The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 07, 1896, Image 2

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gaily 3,tc.rimt.
Telephone No, M.
Bent tr mll, fr year
Bent by imll, per month
Served by carrier, pr week.
8.nt by mail per year, ln Jvn0
Postage free to siibsv-rlber,
AH communication Intended for pub
lication ahouM be directed to the editor.
Busineas eommunlcatktns of all kinds and
remittances must he aidressed to The
T Atorkn roara.iteea to It sub
ncrttxro th WRcst circulation of any
newspaper published on th Columbia
Adrertlslrc nln fan bo bad on ap
plication to the bustnes manafer.
The Weekly Aetorian, tho ctnd old
est weekly In tho state of Orefon. bat
neirt to tho Portland Oreavmtan, tl:
largest weekly cirei:at!on In tho atata.
Jno. T. Handy Co. ar our Port
land areata, and coplea of th Atorlan
can be had rry mornln at their stand
an Fk-tt atreeL
ik. eh.,,., made vestertlav In the per-
7 .... ,.i,-!
sonnei oi me t......v... - -w ,
In aeconlance with election results, Mr.
John Hahn retired and Mr. C. .V. Stone
ttxtk his place, will not. we are certain,
1 ,, ... .h m.-,w
affect to any appreciable extent -.he work,
and alms of that bcly. It's labors In the
pn'wnt ytar will be arouous ami 11 ih
have to Uke tip and dlsp.o ,f many i
matters that have n;t before eome under
Its Immediate notice. Look'nit to thel
past record of the commission and its
persistent stand in defense of the public
welfare and public morality the peoP'
of Astoria need have no fear thmt It will
snrlnk from its duties in t1! fu"ire or
fail to act up to Its customary course.
Some months aso Mr. K. Z. K?r$uson. i
of this city, erected on Bond street, a
well built residence. Duirna the course
of Us construction It was rumored that
the place was Wng built for and would
lie occupied by notorious women coming
from a lo.r pan of the city. In the
middle of the agitation brought about
by thesi rumors, Mr. Ferguson state I (
emphatically to the poli. to memlters.
... .
of the city council, to the Astorian. and ,
to doaen of private cltliens that the ru-i
mor was a bae Me. with no foundation
In fact. The house was completed, and. i
before the plaster was dry, was occupied
and furnished by prostitutes for whom,
ln spite ot his oath-bound protestation
to the contrary. Mr. Ferguson had built
From that time to this the police com
missioners have kept a special oHlcer In
front of the house demanding and re
ceiving the name of ever y visitor to the
place, a system of espionage which ihey
will no doubt continue to keep up, and in
which course they will have the tacking
of every respectable cltixon ln the com
munity. The house, situated a it Is on a street
that has up to the present not been con
taminated with such vile tenants, is at
once a menace to public welfare and a
. . . .u , . .
detraction from tht- value of private j
proiterty In tut vicinity. The eastern staple old apple states, hot nosr the far
pari of Astor street has by common con-! West Is becoming a prollilc growing sec
... ,.t .. ' tlon. and some of th finest and hardiest
' 6 !
by honest women, and has Ions been rec-I ,ess. ciders and apples as layouts for j
ognlxed as hopelessly given over to the! the long winter evenings have never lost I
lower strata of society. This new house ,heir pepulariiy. even where the treach- !
on Bond street the only avenu, bun- IT"
dreds of peotle have for reaching the duclve to health than the chob-e. ripe
business part of the city, and a thor- apple, and from the days of the famous
c-ughfare largely used by school girls ?'"np,li,n"- hose m-chanism puxaled
, . j ... the old-time English king, until the pies-
and young boys la a c. ntamlnatin- and j ent p,, .p,,,,,, ln ,)m, for i
shameful innovation that should be 1 been one of the mainstays of the I .use-!
swiftly broken up. hold menu. The malic acid they -on- j
Th. ihm the. ,en h ,.ln " Important as lime or rartwn ;
as the ostensible rr.anag'r of this house1
was known p'lor to Its occupancy to be
totally without mean, jnd that since
rostly and rich furniture to the value
of several thousand dollars has been put
Into the place, together fflth the surpris
ing disclosures as to the luality and so
cial position of Its frequenters las shown
by the record of the police surveillance),
all give color to the charge freely and
openly made on every side that the place
is being supported and malnuini-d by a
class who assume to possess sulficient
Influence or pull to keep It In operation
In spite of any protest of respe- table peo
ple residing in the neighborhood and pub
lic sentiment which Is Len? aroused
all over the city against it
It remains to be seen wheth-r half a
dozen or a doirn members af the commu
nity, however high their position in the
"rocial" scale, can thus hid deftanc. tn'
common decency and the opinions of re-!
spectaUe Deoole. But the Astorian enn-1
-,,, , ,. , .. ,
tldently predicts that thi police commis-,
slon, backed as it Is by an overwhelming
weight of public sentiment, will prove big
.,t. ,. i , u . , , .
enough mid strong enough to deal w ith
ine insuu to its omciul reclltu le Implied .
In the brazen nreti-nsiona nf ihe trrnnitiii
cll.iue for whose ..n-i.i ..,! -..i..t,..
, ' " " , beneiir-lent action. Either when health Ir
tH-netit this foul blot apje ai-.s to have , slightly or seriously Impaired, the value
bt-en created and established, and ihit ot 'his restorative and preventive mtdl
thc public shame and disgrace thus putc'ne " 'f"'lr made manifest.
uiwn the name and fame of the whole '
community will be speedily and effective- j
ly wificd out.
