....... t ..J'-'"'' - r. . 'ME tUllY Ab'WIUJLN, iSTUau TW3DAT kOLNlJid, IMUAllV 4, IM nr . OS gaily Slotcaimt JOHN I. LIGHTER, Editor. Tulvpliou No. M. DAILT. Sent by men, par year..... Sent tr nil, per month..... Served bjr carrier, per wee will demsnd anil h afforded by the toi.ncil an opportunity to tender this pnvf twforc the pplioathn for a r.ow licvc la finally acted I'pnn. 11311 r"2E Pi fl ssss"ss---l .KM .17 00 . . TTEBKLT. Snt by mall per year, .M In advance. Postage fre to subscribers. AH communication Intended tor pub lication aliouM b directed to the editor. Business communications of ail kind and ramlttauiceg muet b a-klressed to The Astorlan. Th AatorWn guarantee to its' sub scriber the largest clrcuiaUoa ot any newspaper published on the Columbia i river. J The mlsh-p to tho Columbia l another I : lliusttatlon of the nictslty for a ship ' l yard an.l .Iry dock at Astoria. Wo mm' without thl.i Inipe rtar l a.ljuivl, Hittl it' dor not tend to ndort. our cHrt ad- J vantage In tlio riKhi way to have such vessels, after mcrt.nc with tlie most or-' dlnary rasualtle at our very doors, go elsewhere to make tin tr repairs K.en 1 the little Columbine must no to I Vt tHn. I to lo tlnkcird up b. fine she will be lit for duty stain, while the anew of lowing the Columbia to some port h:n Inr; the facilities to make the kind of n -pairs The ro.piti.i will amount to more than the aiviti.il Inirrrst on the mm of money nccvMSary to ii-vvt and maintain a first-class dry dock of the largest kind. GIVEN AWAY Advertising rntea can be bad on ap plication to tha buainen manager. Th Weekly Astoriao, the eecond old oat weekly tn tha ante ot Oregon, bat next to tha Portland Oregon Ian, U:a ! largest weekly circulation In the auta. Jno. F. Handley & Co, are our Portland aeon t a, and copies of the Astorian can bo bad every morning at their aland, lit Third atreet. There is hen In Brooklyn with a f ie like that of monkey. Us por'.ra't has appeared In the papers, So far as we are able tt Judge, it has no pollllo.il Ik nltlcance. but It may turn out to be an argument either for or Against nm e).-stt ! Hon to New York city. ! Conttlnr of on aheet of FARM BUrXDINOS and on ht of 78 BubJtKtM, DOMESTIC ANIMALS, to. Th ar to plena the children. Tha Farm House and Animal can be cut out ana made to atand, tbue ma-lug a couplet) Mlnlatur Farm Tiard. 3 Ways to Get This Farm : C J 6 Coupons i or Oti 47 1 Oonikin and 6 Oonti or 10 Oouu without my Coupon, to BLACKWEU.' DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DUNHAM. N. C. nd tho Farm will b aent you POSTPAID. Vott will find one Coupon Inside each 'J ounc bag, tod two Coupon lusid oaoU 4 ounc bag of BlacRweirs Genulns Dnrani Tofiaccit. Hoy a Kit: of ilii Celebrated Smoking ToUefo, and read tho coupon, which etvesa list ol other premiums anu now to get menu t CCNT STAMPS ACCCPTCD. The notlceablo tendincy to ludulire In quls and Jibe at the expense of S.nn-tor-eloet Money, of Missl.'ppi, Is n spe cies of depravity that cannot 1k too severely condenuied. SENATOR LOTXJE'S COAST DEFENSE J A Mexican sliver dollar is worth only half as much -is an American silver dol lar, ai.d yet nobody In Xle .leo ecr i-om-mltterl the crime of 1TS. Senator Lodire has offered a coast de fense bond bill which will recommend It elf to the American people, however it may be viewed by this dilatory, procrastl- natinir anil indifferent senate. The hill provide for the Issue of bonds to the: amount of $lM,Mi.tM, payable In twenty years and bearing i per cent Interest. They are to be offered to the people In denominations ranging from S3) to S1.W, and tho subscriptions for the loan, or such portion of It as may be desired, shall be opened July 1, 1SW, and at such subsequent dates as the secretary of the treasury may determine, "at all sub treasuriea of tho Veiled States and at all national banks, and tho subscribers shall have the right to pay for the bond i In lawful money of the United States.