The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 07, 1896, Image 1

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    iSTOSIA PUBUC iiURiii ASSbciATlO!.
j Th ASTORIA ail Ik larnst LOCAL
JJ tlrcalauea) GF.NEaAlllrtl. I
S IIm. la th ItwMl TOTAL tlrtilatl J V
T rotwail far Wuh'ngten (nil Orrjon
m rim, iui on com,
e HI iaWliM k Aitarf.
NO. S.
- k. v, ... i iu . - ii hi in, --.j ' a, hi . ... v v.ti r
Well Pleased
lises, Umbrellas. Etc.
Tho One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
tilt stlj 6011 COMMKliCIAl. STUB EI'. ASTORIA. OR.
Ilavo you ncii it? A
foiitainin twenty "H'l
vifinitv. I'i it-f, i) tTiit-.
Diaries for 1896.
New Year Cards.
WiniM ytin liki! u nict; n t nf Imnks ly htanJanl authors?
Wo will Hflllln in t you fruiu now until January ht at 25
t fnt iliVc.mnt,
In a il.'xiral'lf location, '2 block x Innii Hii;li Schoul.
On I Iir Dew l'lpe Lino It iilVArJ Jml tlic plnoc for clieap tioliie.
STHKKT (Wit MNK mil he cilcii.lcl Una attitiuicr to williin S minute
.nlk of llii iimperty Will n il i.l ili'i'Mu.l luiru-iun.
In ft or h) ai'ro Ir (.-'- itin cily liiiiit", alio n.)j"iiiiii); r'lmrl.
( ; IC( )W( ; IC I II I,L. -17 1 I'.on.i St.. leci.lent Block,
Big Dry
Co.iiinei.cinu; Jmumry I, 1SQj, mid
for 30 cluyH only.
Great Reductions in All Lines !
Prices Smashed to Atoms!
All wool laities' cloth hicht-s wli!
All-wool Siarlct llainiel
I. iitics' limn'. IjneJ gloves
! fiilir s' wool hose
I. ailirs' wool hose
I .lilies' wool hose
Men's hl.tik wool soiks
" Men's natural wool underwear
Men's nhlvil uiiiletwear
Men's Jcrsrv o ershitts
Men's Jersey overshlits, cxt ;i heavy.. .
Men's line fedora hats.
..tiirinrily (i.7S to
$1.25 - - Men's Shoes - $1.25
Space forbids the mentioning: of only a few articles.
But every piece of goods in our large and well-assorted
stock has teen reduced in price from 25 to 40 per cent
during this sale. Do not forget to make your purchases
(M)o Commercial Street.
With the War
Mon'a Iniportod Clay
Worsted Wool Suits,
now at $0 50. Moa's Che
viot aud California Cassi
moro Suits, at $7 50.
Mou'a Wool Suits and
Wool Mackintosh Coats,
at $5.00.
The clioapost placo and
boat value in tho city for
Mou'a Clothing. Furnish
ing Goods, Hats, Capa,
Boots, Shoca. Trunks. Va
of Astoria!
l.iautihil and iirtihtii- lot-kli-t,
l'"'it liliv virwn tif Astoria ami
Si Reed.
Clothing Sale !
. . .formerly $i.oo now yard
10 2-K
l 2-
: Se
ise 4X
f 1.00
f I.OO
" 2V
" (X
" 4SC
" fxx-
" Sl
lll Officials (in imil Come Amltlst
(icnirul (iiMtd l'ctllii(.
ru o m a volts' mi:ssa(;i:s ki:ai
Hr. Kisiry Sata rrccll anil Jlr. Taylor
.Hate HU llfidl Dow la I lie New
liiill"aal Kcport.
At I o'clock yesterday afternoon wa
held tile last mealing "t the old rly
council, ll retiring mayor praldlng.
