f&B DAI1V ASTOBUN, ASTORIA, FRIDA? MO, JANUARY 24, 1898, SOMETHING NEW, C.ildrt YotH Str'l-S Mo, all Sit 5t)1ts Wo nlso carry ft fine Hue of ladies' and men's shoes, from the best to the lowest reliable g.K)ds. All goods warranted just as represented. J JOHN II AH N A CO., 479 Commercial street. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Lor vrmlhw tor twnty-foor m endlnr at p. . yterdJ. furnish by th United Stat Ppartmnt of A rloultur. thr bureau. Maximum temperature. deer. Minimum temerstiire, degrees. l'm-lpltMton. .11 tn--h. Total rcfpluKlon from September 1st lKiS, to ilnt. SiM tnehe. Kxooss of precipitation from 8ptembr 1st, 1WS, to dims .1 inch. BUSISESSLOCAIS. Ho Wnd te 1 tho best Art your sroeer for It, and ta no other. Meany li th Waaiiuj tailor, ami py th nnt c! prle for fur klnfc For JS cnta jrou rati ewun n xcIInt welt served meal at th Bon To Restau rant. No. tn Commercial trt They ar also fully prepared to rv all kind of fish, mme and all delicacies of tho season well oysters In ovry Im aginable stylo at th lowest llvlnit pric. Com one and you will rontinu to cam. Charles WlrkltahVs saloon, on Alitor and Tth atresia, which ha Ion; ba ono of . HAHLtn. . hMl riafninlsed IIIQ M IW. PVFHW ----- drinking places In th city has ben I Mn. Its nrva.nt lorfttton tO th lot Immediately aat of tba Caalno thea tre. Many Improvements will ba added aa Mr. Wlrkkala Intend kesnlns; up tha reputation his saloon haa had tinea b as sumed chair years o. Only tha boat wines, liquor and clar sold at th bar. a musical concert by th best talent t th dir. under tha leadership of Pnf ser Schwab. tn well known pianist irtven ntirhtly. Call around and bring -our friend with you. N excusa for aleepiess nurhts when row can pracura On sllnut Couch Cars. This will rUT all annoyances, eura th saoat MTr cough, and lr you rast and health. Caa you. afford to do without It? Chi. Rocera. BHILOH"a CURIE, th graat Cough ui rraui Cur, is la rraat demand Pocket atse ootln twnty-flv do mIi cents. Children tor It. Bold by J. W. Conn. FOR B.VLB. Fine residenca and business propartj by Win. B. Adair, Real Estate Broker. No. 4M Commercial street. "ADAIR'S ASTORIA." On Irving Avenue At Prices Stated until January 1st Block O Lots SOxlM. from PJ5 to ISB per lot Two new houses on this block, thre athers in eonlempUtlon. Block H on ncrth sld Irving Avesue, a few lots In this block st M per lot FIts residences already on this block. Vtrltors wUl find a plank walk leading to th abova property, and an electric light within an block. Block 24-on Duane street only ana block from river frorit-J for lou Sfixl. Water Frontage Abov Hanthorn's cannery, ITS feet to ship channel. MART ANN ADAIB'S SOCTH ADDI TION. Ten lcU KxlO only two blocks from Improved property and less than nv min utes' welk fiom electric car line, ara naw offered In this sdditloa at th very law price of from tttt to poo per lot SHiY E!LTS ASTORIA. North 100 feet Lot 1, Block US, cheap for cash. Binines Lot-No. 4. (MxlE) In Block IS. on Commercial atreet. For short tlm only, ,. Block X-Only on block wutb of eleo 'rie car line, a few lot at $ per lot UxlM. McCLCRE'S ASTORIA. Fin busters lot In Block west ot eas tern bouse on Bond street I5.0M. Corner lot (aOxlM In Block U. Astor street for short time, $6,000. "MERIWETHER DOWNS." Lot from tcO to S100 per lot Acreage Two hundred acres adjoining Bkipanon a bargain: Two valuable tim ber claim, within half mile of proposed Nehalam saw mill. SONS OF HERMANN. At the Grand Masquerade Ball to be given, by Teutonia Lodge No. 5, of the abo recor der, , on Th.prsday - evening. February 13, at Fisher's Opera House, the following elegant prizes will be awarded:;; ' .' - For the most elegant lady's costume, .fiist prize,; a paffor lamp; second prize, an bxyd- lzed silver card receiver. For th'e-most elegant gen tleman's costume, first prize, a gold-headed, cane; second prize, a handsome toilet set. For the best sustained lady character, first prize, gold in laid caid receiver; second prize, silver sugar bowl. For the best-sustained gen tleman's character, first prize, abeautiful clock; second prize, a silk umbrella. Admission Gentlemen, in mask, $1.00; ladies, masked, 50c; spectators, 50c.; children under 12 years, 25c. C. G. PALM BERG Has opened an architect and drawing