this ivui.y Aarauua; sisxcutfi, jwtniaojur worninm, ' FKnKcw is. laM. SPECIAL--ForafevdaysonIy-2 lots i blk. from brewery $112.50 each.) CTll FlfiT frftfiC DONT FORGET-Prices on Herhvether Down lots advance March jlUilKl DuUD. we-4- I .a -- rt Cin wf .w,l C MM m,aHL OOINO I.IUK . f f IIU L' CAIvKMI Cor 'imh nntl Commerc lul. SOXETIIiycj NLW. Children sad Toitks" Stl-Sh.o Shots. All I SUd .if Styles We alsio carry a fine line of ladies and men s shoos, Irom the best to the lowest reliable iraods. All goods warrantee! just as represented. ' JOHN HAHN A- CO., 479 Commercial street. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. AROUND TOWN. The world in grow ing bright, r A It roll and rolls around: While daisies Moimin whiter. Bluer violets sircw the ground. There Is splendor In t ! springtime. And th autumn spreads her gold; But the note for da.v -sy thirty Fallclh due Just an of old.. Atlanta Constitution. The southeaster arrived. Looai Breather tr twenty-four ht ending tt I f tn. yesterdsvr, furnhsbe by th United Stats DrarOBnt A rtcuttur. waattisr bsreau. Maximum temperature, I degrees. Minimum temperature, M degree. Precipitation. .12 Inch. Total prsdpitailon from September kt 1K to dale, 6.W Inch.-. Excess of precipitation frvm September 1st. ISMv to date, .ST Inch. Monogram on envelope an not givM form. Job printing of all ktmla at til Astorlan Job ofllo. H. T. Conner, of Portland, was In town yesterday. r Marshall's: tlM ethers. Yu take chance on much Attention on nil sidiw. An igvni of a Chicago costuming house In iin yesterday with a full on i It t ot m:'k mid fancy il.vs.os. It l announced that there will be a parndo at J o'olvk this Marshall's twine-used hv TS r cent of the "rhjiin on the CvlumbI river. On the first of lite month Ihe price of nails will March upwards 1.1 cents per kic. A year ago they were selling at St. Til, and Ihe new price will be U w per keg. or nearly three limes aa much as they were worth twelve months since. The retail price Is about IS cents higher than those figure. Chariea W. Aiken, of Cambridge. Ma?., Is In the city. J. V. Kelly, of San was town yesterday. Busiaess locals. Ito blend tsa Is th best Atk jrur trocar far If. and taka a thr. Mean Is tta leasing tailor, and pays vha blfbast ah trie (or fur skins. The Assembly Club dance has been post poned until Monday. C. G. Palmherg, architect, Hoom Num ber . Kinney's butldtrg. The itat.v cn which the "Farle' Es capade"' wl'l he presented Is ipilekly ap proaching. IVtw-een ttfty and sixty lit tie girls will Mttcliato In this enter tainment, which wdl le given on Tutss- ilay. Kcbninry IS. at Ktaher' tx-rn : IIoiim. It promises to be the imw: sic j ccsaful local affair ever iilvcn. i List evenins; Ihero left on the Tele- phone a rty consistln of Messrs. Kd. j Taylor. Ju.Ue F. J. Taylor. F. U Parker. It. Vanliuxen. and W. U. tloeslln. to at I tend a bearlnir of the right of way case aitamst the O. ic and N. KallroaL which will be heard In Portland. The suit Is a friendly one, and It Is expected that the matter will bo adjusted satisfactorily all orotiml. especial mention, was the production of Ihe itreat amphitheatre In which (hoe martyr lii dare.1 worship "the. nod,' Were devounnl by w ild beasts. This hor rlble and chaotic ihvne was supplement ed by oil In wlil.-h the simels IbH'k and howr o'er Ihe ahastly acene. The audi enc was siHdl-lHmml all tlirotitih the Iih. tniA as siM-ne after s"ene of tiniutraltclcd splendor was ahown the wonderlus; hhi ple. It Is to lie hcd Mr. tlrant will airaln apiKstr In this city. UKMOVAL llavlnit mol to Hond streel, two ilon from Jeff restaurant, I respect fully In vite my friends and others In need of litHHl, honest footwear, to call on ttie In the new place. New work ai well as re pairing. tbxHl workmanship and live and let live price. . A. OlMltk. For S cnt you can recur an xoellant well serred meal at tb Bon Ten Ksstau- rant, Naw T1 Csmmerclal street) They are also fully Brepared t serve all kinds of fish, train and all delicacies of th season as well aa oyiters in erry 1m- airlnab styl at th lewest living prices. Com one and you will contlnu t come. Merchants generally r-por( as l-elng rather dull yesterday. Most so-calil ''salmon twines" are eol. ored wltb acids. Th acids rot the fibre and render th material useless. In the orttc of Klmore. Sanborn aV Co. Is sn ab ject lesson that ought to tx examined by I all fishermen. It Is th whol of th ma. ' terial used In th manufacture of Mar ! shall' twine frcm start to finish. Clo The very young man Is either ! 