- In,"""""- ""'!' Oregon ..... --.. Leading Newspapers. Senator Lodge bill, in a wonl, pro- vide for a great popular loan for a ; Several state paiwrs are advocating iho A HAPPY MAN. I Itcston Comemrelnl ltulletiu. t Ca;tuin no belattsl imssenger who hi suddenly apixiiml on the deck of the i a'wndoncd ship Jump, man: Jump I quick: Don't you se she's going down? I Passenger-Is my wife saved? Captain Yes. j Passen.:er Well, so long. I ean't ' sivn.l the rest of my life ixplaluln why ; I let her take this steamer. FltKK PII.IX It I.; estimuttd now that the .aln or bicycles for the yenr 1SW may reach Iwo I million. The majority ngalnt the horse continr.es to grow. It was a race between th World's Fair medals aid the Keely motors, and the' melals se.ra to have won by a slight' margin. ' The captain of the steamship St. Paul is also a Jameson." WV come In threes. ! Doe, Jameson. J STATE NEWS. ) Send ywir kreiw to II. K. IlucMrn A Co . ChVgo. and ge! a fre untle box of IV. Kind's New lfe Pllhc A trlil will cnv;nf you of their mem. Theav pllla are uy i:i . ;i.i and are purocularly e(Tec:lve In the euro of Cbns;irlkn and Siok Ho.dach. hr Mairi ami Livrr rrouhtea K y have town proved rnvulu able. Ttwy are guaranteed to t perfect ly frje frvm every doteterloua oubManw nd to be purely vKvCAhle. They do not we.tkM by tlieir cvq. tut by atvlna r.v' tvt oaonttch ami btawrt grtty la liri..iiig the arwiiawi. Mgtufctr use Sc per tx. HoM t Cktnm Kapera, Irumrtet. White enamel end gold make smart garter buckles for a bride. Though trains are not worn nine men out of ten manage to walk on the prome nading woman's gown. THEY IlEST WHEN ASLEEP. When the shades of nluhl have fallen, and The peaceful houra have come. The oarsman, sleeping, rest hi skull, The giddy girl her gum. Th waion-maker rest hi tongue; The artist pal and weak HIs palate rests at night: commercial Traveler rest their cheek. Th hardware man doth rest hi imll. The watch hi faint alarms; The stovepipe man. hi elbow. lff. The soldier rest hi arm. Coal miner ret tholr vein at nlijht, Indian their scalps do rest: The packer his rib and shoulders, while The carpenter rest hi chest. And while we re resting. 1.1 us all This vol of thanks send In "Praise Morpheus that woman, when 8he sleeMi, must r t her chin!" JAMES COl'UTNEY C11ALL1SA hanging of the sheriff who "allowed the murderer. Sam G. llrown, to escape." purpose In which the people of the fniteu 8tate are vitally Interested. That pur pose is thu stated In the body of the bill: Tho bonds authorised by this act shall i constitute a loan to be known as the 1 "coast defense loan," and the proceeds ot i said bonds shall be kept In the treasury ' a tuna apart, and shall be used only for providing for the defense of the seacoasta I A l'-yar-old sir!. "weighing and lakes of the United States, and for i Pound.-." lias bvrn convicted In Portland tho manufacture of guns, the purchase ot of b'n vagrant, if vagrancy Is so sites, and the erection of forts and hat- Trie Salem council has levied an 5 mill tax for municipal purposes, making the total tax, state, county, school anil city, ?; mill. The S-mlll tax will pro vide the sum of J1:.m.1P. Children Cry for ' Pitcher's Castoris. To lo. one of the stylish buttons cn swell cowns means the disappearance of i a tidy IK tit. sum of money. J Indio Tin1 Oasis op tiii" c.oiohaim) dim hi A iNcw ; jealth Resort ,., Ill LOW Ol' Till' IHli I t VM. Dry Absolutely and Pure Tropical " Climate IjtundrlM orvlluary, ipsolsl rat or by meter, Sieatn, siwclal rata or by meter, In addltlou to engtit. Lawn Founlalns Wllh one-sixteenth Inch ' neile, spwlnl rate. W ith one-eighth ln, h noas'e, m clal rale. Mnehlue Hhops, Sash and Door Factories- In addition lo engine -and roige.... Itu Or by special rate, Manufaelorlr and Shop N'oi otherwise Siecltlnl - Piwlal rale. Meter Hates t. Meter for pipes moic lliuit cue Inch In diameter will bn allowed only by spe cial areemei with lite applicant. t Tha right Is reserved lo set motets whenever, and In such places only, as may be deemed best. All meters mil be and remain the prowrty of Iho cliy, anl may be removed whenever Hie com mittee or superintendent nuty elect to do so. 1 In the event af a meter Killing out of oiiler and failing lo register, the con sumer shall bo churned m tho average dally consumption as shown by Ihe meter w hen In order. . nir water delivered by meter, for u only In rase of emergency. In build ings in which th city water I not used, th minimum charge will lie 1.1 per month payable in advance. 