The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 14, 1896, Image 4

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    I It.
SPECIAL-'Fora fewday ot!ytf lots I blk. from brewery $112,50 each( crti ff f)T Df)flC
DON'T FORGET-Priccs on HeHwetlicr Down lots advance March jlUniI DllUj.
isi.. Mrtent nnce :to--as casn anil $5 ocr montn. - 1
w v - I " xs - '
lini CAKKMl
C'ir. 'I vtllll hml Comittci'i'lult
something new.
Childrc and ToatkV Sttcl-Skofl Sh-c. All
Site tad Stvlts
We also carry a fine line of
ladies' ami men's .show, from
the best to the lowest reliable
poods. All goods warranted
just as represented.
479 Commercial street.
Local weather fr twenty-four hur.
ending at I p. m. yctervKy. furnls-ed
by the United State Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau
Maximum toniierature, is. degrees.
Minimum temer:ilure. tt denree.
Precipitation, .1: liu-ti.
TstaJ reolpittla frm September 1st
1KM. la date. ; Inches.
Excess of precipitation frctn Soptombor
1st. ISS. to date, .J7 inch.
Job printing ef nil kinds at the Astotian
Job office.
I' Marshall's:
the ether.
Yeu take chance en
He wake In Ihe darkened
Nor care of the world le round; ;
Wllh the foot of graveyard rabbit, j
An J tho yelp of a lone. loan honti.l.
Atlanta f on-uimilon. I
the fact Hint Iho subscription taken to
the battle ship Onwm memorial un
have r.illcn far short of what they should
lie. I ho id. lie take lutlil of the mat-
j It and see what thoy can do. It In
llouitht that if the ladles Mil "ill tlok-
ct nl oiio dollar nioh for an entertain-
I III. 'lit lit i glVon IO help out this In il.l.
tho athl.-l o chili will fuiiiwh ilio entertainment.
A violet basket Is a dainty souvenir.
Tho invvKUv.i of I ho Son of llor-
. , , , , 1 maun In niasiiitt r.idc yesterday nflrr- Is new spring iliv U!-jmwni . ',., 0, ,,, ,,,,-..
! amongst the small hovs. The dance given
I by 1I10 leader of the bate! on l-'it'tiiii(li
overshoe aiv not pit:y, hut necessary;
thoe i!ym
hii.1 tVmmr-lal ntvri, man arilolatrt
J. O. Xh'Kli'f n' woro 111 th
II. F. Carnahan. of Knappton.
the iVvMont.
1 In ly tho oHK!t.m wllh miu-h hllarliy
. I Tho vorrnailo xvhii h win roii l.-ro.l at This
' i'" 1 cornor. wan iiporooriatod by the oil! e
i forve of ti:"ry t'roilo'ru. tho tnllroail roil
. ti actors'.
M.VIM'8 fll.VKI.K8 flhllV.
il. A. Rankin, of North Yakima. Vn
was In thr city yeetonlay.
About 1J o'clock lit niiihl wnicrfronl
ora wr tnrtle.1 by aotnalii of ill-irca
trm the larse tV..-ntal atoatner Altnion
which la lyiiiK In tho atlvum opiHiatto
, ... ., , ... ,. , , , , , . ., ,. ' navel's wharf. lnvo-Hinalt n pmvnl that
S. VVylle, of rhlla.lclWila, Il In the city, ... , , . . "h., ' ...
ami a rut ai the Parker. , on ,.. rt , . . .,...riu , h.
drift InK he etrin k a aiimt lr far out
In thr river, but It la thought ahe will art
off without tlllllcutty. 8he l ilrawttuT i'
Tho fportins fraternity are looking for
the early rcHrt of the hKht.
It waa Mitt entoiA!ay that a vlKilanco :
conimlttre waa looktiiK up Allvn'n affair. I
C O. Paln.bcnr. an hitect
ber 8, Klnney'a builiilrg.
Koom Num
Dr. O. F. Pall, l;ntlt. with iaily as
Utant, office tit 14th street.
It blend tea la th best Ak your
grocer for It, and take n ether.
Per th best of cemmerclai Job rlnt
Ini call at the Astortan Jeb office.
lleanjr la the leaatnf tailor, and par
ih nlchest cath frlca for fur akin.
Marshall' salmon twine Is wtthaut a
competitor. Strongest, handsomest, beet.
The best eouf h cur mail la the K. O.
Cough Syrjp, for al at the Kate
Craln Drue; Store.
Just received, at the Scow Pay Wood
Tard. 115 cords of oak wood. The fincat
wood ever brought to Astoria.
Dumbarton's Irish flax aalmon twine,
superior to any In the market Fisher
Brothers, agent for the Columbia river.