Mer Wi-Mi. Thomson anil Bergman
-ic appointed a comtiili t on irtil.n
linl. to rriurt un ill rcrliriratee of
rl"rili.n at ilia new memlair of the
council, mil city ciftlora. Th. committee
retired mill In a short lima report that
Mayor Frank J. Taylor, the new mem
lara i.r tht. council, Measra. Thompson,
I'aiker aii.l XIHIrKiir. ihI Ilia varloua
ijflliula, fr duly flrcttl and i-nlltlrd
tn tiuir .tin. Couri-inian IWvman
and Clilif l.ouulit-ry rr .Miinrrf lu
oihlm i tho nrw mi ntlirr nd crtl. iU to
,h.,r K,.M,,or Kinney then tead
. ""l
To the llunmabl Oommon Council of ' hav. found them erln the city
Ilia city of Aatorla -Octulemen: It be- Uhifw aeldotn If ever wo an occajion to
come my duty today to prcenl to you rltlcit. and now let m expre. to the
a R.ner.l retime of th. doiim of your, officer and employe, my fecllnu of
hut.,. table U.dy. and oth.rr ictlv otll- rtltu,le for the comlant courtcy al
. ,.r thl. , liv dtirln the er lual ' a ahown to ma by each and all of
now brought lo a rluoe. At lb. IhkIii
nlnu of the year, the committee on
. and mean made a lln.n
i ml report of the indclitednraa of the city
und Ilia reiilr metita of the year, and
propotrd wnya by which aurh. obllaalton
that wna llilidl.lely preiuilliaT aliould 1
Iluvlna; ratlmate.1 the revenue to lie
collected by mean of Ib'eiiac and fine,
liny recommend a laa levy of ?S mill
iP"n the ona dollar of the hmI value
of the taxable property within the city.
Their recommendation adopted by
your honorable body, and In clulnir io II
waa not rx,ertei1 that either of the
lu.ndrd or lloatliiK Indebtcltiraa of the
city would from thee aourcea if revenue
le rcluccd. but ratli- thai Ihote debt
hiuild l kept within nur prraent '
Imiinda, and that provtalon ahould le
made x time In tha future for u h
The Idea of the council at thla lime '
wa tlifcowth runnlrm expenae of the
dllTeren' departmenta c.f the city ahould.
te a econon lcally minrded aa they had J
leen for the two or three year laat j
p.iat, and If l were pollde that auch
eilH-nac .hnuld Im ahuded In aome, at
.nt. if not In all the department. i
In the appmprlatlnn made In the atreet
driartment. however, there wa a mo.1
ernte allowance made over that of the
prrvlou year lH-aio of the lone de
ferred atreet .repatr and Improvement
then appearing to r. quire Immediate at
tention. '.
Tim total amount of revenue collect, rt
from all eource and the dlburaeincnt
of the an me in detail will tie found In thej
report of the rlly auditor and city trv- j
urer rendered to you thl day.
The departmenta have practically kept
within the bound of the appropriation
then made, and the city government hu
practically met what wa theoretically
rx!eclrn 01 It. I
The work of the street department In
clude the conatructlon of aome a.nX)
llnenl feet of new triHt. the grading of
aome J,.2 cubic yanla of earth, the
building of omo J.3 lineal feel of new
trcatle work, the repairing and recon
struction of the clty-Wallukl road, the
construction of t.1so llnenl feel of II Inch
to 1 Inch terra eotlu sewers, and the
construction or a land slide drain In
Oriilnsge Ilsirlct No. I, nil at a total
cost of nva;:.:
Thl Is a remurkiibly economical show
ing, and Is a proof of the good that
cornea from tho method now In practice
by the council of letting all conatructlon
work to the lowest responsible bidder.
There I also undergoing construction
by contrnct two blocks on (eighteenth
Plan nnd estimates have been com
pleteil fur the Improvement of about
l.tM feet on Oram! avenue In Ol
ney'i Astoria, for the Improvement of
S.S'O lineal feet on Klghth street, of (Vu
llmal feet on Tenth street, and for about
lltunl feet on Irving avenue In
Hhlvely's Astoria.
In all Oils work the commllt.e on
streets 11 ml put.Uo way n the chler
moving power anil being always, well .im
ported by the entire council.