office in connection with his business ss contractor and builder, and is now pre pared to furnish estimates and plans for buildings of all kinds with accuracy and despatch. Don't fail to pive him a call if you contemplate making im provements of any kind. Office, 473 Duane street. ROYAL Baking Powder has ' been awarded -highest honors at every world's fair jvbere exhibited AROUND TOWN. Ha was Claude, She wa Maude, Ther married, but o aeparalcd. Kh wa Maude, II wa Clawed, A climax all anticipated. Detroit Free I'res. Bright day make money fly. & E. Petr, of Duluth, I In town. 1. O. Megler and wife ar In th city. Commute held the board ytrdy. H. Oleason, of Portland. 1 In th cliy. Job printing of all kind at tha Atorla Job offloe, J. I. t'pham. of San Francisco. I In Astoria. C Mrhall: Tou take chance on tha other. The new moon did not fulfill It prom-tsea-lt attll rains. J. R. Smith, of Italtlmore, MJ., arrlwl In the city yesterday. J. V. Walker, of llwaco, reetstcred at the Parker yesterday. Adam 8. Collltw. of 8n Francisco, U a guest at tha Occident. Th new ratea on satmon to Eastern point take effect today. H. a Reichert. of 8oattle, was la the city yesterday afternoon. W. B. Jenkins, of St. Iuls, reglslered at the Occident yesterday. John Christiansen, of th Walluskl. was in th city yesterday. Pr. O. F. Ball. Dentist, with lady as sistant, office Ct 14th street All kinds of table delicacies, wine and liquors at Foard Stoke co. W. R. Morrison, a 8outh Bend mer chant, wa In town yetrdy. John Lund berg, a farmer of Blind Slough, wa in Astoria yesterday. COOO to l--an on good improved Inside city property. R. U. Boyht Co. For th best of commercial Job print ing call at th Astorlaa lob office. Marshall' twtneued tr T5 per cent of th fishermen on the Columbia river. Th most complex ock of fine canned fruits and Vegetables at Ford Stoke Co. Ti self-wlndlns- clock In the Western J Union tetegraph office now strikes chime every hour. Silk petticoats that do not tustle are not In great demand, no matter bow love ly they may be. The best cough cur mad Is th E. O. Cough Syrup, for ssl at the Estes Craln Drug Store. F. T. Fradenburgh and J. M. Etener. both of Ashland. Or., registered at th Occident yesterday. Among the Portlanders In town yeter dsy were Chss. H. Fisher. J. C Brown lie, and H. D. DieJdeck. T. H. Lamb, superintendent of the Western Vnlon Telegraph Company, will arrive from Saa Francisco today. The depot ait question Is now the ob ject of public Interest and U is reason ably sure to be settled this week. Antl-nlcotlne Chewing O-jm, the istcst and best Tobacco Cure, only S cent t package at the Estes-Crain Drug Store. The closing exercise of Room No. I. Court Street school, will take place today at half-past one, o'clock. Parents Invited. F. 8- Wood, an old newspaper man. of Weiser. Idaho, arrived in Astoria yester day. He expect to permanentlly locate here. Parties desiring the best of iob printing at the lowest price should call at the Astorian Job office before going else where. Henry Wilt.' of Barlow, Ore, arrived In Astoria yesterday. He Is looking over the situation with a view to locating bare. Go to 1S th street to have your um brellas repaired or recovered. A fine line of cover goods to select from at reason able prices. Look out for the Scow Bay Wood Yard surprise next week in the way of fuels None such ever before received In this market. A. O. Friend yesterday received new of th death ot hi father at Riverside, sir. Friend died of heart failure. He was W years of age. A pleasant surprise was given Mrs. P. J. Goodman Wednesday evening. About twenty-five couple wer present and a very enjoyable evening was passed. . Frank Faber, who was arrested Wed nesday evening by Chief Loughery, on a charge of drunkenness, was fined in tha police court yesterday by Judge Nel son. .,,''' ' - Tonlrht will be held a special meting of Us sonic Temple Lodge No. 7. Busi ness M particular Importance will be on hand, ahd it Is expected there will he a full attendance: '.,-'.. I have just received a ntw line of pock et cutlery, razors and razor strops. 