The Roseburg i'lalndealer, commenting
on the seclal New Year's edition of the
Roseburg Review, says editorially:
"The 'greatest' came out yesterday
with its holiday issue as heralded for the
last two months. Its cuts of some of i
Kosehurg s prominent citizens reminds
one of those In a detective's office. It Is
evident, notwithstanding all the Review's
blowing about Its enterprise, tlm tthe
cuts were executed ln a cheapjohn estab
lishment. As quite a number of cuts are
of Republican candidates for office. It Is
thought by some to be a put up job ol
the' Review to make them appear as re.
pulslve as possible as an electioneering
: Kcheme."
This Is small business.
The New Year's i
Issue of the Roseburg Review, which
w receded by the Astorian a few days
two, la not-only a cr?dit to the office -
bom which It came, but a lasting credit
to the town of Roacburg, and an adver-
' . ... ,a , .
tisement of lu pooltlon and ad -antages
that waa both valuable and timely. For
n newspaper with the small facilities at
the dl.iposal of Hosebuw. td present to
Ibe oulslde world sucdi an excellent anil'
creditable lnue at ha b-ei. published
l,y 1 1, rievlcw, I most commendable.
Kor a tapcr In Ihe mo town to attempt
to decry th efforts and success or an
opposition cutt-rprlne which has done
mor than lt hr ta build up riote.
bunt. l contemptible
Thla l one of the sample of M style
"Oretron" journalism, the curs of anion
still hanjr round the necki of all de
cent newspapers In the stnto.
We wish the llevkw Mitvess, and are
(lad to I aide to congratulate It on the
cn.iJ.leno of Its New Year' niimhe r.
-j 1
After quoting at considerable IctiKlh an
article from the Astorian of the 1st Inst ,
the Salem Statesman aoea on to say ed
itorially: -The above Is from the Astorian of
New Year's lay. This Is undoubtedly a
tme picture of the future of our Gate
way elty. The distance In the futura
mav he' short or It may be Ion. We
are Inclined to hope and believe with
the Astorian and with the business men
of Asiorla that It will be short-that
the transformation will now be steady
and without halt or Interference. The
invwth of Astoria will not Injure Tort
land. The Northwest metropolis will
still hold her proud preeminence It
will help Salem, for it will surely alve
us railroad connection with deep water.
One or more of the great transcontinental
line on Its way to the superb frvsth wa
ter harbor will surely pass through our
There Will Be a Itarrvl for Every Man.
Woman and Child.
rhlladelnhla rress.
"The apple yield this year Is an cnir-
mous one." remarked a rrominent trutt
dealer, "'and will not fall short of JW..WV
, JuM think of It' A heaped-up.
Oi.i.(.,hioned barrel of apples for every
mhavltant of the I nlted States A canro' Charily
of barrels of chokn. appl-s. snt to u.ttand bride.-
London from this city, arrived there ln;,VllM1,
co.tmon ,nJ f,,,,,,,. injuiht up, ,nvll,.
falr ,,,.(,. The present damp weather t.rr..llt ,,VV11M
is narti en me ,wie.t-., -n-. .....
.PPb. win "spev and nund a.ude
Style, fashion and taste rule the'
.p,,i, market as completely as they do;
the silk, satin and dry goods counters, ;
and many of the old reliable sorts ot;
fruit that were popular In our srand-;
drandfathers" day have Utile call In the'
market now. v..
"i ne smoK i.ous-. . -"""Vn.'.t- an I
Ptpp n. Fo onwo.ter. Harvest Apple and,
the like are Idom offeretl for sale In 1
ttte9t days, but new and faicler kinds!
have taken thttr pla-v. Tti famous-
Rhode Island breenlntr. with Its glossy.
! irreen coverlnK and yellow luscious sub-;
I acid interior has been duplicated by a
I aimilar kind of apple in most of the fruit-;
crow Ins states. Th Maiden Itlush.
Ramlo. Summor mvl Winter ftiin ::ain
land Snlttbei vn. of the older sorts, op-
Par to time extent ui.iii the market. Put ;
as a rule they ar. the far-ers' prl.le and .
are kept by the coun'.ry town the log.
tound Follenwo ter comin In as a .-ella-
f cllri,tTrll, ,pp. Th, Pearmalns. !
from i,( (orm na nams. were always ;
a popular variety of fruit, the agreeable I
"vor of the pear belni especially no-j
ticattje. anu tiir mint "in i'tj ,u mn
dark-rtd Spitiberg.'n. with Its buffol-l To por rent oil. MUm lute-Wi
oretl tlesh and singular aromatic taste. Kt ,)f ol!w ,( x m,mibs
The King. Greening. Sheepnose. Ben ? .,,. .ui , ,!,erlil -Pavls.
Northern Spy. Fall and Winter ,.,.,.,...,,.
I Pippin. IWIetleur. Baldwin. Colder. Bus- IMI''1
I .t sn.l Smith's fiW Annie are now Kxeeits on UI mle
amonr the favorites, anJ each variety
has Its patron.
The Snow Apple. n called from the i
uniform whiteness of Its Interior. Is In
great detaar.d during tbe early fall, but
its poor keeping qualities make Its sway
a very short one. Tho Bellefleur and
Fheepnose are preferretl by some on ac-l
count of the smallness ofthelr core, but I
the large-cored apples excel these varle-
ties) in Juiciness. The best late keeper
among all the apples Is th? Golden Bus-,
ul, which Is hardly fit to cat until aft-r j
the holidays, and is frequently seen in !
the market when the earliest of the next I
"n- fruit arrives.
"New York. Rhotle Island. Tennsyl-!
v4nil ,, Nv Jew. &mong ,
Winds are crown there with iiniisunl sue. I
for the general constitution, and a bar- i
rt. of apple, (n ,he for cons,an,
use will save, it is said, more than quad-j
r,'lpl ' m doctors1 bills. Francis;
tfttt-". mi- great railroad lawyer, tseo.
to Iwast during his lifetime of eating an
apple regularly as a daily afternoon
lunch, and many of the corner apple
women have among their best customers
some of the most prominent buiintss
men In their districts. Apples
gathered from the trees noa-.vlays
carefully as if they were errgs, and no .
