The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 04, 1896, Image 4

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Loot) srathr for twenty-four hours
ndln it I D. in. yesterday, furnished
br ths United Staff Department ot Af
rlculturs, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature, 38 Jofr..
Minimum temperature. S4 degree.
Precipitation, .63 Inch.
Total srselpltatloa from Cepvtmber Is
1KW, to date, Inohra.
DsArlMcy it preclpltatto fross Sep
tember 1st, IKK, to datei, in Inchon.
Christmas ornament at Smlih'a.
lto blend tea l the best. Ask
crocer (or It, and take no other.
Mean? ths leadlnr tailor, an! pays
the niftiest eaia price for fur skins.
Genuine Flndon Haddock. Imported
Block Klh, Anchovle and Holland Her
rlnit; also Fine Bloater Mackerel;- try
them. Kpard stokes Co.
vji it h street, onooslt the Court
House, to have your umbrella repaired or
re-covered In nrst-olas atyie. a rompiei
stock of niturea and repair alwaya on
Just received. St. Oervals. Neufehatol.
Philadelphia Cream. Kronenkaae. Rterra,
SchloM Kas. K.lsm. Kwlss, Jed roe t. and
manv other varieties of fine American and
Imported cheeee at Foard A Stokea Co.
Price C.
B. Smllh'a fine ChrUtmaa ean-
J no Hahn A Co.. : Commercial etreet.
hara an excellent stock, from which to
chooee a nanuomo and useful Chrlstma
present, consist nit or quilted and felt
Upper. nttemen' assorted embroM
mt llpper. ladles' and irentlemena
worm AlasXt Ml lined rubber and a
complete and stylish Una of boot, ahoaa,
C B. Smith haa the flnett dleplay ot
Chrlatmaa candle In the city. Ilia price
cannot be beaten In the cl;y.
For 35 ont you can recur an excellent
well served meal at the Bon Ton Restau
rant. No. STl Commercial treet! They
are aim fully prepared to serve all kind
of fish, trame and all delleaclc of the
season aa well a oysters In evry Im
aginable tyle at the jbweet llvlmr price.
Come once and you will continue to
Have you overlooked any of your
friends at Christmas? If ao, you can
square yourself by presenting them with
a nice bottle of perfumery as a New
Years' gift We received a lanre Invoice
of these roods too late for the Christmas
trade, consequently have a fine line of
fresh roods for the New Tear. Estes
Crain Drue Co.
Charles Wtrkkala" saloon, on Astor and
7th streets, which has lone- been one of
the most popular and best patronised
drinking pUces In the city has been
moved from Its present location to the
lot Immediately east of tha Casino thea
tre. Many improvements will be added
aa Mr. Wlrkkala intends keeping up the
reputation his saloon has bad since be as
sumed charge years ago. Only the best
wine, liquor and cigar cold at the bar.
a musical concert by the best talent In
the city, under the leadership of Profes
sor Schwabe, the well known pianist,
given nightly. Call around and bring
your friends with you.
Seventy-two Christmas candles for
cents at C. B. Smith's.
No excuse for sleepless nights when yea
can procure One Minute Cough Cur. This
will relieve all annoyances, cur tha meat
ever cough, and give you rwt and
health. Can you afford to da without It?
Chaa. Rogers.
For a dinner, ssrral on aha Dtnang can
of J Ctacago. Milwaukee and 6c Paul
Railway, will be sent to any address on
receipt of a two cent postage stamp. Ap
ply te Geo. H- Heaftord. General Passen
ger Agent, Old Colony Building. Cbloago,
For tha neaarkabty small sum of it
cents one eaa srocara aa essceaeat dUck
ea enaer every taadsy at th popuiar
"Decver Kltekaa." east aid of Ith street
between) Aanor sod Bond. Mr. Rlchard
ob, as proprietor, also assure tha pub
He abatt abey caa obtain at cds place s
wM coaaied. west erred breakfast, din
ner or sap par say day in the seek for
Ma aaovs aaesniosed price. Oiva bim
cat! sad be coariaced that as speaks tas
A twister In twisting
May twist asm a twist.
