The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 16, 1896, Image 2

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    n.utv inittAN, xstoiua, TrtrnsDAv rmim, JaWahy ., mink
gaily $ototUtn.
JOKS T. UUIiTliK, Wliot.
Telephone No. M.
8nt by MP, pec year
Bent by navO, per month
Barred by curler, per wee
,. .tt
gent by mall per year. KM In advance.
TVMtaga free to eubacrlber.
AM communication Intended for pab
'dcalion ahouM tw d Ires-tod to the editor.
Bulnaa communlca-tlont of kit kind and
remltta-ncc mut be WrwwJ to The
Thw AatorWut guarantee to lt
rrtben the Urgeet circulation of any
newspaper publlahej on th Columbus
AdvertWrg rate can be bad on
nitcatlon to the butfnem manager.
Th Weekly Astorlan. the aec-ond old-
et weekly In tin tt of Oregon, ha
next to the rortland Oregonlan. the
tarreat weekly drciatlon In Uie state.
Jno. T. Hand'.ev Co. are our Port-
UzA a cople. of the AstorUn
can be had arery morninj at their ataaj
a Fait street.
I ilelphla: thcr. upon the tin ol Jui. l. -s
Conitr?, which has now been In tes- j f hait -ed remembrance, uiwn the stlll
(lon more than a month, with war clouds ; r.css of the summer .nr. and the at ten.
. - da h it ini' w.i:nn lUNHlr. 119
all about ua. has not orderwl a keel to I
laid, a fort to bo constmcttsl. or a (run
to bo built. It has done nothlns to
hurry up vesseU now buUdln,. no.h.n8
to atrengthea our forts. :.othlng to pro-
tect a eeacoast city apalnst po' at-
... . . , . .v,..
... i mes.ace of liberty. Its safety luname tne
our ocean or lake front avcure. It hus ,oU,.tvi, aml (t, kecpm the tr-'asure-talked
bit altout what ouht to be done, i trv,v, of the people. For a the war
but baa done nothing. It has canvassed ; swelled, southward from Ix:nton to
the spendine of a million or two dollars ; White P'a'r,. ard fWh'"
. ...
on our fortification and run. It Is still
apathetically talking on the subject, and
that is all. It began tinkering
a doxen years ago, when It was foun t '
that England. France and Germany were
constructing high power steel guns able
to hurl heavy thots and shells from sl
to a doxen tnlles. It has not made a
move to put a single fort In effective .U- '
tensive order so that It can "stand 01T
an enemy's war vessels sent against us. 1
For twelve years congress has assumed '
that there will be no war with any power
in our time or In our children's time re
quiring the defense of our coasts. It has j
assumed that no foreign power will assail ;
ts under any circumstances that may
arise, and that we are under the special j
care of protecting angels, watching us j
by day and night And they have as
sumed all this, knowing that the govern
ment cannot improvise defense against a
foreign fleet, that it takes many mouth!)
to build large high power steel guns:
that we have but one or two plants In '
which to build them: that we have no
contracts for the necessary metal; that
we have not a single high power gun
with disappearing platform mounted In
any of our forts, and that not one of our
forts Is provided with steel shields for
deflecting an enemy's shot.
oucu e im cu.iuiwuii ... allien uu ;
country Is placed, though two weeks ago j
we were on the ve of war with the j
strongest naval power in the world. Of '
what use is it under such circumstances I
to Introduce resolutions asking Great 1
Britain what (he means by sending troops
to Venexuelan territory except to induce '
contemptuous or Insolent answers on the !
part of that strong power? The English j
will snub and bulldoze us all they please
so long as congress is fooling and gravely
discussing propositions 10 build one or
two more ocean cruisers and one or two
lake revenue tugs, with one or two light
Why is it that every memlier of con
gress as soon as he gets to Washington I
grows unmindful over the grave question
of national defense, and when they
should be ready to order effective defense
for all our important coast cities, strong
forts, guns and vessels, spend therr time
.., km.. ,. , ,,,
' ..v
oemagogues in tne presiaeniiai electitn 1
or trying to wreck the currency and
wreck the public credit, meanwhile leav
Ing the United States seaboard cities
naked to their enemies and their people
dependent for peace and security upon
the tender mercies of England or some
other foreign power?
Senator Vest has told his colleagues in
the senate of the United States that "the i
conflict between bimetallism and the gcM
standard Is irrepressible." He deliberate- j
ly misrepresents the facts in making this i
statement. There Is r.o such conflict, i
The conflict now on, and in which Vist
is engaged onthe wrong side, is between 1
bimetallism and a monometallic silver i
standard. We already hava bimetallism, I
the amount of silver coin being greater
than that of the gold coin, while the
silver or certificates against It circulate
. . . . .
11. ine imiius u. pe'jpie .ar mure man ;
gold doe. What Vest ai.d the other 1
silver cranks In the senate are fiahtini
for is to have this bemetallism abolish. .1,
and the country brought down to silver'
monometallism, such as obtains in M.x-I
ten oa mi., -ni-et. n,i.ri. .
says the scon"r the contest Is d.-ei.l
the better it will le for our public and
private life. That Is correct. Why,
then, does he Insist on keeping up the
contest? fie Is trying to destroy the
present order of things and substitute for 1
It one much worse. It Is Vest and his :
fellow cranks who are directly responsi
ble for the trouble experienced In ma:n
talnnlg the parity, and their agitation has
caused the loss of untold billions of dol
lars to the people by the Indued luck
of that confidence in ths perpetuity ol
existing conditions which is necessary to
a healthy business and Industrial aciivl y.
