The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 28, 1896, Image 2

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JOltn f. UUlltth, E4ltor.
TdcpUone No. .
Sent by nil, par year
Bent by tmH, par month.. .
Benisd by carrier, per week......
Pent br m&n per year. CM In advance.
Pottage, free to subscriber.
Alt communication Intended for'pub
Ution should tie directed te lb editor.
Business comtmintcaA'lons ef all kind and
remittance must be addressed ie Tb
Astoria n.
The Astorkm tmranlM to It Sttb
scrltiera the largest circulation Of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be bad oa ap
pitortton to the business manager.
The Weekly AstorUn. the aecond old
' eat weekly In the elate of Oregon, ha
next to the Portland Orecoolaa,
largest weekly circulation In the state.
Jno. F. Handley Co. are our Portland
agents and copies of the Aatorlan can
be Wt every morning at their stamt. lit
Third street.
Dr. Jameson la on hie way to KngUnd.
and there Is naturally much curiosity aa
to how this unparalleled freebooter will
be dealt with. The Westminster Gasett
says he will be tried under the foreign
enlistment act of 1ST1. Ho will be ar
raigned In the Old Bailey and a Jury will
be Impaneled to determine whether he
has "prepared or fitted out any naval or
military expedition to proceed against the
dominions of any friendly state" while
-within the limits of her majest'ys do
minions and without the license of her
majesty." The punishment for this of
fense ts forfeiture of arms and munitions
of war, line and Imprisonment for not to
exceed two years at hard labor.
This la the law of the land. Rut we
know too much of the weakness of law
when confronted with public sentiment,
from attempts to snuff out our Cuban
filibusters, to suppose that -Dr. Jameson
will ever pluck oakum or tread the mill.
The feeling In London Is frantically fa
vorable to him. His foolhardlness scarce
ly less than his undoubted courage and
his rrim bearing In defeat appeals active
ly to the Imagination, and the man Is
the hero of the newspapers and the clubs
as well as of the muslo halls. The let
ters to the dally Journals breathe devo
tion to him. One writer says the ride
Into the Rand will remain among the
most glorious traditions of the race. The
mere mention of bis name arouses wild
demonstrations of delight In theaters and
at public dinners.
How secure a Jury to punish Jameson?
There are not twelve Englishmen In Lon
don who would dare convict htm In the
face of his probable plea that he crossed
the line under the Impression that his
presence was needed In Johannesburg to
save the lives of women and children.
The London Globe says of the resolu
tion defining the Monroe doctrine reported
by the senate committee on foreign rela
tions: The English people will not stand much
more flouting from anybody, and these
gentlemen, whom we credit with no more
exalted sentiment than the wish to stand
well with their Irish constituents, may
very easily And themselves face to face
with a situation that could only be called
More remarks of this kind may be ex
pected unless congress proceeds to put
this country In a condition where It can
defend Itsvlf with eas. These English
papers know that the United States
would be for a time In a situation which
might be called appalling we.-e it to go to
war with Great Britain.
They know that New York and other
American seaports are not defended by
land fortifications or by iron snd steel
ciad vessels. They believe that English
fleets could with Impunity bombard and
destroy the great seaboard citi.-s In case
they refused to ransom themselves with
much money.
This knowledge makes English papers
and English statesmen confident and In
solent That confidence and Insolence will
fade away as this tountry adds to the
number of Its armored vessels. Us high
power guns and Its impregnable forts.
The way, and the only vay, for con
gress to silence these snarling, sneering
critics Is to appropriate heavily at once
for coast defenses and for new warships.
If that Is not done they will bcome more
Insolent dally.
Ambassador Bayard's explanation of his
criticisms ot American politics, customs
and the character of people In speeches
delivered In England, as made public by
the president's recent communication
to congress In reply to the Barrett reso
lution, has caused much amusement and
merriment all over the country. The
ambassador's offense was undoubtedly a
grave one, particularly his criticisms of
American politics, and his styling of the
American people as self-willed and vio
lent" and requiring a strong man like
Cleveland to "govern" them. He ex
plains the latter by saying that It was
humorous and delivered In post-prandlal
style, and he makes the excuse that he
did not know It was to be reported. In
other words, the ambassador had had too
much wine and was too free with his
tongue. It is probable that his explana
tion will be accepted, and that no further
steps will be taken In the matter. It Is,
perhaps, enough punishment for him to
have thus to write himself down in his
country's records aa an ass, and to know
that he will never, while he lives, hear ; chilblains. Con.s, and All Skin Erup
the last of his humiliating and ridiculous tlons, and positively cures Plies, or no
rr 1. .. 1 . - .ltlAma nt '! a . It, CC in, 1 are I
.-:- f ' ,Lnas. riogers. jaa Fellows- building.