For tn twtstlng a twist
Three twists make a twist;
But sf on of ss twists
Untwists from tas twist,
Tha twist once-let tag
Untwists the twist.
That la when it's twisted si to any
other twtna than aLUWHAiX 8.
Oreraoaae and winter wraps w be an
faasstaa. Taay can be discards, tempor
arily fWhUa traralaaj an, tts sasaa tmm
trains of the Chicago. Milwaukee ana Bt.
Paul Railway. For soiai contfort, for
soead and for aaafety, no other Una
eompar wttli thai great railway of the
Fine residence and business srosarty
by Was. B. Adair. Real Estate Broker,
No. W Commercial street.
On Irving Avenue
At Prices Stated until January 1st
Block (S Lots 10x100, from $325 to S3M
per lot Two new houses on this block,
three others In contempts tion.
Block M on ncrth side Irving Avenue,
a few lota In this block at t per lot.
Five residences already on this block.
Tlrltors will find a plank walk leading to
the above property, and an electric light
within one block.
Block St on Duane street, only ana
block from river front-1350 for lots 60xl.
Water Frontage Above Hanthorn's
cannery, ITS feet to ship channel.
TION. Ten lets 50x100 only two blocks from
Improved property and less than five min
utes' welk from electric car line, are new
offered in this addition at the very lew
price of from JIM to 200 per lot
North 100 feet Lot 1, Block 128, cheap far
Kuslne Lot-No. 4, ObxlS) in Block 12!,
en Commercial street. For short time
only, ,000.
Block K Only one bluck south of elee
rle car line, a few lots at XM per let,
Fine business lot In Block west of cus
tom bouse on Bond street, U.O0O.
Corner lot (60x100 In Block II, Aster
street, for short time, $6,000.
Lot from K to $100 per lot
Acreage Two hundred acres adjoining
Sklpaaoa a bargain: Two valuable tim
ber claims, within half mile of proposed
Nehalem saw mill.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been mwmrded highest
honors at every worITi fair
where exhibited.
liactd Glovttt
Black Cloves I
Button GIovm !
Colorgd CIov!
All kieds at OLOVES. aad
Every pair QUA. ANTEEO.
w ilivvi VI4UVU1 w
Eye are vocal, tear have tongues.
And there be wonls not made with luogs;
Sententious shower! Oh. let them fall!
Their cadence la rhetorical.
P. C. Xelaon. of Gray' River,
the city jreaterday.
was In
W. W. Whipple, of th 1-slaoe restau
rant. I on the sick list.
K. A. Seeley. of the Whits Collar Line,
was tn the city yesterday.
J. O. Mrglrr and wife were down
from Brookdrld yesterday.
Mr. Ray Morton, of Ross, ttiggins tt
Co., I able to be on deck again.
C C. McDonald, the well known hard
ware traveler, was in town yesterday.
Messrs. A. A.. K. A., and J. W. Sea
borg, of tlwaco. spent yesterday In the
Parties desiring to locate on government
land will please call at our R L
Boyle a Co.
Olef Ecklund and wife and Henry Ms
Gowan. of Chinook, were vWtors in the
city yesterday.
A. F. Elliott of San Francisco, and
W. H. Benham. of Chicago, are guests
ot the Occident.
Last night Miss "Posey" Heilborn en
tertained her young friend in a most
delightful little party
Ray Morton, of Ross. Higglns c Co..
who hss been sick for some time, is
again at bis post of duty.
Friday is unlucky, and yesterdiy was
no exception to the rule. The merchant
complained of a dull day.
Xatale Raffall, who waa arrested on a
charge cf Insanity, was yesterday dis
charged by the county court
The funeral of Mrs. Olsen took place
yesterday afternoon, the temalna being
interred in Greenwood cemetery.
LOST-On Commercial street leather
and silk handbag. Please return to th
Astorian office. Rev. T. TrumbulL
A new stick pin Is In the shape of a
flying heart the two cupids' wings be
ing encrusted with dKmond chips.
