The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 28, 1896, Image 4

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    soMkTiiiK'O KEV,
Utilities' tni Stccl-Sliod MifttV XII
Siir ana Stylr
Wo uko carry a fino line of
ladies' and men's shoos, from
the best to the lowest reliable
piods. All goods warranted
just as represented.
17'.l Commercial street.
txxt areather for twenty-four boure
ending it t p. n. yesterday, furnbshed
by tha United 8tates LVpftrtTMDt tat Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature, M degtvea.
Minimum temperature, J degrere.
fnvlpUatinn. .Ei Inches.
Total prc,satlrtn from taptmbet' lat
15, lo date. 41.0) Inches.
Kxcess of precipitation from September
lit, 1KS ,lo date, .K Inches.
Ho Mend tea la the beat Ask your
grocer for It, and taka no other.
Mean? la the leading tailor, and pay
th higneat cash price for fur skins, '
For SS cnta you can reeura an excellent
well served meal at the Hon Ton Restau
ranl. No. &71 Commercial treet They
are also fully prepared to aerva all kind
of fish, same and alt delleaclea of th
season aa well aft oytters In ewy tm
arnable atyle at the lowest living prior,
dint once and you will continue to
Charlea Wirkkala'a saloon, on Attor and
Tth streets, which has Ion been one of
the most popular and best patronised
drinking- p'.acea In tha city has been
moved from tti preaent location to th
lot Immediately east of th Catlno thea
tre. Many improvements will ba added
as Mr. Wlrkkala Intends keeping up th
reputation his saloon baa bad tinea b as
sumed charge years ago. Only th boat
wines, liquors and cigars sold at tha bar,
a musical concert by tha best talent In
the city, under th leadership of Profes
sor Bchwabe, toe wall knows pianist,
given nightly. Call around and bring
your friends with you.
' Soothing, healing, cleansing, D Wltt'a
Witch Hasel Salve is the enemy to sores,
wounds and piles, which it never fails to
cure. Slops itching and burning. Cures
rha;id lips and cold sores in two or
three hours. Chas. Rogers.
8HTL0HS CURE, tha great Couch
and Croup Cure, is In great demand
Pocket sis contain twenty-nv aoseai
only t cents. Children tor It Soldi
by J. W. Conn.
A twister in twisting
May twist bin twist.
For in twisting a twist
Three twists make a twist;
But K on of tii twist
Untwists from the twist,
Th twist oarwlsttnc
I'ntwut th twist.
That !. wbea It's twitted with
other twin than MARSHALL'S.
Overcoats and winter wraps wi j in
fav-hion. Ttter csun kw dwcssxtarl, temper-
arilr srhlle traTvisrsx tn tt ttjeata tssai
traltts ot toe Chicago. Mllwaaws nrd St.
Pwul Railway. For sssldl cwnsfort. for
VDesd and for aeafaty, no alwr Hn
compara with vbts great railway f the
Finest work guaranteed by Thor. Fred
erlcksen. 2tiU Bond street. Ciriffin
Reed. Commercial street, will taka or
. At the Grand Masquerade
Ball to be given by Teutonia
Lodge No. 5, of the above or
der, on Thursday evening,
FfVirnarv 13. at Fisher's Ooera
T - 11 1 .
XlOUSe, tlie lOllOWing elCgailt '
prizes will be awarded
For the most elegant lady's
costume, tiist prize, a parlor
lamp; second prize, an oxyd
ized silver card receiver.
For the most elegaDt gen
tleman's costume, first prize,
a gold-headed cane; second
prize, a handsome toilet set.
For the best sustained lady
character, first prize, gold in
laid caid receiver; eecond
prize, silver sugar bowl.
For the best-sustained gen
tleman 8 Character, nrsi Prize,
kno.,;fl W.l- cnIon nritn
H ucauilllll I.IUI& , rt:v.vii' iftvj
a silk umbrella.
Admission Gentlemen, ill !
nnsk. SI. (JO: ladies, masked. '
fids enriiTflTATO -.A . l,;i,lrnn I
u;lt tne 0WMt prtCM (hmjld Ml-it the. ,,., tw,ne-frcm start to finish. Go
Under 12 VearP, 20C. I Astorian Job office before going else- there end examine the color right
I where. , through. You will tee then why Mar-
Tfoa nnmi aA an nrYliitp-r nnrl I
lias opened an artunet anu
drawing omce in connection
t i Mr. E. R. Hawes, the hardware mer-
Wlth hl8 bUSintSS 8S COntraCtOri chant, is confined to his house by III-
and builder, and is now pre-ja7e"w y?!t' to arou,,1 aKaln ln
1 P U. 'tA' rH i; j
piailH IUf IHUluiliga mi Jaiiiun
with accuracy and despatch.
Don't fail to give bun a call it
you contemplate making im
provementf of any kind.
