The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 05, 1896, Image 2

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gaily gUtoviau.
JOHN T. LIGHTED, &iltor.
Tlephon No. W.
Sent by mall,Pr yr
Sent by mall, pr month
8 erred by carrier, per w.
Sent by mall per wr, 12 M In advanc.
IMta fr to ubcribra,
AH communication Intended for pub
lication ahoulj tx directed to the editor.
Biulmws communication of all kind and
rmlttnc muirt be )Jred to The
Aatorla n.
Th Aalortwn urant to lt ub-
acrfber the, lortnl circulation of any I
new.p.per PubllaheJ on tho Cibl. I
AdvertMrf rate can b bad on ap- J
plication to tha buatneaa manager.
. ., . !
Th Weekly Atonn, tne aecona ow- .
i. o.t nNMa. kaa
. ... - . -
next to th rortland Oreironlan. U: ;
:nr.t weekly circulation In tha atata. ;
Jno. T. Handy Co. ar our Port.
land ajrenia, and copiea of tha Astorian ',
. . . .v. '
can o naa every nwrnim ai ueir j
on First afreet
The ChicaKo new,pa,.rs have a j
unlte.1 In a common are'inem that on j
and kftcr the 1st of February next they
will entirely discontinue tne use oi ,
chromo pictures as (tifts to subs-Tlbcrs !
.lr..h...r. M ihelr rcsiwtlve i er- i
Kursdlnff prtios tnventtM to atlrael public
atu-nllon am. cnlarj:? circulation. J
Whon chromo Journalism rtrt in-
troxluctnl It tlouMIess pave toiPixvrary a,l- j
to th Tww5pajxrs w hich cri
nnl the dignity and iiKllvUluality of j
Journalism to clap-trap ilevirvs for the ;
multiplication of reader, but the increase j
In readers was almost wholly from a;
cUm that did not value the newspaper.
but purchastfsl It without reanl to It ;
merits because they could thereby oh- j
...iaw . .w. n(.tiir h-.n -ni-M he had f
in any othfr way. It was found also
out by those who expended more than
their entire profits for a time to Increase j
rirrulation. that whenever they reaped !
tho chromo feature of Journniism. they
lost the subscribers th?y hai pained ly i
such methols. I
Another consideration that was doubt-j
less com roiling in ueviui uie vintnAu,
t.ewpaH'rs to entirely aUan-lon chromo ;
Journalism was that when one made a;
tmonirv tucevsa of Rift plcfiroa others ;
followwl. and therefore none received!
... ,
special advantage from It. The Chicago
publisher, some of whom have txpended .
as much as tiCiM in clotures for a flncle
lssue of their Sunday ediiijn, I'nally j
awakened to the fact that they were j
paying for free picture nearly Jw-V-.1 a '
year, and without any subs'.amhil com-1
pensation. Competition In making a
complete newspaper was subordinated to :
competition in producing the '0ost attrac-1
tlve and necessarily the most expensive .
free chromos to be given to purchasers. I
and they have had the rood sense to I
confess not only the financial failure of j
the scheme but the degradation of Jour-;
nallsm, by uniting In the purpose to i
abandon chromo journalism enilrely.
The only Journalism that can stand the .
test of time Is that which maintains Its 1
own dignity by aiming to present the
m.- oitraiKo .ni-i.inin.. indi-in.iit.. i
and healthy newspaper to th? res-ling
public. Those who read a newspaper be
cause It deserves to be reaJ will not only
not be attracted to it by chromo journal
ism, but the more intelligent class of
newspaper rei-J.-i-s logically assume that
the public Journals which descend to such !
. , , , , i
clap-trap devices to obtain readers, sac-
tlce the merits of Journalism by catering I
to those who place no value upon leglti- I
mate and w ho w ill cease to i
be purchasers wh-?n..ver the chromo feat-
ure is abandoned. Joirnaiism is the
highest known profession in o'.ir free gov-!
eminent, where newspapers enter nearly
every home and ore the f-eit educators
of the people, and it can command public ;
. ... . ... ,u.. . i. . . i
iraiitvi Hill) 'l' 1. I"il.1
itself by olaitninfi; ptibtio patrone solely j
on lt merits.
The situation In Turkey bears a more I
satisfactory aspect than It did a week-
ago. This is due to the fact that Oireat '
Hrltnin and Russia have npoarontly come
to an understanding with regard to their I
mutual relations in the Or'ent. Kngiand
would have never Ixen nbl-? to secure
c-i,i ,k ,- . . ,-,,,i
from China the ast terntonal 'r-
slons along the Burmah frontier, men-
tioned In our London dispatches of today,
without the goodwill of Russia, who Is
, ,, , ,, .
all-powerful at I'eking. while, on the
other hand, the Muscovite chancellor,
Prince Lo'ianofr, is reported to have oh-
tulned the apjiroval of the Kngli-h gov
ernment to a scheme for the mill'ary oc
cupation by the czir of tiie dlsturtied
Turkish provinces In Asia Minor. The
project provides for the co-op ration c-r sihtly or rerlously Impaired, the value ; SPXt(F. cr p year, and then s'a'e
ihe lirillsh fieet along the seaboard wilh ' of this restorative and preventive nrdl-i ,nat m p(,!te Gf Its being the fourth year
the Russian army of occupation cn land,
and meets with the approval of English
Conservatives and Liberals alike, who
see therein the only possible solutiin to
a difficulty that has been pernlftcd to
degenerate Into an International disgrace
and a blot upon European virilization. '
.hmhmmm J
It Is Interesting to ki.ow that Secreiary
Carlisle, who has been superlnton ling the I
finances of the country for the past two1
. , , , . ;
years and a half with such rare ski I und .