Kind of winter weath-r Is iM for ' To estimated liiterl accrued
their keeping. The apple crop of mis I ,-aln:e. l,v inte, tux-s SI
year will take rank with lite phenome
nal ybl.l of corn and potatoes." I
LIVELY AS A CRIfKPT i lll.s-V t: M, liir.-s a.'.-lil.on
Although in the first Instance as slug-1
glsh as a tortoise, the kidneys become j
as lively as a cricket when a healthful lm-i
pulse is given to them with Hosteller's !
Stomach Bitters, a promoter of act vltv
in these organs which counteracts .- ten-
ueney to their lethargy and disease, 'n-
action Of the kidnevs it ahr.itl.l I .,"..
h.PA,i i ti,A e-. ., . 1
i " ""-t "ntr wi uiw - iW'tRir-
ou renal maladies against which the re-
no'Trn ' medical si lence are too often.
exnaustHI In vain. Peril Is foresia'Ud
by the Kilters, which averts Itrlghfs
I disease, diabetes, dropsy, gravel and the
I ,roul,le arising from a weak bladder.
i Equally efficacious is it in checking and
.eradicating malarial, bilious, and nervous
ailments, dyspepsia, constipation, and
rheumatism. Aiinetite. and s!eeo are im-
, Prov-.'1 an'' convalescence hasten-d by Its
That teasing Is a positive crime.
That they must eat bread before cak;.
That bedtime Is not a "movable" hour.
That they must speak respectfully to
the servants.
That bawling over bruises Ir, unworthy
sturdy ireings.
That they should not appeal from the
decision of one parent lo the other.
That puninhmcnt follows In the wake of
prevarication and of hiding more swiftly
than it follows active mischief.
That It is In bad taste for them to tell
all that they p-arn of the neighbors" do-mesilc-
arrangements through playing
wllh the neighbors' children.
Mr. J. J. KelL Sharosbu.-g. Pa.
Dear Sir--I am glad to say a good
- ,'o r" tSrS'ES
wltn neuralgia and Ha consequent
Insomnia (which seemed to baffle the
ffort of om f or b phyilclana)
you suggested thia remedy which rave
, almoat jntant relief. Worde fall
to express the praise I should Uke to
Vstow on Kraune i i Headache CapsuTea.
Mnnlrme. Pa
l.cis nrtil U.irHc Urttlije Cunt vail
luaius Attention.
...u.amt. simtt or rix.vxcrs
Scati-tajl Reports of loaat CK-ik ailjli t w..- miiht: i-n.Mom u
... iiiiih
TiX4attr Nunc littci- -;-(,.. M i , , - si;u nn.l the sni.
ct ia) t'rv's. ot our oviih'
I I'ln . .. , lie. is lor " Old It.M tli
The county coot t yesterday ivnuucn.-ctl
its reKular nutnthly ios.tion A liit;o:
pari ot ll.e time of the court am icon-
pint In consideration of the l'ils "- J
milted for the ottnetruoilcn of a bri.ltc i
.l . I i- M...t ein ... ri,.,r. K '
...... ih.. I.nlt iilh! t'lllke ner. s
the brl.lce Is a tlr.ttv brltle. and the M,ls.
being tery close, a number of conin
catttl nuesuons arose which the tourt
was unable lo tl, .Mde tllf'.l t,Hliiy's '
tVuniy Clerk 1i nlvir and County
Treasurer Wartl field their senil-aimual
reisirts, coverltur the period trtm ,'uly 1
to IVvemN r list. ltTv The county c. i k's
reiwt shows the amount and nunilfi
of claims allotted and the anio'int of
outstanding warrants The followlni! Is
a sununariaiHl siatenient of the etpeitsvs
of the different departmenis.
lmnty court
Circuit court
Justice court
Cvmrt house eHnscs .
ivunty clerk's offttv
Slier 111 "sitrtlo
Kecordor's orh.v
Trnvsurer's orlloe
Superintendent tf m'1uh:s
AftHCSxuleot 'Hid tttilts'tltut
i 'i.v
. 3..l M
l'l 1
?.lll !' i
i :
i.u-i i
Total anouiiit f wainiuls ilnmn on
general fund
. ..i'.,i-
Special road fund
Public rood run
T.,, .mm,i tt arrant' drawn fS.i 1 "I
a summary of the warnint a.-foutil ul tin
etMinty Is as follow:
Warrants ...,t.ndl,. July I. Ir '. J VJ l"
" ,
arrant. Itt-u.M July I to. inv. .1 1 1
Warrants cane l,tl 5 1 ;i M
Warnims paid e neml lund IT.hIJ ?'
warrants putd pel rd fund till
.. ,.a , rd fund b Tl
.v i ti .
Total w:irr.inl oiii.taiuiliii! .. ! I1?
,..., rn.nn r W.trtl s statement lio .
(h1 ,,',, , rwll and bl out, irom
, B,vivl mid on wlitt ae .1 paid, i
" , ' , , , ,. ,' . I
A summary of tbe Mai. nient Is a. f..!l..v ,
Balamv per U-l reTt 1 . (
T amounts rtsvited fr. m imiuiy el. rk- j
Tax purchase r.tlcmptl.m. ""."''i
itcponcr it it, c i, ,11, ,
i,i. .11 1
K 'I !
Fees of oltt.f ix motitlis
'. Ill
I To amount rotvived from oilier -uirccs-
Kectrdcr of cmtcvanoes
LUpior lleens.i
Ped.ll rs' licenses
Assessor lMll tax s
Coruin r, found on dead
Justices' tines ...
