The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 07, 1896, Image 4

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    TUB aUtV AWttUN, A'OklAi TUESDAY M0&X1M, MXCABY I 1896.
For Revenue
The New Tariff Bill is In
tended to Raise $40,
000,000 of Addi
tional Revenue.
The House Ins passed a new
tariff till raising all duties to
CU per cent of the MeKinlev
Bill. Dealers in woolen goods
expect that clothing will be
just that mui h higher. In con-
versa' i m with Mr. Herman
Wise, the leading clothing
merchant, he says that thi
will not affect his special sale
during this month. He says
that his offer of $0.90 for any
suit in his s-tore holds good
during this sale; also the re
duetion in Overcoats, Rubber
Mackintoshes, Hats, Under
wear and everything cle in
his gtore. He also offers a
free ticket to his CJrand Mas
querade Hall to every pur
chaser of $" worth of goods at
Mr. Wise's store. This is an
opportunity to be embraced
by the public.
Local weather for twenty-four hour
ending t 6 p. m. yesterday, furnished
by th United State Ixrwment of Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature, M degrees.
.Minimum temperature. 37 degrees.
Precipitation. .IS Inch.
Total precipitation from September lat
15. to date, .' inchee.
Deficiency of preciplialton from Sep
tember 1st. li. to date, i s: Inches
Ito blend tea Is the best. Ask your
grocer for it. and talie no other.
Meany Is the leadinr ullor. an! payi
the highest cash price for fur skin.
Genuine Flndon Haddock. Imported
Stock Fish. Anchovies and Holland Her
rlnir: l50 Fine Bloater Mackerel: try
them. Foard & Stokes Co.
Go to 1" Sth street, opposite the Court
House, to have yotr umbrella repaired or
r-overed In first-class style. A complete
stock of fixtures and repairs always on
Just receive.). St. Gervtls. KeufchateL
rhiladelphla Cream. Kronenkase. Sierra,
S hloss Kase, F.dam. Swiss, Jedyost, and
many other varieties of fine American and
imiKirti-d cheese at Foard & Stokes Co.
Jno Hahn & Co.. f.i Commercial street.
I:av an excellent stock, from which to
choose a and useful Chrls'.mas
present, cvr-'isi ng of qvii!ted and felt
Klipiwrs, foit'ttn-n's as--crt-d embroid
ered slippe.--". l.vli-V and irentlemens
storm Alas'ti f' ' lined rubl-ers and a
complete and stylish line of loots, shos,
For K cms you can rwur an excellent
well served meal at the Hon Ton Restau
rant. No. 5Ti Comrr.cral street They
are also fully prepare! to serve all kinds
of fish, game and ill delicacies of the
season as well as oyster In evi-y Im
aginable style at the lowest living prices.
Come once and yo'i will continue to
Have you overlooked any of your
friends at Christmas? If so, you can
pquare yourself by presenting them with
a nice bnttie of perfumery as a New
Years' gift. We received a large Invoice
of these (roods too lte for the Christmas
trade, consequently have a fine line of
fresh goods for the New iiVar. Kstes
Craln fJrug C.
Charles Wirkkala's saloon, on Astor and
Tib. streets, which has long been one of
the most popular and best patronized
drinking places In the city has been
moved from its pr sent location to the
lot Immediately east of the Casino thea
tre. Many Improvements will be added
as Mr. Wirkkala Intends keeping up the
reputation his saloon has had since he as
sumed charge years ago. Only the lest
wines, liijuors and cigars sold at the bar.
a musical concert by the best tal-nt In
the city, under the leadership of I'rjfes-
sor Schwabe, the well known pianist
given nightly. Call around and bring
your friends with you.
SHILOH'S CURE, the rreat Cough
and Croup Cure, t In great demand
Pocket size contains twenty-five dosea
only 26 cents. Children love It. Sold
by J. W. Conn.
A twister In twisting
May twist him twist.
For In twisting a twist
Three twists make a twist;
Hut If one of the twists
Untwists from the twist.
The twist untwisting
Untwist the twist.
