The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 18, 1896, Image 2

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    m Am umux, i$m mam w nww i
gaUtt gtetortau.
JOIEs T. UalTTEB, EdUor.
Tetevhoti No. K
Sent by nn par yc
Sent by ttrnO, Pr month
Served by earrlr, per week
Sent by mall per year, HM In eJraDC.
Poslag fro to subscriber.
AM ceamunecatlon) Intended for pub
Uoatiea ahuk b directed t th ditor.
ImlMM communications f all kind and
nasi rata sea saust be tUrMMl to Tm
Th Atrln guarantee to IU -crlbera
tfc largest circulation of My
aearspap published on th Columbia
Adverttolrg rates can b bad on ap
plication t th buein amnager.
Th Weekly Astoria a, th Mcood old
est weearfy tn she a lata af Oregon, bM
aaxt ta ta Port Wad Oregoalan, tfc
largest wekly circulation la tha atata,
J no. F. Hendley Co. are our Portland
agents, and copies of tha Astortaa can
ba had averr morning at their stand, U
Third street.
Charles Dickens tella the story of an
old lady, who was informed that a terri
ble wreck had occurred and that a num
ber of aailora were drowned. The old
lady complacently remarked that such
dfaaater were the reault of people' fool
ishness In "meandering about" the world,
lnatead of Haying at home. The old
lady waa stirring her augar In her tea.
as she gave utterance to this piece of
wisdom, and when It was pointed out to
her that but for sailors "meandering
about she would have no tea or sugar
either, the dame simply repeated. "Let
i's have no meandering."
The dear old lady of the story la not
dead yet. She seems to have taken
charge of an American newspaper of late,
which, noting that John Hays Ham
mond, an American mining engineer, had
been arrested In the Transvaal for com
plicity In the recent outbreak, intimated
that It served him right, and that the
mining Interests of the United States
stood as much In need of his engineering
skill as those of the Transvaal. .
But the arrest of Mr. Hammond, who
exercised his right as a freeman, tn "me
andering around" Just where he pleased,
opens up a more serious question than
the right of an American citizen to go
where he pleases. Mr. Hammond took
an active part In the American organisa
tion for reforms In the method of govern
ment In the Boer republic, and seems
likely to suffer for it.
There can be no denial that a "repub
lic" which leaves JO per cent of Its popu
lation out side of the franchise. Is In
very little degree removed from a most
oppresslvs oligarchy, and It ought not to
surprise American citizens who believe
tn popular rights, that Mr. Hammond, In
company with many thousands of Ult
landers, demanded that a change should
take place, and Intimated that they were
ready to fight In order to bring about
such a result if fighting were necessary.
It would be a humiliating experience If
it were found that 2,500 Americans in a
community were the only men who were
opposed to reform in such a case. Mr.
Hamomnd seems to have cast In his lot
with the Citlanders, and to have taken a
prominent part In the movement. Now
that he is on ball for the crime of trea
son to the Transvaal republic, which In
this case was loyalty to American prin
ciples of freedom, but with a most dis
tinct pledge of allegiance to the Boer
republic some of his countrymen here
are found mean enough to stigmatise his
action as deserving of no sympathy.
It Is remarkable that these utterances
come from some paper which have of late
been crying loudly for trouble with Eng
land. The "colored gentleman In the
fuel storage" in this case lies in the fact
that the Americans were In line with .the
English, and, incidentally, with every
other inhabitant of the Rand except the
Boer. .
International prejudice could no further
go than a repudiation of American prin
ciples because some British were mixed
up in a movement which embodied their
Senator Perkins, of California, Is In a
queer sort of trouble. Fifteen or sixteen
years ago he was elected governor of
California, and a very popular sort of
governor he proved to be, so popular, m
fact, that a craze for naming boy babies
after him soon ran through the state.
Bouncing boy babies wer named after
him hi nearly every county, from Stakl
you In the far north to San Diego down
on the Mexican boundary. Governor
Perkins heard of every one of these In
cidents. The fond parents Imagined the
rich young governor was generously giv
ing up hundreds of dollar bills in recog
nition of all these compliments. But In
stead of settling on the spot, Mr. Perkins,
with a politician's fatal weakness for
procrastination, wrote nice letters to
every pair of proud parents, and ended
with a flourish of promises, as follows:
"When George Perkins Smith Is grown,
let me know, and I will send him to
college." The governor thought he was
getting out of the scrape very cosily.
