The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 17, 1896, Image 2

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gailjj Slatoirtan.
JOHN T. UOlITEn. Editor.
Tclcpbuu No. N. ,
Bnt fcy !, Pr yt-..
float by amO, per month............
erred tjr curler, per t
Bant by mall per year. advaoc.
Foatag free to subscriber.
AH communication Intended for pb
Ucmtlon ahoukl be directed to tht editor.
ButlnoM comnrunictttoni of all kind and
romltaancei mutt be a-Mretted to The
Ttn Aatorlan guarantee to It ub
acrlben the largest clrculetioa of aay
newspaper published on th Columbia
Adrartlaing rwlea eaa bo had on ap
plication to th business manager.
Th Weekly Aatortan, tho oecond old-
t weekly In trie seat of Oregon, ha
next to th Portland Oregon lan, tr.a
lergett weekly circulation In th state,
Jno. T. Handler Co. are our Port
land agent, and coplea of the Aitorlan
can b bad Try morning at thetr stand
a Flrat strotL
While It 1 far from the Astorian's de
sire to rebuke or attempt to advise thote
publkstplrlted icentlemen In our midst
who are working- to hard for the eatab-'
llthment of new Industrie In this city. ;
it may be advisable at this lime to re- I
mind them, ana tne cmrra sneu.
that they are ovtr'.ocklng; one very lm-j
portant natter. It l th preservation .
and extension of an industry that hat;
been peculiarly the property of Astoria j
for many years, one that has kept the(
population alive durinjr the hardest times ;
In oar history, and one that it today of
more assistance to us at a money setter
and a world-wide advertisement than any
dosen of new projects we could possibly
..... . , ,. . .
enter Into. It Is the canning and distrl-
butlon of Columbia river salmon. j
Her at our very door is a perennial ,
rop of tho world's choicest food fish, one
of Oi fjw never-falling harvests that
nature has vouchsafed to man. only do -
mandin, for a continuance of her
a reasonable amount of common thrift
and prudence. For flfteen years th sal -
moa business ba been our sole support.
It has mad fortune for many among i
us. and Is today building up a competency
for many more. In the face of examples j
in state both north and south of us. ex-1
ample that have shown bow easy It 1 I
to lose the benefit ot this Industry, what
hav we don towards its preservation or
enlargement ? Practically nothing. And
why? Because none but the far-sighted
have up to this time seen the necessity
for conserving such a plenteous crop,
confident, despite all warning from else
where, that It could well take care of
"A you sow to shall you reap" was
never more applicable In a practical
sen to anything than to this subject.
The annual run of fish Into th Columbia
directly supports ten thousand people.
Five times the extent of the present I
catck will support fifty thousand. A Ju-
... . . . ,
diclous and well-planned campaign of ,
education in this matter will convince I
every senator and representative In Ore
gon bow necessary It is that government
aid should be given for the inception and
maintainance of hatcheries on the upper
streams of the Columbia. We are hatch
ing now ten million salmon every year.
We ought to turn out Into the sea one
hundred million at least, &nd it will be
one of the easiest things in the world to
bring about that result, for there is no
productive process known that Is so
Suitable hatcheries, well guarded and
systematically operated, will Quadruple
the run of salmon Into this river, and
of necessity quadruple the amount of
business in thla city and vicinity. With
the coming of railroads c great Industry
In fresh fish transportation will spring
up In our midst; our can making business
will be extended; our army of fishermen
will be largely increased; our box fac
tories will branch out. and in every chan
nel of trade will be felt the pulsations of
Increased and permanent Improvement
provided that our cltixens will only exer
cise a little common sense and look well
after the source of supply.
Flouring mills, boot and shoe factories,
tanneries, and all the other projected in-
teres ts are all well enough. Let them
come. But let us take advantage of our
natural surroundings first and then turn
our attention to enterprises that are
really of very small Importance compared
with our great Columbia river salmon
trade and its army of workmen. Look
to the hatcheries.
The views of the Interstate commerce
commission on the Interstate act Inself
are candid and interesting. In its an
nual report Just published. It Is held that
the special weakness of the law is "the
want of finality and binding force to the
decision of the commission." As the
law Is now the carrier can not only have
practically a new trial of the same ques
tion In the courts, but the courts may
be required to pass upon a very different
state of facts than those presented to the
commission. Rurh. at least Is the pun.
,,i r mmii,. hiph main. !
. . ... . !
lains inai lis Decisions snouiu oe maua
to stand a a rule of conduct prescribed
by public authority, unless the courts,
upon examination of the record thus
made, shall find therein some material
error, plainly prejudicial to the defeated
party, which furnishes sufficient reason
for refusing to enforce the decision.
The whole number of ton carried upon
... t- j. , v,
the canal of New York during the sea-
son of 1896 was I.j00,311 tons, of which
2,327,481 ton wa In transit toward tldeor-k-r to tho London and universal Bu
water and 1,172,835 ton was moved west- " of InveaLi.r, 20, Cheupsli. London,
ward. Of these amounts 1,7C2,&1 tons
were through freight and 1,797651 ton
were way freights. The amounts car
ried by the several canals were a fol
low: Erie canal, 2,35C,G8I; Champlaln
ranal, Wl.tffi; Oswego canal, 64.491: Black
river canal, 84,154; Cayuga and Sfniea
ranal, 49,050. Total, 3,t.314.
Exports of American gold exceed, d .
000,000 during the first full week of D:. '
yet tba national senate I refusing to
par the house 1ond and revenue bill.
wki.-h ar the 'niy things ncccsrary to
tt acxmpHshed to step tn exportation
of Amnmn soul revive American
buslnett nd lafcor The tenal seems
to he stalled between Tit trade and free
liver. mrmmmm
How sm.ill a fiRiin actual coin cuts m
tome large financial operations l thown
by the rtcral transaction In the Rank of
England, by which China paid to Jxit
an. Indemnity ot ;4.Si.' In gold. The
coin would hsv loaded thirty-five wa,i
with a ton each, but the handling of one
piece of paper turti.-cd to transfer the
money from China' account to (ho credit
of Japan, the whole jo.Wlnir occupy -Ing
hut a few minutes
Campos' fuiur Is anything but promis
ing. The chance arc that ho will he
transferred to tho Spanish weather ha
rcau Pa.lercwskl has thus tar taken In JAVftW
on hit piano tour; an t he hasn't turned
a hair, either.