Transferred fnuit t to fund
l.'isl l-'t
jti tv
0 in
-.1 :..i
: oi
1 1 ;
Toainoiinl.. mid -
County warrants
l,ueri-.l iui -nine' i
i.i " ii
Halaiiee mi hait'l -
A general stmiiiuiry nf the b ilatn
differ, nt funds Is as IiiMiih-:
t'.. '.'i if,
in l Ii-
tieneral fund
School fund ni I mud
put,c risul lun l
.r.-.M,. ,
, .. "
" " '
" '"
. .. ;p
tj 7
:.oii .v
p;i o:
- :ii
1 i:.
n ir.
li II'
s J
I u.
Town of rlntmn
T.ilal ... .
Th,. llnanciaJ coinl.
til "71 ii
in of Ciui-op emu-
tv as i.renare.1 by County Cl.-ik Dunbar
is as follows:
Liabilities -
To warrants miuiuiidlng
$ SJ.,.10
T.'.-SI to
ji,in i.s
llii.i'..ii '.
5 i'i.'"1 '
.'l.i - It l 4
. I-.'KIOH'
('ourtlious , J ,il mid fiir..iture
TttX nun-lin-) s
Iu.,ienipt'..!i pimliy
" " ,. XM
' ;" mmiietble
Amoti it I" aen. rul fiind i..pll. abli.
b nynie it of tvarnmls
6,110 "
civrM Tsll
Important to Americans swlng Kng-U.-ih
Capilat for now enterprines. A ll-s
cortUtlning the naimew and addren- o
X asactspsMfiH promoters who have p.ace.1
over f 100 OW.'M Storting In Foreign In
vMtmrnu -tlJrtn he 1-urt six yen and
mrer f Ik ooO.OOO for the seven months of
1M5. Pric. lr. or 25, payatlde by po1a4
sV.r t,. tho London and Ltnlversal I5U
reau of Investors, 20, Oheopside, Lonilon,
E. C. 8itsseriteri wril be entitled, by ar-ramrem-.
with -t!ie directors to ntc-ive
eii'her perwi': or bittc-rw of lntroductoln
to any of Ths sittw.u prtrmot .
TMs lleS la flnrt ctawi In every respect,
and every ma.ii or Arm whose no-mc. ap
peon I Uie-reln may be d)en'i-d upon.
ir. riartnz the fbllrjwi.Tg It will tx?
fnnnrl InvttjiuaMe-IXmds or Htiart of In-
di trtml, Comierelal and Financla.'. con-
cerna, Mortrige loans, Hale of Uin.w,
Paderits or ilinm.
For a long time af'er he hud sucretibd
In Inserting himself through the door at
J a. m. sh9 regarded him In slb-nce. At
length she spuke. Also, she spake at
length. Indianapolis Journal.
Piles ef people have piles, but D Witt's
Witch Hazel Halve will cure them. When
pramptl' srplied it cures scalds aart
burns wV.hout the lightest pain. Chas.
The Order of the foclety of Cincinnati
In Philadelphia decided to place the
long-delayed Washington monument fit
the Green street entrance to Kulrmounl
The U. S. Gov't Reports
Bhow Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
TIIUl'M CIIKI'HM H'lt 'OI.I i:i i:v '
New urn Journal.
Thuv cheers for
"Old duty " I tut II- .11
tilt t lit nlr.
Tin io dust for our Pan tl'iit It i" "
c, r w lioio;
The .-tint and the Stripes, xt.itt n Itu til
ft-lel s thi cc,
I'ml-ii-nt of loe, peace and smcvI liitcitt
Three ohnrs for 't'ld tilery
tt hcitrtiT
utiftn led.
The il.ttr Hint Is lionmcd iliinuiiliout tli.
I tt h.tlc tturlil.
pi celt!
ll'e tin.;
lit ''I ot
our (0rc.
The emblem m.eis nt ,uir mini
rtn.i ,e:iii. !t.
(,., u ,,,
-. pn,!,- of the
III d.'f.'li-e of tie- lliiht
IIOII.. Ill lllo Weill, H
i. etie. i s lor
youlti tat
It it tx of tin
SVt .It
It. Ill 1 Ot I '
i 'I. I trtort
.III. I 1. 1 I III
Oltllit I.i.
To td'e.l'etl. e ,;n I lot
(or Hie
'I'llix-e ell. i s f
1 1:, il'oi "
Iiom touir.
an.l Irom o'.t.
Kroui our p.ttriol oui!i ue.l Ui
Let for ' ':! i;tert" u
Where llberlt. i;m:oh til .1 p.'
tia:i'',:r.ii'K w i:m
,-e dolll
n-v. t. ...i.. ih v. u .... i . I r...
I titt1 lt 1 ' " in ,i.e n v ,..t
:' . I Itrinst'S, Snivs. rictn. Suit liheurn,
''"-co Kevor Sorea, Totter. Chpitl II nil.
''" Chilblains, v",.. and A',1 skin Krup
'.': i tlona. and p.tsJilvoly cure 11b-, or no
Si ' ; py rtviiiirtd. Is Kiini'itnl"-'.'. to ci'
t. t'J 10 jvrf.vt siitipfnetioii. or money refund' 1
'.ttlt-e. : cents per t-r hk .o i i
'." Cluis, IJosors. t'Vt 1 Fellows' biill.lin.
U S. H.lter- l'!e.i
let e.iu eul Itl ell
Nelni-k.l I'.. ,1
I'l .1 V.,1 It eT it I
lilt. I It V, iU be - I:
pr. i t t t.iti t ,t(
111 i t I -feit I't-
lt U-
efl '
. I.'
i . .-: I
. ri. ,-,ol.
r:! ii.".
,'t i ' i.vs at
f'tiHl'tl i'vi-
;n ,
; . e.tiuu v. an I I
I M'eM M ,l.e
Co!tn' tin:,- t'
Hulel. A. '.on.
let .