intelligence, says unhesitailniy that the 1
present condition is not due to a de
ficiency in ihe government revenues,
but Is the result of past financial bglsla- ,
tlon. "That's going a good way luck,"
as the man said about the cx-iall soup. '
It recalls the explanation of the oruiilun ,
sea captain, who, when his ship was !
bumping on the rocks, said in answer j
to the suggestion of a passenger that the ,
navigators seemed to have erred in their
reckoning: "Bless you, no! We've xt. or-!
ed her all right, but she .vas hoodooxi I
before we came aboard." '
No one who has been out In the storms J
that have ben raging at the mouth of !
this river for the past threj weoks will
begrudge the proposed "mall Inc:raso in
the i-alary of the members cf Hie life
savins corps, now before conqri'i'. Ute
lessons serve to point out the fury of
in tcmpeat which men In the ncrvlca In
tliii vicinity and all over the coait r
c.Vlrd en to nift. The fiercer th torm
the keener their vigilance, end h ,uet
tlon of dollars l.aa na wctsht In the con
text between the men and the ri
Inu c where human live "re the atakc.
All thl clamor about dlsclpllnlm, Cln-
etal Mllca for tr.lklng about our ot
drfcnai would haw been avoided If Hen- Milra hid not told tho truth alHot
them .
The new "battleship Kentucky l ap-
nn prlatelv named. It will take water on
the aide. "
The Orvs.vnlan 1 a
II I too modest
.cr.--' pap. r. but
U!oxki tiii: ice
A Chicago Woman's Dan for tannins
Ibr Front Stem ,
. - ... . . .i.i.B ik itn.l stoi to
dwelllPB houses.
Shovels, halcheis. 1
ashes, utU. hot water an-l
brooms were:
brought Into rciulsillon. but
It remainel
v-.,eihM woman to Introduce
" .. . . - ... .k, i it..
new plan jit ho- n-.m... - ,
frvm her pr-h n Oeni-r str,-cl. Just
of Mohawk ' 'omn
! '"'1,"i """ r " '" ,.,i ..('
surf. of her front Mepa.
n0 ne ccu.o h'
the comln of darkness. Jack bnvt had
.nticijv,!,,! her and had ren.lerM per
usual weapon. ,:,e nnmn; " " """" powers con.-eniraled. Tl-iv Is the lurk
,m.vlliy Suddenly a ha, pv to rt : ,u,1ll., f another leap y.-ar to
1 struck her. and she tmtmdutcly nioirsl "7 , .....r..i ... i .,..
to the kitchen and. choosing her rouffhst
,,. .... ..... .. .. .. - .,.,
1 rtdtir.n. the nlactsl them on the stoic.
A f,w mlm,trt, pasershy T
trncted by the strane ae ons of this I
woman, bendln. over lie !" ! 1" j
, IO lier mixiil tiweuiim. eii.!- nnrn(.a-
jon ,h).m ,h,,t ,ht!l jt,nlous
woman was ironlnc her stos The
scheme worked well, and the lee was
i quickyl nvluceil to water
TllK Tl'KKKT WAS Tt r.t.AMi:.
Washington Star.
"Jclite. you honah," said the defendant,
"I ain't Kot much to say, foh myse'f."'
it doean't Iwk as if you could have."
I done had the tuhkey. an' I didn't
buy "im. but I has 'stenuatin' ruheum
stances ter offah In de ivnsideration of
dlshere case."
What are they?"
"IV fack dat dishere tuhkey didn't
ryfnt undah mah nose es' Ivtwen
Thankspivin an' Christmas. Kf I was
oberwme. Jelire. ny tie onemeni oo ue
moment. I s wlllln" ter b ah de conse- i
: mence. nut hit uo seem ler me uai
jumnn' orter be did 'bout de criminal
nejcleck on de iaht ob de tuhkey."
"ZZ TT "l
gtlC UOV t IxCpOrtS
n n Li.. nMPa
show Royal Baking Powder
SanarioJ' iO Bit Others I
TllK SKrm:'" WAS SAFE.
Boston Tr.incnp'.
..;.h.. .... . ,. , lk ,n to Ethel '
k, nichi"'
-H-cause I had S,meth,n5 to impart
. rrr ,i.t, I bis-., 1 no cne else to ;
r. "'u 1 1
-j,,,, i,trt. i a Foenih lale s:tiin? '
,;.,.. Iw h.ini u l " " I
' Yes. but I have discover? I
d;d not understand a word we ;ald "'
. AU the paten: meJl-ie advertiaed
in hl. --w.r f.mrner with tha ,-hoio !
... .fum.n-. and toilet articles, etc.. !
an be boueht at tne lowest price at
J. W. Conn' dru store. oppotteoc- ;
nAni Unl.l A. tnria. t
- . I nue snouiiiei nit n-siu('M iio-ist mil".
E.VGLISH CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN ' The splnsteri will look In the Klas and
INVE3ST3IEXTS. s-e there In the shallow pictures cor .
., ! Jured Ui by sorrowful anticipation, tl p
Irrnrtant to Amer?ans sw-AIng En-i pictures of spinsters seven y.-ars lunce,
Ba Cwptiai for new en:-?rpr-es. A Ust 1 when the l attery of charms will be rout
comainine the n.mes and addreievB ot ; eil by the attu of f ith.r Tun-. Sdiii
360 sui-ceasf'. promoter who ive jxaed ', aters will not f.ul in Ki If U-.- lr inmost
o-er 1.CW.I Storting in Foreign In-' strendth can nvo:d d-feat. If. afi.-r i'
vosrnwrHa within the list six years, and j they do fall, they will ana' h-ma:u the
ov-?r 18.'S-." for the seven mintii of ; calelnder mak r-.