IX lxv
chloa)to ros,
-you advertised fvt
ccachiran. sir"
! tald the applicant.
"I did." replied the merchant
; -ou want the posclon?"
"Tee. tir."
i "Have you had any explenoe"
I "I have heen In the business all my
; life."
j "You are used to handlinv sasillno.
! then?"
! "Tes, sir."
"And you are no.ted on electricity.
Thoroughly. "
Sxxi. Of course you arc a machinist
And I presume you have an engineer'
"Of course."
"Verv well. You may go around to
th barn and get the motocycle ready, j
M. wlshr!l , ,i0 , mtle shopping
"SlCryfor:T0Ria LIBRARY!
Pitcher's Castorla. ,
j Somerville Journal.
Exchange Editor What
makes Dr.
1 leader look so sad today?
Financial Editor-Oh. nomine, only n
trleil to say In an editorial that WUrgle-;
iWln wa a ch,r0.r, ,nd the
compositor made him say that he was a !
notional character instrau.
; The best aalv la th world for Cut. ;
1,,, j
chllbUnil Con.s, and All Skin Erup-!
1 Uons, and positively cure Pile, or no i
, Pr required !t Is guaranteed to give !
penec avusescviun. or uiuurj ic-iuuuu.
Price. S cents per tox. For ! bj
Cha. Rogers. Odd Fellows building.
Washington Post
The building blocks had hoen havlnu a
dispute in the nursery.
"I'm worth Just as much as you ars."
exelaimed the letter 11.
"No. you're not." rvplied the letter O.
"If you were worth anything at all the
English would never drop you."
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
America seems to have gone laft over
Mrs. Craigte. She is In Washington, oml
much feted and entertained as when
,ne nn(t came. Her last book she has t
lately sold for Ji(X outright to a puhlish-
in flrra- though doubtless she could have j
made far more had the retained the right ;
,n , i. i. Mid ,hat not since
the works of Charles Kingsley has any
English writer been paid such prices as
Mrs. Claigie receives, and it is a matter
of some astonishment that she should ac
cept $."i.w). The rumor of her marrying
George Moore, the English novelist. Is
still mooted, hut her family and friends
deny such a possibility. Every Sunday
at home she has a place set for him at
dinner, and he Is at liberty to come or
not, as he chooses.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun
dorman. of Dlroondale, Mich., we are
permiued to make ttrs extract: "I have
no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's
New Discovery, a the rtsults were al
most marvelous In the case of my wife.
While I was pastor of the Bip'.isi
church at Rives Junction she was brought
down with pneumonia succeeding la
gripp. Terrible paroxysms oi cuushub
m:d last hours wl:h little Interruption
and it seemed as if she could not sur-
vlve them. A friend recommended Dr. ; fl,, in th.. Ptn t ti. Awllier and fo
Klng't New Discovery: it was quick In ! tirP ju,., ,u ls n,jV, ,,.. f,,r Inspee
llt work and"lsily satlsfacto.-y in r- , tlnn nn,i f0 re-naln e:.-i until tin
suits." bottles free at Charles j j,,,n ,1:1. ol jmniai-j-, ;..r;, j,ri i- to which
sod P-
drug store. Regular size, 60c
Ow eii V ister n.ected I ) i.! n musician
before ill health M-tit Mini over
the Western plalr. to l.nd both hniih
ar..j material fo.- proli'nhie tales of '.ow- i
boys and In.Ka:-.''. The comic op"a.
'Dido ami En-as, h comrosen
for the Hasty raiding Club of Harvard
when a vouth of 3". Is still regarded as a
classic of Its kind, and he may v.riie a i
great play when he has exnausteo ins ;
present tleld. for the art of Chars Kern- j
ble and Fanny Kemble. his gran Im ither.
ls In his veins. Mr. Wister i', V. yars 1
old,, a gentleman of very elegant leisure,
in Philadelphia, and his writing l done
for amusement.
Helen Mathers wrote her novel "Com'n'
thro' the Rye" in a bit of pique. Her
father, who was a s'rlet disciplinarian,
denied her some cherished wish, and sh
paid hiin off by d p'.eting the family
martinet In her book. She was greatly
surprised when her novel was accepted
by the publishers, and went about In an
agony of for lest her father should dis
cover the author.
. ..,.."TTT!TZir,,... r,miiv I
ui v-iiane, u ""-;? , ,' ' ,
mere are new nvir.if tnane. ';'
ton; tienry, me Feroim r... , . - V'as. tng-th'-r wllh the 8tr.t Assess
ter, Mary, now W years o!dj '"'m"r- j sors. v ill meet In the Council Chambers,
rled. Henry Dickens married the daugh- Qf h(. (.v Qf Asor, on Mon,)(1 j!in
ter of Antolne Roche, a frenchman, who . h .
won some reputation as a tutor in the!
families of English roWrrnn. They
rave seven cnuoreii. an winn:, ;
written for both English and American
Important to American seeking Eng-
! Ush Captlai for new enterprie. A
! containing the naimos and sldres ot
I 360 suewsaft promoters who have placed
I imr fiiM.uii.mi Stertine In Foreign In-
voin - niJ uiic b.a jr j,
t... n ,.:,. f i
i over
i,, j.r;c-., or payable by pjertaj
E. C. B'jbscnbens wil be entitled, by ar-
raingemerd with f ie directors to receive
eitiner personuil or latter of introductoin
to any of thesta sujcttMfiU prvmvxers.
T.Y.s lixt Is firat Olaas In every respect,
and every man or firm whose name ap
pear tlioreJn may be depended upon.