Mr. Dana (of the New York Fun), who
has opposed President Cleveland in al
most everything. Is suspected of support
ing" his Venezuelan policy because Mr.
Pulitzer (of the New Yjrk World, cir
culation Z,OOO.0OOO dally) has opposed It.
It turns out that Dr. Talm.!L-e wr' to
Washington to engage In the lo slw 1 . of '
saving souls on commission. It I. r:
surprising, therefore, to learn that he i
now trying to get a salary.
There may be no relationship le t-,..-.. n
the rocr and the German, lull Etrtcrc.r
i evidently rcpird President Km-
In t lie lift'l of Pi.tch unci'
m, n utv aWe 'o hide'
great IH.ll
ilnlr disarm Me pom'
deflated for e-V..-
until firv are i
H I safe . M' ',:l
ard li very Mi:r toward H.rtnany Juat
now. - ,
I.IUKKTY Ml'l.l.
A History o( li in -t tu.'tl n
id Wan-
del lni:s
In ihi-so .lavs of t:.c leal'ie
e inus cif the
"1 llerty l ili " " " ,,!liS"
of' honor anion the world's sIrIiIs, al
most wnvated hy the multifides. II
comes nttirs to a romance of
Its earllir lime.
I rhe l.iVriv Itell. oi'iiclually cast In
! t.oi.fl -n on the cider or the tvlonlal As-
semlil. arriye.1 In rni'aoeipma ju,...
1 lVi. It wis put In pla,-t and thn very
I Mrs! stroke of the clapper cracked It.
1 sreatly to the mo. tl'Wtton of those who
hid hrouitht It over: ttiey wen- nwui "
end It Kick, when two Inpentoiis wo:k-
men or flliianeipnia !.
... ... ,-.-! it. ami did o ettc
i ".funy; when tiny oame to sound
., f,n,d to cm! am loo much
copper " "cln. nvM " n'" ,hat
iu ii.a i.m as It Is tcdav.
i;y direction of the asemtdy th.'ix- had
Ivvn cast on the shoulder of the hell the
11' VThJ'VI.n J
lYoelatm l.llvrty
to a'l the tnlmlil
xxv:liV When
. ,a,, iiui-.-of-lv.
' roniPletfsl It .is swultK In the oi-n noi-
.' frv s me time In IT.VS: Ih re. for twenty
I three vears prior to the lireakin out of
i the Revolutionary War, It ra'i curfew
I and call and Krectin to Colonial Phil-
,)n,. ,,,;, ( r am! m
,h(1 anno in em. nt that the lVc'aratlrn I
, of Independence was an acmpllshl
i matte, artha. - j
( allwr(an0 t0 the liritish cniwn. Kn- I
j fhrlmM In the affections of the people I
; hv lis nnMihetlc motto and the earliest
. warns i rinov.oii. -.
, tMin ( ,! a.i.ancinj r.ritlsh columns.
, tri, y hastened to. put their loved Liberty
Hell In safer ouarter. v nocr me o-
ri-ction cf conen ss. arte' ine ruiiue in
Brsndvu in. . f ile the l.ritisn were at-
j proarhing the city it was lowered from Its j
i stanchions. p!ae
ed on a wacon and hur
1 rlrd away a wore endless bargag trains
: of a patriotic people, fleeing unoer tne
.September skin N fore the invaders of
their homes
Out the Old York road .or ptkei to
i Trenton they pi.s'ord on. and thence un-
i der the iseort .it srvmian F.n-i conn
, Car.illn an troop, both horse and foot.
' over the hills and through the almost
I wilderni's thev trs It to the
praoeful Moravian village of lietht. hem
even then overflowing with our sick and
j-oucW-d soldier. On its way through
the City of Ut tlilehem. the truck on
! which It was conveyed broke with It: It
I had to be piok.-d up and carried on: It
s.l!ltajm.,l a s'k-ht Injury there. It is this
! s.-tne of the cavalcade, picturesque with .
i its colors of the s re year and Its tale
of exile, that Is tlepi.-tct in tne painimg:
,h( stlr'riRB incident In the hlstors of the
Libert. Fell that Illustrates that the love
of our people for it Is no new thing. The
Itetl was anfrsitnis liifii ,u ,u,...v,nn .
1 and hid in a cellar until after Ueneral
I Washington: victory ut the battle of j
.uunniti.mi. iu rtufc.,.-,. ... n. il K.M.M.. .nr. UL'l
brought tx k to Philadelphia and placed , ,
in its position. U ninounced the procln- put.qhiir-- Chronicle-Telegraph,
mation of the war of lMi: it announced j "I've be, n looking for s.ime new furnl
the proclamation of peace in 15.13; It rang I ture for tho parlor." remark..! Mr. IVi!
for the reception of Ijifayette in ic.'t; It ne,( ,0 n,.r husband. "We need some
was rim.:, for the last time, and wis 1 ever JO ro,,eh. don't you think so?"
cracked tolling for the death of Chief; "Spe akin - on that subject." r.p'l.d Mr
j,,!,., i,,hn jiarshall on July s, lsv. It 1
wer a ne-.II. Js story to rclste in these t
. wnw .n.n. . ... '
days how the b. II ai broucht back to
! its old eyrie with rageant and Joy. with
breexe-fiyinc flags of red. white and Mu
I end hums and arches of flowe" snd
1 parade, and how- the people kept festival
upon Its return. Sixth and Chestnut
I swayed and swung with Its multitude
i of patriot men an.t women, girls aru
boys, the rcofs and w indows ad.Hner to j
lh" Jyous th-onr. tearful In th. lr
I fcayety. as tn.y wcicorr.eo oacK me i.m- i
eriv 1V1I. rjer-lon of their common-
wealth, r.nd locked on the st,lrllers. who
were to f'ght and win. through famish
ment and t.-itter. from open ermie
and traitors, the land of their hlnh end
loll and establish it among the nations
"A heritago of liberty forever."