8. With t 111 exception. Ihe minimum charge for water delivered by meter shall be it) per cent of the schedule rate. . Meter will be used without notice, for Ihe detection and prevention of waste, and Ihe exec of Ihe meter above Ihe schedule rate for any month will bo charged, In addition lo Ihe schedule rate payable In advance for the succeeding month. I. Th rate for water supplied by! meter, except for elexalor. shall I as! follows: For quantities up to tfl.Ocn gallons In ' any one month at the rat of U) rents for I eaen i.nv gallon. ror th quantity so used In any one month exceeding lO.Uuv rations, and on lo IfMM) gallon, at th rale of 90 cent for! Th objection urged against Indlo each I.wo gallon. j In th past by th larg number who ror in quantity o ued in anv one oinerww would hav been glad lo tak month exceeding Scon gallons, and tin to I advantage of It toncflrlnl climate, has au.iui gaunns. at in rale or u cents for neen a ack or suitable aciximimid ach I.tW gallon. Hon. Th rUiulhern Paclflo Company For th quantity so usisl In any one 1 Uke pleasure In aanounclng that gv nmnin ricefHiing ni.uw gallons, and up to, eri lui.tM gallons, at the rate of ai cents for each l. gallons. ror Ihe quantity so usel In any one month exceeding gallons, and up lo gallons, at the rate of 11 cent for each l.m gallon. or th quantity so used In any on month exceeding o gallons, al the rate of lit cent for each l.wu gallon. Kent will be charged on meter month from SO rents to 12 tu. Municipal Hates- Hpeclal rate. Offices, IVx-lurs, Hanks, etc- Each Dentlal office, each... Photograph (lallrrlr- Jch u 00 in Public lltilldliigs and Illock Each room without faucet rroiiouncotl y riivnicituiM tli Fuvorabloiu Anu-rica for Su Aurora from ... Lung Diseases and Rheumatism . Many Remarkable Cures Commodious and Comfortable Cottages hav Juat bean Mutod at tndl t lion, tlittt wilt be rented to appllonn at reaaunabl tale. Tl rv ar fur iinneii with mudrrn convenience. u I Piled with puro artesian water, and ik I situated aa to guv occupant all th. ; dantac to be derived from a more or lea protracted residence In thl de 1 1 , tifnirui climate. s in i (Prom th Han Kranolsoo Argonaut) goo i in th heart of the grat deaert j in Colorado whlco th Soulheru Pa PIl01p'fflMltiNAf) CAIlti". John t. t .i i i i : it. A T1' ' 1 1 N E Y A T I A W , nilloc, I'p.iuh'. Asloiliiii llulldlim vlerui.in ..I ti . I in. ho I iitlo. I'll llAltTKI.. I'll VMM 'I A N AMI HIMI.lKllN, tulles over Allien iiiidwr's sturs. enr, (ill ami tNi nmerel il, I'rlcesi Calls, Hi .'lil'llleitieiiM, I'tlW llpel III ins SI ultlo free1 inedl. Inea fui nl'i"l Oil HIIJV JANrtoN, PIIVrilCUN A NO hKU'.l'uN lirli-envl'loi' ding sl'ire Hour lit 11 a. in.: t lo ft sml t lo P ti' Hun Isvs. 10 In II. I'll O II I'H'I'I 't PIlVHM-t N KKW itlM.-ilt'iiN l,elsl sll-nliin tn i1Imi.- wimi ep and tt'r IVTIc lVo Oans'ger's S'ere ,. Tloiihn V ANI l'ylhlau anil r M It not only Is so. It most be so, One i Mmute Cough Cure acts quickly, and conducive of fat there are several people I 'hat s what makes It go. Chag. Koprer. in Pendleton who are lik- ly to embrace it. ! East Oregonian. ! ''"e of the prettiest women In Paris I ' Mme. Paipitn. who is Ihe modiste for The King Pridce Company, of Cleve land. O.. has brought suit against the city of Alliany for tJ.CTXM and Interest. In all about Jil.TTi and Deputy Marshal half the royalties In Kurope. Don't Invite disappointment by experl merting. Ueend upon One Minute Humphrey served notice on Mayor Hurk 1 Cmlsh 'lre and you have Immi-dlate re hart, restraining the city from iising any ' M- u "lr''" cr0,'P- Tn only harmless terle for that purpose In accordance with plana prepared by the war department as authorised by law now or hereafter passed by corfress lo provide for coast defense. Senator Lodge's bill meets the most urgent necessity which now confronts the government, and it should ho I without any delay. I n,,, such a bil, j 7, eu u vrrru passeu ccagress only stultiiies ; ---. Itself when It talks of enforcing the Mon- A. H. Iilack. of Myrtle Point, was In! po:n, ,lain,' eprlng cottons are being roe doctrine with arms or of making any ' ,he cU FrMay venlng. He reports that "l""Ked prior to exhibition In shop win j,.... , , . ! 