For placing the following It will be
found invuiualn'e Ronds or SCiarca of In
d.ijcrla:. Commercial and Flnaneia'. con-
i c;rns, Mort-ige loans, Sal" of,
Paw.ts or MintH.
The n wwnii m tiit.lcs a t.pmMtcd hy
the ta!i hoard have been completed. The
gross vnluatlon of all properiy, a iv.
Itiinr.l hy llu erveiril ee-unli.', la $l,.
M!.T.!H. The gross amount, n ciiuillnol,
It "..J,'.iMr.'; total est mptlons, I viiil.T.-l,
not ta;llo. upon whi.'h lliv ?tato levy
will he ttnilo, tU(,ll'(X Celit Ivturio
to (ar mail' hy ivon rounili t show
an Increase In the (imlnotioii of hay of
&V!sii" tons, or oer K' j r een: n ten
vans. In lv,v there er-t l.v.'.r.'i sheii
In treiron. Aivrnllnir to t he Inst census
returns there now t.mS.TSi tl'.n'P In
the staet, whdh thcus nil Inorease of
S;vr:'t In ten venrs. When (he reliuns
aiv in rier.i all tin coiintlr It la est!
mated Hie loul In'rense will ho n'Mit The urtHlneilon of oais In lvs.
amount. 1 to vlH .'. burheis. The Mm
pletetl return will show an lnerr-se thlt of l. ivr cent.
Wbea Pahy waa tie, we e her Castoria,
When the was a Chikl, sit cries! for Cautoria.
When the became Vta, tht chine 10 Castorta,
When the ba J :Mreu, the cave theiu CajUM-la.
fl.OO Bottle.
Oceent a dostw
Ilia olil on rtiuwnte by all dm
a-tsts. It cures Incipient Consumption
ad lthbeiCouit!apd Croup Curat
For PaJo by J, W. Conn.
Op n cvory day from 3 u'clock to 3 :S0
an.l ii:) to 9 Oil p. m.
Sabvripiitn Mttu f;! ht guniim.
Southaest cor. l!lcnthauJ Duane 5ta.
Per tn formalins anrl fnt ariMtn
!l.N CU, .161 tun.t. Ntw ,).
oldest ticrvaa f vm:ig ttenu la Amrrtr.
1' vr ivitfi;. takSDtxit bj u. u brvmthl b. fert
uie pubia; by a doih.- kiiva frvotciiargelaUk
I tarrstt ctieolttlea of hit if nufl'- rrr hi tha
world. fplen-uJlr lUutrAl.l. N mtetlim
man should be without ti wut. 3.ttia
year: ll.Hiiim.vitha A.idrMa, Vt'NX CvX.
aXauaaua, 3t UjJwaj, Vott Ciy,
Bil l. lll'Al s.
Ll'il.U. I'.I.AXKS.
sniiTiNi; taus.
Til'KE TH.
ET. E1V.
Anylbib.' in tiit- nlove lino executed
with hciitiu' s anl uVspiitcli
at ill'-
Astorian Job Office.
Noiiee Is hrret'y piven liuit Assessment
(Drainage) Roll No. I. the
speeial a-' vsinent fur the construction
of ,nin in AOn'r's A-ierla. !ms been
nil i
:ri v.
!'J-eti,jns rput
'ti the Aii'litne
l.e II!
'I (In
I Judt-e.
-pt)-, Con mili-e t n Strn-ti and Puhlle
ways, to ; th. r with th- St re t Asses,
cr, wi T,,.t t. f-,,,,,, fh:imlrs,
(lf cite of Astnri.i. en Mon-lny. J.n,-
pary ivh. lv- n! ih- !i r of J oVl-iek
p. m.. tO re.i' W ar..l eifirir.e SIM'h ituSi .-S-
ment nn'l r( t-ort their a' ti..n to the C-jm-nion
Coun il.
Hy on'er (.f the C.jmtren Counell.
Attest: '1. 10. NELSON,
Aiiiliior nnl Tollce Judge.
Atsor la.
Oregon, Jan. 7th, DM.
Notlee Is hereby given that Assessment
Roll No. eontaining the special assess
ment f'jr the Imorovement of Duane
rtreit. In Me''lure's -Astirla, from th
east line id ilrh street to the west line
of K'.h, s net, has been HUM In the
ofllre of the Auditor and Police Judjie
and is now open for inspection and will
so remain op-n until the 2"th day of
; Jan., prior to whleh time all oil
Je''t!'!' must be Pled (In writing) with
the Auditor and Police Judge.
The Committee on Streets and Public
to review and eiijalize such assessment.
K rjari-nv,
Auditor and i'ollee Judge,
Astoria, f)ret;on, Jan. 4th, lk!.
Notice Is heieliy given that Assessment
Roll, No. 1'', containing the special us-
sensm-'iil i'"r i lie iiiijiruvein-.nL Ol mn
........ i.. U1.,..,.i.. A....i- ....
north line of Grand Aenu-- to the north
line of Pond Street, has been filed In
the office of the Auditor ar.d Police Judge
and 'A open for Inspection and wil! so re
main op.-n until Ihe 20th day of January,
IW,, prior to which time all ohj-ctions
must be filed (In writing) with the Aud
itor and Police Judge.
The Committee on Streets and Public
Ways, together with the Street Assess-
tors, or tho itv 3r Astoria, win meet
In the c,.i,,m! Ch.iini,' rs. of tho. City
I'all, in th" !i!y of A ,rin , r,n Monday,
h, KG. nt ihe itotir of 2 o'clock
to review end C'tuarze bi:-1i ns-
e-!:rs-i.t and r'Pf it their atcion to the
Ci.Pinlo!; Coiipcil.
K. OSfiUftN.
Auditor and Pollen Judg'o,
Avt. rla. fireiron, Jan. 41 h. l'!.
I 1 I
I SeJanCfln amsriciri I
I I t.ts nY r
ctiiM Y :orRT.