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Chicsco Post.
-Weil." he said, a he took off Ills
coat, and h .ng it up on the rack In the
hall, "I made q lite a hit on wheat lo-1
day, no I stopped on the way
home ar.J Lought Helen that marquis
whieh d,e has b. en teasing us for."
"I'm glad of that," she replied. "The
poor pirl h.t3 teen so anxious to have a '
nobleman that it would have been cruel
to hsv.' disappointed h-?r. When is he to 1
he delivered'"
Tie- brokers said they'd (jet him some
new f
1. tn
are! to.rnlsh him up a bit for
tomorrow afternoon at w hat
ch you r.ame."
...iter.' rrie ll " -iiv'rt:':)
..i'-r, r ,...!-,,. with the'.'h'dr
.ii.ery, ar. I t.'ii'et rl lei. -to
St Jtet
: .;Li'ht it u. w.ft prices' i
J. w.
Conn's drug stor, opposite Ory
l!')LeL A. tort. ' - '
th : crr:r:.v hat ,n Paris?.
! Clrie.-i-J Triliune.
The attempt (
the directors of
-'""-'" r ran. ... ,
'f hut., by ladi.-s
to forbid the wearing 1
in the orchesr. stalls 1
; Ik ev,,
-..ilri-' it.-etf to the othir t-ans
. 'i he 1 tper.i .Combine nnd on j
other loj'iei have made similar!
theot. 1
or In
r. i'lls'i' n Hut th-. ladle are t.p In j
ftimj h -v ihi.;.i-i to ijovcou an ine
tt.-tti-r wl.b-h inpo1-; r'lricll'in on
iheir a iire. As a refsult of thilr Ire
'h-T ! ' or.) .! ve nr larg'T than
I .. tne opellin-?
Ai the opeiiinr nlht of a new
i , :.v
; l;a's
' a ) :
' il:ty 1
1 of tl.
1 th Point ft. ;.Iartin lately tne
v 1 sleeves W'-r; so enormous that
iii' critic b his nrtlcli next
?ayii g thit lie bad seen nothing
Pi,-.-, of the sc.-nery, or tne actors.
or of the costumes, and had seen nothing
but h
and gleevj.
riant to Amorloans seeking Eng-i
.n Cai.tlal for now entrpres. n. u-i
c.,rrt'v:n:n the nimefl and aldre. otj
Jv) S'i"e..jf'i promoters who slave pfaced j
vt i'.v:"'f') Ster'.irig in Fore'gn In-
VKtttn-n's rli. lint six years, ana
ov, r f'.,'ri,'yii for the f?even months of I
Ir,. pi-:., ',. or payable by p wtoa j
oM- r to the L. ndon and Universal Bu
reau of Invir..jr9, in, Cheupslde, London,
K. '. S ibs?r.lje; wrll be entltlwl, by ar
rj.M;' ir.i-.t it-i t;i f ie directors to receive
eUh-.r sT- jrii". or ltcrs of Introductoln
to any of thesr sujcU prsmotois. !V.i Is first cfssj ln every rewpect,
are! ev.ry man or flrrn wiiose nanue ap
peal m "bc-rein may b dejpended upon.
For parin? the ftjllowintr it will be
found inVLtnaie Bonds or fape of In
u Co", e re; il and Financial con-
r-T' , .Toi.' . .'K'jins,' Halo of Js.ui.te,
!.:' its x '
lriKt-i'sW ' " '
. MR f.tVtfWM ft ROMS,
H'..s-.vrnrn f. pmi'vs,
y Copyright. !
k VKltT PKSItUTftt.K Wl.RSlUil.
Caliiid.irs of all kind anil site herald
the commit year. Many are t.i le had
for the asking many without n-king-
but to them a to olhcjr tltli,. the rule w nppnci " 101 m
Iu t worth about- tut It com. The
I calendar nlv,av neleoiin hrt JuM
'l,u,!',i us. Wf refer to the i lie ,"''lor
lUty- j Hind ly X. W. Ayer . ton. Now.-i-np. ic
AtlAV-l'.tnit Aizvnt. i'n;iiiiMoiH. iihi
lsuc ivniH It po-!'!1 eon hctt 'r tlitin
Its I'tviltvrnor. i lit Wiimo ci.ounh foi
thf lllrniy, :ti:t t onrvt'illy ailaptpil for
vi-.l.iy i.v. It t nntur.illy a RtvM fa
ortto. Tt. tlrni's noll-known inotti,
'Kitiln K.-erlaetinitly at It Hi Iiim Sne
ers," atM li"' tlif o.-ir In a n'v ntut
vM-y atttactixe form. The iiaily ' iu-c
.f th. tnsptrliiK motto In north tar morv
than th I'ttcv of any calendar, Tin
date ttvs a iv -o larse and clear that
they ran Iv easily seen across the room
The rcadim; vtattt'r on the 'laps will also
Posmss Intct to the progressive. Those
who he used this cat.'ti.tar in oilier
years will not le smpria,,! to learn that
the denuuul for it Is eon-tntitly Incivas.