That is, when It' twisted with any
otnsr twin than WARHHAU- H
If tou want a sure relief for
limbs, use an
BEAR IN Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and imita
tion is as good as the genuipe. .. .... ' -
(Cor.trnufi from HrM raf
menu must. In I ho first Instancy be
Paid for ly the city, giving to the ircin.
erty owner the privilege of repaying the
cost of the Improvement in ten enuat
Installments, running through period
.f nine year -under this system the lim
it of indebtedness will rty coon l
reached, and then all Improvement must
I recommend that Immediate step be
taken to have the charter amended that
all street Improvements, Including the
Improvement of crossings, be made at
Ihe expense of adjacent properly, and
that payment therefor by the property
owner be made al the time of making the
Improvement. 'y this plan, the property
directly Interested lear the eXense of
the Improvement; streets may be Im
proved, when property owners on Ihe line
of said streets desire It without creating
additional burden upon Ihe city, and
the general tax levies will thereby be re
duced below what they must otherwise
reoosarlty be.
With the completion of the new water
svstem. now under construction, the city
will he furnished with an abundant sui
plv of pure, wholesome water, sufficient
In amount, it Is estimated, to supply a
city of tlfty thousand Inhabitants. At
ihe present time therefore, the supply
largely exceeds Ihe demands of ihe city,
for domestic purpos.1. About one hun
dred tire hydrants are being placed
throughout the city, at convenient dis
tance, and In such manner as to furnish
sufficient water supply for use In the
extinguishment of flrcv Th present fire
systtre consists of three steam rngln,
one chemical engine, and one hook and
ladder truck, with equipment, the main
tenance of which cost the city the past
year flli:.&. With Ihe completion of
the new water system It Is believed lhat
a chan. may be made in Ihe nre depart
ment, -hereby Instead of requiring the
use of steam engines in extinguishing
nre. water for that purpose may be pro
cured directly from the hydrants con
nected with the city's water mains: that
equal, if not better protection will I
afforded the city thereby than is afforded
under the present system, and at a great
lv reduced cost to the city.
' A water power of between fifty and six
ty horse power Is obtained at the gate
house, near the reservoir, which can be
utilised In driving machinery, without
the loss of any water for consumption In
Pie city, or for use as power In the
lower levels of the city, as the water
after being used to drive machinery at
the gate house passes thence Into the
reservoir. Provision has been made In
the gate house, whereby machinery can
readily be placet therein, and the water
power utilised to light the street and
public buildings of the city.
I am not prepared at this time to make
any recommendations in these matters,
but I desire to ell your attention to them
for the reason that they will very soon
require your earnest and careful con
sideration. The matter of the public property of
the citv Is one of Importance. The city
owns. beMdes the lots upou which the
public buildings of the city are situated
ere block In Shlvely's Astoria, which Is
used for cemetery purposes and Is known
as Hillisde Cemetery." and upwards or
sixty-one acres of lind on Clatsop, which
was purchased several years ago for cem
itery purposes. On this last-named tract
a cemetery was p'attcd. ami some lots
have W-en sold and burials made there
in. Owing to the difficulty In reaching
the place, but little interest has been
shown In the past In Its improvement
and care, but with a prospect of rail
road communication between the city
and the cemetery, within the next three
or four months, at most, step should be
taken to put the tract In shape and make
necessary Improvements thereon. While
the tract has been platted. It Is believed
that it is not platted to conform to the
natural lay of the ground, and In such
manner as to produce the most pleasing
effect, when improved. I therefore re
commend that steps be taken to have
the entire tract cleaned up. that arrange
ments be made with lot owners for re
platting the same, and that In the re
platting the same, the services of a spe
cialist In that line he procured, to the
end that the grounds may le so laid out
as to give to thrn the most pleasing
The Hillside Ctmetery is upon Ihe hill
overlooking the city, at a point where
It will soon le surrounded by handsome
residences and other improvement. I
recomn.end that steps b taken to cause
the removal of the remains of those who
tre buried there, and. if practicable, the
said site oe converted into a sma'i park
block. F'om time to time doing the
past years, lots have been conveyed
to the city by lot owners, to avoid pay
ment of assessment thereon for !reet
improvements. As no power appears to
have existc I in the city to sell or convey
said lots, the legal title ta th-in must
still be in the city. I re?om.n-nd thai
the sai.i matter be Ir.vestig c d. and 1!
