The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 05, 1896, Image 3

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i ' f " V7 n '" ' ""V--" -v Z-JL.t?Z.Z ,- - -f ' ""'
to) l
for infante and Children.
Mia efjwtna jwraali a 4a speak f It without Rnea.lnq,
Il I aaosieetliMianlr tUsJt ramadj; forJnfanL and Children
Ilk rl4 ha sear known. II U Wtnla.. C1.ll.! rea Ilk It, It
Whmlta.It will laT blpjlr..j(n It JMnlbcr I...
saiU's sMadlnUa,
Ca.torta 4tTay XCersna,
Caalorta y rvata vomiting Soar Car J.
Cutarta arMDlarrhfM endVWndColla,
CaatarU rlUvTat king JTMajblaa,
CtatorU larM Oaactlpatina and Flatalaaey,
Ceterta trallatlis affect, of rarkoalo anld ga nr jinlannmi. air,
Caalaria 4aaa aoteoataln morphine, otai aai-nMlnjirojtirty.
OaataraaaiMllata tfaa food, refjnlate. the. tiurh and LoweJ,
I'." '"I ' aataral
Caat.ri la pat ap iigmlw bottle, only. It I nat !t In rinlk.
Pi.!. na aaa ta II yan anything Ua oa tb pl nr proaiLe
laal It t jnt aa good " aailjwill war nvary jir.rj.oaa."
I tkat y. fal( A T - O -
t.. frtti.
oltat,r of C5f7J ?XvtC
Children Cry for
8uilin , tlutcs to mid I'mm Tillamook ami Nchaleiii tlcpoml
on tin wt'iithcr. For freight ami passenger
rates apply to
0. K & N. CO..
After (Deals!
Or lit liny iitlirr timo
when Jim ai-h n i!i'l
fiijHr n.k fur ilia w rl I
kiinwn, liimia-miiilo,
luiiiil nm.l, wbite labor
:JC " ciitHr-
"Lu Ilelle AHtorln."
Oonorxled by all tnokt-r
to ba tbu beet oljjiir
71 N'n'l? Street,
Astoria. Orgnn.
Aa Franklin aayi, good dress opens
all door, you ahuuld nut lone alKt of
tha faot that a perfect fit tin- ault la
tha main feature. Wanamaker &
Jlrown ar noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of qualities. Their rep
rvaontatlva vlalta Aatorla every three
mnntha. Oltlra It lkum liulldlng,
IHirtland, Or Itearrv ordora til! ymi
hava aaen tha aprtnr Una nf aanil.'a.
la there a man with ticart 10 oo!d.
That from hi family would withhold
The comfort whloft they all could find
In artlulea of FURNITURE of th
rlyht kind.
And tra would aurceat at thla aeaaon,
in..- tldihonrd, lxtmlon Table, or e
nf I'lntn- Chair. We have the lanrea
and llneat Una evar ahown In the city
nd ut prlre.i that cannot fall to pleaa
t" rliHieat buyers.
-5 saW .1
R - I - A
Pitcher's Cnctorla.
Open For
Special Charter.
Asena. Portland.
I tlucttmiiltlm.
HpecUl attention paid lo tnnihoat re
pnirliur, tliat-iiHs. htime.hoelng. etc
197 Olnry street, between Third and
and Fourth aatorla. Or
: first Class Fanerals :
POHli'S Undertakipg Parlors,
Rate, RtaionaM.. Eabalnlnt t SaKliltv
Gentlemen: I hd oocalon to aa
aeveral tmxe of Krauae'a Headaohe
Capaulea while trnvallns; to Chicago to
attend the National Itemoeratk) Con
ventlorrr' They acted like a charm In
prevent Inn hoaoarhc and dtailnaoa.
Have had very little headaehe alnoa
my return, which la remarkable.
Tonra reapaotfullw;
Ed. It. novo (Pa.) Reoord.
For aale by Chaa. Rosara, AitorU,
Or., aole acent
lll l If BM-anlaarwa for Ooaorrhtta.
(Jlnt. Bparnatarrbwa,
Wliipi. un.alaral du-
I rliarffw., nr anv lnl)i.aiiiA
lion, irrllKlluil r ult-urt.