8am G- Brown's brother is dragging the low''- demands upon foreign powers when the I roouiiin rivr i-.i h o . .,..?! I necessity arises. The government nasi were last ?een. for the purpose of recov no fleet to coerce even a second-rate ' ria the hody, but he had hear nothing power. I, has n, sufficient efe,e j "r. remi'dy that produces immediate results. Ch.is. Hovi-rs. Jt 1 sold on vu-rante by all drug- It cure incipient Conaumpuoft a-lsta. and iUk boat Ctouchard Croup Chn For Bal by S. W. Cum. MONTHLY WATER RATES. Th water rates will be due an l pay able In advance at tho office of the city water works on th first day of each month (except for elevator or by meters, which ar payable on th first day of the succeeding month), and If not paid within ths first ten dayr the water will be shut off from Ihe premises, as provided In sec tions S and 30. It Is understood that none of th fol lowing rales Include charge for taths, water closets, urinal and hone: inicino road traverse ther Is an caalt Each room with fau'-et o called ladlo, which. In our opinion. I Public Kali and Th'.'ter the sanitarium of lha earth. VV be it U in K oil lleve. from Personal Invr-lluatlon. tha itrsiaurants. t orree House and l.unrh 1 for certain invalid, the- la nu loot o una pianci u favoruid. O. T. Hlewart. M. U wrltrat "Th purity of the air, and th eternal un Counters 8u loons - . 13 ft) to 15 u 12 M lo S 00 against the vessels of any foreign power. I It has not the mean of resisting assault J from the sea, and there Is where the danger lies. On land the country is safe. We could easily taks Canada and hoia It, but our great stretch of coast on two oceans, the Gulf of Mexico and the Great The Yamhill Reporter thinks tho nd- 1 ui me oouniv 01 wo I SfalDS from ' Ki to $10 ouKtit to rill this and all the ad joining couniteis of the n. farious pests I and bring about an era of Hush times. When a coyote g-ts to be worth as much as a steer it Is time for some fellow nm T ttl, . . " 31. i ui, u IH' IIH1I1S- I'lrni insecure, ana wotiM i try. Ashland Tidings. Invite prompt attack in case of war with i England or any other power. Agr.in the ' . A Pj,c0 Ju'l5e' 0"''nB to lhe l"aevlty .,.. ,,,,. . ... ; In matrimonial circles, and to encourage Astorlan reiterate what this country I t he fair sex to exercise the privileges ex needs Is mote battleships, and monitors, j tended to them during leap yiae. offers and torpedo boats (we have cruisers I Perform marriaee cervtnnn for a enomrhi. m.!,m fnr,. -i.h ii, 'ck 01 flour ln casrs where the bride is " - 1 " " " ' ' nihti.iiv.c . .... I : . I . i . tioinrc uiitix, KAItLi'S CKOVnn RijtrT will nurlfe your bloo.1, clear your complexion, reg j Bakerles- ulate your Bowels, and mak your hen4 No rate leas than II Ot clear as a bell. 2S cts., 50 cts., and 11.00. For each barrel of flour used pir Sold by J. W. Conn. day 01 Barber Shops n.:d habits are as infectious by example as Ihe pluvie Itself Is by contact. Fielding. J. W. Pierce, Republic, Iowa, says: "I have used Ono Minute Couh Cure In my family end for myself, with results so entirely satisfactory that I can hardly find wonis to express pvsef as to Its merl's. I will never fall to recommend It to gIIk r. on every occasion that pits-ma Itself." Chas. Kcgcrs. long-range guns, capable of standing oil an eaemy's fleet, no matter how power ful. On tna entire Atlantic coast, from Eastport, Me., to Kty West, there re but two guns that are lit for defensive! purposes. Wc have one monitor that is of this city, favs re win see tne I'asco Judiie and go him one better. He will accept a half sack j of whrwt for his f In such cases Dalles Times-Mountalnter. ; Tribunals fall to the ground with the Pac th. v are ni lontrer nble to uphold. -Hurke. J. M. Garrison's pen of lUM Hrahmas. four hens and a rooster, took first prize effective, and two or three battleship,. SL ! '7. ,h ,T- ?onclu""i at . . mi's, i battle, giving them the hichest score ol W have two torpedo boats. Thus our j any pen on the coast this season, the i coasts are practically defenseless and in- j "core being ISj:. They wore sent over bv i vlto assault from an enemy Sena'ori ,ho r"" sl of