The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 08, 1896, Image 4

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    's. - nrr, -jmj '-nww. -. - -w "
.v- .-.,- .... .... . ....... ...... . . ...... 4 "1-AJii-Jt.i.-,.;'i(1- ".---mi ,u.f .m... vrtS'A'i--iWii-'rif.- ,1 b:? V'fr WitiV-r.
m auiv Mioaux, AStaau, ttfcntt wste. iracm 4 itsa.
it v.
A fine home for
per month: prices
of the city, Flavel
Which Is the Direct Cause of Rheu
matism, and Ii Tact, of Most
Physical Troubles.
"Thee ar trying times,"
Th speaker was a middle aged mn
snd fther of quit a fatrlly.
"I don't refer to business," he contln
fed, "hut to the trying wcalhrc I have
a cvre attack of rheumatism, my wife
'i'a had t-olil, ami the rest of the fam
ily are not well."
"I know I. la a common th'nt to lav
ill these trouble to the weather, but 1
lev nxn to the conclusion that the
'iimlltlon of the svstem has much to do
t ill) It If tbe map who hat rheumatism
ml tho weman who has a cold, will tract
ack for the cause. It will be fount! In
'ciw weakness nf the body."
"An J ilo you know what I think the
Teatest weakness In the body Is
will tell you. 1 believe It Is due to uric
- -Id. which Is In th blood, keeping It
' rmcnted all the time. 1 know that It
juse rheumatism and I believe most
"You naturally ask how doea thla uric
i "Id get Into the blood. The answer Is
-ry simple. The kidneys do no do
t. lr duty and throw It from the system
they should, and therefore. It remain
In the blood and I believe that If uiir
! Id were removed from the blood, most
-' rnmatlam and colds would disappear.
fne gentleman was ticht and he might added that Bright' disease of the
V'.tney Is also brought about by this
ne cause. Is It not plain to ba seen
i. .t If the kidneys are strong and heal
: y and throw the urk! acid out of the
- tern It will not get Into the blood and
.i poison the muscles and Joints and
..-.use. rheumatism, or decay the kidneys
croi cause Bright a disease.
There has never been but one known
r wdy for all troubles of tho kidneys.
it that la Warner's Safe Cure. It has
...a found by the medical profession
" possessed or properties unknown to
:' discovery of modern or ancient times.
it has taken men and women too, who
e in tne last stages, ajid restored them
' tierrect health and strength. It Is en.
.., ;d by physicians, approved bv arlen.
i and used by the best people In the
'. It Is a scientific preparation and
1 1 i c it popularity wholly to Its uower.
i. should be born in mind, however.
t t where there are such serious troubles
... . lose above, mentioned, only a strictly
, . ble preparation can be used with
...iv or safety.
:. will pay yoo to bear these things In
Ui'.drei Toatks' Stcel-Siot Shoes, lit
Sues is1 Styles
We also carry a fine line of
I idles and men 8 shoes, from
iio best to the lowest reliable
k' jods. All goods warranted
just as represented.
479 Commercial street.
Local weather for twenty-four hears
t-odtnc at p. m. yesterday, furnished
I y the United States Department at Ag-
ictarure, weather barean.
Maximum temperature. 4 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 39 degrees.
Precipitation. .11 Inch.
Tatal prectsisatloa from September 1st
li to date. 44.90 Inches.
Excess of precipitation frcm September
1st. 15. to date. . inch.
Its blend tea. Is th best Ask
grocer for it, and take do sther.
Veany is ths leading tailor, and pays
h highest cash pries for fur skins.
For S cnta you can recure an excellent
well served meal at the Bon Tsn Keetau
rant, Ns. STl Csmmeral street They
&re also fully prepareil t serve all kinds
of Ash, gams and all delicacies of the
as well as oysters In erry lm
sginable style at the lowest living prices.
''cm once and yon will continus to
Charles Wirkkala's saloon, n Astor and
7th streets, which has Isng been one of
th most popular snd best patronised
drinking plices in ths city has been
moved frsm Its present Iscatlsn t ths
!t Immediately east of ths Casins thea
tre. Many improvements will b added
as Mr. Wlrkksla Intends keeping up th
reputation his salson ha had since be as
sumed chsrgs years ag. Only th best
wines, llqasrs and cigars sold at ths bar.
a musical cencert by ths best talent In
i he city, under th leadership of Prafas-
sr Schwsbe, ths well snewa pianist.
given nightly. Call around and bring
ysur friends with ysu.
For a dinner, erred oa th Dining cars
of trie CMcagov Milwauke sod 6t Paul
Railway, wHI b sent t any address on
receipt of a two cent postage staoie. Ap
ply ts Geo. H. HeaJBord, General Passes
ger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chicago,
At the Grand Masquerade
Ball to be given by Teutonia
Lodge No. 5, of the above or
!er, on Thursday evening.