(Colli lliue.1 from First Page.)
Astoila. at tho north tvl tlier.r, thence
outh aloiut tald street to Younu't ty.
I hone cast aloiut lh horet of Younu't
hav to th center of Bi voiilh tlrcoi, x
tended south to said point, then o notth
along the center of tald Heventh ttreet
to the north end thereof, then.- Witt to
the pliu-e of tvfc-liinin. Polling tlce to
he at Engine House Niv I.
1'KECINCT NO. 1-lloglniilng In the
center of Seventh street, 111 the illy of
Astoria, at the north end thereof. I hence
touth along tald ttreet to Young' hay.
thence vast along the thoivt of Young'
bay to tho center of Tenth ttrtH-t extend
el touih to tald point, then.- north along
the renter of Tenth ttreel to the iiorlh
end thereof, thence rt to the place of
beginning. Polling place to lie nt Court
PUKVINCT NO. i-Peglnnlng III tho
ivnter of Tenth ttnvt. In the city of At
toilu. l Ihe north end thereof, thence
south loiut tald ttreet to Young' bay.
thence cost along the shore of Young'
hav to the center of Fourteenlh ttreet
extended touth to ald point, thence
north along the center of Fourteenth
ttreet to th north end thereof, thence
west to the place of beginning, roiling
Kino to he at Kn In House No. 2.
I'Ki.-iMNiT NO. a.-Helnnln In the
center of Fourteenth treel. In the city of
Astoria, at the north end thereof, thence
touth along said ttreet to Young' bay
and the toulh boundary lin of th city
of Astoria, thence east along the touth
boundary line of the city of Astoria to
the center of Twenty-flrtt ttreet extended
touth to tald point, then. north along
the center of Twrnty-rirst itreel to the
north end thereof, thene wel to th
place of beginning. Polling place to he
at Welch Hlock
PRECINCT NO. (.-nrglnnlng In the
center of Twenty-tlrtt tret. In the city
of Astoria, at the north end thereof,
thence touth along aald ttreet to the
south boundary line of the city of At
torla. thence cast along tald boundary
line to the center of Thlrty-flfih ttrvet
extends! toulh to tald point, thence
north along h center of Thirty-fifth
street to the north end thereof, thence
west 10 Ihe place of Ix-ginnlng. Polling
place to be at Engine House No. 1
I'RECINiT NO Beginning In the
center of Thlriy-Hflh ttr.-et. In the city
of Astoiia. ai the nonh end thereof,
tl.i-m-e south along said tlr -et to th
south Uiuiidary line of the city of At
torla. thence east lo Ihe toutheast evinrr
ot Section SI. Tp. S. N.. U. W., Ihenc
north to the quarter section corner be
tween Sections W nd II. Tp. S N.. R.
V thence east to Cathlamet hay. Ihenc
north to the channel of Ihe Columbia
river, thence westerly, following th
channel of said river to the Place -f be
ginning Polling place to he at Smlth't
JOHN DAY rKKCINCT. -Beginning at
quarter section corner tetween hecllont
II and 13. Tp. N.. It W., Ihenc west
to quarter section corner helween tac
tions to and 11. Tp. S N.. K. W.. thenc
south to the soiilhwest corner ot Section
a. Tp. S N-. It. ' w lhen.-e tatt to
south.-nst corner of tcctlon 1. Tp. s N.,
R S V.. Ihrnoe north to ihe channel of
the Columbia river, then.-e to a point
north of the point of beginning, thence
...... h m iHiint of beginning Polling
place to le at School House.
Cl.VTSOP I 11 r.l 1 t. t . iiegiiiniii
Young's Iwy at a point between Section
n .n.i u Tiv it N . 11. I '.. ikrns-a fol-
i,tnir ihe Columbia river nd Pacltlc
mn to a point ttween Seettin :i and
n Tn 7 N . R V W.. then - east to
southeast corner of 3. tain township,
north to northeast corner of See-
lion II. same township: thenc west to
...... ,..i ,-orner of same section: thenc-e
.,nii in northwest corner of Section si,
Tn S N . R. 10 W ; thenc east lo norlh-
..n.i corner of same section: ilicnce north
i...- ni iw.t-iiiiilnir Polling plrc to
. be at Gray s Hall
KNAPPA PRECINCT.-Ileginnlng on
Cvlumhia rer at the northwest corner
ol Section H. Tp H V. R. W.; thetic
south to souhtwest corner of Si-ctlon II:
thence east to toutheast corner of Section
U on township lin-: theme south to corner of Tp. 7 N.. It. 7 W.;
thence east to south.-ist corner of said
township: thence north to numbla river:
lb-no southwit along said river to plaee
of l eginnltig. Polling nlae to lie at M
Farlune s Store.
Columbia river ot the northwest corner of
Section 31, Tp. 9 N.. It. W : then.-e
south to southwest corner of Tp. s N.,
R 'J W.: thence east to southeast corner
of Section JJ. same township: thence
north to noitheast jorn-r of Si-ction W.
sumo township: then.-e east to Columbia
river: thence northwitterly along tald
river to place of beglntilmt. Polling
place to he at CtiU'n cannery
at the north-asl corner of Pectlon II. Tp.
t N.. R. 6 W . on Coluinhia river: thenc
west to northwest corner of said teotlon:
thnre soulh to southwest corner of Sec
tion ti. same township: lhnon wett lo
northwest corner of Tp. 7 N., R. W.:
thence south to southwest corner of same
township: thence east to east line of
same township: thence north to Colum
bia, thence northwesterly on Columbia
river to place of beginning. Polling place
lo ! West's Store.
R. 6 W. Polling place to be at School
CORRIE pRECINCT.-neglnr.lng on
the south lln of Clatsop county, where
the line between Tp. 4 N..R. 9 W., and
4 N., R. 10 W.: W. M. Intersects said line;
thence west one mile: thence north lo
tr.v ihlp line between Tp. 4 N.. R. M W.,
and 5 N., R. 10 W.; thence east to north
.t corner of Tp. 4 N., R. W.: thence
south to southeast corner of Tp. 4 N.. R.