be ascertained if the city is "he iwncr ol
any such lots
The c.y is at resent without eil'-er n
park or a park site. This Is n matter
w!ii"h should be considered, and acted
upon as soon as poss.ble. Thr are
many sites within the city which aie at
present available for park purposes, but
which, after a few years, will probably
te platted, and tracts and lots sold
therefomi. so that it will lie difficult to
procure a hotly of land sufficiently large
for park purposes, without having lo
deal with many different jwners, and al
great additional cost to the city.
The matter "of wharves and water
frontage Is one which calls for serious
consideration at this time. The charter
provides that "all streets within the city
limits and at right angles to the Col
umbia Itiver are extended to the ship's
channel for the use of the public, etc."
These streets extend into Ihe river at
intervals of two to three hundred feet,
thus making it impossible to construct
large wharves or warehouses on the wa
ter front of the city. I recommend that
public landings be established at the foot
of streets at suitable and convenient
points throughout the city, and that
where the existence of other streets ex
tending to the channel will In the future
Interfere with the erection or mainte
nance of large structures along the wa
terfront, provision lie made for vacating
of such streets, or so much thereof a
interferes with the making of such Im
provements. The first Important question to be con
sidered, is the question of finance. I
recommend that the present floating In
debtedness lie converted Into a bonded
Indebtedness, thereby reducing the Inter
est thereon from fight to six per cent:
that careful estimates be made of the
moneys necessary to carry on the busi
ness for the ensuing year: that a lax
be levied acordlngly. and that all expen
ditures be kept strictly within the esti
mates. The future outlook for our city Is good.
With the probability of the completion of
the Astoria and Columbia River railroad,
and the opening of the canal and look
at the Cascades of the Columbia the
present year, and with the prospects that
In the near future the obstruction to
navigation of the entire Columbia will
be overcome, Astoria Is destined, In the
near luture, to I the chief seaport city
of the Northwest. jjUt while we have
cause to congratulate ourselves upon the
bright outlook for the future, enduring
prosperity can only be obtained through
a wise and Judicious administration of
our public affairs. Let us then endeavor
to so conduct the affairs of the city that
we t-hall not only prosper, but that our
porsperity slmll l,e enduring.
I On motion of Mr. Welch the message
paim in the back, tide, chest, or
wn ordered spread vipon the records and
publicly printed. The mayor announced,
that he would not make the appoint
ments of committee until Ihe next meet
ing. On motion It was resolved that Ihe
regular sessions of the council be held
on the first and llilri Wednesday of
each month.
A general good feelings cm.d lo pre
vail throughout the as-vniWy. an. I on
motion of Mr. Welch, the thanks of the
body were extended to the retiring mayor
for the courteous manner In which he
had presided over Its dellhernttosi.
On motion of Mr. Hcrgman, Ihe thank
of the council were extended lo Ihe rei
tiring otllcei and member for their
pari In Its working.
F.x-Audiior Ostium and Treasurer Conn
rrd their annual r irt. a follows,
which, on motion of Mr. Parker, were
ordered published:
nr. pout.
Of J W. Conn, Oily Treasurer, for the
Quarter Kuding IW, SI, '.
Oct. 1. I'valance on hand as per 1
last report I T.S
Neoelpts dining quarter
Iteevlvrvl from t W.
1-oughery. 'SI tax l. !!!
Receiver Irom K. tvlmrn,
fines .ll J
Received lrom liquor II-
Received. from C. W.
I.oughcry, stiiul lie I.TU W
Received from alley way
assessment 71164
Received from VHiane
street assessment l.SvlJJ
Received from Hond street
assessment . l.SSS.J
Received from Wall street
assessment 1SVST
Rcelv.-d from 37th street
Receive! from lh street
assessment :to V
Received from IHh strvet
assessment M7vl
Received from 4Jd street
assessment :X iT
Received from lith rtrevt
sewer l.ieMT
Received from Hth strvel
Paid during the quarter as per
warrants herewith from Ihe
following funds
fieneral fund I M
Police fund &giig
Pond Interest fund I.ThVim
Street fund X
Alley way fund TW.V.