Don't use a plaster but take Roger'
Kidney Cure for lame lack. It la rften
a permanent cure. Chaa. Rogers.
It behooves mothers to be careful these
days, as the physicians report severe
case of scarlet fever about town.
Robt Mcintosh, the ship liner. T. W. B.
London, and S. Schmidt the fish packer,
of Portland, are registered at the Occi
dent The Misses Mary and day McCullotigh
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. ln
ralli and will remain some little time
before returning East
There will be fun in the gymnasium to
night, for members only. lrof. Kellogg
has a program that will surprise the
boys, which none should miss.
If you want a lot tn Astoria Addition to
Warenton before the price is advanced,
get It before next Saturday evening. R.
L. Boyle A Co., sole agent.
Fire alarm box No. C has been removed
from In front of Music Hall to the corner
opposite the postoffice. The key la with
Harry Heins at the Casino.
If you don't believe Astoria Is the best
location on the coast for a large city.
look at our map In our window of the
Pacific coast R. L Boyle A Co.
Capt. Petey, of the Mow hail, last even
Inr entertained a select gathering of
Astoria gentlemen on board his hand
some ship in bis well known royal man
ner. Ten more men were sent out to the
railroad camp Thursday and another lot
will go out today. In spite of the rough
weather work Is progressing satisfac
torily. Athena Andreana. th insane Greek
who was brought down from Clifton,
was yesterday delivered into the custody
of this friends, D. Falangw. and Peter
Today Captain Frank Stevens takes
charge of the steamer Harvest Moon,
now in the service of Corey :iros., In the
place of Capt Day, who Is going to
Yesterday afternoon Joseph .s'isfilda, a
Finn who has been here but a short
time, was arrested in Uniontown charged
with being insane. He was held ever for
Fifteen yars ago Tacoma had a pop i-
lauun 01 ;w people today she has to. X.
Asotria is far better located for a large
commercial city, and now is the time to
get in on the ground floor. R. L Boyle
oc 10.
An afternoon toilet Is of Louis XV silk
Wltn velvet yoke and collar. Xmbrold
cred moussellne in sole is draped over
the shoulder and on the front of the
want This costume should have hand
painted buttons.
It was rumored yesterday that war
rant holders, who tried to sell city war-
ranis at tne banks, were not so well
pleased with the withdrawal of Mr. Pat
ton's proposition to purchase city bonds
were me councllmen.
MrS. R. A. PrOUdfnot. of Pnr1an1
Is In th city, the guest of Mrs. J. A.'
itannens. Mr. Proudfoot. who waa for.
merly in the hardware business In South
uenu, vvn.. M now MlrnirMl In lh, ,.l,,mK
us uusinens in rortland.
vi- . 1. .
..... . . unui, wnne carrying A
iive-nanon can of Oil In frnm lh. I.a.k
PjCh. 'r,,r'1y. PPd on the Icy floor
ien, smaing his leg on the sharp
corner of the can, Inflicting a severe cut
which he had dressed by the doctor.
Thursday evening a most enjoyable
party was given by Mr and Mrs. C. E.
Tyler. 2M Commercial street. A large
number of friends were present and the
evening was .pent In games and music
A dainty luncheon was served lata In the
Miss Agnes Bhanahan, teacher of gui
tar. pun!l 0f .c. n, Janon , New T rk
Ml v. will l ple,, ,0 mv.t av .
who deMrre to study guitar At "Th 8'e
vena." f Franklin nvenu on the Mh
of January, between the hours ot bins
ani ftv&
M. TT. a. Oouiin, of the land depart
ment of the Astoria and Columbia River
Railroad, haa gone to Portland In an
wer to a summons rrxwn Mr. Hammond,
tl It supposed that some Important wai
ter has arisen that must b settled In
that city.