i,r- s M. Shipley, who is i T.n.ir ' hin ,,i.i ' I prominent poultry fancier of that e:tv, I Lodge bill would provide the money ; and ,,,,t.n, of lUe Soiin(1 Foul: necessary to strengthen our defenses. It ! try Club. As apiears from the official ! would be a popular loan, and the would promptly and patriotically furnish I The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to ell others. It is hard for a baui;liiy man ever lo forgive one who has caught him In a fault. liruye re. First chair I M E-ch additional chair 23 Path Tubs First tub, private.. Each additional tub First tub In hotels, boarding and lodging houses, public building anil blocks Fach additional tub llarber shops and bathing houses, each tub 1 !A Beer Pump K Blacksmith Shops One forge 1 50 Each additional forge 2 Bookblnderir and Printing Offices ft 1 SO l co 2 00 1 to 1 So When TLlllW m aL'lr ,, 1, rmatneim peoDie "ok-c. ir. mil iiey nan ine ian?-.sl 'Jl"r i , . I WbenshAWiUisriillit ahn .rl.! fnr f'mmtnm iiuiiinr ui iuhih on exnioiuon ana re- Breweries Special rate. Building Purposes For each 1.W0 brick laid. Including water for lime Wetting each barrel of lime for plastering, or any other purpose than brick Wetting each barrel of cement Stone work, per perch Butcher Shops and Fish Markets- It On I no 1 1 I IM S 00 "! rpn w mm. t-nmrit.in i. .wi i ji..n tha money. Let the bill pass and let the i Indenendent. money be spent without unnecessary de-' lay. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. The Advocate has atisjiendeel pulihca- i tion and owing to the entangling littna ' lion will not like-ly be issued any more. It failed to appear le.st week, and the tw'5 weks be-fore was Issued Inle. wltli G'". nalhlr-. In If Innli' tn rnrnttLia I ti-r. t r ably by a majority of the senate commit-1 thr. V notlesi. of course, nearly all teo on ftreign relations are a long dis- ! th" Advocate's patrons are and have THE SENATE AND CVIiA. The Cuban resolutions reported fav A GOOD WOKU. iKre-n all p.lrng on our list, n.any of tlm ' being iiatrons of our piiiers ever slnoe ! Its first i:.-ue: however, those cf the Ad- ! vocale suii!Tilers who are not on e.ur I list are ri-?iH-otfuly initd to suucri!. Notices are pouted advertising the Ad- I t vocal, for v-tf lirnle-r .Ynlfnn nf -.lirii- aflame with friendship for Ihe revolu- I ary jo. Among Ihe articles off.-r.-d are a ' tionlsts and when only the most risnrous J One Man press, a malli t. sorr.e patent restraint prevents an outburst cgalnst ! "',I''' POHt' ',alr "r l""11'1' r''' i , . .l . i ' pl -'ilii'- ii'i'iiiie, .-ui.i aim may. ... v'i,..d-o ,ii. iiuhni van i us nun lance oeninu American public feeling on i tho question. That the Spaniards shall i deal with their enemies according to the : crudest usage of civiliztd war i:t little ' enough to ask when this country Is Chinese Building or tloui First six persons Each additional person Chinese Wash Houses Each IC to County Buildings Special rate. City Buildings, etc. Special rate. Dye Work M 00 lo Family Rate Six persons or less Each additional person Filling Cisterns (Private) For each 1.000 gallon, special rale. Fire Protection Sjieclal rate. IS 3 Ot 2 00 IS U oo serious difficulties. Perhaps the senate could ni-k no more; certainly It could ai-k no less than that ; the horrors of medieval war be not peatcd on a brave people battling for freedom within ion miles of our coast. W'e hav- the right to Interfere at hast I to this extent a rlsht arising from con-; tlgulty and from the commonest princi ples of humanity. Very few Americans 1 : Tillamook Headlight. Mr. .1. .1. KelL Shamsburg, Pa. Denr Sir- 1 nm glad lo say a good word for KrauHe' Heeidache Capsule. Afte-r suffering for over three years with acute neuralgia and It enmx-quent ii.H.mi'in cvhioh seemed to hul e 'he efforts eif seitne of our best Thva..'!iatis) yuu suggesteu this remeelv which gave i Foundrle- me ilmost instant relief. Word full i Fach, In addition to to express the praise I should like to h. stem on Krnuse'n Headacli Capsules. Jmtefully lours, MRS. E. K. HOLMES, Montroee. Pa. 1 CO 10 engine and SI 60 to The- following from th Fuene Guard ' vii inilli-ate that Oregon Is to be hHPl from in an international way: j Havana, Cnira, Jan. 27.