Iuane street fund I.!ll !K
Pond street fund l.tu.s
West Sth street fund Si U
J7ih stmt fund K
S-th street fund Ssvrs
!lth street fund i!Si7
sM street fund mil
tjth street fund S M
'.ltd street sewer fund Sl'.SV
Hth street sewer fund ... ITMVJ
Balance cash on hand. . . .!!, VI-
Respectfully submit td.
J W. CO VS. City Tr.a.
Astori.i. Or . Jan. I. IW
Of Auditor and Police Judge for "War
Kil ling iHcemUT 31st. 1V
Ca-sh on hand Dec. Jlst, S.l3.7!
Rectlvl during year from
l.lquor licenses t l.l' W
From sundry other II-
From '.th str.?et sewer...
From tines and forfeit
ures itrrou
J.n J)
l '
ic Ul
From tax from county
treasurer .
From tax from W. W.
From J7th street
From I'th street
From alley way
From Puune street
From Uth street sewer ..
From C. W. Loughery.
1.7.k". l
idel. tax 1"J l,u?
From Wall street (trd
From ltond street
From Uih street sewer.
From lrth lrt
From 12nd atree t
Id 7
lmA 91
sir. m
Total l.w.
Grand Total t".isin
terest .
lights ..
ment ...
outstanding Iec 31st.
I jS.W .W
drawn during year PW5
for bomled In-
for street
ran :j
for city hall.... tilM
for streets H.GT3 M
for incidentals.. l.l.",7.W
for printing HI M
for stationary.. IM.SO
for fire depart-
lir,f 35
for pounil 7 31
v arants
for jKjIlce courts 1.74
for Jail
for salaries...
for special
. 4.V4.IO
Grand total I lll3 34
Warrants outstanding
Dec. 31st. 1KH t .f.M
Warrants drawn dur
ing year 1 !.", '371
Bonded debt Hi.'' i
Total Indebtedness $312,033 31
Cash on hand Dec. 31x1,
1K4 S.-.,1K;.79
CAsh received during
year '),2W22
Total receipts $S,4H1.01
Total Indebtedness ....
Dess tottal receipts .... 65,410.0!
Net Indebtedness tl7l.!T.3 33 '
Total receipts $a,4si).'i
ijfHA warants canceleldV'2,124.w t
IjH-s Interest paid on ,
ram" 2.I3C.M '
Cash on hand 110,609.58
Respectfully submitted,
Auditor and Police Judge.
The council then adjourned to Thurs
day evening, when it organization will
be completed.
W. A. Sherman, clerk In the O. R. and i
N. dock office, resigned yesterday and II j
was rumored that Mr. K. Ostium Is lo
succeed him.
- t
Highest Honors World's Fair,
0ld Medal, Midwinter Fair.
" Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
i n ...1 1
jH nuiiuvi
1 (ltirnr!ft 5&lc
I Commjnces on
Holiday, f
j January 6 f
j Kxervthin. ttrduve I Prte. I
I filbert Danbar
Iteport. messagea and rvporls
Millinery Is being; blue-penciled
J NorrU of Chicago, I in the oily.
St. Sneelhl, of, Oregon City, was In town
Job priming of all kinds al Ihe Astoilan
Job office.
"riie storm now raging Is about up lo
the average.
The school children rvsunivd their du
ne yrelcrxUy.
Tillamook creamery bullcr at the Ta
ctile Commission Co.
The distribution pipe system was prac
tically finished yesterday
Floyd Smith, of Seaside, registered al
I ho I'arker house yesterday.
Mr Peoples, formrrlv of this city,
died recently at South Hend.
J. W. Kiaser. of rlurvshtne. Wi , reg.
lstrre.1 al Ihe IH-cklent yesterday.
i:. A. Adams, wife and child, of San
Francisco, are visiting In Astoria.