Much praise Is due them for the good
Judgment exercised In not only ptoposlns
sui n improvi -nent. a there waa of 11
public neoesipv anil demand for. no
much cure In.l 1 ,1 was tnken In these
matters Hint, for one entire year at least
In Hie history of street Improvement In
this city there has been no serlous-prn.
tests against their rceommendntinns for
Improvemtr.l. and no complaints have
so fur been made by the owner of any
lot assessed for uch Improvements.
1 tie committee on fire and water enelv
In the year recommended to th. council
the purchase of a chemical engine, which
whs secured at a cost of $;,3.V.
this ro. 8' Chnmn on cmrlnn was
plnrrd In the care of ltescue Company
No. 2, 1 etli lug and holding No. J'a steam
ct glne In reserve.
We find that during the nnst venr'a
trials this chemical englno meets all the
riqnlrcmcnt expected of It. and that It
Is a very valtmbln aid to the elllclency of
('" lie department.
The council reduced the monthly fire
allowances $ISS without crippling the de-
pnnment in in. least.
The fire alarm svsleni haa been com.
pletely reconstructed under the direction
of Chief Green, at a total cost of about
All the apparatus nnd mnehlnes of tho
fire department are In excellent repair
and In good working condition.
1 he water commission has been during
the year engnged In the construction ot a
complete new water system, tapping the '. the city, at tho present time, on account
ramo stream now used, at a higher level I of street Improvements mada un ler the
nnd with mains of a larger capacity. I lew provided for payments on tho lnatnj
water Is conveyed by gravitation and in 1 ment plan, during the same lime, la
abundance to tlm highest Inhabitable about 17.iM.:9. It will be seen iherc
polnts In tho city. Plans, specifications ', fore, that tho coat of Improving and re-
and estimates of this work were com-
ploled more limn a year ago by the
commissioner..' engineer, all financial ar
rangements were most carefully made.
nnd early last spring the contract for the
construction, of the works were awarded:
f Ince which time there has been an ener-
Rcllo push toward completion, with the
results today that water I einveyed
from Henr creek through the new main
Into the new high servleo reservoir. The
distribution, mains and plps were all
laid In place (excepting a high service
main) nnd loo hydrants attached at con
venlent points. There remains now but
a few dny work when the high reservoir
will In. ronnrriil with thu nw
Irlliiiiln n-wrvolr, and thrn lliit rlly will
Im aiipiilird from tlw iiw work.
Tliln all comi'l"ti-l, Ilia city will have til wir unirrlld In any rlty
miywlH-r, W will uh water ua iht
fw lly ,iir a l vrr (tnth'-rad In
ro ky rill of uninhabited hllla, oul and
nowd for man lo drink, and aulllclrtit for
llir or (our llmra our ,ranl pnpula
lion, and all llila, Ini-luillrin In purchaae
of Hi. old w.tar plam, at eo.t of lc
Tlia mrmlwra of the wntrr rummlaalon
drarrv. vary much pralac for I hair l r-
autant pilnrl.kin In lrlnln tha work'B.t the lafaia of I'jnic Siricael feopl
ntcaant complalaneo.
At tha haiclnnlnt: of the year an allow
aura of ttt tr month waa made to the
manaamrnt of the Aaturla I'uIjIIc 1.1
l)i ary lo enable Ihrm to eatabllah free
reading room.
The committee on public property baa
takrn th city cemetery on C'latp un
i.nhalitM.llnn and hv eulhArllv fit
your honorable body haa entered Into
rontrart with the aaiton lor the lm-
provamant and beautifying of the
(round In accordance with plana
The police commleaion have rlvan every
attention to all matter whl-'h rightfully
IM-Inna to thalr dapartmant, and they are
continually alvlnu to th city a watchful
and courteou iollc een'lce. j
Th. health of the city ha Iwrn unl- j
form I y irood.
tl liaai luan mv riiHlrttn ! inv atnil kit
. I. ... -
"m rifuny iwt.c inn uointr or
; -y and a. omcer. employe, of ,n.
of Ih. m-nlerr
inrm HiirinK ni J uiuvtai ierr.i.
