne large income irom unable ,0 Bd ,(1 wrile ,ny lanRuage.
home, and that Clatsop county should, I.MPRKMMVK Pl'NKRAL SliUVICll
furiili.h the otdlnary products necessary
i for its people. Why is It not done? Burial of a Noble Woman Who Devoted
I TI10 reason that Clatsop county docs ii,.- 1 if,, others
not furnish more of the necessary pro- !
i ducts for Ita own market, la plain. One xew yor, Feb. K-The chapd of the
of the leading merchants yesterday mado : gt. I.ukes hospital, at One Hundnd
i a clear statement of the case. There are j an.l Fourteenth street and Mcrningside
I only a few real farmers in this count). jriy. was crowded vestenlay afternoon
; Oilier would lie glad lo come here If . at 4 o'clock when service were held over piled- by asking
, they could. A few farms border on the 1 the body of Flster Anne Ares, the! leave her aljne, but this he would not
Ili'W I and Clarke and Youngs rivers. The I founder of the Sisterhood of the Holy: da lie walked up to his wife, and placed
1 products from these places can be shipped j communion. The blue and white striped I a revolver to her back, firing five shols,
j to the city, but the cost of transportation ' dresses and the white caps of the nn.-scsi "h first two taking effect. After the Aral
j taken through the year. Is high. Those 1 paVe a touch of hopefulness to the sol-J "hot Mr. Albright fell, and the other four
. runners w ho are back from the rivers, ! rwn scene. 1 shots were, tired at her prostrate form.
and either have to haul to the city or to . The Kev. Dr. Clover, assistant rector of After killing his wife, Albright turn.d
the hospital: the Kev. Dr. Steeii. of the j and poinetd his revolver at himself, as
Memorial Church of the Ascension; the! If he was going to take his own life, and
Kev. Ir. Mottet, of the Church of the' ihen took to his heel to get out of th.
Holy Communion, and the Rev. Dr. ! reach of the officers. Marshal Eirod
George 8 . linker, superintendent and w?nt tip to him anu demanded him to
Marshneld, Or.. Feb. 18. This commu-
Washlngton. Feb. IS. Senator Loilce. "" thrown Into a fever of exclte-
chairman of the committee on lmmlrra- ment thla afternoon when Carl Albright
lion, today r!Nrld from that committee! nut n" wne In cold blood - Albright ha
a bill for the restriction of Immigration. 1 "een very cruel to his wife for a number
The bill provides for the exclusion of all I of years, and hia treatment became so
to b-: bitter a week ago that she left him and
instituted divorce proceedings. Albright
has been doing his utmost to get her to
return, and yesterday said he would talk
no longer, but would kill her, and today.
after Mrs. Albright had returned from
doing a day's washing, he made good hi
Airs. Albright had been at their home,
and was taking a basket of clothe to her
daughters, when Albright met her. He
accosted her about leaving, and she re
turn to go away and
! the boatlar.dtng are at an additional ills
I advantage. Decent, passable county
I roads are what Is needed to enable the
: farming community to do business at a
' profit. It Is of as much Importance to
this city to have good county roads as
It Is to have a railroad. Not until these
are secured ran the rich fields of Clatsop
county bo developed. Those who are here
and were raised In the Hast where the
Importance of good roads Is fully un
dcrauod, ought to take the lead and
make every possible effort to secure good
roads leading to Astoria. Many farmers
liav-i, com here In the oast and recently. I
! and some of them now own tine lands
I which they are not cultivating simply be-1
I cause they cannot gel communication
I with the city. There should be such
i road constructed as will enable the far
mer to reach the city winter and sum
1 nier. It would not then lie possible for
merchant to buy imtatocs in Portland
and butter In California cheaper than
iney can get ine nomeinuue ameie.
Look at what New Jersey has done.
She has nltvady spent hundreds cf thjus
mid of dollars in building perfectly ma
"iiilcmiied county mails, and the result
,.i been that notwithstanding the ample
rector of the hospital, participated in the
services. Dr. Hak.r will accompany the
body to Johnland today, where It will be
Interred beside the body of the Rev. Dr.
Muhlenberg, who founded St. Luke's
hospital. - .