1S6. li-c., 3. or t-i, payj.e by pjetal j
order to the London anl Universal Bu-I
rvsu ot InveAors. S. Cheapst le, London,
K. C. S'jbsonbe wil be entit'.ed. by ar-!
rAngemer.t ai'h directors to rvceirejlnto th? calendar om e In four Mars -eiriier
personu'. or tettera of Intrjductoln j to previ nt the av.-nii; eat
to any of rhe? sUMr.-3f.U prxrKXoe3. '
P.-bs 1M is first OJ39 in every respect
and every man or firm whose name ap
pears ttierein may be depended upon.
For placing the fbr.owi.-vir It w.ll be
foljnd InvaJuaiie Bands or Shar. of In- :
duwtrta Commer-'lal and Financial con-!
Morta-age towns. Sal- of Lands,
patents or Mines.
S1K KUrtAKtl c uuss.
k .f...iM fw r'an'nin T.V- 1
of.k. announw, -r,turn 'lo Ruwto a,
the head of the Russian scientific ex- j
pedition into Chinese Central Asia, hav- j
Ing traversed altogether !.' verst and
'.,., ...i . ... .......
made a rich eolleetlon of flnlmnls aml piantfl( aml 0btaineU valu-
hie geographical, meteorological
military information.
Although in the first Instance as slug-'
it a.s a tortoise, the kidneys become
a-s in e.y as a crii'Kei w tlen a nea'iniill im-
pulse is given to them with Hostet'er's
j Stomach Hitters, a promoter of activity j
In these organs which counteracts a ten-'
i 'b-ney to their lethargy and disease. 'n -
,otIon of the kMn,, lt ,n0.jI(I ,.e rfm.m.
J ti(-red, is the first stage cf those dinger -
! ous renal maladies against which the re-;
wir ,f """"? "'terne are too often ;
(exhausted in vain, peril is foresta'bd
by th(. VlUtft whlrh averts HrlirhCs!
disease, iliahetes, dropsy, gravel and the
i troubles arising from a weak bladder, j
r.q'iany enicaeious is it in cneeaing anu .
erudieatlng malarial, bilious, and nervous;
ailments, dyspepsia, constipation, and
rheumatism. Aiietite and s eep are Im-i
proved and convalescence hastened by Its.
benefieient action. Klther when healih if
cine is;- mane manliest. i
Miss Mamie Mckens, the eldest daugh-j
ter of the great nov-list. makes hen
home at quaint old Dunton rectory. In
the town of lirentwood. in Ksex. The,
love of llow-er", which with ier amounts
to a passion, is fully gratified In this
beautiful coutry. Her real life work
consists in ministering to lli poor and
sick and needy.
Piles of people have plies, but DeWltt's
wi,rh Hazel Salve will cjre them. When
promptly si plied It cures scalds asrt
hurng w,.hout ,he ,,ghtt pan. Cha.
Haron Hirsch has tnus far sent about
4,iM Russian Hebrews to the Argentine
Republic, and hopes to have a Hebrew
community of IW.K'i there within ten
years. He sends them out In ompanles
of fifty famlll s, t-a.-li provl led with a
rabbi and a doctor, and he expects them
to settle In villages, giving a special
tra' 'or ear n company.
A 0000 w0RD.
Mr. .1. J. KelL Sharpsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir- I am glad to say a good
"ori for Kreuae'a Headache Capsule.
After atifferlng for over three year
lth actfte neuralgia and Its consequent
nwnmnia (-vhlcb seemed to baffle the
etTorta of ome or our best physicians)
unl. .(,v.AatAl IKla ..kl.L
me almost instant relief. Words fall
..- express the pra!-e I should like to
-.n K'iiw' HraAacbe Capsules , Y.r.'-Vw, -Oratefuily
Trour. fihe ir:!"din.r ad e.M ni " i - :
IRH. 15. K. HOLMES. i siativbtei- of l-'n-.-iish stiiUnir.i. I nr
Montrore. Pa. ! So they've tu-;im linsiltltli-s tiltcady.
Swot v.n MuM i;iiitc After l.v
Before Another l.ei!i Year.
! i the Lat Chac for Vonica ut
j Ti l.cacratii Vn ,il.! W
! New Yo:W HcciM
Thus f..r In the woiM': history man :iij,e
j has h,vti one of Cio Inevitable coiicont
j Itant of human cxlstc-nce. Cotiid.lvred
i from a purely seeular tnuiidpoliu, II 4uli
! fair to continue Its career for cycles to
"y- Wl-ateicr may I. t
crime of a few women mid
the idloiyo-
in .ire- iiu n.
w ho did or didn't, the ureal nuCorlty
eept the law of marriage as ii.'Ot'.siuv.
KlKhto-n hmdicd and ninety-six t the
r.ilbiioi tun.' :'ie it iuury for spinster
-"" -
'" .I"..... . .
year cne iiioiio nomu oe ,iiih
prHvos. man oii-.!.i'i.
Httif.rt in me ni.nais ol our ocnu.r.
the leap yer rc.vnls show no eiraor-
.IIi,a,- r.'iittd I h.t' -f
fr,s.' K.KhtecnhumUvd and ns-i. ly six
will, however, more tha; cominiivaie for
tnur s,..-,sie,s will nrra, them.
!"lv'- 'l'"",- endeavor.
i,. i,.:, vear i!