'h! n2. . "" right shy or aggressively ' knowing. ' h ,, i n t . . .V . i Dr. a F. Ball, IVnllst, with lady as sistant, Bce S4 14th street. C. Johnson, of Chinook, was In Ihe city yesterday, on business. Charles VirkkaJa's salson, n Astor and 7th streets, which has long been an fl the most papular and best patronised drinking pUces la th city has been moved frm Its present leatln t th lot Immediately east t tb Casln thea tre. Many lmnrYmnts will b added as Mr. W'irkkala Intends kesplnr up th reputation his saloon has bad sine be as sumed chants years ag. Only th best wines, liquors and cigars sold at th bar. a musical concert by th best talent la I Ui city, under th leadership ot Profes sor Schwab, tn Trail known pianist. given nightly. Call around and bring yur mentis with ysu. H. A. Caleb, of Eugene. Is In the city and a guest at the Parker House. The Investigation made a short time , iieo bv the I'nltetl Statin pcwtortlce de partment as to the feasibility of the 1 postmaster assisting lo replenish the ; gold reserve by turning In their gold re- eelpts to the treasury every day. has i developed the fact that In Kastrn cllle the postoftlcea receive- only about one Mr. Chariea Callender. of Kn'appton. ! ,l),"y'n. "h." ll" nnt hi. . . - wi wJ. Ultra, total. For th best of commercial job Print ing call at th Astorlan b office. Arthur Oppenhelmer, of Dayton. Wn- reglstertHl at th Occident yesterday. Marshall's salmon twin Is without a oompotltor. Strongest, handsomest, best. Austin Claiborne, of San Francisco, was The funeral of the late Mrs. Nancy Welch will take place at S o'cl'k el lay In At.! vml.u . " j aiiirnoon irom me lamuy resaience, mi Soothing, healing, cleansing, TH Witt's jwi-i--, i Itev. Mr. nolllnger. of the Congregational Witch Has el Salvo is th enemy to sores. wounds and piles, which It never falls to cure. Stops Itching and burning. Cures chapfxd lips and cold sores In two or three hours. Chas. Rogers. The regular meeting of the AV. C T. I". ' hurch, officiating. The Oregon Pl meer Society will have charge of the services. PROM KOW UNTIL, SPRING! Ovrcoaa and winter wrap 1MB t in f ssshssn. TiBBy can be Ofadstf. taBapor- arily svriU trareUnaj In Ma will take place todav at I o'clock at lies- I ' ' . mu" u.,. i eny eenieit ry wncre seven oiner memoers i i.i im. uimny ere uunni, ji is exis'CI.-ll ml...... , i i J rwii, iiunrin, uiai I lir rvnisiiis oi - w hlUlv Mill HHIII U'H1ir. II Will very soon, tu. Af m.-l : nil oi me nieraoers oi ine n etcn lamuy be of black velvet suede with unn ,i , , .. . to one of the other. amies linger. r ar., iviuii IIU1 19 HIP r.. II. i . jui i Drrdn 1 it u nr i ns r ,r, traina o vsuoasjr, ssimssx assa w. crain Drug 8tor. rwvu nmuwwr. rw pjnii cvrsBorc, rur epesd sand for seaTty, no cgner Itn can cmsbts with wbss sreat ralhray of Ust wast. A p-culiar tin package, of enormous i sire, was received yesteray from San I Francisco by Koanl ft Stokes. I'rxin Mr. C. H. Sloop leave, on the steamer ! ."'n "l. "'TL'v.rj."0 i ' " in i vilim HH'lV' k WJ Kir Just recelv.! mt h av Ur-w ""I" " cummon suipnur ir.sicr.ea IiT.!' VAIfT l-'lof the ccmsi. are Importcl from Japan. j yet sell tor less money :haa the home i made goods, the retail prlo being five M.r T4- a ;k.- o.i i"r "H "o- mis rate it Tard, 115 cords of oak wood. The flneet wood ever brought to Astoria. Dumbarton's Irish flax salmon twine. superior to any in th market. Fisher Brothers, agents for th Columbia river. Antl-nlcotlne Chewing G'im. the latest and best Tobacco Cure, onlv S cents a package at the Estes-CraJn Drug Store. In view of the fact that Mrs. Nancy Welch was the Unit whit woman who had the t-mcrlty to brave ihe Western wilds and settle In As'oria, It would seem mott fitting that the business houses of the city should be closed Fri day afternoon during Ihe funeral services over Iter remalnns. She was the first I pioneer woman to make this her home at the lowest mice should c.n .t ihl Bn" was lorcmosi in many public entvr- SOXS OF riER.MAXN. At the Grand Masquerade liaii-to oe given oy i eutoma n"..,'' ",:r;",,nr ,h. .v.. . iou1,1 8tvm innw to cultivate trade TriArra. "Vrt ? nftVia oknvo ne I or"m rww,k fni- th. lvui .n.l I '"n Jal""- jjUMi-c xvr. v, vi uiv siviQ v I - J - - vfc der, on Thursday eveninor. February 13, at Fisher's Opera House, the following eiegant prizes will be awarded: For the most elegant lady's COStume. filSt Prize, a Parlor Partlea desiring the best of job printing 7 i ' r i It th lAWMl rHj.a r.,l.l .... 