And to you, Oentleman of the Cuunrll.
now a I lay down my official tak. let
me aay that our relation have been to
me the mot pleaaant, and I will ever
look ba.k to the aorlatlon with you
the happy day of my life.
Way nur aucceaaor ever hve from u
4 wonl of cheer.
t'pon the conrluaton of hi meanace
Mr. Kinney Introduce.) Mayor Frank
Taylor to the council, who took tha char
ter and document turned over to him.
and aaaumed control of the municipal
body. On motion of Mr. Welch, the mea
aaue of the retiring mayor waa ordered
printed for the benefit of the public.
The new mayor then had the roll called
and all member of the 'council were
found In their place. Mayor Taylor then
delivered hi Inaugural addreu and me,
aage to the council, with hi ugge,tl0n.
and recommemlatlon a lo future bula
latlon aa followa:
Aatorta, Ore., January , IS!.
To the Common Council of Aatorta
Gentlemen: Aa w. upon the new
year. It become, my duty to communicate
lo you a general (cttlcmenl of the condi
tion of the city' affair, and to recom
mend th; adoption of aurh meia'ire a
may be d-emed expedient and proper.
Owing lo the fact that our annual meet
ing follow o rloae the expiration of the
tin. al year. It will be lmpoiMlble, In thla
communication toproncnt a full or correct
atatement of the city' affair or to make
recommendation, other than those of a
very genera! nature.
In entering un your labor, you are
met at the threshhold with a financial
condition which I not fluttering, canned
n my Judgment by certain requirement
of the charter, and which can only be
: overcame. If al all. by heroic treatment, j
n rreem ine i lly in auwioi ici 10 m ur
Indebtedness as follow
For water purpose. .fW 00
ror general municipal purpose SH'txnl 00 ,
, . $.Y'.M ! I
The Indebtedness of the city at the j
i rerent time I a fellows: 1
Water bonds, outstanding IM(I) Oil
General Iwnded Indcbtedne of
city l'D.00 M
I'loatlnR Indebtedness (alwut).. Tti.OKI W
1 Mnkltig total Indebtedness of tlTO.ftV)
. Itonds have been Issued and sold to the
; toil limn Oliowe.1 lor waier iurnr..-. j
' and It Is estimated that It will require nil :
i tne money ucriveii inereirom io com
' plcte the water workj now In course of
, construction.
I The bonded and floating Indebtedness of
' tho city ha reached a figure which
leave a margin for the future of but
lAWtUlO until th. full limit of Indebted
ness allowed by law will have been
r ached.
The above Indebtedness bears Interest
' as followa:
J llim.oiio. water bonda, I per cent., t 6. wo On
1 fcvo.omi. water bonda. 6 per cent.. 10,iW 00
IIOU.Q.VI. grneral municipal lionds
per cent S,0i3
IXtHI floutltii; Indebtedness at S
per cent .tS0 00
T. tnl Interest per annum KS.0SS 00
I have been unable to get the exact
rmotinbi of receipt and expenditures of
the city during the past year, exclusive
cf receipts and expenditures in the con
struction, maintenance and operation -vf
Its water system, but they are, I am In.
formed, about as follows:
Receipt from all source Tt
Expenditures M.T .
Excess of expenditures over
receipts KT.I12 93
The excess of expenditures over receipts
Is largely occasioned by the manner pro
vided for payir.ent of Improvements and
repairs to streets. Under the charter,
all Improvements and repairs to street
crossing are made at the expense of the
city, and all street Improvements are, In
the first Instance, made at the expense
of tho city, and may be repaid to the
city by the property owner In ten equal
Installments, the first one to be made
after completion of the work, and when
tha assessment thereon shall h'tva been
completed, and thereafter the remainder
In nine equal yearly installment., with
Interest on deferred payments, at the
rate of eight per cent per annum. The
cost of Improving and repairing street
rrosslngs the past year was $8.67165. be
ing nearly one-half or the total sum re
cf ived by the city from general taxes
for that year, and the amount owing to
rolrlng street crossings durlna; tho past
year, and ine amount owing 10 ine coy
for street Improvement during the same
time, aggregate the sum of t2fi.067.24, or
within IU45.CB of th. exces of expendi
tures over receipts.
