The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 09, 1896, Image 4

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    - t ' 'V
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! !
ASTiiAS BBfi''
In tmf town, .Vorth, Cart f Wt.
There In Mi stor that U th tt;
Astoria Vt-W tU P U Mi
ll tht lor of Herman Wim.
W know our bis,
, We advert !
, While other growl
And anarl at Win,
They criticise and crltlcl..
We just had a nine, ninety sale.
Which made some shopper II and rail)
llut all th urn tha people bought
Our Iwrgaina, a they surety ought.
But all tha while
Fool In disguise.
Sat on their trunk
And cussed old Wise!
They crttlciaed and criticised.
Why don't these Aleck get a mora
And take the moaa oft from their roof
Why don't they hustle juat tike Wise
And take the cobweb off their eye?
They leare their stocks
To moth and flies.
And tell bir yams
On little Wise
And criticise and criticise:
Well, - don't care, we're used to that.
And en uch treatment are grow fat;
We hare the good, w aeU them cheap.
Our patron smile, our compels weep.
But bargain hunter
Trade with Wise,
While our com pets
Jusf crltlcl, .' j
Till they'll growWl and advertise i
And the next day it rained.
Tellowiton Park icuttlon for J& cent.
Japan ware I cheap and decorative.
TeUewrrene Pbrk
and Rome, tor 50
A (team bath la excellent for th conv
Job printing of all kind at th Aitorlan
ob omce.
It I aakt that the backbone of winter
la broken.
Business wteA generally report a good
V Marahall':
in ether.
Tou take chancea on
'The football club Intend to play ball
this season.
It. W. Price wa down from Skamoka
wa yesterday.
j Fred N. Moore, of North Shore, In
j town yesterday.
j J. C. Mullett, of Skamokawa, waa In
I Iowa yesterday.
8. H. Brayne, of Olnry, Is In the city
and at the Astor.
Albert Daniels, of Fort Stevens was In
the city yesterday.
The cricket team Is beginning to talk
of practice games.
It I rumored that a new Assembly
Club is to be formed.
The Reliable
Price Clothier.
Commercial Street, -
Ckildrea ial Teatks' Stcel-Skod Stocs, Ill j
Sites Styles
Tomorrow la the last day on which to
pay your water rate.
Gray gown are being ordered by the
ladle for spring wear.
C. O. Palmberg. architect. Room Num-
! ber a, Kinney' bulldirg.
M. V. Cook, the Clifton rsnneryman,
was In Astoria yeaterday.
Dr. a r. Ball. Dentist, with lady as
sistant, amo JN 14th street.
i The Oregon Pinoeer' Society held a
I meeting yeaterday afternoon.
j Robert Gibson left for hi ranch yes
j terday for a few days' shooting.
! Mr. Wylle, of the Lewis and Clarke,
; visited Astoria, friend yesterday.
Mr. M. P. Callender, waa over from his
j North Shore cannery yesterday.
For th beat of commercial job print
lag call at U Asterlaa jeb offloe.
The Populists held primary elections
yesterday. A very light vote waa cast.
The advanced valentines have numer
ous bicycle girls and new women galore.
A fine horiie for $40 in rierlwether DowiiS Lots $5 cash and $5(
per month; prices advanced March 1st. Clioice property in all parts
of the city, Flavel Center, Kindred Park and Warrenton. 1
Cor. Tenth nntl Coiimr'fc'lnl.
The complaining witness was a Chlnamnii
named Pol. The evuioni-e wa all
against the young hoodlum and JnAxo
Nelson nnevl him In the sum of M, In ae-
fault of which he vas lot'kcl up,
Marshaira twine ievl by T5 per cent
of the fishermen on the CuUimtil river.
It will Interest the U0.- of Astoria
to see the New HlKh Novelty plakls
which will be on sale Momlny at McAIIrn
The Indies' Guild of Orace "hiirrh will
give an aftarnoon t, Feb. IS,
IKK, from 9 to 6 o'clock at the rsldeno
of Mrs. lr. Tuitl
Ynti ran buy a tooth brush for i cents
to (D rents, a nail brush from S cents to
ts, each, at i t'.irle ltyers' Drug Htotv,
t5 Commercial !:(!.
The afternoon tea to be given by the
ladles' guild of Grace Church next Thurs
day promise to be one of the most pleas
ant events of the season.