patriotic and determined to maintain the ;
reputation of this portion of the state; , BOTH LOVE THE KITTY,
is evidenced by the numerous favorable j
comments already received upon the ap- "Harold," said Mrs. Pulslver, "when
peal made by the committee, of which j you talk In your sleep about the kitty
Dr. M. M. Walker Is chairman, for do- ! It always wakes baby up. She Just
nation, to the fund for Oregon's tes.lmo-1 on a k'W
nial to the battleship Oregon. As one ot for his escape,
the foremost Pacific Coast states, anrt ; 1
ih the bright future before it, indicated , KARL'S CbOVEll BOOT will ourlf
bv all the signs of the times, Oregon I
cannot fal. to do a. we,,, proportionate
to wealth, and population, as have the
other statM In who honor batllcehlp
have been named. Clatsop (Jointly.
of the bright liar of the future treat
Oregon, with It, brilliant prwpects ot
ocoan commerce with the world, looming
up In the ImmrJkat future. houl4 not
be funJ wsntlfg in Its ",'iot lAr lhl
patriotic cause
we"' I n . ..'
The neighboring British possessions In:
the West Indies and Guiana are not very ;
lucrative to the United States as far as.
trade Is concerned. During the last five 1
years we have bouitht to the extent ot ;
tT,SS,5 from the Hrlllsh l Indies,,
selling them only tai.4SS worth of our!
American products. From Hrltlsh Uul
ana, In the five years, we bought litOil,
aa. soiling only .t!l:. The balance
of trade was Bs..VMt agalnstus In these
two Instance, so that John Hull Is not
losing everything In his transactions with
Again, looking at our trade with Itritlslt
India ami the British East Indies, we
find that where we sold to them to the
ext.-flt of MR.410.114 In the last five years,
we have bought as much as S11MM.S4 of
tho products of Lascar labor, this balance
ot trade being against us to the extent
of S1.7M,U0. But this Is not the only
gain to the British empire. These In
dian goods were made by Lascar labor
which was paid In silver coin, and the
material of which they are constructed'
waa paid for In silver. John Hull, how
ever, won't take silver payment from us
for them. We have to toot his bills with
gold coin, and a pretty little promt he
makes by the transaction.
Speaker Reed, we are told, la a moder
ate eater, his noon lunches seldom cost
ing him more thsn U rents. Well, the
sum ot 15 cents Invested In hominy or
bolo-na sausage would provide a man
with a very filling lunch.
Wellington defeated Bonaparte Jn the
battle for the Maryland scnatorshlp.
Night and Bltlcher must have been up to
their old tricks.
Is It possible that General Harrison has
been reading Emerson's assertion that all
the world love a lover? .
If ever the sultan does get a good ban! I
American Jolt he will lose some of his
sublime portliness.
"I wss getting yred anyhow" Campos.
The Trouble a Twenty-Dollar Gold Tlece
Caused a Man In Chicago.
J. A. Odell, writing to tho Spokesman
Review from Chicago, under date of the
Uth Inst., says:
"I have had some experience In this
city that no doubt will be interesting to
your readers as it wss startling to me.
I stepped Into the First National bank of
this city the other day to get a to gold
niece chanred. The cashier drooped the
gold piece Into the scales and after a!
brief moment's figuring he Informed me I
that It was worth, or. In other
words. It was W cents short. I remon
strated with him and said that I had
taken It from a 8pokane bank for d and
that It would have to be taken from roe
for that amount. He Informed me that
they weighed every gold piece that came
Into the bank.
"In my astonishment, I an sorry to
say. I forgot to ask him If they weighed
every piece that he sent out. I was so
completely astonished that I stood mute
until he waited on a number of custom
irs, then I tried to argue the question
with him. but time Is too precious In the
First National bank for argument. He
gave me bark my gold piece and I went
back to my hotel. I was compelled to
have some change, so I thought I would
pay my hotel bill to date, and presented
the same 130 gold piece to the clerk for
payment. He looked at the gold piece,
then at me, and smiled as only a hotel
clerk can. 'I have no scales,' he said,
'to weigh gold with and cannot take it.'
I was paralysed again and wondered If
I looked like a gold rimmer or a counter
feiter. After I had sufllclentlr recov
ered I told him thst I had nothing but
gold and that if he collected my hill he
would have to take gold for it He said
something about retaining my baggage,
ana I went forth to get greenbacks for
my gold.
