- .w'"- '..w f 1 ) V 1 J 1 iiiii 1)ailv AsTotuAN, As'ixAu flit&sbA. Mokxwo, titoitUAttY (I, iik gaily 2wOtov.au. JOIttt T. LIGHTER. KJfder. TliRMS Of (UBSCRIPT10N Talepboa N. . XXAILT. Sent br nO, per year.. ...... 6iit by mall, per month., 8enr4 by carrier, per week.. ,.r. WEEKLT. Sent by mall per year, S2.M In advance. Postage, free to subscribers. AX communications Intended for pub lication should b directed to th editor. Cieusmids of inMliittnt fair mlmWd men in I m pnrlie.i who Mill regard Ihe money "i ai r'!iounl !. d vte tor tl. w.i pic-ii i.t f c.i ly with i-irrrnrc iO liO llil'1! m.( r U.tl'lislimelll uf hcllr! mency In Cii . m.i nv. In liuinmnv with the moTiy ivf the enilrc civilised ,rW. H7 It It ntagnir.c-ent testimonial to iK ; patiioiuni and wealth of the country that : the subscription opened At the tte.isuty ! yesterday should nsfcrcgale neatly nx j timet Hie amount of tht Im-i.Is ofervd ; (or sale. The tr-vtsui-y iviik rv Mi. I j to have been ast..m,,v -.1 nml the working force of tin- department .'iiniJ by the ! Inmicnw number of applications filed tor I the bonds, which gees to show thai we ! are after all not so dependent mvn the 1 ft m r we will uno FREE One SSi Scarf Pin ot ilver Business communications ot all kinds and I Sliylo. ks of l-omlnnl sf-e the Till- ' o . remittances muat be addressed Astorlan. to Th Tha Aatorlan guarantees to Us sorfbera th largest circulation of ub- llVKBtWH IUU4t4IW U1 ma VIMUTOOia rlr. mans an.) MewnrlK onM r",n senl tin to he. lnchU-in.illy, too, tlK sale un.l lstrl- i biitlon of th';!o Kmi,U union our own ' peoil will j:n a loni; way to settle the ' Tor 12 Gonponi e, roa 2 Coujtoni ami 12 ot. AdrrtiIn( rate can b ha J on ap plication to th buaincs nmnacr. Tba Weekly Aatorlan, th second olJ at weekly tn th that of Ortcon, baa next to th rortland Oraconian, U- Vvrteit weekly circulation In th auta. Jno. F. liandley & Co. are our rortlan.1 aitenta, and conies of the Ator;an can be bad efry tnornlns at their stand, iZi Third atroct. A GENCIN'S POi'l'UST. Senator Tlllman'a remarkaMc cihll'itlon of the other day In the senate atlll continuea to be the talk of the whole country. It is said that 1 In the economy of nature nothing I whatever la allowed to so to waste, and it now seems probable that the national Lnlted States senate ma)-, after all. not; be without Its compensation. One no-j tleeeble effevt Is the sudden swukeninej that has come to many real sensible pe i pie who, out of prejudice or private bust-1 ne-j misfortune and failure, have devel-; oped Populistlc inclinations, as to the class of company they are keeping. The Impudence, blatant domoROcy and dis courteous and shameful references of the So-ith Carolina rufpan to the president. Secretary Carlisle an I Senator Sherman have created universal disgust for him and the party he belonps to all over the country. As one of the old school party snys. "Senator Tillman can congratu late nunseir on one thins at lea-tt, am that U that he startled and shocked the senate by bis anarchistic utterances, ana If he desired odious notoriety he secured It." It appears from an examination of the full text of his speech that some ot his remarks were amasingly coarse, par ticularly one wherein, referring to the farmer's u.e of the pitchfork, he said: 'They also use pitchforks to handle man ure, and possPdy I may get some of that on the handle of my fork before I gt through. " This was In line with his re mark In South Carolina, that when he reached Washington he would -stick a pitchfork In Cleveland's fat ribs." The decent papers of both the Republican and Democratic parties can perform no better service for the principles they represe.it than to print and give the widest circu lation to the doings and sayings of this mountebank, for they are well calculated to shame every decent man from ac knowledging any affiliation or sympathy with the party he undoubtedly belongs to and fittingly represents. i liver qno;.,m, sln.v tV.e country Is I n,K likely to be forced to a xih'rr bus!. through the exhaustion of the cold re- ' tr-e tas hood for and drliK-rately con trived by the ehstructto-ilsis in the on ele, so long as our