Old resident say that the days are
longer for this period of th year than
has been known In many years. Artlnolnl
light is not needed until long after 6 p. m.
Councilman Itcrgman has rrcctnt a new
building on the corner of Thirty-second
street and Franklin avenue, Kast Astoria.
In which will shortly be opened a restau
rant. This will be stock taking week at M.
Allen ft McDonnell's. te sure and iret
some of their bargains. All goods will
be sold at less than at their great sale
John W. Hume, the canneryman i f Port
Angeles, arrived In Astoria yeetenl.iy,
Mr. Hume Is conflned to his room at the
Occident, hsvlnv vnerl,nc,t m Mll.hi !
attack of alcatnees.
three year he notes ureiil Improve
ment, many crwtly hmisea having been
erected and miles of street newly pvhI.
On the wholo his visit was enJ'y.Ule, al
though during th.-lr stay In rstn Fran
cisco th. rnln Ml henvlly tnt f tl'
It Is understooil that Mnnnger lUiiga Is
meeting with stus-v In hi rlforla to
play tVrrlne, the child wonder, In this
city. In the near fuiun.
The Februaiv numtier of the Uclew
of Reviews and Ciwih.umIIIiui JuI ruelv- j
el by ilriinii , H.-l ie unusually at- j
tractive and are tilled wllh splettilld read, j
Ing matter and Iwniillful Illustrations,
Among the many rtilertatnmenl li"k
ed for this mom It innt not he forgotten
th lecture to bo given by til" Uev. Mr.
Walter on the aiiblec! of prison refiwm.
The Uev, Frel II. Wines, Is and hns le'n
for years the sreretary of the slate lKrl
of rharitli'k for Illinois, and hs under his
charge all of the state iHavi. Aniing
these, :he one st Jollrt. forty south
of Chicago, is perhaps one vf (he 'srif'St
ami t-t wrnliiote.1 tx-nltenlUii In the
I'nltiHl States. At this prion the Rev.
Mr. Walter was chaplain for four year
and his lecture on prison life and reform
Is Intensely lnletetlng and hss wo.t moclt
praise throughout the Kt.
A Short Time Longer
Will Positively Close
Greater Bargains Than Ever Going
Marlon llarland's latest and bet work. J
Any person purchasing one dollar or over!
will revive this valuable book. He sure!
ami ask for It. It sells for T5 cents. 1
McAl.l.KN MelmSNKI.L
William Edwanls' beautiful dog Tes
sle rut her foot badly on the hills while
out tor a ramble yesterday, and ery
knowingly submitted to It being 'land
aged by her master.
Swedish Lutheran Church-Services
Sunday In English at I0:W a. m. Swedish
services il i:ti p, m. 8unday February
K. there will be confirmation and com
munion at 10:Ju a. m.
I He t on the list for what? To be
1 transposed from bachelor to a benedict.
We alfiO CaiTy a fine line Ofj The next regular term of the circuit
Jadiea and men 8 shoes, from ! u" wm wn 00 Mond,ir- Fbrury 1
.1 1- .1. s - .L - tit . . .
t'Jtt OKBl IO llie lowest reuaoie Jtamaau ausioa twine ts without a
goods. ; All : goods warranted j tomt"- tr-c-dot. u...
inst rmvpntw1 1 Kari Hansen and George Togle. both
. -t . . I Crooked Creek, were in town jreater
479 Commercial street.
Theodore Christians, a Walluskl far
mer, waa In the city yetnlay after
McAIlen ft McDonnell will make, next
week, a special feature of fine black dress
J R. Smith, of Springfield, Ohio, was
ta the city yesterday, a guest at the tc
afher for twenty-feur beats
ssttnc t I a. m. leataiasvr. foratstMsl
by tbe CBite4 States tietiaj Hut f Aa
rsswlf a, weather bsrsa.
Maximum temperature, SI degreea. -Minimum
temperature, tS degree.
Precipitation, none. I eident.
Tetal peseta satiea arem Sastiailn 1st '
is to aate, hh IneJus. i Orris powder made into sachet will
Kxcess of precipitation from September ' gl one's belonging the exact odor of
191. tms, to .aate, jo loco. . to)t j.
; .Life an the ocean wave dot not hold
1 esapun poasiotiiuea' at this
It Wend tea la the best ' Ask year ! season.
gToeer for It, and take n elber. j . .