Ctixi r In II r (Ml II lll'ilTI-
JlltEMIlOlltU'Cltri.. traaw. Ni.n-.lihiut.
" iir a.-n.
V I'irciilul
'.I'.iiv a.'til In nllti .mbw
IIUMH, pii'i;ill,
nr 1 IhiIH.ii.. )(S.
ilur will un rt'ijuimt.
l'-J Outrun fcacl W
haI la tfleinn.
a7 -Hi 'rvraeta tuniaiioa.
fflarlne Matters, (lore, There and
Aix.ihr-r hiiivy Kiiln alunic tli'i I'uaal.
'I'lin l.i ml anil hull Juan Will (to olllal'la
I'Mll'ill UW
I'hn All... Ilium hiu. I a III hav. "Ml
P. in l iiiiil. .. ii ihl. in irnin.f.
Tlio ii. w i.ilui at li.Hiiirr Jnmle onKlit In
ImhIi hue mi Tu.-n.lny or W'ailim.lny.
Tin. n ..w,n.-r l'ilila nu laki-n up th
ih.i in l'..nluii.l in nl.iy aiiirnum.
Tii Itrlllnli Link Anuilr.'o"ffl up fur
I'm Hun. I yi.Ktr'Iny inoiiilna In tew of
Hi" Mimiiiht It. I(. Tlnimpnin.
Th. atratner Cotumlila with 71 Inn
i.f frrlvlii ami TJl puaaniaTa kft out for
M.iii rialii lw ii yratrriluy in'rlllll.
A" ai"ii aa I ho prcariil uln I ov-r the
1t.-Jl.-r aill makn another attempt to grt
tin- I.-Miiuft aliln HnllMH'k oul of Hhoul-
m.. liny ami hrlii lr arouii'1 lo ll'i
il. r.
Tim HhMIiihimi IrmlT Mnntanlta afi'T
an nl... in n of a Hue wrrka, ami a roiurh
iH-rli-iiri al fnoa liny. rroa'J Into
Ih.i rlvi-r ycnlir.lay al noon Hha H
l.ur l.i.iin.1 al Kmpirr, t'lty for nine ilaya.
The llilllh ti.rk fa.Iow Foreat, rp-
lulu Mrliinia, l"l tuna, arrlvr 1 In mat
ii Ik til W day. fr.nn Callao In
Mh la roiriKinl to th" I'orllanil Flour
Iiik MUM. ami lll l.-vn up the rlv.r
tnlnni rt.w.
A I I'oi-t Tim im. iiil Wriln.-a.lay 'epluln
ll.rlH-ri l!.-.-.-h.-r. a eon of llniry Ward
li.-r.-h.-r. In uil-iiinliiu to ri" a aiinkin
Hilling a. In. .n. r. ran Ilia airam.-r Wild-
aiMid, uf lil. h lie wa In l onimaml.
a.lii.n- The report alai.-. the alainer
will ii.. I U iiamax-1.
Tim urrhal of tha Iura Ma-larn In
Han l-'rain laio ralae.1 a Kreal l'il from
ihr hi.uidi r. of h-r ownrra. . he wa.
mil It day. and f-ar for hrr Mfny
k.-io riiL-rialnwl Tho loaa of her main rauar.1 the .Irlay. Thero aa not a
I ar rh.-.-t atHrl and tho a. hoonrr had
l.i do li.-r Im-i iindrr ehortenwl aoll.
Tin- N. w nnhliut fluh ha
nr.l.-rrd fioin Hie Calrilmla halrhrry
I........I niiinkallonxe fry for the Nlanara
iH.r. Jim. mi y.-ilnw pike and in,"i
aMiefiait. to Im. nlinliil at Wllwin. In
Mk imtarlu. and l..iM lake for
i Hi-nil. Ijiku imiurlo In March the
r 1 u Ii Kill l.lnnl l.l"".il M l' k la lit
,-..ii,.:iny with H.iMi.mi hna Ih-ii In
iiH.rati-d !n N-w Ji-ray lo conalriu-l
and oprjic a anliinarliie .ahle from Han
l I.... lo Honolulu, and with other
iiiiiiiii-lli.ii AUrain H. IHwitl laka !.!
i.f I lie .i...l aliari-a. while 1 O. Mill. U
M lualiie. Z. H Hpauldlnu. F. !. (Irani.
aar Har.iync and olhcr well known
nu n ill-. i are In It.