9 W.; thence west to the plaee of begin
ning. Polling place to b at Thomas
ELSIE PRECINCT -Beginning at the
northeast corner of - tlon 2fi. In Tp. 6 N.,
R. 8 W. : theire w st to Ihe northwest
corner of section 30, tame township:
thence south to the south boundary of
Clatsop county: thence east to the south
east co. uer of teetloif34. In Tp. 4 N., R.
7 W.: thence north to the northeast cor
per of lot 16. In section 3. same township;
thence west to the Nchalem river; thence
p the said river to the section line be
tween sections 29 and 32, In Tp. 5 X., P.
7 W.: thence west to the touthwest cor
ner of section 29: thence north to the
northwest corner of section 5. tame town
ship; thence west to the northwest cor
ner of section 6, same township; thence
north to the place of beginning. Polling
nlaco to be at Scholl House, District
No. 24. '
on Young's hay at the Interieotlon of
sections 19 and 20. Tp. I N.. it I
thence south to center line of sections 7
and 8, Tp. 7 N., R. W.; thenco east to
center of section 8; thence toutn to cen
ter of section 17; thenc east to line be
tween sections 17 and 16; thence bouth to
southwest corner of section 16; thence
east to southeast corner of section 16
thence north to northeast corner of sec-
lion 1: thence east to Young's river;
thence north to center line of section 10;
Ihence east to center of section 8, Tp. 7
N., R. 8 W.; thence north to northeast
corner of lot 3, section 29. Tp. 8 N., R
W-; thence west to Intersection of soulh
boundary line of the city of Astoria
thence along the south boundary line of
the city of Astoria to the center of
Young's river: th-nce northerly along
the center of Young's river to Ihe point
of beginning. Polling place to lie at
School House at Walluskl bridge.
on Columbia river at the northwest cor
ner of section 20, Tp. 8 N., R. 8 W. ; thence
south to southwest corner of section 20;
thence east to the northeast corner of
lot 3, section 29; thence south to the
southwest corner of the southwest quar
ter of section 8, T. 7 N., R. 8 W. : thence
mst to the southeast corner of section
1?, :ame township; thence north to the
southeast corner of section 13, Tp. 8 N
It. 8 VV.; thence west to the southwest
comer of section 13, same township;
thenco north to the Columbia river;
thence southwesterly along said river to
the place of beginning. Polling place to
be al School House.
JEWELL PRECINCT - Begin at lhi
northeast comer of Tp, N . U. V.;
Ihetivo toulh to I lie toiuheasl corner ot
Tp 4 N , It VV : Ihi-nco west to the
southwest Winer of Ihe same township;
thence north lo th iiorlhcust corner t
section SI. T il N., It 7 W.; then.' we.n
to tho southwest .oiner of tcclion 17.
Minn township; Ihenc It-I'lti lo III
northwest vomer of t.viloii V 'ti town
thlp; thcit.s to Hi touthwrst cor.
ner of Tp N , It. 7 W ; thence north to
lh northwest Tomer of tald township:
then east to 111 notlheasl corner ol
tald township, thenc toulh to In toulh
rati corner of said township: Ihenc l
lo Ih point of iHgl n. Polling plav
lo I al Jewell School lions
th northeast corner of i Hon SI. Tp. I
N R. W.: Ihenc south lo southeast
corner of section J. Tp. i N. R. 7 W.;
thenc wcsl lo southeast corner of '
tlon 34. turn township: Incur north lo
northeast corner of lot IH tectum 3, taiiii
township; thenco wvst lo Iho Nehalem
river; thenc up Ih tald liver to III
section lin between sections r and '.'
Tp. Il N,, It 7 W ; thenc wrst to ih
southwest corner of tivilon . ame
township; them norih to th northwest
comer of tcclion sain township:
thenc east lo Ih point of lieglnnlng.
Polling place lo be al School House. Dis
trict No. S.V
(H.NEY PRECINCT -Begin al Ih
northeast corner of tcclion II, Tp. 7 N.,
It. W.: thenc ihiiith to th southeast
corner of section S4. Tp. i N . It s W ,
thenc west lo th touthwest corner of
section IS, sam township; thnc toulh
lo th oulhwsl comer of ellon SI,
tain tuwnthp; lhnc wett to lh toulh
west corner of section S Tp N , It.
V ; thenc north to Ih toutheast corner
of tcclion 3. same township. Ihenc ws
to Ih aouthwett isirnr of tecllou 4,
sam township; Ihenc north lo soiilh
west corner of cllon K Tp. 7 N , It
V.; Ihcin- east lo th southeast corner
of tcclion pi; thenc north to th north
east corner of eclloli l; Ihenc call to
Young' river: Ihrnce north to center
lin of section 1". tarn township: thm-
east lo center of section s. Tp 7 N , It s
W : Ihenc south to southeast owner of
touthwt qu rler of section , am
luwnshlp; thenc ist to tunl of tgln
nlng Polling pin- to l at ltoherl't
Begln on Young' hay at a ihiIiii twiween
tcclion 3 and . Tp N.. It. W W ;
ihcnin touth lo souiheatt corner of tec.
lion ", tamo township: Ihenc wetl lo
touihwt-it corner of sam cllon: Ihenc
south to toulhjresl corner of section 11,
Tp. 7 N . R h W ; them- east to toulh
st corner of same section: Ihrne touth
in southwest rorner ot tection st, ip. s
N R 10 W Ihenc asl to -ulhe'isi siai oi urcgon. siiokius me ...........
corner of section SI. Tp N. It. W . numtwr of claims allowe.1 by Ih county
Ihenc north to norlh.a.l rorner of see. court, for whai allowed, amount of war
lion 10, tarn townthtp. thenc we.i to rants drawn and amount of warrants
northeasl corner of tcclion s. tarn town- outstandnlg an.l unpaid from III ttl dV
hip: thenc north lo center of ea-t III. '""y f Jv. Iwi. to tht 31.1 day of lr
of ses-llon 17. Tp 7 N . It W : then. i ceniber. lv:
west to cenl.-r of sum trctlo.i; thence j GENERAL Kl'ND
north to center of tcctinn X, same town county Court
thlp: Ihrne west to e nter of rati lin alarY couniy Judg .. I fan"
cf ietlor 7. tarn township. Ihenc north : (-0,mi..r,crs, wr diem
lo Young't river; thenc wsirly lo place I n), m,.4n imi ,w
of beginning Polling place lo Iw at Aiiorn.-y's f refunded . 1W
Schmil Hout Dlslrl.-t No. V '. I,.,! aervlcea 4.'. m
Ocean Beach between sections II an.l S.