1 have strops, leather and canvas com bined from Z cents to U.M each. Cha. Rogers, Druggist. At 7 o'clock this morning the water commission will proceed by special steam er to Hear Creek to Inspect the head works. It Is expected that they will be absent the entire day. Divine service will be held at the Evan gelical Luthoran church on the hill, up from the Columbia cannery, on Sunday, Jan. 26th. at 10:30 o'clock a. m. and p. m. All cordially Invited. A fichu collar may be of Marie Antoi nette or of Ellzabethlan design, and is often finished with a becoming ruchlng. It may be worn to brighten different costumes, and is a valuable addition. The etching, just completed, by Dr. Estes of the camp of the bloomers last summer, on th K'Mnninm ! in life and 1 highly prized by the mem ber of the camping party to whom it was presented. Business men. If you want to fix ud your office for the coming year, with the Dest oi letter heads, bill haa-ls, state ments, etc., call at th Aatorian Job office where you will find the beet of stock and material. Col. E. C. Hughes accompanied his daughter, Miss Leila, to Portland last evening, where he will meet his brother, a resident of Boise. Idaho, with whom he has business. Miss Leila will accom pany her uncle to Boise. Chas. E. Osgood, the sixteen-year-old son of Mr. J. Osgood, of Young's Riv er, died Monday and wa burled yester day. Death wa caused from the burst ins: Of a blood vessel In KU bwtm !.. I. Jury subsequently affecting his 'heart. Mr. Clarence E.Broir'n. dI'frW'nn. ger agent of the Union Pacific, headquar- ier m ronianu, vuiieu Astoria, yester- day. Mr. Brown wa (Imply on on ot th periodical trlii over his territory, visiting kvM and looking out for bust, hesa, Th rltlten ot Astoria ara soon to V favored with a fine Mereoptlcon lecture by Dr. Kunner, of Oakland, Cat. for merly ot Portland, Oregon. lr. Rum mer has host of friend In Portland, and Astoria, who will bo glnd ot an op portunity to hear him aguln. Go to Klmore, Sanborn's ortlo and . their new and handsome twin teiing machine. Tiike along some of tlm t Inrs "a gvol a Marshall's," In your pocket, and tet them. Then see how much more MarshaU'a will stand. It's money In your pov-ket and fish In your net to mid out. Yesterday afternoon on of Boss, Uig. gins Co. 'a wagon was overturiml and slightly domoltshrd. The horse ss stand Ing on tha r.wdway ner Klmoi-v's can nery, aiul. during Ilie absenc of the driver, became frisky, overturning the wagon and scattering the content over the treei. The. steamer Sknal. which arrived Wednewlay fiom Vancouver, brought to this port twenly-tao Chinese loseii ters. eleven of whom were for Asiorl. Yes terday the latter wer examined by lect r Page, and allowed to land.' The steamer proceeded up Ine rh-er yester day afternoon. Most so-called "salmon twines" are col ored with acids. Tha acids rot the fibre and render the material useless. In the offic of Klmore, Sanborn A Civ la an ob ject lesson that outtlit to be examined by all ttshernww. It I th wholo of the ma. terlal uscl in th manufacture of Mar shall's twine frcm start to rinlsh. '.3o thera and examln th color rlcht hM..i. v... Hit, .w . . . f u ,1 h,1Mr - shall' la called th beet in tho world. Farragut INwt. O. A. B-. last evening held a very pleasant session at their hall. Th occasion wa the Installation of officer for the ensuing term. Col. 8. Klmore Installed the following ortloiala; : - irmr-i'er. K. R. Itawes; senior vlce j commander, C. Ttmroons; Junior vice : comntamler, J. R. 1 5 raves; quartrrmasier. B. F. Allen: rhaulaln. 8. Klmore: clllcer : nf lh ilsv. A. fi,-hrnsltsii- ntll.e ..r , guard. Juhn McCue: surgeon. J. O K,t(e; adjutant. Tho. lValy; quartermaster sergeant. Jess Baker. Cushlng Post turned nut in full to attend th exer- rises and a most enjoyable evening vtts spent by all. Rev. O. E. retereon. Finnish minister In Cnlontown, who ha recently estab lished a night school fr Instruction in English, to men ot that nationality, re ports thst there are now thlrty-tao ntrm- um In th ..Kw,l ,.! fttnf Mmd.tnlitv .rood nrosress' la 'belne- made bv them n acquiring the Erwtllsh language. Mr. OeYo, who recently arrived here from Illinois, has consented to become one of ; (he teachers In this srhool. There ar ! two session a aevk ot two hour each. J and demand ha been made for a thirl srecklv session. Mr. Peterson any that : the srhonl yry much neMs another I A gr. at Ir.wt la lu store tor lite As teaoher. and It Is to be hoped that