. . .1 a . eipeneneeu uressmaker desire a
afeaar la tb leafing tailor, and fasv ; few engagement by the day. Address
th highest cash rte far fur aklas.
For S ents ron can secure an awnsllsiii
wen served meal at the Ben Ten Itestau- 4
rant. N. T1 CsmmercUl itreet) They
are also fully prepared rr all kind
of fish, gam and all delicacies of the
season a well a oysters in errr im
aginable atyla at th lowest living prices.
Come nc and you will oontlau t
Box CI
3tr. Carl Adler left on the steamer State
of California yesterday morning for San
An old building on the corner of Fourth
and Bond streets is In the course of
Charles Wirkkala' saloon, en Astor and
Ttb streets, which has long been on of
the moat papular and best patronised
drinking pUcea in the city has been
moved from Its present location ts th
let immediately east of the Casino thea
tre. Many Improvement will bo added
as Kir. Wirkkala Intend keeping np the
repatatloa bis sal sen has bad since be as
sumed charg years ago. Only the beat
wins, llgaera sad cigars seld at the bar,
a mleal concert by the beat talent la
the city, ander the Uadsrshls of Profas-
aer Schwabs, tn well knows pianist.
given nightly. Call around and bring
yeur mens with you.
For a dinner, swrtsd a she Dtnsng ear
of the Ctaeago, MUwauka and St. Paul
Railway, will be sent to any address on
receipt of a two eont postage stosnp. Ap
ply ts Geo. H. HsavOsrd. Oeoarai passisn
gsr Agent, Old Coiensr. BwUding, Ckdoago,
John Lewi and John Turple. ' both
prominent John Day farmers, were in
Iowa yeaterday.
The beet cough euro mad Is th E. O.
Cough Syrup, for sal at th Estea-
Craln rus; 8 tor.
The government telegraph line between
this city and the Cape is down, as a re
sult of the storm.
J. Franklin and George K. Burton, two
8an Francisco travelling men, were In
the city yeaterday. .
H. J. Weeks left for Portland last light
where he will meet his slater, whu re
cently left London. .Mr. Week Im not
sen hi sister for ten years. Ml Wivks
will remain permanently In this city.
The "irnlted Artisans." and all
uate ror membership will meet at Car- art. Jr.. yesterday
miners' Hall, known as "McKinley Club; printer' Ink
An Affirmative Anwrr from tine n
torla's Ural Ksiale IVnhrs,
To the nuistton "lVe adt i Using;
'pay?' the Astorlan his found an sniwtr. ;
tf courVe. vcrv f-w p 'oile iltspute the I
fact that It does l ay. s nl. Invariably, I
those who do are not adveitlM-rs. For the
benefit of the latter, the result of Messrs.
Btuart's advertisement In the A.torlan ;
Im K-rA al.Mt
The advertisement ntt appenred yes
terday morning. It was a niol.-l for brev
ity and directne's: the ktrd of al. that
always attracts attention. In it the rial
estate dt!crs informed everybody In
Clatsop county ho rrs.H a m.aer
that they had for sale. s agents or oih.
eraise. choice property in Meriwelher
liwns, and that the property was for
sale at fro per lot. As will Is' nntt.-i.l in
the real estate transfers this ninrnlm;.
two Of tliese lets have leell sold, the
cunsldeiallon Miik I's'. An Aslorlan re
porter laviKhlnnly asked Mr Dutican Stu-
what he ihoiiKhl of
I 7
r A (The Leading
Dry Goods and Clothing House
Of Astoria.
Hall." tomorrow, Monday, nlaht at ' X)
to complete organisation of the local as
sembly. A smoking social will be given tomor
row evening by the A. F. C. for nembers
only. An old fashioned sing song will
open the entertainment and It is antici
pated that an unusually Jolly ilme will
be had. i
Have You ICver Scon a
j iiuvresun iirrn I uiieti r rom trgena
, leading Newspapers.
The Florence West ': "rtt'llu ads
snd chliook salmon are catiKhl In this
river and lransMirted and sold in lluuetie
uiiilir the very eyes snd knowh-due ot thv I
dtuty tsh anil Kame wind, n. I lus vlo-
la I Ion of the law is ft to go unheeded i
or unmolested. It Is only w.allhy ran- j
in r men's money that Is wauled In Ku !