February 13, at Fisher's Opera
House, the following elegant
prizes will be awarded :
For the most elegant lady's
costume, "fiist prize, a parlor
lamp; second prize, an oxyd-
lzed silver card receiver.
For the most elegant gen
tleman's costume, first prize,
a gold-headed cane; second
prize, a handsome toilet set.
For the best sustained ladv
character, first prize, gold in
laid caid receiver; second
prize, silver sugar bowl.
For the best-sustained gen
tleman's character, first prize,
a beautiful clock; second prize,
a silk umbrella.
Admission Gentlemen, in
-.Task, $1.00; ladies, maHked,
50c; spectators, 50c; children
under 12 years, 25c.
Overcoats mat winter wraps wrffl be in
fadatoa. They oaa be diverted, tempor
artty iwtill trwUns; sn the stsam heated
trains of the Cblrsgo, Milwaukee and St.
Paal Railway. For solid comfort, fori
spd sssd for sosvfety, no other tin csji ! -
eompars with ths great railway of UmI Business) man, If you want te fix up
TV eat. (your office) 'or the cmlng year, wllh th
$40 in Herhvether Downs Lots $5
advanced March
Center, Kindred
Th sun arrived yesterday.
Mis Jennie Meyers, of Clatsknlc. is In
ths city.
Job printing of all kind at the Astorlan
Job office-.
X's Marshall's:
the others.
You take chances on
J. U. iJtTourette, of Francisco, l
In the city.
Henry I.undberg, was over from North
Shore yesterday.
C. C. McOowan, of Sun ran-iwA
visiting In the city.
H. P. Anderson, a Gray' river former,
was In town yesterday.
A. J. Week, of Warrenton. was in town
yesterday, on business.
A IVlft room Is the latest hit of expen
sive house furnishings.
C. O. Palmberg. architect. Koom Num
ber , Kinney's bulldlrg.
M. falml, of Seal Rock, paid a visit o
Astoria friends yesterday.
Dr. O. P. Pall. IVntlst, with lady as -
slsunt. sfflo CI Mth street
C. W. Ilamblln. a merchant of Hare,
visited In Astoria yesterday.
The modernised poke bonnet Is the
spring model par excellence.
Fur-lined overcoats have been a drug
on the market so far this winter.
Dr. Alfred Kinney returned from a
short visit to Portland yesterday.
For th best of commercial Job print
ing call at th Astorlan Job office.
Th "Spa has the neatest display win
dow In the city. It is a work of art
Two thousand dosen seedling oranges
ltr dosen today. Pacific Commission Co.
Messrs. George and K. McFarl.ind, of
Young's river, were in Astoria yester.lny.
Marshall's salmon twine Is without a
eompsUtor. Strongest, handsomest test
Charles Hawhaker. of Portland, was In
town yesterday, and a guest at the Par
The Clatsop Mill has resumed operations
after having need shut down for three
Mr. Gus IlranJt of North Shore, was In
the city yesterday on a visit to Astoria
The swell man presses up his bow neck
tie Into butterfly shape by the aid of two
pearl pins.
On thousand dosen Washington Naval
Oranges, lie dosen todsy. Pscitlc Com
mission Co.
Linemen were busy yesterday over
hauling the America i District Messenger
Company's lines.
The best cough cur mad Is th K. O.
Cough Syrup, for sal at th Estes-
Crain Drug 8 tor.
Perry Titus and Harold .".earls, two
prominent John Days farmers, were In
the city yesterday.
Just received, at the Scow Bay Wood
Yard. 115 cords of oak wood. The finest
wood ever brought to Astoria.
Dr. W. D. Palter has leased all his resi
dences In this city to Mr. W. Maurice
Kelly for a period of one year.
The forthcoming annual report of the
Chamber of Commerce is looked forward
to with interest by all business men.
Dumbarton's Irish flax salmon twine.
superior to any In the market Fisher
Brothers, agents for the Columbia river.
Antl-nlcotlne Chewing Gam, th latest
and beet Tobaoco Cure, only K cents, s
package at the Estes-Crain Drug Store.
The Rev. Mr. Bhort has been somewhat
under the weather for several days, but
expects to hold services
tomorrow as
WartiM dtalrtac- th best nf lob Brlntlnc
at th lowest price should call at the I
jb efllc before going else-
It was noticed yesterday that shop
doors were open wide as if It was the
middle of summer Instead cf the dead ol
Go to 185 th street to have your tim
brellas repaired or recovered. A fine line
of cover goods to select from at reason
able prices.
Duncan Stuart, of Stuart Brothers, re
ports that business in the Insurance line
I picking up In general, with other lines
of business.
Suit was filed In the fircult eourr
yesterday by Martha E. Brown to recover
from Robert Brown the sum of tt'Q due
on a promissory note.
You can buy a tooth brush for 5 cents
to 50 cents, a nail brush from 5 cents to
to, each, at Charles Rogers' Drus Store,
4M Commercial street.