He never Imagined he was going to be
senator from California, with ambitions
for re-election, fifteen or sixteen years
later. But here he if, and thos letters
are coming home to roost. Already four
young men named George Perkins Smith,
Jones or something or other, have put In
their claims for a college education at I
the expense of the former governor. I
The new census of Mexico Just com
pleted reveals a population of IZMi.O-'ii to
the credit of the twenty-seven state and
two territories of that republic, and this,
compared with the census of 1K91, which
shows 11,632,924, is an exhibit of Increase
amounting to only a little over WO.OCO.
But It has been a healthy and profltsble;
Increase. Capital from Hie gLatt lias
leen pouring Into Mexico, buihllng up
the railway systems, developing the enor
mously valuable mine pronert'.; e-t.-jb- ;
iishlng lines of Industry never before at- j
tempted below the R'o Grande and work- !
Itir a trtat change In acrtcultural Inter-
ei There 1 a WW. rresn impulse
abroad In the country, lit revolutionary
snlrlt o long prevalent nmong the na
tive to the detriment and Injury of the
nation ha born subdued by a wis and
liber! administration of government, and
capital la protected and encouraged.
Evidently th growing days of Mexico
are Just at the dawn.
U has beea said that the recent loan
ws not a popular one In the true sense,
because. Instead cC the bond being taken
by many different people. It was mostly
subscribed for by hanking Institutions
and large dealers In securities. Th truth
Is that a great number of the blda which
were put In represented numerous Indi
viduals, who preferred to operate through
their bank than to PPnr In the transac
tion In person. There Is no doubt that
many of the bonds will find their way
Into the hands of what may be called
small Investors, though It cannot be ex
pected that United 8tates four per cents,
at a premium, will be scrambled for by
those who can avail themselves of the
saving banks, which, as a rule, are pay
Ing the same rate of Interest.
Great In HI Lifetime and Honored by
th Tribe at His Death.
(From Oklahoma City.)
No race of people on earth la more zeal
ous In paying respects to Its dead than
the Indians. Especially I this so when
th deceased was a warrior or a chief.
Then It Is that this characteristic of the
Indian develops In full force. The
mighty deeds of the dead warrior are
celebrated In story and song, and are
handed down from generation to genera
tion as example for th young to emu
late and the middle aged to rival.
Tohee, the blind chief of the low-as,
died a few months ago, and his burial
waa celebrated with all the savage rights
of long sgo when the tribe was numerous
and strong. He waa the last of the old
generation of warriors, and had been for
years the principal chief of the tribe, the
one to whom all momentou questions
wer submitted, and from whose dictum
there was no appeal.
He had been a warlror In his time, one
of th bravest of the brave. In who
wigwam hung many scalps of ths pale
faces and of Indians with whom the
lows had warred In days gone by: and
even In his blindness he waa feared an.)
his commands Implicitly obeyed.
It is related that some years ago a
young chief endeavored to wrest the
reins of power from The old man a hands.
He bad attracted quit a number of the
young bucks to his standard and seemed
to be having things all his own way.
H called a council to depose Tohee,
and made an Impassioned speech, calling
attention to the old chief's age and In
firmities, and declaring he waa no longer
fit to be the leader of a great people
Then Tohee appeared at th door of the
council chamber, arrayed In all the re
galia of his office, and over his shoulders
a sort of a cape, made of long strands
of hair of various colors. Then waa a
silence like unto death, and the orator
paused In the middle of one of his most
vindictive periods.
Without a word Tohee drew his toma
hawk, and, guided by the sound of the
loud breathing made by the malcontent
after his great oratorical exertion, threw
it with such unerring aim that the re
bellious chief waa brained upon the snot.
Still speaking not a word, the old war
rior stalked out and returned to his own
tent That was the last of th rebellion.