Iivr. tiu-e Introduced It lc,Mmcs a wel
come friend Us price ti" cents!. In
cludes de,v--. In perfect condition,
postage paid, to any address.
The beet aalve In the world foi Cut
Bruisva, Sore. I'lcors, Salt Hheum,
Kever Sorea. Tetter, Olia;esl Hands
i-hlltilaln. Oon.a, anvl All Skin V.xuv
llona, and noeutlvely cure Itlea, or no
pay required. It la guaranteed to itlve
pfrteot wtl!wctioM, or money refundiM
Prtv-e, i-ent p'r . For ! b
Chaa. Rogxra. vXld Follows building.
AM. Tlii: S.VMV: TIIINil.
I'rofiwscr The ancients used palms as
an emblem of capture and vlctoiy.
Smart Student-1 suppose that's hy
the moderns use them so extensively at
The U. & Gov't Reports
show Royal Bsklng Powder
superior to til others.
I Manin Fdltor-If I cou'd on'y
t a ne- hradMnp for the birth column
j Horse Kdttor Why not try
! Music?"
N, w
I rf, Bf pi,, have piles, but DtWltl'a
j witch Haiel Salve will cure them When
i rromptit piie.i cures aao
( rums wtrnout ire pain, i nas.
, nosers.
WOMAN'S pis.pvant.v.;i:
i Kiciianse.
i The new woman p-ac Ih- v. ry success,
ful as a golfer and all that sort of thing.
: but she can neier entirely h de her
j Identity until she can learn to run wlth-
j oil! resemoiiTic a iriKnieneo uucs mutunii
for the nearest mill pond.
. v. j r. vll. Sharpsburg. Fa.
n,.. Sir- I am chid lo any a good
i Wtiri, f,,r Krause's H.iidachs' Capsules.
iftr .uflerlng for over years
; -.1,1. ae.ite neunildA and Its nmsMii. nt
1 1.,,, cvhloh seemed to bailie tbe
effl)rts 0f ,nio of our best physician!
yOU u crested this remedy w hich gave
me almo-st Instant relief. W ord fail
I lo exprs the praise I should like to
j bestow on Kni'ise's Headache Cupsule
j ,'B,'f"J,'r lu-
anvo. c. v,i.- r..-..
Montrose, fa,
trhmit answering his wife's
gucMi.'.,, 10 ou n.w nna. is t,os.
i. o
of furniture In t..n"
'The w . ." th
Frji a .ef er wrl'.tea by Rev. J. Oun
drt"man, of pirnond.ile, Mich., we ar
lernu :ed :j make th s extract: "1 have
no hcsitatl m in recommend ng Dr. King's
NeA- p.scovery. 'S :hs r suit wvr al
m mirwlous In the e,.ae of my wife.
Ahi e I was paster of the Hap Is:
chun-h at Rives Junct.on she was br .ug'n
down witfi paeurnon.a succeeding la
grlpp-'. Tc'.-rlh.e piroxysms of c-.uhiig
would last hours wl:h liale lnterrup'l.n
and .t seemed as If she could n.t sur
v ve them. A friend recommended Pr.
King's New Discovery; It was quick in
Its work and highly satlnfacio.-y In r -suits." bottles free at Charles
Rogers drug s:ore. Regulir siz, W
aa4 .
Somervllle Journal
Hazel-Oh. bother!
I've used up nil my
letter Isn't half fin
note paper, and my
ish ed yet.
Grace Why. you've wr tt-n elk-lit p ig s.
haven't you? Isn't that enough?
Hnxel Yes. hut I haven't begun r.n the
postscript yet
When Bahy was sick, we gare her Castoria.
wben she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Coildrea, she gars them Castoria.
An strreeahle laxative and NKItVE TON ia
Bold hrPniggisisor sent by mall Jc60o,
and $1.00 per package, temples free.
Tf The Favorite IMTH tTHZtS
AlUforthoaoetUADdoaUi io,
For Sale by 3. W. Cemn.
mi 1, iikaiih,
p.EcniiT -',
I.K'IAfi lil.ANKH,
fmn' 111
i.I.nv- !:.
f X'-
fic -lii-r. i.ri'i .i'h;
Astorian Job Office,
Ij.srn. roa ccs it v ill not cuhe. i
The aater rate will b due an! pAy
nblo In advance at the oitloo of the cliv
waler works on the flint day of each
month trkcent for elovatoit or by meters,
which urn payable on the first day of Iho
nuvccdint month., and If not paid within
th flrst ten day. the water will be shut
off from the premises, as provided In sec
tions ill and .V
It Is nndt'rst.Hkl that lion of the fol
lowing rale Ineliido charges for laths,
waler closets, initial amVhose:
Hakerles -
No rale less than M W.
For each Iwiiel of Hour used per
day W
Harlx'r Shops -
First chair
Facta, additional ihalr
Path Tubs
First tub. private
Fach additional tub
First tub in hotels, boarding and
lodging houses, public building
and blocks
Fach additional tub
r-arhor shops and bathing houses,
each Ml
Ileer rumps
1 tM
Itlaeksmlth Sliops-
lille forge ,
Fach additional forge
Uookblnderles and Printing Ofllcin
1 W
I w
Seclal rate.