Referee C. E. Runyon U taking tes-
tlmony In the caw of the Clatsop Mill
Company vs. the city of Astoria. Thlsl8'- 3Iary " about iO days, and as the
case Is commonly known as the "water I rul'' of th(" government require that a
worki" case.
Dr. O. :. E-es has purciased I,ots 1
anil 2, Itlrx-k 2, in the Hlnman Vraot, the
properly facing; Bond street. He Intends
to immediately erect a dwelling house on
his purchase.
T!ie Populist primary election will be
ntiii today. The polling places are No.
One's engine nou, the C. R. V. P. V.
reading room and Smith's cannery, in
East Astoria.
Mrs. H. S. KKViwan and baby, rccom-
panled by Mlm INewson. arrived down
from Portland yesterday afternoon, after
an extended visit, and left immediately
for their home In Chinook.
A gentleman said yesterday. "I went
to the theatre the other night, snd once
more I asked myself, when will women
be gentlemanly enough to take off those
ten-acre hhts In public places?"
The members of the Astoria Football
Club are talking election, whljh will take
place shortly. VTuch interest Is being
manifested ar.d -aspirants for the various
officns are already canvassing.
Mr. Waller C Smith, of Portland, who
recently made w large purchase of real
estate near Fla-vel, will arrive early next
week and open a real estate office at
the corner of Eleventh and Bond streets.
Dr. Tuttle reports thst Mr. Beard, who
was nrouxht down from ' the railroad
eamp last week suffering with pneumonia
and placed In the hospital. Is now out of
danger and will be able to get out In a
few dayi. ,
1st. Choice property in all parts
Park and Warrenton. (
best of lette heads. Mil hK state
ments, etc., call at the Astorlvt J.h ofH
where you will I'.nd th best or stock
and material.
Msrshall's twlne-uel ! Tj per cent
of th flihermen on the Oi.liimbl river.
On. thousand len fesh mn'h eg.
IV' vUni tiolny. I'aiirtf Oomnilssljn Co.
A stylish promensil costume I ol
navy-blue boucle cloth, with Jacket to
match. The cellar and cuffs are of vel
vet and the Jaunty chnpeau hs blue
plntrcs. A veil with the Inevitable black
dots Is quite chick.
The tuvcvn Trading Co., ii' Commercial
strretrl is the plu'e to buy your dry
" j gowK clothtng. loi .ind elioi-., men's
and Willi's rvrnlshiiut (iwls. Should you
want an auctiori-r. S. !''rl.lmn muk-s
his oitl-e at the Or to Tr-tdlruj Co,
Have a ilonn photi-s taken at the lnod
grttss Kallfrv an. I kucm neansl to the
nmnlcr of Ix-nns the Jar contains, whun
Is now on exhibition, and get a life Mxcd
crayon and frame made to order,
valued at tl. abeoluti'ly fr.e of cost.
Rehearsals for the Knlrle' T-anl"
which will le produ.el nt lasher's tH'ei-a
House on Thursday evening, Pebruary
is, are progressing smwhly. The enter
tMlnnitut promises to be one of the most
attractive events ever given In this iltv.
J The lanre number of transfer noted
In today' Issue of property at Merl-
wether Downs and the special rotlc ol
Stuart Itrothcrs concerning that property
would seem to Indicate that that section
of country Is on a little toot of its own.
The steamers Klectric and O. K. were
very busy yesterday taking supplies to
the railroad ramps above Tongue Point,
taking advantage of the tine n-tather.
Mr. Corey reports that If the ievalcnt
sunshine continues, very rapid progress
will be made on the grade.
A pollticlon who has had experience
says that during the year 1K3 the state ol
Montana raised about eleven million dol
lars worm or rattle. Ptlvrr mines are
well enough, but the ranchman can do
more for himself ami for the country
than the average mine owner.
China lilies. In unusual profusion, are
no only to be seen throughout Chinatown,
but are found in stores and. dwellings
everywhere. The plants this year seem
to be exceptionally large and their beau
tlful green with the wax-like blossoms
make bright many a window and dark
Go to Elmore, Sanborn's fflc sad se
their new snd handsome twine testing
machine. Take along some of th twine
as good as Marshall's." In your pocket
and test them. Then see how much more
Marshall's will stand. It's money In your
pocket and fish in your net to nnd out.
Thursday evening an enjoyable su.prse
party was given to .Mr. Herman Duncan,
of Kast Astoria, the occasion lo-lng his
twenty-fifth birthday. The evening was
pleasantly passed, a dance being the
most attractive feature. One of the
gursts states that Mr. Dun -an will short
ly become a benedict.
The remains of little Gilbert, the two-
year-old son of August Wilson, were laid
to rest In Greenwood cemetery on Thurs
day afternoon. The parents desire to
thank the friends who so kindly assisted
and sympathised with them In their af
fliction. eMpeclaily the brother workmen
of Astoria Lodge, A O. I". W.