Dr. Baker, after reading the Service,
added a few words of her life of resigna
tion to help humanity.
Plster Anne's life of devotion to charity,
which waa more than llfty years in
length, waa called Into action by the
story of Jephthah's sacrifice of his daugh
ter In accordacne with a vow. The ser
mon from which the beginning of her
llfework dat'?s was preached by Rev. tjr.
Muhlenberg, the rector of St. Paul's, at
College Point, In the summer of 1M5.
Miss Ayrea was visiting Dr. Muhlen
berg's sister and niece. The picture he
drew In hia pulpit of Jephthah, the war
1 lor, who In agony of prayer for victory
promised to sacrifice the first thins on
his way home from a victorious haul,
field; the greeting of his daughter as shc
hold up his hands, but Albright only held
up one, and was In the act of shooting at
Klrod when the latter fired, the third
shot bringing the wife murderer to the
ground. At first it was thought Albright
would die, but an examination found his
wounds to be only In the flesh. Two
bullets took effect, one in the right
shoulder and one in the right hip.
The feeling Is very bitter against Al
bright, and lynching is talked of. Mr.
Albright bore a good reputation, and
has made a living; for both herself and
husband at the washtub. Albright Is a
worthless fellow, given to the drink habit
Ask your grocer for
11 i um Kild in Cure (not salty)
"nniuTcnder and Juicy.
luck (iisci n.llnk 1' " river) It wn found to
I... rock, which i..rk, since the camtl has
been dug, Is found to be slack, when ex
pos, ,1 to 1 ho ulv, h ml Is interspersed with
m',icl and bowlders. No npproptlallon
v. us ever mode by cultures to cousin. cl
these nulls of masonry, 4U feet high and
! fii t long, now found necessary be
tv.cen the first and second lock, a It
was supposed rock wulls of the canal
tti uld be autflcleiit: we were Informed
Hint should the locks be operated without
some piolcctlcn to the banks of loose
lock ',1 bowlder, they are llnhlo to be
wip 1.1,1 liuu the culverts, and Into the
K.ites Unit operulo the lower lock. This
diiiwr It la claimed, can he overcome by
the c, instruction of a concrete wall on
each side uf this ennui, IU feet high by 3isl
feet long, at an expense of from KiKlO to
1....1.1. and al lei nurds lined with cut
sti. i:e masonry. We were also informed
Unit during the Hoods of 1MU, a great
amount ut ground nn.l lining Intended to
strengthen and support the outer walls
of the lock, lind been washed away, and
mile this whole rlvir front of l feet
Is piive.1 or rlprupped with heavy rock,
It I liable by erosion during a Mood to
undermine and llnully till the rumtl with
The unexpended balunee to
perforin this work as per report of the j
chief of engineers, V. S. A , July 1st, lM'o, 1
Is H.VJ2.SHI; the (stliunt. ,1 nnioiint leqnlrrd I
for completion of existing project is i
$113.31.0. j
The amount that cin be prntitamy ex
po d d In the linen' yerr ending Jtre 3 th,
1M'7, Is $ITH.t.7, w hich ycitir committee rec
ommend should he secured as soon ns
po llil.., In older th:il the perninn nt open
ing of this great and Important work so
long delayed may be mndu available at
once, and a pntletit people r-hould not be
pnmpelhd to wait another s'x months, or
a year, for relief, when fln.oofl Immediate
ly available can open these locks lu &I
or W days. We believe Ihla money can be
sc. Mired from rnpltnllsts to be repni.l
when an npproprintlon Is
Therefore, we recommend that a me
morial, together with this report, be sent
congress through our senator and repre
sentative, rq..est ng them to strnujusly
Hi. .K.I and cannl facilities, the farmers 1 came outside the city walls with hei
u r nhle to market their goods at a dis- j minstrels to welcome him home, nnd his
In., e nt a prollt. . iclentless fulfillment of his vow by offer-
Tnke the pipe line read In Astoria fot 1 ng up the dealest pcsscsslon on earth tc
. loiher example. Thousands of cords ol ) him. made such a profound Impression
v. nod, contiguous to tills line, can now be. upon the young woman that she decided
hi ought to market by team nnd delivered to cons, crate her life to the church a good effect.