Authority Is given to the city to Issce
and sell bonds lo pay for the Improve
nient of streets, under the law a It now
exists, but experience haa demonstrited
that such bonds cannot bo Bold. Herd
buyers will not buy them. You are,
therefore, confronted with the fact that
under existing laws, all street Improve-
- " I
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Sjiiiniih in Havana I'ctl Safe 1'rom
the insurijcnts.
ia tut City Spread (lit Alarai
All Sidcv
Havana, Jun. C-Hpanlih of!lclala aaaert
that thare la no probability of a liKht In
the nt-ar futura tK-twcan the fjpanlah
tro,pa and tha InaurKenla now around
a) Havana. Tha ca-.lalii raneral la eneaoXJ
In brlnxlnif waatward all the troop avail
able, and If thl movement I completed
It I not thouKht than an attack will I
The Iriffuncentft, according to advice
reedveil from the outlyina; dltrlcta of
Havana, are now movltiv watward In
the provln'e of I'lnar del Itio. nlthouch a
numlM-r of them arc tit til In thla vicinity.
At Managua, for instance, al-otit 12 mllea
from hen, the Inaurjgentfl are reported
lo be In force under one of the Nunes
l.(Ka.a ae.1 lU.m .!.. m( Ika. aval -m-
j ','"":.'"" ":.":' JT" ..... Ti.r V.'
, -
I "'nte-ni. U n-pon-t movlra. nartb-i4
from Hiilitd and Aloulzar. Hlnforce.
menta of tha HpaniMi are expected ahort
ly at Itantanabo. They are being- drafted
there from the province of Santiago de
I. title newa Is received In thla city re.
Kardlnic the movement of either the
Kpanlah or Cuban force, the line of
communication twdne; cut In evry d.
rcctlon out of Havana. The InruMon of
panic atrirken people Into the city
aprcada a (enreal fceUn: of alarm. i.ut
nlKht a turpedo waa exploited In from
of the Corona cigar factory In the city.
No one wa hurt, and the remittitur Are
waa extlnKUlah-iI without much damage,
but the Incident ha a simmer look and
la a tangible rxpreaaion of feellnz thit
jhe mom hopeful cltlr.en fenra. .md that
ta an outbreak In the city of the dlaaf
fected element. In care the insurgent
came Into the city.
There ha been a maanlng rf force of
tho troop In the northweat 'irovlnce of
Havana today. Which la Immediately went
and aouthweat of Havana
fuVl diaclaimrr are being uttered by
the authorities that they have any fear
j 'or the welfare of the city It Is pointed
out that the tortlfle.1. nelng
proiei-ici 07 ine eiroiig lorirva. 01 xioro.
and befiur gardeoned by Cubanaa, I'rln.
clie. Alarev Santa Clara and Uelna
troopa. wjth heavy artillery, and by .
voluntecB. with .1 more loyal citizen
In the' city willing to tags up arm.
With there force, at command, the au-
thorltle cxprea the opinion with great
confidence that It would be lmposalbte
for the Inaurgent to capture the city
unleaa they were provided with "dige r
tlllory. The main force of the insurgent
nimy 1 now In the province of Pinar del
Klo. the advance guard being at Paatoral
and at Jaco Aaco. The opinion here la
that the movement of the Insurgent
are directed against the country districts,
and although pieparation have been
made here againat a possible aurprlse,
there I no present fear of attack.
piuction 0f Yellow Metal Thought to
n, 147 Oixl Ka),
Washington. Jan. fi.-The director of
the m,nt nag revlve( approximate esti
mates of the gold and silver product or
.. .... a...... In issa. showing the
loUl fM output to be lM.iiH.inw. and ot
tine ounces of sltver. M.iW,0. The value
of gold and the number of fine iiinoes
of silver produced by the principal gold
and sliver producing states and '.errlto
rles is estimated to be as follows:
Oold. fine ounces
Alaska. V$ l.r.-VK'O
.. 2.'J67,!i) Ic.W.tMt
.. ir..i.',0' i.i.;vi
.. ir,.oixi.xM ;.') tan
.. tTW.cW 4.000.000
. t.JW.T") II. .