The bright sunshine yesterday was very
welcome to all after the continued stormy
weather cf the past month. Men. womt-n
and children were out taking the air.
which was like that of a spring day. The
blue hills of Washington vere never
bluer or more clearly visible, and the
faces of all expressed enjoyment sno
contentmr nt. The ml es of nature awa'-e
as much happiness as the smtleA of a
best friend.
Captain John Welch vestrday received
tell 3i) from the grand ;iurer of the Mas
ters' and Pilots' Aso-latlon, of Ilrooklyn,
New York, that being the amount of in
surance due the heirs of the late Cap
tain Wlnant. wha was swept rom the
deck of the liandorllle last Kov.-ntier.
off the mouth of the l'mi i'ia river and
drowneil. The mon -y will lie f.irwurdeil
to his two little girls, who are living In
Alameda. Cat.
Moat so-called '-salmon twines are enl-
ored with acids. Th acldj rot the fibre
ana renaer tn material nseless. In the
onlce of Elmore, Sanborn A Co. Is an ob-
J'ct lesson Inat ouifhl to he examined bv
nsnermen. ,t ,n wnoi of the ma
terlal used In the manufacture of Mar.
snail's twine frcm start to finish. Go
there anil examine th color right
tnrourn. Ton will see then why Mar
shall s Is called the best in th world.
A largely attended mee lng of the As
toria HulMing and Loan Association wa
nri.i iani evening. Alter careful dcllhera
lion, it was decided to commence suit a
the next term of the circuit court against
several delinquents, who ore from six
to twelve months behind in thlr rmv
ments. This action Is tak?n in Jimlee
to inose members who make thi-lr regt:
payments, in ligurlng up the hooks of
tne institution, the secretary finds that
the first series of stock will -nature In
AUBust or Heptcmber, Km. vhen mem
hers holding stock In this series will be
pain in run.
I'ndcr Instructions from the depart
ment, y.cnng Assistant U. 8. Surgeon
Tuttle will transfer, by the stear-- - ''tnte
this morning, Jas. 8. Norris, late of the
l ntten Mtati-s lightship No. 00. from Ht
Mary's hospital to the United State Ma.
rine Hospital at San Francisco, for fur-
tn''r treatment. Mr. Norris has been at
paueni may only remain w days In
. hfts-
piiai wimnut securing another -day per
mlt, In this case It was decided to trans
fer the patient to San Francisco. Instead
of granting another permit to remain here
in fit. Mary s. The doctor says that prob
acy anoiner mirty days will put Mr.
Norris on his feet again.
First .Jehutante My cheeks ore all on
fire. Second fjebutante- 1 thouirht there
was a smell of burnln,-; paint. Town and
Country Journal.
India stuffs ire much in demand
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
JIosl Perfect ll.-ule.
40 Yean the Standard.
cash and $5(CTTjjlt)T jjtDftQ
Conitltlon of tho Several County
t'lfti-es I Very Creditable.
The reKrt of Rerl June on the con
dltliMi of the several county oftlce ha
lieett fllM In the county clerk orltc.
Tho report show every thing, with
the exception of a few minor error, to
le correct, ahlch reflect great cttsllt on
the oftWr. r'ollowlng I a summary ol
the report:
To the Honorable iunty Court of Clnl
sop County:
In compliance with Your request for a
summary report of my tlndlng In the
county hooks from July I. 1SW, to le
ccmlier SI, I uhmlt the following:
Assessment Holl for ISH
Amount of Moll tUM.M
VherilT' nascMment , 1.111"
Total tUtttT.n
Collected by sheriff
Krrors and double assess-nients., NA T
Delinquent tax roll.
Amount of roll
Kherlff' assessment
...I 3S.TU.W
Total I3S.TSS,
Collected by sheriff t .'. M
Hold to county MI7. "3
Sold lo others Ill TJ
Krrors and double assessment.. tM.3
Still delinquent l.Hu.TV
Total SSS.TM03
Having carefully checked Ihe book
and accounts of the county clerk, sheriff
and recorder, I find that all money re
ceived by these officer ha been paid to
th treasurer and his receipt on file In
the clerk' office. The treasurer's books
show all money received placed to the
I roper funds and the proper balance on
The clerk's ledger shows th money
received for each different fund, the bal
ance on hand, warrants drawn, amount
redeemed and the amount still outstand
ing for each year.
Collection of state poll tax has been
follows: Collected by II. 8. Worslry.
ooc.U'.y rsr. from July 1, 14, to Jan
uary 1. 1W, KW; cellected by A. Gibbons
from January X. isu, lo January I. Is.-'
: total. 14.
The collection of fee during the l
month ending lVcember 31. Is:
Clerk' oftlce, t3.7W.JCl: sheriff's office,
33.011. : recorder's oflice. I3.SoT.TS; total
Warrants outstanding July 1, K-4. ITS,
Tt3 3. warrants Issued during the pi
months ending December 31. 1N. IT3.titt.Pl:
total, IUT.iol.24.