1 1 .. , . 1. . ami): SeCOna DriZC an OXVO- Astorlan lob mr, Wtn m 1 '" ,ne uggesuon is made by a ,r j I where. proniimnt businss man, and is worthy JZCU bller caru receiver. ; of me consideration of all business houses T"- I rw.n,i shm I..... r.u. . km . f Astoria. D O PfntS iJon't fnr.l tKIa vKAn I. .. I t ieman S mRtlime. first nriZP. Tour turn tn -cih v ! A "ma" wh" hor, attached to a two- , , , , - r j I Rogers. "' " wheeled cart, hauling balUst from one of a TOlU-IieUUeU fane; cCCOUU the ships to the middle of the block on prize, a handsome toilet set For the beet sustained ladv character, first prize, gold in laid caid receiver: second prize, silver sugar bowl. For the best-sustained gen tleman's character, first prize, a beautiful clock; second prize, a silk umbrella. . Admission Gentlemen, in mask, $1.00; ladies, masked, 50c; spectators, 50c; children under 12 vears, 2oc. TIIK CIIAMIlKIt OF COMMKItCir Annual liepoit Submitted tjtsl NIkIu but not Heady to Publish. At Ihe meeting of Ihe Chamber of Com merce last evening a quorum was pres ent. President Wlimate In Ihe chair and Secretary llnlilrn officiating. The follow lug proceeding were had: Th secretary submit led an extended re port for the year IM which, without reading on account of Its length, was. on motion of Secretary llolden, referred to a ieclal committee for examination with a view ot having II printed In pamphlet form. The chair appointed J. A. ttowlby. H j. Smith and W. II. Adair aa said committee. A communication was read from Capt. W. U Fish.. C. 8. A., eiiaim-cr lJth Light House District, answering Ihe liupilry ot the chamber in regard 'o having a tele phone station established at Seaside for public use, connecting with the govern ment line, stating that he had no author ity, Ihe line being under the control of the lighthouse hoard. Washington. D. C. The secretary was Instructed to commu nicate with the lighthouse board on the subject. Communication were read from beiia lor Mitchell and Meltrtde and Itrprcsen. tative Hermann and Kills, all approving th effort of the chamber to procure a I'nltetl Status survey of the mouth of the Yukon river, Alaska. The subject of range lights at the mouth of the Columbia river was dis cussed and a an Initiatory movement the secretary was Instructed to commu nicate with Capt. Parcnholt. lighthouse inspector, In reference lo Ihe matter. The matter of the contemplated ar rangement between the water works com mission and the city council was intro duce. I and. on motion, .Messrs. Stuart, Hoyle and Flnlnyson were apHlnicd a committee to ascertain particulars and report- to the' chamber. This led to a warm 'discussion of the excessive rates charged by the tnsuraiu'e companies In Astoria, after which the hiccIiiik ;ul- Joiirmil. AUOVI-: lU'TTONS. One Mamma's Sxslem of I'luancirrtiut I lei' Hoy Made tnileprudeiit. Fxchaniie. Houny had reached the advanced age of live years, and a manly spirit swelled williln his small bosom. II scorned tho hitherto welcome assistance of Nu rah, Ihe nurse, sml announced to inamina that he Intended to learn In dies him self. Proud of her boy's Independence, mamma imm-iiI a wearisome half hour one morning In trying to leach Ihe small, awkward lingers llu mysetiie of lilting each button to It own buttonhole, but, alas! the buttons Mile so many that lienny s cmirnKc, Use thai of many an older pel sen In Ihe face of difficult lea. wavered and llnully succiimlicd. The next morning lienny nononuced that he wn III mid did not want to gel up. 1'pon cross-examination It was fwund that Itenny hud not a soul above hmtuns; Ihe bullous were too ninny for lit ill. mid be pitfeired slaving In Init lo laekllua them, Inn this ma Ihe time for main inn to nsscrt herself, and she had no Intention of