some! torla peoplec. In the sh.tpe of a charm one will come forwanl who is willing to Ing operetta which Is to be given for the help out In this lau.laM." enterprise. The benefit of th Rescue Club. It Is to h people are Amertvar.lilng very rapidly. something quip new In the opereti line. about f Jrty children In beautiful cos- C,ood prwrcs Is reptrtcd In the water tumrs taking part. The music. thoiiKh works construction. The tunnel has been i simple, Is all catchy and pretty, the completed, and the laving ot the Inrtjc ! dancing will be well worth seeing, and pirw throuxh It commenced yesterday. ! the situation of the play are very amus Engineer A Jan . that with ordinary In and pleasing. Th rehearsals ar ery eood work and no accident, ten day or two week will be required to lty the pipe. When this is dune, the low ser vice systim will be complel ;d Contracts have been let. to the .is me parties, the Paciilc BriiUte Company, f r th con struction of II. e high service distribution system. The pipe to be used on this work will be the old pl l.i the supply ser vice from Bear Cr?rk to the old reser voir, which will he tiken up lit a very short time. Mr. C. F. Swlirert. one of the otficrs of th Pacific llrl.lee Com. pony, yestetuy nin! an inspection of I the pie on the old line, and pronounced! it to be In good condlllen. Work will f commence very scon. : At Fisher' Opera House on January S EfTte Kllsler. one of the meet distinc.iish- ' Klnc!-t work gt,aranlee by Thor. Fred ed of American actresses. !ll appear as' erlcksen. 5"Ti Bund street. tlrlirln ft Rosalind In Shakespeare's beautiful pa- i toral comely "As You Like It." This en- , cagement can scarcely fall to be an occa sion of special Interest. The play will he tastefully mounted and the costuming unusually mannlflcent. Of Miss Lllsler It la unnecessary to apeak. She is rco--ignlsed as one of the greatest aelretses in the stage, quiet, yet effective; In ac tion always natural. She gives to her impersonations an appearance of realism as satisfactory aa It is artistic. The sup porting company leave Utile to be de sired, as the following list will show: Frank Weston. Holbrook Bllnn. John A. Ellsler. George D. Baker. Andrew Hitch- t cock. E. J. Powers. J. Castle. V m. Justin McCarthy, Beatrice Dauncourt. j Barbara Btannard. Marion Ruth Benson. Bessie Lea Lestlna and others. Marshall's salmon twine Is witriout a j oodey's, Rupert Hughes writes entertain competitor. Strongest, handsomest, best. , nKy on the subject of rantntns. and dls . j euses Mr. O. W. I'hadwli k's works. The January number of the Northwest j -nA(.r ,np nra, of "Talks by Successful Macazlne Is a splendid example of the Women" anmara an Interview with Mrs. enterprise of lu publishers and is certain , to prove of Inraicuiame nenenit to me entile Northwestern country. It may be almost termed an "Immigration Num. ber" for under the head of "The New Immigration Movement" are seventeen large pages In which appear all the Im portant speeches snd papers that jrere msde or read at the recent St. Paul con vention, together with finely executed i half-tone portraits of many of the leadlim I r-romoter of tne movement. As a Inr '. circulation will be given to this numbei i of the magazine, and Just ut a time whin so much attention la being attracted to the Northwest, It cannot full to have a marked influence upon the movemjnt ii o persistently advocRtis. "Enoch Watklns" Mournln' Letter." by Herbert Bashford; "The Smelt Fishers of the Pacific Coast," by J. P. .M'lntvre. md "Chinese Uachilcrs." by Fraser. are among the purely lii r, attractions of this number. The edl'ior comprises SI big pages of lllutraled mat ter. ana win ne ver, u e ,or ii-ire reference. 