. Mm B i J ' -, , " l' f ,-'"""" t ' .j J ; j " HIW iiM.il i ii ! '"" --t.y-.t ... - mWn, am,,,. lUK D.ilLV JLS10ULLN, iSTOUU HUlY MORNIW, imflJ&X 14, lti.l(J. gaily gUtmlmt. JOHN T. UUHTER, Editor. TfRM OP RJIISCRIPTWN Telephone No. M. UAILT. Bent by nO, pr roar Sent by mil, per month Served by cmr, pr wee. .KM M WEEKLT. 8nt hy mall par year. HO In advane. Postage fre to subKrtbere. AH communication Intended for pub- , Uauien aliouhl t directed to the editor. Business cmmunloitSoni f all kinds and ' remittances muit Ix addressed to Th j Aatorlan. Tha Aatorien guarantee to H sub - acrttMra tha larfoat ciroulaUon of any nawipapar putshaj on tha Columbia rlfar. . , i, ... k .n - p;ktl.n f th. busing manar. Tha Weekly Aatortan. tha aond old- at weekly In the atata of Oregon. ha next ta tha Portland Oreffonlan, tha larieat weekly circulation In Wa atata. Jno. P. Handle" ft Co. are our l'ortland agentN and coplea of the Aatorlan can be had every morning at their atand. lit ' Third atreet. j . . 1 ' THK TIME TO ADVERTISE. ' i J Mr. E. J. Smith aa-a bulnea men with ! whom he talked In the East were anxiou i to learn all they could about the Pacific j Coast, and the proeptvtlve development j and increase of this country's trade with China ami Japan waa a theme of constant discussion everywhere. There la every reason to belirve that a lanre and desirable class ot ImmlKratlon. with a vast amount of capital behind tt. will be attracted to this coast In the Im mediate future. But, aa Mr. Smith found, while Tacotna and Seattle are well known towna to moet Eastern people, Astoria Is either utterly unheard of. or what little information there ta extant about the city I so Intermingled with falsehood aa to the condition and accessibility of our harbor that we stand little show by con trast with some of our Jealous and more enterprising neighbors. The necessity for the adoption of some intelligent plan of systematic and per sistent advertising for Astoria, has been dilated upon so often In these columns that It seems a useless and thoroughly unappreciated task to further attempt to arouse any Interest In the subject There I never nas oeen a iine in me nisiory 01 i the city when the retrns from the rUtht kind of advertlsin would be so certainly J and quickly apparent as at present, and If our business men and property owners could be. mad to realize the extent to which the eyes of the whole country are turning; In this direction, perhaps a greater Interest and attention might be excited In the matter. There la serious danger that when the inevitable tide of Immigration to this coast sets In, if we have neglected the preliminary work so essential to guide ft to this section. Instead of the bentut we might reasonably expect from It. we shall see this Immigration divide on both sides of us and thus go to help build up and render still more formidable those lo- csJlUes most Interested In retarding or i i. .v . i ,1 . preventing altogether our growth and de- velopment. TWO DIFFERENT METH ID3. i The figures representing tho Republican j and the Democratic methods of treating ii. f roihile Indebtedness are so impressive ana msirucuve wiai mr, serve to be urged strongly upon the at-' ..ntin r th. iww.nl hn oar the debts, . .- j t .. . her nuptials with Neptune, and I" after Between March 1. 1W. and March 1. lfmS . ' . ., ' .' , . . . (when Mr. Oeveland returned to office), j the debt payments of the Itep:ibllcan party amounted to Jl.ftl.KT.'Cl lletween March 1. 18S5, and March 1. PCS (under the rule of Mr. Cleveland), the national debt was Increased to the extent of UCO) 2& That Is to say, since Mr. Cleveland s re turn lo oim-Tj -IC IIM iim i -j people Just about one-seventh of debt , that his Republican predecessors took off. ' Give him a little more time and no doubt he would restore the whole of It. The American Economist pre3?nts the fact In Rnother Interesting form, as follows: Republican monthly decrease of debt, WS-1S9J SiT'H.lH Democratic monthly .Increase of debt. lsaMMsJ 521 28! ! This is the work of the great states- man whose soul burned within him, eight years ago, as he observed a surplus In the treasury. In his letter of accept-1 ance. In 18, Mr. Cleveland eaid: . an,i, though und-r other names, the con "In reviewing the bad effects of this I "ruction of sleeping, parlor and emigrant accumulated surplus and the scale of i cars has practically es abllshe. class .lls tarlff rates by which It Is produced, we! Unctions among travellers no less clearly must not overlook the tendency toward i . ,..i ....1,11,. Pa..a Sioss aim uiw v""" gance which a congested treasury pro- duces." j. And now the 'juestion is whether a, tariff prociiclng a surplus Is really morej 'dangerous or extravagant than a de-J flclency created by tariff legislation and made up by buying gold ut 3J Ier cent. I premium from bankers who take it out again at par. The American people will , supply an answer at the polls In Novem-I her next. ' The present issue ol bonds is the fourth . In two years. The first issue was made , In Februar.iJ WM, and was for tVi.WiO. H u. ! The second issue was mad? in November! of the same year, and for the same! amount. The third is.ue was for tli".- OUO.OGO, and was made Just one year ago.' This Issue netted the treasury only HOT,-: f.l.ZSi In gold. The present issue will net j about ill(,6u,yi0. ' It Is amusing to see the Democratic merchants and business men of San; Francisco, who carried torches inserilit-d with free trade axioms In Cleveland pro-I cessions three or four years ago, now: holding public meetings to pass resolu-: tlons frantically calling upon congress to protect them from Asiatic competition. It makes a big difference with those peo- j pie as to whose ox Is being gored. When' the factories on the Atlantic coast first; commenced to shut down in the foe of European pauper labor competition, it was all right with these patriots. They; believed In the good old" Democratic doc-i trine of their right to buy In the chenp- est markets, they did: and If thc-East ' Cough Cure and you have immsdiate re could not supply their steel rails, loots ''L aI' '"1"p- The only harmless and shoes, cotton goods, find so em, as .V riuUnd could, why, )I!1 lit the I'.nt iiu lo th d . They proposed to l. tuilnc lih Knuland, you kn.iw Will. Hie Ii publican lwrty, plea Cod, 1" .tu season, will attend to th Interest ef thte in.-rair . Jut at it hi always ahi-n U li.nl power t.ikon fir of the i t.-ivM of tin' ixmi'Io of tho whole I '11:011. ' Not ill. Sotiiti. KiM mid v. M. A VOICR KOU TIIK FAUMKIS3. Senator Warren, of Wyoming, has been Mil. lying the report of the Wit ot agriculture, ami rl hl olee In lw half of the liim. n II thinks the owner of 'liver mill.1 have had their full hre of attention, and :ht other Interest are imikltoE demands lh.it the senate and the hue of rvpivneniiiiiv.!. j oukIiI to hoar. II.. that the ti:l crop of Ihe I'iilll Sirn.w l ..lll it ..MM1 l. and; !,, it u four llni. il vnluo of all thoj I p.i-t nf Ihf kxiM and xllv.-r mm- In I th oounirv. Yfl niomlHT of tvth t .1 honsoa of conitrwa hav ton thiaan.l, !tlmo a nuifh to My about tho product: j f the tnln. th.y do .h.mt Ihf hy ! criH! Thf r-son I. doubtl. to lv j f(luni, n h(. fli,, ,., ,h,.w Mmt. nwm. N ti hav nu)n, n,oncv nv,t,, In mln, than In farm.. w,rn n rtowa from tho i.rlnt.Hl uf the agricultural dei.ir!nient j ,nilt valuea of live Mock In thin country have fallen from Jiks3,i.l to $i.MM.i That la a ahrtnkase of . more than Jl.(VM.rt a day for orkln day of Oleveland'a teim! If any lfslsiatlon. or lack of leRialatlon. lt rvgponalMe fcr uch an enormou tax tt ,iuly of evmtrei to dli'Over , ha, remoly K and apply It at once. eV),n if wf ,a not hear another word ,i,oUt the Monroe doctrine for a month' . . . ITALIAN ClU'lSKK. Christcfor Col wibo In San Francisco Vis-: Ited by Mayor Sutro. San FrancUt-o Call. - . . 1 u m. Mbw....l..n .lav rtn Iw. i T . 4 Italy's cruiser, the Crtstofjro Col.milHi. ! now In this port. The ttrsl to itr.'le or. board was Mayor Sutro. accompanied by Collector J. H. Wise, Smervis.)r C. U Taylor. J. T. Rosens. th mayor's sefre tary. and srvcral newsier ncn. The larty were escorted by Editor Allien I. Morbto, of 1. Ilalla. who reprenlctl the ltallr.n consular ottlce. It was the mayor's official call uixin Lieutenant Savoy, or nniT uiiiki a- -'- ...t i ( r.nd Collector WL- went alons to repre-j sent the f. I era I and Sup-rvisor Taylor the munloiiml pi.rl of the body politic In mis pori. Chief Justice I'.. atty went as far us tli wharf, and had to Mum horn, leaving . me revurr " "r" .iirj..a ,. The Colombo's steam launch took them! out to the blK war vessel. They were re ,, Ih -,Kway by the shin's offi-! cers in iuii unuorni ami me ni.