Untitling Purposes
For each l.rt" brick lakl. Including
water for lime
Wetting each barrel of lime for
plastering, or any other purpose
thsn brick
Wetting each barrel of cement
Stone work, per perch
a i;
! ti
lluteher Shops and Fish Markets-
Chinese Itulldtngs or Houses- six persons
Fach additional person
Chinese Wash Houses
County HuUdltis-
Sp,vlal rate.
City fundings, etc -
Siwvial rate.
$15 to S iV
pie Works-
S3 iW to I '
Family ltat.-
Six teron or less
Each additional person
Killing Cistern il'rlvatel-
For each l.ii"gllons. special rate
Flr Protection
Siieclal rate.
Kach. In addition to engine and
Gas Companies
:. i 10 x w
Oovernnient lUillding-
SlHvlal rate.
For Irrigation, Including space oc
cupied bv bulldlng-Kaon lot of
ground iVxIOil feet or les 1 CO
All person Intending to use hoss for
Irrigation during the prrcnt year must
make application at this office before
commencing to use the water, whether
they have paid for the use of the hose
during the past year or not.
To person agreeing to pay for hose
for Irrigation during the months of June.
July. August and no charge
will be madr .luring the remainder of the
Persons rot so agreeing must pay
from the time the water I turned on un
til notice I turn at this office that II
will no longer be required, and that the
hose bib ha. be. n detached from the pipe
For sidewalk sprinkling
Each Si fe. t rront or le (Including
washing win-lows and floors! ':.'.
Sidewalk sprinkling must be confined
within the limits of the front of the
premises for which payment ha b-en
made, and not extended to the adjoining
The use of the hose for sprinkling
streets Is forbidden under any circum
stance Hose bib will not I allowed on the
premises excepting where hose ratis are
paid. '
Hotels. Hoarding nnd Lodging Houses
In addition to famly rate, each
room .i
Or by special rote.
Ilv.lraullc Elevators-
rtpectal rate.
Ice Cream and Oyster Saloon -
$'.' (m to 5 Ou
Iitsiratorle. Soda Manufactories. Hot
tllng Establishment. Vinegar Fac
tories and Packing Houses
Each II M to 10 fti
ordinary, special rate or by meter.
Steam, special rate or by meter, In
addition to engine.
Lawn Fountains
With on-slxtrenth Inch nozzle,
special rate.
With one-eighth Inch nozx'e, spc
clal rate
Machine Shop. Sash and Door Factories
In addition to engine and forge ... I So
fir by special rate.
Manufactories and Shops Not Otherwise
Seoial rate.
Meter Hat.-
1. Meter for pipes more than one Inch
In diameter will I allowed only by spe
cial agreement with the applicant.
2. The rich! Is reserved to set m-ten
whenever, and In such places only, as
may be deemed best. All meters shall
Iw and remain the property of the vily,
and may be removed whenever the com
mittee or superintendent may elect to
do so. "
' In the event of a meter getting out
of older and falling to register, the con-"-it
shall be charged nt the average
daily consumption as shown by the meter
w hen In order.
t. For wnter delivered by meter, for
use only In case of emergency, to build
ings In which the city water I not used,
the minimum rhnn-'. will be 13 per month
payable In advance.
5. With this exception, the minimum
charge for water delivered by meter shall
he VI per cent of the schedule rate,
. Meters will be usexl without notice, 1
for the detection and prevention of waste, I
and the excess of the meter above the I
.-h(slule rate for any month will be
chirred, In addition to the schedule rate I
payable In advance for the succeeding
1. The rates for wator supplied by
meter, except for elevators, shall be as
For ftuantltles up to 10,000 gallons In
any one month at the rate of Ut cinis for
each l.iKO gallons.
For the quantity so used In nnv one'
month exceeding 10,000 gallon, an.l up lo j
25.000 gallons, at the rate of 30 rents for ,
ea.-h gallon.
i' or tne quantity so usea in any one
month exceeding 2.1,000 gallons, and up to I
50.000 gallons, at the rate of 23 cent for
eaen gmiona.
l-or the ipmntlty so used In ny one
month excluding ttt.un gallons, snd up to
Kio.OOO gallons, at the rate of 20 cents for!
each t.'MtO gallons. j
For the quantity so used In any one)
month exceeding POiKiO gallons, and unto!
WsyifO gallons, at the rate of IS cents for
each low gallons.
For the quantity so used In any one
month exceeding 300,(i00 gallon, nt the
rnte of lo cents for each 1,000 gallons.
Itents will bo charged on meters
month from m cent to 12 00,
kM'inlelpiil p.ntes
bpe'ial rate.
Oftlees, Doctors, Hanks, etc.
Hentlst oftlees, each
Photograph Oallnrlca
1 00.
2 00
Fach J3 fjfl to
Public Hulldlngs and Illocks
Each room without faucet
Each room with faucet
Public Halls and Theaters
tl 50 to
I! 00
R'-staurHnts, Coffee
Houses and Lunch
i-.loons -
.s a-. . r ,j I
01 to 1., rj
KI1 to li 00
K.'l.ools fPubllc an.l J'rlvate)-
Hpi-cial rate,
fiewer Work
Settling earth, special rate.