allowing lienny to tur i back Ihe Ural tune that he put his hand to the plow. To do this would establish a precedent that nilKht prove serious. At the same time, like a lactrul diplomat, she pre ferred to accomplish bv stinti'i'v w hat It might not ho so eaey to do by force. A well meaning but Injudicious friend bud given IU nny a dime bank, which It had iM-comc his one purpose In lift to sir tilled, not for the sake of the dunes, but Just lo "see It oHUi." The button were counted, and from the warm underwear to Ihe high shoes proved to te fifty In number, so live dimes went prumiscii Master lienny the llrst time lis succivdcd In buttoning them all. Tb task was huge, tm I so was the rewanl, and In lee than a week lienny had ac complished Ihe one and earned Ihe other, Hut one swallow does not make a sum mer. I'reslng was stilt a ledum nix ra tion, and lienny showed signs of lapsing from the path of Industry or virtue, when a further rewanl was held out of three dimes for the llrst week thai lienny should dress himself entirely alone, two for the sts'ond and one for the third, a nunnclal ret rogreaalon. It la true, but a dec tdt-d progression in knowledge and ac iliilreniciiis, for by the lime the ten dlin-s bad been sardy housed In the fascinat ing bank what lienny didn't know alsiut buttons wasn't worth knowing. He need ed no valet, and he was a hero In his own atid mamma's eyes. U toii want lura relief for paini In the back, tide, chest, or limDa, um an Allcock's Dkar in Mind- Not on of the host of counterfeit! and Imita tions is at food as the senium. Porous Plaster The Asfoiiain Job Office Best of Stock. Mm Noat Work. e eel Is always prepared to print to order HILL IlKAlvs. LKTTKK 1IEAIW, STATKMKNTS, IU'SLNIXS CAlvKS, KXVKLOPKS. KIX'KIITS, LIKiAL IlLAXKS, SUM'l'INti TAtlS, ' I.AI.KI-S ni'KKTS. llANPIUMeS. i;tc., inc. And all kinds of Commercial Printing at Prices as Low, If not the Lowest in tho City. Wl'.NKS AlilllVi: XOTICK TO PHl.NKKKM Th torlcal Society are request -d to meet at th Chamber of Commrew rtiims. Friday. February 11, at 1:30 p. m.. for 'he purpose of attending the funeral of the late .Mrs. Nancy Welch, which will lie f im the resilience. corn-r of 15th street anil rranklln avenue, at S o'clock p m. ol said day. lly onlcr of the president. 8. T. McKCAN, Hcrrtarr. Astoria, Feb. ISh, WW. ItemarkuMe Asiatic Pups Se, n for the lirst Time in America Kit- AN E-VlGVATiCAL BILL OF FARE. For a dinner, awrved a th Dininc cars of t CMcagav Xilwauke and St. Paul RaUsmy, wrMl b sent t any address on receipt of a tw cant postage atarop. Ap ply ta Geo. H. KeaffOTXt. Oentral Paeweti. gtr Agent, Old Colony Bonding, Ohlosco, Illinois. THE RESORT UKOHBAUBR k BRACH. Best Brands of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS " BEST ON THE COAST," The Famous Qambrlnm Beer Alwsys on Tap. . . 473 Commercial St., - - Astoria, Ore. riSTOJp PUBLIC WBWI READINO BOOM FREE TO ALL. Open everr day from 3 o'clock to 6 -SO BDd6:3UtoyiHJ p. m. 6abEcription ratea $3 per annum. Soatbwest cor. EktvMth asd Oosn 31. Go to 1SS Jth street to have wine ,m,.i 1""" lrvt whfr ln roc" n'1 "' brella renlrrf , rj s e n 'lnB dumped onto the ti le lands be- of cover goods to select from at reason-; '?' ''3t1l'lr tc harness, having able prices. i 'IPll on the wet roailway. The horse nan no snoes upon it ie?i. and before ne The mother -ho put her smal1 boy In trousers and bas not the heart to sacri fice his long curls succeeds in making a freak of him. could get up. It was necejsury to cut the harness and release him from the vehi cle. l:y slanders freely expressed the opinion that ne t only was the norae under size for the work, but that It semed The Ladies' Guild of Grace Church will ! B "I1''5 of cruelty that he was without give an afternoon im ThnrB.1, v vk it 1S, from 2 to S o'clock at the residence ! of Mrs. Dr. Tuttle. Joseph Rsrprenant who has Just return ed from California. Is much Improved In henlth, and Is looking a greit deal Let ter than when he went mvay. ! ShO' E. Mr. M. C. Crosby is confined to his home seriously sick. He is suffering from a complication of maladies .and ereat doubt are entertained as to his ultimate recover'. The O. K. yesterday took a load of rails to Tongue Point which will he tsed In the track for