Krne. The law to the divll" It Is ruin I
we ,re'
The best price realised fos wheut by
any farmer so far a known was on a
car load sold last we-k by K Hklpton to
"Well," suld Mr. 8tiiart. ' I ! et.ui ud
vertUIng In your paper this murium;, and
I have sold two of the lot
Some people may not think It a paying
Investment, but 1 think I shall loullnue
1 . ""''"if 10 Thomas Samuels. Mr. Hklpton hal Ills
" inasinx money lor me. wh.i imrnl h, 1,1. ,. ..,. .,,.1 l.-.l
no morale to pay. lie receives flu cents,
Business men. If you snt to fix tin
your office for the coming year, wllh the
best of letter head, bill hea ls, atate
meata. etc- call at the AstorHn Job office
where you will find the best of stork I
ana material.
Henry M. Field say he would as soon
think of passing by the gates of heaven
as to go past the gates of the Yellowstone
Park. You can all go there (Yellowstone
Park) In Imagination next Tuesday even
ing. M. E. Church.
Those who have anythlnK for vat, .-real
estate, groceries, dry goods or what not -must
give publicity to the fact. That Is
what a newspaper Is for. I'sple who do
not advertise are the ones who are n. I
ways talking about "hard times' and'
"poor business," hv not try a Imle nd"
The Oregon Trading Co.. u Commercial
streetri la the place to buy your dry
goods, clothing, boots and shoej. men's
and ladles' furnishing goods, should you
want an auctioneer. 8. Frle.lmon makes
his office at the Or-xon Trading Co.
At the fourth annual meeting of the
Astoria fubllc Llbiary Association the
following officers were elected to serve
the coming year: President. Mrs. M. J
Kinney: vice-president. Miss Nora Nick.
erson: secretary, Mrs. Alfred 8. Tee:
treasurer, Mrs, J. C. Dement.
Oo to Elmore, Sanborn's afflce ami s.
their new and handsome twine testine
machine. Take alone some of th iin..
"as good a Marshall's," In your pocket,
nd teat them. Then see how much more
Marshaira will stand. It's money In your
pocket and fish In your net to find out.
Foil sai.i:.
Second hand trap web compo-te.
quire of Astoria Parking Coniiny.
KKSiTE Cl.l 'l.
A very large audh ei rrnwded -lie hall
last night. Pres. Kt, s metipled the
chair, ami Miss llusey presided at the
piano. The following Is hr proirnm .re
snteil: lUcltatiuii. "Ddl Kntnlly Tr itl.-s. "
Miss Lena I'asial). n.l.
I'lano solo. Miss Klorenee Ce.M.ird
Kecltutlun, "The SuriK) Man,'' Miss Al
ice tioddard.
Recitation, "Klgli I.iche," M,s Min
nie llullark.
. v. r. i. reaiitn. "Aleuhul nd ne
cessary as a beverage," Mia. K. L A.
This m.ns emphatliully 'ndus..! by
Dr. Estes. who declared that, out of his
twenty-one years of practl c, that uf the
last three have been markedly the most
successful m raving life. That dur;ng the
first eighteen years he pres rllnd aleo
hollc stimulants according to usual prac
tice i while nl the last Hire years he has
never administered them internally,
far better r suits.
February 18 Is almost here, ami "Th.1 Nixt w,is iiii rirplloit -i.l.ln ! k .
Fairies' Escapade is almost ready forj J- Kdlui.d. The audien then ll.s'ined
presentation. The little one are work-l w"h pleasure to roitie encournlmt worils
Select party start for Rome February
12, t p. m. Ticket JS cents, via Yellow
atone Park, SO cent.
A marriage license was granted yester
day to Mr. Fred Sals and Miss Hlla E.
Tucker, both of this city.
At the Grand Masquerade
Ball to be given by Teutonia
Lodge No. 5, of the above or
der, on Thursday evening.
February 13, at' Fisher's Opera
House, the following elegant
prizes will be awarded:
Jbor the most elegant lady's
costume, fiist prize, a parlor
lamp; second prize, an oxyd
ized silver card receiver.
For the most elegant gen
tleman's costume, first prize,
a gold-headed cane; second
prize, a handsome toilet set.
For the test sustained lady
character, first prize, gold in
laid caid receiver; perond
prize, silver sugar bowl.