111 the ordinary leap yer tho woman
1 : t t... . 1... .. ...U iU ..II I
come If this le tmsuivtssful. and the
secret expeeiation In the inteneiitn
cret expeeiatton In the InierM-uln
ZXu. l"rZ
lU.rt;lkt wUnil, ,lu. desiv railon loin
,,f ,n,.k of h), , . ,.. , lll r
.. ,. .
worH, she is immntinN
We have chunked all Hint fvr th.' bap
yenr .v -or. rtwiter. it.- ca'en hr uuik
; ers ohant'M it tr u- enturt- uka I Me
'' yHr tt mt to be tin or lMnr lei.t
i year. In It j-pm-ter nm.'l lead a !rbrn
! hoH. They muxi ni.i.t their force for
lone prat final upon ttv ctt.idel
cf masuline!Ter nee to tti.'lr win
so men ess.
Inland ishmen I . strut i;v-.t ye. frx'",
even must be employed If t;esl be for
the KaintPK of suoo.-ss-the K.Oniiiki -if a
; man. The reason of ihe vast inmirt.tnco
of the year to spttwters is fo ind tn the
! faet that It h.s no suivesr until P 4.
! When the bells rmc in the y ..- W'T
! their clamors will toll the inability of
! women to propose f.-r s n Vims, iii
other won Is, the year l:o wilt le a
leap yeir. There will be mv.-m years
without any crant of spe-.Mai pnvibKe to
the fair sex.
HaehHors who low their H l.r: v muM
lie wart, for never U'foie tn their hiMory
were the siKns of capture so al.irniim;
The new woman has plan for the stew
year. 1-xiktnir toward a man a m v man
r "old mna. -Not omv wi'l tht
m.w womin Ih,ms,,ht , ,,,,.., a ,lttlinl.
phalanx of Amaxculan wooers. !ut
I the emlHibienc.1 etTvt of ih- ir . xamitle
! on their less asertive si-u-rs will Ih' nioh
i that any bachelor ha-l let beware the
shyest maid, or he may lose his hand. If
not his heart.
t.cven years without op-
ponunny means lor me oruinary spm-
no other opponun.ty. She will be In
the retired ll?t when anoiher leap year
comes. If It Is lo he done at all It
must ! done ipnokli -the Ketlins of a
husband. An artist has conceived cf the
symbolic spinster, lariui in hand, watch
line for the moment wSeti the fearing
map may be caiurht by its, looi.
The picture Is ihe precise re.r.sentatlon
of the fact.
Th spinster will employ fore to ih
The unvetllritf strands of ihe
le hurled by no wa'T.ln hnnd
and there will be no escape for him over
It Is a curious prark tucse' al--n-
ilar makers have ii'ay.d. on the won
directly, and cm the mu nul re. tiv
The introduction of an additional day
from tliuf too short. At the -ai -e rfrti
it makes ihe aierairo year i I't'V toe
I long. This b-ni;'h is si slluhi
that It accumulates vty sIo-aiv. .-vy
theloss It i)o'S acouniiilate. .m I by the
end of a century I: amounts to iv irlv a
day.- For that reason once rti i linmlt d
years the additional d.-.y whi,-:, marks a
year as leap vii.r i.i otnitt -I. and the
' average bnirih of the r'.ars i- r- tlui-ed.
I The Kngllsh laiv ibti-rmiriei in i;",i in
I reforms in tlr ar.d iro'n those
I we draw and us". The oriiriral ilei.rml.
1 nation of the calendar was ma.lo by tl-e
Pope, and afterw.-ioi it wa n-iopi I , y
..II Via ruMintrUn i-V.-iitl IUH-ii t 11 nil f ri
Ea.t. From January 1-'. K-i the civil
years made to heain on that il it.
snd not on .March 1. as rr. inv had it.
In the same year eh" , n days w r- drnpp-
..I . .1... frm 1!... OOril in
the thirteenth, inclusive. o what
would have been ihe f jnrte nth im-
th third.
IW'.h tills eliutiKe t fr- 'i. il ihe n maiti
.ler nf ihe calendar followe I I's usual
course, lly this change the lay whl.h
would have bun I 'i-emi,.-r S b- in .
January 5. It was from this that i
latter ilfriviii ii., ii.. i:e- -' i - -t - iii . ...
The further regulation of the calendar
occurnd tu omitting the year N'l :rom
the numt-r of leap v.ars Th'T-rore in
0, chHstnias Lay r II on January
(j, and fr-m tliat time until this Ih
the day of t li- month call -1 by that
n n;d-r s i'.rltlsh Merlin, fir ,-! v.i
nnl It eiat.-d that l'.-o I not to bl
year, w hile 1 is to In the (if ii ai
after bissextile, or leap year, and 'h.
first year or tne iwentiem ceruicy. rii
tnjH c,;ntury tiie first leap year wis i -t
which Is descrllii-il as such in lie ul
manacs which were then current,
()n 0, almanac for .'icore's,
n,. vr m rhe fourto lift.-r I ls-
from ),.,, year. 17'.. the month of Hie
ruarv had only twenty-eight ,iayi. i'ol-
OWin this fa.shion lrj Is calb d tlv- sixth
after bissextile, anl Mil tlo- s-ev-
f.uriouB nhis appears to us. it Is
nrw.piv .iIRt WP wn jtoon do. Thiough-
cut seven years mere will i no i eu.u
ary '.' aftr pf.. All of the bluh" tm!
other events which occurred on Ihat un
fortunate day of the mouth will have uo
opportunity to celebrate their anniver
sary. That eccentric date, F-'oruary It,
will then have an opportunity for re
nown brought on bv Its abs-no".
The calendar adjustment by wlib-h
these matters were arr nged tench' s for
ward to a distance that is star' ling to
one whose term of life Is the seventy
years of man. it declared that the years
1K), 1!CiO, 21'iD, IS"", or any other hun
dredth year In time to com't shall "ons st
of &'r days and no more. lint tiie fact
also remains that this mljuslm-nt of Ihe
calendar was not ipilie accurate. The
one day omitted once In the century
made the average day a little too short.