I.. It.
j J
! tit
Children Cryfor
Pitcher's Castorla.
in !
li'KAl. i-a'-i:
ale I,.
i: "I r.
as an i,i
lmi- c
nv fain;
l'ri-;e s, I I -r-m.i -. CM x : -,
ar 1 1 tr, K..-u's N -w I '.-cut
ai tm a ft r c.tac'is. wMt
;i:ii'.a.'. S bavituc Uft-d 1.
. 1 -r :Ii- la i.v t -re. i-i
..f i.:i) a -. s pr. .-runic s
ar. 1
In :
or o: a.-r pi, itir - i.-l-s '
IX 'v. J "I a Uurs-ui. K-s -Vu'.(. . w ..
w.-i:ii: "I !i if.- is. n a nil: i-sr r .f
th- Mclfctl-I lis.-i'itil o.'uir -!i fjr :.i
yeirs or m... t.-t-l luiv lu-tt-r f-tind ai.t.
th .(, ) tn Ii. 111. i.r '.hat Kite m- ml h
sptly reii- f j.s 1 'r. Kl-i's N-w 1'is.i-t.
it.' " Try i'i. I-'.' .'. e i-.arti r-ov.
Trial to;'.ci fr-.-- at c! li-w-rf
dr.K f. tr-.
s l . ,1 j
U tl-. tl I
-hit. of !
I I v l'i. lie. is'. -r
ih i
.- no -1 ! '.-I. n I -.- - ':.ilrii
th etty 1 1. 'it.tei an-- - l mi 1 1 n : I '
iM.-tult:..' Ac. I ittie bne Ii lr-.y
Is that th- p'-suna-:. r e- t- ral e
tr: I v f.uir lln.-s of spa.e in tin Ih
ll.ti hesler Chrnlllele-l '-'lllttei it
When B-ihy was si k, wo pate her CantorU.
Tien slat was a Cliilil, lio crl'si for t 'astoria,
VThcn alia became liss, she clun lo distorts.
lMlen ftlie liaJ CuUdn-n, she -ave tlicui Castorla.
fsiric J
i. res A CAS.t
Anagnssable laxative and N KitVK TONH.'.
P-id !-y Iiniggls-oracnt by TjcCoc,
h:i i jl.lA) per lavckJUYS, free
tfA 71 f Tlie Favorite rKTHftTTin
J JalUforibeTjcttcLdJirtAtii.iiOi
For Bale tr S. W. Conn.
i Wlien a recipe calls for
a cupful of lard or but
ter, use two-thirds of a
cupful of Cottolcue the
new vegetable shorten
ing instead. It im
proves your health, savcj
your money a lesson in
economy, too. Genuine
is sold everywhere in
tins, with trade marks
"Collolcne" and steer's
head in cotton-plant
wreath on every tin. '
It. Louis, Cklcigo, Bin Francises,
, Boitoa. y
1..i la ItwTn.V
NiiTli'K "!' I'll.lNil OF AHSKSMMKVr
Kill. 1. No In. Ol'.VNK S I'ltKK I', IN
MeCl.l UK'S ASTtiltt A,
Noilee Is lioiobv iiiven that Assessment
Itoll No In, ooittnlnlnii the special nesa.
no ni foi I bo Iiiumom liu lit of Ihkiiic
: neit. in MctMiiies Asl tria. irom Uk
,al line ol lull file, I In the west lilt,,
ut I, ih snoot, bus been lib, I n,p
olllee of the A lldllor Iflld rnllco JlbVe
mid Is now open for Inspection and will
jo it main tipeit until tho Join day of
dun, iv pttor to which lime all ob.
.lections must be riled tin wrlilnitl wllh
the Auditor iltul I'ollce Jlldite.
lite fonitintleo on St reel a and Public
.l. loeellier Willi the Hlrtet A..e...
el-, will tin et In the Council 'IiiiiiiIh'i,
ul t no ii'iv or Attoiia, ,n M.ui.uj. jlin
,ult, tt's ut the hour of ? o'clock p. in,,
lo ret lew and npuilise such assessment,
and topi 1 1 their action to the Common
iVuiu II
k tisnruv,
Au.llior and 1'olbe,., tin. Oie.ion. Jan lilt. Ivnt
inri: '.' i n.iNii r amskmiint
lit il l. Nil II. ll'I'll HI'ltllCT IN
Nutieti Is Juitby illicit that Assessment
Uoll. ,o. Is coiilaluliig tne sH-cial as.
.. ..ii.. ul for tlie liuoiot etiii iil of Iilh
Kit eit 111 Sliltelt Aslona. irom lite
it. uili lute of tliiitnl A i emu, to the north
Hue uf liond Streal. has been tiletl In
Ibe oltl.-e of the Auditor and Pollco Judge
and It open tor Inspection and will so re
in ant oti ti tntiil the Sin ii day of January
it s! in lor to tthl. lt time all id jivtlons
niusi bo illed tin wrltltmi wllh the A. bi
ll u- and I'ollce Judfce
I'll,- foniinuiee on Htteets and Public
Wats i.moilior Willi the Htteet Assess-
ut of the Cite tt Astoria, will meet
In the Council Chauilxl a. of III,, Clly
Hall m ilie t'lit- ol Asiuria. tin Montlay
J.m .t-ili. Iv. at Hie hour of t o'clock
P m. t.t tcticw and ettualise am It as
.. ssin. iu and i i it their stolon to the
t'ollinimi Cotilu It
K tiSliritN.
.Vudltor and Police Jmliie,
AHi'lbl. tileitoll. Jan Hit. t'"l
Niri'l.-K i'I-' iMUPl.KTION ANI AC.