.. I.700.ltl SS.'"
.. 1.07rv.'."l 154.700
.. ?.0rt) ".'.'V
.. I.i".li0 8.VJ.0WI
.. SD.rCO 11. WP
Montana ...
New Mexico
The director of the mint Is of the opin
ion that the estimate of the gold pro
duct of Oregon Is Wow) too high, as
well an that of several other states, and
that when the tinal figures are compiled,
the production of gold by the mines of
the United 8'ate will be found to have
been from .V.0tVXHi to JI7.t"."X nnd the
sliver product about tT.oeO.iVO tin ouiues.
Ills Case Has Now Reached a Stage of
Anonymous letters.
San Francisco, Jan. 6.-Thc case ot
Rev. C. O. Brown against Mrs. Davidson,
who Is charged by the minister with ex
tortion, has now reached a stage ot
anonymous letters. Today Davidson's
attorney received an unsigned letter from
Seattle, purporting to lie written by a
person well acquainted with Miss .Mattle
Overman. A detailed account of Miss
Overman's doings In Sound cltls was
contained In the tetter. Today Mrs. Da
vidson stated in an Interview that the
strongest testimony against Dr. Brown
had not yet teen made public, but that
she would tell It on the stand. She says
her forthcoming revelations will leave
Hrown without friend. and force him
out of the ministry The reported pend
ing resignation of Dr. Brown is the sole
topic of conversation among his parish
ioners. His case Is said to eb now
under consideration by the deacons.
Tho fact that Dr. I'.rown con'inues to
harhor Miss Overman under his roof has
caused much unfavorable comment, par
ticularly since the publication of ills
patches about her alleged career in sev
cral Sound cities.
London, Jan. S. Disorders occurred in
the east end of London today, crowing
out of the fact that German and Dutch
sailors about the docks were hissed.
Windows of shops kept by German Jews
were broken, and several German club
were closed.
Washington. Jan. 6 Up to the time
of closing the department . today, treas
ury officials had received only a few
telegrams concerning the new loan, and
they were not of a character to Indicate
how the announcement waa received
hrouKhout the country. Althouuh the
ureal, t,n wan eonstpnlned to make this
popuir loan as far as possible by sollc-
li.inj individual subscriptions. It is ill-
dc. I soon that neither he nor Mr. Carlisle
.lor. any reliance In ita aupport txcapt
throuajh the aid of tha ayndlral. not
hacaua. of any lack of conllilenee, tut for
th. raun that tha (told of tha country
la vary largely In lh hand of bankara,
who are unwUllna to part with It rxcapi
to thHr own mataruU advantoara, and
paclally at thl time, when It la at a
Washington. Jan. . The senata com
mittee on public land today decided to
report favorably all nomination, before
It, except where' non-reaidenu had been
sent to another tat or territory. It
wa announced a the policy of th com
mittee that no nomination of persona
outalde state and territories the
office to which they were appointed were
located would be reported favorably. The
committee decided to report favorably
the bill granting to each of the date of
California, Oregon, Washington, Monta
na, Idaho, Nevada, Wypmlng, Colorado,
and South Dakota, twenty-five per tent
of all monleys paid lo the United State
by each of the state for mineral lands
fr.r the maintenance of a school of mine
in each of said dates.
Spokane. Jan. (.A special to the
Rpckesman-Revlew from Rockford fays:
Mrs. Frank Denleon was probably fa
tally shot by her husband laat evening
about o'clock. There had oeen trouble
between tho two for a number of month
on account of Mr. Denlson's refusal to
live with him and of hi Jealousy of Pat
Mickey, whom ho ha repeatedly threat
ened to kill, unless his wife left and re
turned to him. His victim was trying to
escape when ahot, receiving both shots
In the back. Denlson 1 In Jail and says
the only thing he Is sorry for I that he
did not kill both his wife and Hlckey.