The r....nli-llltt-n.-.T a atlll talking
ill.. hi thai "rnorniou" tW'a .unco and
a;ia, "NuihliiK ciiild have l-en more
fi.t I uiiuln fur the young enterprise cf the
I'lik'et Humid and Central
Hti-4inaii Company than Ihe cnit-avor ol
tin. raellle Mnll Company to raiae the
(reiuhl rule, lo Central American port..
II will havn the effect of calling attention
to tha uriiflil vnyaga nf the Tranalt from
Una port and her Immrnne cargo."
The IPtle al. amer Iteyna llnrrloa will
n im her trial Irlp on Ine hay tieiay, ay
Hi.. Kmimln.r. Hhe la nanv-d after the
wile of the prc.ldcnt of the lletuildlc of
I tiialeuinla. and will Ih. uim.1 In towing
I tie rofTeo harge to :tnd from the tram
cta ut Hun Joae de Hha waa
l.ulll nl Ihe I'oluro 1y t.rurit- Knmaa.
ui.d Inr michlnery wa. rouatrurtrd hy
ihe Kuna Mnchlue Company. If the
II. yna linrrlo. I. a auc-t-a. other hoat
.in Ihe an tin- model will lie luillt for other
A i'clal lo the Ledger from Tort
Tounaend anya: 'Another aouthweal
ainrm of much violence prevailed In the
Hir.un y.wrerday. Two veax-la, ihe
n hnoni-r. Mteor ami lledllcld, after
ii.uiiiiiM Cape Flattery, were forced to
return heie fur ah.'ller. Four aloop. anil
a amall-alted achooner moored to the
whar.ea found. tI. Venael. from oul
ai.le r.'torl lri;e tiiitntllle.t of freah lum
per aniuhweai of Cape Flattery, which
la HiiiijHiai-.l lo have hwn Ihe deck loud
of .nine outward Pound ve..l."
A hurricane of much violence prevailed
nl Ht. I'lerie. Mlipielon, llerein'M-r 11
Heverul ahlp were rei ki. I. the follow-
uut iH'ing driven naiior..: rench al.a
ahlp 1'iiiiyer-yiieriler. achooner MuIh'I II.
Iienneit dir. ton.), of Cloiic.-.ter; achoon
er n. tile i. i.iiinelt I'.w tona), nf liluu
cater; achooner 8 I. (!. ton.)
or (lloticeater: achooner Jennie Hevern
iluT nuiai, of (ilouceiler. All the veaari
ilrlvtn on Nore aro u total loaa. The
Cluuceeter ai'luMinera were vuhn-.l at
ii. mid were Inaiired. The eaaeU were
niiioim lli Hn-Kt .nlllng from thla port.
The rrewa were nil an veil-Ho." I on Tllol
Police Judge Low. say tho Chronicle,
yesterday dismissed tin. chargo ngalnsl
A. Paladi I. arreted some time r.go for
el'o.utiR iroul ror an In out of season.
This Is the iu'-e hrjiiKth by the tlsl,
comnilsslonera In im endeavor to have a
Judicial determination of the steelhend
salmon trout question. Judge 1,ow said,
In illsi-hnrglni: Pulndlnl, thut he had rem'
ull the lu.thuiltles submittal lo him, ami
as the line vim o close he could not
determine the qu -stlnn, "I nm neither
it Nohinmn. an ln.tuk Walton nor a lhivld
Htarr Jordan." said the Judg. "and ns
my opinion would have no weight, when
experts cannot agree. I onler Ihe mis-
oner discharged."
The 1'nlted 8tnte torpedo Ivoat Cush
Iiik, which looks In tho water like a tight
ly rolled clgur, la making a trip through
Inland waters frjm Itrooklyn to Wash
ington, by w.iy of tho ltarilnn and the
Clieaniieiike anil Delaware canals. The
Cushli.g Is I3N feet long, wllh a draught
ol S tc-t, and her euulnment Is three
Whitehead lorpedoea, three rapl.l-flra 1
ponnders, and a crw of twenty men and
three others. Her beat speed Is 24Uj
knots, uml usual speed u knots. The
nMllty of audi powerful engine of at
tack or dorunse to reach New York.
Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Washington
without going to wi la an advantage ol
great. Importance,
The harkentlno Marlon and the actioon
or Laura Mn.lsen. both from p or! Itlulre-
ley. had a rough tlmo of It coming; down
tno const, un December IX In latitude
45 03 north, longitude L'l 41 wear the
Mii'lon waa caught In Ihe Rule that hns
ilono o much OumnKi. on I ho Coaat. The
galo was a heavy one from the wrt-
soiithwest nml the barkcntlne Inborcil
heavily. Her enm opened and the
water began to pour In. The deck load
wa Jettisoned, and this somewhat re
lieved the vessel. Captain Andrew took
heart and Anally worked his vessel to
the Far.illones. Thero tho tug Alert
offered to luw him In, but ho refused,
saying, "If I have got till far without
assistance, I will go tho rest. The
Marlon anchored In MUsion hay, and
after her cargo 1 discharged she will
be docked for repairs. Call.
There was great excitement at the Port
orchard dry tlo.-k yesterday, says tTie P.-
ovrr the striking of a largo How of
w.iter a n depth of 5i) feet In the ur-
tialim well hcliiK sunk for the fresh
tvnler supply of the station. Vhe ex
citement was nit only caused by Ihe
lianilanme flow of water, hut l.y Ilia ann.
1-iH.K of llj" v-nliil", II la Ina Hie flral
How i-vi'r ohlaiu'd on thul l1 ttt ihe
Found. Tha contnetor will proliahlr o
ten fo-nt deeiwr and mop. A .m-lm h pip.
wn aiink 'i fi"! ii'id to' woik of Ji-I
I Inn ilowii llironvll Hi" liur. Iiili nah-n
luiiiiii ii ml .nit In ii.l uiilil Ihe llnw wn
rtni lii-d. II la en.i lrd Unit the -i.t
will he murky for n few ilnya, hm will
ttruiliinlly Ikciiiiii ili'.ir uml wl'l f urolith
a linn anpply of fr.-ah wiit-r Ilia woik
of ilri'iluliiK out tho I'liaiiiii'l l.-uilliiff to
to the dock I proare.alnw rnplilly, and II
I enprdi'd wllhln thirty .lav to com
plete a 2"-fot channel and rtllnw a vra
a to he diH'kr.1. The dr '.lacr ci mpnny
I im-cllriK wllh good luck, having nirock
a ii-iin of oft muterliil whl'h can h
acooiied out wllh great rapldHy. Th
mud that gathered In Ihe KM a ivnt from
the hri-nkliig of the rorfcrdiini Mime lima
Kn la prnrilcally all out and a dlirr wilt
Ihi a.-nl down Ihe coiiilnif 'rw-li In flnlHh
It. Wink on tin. conitnHriilatif'ii real,
deuce and Ihe ollur luillitliig ha. Iw.-n d fur veml day. 'on'r.ii'tor
Indorff Itna ank-d for an xlroalun of
llmo In ahu ll to llnl.h Ihe liulldiriva and
l:u. iiaH iiii . work on that an mini.
Iloaton Herald.
On th. 9)1 h of Augu.t luai, aa a par.y
uf hu.lneaaiiien of I'awtii'k-t. II. I , w.
enjoying a day of flahlng on l-ong laluml
rloiiud, lha Idea wa. hroached to tluow
over a lit He anil how long It would
he hrfnre tha hotilo waa foun J on uliore.
ami how long before tho party would
hear from II. Ho a note was wrl t-n aak-
ng the finder of Ilia hol'le lo forward tha
note Id the addrea of one of l ha party
In Ihl. iiy a anon a. It waa fount, and
a. a Utile Incentive to the Under to lak
thla troiilde and the eiiH iiae of mailing.
lime wa. placed In Ihe Polite wllh the
note. Then the bottle wa lightly
corked and thrown Into' the sound bay
before yr.terlay morning Ihe man ulue
address was on Die Hole rwelved a lelier
from Jnnie. Hnilth, Hh.ilir Island, l. ..