Warrants cancelled by order of the coun
ty court. Imsi; warrant paid. 41:
total cancelled. S.'Jt,S.!H. Warrants out
standing January I. Ikk. t-NVMo yfi
J. C. JONKS, Expert.
Progrum to Me OH-en st Ihe Astoria
Kootball Club on the STth.
Th Astoria Foothall Club committee.
consisting of Messrs. Young, ltathixn.
Stuart and Olhson, which has In charge
the arrangement of an athletic brograin
for the entertainment to be given on Feb
ruary ST. has completed Its labors, sev
eral new and tntrnm-ly Interesting fea
tures appearing. Following Is the uro
gram of events:
1-Junlor class inhibition: Dumbbell ex
ercise, tumbling and horse Jumping.
I tiair-mtie race, handicap.
3 Wrestling contest. Jame Johnson vs.
George Hawes.
4- !luslnmen's race, two lap.
5- Twenty-flve ad dash, handicap.
-Hlgh Jumping contest, handicap.
T-Iloxlng bout by Juniors.
fc Attorney's race.
-Indian club race.
InWrestling contest, it. '..Ilwon vs.
Professor KHIogg.
ll-Kelay race. IK laps.
13 f'lck-a-bai-k race.
13-Tug of war married men vs. single
All race hut th fourth and eighth
are confined to club memlx rs. 'Che win
ners of those two races villi ccntest for
a valuable prlie. Kntrles close Saturday
February 22, at 12 o'clock, and will be
announced lati-r.
The following transfers of resl estat
were filed In the etflc of Recorder Oun-
derson yesterday:
W 8. Kinney and wife to M. J.
Kinney, tract of land In Uearhart
Park f i
M. J. Kinney and wife to W. s.
Kinney, tract of land In Uearhart
I'ark S
D. Stuart Jr. and wife to Purdy
Hart, seven lot In Meriwether
8. D. Adair and wife to Dan Camp
bell, four lots In Meriwether
8. D. Adair and wife to John Bult
kamp, three lots In Merrlwether
C. R. Higgln and wife to J. II.
Hutchinson, Lots 5 and 10, Block
5, Astoria Addition to Warrenton.
bond for deed
Their Names and Places of P.esldence.
Rev. E. 8. Bollinger, 8th street, between
Harrison and Irving.
Rev. Robert Mddell, 111 7th street.
Rev. L. J. Trum mi !, SIS Exchange street
Rev. O. J. Cchiniil, 2A K avenue.
Rev. Johnston McCormac, TS Grand
Rev. E. W. darner, 512 Franklin avenue.
Rev. W. 8. 8hort. 125 16th etrect.
l:-v. Leopold Dlelman, St. Mary' fio.
Rev. O. E. Peterson, 19 Flavel street.
Rev. J. J. Walter. 110 Bond street.
Rev. Jacobsen, 1T6J Franklin avenue.
Rev. J. J. ilolkka, 217 ltth street 4
Rev. P. steen. 1601 Franklin avenue.
Rev. J. N. Edlund, il list street.
There will be services In Ihe German
language at the Congregational ihurch
on Sunday afternoon at 2:30. J. u. 8-hmld
At the Norwegian and Danish M. K.
Church, Upper Astoria, there will be ser
vice tomorrow at the usual hour. Thi-m
In the morning, "The Security of the f!od
ly." In the evening, "Devil's Desire, to
81ft Ood's People,"
Congregational Church Usual services.
"Beauty for Ashes" and "Father Love"
will he the themes. Among other appro
priate music the choir will render "Heav
enly Father, Hoverelgn I,oril," In the
eevnlng. Welcome all.
Regular services at the Baptist Church.
Subject In the morning, "Conflict and
Victory." In the evening, "The lord's
Passover." Sunday school, B. Y. V. U.
and prayer meeting as usual, "Come let
us go up to the House of the Lord."
M. E. Church Preaching morning and
evening by the pastor. Morning subject,
The Promises of Divine Power and
Help.!' Evening, the pastor will prove
that there are no Infidels In Astoria, Or
egon. Class meeting at 10:30 a. m. and
6:30. Epworth League meet at 6:30.
We will suppose that your occupation
Is sedentary that you are. chained, so to
sneak, to the difk In some counting house
or perhaps tof- the, loom ftt Home vaJt-mlU;
wnere-xnji..are nysjrs n n r -isesr
morlnlng till night. Kunday Is your only
dsy of relaxation. You return horn ev-
Cop. Tenth nml Conimcrvlnl.
In every Itmn, North. r.t or West,
There is on slur that I tho heal:
Astoria's IvhU-wo tell Ito llo
I the store of Herman W Ise.
We know our Ml.,
We advertise
While others growl
And itnrl at Wise,
They crltlclae and criticise.