Tp. 7 N . It. 10 W ; then east to north
east corner of tection W, same township;
thence sooth lo southeast corner of ace.
tlon 3S. Tn N It D W : P'-nce east l.i
touthea.'l corner of Tp. N , It. W :
Ihence south to southeast rorner of Tp
i N-, R 9 W thence west lo northeast
corner of section 1. Tp 4 X . R. 10 W ;
thenc south to southeast corner of tcc
tlon ST.. same township, thenc wetl lo
(Wan Beach; thrncr northerly to place
of lieglnnlng Polling place to 1 at
Ligan Hall Building
In th matter of appointment of Judge
and clerks of election
Now at this time Ih court having un
d.r consideration th appointment of
Judge an.l clerks of election for Ihe tec
eral election precincts. In th couniy of
Clatsop, stat of Oregon
II Is therefor ordered that Ih follow
Ing person Is- and they ar hereby ap
p.. luted Judges and clerks of eli-etl-n for
Ihe following election precincts, in the
couniy of Clultop. state of Oregon, to-wlt:
Precinct No l-Judg-s, W V. Ride,
halgh. Chairman: Frank Nortirrg. J W.
Miller. Clerks. 8 O Trulllnger, Chat.
Precinct No 3-Ju.lg-s. II. II Fergu
son. Chairman; A R 'yrjs. Win Chad
wick. Clerks. D. M M w-, C H. Hara
drn. Precinct No 3 -Ju lg -s, G. C Fulton,
Chairman: W M. ijiF.ire. J K. Ferg'l
on. Clerks. Geo. Brown. Thot Itiwllmg
Pres-lnrt No. 4-Jiil-s, G. Wlngxt.
Chairman; H D. Thing. X. J. Craln.
Clerks, 8. A Koi-r, Geo. Johnson.
Precinct No. (-Judge. E A Taylor,
Chairman; D. II Welch, C. It. '"homsjn.
Clerks. O. Zelgler. Thos. Dealy.
Precinct No Judcs, T H Cornellut,
Chairman: Fred Wlrkman. Knut faler.
Clerks, Adolph Johnson, N P. Johantun.
Precinct No. 7-Judges, W. F. Motlr-g-or,
Chairman: W. H. Barker. F. E.
Wright. Clerks, Harry Young, Geo. .Mor
ton. John Day-Judges, It. M. laiudon.
Chairman: John W. K.-cd, Perry Tllut,
Clerks, John Turpi. J. C. Davis.
Bear Creek Judges. Henry Usher,
Chairman: Jas. Cusii-k, D. A. Rcss.
Clerks, Mote Riddle. V. II. ff-y.
Knappa Judges, W. II Twilight,
Chairman; L. N. Mll.hell. J. A. Itender:
Clerks, W. J Cinfls, Jm-oli Slur.
Cllfiiin Judges, J. i. Sien-er, Chair
man; Jas. McCal., peter Johns. Clerks,
J. W. Mcl-iin. Thomas II Lund.
West port-Judges, David Wi-st, Chair
man: Harvey Grren. A It Fool; Clerks
Malcom McParlan. W. II. Wiggins.
Clatsop-Jiidges, It. A Abbott. Chair
wan: C. W. Carnahan, S. I. Adair.
Clerks. Willis Mitdd, Albert Hill.
Seaside Judge. C. A. McOuIre, Chair
man; W. E. Warren, K. M. Crlmtt,
Clerks, T. 8 Jewett, Geo. Row.
Corrle Judges. Thos. MItrh-ll, Chair
man: A. W. Meikle, Alex. Beaver. Clerks,
John Nordstrom. Aug. Johnson.
Elsie Judges, M. E. Zller. Chairman:
Gus. Gronnell, A. J. Wherry. Clerks, J.
E. Hawkins, 8. A. Grngg.
Mlshawaka-ijiidges. II. W. 'Ilrenuril,
Chairman: D. Tweeille, Jas Hubson.
Clerks, Arulrew Olsen, J R. Chapman.
Jewell-Oiiilget, J. ,. Moors, Chahmuni
A. E. Johansen, C. A. Ilottom. Clerks,
W. 11. I-rf-wls, Chris. Olsen.
Visper Judges, W. A. Johnstone,
Chairman: ('has II. Miller. Thos. Cahlll.
Clerks, J. J.lnillM rg. Chat. Oei hner.
Lewis and Clarke-Judges, W. J. In
galls. Chairman; It. R. Cole, Geo. Wat
son. Clerks, Lot Gllniorc, Nick Winner.
Walluskl Judges. J, G, Nurnherit,
Chairman; Dan. Gambl. Fred Bartolilus
Clerks, G. W. Fisher. John Chrlstlins.
Olney Judges, N. Hosier, Chairman;
Fred Blalsdell, M. Leahy. Cleiks, A. B.
McMillan. John Logan.
In Ihe matter of establishing Jusllc of
the iicacc and constable districts This
being the tlm- fixed by law lo tstiibllsh
Justice of the peace and constable dis
tricts, and the courl having considered
the mttcr nnd being fully advised, It Is
ordered that Aalorla district shall con
sist of Election Precincts Nus. 1,. 2, , 4,
S, 6 and 7, John Day Precinct and Wal
luskl Precinct, and lo lie known as As
toria Precinct fur Justice of Iho Peace
and Constable purposes.