The change being made In the llsaes
corner, Uth and Bond atrveta, will revo
lutionise business on Uth street. A hnd
come frontage will be presented from
Orirtln Heed's to Bond strvet. and
that block will he the center of Insurance
and telegraph bustneaa.
Mr. Mx M. Phlllock. formerly cllv td
Itor of the Portland Sun. haa now iitkrn
charve of the "Pacific Klk," a new
monthly Journal, devoted to the Interest
of the order of Klk. published In IVrt.
land. Mr. Shlllock In hi new editorial
position will no doubt make a t right pa.,
A Portland man said yestorday that
more good cre sold In Attorta, in pro
portion to Its population, than In any
other town In Oregon, and that the mer
chants owed lees on stock and dl.
counted more bill than elsewhere In the
state. Collections here he said, rrw silt
N. J. Svrndseth arrived yesterday from
Norway, where he haa been on a visit of
several month. II says that he finds
that th old country has mad great
strides In social Improvements and that
very material advance have been made
In modern eotenoe. He had a very p eas,
ant visit, but could not ty away from
On of Astoria popular fishermen.
ho Is well posted on the habits of the
finny tribe, say that a female codtloh
will lay fort -five million eggs during a
single season. Piscatorial authorities say
that were it not for the work of the
natural enemies of the fUh. they would
fill all the available space In the ar,
river and oceans.
Articles of incorporation were ester day school and It. Y. I. U. at the imual
day filed with the county clerk tncor- hour. The week of prayer will !e ob
po rating the lllnman Tra"t Ijind Co. ! served by appropriate service In the
M. M. Walker. Chaa Rogers, and Juhn
H. Smith are the Incorporators. It ts to
be a perpetual body, and haa for Its
objects the dealing In lan-ls and proper- !
ty. The capital stock consists of w
share of $UW each.
The largest remnant sale that has ever
taken place will begin Monday morning. I
to continue for fourteen days, at Cohen's '
Low Price Store. Now Is your chance
to get fine dress goods for less money
than ever before offered. I have also a
few more capes and jackets which I have
concluded to sell at W per cent off.
Low Price 8tore. )1 Bond Street.
One of Astoria's pro-ntnent merchants
was heard to remark after a busy day
that the woman whose shopping Is done
looks pityingly on while her less for-
tunate sister is going through the mill,
and that despite all wsminrs women
continue to carry their purses proml-
nentiy displayed In their hands, or stick-
Ing out In tempting fashion from shallow
Jacket pockets.
Th usual weekly meeting of the Upper
Astoria Social Club was held in their
hall last night The new offl-er were
Installed, and following the addresses by
them an excellent program was rend r-d.
Next Friday at I n. m. sham the rii.h
will give a public sxhlbltion with the
stereopticon and a cordial invitation Is j '
extended to all to be preecnt Seventeen
new members were received. i
A leading physician said yesterday that !
me present lasnion In young ooys and
even men In cutting the hair cIds. to
the scalp In both summer and winter. Is
A cause of disease of the ear. It Is a
well recognized fact that we hear with
the skin of the scalp ami the lones of
the head, and Irritation by damivenlng
the skin Impairs the hearlnc. When cold
water Is applied too freely it will pro
duce coryxa and earache.
In conversation the other day amongst
several gentlemen, the subject turned to
vices, and the preacher In tne crowd
aid: 'There I no vice, vhlch Is alo
lutely so which does not offnd. and that
a sound Judgment does not accuse; for
there Is in it so manifest a deformity
and inconvcnlenre that pcradventure
they are in the right who say that It Is
chiefly begot by ignorance, so hard it Is
to imagine that a man can know without
abhorring it"
A travelling man for Oeo. i-:. Payle.