own tinanciil insti tutions have th will and ability to fur nifh the gvvtrnment with not merely M.tv,iV of trol l, but if n.c- sary. Asain, there is loss danger Hist the voters or this country will permit j an- lantnorlni with the e staWlslu.l btan.larvl and foundation ef our moncUirv j f.vstem so lotu; n the government is j debtor to ttu-tn in sown-.! htindml mll j lions of gocl gold dollars. Secretary I Carlisle's rxultation over lit unexfsvied success cf this and it Is to be hoped his last bond sehime. Is probably only ojuautu ey tne ci 'jViiii of Sicwtiri el ai that it ous not a failure: but then these great atriots van have fie satisfaction of remln-Iin l.'r. Carlisle tint he and I the president are furnished with a fis.-i ! ii.. ..,w..i.,. i. ... 1 - ..... .in t . VI ,..,'ir hindsight over their foresight, for if they had only known that bonds could be so easily and cheaply sold In America thty might have been raved many sleepless nights rause.l by the spectres of their whilom friends and pnrinrs. Messrs. Rothschilds, Morgan & Co. wr will aoo tcNOFrtEE, SSt Link Sleeve fcttons ) r 30cC.T You will fil l e j t)':ii rtl rath t eetur big, and tsve '4t i int.Jt caih 4 cuk2 ba ot BLACKllfcLL'S mWIE DURHAM TOBACCO. BCNa COUPONS WITH NAMC H3 AOOStM TO EUl'IVTU'S EUREA3S TOBACCO CO., DURE IX, H. C. liny n lu.c of iliis Cclobr.tbtl Smoking Tolvuvo, utul read ilia coujxMt, tvlucli st cs a list ol otlier prt'iniums unU liow to get llicm. 8 CtNT STAMPS ACCCPTKD. i Not fivm the dusj niy sorrow spring. Nor .!rw niy ci.nnort frnn tile lower skies, l.et all the baneful planets shed Their mingled curse en my head. How am their euros. If th- eleriml Kin Look thrvueh the clouds ai.d Idess me Ith his eyes! Creatures wnh till boasted say, Ar' but his rluvf and must oliey; They wilt h!s nt-dirs from alone. And eeute his wonl, the vengesn.v or the l,v Pit. ISAAC WATTS. KBKH ril.IA Seiwl your aeklreM to II. K. lluckc.11 A IV . CbKugo, and gw a free nHiipl box of Pr. king s Now Ufe lMlta. A irla will envuiee yu f Mi.ir mertta, Tlieaw pills ara eusy In ctton and are innnculany effecttve In th cur of (Vnatlpatton and ftc Hr.nlrt.he. br Maktrak ami Uver TiwuKm Bx y haw bn prox-ed uwlu able. 1ey ar guaranrrl to toa iwfect ly fTfl frvint every tMeterloua eutaawnov ami eu be purely vewxtwble, Ttwy k not weakAl by their evMt, tu by giving ton tu axiSioh and biastns greatly In xbrarvuinir the avav RrwuVir stse Kc show Kayal Baking Powder ! J x. tsor i ra kkw. intgwtt. White evening slltMera are not worn as much aa pale colored one, save by brides. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Roys! Baking P superior to all others. lia'.lier a smooth scheme to charge an The treasury department ha jt,.n Is sued a diagrun covering the trade of this country with foreign lands from IM down to, and Including. l.C-V n Is s Democratic document, pr;pir J by Den.o cratlc officials. It ehouid be posted on every gmr.ary doer on the farms of the country, and in every school district builJir.g In the Ian I. The diaxram shows pialuiy tha: thj period when this country waa enjoying her gp.atwt xolume ot trade waa under Republication adminis trations, and notably during the time that the lleiviuley protective tariiT was pxori..;i.iu rate for prl-illng was frus trated In Seattle l'li lty by the appsar anre ot a dally p'tivr. The city of .Se at. !e Is to h.ue a new ohvier. and I lie 'nw reoulrs that It shall be published In I two daily papers for a tve.-l 'd of thirty . u.t.-. ineie were ouiy inree uauy papers: Chas. Rogers. In Hie oily, and their bids were ns I low s (the rosl-Intelllgeneer'a bid being : " i In .ucordr.noe with Its eontrnct. it Iwlng I I -he city o!iclal apcr: I'.-I-. .'vi.V; I Tmu-s. l .'s. :.i. News, JI.Ui. The He-I lm Mean, a v. e, k!y paper, entervd the dallv Held when the council refused to -.w.