For the best ef commercial Job print
ing call at the Astorlan Job onVe
Ureal reduction In prices on fane) ap
ples at the l"rltlc Commission Co.
M. S tirimth. of South llend. was a
guest at the Parker House yesterday.
IV It Cole, of Ihe I-vwta end Clarke,
was In Ihe city yewlerdty, on business.
C. II Worlhlngton. a prominent busi
ness man of Francisco. Is In the
city. j
Parties desiring In locate on government
bind will please cr.ll at our ollb-e. It 1-!
Poyle Co j
At the lYclfte CimnilHslun Co. can Is
fciind a large aortmenl of do funis
In gsllon cans.
K. A P- elev. of the Colu'nhla River and
Puget Hound Navigation Company, was1
In ihe city ) ester-lay.
The water main al lith and ItonA j
streets I being extended so that vessels j
mny take water al the dock
LOST On Commercial street, leather
and silk handbag Please return lo the!
Astorlan office. Itev. T. Trumbull.
lte last evening a man fell ovcrhsmrd
al the end of lsth street and m, :i:n
ashore, none the worse fur ills ducking
I'artli-e desiring the best of loh printing
at the lowest prices vhould call at the
Asiorlm Job office before going else
where. .
The Cascarets have arrived. A hand
some little story liook goes Willi eurh
I package. Uiok In our window. Chas.
Ilogem' I'rug Store.
- Joseph Nlsllla. recently adjudged In
sane by Ihe county court, was taken
to Salem last Sunday evening, diaper,
oned by Sheriff Hare.
A well known young buslntrs. ma.1 yes
terday remarked that It was well not to
forgel that politeness costs nothing and
counts much In Ihe long run
If you want a lot In Astoria Addition to
VAarenlon liefort the price is advanced,
get it before next Saturday evening. It
I Iloyle Ac Co, sole agents.
WANTED ily young couple, no chil
dren, two or three lurnlshed rooms for
housekeeping. Address John R Clark.
Mgr. Postal Tel. Co., City
If you don't believe Astoria Is Ihe Im-si
location on the coast for a large city,
look at our map In our window .if the
Pacific coast. K. I Doyle Co.
J. M Russell and M W. Hmllh. of Port
land, who have been on a burning trip
to Clatsop Plains, passed through Ihe
clly yesterday on their way home.
At ( o'clock last night Ihe fh-e alarm
signals rang automatically from the
Western Union wire. Hereafter the
gong will sound at noon and at o'clock
p. m. Thl method Insure accuracy In
Fifteen years ago Taroma had a pop i
latlon of COO people; today she has VI. )
Asotrla I far better located for a lurge
commercial city, and now Is Ihe time In
wt In on the ground floor. R. I.. Hoyle
A Co.
Duslnes men. If you want lo fix up
vo'ir office for the coming year, wllh the
bet of letter heads, hill ha-ls, state-
rret, .tc, call at the Asionin jno orrn e
wWe you will find the best of stock
nrd material.
About 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon the
pile driver at the railroad bridge was
overturned again but by 8 o'clock was
righted and ready for work. Yesterday
work was done as usual, but very likely
last night's storm mussed matters up
Workmen under Contractor Normlle
yesterday finished the. connections lie-
tween Hetr and Cedar Creeks. The
patching up of the pipe lino grade from
Hear Criek to the reservoir at Ihe lop
cf Fifteenth street will. It Is expected,
be finished by Saturday night.
Mr. Ralph Hall, formerly of this elty,
Is now residing In fliimmerlund, Cal. Let
ters received from him slate that he Is
doing well In his new home. Ralph was
very popular during his resilience In
this city, and Ms many friends will be
pleased to hear of hi success.
Installation of officer of Concomly
Trllie, No. 7, Imp. O. R. M . took place
last evening. The new officer are: Wm.
Pohl, auchem: John Anstey, senior Kag
amore; John Kerns, Junior sagamore:
I-e Herring, prophet. The Installation
was made by Past Oreat Sirhein Kd.