Office, 473 Duane street.
Three comfortably furnished rooms, (
with nrstiaa table board, at Mrs. Hoi-;
den's, corner (tb and Dtsuia treota.
board without room tf desired.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
Best Brands of w
Faaseut Osmbrlnus Beer, tb
Alwsyt o Tap. , ,
473 Cca-Bcrds! St., - - Astoria, Ore.
around mm
j Uvea of many men remind us
That the gag the most sublime.
In I ho channel up l IVirtlaml
JAammtM by the sands of time,
ShlpleU that twrhana a pilot
Palling up this waterway.
Will get tuck, and, thua remaining.
s?tay forever ant a day.
Rooks, echoed book ami books.
Yesterday, washday-another tlii Mon
Charles A. Foster, of Now York, la In
The Old Homestead-'
never grows
Job printing of all kinds at the Astorian
Job ornce.
Will Tallantgot satlsfaclkm seven times
T"e Marshall's: Vou take chances on
tha others.
The depot Is coming, to says a leading
Joseph tx Murray was over from 11-
waco yesterday.
A. Q. Grant, of Hutte.' Mont, was In
th city Sunday.
Contractor Clinton Is busy improving
Eighteenth street.
. , ,
A proud ttniio amt a irayeu sain uo
not go wen togetner.
John W. Callendar, of Xnappton, wat I Muon activity Is manifest among the
In the city yesterday. j fishermen In both I'nlontown and Kast
- ! Astoria. lloiea are being stretched, gear
J. Q. Klllott. of Killed' (Jindlng. v ss ; 1 ,n,i boata overhauled, prep tra
in the city yesterday. j tor). l0 ln, season's work.
Extensive Improvements are being made
In the Scow Bay Foundry.
Tit. O, P. Ball. Dentist, wllh lady as
sistant, office 4 14th street.
Uquora at Foard Stokes Co.
J. H. Seymour returned Monday from
a abort visit to th. metropolis.
T. Ounderson. of Woody Idand. was'
in tha. ..iiv .-mi t aftrnovn.
' -
Krk-kson't new building on Astor street
will soon be ready for the rooting.
P. W. Winter, a traveling roan of San
Francisco, was in town yesiertiay.
For the best of commercial Job print-
, .. , ,h Astorian lob orflee.
" ' ttM AMom"
H. McB. Spencer, of San Francisco,
registered at the Occident yesterday.
J. H. Seymour, the popular Jeweler. Is
I expected home from Portland today.
1 . 1 - ;
I Rosy cheeks are charming, but don't
I uu a mustard master to make them so.
The readers of these lines can make
j money by reading Herman Wise's ad.
! Mr. George Ralston contemplates tak-
I ing a course of course! at Monmouth.
MarshaU's twine used t-r 13 per cent
of tha fishermen on the Columbia river.
J. A. Klrkham. of San Francisco, is
in the city, a guest at the Occident hotel,
Marshall's salines twine Is without a
competitor. Strongest, handsomest, best.
Th most complete stock of fine canned
fruits and Vegetables at Ford Stokes
Just think of It! We have ice Cream Drat time water was run throash it. for
and something new walnut crisps, at j the purpose of cleaning the tunnel. To
the Spa. j day the work of placing the wooden pipe
! wiil commence.
"Oh, I've broken the law!" cxclalmeil an j
attorney, as he dropped Hill's Code to ;
tha floor. i
Ex-Sheriff Harry Smith returned to As-
torla Sunday morning, after an extended
I visit In Belgium.
The best cough cur mad is the K. O.
Cough Syrup, for sale at the Estes
Cralrt Drug Store.
You can get a feather duster at Chas.
1 Kogers l'rug more, lomram 1
itrect. for S cents.
1 j
The Bond street "nuisance" was on
mtlMS vMterdav mAklnr Its WSV slowly, i
but surely, to Its future location.
Just received direct from Chicago.
1100 rolls wall paper, balance of IK
stock expected every day. B. F. Allen.
Dumbarton's Irish flax salmon twine,
superior to any in the market Fisher
Brothers, agents for th Columbia river.
Anti-nicotine Chewing Gum, th latest
and best Tobacco Cure, only 5 cents a
package at the Estes-Craln Drug S.tore.
Yesterday stationers did a large busi
ness supplying school children with a new
In. nf hwtlr. f rr ih. a .1 i'u n.'ul milM
j Manaper J. N. Beggt, who went
Portland Seturday evening for a day s I
"ni.on. . eie, u,e , iiivr.....a.
Th9 combination of a oln on the side-
walk, redheaded girl and a white horse ,
boded gwl luck yesterday to a man up;
Parties desiring the best of lob orintlng I
Go to 183 9th street to have your um-i
i brellas repaired or recovered. A tine line
of cover goods to select from at reason-:
. r. narnesty, wno nas neen con lined
to hla lei for the past month.
lri "IZS ; ,p,na"rouble' """'
Look out for the 8rw Bay Wood
Yard surprise next week in the way of j
iueis. none sucn ever Detore received
In this market
The flve-weeks-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Ferguson died Sunday -venlng or
erysipelas, and will be buried this after
noon at 1 o'clock.