the tnim cars en. gagd in hauling earth far the era.v at the new camp. No. J. Business men. Ir you want to fix tin your office for the coming year, with the jn asM-mmy oi i niteel Artisans was or ganized .Mon.iay night, February 111. l-piity Slate Organiser O. H. Whilom The following officer were elected for the entiling year: SI. A.. Rev. K. 8. Ilollln ger: ., Jlrs. C. J. Curtis; I., Thomas w illeckson: secretary. Jnmi-s Taylor treasurer. Herman Wise: conductor. Je ferson C'randall. master of ceremonies, T. b. airnp.son. ine charter of this oriran xation will remain open until after the first meeting In March, when a very lurKe Tjmner win nave taken advantagi of this society as a means of cheaiier In surance. Kev. J. J. Walter, of the M. . church, nas quite a number of engagements t dellvtr his lecture on "Four tears Among Criminal" over In Washington. He it away two nlgl.ts this week. The lecture best of letter heads, bill ha-K siste-1 10 plven at the M. E. church ment, etc., call at the AsvirWn Job office on "10 i,th ttA month, and will surely call out a full house. Kev. Walter' n perlence as chaplain of the Illinois state iieiiiieiuiary ai Joiiet covered one of the mosi interesting periods of that Inafltu ...... i,.r- oi ine mosi noten i runinals vi .diem nines were sent to prii-o.i din"- where you will find the best of slock and material. Tho Oregon Trading Co.. nit Commercial street, Is the placj to buv vour drv goods. Clothing, hoot nd ahwa men's ...i inum lurrusning goous. Hhould you "i-n-iai service ,sucn as the An wani an auctioneer, S. Friedman makes I arcnim ami Chicago boodlers. This i his office at the Or-ron Trailing Co i ,ure ' a vlv'd character sketch and Is , 'iniiiii ui inn anu tact. W. W. Whipple, of the Pala ce reafnti. ' rant. Is expected to return from Portland this morning. He has spent several days In the metropolis, and rumor was rur. tent yesterday that he would probably iieeniiiiianieii on nis return by a urlde. The rates are t81 just the same via the Burlington as they are via any other line. Time and train service are not the same, though. The first is faster. The second, better. Until y-)U have tried the Burlington you can form no idea of the speed and comfort with which a thousand mile journey tan be made. Tickets via-the Burling ton to Omaha, Kansas City St. Louis, Chicago and all other Eastern and South ern cities are on sale at the local ticket office. Ask for one and be sure you get it. A. C. 8HELDON, G. A., Portland, Or. A Swedish pnper published In Chicago n that language, was recelve.1 vMtr- day by August Ilanlelso.i. The general make-up of the papc, its typographical work. Illustrations, and comical sayings, sbow tint the Swedish people are alive to the times. A large railway man nt u ti,.i States, to arranged in sections as to be enureiy practicable and convenient .nr-iiKer in any position, is contained in me Jtand-McNally Railway Uuide. ji"" win am tne most experienced trav eler in tracing his route. J here were two deaths at SL Mary's ..-ni...n, yemeruay. jacK Morris, well known in this city, who has been ill for several weeks past, one side of his uy neing paralyzed, succumbed yester- ii, anernoon. The other death was that oi jonn Bwenson, aged 28. i!a n T-l- - n . w i-.u.uie, nanDorn i mce and see their new and handsome twi ne tesfiriv machine. Take along some of the twines . i inarnnaii s, - in your packet, and test them. Then see how much more Marshall's will stand. It's mi in v.... Kv-i ana nsn in your net t find out. People who have occasion to pass along Eleventh street between Duane and Ex change, report that the odor arising from the carcass of the dead seal lying on the beach Is spreading, and that with a few more days of fine weather will be very thoroughly diffused In that neighborhood. (The by th masquerade ball to be given tonight Rons of Hermann Is attracting Lr. Tuttle, the surgeon for Corey Bros raiiroau camps, returned yesterday from a trip up the line. He went clear through ...r- - iump, rto. 3, and reports tha ... umt-omj- i-vmniencea work on that section and have made considerable ay. ,,. twenty-two men who went up yesterday are at work In this camp. The steamer Electric Is off this run for a few .lays, and the O. K. is obliged to do all of the work, which Is a little too much for her. The doctor found quite a ..