The burial ceremonies continued a week,
and the whole tribe gathered to do him
honor. In some manner, known to the
Indians alone.' his body was embalmed,
and, arrayed In bis chieftain's robes, the
old man waa placed In his chair at the
head of the council chamber, and one by
one the members of the tribe passed be
fore him and bowed the knee, all th
time keeping up a solemn and impressive
Great fires were kindled at night, and
many beeves were killed to regsle the
members of other tribes who gathered
to do honor to the old chief, whose
bravery and wisdom were known
throughout all the tribes. A solemn
dance was kept up around the fires, one
party taking the place of another, as
soon as they were exhauated with their
On the seventh dsy the body was re
moved from the council chamber and
taken to Its last resting place under a
wide spreading oak. The grave was deep.
but half filled wtlh evergreens and leaves.
In this the old chief was placed. In a
sitting posture, his headdress with Its
waving plumes put upon his head, his
tomahawk In his hand and his famous
cloak over his shoulders. This cloak.
so the legend has It. was made of hair
taken from the scalps Tohee had taken
In battle none from the heads of any
save warriors.
When all was ready the body was cov
ered with evergreens snd leaves, and
then with rich, black dirt. On the grave
twenty of the finest ponies of the tribe
were slaughtered, so that he might b
assisted on his Journey to th happy
hunting grounds, and great urns full of
corn and maize were placed at the head
of the grave so that be might not be
a-hungered on his long Journey.
When this was done the whole was cov
ered with huge bowlders, until a mound
severs! feet In height was formed.
Around this mound the Indians marched
for many hxjrs, chanting and singing
the prslses of their dead chieftain.
A liberal translation of their chant In:
Tohee, Tohee, great was Tohee.
Great In the council chamLer,
Great in the chase.
Great on the warpath.
Greet, great,, great was Tohee.
Receive him, O Great Spirit.
Give him place aa a great warrior.
Make him a lodge near Thy throne.
For great, great, great was Tohee.
Wisdom was with Tohee.
Bravery was with Tohee,
Swiftness was with Tohee.
Great, great, greet was Tohee.
The wisdom of the snake.
The bravery of the bear.
The swiftness of the deer.
Great, great, great was Tohee.
The chief was upward of 80 years old
when he died, and he had been chief for
more than half a century. With him
died tribal relations, for none have risen
to take his place or attempt to take It.
The old spirit has died out, never to be
Old Tohee's grave, however, Is watched
with Jealous care, and no white man U
allowed to approach nearer It than on
hundred yards, a fence being built all
around It. The mound la all that tells
of the last burial place of this great
KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify
your blood, clear your complexion, regu
late your Bowels, and make your head
clear as a bell. 25 cts., 0 cts., and 11.00.
Sold by J. W. Conn.
Getting money Is not all a man's busl.
ness; to cultivate kindness Is a great
part of the business of life. Johnson.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castona
Woman and Her Moods. "Woman," be
gan the corn-fed philosopher. In his gen
eralizing way, "Is a creature of many
moods." "My wife ain't." ventured Mr.
N. Peck. - -She Is always In the Impera
tive.' fndlananolls Journal.
Don't Invite disappointment by experi
menting. Depend upon Ons Minute
Cough Cure and you hav Immediate re
lief. It cures croup. The only harmless
remedy that produces immediate results.
CIms. Rogers.
Otw Hundred and Thirty Onse io Come
Up l'efor Judgo Multrkl.
The. following la the docket ot cases to
oem up befor Judge NcDrid at th
next terra of eeurt:
Jamea V. Welch v. O. R. N. Co.
J. M. Robba va. J. II. Hume.
II. M. Pierce va. It. A. Smith.
Wyatt Thonuson va, Andrew and
Mary Wseii.
Clatmp Mill Co. vs. Gray's Wwr l.os
W. W. Wherry va Simon Anitll ind
wire. ;
H. W. Pleive vs. It. A. Bmllh.
1. A. Kearney vs. It. IX Newbor.
Iura Ferrel vs. J. M. ghlveiy.
Jos. Holladay Va C. a Helllnger, guard
Ian, ad litem.
do. Holladay vs. Oregon R. Fk Co.
C. IX Mi'lUnger, guardian, vs. J 04. Halla
day. J. W. Graham vs. Pacific Construction
Peter Hrnrh et nU vs. John Peterson et
J II. lV F. tre vs. A. P. R. R. Co.