For the best-sustained gen
tleman's character, first prize,
abeautiful clock; second prize,
a silk umbrella.
Admission Gentlemen, in
mask, $1.00; ladies, masked,
50c, ; spectators, 50c. ; children
under 12 years, 25c.
ROYAL Baking Powder
hju btett Mwarded blgbcMt
Mr. M. Leahy and daughter, of Olney,
visited friends In this city yesterday.
returning In the afternoon.
Saint Valentine's day next Friday, Lent
tne following Wednesday, and Washing'
ion Birthday next Saturday.
Just received, at the Scow Bay Wood
Yard, 116 cords of oak wood. The finest
wood ever brought to Astoria.
Olof Erlckson and Andrew Anl;rson
of the Lewi and Clarke, were In the city
yeaieruay, purchasing supplies.
A meeting of the water commission was
held yesterday afternoon. No bubines
of public importance waa transacted.
Ing hard, so that an especially fine pro
duction la anticipated. Without a doubt
this is one of the most nleaalnr ntti.
operetta on the stage, and It is expected
insi,risner opera House will be crowd
ed. Gtorgt- Baxter, who recently murd.-red
his wife in Portland, and then attempt
ed suicide, was well known In this city.
He was at one time employed st Vaughn's
logging camp, at Hungry Harbor, and
was in thlii city quite often. He has
several friend In Astoria, who are shock
ed to hear of his awful crime, Haxter
always having appeared as a iulet, In
offensive man.
irurn lis ultl noli vaiUtfl .'rlet.t, t,.y. II.
M. Mhitirnre. The meetliu lo". l w th
some -Ifeetive remarks by the pr -slih rit
There were three signers to th,. ..,
The committee nn proinrm for in xl
wwk Is Mrs. II. Kksirom. J!;ss M.r-le
Olvls. Mr. D. C. Ityck-nan.
All rhlldron who are to lake pan In
the "Fairy Escapade," nre re.pi.M.d In
come to Rescue c'ltili Hall on Monday af
ter school without fail.
Mr. Corey returned yesteriay from the
railroad camp above the Tongue. He
report work a progressing smoothly.
Dumbarton' Irish flax salmon twine.
superior to any In the market. Fisher
urotners, agents for the Columbia river.
Antl-ntcotfne Chewing Otim, th latest
aoo seat Tobacco Cure, only 26 cents s
saosage at th Estes-Craln Drug Store.
The dance given by the Young Men'
insntuie in Kearney's Hall was largely
iieaaeq ana a pleasant evening spent by
a Dcautlful tea gown Is of flowered
silk, with a yoke of embroidered velvet
and drapery of lace down the front and
Partle deatriag th beat of lob printing
at the lowest prises should call at th
enaa jek one before going !-
wwe. -
Oo to UC (th itreet to have your tim
""a repaired or recovered. A fine line
v, er goous to select from at reason
able price. - :
,A:JWntr- 01 MWiawaka, Is stopping
at the Hotel Central. He will leave Mon
day for th .Yukon gold fields, where he
pent last eusrmer..
Service at the Presbyterian church to
morrow as follows: I'rei-hlng In the
morning ny the pastor. Rev. R. Llddell:
subject. "Christ's rejection by the Oer
gesenes. The reason why." The Rev. O.
B. Whltmore, of Portland, will preach
In the evening at 7:30 o'clock. All are
vry cordially invited to attend thse ser
vices.- Sabbath school at the clo- of the
morning service. Y. P. 8. C. E. .11 ral'
past six o'clock.
Most so-calied "salmon twines" are col
ored with acids. Th acids rot th. fll.r.
and render the material useless. In I he
otic of Elmore, San bora tt Co. I an ob
ject lesson mat ought to be examined by
all fishermen. It 1 the who! of the ma.
terial used In the manufacture of Mar
shall's twine from start to finish. Oo
there and examine the color right
through. Tou will see then why Ur.
thsll's is called th beat la the world.
Do you know how many Immigrants
came to this country last year?" said a
gentleman yesterday, who la potd on
statistics. "Well, there were about two
hundred and twenty-rive steer
age passengers, landed In Ne York,
to start wllh. On the whole, thev worn
a very decent lot of people, nnd nnlv a
surprisingly small number could neither
read nor write. All rlcrht: the whole
world can come over If It wonts to, and
will behave Itself. Unjle has a
tremendous digestion, but he has a d,.id.
ed preference for the best kinds of food."