-i.wij ui nail, iwumma. uy ,r " plays well, that bi.id. thouith they are; a nart of the sailor crew of the ship, and scrub deck and haul rop when not; Captain Pertolinl received the visitors i on the quarterdeck and conducted them to his cabin. The prince was absent, and the plain skipper of the cruiser had to represent his royal ' leftenant. The; ",r""11 ...i...".k...TPi. the captain lost his sitrroundlmrs In that tongue and drifted Into French, whllh-r only the mayor and Editor Vorblo could follow him. The cabin of an Italian man-of-war and the apartments uf a royal lieutenant are not prir.cIy alTalrs. A plebian hi si?n in a 1'nltcd Slates cruiser would "kick" for a finer room. ll.ilnness marks everytfclr.R fore nnd aft In 'the fnlomlio. and eviilentlv Il.ilv nuts but little of her matchless art in her ships. nonr, mere am.eurs :o w com: on there, from the commander's ample cabin t) thf rWan whi(p n .. and the long, slim six 4-in?h gun 'twelve centimeters, they call them look formidable. I In the cabin can be seen a remlndpr of an 0, Italian custom a large, richly carved wooden ring In an ornamental Wnen Venice, the long-ago Queen I of the Sea. annually wedded , .e,, rlnff wai thrown Into the waves. When Italy launches a ship wooden ring Is heaved overboard to hind of her marjnc matrimonial relation A glass of wine with Commander Ber tolini, an Invitation to Prince Luiiri and his brother officers to visit the heights next Friday, which the Italian captain accepted, and the mayor led the way over the gangway and Into the launch. the guard presenllng arms and '.he s.illor band playing again "Hail. Columbia ONK OK THE SIGNS. Railroad Age. It is a curious sign of the times that on English railways, all of which at first divided their passenger "carriages" Into three Classen ttrst, second and third but many of which have of late years aban doned the second and reduced the numl-r of classes lo two, there is now talk of abolishing all distinctions and running one class only. The chairman of an Im- nnrlnnl ralwv In the north has rl-!nrl ,hat ..,he Ume hM c(Jm(, 0f rerlouy considering the advisability of having only one class. in tne t nite.1 states. starting witn one ciass oniy, tne ten- ileney has lieen in the opposite direction. " '- . riri in u.-c in England. In each the change Is not merely the .... .... .in in the outward und visible sign of a deep. seated change which Is going on In Ihe spirits of the two peoples. SHADES OF NEWTON! Fliegi nde Illaetter. Tommy Papa, there's a large black hug " rlllnB- Professor (very hu:y Step on It snJ leave me alone. f'liilijriiig r. the World's' Fair honors ::i"''l I y lie's Baking I'ow.b'r. MI NI.' FOR 8ATCRDAV. Now. breakfast Is a foretasle of the whole day: ppoll that and we probably spoil ull."-l.gh Hunt. Breakfast. Egg serambled with Tomttoes. Savory .Mince of Beef. Stewed potatoes. V.' allies with Honey. Luncheon. !..-im! Stewed with Pola'oes. Baked Beans. Celery Mayonnaise, fiunshine Cake and Coffee. Dlnner. Oysters. Cream of Cauliflower. Celery, Olives. Lobster Stew, aux Tomatoes. Deviled Turkey's I.egs. Boast (loose, Chestnut Stulllng. Potatoes en Surprise. Lima Beans. T-ettu.c fiaiad. Makeil Custards, f.'offee. ., )nvlt(! (iirrinDnlntIT1(.n. rTI.rl. 'ntlng. Depend upon One Minute I I'-medy that produces imine.lLite results. rh,is. limn rs IMROUT CW'RT IVTKKT. Ono llundni! and Thirty C:m to tVm 1'p lli foro JudK.i MoUrldp, Tho follow Ins l th dovket of caea to come ui li-fore Judso Mollrlda at thu :i. t l.-tnl of four! Jam.- W. WfKh n V It. N. iVk J M KoI.Ihi k, J. II. Ilumo. II. M I'l.-n-e . II. A. Smith, Wyalt Thomiin va. Andre and Mary Olwn t"lniH,i Mill Oiv . tiray'a UImt Iaht- ltln t'o. v. W. Wherry . Simon Antilla and ir.'