1 ' yi. r . w j. -i i A special meetlnr of Temp! l.C'l y, No. 7., will 1 held on Friday evenlntr, at ":. Work In the third degree. Hojournlng Master Masons In good lamliKg, welcom ed. By order of the W. M . E. C. HOLD FN. Bt:. THE MODEL EMPLOYI-Xl Railway Age. Many solutlons-of the problem of bor monizing capital" and labor have been proposed, such as profit-sharing, mutual benefit associations, pension funds, Joint stock ownership, federation of labor, strikes, arbitration, government owner ship, political combination, communism In the property, and so on, some of them j admirable ana mosi or mem cooihiiiimk elements of equity and reason. But after all no artificial bond of peace between wage payers and wage earners has the power and permanence that result from the existence of genuine respect and af fection on the part of the employes tow ard the employer. It is a rare gift where by the head of a great establishment employing hundred of thousands of workmen, obtain their hearty confidence and loyal esteem, and It Is only men of large hearts, abounding In genuine In terest and sympathy for all other men, who elicit this spontaneous tribute. A striking Illustration of this power and Its results was given the other even ing in Chicago In one of the south side churches, called to commemorate the life and mourn the sudden death of the pres ident of a large manufacturing company. Addresses were made by prominent men, each eulogizing the character of the de ceased from a different standpoint of usefulness, but most effective and elo quent of all was the simple testimonial of one of the half-thousand employes who. In the imrerfect speech of a foreign; er and an unlettered man, endeavored to vole th sorrow and affection of hi fellow workmen for their dead employer. It Is common, h said, for difference lo occur between employer and employed, but uch had not been lh ens In this establishment, II spoke from n e.xpe rtriico of rtftevn years. Their president, ho said, wa a llcil -fearing man. sincere ly Interested In tho welfare of his em ployes. Just and generous In hi deallnss with litem, "and when I thought of him It made me forget tha littleness and nieannesa of oilier men. Whenever I hear the nam of Captain Admits I shtill aly feel Ilk uncovering my head." Here was an example of lit Ideal rela tion between rapltal and labor; on the one hand, genuine and unselllsli eoitcern for lite welfare ot the employed, ex pressed In personal conduct as well a Indicated by Just and generous dealing on th wage question: and on His Kilter hand, entire routt.lenc In the fslrness and sincerity of the employer. Inspiring loyal and honest service. When such re lations exist In all Indiislilal rstnhllsh menu strikes and lock-outs will have ceased and rapllul and labor, Instead of representing aiitttgontsllc forces, will co-operoi In harmony for their luutunl and always Inseparable Interest. 1.0VKD BY EVKHYBODY. A Beautiful Trltiut to the Memory ol Kdnard OsRvVtl. Th following notice has been handed In to the Astorlan for punllc.-ttlc.it: Chas. Osgood, son of Mr. J. Osgood, of Youngs' river, was a boy a hose sad death at the age of It deserves more than ordi nary funeral notice. The unusually large concourse of peo ple, both young and old. that attended his funeral services at Orange hall and i iutinni inn remains in irsiise win, , , j tye.ter,ly showed how greatly he wa. followed his remains to Orange cemetery lieloved by his schoolmate and neigh bors. There was one memento of his Ilf especially which Bltraeled the atten tion of us all tho flag at half-mast at hi schoolhouse door. This flag, procured by subscription from Ills neighbor, and th latl llagiHile on which It hung, were the work of hi own hands, and siiKgested the following lines on HI F LAO'S I.AMKNT. ! Farewell, farewell, say the Patriot Plug j That Moais o'er his schoolhome diwr: The hands that llrst gave my folds lo the ' breeie - Shall unfurl those folds no mor, I 1 On this stoff. which he carved with pa- Iriot hands. At half-mast I weep by his birr. And with the dear schoolmates he loved so well I mingle my patriot tear. ! The patriot lire that t urned In hi breust i Munched In an early grave i Put V '" xho ft"'1 ",rl' shnll last Ills reiiulem sweet I'll ae. TI1E FAIR IKS' FrtC.VPAl'K, i encouraBlng. and "Trie r airtes r.ra- pads" will no doubt be the event of the season. NOTICE t'F MEET! Nil. Ther will be a speclil meeting of the MeKlnley B.publli jn Club at tli Court House. Friday evening. January 2th. Krt. at " o'clock, for the purpose of electing 10 delegates to attend the convention ot the Young M -n's Sttte Republican Club, to be held at Vorlldnil. Oregon. February tth. lu. A full atteminnee is earnestly requested. M J. WIIEIUTY, Secretary. PIANO TI NI.N'O. Heed, Commercial street, will lake or- ders. QODEY'9 MAO.XZINK FOR FEBRP- MAO.XZINK A BY. Oodey's Maa-ailne for