containing tho bottled note, and mating
that tha IkjIU wu. pick il up by him
on tha ih In.t, on the south shore of
Hli.lliin laluml Juat Ihn-o moiillis lo a
day from th.. llmo II was thrown over
board. ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all la leavening
Strength. V. t. Oevramnt Report
N. V. Her4ld.
Il Is rather Iniereatlng lo know that
very nearly foriy-nv. million ieotde
paaaed over Ihe llrooklvn In I. lire during
the year ending wllh Ihe nrat of Ihla
month. I wouldn't for the world d-tract
from Ihe glory of Itrooklvn.fur everylKaly
know, that II Is one of the Iw-at place, i n
Ihe planet lo slop In. It hasn't enactly
Ihe quietude, of I'hlladelphla, where a
man'a sltimla-ra aro never dl.turhe I,
neither In a t ihe bustle and noise which
r. ii.l the air of New York night and day
As a scml-c.irntry suburb of th.' tniroiM
lla. i iK-i uplea ii n Iminirtnnt (hteltlon. Hy
and by. when the Orcater New Votk
rom.-a Into eilatence. Il will lie riulte a
valuable serll n of the city. Hut every
year forty-live millions have lo come over
here In onb r lo mitke life endurable.
IivWItl'. Utile Karly Misera for Mlloua
nees. Indigestion, vaiatllratlon. A small
III. a prompt cur. Cha. Koger.
Miss Alice Fletcher, who has de
vote.! years to the study of Ihe customs
of the Indians of the Norlhweri, ha
been rl.-ctcd one of the sectional vice
president, of the American Association
for the Ad ancement of Science. The
honors of Miss Fletcher are the first of
the sort extended lo a woman l.y Ihe
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
The Prince of Naples, heir to the
throne of Italy, Is a dark-eyed, slim,
fragllc-louklnk youth of IV Ho wears a
ingle eyeglass and drrsse after the
latest lair.don fashion. He Is an ac
complished linguist, and liecause of his
extraordinary retentive memory is looked
u)Mjn as a royal encyi-loeilla.
KARL'S CfcOVER ROOT will purlff
your blood, clear your complexion, rrg
ulate your Kowela. and make your heaa
clear aa a bell, u eta,, M eta., and 11.00.
Bold by j. w. conn.
Mine. Ivschamps, who clulmisl to have
Invented Ihe preparation of chopped
vegetable called Julienne oup, ho
lately died In I'uris at the ago of tl. She
waa the oldest of the Paris market
women, and rvmenilcrcl the entrance of
of Ihe troops after the battle of
Coughing lirltatee tne delicate organ
and aggravate the disease. Instead of
walling, try On Minute Cough Cur. It
h-ipa at once, making expectoration easy.
leiluee th aoarness and Inflammation.
Every one llkea It. Cha. Koger.
Mr. 1. A. Hula shared the opinion of
Hir Walter Scott, who said that he did
not care a curse about what he had writ
ten. In regard to this there Is a char
acteristic slory told of him. He had
supplied an editor with an article, and
Ihe editor asked him whether he would
object to a few alterations being made
In It. Mr. Hnla wrote In reply: "I
have fulilled my contract In delivering
to you the required weight of raw meat.
How you cook It, whether you roast It.
or boll It, or hash It, or mlnco It, I
neither care nor want to know." Lon
don Truth.
. One Mlrute Cough Cure la a popular
. i medy for croup. Safe tor children and
ailulis, Cha. Koger.
The Philadelphia Times asserts that at
in lime in tho history of the republic
b-ve their been so few ex-pre.sldvnts, ex-vl-
e-presldents and defeated candidates
for president and vice-president surviv
ing as there are. today. There Is only
one living ex-presldent. Mr. Harrison;
there Is only one living es-vk-e president,
Mr. Morton; and then. Is nit a Hingle de
feated candidate for president excepting
Harrison and Cleveland, and the only
living defeated candidate for vh-e-presi-dent
Is Whltchiw ltd I. Ther- are only
two living widows of president- Mrs.
Orant and Mis. Onrlleld.
Frever Cared.