To remedy this difect the adjunct's
made the following exception lo the rule
making the hundredth yarn of 3C. ibiy;',
except every fourth hundredth year be
ginning with the yenr 'M). These years
will be leap years, that is, the years UK".
20, 2x00, SWiO, will have a Folirinrv it).
Rut their day are not of greet con-em
to us.
O'er much has heell wilu.'i, as n l v III
Whit tho Twemletli C.-ntuiy Woman
will bo:
In all those pr.MUilolt:, oan any lolisie
Will pre-natal euluirc develop H btaln,
So ihat knonliiUe puifouud will Mvm
l oUKln lo iiualiiT
Will lllllo or nollium be leM to explal.i
To I his
t'eiilui y
Hub) t
Will II tench Its ton. I iwciih ihe way
tllev sllould KO
Or aoiiue Kr'al uuettons villi louioal
Will tune or piMKi'c-Mou or IIioukIiI lc
lOO 0W
r.r i ins
I la by?
Ah. no' Thl Hwcet cherub will splmtor
and 01 y.
As iMblos all do, v. hettier lliely or she
Swallow bullous and pins, scream when
siiaULera draw nlh.
Will this
Jos Km :i:o.
Mrs. I'h.ict Thoniaa. of Junction City.
Ill, waa told by her doctor alia had C..
aumptlon and that thera waa uo hop tot
her, but two toti;,a I'r. Klu'a N Pis
c verv c,uiip:etelv cured h-v. jnvl he saia
It aaved her life. Mr. Thomaa Krs,
1 Klortda atreot, Pan Franclaco. auOVrcd
fMn a drva.lful co;d. approachln. Con
autnptlon. tried without result tvecythlii
eUw tiien boutrht on botlla of Lr. klaf'a
New lMscowry and In two waeka waa
curxl. Ho la n-Murally thankful. It U
auch results, of whlcxi thew ar aamplea.
that prove ihe wonderful efficacy of thia
m d.cme In Ooutrha and Clds. fret trial
Kt!l at t'has. KosetV IVuf Stor. lnj silo j c nt and II ix
IM. I.ippomI, physician to Hie HUe.
Pais: "It iothl;-.K unforeseen hapls-us,
the b.oii' f.a'icr's cv-ns:iiLitioii Is o s.mud
tii.t he tnav we'l aliain his biiin year"
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
If. us Secretary Carlisle maintains, the
revenue is sum, lent, why d.w-s he ak for
the power to make Niml Issues at will
N'. iv vrk I'ress
tlenllemen: I have always reevm
aiended Krnuee's Honda, ne Capsule
wherever I h.tie had a chance. They
have proven a veritable bHn In my
family agnlnst any and all kinds of
hend tohe. Yours tnily.
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For sale by I has. Koiters, Astoria,
Oregon, sole agent.
In or.e of ins a-trcnoiutcul b-ctures Pmf.
rtinior un.'e sill. I 31.1.0 worhls Hie
sl2e of our i.irlh colli. I be -lorfd Inside of
our sun.
The best salva In the world foi Cut
Bruises. Sores. Ileers, Salt Kheutn,
Fever Sores, Titter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblain. Con.s, and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cure llle. or no
pay required. ;i is guarantees to give
iperfect satisfaction, vx money refund. t1
Prtce, 23 cents Per 'jx. For sale bj
Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' bttlldln.
li;l: . r i si iti-: i" it.
Kv luiiit-
Mrs l..:.:.!.
ar- genii; li.
th- it. I ' Yi
bin d sun - !.
'01 ii i. i v., II klUiA'
I., it. tin ilr-i row at t
i. -n t s--u voiir bin
.-.). tl. Ii' ket
Mrs 111,-ini.i.t.i
bulb t In -h pl.iy
a No
Wben Ilaliy was nick, we gave her Castorla.
Wha she was a Child, site cried for Caaturia.
When she became Miss, tiie clung to Castorla.
When slic Lad fbildreo, the gar tbcm Castorla.
r-Vs. and
ItU sold on jruurnntea by all rlmg
gi.ita. It cure Incipient Conaumptiun
aiJ,lUk beat Cough ard Croup Uun
For Bala by S. V. Coon.
g When your cake is heavy, j
tesorry, indigestible, it's ai
s pretty sure sign that youM
t$ didn t shorten it with Cotto-
lene. When this great short-
ifi enmp; is rightly used, the re-
fcqsult will surely satisfy the!
g most fastidious. Always re-!
ttiotiilior lliir rmnlittf r.f
i Cottolene limkcs a little of it N
(i go a long way. It's willful u
j-J waste to use more than two- j
u thirds as much as you would a
q of lard or butter. Always a
use Cottolene this way andK
ryour cake and pastry wlllfl
t always be light, wholesome, j
M delicious. ii
fl Genolns C(TT0r.Fll! If soM Kterrwher B
LI in tinn. with tra.l-mark "r.,i,.' f'
' auu(.r' heart in rnltnn-plant P
. urenthiQ erj tin. r
l IKE H. K. FAIilBANK COSHPANr.81. Lsul, I;
Sis ro.rUM, rrtiut, Orr, I
b.j V.rfc, ftMlaa.
-w " w e vj
Ull I. llFMv.
I. K"m II UK Mw.
I I'll M. HI. ANUS,
I U K K Is.
Antlliitiii in tho aIhivk lino rnviilo.l
w ill tu'liu Mil l ilismlcll
lit I In'
Astorian Job Office.