Antl-nleotlne Chewing G'lm, the latest
and beat Tobacco Cure, onlv S cents a
package at the Kstes-Crain Drug Store.
Portico desiring the best of Jo! printing
at the loweet prices should call at the
Aslorian job ortice before going elsewhere.
Dead Shot never fails to kill Corns.
Cent. Don't forget this when It comes
your turn to say "Oh. my corns!" Chas.
The Sons of Hermann hall last night
I a a moat successful affair. Klsher'
riowing In January In Oregon I a rev- , . ... .. .. . ,.,..
ord pcrhaiw not to lw duplicated m many , . , ... , ,h. ,,,;,. i.
other atate. .,,,. ... j . . .. ....i
, i k o . it.' innny hutiilsomo costume were icon. The
The funeral of John venson. who died w foow,: ,
at St. Mary'. Hptta e.lnes,ly. wdl J,, , , MlN t ,Vn.
take place this aftern.on. j H,m Mp( Krlhho,.n: ,H
, i . s i. ! sustained ladv character, first prtae, Mia
The funeral of the late Jack Morris ; , , , ' ,.,
Ux-k place fr.m r-ohl . undertaking par- , K,.niU.malu nn)t prl, j. u c,rl.
lor yesterday afternoon. ,tafs-n: best sua-
taineii geniioman a cnaracter. nrst ,ine,
If the Mahtr-ritsslmmon fight ink's
i Jos. fhrsltensen; second, K. DaTt-int.
Pi..e I . I The featlvltle continued until a late hour.
I101"' ll" "" Astorlan. . wnml M ilf ,.,..,,, c. j. ,.urlta
,, , ,, , . . . , declared the entertulnment at .in end.
H. H. Ingalls. of toanl Jc Stokes, la ,
again at his post of duty and al'le to
wrestle with the sugar barrels.
j The lookout man at the 1 en; Ad.ims
; life-saving stati in reporn t lint hi saw
I Jnhn V.O.n l.wi,-i. Hi. llA.lfmslhlr lnf
Visit o.tiir.Uv afiihuu, m n.i lli.l h.
Kxplnnl Suddenly nt Ilia Home In this
fliy l.ast ICvrnlng.
Magnus fliarlra ftiwby, one of Aslo
rla'a bulling liuslnoaa men. a.ldenly
at hla home on lloiul atlvot at 10 l o'clock
last evening, aged M year.
r'or acwrul yiMra ast Mr. Crosby bad
been sintering from lu-art fall ire and
Hrlght'a dlsoaae. and lately bad U-en
routined to bis lid. Yca'eril.iy, bow
ever, he was up and around tho houe,
aiMiiremly iiiiieb lmpiove.1, and ho e
ixvtisl ahortly to bo able to attend to his
buslneaa Iniereala. About I'1 o'clock last
iiliiht ho had a relapse, and, Iwfore the
ai rival of I'r ilttoi, who was hastily
siininumed, h rplrd aurroiindrd by Ills
wlt. and children.
The diath of Mr. Crosby, while sudden,
waa not wholly unexpected, as be hail
Nhu a sufferer from a vital disease for
several your and waa slowly dying, lie
bad often said he would die suddenly,
and the end came as he had prophesied.
He rested easily Wednesday nlsht, and
waa In the boat of spirits yesterday. His
sudden .loath will lie a sad blow to bis
many friends, while robbing Astoria of
one of her moat honorable cltliena.
Magnus Chnrlr froaby was born In
Philadelphia, Pa.. March SI, Ml. and was
W years of age. He waa one of rive
children, three of whom, two slater and
a brother, are now living. He came to
this city aittern year ago, since which
time he has boon engaged In the retail
hardware buslneaa, owning the largest
establishment In the city. He waa twice
elected mayor and waa held In hlith
esteem by tho rltlion of Astoria. Ills
father I dead, but hi mother, who la
7s year of age. Is living and residing
In Astoria. Mr. Crosby served throtiKh
out the civil war, aejulllliig himself with
bravery. He leaves a wife and four chil
dren, three sons and a daughter, to
mourn his loaa. Ills children an1: forne.
Ilua T, Win. Magnus and Kinney. Mr.
11. T. Crosby, hla only llvliot brother, la
a prominent lawyer of this city. The
date of the f un. ral will b announced
A youim gentleman who would not like
lo "r his name In print came
Into Herman Wlse'a olollilnu store yester
day and for slwil ;"', lnlimt-a he made
the atmosphere In that rstnbllsbm nt as
sume nil color of I he ralnlKiw.
What do you mean, sir, by advertising
I your masquerade hull to lak.t place on the
!Ilh of February and then clianne It with
out notifying your customer? And he
put his list down hard on the table.