Interesting Items Culled From Oregon's
Leading Newspapers.
The new hotel at Bandon is nearly com
pleted. There are sixty-four pupils now en
rolled In the state school for deaf mutes
In Salem.
Gold Beach Is to have a new hotel.
The Masonic building will be reconstruct
ed for that purpose.
A schoolhouse has Just bene completed
at Port Orford with funds raised ty
popular subscription.
The Presbyterians of Medford are re
ceiving bids for the erection of a new
church edifice in that town.
The rainstorm of last Wednesday week
and the following Thursday was particu
larly heavy at Oregon City.
The recent storm played havoc with
the telegraph and telephone line between
Crescent City and the copper mines.
The school beard at Pendleton has
mode a reduction of nearly 25 per cent in
the pay of teachers in the public schools.
The assessment roll of Umatilla county.
Just completed, shows a gross valuation
of J7.4Tl.iI5. The number of polls is
The total area of Malheur county Is
6,277.4(0 acres. The population ot the
county is 2.6SS, one person to every four
square miles.
Lloyd Montgomery, the triple murderer
a ho is to stretch hemp January list, is
having a gay time. Hts occuiiation is
lying, fiddling, dancing and singing.
The census enumeration of l&S. com
pared with that of 1895, shows a produc
tion of wheat in Oregon ten years ago
to tie 8.933.718 bushels, and this year to be
9,019,192 bushels.
A miners' convention has been called
for the early part of January, for th
purpose of organising a miners' associa
tion for Southern Oregon. It will be
held in Grant's Pass.
James Wood, who arrived at The Dalles
from Harney county, Christmas with a
car load of beef, spy that there is a
foot of snow In Harney county, but that
stockmen are well supplied with feed.
The stock Inspector of Umatilla county
reports that there are about 240.000 sheep
In the county, and. contrary to recent
reports, are In good, condition tor the
winter. The stockmen are better pre
pared this winter than last.
The Albany Democrat says: "The
gov- rnment Is going to raise the price ot
woolen goods In order to create more
rtvenue for the government. Now why
wouldn't it be a good idea to cut down
the salaries of officials and chop off a
lot of red tape In order to make the
expenses less. The truth Is the revenue
is all any such people as ours ought to
raise. The expense account la twice tor
A guarantee of purity In cookery Is the
use cf Dr. Price's wieam Baking Powder.
'Thou shalt not die for lack of a dln-ntr."-All
s Well that Ends Well.
Cercallne, with Cream.
Fried Cod Steaks, Maltro d'hotel Sauce.
Potato Balls, Parsley Butter.
Thin Slices of Cold Roast Beef.
Graham Gems.
Broiled Smelts.
Frlrsled Beef, with Egg".
Sally Lunn.
Small Oysters.
Brown Gravy Soup.
Celery. Caviare Sandwiches.
Oysters in Little Cases.
Fricassee of Cold Roast Beef.
Escalloped Oysters,
Kidneys, with Mushrooms.
Roast Chicken.
Chicory Salad.
8ponge Batter Pudding.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report
Li Vv C
toited States Kill Close Out Germai
Insorance Companies.
tstericai Cosipaaic fljrasMd Bcfcusc Tkcjr
Were Tkraitiag Local Cersiai Coaj
paiics to tke Vail.
Berlin. Jan. 1 Official Information from
Washington haa been received in Berlin
that the United States government will
close out sll German Insurance compa
nies doing business in the United States
unless Prueaia rescinds her measures
against American Insurance companies
preventing them from doing bualnaa
The difficulty referred to In tha forego,
ing dispatch originated last year when
the New York Life, the Equitable and
the Mutual Life Insurance Companies re
ceived a formal notification from the
Prussian government demanding an Im
mense amount of statistical Information.
Moreover, the Prussian government de-
rlred to have the system of bookkeeping
altered to suit It convenience, so that
the companies had either to adopt Prus
sian forms for their head office work in
this country, or of Incurring the expanse
of re-tabulating the matter In a fashion
satisfactory to the Prussian official.