"I went to the Union National bank
nt alrNH tKa eahir fA rhnnfrjk A tlfl I
gold piece for me. He dropped It Into!
the scales and told me It was 15 cents
short. This wss too much. I began s
haranrue unon the East clamorinar for
gold and what It demanded of the West, I
and then when we Westerners would
bring down the yellow metal with the
stamp of the mint on it. It refused to
take It. The cashier was too busy to
reply further thsn to ssy that the sa
loons took gold for Its stamp value.
"I was fortunate enough to have some
greenbacks and I still hsv my gold.
Strsnge to say, there were thousands of
dollars of paper money and silver In g
sight, but not one dollar In gold In either
of these banks, which sre two of the
largest banks in Chicago." I
Tha IT C 7nirV Vonnrc !
i UC U. O. UUV I tiepuriS ,
BBOW Royal Baking Powder I
. , .
Superior to all Others.
' I
There ar some men who act according
to their lights, but there are more Ah
act according
to their livers. Boston
J. W. Pierce, Republic, Iowa, says: "I
haves used One Minute Cough Cure In
my family and for myself, with results
so entirely satisfactory that I can hardly
find words to express myself as to its
merits. I will never fall to recommend
It to others, on every occasion that
presents Itself." Chas. Rtgers.
A circular has been sent out from '
Franclsen In referpne In tv, r.lon ... !
erecting a drinking fountain In the old
piara In thst city as a memorial to Rob
ert Louis Stevenson. "He dwelt for a
time with us," It says, "and added a dis
tinction to our cosmopolitanism, to our
plcturenqueneos, by recognizing both."
Miss Louise Imogen Gulney has under
taken the task of collecting such contri
butions as may lie offered by Eastern
admirers of Stevenron, and has met with
good success.
The best salvs In the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
HTM. Tlt.F ".y, Q TrA Tjnw.A-
pay required, it ts guaranteed to give
perreci satisraciiou, or money refunded.
Price. Z6 cent per box.
H . . . . .
four blood, clear your complexion, reg
gold by J. W. Cono.
iiik liiiU1 iilujiWi,
' 1 -ir--r
"Olncy, V must do soinrtltlnK. ,
If we would hold our owl,;
Bee how the prop." are et untblltuf .
Beneath our tottering throne.
We must do something startling
The people's wrath to turn.
Or. they will never ll us
To serve nitot Iter term."
" tell them I won't take It;
Hut ycu, of curse, well know.
How quick I would accept it
If I should gvt a show.
Why, iHney, It would make ni-
Thls term for which I pant
A greater man than Lincoln.
Than Woshlngoin or t.rant
"But how to have It cnvd.
(to that I can accept.
And still persuade the people
That I would fain svleel?
That Is tho thing whlrhtrottble.
And robs me of my rW ,,
And makes me anxious, olney.
To know what you'd itigireM.
You say th.u I should champion
Yenesuela's cause.
If I would have the people
Support nie with applause?
I hale to do It -Olnoy
Yet If you think It best
I'll rhange my foreign policy
And anooi r tho oppressed."
II. V.
Try Electric Bitters aa a remedy for
your troubles? It trot, get a bottle now
er.4 get relief. This medicine has been
found to be peculiarly adtpied to the
relief and cure of all female complaints,
exerting a wonderful direct Inltuence In
giving strength and tone to the organ.
If you, have Loss of Appetite, Constipa
tion. Headactve, Fainting Spells, or are
Nervous, Sleepless. Excitable, Melan
choly or troubled with Dlaxy Spells, Elec
tric Bitters Is the medicine you need.
Health and Strength are guaranteed by
Its use. Large bottle only W cents at
Chaa. Rogers' drug store.
Chief Chemist of V. 8. Dept. Agricul
ture headed World's Fair Jilry that
awarded Price's Baking Powder highest
"A good dinner sharpen wit, while ll
softens the heart."
Wheatena. with Cream.
Broiled Fresh Mackerel. Mailre d'llotel.
Minced Reef, a I'Kspagnule
French Pried lHitators.
Itloe Mutilns.
Cream of Chicken Soup.
Cold Sliced l'.eef, Tartar Sauce.
Sully I. nnn.
Puree, with Potatoes and Leeks.
Celery, Olives.
Filets ot Sole, a la Rovale.
Shoulder ot Veal, Jardiniere.
Spinach au Jus.
Mutton Chops, Garnished Chicken Liver.
Kscalloped Tomatoes.