. II. W. Vlerve . M. A. Smith. I". A. Kearney va. 11. I. Newlvry. ljiuta tVrri'l va. J. M. Siilvely. I J.w llolia.liiy v. f. Ik ilelll'iiier. itnarxl- liti, ad lliem. J Holladnv x. Or.con It. R tV t It. !! illi ixr, Kimnliiin. va, Jim. Ilalla- ilay. J. W. tlralmm v. I'aoiilf IVnairuetUm tV. IVt.r Uracil et al v. J.ilin IVteriin et al. J II. IV l-Vi.e . A r. tt. It. Co. HOI ,. . , lion I'honji vs. Ajiiif and Wllllain .Murvus Wlw v. II. A. Smith. '.corse Kntiolh vs. J.vlm Set Wee el it. I'. K. l.lbke ve. Mitchell llros. K. I. Hush vs. J imcs elsh. lninlvHr lroluce and ilrot-ry Oa va. C. I". Orammi Astoria Ouaranty Subsidy Co. vs. City of Astoria. Slmonda Saw Co. vs. Columbia River l.iinilr tvo. IS. I Savin vs. llarkvlt and Tolvonen. t l.ouis Slv and U U laker vs. A. W. and Mary Henry. W. U Olllett vs. II. W. CorMn. Mi-Casiie avlnii Hunk v. Ik V. Hush and K. U. Kouers, .lcCaue Savmpa Ha;ik va. J. T. Roaa. McCasue Savlncs Hank vs. 11. C. Thompson. McOaarue Savinxs Rank vs. It. and 11. Q. Var luscn. William Ij-hliiR va Emma Center et al. L. K. Warvrn et al. vs. J. It. Deforce et al. Or-nron I. A 8. Co. vs. Reed ft Wilson. 1-jUTK. Hachmail ft Co. vs. Carl lsl maa. Freeman Cobb vs. Krl Ileolie. S.'hoxil Mlsirlct No. t va Nancy Welch. I Enoch I. HlodKett vs- 8encer M. and j Mancarftt Johnson. Astoria H. ft U Ass'n. vs. Fred Tronson I " I Edward Ehrman vs. A. A. P. R. R. Co. ! twwera Rubber Co. vs. City of Astoria. Oeo. 8. Klrby vs. W. P. Gibbons. 8. It. Smith vs. Ik F. 8t evens. Astoria l'acklnir Co. vs. August Johan-i son. I II. M. Swlttcr vs. A. It. Kanaxa. Otto Carlson vs. A. T. Hrakke. Assignment of I. W. tise, I W. J. Denver and Wm. Medley vs. i IV,,.!. .1 o( 0r,.K0 I. K. Warren, as-. siirnce estate of I. W. Case. K. J. Konl va K. I. Dwyer and N. Q. R,..u, J( K cj,j,ar,'i Wamn. assiimee. vs. Charles , ,, ,;.,.... ... E,lm,in,i .,h--. Frank l'attoi v. P. H. Johnsin. ''0,,n an" J,,rou l'lirtland Trust Co. vs. Adjust C. Kin- n..v ,n.l A Vlpn. ln.lr.i F. il. Warren et al. va John Service. Ian.ler l.ebeck and Ollvj Winto.n va Charlotte Forstwrg. I'alifornla Saw Works vs. West Shore Aoria Investment Co. vs. I Vi'. ' Wright j u HirtmilM. r.lver. vs. Charles s,it(,r at j l.ml.lliiirl.in ami Jnbn va j Martin Ryan and Con Crowley. . H. Falt.Tson va. Commissioners. Board of Pilot I I.ouls Duluth and) Nicolas Kerage vs. Tk..m .. - 1, . . I . . . 1 I .....,... j .. .. i lun. I. Karl U Johcnsen vs. sak Olllla. W. R. Smith vs. Albert Seabert et al. R. N. Cernahan va. Chas. Wood. , , , , , . ."" . .uurun nyan a lo. i Mary K Smith vs. H. A. Smith. A. ft C. It. R Co. vs. L. ii. Turner et al. Tatum ft Howcii vr. NVialem Lumber1 Co. I 'has. W. Allsky vs. Klhel D. Allskv. i T. Helgerson vs. Fred Oherg. Anna M. Jones, executrix, vs. U R. Aliercromble et al. Eureka ft Epicure Pck. Co. vs. Gust B.niljus. Timothy J Kelly vs. Oliver Stewart et al. Astoria It. ft I,. Ass'n. vs. E. H. and II. A. bnow Alice Swlgman vs. Peter Raigman. Assignment of Chlsholm A t'o. I). K. Warren, assignee, v.i. K. N. Car nahun an.l C. S. Wright. Alex liarkvlst vs. Koltert 8. Norrls et al. R. I.. S.-I.lno vs. R. N. Camahan. First National Hank of Astoria va i North Shore und Knappton Packing Co. i "' i C. A IV tenon vs E. Thompson, ap-' peal. Astoria Savings Bank vs. Wm. Chance; ' "' I Charles Weeks vs. 11. H. I'urk r. ap-' 1"al- il. A. liacket! vs. Water Commission of City of Astoria et al. Clatsop Mill Co. vs. city of Astirla et! a'- I M. A. Hackett et al. vs. Paclfle Ptving! COLu'v"a. Woe. vs. rhM. Wood. ! ranter 4: Hansen vs. E. M. and J. R, Brnck, T. C. Cover, ham rt a). trustee, vs. R. It. Bren- Annie Win.lierger vs. Allien Wlneber ger. Ellen I.ally vs. Joseph M. Lally. Thomas Spencer vs. J. P. Carlson. I-reil Krosel vs. Sydney Dell. C. 1 Parker et al. vs. A. B. Thompson et al. A. & C. R. R. Co. vs. Andrew Frmsen et al. Ellen Olsen et al. vs. Alex Gilbert. Astoila Ii. ft L. Ass'n. vs. O. A. Char nock. P. C. Warren vs. A. W. Hoyt et al. Sydney Campbell vs. Wm. Holmes. Meyer, Wilson ft Co. vs. the Ocean t anning t o. Gilbert Bros. vs. Annie Feakes. Richard Harry vs. Harry Bell. A. t i.. R. K. Co. vs. Axle Jacohson et al. L. McGregor vs. Robert Christie. Mary Oi-good vs. I. L. Osgood. Assignment of Annie Feakes. William E. Womb vs. Daniel May et al. Empire Jewelry Co. vs. Robt. 8. Norrls. A. ft c. R. H. R. Co. vs. Eleanor A. Warr.