February appears In a beautiful and original cover by F, C. Ransom a quaint Jnpanese concep tion for St. Valentine's day. Mosl strlk Ing among Ihe contents Is a profusely Illustrated artlrle on the famous museum freaks Cleveland Moffat tells some of Ihe richest stories about the lato Eugene Pleld-'snil aninne the Interestlnir articles Hn "Studio Life In Tarls." "What the mcyei,, iw tor the Muscles," and a description of huw the deaf are taught ipeech and speech reading. In the scries on "Music in America," which Is a ills tlnrtlve and successful fealuro of runlap Hopkins, who has accomplished so much for women In New York and elsewhere. The fiction of this numlirr Is unusually strong and abundant, Including a furclcnl spook story by Tinlur Ji nks, and an In tense romance by Robert V. V. Meyers. The customary fashion department com plete) an unusually attractive numlicr. RESOLUTION OF THANKS. The following resolutions at 'Minerva'" meeting night: 'ere adopted Wednesday "Resolved, That the I'innka of the So ciety Minerva be , tided to Ihe Asto rlan Publishing Cu. for their courtisy In printing tickets and announcement for their late benefit entertainment free of ' harire: nlso to the school director and the Polyanthus Club for the free use of Se schoolhouse, benches and plans. We I deeply under obligation to you for ,'onr ni:ulfanA m-lthmit a'hlh th elder. Uinmn, wou)d n,,r liave lr, ,oh g ,,.,.,.,, a, it was. Wry respectfully, c.;m L-n-v rrvErtvs TU'YKRS AND SELLERS. ' The following transfer of real estate were filed In the oflice of Jtccorijer Gun- derson yesterday: Martin oln e.t al to A. I Fulton U)ts 1, I, ami 4, Block 21, Brad bury's Second Addition to Sea side t Ui Chris. Olsen and wife to Hans J, Ongendal, Lot 23, Block 17, Cen tral Astoria 1 Jame F. Kearney to Josle T. Kearney, 1)1 2, Block CI, Adair's Port of Upper Astoria 1 Awarded Highest Honors World'! Fair, Old Medal, Midwinter Parr.' DRV CREAM MM 'Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard, mm V 1A! (rOOD ROADS COMMtTTKR. II Ha Begun Its Work and t Meeting With Fair Huccess, Chadiveil, or . Jan, . Editor Astorlan: The road committee which was IH''" ed nl th m nieelln held hem tin Ihe Lh ha. been al work, with fair succc"! and had a few of our m.-slck do their shar. l.,uuellilng they never '' " enlorpt lsing part ot l lie community Miul I have no kick coming. W propose lo give ....... ... ..uis.,11. his oecuiuf 111 name e,,-., - - lion, and mean and th amount uf bis subscription, and also mw " - fused to subset the a cent! and then lei the people of Astoria )ud,to for themselves ah.'lh..r lit mosshacks ro worthy uf their patronage, for these gentlemen. ttli mossbacksl depend upon Ihe Astoria people for the sal of Ihelr butter, pot : . . .. ...hi. -iri toes, cnewc, inn"! ,.' . rleverol name of residents who h aubsctll-ed will t " nl" ' lh comtultle has every re.e that Ihev will raise the amount of their subscriptions. It l a noticeable ' i hu was opposed tni iiviij -- , ,. to the Cross road luw dees nt subscribe etioUKlt lo build nn' rit. i only irti wav to make these natty tlemen contribute tli.lr share. Follow, but are the name and amount t th sulutcrllier to date: C II. Sloop, milkman, lii: J Silver. U Imrrr. Iltf; C. S. low. farmer, I S; K. t. Jeffer. farmer and milkman, P; m. lrsen, milkman. UK J'Uin W Betth. t.w: W. J. liiiialls. farmer, M. Mr. . Harder, farmer, lit': 1. J li'ssils. far mer, t': '. II. W inters, li: h I1' John win, lalHirrr. John I srseti, lalnirer. H: l Wilson, milkman. II": II '. Inaalls, laborer. 111): tlivrae Knolls, InN'ier, H: J. tlllsion. IU: V. P. Hreaer, milkman, IJS: tins llulmes. ranneiyuintl. !': t. Eldien. farmer, 110: C, II. !' lalwrer. IIS; 1. F. Stafford, farmer, 11''. Win. liar till, farmer. '; Andn-w Anderson, fanner li; J. N. Ilnkard, milkman, H: Lot i'H more. I": W. J. llcckerd. t": Chris. UmiKh IS.W: J. II IV tlray, IW, Wm l:,lar. IU: A. Enna. li; C. llllstrom. taimer. I2u. August Ecklong. laborer. t: C John, son, mall carrier. K.'o; Mike r'ago. la borer, li. N. Wlsner. louiter. W'. Rich, hoatmun. ': l.eneni Anderson, la borer, IJW: D. H. llowerter. fai-mrr. U.M; K T. l.lbke. farmer. K Other name wilt be furnished a f't as subscription come in W J INHAI.U". J W. 1II.ITII. WM t.AUMKN. Committee. WALLS MADE ATTItACTIVK. In