Lewi and Clarke district shall consist
of Lewis and Clarke Election Precinct,
and bo known as Lewis ar.d Clarke
Precinct for Justice of the Peace and
Constable purposes.
Clatsop district shall consist of Clatsop
Election Precinct, ami he known as Clat
sop Precinct for Justice of the Peace and
Constable purposes.
Knappa district shall constat of Knnunt
and Bear Creek Election Pi -duels, anil
shall be known as Knappa Precinct for
Justice of the Peace and Constable pur
poses. Westport dlslrlot shall consist of Wesl-
port nnd Clatsop Election Precinct, and
be known as Wemporl Preoliiot for Jus
llcn of Ihe Peace and Coniiliiblo purposes.
Olney district shall consul r,r .in,,.,
Election Precinct, and be known ns Olney
Precinct for Justice Of tho I'cucjk and
Constable purposes.
Jewell district shall connlst of V. i,ee
and Jewell Election Precincts, and be I
known at Jewell Pieclncl for Jusllc ol
the. Peace and Coiislahl puiposisi.
Klslo dlslrtol shall i-onslsl of Mlsha
wnka and Elsl Klecllon Pieclucts, uiul
he known at KIlo Preehu'l for Jusllc
of Ihn Pence and Coiislahl puii'oses.
Corn district tlmll consul of Coril
Llwtlon Piccliici. and lm known i'oi"
llo I'l'ivlncl for Justice of lh I'eni .mil
Conttnhlo purpotr. .
Heatld dlsliicl shall culislst ol l.ilmc
Election Preilnet, nnd Ik known as H.a
tld for Jusllc of III Pic
nd Coutlnhl purpose.
tinloretl lhat courl do now adjourn un
til tomtnrow al i.3r u m
Thursday. January t. Im. fourlh dny'
tamo present at rttrday.
Ciiuit mi and was duly opened -1
o'clo, k a. in
In th mailer of Hi Jury list for P:si
Thl being th lime fixed by law for the
select l-ll of Ih Jlliy list for D'l. Wheic
upon Ih courl si li cled a ll"l of Sift I" r
ton having ih qiiallilcallon piesciiliid
hy law.
Ordered Ihal conn do now ii.tlutiiu on
Ill loinonow at 30 a. in
Friday. Jnuonry lo, P:. HHi day; sain
present at yesterday.
Court iiiel and wa duly opened al '
o'cliH-k a. in.
t'oniiiiunlcailon from C W. HliU-ly,
calling ih ailentlon of Ih courl lo lb
mailer of remitting ccrialn taxes, nml
and taken under consideration
Coiiuly clerk present a demand
recvlvrd from th auditor and h
He judge of th city of As
loi la li :.i .H. hrln Ih Iwluiii
cf special road lax of I mills lew by
county court and collected for year P'M,
for Improvement of roadi, claimed In he
due Ih clly; and th courl having con
Iderrd Ih inaltcr and having ascer
lalned that Ih t it y charter, at amended
in ISsV. provldet that all road taxet col
Icled on proirly and polls within the
limits of ih clly slisll t turned oirr to
Ihe clly, and shall h eiiiiled rclu
tlvely upun hlghwaa and Heel
otoaalngt within Ih clly. II Is Ihrrelore
irdrrrd Ihal a warrant h dtawn on the
Hi.eclsl Koad Fund for S.S'I . In favor
of th auditor and police )udg of th- eli
of Astoria, halanro of road tat appor
tioned lo lhcli of Aslurl
nid-il thai court do now adloHrti
F. I Dl'XIIAR. Cleik
Ih rotinly rlerk of Clatsop roiiniy.
Costs, suit Smith vt
Recording feet and cor
oner money refunded .
Conveying lsy to re
form sch.Mil
M ti
Circuit Court -Jurors'
feet and mileage l.tut 10
Wllns feet and mllr-
District alloniey t fee
Sen lug legal imper and
Attorneys' feet for de
fens for ttal
Justlce'a Court-
Justice' fe.. ....
Constabl' feea, .
District allornry'a feet ,
Jurort' feet and mileage
Witness feet and mile
Courthouse Ellienact-
mi III
Ism isi
- :i
r, - a,si m
110 i
re t
u ou
; do - v. w
tai ui
m to
.-. r,
Hi K
Salary Janitor
:i la
in 7o
Couniy Clerk
Sulary county clerk ... l..) m
Sulury deputies 1,110 m- J.llo c
Salary therlff l.i' i"
Salary deputy (MO - l.ii'o .)
Recorder of Cotiveyancrt -
Sulary recorder I,"i "i
Salary of deputy !4i )
Expanse of rellldexlllg . ?.S ' - l.'JJ l
Saluiy treasurer I'-' '
SuM-rlntenilenl of Schools-
Salary sup't IV '
Teachers' rxamlnatloiis- rj no
Uftlce rent and posing 1175 - TT.
Coroner's fees 1.H '
Physicians' I
Witness U "
Jurors 13 S i
lliuird of prls.nrs 15
Repair and tuppll-t. . Ill i".
Salarv lallir
Mi-sllcal attendance 51 l-
Assesxineiit and Coll-c
lion of I axes
Salary asses.r . 671 i
Salary .b puiy Hi -'
Assessment rolls I3u i
Copying assessment rolls 4.'d t
l.r.Tt 40
I Clerical assistance slier-
I inf s little D7 W
I Advertising W i'
Posting lax notice 3,1D IS
I (.and list ami maps
1.1 )- 5,Wfl 72
Board and altendandc
at hospital
Paupers boarded
Provisions furnished
Monthly allowance lo
p.tupcra . .
Salary overseer poor..,.
Indigent soldiers
Roailn and Bridge
Bridget hum by rnn.
imrl ...
Lumber and supplies
Keeper Wnlluskl bridge .