It is rumored that three prominent
young society men of this city are about
to take unto themselves better halves.
Announcements arc expected shortly.
The rehearsals for the, "Fairies' Esca
pade," to lie given next month by Res
cue Club, enptlnue to be well attended,
and preside a creditable performance.
There were no cases in either the police
or Justice's courts yesterday. Evidently
lawbreakers are afraid of their honors.
Judge Nelson and Judge Abercrombte.
Among the Port landers in town yes
terday were M. J. Canning, Joseph C.
Murray, M. Meyer, 8. M. Meant. K. li.
London, C. C. McDonald, and A. K. Mon
teath. A special meeting of the common coun
cil will be held on Wednesday evening,
when several street matters, which must
be immediately acted upon, will lie con
sidered. Sunday evening, at tbe Me.hodlst
church a large congregation enjoyed a
special song service. During the course
iiliS HUtt .irhWA,
6f th evening Mr ilewley K
dered tlx appropriate, reMtatloiis, which
wort! greatly appreciated by lho4 pres-
l Cracker Jack I ag,ln In town.
I txijliy, please take noihv!
iJ. K. IIiiksiut, mansirer of tli lSwIul
Inft lt night fr a shore vtall to Port
land. l.lx-er, iinr and salt Is it nicilUIno
grvaily In ui uiHouut Asiorlitns Jiii
at present,
I Itenu llrnmmel, tho lundxtine $li' dn j
J h longing to Carrwl llu;;li-, of lNviUtnd,
' is In the vlly, vWltlug kVIII Toll:tiu.
Mr. KRts-rt. superintendent of the II-wa,-o
Itnllwnv kikI NavtK.iti'm fompAny,
lasmd thnxuth Die city from
IVrtlnnit. where he has leen on a busi
ness trip. ;
The ladles of 'The Mond.ty t'luls" Pes
ryterlan Oliurch. will have a 'Tea."
i'....Uv afternoon. Jan. front 1 until
v , 10m. r Mi-. H. P. I'rtel. All
I cotxlli.lly lt- it,-l,
j workmen were busy yestrnl.iy phielng
! in tooling on the new building on Com.
I merclal street, between Klghth and
j s,-lntn, i will shortly be complvted aud
r,,iv for oivuianry.
The erection of a seventy-foot teWcaoh
pole on the Astorian corner yesterday
afternoon drew a largo crowd of "rub
ber neeker" who manl'este,! much In
terest In th operation.
Mr - Pionc ha re lv,l from ..TLh
L v..h
I i ll
itod that he
; party up the river a green rallliiif,
( decjralea hn real estate om
, .if. t has been augesst
. hftw the fencing oiled
It Is becomlnc noticeable that the .day
are materially lengthening. Artlnclal light
is not needed so eartv m the afternoon.
and already th- comlna of the long spring
and summer Is unmistakably advanced.
! Te funeral of the ,, Kmll We.-h,
, took pi-e Pundsy from the hall of S.a-
side Lodge, A. 0. L. . A large con-
; ,rteml. and relative followed
; lne nnMin, tl ,, resting place.
! Oreenwonil.
1,..lnA.a M.n If von want to fW tin I
....... .. - .-
. ! J
ma. .a f .. ih. mm n Sk-im trim
, k,,. 0i letter heads, bill h.a is state-
; ments, etc., call at the Astorlwt lob orncsj
: where you will tlnd the best of stock :
; ,nj material. , 1
Krhani:estreet Is In a most depliraMe
condition, ltctween Kleventh and Twelfth
It is In the river. The action of the
I council In repairing this street is most
1 timely, as many teams have occ-islon to
1 use this thoroughfare.
; F.meral services over the remalos ot
! the late Hiram Carnahan were held on
Sunday from the residence of Mr. and
jj-s. E. A. Taylor, corner Sixteenth ttrvet
: and Fraukllu avenue, th Interrmcnl be-
i ing at Clatsop Cemetery.
j Paymaster Jones, of Corey itroa., made
a trio Baturdav to the railroad ramps.
Ha -.reports everything as progressing
I nicely and says much work has been
done since his last trip. The rorce ot
! workmen has been gratly Incr -usM.
j A iK'iiutiful evening (.-own Is of white
satin, th trimming arourd the bottom
j of the skirt being festooned and held in
place at Intervals of six Inehrs b; bands
of Jeweled lace. The bodice has a simi
lar trimming, and the sleeves are of olo
gold velvet.
The work of placing the feet of cast!