M. Rivanle, the Vlolnllst, Ha a Quarrel
With Mr. Theodore Thomas.
Detroit. Mich., Feb. 18.-Mr. Theodore
Thomas and M. Achllle Klvarde, the
Spanish violinist, had a bitter quarrel
behind the scene at the concert here
last night, and the quarrel was continued
in public at a hotel here this morning.
M. Rivarde claims that Mr. Thomas
tried to cut out one of his numbers, and
ihen so Juggled the orchestra accompani
ment that tne Spaniard could not make
lo the consumers at a prollt to Ihe wood-! its work. She was ordained on All
cutters and at a cheaper price to the j Saints' day, lM.'s as Sister of the Holy
householder. It formerly cost II.S'i lc , Communion.
ford to handle this wood by scow to the
city. Now at least one-half of this ex
pense Is saved to the consumer. Prububly
eighty cents per cold less In price will
hereafter be paid for wood. Astorlans
get the benefit. The good work should
go forward until a ixrlect system of
road Is established.
Sh. established a parish school at No
tld 8lxth avenue, and when Miss Bree
vort Joined the order with the name ol
Slstir Mela, an Infirmary was established
in the rear tenement house iu Sixth
avenue, near Twenty-tlrst street.
Sister Anne was one of the best known
nurses during the cholera scourge of thai
time. Sister Catharine and Sister Har
riet were next to Join the ranks, within
a few years. Both of them are still
Rich Discovery Made in the Woods Near 1 living Sister Catharine In charge of the
Tacoma. j Shelter for Respectable C.irls nnd Sls'ei
1 Harriet at the head of St. Mary's Sistcr-
Tnrnmn, Feb. IS. Rencnth some char-'n00d.
coal pits in the woods live miles south- sister Anne's work was given for forty
east of Ihe city, some lawyers, a re-) years to the Sisterhood in St. Luke's
reiver and a deputy sheriff this af lernoon j hospitnl at St. Johnsland. In her later
found thirteen sneVs of gold and sliver-
years she was the associate and closest
ware and Jewelry. Their value Is estl-1 companion of Dr. Muhlenberg, and w hin
mated at from H.lVO to $,ui'l. D,puly: sne (nM 8he left the re,urst that she
sheriffs have gone tonight after thru ; might he rememlered only as hi pupil
racks and two boxes nior. which are ! an, helper, having destroyed all her jour
stored in a house .there. The 3tock be-naa am writings whlcn might add tr.
longed to I. J. Sharllck. a Jeweler, who j ner individual memory.
sudiL'tily dlsapnearrd Suiid iy. January 8.1 S, WHs In her eightieth year when
his stock vanishing with him. Why hej ,111 at St. Luke's from t'.ie effects or
should have hidden all his stock does not I hrnnchltls on Sundnv morning.
yet appear, for Investigation Indicates I -v-he sisterhood which she founded has' Portland, Feb. 18. Wheat, unchanged.
that tho bills strains! him amount to ontv been the root from which have sprung
ll.OiU. John Hnner, f'Wiur of tho charcoal 1 (corea of sisterhoods In the Protestant
pits, claims the properly under a bill ofj ppiseopul church, with several thousand
sule. 1 members, all over the world.
It appears that M. Rivanle. had a con-
.raot to play the Mendelssohn concerto
and the "Airs Russe." by Wlenlawskl.
and was to be accompanied on the plane
by M. Lachaume. who refused to play be
cause he was not on the bill , as a solo
ist, and two soloists Mr. Thomas would
not have. The Spanish violinist and Miss
Miller, the manageress of the company,
first had an altercation because M. Rl
varde's nume was not displayed promi
nently enough, and Mr. Thomas was
dragged Into it by defending his mana
geress. M. Rivarde claims that Mr. Thomas
was Insulting and is the worst conductor
he ever worked under, while Mr. Thomas,
on the other hand, finds fault with the
Spaniard because of his obstinacy and
refusal to carry out his part of the pro
gramme. The two have hopelessly
quarreled, and each says that he will
never have any further dealings with
the other.