Hong Choug v.'. Asnrs and WlllUra
Marcus Wise vs. It. A. Smith.
tleorge Kaboth vs. John Service el M.
K. F. Llbke , Mitchell Mro.
R. L, Hush va Jvme Welsh.
Dunbar Produce and Orocery Co. va
C. F. Gramma
Astoria Guaranty Subsidy Co. vs. City
of Astoria.
Simonds Saw Co. vs. Columbia River
Lumber Co.
R. L. Savin vs. Harkvlat and Tolvonen.
Louis aiosa and L. L baker va. A, W.
and Mary Rerry.
W. U Glllett v. It. W. Corhln.
McCague having Hank va D. W. Rush
and K. O. Roger.
McCague 8avlngs Bank vs. J. T. Russ.
McCague Savings Bank va H. C.
McCague Bavtngs Bank va. D. and It.
0. Van Dusen.
William Lehlng vs. Emma Corder et al.
D. K. Warern et al va J. 11. DeForce
et al.
Oregon I. A 8. Co. vs. Reed Wilson.
Ksberg, Hachmsn A Co. va Carl Osl
maa. Freeman Cobb vs. Frl Heel.
School District No, I vs. Nancy Welch.
Enoch L. Blotlgett vs. Spencer M. and
Margaret! Johnson.
Astoria U. A 1. Ass'n. vs. Fred Tronson
et al.
Edward Ehrman vs. A. A. P. R. R. Co.
Bowers Rubber Co. va City of Astoria.
Geo. 8. Klrby va W. P. Gibbons,
a B. Smith vs. B. F. Stevens.
Astoria Packing Co. vs. August Johan
son. H. M. 8wltser vs. A. R- Kanaga.
Otto Carlson va A. T. Brakke.
Assignment of I. W. Case.
W. J. Denver and Wm. Medley vs.
County of Clatsop.
State of Oregon vs. D. K. Warren, as
signee estate of I. W. Case.
E. J. Ford va E. L. Dwyer and N. G.
D. K. Warren, assignee, vs. Charles
C. P. Bryant vs. Edmund Mathews.
Frank Patton va P. H. Johnson.
Adolph and Jacob Levy vs. A. R. Ka
Portland Trust Co. vs. August C. Kin
ney and A. Vlgne Andrew.
F. M. Warren et al. vs. John servlc.
Leander Leber k and Olive Wlntoci va
Charlotte Fori berg.
California Saw Works vs. West Shore
Mills Co.: appeal.
Astoria Investment Co. vs. L. W.
J. L, Hartmsn. receiver, va Charles
Sitter et al.
R. Luddlngton and John Service va
Martin Ryan and Con Crowley.
W. H. Patterson va Board of Pilot
Nicolas Kerage vs. Louis Duluth and
Thomas Proud et al.
Bertha Rasmussen va Robert Htrange-
Karl L Johnnsen vs. Isak Olllla.
W. R. Smith va Albert Seabert et al.
R. N. Carnahan va Chaa Wood.
R. N. Carnahan va Martin Ryan A Co. I
Mary K. Smith va H. A. Smith.
A. C. R. It Co. vs. L H. Turner et
al. I
Tatum Bowen vs. Nehalem Lumber
Chaa W. Allsky vs. Ethel D. Allsky. !
T. Helgerson va Fred Oberg. I
Anna M. Jones, executrix, vs. L. R. !
Abercromhle et sL
Eureka A Epicure Pck. Co. vs. Oust I
Bend J us.
Timothy J. Kelly vs. Oliver Stewart;
et al.
Astoria It. A L Ass'n. vs. E. H. and
II. A. Snow.
Alice Swlgman vs. Peter Swlgman.
Assignment of Chlsholm Co.
D. K. Warren, assignee, vs. K. N. Car- ;
nahan and C. 8. Wright
Alex Harkvist vs. Robert 8. Norrls et
R. L. Sabine vs. R. K. Carnahan. i
First National Hank of Astoria vs.,
North Shore and Knappton Packing Co. I
et al.
C. A. Peterson vs. E. Thompson, ap
peal. J
Astoria Savings Bank vs. Wm. Chancel
et al.