-.id ike printing to either the Times er t ie ,.ws. and was given the printing Ur $si. Another weekly, the Argus, fade a proposlilkn similar to that of the Itepu! llcan. but. as Its bid was ft.wO, It will 1-e published as formerly. The two defeated papers made application Tor an! injunction restraining the council from I erantlrg ihe printing to the Republican, hut It was denied. . lKn't Invite dlsapHintment by experi menting. Ieiend tiiwn On Minute Cough Cure anil you have Immediate re lief. It cure croup. The only harmless remedy that produce Immediate results on our statue books. It shows three striking facts. Flr:t. that the volume of our domestic exports was greatest by ov.f 1 i,i.('.o .lurln? the two or three years immediately following the passage of the JicKlnl.w act; sevond. that the j volume ' il-ose exports has not only I rapl.lly diminished tmd?r the present ad ministration, but tspcially since the Dcinoertitlc free trade tariff act hec-i no law; third, that the value of the Imports j free cf duty was greater during KAHL'S CfcOVtll KtXJT will purlff your bluod. elenr ynnr comclexion. rve'1 j ulato your Dowels, and- make your beaV c.ear as a Den. n cts., 60 cts., and 11.00. i Sold by J. W. Conn. I i and "VjU; 7 & M Ul .V -J dose. wv;u.' 13 KXtL St.(X)Iiott. One cant a Indio H Till: DAMS OI! Till' COLORADO lltSI KT ealtb Resort 111 LOW IIIU 1 1 VI L Ol' Till! MA Lautirtrtri Ontinary, apeclal rata or ty metsr, Bleam, siwelal rata or by mlr, in addltUin to ngln. tawn lnintaln With one nix teen I It lurli liinnle, siwlal Stte. With on-olililh Inch noitle, w clal rale. Machine Hhops, Snsh and IbHir Factories In addlllon to engine and forge,,., I W t)r by special rale. Manufaelorle and Shop Not Otherwise SpecMed- SHH'lal rate. Meter Hales-- I. Meier for pipes more than on Inch III diameter will be allowed only by pc clal agreement with the applicant. I. Th right la reserved to set nioteia whenever, and In such place only, a may lie deemed best, All meter 'mil be and remain th nnuteriv ..r . ,nv and may be removed whenever the e,m. niltte or SUIH'rllltelldelit nmv .l.u'l I., do v 1 In the event f a im tne iiin of order and railing to register, th con sumer shall be charged at ho avrraa dally (Hinsiimptlon as shown by III meter hvii in tinier. , , Kor water delivered bv meter, f., Use only In rase of rmerceney, lo build ing. In which th. city water Is not u.ed. th minimum charge will ha u payahl in advam-e. a. With tills exeentlnn. th M,i.,i.... rharge for water delivered by meter shall ( ,w.r rem or ma schedule rat. 1 Meters will be used wlih..., ..- for the detection and nrvnn,.n and th excess of th meter above the schedule rate for any month will be charged. In addition lo the achrdulo rat payable In advance fr the ucedtng month. T. Th rate for water nuimll.t l.v meter, except for vlevator. h.ll t lonow; Kor qiiantlllea up lo 10.MO asllons In any on month at th rate of 60 rent for ion l.inv gallon. Kor th quantity so used in anv n. month eii-enllng lo.(o gallon, an.i l.i gallons, at Hi rat of rente for each I. in! gallons ror th quantlte so ued In anv ,n. monlh exceeding ,(. aallona an.i nn i W.OtO gallnna at th rat of at rents for ach l.OiO gallon. Kor th quantity so used In anv nna month exceeding W.ow lalluns, and up to hm,i gallons, at Ut rat of X cents for irn i.tsu gallon. Kor Ih quantity o uae.1 In anv mi. month exceeding lnl.ixo aallnns an.i M gallons, at Ihe rat of 1J centa for1 ten i.ito gallon. i Kor the quantity so .used In anv on. navt Just been erected at India ata monlh exceeding Suu.Ooo gallons, at lli! ,looi "at will be rented lo appllcatili rate of in rent for each I.iU) gallons. . reaaonabl tales. TI:oy ar fur item win tie charged on meters iter nuneu with inodirn oonvaiiieaca iun A .. . . ... ... .... " ,.M I I.W . . ' ' Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounm! by VUIvUm tlic niHcit Favurublu in A morion for SuflVrors from , . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The iilvjrclloiia unfed agalnat Indlo in me past by tha large number who otherwise would hav been glad lo tak advantage of Its bennflclul vlliuata, has uen a lack uf suitable accomiiioda tlon. Tha Soulhern I'aolflo Compaii). im pienaura in announcing that v era) Commodious and PIIOKIHKIONAI t'AKPH Jul IN T. I.UHITKII, ATTOHN'KVAT-I.AW. Ollloe, iipsiulrH. Anluiinn Hlllldlng. Clormaii I'liyslolan. Kol'BllO, PH. IIAIITI.'U I'llVsU'lAN AND I'HUKON. tme uvr Albsrl puiibira l.ir. cor. Ith and t'o nmreUI. I'rlcesi Call. Ill c.iiiiliieiiient, Iiihu fi.r4iluii at office free; medicines (iirnlslxil. till ICU.IV JANHUN. I'UVHICIAN AVP hl.MH.IMlN fimie tivnr filiM-n1 drug "lure. Ilmi' to U a. m i I lo I and t to I p. m. Hun. 