' ' iht vm'i: r niiAiN in
i :,'uii. .- is bertby gltm that J. A. Kaa-
i l.iU n.l. contractor for the construe
: tlon of dialn In Adall'a Astoria, under
! the protisbms of Ordlnanc No. on
this ,'.i.l .lay of S'otenttwr. IS, rllrd In
I ii. ,.m.f of ibe ami PoliVss Jutlge
I or tbe iW of t.Hra ebo t,tirtltV-as tif
' Cie Tit) s.irtetor. and HintrtntswiuVM of
! S-rtes, ttooroti!.! bv the ConwtUttee on
S!:s-,sts and IMMIc Wa.ts.
! .vtt-r tie rM-iruitttn tf the kne bsra-
Inafler i-.ttlbsl. If la) oblertkilM to Uis
i a.s-eiftais e of e-.nti w.wSji tie filed and Nie
I CiMim- stia'.l ,Wem such tm-
prevtuiioit usjp.-s-:y tstun4est. accoctllng
' to r?io e,Htir.n avid ins sual at inrw
! li.ti-.s Bie av-no llsvv be atvsslcsj
l to the aiVe(tomt tiC smUJ
: i:nitirnii ni or any irt ilif. ttmy tie
I ilii.l in t'te oitV-e of tbe Aiaktor and
i i".n-e J i-lte en or itfor Wsdnesslay.
i Nov ::.
k oMwrtN.
, and lN4ss
Atbttl.i. llteifiui. Not enttier 3d. IVJ6.
c. iliri: I - Tin: IVTKNTK N ! Tilt:
t'uMMnS lnl Ni'll. TH nil KHTAlt-
i.i-tii ri. ;: i:i. i'i: - 'I- iVJIMlliu'i ,.
sn.r: T
I . 1 , Kit - n that the oin.
il , r Hie cn.- of Asturia. hate
,1. . r ;r;:f. ! at. I ti.l l.i alter tile
,:i ,.; t .ii u;. r itl stre.i, in A-t-iir's
A: i! i . I i I -I i ntrile by Ji.'in
l lU. ft.-'-i li..- t I n- of .'.th street In
' lb.- ,i.t I n.- i.r j.ih s;r,et. ro that the
i t-.i 1- i . i - i. tii. n I street when
i- e-tile.-h. -I iill I- ai hi-lahls above
. tne bu-.t of trades f. 1 sill elly as rs-
j l..l.:i-.-. .1 b t ii.l.-eui.-.- No Tl, entitled.
.'An i o i 1 1 '. .i 1 1 t- lo estal.Mi'i a base of
Kl :l li s ,.r ll.e el! v
.,( the lllli I -i " -
oi. it : lib i'.ih f!
Al Hi- cinsslt.c
.f Asi.tru. to-wl: :
i ' said t'omtnert-ial
el. : fee!
f Cnillli r.-lal street
With .'.- t ti sir. ,-i. ,'t f.
S.I I.I ertissitiKS l-l 11- !
la l e mi a stlaieht i.r
1 1 and said street
II sUijie betwren
At i.m ttitie wtthMi t- n .lays from the final aili-n of this ii. fee. tii-nlt- within
1 1 ti fn.iii ite- .'.I .'I, f Jmiiiary.
le i',, i u'.ott -t ran. e i ict l-e made against
-aid i ri-l-'i-i ! alt. -tat. .ill ..f crude and It'
ttithm siti.l um.- a ttritt.-n remonstrance
lilt. i lei the s;iin.. -OnCI U- nift.le and ft lest
vt it li the Au-lllur iitid 1'olli-e Judge by
th.- i of litre. f .mi t tit of lite prop,
ettv .i.lla-elit t.t set. I piirtlitn of said
str. l. stu b p re I iilt.-rulion of grade
slmil to.t I .. iii.cte In anv et, nl.
I'.y i-r-b r nf the C.imin -n t'niinrll.
Attest. K tiHIU'HN.
Allilltur and Police Judge
A : i i.i. I ir. e,,ii, J,i n l. It-;
Ci'l M'll. Tn III! i:H TAI1I.1HII Til K
lll.AliK ni-' I'CANKI.IN AVKNTK.
N..tlee In ti- i ,-i.y gifrii that the Com.
m.iii e.ein. il of ihe Cliy uf Asiorla, have
ih t. rimiie.l an. I niti ri-1 to ititi-r the grade
uf l'l iiiklln iiMttue tn that iart of the
City i.r AM, .n.i In I.I ,,-u un, teeitrd-il by
.b.liti M ciur.-, ate I , tteii.l.-d by Cyrus
mm y inuii ih. .. i.t in,.. f ihe f ..Ii ri Mc
Cliue l.aiul Claim to the west
line ef Thud -licit, -ii thai Ihe grades
M .i.n ti esial.ll di. .1 I he at heights
al-oe tin- ban- uf ura. I.s fi,r anld
itv. us i . I by irillnniicr
No Tl. eiilltb-,1 - An l ii.liiuitiee, No. Tl. In
establish a base uf k'rab-s fur the strei ts
of the illy Uf .SM I.i, tu. Kit :
At ihe ii, r ,ui, iiwu,in I wind
Chum. Isl fill at Ninth able cif street
.111.1 111 f. el lit e . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 street.
At iti.isimr ttith l.'tli street. Jt, f,,Pt t
bi.tlh Hue uf Mil. I feet. at South
lllle Of the Street
At erns-lng Willi nil, striel, t.'i feet at
imrili Ilia uf sinei am! is f. .-t ul south
line uf slreei.
At crossing with puh f.l fi(. at
mirth line uf street an. -,7 feet ul south
III f Sll'eel.
Al erosslliK With Mil stle,. HI feet on
ii. -Hli line uf sir.ei iii ;i ;, ,, sniilh
life I f i-tn-et.
At r 'slug with tth street, !i 5 fe t nl
in. i hi um. ur strict ,., ., - f, ,.( at smith
IIIlM Of Street.