-n et al. Olof Hendrlckson vs. Mattl Mackar alnen. Eugene M. Richardson vs. Amanda Richardson. Mutual Trust Co. vs. Pacific I.'nlon Packing Co. August C. Hlnx vs. Sarah E. Ross. John Lundberg vs. Nells Borglund et al. Ida May Latham vs. Thomas I-atham. Rosenfeld, Smith Co. vs. J. N. Laws et al. Martha E. Brown vs. Robert Bell. L. P. Mulllnnlx vs. Geo. Cruickshank. Astoria IS. ft L. Ass'n. vs. Fred F. Bllnn et al. A. ft C. R. R. R. Co. vs. Samuel Welch. CRIMINAL. State of Oregon vs. Frank Correy; as sault with dangerous weapon. State of Oregon vs. Charles Miller; lar ceny of salmon and skiff. State of Oregon vs. Peter Johnson; lar ceny of a net. State of Oregon vs. Nina Wilson; lar ceny from a dwelling. fitale of Oregon vs. Nina Wilson: lar ceny from a dwelling. HI; ceny State of Oregon vs. Ebe Johnson: lar-crs of three-fourths of tlw proprty ud n of three racks of oats. , jaccm to said portion of said street, such Children Cry for' Pitcher's Castorla. All ELECTRO SCNT POSTPAID For loo Coupon For a Coupons . and $1.00 j OR' 1 and Sa.oo. You will find one coupon iiwitlo each 2 cmnc big, and twv cuHns nusivle each 4 ounc bag uf Blackvell's Genuine Ddbiimi Tobacco. Th wstok U Xleetra Oold Plated, (ood Urn keapar, quick tarn wiad, anft stem mi. It la o (Tared far below Ita valua to taduo you to tor thu Tvbaaao. Vaad ooupuna wllh aaoia aad. addraa lo BLACKWELL'S DUMJIU TOBiCCO CO.,Durfiam.f.C Buy a ba of this Cclrbrated Smoklnc Tobacco and read tha Coupon which gives a list of other premiums ami how to get thctu. t atcr mtamps Atxemtk f AFTER THE QUARREL I-axvs sakea, I'd rulhrr hev him here Ilia ownself kind and ready, A pott'rtn roun' an' whls'lln' char Jlst aa ha waa yeateddy. To think that thirty years nn l mor Has rone a rollln bye. An' never a fus lull this bef" Has como 'tween him an' I, Three sons and darters mcrrled now, And two our boys la dead; An' he an' I to hev this row W'en bitter wards waa sal.l. Tho house seems all so quiet, still, Tha sun has left tha mark: An' soon I'll hear the whlpierwlll Call throuich the lonesome, dark. The clock kpa coin tick. tick. tack. I wlsht that I waa dead. Not cry In' her an' rockln' back. My apron 0'ir my head. Kh! hat's that noise at tha door? Oh. I'aw. It's you. It's you! I'll never scold you any more. No matter what you do. Kcr real old folks like us to fuss It seems a dreadful sin An' you've got the kitchen alt a mu Wllh yer muddy boots auln! ROY U MVARDKI.I. OLD rBOPLK. Old people who require medicine lo reg ulate the bowels and kJdneya will find, the true remedy In Electric Bitters. Thio medicine doaa not atlmulat and contain) no whisky nor other Intoxicant, but acta a a tonic and alter na lira. It acta mild ly on th stomach and bowels, adding strength and glvlns; ton to rh organs, thereby aiding nature In th performance of th functions. Electric Itinera to aa excellent appetiser and add digestion. Old people nnd tt just exactly what Utey. need. Prlo 60 cents per bom at in. Rogers' Drug Store CQN V 1 NCI NO F. V 1 DK NC K. Washington 8iar. "Jim." exr-lalmed th Foggy Bottom ! matron, "yoh done promlseil me dat yoh ! wus gwln ter let politics alone." , "Well, s'posln' I did." was Ihe some what sulky reply. "Vthah yer gwlne ternlght till K " 111.' iiupiiaii ill ifwii.il. Riei . know de signs. Yoh's wtne ter meetln' foh sho'. When I sees er raiser an' er flask an' er set er resolutions In rr man s overnoai pocsris snow im business ebrv lime" DUlnoM "r ROYAL Bsklnz Powder. Highest of all la leavening strength. u, , oni Bwt " FATE OF A POEM. J udge. "Why didn't Fleecy recite his original poem at the banquet, as he had Intend ed?" "The company gave him unanimous leave to print It." It Is a fixed and Immutable law that to have goo. I, sound health one must have I pure, rich ami abundant blood. There la , no shorter nor surer route than by a ! course of DeWltt'a Sarsaparllla. Chaa. Rogers, Druggist. A Ql'KRV. jUliKe. "It Is generally conceded. I believe, that life Is a span." "Yes. i believe so." "It la also conceded that death Is a riderless horse." "Yes." "Well, what- becomes of the olhcr horse?" PBOVKN A BOOH. Gentlemen: I hav always recom mended Kra use's HeadHcn Utpaule.4 wherever I hay had a onanc. Tbey have proven a veritable axon In my family against any and all