'lava, It) to It, ! O. II f;fTK IMI V tlt'l V A VP HI (HOW in SlM.elnl M -eb.p In is tesa iir miwr n "'id i'ri Orni-e t.ier Ianlge' wm -t.r Telenhnns 'o I AT t PTl'M1!. II P. HVIHfUN. HHIIOlCiiN. ANI1 '.COIU'IIKPH. om.e. II. ...ni I and . i'yihlan Hull. ling Hour. HI lo II and I In Iteald-nee. IVdse tei H. T. CIHtHllV. ATV 1 1 n k v a t - l a w . Commercial Hirsel. W. M. UTurc. . II. einlih. t.tKOltCK A KM ITU, ATTOIt.NICYllAT-rAW, IM ConunerclaJ slresL, j. q. a. iiowi.nr, ATTOKNKf AND Col'NHKI.liU AT lav. OITIc on Hvnond Mlrl. Alnri r J. N. Ihdph. Hlchard NUwt V'tieater V. Dulph. POU JU NIXtN IH.HJ'11. AnOH.N'KVS AT IJiW. I'.irtlaud. Hregon, Jt. 13. :, aiid V, Haiiillloii Hulldiiig. Ail legal and cub e . I x-OnilOrtaDIC LOttaiTCS lw,,h' buslne uroini:iy aitnfided lo. w Clal etc- month from 20 rent lo t! iu. Munloliuil Kates Hpeelal rate. Omoet, Ihx-tors, Hanks. Kaeh Pentlsl oKlees. each.. rhotograph Uallerles- Ka.-h rubllc Hull.llngs and Hlocks- Kaeh room without taueet Kaeh room with faucet.... ubllc Hall and Theaters- It is nld ca gnMnniee by all drug gists. It cures Incipient Consumption aod 1 tba beat Cough erd Croup Cuiea For BaJ br 3. T. Cnnn. Tr goo.! Price's is known ev ryw here ns luck baking powder." 'the ! MONTIII.V WATER 15 AT ICS. I'OI! KHIPAY. Die period covered by the Jlclllnley act than at any time before or since. Mmj'le diet Is best, for ninny dishes bring v any ill --eases, and rich sauce are even worse than hupl:ig many me.its ur"u tach other." l'lliiy. Hreakfat. tin el. t wlih Rrgenre tlarnLshlng. JlCrtAT HA ING -STRAD'S LAST WITH PLAINT. NO MIDDLE GROUXP. There can be no middle ground between honest and dishonest money. A dollar la either a dollar or It Is not a dollar, and the gr.-ernment that means to make an honest dollar has no hesitation In saybr so, not only in Its obligations but In all Its transactions and all Its utter ances on tha subject. . There can be no middle ground between a dollar Intrinsically worth one hundred cents and a dollar that is Intrinsically worth fifty-three cents. The government may Interpose iu omnipotent power, end maintain a fifty-three cent dollar by practically redeeming it In gold, but the vrMmmi V. - . ., . uim .hub aegraaes its cur- MeClure's Jlagaiine. When Mr. rilulne was fcr ihe lust time in New York on his way to Washington, stopping, as was his habit, at the Klfth avenue hotel, he asked mi? to walk with him to his room, frontms on Twenty-t'iird street, on the parlor floor, and he slowly, as if it were a task, utilockc.l th? djor. There wus a spark of autumnal crnt ness in the air. and he had a fire that i glittered and threw snadows ; i.uily. J There was not much to say. Ii was ' plain at last that Mr. Blaine was fadit-.i.-, ' that ho had within a few v.-teks falln; j very fc.-it. His grrat. bright eyes were ! greater than ever, but not to bright. His j face w.;a awfully white: not that brainy ! pallor that was familiar something el.-eT ' He s?atct! himself in the ll-ht of the lire I on an easy chair. There was a knock i i::.si a la iionne 1-enime. St. 'Weil Potatoes, tlraham Oen-.s. Coffee. Luncheon. Oyster Leaf. ?'r.-;'!.l Vml Cutlets. Tartare Kaiu-e. Hice Fritters. f:hrl.-np t'alnd. Pinner. Clams. Fl.'h Troth. Kish ljuenelles and Oysters. n.lih-s. Olives. Falmor.. I'rle.i. Tomato Sauce. !':) 'led Teiuierloin. with Mushrooms. String Heons. Hare, Sniffed and Roasted. Lettuce gala. I. Chocolate Jelly. Li i ii fori. Wafers. t:o(Tee. The water rales will be due and pay able In advanie at the office nf the city water works on the first day of each month (except for elevators or by meters, which are payable on tha lint day of the succeeding month), and if not paid within th- llrst ten dayr the water will be shut o!T from the premises, as provided In sec tions 29 and 3ii. It Is understood thnt none of the fol lowing rates Include charges for Laths, water closets, urinals and hose: Bakeries No rate less than S3 Ot Kor each bat nil of flour used per day ISarber