Iron pipe In the lunn-t at the reservoir
was cemuleted yeslerlay and for the
Go to Elmore, Sanborn's office and tec
their new and handsome twine testing
I machine. Take along tome of the twlnet
ood at Marshall's." In your pocket, f
and test them. Then see how much more
Marshall's will stand. It'a money In your
pocket and fish In your net to find out.
Astorlans are great on railroads. Kvery
plat of land in Clatsop, according to the
maps in mo onrces 01 real estate agents.
has at least three rallroadc running
tnrougn tt. A party yestepiay remarxeu
that a plat of perdition could net be tlls-
played in Astoria without several rail-
road lines traversing It.
An Astoria banker Is authority for the
statement that a number of bids are be
ing placed by Astorlans for the new gov
ernment four per cents. Whether they
will be successful In obtaining any of 'he
bonds Is a tiuestion. It Is also understood
that s la r ire number of bids will lie for
warded from Portland, one rlrm sine
bidding on lluU.i) worth of these Ixinds.
At the vesper service, Grace Church,
Sunday, there was given one of those I
deliKhtful evening services, which seem I
alwavs to round off a week of care with
a peaceful, and quiet reeling or repose.
The rector delivered an eloquent, short
sermon from the text, "For we preach,
not ourselves, but Christ Jesus, the Ird;
and ourselves, your servants, for Jesus
sake." 2 Cor. 4
Most so-caiied ' salmon twines" are eo-
ored with acids. The acids rot the tllirc
and render the material useless. In the
office of Klmore, Sanborn at Co. is an ob-
)et lesson that ought to he examined by
all-flsh-rnr-n. It is the whole or tne ma
terlal used In the manufacture of Mar
shall't is called the best in the wt r'd.
Yesterday a well known business man
received a letter from a friend in Roslyn,
Kootenai country, which
stated that there was great excitement In
that section over the new gold fltid. The
town has had a phenomenal growth In
the past few montht, and now possetse
thirteen hotels, with another In process
of construction. The gentleman thought
that with all the cry about gold, gold
bonds and gold reserve, that the new
mines being rapidly developed, would
probably afford a portion of the desired
supply of the yellow metaL
In conversation yesterday In thi off!
of a prominent real estate agent, Mr. C.
W. Shlvely said that ns far as he was
personally concerned the location of the
railroad depot was Immaterial, but that
he was very anxious that the movement
might be successful In securing the pave
ment of a through street from Hmlth's
l'olnt to Tongue I'olnt. lie thought that
the successful growth of the city de
manded that there should die such a
boulevard, giving access from all parts
of the city to all other part. He further
said that with the establishment of tuch
a street would naturally come the build
ing oi a through car line, affording cheap
transiwrtlon from one nd of the town
to another. Mr. Shlvely says that he has
offered in the past a donation for this
purpose, and stands ready to lay to make
It good. No doubt oth-rs will follow in
the wake of thU good example.
Kast Astoria Is doing its share of im
proving, and thst portion of the city
presents a very busy spptarance. The
constant demand 'or residence houses has
been the caus9 of a num'icr of buildings
being erected, while a great many are be
ing enlarge itather a noticeable feature
Is preonicd In the occupancy of new
houses before they are painted, which
really shows the enormity of the de
mand. Adolph Johnson Is making exten
sive Improvement! to his residence on fiu
ane street. The structures erected with
in the past mouth are two stores at the
corner of Thlrty-secmd street and Frank
lin avenue; a residence south of th Clit-
,1w i i)mmtt
,il Mill Uix. ti. t.wy: rvKl.leii. pII tu
corner of Thirtieth Klivet ami frunklln
avenue: ivsllenoo OH liuin street, be-twv-i-n
Thirty third and Thirty-fourth:
and a sluro Ml CommerclM ttrvet, oppo.
lio Mol!lvisir't Mill. A ItlKe tf'tdeiic
has nleu len ereml iuor John Kopp's
brvwery. )1'mIis wvre yesterdiiy Iwlno
uisilo oil III" i'ls(op Mill dvH'k, whUli
receitlly cnllnpseil, prwlpttattitf truck
Inlit the river lelow. To th" suuth of lle
old lVvlln rannery pl.-s ate lehiit driven,
pivmtratory to Hie erection of a lull'!lmr.
At the old eh,iolhiue In I'pm-rtovvn
thin eeuliut at S o'clock for the ttenellot
of Holy tnnwenta' R 8. library will he
shown views of prominent catlKNlrals ol
KurH with views of Hnilsorljml, and
of our own country. Admission, children,
live cents; adults, ten cents.