Hie Modern Flat They MV Be M'le l.lchl and lUuutlfui Kuchalice. Who I It that said A autnan with the right spirit will evolve a home out ot four bar aalls. a broken mirror, an eniiitv box and a few yi rd- of chiuts Whoever It wa strurk lit keynote. The one thing necessary, er tatlur Iii.ihiii rnb Is the home pln. There la a small illnln r.m lu a city Hat where It has worked wonders. looked at In Its nakedtus when nil- hunting. It ws shout a ufiv an.t un rampromlsing a ro,un a' one would find In a day' Journey. Todi.y II with luht and beauty, A. iual HkIiI Ihe liiKenloiis home maker could not supply. but yellow wa cIhvmii as l:ie rob scheme, because It l the sirnel and most diffusive of all i-olors. The celling was tinted a pale cream, with arabesque In buff and gold stencilled en. 1 he i,ir wall were buns with a paper In full rich ertam, approaching a golden yellow, the frlese showing bits nf clear yellow nd light blue, with warm red In gener ous measure. The wood wot fc was paint ed old Ivory. In Its one window ounli :lit Is at a prrmpim In city aiaitiurnt house) there I a shelf on which stand a long, tow box filled wllh foliage plant In winter: In summer the fir that mo un romantic of modern balconies. I lilkj wllh blooming plants At this win. low hang dtaperlca of Mad- ras, with a rem ground, the desirn In pal yellow. Ilk-ht blue a:ul warm red. There I a creamy rug shots Ing bits ol all these colors. The table, l,lelanl i ml chair re rurly innple Tl.e ebe ip brom. d summer piece has len r, nun e.l and a pair of llrelruns eolly Installed, although there be no Hie in the make believe fireplace. The ugly trnnom ws taken out and filled In with fretwork. with a narrow shelf at I lm bottom for Jug and plates. The room which a young girl founo awaiting her after her graduation from the Sacred Heart Is a charming study In pansle. The woodwork Is palnteii Ivory and lavender. French gray paper, Just bordering on lavender, has a wide panpy frlese, where patmpa In every con ceivable haile of while violet, lavcttd-r. purple, yellow and black run riot. The furniture Is while mahogany. The bedspread anil bureau tm, I table scarfs are of white llti.-n. edged with heavy lac and embroidered with pansles, Tners are violet silk cushions on the low rocker: an Anatolian rover In cream, violet, sil ver and pink cavers the divan, plied with plllowt:, some of which look like huge pnnslea: sllkolle rurlalsn, with violet pan sles on an Ivory rrniind, bang at the windows, anil are tied wllh wide violet rlblinns: an Ivory enamelled ta table hold pansy painted china on a pansy embroidered cloth. POOR. INDEED! T'tere are degree and kinds of poverty. Jnst as there are dlffe-ences of opinion among those who compute and measure poverty by different standards. Home men deem themselves poor because they nro less rich than others, ngnln, there are eoinpttrallvely poor people who are sallsl'rd with a competence. There I a kind of Kverty for which no amount ot wealth ran compensate, namely, a pov erty of bedlly stamina, evinced by ner vousness and a derangement of (be func lions of digestion, billons secretion ami the bowels. To restore vigor upon a per manent busts there Is one. remedy that folly cover the requirements, "fill the bill," and Ibis I lloitetter s Stomach Hitters. By restoring digestion, gllng a limltliful Impulse to the action of the liowels ami liver and Intniiulllslng the nerves. It fullllls the condition necessary to a resumption of strength by the sys tern. II also overcomes malaria and rheu mat Ism. A TWISTER. A twister In twisting May twist him a twist. For In twisting a twist Three twists make a twist; But If one of the twist Untwist from the twlat, Tha twist untwlstlr.g Untwist th twlat. That Is, when It' rwlated with any other twine than MARSHALL'S. AN ENIGMATICAL BILL OF FAU& For a dlnnnr, served on th Dining cars of the Chicago, Milwaukee ejid St. Paul Railway, will ba sunt to any address on receipt of a two cent potnu stamp. Ap ply to (lo. H. Heafford, Uoneral Paawfi gr Agent. Old Colony Building, ChlUJgo, Illinois. PROM NOW UNTIi SPHINO Overcoats and winter wraps wlH t in fayhlon. Ttiey can b discard.!, tempor arily nvhlle traveling In the assnim heavied train of the Chlcag i, Mllwsuk and St. Paul Railway. For oltd comfort, for peod wnd for