T:-c Northern transcontinental i:n...
have revised their wesiluuitNl tailffs ti
Portland and I'uget Sound from (Viii.o'
Tiaftlo Association territory, Chleiuo inx'
common points, and Mississippi r.ver com
mon points, to meet rates made by the
Southern lines In connection wllh tin
steamship servloo frorn San I'
liie rates of th. .... lM-n lines from HI
Faul to Portland a: d i'ligct Hound points
are now equal to the tales to Han l-'run-clsco,
plus the local rate from Han Fr-m-Cisco
to destination. Hy the new larifr
which will go Into effect February 1
etes on tho Northern lines will l.e redue'
ed tu a basis which Is practically rents
aboe the rates applying from those t. nl
lories to San Francisco, via South, rn
lines. In applying rntes from the Atlunl c
aboard, only such commodities werr
chosen as were affected by competition
by the Sunset route, via New Orlen.i.
This (eduction will favor busln -as irom
St. Paul and common points. The inns
to Portland and I'uget Sound points from
St. Paul will be practically the rame as
the rate to Ban Franclaco via the South
ern lines. This will mean a reduction In
rate from that suction which Is oimil
to nearly 5 per cent on alt buslnesi. j
ine rootis interested, and which will
have a Joint tariff covering ml the,,
points, are the Great Northern, Noi th- rn
Pacific, Southern l'aclllc, f'nnadlin Pari
flc and Hurllngton and Ml'sourl river
In connection with the Northern I'uciiie.
I deliv-rv.l aboard enrs at Philomath. As
tho sacks cstst him alaiut I cents per
bushel, Mr. hklpton re--elvea net for his
wheat T.H cents -r burin-!. Times.
IVt, r Fn licit relumed frctii Omaha the
lnli.r part f Inst week, where he bad
l-eeri drllvi-ritiK "-veial cur loads of cattle
lie reports money exceedingly scarce m
the i.,i-.t ind tat cattu not bringing so
i ce, I price ace'onllnxly a sto k cattl".
Corn la w-jrth only a bit a bushel, and
farmers nr? --training rxiry nerve iosl
ol to buy a lew stock cattle to ferd
tlulr corn. Iluv l-crrow liie money
from the bank, ami the per cut Is mail
by the banker, ami the farmer dm the
work, without proill.-limns II, rail.
Last night about ll:A while ye editor
was courting "Ns lute's kwn-l restorer,
slrrp," and was alniut falling Into the
arms of Morpheus, a hullabalo of a racket
fell upon bla ears, as If the "crack of
doom" from pandemonium had been
sounded, and the gentle goddess left his
pillow and fled In terror and returned not
until after 3 o'clock a. m. This morn
ing he learned that loci's Regular Army
hail made an assault upon the devil at
that time ami marshaled Its cohort to
Inltle with hat of drum llosi burg
There is a systematic effort alioul to be
mad to oen tip one of the Important
copper claims up the river, und parties
were down this wrek securing nectusary
supplies. The claim that will be opened
Is one that has Ixen opened somewhat,
and asnuys of the ore mad at different
tlms shows .hat it goes flu per cnt cop
per, about t-i iu gold and A fit tits sliver.
The ore Is Is known as "peacock"
ore, on account of Us varied licit color
ing. Il is the intention to get about ten
Ions of the ore for shipment ts Han Fran
cisco for a thorough test Wrddrrbiiru
law lie.
A story Is t old of the new fire chli f as
folio : Years sua when he was a youth
a lire broke out in the aluble of Conser
' lloi -iil. r 11 ud th- fire b-lls 1 ealwl
I eii wiM 1.: phi Jiiiiipinir from his I 'd
dr JoIumo.i out s tire hel net, 11 rub
t hoot, a ll'pr and a pair of overs Is
As ue pass-d Ihioogn the rntry of his
"t" il ne,. hs d a h ind t.i'anade am
slarlr.l full tilt for the lire. In order
o Im-r-ase his spe , he took Ids helmet
n his hand nnd like n me'.Hor he sailed
''!' the "treet. It was Is'fore the time of
"'re e'lglm-s. and the crowd wai s'smUng
'dly by watching Hit 111. Dashing
thruuch the tliron Mr. Johnson turned
and In sarcastic iw.-nts tuld: "Why
don't you do something?" Then with
aim In rolsm he hurled his helmet Into
Hie lire 11 n.l attempted to put the hand
grenade noon hl. In nd.-Mc.tllnnvllle
lit the of flc of
Elmore, 5nborn ft
Co. (Agent for the
Famous Marshall
Twine) there I one
that alt fishermen
are cordially Invited
to Inspect.