-Hon. Ita L. , Campb i, editor of the Daily Guard. Ku- ; gene. Or.: Hon. Churl Nick'-ll, editor! of ih Tlmis, Jaeksonvllel, Or.: Colonel V. I. Aphhury, e ditor of tiie NVun, Can- ! yon I'ilv, Or., and Charles I). Dout'hiy. i . elitor of the Observer. Dallas, Or., elele- j I ;at.-s to the National Editorial Assocl i- , tlr.n r. C, A ........ I .... T.'l I . would hesitate to declare that the right j Coim.j I!ol) jonnson. ,HUS . Is even broader, and that If needs I e we j ran h nor Corvallls, Or., for Spain's in- I should deliberately Intervene to end a i frest in the island of Cuba, and will es- war which promises now to be drawn out l?',"" h.a r,"""rt u'r r'-'m bachelors. , , , , , .. B'-ing leap year tliey propose going to till every drop of patriotic Cuban blocd ! Havana, Cuba. Mr. Campbell, in an has been spilled. ; interview this mejrning. Intimated that -- he would erect a e-ommrxllous theater, ,L ,. ,, : "nd had wire-d Kilwin C Ston-. manager The city council cannot afford to ignore j f ,h(. ( & K R ' ,Q ;nor,I,J the two complaints filed at last Satur-1 the- m-maifemi nt ofihls house or name a day' meeting against the Casino barroom ! suitable person. .Mr. 'arr.ppell ban about eomple-ted ne : gotiatirns for the Island and was to give j the cil.orateil r.'ampbell & Walker hop j yard for the? same, but Colonel Nlr-kell. ' who had come he re in the Interest of Hob I : Johnson, after having persuaded Oamp- ; lieu to "he.pe-ron him, drew from his In- side iiej'ket a bottle of Florida water, In which he had put three young all'uators Some eif the new ginghams are In such proroune i plaids that one at a glance thlnkx them woolens. and theater. These complaints are not oftjr the style of the usual fanfaron ade on the general moral tone and cor rupting tendencies of such places, but they made specific charges of violation of law, which, if substantiated, should deprive the tiresent management of all right to a renewal of the present license, j 'r'r ' keeping, and declared upon his r.nd, moreover, ehould lie prr,s c.:l. d without delay In the proper nun , ;: law. It Is to be hoped the mini; !- s, ar.il others who have united in these com plaints will not stop with their mere fur ma! presentation to the council, but that they will come forward with the ptcoi required to sustain them, and that they t . r''l-. ine l.v. :.. trtf-t tlie'e cree-ping, crawling "is wire hen lice taken from th f Curr.pl t-i!'"; yards in Lane enun Tho sale v. as rpolled, anel Jchmiun are new in iioKsc.-slcn temporarily i." little rr.olr hlil. G Ou 00 lo 25 00 . oe roe "it : th" ' .denee' in life js coneeiiti-a-evil Is eiiH?iiation.-i'runk- THE BEST PIPE ' TOBACCO. forge, Gas Compantei Each ; Government Buildings Special rate. Hose For Irrigation, Including space oc cupied by bulldlng-Each lot of ground (WxlOO feet or less) l oo All persona Intending to use hose for Irrigation during the present year must make application at this office before commencing to use the water, whether they have paid for the use of Ihe heme during the past year or not. To person agreeing to pay fnr hose for Irrigation during the months of June. July, August and September, no charge will lie mado during the remainder of the year. I'ersems not so agreeing must pay from the time thei water Is turned on un til notice Is given at this offlce that II will no longer be required, and that the hose bib has beten detached from the pipe. rnr smewalK sprinkling Each 2."i feet front or less (Including washing window and floors) f Sidewalk sprinkling must be confined within the limits of the front of the premises for which payment has been made, and not extended to the adjoining street. The use of th hose for sprinkling streets is forbidden under any clrcum stances. Hose bib will not be allowed on the premises excepting where hose rate are pain. Hotels, Boarding and Lodging House In addition to famly rate, each room , , , , , , ja or oy special rate. Hydraulio Elevators Special rate. Ice Cream and Oyster Saloons $2 00 to B 00 Laboratories, Soda Manufaetorhs, Bot tling Establishments, Vinegar Fac totieg and Parking Houses K"fh II HO to 10 00 Schacl (Public and Private) - Special rate. Sewer Work Settling earth, special