A new term of school ,ntinen.-e.l vea
ttnlsy. Many pupils were a -Ives need Iroin
one class to another. Many Jtetttls ot
futnlles were held up when they came
to luncheon, tor llto wherewithal to pur
chase now IhwIis. Many rxpresslon of
disgust were heard tt all sides as chil
dren siHd away to the Iwok stores to lay
In another supply of uscl -ss parapherna
lia. No father begrndg the cost of neces
aiy and proper t-xt Inniks to l used
In the education of his .'hlhlren. ami
while the Astoria echo ls do not teem to
to often chance the kind or authorship
of tel books, yet many a nan ycat -r-day
aa heard to say that lie considered
It huhwav ruUwiy that children were
i commdle.1 to use five and six smill blank
1 books, at wt of ten cents -aoh. which
had to I rtnewed every time a child
. , ... ..,hr.
pescd from one rhtsa to another.
whether the twit were eniirviv usea
or not. The old fashioned slate as for
merly good rmviiih to tratucrlti the s(el
ling lesson, which lasted but for th mo
ment, and latterly, the common scratch
pad tor the pencil was tlu iKht 10 an
swer the putrose. Now, however, the
) 1 .... ..... b K.iml.i'tv iili-l mint
, nwl,M w,nk ,uk i -h.h to mark
. ()(wn n(i( , cv,.rv lliy ,,wiig .
n,ides Ilils. there are unloaded,
1 ru,, ,Kllin1 .,, iM,kt lor
1 ... . r,-..ilar conv Uwlt
! tZ
. Knnl ,r rh ,,, wn, tn,.r,
f.min,. ( iw r sis chll,lr.-n ami
re 'han.ei ,r ye. 11 h"
; u tax utam he tnlor
. t. . un,ir miHi,.rn neih.xls.
It hat tecome almost Impossible. (ur the
ivnor man
to send Ills children 10 the
great American free school.
Sun Pranclsi-o Call.
The gale of Sunday ttlglit ruceti sung
j the coast atl In conacouenc all the rx-
peeled stea.ners nn.i snuina rr
I overdue. The Walla Wall from pugei
! souml orts was twelve ho
Mollis i.cuum
time Inst nigin aim tue ioo
wiiS doutile
her itsntl time In making the run from
, Fori ltrai:g.
Very few captain who have arrlvel
j during the last few weeks nave a more
thrilling experience to tell than Captain
; I-evlnton of the Noyo. The tieamer
ruturht In the southea.ster, part ot
her deck load of lumber was washeu
aaay. the remaining im'.rtH feet was Jetll
sonnl. the waves took command -f the
vessel and the el glue rom was ItiHxled.
1 The tires under the Hollers weie nroanci
1 out arjii tne iassenrers were 1 m
' IiiMt a h.r Ihlntrs a-r-r. Kl thffr
worst the steam schooner Albion hove In
sight and gave renewed hox to the crew.
Elie remain's! alongside of the dlsntl-d
craft for twelve hours and then sIimmI on
her way,
The Noyo was out from Fort liragg
thirty-six hcurs when raiiKht in the gal
off Point Arena. She had on board the
following passengers: Harry Withers
and wife, J. J. Molllsoti. A. lines, Mrs.
Itauileiia, r;. inson. 11. iKimmn. neorgr
iHmdrro. K. Meach. J. Illiiln. Johi
Ketchtim, J. It Twn. P. Kverson. .Miss O.
(loldi-ch. Mrs. Sttoferd, Harry Holi:nt.
Miss H. Kiml'tll. Mrs. Camph'll and
Fretl While. Not one of them was hurt,
anil th only pTon on board who tn-ars
any trace of the hurricane Is Purser
Llltlejnhn, who was struck on the head
by a pier of flying lumber.
In tilling almut the Sturm yesterday
Captain Levlnson said: "When the
steamer left Fort llrnirg a her.vy sea was
running, but we thonuht nothlmt of that,
and all Sunday morning we made fair
time. Sunday afternoon the wind began
to Increase until at mldttlKht It ass blow
ing a nurrtcanr. pome or our uecitlnad
was washed away, and t ordered the re.
malnder Jettlsonrd In order to save the
vessel. The tires In the envlne room
were drowned out. and, as our position
teemed deierale. ordered the passen
gers railed and told them to get on life
belts. The crew behaved splendidly, and
never shirked obeying an order, even
though It was at the risk of their Uvea
In the morning the storm abated some
what, and the Albion stood by us until
we got our Mret relit anil were once more
under way."
"It was an awful voyage," said one of
the passengers. "The waves carried
away part of the decltlnad, hut It was
not enough to help the steamer. Then a
huge wave came along and tlnoded every-
thing. The flres under the boilers were
out and In a few momenta the Noyo was
helplees. Captain levlnson ordered the
derkload thrown o'erboard, and while
this was being done a piece of lumlier
flew out of the hands of two of Ihe men
m. I a splinter from It struck Purser
Llttlejohn In the forehead
"Captain. Levlnson managed to put lb
vessel about, but the attempt lo set sail
was a failure, as no cnnviis could with
stand the force of the gale. It was
then that all tht passengers were wsrneii
and we started out to get lifebelts on.