Charles Weeks vs. II. B. Parker, ap
peal, j
M. A. Hacked vs. Water Commission'
of City of Astoria et al. I
Clatsop Mill Co. va City of Astoria et
M. A. Harked et al. vs. Pacific Pivingi
Co. et al.
Lucy A. Wood va Chas. Wood.
Parker A Hanson vs. R M. and J. R.
Brock. I
T. C. Cover, trustee, va R. B. llren
ham et al.
Annie Wlneherger vs. Albert . Wlneber
ger. Ellen Lally vs. Joseph M. Lally.
Thomas Spencer vs. J. P. Carlson.
Fred Krosel vs. Sydney Dell.
C. L. Parker et al. vs. A. B. Thompson
et al.
A. A C. R. R. Co. vs. Andrew Fransen
et al.
Ellen Olsen et al. vs. Alex Gllbeii.
Astoria II. A L. Ass'n. va U. A. Char-,
P. C. Warren vs. A. W. Hoyt et al.
Sydney Campbell vs. Wm. Holmes. I
Meyer, Wilson A Co. vs. the Ocean
canning Co.
Gilbert Bros. vs. Annie Feakes.
Richard Harry vs. Harry Bell.
A. A C. R. R. Co. vs. Axle Jacobson
et al.
L. McGregor vs. Robert Christie.
Mary Osgood vs. I. L Osgood.
Assignment of Annie Feakes.
William K. Waas vs. Daniel May et al.
Empire Jewelry Co. vs. Robt 8. Norrls.
A. It C. R. R. R. Co. vs. Eleanor A.
Warren et al.
Olof Hendrlckson va Matt! Mackar
alnen. Eugene M. Richardson vs. Amanda
Mutual Trust Co. vs. Pacific Union
Packing Co.
August C. Hlnz vs. Sarah E. Ross.
John Lundberg vs. Nells Borglund et al.
Ida May Latham vs. Thomas Iatham.
Rosenfeld, Smith Co. vs. J. N. Laws
et al.
Martha B. Brown vs. Robert Bell.
L. P. Mulllnnlx vs. Geo. Cruickshank.
Astoria II. tL. Ass'n. vs. Fred F. Bllnn
et al.
A. A C. R. R. R. Co. vs. Samuel Welch.
State of Oregon vs. Frank Correy; as
sault with dangerous weapon.
State of Oregon vs. Charles Miller: lar
ceny of salmon and skiff.
State of Oregon vs. Peter Johnson; lar
ceny of a net.
State of Oregon vs. Nina Wilson; lar
ceny from a dwelling.
State of Oregon vs. Nina wlleon; lar
ceny from a dwelling.
State of Oregon vs. Ebe Johnson; lar
ceny of three socks of oats.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Aood iRing-push
The largest piece of
Good tobacco
ever sold for locents
tun T. Cmiwla .hWmui Chlceao.
says: "I regard Dr. King's Now Discov
ery as an Meal panacea ror couguM, cuius
ami lung complain, havens used It
la ny family fur oh last ftv yvsra. to
the xru."on oc i4yah4ao'a presvrtpUott
or other prepuratsooa."
Rev. John Iturgua. Keokuk. Iowa,
writes: "I nave been a minister of
the Methodist EMswpal crrurv ror W
year or mora and tv never found oy
thlng su tetasldaX or aba gav me such
speedy rU a Dr. KlnsTa Now Discov
ery." Try this Idwd cough remedy now.
Trial txntUw free at Charlea Roger'
drug store.
Envious rivals csn not shake the hold
of Price's Baking Powder on th public.
"Serenely full." th epicure would say.
"Fate cannot harm nic. I hav dined to
day." Sydney Smith.
Breakfast. '
Salmon In Cream Sauce on Tcast.
Baked Sausages, with Potatoes.
Fried Oyster Plant.
Hot Buttered Toast. Rolls.
Pease Omelet.
Thin Rashers of Broiled Ham.
Baked Potatoea
Cake Sliced Oranges.
Gumbo Soup, with Crabs.
Fillets of Cod. Breaded and Fried.
Roast Rabbit, Chestnut stuffing.
Spinach a la Creme.
Baked Sparerlbs, Piquant Satire.
Turnips Mushed. Potatoes a la Nlege.
Lettuce Salad.
Flame Pudding.