-. u.-r oi men sicg with the grlDue. rneumatlism, and a number have received small injuries of various kinds. He will mako regular trips probably once a week to tane caro or the men at the :amp. The reports from the Washington pat ent office would indicate that Americans like war as live hundred patents have ueen issuen on explosives, and nearly three hundred on new cannon, guns, pis tols and projectiles. But everything goes by comparison. Over M.0M) patents have oeen issueii in the Interest of farmers, which shows that the people of this country like farming better than fighting. If a man loses his leg, there are nearly four hundred different apparatuses from which to choose, and if one's windows or window curtains are out of order. It Is a satisfaction to know that 2.M0 pat ents have been applied for. All of the Inventors have been trying to make peo ple happy, and If any one is still dis gruntled It Is his own fault. Anoiher crowded house greeted Mr. Grant last evening, and Borne, with Its works of magnificent art, was carefully and In a masterly manner analyzed. The church of St. Peters', the Vatican, the Fo rum, and the catacombes were shown. and tho works of that greatest of the great, .Michael Angelo sculptor, painter, architect were treated upon. A most llfo-ilkr mini; nnd one which deserves' FOR 8A1.K. Second hand trap web complete, quire of Astoria Packing Company. , I.ITTI.K CO It KINK. With thirty-six people, at Flher'a tip era House, Friday. February l-i. It.-ud up and see who she Is. Vou will find that she ha the best attraction on the road. ATTENTION FISIIKRMKN. Get your boat sails made by the As toria Tent and Awning Co. lxest prices. I." REWARD. Fifty dollar reward will be paid for me recovery ot the body of John Nelson supposed to nave been drowned In the Columbia river on Saturday, February . IS W II. HoriHON. JOHN FKTKRHON, II. A. MATTHKWH. HWAN WH,HON. BUYERS AND1 8KL.LKR3. N Y. Herald The war dogs of the l-'.i-it have not been let looo upon u, but the "vvunki" have Ix-cn seen In liothum. To make tho con nection apparent it sbiuld In- said that wunks are a variety n' dog peculiar lo Central Asia. Illibert New York has 77" sought Tor pups of high degree; It has members of the Pi-.ncor and III.. ,,,,, ,.,, r ,llW ,.,.Br, , ,, no degree thrust upon It. Hut It I only now that the euphonious name of wuuks has B.iunilct In our rars. The leo dog thus called to the puf lie s attention re nnmed Morley anil I'lully n swcllvely. These names, need les to S.iy. Were bestowed upon them by their prrient master. Jay Hclgklik. of Tneoma. Wash. In that Interior of .MoLgiilia where they llrst oenrt their ryes Ihe name of the wunks my have lcen Hunks and Chunk who knows' Their appearance suggests the nomencla ture. The translated pups were brought from Asia by Captain Jnhn Panton. of the Nonh Patillr steamship Victoria. They were brought lo Mr. Sedgwick a u Christmas gift, a trltle tardy, on 1-ecrm- her J Now Mr. Hrilgwirk has prescntc. them to his mother and slsier, who live In .Newton. Long Island. The twin weigh nnd Ix pounds re- hhciivciv. The larger ts Jet black alxut the head and legs, with the body of a dark cinnamon color. The smnller Is ol a cream color. Th -Ir eye are round, grny and small; the rars very small. giving ine race nnd liemi the appearance or cun near. They attach themselves tn hut one -ler-son, paying no attention to strangers, whether dogs or men. They heed nu ani mal save rats, for which they entertain great antipathy. They have large, sharp. powrriui teem, wnieri tney can use with terrible effect, as they are strong, well built and courageous. They are. however, vi ry gentle of dis position and never wantonly seek trouble. The tongue and mouth of the larger dog are black: those of Ihe smaller black on the under and red on the upper side. Their tails are large and covered with very long, soft hnlr. almost lkn wool. Their heads are hrnnd. The noses, unlike thieie of spitz. Alaskan or Asiatic dog, ure square and short. Tin- wunks have but few eqiinla and no siqierlors as wuli-h In North ern Mongolia and Thibet tiny un. ,., to guard flock. Thus., belonging lo Mr. Sedgwick are two years old. SOME FISHERMICN "SO-SO" TWINES Ail GOOD Fishermen, o i:sic o. MARSHALL'S The following transfers nf real estats were filed In the rflce of Recorder Hun s' erson yesterday: C. W. tthlvely and wife to William Denrh and Katie Kranctuvlteh. right of way through Lots 3. 