Shops First chair Each additional chair Bath Tubs First tub. private Kaeh additional tub First tub In hotels, boarding and lodging bous"S, public buildings and blocks i Kaeh additional tub ' Harbor shops and bathing houses, l each tub 1 M I fleer Pum estauranis, Coffee Counters Saloons fn wnii purs ariesia-i water, and at situated aa to gov occupants all Ihi . advantage to be derived from a mort or lesa protracted realdiiica In Ihi de 1 co I Ughtful climate. irrom Hi Ban Francisco Argonaut) "In tha heart of th great deerl til the Colorado whlob. Ihe Houlheru I'a cldo road travorsva there I an osl called Indlo, which. In our opinion, Ii lh sanitarium nf iI.m m n h i 11 fiA A 1 no lleve. from tlerannal 1 . . u ......11... i.. Houses and I.unch j for certain Invalids, the- la no spot 01 mi piajiei so ravoranie. U. T. Hlewart. U. I)., write: "Tt- puruy or me air. ami the eternal sun WW to loo mi against Hie government a Pe el aity. HOCICTY MICITTINUM. Tt:IIM.i: UUKJK NO. T. A. r. and A. M. Regular tHimniujilcalMia held on th first and third Tuesday evening of each month. W. 0. MOW KM W M. E. C. IIOMXCN. He-raiary. sIlflCEU.ANEOl7R U la II in UNA!. ItTATIC. NOTAHT I'l'HUO. W. C, CAtfctlQU, IT! Tenth atrt. 10 1 00 SO 1 o CO XI i 2 00 io I K I Rlaeksmlth Shops On forge 1 CO i Kaeh additional forge 3 i I!ookblnderle and Printing Ofllee: When Daby was sick, we gar her Castoiia. When she was a Child, she cried for Cattoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Caatoria, When she bad Cbildrea, she g ave them Castoria, rency necessarily Impairs its credit with ! at h'3 ',00r' an'' " servant handed him a ! the nations of the world, and paralyzes business enterprise amongst Its own peo ple. The greenback Is worth Its face In every section of the world because It is redeemable In gold, and the so-calll silver dollar issued by our mints is ac cepted in other countries at nearly double caru, ami ne aul: "So." and we were : alone. I eould not thir.k of a word (,: ! consolation; and in a moment he ap- j peared to have forgott'.n me. and sture.i I In a fixed rapt drcrm at the flickering r flame I.i ihe grate. :t oecurre 1 to to ,t up and go away uuletly. as con- vi-rsniion was Impossible-tor there Soon a f.-w .leys ut Atlantl" City e tu-. M-rlb-.! for worn-out d.-liiiTatnei Urewerlea Kpeelal rate. Building Purposes For each l.CO brick laid, Including water for lime Wetting each barrel of lime for plastering, or any other purpose than brick Wetting each barrel of cement Stone work, per perch Huteher Shops and Fish Markets i On I ag I oo I 00 & 00 A GOOD W'OKD. was Its value, solely because the government! to ml"h to 'ay- Jt C!ime o mc that 1 credit Is pledged lo iu redemption in full. The American visiting Mexico can buy fifty cents worth of goods, pay an Ameri can dollar to the seller and receive a Mexican dollar In exchange that is in trinsically worth mors than the Ameri can coin. It Is simply the credit of the government that makes the degraded sli ver dollar In this country pass current for a value nearly double Its intrinsic worth There are whispers of negotiations in toth th j great parties lo harmonize on the money question by yielding mu"h to , V. A I . - auvoeares or cheap money. Both I parties arc afraid of the coming presiden- I Hal election, and the leaders of each are j trying to harmonize their forces. This i a simply impossible. The free silverite believes In nothing but -heap money. Whatever he may say, he means sliver monometallism, for the policy of free Ffl- Ver eolnaivA Ann. .. . . . nuupiea in tnis country e would bring us suddenly to Ihe free silver ! sianaara along with the ougni not to leave him alone. Some thing In him reminded me if tlic mystleai phrases of the tr.inscendant poracrojih of his oration on Garfield, picturing the death of the second martyred .rldc-nt, by the ocean, while far off white ships touched the s.-a and sky, and the frvernl tace ot tne dying man felt "ihe br.--.th of the eternal morning." Some ww-ks earlier Mr. r.lair.e end I had had a deep talk about men un; things, and he was v-ry kind, and his boundless generosity cf nature n-ver re veaied itself wi!h a greater or sadder, charm. 