It Is a fixed and Immutable law that toi
hav good, sound health one must have!
pure, rich and abundant blood. There Is,
no shorter nor surer route than by a
course of De Witt's Sarsaparllla. Chas.
Rogers, Druggist.
Detroit Free Press.
"I understand that Dobson, the mill
ionaire, was once employed In a livery
"80? That must have been where he
got his horse sense."
Gentleman: I hays always recom
mended Kra'uss's Headiwn Capsule
wherever I have had a chance. They
bar proven a veritable boon In niy
family against am And all kinds) of
baadacb. Your truly.
Leavenworth, Kansas.
Tor sal by Chaa. liorers, Astoria,
Oregon, sol aaTsnt.
Tt is siM mi a anarar
by all drug-
sjlsta, It cures Incipient ConsumpUoA
swlMMpentMucusjaiJKu uunt
Tot Sal by S. W. Conn.
Notice Is hereby given that N. Clinton
Ic Sons, contractors for the Improvement
of Eighteenth street In Shlvely'a Astoria,
under the provisions of Ordinance No. 2M2
on the 1Mb, dayof February, D06, filed In
the office of the auditor and police judge
of the city of Astoria, the certificate of
the city surveyor, snd the superintendent
of streets, approved by the committee on
streets and public ways . After the ex
piration of the time hereinafter specified,
If not objections to ths acceptance of
such work be filed, and the common coun
cil shall deemm such Improvement prop
erly completed, according to the contract
and plans and specifications therefor, the
same may lie accepted.
Objections to th acceptance of said Im
provement, or any part thereof, may be
filed in ths office of the auditor and police
judge on or before Wednesduy, February
lth, KsJ.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, February IMh, lutsj.
L00 Bottle. "Vi CM B II a A si
On pent a dose. Stff Sev: jnci
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all la kavtnlax
ttrtnith.-V. I Oinrasjist Rsrt
Use your gifts faithfully, and they shall
be enlarged: prai tlc what you know and
you shall attain to higher knowledgv
Arnolil. On Minuet Cough Cur touches th
right spot. It also tourbea It at th
right tlm If you tak It when you hav
a rugh or cold. See th point T Then
don't cough. Chas. Kogirs.
Think of th Ills from whloh you are
exempt, and It will aid you to bear pa
tiently those which now you may suffer.
Woe Baby was sick, w f bar Castor!.
When ah bsoaia Miss, ah elung to Cattorta.
, - T-..;
I.KtiAL lll.ANKM.
Anything in Hie above lib executed
aitli ucatnesa ami diapnlch
nt Die -
Astorian Job Office.
Notice Is hereby given that tha common
council of the city of Astoria propose to
establish the grade on Exchanice street.
In the. city of Astoria, as laid out and
recorded by John McClure, between the
east linn of Seventh atnot to the claim
line between McClum's and Shlvrly's As
toria at the folliwlnit helghth above the
base of grades:
From the esst line of the Intersection
or Seventh and Exchange streets on the
north of Exchange street at 01 feet and
at the south line at U feet, thence esst
on Exchange street In a direct line to
llm west line of Eighth street.
From ths esst line of Eighth street st
Its intersection with Exchange street, on
the north side at W.6 feet and on the
south side at I.H.D feet, thence east along
Kx.'lianae street la a direct line to the
west line of Ninth street.
From the east line of Ninth street al
Its Intersection with Exchange street, on
the north side at 43 feet and on th south
side at 4fi.5 feet, thence east along Ex
change street In a direct line to the west
line of Tenth street.
From the east line of Tenth street at Its
Intersection with Exchange street, on the
north side st 28 feet and on the south
side, st 30 feet, thnnce east In a direct
linn to the west line of Eleventh streot.
From the east line of Eleventh street
at Its Intersection with Exchange street,
on the north side at 24 feet and on the
south side at 24 feet, thence east In a
direct line on Exchange street to the
west line of Twelfth street.
From the esst line of Twelfth street at
Its Intersection with Exchange street, on
the north side at !i feet and on the
south side at 25 feet, thence easterly In a
direct line to the clulm line between Mil
Clurs's and Shlvely's Astoria.
At the claim line between McClure'e
and Shlvely's Astoria, at 2s.l feet above
the base of grades.