Frank lingers Jumped behind the coun
ter so as to avoid in.aitlnery builds, Mr.
OlIlM-rt raised one hand tn heaven and
placid tin other over hla neart a proof
of his Innocence, while Johnny Young
hid Inside a big hat box In th -irllce. It
la bard to p.vdlct what mlulit have hap
pened had not Mr 1'inh.iiii. of the
aluminum store, across tho street, po
liced the excitement und c.ime over to
sec what waa the matetr
it od want turt relief fur palm iu tt back, lid, cheat, or
llUlbl, U8 ad -
Dbar IM Mind- Not on of lh hot of eoimterfelH and lm!ta
tloil i at Rood a Hi itnnuiii.
The Astosian Job Office
Best of
r'iu: ir.
Is always prepared to print to order
niu, iik.vis,
l.riTKI! HK.M'S,
I'.rsiMS l 'A Kits,
l.i;;Ai lil.ANKS.
SlIll-l'INt! TAtiS,
i :tc i :tc.
Dr Itartell ha from
. . -t I
to n .va .not me tri,. was hlm h(, ,,p ,n. rlv,r ,,
a er rouj.n ei.e. oui . H hp oouU, pll,ny . n0
. , ..... I ballast In the boat, as every time a guat
Mrs. F. O. Nelson and Air. Herman.,,, .,, .,.,.v h.r ,h. L..1 ...-.r
(.ronuati. oi oraowriu. cue i iui- riir ..,,, hrimiln her li into the, .m ...r.... I wind. To another memta-r of the llfe-
, j saving crew who was standing beside
The telegram received at 4 p. m. yes-' h i.i,. ,..,uri,i i .... iv
terday from Tillamook rock predicting a ,,,,. Johny ,f h, b,t cai-
...... ... ...c : j. Tho lookout man further savs
J that Kelson waa sailing up the middle
ine rra..i. ir-i ui ui uiu vuvuii rouu 1 h .....I hl,-h I....I. tn lh lil f that
win convene .-uonuay. me wnen ijy 1,1- . M.,ai..i .1.11. i..,!.
case, wul come up before Judge McBride. taWBr1 tn, clty lMt the outhweter
! that was blowing that night. This belief
J. P. Holland, the St. Clair metit man.
called upon h Astoria rriends yester
day, liacon and ham. are somewhat
' Is sirengthene.1 by tho fuel that his Iwat
j could not have drifted up to Prairie
channel had he caps! red near Deademona The body has not as yet been
Go to 1S5 Jth street to have your um
brellas repaired or recovered. A line line
of cover goods to select from at reason
able prices.
Business men. It you want to fx op
your otAce for the coming year, with the
best of letter heads, bill heaK state
ment, eta, call at the Astorlin Job offie
where you will find the best of stock
and material.
The Oregon Trading Co.. M Commercial
street. Is the placj to buy your dry
gooda, clothing, boots and shoes, men's
and Udlea' furnishing goods. Should you
want an auctioneer. 8. FrieJman makes
his office at the Oregon Trading Co
Go to Elmore, Sanborn' Slce and see
their new and handsome twine testing
machine. Take along some of tho twines
"as good as Marshall's." in your packet,
and test them. Then tee how much more
Marshall' will stand. It's money in your
pocket and fish In your net t find out.
Marshall' twin used br 15 per cent
of th fishermen on the Columbia river.
Most so-called "salmon twines" are col
ored with acids. Th acids rot the fihre
aad render the material useless. In the
oflloe of Elmore, Sanborn A Co. 1 an ab
ject lesson that ought to he examined by
all fishermen. It Is the whole of the Ma
terial used In the manufacture of Mar
shall's twine from start to finish. So
there and examine the color right
through. Tou will see then why Mar
shall's Is called the best In the world.
Wanted fientlcman and wlfo desire ! recl" rrH'-
board and rooms with private family. , . . ,
nf..r..-.... .,.'h.-..i i,i,i.. k i.., 1 Chinese New Year s I being fittingly
D. O. Walr. care of Asiorian. ' cel. brate.1 by the festive small boy. fn
1 fact, he Is no anxious to celebrate that
! he carries on c-era;lons in school, though
uiuiiieiiiioiiuiiy in on" cis . lesiuroar
il lad about nine yean of aire who at-
1 tends Aii-s Sotty's school brought quite
'iillii'tlon of hreworks with mm In
W. 11. Given, Charles Rosenfeld
Goldsmith. K. Caswell and F. C. Hage-1
mann. all of Portland, were In the city,
yesterday, and guests at the Occident.