1I. now rememlwre.i that eon- verxatfnn-ua a word disilo-ed -anil said: ' I could have endured all thing if my ' boys had not .lied." The door on-ned i and his secretary walknl In -and I took'' Mr. Hkine-s hand for the last time, ray- ! Ing. "Gco.1 night," and he a,, Rlth a' ' lUt rn'ani farewell-"Goodiv." i Mr. .1. J. ICeiL Slmrpsburg, Pa. Dear Sir- I am glad to say a good i aruni fur Krnuse's li.-ndache Capsules, j After sufteririg fur over thrje yenrs I with n.-tite ri.-uralgla and Its cnnsoutnt I :i;s.uii ii . cvm. ii srvined to haf.le the i ".T)i ts of s .m-.- of our bnal phyaldana) i vou fettirgestiil thW reme.ly which gave I n:e almost tnst;int relief. Worda fall j to expr;.is the praise I should like to I Ishio-.v on Kmuse'a Headache Capsules, j Gratefnllv Tiours, Kits. K. It. HOI.MfCfl. ' Montni" rM Chinese Buildings or Houses First six persons Kneh additional person CM"ese Wash Houses Kaoh Ccunty Buildings Kpeelal rate. City Buildings, etc. SM-elal rate. Dye Works 15 IOC 2 Ml 15 .. IIS to 25 00 13 0) lo t Ki pagan nations J. W. Pierce, Republic, Iowa, say: "I have iifed One .Minute Cough Cure In my famiiv nnd f..r m-jr u . tne eartn, and in open hostility to the 'n"r'!V fatisfactory that I can hardly I civilized nation. f words to express tnvseir ns ,n i,.! Our credit would be lua'lv dea.r, i T, ' nt'vtr fa" ,0 """""""i our seeH " ? ." that v ,K n, i)aoK upon !"-".' useu. i.nas. Kcgern. our maricet In vastly greater n.nm.nta man we have even looney to pay. and no honest people on the earth would trust our government, even on the silver basis -that Is, taking our securities at two dollars for one to the purchaser-for the reason that the nation that once defrauds Its creditors, or that permits Us people to defraud Individual creditors, eannot command the confidence of fair-minded people In any country or climate. There can be no middle ground on the mestlon or money. It must be honest or uvnesi, ana tne great parties Peevishness may be considered the can ker of life, that destroys Its vigor and Cher-ks lis lmnrovnni.nl' ih,., Will, r,rl . ' ,1? . .! ... --'"" a,,.! i;linis end vltiaten what It cannot consume.J0l,n. son. 1 izr f mrnm b 1 V 10 Children Cry for Pitcher's Caslorla. The (inlet but beautiful town of Oxford. In Wo.'i'es Icr count,- fr.c.-- A.ni .. ... (IIS- I honor Of liavirc nrn.l.11 of the . now prominent in ruilillo vif.i ,m,i. u.., uiuh in me next contest declare r ,nry M'ss Clara Parton and either for honest money, or substantially I r?,at0r .w?,rott- whoe mother was a declare against It. j "a"Ve of that town- mi niiciiicn m-:rt iw mo! In Ih? com- CflVs 1 r 1 - , i Ipg electlcn, and it can i e me, i i(U, ,. ; UYAL Baking POWOCr. ! way.' Partlfs mint l for lion, st money Highest Of all 111 leavening ! or against it. and t:,ere nr,. hlInrH,3 u( StreaSih.-V.S. OoversSnt Prprt ' THE BEST PIPE TOBACCO. ft V niese tiny Ct jx.nlca urosupcrlor I ito Balsam of Cupailia, vJA r"'1'- 'ii t:.-.: ' ! "." .VVIKO 1 f'.:.i.;)::'.;3(ns:a! Family Rale Six persons or Ics.i Each additional person Filling Cisterns (Private! For each 1.000 gallons, sjieclal rate. r ire I'rotectlon Ppeclal rate. Fouiiiiries Fach, In addition to engine and forge f 1 CO to 5 Oil Oas Companies Fa' h $; 00 lo M 00 Government Buildings Pli"clal rate. Hose For irrigation, Including space oc cupied by building Kaeh lot of ground (MxlMI feet or lesa) 1 Oil All persons intending to use hose for Irrigation during the present year must make application at this office before commencing to use the water, whether they have paid for the use of the hose during the past year or not. To persons agreeing to pay fi.r hose for Irrigation during the months of June, July, August and September, no charge will he mane during the remainder of the year. j-ersons not so agreeing muat pay rrom me time ine water Is turned on un til notice is jjiven at this office that It will no longer be required, and that the hone bib has been detached from the pipe, r or sidewalk- sprinkling Kaeh 25 feet front or less (Including washing windows and floors) 2f, Sidewalk sprinkling must be confined within the limits of the front of th premises for which payment has b-cn made, and not extended to the adjoining Hireei, The use of Ihe hose for sprinkling streets Is forbidden under any circum stances. Hose Dili will not be allowed on the premises excepting where hose rates are pain. Hotels, Boarding and Lodging Houses In addition to famly rate, each room , jo ur ny special rate. Hydraulic Elevators Hiieelal rata. Ice r.Venm and Oyster ffaloon i- . Vim lo S00 Laboratories, Soda Manufactorl. a. Bot tling KslnMiKhmcnts, Vinegar Fac tories and Packing Houses r::ioh l W lo 10 oo sonant (Public and Private! 