rate. Sleeping Rooms Each room without faucet Fach room with faucet Soda Fountains. Each fountain Each Jet 8tahle (Prlvatel- On horse or cow Each additional horse or cow Each vehicle Abov rate apply whether water taken from stable or elsewhere. I.lvery anel Feed Stable- I 8peclal rate. I Steam Engine and Hollers - Each horse power (ten hour each elay) to ten horse power tvi Each, from ten to twenty horse I power Each, from twenty to thirty horse liwer Each, aliove thirty horse power.... or boiler for heating purpewes. according to stie of building 2.V to Gas engines Steamboat. Ships, Tugs, etc Special rate. Stores- Drug stores 2 01 to Grocery store Hardware stores Dry gnoels and other stores Liquor stores (wholesale)..,. 13 (10 to For families living In the same building Swill and Slop Hopper For each slop hopper with outlet or waste pipe two or more Inche in Diameter, and supplied with water direct from faucet, or In any manner other than ty buckets.. ITrlnal (Private) Self-closing other than self-closing Constant How Public, self-closing " Other than self-closing 2 U) Constant How 5 em Water Closets (Oilier Than Tank Closets) First closet, private 7f, Each additional closet K First closet In store's ', Each additional closet... 2.-, Flr.it closet In hotels, hoarding and lodging houses, saloons, public buildings and blocks Each additional closet One closet for two families Each additional family Water Closets (Tank Closets)- Flrst closet private Each additional closet First closet In stores Each additional chisel First closed In hotels, boarding anil lodging houses, saloons, public buildings and block Each additional closet One closet for two families For each additional family Water Motors Special rate or by meter. Number of Occupant In all dwellings, stores, ofllces and other places (except hotel and lodging houses), where the num ber of occupants exceed six per sons, the charge for each person In excess of six will be, In addi tion to tho above rate For other uses or buslnetss not herein mentioned, by special rale or by meter. The right I reserveel by Iho Water Commission to amend or add to these rules and regulations, or to chunge the water rate a exncrlenee may show lo ne necessary or expedient. shine, fill on with wonder and dellgh 1 - - isatur haa accnutp ished a much that there remains tut llitl (m : mn to do. Aa tn II rxiaslhlllllr a I hltti rtsKirt, her I th moat rr 1 ievi sunsnine, wun a temperature al way Pleasant, a tierfee't v dry a,,!! J" 1 for rain I an unknown factor; purr 'i oxygen, owns atmoher and pure w-i-r. net more can bo .desln-d train I tne place, abov all other, f.u I w. lung troubles, and a paradla fur rheu mat 11. I'linalilerlnr th number u sufferer who have been eurd. I have Is no neaitancy In recommending thl g-niai oasis aa the haven of th affile-! co. INDIO- Ta 612 miles from SAX FliAXnstt nl 130 .Tii.c from l.0t? AXfiKI.KS Faie from I.os Angelrs for further Information Inquire of ny miumern Pacific Company agen', or a ! res E3. P. ROORTlfl, Aa Qen. Paea. Aat. R P. Co 1 CO, J. 11. KIRKLAND. 1 Wat. Pa. Agt ! foe. F1ns mrt Alder St Portland. Or S W 2.1 I ' 5 HI MUSIC HALL. KKATINU CO will open their WW Mule Hat1 al ' Aster street, w lisPiriUy the I' Ih. Thsr will (r keep numberless good liquor and cigar besides having good munle all the' time. Canadian Pacific RAILWAY. UT TUTTt.r", If IV tirKK'l.N. FtlllilKoV, i VOtVIIEIIIl Olfli-e, llisiin I and . Hulldlng. Hour. 10 to 13 llpsldeiiiw, ;. Cedar teeei H. T. CltoHHV. AlToltMir .A'M..'. Commercial Sireel. W. II. IJirorce. . H. "iidth. t.sKOIH'K A SMITH. ATTORN BYH-AT' TAW, UI Cum msr clal alreet. I. Q. A. nowt.RT, ATTORN KT ANU Ol'NHrl till AT LA'. OOlc on Hound rL " J. N. IKilph. Richard Nlin .'heater V. iniipn. IHilJ'll. NIXoN A IK'U'll. ATlOllNUVH AT IAW. Portland. Oregon, :i, Si, :. and 17, lUlliUtou Huildllig. All legal and '! Irclhiu busliie nltip'ly attended to. CUliua gulut Ui government a p-olalty. soi'iirrv i:r.TiN. TIIMPUC I.OlHiS NO. T. A. r", and A. M Hi gtilar rouiiiiinb-atbin held on Ih first an.) third Tueaelay evening of each iniMith. W. O. lloWi:l.I. V M, E. C. HOUH-M. U--.try. MIHCKU.ANKOER Itl-'.M. ESTATE. NOTARY ITIUJO. W, C. CAtWICt.U , IT Tsnlh trl. WHEN IN )'lRTI.AM Call nn Jno F, llslnllry ,v Co . I.I Tliltd Irn. t, aed . I th Dully Antoi Inn. Imtors ti,i-. ii, mlxs Ibrlr lliuriilus r while llini- IIEVKItAHE W I N EH AND HltANDlF . C- 'i famlel win Instead if eff.