.viisa rsessie Kuticr. tormeiiv ot ;n;s,: - . --....... -- - -----1
cliv down from th.. n,-mr..ll """"" -
yesterday morning, on a visit to Astoria! ' ' ' . '
: . ,t ,,lf I l.TS v. II. It J n IT 1 1.
t Tut- uMiul ipiietness settled over the
I m-!iuoI. and not a sourd waa twar! until.
sh-rtr !-. -., bi i,. I aliout 1:1
Kemalns of Mrs. Nancy Welch Will lie
l-ald to Iteal on the Hillside.
Why. what'a the trouble In here? said I
Mr. Partial!!
Trouble! exclaimed the excited young
man; no trouble at all. It' a down
r Ik tit shame. I bought U worth of goods
all kinds of Commercial Printing at Prices as
Low, if not the Lowest in tho City.
The funeral of the late Mr. Nancy
Welch will take place thl afternoon from
the residence on the corner of Fifteenth In this store the other day and they I old
street and Franklin avenue. There will .... .,
1 no aft-rnoon session of tho ..hool.j ni ,hM 1 ro,,M ',""r " """ Wise,
throughout the city, that the children masuuerade hall on the a:th of February
may attenu tne runerai ot tne nrat wnite
woman who ever came to Astoria. Alt
the business house of the city will be
ctoeeil. Yesterday President Motitvg
or. of the common council. In th ab
sence of Mayor Taylor, lsaue.1 a call,
requesting all city omYlitls to meet in
the council chambers at X to at lend
the funeral servlc .
Several year ago, when the city was
negotiating for the purchase of a lire
bell, Mr. Welch, with her characters! Ic
llberallty, donatetl a lot lo aid In paying ! rrable Jaek Hurna.
for the bell. The lot waa ranted and the j
proceeila pplle.l to the purchase. Today ! It' this way: As I waa going down
I Invited my beat girt for Ihn .xvualtn,
ami now I find that I have been fooled,
yea, fooled!
How Is that, tntcrjrctcd the peace. Inc.
Ing Ferd la-vy. who had by this lime
come In.
Yes, lell us ulauit It. chimed In the ven-
fi lends. Miss Bessie will
or three weeks.
the crackers went off all In a
Tur rre-lt wh-r he h V-n ,.,in ouncn, selling lire u. me youtniui en-
notice, of eelction. whicn will be held , thuelasfs clotnlng. He ha.l a consider-
" ".""l." " l'l .--.-. - ..mill KIOIIK
June, and notifying Judges and ckrks !
their appointments.
with the i-rackers, ami :n a few Jumps
reached tl.e sink, where h hlaxe was
ocii (Xtiticuinhi'd. Ib-ycnd lieiug bndly
frightened the little ft How was unlniurr d.
As lor the rest of th i pupil . thf event
1 was k ovk! as a holiday.
The Ladles' Guild of the Grace Church,
gave a tea yesterlay afternoon at the
residence of Dr. and Mrs. Tuttlc. The
affair was a most pleasant one, and
netted quite an amount.
- Yesterday's blow from the southwest
Wednesday evening. Feb. 15, Astor and j Ih" CA , ot nny amusing 1m bit nt.
Pacltlc Lodges. K. of P.. will huld a N" l-rl" ht - "n straight." and In
Joint memorUI service. A literary and ' several Iiii-lanns tiif y were not on at all.
musical program will be rendered and ' Strong men made tinntic dashes ft r their
the public will be invited to attend. i n-ls- others, despairing ol over-
laaing ineir auscoiniun nea.iK--ur, irusieii
Me A P fluinn,i nb.n to goo.1 fortune and passers-by ft-r
to the hospital for treatment of a long- j -'" return of their w-arln- apiarl. The
standing disease. His many friends hope wln"s m-"8 no U"JU" iiiscnminauon. out
that he will soon be put in the way of la'1" " lngl for night
Ikld 1.11 -llt ...II l ll'l. I.'j ..,.. .1
wl, . ..-. .,r.. - i the street. 1 suw a pna-tsalon of mas
knell. 1
Yesterday Postmaster Wise circulated quera anil I heard teople say these are
the following petition among the huxmc I . , .... ...., . . . . .
m..n of IK- rill " i "' " ""-"
In recognition of the noble illil.-s of; de hall tonlijht. Now these clerks tnl
me laie airs. .-Nancy eirn. an.l Hie ei- ,,, ..,-,..-- ,a..i,..m.l- lu.ll ...
fort for the moral and social advance
ment of our city by this pioneer lady,
we, the undersigned business men of As
toria do hereby agree to close our te
sieotlve plain- of business on .'rtilay,
the Hth Inst.. betw-ien the hours uf
and 1 o'clock p. ni.. or while the futiirni
obsequies are la-lng held.
..lsen lllllback. Shanahan l!n-s.
Th Arcaile. Max Slial.