Knast Quail.
Lettuce Salad.
Pudding Dlplomatiipt.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
The late M. Carnot. president of the
French republic, died from a stroke -t
apoplexy! Nobody ever tward of that,
except the subjects ot the sultan, ami
this Is explained as follows In La Jcune
Turoule. a bi-monthly periodical Just
staretd In Paris by the Young or Liberal
Turks: "Everybody has known the
criminal attempt which cut off the life
of M. Carnot. But as soot) as the news
reached Constantinople the palters were
ordered not to mention it. Still, as tile
sultan was made to understand that It
was Impossible to conceal a fact like that
of the death of the nxrMted presiden
of the French republic, Abdul llamld an
swered: 'Let them say that he died
from apoplexy. He feared that the even
might suggest to one of his subjects the
Idea of li iitating Caserio.'"
Don't Invite disappointment by exieri
mendng. Depend upon One Minute
Cough Cure and you have immediate re
lief. It cures croup. The only harmless
remedy that produces immediate results.
Chas. Rogers.
"The kiss," wrote the dramatic critic,
"was a distinct disappointment. It lacked
continuity of plot, and might much better
have ben done in three than in four
acts It dragged noticeably towanl Ihe
He stopped there. He did not wish to
apix-ar harh. Detroit Tribune.
It not only is so, it must be so,
Minute Cough Cure acts qukkly.
that's what makes It go. Chaa. Roen.
MmA. Alphonse Daudet, wife of Ihe fa-
mous novelist, has written an article de.
scribing the visit of herself snd husband
to London Inst year. Mme. Daudet views
England through rose-colored Sertacles.
She admires everything there but the cli
mate, t
Mr. J. J. KelL Sharrjsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir- I am glad to say a good
word for Kra use's Headache Capsules,
After suffering for over tbree years
with aedte neuralgia and Its consequent
Insomnia Cvhlcn seemed to baffle the
eftoru of nme of our best physldans,
you suggested this remedy whlcn gave
me almost Instant relief. Words fall
u express the praise I should like to
'J. stow on K muse's Headache Capsules
Gratefully lours,
Montroee, pa.
Young IJtwer Thank heaven! At last
I have a a young rascal who has at
least half a dozen thefts on his con
science. Wife How kind of him to
choose you for his counsel. Don't you
think we ought to Invite him to dinner?
Fllegende Hlaetter.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Oaatorl.
When she wo a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she bod Children, she gave them Castorla.
Important to Americans seeking Eng
lish Captlal for new enterprises. A It
coritsirring the name and address. ot
xo success ill promoters who twve ptacod
over I100,(JOt),OW Sterling in Foreign In
vestment avtthtn tine last six years, ana
over ils.000,000 for the seven months of
IMS. Pric-, 5, or 115, payable by postsl
order to tho London and Universal Bu
reau of Investors, 20, Cheapside, London,
E. C. Subscribers! wll be entitled, by ar
rangement with directors to receive
etoiwr personal or letter of lntroductoln
to any of theew snjseassfid promoters.
TMs last is first rfassi in every respect,
and every man or firm whose name ae
peare therein may be depended upon.
For placing the follKwrirnc It will be
found InvaiuaMie Bonds or rKiares of In
dustrial:, Consmeru'ial and Flnancia: con
cerns. Mortgage loans, Sale of Lantls,
PaHetits or Minos.
- Director:
AdluiUA, ihSiivyMiNKsu, iMM sin, iiS.
" '" '"V.. . ' ' '
f.rll.e.--v.ti..V THE
SLuoBottt sAri H an
On cent a do. Vy S-f MLR.
It is ard.i nn a. etii,rwite hv all ttruav
giats. I cures Incipient Consumption
i the boat OousbardCro lip Cur. .
For Sal by J. W, Cnnn.
Open every day f rum 3 o'clock la 5 :IW
udt:;Hto'J::H p. nt.
Subscription rules 13 per auinim.
Seethwest car. Eleventh Due 51.
The water rates will be due and say
able in advance at the ulttee of thciv
water works on the first day of each
month (except for elevators or by meters,
which are payable on the flmt day of the
succeeding nionthl. and If not paid wtllitn
th first ten dayr the water will be shut
oft from the premises, as provided In sec
tions S and
It la understood that none of the fol
lowing rates Include charges for baths,
water closets, urinals and hose:
rate less tb,n H C
For each baiscl of flour used per
day W
Barlicr Shops
First chair t) I '
Ech additional . hulr -
Path Tubs
First tub. private J'
Each additional tub 3
First tub In hotels, boarding and
lodging houses, public bullillnxs
and blocks 1 6"
Fach additional tub ... 1
Barber shops and bathing house,
each tub
Beer Pumps
Blacksmith Shops
One forge
Each additional forne
pookhlmlerlr and Priming otlloes -
1 to
I m
Siieclal rate.