Some of the we-f at'd children were
too seasick lo move, and they had to hi
helped to placet of safety. During the
whole dreadful time Captain Levlnson
never lost hit head, and directly the Al
bion was sighted he flew signals 0f dls-ee-s.
She came within hjilllng dlatnnre.
and Captain Lundqulst fold he would
stny by us. He did to until the gule
went down and our men were able to
pump out our engine room and get firr
under the boilers. Then we came on to
fian Francisco and arrived yesterday
The Noyo does not seem to be much Ihe
worse for the gale she went through, but
shipping men say that the escape of both
vessel and all oa board was little short
of miraculous.
At Grace chureh tomorrow evening nt
t o'clock for the henellt of the Sunday
school library, will be shown views of
prominent cathedrals of Kuropa, with
views of Switzerland and of our own
country. Admission, children Ave cents;
adults .ten cents.
Highest Honor World' Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Jlott Perfect Made,
40 Years tbe Standard.
j!iojwaonim nmiiW.n,rfcyw.wi i Mia
Mr. V, H. Lnmb. Superintendent uf
the Western I'nion Tele
iniih l.'iiiiiiuns
111 I I'l inU ll.i.l'OK I I.AMH INI
W Tell ul the lniiriicaicuts U Suttlicra
California anil DicmohI'im ;iifH
St Tclf!raih list Is t W
liuilt tn I'lirlUml
Assl.llllll llellrrul Sup, I IlllClld-nt l II
Irfimh, of the Western fnlon Telegraph
Co.. Iieaihptarters at Man r rsncisra, -"
h. M.n anemlfuir a few davt III Astoria,
Inspecting the ioiupan's otttee here, left
Inst bight for Portland. Mr. Lamb staled
to an Astorian rvpnwiilallvo lhat bus
iness !s now fairly good in rrnnnavw,
at,.l mil,' h oninui'mieinent Is felt wiu-env
Ing the future. Progress Is UMng msde
In the construction of the San Joauuln
Valley ISnllrsmd. whlvll he sava. to thr
best of his knowledge, has nol yet. and
wll ItHit pass lulo the hands or Ih Hnuin
ern I'neine. Southern California Is hav
lug a stivily and healthy growth. Popu
lotion Is Increasing, and the resources
of the country aiv lulu lapldlv devel
oped, lata Angeles has seen a wonderful
luiprpvetiinet 111 the past few ers, and
la today one of the titles! cities In thr
West. II Is largelv tvroptrd by Katlern
men of weullh. who have come to Cart
fortila In scarvh of health. They have
ample inewns to Indulge In every whim
and eaeh and everv one lias his expert'
mental orange grove, or other hurllcul
turn! hobby, nnd Ihe r soils attained
through the efforts of these nenllenien
have tern much nuu-e largely bcnetlelal
lo the stale than Ihe results outlined
Ihroimli the slate agricultural society.
Nineteen years ago, I was In Astoria.
and several limes surveyed the route for
our present telegraph line tetween here
and Portland, nnd after we bad decl.icil
to build It. 1 worked Willi the construc
tion gang, by means of a bouse boat up
and down tbe sloughs of the f'olunuua
t think I have had all the emiertenee
In that line I rare about.
"We are now making Improvements
the line, and have already moi'id aboul
lu.n miles of It in order to give loom
for the wood 'hoicra on your ro w rail
road. When the railroad Is completed,
our line will lw mo.d ! k uhii Hit
right of way. and will l.t practically a
new line. Impregnable to all ordinary
lorms or weather rumlllkuis. I have
found the office here In rtrst-elifs shape,
and we proimac lo keep It so "
A pleasant .lrth,lnv parly wss given
Saturday evening at Ihe realden of Mr.
and Mrs. J. frumlall. corner of Fifteenth
and Commercial streets, the nrrasl in be
ing Ihe combined birthday elelratlotis
of Ihe nstiil dsvs of Misses Ida Painter,
Mvrtle iKfnrka, (.lira M't'ann ami
Master Jertle I'randall. A vet- 'deasant
evening was iasse,l in games und niiistc,
after whlrh a lunch was s,-rve,l. The
following 'PIS prr'selll
Minnie IVm.ka, Mvrtle Dui'iieka.
M.ible IWtteka, ! Hoeuoka. Nina
III, hard. on, lMiurle .Nr-i'.itin, llessle tor
dltwsr. Fred-lie Cordlnir, Archie t'anit,
Floreme faun. Willie Hermann
Cook, liiith Kmlih. Inall Htuart. KMa
Painter, Ida Painter. Minnie Palmer, Her
th.i M'irlon. tlraee Morton. IMIih Stu
art. Madeline t'ratiil.ill. and Jenle i'ran
dall. MISS JOHNSON !:N'I KltTAIN.-t.