the cracker manufacturer of ian Fran
cisco, while calling on a prominent mer
chant yesterday, was heard to remark
that on his way down to Astoria he had
A dream that he would sell a bill of
goods to the merchant he was talking to,
who ws the son-in-law of a certain
well known banker, nd that he would
also sell goods to a man In couth I end
who had only Just opened a store In that
place. The names of the Astoria banker
and the South Bend merchant were re
vealed In his dream. lin reaching As
toria h said he Inquired about the hank
er and learned who his rela'le In trade
was. and that he also learned there was
a merchant In South Bend of the name
In his vision. As he succeeded in sell
ing his bill of goods in Astoria he has
great hopes that when he reaches South
Bend he will meet the same jucccsb. It
was suggested by a by-stander that he
dream on every trip In the futurs
Mr. A. P. Bradbury, I he well known
travelling man, of Portland, was In the
city yesterday, and of course had a new
story for tbo boys, fn speaking of Irish
wit, he said: "I wonder why It I that
the Irish are alwiys charged with the
brightest things that are said. I can't
account for It on any other theory' than
ihat they must say the brighter thlnes.
Here is one I struck the other Jiy: Mike
struck a case of financial desuetude one
day that demanded relief. 80, to make a
bold strike, he went right to the office of
one of the bankers, and perhaps eaHv
the most prominent citizen of the com
munity, and a?ked lilm for the loan of
$10. Besides being very phllanthrnple,
the banker saw an oporttinlty to do Mike
rome permanent good, so he told him If
he would no down to the priest and take
the pledge he woul lend him the money,
and he needn't pay It as long as he kept
from drinking. At that rate it was likely
to he a short-lived loan. Mike came bar k
with a note from the irlest and received
the money. When the clouds break away
from a Ce!lo horizon, the sunshine la
all the brighter, and ns the $10 gold
piece came to the grateful Mike, his
whole-heart welled up In gratitude: as he
lowed an I scraped his way to the door
he stopped and said with the gravity of
a senator: "And Mlshter Frank, ave ye
should Ivver waant fer a ting an' I've
A pig In the pen ye shall have th' haalf
of him " The probability is that If the
condition of the loan was complied with
Mike has been sober ever since.
A literary social and dance will be giv
en Saturday evening, January 4, by Re
bekah Lodge. I. O. O. F., in Odd Fellows'
hall. Refreshments will be served and
A general good time had. Come one,
come all. Admission 25 cents.
Manager Beggs has secured a flMt-elas
dramatic company In a first clais play,
which will be presented next Thursday,
the Uth, at Fisher's opera home.
"The Defaulter,''-the latest work from
the pen of Lincoln J. Carter, author of
The Fast Mall," ana "The Tornado,"
Is one of ths best play of modern times.
It Is a drama In the true sense or the
word, and, while abounding in stronir
situations, and thrilling climaxes, there
Is nothing of s melodramtlc character
about It. The story is one .or intense
Interval, told In an Inti-llluent and conlse
manner. While the piny Is strongly dra
matic In tonis Mr. Carter has Introduced
n roln ot brlrht, clean nnd wholrenm
vmedy that Is most rcTprsMng. "The
DcUultrr'' l not i s-enlo r'AVi Tt It
Is being presented auh A wealth of
beautiful scenery, and I Interpreted by
an efficient company.
Admission, CV, ;, and $1 M.
Thelt Name and Place of Residence.
Rev. K 8. Bollinger, th street, between
Harrison and Irving.
Rev. Robert Uddell, 191 Tlh street.
Rev, 1- J. Trumbull, M Kxchange street
Rev. tl. J. tVhmld. Ji K avenue.
Rev, Johnston McCormac, ATS Grand
Rev. K. W. Garner, Ml rVanklln avenue.
Rev. W. 8. Hhort. a Klh strtvt.
Rev, l.eopold Plelman, St. Mary' Hoe.
Rev. O. K. Peterson. I Flavel street
Rev. J. J, Walter. 1U Bond street.
Rev. Jacoltsen, lrw Franklin avenue.
Rev. J. J. llolkka. : ISth street.
Rev. P. Hteen, IAW KVanklln avenue.
Rev, J. N. Kdlund. -l Jlst street.
There will lie services In the German
language at the ConKrc.itlotiM church
on Sunday afternoon at 1 J G.
Schmid, iastor.