A novelty In the way of music boxes
was received Saturday night by Alex
Campbell, which wo made for him In
lierlln. It Is called an Orphenion and Is
a late German patent. Jt is so adjusted
that t can be made to play UKM tune
and Ihe tone of the Instrument Is very
clear and sweet.
Peter Harats, of Calhlamet, was In Ihe
r&y yesterday, and s'ate that the recent
forms, although doing much damage to
The Only
Dry Goods, Clothing,
I5tc, of the Year.
Every Article in the Store Reduced !
No Goods Will Be
Charged at Sale Prices !
The following manufacturers will not
allow their goods placed at reduced
sale prices: W. C. C. Corset Co., E.
and W. Collars and Cuffs, Centemere
Kid Gloves, 0. N. T. Spool Cotton
and Belding's Silk Spool. . . .
Sale Commences Monday,
C. H.
The Leading
Dry Goods and Clothing House
Of Astoria.
the farmers, la quite a Iwon to Ihe log.
gers, as there have In-en two freshets,
ef ginsfly prop(irtlir.', w til-h natited the
loggers to lli...t Ih. lr !lmle' to Ihe Col
umlila. The tonils are practically lin
par sable.
The largest remnant sale that has ever
taken place will U-gln Monday renrn'ng,
lo continue fur fourteen day, at Cohen's
Low Price Htore. Now Is our chance
lo get fine dress gnodi for less money
than ever before offered I have also a
few more capes and luckets which 1 have
concluded lo sell at mt cent off
I.OW Price Htore. I'd Colld Hliei-I.
Ileulih (illli.T Fulton lin esamlnrd,
during the iiuarter ending !ecenilier 31,
a total of forty-thre. v. .. ami found
no contagious diseases In .inv case, finly
one vessel, ihe China si -uin.'i- Asloun,
was under suspicion, nd the haggnge
alioard Ihls steamer was illslnfecti-.!. Mr.
Kulton's report compiles with the I'nlted
Htates statutes In regard o th' riamlnn
Hon of vessels, although he l s state
( nicer.
I'eter llooney. formerly of this city,
died at Koley Hprltigs. or, in lieeemlier
3. Mr. Itooney was well known In this
clly. having at one time he'd Ihe position
of iiollce Judge. A li tter 'nun Mrs. lloo
ney, received hy Mr. Ctnrles Wright, of
the fk'cldent, iiit,.s that th dcalh of
her daughter, which occurred some time
ago, hastened the death of her huxlutnd.
Mr. llooney was n mason and plasterer
hy trade, and I'guied quite conspicuously
In politics nl this city.
The operetta of "A trip to Kur.ipe,"
lo lie given Tuesdny evening, Jan. Hth,
nt Klsher's fipem House, promises In he
Ihe local entertainment of t, season.
It Is given for the Mok fund of the pub
lic llhrnry hy Mrs. II T. Croshy. ukslst
eil hy young ladles ami gentlemen of Ihe
clly, and will lie preceded l,y the laugh,
aide) farce of "llox and Cox." also by
local talent. Ticket will l. for ,le In
a few duys. Admission, fifty cents. The
money could not l,e a.'lle.l t0 a better
cause nor ran the spender get more for
his money than thin evening s entertain
ment will give.
Tiree comortaJily firnlahe.1 roorrss,
wlCh fkwt-rlaasi tatile board, at Mrs. Ho4
dwi'., rornn- Irh and Hiauie streets,
bown witfnnut rooen tf denlred.
Hegular monthly mietlng f Coluin
hla lllver l-'lshermen' IVniecilvn Knlon
will he held at their reading room Tues
dny, Jan. 7. 1I. al 7:W p. m. sharp. An
oim t ior tne scow rnthllnder lo he con
sidered. Members In good standing are request,
ed lo lie present and have their hook
or receipt along. HOI-'I'S Jr.NHICN,
OreoaiU and winter wrap will U Wi
faeWon. Ttwry can be dl.carded, tempor
art ly wll. traveling m h. mtmm heiti
Iralris of the Ctilrago, Mllwaukw end Bt
Paul Railway. For .olid comfort, for
peed and for amafety. no other line can
eoinw. wtth thl. rallw.y of the
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honor at every world's fair
where exhibited.