P. A. Stoke. f.r.itnmk A Co.
H. A. Itottom. P. laiwl -r Co.
N-w York Nov, Store Hur'ow Will M fo.
P. J. tiooilmnn A Co. H Kkstmm.
Th. Olson. Klsher llrothers.
C. Ilellhorn A Son. Itoss, lllgirlns A fo.
. .....o
or their hats. I'mbrellas were blown
slile out hi fourteen different languages,
and around the hea ls of those who had
the mlsfcitune to lose this very essential
Far S cnt you can cecure. an excellent
well served meal at the Bn Tn Restau
rant, N. 6T1 Cemmerclai street! They
are also fully prepare-I t serve all kind,
of fish, game and all delicacies of th
season a well a oysterj In evry Im
aginable sty! at the lowest U-ing prices.
Come ence and you will continue t
Charles Wirkkala's saloon, on Astor and
?th streets, which ha long been one f
the most popular and best patronized
drinking places In the city has been
moved from Its present lcatin to the
lt Immediately east f th Casin thea
tre. Many improvements will b add-d
a Mr. Wlrkkaia Intends keeping up the
reputation his sal son has bad since be as
sumed charg year ag. Only the best
wine, liquors and cigars s!d at the bar,
a musical concert by th best tal-nt In
th city, under th leadership of Profes
sor Schwabe, tne wen known piam-t.
given nightly. Call arund and bring
yur friends with yu.
Soothing, healing, cleansing, D? Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve is the enemy to sores,
wound and piles, which It never falls to
cure. Stops Itching and burning. Cures
chapped Ilp3 and cold sores In two or
three hours. Chas. Rotrer?.
For a dinner, serve! n the Dining car
or the urucago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
Railway, will be ae-nt to any address on
receipt of a two cent postage stamp. Ap
ply to oeo. H. Meatrord, (i-neral Pasxtr.
ger Agent. O.d Colony Building, Chicago,
A tailor made gown I of l-ite-coloreI
rami-l'i -fh ll-v ant-r.- Th
tight-iittl.ig bodice has r!ppl- liasiue ef. I adornment there appeared a Utile square
feet and broad vest of white kid with I cl'u,,k r ,la'lt '' atmosphere. Sign
rows of narrow black silk brain laid I a"l "'' "n roofs rattled as she atorm
across, a half Inch apart.
Few women study the bark arrange
ment of their gowns and heads u much
as they should. If they gave more
attention to that which others not care
fully their appearance would lie much
more pleasing.
II. J. Wherity. of the county clerk's
ofiloe. will make a trip lo Jlwaco today.
It was rumored among the boys yester
day that the object of his visit was mat
rimony. Some anxiety Is felt by his
friends as to the outcome.
.Votwithstanding the severe Sturm l-it
evening, the Sv'vatlrn Army made its
usual march up the street and conducted
a sert ice. Many others who are seeking
to do Kood might well follow the exam
ple of these faithful workers.
king trot'ed up one street and down an
other. Judging from what could lie seen,
the wind was coming from all directions
north, e.-mt, south, west, up and down.
Among the notable tieople who sjairtel
wrong-side-oiit umbrellas y-sterday was
Councilman llergman. who appeared to
think the matter 'a huge Joke put up by
Observer Groter. The individual whj re
pairs umbrellas reports a decided im
provement In trade.
Having moved to Pond street, two doors
from Jeff's restnurant, I resiieeifully In
vite my frlnds and others In need
i-'ood, honest footwear, to call on me In
the new place. N-w work as well as re
palrlnir. i toed workrranshlp and live and
let live prices. S. A. UIMKK.
Mrs. r A. Levere has leased the new
buililinK on Commereiul street near the
corner of Ninth, and will on the first ot
April open the store as a first diss la
dies' furnishing goods establishment. All
the laidt novelties will be on . xhlbltlon.
Overcoats and winter wrap -will be in
faetuon. They can be disca-ded, tempor
arily avnue Traveling in ut steam he&red
train of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for
speed nd for swifety, no other line can
compare with thle great railway of the
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
Best Brand of
The Fsmtus Oambrlnus Beer
Always o Tp. . .
?73 Corraercial St., - - Astoria, Or.
Yeslenlav afternoon the government
telegraph line to ihe Cape was out of
order and Mr. Crover went over to II
wacn to superintend repairs. During his
Absence Manager Johnson, of the West
ern I nion, held down the chair of the
wc-aiiier bureau.
Ross. Klggin A Company yesterday
furnished the Kuppll-s for the ship Ya
rana. This is another evidence) of As
toria's pro;rreslveness. Her merchants
ur d-t(-rmitied to sell goods to the ves
kHs visiting the Columbia, and not let
the trade po Inland.