OltlON PATgNTtt,
C0I0HT. toJ
fi-r lnf,-rmtl. an.1 free ll.n.n nt M
Nt S a OA, 4I Hoi.. Mt (i.
Ot,l. tMinwu f e.-urux Klrnu la Aaieilc.
I'.r rttni taken eui I'T u.u lr,.l:.t b.-f--.a
Uie iiuuu by a iiettoe lu uwwuaar! U
rl'ricttiific gmxim
laiMt etrenliil.i o leRtlfe rapw la Ihe
World. t!iu!r!.l. N lul.-Ulenl
maa Iwul.l l oltlioul n. Weil;, i tHI
Jertlltl'niiiUih A.l.lrs Ml'SS A l,A9
auau3l lUvJr, lw lutkOiy.
Ntyrii'K K iMMI'I.ICIii'N -M AC
AH.VIU8 AStolllA
Notice l hereby gum thai J. A Kaa
talirnd. contractor for ihe comlriic
lion ot drain I" Adair's Astoria, under
the provision ot Ordinance No K'I. on
this M day of Novcnilwr. ISil, fll.d In
the ullt.'e of the Audit.c an.1 I'ofcve JikUe
of tiie City of .et."C. the I'ertlfk'ata ill
h City Surveyor, a-iit Supor.iitMuient of
StrtNnw approved rv the Coiiuiiltlen on
Streots and IhiMlc Wi.i'
AttiT the eiplrutttm of the tlue her-
InaTter prtWlrd. If t obhvtaitia In the
a.vai e of 'h h work l o ml and th
(Nuiunon iHim-i rfi-tll deem, such fan
provcauent pnTeriy cunKieil. according
to the contra. wn.1 pans an.l stinru.
tkma rhs-rofor. sw-ne nsv ls a.vnel
rctoiul to the a.v.vtaie of ewld
tnitirvtnrnt or any tri Wicr.W. rimy b
niet In the iifhVe of tii Aiatilor and
lltce JihUre ill or before V.llienUy,
Nov. rT. vk
K OSItl'llV.
A'elltor and INiIkk Jialue.
Astoria. Oregim. Novrtnlier rid. PX
NOTli'K oK TllK INT'INTP'N ''K Till-:
COMMON i'ol Ni'il. lo III: I STAIt.
I.ISH Tliii lilt M: i 'I- i'i '.MMIIiU'i A I,
Notice Is h.-rrl.y un.-ii thut Ito- Com.
nion council of the I'lly of Ast.iria. hale
ilclertlllllrd itnd lilt, lid to nlo-l Ihe
Kt.i'l'- oi I'-i'nui'-r .tl,-. t. iii .Vl ilr'n
Aiiorln. us Uiil cut i.ii.l i t.v Jo'in
A. lair, from the west Inn- -f t ill t.rel to
the cast hue uf d'.tli strist. .o thai the
grade of mild tortli 11 of .i:d str.-el nil
r-estalillsh.-d will be nt li.-.ln i.Ikivt
tne litmi of itrait.-n f.-r sul ,itv n ra- lie ordinance No Tl. entitled.
"An ordinance lo establl 01 a lue of
Krud.-n for Hie city of Astori.i. m in: :
AI the Inters.-, ti.ui .t sawl 1 '. niMi. rciai
liei-t wlili s'.ic.t. ft. 1
At the crosiiitf uf t'linini'-r 1.1I -tr.-ct
with Ktriit. ;i f..t
It.iUI crossings to he l.'-l .11. d mrrcl
to U' on a atrniKht or cvi ii :cih. tctwecn
At any time within 1 n .! from ihe Una'
publication of thin nnttc... within
tin dny from Ihe IT1I1 dav of -.Hilary.
tvi. remonstrance l'- tiiiiili- iiKninst
aald projioscd alti-ralloti nf Knot.- and II
within aald time a written r.-nu.iisiranee
avnlnst the name nhull ).- nind. and Pled
with the Auditor ami I'oli.c J i.Ikc hy
the ownra of Ihrec-r.iiirthi nf tto- prop,
erty adjacent to mild purti'in of al.l
aireet. auch propos.-d ion of (trade
mIi all not In made In any ri.-tit.
lly order of the f'umnton i'ihiikH
Atleai; K oHitl'liN.
Auditor and Polh-e Joil-
Astoria, orriron. ji..,- suh. Ivc,
NOTICK OK TllK INTKN'i'li iN ol-' TllK
Nollce la lierehy kiuh that the Cm
mult council of the I'lty (f Atiiria, hale
ilelernillled arid intend lo ull' r tl:e Kiade
of Krarikltn avenue in that putt of thi
t'lly of Astoria I11I1I out mul . . , . r I .1 l y
John Mcl'lure. and extend. .1 l.y I'vrun
Olney from Hie cast line uf the '.ihn Mc.
('lure lioiintlon Land riuim to the
line of Third street, so that the Ktadea
W.ien re.c"llll.ll'he.l will I., at l,,.;n!ita
atovu tin hase of itrail.s f,,r said
city. us cmnlillsh. , ,- 1 inl'ii.iin e
No. 71. entitled "An Otillnuncc, ;i, to
estahllsh a base of Krii.P s for the s'rcita
of Ihn city of Astui lii, to-wlt:
At th 1 .11 st line i.f sul. I Land
Claim, fl) feet at North idde of stn,.
lllld ll feet at HOUtll line nf sr..t
At croBaini? with 1-tii sir.-, t. :ts '... t at
north line of street anil II fe.-t at south
line of the street.
AI croaKlnir with lltli ain . t. r, f, .-t at
north line of ntnet .-im! tK f....; i ,.,uln
line of atnet.