Building Puriwses
For each l.CW brick laid. Including
water for lime
Wetting each barrel of lime for
plastering, or any other purpose
than brick
Wetting each barrel of cement
Btone work, per perch
1 10
Butcher Shops and Fish Markets
Chinese Buildings or Houses
First six persons
Each additional person
Chinese Wash Houses
Each County Buildings
Special rale.
City Buildings, etc
Special rate.
t:r to r,
Dye Works
13 0) to 0 tin
Family Ka-
Slx persons or less 1 5
Each ad lltlonal person !
Filling Cisterns l"rtvate
For each !.' gallons, sieclal rate.
Fire Protection-
Special rate.
Each, In a, Mil lor. to engine and
forge II Si) to 1 on
Gas Companies
Each I", oti to r, on
Government Buildings
SlKK'lal rate.
For Irrigation, including space oc
cupied bv bulldlng-Kach lot of
ground tWxWO feet or less! 1 ft)
All persons Intending to use hose for
irrigation during the present year must
make application at this nlllce before
commencing to use the water, whether
they have paid for the use of the hose
during the past year or not.
To persons agreeing to pay for hose
for irrigation during the months of June,
July, August and Septemlier. fin charge
will be made during the remainder of the
Persons not so agreeing must pay
from the time the water Is turned on un
til notice Is given at this olllce that It
will no longer be required, and that the
hose bib has been detached from the pipe.
For sidewalk sprinkling
Each 25 feel frnay or less (Including
washing wlmlSka snd floors) JS
Sidewalk sprinkling must le confined
within Ihe limits of the front of the
premises for which payment has been
made, and not extended to the adjoining
The use of Ihe hose for sprinkling
streets is forbidden under any circum
stances. Hose bibs will not lie allowed on Ihe
premises excepting where hose ratis are
Hotels, Boarding and Lodging Houses
In addition to famly rate, each
room In
Or by special rate.
Hydraulic Elevators
Special rate.
Ice Cream and Oyster Saloons
J3 no to 5 m
Laboratories, Soda Manufactories, Bot
tling Establishments, Vinegar Fac
tories and Ps' king Houses
Each II n to 10 ou
Ordinary, special rate or by meter.
Steam, special rate or by meter, In
addition to engine.
I.cwn Fountains
With one-sixteenth Inch nozzle,
special rale.
With one-eighth Inch nozzle, spe
cial rate.
Machine Shops, Bash and Door Factories
In addition to engine and forge ... I So
Or by special rate.
Manufactories and Shops Not Othrrwlse
Seclal rate.
Meter Hates
1. Meters for pipes more than one Inch
In diameter will lie allowed only by spe
cial agreement with the applicant.
i The right Is reserved to set meters
whenever, and In such places only, as
may he deemed -best. All meters shall
be and remain the property of the city,
and may be removed whenever the com
mittee or superintendent may elect to
do so.
3. 'In the event of a meter getting out
of order and falling to register, the con
sumer shall be charged at the average
dully consumption as shown by Ihe meter
whenn order.
4. For water delivered by meter, for
use only In case of emergency, to build
ings In which the. city water Is not used,
the minimum charge will be 13 per month
payable In advance.
5. With this exception, tho minimum
charge for water delivered by meter shall
be SO per cent of the schedule rate.
6. Meters will be used without notice,
for the detection and prevention of waxtp,
and the excess of the meter above the
schedule rate for any month will bo
charged. In addition to the schedule rate
payable in advance for the succeeding
7. The rates for water supplied by
meter, except for elevators, shall be ns
For quantities up to 10,000 gnllons In
any one month at the rate of M rents for
each 1,000 gallons.
For the quantity so used In any one
month exceeding lO.OtK) gallons, and up to
2f.,r gallons, at the rate of 30 rents for
each 1,WJ gallons.
For the quantity so used In any one
month exceeding 25,lH) gallons, and up to
.ay n si " t ' tjs.
.bdi gallon, kt 1H fill bt KJ celil f!"f
each l.W galliuis.
For the uimiHlty tiitl lit "r "iir
mom It exceeding !.'' Bullous, nlul lib lo
tou.utw itnlliuis, Ml ue lute id ' cents for
each l.mtl gallons.