A liteaxant surprise curly was (tlvm to
Mil's Antuna Jobnson Hun. lav evening St
the n sldenee nt her '.liber Jsil Kebante
strel. The evenlns; w silent In same!,,
a sMint dance beina tbe must dea:mt
feature nf the oceatUon. At nd.tulnlit a
dellKhtful recast v,as erve., after hleh
the voting; folks sotutht their respective
homes, wlshlno' Miss Jnlinsnn many
happy returns of the day. Those present
Were: Will f"urll. Marry Ionian. Win
Cronhy, Will tlray, Austin Osburn. i"has.
(!ray. Ilurr Osbnrn and Kred Jnhnsnn;
Misses Kmelle Mnlsohhanon. Winnie
ljvett. Nellie Ansladl, Alice tlray, Ida
Anderson, llrrtba Krelliliom and Anions
There are decreet anil kinds of poverty.
Just as there are dlffeeenres nf opinion
among those who compute and measure
poverty by different standards. Home
men deem themselves poor lieeause they
are lest rich than others, attain, there
are comparatively poor people who are
satlsrcd with a competence. There la a
kind of poverty for which no amount ol
wealth can rompenrate, namely, a pov
erty of bodily stamina, evinced by ner
vousness and a derangement of the func
tions of digestion, bilious secretion and
the bowels. To restore vlitor upon a wr
manent basis there Is one remedy that
fully covert the requirements, "tills the
bill," and this Is Hosteller's Stomach
Hitters. Hy restoring digestion, gl.lng
a healthful Impulun tn the action of the
bowels and liver and tranqullltlng the
nerves, II fullllle Ihe condition nreeasui')'
to a resumption of strength by the sys
tem. It also overcomes miliaria and rheu
matism. i'VAl HA 1,1a.
Finn residence snd bultiess prnpert)
by Wm. It. Adair. Ileal Kslute Ilroker,
No. ti'd Commercial street.
"ADAIIt'8 ASTOItlA." ,
On Irving Avenui.
At Prices Rtated until Jimusry lit.
Illoek M-Ijts noxlfiO. train fx& lo
per lot. Two new houses on (tils) block)
lliree others In contemphnlon
Illotk u-on nrrth side Irvine; Avenue,
a few lots in thlt block til I'vo per lot.
I'lve residences already nn lids block.
Vlrltnn will find a plank walk leading ta
the above property, and an rlectrlo light
within en block.
Itls.k 24 00 Iiuane street, only one
block from river frant-tKO far lota 60li.
Water Frontage-Almvs Hanlhorn't
cannery, tih feet to ship channel,
TION. Ten It la 50x100 only two blocks from
Improved p-opcrty and less than llvo min
utes' welk fiom electrlu car line, sra naw
offered In this addition at the very low
price t from S1.7) to WiO per lot
North 100 feet Ixt I, ltlock 131. cheap for
Huslnet Lot No. 4, (rxl2fi) In niock 132,
on Commercial slree(. Kor short tlmt
only, .,.
Hlock 3fi-Only one block sooth of eleo
rlo cr line, a few lots til IXo tier lat.
Fine business lot In Hlock west of cus
tom house on Ilond street, tK.MO.
Corner lot (Mix 100 la Hlock 13, Astor
street, for short time, V,,m,
IMn from SCO to thiO per lot.
AcreageTwo hundred acres adjoining
Sklpanon-a bargain: Two valuable Um
ber claims, within hulf mile of proposed
Nchalem saw mill.
Th$ work of oriranlzlnif the caste for
this opera la proceeding; as rapidly as pos
sible. Oreat care Is being exercised In
the selection of tho various characters, as
so much of thA success of an entertain
ment of this kind dcpe.nls on the music
The mttHlcnl direction will be under Ihe
Store Closes
Week days, except Saturday, at 7 p. m.
Saturday - - - at 10 p. m.
For Our CimtoinerHM
Ilavinjj; st'furttl u laro
sum plo lino of lino nion'u uit
for cash. nu)jiiig front $15
to $-0, we bog to inform our
many patron that we will
incliulc this lot of extnumli
nury fine Suits nt our spe
cial priot) of
$9.90 for Cash!
Those latoxt arrival are ol
Superior quality, liunil
8onu'!y mado, aitd must bo
S60n to le apjirot iatcl.
days more and
sale will
The Reliable
The Senate Is Worry-
ing About a Deficit!
On Our UntKltt Ih a Stirphm
-AT -
Our Loss - - Your Gain
Can We Reduce This Surplus?
We h;ive lii.niKiuatrJ .1 HANGAIN f.OUNTL'W. anj all ood wllh wrtUt we
are ovrrsttHkeJ will he found" on Ibl (tnmtrr inaikej In Plain licurr. THtSK
Pl'ICtS will only UiUill the u-l lujbirJ.Kfc
Ask yotir grocer for '
ays i an ms.--TM---
ii i mo MiIi ,n Cure (ot
HAAlSNatural Flavor,
Tender and Juky.
care of Mrs. f'tillon, a professional
teachoe a hn atll film nlteml tn Him a,,.
lection and arrangement of the cast.