Th mall hoys are nntlclpatlns,' great
fun tuilay when the letter boxes shall
he oj.ined in the school room and the
distribution of valentines made. Jf a few
ol the samples exhibited yesterday are
a.iythlng like the rest of these souvenirs,
t.ierc will indeed be a choice collection.
There will be a rehearsal of "The Fal
ries' Ksenpade" at Klsher' Opera House
Friday afternoon, directly after school.
The management are desirous that all
who are connected with the iir.rtalr
ment will be prompt In their atttn
A synopsis of the play Is as follows
Act I Introduction Fairies at home--Thi
Intrurlers-Tlie trial Finale.
Act II fasting of the Spell-Flight o
Plareyes Plan of Rescue Fairy Dance
The revelries Finale.
Act III Plan carried Into effect Fate
of the Indian Recovery of Stareyes
Spider's wooing wedding ceremony Fi
Chi'-ngo Record.
"Well, here's a new one: Doctors are
now prescribing Ice cream as medicine.
"Great Ca-sar! Don't let my wife know
It: she'll never know another well day."
All sorts of sale are now intlclng
money from our purses.
The noise and roar of the southeaster
ccmbined with the fusllaile of Chinese
firecracker and bombs last evening, cre
ated a din almost enough to drive a
w-hite man crazy. Kveryone however,
seemed to take the commotion in good
pari, and probably remembered the
Fourth of July.
A "-..mlnrnt steamboat man says: "Mv
family have used neurly svery brand of
Iieef, Iron and Wine made, and are sat
isfied that the preparation mada by the
Estes-Crain Drug Co. la the most palata
bel and nutritious of any they have ever
Usui." If you are run down und need a
tonic, you should use It.
Thee Is considerable dirt upon th
street of Astoria, broken planks, and
debris of all kinds. Why should not the
Are department join hand with the street
department and use their teams for haul
ing the stuff away? Somebody will have
to do the work, and In the Interest of
economy, such a combination would be
a Rood one.
It has been suggested that In view of
Highest Honor World'! Fair,
Onld Medal, Midwinter Fair.
M. Jel.lness.
H. K. Tupping.
Dullols Furn. Co.
A. G. Chutter.
I I. Johnson.
C. II. Cooper.
Howell lYard.
il. V. Po-fr.
K R. Hiiwc.
N. Hchhifsel.
J. It Wyatt.
II. W. Strlckler.
Copeland A Thorsen. Albert Dunbar.
Magnus f. Crosby. Danxlgcr.
M. I. Parham. M. 8. "op'tand.
Hermen ise. f. .McDo i.ild.
Tho Spa. A. V. Allen.
Kstew-Craln Drug CoCharles Pokits.
Griffin A Heed. It. H. Norrls.
I. Cohen. McAlb-n A.McDnnnill
Oregon .'ra ling Co. John llahn A Co.
Foanl A Stoke. C. p.. Smllh.
B. S. Pague's Monthly Climate
and Crop
The month of January. I.W.. was un
umr.lly warm. Eter tectlon of the state
l a I a marked ixcess In temwratiir . In
the .entral (airtlon of the Wlllameti-t val
ley and In the southern coiinti-n, the
mean temperature was the hith-st on ne
cid. At Pendleton and Pak.-r City the
temperature was 8 degrees above the nor
mal. The phenommul mildness of Ihe
temperature over the whole stale has not
heretofore been ncordiil. There have
been occurrence of a single day hating
h!;her maximum temperature than were
recorded this month: hut at few stations
has the mean temperature been hie her
than It was this month, Tln-re was an
entire absence of any severe coid. It was
due more to the all". nee of cold weather
than to marked Inn', ihat the mean tem
perature is so hlKll.
Moderate or rnlld January temperatures
are of rare occurrence, so thut It i-houbl
be well remembered that, thouirh January
Ir!-'!, was mild In tcmiieratur.' a reeur-
ren-B or tni condition In future Jantiu-
ies is also liable to bo rare.
The precipitation waa In excess of the
lormal amount, except In the northweai-
rn portion of the state. whre It was
dlghtly deilclent. The. heaviest rainfall
reported from Hnndon, where lx.t'i
Inches fell. Over 12 Inchevi fell In the coum!
counties, and about a Inches fell In the
valleys between the Coast anil Cascade
ranges, except south of tho Cow Creek
mountains, where It rapidly decreased to
inches, at Ashland. This latter wn
however, an excess of nearly one Im-h
io tne east of tho Cascades the prci-lpl-
iauon was irom 1 to 2 Inches in in,.
to come off on the ?7lh and I did not
get any notice that they ha I changed
the date. How can 1 get ready for It
A chorus of ha ba's! pierced hl be.
wlldcred ears after Ihe -xplanallon.