kinds' of headache. Tour truly. I R 'WALTER. LuMivenworth. Kansas. For sale by Chaa, Kogers, Astoria. Oregon, sole uenu J3 Tsa Al Anigreeabl Laxative and NEKVB TON 10. Bold by Druggist or lent by mall. 6oli0a, andfLOOperpaoluur. Bampie free. YTf TTrS Tb INrorite TOOT! JOTTU U.U llUlorUieloeirianil Hwath.ksi. For Bale by S. W. Conn. A8TOR STREET GRADE NOTICE. I Nntlre Is hprehv irlven that the com mon council of the city of Astoria huve determined and intend to establish the grade of Astor street. In Adair's Aatorla, from th3 west line of Forty-fourth atreet to tho east line of Forty-sixth street at the following heights above the base of grades, aa established by Ordinance No. 71, entitled "An ordinance to establish a base of grades for the streets of Astoria," as follows, to-wlt: Twenty-five feet throurrhout all sal.l portion of said street, which 1a to be level from end 1 end and from aide to side. At any time within ten day from the final publication of this notice, to-wlt. Within ten day from the 31st day of Jan uary, ll96, remonstrance can be made against said proposed grade, and If with in said time a written remonstrance agalnut the same be tiled in the c dice of tha auditor and rmlle Iii.Ia Iiv Ik m num. grade shall not be establfsted. By order of the common council. If. B. NELSON, Auditor and Police Jsdge. Astoria, Or., January M. IW. Srf&J Jl fit i I V. rs V A tim '. eaiSO.fOa A CABC IT WILL WOT CUHC. t 81IR WOULD OrEJf IT. Judxe. The aiutel. hcarlnc a female shade, paused at heaven'a ante ami knocked. "No need of disturb!!! the Inmates," aald the shade, fumlilln with her Psyche twist i "Just wall llll I net a hairpin." Ona Minuet Cou.h Cura touches tha rtht spot. It also touches it at the rlht time If you taks It when you hava a couch or cold. Be tha point T Then don't cough. Chaa. Roc.tr. Ashea on th sidewalk are not lieaull fvln. but they may sav the owner of th hotiso a lawsuit. t Waaa Baby vaa alok, wa ca kar Caatorla. WaaaabasaCatoartsdfwrCaatarla. Wb aba bsoam Mtaa, aha cluaf to Caatorla. WaaaaadCidraa,aUreUaCW the new shortening, Ilka all other things must be rightly used If you wish the btstrnnlta. Never, in any recipe, use more than two-third as much Cottolene as you used to use of lard. Never g put Cottolene in a hot pan. Put it in wnen com ana seat k wits die pan. Be careful not to burn Cottolene. To teat it, add drop of water ; if hot enough, it will fop. Cottolene, when rightly used, delights everyone. Get the genuine, sold everywhere in tins, with trade-marks "Cotto Urn" and steer's head in cotton plant wreath -on every tin. Made only by THI N. k. FaMBsNK COUP .! Iwls, CMiirn miin, riiiinl, iih, WJS VfSyft sMasVBsaw NOTICK OF IIID8 FOR HOARDING CITY PRISONER8. Notice la hereby given that bids will be received by the commute on health and police of the common council of the city of Aatorla, at the office of the auditor and police Judge, on Saturday. February , 1XM. at th hour of X o clock p. m, of said day, for boardln or furnishing meals to the city prisoners In the clly Jail of the clly of Astoria. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the common council. Ihtted February , Jxs. II. V. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge. NOTICE OK ESTABLISH I NO ORADB ON EXCHANGE BTREET. Nolle Is hereby given that the common council of tha city of Astoria propose to establish the grade on Exchange street, In the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McOlure, between the east line of Seventh street to the claim line between McCI lire's and Hhtvely'a As toria, at the folk win height Ii above the base of grades: From the east Una of the Intersection of Seventh and Exchange streets on the north of Exchange street at 1 feet and at th south line at (4 feet, thence rest on Exchange atreet In a direct line to the west line of Eighth street. .'