-s .1 Hfiy cent per i-iiIIpii vn I fi.r.ei :wch and aprliM.t brmuly A Oet . t '"gnsn and win at Ales .!'. f . A. V. ALLIC.N. IHAILHI.W Grovrtlrs, hi. n t, ( cel. r:ovlMon, I t,,iu Vrg-t t'.l.i.ljery, ( i!j-..liij I'UtrU W .ut. l.cc.rls'Sui'cllrv C . t!s.. iul MtKt t.twia O.s Snap A Kodok t CO 1 If) 1 00 r.i 2T. 1 00 r.i 75 25 lo AMERICA'S Greatest Ita-CoHtinental Railway System. FROM OKI TO -IN- Pulaiie Dininc IJooin and Slrrplii); Cars. Luxurious DIiiIiik Cars. Elegant Day Coachrs, rAI.S0 - Observation Car allowing Unbiokrn Views jf the VVonJerful Mount ain Country, I) I OS h'OR HTRKKT CHOHBIXO. $5.00 and $10.00 Saved on all II. knt Fast TonrW er the best nn wh ell, I ipilpments uf th,. rr, n,,,, thri.ugii ut. '7 -ll.Sd- CunMillijii 1'eiclflc China -10- and Japan. China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C' rmpresi ni pun, . . i hmpreweif J.pin . . n,,' f.munt ui ( hl.i.i . . t,..,, tin. rets nl l.i,.ia . . yV, , fMh. ii.ih, M'll, I nil. Notice Is hereby given that hi I will bn received by the committee on street anil public wnys of the common council of the city of Astoria, nt the olll -e of the auditor and police Judge, for repairing a crossing at tne Intersection nf Thirty first and Franklin avenue, In the city ot Astoria, as Inl.l out and rccn.-dcel by J. M. Shlvely, until Hnturduy, M irch 1st, 1KI, at 7 o'clock p. m. of said eluy, raiel bids to lie ln acordanro with the provision of ordlnnnce No. 174 of the city of Astoria, and to be accompanied with a bond sign eel by two sufficient sureties In the gum of t'M. Bald crossing to lie repaired In accordance with plans and specifications now on flln In Hie office of the nudltnr and police bulge. Wiirrritit for tho n. ment of the same will bo dnin upon the i For tirlri i-.i-v I i.V ' read and crossing fund, and will bo paid fln n i I Vv d M,"'mf"'" In cosh upon presenluilon. ! i. i in,, r-'k .? The committee rese-rves the right to i ' "',' rlNI-A SON, Areiit,. . reject any and all bids. L, Aslori.i. Or. Hy order of the common council, doled w- ' wwn, TrflVeillig Past. Art this Juth day of Janunry, w.m. Tacnma, Wash if. K. NKI.HO.V, Gen. McL. Brown, )'st. Pass, Art Amlimr and pmiee judge. I Vancouver, B C al any sis euiu.iiK .-i I Olir Slos mi.,1 .,tt li u,.! r g poriMi ul s iiiii t.riir.ii.ii. II. IT Sill, .. ,, (,,. I Nn li ,i,.h m ii,.. ii,,,, q si hiive tui.tTer r' rinii.i it, PLtASt ANV MAN. j.x Corrpo and Tru Them KXTKNIIIXn bTMPA I II I "I'O utllu otbrra ss vuu i thei du unto yuu." is iii.iiuii..... ,i. 'own in tlie following line. in. litll.l.i U-1 n ti., sjlnpu nv K p,, r bkiii in pitin r aormw: "leill,'H,,.i l'l..,i. ..n.l ,'..U'K teadaoh I'Mwule as fulbms. Tuo le'se tu Kloru Seay. Iluvaiiim, N. link wo Pose tu Llllle Wllcug, lleiilniid . Uiik I mive iilw.iv Ih 'en ifr.il iilfforiT from henetnehr ami vour Can. ule ar th only Udng thin rlleve me." Y"ur very truly. Pl-tillA HKAY. Havana. N. I ... u For Male br Cht rtoKera, Aiortn Or.. Hole Agen!. J. 13. WYA'IT, A. tor Is, Urrgon. Ilfird wnre, Ship Cluuullery, GroccricH, t IVoviHiotiH, ' I'AINTH mid oii(h, 8pcll Attention Paid 0 Suppl mg Ships. They lack Life There .re twine gold lo fishermen on Ihn Columbia river thm .1.....1 i tho sumo relationship to Marahair Twine as a wnodcn Image does to th human boliitf they IncK lrength-llfe eveiiness-nnd laming qunllili.. I),,' (nol youmelf Into the belief thai other twine beslilo Mamhuir. - ----- - j iiiiHrL. STIC AMICUS Telephone & Bailey Gatzert. J'.'"''',,"r'"""1 7 " ''""v.. cepl Biindny. ' ' "Iliilley Onlserl" ,.nc,., Astoria Tues. day. Weilnesdiiv, Thursday. .'rMsy ,n, Hiilurdny morning at II ir. 11 m (),. 1 evening at 7 p. rn """''"y leaves Portlnnd dally , cept Bunday. o numuv , 1, 1 WAMACB MAI.'ZKi, Y.' Ageiir- tmpreaa m t.h na - . ,,, Mh' Australian stesrmr leave Vsewoiivff R C 16th el every morAli. ' ' f . t. North Paeifie Brecaepy jC"M ... AnJ XX Pi")'M ti., Leave order -111, e 1 . Burmyglde Hnoon n ti T"? ,h the Cosmopolitan B.-loon , All or u " V b. promptly atiemVd to r" miU i