We Just had a nine, ninety Wilis
Which made some shopper II and rail!
Hut all Ihe same Ihe people bought
Our bargains, as they surely ought.
Hut all tho whllo
Kool In disguise.
Sat on their trunks
And cussed old Wise!
Thry crltlcUrd and criticised.
Why don't these Alecks gel a move
And tak ihe moss oft from their roof
Why don't they hustle Just Ilk Wise
And take the cobweb off their eyes?
They leave Ihelr slocks
To moth and files.
And tell big yarn
On little Wise
And criticise and criticise!
Well, w don't care, w'r utd to that.
And on such treatment w grow fat;
W have Ihe good, we sell them cheap,
Our i-alron smile, our roniets Weep.
Hut bargain hunter
Trad with Wise,
While our compel
Just criticise.
Till they'll grow Wise and advertise
The Reliable
Price Clothier.
Commercial Street,
New Sony's Alley.
ery ev-nlng wearied mentally and bodily.
Your health and strength begin to fall.
What will most effectually recuperate
your vital energy? Th Wright of evi
dence point lo no oilier conclusion thn
that Hosteller' Stomach Hitler Is your
safest, most reliable sheet anchor. I'sr
it persistently, and your system will soon
regraln It preoilne vigor. Every function
will receive a healthy Impulse. There I
no remedy lo equal the llltter for ner
vousness and want of sleep, dyspepsia.
constipation, and biliousness. It av-rl
and remedlv all form of malarlul til
ease, and I a preventive of rheumatism
and neuralgia.
Interesting Item Culled From Oregon
Leading Newapapers.
Ira Campbell, of the r.iiKene tliianl
who ha been to Florida to attend the
National Editorial Association, ha sen
home two diminutive alligator, prubtbl
wllh the Intention -f slocking the waters
of the Willamette river. The small boy
had better watch out tieit summer whe
he goes In halting In the waters of Ihe
beautiful Willamette, cr Ihoe nlllgalors
will get him. Ira shouldn't have
uch a crui I tri for the small Imy. Al
bany Herald.
The editor of Ihe Albany Herald was
present at the hanging of Loyd Mont
gomery last Friday, and relate hi feel
Ing on that ocrailon as follows: "W
have always Imagined that the light of
an execution was a horrid affair: tin
face to face wllh Ihe reality on
come nerved for tho occasion, and, Ilk
the murderer, displays sand. The Demo
crat man uuld not see an Innocent man
hanged, but to see a man emlnrntl
guilty mr t Justice la not a difficult mat
ter, particularly when In the line of one'
bt slness.
Several resident of Baker Cliy went t
Portland liirt tveiilrg ot attend Ihe con
ventlon of the Young Men's Stale Re
publican Chili, which will he called
order in I hot i ity on Tuesday. Aiming
them Is E. M Van 8l)vk, a delegate and
also secretary of Ihe congressional com
mlttee of tne Si 'nn-1 district and a mem
her of the uliile central committee. Mr,
Van flyrk rays Haker county will i
strslirht Republican tl' lot this yiar.
The I'nuullsts are declining In number,
and will not muk a strong fight. II
thinks the Republican candidates will
have large maturities. Pendleton Trlh
The fat editor of the Salem Post bring
Into play some of his remarkable fund of
satire at the expense of the editor of the
Democrat. "It apHars that our friend
the editor of the Alhnny Democrat, has
attended the hanging of Loyd Mongom
ery. We are a little surprised at this
We thought our frierd was such a mild-
mannered man that the sight of a slaugh
terrd chicken would put him into
spasms. But now It sii ms that we were
mistaken In our num. ilo has the
'temerity' to go to the hanging of a fi t
low being. O, Ihou cruel man! Am!
lest our readers, to whom we hav a I
.ways said a kind word of Mr. Nulling,
may not believe us, we give tho man's
own confession and experli-nce In his own
language." Albany Democrat.
Each generation lives
world. Anon.
In a different
Examination for certificate to teach In
Clatsop county, Oregon, will be held, be-
pinning at 1 o'clock p. m., Wednesday,
Feb. 12, 1K96, at McClure (Court street)
school house, Astoria, Or. Applicants
win be present promptly and remain until
ine nose.
Examination for teachers' state dlplo-
ma win be held on Saturday, February
l.", beginning at 9 a. m., at same plnce.
If. 8. LYMAN.
School Snpt., Clatsop Co., Or,
Notice Is hereby given that bids will lie
received by the committee on public prop
erty or tne .common council of the city
of Astoria at the office of the auditor
and police Judge until Saturday, Febru
ary 15. 1MS5, at 2 o'clock p. m for clear
ing Clatscp cemetery, being the south
half of said cemetery. Bids must stule
the price of clearing per acre.
Tho committee reserve the HkIiU lo re
ject any and all bids.
.By ordsf of tho dotnmon council. '
a ted Kmitruary U IMifl.