.Am I V. .. II-. nt L-lvhlti a I I Its intersection with Exchange street, on j the north side at U K feet and on the souin sine at m.o im, iiitinvt rmn. miihi KxhanR street In a direct line lo Ihe west lliif. nf Ninth street. i From the east line of Ninth street at j Its Intersection with Exchange atreet, on the north side at a feet and on Ihe south skle at 4U.C feet, thence east along Ex change street In a direct line to the west line of Tenth street. From the east lire of Tenth streot at It. Intersection with Exchange street, on th norrk side at 2ft feet and on the south side at Jo feet, thence east In a direct linn lo the west line of Eleventh street. From the east line of Eleventh street t Its Intersection wllh Exchange street, on the north aide at 24 feet and on the south Side at 'U feet, thence east In a direct line on Exchange street to the west line of Twelfth atreet. From Ihe east line of Twelfth street at Its Intersection with Exchange street, on the north aide at 2fi feet and on the south side at 2fi feet, thence easterly In a direct line to the claim line between Mc CI lire's and Bhlvely's Astoria. At the claim line between McCI tire's and Bhlvely's Astoria, at 28.1 feet above the base of grades. And unless a remonstrance signed by tho owners of thrce-fourlhs of the prop-' my fronting on snld portion of said I street be filed with Ihe auditor and po llen Judge within ten days from the final publication of this notice, to-wt, on or before February 25, JMM, the common council will establish said grade. Hy order of the common council. Dated February 4, IK). 11. K. NELSON, . Auditor and Police Judge. ! to ! 1 Indio Tub Oasis oh tiii1 COLORADO InUM A flew Wealth esort BLLOW 1MB LKVtl OH TIII! SI A Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians tht most Favorable in America for Sufferers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Tha objections urged aaelnat Indlo la tha past by th Ian nuniiier who otherwise wouid hav been siad to la, divanta ot Ita beneflclul climate, ha ben a lack of suitable accommod tloo. Tlis Southern Peclflo Company, take pleasure In announcing that sev ral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages hava just teen rcld at India sta turn, that will b rented to apWIconu at reasonable rates. Tl-y am fur nlihed with niodrrn convenience, sup piled with pur artesian water, and x situated aa lo gov occupant all th advantage to b derived fnun a niorr or lesa protracted rvaldmc In this de lKtful cllroat. fFrom th Ban FTanolsco Argonaut.) "In tb heart of th desert of th Colorado whloh tlut Southern I'a clfto road traverse there Is an oasl called lndlo, wtilch. In our opinion. Ii th sanitarium of the earth. W be llev. from personal InvesCfallon, thai for certain Invalid, the- la no spot oi this planet so favorable." a. T. Utewart. M. O., writes: "Tb purity of th air, and the eternal sun shin, fill on with wonder and delight. N'atur oa accomplished i much that there remains but little fm man to do. As to Its poswlbllltle as s hlth resort, her Is th most per feet sunshine, with a temperature al waya pleasant, a perfectly dry anil for rain la an unknown factor; pun oxyg-en. denes atmosphere and pur water. What more can be desired' It ta th place, abov all others, foi lung troubles, and a pa radio for rheu mat Ira. Considering th numlier ol aufferera who hav been cured. I havi no hesitancy In recnmmemllnc t hie genial oasis aa th haven of th afflict ad." FNDI0. Is 6l3 miles from SAN FUANCIai nnd 130 miles from LOS ANfiKLKS Fare from Los Antelrs t.oc Tor further Information Inquire of any southern l'acino Company aen'. or aiMres B. P. ROOKJTlfl, Asst. Oen. Pass. Art. H. P. Co- J. II. KIRKLAND, Dlst I'ass. Art fVir. Ftr vid Abler ftia. Portland. Or MUSIC WAhh. KRATINOa CO will open their Munlo Itsll at Alnr tireet, ; Haturday the Kith. Thsy will www keep niimberlcM good llqiinri and cigars bealdrt hsvltig f ooil mmlc all th time Canadian Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICA'H Greatest -f- Trans-Continental Railway System. TO Palacc Dining Room and SlrrpInK Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. -AI.H0 - Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Views of the Wonderful Mount ain Country. $5.00 end $10.00 O...J n .11 II, .bat. V... T...i.l.t . tUM belt on wlcni.i, r iulmeiits of I bo very Illicit iiruuiniu. -tljfl- Canadian f'uclflc -T0- China and Japan. China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C. Empress of India Emprctf of Jpan Empreit of Chins Emr-reii of India Fmpri of Jarsn Empreti of China Au. 1h- Aiijp lAih. Sepl, Kilh. 