4. , and It), Klock II, Astoria f 1 Mary H. Lelnenweber to Astoria and Columbia River Kallrvad Co., tract of tide land north of lliocks HI and 83, Port of I'pper Aa:orta 1 BenJ. Young and wife to same, fact of land north of Lot 3 Block '), Port of I'pper Astoria: and north of Lot 4, Block UI. Shlve- ly s Astoria 1 Robt. Carruthers and wife to rain tract of tld land nonh of Lot:: and , Block 1. McClure's As toria 1 D. K. Warren and wife to sarnn, tract of tide lanl i,rth of Lot 1, Block . McClure's Anuria 1 C. H. Psge to same, tract of tide land north of Lots I, 2. 7 and , Block 1. Astoria i D. Stuart Jr. to G. C. Palmbe,,;, lt JU, Block 8, Me.iwetlier Down in Same to M. Johnson, Lot 2). Block k, Meriwether Downs, bond for deed U TIT FOR TAT. Reading Telegram. ' Oh, by the way, can you cook?" said young Mr. Bpurlds to Miss Oargoyle. 'May I Inquire If your uuerv is nromnieii by a matrimonial inclination?" asked the young lady "Why er er well, yes." stammered the young man. "That being tne case I can answer you fill y. Yes. I can cook terrapin, canvas-ba-k duck, brook trout and venison, beside tender loin steak and other delicacies. Can you provide them Ifl their raw slate?"- Reading Telegram. OKKATOAK: FROM I.ITTI.K ACORN; w ROWS', is a Hue from the trlie old verse we used o reeiie in our sehoolboy days. It has a mrciwe application to Ihone small all tnecls which we are apt lo disregard un til they reach formidable proiwrtlons. oi in innigeaiiiin, a "sllirlit" attack ol constipation. It Is assumed, will soon pass on, nut is very apt to get worse, and In the in. aniline nciMccicd until the ait- mem iieconies chronic, nnd then, If not entiniy eradicated. Is a constant annoy ance and menace of worse consequences, for dlienses, recollect, bet one another. now iniicii wiser to resort to a course of hoik n. r s stomach Killer at Ihe out set of ihe than to temporize with It ill the start, or treat It Willi violent remedies in Its maturity. lie on llim wiih disease, or It may "door" you. Aiawnous, rheumatic nnd kidney com- uyspepsia, consilpatlon, bilious oess ami nervousness are all disorders I riiyiiii growth, and should be "nipped In Ihe bud" by a tlrnely resort lo tho llllliTH. The BEST aThc STANDARD ELMORE, SANBORN & CO., Agents. MOUNTAIN HOSPITALITY Ml IU HI'S CUKE. tb great Cough . nd i 'roup Cure, is In great demand Truth. Pocket rlie cntiiiilu twenty-llv dose 1 had arrived in the mountain low n only 25 cents. Children lov. It. Bold Just ul the lime when there n a fi oil by J, W. Conn, ripe, and the urban and the sorbin I an host were lliilcd again.! each other There bad In-rn nelghlx I so cotib a i Hunger, anil uiiiiiiik II iie.-e.niir,- 10 i' line; C.l n . I.lci tr Ifil , I.TilTII cn Into the mountain, I begun to I. ok : llCM O ( i , :.diiln, llCA L I II st were llvileil ugaln. t each other , " "" - - - . tern had Irern a killing around II ei p. O I Ighhorhoud, and a truce was on wiun Uni'inn V rl r -l r r sot there, and, a far n. the eti,in:rci , IT ( I J I I A I , M 1 1 f old see. Ihe wilderivss w..s l,l.,..on'.it.K, 1 VUUIUI UUlUI jJ the rose. As an outsider, I was in no' v , Il .ns. lriA JUIKWI Or fllE.ISIKV I irUi;.J and Improved. 'un in In- a Intnl. number of Short. Easy,, inii r. s'ing nnd I'oular, Ssiriiil !'c iiiii i.-., tl-m um be appreciated and ehJni.l l y unv InielHceiit render, even Ihniiiih he Kinw Imle or nothing of sel-ell'i-. Iro'uiay Hintrst-.d .nnJ Fra? Irain Tfchh c litics A GOOD TIII.Vi). Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. unntliM- S!i) fiom your Life. "I borrowed father tMlay " "vVhat for?" "I'm trying lo get out of debt.' slKiut for a lit horse to ride. I in. Lot ' thing In sight and It was good, helcl was a black mare belonging to ibe bndi i of the faction on the town side. j "Take my horse," he said boinlliillv j Thar ain't no la-tter nnvwlinr, un' eli.-'ll I carry you along six tulles mi boor till day." I wanted Ihal kind of a hoi-.-, but lbre were reasons why I should decline II. 