For the uumillty So used !'i any
mouth cM-ce.llim i.m.txu gallons, and upio
l,iHi uiillolis, ul tlio tale of I" wills for
each l.i'O gallons,
For llin quantity so ucd In anv one
month exceeding gallons, nl the
rato ot 10 cents for each l. gallons,
Rents will be charged on meters per
month from fi cents to I! m.
Municipal Kales -
Hnct'liil rate
Ollloes, iHictots, ll.ltlka, etc -
lonllt office, each
1 111
Photograph, tlallertcs - I
,..m,h j;l in) lo
l til, il Ittitl.lliof and Block.- i
Kaon r.oiu wiinoiu lauct-.
Knelt room wun
Public Halls and Theaters
tl :l lo R i
Itcstaiiranls, Coffee Houses and l.unch
Counters -
, ... $3t lolli
Saloons -
$; w
f, (HI
Schools tl'ubllc and I'll ate) -
SHlal rate.
Sewer Woi k -
Settling earth, speclnt late.
Sleeping Boom' -
Each tpom without faucet
Each rtKini with faucet
Soda Fountains
Each fountain
Each Jet
Stables tl'rhatel -
tine hore or cow..
Each additional horse or cow
Each vehicle
Abov rates apply whether water
taken from stable or elsewhere.
Livery and Feed Stables .
Special rate.
Steam EiiKkiea and Hollers -
Each horse power tun boms each
day, to ten horse power
Each, from ten lo Iw.nt) horse
I ;
Each, from twenty to thirty liorie
Each, aboye thirty hot-.,, poser ... 30
For boilers fur healing purpose,
according to site of building i lo S
(las engine
St. anibcats. Ship:'. Tius. tc -
Social rate.
Dru stoics : 0' b 6 t'
Or.K. ry store 1
Hardware store i
Dry good and other stop- "
Liquor store twhol. sul. i ... It tt lo i iU
families llxlnj In ibe sutne
Swill and Slop Hoppers -For
each slop li.ipp.r with mill. I
or waste pl, Iwo or tnoie Inches
in diameter, and supplied with
water direct from faucet, or Pi
any manner other than ly bo, W, .
t'rlnul (Private) -
Other than self-closin
Constant flow
Public, self-cloaltn; ..
other limn self-closing
Constant flow
I :'"
,'. ixi
I .
j .la
' ; to
I ,
t ,k
Water Closets iniliir Tha:i
Flrst cl I. prlvat..
Eurh additional clo-et
First closet In stores ,.
Each additional rlo-et
l'lr. t closet In hotels. In aiding un.l
bslgtttg houses, -iitixois, public
biiildliiRS and blocks
Each additional clo-et
One closet for two families
Each additional family
Water Closets (Tank Clt
First closet private
Each additional closet..
First closet In stores
Each additional closet
Find closet In hotels, boarding and
bulging houses, saloon, public
building anil block
I w
I ,
ui ;
E.ich additional closet
tine closet for two .fanilll. . . ,
For each additional family
Water Motors
Si'elal rate or by meter.
NundN-r of tieciiiMints
In all dwellings, stores, office and
other places ( hoiei and
lodging houses), wh.-re the mini
Iter of occupant exceed six per
sons, the charge for each person
In excess of six will be, In addl-
Hon to the aloive rate
For other uses or business tint herein
mentioned, by seelal rate or by meter.
The right I reserved by the Water
Commission to amend or add lo these
rules and regulation, or to change the
water rare a experience nuiy snow '
lie necessary or exiedlent.
Solentlflo America"
Afjency for
TRSDg aaasgg.
rn- rnrrmaiTossna rrse iianaissis writ to
WLN.t a C'U, SSI bnoiwr, NSW Yosg.
oitlt tmreau for securing pnuint In Amrrles,
Vvrrj pntenl Ukea out tj ult brought befure
U10 iut,ug by a notice given fnsl ofubarg Ut lit
lanrett cfrenltlm nt nnr seientlfle paper m the
Wirld. eolelHIfcllr llluttrat.l, Intelligent
nsa shonl.l 1st witliuui it. We-nr, t.l (Kit
yenri ll.llHimonth. A.l.lress, xjtrS V tu,
Vusi mirss, 3U1 Vnsidwa, Hew York Cur.
1111,1, IIEAIlrt,,
Anytuin in llio ulmvi) lit,i) exocutcl
with pcnttitms on I tliHpiilcU
at the
Astorian dob Office.