San Frnnclsco, Feb. IS. The Congrega- 1 Special to the Asiorlan.
tlonal council lo try Rev. Dr. C. O
Brown for alleged Immorality and un
nilnlsterlal conduct, was organised this
alt, 1 noon. Dr. J. K. McLean was chair
man. It was divided by the council that
Dr. Ilrown'a standing as a minister lis
well as the charges of Immorality, shou;.
be investigated. The council then ad
journed until evening.
Troy, N. Y.. Feb. IS. It was definitely
learned today that only three people lost
their live in last night' fire.
Johnnie Papa, what 1 honest pride?
Pnpa-Honea pride Is the kind that
len't deny Its own existence.
Best Washing fowder on earth. Large
slxe, 8) cent. Soap Foam. I
Having Ho Caka Soap In your kitchen
or bath one meant always.
Liverpool, Feb. 18. Wheat, spot, quiet;
demand, poor: No. J reel winter, 6s Sd;
No. 1 hard Manitoba, 5 Td; No. 1 Cali
fornia, M.
A bit of silver for her bureau Is accept
able at any season.
m ma ume or the exnlocion aa v.i
Welch, who was near the mouth of Ihe
tunnel, and wa blown oat. Ha was
breathing when found, but expired short
ly after.
Forty-eight men were In the mine when
the explosion occurred.
Aj soon as the new of the explosion
reached Newcastle. Superintendent Paul
Blount closed the mine of the' Colorado
Fuel and Iron Company, and. taking
all hi miners, left for the Vulcan mine,
where all are actively at work aiding In
the attempt at rescue..
The cause of the explosion I not yet
known. The coal fields In which the Vul
can is located have been troubled with
subterranean fire for years. In many
place a distance of from eighty to one
uumirru mnes, smoke has issued from
crevice In the rocks since the country
waa first known to the white men. and
In later years more than one valuable
coal mine hi been destroyed by lire
breaking into the workings.
Three Masked Men Loot a San Francisco
Special to the Astorlan.
San Francisco, Feb. 18.-The boldest and
cleverest robbery known here for some
lime occurred today, when three masked
men entered the Market Street Bank, held
-h ..,3 vsanier ana book-keeper at the
points of pistols, shut them In the big
vault, raked all the coin In sight into a
sack, and then vanished, without leaving
a trace behind. The Market Street Bank
Is a small concern, recently opened In the
Spreckles building on Market street, right
In the busiest section of the city. The
amount secured la said to be $700.
Policeman Dower, who was tha first
officer to arrive, made an Investigation of
the premise and heard the statement of
the bank officials. He expresses doubt
that any robbery waa committed.
The bank officials stated tonight that
the robbers got away with $3,600.
Say He Will Challenge the Winner of
the Big Fight.
Anderaon, Ind.. Feb. 18.-Champ!on Jim
Corbett waa seen In hia dressing rooms .
at the Grand tonight and Interviewed
concerning the approaching Maher-Fiu-slmmon
fight. He questions very much
and Is Inclined to believe that they can
not fight. He says his sympathies are '
all with Maher, and that It may preju
dice him In thinking that he will win.
He la sure that he will give Fltxsimmona
a run for his money. He received tele
gram from Brady today in which Brady
states that It will be impossible for him
to attend. He thinks both men are even
ly matcheel and In earnest. He ex
presses the utmost contempt for Fita
dmmon. They will have Al Smith at
the ringside, and if the victor geta too
oud with his lip Smith will have Cor
bett money with him. and Cosbett will
abide with what la done. Jim Is looking
in splendid shaie, is feeling in good con
dition and Is tar from being in the con
dition Fltsslmmons friends said he was.
"Leaving prejudices aside, now. be
tween you and me a ho do you think will
"It la not settled In my mind who will
win. FitSHimmons beat Maher once, and
that would naturally lead one to believe
that h would win again. But, on the
other hand, I think Mamer has Improved
'ince then, but Just how much he has
Improved no one in the world can tell
until after the tight. That I the onlv
thing any one could positively tell, be
cause It 1 three or four years since he
"Will yuu flRht the winner?"
"1 have been misquoted so much I do
not want to say only to the winner, t
will wait and see him In person and
money talks."
Women not In business cannut get over
a certain awe of telegrams.
Highest of all b Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Pfev n b
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