'C. I4lh, No nih. ih. I'tc, Australian stesmer lasv Vancouver, B. C 6th el svsrjr month. For tkkrt rates and Information call on r addrrs JS. FINI.AYSON, Ai-ent Astoria, Or. W. F. Carson, Travellnic P.i.s. Agt. , Tacoma, VVafh. Geo, McL. Brown, D'st. Pass. AKt., Vaiiiouver. ft. C. pni'rrrtioNAij CAma ltIN T, I.ltlllTlOII. ATrollNKV-AI I.AW, Oilier, iip'litlrs, Asiotliin llulldliui. ei until I'liysli-isu. K-.b-olU. Ull, tUUTKI.. PIIVHICIAN A NO ellllII0ON. Ulll.e over Albcrl Uuiibir Mr. cor. Mil and Co tiiioreUl. I'rlc! talis, HI ...mniirnient. HO iM. iiperalloiis at of"s fresi msdli'lnva furnlsh-d. llll. ICII.IV JANHDV. PIIVHICIAN ANl' hlMIUKON Office or ilsn's drn store, Unite. 1S o IS a, iii. I I lo and 1 to n l,,in' lays. ID to It ilt O. H. KHTK8. I'MYilli'l N AV HlMtif'tlN Nlchl silertb n M .! of ." ,n and suraerv. Omc over Oaitslin.' ' .'. JAV TUTTI.K. si. f. PHVHHIUN. PUROICON. N' AitX)llCII:t'H, time, Itmmia and , Pvlhlan llulldlin. Hur. 1, to Itesldetii. SJS. Clsr street n, T. eittwtiv. ATTDItNKVAT-UAW. 44 iViiiineiclal Mlrsvl. V. M. Urorc. H. II. "mllB. UFDltCU A HMITH. AITOHNKYH-AT-VAW, M Comniervlal street. J. Q A. IIOWUIT. Arroiisirr ani hi'nhkim AT LAV. Omi-s on HetHUlil Hlrset. Aborts tw J N. lulph. lllchsj-a Nlio" Vhesicr V. lKlph. Ut'U'H. NIXt'N IHJU1I. A'mllNKY8 AT LAW. rortloJid. treaon, tl. 3&. H. and V, llaiiilU.ui liulldliK. All U-l and col lection business proinp'.ly allmided to. Claims ajjuliiat th government a sp ol ally. HOCI1JTV MliKTINtlS, TUMIM.K I.olHlW Nv). 7. A. K. and A. M. li.'S'utar ouiiiiiuiilcatloiia held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each nniiitn. w. ii. mnvK'iJ. w. u K. C, HOIJIliN, H rtary, MIHt'KI.LANKfMJ lll-'AI. KMTATIS. NirTA HV PlflU.liT. W. C. CArirliaj. Ill Tenth utreet. Wlll:N IN I'tUt I'l.ASK Call on Jno t llnndN y ft Co.. I.'l Thud ire... ami e Ihn I'ullv A.lolUll Visitor ire.l lint ml" Iheir ii mint: iwiwr while thrre, HICVritAiiKl WINKK AND HllANtHr.t -t hi 'andel wine Instead f iv.ffee ! lr,, Klfiy cents fer khI'oii lnui't f-.tac ci and sprlcnt branny AIo fwt '..nc and wine i Air iluiwri A. V. ALl.KN, til All U IN Gro.rrlr, How, rerd, 1'iovMons, "fuit V'r;e!.iiitS, (.to.kriy, (il.ind Hi ilrdWa.'t. l.iiiturit'Slil'plirv C'H. 'It OiJ S.rM" Sllil. Attl. lift Snop A Kcdok al any inai euinliii nu. ,.t our atiu and i. ' a IfurUrtlt of a ln.in llilli.inli., liter Willi ile.rtill tliie.Sl'l Hu ll u,iik!liy III th.- li.uoi. we have toolfcr srrnoiitfii it PUASE ANY MAN. Corrpe and Try Then, IIIM.HKM M CO. BXTICNUKIJ tiVMl'ATin "tie unto othr as you would lm .uhrs do iinlo you," Is syiiiiwih-thxll) hown In the follnwlnir llnm, (hi. pre ii in ; i ! m biini( t lint ni'u'.ny l l oo or akin lo pulu or sorrow: "i ii lill. inrii - 1'lciu.c send Kriie' Headache Ciipsulrs in follows: Two boxes to Kora Nrny, llavniina. N. Dak Two boxes to I. Illie Wilcox, llr-Hikliunl. N. Imk. I nuv always been a grml sufferer (run liendnche and your Cap ulca are th only tnins; that relieves ma." Vouia very truly, FUlltA PEA Y, Havana, N. !ak. Por Hole by Chaa. itoRera, Astoria Or. Hole A Kent. J 13. WYATT, Atlarls, Oregon. Hfinlwjirc, Ship Chnndlery, CroccricH, ProvmioiiH, I'A I NTH titul OILH. Sprclsl Atlcntkn Paid to Supplying Shir. They Life There are twines Sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand In ths some relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden linage doe to ths human being they lack strength Ufa evenness and ltiiulnic qualities. Don't fool yourself Into the belief that other twines benldes Mnrnhnll'S will do "Just uc v.ell " They won't. They rnnnot. STI5AMURS Telephone & Bailey Gatzert. Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. m. dully (except Hominy). leaves rcrllvid at 7 a. m. dully., ex cept Rundny. "Unllcy (liiixcrt" leaves Astoria Tues- day. Wednesday, ThurHdny, Krldav and Miiturdiiy n'nrnlnjr ni e:i(, tt. m.: Hundnv vctilnir ut 7 p. pi. Leaves roilliind dully nt S p. m.. ex. cept Sunday, fin sntiirdny at II p. m. WALLCIC MAUZCHY. Airent. North Pacific Brewery JO'-v if o r i Bohemian L??eer Ber And XX I'ORTr-P. Leave order with J. L. Carlson at h. Buraiyslde Baloon or Louts tJMntga at th Ooamo poll tan Saloon. All ord"r wlU be promptly attended to. i