Ndlce is hereby given the Com
mon Council of llio city of Astoria have
delermlii'd and intend lo establish the
grade of Astor street, In Adair's Aslorla,
from tho west Hue of Korty-foiirlh street
to the east Htm of Forty-sixth street, nt
the following height above Ihe base of
grades as established by Ordinance, No.
71, entitled, "An ordlnnnce to establish a
bnse of grude.t for Ihe streets of the cllv
of Aslorla, as follows, lo-wlt:
Twenty-live feot throughout nil said
orirtlr.n of uulil .On,,, u.1,1,.1. ,.- ,
-" e...... i. ... j,r level
from end lo end and from side to side.
At any limn wllhln ten days from Ihe
final publication of this nollne, to-wlt,
wllhln ten days from the 3lut day of
January, lslsl, remonstrance can be made
against sld proposed grade, and If with
in said time a written rrnmnslnince
BKi'lmd the same be filed In the nfllije of
tho auditor nnd police Judge, l y the own
ers of three-fourths of ihe nrope.-ty ad
jacent to said portion of said street such
grade shall not be established.
Hy order of the Common Council,
Allest: H. K, NKI.SdN.
Auditor nnd police Judge.,
Aslorla, Oregon, January IX, url.
Tim Oasis oh tiu
Colorado ii:si;Rr
A Hew
OP Till! SLA
Dry and Pure Tropical
PioiiouiK'od ly riiysifiims tlic
most Fuvorublo in America
Jfor SullVifru from ...
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objections urged against India
In the post by the large uumbera who
ot net-wise would have been glad to lak
advantage of lis beneficial climate, ha
oeen a lack or suitable eovotninoda
lion. Tti Southern Paclflo Company,
taxes (iieasur in announcing that sev
er! f
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
j bavs just been reeled, at India it.
tlon, that will be rented lo applicant
i at reasonable tales. Trey are fur
nlihed with modern conveniences, sup-
pllod with pure artrslai water, and at.
situated aa lo guvs occupants all the
! advantage to hs derived front a more
j or less protracted realdencs In this d
llghtful climate.
I (From the San Francisco Argonaut.)
flfln the heart of the great desert of
I in Colorado whlnb. the Southern Pa
, I cltlo road traverses there Is an oasl
j called Indlo, which. In our opinion, ll
I the sanitarium of the earth. W be
I lleve, from personal Investigation, that
I f"r certain Invalid, the- Is no spot oi
i this plajiel so favorable."
1 u- T' eitewart. M. I., wrllcas "Th;
j purity of tho air, and Ihe sternal sun
' shine, fill one with wonder and dnllghU
i Nature ha accomplished se
- much thnt there remains but little for
man to do. As to Its possibilities as
I nesdin resort, -ers is me most per,
i feet sunshine, with a temperature al
way pleasant, a perfectly dry soli
for rnln Is an unknown factor: pur
i oxygen, done atmosphere and pure
... water. What more can be desired?
it is i no pisce, auove ail outers, rot
lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu
matlca. Considering ths number nf
sufferer who hav been cured, I havi
no hesitancy In recommending thl
genial oasis aa th haven of th sfTtlcl
Is 6l3 miles from
nntl 130 mili-s from
1.08 ANrtKlsES
j pare from l0 Angelr
cor further Information lnUlr ot
j ny southern Paclflo Company ageo'.
I or add res
I e. p. noaFms,
Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt. 8.'O:
Plst. Pass. Agl
!or. First vid Alder S'a. Portland, Or
K RATI NO CO will open their
s Musle 1111 al Aslnr llreet,
s Satiirilay the I'th. Thr will
S keep niimbetleM goad liquor
and elgars beldi having good muilo all ths
Canadian Pacific
Greatest -f- Trats Continental
Railway System.
Palace DinlfiK Kooin and Sleeping Car.
Luxurious Dining Cars.
Elegant Day Co.idifs.
-A1.H0 -
Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken
Views of the Wonderful Mount
ain Country.
$5.00 and $10.00
Saved on all tickets Kail. Tourist ers Ihe
best on wb'-els. equipments nf the vary llneat
through, ut,
China and Japan.
Clilua steamers leave Vancouver, B. C,
Bmpre of Ir.JU
Kmprrvs of Jsesn
Hmprrss of ( hln
Kniersss of IndU
f-mpres of Jr sn
Emprtst sf Chin
Auitrallan steamer leave Vanrnuvar, B, C ,
16th l vry month.
Fnf tlikrl Mte ;ind Informallori call
ipn or ajar'
JAS. FlM.AiSON. Acent.
Astoria, Or.