Four out of Ave who
after nervousness,
mental worry, attacks
of "the bine." are but
paying the penalty of
early urease. Vic
tim, reclaim your
manhood, regain your
vigor. Don't despair. Hend for book with
explanation and proof. Mailed (eealed) free,
Are You Going East?
If bo, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon,
general agent of the "Burlington
Houte." 350 Washington at, Portland.
He will maU yon free of charge, map,
time table, and advlae you aa to the
through ratee to any point, reserve
Bleeping car accommodation for you,
and furnlah you with through ticket
via either the Northern. Union. South
ern. Cnnadlan Pacific, and Great North
ern railroads at the very lowest rati:
The UurllnRton Route Is generally
onoeded to be the finest equipped rail
road In the world for all classes uf
A ll'Kih FOP, yof.Vi) 1KS,
An linin.saiirahln amoiint nf .offering
aim injury I jn human rm-e, Is due lo
irni.r.iio vioiaiion or phyio'nurirai
laws l,y . vnulli nl imt Iiiii.I, Kulnoiis
priu urn lii-liilin .1 in, ihromh lrm,r-
siiin or die IrietiinhPi Inpiry lo consil
liiiloii and li.alih which aor-'l foll-,ws.
My every young man, tlm divine Injunc
llun, "Know Ibymlf," slumld l-e will
heeded. To sl.i m-h In in-pPrinr a
knowledga of tli.-me ;es nml if how lo
preserve health, and to shun those
ami most iletr.,. praeil'ea, to
which so many fall vlcilma, a. , an
r'lalm and point out Hi-, means if r llet
anil euro to any wh'i may ur.wililngiy
hitva vlolaled Nature's laws, ml ale al-
r-nny sunering III. Hire .'one,ient
a.-ie.i.-m,nn m rneoif-ru enrerneii hava
caufiPly prepared a lllile w,k whlc'i Is
r'-pirie wini iiaefui InP.r.n HI m !.i vry
.o.i! num. ii will he -out lo nnv nd
iiresa, aeeur'ly sailed from olervntlin
In a flu I ri rnvne. i.y he v. orld'a uia.
herniary Mnllcal Asa.e UMo-i. ..f HZ Xl.-nn
eiiee.. iiiinui'i. N. y , on ri.c ,f
runs in stamps r.,r ooslinr. i if .,l,,.-.i
Willi lliln
i roiuie passed so"en ynira In collecilna
materials lor anil 111 (r l ni 1,1. "Ill.inr.
of England " He Wl. verv esrful In
in. s.-i ii uon or lia. and soent whni
nays in the effort lo verify a single fact
or riiatlori.
OUt) I'BOf'LK.
Old paopl who require medicine to re
ulat the bowel and kldneya will find
th true remedy In Klectrlc Ulttere. ThU)
meiUclne doe not etlmulaie and contain
no whisky nor other Intoxicant, but act
a a tonlo and altaruatlva. It acta mild
ly on tha tom;ta and b !, addJnc
trenfth and flvlntr ton to th organ,
IherMoy ldiii nature :n the perrormabce
of lha function. Electric Hitter I an
u'ekent aiHtler and add dlfedlon.
old p';)U flml It juat exactly what they
need. I'rlo. Ut cent per bottle at Cha.
Hoger" Drue Store
According lo ihe computation of the
Ituaalnn rhronologMs, Ihe creation look
pl'icc If. ioej.
KIIIMill'H crUK la sold on a guaran
tee. It cure Incipient consumption. Jt
1. tho best Cough Cure. Only one cent a
dose. 2f cents. I cents, and 11.(0. For sale
by J. W. Conn.
Mr. (llailatoi ' voice show no signs
of age. If Ihe listener but shut his
eyes when Ihe old nvtn Is talking, he
feels that he Is being iddeeseeil by a
ran In Ihe prime of life.
Wife Here's an acojnt of a man who
hot himself rather than . offer th pang
of Indigestion. Husband The fool! Why
didn't he tnke L'eWltt'a Little Karly Ris
ers? I used to suffer a. bad aa be did
be for. I commenced taking these little
pills. Chaa. Kogera.