Auditor snd Police Judge.
Pocket Knives
i and Scissors
wawiUiailU i am "iwor a
W 2-bUJo IVkot Sulk
of 7-lnoli fiill Nlokol Bolaors
oik OWulMd I be betl
.vault simI.
Yu will nt otisemil-en. inti.ts .-h Mine tM.
as lee oeta ikm-Is 4 tf -'
Sees' Coupon wKH Six m4 Alrtl to
Puy n Kir of llii Crtclinttr J SntokiiiK Tolwifo mul rrail Uto
rotiKn whiUt ivc a list ol ylln f prrmiuitut anil liow lo Ret llictii.
I' At r iftvr
t;-rjj me uu i mui;
JThc Orlylnal nnj ti;m I io V ,
f tail. J.I o;,i':
f Aet.J..rJh.i alleir...'...J0M
tbt your
tOflil Trill
lniat sails niade by
and Attiilng Co.
the A.
I rfi
NOTICE iF lill'H Fun liuAltl'l.v.
Nntlcn 1 hereby given that bids will I
receivrd by the tniniiill Ire on health un, I
Mitce of Ihe common council nf Ihe tit'
of Astoria, t the ulllce of Hie itbi '
and imllct- Judge, on Halurdsy. Kcliritur
. y': at Ihe hour of 2 o'clock l in i '
said day, for lourdiiiK ur furuKiiinr.
inral I, i the city prliiu-i In the v
Jail of the cliy of Astoria. The rii.iii
reserved to reject any and all bills
Hy order nf the common ciiuncit.
Dated February 1, Iv'si
Auditor and police Ju.Ik,.
Notice ts hereby glw n that Ihe c..;-i
mon council of the cliy of Astorln Im
determined and Intend to rniallth tn,
grade of Amor street, in A, loir's Anion i.
from th - isl Hue uf Fortv-fiiurth "tii.i
o Ihe east line of Forty-sixth strict hi
the following heights above the base ,,'
gradrs. as ealubllshnl by tirdlnnnce ,
Tl, r.itltletl "An ordlua:ue to ritnlilHii c
base of grade for Ihe SIN I i nf Asli l l i."
as follow,, to-wll:
Twrnty-nve feci ihrotn: limit an
portion f said street, which I" .. b-
level from end to rt.d un.l from t,t
At sny time within ten ilv frcm
final piiblli ailnn of this imtl.-e. ,i-,. "
WHhln ti n day from the 3ll clay of .l.n
uary. IM1. rrmnnsirauce rail Ik- nm.'
against siild proiosel grade, and If vie ,
in said time a written leirnnni.i--against
the same Ik- nird in the c.i'l ,
the auditor and puller Jn.Ue I y l,e ,,v c
crs of thrrc-foiirllia of Ihe property n.c
Junnt to said portion of sulil street,
grade shall not be rstiilillshi d
lly order of Ihe common roun-ll
H. E MII.HiiV,
Auditor and police Jinlir.
Astoria, dr., January 1. I vri.
Notice la hereby given thnt ih rnimo.
council of tin, city of Asinrln propose
establish the grade on Kxcluinitc sir
In the city of Astoria, as laid out ,
recnrdet by John McClure, luiween .
earn line of H-veiitli sine! to ihe i:,
line between Mct'lure's and Wuvi ly's .
torla at the folic wing helchlh almvc i
base of grades:
From the east line of Ihe Inii rm ell. .
of Seventh and Exchange streets rn i'"
north of Kxihunge street nt it I fiet m i
nt the south line at ill f.i t llo n -e i ,,
on Exchiinirn street In a direct line i
the west line of Eighth slreei.
From the east linn uf Klirhili i.lrcei i,
It intersecllon wllh Exchange -treei, i,,,
tho north side nt tf, u fi-i nnd an I'i.
south side at fiB.S feet, hence eni nloic:
Ex-'hango street In a direct line lo th'
west line of Ninth street.
From thn east line of Ninth stru t i,i
Its Intersection wllh Exchange rlr-et. on
the north side ut It feet m il on Ihe smith
side lit 45 .1 feet, tln nce east along I v
change strict In a direct Hue to the v,i
line of Tciiih street.
From the east lli.e of Tenth sired m I
Interwtlnn wllh Exchange street, on t'i.
north side nt 2X feet and on the soil':
slilo nt 30 feet, thence eri! In a illr ci
line to the west line of Eleventh rtrei I.
From thn cast line of Kli vmih stnii
nt Its IntciMertlon wllh Ecluinge sire, i,
on the north spin n 21 feet unci on th.
south shin ut 21 fiet, tin nee c-iHt In n
direct line on l.xciuiiige slrci t lo tin
west line of Twelfth htrict.
From the east linn of Twelfth stru t i.i
Its Intersection wllh l-.'xehan," street, o,i
the north side ut 2,1 fuet nnd nn lie
south sldo at 2.1 feel, thence easterly In n
direct line to tho claim line liciwccn M, .