Sleeping Hooitl"
Kacll loom wltliotit faucet
Fach room with faucet
Sod Fountains -
Kitoh foiinlBln
Fach .let
Stables tPilval.'l -
tine horse or cow
Fach additional horse or cow
Fach vehicle
Above rates apply whether water
taken from stable or elsewhere.
I.liery and Feed Stublcs -
Special rale
Steam Fiuilnes and Holler -
Fach horse power tint hour each
d.ivl lo ten horse power
Fach. ft out len lo twenty horse
power. i .
Fach. from twenty to thirty horse
Fach, above thlrtv lioiso power.,.,
For boilers for heating purposes,
according to sle of building SV lo
Dos engines
Si. anilM-ais. Ship.. Tuns, etc rate
llfllg " l'
tiro, i ry sion s
Hardware stoles
Pry goods and other store
l.l.iuor stoics twholesalel ... law to
fl M
I m
I 111
r mi
'or fiinilll'
111 lug In the same
Swill and Slop Hopper -tr'or
each slop hopper with millet
or waste pipe two or more Incite
In diameter, nnd supplied Willi
1 ii
waler dliecl fiom faucet, or In
I any ivmii'irr other Hum ly bucket..
I t'rl.inl .Pii ate) -
1 'W
Other than self-closing
Constant Mow
Public, self-closing
Other than self -closing tut
Constant llow
: Water Closets inih.r Than Tank
' Cloretsl
I First cl.set. prliatc tl
I Each ndditloiml closet . !4
First closet in store T-
Fach additional closet 15
1 Flr.n closet In hotels, bearding and
lodging houses, saloon, piibll
I building and block
I Fach additional closet
I One closet for two f.imlllis . .. famllv . ..
' Water I'losct i'1'ank Closets! -
. First closet private
I Fach additional closri
I hi
I on
I iw
First closet In stores
Fach additional closet
j First closet In hotels, tsoar.llng snd
lodiftt'g houses, sal.HlllS, public
j biillduiL-s and blocks I l
j Each additional closet fl
! One closet for two fmltles 77,
1 For each additional family ,.
( ater Motor
1 HiH-otal rate or bv meter
Number of ivoupatit -j
In all dwelling, store, oin.-e and
other place tci--. pt hotel ail I
lo.lgini; housesi, where the niim-l-r
of occupant exceed six per
! son, the charge for each per-on
In excess of six will te, tn addi
tion to the rate u
For other use or l-tisin.- not herein
mentioned, by sio,ial rate or by meter.
The right Is rcercd by the Water
Commissi. ,n to amend or add to these
I rule and regulation, or to change the
water rate as exper'.-nce may show lo
be lieces-.-iry or .xpedlent.
nr.tniMi um m krck to all
Open crery ,l.iy from 3 o'clock to 5:.'W
an.l 'I If 1 to i) .'' p. m
Stlliacriplioii rule fo per aiiuuui.
$outhwrit car llletenth sad Dusas Ms.
fr Inf.-rnnaUtifl nd fr- HuiUtiA writ to
MI NN ft CO. mi Uu .'DWT. MW YoKC
OMrti bunru ftif arctmnf pi-nta itt Amciic
:rrr pAtrni Uka out lr us u t-muchi brfor
tit1 uUkl lKliolrn t M of CasATV is IM
Iat etreolitleii of ht K irntifle paper la tha
w-ir.d. S(-!ii-lwif laualmlcO. lutetiirvat
Don shoul.l l wlthuui 11. We. Hi, a Ma
Isri!J.iim,nll.a A l.ln. gl'NN i CU,.
vs sjuu, Jul Uruodwajrtw Turk city.
A 1 1 A I US ASTillt.'A.
! Notice I hereby guru that Assessment
; I ru Iiihk,.( (,, No. I, cotilalnlng the
special assessment for the construction
of a drain In Adair's Atorla, has been
; tiled In the iifll, e of the Auditor and I'o
; It.-., J-i.U. int. I is now .t.-n for Inspec
tion and will so renii.l.i open until the
J.lli dav of January, l-:l, prior lo which
i time nil objection inu.t be filed fin
: rliliii-i Willi the Audiloc and Police
I The Coiurnl'lee on Streets nnd Public
: Was. together with the Street Asses.
j rrs. will mo t In the Cmm-il Chambers,
'of the City ..f Astoila. on Monday. Jan
j unrv '.viii, p-; ,. 10iir of 2 o'-i'M-k
p. in . to review and ..innllte such assess
m. nt nnd rep.irl their notion to th Com
i nion f 'ouneil.
I'y .inl. r of the Common Council.
Attest: 'I. K NELSO.vT.
Auditor nnd Police Judge.
Ai'.iiia. Oregon, Jan. Till. lv!i.
Itol. I,
Is heieby given that Assessment
I", containing the special asses-
Roll No.
ni.-nl for
tlic Improvement of Huane
str.-.t, in
Mc'liir. ' Ail ,r la, from the
east Hue ol ilih sire, t lo the west line
of 12th street, ha been lllcd In the
onlee. of the Auditor nnd Pollr.i Judge
and Is now open for Itispe. t'on nnd will
so remain op.-n until the 2nth day of
Ian, 1M1. prior In which time all ob-
Jeell.ltlS must be Hied III! WTltlngl With
the Auditor nnd police Judge.