Kver rr.emb.-r of M. HourKcols' rani
mi escepi M. llerlh-lol. uccording lo Ihe
Tablet, Is a Free Mason, and jn Figaro
singles out II Iterihilot 3. the most
prominent Fri- M.ison of them all.
If suffering with plies, it will Interest
you to know that DeWltt'a Witch Hazel
Balva will cure them. Thla medicine 1
a specific 1'or all complaints of this char
acter, and If Instruction (which are sim
ple) are carried out, a cure will result.
We hava tested this In numerous case,
and alway with like results. It never
falls. Chaa. nosers.
Mrs. KllmU-lh Anderson, widow of
Oi ru ral Anderson of Fori gumt.-r fame,
has th- Hug which her planted
over that fortification locked In a fire
proof vault In her house in Washington.
Hhe expects eventually to pr.'sent It to
the government.
Or. Price's Cream Kakinj: Powder
Contains oo A Samoa la or Alugs.
Thomas Hallcy Aldrkh and Mrs. Aid
rich will start about January 1 on a
varhllm: crume to the West Indi?s with
a party of friends, inch. .ling Mrs. James
F. Fields and Miss Surah Orne Jewctt
They will be gone several months
One Minute Cough Cur la r'ghtly nam
ed. It affords Instant relief trom suffer
Irg when afflicted with a severe cough or
cold. It act on the throat, bronchial
tubes, and lungs and never falls to give
Immediate relief. Cha. Roger.
Hambleton P. Wilson, wh.we apolnt
ment as postmaster at Altoona is that
of the tlrsl Democrat who has ever held
Ihe office there. Is a young man of 35
years and a leading business man cf that
city and dealer In real estat?.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castona
It Is sold that Von Moltke was ' silent
In seven languages." Itefore the epen-
Ing of a striking campaign he was walk
nlg the streets with head depressed,
when some busybody approach, d him,
determined to extort from him a word
In regnrd to the campaign. "How are
matters coming on. ;encr.ilT" he asked.
"Well." said the general, "my cabbages
are coming on pretty well, but my po
tatocs want rain!"
the doctors
approve of Scott's
Emulsion. For whom? For
men and women who are weak,
when they should be strong ;
for babies and children who
are thin, when they should be
fat ; for all who get no nourish
ment from their food. Poor
blood is starved blood. Con
sumption and Scrofula never
come without this starvation.
Aud nothing is better for
starved blood than cod-liver
oil. Scott's Emulsion is
cod-liver oil with the fish-fat
taste taken out.
Two U(, 50 cent tad 1 1 .00
Coaconly St, foot of Jackson, Astoria.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Land and Marin Engines. Boiler work, Stean
boat and Cannery Work Specialty.
Catting of All Dtscriptloni M.J to Order oo
Short Node.
John Fox. President and Superintendent
A. L. Fox Vice PrcslJ-ni
O. B. Prael Secern r
How M-Jk Fortune
$100 for fcvery $10.00 invostnl
Can be made by our new
$10.00 and more made dally on e.nall In
veitxnents, by many persons who live
away from Chicago.
All we ask Is lo Investigate our new
and original methods. Past vorklntrs of
plan and highest references furntahed.
Our Ilooklet, "Point and Hm!s," how to
mke money even when on the wrong
-. !e of the market aJi-J other Information
e..! FKUIC
::imore.& Co.. Ranker and Brokers.
Open Hoard of Trade Bldg., Chicago, HI.
I I87J 184
' Fisher
I Brothers,
A Specialty.
Ship Chandelery,
Iron A Si-1,
Groceries A Provisions,
Flour A Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Doors A Windows,
Agricultural Implements
Wagons A Vehicles.
E. flcNEIL, Receiver.
Gives Choice
Jmo Transcontinental
St. Paul.
Omaha or
St. Paul.
Pullman and Tourit Sleep
Free Reclining Chilrs Car.
Astoria to San Francisco.
Columbia. Thursday, Dec 6.
State of California, Tuesday, Dec. 10.
Columbia, Sunday, Dec 15.
State, Friday, Dec. 30.
Columbia. Wednesday, Dec 25.
State, Monday, Dec 30.
Columbia, Saturday, Jan. 4.
Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
The T. J. Potter will leave Astoria at
T p. m. daily, except Sundiy; leave Port
land at 1 a. m. dally, except Sunday.
The 8tearoer Lurtina will )ee.Te Astoria
at a. m. dally, except Sunday; leave
Portland at I p. m. dally, except Satur
day. For rates and general information cap
on or address
Oen. Pas. Act. Portland. Or.
Are You Going East?
Be sura and see that your Ucket
reads via
This 1 the
And all Points East and
Their Magnificent Track. Peerless Vee-
tlbuled Dining ana Bleeping car
Trains and Motto:
Have given this road a naUonal reputa
tion. AH classes of passengers curried
on the veitlbuled trains without extra
charge. Ship your freight and travel
over this famous line. All agents have
Gen. Agent Tray. F. and P. Agt
MS Washington et. Portland. Or.
Mrs, T. S. Hawkins, Ohattanooita,
Tenn,, says, "Shllor"s Vltalizer -SAVrfD
UT LIFE,' I consider it tne best rea
ady for a debilitated system I ever
naed." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kid
nty trouble, It excella. Piive Ii eta.
For Bale by 3. W. Conn.
VaiL J -yJ tliJ .wl dO
Japanese Bazaar
BINO LUNG. Prop. '
We have (he fluent and most complete
llri- f bulles' no-1 children's novel I lea
and l o'lnns ever ahnwri In Ihe clly, nml
tli.-y ure being sold at prl ;cs low that
you (iinriiit help -tuiylng them, 'live ua
a cull.
ill Lond, next door lo Mouler'i
Fruit Store.
Will Piper, Artittk" MsterUls. pjlnti.
Oil, f.lni, ft.-. J.rjn.te Malll' gl,
pug-t .nj Bamboo (iooJ.
30, Commercial Htrcet.
0 ! iMiTrn
LI mi I LLi
HKA80N OF InoS'iAoO.
Tuiiee a Week
San Francisco
- AND . .
New Orleans
Over tho Great
J unset floute
Leaving San Francisco
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, Nor. 5, 1S95.
The mot complete, modem, elegantly
equipped and perfectly arranged Vestl
buied. Transcontinerrtai Train In America.
Nw Equipment, especially designed for
this service.
Direct connections in New Orleans
or all Eastern points. Quick time.
Act as trustee for corporations and in-
Transact a general banking business.
Interest paid on time deposit.
J. Q. A. BOWLBT President
BEXJ. TOUNO Vice PreeUlent
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ
Young, A. 8. Reed. D. P. Thompson
W. & Dement, Gust Holmes.
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying In
every way to make them th most en
joyable In town. All the "good things"
of the season cooke'd by our excellent
cook In the most delicious style. Perfect
If you Invite a friend to the Palaca
Restaurant the place 1 a aufflclent guar
antee that he will receive a good meat
The Palace Restaurant
Address, box 180, PostolSce. ASTORIA. OR
A. COmnItS B.trwlr nf InmKaa m V Jk
lu the rough or dressed. Flooring, nw-
uo, ceiling, wia all kinds of finish;
mouldinKs and; also bracket
Work don tn nrtini Tarm.
and prices at bedrock. All orders
promptly attended to. Office and yard
t mill, H, W. U. UOGAtt. Peor.-.
Seaside. Oregon. "
Cantatn RvaAnAV TT a . n ...
ri 0. ... nan XJiegO
Cat. says: sr.llotTf Catarrh RemedD
ta the first medicine I have ever found
Oentlaman .Thl. 1- ... n. . -
.. . ...... u w OTnuy mat x
have used Krause's Headatme Capsules
with satisfactory results. I bought a
box which cost ine .S3, and one capsple
uureu no 01 a arearirui sick h?adache.
my wu ana mvseir nave both i
the medletnea m n 11 f ,i . -.1 .
Norman Llchtr Her "o .nl
cummena inem to me publlo aa being
JJust what they are represented.
Ed. Gazette. Pleasant Hill, Mo.
Twantv-Sva eanta fne I K .l .
Rogers, Astoria, Or., soie agents.
Flood purlller, give rresnneas and
clearness to the comniH-ion and cuie
constipation, so eta., au cts , 11.00,
For Sale hy J. W. Conn.