P P P ? ?
See the Idea ?
You may test the strength
of Marshall's Twine
while you wait.
Tl?e Best on Earth!
one Like Marshall's!
"Trilby" has been Irans'al.d n:o Fti
Ian ami the craie Is 011 In Moscow. The V. '"V ' rm ,OT tw or of the translator Is TemlnolT und ",r"' nu""' 1 ""
JmiIIu" Man. Is for Trilby In ftunsla.
!it:Ti:US AN!) SBM.KIIS. SHILOH B triTHlC. th great Cougb
. , rT . . t'roup Cure, is In great demand
The following transfers of real estate f, ,Ur ,,,, twei.ty.five d.-e.
were filed In the ofllce of Iteearder t.un- 0lly n P,nU children lo It. Hold
derson yestrdy; by J. W. Conn.
Ir. Htuart, Jr.. to Z. II. (Ireen- 1 ,
ough, Ixt S3 and 5i llhak i.
Meriwether Downs I
A. II. Morgan and wife of Portland
to Astoria anil Columbia Hlver
Hatlroad Company, right of way
through toil 1, Section IS. and
lxt 4, Section K. Township .
north, range f west
J. II. Fisher and wile lo C. C. Mr
Corkle, ami Kdwln Arnold. Lot I,
Mock 41, Pacific addition to As
toria ,
C. It. Illggln to William N. Nich
ols, U.I 1, 2, 1 and 4, lllock 11,
Astoria Addition to Warrenton,
bond (or deed
C. It. Illggln lo James Wright,
I-of I, lllia-k 5, same addition....
Fllf M NOW UNTiw SPltlNO
Overcoats and winter wrap will
fashion. Ttiey can be dlscanlrd, tempor
arily while travdlng tn tit Msom beared
train of th Ohlcsgj, Milwaukee and St.
Pwul Hallway. For solid comfort, for
epesd and for asavfety, no other Hue ran
compare with this great railway of the
Soothing, healing, cleansing, He Will s
Witch Ilusel Salve I the enemy to sores, j
wounds nnd piles, which It never falls tn 1
cure. Stops Itching and burning. Cure
The case of the Clatsop Mill Com:anv
v. the city of Astoria I being argued
before Referee Runyon. The 'ollowlnr
re the attorney Inthe case: For the
plaintiff, Messrs. Noland A Thomson; for
c-. noi, a aerennar.t. it. W. W bur m,.i
C. J. Schnable: for Receiver John liahn.
uuge jonn t. i.ignter; ror M. A. Jiack
ett, et al, 1 Force and Smith; for John
Burke, w. A. Bcoggin, V. M. Smlih. T
Jensen, the Alcatraz Asphalt Companv
roard at Htokes company, Ross, MlgguTs
Company, Fisher Krothers, California
Powder Company, and Schanen A Neu,
Fulton Brolhers appear.
. Awarded
Highest Honor World'9 Fair,
Onld Medal, Midwinter Fair.
or about -IU, was
.s..M -,un.Ht t "'' I P"C court terdr after-
ure exMitHMO. ! noon, charged .with assault and battery.
After, a month' absence Mr. and Mrs.
D. K. Warren returned from a visit to
Ban Francisco and ho Angel. Their
daughter, Maude, who accompanied them
south Is visiting Ith frlen-ls In Los
Aniriilcs nml will visit ,Orgver. asd .other,'
point In .Colorado, liefor relurnistn koniej
Mr. Wcrri-n rpports- rfriajnbs trflxm Ari-i
gele good. Slnr-e his visit to tint illy
Wr- will suppose that your occupation
Is sedentury that you ate chained, so to
I,ik, to the desk In sutne counting house
or perhaps to the loom in some vast mill
where you are compelled to labor from
morlnlng till nlalil. Monday In your only
day of relaxation. You return home ev
ery evening wearied menlnlly and bodily.