And unless a remonstrance signed by
the owner of three-fourth of th prop
erty fronting on said portion of said
street be tiled with the auditor and po
lice Judge within ten duys from the final
publication of this notice, to-wt, on or
bcsVe Februsry 2T, 1M, the common
co4Hcll will establish said grade.
Hy order of the common council.
Dated February 4, ISM).
Auditor and Polle Judge.
Thu Oasis of Tiir"
R Hew
Dry and Pure Tropical
Prouounced by Physicians the
most Favorable in America
for Suflerers from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
Tba objection urged against Indio
In th past by th larg number who
otnerwls would hav been glad to tak
advantag ot It beneficial climate, ha
on lack of sultabls accommoda
tion. Th Southern Paclflo Company,
take pleasure In announcing that v
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
hav Just been reeled at Indl '
lion, that will b ranted to applicant
at reasonable tate. Trsy ar fur
mined wits modern convenience, sup
piled with pur artesian water, and so
situated as to gov occupant all the
advantage to b derived from a tnor
or lea protracted raldenc In this de
llgtiirul climate.
(From th Ban Franolsoo Argonaut.)
"In th heart ot th great desert ot
th Colorado whloh th Southern Pa
clflo road traverse ther Is an oasis
called Indio, which. In our opinion. It
th sanitarium of th arth. W be
lleva, from personal Investigation, thai
for certain Invalids, the- I no spot oi
this planet ao favorable,"
U. T. Stewart. M. I)., writes: "Th:
purity of th air. and th eternal sun
shine, fill on wtlh wonder and delight.
Natur baa accomplished c
much that there remains but Utile for
man to do. A to Ita possibilities a
health resort. her I the moat per
feet unshlne. with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil
for rain la an unknown factor: pur
oxygen, dens atmoauher and purr
water. What more can b desired T
It la the plac. sbovs all others, for
lung trouble, and a pa nulls fur rhcu
tnatlr. Considering th number nl
sufferers who hav been cured, I ban
no hesitancy In recommending this
genial oasis a tb haven of th afflict'
U 6ia miles from
and 130 miles from
1.03 ANf.EI.ES
Fare from Los Alleles
For further Information Inquire of,
any noutnarn I'acmo company agent.
or address
Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co
Dlst. Pas a. Agt
Oor. First vid A Wer flta. Portland. Or
w KKATIN0 ft CO will open their
WWW Muslo Hall at ' Alor street
Saturday the H th. Thar will
WWW keep numberless food liquors
and elf ars besides listing good music all Hit
Canadian Pacific
Greatest -f- Tracs-Continental
Railway System.
Palace Dining Kuom anj Sleeping Cam,
Luxurious Dining Cart.
Elegant Day Coaches.
-a mo -
Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken
Views of the Wonderful Mount
ain Country,
$5.00 and $10.00
Raved en all t!eti Kast. TnurUt csrs ths
best or wheals, hcUlploenlf of Ibu eery finest
Canodlan I'aclfle
China and Japan.
China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C.
Empress of India
Esipreis of Jiinm of China
Emerevt of India
empress of .Ursn
Emp'm of Ch'nt
Aug. iih,
Aug stith,
Sept. i6ltl.
Ort. 14th,
Nov, nth.
lrC, (th.
Australian sfrsmer Issv Vsnenuver, B. C
6ta si srsry month. '
For tiilrt rates, and Information call
on er ;tdjresi
Astoria, Or.
W. F. Csrinn, Traveling Pass. Apt,
Tacoma, Waih.
Orn. McL. Brown, Dlst. Pass. Ajt
Viinconver, R. C,
rROriSMON AL cat PH.
tirtlee, Ml'tlalrs, Astmlnil lUilblln.
Ojiitian I'hysli'lsn. rVI.ello.
nitles over ,ll.rt PUHlMr's slurs, enf.
lib and Ci nmereUI. Prlrssi '"'
ennnements, IIO.iB. nnerslluns al eltW
freei medli'lne fiirnlslud,
. . .. . . . II. ir
OfMi ovsr t'isen s orve -
to li a. m.l 1 to snd 1 l p.
nays, w w n.
u....,li ii.ntli.n to rtlse nt ni
sn snd writer.