Al eluding wllh 7lh slrei-l, 1 feet at
rii.nh line uf Ktieet ami - fe,. nl roillh
lllle or SI I eel.
Al crossing wllh I'.lh slteel l.Vi.,1 feet on
ll'il lu lllle UT slps t llle I Yf, .', f,.,. otl SOIltn
lllie uf slre.-l.
ai erossing v nil r.ti, sirs-i. r,,-t on
ii. .rtn iui.- or Sinn ami i;.;.;, f,. t n sutilh
line uf Hi reel.
it. iiihu'ik tvuri till street, pi f,(. on
north IIIU- nf street ali-l !r:i oil soltlll line
UT Slleet.
ai crnsmng v. It Ii .iui Klrmt. :2 fl feet on
nurin inn. of Mreel, , ((. ., on
south line of Kip-el.
The Street II, be f heights mentioned
thtuuehulll Ihe lt III, I hereof, at the re-
Miceiivc puirits ih-slgiutiiil nccordlng to
no- jiiui.usio griule mill the slope between
ill 'iCIialeil pulnbi lo be slraiirhl or even.
At any tliite with'n ttn days from Ih' final
puiiii'i'iiun or this noilee, lo-wll: within
ten days fruin the 7th ,iiiy f ,n,Mi,iry,
l- 'l. ! uionsiiiinee eii n be made against
siild prupuseil alteration of grade anil It
wiinin sain time a written remonstrant-
iigiiiiist the same shall be made and Illed
wllh the Audit ir nnd I'ollce Juilgn by
the owni-iit of Ihree-fourilis of the prop
erly adjacent lo snl.l porllon of said
street, such proposed alteration of grade
shall not le made In any event.
Hy order of the Common Council
A,""Ht: K. OHHUIt.V,
Auditor nnd Police Judge,
Asiorla, Oregon, Dec. 30th, IK!if,.
Tlifiac tiny CLpsulcg aronupcrfor
i .rniisam ot u ipal I ia,
CiiMjs ami Injections. mTfl
'Vluy turo in AH lwura tlie
siuno Ulicairin wltliout anyliicoa-l
!n!wi..e. 50LDK"iiU:::.,-,rs:V8
Tin: .)ams tr mi
A Hew
in-Low run it vn
OH Till' SI A
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounce., by Pliyniciiins the
Mont Fuvornlilo in Amcricu
for SutlVrcrs from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objectluiia urged against Indlo
In th past by the large number who
otherwise would hay been glad In Ink
asUanlage of t beneficlul climate, has
neg ot uttanin acciiniliiuu
lion. Th Koulhern I'ai'lflu t'nmpaity
take pleasure In announcing thai ev
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
hav jut been erected at InJI la
lion, that will be rented lo applicant
ai reasonable tales. Ttey ar fur
nlihed with niodrrn eonveiilrnoe. ut
plied with pur artesian water, and st
situated aa to guv occupant all the
adtajilagea to lie derived from a mure
or lesa protracts.! residence In this d
llrhtful cllinat.
(Trom th San f'raiulsco Argonaut. )
"In th heart uf the great desert of
th Colorado whhih Ih rluulhern l'a
clllo road traverse ther I an oasis
railed lndlo, which. In our opinion. It
Ih sanitarium of th earth. W b
lleve, from Iwrsnnal lnt ratlgaUun. thai
for certain Invalids, the t I no slh.iI ui
this planet o favorable."
U. T. Htewart, M. l., wrltca: "Tht
purity of the air, and the eternal sun
shine, flit on with wonder and delight.
Nature ha accomplished
much that there remains but little fur
man lo do. A to It poaslbllltln as a
health rrsort, her Is th most pr r-fet-t
sunshine, wild a temperature al
way pleasant, a twrfectly dry hill
for rain la an unknown factor; pure
oiygen. dene atinoaphere and pure
water. What tnor ran be desired!
It la Ih place, abuv all other, fur
lung trouble, ami a paradise fur rheu
malic. Considering th numlasr of
sufferer who have been cured, I hart
no hesitancy In recommend! tur this
genial oasis a th haven of th afflict
Is 613 miles from
;uh! IJO milt I'lotn
Fare Irom I os AnKrlm
For further Information Inquire uf
any Houthern l'aclflo Company ageii'.
or acMrcaa
K. P. ncviniw.
Asst. Uen. Tasa Agt H. I. Co
Dial. rasa. Agt
for. rir nd Aider 8. Portland, fir
MUSIC Hflbb.
w KKATINO A CO will open Iheli
ww WU'I" "al1 l Astor street.
w Kalurday Ilia IMh. They will
WWW keep litimtterlrsi good llition
and rlgars besl lri bavliil good rumlc sit the
Canadian Pacific
Greatest Tracs-Coatinental
Railway System.
Paldie Hilling Hoom anJ Sleeping Car.
Luxuilnus Dlnlnj; Cars.
Elrgant Day Coadie.
-AIM .
Observation Cars, allowing Unbrukrn
Views of the Wonderful Mount
ain Country.
$5.00 and $10.00
Saved nn all Uriels Kail. Tmirltt rir the
best en wit-els. t-ipilpuientt uf llu' very flneii
through ui.
China and' Japan.
China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C,
r'mpreti nf India
l-inprrts of Jtpn
I mi-reti nf ( hlns
Limrrts nf India
Aug. tth.
Aug iMh.
Sept. idlh.
Ocl. 14th,
Niiv. mil.
Uc, ili.
rmerrst of Jsrsn
I-mprett f Ctun4
Australlsn steamer leave Vsnrnuvtr, D, C ,
16th of every month.
For ticket rates and lnfonn.itlon call
on or address
JAS. FIM.AiauN, Agent,
Astoria, Or.