Congregational Church. Communion
services In the morning, liev. V It.
Whlimore. a former ivajtor of the M K.
church of Astoria, will preach at nisht.
Excellent music by the choir. All are
moat cordially Invite I.
A letter from Rev. Pr. vine chnnga the
time of the second quarterly Meeting ot
the M. K. Church to Feb. M. The pastor
will occupy the pulpl! lioth morning and
evening. Sunday school and
meeting at the usual hour. Strangers
cordially Invited to nil our ser'-lce.
Mcmtcrs will he received next ra th.
Services at the Baptist Church Suit.
Ject of the morning sermon. ' The Golden
Rule." Of the yvamlnk.. "Hvlv&l " Mitn.
churvh each night. Thursday exvpte.l.
At which time all will Join In union niiet.
Ing at the M. K Church.
' Swedish Lutheran Church-Service on
1 Sunday morning In 8eillh. Sunday
school at 13:15 The classes to lie ar-
ranged this Sunday for the year is Ser
vices In the evening at T to In Knitllsh.
Subject ' Behold. I make all I hums
new." The congregation will hnM Its
annual meeting next Tuesday at l a.
m. J. A. Kdluml, pastor.
RKDKKAH 8".U. Cl.l'H
On Saturday, January 4:h. Gateway
IteneKan l.ougc, I. t it. p., will hold a
ao"lnblc In the Odd Kelloas" hull,
' The lodge I a young on. and Is there,
I '"N no1 vrrv rich, an l this Is the first
1 ef series of entertaliments to be
s!vn with the object of bull ling up the
j treasury. For this reaon the sum of ;"3
I cents admission will he charjr-d. This
entertnlnm. nt In manv years
given py any branch of the order at
which an admission fee has 'een chaisr-
ed, and should le hnlted wltn Pleasure
by many who have er.loyed the frei'i mi
hospitality of the (XI. I Fellows, vnd who
can now reciprocate to some extent by
helping along the ladles' b-dsc. The
program will Ik a g"od one. Including
character duel by Mr. and Mr. 11 J.
i w,k9- There will 1
no speeches, but
' rrr'iv eall bids at my office,
Astoria. Oregon, until 12 a clock, neon.
Saturday, Junuary 1th., for the rental
of the Hotel Tiuhe Astoria, together wltn
the furnltm therein !is per Inventory In
my possession I will ulv. n lea 'e to
the hlKhe-ii bidder until said proerty
shall be sold at referees sal..
The following transfers of real estate
were filed In the offico of Recorder Oun.
derson yesterday:
Union Real Kstato and Improve
ment Co. to Qulnrey Mctli'lre,
mI 5. Block 2t, In Alderhrowk... 01
E. L Payer to N. ". Ree l, his
In Kindred Pnrk I
Southern People Are American In Ideas,
Worshipful, Progressive, Patriotic.
Edward W. Lok pays a delightful and
nlmlrlng tribute to the Soulh an.l to the
80uthern people. Inspired by ihe man
agtment of the C"tton Exposition at At
lanta, Uvorgla, to keep the gates of the
great exposition closed on Hunduv. in
fact to have never seriounly considered
ror discussed opening them, Mr llok con.
tends that the Southern Idea In this mut
ter of Sabbath observance, as It Is In
great many other directions, la Hlniply
the pure, sound American Id a. rhc
most wholesome American Ideal, those
ideas upon which our government rests,
are nowhere so prevalent as they are at
f resent In the South. . . They o
not question Divine bins In Ihe South;
they accept and perpetuate them.
tellectual progress there goes hand In
hand wltha strict adherence to the ac
cepted beliefs of rHIglon. The South Tn
o.nher docs not explain the lllbie to her
children in the light of so-called "modern
teachings"; she places It In their ham's
as her mother gave It to her. An l with
the fundamental principles of religion the
Southern child Is t.-iurrlit pntrlolism and a
love of countrv; hi - e patriotism anil re.