At rroHsliiK w ith pith str. et, :, f, . 1 1, t
north line of atreet and :,; f, ,-t at .011th
line of atreet.
A I erOHshiK with nth strct, rs j (.,., ,,n
north line of trei and 71 i feet i,n s.oith
line of atreet.
A I croaalriK with Slit ulrei-t. :i r, t,. ,,
north line of Htreet and in, f. .-t nl south
lino of atreet.
At rrosHlnif with Tlji stre. t, V.11
north line of atreet utid I'S! feel at ninth
line of atreet,
At erosslnit with 1th street iri.r, f. , t on
north line of atreet mid IX.', u i soutn
line of atreet.
At rrosslnir with MIi air 'i t, 1:3..-, f, , t l)n
north line of street and ITti .'i fc -t mi smith
line of atreet.
AI croHslnit with 4th atreet, ;,;i f, ,. nn
north line of atreet and ll 011 south lln
of atreet.
ai oroKBinir wiin 3r.i atreet. 1) f,.,.t n
norm 11110 ot atreet, and KM fl f t on
aoutn line or aireet.
The atreet to he of hi-brltta mentioned
throughout Ihe width thereof, .,t the re.
apeetive potnta dealitnated nccordltiK to
tne propose, 1 Krade anil the slope del ween
(lesiKnated polnta to be atralaht or cvon
At any time within ten daya from Ih- final
liuhlleatlon of this notice, to-wlt: within
ten daya from the Kth day of January,
lMfi, remonalrance can be made airnlnat
anld propoaed alteration of aradn and U
within aald time a written remonatrnnee
airulrist the aatne ahull be made and II led
with the Audit r and roller Jtidire by
tne ownern of three-foiirlba of the prop
erty adjacent to aald portion of anld
atreet, auch propoaed alteration of irrnde
ahull not be made In any event,
liy order of Ihe Common Council.
Atleat: K. OHIIUItN,
Auditor and Police JuiIkc
Astoria, Oregon, Dec. Jfiih, 1
Thnae tiny Ccjwulc! arosnperfer
to Uulsain cf Connllia.
Ci;K !o. r.-i-! ir:; , :;.,. i. ; Tiyi
4 SolentiOo Anmrletil
Oi TJ T0I MAftKfl,
itiMVJe OltlOSJ ATgNT.
Thu Oasis or mi
fl Hew
in row 1111; i i s i l
OH Till! Sil:A
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounc'inl I'liysiciuns llif
nuwt Fnvurablo in Ainciicii
for'SulVoivrs from . . .
Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkabiu Cuius
Th object 1, ma uracil aaalnat India
In th pat by th lam iiuinbcr whu
othrria-la .M. . i...i ... 11,
advantajte nf It benerlclut clliuatc, baa
m nin in iina.pi accotiiiiioua
tlun. Vtf Soul hern I'acino Company,
lake pleaaur In ajinouncltif that v
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
hav juat twen nuded at liidl la
tlon. that will be rented 1.1 appllcmila
at reaannat'l late. . Tl cy ar tut
lilihed with nuKlrrn mnveiilciicea. uiv
Pllc4 with pur artrala'i water, and u
itualcd aa to liuve occui.aut all the
adiatitatr io b derlve.1 frutn a more
or Icaa protracle.1 rcalJcnc In thia d
ll-luful climate.
(Kim m h Ban r'rauclaco Araonaut.)
"In Ih heart of III 'r-i deaert ol
tha Colorado which the Southeru I'a
clllo road travrw.. Ihcro I ail vaal
called Indtti, which. In our opinion. Ii
tha aatiltarium of the earth. W Ix
Hove, from pcraonal InvcatlanUon. thai
for certain Invalid, the- la no ail 01
thia planet au favorable. "
U. T. Htewart. M. IV. write: "Tht
purity of th air. ami ih eternal nut
bin, nil on with wonder and delight.
Natur ha accompllalied i
much that there remain but little for
man to do. Aa to II lawallillltlra a
health reaort. her I th moat pr
fret uiihlne, with a tmMrntur l
way pleaaant. a Iwrfectly dry anil
for rain I an unknown factor: pur
osyfen, dii atmoahr and pure
water. What ruorw can bw delrIT
It la th place, above all other, for
luiif truuble. and a puradle for rhu
tnatlca. Cotialderlnif tha nunil-er of
aufferrr who hav been cur.l. I havi
no heallajicy In rcotnnienslln thl
Rvnlal oaala aa the haven of th afflict.
In 612 mill's from
sax niAXeiseo
iliid 1JO .llili-s fnnii
Fare from 1 os Aiigrlrii
Kor further Information In.julr of
any Southern I'acino Company aen.
or addree
R. P. KOdKIlfl,
At. Orn. raa. At. H. I. Co
Plat. I'aaa. Aft
ror. Fir' nd Alitor St. I'ortland. r
MUSIC HfllilJ-
K RATI NO & CO will open their
w Hal' at .10 Aator itreei.
w Haturday the Pith. Ti er will
it it keep nutntrlr l ll'iuorf
and clfar Wnldei havlm good iiiuilr all th
Canadian Pacific
Railway System.
- IN- Dining Poom anJ Sleeping Cors
Luxurious Dining C.irs.
Elrganl D.iy Coaches.
Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken
Views jf (lie WondViful Mount
ain Country.
$5.00 and $10.00
Havel on all tl. kel Knit 1 .mrl-t c r the
li".t on wli-eln. I iUliiieiitii nf the very llueit
turouit'i' ul.
Corio.Ilnii I'nciflc
China and Japan.
China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C.
liinpretk of In Jit
rniirfn nl .tnpnn
l int revi of ( hlna
tin rci of
hmiri t. of .f.i an
tniprcii nl (Ji.nj
Si-lil. tfiiti.