Herman Wise has nothing to do with
the Suns of Hermann, said loirsrn the
grocer: or course not, sutd Frank Green,
as he steptied on Hhurty Stewart's small
Our young friend saw the point and
j atktd all hands to lake a cigar.
Aliout this time lb grrs and tlllbrrt and
Young crawled out of their hiding places
and although a little pale after thl. scare
they Joined the crowif at the expense of
our mistaken customer.
Take this as a warning. Herman Wise's
masquerade bull takes place on Ihe Tlh
of this month; valuable present will la-
given to the best sustained ladles' and
gentlemen's characters. A roslumer from
Portland will lie down dn due arasor
wllh a fine lot of masquerade suits. Her
man Wise has made him promise not to
ehariti more titan from $1 'il to .'..'it) for
All who think of renting costume will
please leave their name Ml Herman
Wise's stoie so as to be sure of a gmnl
som i:
All GOOD Fishermen
NMTli'K T" PliNl:i.US
Th" member ol the limner m l in
torn ill KoC.-y sie tniuiMtd t-i nn -i i '
the fharnlMT of foiiirnr-e niiiiii, 1'iM.o,
l-'rlirimry H. at 1.3" p. in . f"r iln pi. p. r
of alleiidliig the funeral i,r 1 i.n - -
Nancy Welch, which will l- in-reelib-nce,
corner of l.'.Ui stri-.-i n; u
liny t". wonh of goods nt llerrnun
Wise's store and have a Jolly time; none
bill customer of ours will lie admitted.
No eompllmenlaili-s! No ticket sold!
Second hand trap web complele.
quire of Astoria Packing Company.
Franklin avenue, at o i io.
said day
lly order of the prcl.le it
Astoria, Feb. U'tb, Ivm.
k .
, SIllI.ilH'H Cl'KK, th great foUfO
and I'luup Cure. I. In great demand
P'ii ket Blue riintalna twenty-five d'-c
only :5 cent Children luv IL radii
by J. w. Conn.
Fitly dollars reward wilt he paid
the recovery of the body of John N.I
supposed to have hecn drowned In the
Columbia river on Hatun
I.K U'iMi KmiM FHKK T' Al l.
( l" II evert- iln) fluid .'1 n'rltirk I"
' ami i; :! i i.i ',i :w p
lili c II tale (o per Kllliltlll.
,'i ;u)
S.tetlit.e.1 rar lievslh.4 llltae 5U.
Iieen lirotvniil in tile f
Popular Science
Jul IN PKTEIIrtuN. ' . ,
II. A. M ATT II i-.WH.
Willi thirty-fix people, nt li li.r's l,.
era llotuio, Friday, February Slsl, It. ml
up and see who slie is. You will Und
Hint she bus the bed nttrn. linn nn the
A TT E N T 1 1 1 N I ' I S 1 1 E 1 1 1 1 ; N .
Get your boat sails made by lie As
torla Tent and Awning fo. I.o.vent
IM Air (Mil.) Democrat.
"Tho little dear Is lost again," alie said
as soon a hn got home.
"Oh. that pug!"
"Yes, that pug, If you must Inbt like a
brute, and I want you to adveitlsj for
him "
Ami this I the nil. n It appealed.
"Lost A ausngi-shaied yellow dog,
answers, when hungry, lo the pame ol
llaby.' A reward will In paid for his
Most Perfect Made,
ijo Years the Rtandard.
northeastern counties and sllichtlv over 2 return to No ST 111 ink alreel. dead or
,.....i,- ,ii; wilier (,'U.lllllCM.
There wore from 7 to 16 clear and partly
uiuuujr uaya .Hiring tne month, and on
from 9 to 27 days precipitation occurred.
The eoaiit counties had the greatest num
ber of days with precipitation. Astoria
hating the most. 27 days. Penillctn i.u.i
days with precipitation, the least num-
iier in the state.
It has been observed that a warm Janu
ary is not, as a rule, followed by a warm
or advanced spring: hence the contrary
cannot 1? reasonably expected this year.
The warm month of Junuary has ad
vanced fruit huda. Roses In Portland hnve
put forth new wood, some of which have
grown from 2 to H Inches, during the
iiioniii. aiaieriai injury will result lo
fruit buds, should the warm weaiher con
tinue. The weather has been favorable
to agricultural operations. The unusual
dryness during October prevented plow
ing and seeding; but tho favorable condi
tions since then have allowed ulowlng
and seeding to be very actively pros .cut
ed. There are few portions of the United
States where plowing and sealing can be
carried on during January as they have
been this year In Oregon. The most fa
vorable, and encouraging reports are re
ceived from all arming sections correern-
ing me present conuiirnT-ann prpaiiecta
y in i .