The sISKltik- will ! done by Mr. VI-
dalen, who has had considerable experi
ence In this line. Ijidics ami Kenllenieti
of the cast will please attend rehearsal
tins rruesitayi rveninK at nt tne
resilience of Mrs. t.'olton, No. 2J7 I'lf
teenlh street, corner of KxcIiiuirc,
The f. llnwllur list of letters was adver
tised at the Astorh; iiOHtofllci'' Jiimciry
th. IM:
linker. Mrs. M. V.
Powell, Kred,, A. II.
Wanop, (J.
Walker, Mrs. Nancy
Davis, l'uvlil.
JoluiHoti, James.
Miilhsun, Mat.
Miitlsou, Itorilc A.
Kor Ifrti.
I.lndhnltn. A. .'.I. O11111, Muhiklas.
Hiintel, Knarl llenrlik.
When ratlins; far any of Ihe above let
ters, please sav "advertised."
Popular Science
Nsturt, Invention,
N E WS Chemist ry!'n 'sdfclni, H EA LT H
Cnltrifcd tnd Improved.
Contains a lurK" number of Hhort, Kusy,
l'racilcnl, Intercstlns; nnil I'oulur, Htlenll
Mc articles, that ran be nppreclnted and
enjoyed by any IntelllKent reader, even
thouKh he knew Utile ur nelhlnit ot sc.
Prtluje'y I lustrated znj
. from Techh'c lit'ej
Newsdealer, 10 cent. $1 per year
7Mentlon this paper for a sample copy.
Largest circulation of any
Scientific paper in the woild
Published Monthly by
JAPANESE! OOODH-Just out jott re
ceived Just what you want, at Wing
Tf', H4I Commercial tlreet.
filliiM mt
Wht llier vou intt iitl to buy
now or not, wo will .conoitlor
it a favor' if you will Imt
cull ami inspoct.
Wo know tlmt no otlior
hotiso iii Artorin h n n Hsi
tioii to till'tT similar goods at
at anything like our OUR
PRICES, anil we want you
to hio OUR Q00OS nutl
la 1 . 1
1 led convinccu unit wo
the truth !
Our entire lino of OVER
COATS will alno bo iiiclutlftl
from this 011 at our vciul
prion of
$9.90 for Cash!
then this unheard of
close positively.
Price Clothier.
salty I A d n
cannhd HEATS.
KOl ND-lly the luif Hellef, near No.
11 buoy, an anchor welKhiua; about .tvim
lioiinds, with K fathoms of lS-lnch chain
ultacheil. Owner can have same by prov
ItiK property, paylns; taivaae rhariiea and
expense of lludli.a; und adverllslns;. Kd
wln McCoy, Captain.
Vtm It K. NT-Two furnished rnltaitea,
centrally locale,!, at reasonable rales,
title contains four, the other two rooms.
Apply to .Mrs. K. A. Hetts, cor, Kill and
( 'iiniinerelit I l.u..(u
. L
rtirnlfhrd rooms, fanlnp: Ihe river, by
the week or month. No children. 330 171 h
street. V. k, Kerclien.
WANTKD A reliable ludy or (fenile
niun to dlsirlhiiis samples and make a
hoiise-tn-hoiuie emivues for our Veuctuiile
Toilet Hoaits. (40 to $7B a month easily
made. Address, Crofts ak Heed, 343 8.
Hobey street, ChlcaRO.
WANTKD Competent girl for ireneral
housuwurk, no washing, K18 Commercial
street, upstair.
WANTKD Agenu to represent tha
old National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpeller, Vt. Far further Informa
tion, addreaa Q. M. Btolp, Oaneral Coast
Manacer, 83-M Crocker, Hulldlng, tlao
J ranckoo, ChI.
WANTED Man or lady to eolleot, do
tomt otllce work, and manafe acentt.
Tou will deal throuca your lesdinf mer
chants. Somtthlna; new and rsry popu
lar, W pay all tzptntea. Position pr
mantnt. Band four raftranett and ten
ctntt for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, Bt. Loult, Mo.
pleasant home work, and will gladly tend
full particular to all tending 3ct tlamp.
Mist M. A, Hlehblns, iJiwrence, Michigan.
$76 00 PER WEKK, using and telling
Dynamoa for plating watches, Jewelry,
and table ware. Platet gold, tllver,
nickel, etc., mm aa new goods. Pif
ferent tlzet for agenta, families and
ahopa. Easy operated ; no experlenea;
big pruflta. W. P. Harrison Co.,
Clerk No. U. Columbus, ttblu,
J s -
1 -.