Clure's and Hhlvcly's Astoria.
At the claim line lint ween Mct'lurc'i
nd Shlvcly's Aslorln, at 21.1 feet nbnee
the base of grades.
And unless a remonstrance signed In
the owners of lliree-fourths of Hie prop
erty fronting on said portion of phI.i
street be filed wllh Ihe auditor nml p...
lice Judge wllhln ten flays from Hie lin n
puiillcatlnn of this not Ice. m-u i on . ..
before February 25. 1MKI. the cmmi,,,i
council will esinbllsh said grade.
Hy order of the common council.
Dated February 4, Iwm.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Soothing, henllng, cleam,lng. T Wilt
Witch Haxel Salve Is tho enemy to snn-.
wound and pile, which It never fall to
cure. Stops Itching nnd burning. Ci.reu
ha;iHd lip nnd cold gores In two ,r
three hours. Chas. lingers.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
when exhibited.
lea & mm
SM5aATU1.K x
5 ft a n u n
v f i 'in it1 i
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,-, mm mmnm ' m.
II A II 11 If If A
40 coupon
o. roa
'1 Coupani nd 40 ttntt.
r v
i:i rfr.f -Jj
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i I.USiliRI;, nu a f.irtrcr p f
1. f.!l l:tlllalious. (
DUNCAN'S ?0Nii ,. .
A twister In twuilng
May Iwim ham a twist.
For In lelwing a tout
Turei- tit atak a total ;
Hut If on of th telt
l'ntlt frum th lwlt.
Til twist untwltiij
I'ntwtst th twist.
That I. wnn H' twisted with
niur twin than MARKIlAl.l.'R.
PHtLOH'S CVHK, U rt Cougb
and Croup Cure, is In greui drnmml
Pocket ls contain twenty-flv dose)
only Si cent Children lov It. Sold
by J. W. Conn.
lltlNIIAii:iA ItUAV'tt.
it Ileal llini! ol w
ni:sr on tiii: coA.r."
: Th t'mnus tmhrinuA liter
; Al on lap. . , ,
i 473 Commercial St., - - Astoria, Ore,
j .. .
IIKAI'l Mi Ktl.iM KIIKK T ) .11.1.
('p. n every ily fnim 3 u'clnck U
nml hMUi in ljji) p. ni.
NiilK-rriplr.n rules :l ht uliiiiim.
' Sojh.t cur. risvsnth snd llusnt Ms.
'Popular Science
N.iture. Invention,
: Ur'VC Huinv, l.kilrkny. lie i ITU
, IlLlf Othcmutr. rirdlclnc. IICALI II
, r..i.nt!. wu jinKva ur fiitmsTRi
Pnlsrf ed nd Improvrit.
'. r iiiIiih n huge number of Short, Easy,
'" Heal, Interesting and Pouliir. Hsli ml
... iii tli li s, tluit run .e iippi'i-ciati d unit
1 -"! by any Intelligent reader, even
ili"i i:h In- knew little or nothing or sci
ence. Of fuse y '!ostr.-tid ?nJ Frei
trrx Ttchh'c R es
, NcwsJcntern, in cnf.. $1 per jxnr
t.Meulloii this paper for a rumple copy.
! Largest circulotion of any
Scientific paper in th woild
Pulillnlied Molillily by
BRNJ, I.II.I.ARI), New York.
Wl I'cper. Aril, Is1 Mllrila'. I'jhtl.
Oll, (iUn. etc. Jt'tnrw Mlllnr.
iVuii nj llamboo (iooji
3f5i Ciunmcrclnl (Street.
FiirnUlied rooms,
Dim week nr month.
fiic'ni' the river, by
No children. Xto i;ih
street. P. E. Fen hen,
I'M Netlimal I,f.. Insurance t.'o.. of
Mnntpcllcr. V. Fr further Infnrma
lloii. Md.lrem, O. M. Otr.lp, General Const
Miinnger. W-m Cnxker llullUliig, San
1' niiicleco, (!ul,
WANTED -Man or lady to'eollratrJo
sums olflce work, snd manage agent
lou will deal through your leading mer
chant. Something new snd very popu
lar. W. pay all etpenaea. Position per
manent. Send four reference and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finn
Mgr., P. O, Bog K4, Bt. Louli, Mo
M frit 'El . LA N KOX IS.
1.1..UI I'l'H WEI K, using and selling
Dynamo for Mating watches, Jewelry,
nml table ware. Plate gold, gve
tilcke . et.! seme as new goods. DIN
ferent sles ir agents, families and
shops. Easy operated: no experience;
i K profile w. P. Harrison
Clurk No. 14, Columbus. 9hlo '
i i;.iv
?0()iiH-,,et oiit-bi.t ...
nelv d tun
what you wmiit si tvi..
I.e', mi Commercial itrt.
v r
' t .'