Reliable ai?d Genuine Sale
Have You.
a Sharp Knife!
The New Year's Our Stock of Car
Turkey flay Be vers Will Suit
Tough. You
dust the Thing for a Hew Year's Present.
The following transfer of real i
were filed In Ihe olllce of Itecorder
derson yesterday:
H. D. Adair und wife lo 1. .'loan
Jr.. l-ots 31. 3i. SI. Jl. I".. W. "lid
J7. Illock 12 Mcrrlweihtr Imwnsl
Chas. II Iloss to Mary I.. Ilowi r,
UHs I and t. Hlock fi
Wm. Holmes lo tieo. Holmes. Lots
and I". In Warrciilon Aibllrlon
lo Astoria
Mary II. Idnc-iiliewer lo M
Htral, Imnd for deed, U I I, Hluck
f.'i. Ailnlr's Ci-per Asl ifla
Th following list of letters was ndver
Used at the Aslorlr. H,sl.itll.'e Junuirv, 1KW!:
Alexander. O . Kiokiim, .t
llrophy, Wiirllll. Larson, Hans K.
Kullerton Mrs .Mai'd Vliilhors, James It.
Ilendron. ..Irs. J I'ecl.r. It II.
KecKler, V It. Tu y lor, Mis Maty
hlnkad", U. WIIIIhiiih MIks Tilly
Anlonln, liergonil.
When calling far any of the above lei
ters, please ay advorllaed."
No excuse for sleepless nights when you
. .. ... inA Mlniilit Cnuirh Cure. This
will rrllev all annoyances, rura the most
sever cough, and give you rest nnd
health. Can you afford to do without 117
Chn. Roger.
Is Iiit. by given that Ihe enforces' public
sale of Ihe property known us the Tlghe
Holel-whlch was posliiond November
Mil, twir., for no dnys -will simln be uf
fired for sale at the Clatsop county
court house door, nl II a. in., January
fllh, 1MMI. Terms and conditions the
same as before.
J. If. I). flRAY,
Why do nol women count their change?
JAPANKHB aOOUB-Jut out yut re
ceived jut what you want, at Wing
Lee s, Ml Commercial street.
January (th
The Resort
47M I 'oninuTCinl, is Ihe ilnou
win-re llie Imisiiicfuiiiii iitci lulniriiii.
! mnn tin (or wlmt is cnllcil "ItKST UN
TUT, t'OAHT." or it nice chI drink of
1 the relelrnti' (liitnliriniis l.ecr. Sniiil
, wichoH nl erery kind tnmln In nnlcr, ami
I an elegntit fren luncli nerved rvery tiny.
Mot Jloslon linked l'.cntm w vp cvpry
I oilier afternoon. Von am acltvuno.
Crosbaucr & Broch
hSTORiA public mw
I'.KAIilNd III h ,il KltKi: TO Al.l,.
Open erery da) from :i oVlnrk lo & ::U)
and f:U() Ui p. ni.
HulxKriptioii mlis ,,.r milium.
Southwest nr. Clrvsnth sutf lluini Sis.
WANUKU- A , ,r ,,,,.nil
hnusework, in i;,n,
WANTKD-Ag.nw to represent thi
old National Life IHunin,e &
Monlpel er. Vt, For mm,,,, 1,,, ,.
tb.n. address (. M. Rn.lp. ( Iciioral Cm t
Krar.S' ,'rU,kr """ding, Hnn
Tou will deal through yr h.,ollngm.?l
ehan. ,. al, w,
m.W" PHy;", ''""'Ion per-
man.nt. Hsnd four rsfsrsncea and tan
cent, for full partlcuUr. JohnTnne,
Mgr., . O, Do, m, Hl, Loin,? Mo. 7
Dynamo- Mr p,aug n',
and table ware. l'(l, K J I?,'''
.hop. Kasy rWw VZ"
h ir nrnflts nr i ,', " "Perionr::