Oil. Mill.
Nov. i Hi.
b.c, vih.
Auitrallan atenmer leave Vancouver, II. C ,
uiii ui every monin.
For ticket rates and Information call
on or address
UQ. riN'f (vr.nv, A -cut,
Aslotia, Or.
'V :. C irv II, Tf.ivr;!ill! r'a-S. Ant ,
I icoina. VVa-li.
'i Mcl.. tirnwn, list. hiss. Ant.,
Vancouver, H. C.
' I lei mail J'hyl'ln. KcliCIIO.
niVrlli'lAN AN1 UIUIKON.
oilt.v over Albert Ininlur lnre, eor,
llh and Co nnereliil. I'rlw! Call. HI
iMiillii.'iiienis. m1"1 operation al mc
free: tnedlcliiea f iirnllie-4.
oirii' over t'laen'a i1rii alor. Hour. 10
in U a. m.; I bi ami 1 to I p. m. Hun
day. 10 to II.
. i. H KSTK1I,
Hpeclul ait'Hillun to dlaoaaea of wolu
n anJ iirrr. ... ...
onic over I latnlnwr'a alnra. Aalurla
Tlih..n V M
JAT Tl'Tri.W. M IV
orfliH- Itooma anil . I'ylhlan
llulldlitic II""'. I0. "
t ItMldell.. . tVJr !
ti. T. CltoHHV,
1 tvmiiwn'lal flrl.
V. M. ljiKorc. U, Umllh.
tat Cutuuifrclal trl.
J. g. A. 1I0WU1T,
lime on Sounil HtrL Atturla. Oi
J N. lHdph. IllchanJ Maud
hctr V. Ibilph.
liolJ'll. M.ivN A IKUJ-ll,
rortlaJid. Oreou, U. II, St, anil I?,
lUnillioii iluiuium All ll anU col
liH'Oon btialneu lvtlU'.ly allended to.
Claim nlul the r'Vrniiiit a p
TKAII'U-: I.oIiCiM NO. T. A. IP. anil
A. M - Iteg-ular comtiiunlcatlotia held
on th fliwi and third Tucday vnln(
uf each iii.xilh.
K. C. llolJiKN. r'ary.
IlK'Al. KffTATE, NirpAHT I'l'lUJO.
ITI Tanth trat
llandley A liana. IM l"lrt lrrt, and
Vt th Dally Aalonan. Vlaltor nrd
nut mtaa their morning lpr wlm
fan. lei win lnatead of effe or lt
Klfty cni per tallon. lHm'1 forei
peach and apilo l brandy. Alan French
Coanao and win at Alea (llllxrt a
UtiHrflri, I 'lour, I reJ, I'tuvSlotn, Fruit
VcsrUMr. C'-M-hrtv, (ilaatanj
Pljlfj SVrr. f"j;i;eri'Sii)'.
Cor. I 'iJ Mvlt
A.I..IU (),.
Snap A K,odak
at any nimi ciutitia ou .,f
0 our atara and )u tl net a
Imrtrall uf a limn lirtttimlu
lt rr till pl'-4iit tt.eilila
C Su' ll'lUkil t In tic ll....H.
tae (late Uiuter are rli'iugh I
Corrjo ond Try Them
"to unto other aa you would havt
other do unto you," I ampthtcally
own In tho followlua' 11 nea. th pr
uiiipiion b.'ti( iliat aimpainy I b'rn.
or akin to (aln or aorrow;
"lielitlelnen: - I'lraa arnd Kraowl
HeaiUch l'upule aa follow: fwu
bae to H"ra Seay, llavanna, N. !aK
I'wo to l.llll Wllcoi. Ilrooliland.
N. lalc. I nav alway tn a gratl
ufTerer from headache ami your Cap
ulr ar th only tnn( that relieve
ma." your vety truly.
Havana, N. Imk
Tor al by Cbaa. floKera, Aatorla
Or.. Sol Afenl.
J. 13. WYVIX "
A ttorta. Urrgnn.
I Innhvniv,
Ship ChniKllery,
( i nicer ion,
I 'AINTH tio.l OILH.
UprOal Attciitlun I'alil In Supplylni Ship.
They Lack Life
There ar twlma old lo flaherm.n
on thn Coliimlila river ttiat aland In
cho untie relatluiiKhlp to Manhall'a
rwlne aa a wooden lma doca to th
human belng-lhey lack itrriiKth Ufa
-eveiimnand laatltif qualllle. Don't
fool younielf into th belief (hat other
twine bcaldoa Marnhall'i will do "Juat
i well." They won't. They cannot.
Telephone & Bailey Catzert.
"Telephone" leave Aatorla at 7 p. m.
dully (eicept Sunday).
Lenvea I'ottlaiiil at " a. m. ilaliy . ei
rept Hun, lav
"llalley flataert" leave Antorla Tue.
day. VVedneaday. Tlmradny, Friday and
Saturday morning al t.u .. m.; Sunday
eveiiiiiij at 7 p. m.
Iav. I'orlland dally at p. , .
cept Sunday. On aaiurday at II p m
C. V. HTONK, Aent.
Orocers, : nnj . Butchers
Arttltrla and I !rw.. a......
Pin Taa. anJ Oie. i, Tal.le iMktr u.,m..M,
naTrpl,allo,li. v... . ""l
;urd Mam. Il.i..,n I ir."
Choice - f rtsh and S ilt Meats.
North Pcreifie Bremen
Bohemian Lager Beer
IjQhvs nnlrtri with r t .
BunnyaliU Saloon or liui, ZUL
th. Ccmopollt ftuoon. All "rn. " .m
b promptly attended to. n "W