'I'm llllli il obliged." I hedged, "but I won't deprive you of It." Tnln'l no deprlvin'. J lot lul;e li along and fetch her back when yer don That was too hospitable to Ire refused, i ,. "Really,", I apologized, "I'd rather not J 'wsilealrrn, lo Cfnta. $1 per year ine hit. i can gei a norae. at i ne notei .iieiiiion inis pupcr for n rsmple copy. simile. "Why ilon',1 you take her?" he lnHtil "Hhe's the best In Ihise parts." I saw I must explain, and I did, "Well," said I frankly, "I'll tell you I won't. If I ride your horse she's go ing lo make more or less dust, and when some of those fellows along the road si-c her and can't see her very clearly, they'll lake inn for you and shoot me full or hole. That's why I don't take her " "Don't let that worry,you," he said, with the most Intense i-armsilness. "You take her, and by , If any of Hu m kills you I'll kill them." Bll r Oi-' TIIK HOUSE OF TUDOR. Indbmnnoii Journal. Dismal Dawson I seo n funny thing In Ihe pap.-rs some days since. It sail Hint (pn-en KllziilK-th always wanted to run a. lay nlii-n she n-o a nherirf's oili er. I got the si;m c.mplalnt. Even-it Wr at-I wonder of It I possi ble that royal blood Hows in your veins'; TEACIII'HS' EXAMINATION. Examination for certificates to tench In Clatsop county, Oregon, will be held, be sinning at 1 o'clock p. m Wednesday. Feb. 13, l.v-KI. at McClure (Court streeii school house, Astoria. Or. Applicants will be present promptly and remain unlit Ihe close. Examination for teachers' stale dlnlo- ma will be held on Saturday, February in, iicKiunuiir at n n. rn., at same nine.. II. S. LYMAN, School Hupt Clatsop Co., Or. Largest circulation o! any Scicitifio pnper in the woild Pulill-hed Monthly by I1L.NJ. MI.I.AKI), New York. B. F. ALLEN Wsll P.per, Aillvt.' AUtstlais, pjlnli. Oil., OUti, etc. .Ispsnsts Mattlegs. Rust nj Ilamboe tjomlt 30s; Ctimmcrclol Htreet. JFOH RENT. Furnished rooms, fuelng the river, by Ihe week or month. No children. MO 17th street, p. I'trchrn. WANTKD. A TWIBTER. 'lUTIIRAGGED. A twister In twisting May twist him a twist, For In twisting a twist Three twists mak a twist; Hut If on of the twists Untwists from th twist. The twist untwisting; Untwist, the twist. That I, when It's twisted with ether twin than MARSHALL'S CREAM mm t Indianapolis Journal. Aid Knox Fewer I lilt you once, they won't be nothln' left but to ring for dc ambulance. Tuff Mugr:s-1 dat no? Hoc dat milt? eii, un autorifles don't allow me lo wear gloves on de streel, 'cause it would oe a case or tarryln concealed weapon ADVERT1SKD LUTTF.RB. Th following list of letter was silver Used at the Astoria postofllre February 10111, 1X11. Anderson & Nnrby Kooncn, i'mory. Charleston, Nellie GLarst-it, Mrs. jllldi SINCE JENNY WENT AWAY. - Most Perfect Mad. .. 40 Years the Standard For, In her bright nnd b.-umln' eyes "Fore Jenny went uwy I use to seo the mornln' rise An' mingle with the May. I s'posc the sun Is shining still The clouds come down an' kiss fhe hill; But life's all winter dark an' chill, rince Jenny went nway! Allnnia Constitution. Copelnnd, L, A. Donelson, D. A KIM. Ocorgn. Fulton, Fred. Hurt, Arthur. When calling fr any of th above let ters, plsas say "adv.rtlsed." HERMAN WI8E, P. U. Lawrence, Rev. John lcvlns, Waller. Hcnborg, Axel. Tungnrl Miss Sophia ROYAL Baking Powder hai beta awarded highest honors at every world's Mr where exhibited. WANTED-a thoroughly competent girl to do general hm seworlt. Only one rom- peliut and willing t , her work n apply. Dr. J. A. Fulton, r.d Franklin ave. WANTED Agenu to represent th obi National Ufa Insurance Co.. of M.mlpcl er, Vt, F.r furlhHr ,nf(,;m lion, address O. M. Gtolp, Ueneral Coast tS WANTPTD Man or lady to coll.oi. da som. otllce work, snd manage ag.nta You will deal through your leading mer chants. Something new and very popu lar. We pay all expenses. Position per man.nt. Send four references and ten "'' Lor ' l,"leular. J"hn Kle, Mgr., P. O. IVix , St. Louis, Mo. .".I I Hi 'PILL A N EOUB. I7M PER WKKK. using and selllK DynHinoH for plating watches Jewslrv an, table ware. I'late. A nlcltel. etc.. snins as new good. DIN S "IT'" . 5" bl.r.e.,n : ' , r'" no. '"Perlene ntZ.,".. '. -. "ornson " ''miimbns, fihlo. Co.. FOR SALE. nTr.-ae.j JAPANKKK GOO I n .lust n,,!.,, eelv.d-lusf what you want atwiI r.e . 813 Com,n.rcl. streM Wto