8clal rate. Sewer Work Settling earth, sim-lal rale. Sleeping Boom Fj-h room without faucet Each room with faucet Soda Fountains Each fountain Eaoti Jet Stables (Prlvatel One horse or cow Kaeh additional horse or cow Each vehicle A hove rates apply whether water taken from stable or elsewhere. I-lvery and Feed Stables- 8nH-lal rale. Steam Engine and Boilers Each horse power (ten hours each day) lo ten hors power Each, from len lo twenty horse' power Each, from twenty to thirty horse power Each, above thirty horse power...'. For boilers for heating purposes. -eunung io sue or building IV to Gs engine. Slramlionls, Shlpn, Tugs, cic 8eclal rule. Stores- Drug stores u 0J to Grocery stores Hardware stores Dry good and other stores Liquor stores (wholesale).... W IX) to For famlliea living In th. aama building , M 1 t Rwiu nnii olon n,mn,r. for each lop hopper with outlet or waste pipe two or more Inches In diameter, and upplh-d with water direct from faucet, or In any manner other than ly buckets.. L'rlnula (Private) Self-closing Other than self-closing....'.'.'.."!"!!' Constant flow I'ublle. self-closing !."!""" other than self-closing Constant flow Water Closets (Olher Than Closets) First closet, prlvata Each additional closet ."., First closet In tnres Each additional closet.. Flral close! in hotels, hoarding and lodging houses, saloons, public buildings and blocks Each additional closet One closet for two families i-.acn auditlonal family Co Water Closet (Tank Closets)- rirst closet private po Each additional closet & First closet In stores U) I'.acn additional closet 2& First closet In hotels, boarding and lodging house, saloons, mil, Mo building and blocks Each additional closet One closet for two families For each additional family Water Motors Special rate or by meter. Number of Occupants In all dwellings, stores, offices and other places (except hotels and lodging houses), where the num ber of occupants exceed six per son's, the charge for each person In excess of six will be. In addi tion to tho above rate lo For olher uses or business not herein mentioned, by special rate or by meter. The right Is reserved by the Water Commission to amend or add to these rules and regulations, or to change the water rates an exnerlsnea mi. v ,.l.nw in be necessary or expedient. WHEN IN ltIITI.AM.C, on Jno. I.' I l.,,.llv I .. I 1 1't....l ... . .... CMio 6 00 Jhlne. nil one with wonder and delight ih- Daily A.niaii. Vi.nor, ,( nils ihelr morning paper while tlinc isatur baa accnmnllshed ; much that there remain bul little fm j man to do. As to Its possibilities as ( health resort, hem is the most per feet sunshine, with a temperatur l I way pleasant, a perfectly dry soil jo.for rain la an unknown factor: iur oxygen, done atmuaphore and pun waier. w nat mure can h. .ll..n U la th place, above all olher. for lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu .......... .oni,irring the number of aufTerera who have been cured. I havi no hesitancy In recommensllng this genial oasis aa the toven of Hi afflict llEVEUAllKX to ii 4." INDIO. U 612 miles from SAN FRANCISCO nrnl 130 .nilt'H from 1.0$ .ANCKI.l j Fare from Los Anrln l-oe s od .' 1 . sm CO . tui . E V Tank 7f. For further Information Inqulr of 7 "luniern tacino Company agen or address E. P. nOGRILH. A-ast, Oen. Tasa. Agt. 8. P. c0 J. U. KIRK LAND. ,, . Wst. Pass. Agt nr Klret n1 Alder .. Portland. Or MUSIC HAIjLi. KKATI.NO CO will open their Viulo lll' at so Asior ureei, Ww Hslunlay th p.tli. 1 lie, win keep tiumtiorlrsa .Kel lliiora and I'lgais besides ,rliix innd nimlc all th time. I 10 I w 1 no 1 1 On r 76 25 Canadian Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICA'S West -i- Trars CoDtiiiBntai Railway System. ROM Oil 10 OCQU -IN- Palacc Dining Room and Sleeping Cars. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day-Coaches. ALSO - Observation Cufs, allowing llnhrnlrn Vlt ws jf the Wonderful Mount, aln ("ivintrv. $5.00 and .$10.00 WINES AND HltANMrtt -f-M.ln fandel wine Instead of ci-ffes ... it Klftv i-.i is per Knll.ui. INin'l r..rr-,eai-ll and apricot brumty. Al.i K,. -s '..gnao and win si iei i)iie. A. V. ALL12N, MAI I WIN Gfovcrlrn, l lcmr, rrcd. I'ttivMoin, f-fuit. Vrgcub:r, Cfu.krf), tilaaiij J'UlcJ Watc, Lot-en' Supplies. I Gi. I J SMirau4M M..n A.fc-i. Or Snap A Kodak at any man runiln uu. i.t our aioi and j.u i gn , 0 mrir.tl of a nun lirii.iii.ii. o..f ail,, pi. .,, i Inuui,!. Nil n .piil ) Iu li. ii.p.iH. hnrv touttri AmriH.111 1 I'LtASt ANV MAN Corpe and Tiy Them U'fiMICH M CO. KM'KNDIi;!) bTMl'A I Ii . "Io unu o(hr y,iu would t.av ilher do unto you." I ayni4Hh.tK.Hti) "wn in the following line, th. ,,r iiitiipil.iii bving that aiinpa.ny Is t-.r;i r akin to pain or sorrow: "i.i.utloii,en; l'le4e send Krane Headache Cmpsiii m follow: Twu "xca lo Kl'i-a hny, llavnrln't. N, iak i'w.i iKixea In I.lllle Wllcoi. HiYMiklitnd. . Llik i nuvw hlwya t-en a great iiifferiT fnun bea.lachr and your Cap ulea aie th cnly tmng Hint relieve tie. ' Ynura vol truly, FUUA PEAY. Havana. N. Iwk For wale by Chsa rtogera, Astoria 'r., ft.. In Agent. J. B. WYATT, Astoria, Orgn. tlclt Ksit, Tourist o"rs the . . i ..pinciis in m vory lineal IllDS FOH HTI1EET CltOHHINQ. Notice Is hereby given that bl I will be received by the committee on streets mid public ways of the common council of the city of Astoria, at the offbe of the audilor and police Judge, for repairing a crossing at tne Intersection of Thirty first and Franklin avenue. In the city ot Astoria, a laid out and recorded hv J M Shlvoly, until Haturday. M:irch 1st. lli. nt 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, raid bids to ne in acordance with tha provision nr ordinance No. 174 of Ihe city of Astoria, and to be accompanied with a bond sign ed by two sufficient sureties In the sum of .VX). Bald crossing to be renalred In accordance with plan and applications now on file In the office of the auditor and police Judge. Wnrrants for the pay- ment of tho same will bo drawn upon the read and crossing fund, and will lw n-ii In c."-h t:pon nresentnllon. ! in" comrrllUo reserves the Hl-i.. in rej-r t any and all bldii. lly n-dcr of ihn rnmrrnn cnnnnll .1,.. hfs n.ih ilny of Janunrv. 1V , If. R. NELSON, Auditor end Pollea Judge. Pa red on all bht on wh e Ihrouglii'Ub CanarJlan I'ucll'io ROYAL ill mm? UIE I It in I wore, Ship Chandlery , OroccrlcH, Provision., I'AINTM t.iul OII.H, Sprcl.l Atlcntlnn P.U lo Hupplymg Ship,. riiey Lack Life There are twines .old nsherm.n on th Columbia rVor tt UnJ , die samu reliitlotmhlp to Marshall's rwlt... wuoden Image docs to tha 'lumaii bclng-thcy laog lreiiuth-llf. - v..es-a lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself t ln bBuf ,hftt other twine be.idc Marshuira will do "Juat t well.- ry won't. They cannot STICAMICIS Telephone & Bailey GatzerL "Telephone" China -TO- and p. m. Japan. China steamets leave Vancouver, B. C. Emprm of Intlli i.mpr.'i, or janan l-.mprrst of l.hlnA Em.'ren of India hmprMt of Jsrail Einpreii ef China Aug Sept, Oct. Nov. Dec, ,l. t'lll. Kill. Mill, iiili. nth. Australian steamer lev Vancouver II c I6th ol vry monlh. 1r i'i,et ratM and '"formation call riN on fir anririre.) S' M. And. i. Astur'.-i, Or, A, t. Cirv n, Trfvl!n l'as. An I '.:iiui.i, W ihIi. Rrn.vn, D st 'ass. Act.. V.niroiiver, H. C. diillv o "."". """"a at 7 , niiin m vi. , nalley (lui,.rf. day, WrdiifMiiiv - Haturday ,; ,, . . .. ,:,x' ' rl""v ""'1 ' ni. it:ii. n. n u...... .'iiiiiiuy haves Astnrln T... I liursilliy. p.lilau iii nr S'ir. ,.-.. iiik ni 7 n ia ve I'orlliind ,y ,, . . cptBuniiay. ,, . WALI.Aoic MAlfKKRY,' . Agent. North Paeifie Bremery JOHN KOPP, Prop Bohemian Lap-ftr Beer Am) XX p, ,,, , , MiL, Lve onler-i uoent9 Sunnyslde Baloon or ' l.. r.?n th OoamonolltMi u.i,w ... at promptly altsnded to ii mi, wm