Die Committee ..n Slreeis an.l Public
"iiy. together with Hie Slreet Asses.
sors, will m-ct In the Council Chamber.
of the icty of Astoria, on Monday. Jun
2"'h, 1J, nt Hie hour of 2 o'clock p. m.,
o r.-vl.-w and i-.piiillx such nesHinent,
nnd r. p. rl the r iiction to the Common
' ouncll,
Auditor anil Polled Judge,
Astoria, Oregon, Jan. 4th, IMA
Notice Is hereby given Hint Assessment
Roll, No. 13, containing the special as-
I sessn-.i-nt for the Improvement of Hit)
I street In Shlvely's Astoria, from the
i north line of firnnd Avenue to thn mirth
line of Itond Street, has been filed In
the olll.-e of the Auditor and Pollen Judge
and I open for Inspection and will so re
main open unlll the 20th day of January,
1WA prior lo which time all objections
miiHt bo filed (In writing) with the Aud
itor and Police Judge,
The Committee on Streets and Public
Ways, together Willi the Street Assess
sor, of tho Cltv of Astoria, will meet
In Iho Council Chamber, of Hie City
'" ""' ''"V 01 A'-fnr'n. on Monday,
j,,,,, jjdu,, Ht lht, )llr ,lf 2 n;.Ul,.h
p. m., to renew nnd eiiinllze SUrll II-
sesamoid nnd ro.crt llielr atclnn to the
Common Council.
I Auditor and Pollen Judge,
Asloiin, Oregon, Jan. 4th, 1!A
Jj. 8clntiflo Amerlcta
Tin: oasis or mi'
A Hew
in row mi: 1 1 vi 1
ll: Till SI A
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced ly riisicians tin
most Fuviiral'lo in Anlcricn
for Suircrcrs from . . .
Lung Diseases nnd
Many Remarkable Cures
Th iilvjei'tlotis urged against Indio
In His past by the largo miuiior who
otherwise would have li-en glad to Ink
advantage of Its bcliolbiul clllimto. lias
ln lack of suitable acii.nitiio.lK
ll.m. Th Siiutheni I'acsrio Company.
Ikes pleasur In announcing that sey
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Just boen s reeled at Indio ta
lion, that will bo routed to apMlcujil
at reasonable- tatea. Tl ey at fur
ulihed with tniMiru csinvriileiHra, sup
piled with pur artcsla-i water, and
situated as lo govs occupants all the
advantages to l derived front a mors
or Iras protracted rcsldnus In this de
llgbtful climate.
(From the Sao Francisco Argonaut.)
"In th heart of the rat desert 0
th Colorado which tho Southern Pa
clue road traverses ther Is on oasis
called Indio, which. In our opinion, li
th sanitarium of th earth. W tx
lleve, from personal Investigation, that
fur certain Invalids, the- Is no spot 01
this planet so favorable."
tl. T. Stewart. M. l., writes: "Th
purity of tha air, and the eternal sun
shine, fill on with wonder and delight.
Nature has arciiinpllnhed s
much that there renin In a but little for
man to do. Aa to It possibilities a a
heaUth reaort, her I th most per
f"i't sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry sdl
fur rain Is an unknown factor: purr
oxygen, dense atmosphere and pure
water. What more ran lie desired!;
It la the place, above all others, f.. i
lung trouble, and a paradise for rheu
mati.ii. considering the numtr u
sufferers who bars been cured, I hav
no hesitancy In recommending this
genial oasis as the haven of th afflict
Is 612 miles from
ami 130 mile.- from
Fare from Angeles
For further Information ln.ulr .
any noutnern Pacific Company agent.
or ao'in-ss
Asst. Qvn. Paaa. Agt. H. P. Co
IMst. Pass. Agt
cor. Flr nd Alder Si.. Portland. Or
MUSIC HflLili.
KKATIN'I CO will open I l.elr
Music 111 al S-V Aslor street
St Ftur,r the 11 th. Thsr lll
it w k.ep numberless iptod Ibpiors
snd cigar be.ldei hrltig gocet iniitlc all tl.
Canadian Pacific
totes! -- Trar -Co at icental
Railway System.
Pal.ue tJ;nlng Kmim anJ Slrrplng Cars.
Luxurious Dining Cars,
Elrgant Day Co.K'hrs.
-AI.HO -
Observation Cars, a'towing Uiibrolirn
Vlrws of tlit! WnnJrrftil Mount
ain Country.
$5 00 and $10.00
Have, I on all 11,'l.cts Punt To'irl.t -rs the
best on win els, t .iilpinei.ts ol the very nneal
inrougii- ut.
Cono.lliin I'ficiric
and Japan.
China steumtys lr;ivf Vancouver, B. C.
rmprc-s iff I,it)j
hini-rfu of J
lmtrt of f.Mni
hm r ut Ifi'llt
l:ni(ue1 of J n
ttnjifen f Clt 114
961 ll.
I. Ui.
Australian steamer leave Vsnenqyer,
II. c,
loth el every month.
For tWet r:i'"e fi"ff Ir-f . -it it- crM
on or ;t.!."'
.,.. n;:. vtsci.v, .. .-(,!,
As!ii!:.i. Or.
VV. F. C-irvdi, Tr.'ivrllii:; i':,. A ft ,
I miollia. 'J:i li
fj. i.. Mil., lirown, J;.. Alt',,
V.nifoiivcr, H. I ..
rimrisHioNAii CAADB.
1 1,-1 ,111 11 riiyslcUn, BclecUo.