Examinations ('iirrenl Fxpens
Priming and advertising
M uo
V.I ii
m u
(i no
78 is)
!t v)
l.72! 71
224 (II
180 'HI
iU CO -
1.321 P
:j oo
1h2 55
53 13
IH'l mi
Hooks, blanks, slalloncry
nnd postag
Total amount wnrrnnts
drnwn on general fund
Hpeclnl road fund, war
rants drawn
Public road fund, war
runls drawn
Total amount warrants
870 70
121,0(13 28
1.238 m
ins 74
128,011 01
(Continued on Third Page.)
Piles of people hnv pile, hut DtWItt't
Witch Hand Sulv will cum them. When
promptly srpllrd It cures scalds and
rurns without Ihe I lightest pain. diss.
Rogers. .
Bolt makers tn Liverpool realize
from a week's hard work.
17 fk)
Mr. J. 3. tfell. Hhnrnsbiies. !
Dear Blr- -1 am glad to aay a gooT
wnra tor tvrause a iieaaacne Capsules
After suffering for over threa yean
with rtIto ncurnlirla nnd II consequeni
I.--.H (-vlilch seemed lo luiffle the
fffurtH of nomo of our best physicians)
you suggested thla remedy vhlch gnve
me almost Inslunt relief. Words full
I.) t-jtpi'L-SH Ihe praise I should like tr
- si.-v rin Kniiise's llciidnch" CnpsuVs
Gmiefiiilv Vnilrs,
Mnntroe. pa
Dei man Physician. fccltollo,
tilth.' over Albert Duubwr s HOC, Oof.
till iid t'o tinercltl. I'rlcMi ('alia, 111
con rtiieiiien i a. tmuu. operationt at am
fret; lliedhlllet furilltll'd,
(irTLuvrOIu'iiUugilirr. Hour, it
In II a. in-1 1 to I and 1 to I p. m. Duo
day. 10 lo II.
I Ht II H EST tut,
Sim.. In 1 altentlon to dle of wmu
n anil surgery,
(im.t ovr lanilgr'a tlor Atioiia
TsUuhuii 'i x
JAY Tltrri.B. U !.
Oin., Room 1 and (, Pylhlaa
Building. Hour, 10 to II and I to
tiesidenc. (Viltr atrwat
tl T CIIOSIIV. " - -
. c.niiiutrclal Slrtsl.
W. M. UKorc. . U. rolla.
m Comuitrclal slrt.
j. g. A. ItOWLUr,
oA1 on Bsvond MrMt, Astoria, Of
J. N. Ikdph. lUs-hanl NUot)
'llMt4- V. iKtlph.
port Wnd. Oregon, 14, It, K m4 If,
lleiiillton lluildlng. All legal and ot
Indton busin ivoniptly atlnttd to.
I'laiina agaliuil th fuvrnmn a tpe
clally. f
TIXMI'I.K I.OIH1N NO. T. A. T. and
A. M - Regular rommunlcallona aald
mi th tlral and third Tuvaday ynlafl
of .ih month.
W. O. II0WE7U. W, al.
C C. IIOUUCN. SW ataxy.
171 Ttnth llrtet
Handley A llaaa. M Flrat street and
gel Ih Dally Astorian. Vlallor a4
not aUa their morning papar wbu
fwndel win InatMd of ooff or tea.
Klfly cni iwr gallon. Don't forgot
peach and aprtont brandy. Aim rrvnrk
Cognac and win at Alet nilb.-t'a
1 i'.
Gf. riles, Tlour, rej, Pfovlslons, Ffull
VrurljMrx, Cf'l.krfy, (jlixnd
PlatrJWir. LocKrri'SupplIra,
Cut. ( "J MvstMitt Sums AtMt. Urt
Snap fl Kodo-v
at any iiiau euinlug ou ol
our not and you'll get a a
purl mi I of a man brluitnlni
oitt sill. daanl Uwoglill
Such qua; n y In III- InpHirx
at hint looRtt al rnougb I
Conr) and Tiy Them
iiuoiirh a CO.
"I unto othr as you would hart
others do unto you," la ayropahtoall)
'own In Ih following llnta, th prw la-uig that tnist'.ny la
or aklu to or sorrow :
"i .eiul.-nieii:-pleaae tend Krauae t
lleadach Catul follow; Two
box to FWra Heay, llavanna. N. Ihxk
Two box lo l.llll Wilcox, llrooklaod,
N. Dak. I nava alwaya bn a grwal
sufferer frin hvadarh and your Cap
sule ar th only tmng that rsllev
n." Y"ur yry truly,
Havana. N. Ia
For sal hy Chaa, riowwra, Asuiria
Or. Sol Agent.
Aalurlt, Oragoa.
1 1 tin I wore,
Sprcl! Alttntian Paid t ftapplym, Bhla.
They lick Life
There ar twine told to fish
on th Columbia rlvtr Chat atand
tiha sam relationship to Marahalfa
Twine as a wooden Imag doe td tiia
human being thy tack strength Ufa
evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself Into th belief lhat oiar
twines besides Marshall' will do "Just
st woll." Thejr won't. They cannot
Telephone & Bailey Catzert.
"Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. ra.
dnlly (except Sunday).
leaves Portland at 7 a. tn. dally., ex
cept Sunday. ,
"Bailey Oalsert" leaves Astoria Tues
day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday morning at 1:45 a. m.j Sunday
evening at 7 p. m.
Leaves Portland dally at I p. m., ex
cept Sunday. On Saturday at 11 p. tn
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria and tfpptr Attsrla
Flat Tttt ind C..r.-i, TM Dellrtcitt, Dosititk
, ' Htist. Bon. bit.
Choice Fresh and Salt Meats.
North Paeific Bremery
Bohemian Lfffjr
Ieav onlers with J. 1 iw.i.
Sunnyside Saloon or Loul Bnt f
the CoamopoMiao Balooa. ail 7,;
ne promptly attraded to,