Vour heal 1 h and strength begin to full.l
What will mort iffectnully recuperate j
your vital -energy? The weight of rvl
ilenie polntn to no other conclusion than,
that ilo-letter'H Stomach Hitler Is yourl
rafeKt, most reliable sheet anchor. I se
It persistently, and your system will soon
regraln Its prestine vigor. Kvery function
WPI receive, a healthy impulse. There is
no P-inidy to equal tho Hitters for ner
vousness and want of sleep, dyspepsia,
roni'liiiHllon, and biliousness, It averts
and remedies all forms of mslarl'd dis
ease, and is a preventive of rheumatism,
and neuralgia, .
A twister In twisting
May twist him twist,
For In twisting a twist
Three twist mak twist;
Hut If one of th twists
Untwist from th twist,
Th twin untwisting
Untwist th twist.
That I, when It' twisted with
otbsr twin than MARSHALL'S.
"Popular Science
Nature, Invsnbon,
I round. mtii j-'iriivu of fmisw
I Hlr;-d srd Improved.
, Cnuinlns a larg.- number of Hhort. Fosy,
i Practical, lot, resting and Poular, Hsh-ntl-lie
! Heirs, , 1, appreciated and
enjoyed by any Intelligent reader, even
' Ihuiigh he knew little or nothing of sol-
Prcfujey I lujtrtid sn frej
i frcn Tcchh c I'tcs
be in
Newgdcak-rg, 10 cent. $1 per year
trMeiition this paper for a rampls ropy.
Largest circulo'.ion o! eny
Scientific paper in the woild
Published Monthly by
HENJ. MI.LARD, New Vork.
B. K. A LI. EN
Wall Per, Arllstt' Mutetli'i. pal, ,
0;ii, ;ii, tc, J.pan.M M4ii. t,,
ftnrnj nanitoo CkhxIi
' 3ft., Commercial Htrcet.
j rrrr .i c0"1 IllCNT.
. Fiirnlslud rooms, facing the river, by
I " "' ur minim, rso chlldien.
" I v.. l.rc hen.
IW 17th
do Vrars tlie'fliiuirWd
Oct your bont rails made by the As
toria Tent and Awning ( Lowest
w Hcst Brands of
Ur A MTtrn ""' 1
ma m . . A.KenlB w represent th
,old National Life murai, L'o..
I Montpeller.' Vt. F.e ei.nh.. iZv'l.
Hon. address O. M. Stolp. tl.neral Cnait
Manager, I2-H4 Crocker Itulidl.,v u..
I Frtinclaco, Cal.
Tht Pamoui Oambrlnus Beer
Always on Tsp. . , ,
473 Commercial St., - - Astoria, Ore.
- D-Man or lady to collect? do
om. omc. work, snd manage agents
Tou will deal through your leading mer
chant Something new nd very popu-
"a"?". "P""' '"Hlon per
matunt. Ssnd four reference, and ten
cent for full particular. john Finney
p- O- o 4. St. Loul,, Mo '
W.W PKIt WKKK, ...Ing and rolling
Dynamo for platlns wsth- ..
.nd tabl. ware. Plate. 7. rt.vE
r r-- r- lu. "r "Kent., rum I e and
oops. r,ay operated: no MMri.s,,
big profit. W. p 1 arrlson i ?s :
CtarkNa 14. Colurt.buJ C-
Kxamlnatlon for certificates to teach In
Clatsop county, Oregon, will be held, be
ginning at 1 o'cloek p. m., Wednesday,
Feb. 12, !IM, at McClure (Court street)
school house, Astoria, Or. Applicants
will be present promptly and remain until
th close.
Fxarciiir.tlcn for trackers' stale dlplo-J Open every dflj from 3 o'clock to 6:R0
ma vlll i:s held on Saturday, February nnd fi h'lft ro'6:30 n III. '
..-..,..... ui. v n. 10., ni. ,-,-. . .-Ill' crrttMr-ir THICS ,l In T !llllllll. s I- -v r:NI. rinriliu. . .
' ' ' .... ,.,a,.v ' ... ' Olirloaf
' n. n. iji.iian, ; i ceved lust what vm
P' hool Hnpt., Clntsnp Co., (tr. Southwest cor Hlrvrnthsud Duane St. ( Im'i, Hts ?ommrch .tre"et "
fPAVi;sr r.noir