Orflf over . ...,,
Tslel'holl ? ' V
.... ...t Att A Mfl
IIITHICIAN, rumns'"",
om.. ifH""" 'y,!'"'n
Mulldlng. Hour. 10. to II and I to
i. Itesldsnt. . C""r 'r'"-
es Commercial Htreel.
W. M. liar ore. snail a.
uroiu'ic A SMITH.
1st Contmsrvlal street.
J. g. A. HOWLUT.
Offli' on BeoonJ . Auti rT
J, N. Puhvh. Rkharti NUoa
Vheir V. Xoluu.
Portland, Oregon, II. M. S. and 17,
Hamilton llulldmg. All legal atid ool
leotlon buslnes romiKly attended to.
Claim against Ui (uvvrnntettt spe
cialty. SOCIOTY MierrrtNUH.
A. M. Ilrgtilar iMniinuiilt'atbuui held
n Ui tlrst and third Tuesday evening
'tt est-h month.
E. C. IIOLUKN. Stary.
W. C. CASH tax,
ITI Tenth street.
Vlli:S IN IMHTI.ANI-ChII on Jno.
K. Ilan.llry 'o . I.t Ttilrd sire.'!, and get
the lullr A'lorlsn. Vl.llors liee.1 nut
miss tbrlr murnms 'si-r while there.
fandel wins Instead 'f O'ffee el te...
rifty cents per nll"i. Iwm't fi I str-
peach and aurtrut bra'i te Ali Kini h
Cngnsn and vine Ales Jie' s
A. V. AleleKN,
Grsveflet, Flour, I reJ, PiovKloin, FfuiU
VrgeUMrs, Cru.'krry, Clasai:J
PlateJ Ware, l.osscu' Sucpllrt.
Co., Cai u,l Ss' A.iens, Ore
Snap A Kodak
Sl aujr man rumliiC nui
sur star aiid )uu'il net
erlmil of a nisti brliut'iliis
UVer ttltb ile.wwll tl'l)llls.
Hii.-h iibLI: y lu Hi. ii,u.n. s)
hsT UoIIrr on i nmli m
Corre and Try Them
hui.iikh co.
i:xti;mki hympatiiy.
"lu iit-.tii others ss ymi would have
ntbera iln mil" n," is synitatlirtb ally
shown III Hie Mhiwlit 1 1 ti,. the iie.
itiiilitlon I.. m Hist svinttaiby Is Urn.
or skin In tuln nr imrruw :
"(leiiileinrn : .I'Irsst send Krsuse's
HrHituelie I'aitsiiles as follows: Two
iHtae to I'liira H.av, lltivnnnti, N. Pak.
Two ImlfJ III t.lllle Wllt'tn. Ilronklsllil,
N link. I Imve always l.reil a ureal
sufferer frum liis'liiibe snd your Cap
suli are the imly thing Dial relieves
me." Yours very truly,
Ilavsnna. N. Dak.
Por sale bv elms. ItnRers, Astoria, Or.,
sole sitrni.
"I"b. wyatt7
Astarls, Orean.
Hnrtl wnrc,
Ship Chandlery,
Special Atttntlon Paid to Supplying Ship.
They Lack Life
There ar twines sold tn fishermen
on tha Columbia river that aland In
Oh same relationship to Marshall's
Twine as a wooden Iniac doe to th
human lielng-they lack strength-llf
-evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself Into the belief that Other
twine besides Mnrsho.ll' will do "Just
well." They won't. They nnnnot.
Telephone & Bailey Gatzert
"Telephone" leaves Antnrla at 7 tt m.
dnlly (except Buntlny).
Inves Portland nt 7 a, m. dnl!y ei
cept Hunilnv.
"llalley Clatserl" 1,.,.. ...i m
. , , nri.iriii 4 lies
dny. Wednesday. Thursday, prlilay nd
leaves Portlsntl i..n
cept Sunday. r,n sntinrtov at li n "m
lit i r i . ..... I '
-nilA.lV MAirzHHY,
North Paeifie Bremery
jr: vor -,3
l4aAV Afvlskfssi eaetSW t m
omyssd KaToon'V-T !'
th Oonepotitaa aUlooi a,i i1Tr'
be proZt.TwdT?,', ' 0rt,P, W'U