W. P. Carstm, Traveling P-ss. Art.,
Tacoma, Waeh.
r., V.i L, P,rown, I) ut H.-tss. Airt
Valiioiivrr, 5. C.
riiornirnoNAij caiih.
tleiin.iti I'liv.lclatb ..
"" AM. n.M.i.KON.
mil,., over Albe.l liiii'.b.r' !''". ';
:iii, Co -iineiciti I'll..-! t ana. HI
,.l,uin.-un. I'm.' l'l"! "i""" " "''
free; lliedb llu f ullllslc d
Dlt. III.: V J.VNMt 'N,
I'llVcslllAN AN II bt'lUllAIN
tifllce over Ulseii diug !'( '"' 1,1
in Ii a. m i I in anil 1 lu p. ""
.In) a, IU in II.
Hit. tl II l HTICH.
M,,e, lal altitnlluli tu dlsoaae I if Wlllll
aii and urgrrr.
time over panatger tnr- pi
rleiluii V' M
tinier, Ibaiiii and . I'tlhlan
lliilblliig. Iluiiis, IO II '
V lle.l.lrn.s), J, fdar at reel
n, t cituMin,
a Cuitiiiierilal Hlreel.
W. M l-ar'urc. M. II. HiiUlbu
l.alMltt K a HMI l'll,
M Ctimmsrt'lal aires!.
AT 1-AV.
0m.- on HotstpJ Htn ist, Aelorl. Or
j. N lnlpli. Illcbaril NIou
'hestcr V. lbllptl.
Di'I.I II. NIXt'N A iMiU'll.
1'iiitU.nd, I'irgoii, 11. 11, .', and IT,
lUinlll.'it Huildliig. All legal and cob
Irt'lHUi business tuunip'. ly attotidcd lo.
Claims agalual the uvrtlinlil a spe
cially. nncurrv misKtinuh.
Tltl'l.i: l.t'lHIK Nt. 7, A. and
A. M Itegtilar ct'lliliiiinlialliiiia held
mi the flist and third Tueatlay owning
of racili m-'iilli-
W. tl lltlWKI.l. W M
K t. lltild'KN. Mss-wlary.
HiiAi,'i; ni'Tahy n'iui.iv'.
tv. t. cahMi.-j.l
ITI 'IViilh strsel
WIIKN IN iMIlTI.ANh-fall i.n
llajidley Has. 100 I irt ati ,t, and
gel Ihe t'ally Aatorun Isllme nrrO
no! It' Is their III. -riilhg paper ntiiir
WIN KM AND 111! ANDIKM t'.r in
faiub-l wine Instesa of Cs.ffee ot t,
Klfty rents per gallon I'oti't Imit'i
peach and aprlit t brandy Also Kirni I
Ciignsit and wine at Ale. lilllrl
l'l All KIN
lifotrflrs, I lai r, I r.-J, l'lu Minn, I full'ii-s, I fo.ltrrv, I il.tss auj
IM.l!rJ .i:r. I' SU i itri
Cltf ( ltrri.,' St fl A if '4 ( )t
Snap A rod-jk
at mi in , eulilll.j oil .-
uur sluts an ! i ii. i u ,. .
sirtr.iit el a liitn Pr linnet .
iter a .ttl i ;l- ,t Cil ltu..
Huiii i is i v iii iti li t . m. a-
tti" ti tte .,..ft. i rffe rti.uih le
CorT?c and Try Their) '
llt'dlllCM A C1.
"l'o unto other aa y"u wmild hat.
otlirr do unto "U," la y llipal'tetuall)
liu mi In the f.illiiwlug linen, Ihe pro
sunipi ..ii heiiig sMitpn.ny Is ii'ii.
or akin to pain r surmw:
"t lent l.-uieii i'tciine ss-ttd Ittatis
I lead. n he Capsules a full. tits. I'.'
limes tu Kl'ira hear, llnvaniia. N. I Lis.
Two Is. tea In I. lllle .Vlli". Ilriiuklaiiil
N. I'ak. I nave always Ix-en a grtl
sufferer frutit heiulachr and your t'ap
ulv are the t-tily ming Ihat relict e
nt." Your vety Iruly,
Havana. N I k
Pur nle Pr t'liaa itouer, Awnt
Or. Hule Agent
J. 15. WYATT,
I Inrilwna',
Ship LMwindlcry,
( .rooorioH,
I 'roviMioim,
Sprtial Al i- th.n I'nlJ In Suppltlng Ships.
They Lack Life
There ar I wines sold tu fishermen
on the Ctiluiiildii river that (land la
tlm same relnlliuislilp to Marshall'
Twine as a wunden Imago duea to Ih
human lu-lng-they ck sln-ngth Uf
-evitnness -nnd lusting .iiulliles. Don't
foul ymimelf Into the hellcf that other
twines Itcsldes Mamhair will do "Just
if well." They won't. They cannot.
Telephone & Bailey Gatzert.
"Teleiihiihc'' lenleM Aituthi at 7 p. tn.
dally teerp Hlinihiyl
l.iatia I'liithiml in 7 u. m dul y., ex
cept ri 1 1 in I ii .
"Hiilley ilntieit" ,v, Aslnrln Tues
day, U'eilniMlnv, Tliiits.lnv, l-'rlilay and
Hatuidiiy ituuiilnn in t; i;, ii, ,.; Hiiinlay
evenlliK ill 7 p III.
Leaves I'mllnnil ,y ,,,
cepl Hutiihiy. l. - t , , , , y , , v , , ( m
(inicers, : and : liutchcrsS
Aslnrl. andllpr-rr Attoiia
line Test tnl . , r i, .,
t.e.r.l l.,, t ,
.e ltr"u S.ilt Meats.
North Pacific Bremery
Bohemian Laer Beer
And XX l'l JIM!: I,
be promptly atlendert lo.