Hit. ItAIITIll.,
I'll VHU'I AN AND nilllllll'.ON.
Utile oier Albert IMllllMti Slur, fllf,
nth ami Co un.-niil, I'rlresi Calls, III
,',-iiihi. 111-10 .. i i Opersiiom at ami'
free; 1110.II.I1., furnlsli.d,
till I'll.lV JANSIIN.
t'tllct. ovet tian'a drug slur. I lours, 10
to Vi a. til-. 1 Iu t Mtul 1 IU I p. III. Hun
lays, III to II.
pit u II !'(' Lit
lllVMli'l iN ANII .tl'IIOK. IN
Sp." la' ii'iriiHoii to dli-'unes i f won.
en and sinserv.
IMtlce oier lllliter's stor Aatnrla
TslKph. ti 'i 't
i Tirrri.rc. u i
1111. e, II.H.111 I anil t, I'ythlsn
Hull-ling lloui. HI to II ami I tu
i.-esl-lcti.. .". t'edar ttvl
H. T CltoSHV,
,s I'oiiiiueiclal Nlrevt.
V M Ul-'orc. H. It, Bmllh,
ATl't lt N K YH- AT- Y A V,
1-4 Coitimcrclal lrt.
J. g A. lltlWLUT,
oitic on Horund HlrL Adurla, Or.
J. N. IHdph. IlKhsjd Nlltm
'heater V. Jilplt.
Iiol.l ll. M.oN A iHiU'll.
ATl'ollNhlYH AT LAW.
I'orfLuid, Otegon, J., jj, 54, 4 jjt
llauillloii llullding. All legal and cob
lection bus Hie pronto-, ly attended to.
liaiiu against Ui g"vrniuiit a sp
lially. 1 -i
TEMPLE I.OtHlR Nil, J. A. '. slid
A. .M. - Regular Conililiilllcallons held
on thn first and third Tuesday vnlii(
of each month.
E C. HoIJiEN, S..larr.
w. c. CAiwiiax,
El Truth street.
WHEN IN roHTLANllCall on
llandlny A Haas. IW First street, and
get th I 'ally Aslorsan. Visitor need
nt tpls their inornlng uper whu
faiutcl wine Instead of cs'ffr or tea.
Fifty rent per gallon. Ik. n't forget
peach an.l aprtcid brandy. AIai French
Cognac and win at Alet Outwit a
( JriKrilri, l l.iiir, I re,, I't.ivMony ;full
S''lr. Cfx.dery, lil.i4nj
1'l.tlrJ l..i;i!rf'Siipllr.
Crf . ei-u i,ii Atfofla. Oft
Snap A Kodak
at aur m rviiutig na ,,
9 our ato.e and )..u tl get a
Krtrait ..f a man tirittiminv
oier Mini ,lrisa-.t tiiu-'itlita
Hie h rituul-v ill th- ILjM.r.
ae hare Itiugrr ore ri..,ii,h I
Cortje and Try Them
"! unto other, a jtu would have
other d.i unto you." la arnipatitcllf
sliown In the following Hum. tl. rw
siiiiu t en la-ing ui,a'.iv la l-'ln.
or akin tu valn or aurrow:
". ,elit,,lietl, - Plr-une Mld KiallNe'a
lie. i, 1. 1, ho tiiwulea aa follow. Two
tear tu ri"ra Hiay, llavaiina. N. Ia
t wo Is. tea tu I. Illl Wllcog. Ilps'klali.l.
N. lmk. I nav ala tieen a great
uffeicr ft un iiendach and your Ce
ule am tli only tmtig that relieve
ui." Yuni very truly,
Havana, N. I "a
ef,r ante br Chaa. itogera, Astotla
r.. Hole Agent.
Astoria. Orrgqn
I I.irdwnrc,
Ship Chnntllery,
Srwiial Altiiitlon Paid to Supplying Uhlpa,
They Iick Life.
There are twlneg aold to flitierinen
on Dm Culuiiil'la river that ataud In
thn Biiino relallonahlp to ilarahall'i
Twine gg a wooden linage doe to th lielng they lack itrcngth life
evetinesa nnd laatlng tualltle. Don't
fool youiHdf Into thu belief that other
twill" benlde Manihair will do "Juat
n wll." They won't. They cannot,
Telephone & Bailey Catzert.
"Telidi(ine" leave Astoria at 7 p. m,
tally texeetd rlunday).
I.env. Portland at 7 a. tn. dully., eg.
c.-pt Hundiiv.
"Pulley f!iilerl" leave Alnrla Tttea.
ilny, Wiiliics.liiy, Thursday, Prlday and
Hiilur.lny morning at (HO a. tn. ; Hiin.lay
evening nt 7 p, ni.
Leave I 'or tin nil dully al I p. m eg.
reit Hiin.luy. (in aaliirdny at II p. m.
Urocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria and I'l'Prr Ailolla
Jin. n,l C ,, ,, T.l-ls l, ll, '. r..r.,ill
w , ,., -, .,i , nun. vireljihlei, Stiea
( i.fie llami, llsc-.n. I fr.
Choke - l-frsh'. and . Salt Mrats,
North Paeifie BVecaery
n I r,-r Dsn.
... 1 ! t . i r
AnJ XX I' -t'lt-y.
Irfve order with J. L. c.rt.. ..
Rutmyilde Huluon or lula Boentge at
the Crmnoimlttan H.iloon. All order will
b (.romptly attended tn, '