A few of the new rarasols.hiwe peeped J
oiu or ineir wrappings in (iie- snops.
They are truly gorgeous.
Is a line from Ihn trite old verse we used
to recite- in our schoolboy duys. It ha
a forcible application to those small ail
ment,! which we are apt to dlsregurd un
til tiny reach formidable protHirtlons. A
lit of Indigestion, a "slight" attack of
rnnxtlpatlon, It Is assumed, will soon puss
off, but Is very apt to get worse, and in
the meantime Is neglected until the ali
ment becomes chronic, and then, If not
entirely eradicated, Is a constant annoy
ance and menace of worse consequences,
for diseases, recollect, bet one another
How much wiser to resort to a course of
HoHtetter's Siomnch Hitters at the out
set of the malady than to tempnrlia with
It at the start, or treat II with violent
remedies In Its maturity. He on time
with disease, or It may "floor" you
Malarious, rheumatic and kidney com
plaints, dyspepsia, constipation, billous-
neas and nervousness nre all disorders
of rapid growth, and should be "nipped
In the bud" by a timely resort lo the
Examination for i-ertlllcntes In In
Clatsop (-mi nly. Oregon, will be held, be.
ginning at 1 o'clock p. in., Wediu -iidny,
Fell. 12, IKsl, nt Mcflure (Court sir.-ei)
school house, Astoria, (ir. Appll. iiiitn
will be present piomplly and remain unifi
the close.
Examination for tearhers' sla'e dlii'n.
ma will be held on Saturday, February
Id, licglnnlng ut 9 a. m., nt same plane.
School Supt., (inlsop Co., Or,
A twlaler In iwia.n.g
May twist hlm twist,
For In twisting a twlat
Three twists make a twlsf;
Hut If one of the twist
lntwlt from th twist,
The twist untwlaing
Untwist the twist.
That l, when It' twisted with any
orhep twine than MARSHALL'S
The rate are
Nature. Invention.
r'.,w.;j iik;:i jui pah of viwm
I ataricd and Improved.
( i-nt.ilni a huge number of Hhorl, Easy,, Inter, !lug and IV.iilnr, Hslentl
hc lull. In, can be appreciated and
enjot.-.l l.y ant- Intelligent reader, even
lhoiii;li be knew little or nothing of cl
once. rVdussy llcstratsd anj Fre.
Irom Technic Mies
Newsdealer, io ce nl. $i per year
I .Mention I hi paper for a rample copy.
Lorgest ciroulotion ot ony
Scientific pnper in thawoild
Published Monthly by
l:i:NJ. I.II.I.aUI), New York.
Wall Pir-r, Arllttt' Mitrrlj',, PjlaU,
, Oil, (lists, ,tc. Japanese Mnl m,
Rugt anil Rsmhon (Iraids
M, Ctimmerclftl Htreet.
Ton IlF.NT.
Fin nl-lied rooms, facing Ills river, by
the week or rnniilh. No children. Stlu'lJti,
el rent, p. .;. i Vrchen.
A square of marble or glass Is an up-to-
ate kitchen equipment.
Rngnged people of good breeding ore
not demonstrative In public.
just the same
via the LuiiiriKloii lis lin y
nie vlu any oilier line.
Time and train service
are not the. Hani.-, iiuii.;li.
The llrsr In faster. The
Second, betler.
I'nlll y in bate tried Hie
lliirllnglon you ran form
no Idea of the sp.-e.l and
comfort wllh which
thoiiiinnd mile Joiirn -y can
it' mnife.
Ticket via Hie Idirllriir-
ton to Omaha, Kansas Oily
St. Louis, Chicago and all
other Eastern und South
ern cities are on sale nt
the local ticket oflloe. Ask
for one and bo sure you
get It.
A. f. SHELDON, O. A.,
Portland, Or.
WANTED-A tlinriiuglily ruinii, ei.i
lo do e,(., .,..,.wlJ,.h. )ny niln
I" tent and niiilng l , r WIk
U'l' y. I U-. J. A. l- i.iion, r,:-ii Franklin ate.
oH .,ai ,f a,irnce Co.. of
Montpeler. VI F,- rurthr int, 'rm
u . " '"" n" n Miup. (lenera Const
Manager, K'-ki (Jrocker Htilldlna- H..
Francisco. Cul.
WANTEDjian or lady to collect, do
rrn. u llce work, and manage ,n(
Tou will deal through your leading mer
chants. H..mthlng new and vary popu.
lar. w, pay ,M p,,,,,.,. p0iUon p.p.
man.nt, Send four references and tn
cent, for full particular. John Flnne,
Mgr., p. o. nox !, St. Loul. Mo.
celved-luar what you want, at Wing
T."'.. Ml fommerclal street. '