eeafoty, no other line can compare with ttik great railway of the West. THE POLYSYLLABLE PAINTER. St. Paul Pioneer Press. If It Is true that Put Dnnun, I ho poly syllablo painter of North Dakota and the chivalrous admirer of women In the ab slract and concrete, Is lo become Ihe editor of a. Duluth paper, the city that Proctor Knott discovered will again be famous a the home of a man who can sling words with the certainty of a David. T . you wnt turt tlir for palm In the bck, iid, chMl, or 4 7 limbi, u in Pa AllCOClk'S Plaster I Brar in Mino- Not out of the hot of counloffeUs d linlt J P Hone la good a Ilia gemiiiu. ' - b-Z Hard Times! NOT SO AT Wc are the busiest people In Astoria, simply because we have the stock and the rlirht prices to suit your wants. Just at present wc are makinir an extra discount of 10 per cent, to all cash customers of crockery and glassware. Come in and be convinced that our new year's prices will cure you of croaking, "hard times." FOARD & STOKES. Bi" VrOlUDlljW II VVT a.imon f t.vt m.Kr C far Super i whi ... ...iT.rT i Look i ,r:;,,';;;r,-u,f, The Astorian Job Oflice m. WP Best of Stock. Is always prepared iui-i ni:.is. LKTTKK HEADS, STATKMKNTS, IUIXI'SS CAKDS, KNVI'Lol'FeS !i:ci:iits, e-ifj And all kinds of Commercial Printing at Prices as Low, If not the Lowest in the City. Ask your grocer for V' jssj'--, HBHOND'S .. ,,Mlld In Cure (not II A RlVN.itnr.il Flavor. ""'""Tender and Juicy. FOIl BRNT. Threw comfortalily fiirnUlvrd nKuna, with ftnrt-clas laid board, st Mr. II. d dn. corner lh snd Duuno sBreuta. bowrvl adtliout room If tlealrwl. The Resort 473 Commt'niiiil lret)t. is tint ilnoc where tlm btminrwHtimn ami tiu liilwirinir- , man go ft.r wlmi ia culled 'TA.H V n.N I THE COAHT."fr a nlcn 0'l lriuk of tho celel)rntfil OninliritiiiH bier. Suml wl 'lifl ( evi-rv kind madu loonier, etui I an elemint tn'v l " '""""I "very ditv. j Hot Huston riakfl K'lti'H nerved every other afinrnnoii. You are aeloome. Grosbauer St Brach Popular Science Mslurr, Invention, NEWSc;;ny;-.HEALTH MyHirne. Formerly BOSTOX JUIRXAL Of CBEHISTRT l"nlriil and Improved. Contains a Inrre ntimlier of Hlinrl, Kusy, Vrantleal. Inlerrsllnn and I'oulur, Hnlentl llo artliles, that'euti he aiirecliilid mm enjoyed by aoy Inlelllcent reader, even Ihoimh h Knew lUtl ur nolhlriK l '! enre. Profuse'y Illustrated zni Free Irom Tecnnxtniie3 Newsdenlera, 10 crnt. $i per year a-Mentlon till paper for n cntnpli! eoiiy, Largest circulation ot any Scientiiic pper in thewoild Fuhllshed Monthly by BENJ. LILLARD, New York. Hard Times! OUR STORK! m. ' 5- I K Any 0!'u niJ-inolii" '1 1 Fo -'mi si" - ' Neat Work. to print to order I.F.iIAI. M.ANKS, MiirriNc 1 ac;s, LAUKIeS TUL'r.is. IIAM'IUI.LS l"iv 1:1c. HAMS, BACON, sally) LARD, canni-d nEATS. FOUND. rtil'NI) liy ihe tuir Itellef. near No. li huity, nil Itlirhiir WellllllK alKJUl ItMM imunds, wlili 7.'. rut hums of l,-lneh rlialu nitni'lied. Owner run have sams liy irnv Iiik rt. rly. luiylM siilvuue eharars ami exp line nf liipllhit und adverllsliiK, Kd wln Mefiiy. t'liiiiiiln. ron rknt. I'OK liKNT.Two furnished rotlasrs, eniriilly liieuteil, nt ressoniihlo rale. One emitiiliis rmir, tha ullier two room. Apply to Mrs. li, A. Iletts, cor. Kill and t'omnu-rrliii slr''tils. Furnished rimms, fnelnK 111 river, by Ihe wiek or niiiiilh. No children. 33K 17th hi reel. I'. .;, I'i ri hen. WANTKD. WANTED AKenta to represent th old Notional Life) Insurant Co., ot Montpeller, Vt. Far furthsr Informa tion, addrnas (I, M. Btolp, General Coast ManoKitr, sa-M Crocker llulldln, Han I' ramdsco, Cul. WANTKD Man or lady 10 colleot, do sum oftloa work, and msnair ajttnt. You will dasl throuxh your lesdlnf mr fhnnis. Humathlnsr nw and very popu lar. We pu v xpnses. Poaltlon per manent. Bend four rcfrnces and tn cent for full psrtlculsr. John Finney Mnr . O. lls 484, 81. Loull, Mo. MIWF:U.ANrXUB. i;r, 'I') I 1 ; n WKKK, using- and solllnx Dynnmoa r. r plallnir watch, Jewalry, mid tulils tvitra. I'lute frold, lllver, nli'ltel, etc., same neur ;noda. Dif ferent size for atronta, fumllle and shoj). Flasy nperatfld; no experlanee; blir prnflls. W. V Harrison Co., rierk No. 14, Onhimhtis. )hlo. Fon flAMC. JAPANIOHK OOODH Just out Just r eelveil-just what you want, at Wlruj Lee's, (41 Commrcll street, "i " svss-r 'irr .1., sa'!!P'P",'iWP