The Equitable, rather than submit to
these conditions, returned Its concession
to the Prussian government. The Mutual
Life and the New York Lire endeavored
to meet the demands made of thcui. but
fresh difficulties arose and, their conces
sions were cancelled during the past few
months. The Impression prevails that
the true reason why the American com
panics were harassed In this way waa
because their enterprise was thrusting
the local German companies to the wall.
Small Banks Throughout the Country
Eager to Subscribe.
New York, Jax t The World tomor
row will say:
In response to Inquiry sent out Sunday
night by the World, the national banks
of smaller cities and towns of the coun
try, witiifn ten hours yesterday, pledged
themselves to take over il5,000,u00 of gov
ernment bonds upon a t per cent basis.
These were hard and fast offers, specify
ing the amounts to be taken. In addi
tion hundreds of banks declared their
willingness, and Indeed, eagerness to sub.
scribe, but for various reasons were un
able to name any particular amount It
cannot be doubted that these banks rep
resent at least another t!5.ju9.;. Am the
answers were made In reply to a query
aa to what the banks would Invest In
bonds on a S per cent basis. This means
practically the payment of about 111 or
about 118 fur the bonds proposed In Sec
retary Carlisle's calL
. Cleveland. Jan: . -General M. O. Leg.
gett died this evening of apoplexy, aged
He became aide on Gen. Grant's staff
at Fort Donelson, and waa brevetted
major-general for gallantry at Corinth,
and major-general at the capture ot
Vtcksburg. He was commissioner ot pat
ents under President Grant.
Omaha. Jan. I The report ot the ex
perts submitted to the city council to
night shows that the entire defalcation of
ex-City Treasurer Henry Bollin amounts
to more than 1115,001).
(Tacpma Ledger.)
Mr. Lincoln j. Carter, the gentleman
who writes plays, likes action. He haa
stocked his latest play. "The Defaulter."
with action enough for seven ordinary
productions. Last night "The Defaulter".,
was given by a capable company at the
Tacoma Theatre. The production ran
smoothly enough up tj the last act. when
the "thrilling leap for life" on horseback
across a rocky gorge took place. The
"mechanical effect," which comprised the
"leap" was made of canvas and showed
a disposition to curve up In the mid lie s
if the backbone of the noble animal it
represented was severly fractured. A
note In the program says the "effeot"
was Invented by the author. It last
night's audience had thought the stage
carpenter was solely respuiiai'uie, tiicre
might have been trouble.
The play on the whole is a strong
one and Is most excellently presented.
Miss Mamie Earle sustained the difficult
role of Mllllcent Helm in a most artistic,
manner: Miss Ella V. Brown was a sweet
and charming Julie, and the principal
roles of Rev. Christie Bailey, 8lr Gordon
Browne, Robert Helm and Stephen Crad
dock, were well handled by Messrs. Cha.
E. Bunnell, L. O. Hart. Harry A. Ellis
and Nell Scully. The latetr doubled In
a small comedy part and made a hit.
Charles Horn furnished most of the corn
ell y for the play.
At 1 o'lock yesterday Miss Liziie Mc
Lean, a well known and popular young
lady, died at her home, rather suddenly,
much to the grief of hosts of relatives
and friends. On Christmas day she
was taken down with an ailment which
was not thoroughly understood at the
time. Growing worse a day or two later.
Dr. J. A. Fulton was called, who did all
in his power to relieve her suffering,
but yesterday a hemorrhage of 'he bow.
els set In. with fatal result. The young
girl was loved by all who know her for
her sweet and charming ways and all
mourn her loss. Llxzle McLean was 15
years of age and the daughter of the late
A. McLean, well and favorably known In
Clatsop county. Her death has com
pletely prostrated the brother, Archie,
who was much attache dto his slater.
Is Mr. Clevrlun I sure that his message
may not oe declared unconstlttiiloiinl '.y
ControMer Bonier'" r't. lMut Republic.