W, f. Carson, Tr.ive ling Has. Aet.,
r.-iconia, VVash.
Geo. McL. Brcn, D'st I'ass. Aet.
- Vancouver. B. C.
JOHN T, l.ltlllTKIl.
tllllce, opslalis, Asloihtn Htilldlng.
tltiiinsii Physician, ICil ctld.
Ml. ItAltTKU
Ofllc vr Albrl tunlsr' lors, cue,
Ith nd Co amerclal. Prlcsst Calls, III
euntlneilieiil, $m Operallon al tittles
free: medicine furnlahtd.
Ohio ovrOIcn' drugstore, lUiurs, I
In II a. 111.; I In I and 1 lo I p, 111. Hun
days, id lu 11.
Ml. 0. II. EMTKH,
rilVNICltN AND BllllfiRftN
Upeelsl stlenllon tn diseases if wom
an snd Slirgeev.
OITIc over ianlr' rs Asiurt
Tluh,iii 'o sf
Ortli. IbMiin id . Tylhlan
llulldliig. Hour. 10 lu II and I t
t lleeldenc. , Cedar streel
n. t citomiv.
ll Commercial Slreel.
W. M. IJtFons. B. IU Bmlth.
las Commtrclal street.
OIDce on Heeond StnwL Astnrta. r
J. N, IXiiph. IHchaxd Nlxott
Chester V. Dolpb.
Pail land. Oregon, It, ti. Si, and 17,
llailltun Hullding. Ail legal and col
lection business promptly attended to.
Claims agaliisl the government specially.
T1XMPUC I.OLK1K) NO. 7. A. If. and
A, M. Hcgvilor rominuiilcatloiui held
on Ihe first and third Tuesday evening
of each nnxith.
K. C. HOUIKN. Meetary.
W. C. CAMHiaX.
IT! Tsntb strsst.
WHEN IN ItiltTI.AND-t'all on Jno.
F. Handley A Co.. ili Thinl streel, and gel
lb Pally Atorlan. Visitor nrrd not
mis their morning paia-r while ibete.
ndcl win Instead of coffee ,u it...
'"If I rent er gallon. Ihm't f.itgoi
ech and apricot brandy. Aim. French
ornao and wine st Alex (llrwri
Grrxrrlfi, Mnuf, J rej, I'tsvisloii, Fruit
VKetjtir, Coi.kery, (iljvi and
PLilrJ VVate. l.ogKfis'Supi'llr.
C'tf. V.m gu-tsue Sltesls Aftlrnm. Ots
Snap A Kodak
at any man eoniins out ui
our stor and jmi II gel a a
rlrail of a nwn btininuos
oter un plrAuiui invusliis.
f Kuril UUiiy lit Ills iuiim sj
ws bate tester arerieiuah Is
Corrje and Try Them
1 1 UIjHKH CO.
"tX unto others as you would hsv
others do unto you," Is armpaliieiicallr
'own In the following Hues, th pre
sumption being that smpa'.ay Is I'-un.
or akin to pain or sorrow;
"tleiuleineii; Please send K ratine
Headach t'apsulea a follow: Two
boae to Flora Heay, llavanna. N. !k
Two box to l.llll Wllcoi, Urnokland,
N. Dak. I navs always been a g resit
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sule ar th only tUng that rsllevs
ma." Yours very truly,
Havana, N. Dak,
For sl br Chaa. itogers, Astoria
Or Hols Agent
J. 13 VirTT ,
Astoria, Ortges,
Ship Chandlery,
PAINTH nnrl OH..
Special Attention Paid i Supidying Ship.
They Lack Mfe
Thert are twines sold to fishermen
on ths Columbia river that stand la
ths same relationship to Marshall's
Twine a a wooden Image doea to the
human being they lack trength life
evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself Into th belief that other
twines besides Marshall's will do "Just
at well." They won't. They cannot
Telephone & Bailey Catzert.
Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p, m.
dally (except Riinduy).
Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. nnny., ex
cept Hunilay.
Ilalley Oalsert" leaves Astoria Tues
day, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday nnd
Saturday morning at (:U a. m.i Hunday
evening st 7 p. m.
Leaves Portland dally st I p. tn ex-
oept Sunday, fin Saturday at It p. m.
Hortb Paeifie Bremery
JOHN KG"" P-op
Bohemian La so Beer
And XX P1"IF".
Leave orders with i. L. Carlaos at th
Bunnysld Haloon or Louis lloentg si
th Oosjmopolltan CWoon, . All orders will
be promptly attended 19. ,
' it