Ilglon stand side be si.le tn the education
of A Southern child. The Southern peo
pie believe In progress, but progress along
healthy, rational lines. Theories which
mentally upset find no sympathy with
th"m. They are content to move slowly,
but sanely and surely. And some day
when the vast majority of u who live In
other portions of this country get through
vlth our camplng-otit civilization, wh"n
we drop our boastful manners, when we
get old enough to unilerstnnd that there
is a stronghold of conservatism whkh
stunds between tyranny and anarchism,
our eyes will turn toward the South. And
we will see there a people who are Ameri
can In ideas and in living: a people wor
shipful, progressive, earnest, couragous
and pntrlotlc-a people who have mad
of their land, against defeat an l preju
dice, "the heart of America."
There Is a change In the construction
of sleeves, although It Is not yet suffi
ciently pronounced to make It self-apparent
to the general eye.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most rerfect Marle
o Years the SL-mtlunl
Time 1M all tlvlnf. Year ttltl rnako
A food itput.ttlon or clthhll'h n bad ene
"You r.vnhpt fool all of th leopl all
the time " If n thing Is found to be
good It will last the year go by,
Time Has Proved
beyond the shadow ot a doubt that the
claims made for Warner's Safe Cur, are
supported by results. I'lme haa shown
that It I" 'he beat and most reliable
remedy for eveiy derangement of the
svstem caused by disorders of th liver
and kidneys. Thousands of testimonials
gathered from year to year nliest ihls
great fact
you can real" Iho l-ciieni of 'hi vspe.
rlence. If you are suffering from the
miserable, wearing symptoms which le
suit from liver and kidney complain, you
may know where to look with Iwlfecl
rerlalntv for relief and cure. There, la
nothing like Wai iter's Safe Cur t7r et
fvctuallv pulling a stop to lam back,
sick headaches, ronatlpallon, of ap
petite, dvaitepsla. llfl feeling. and
sleepleaaiKws. It Is the only remedy that
h ever been able to cure Urlg'il'a ill
ease. It Is a sovereign remedy for bladder
troubles, female complaints, and other
dangerous complications resulting from
neglect of first svmploma
If you si weak and sickly It will make
you strong and well. Try It .tnd l con.
Senator Chandler Wakes Up the Inter
state Commerce tVmmtsslon.
The Washington correspondent of the
Cincinnati F.nuirer l as Iho lollowing 10
say In regard to the Interstate commerce
law :
Chairman Morrison, of the Interstate
comerve commission, today sent to the
senate a copv of the articles of organisa
tion of the Railroad Joint Traffic Associa
tion and also a copv of a letter which
te commission has sent lo Ihe attorn-y
general In the letter to th attorn"!
general the commission savs the ivgtee
nici t Is In conitici wlih the Interstate
commerce law and requests him to dlrec
the Untied States district attorney for
the Southern district of New York to In
stitute proceedings by inlunction or other
wise to prevent Its hctng carried Into
The presidents' agreement Is not all
that lis original trainers meant It to bo.
As flrsl ptepare.1 and adopted It waa ihe
most ifTecllve ilocuiii'tit of the kind that
the railroad managers tia.e ever succeed,
ed In agreeing upon Then came Ihe Ylg.
orous attack upon It by Senator Chand
ler, of New Hampshire, who wrote a let
ter to I'.terstat. cunmert'e commissi n,
calling ihe attention of that lavtv to the
proposed agreement, which he declared to
le "a g'gsntlr trust and conspirncy."
Secretary Moselev. of the eommlsalon, re
plied to the senator in a rather perfunc
tory manner, which arouard Ihe Ire ot
the gentleman from New ttamp"hlre. who
Immedialelv wrote a caustic epistle to
t'hairman Morrison, of the commission,
0 which he asked to le inforntrd. among
other things, wh-ther Mr Moeelrv was
Ihe Interstate commUs'on llsclf or
whether he was only the secertarv He
also took ad.antvge of the opportunity
lo tell Mr Morrison whit the writer
thought he ought "lo do as chairman of
the commission. a'i. what the country
es.peele.1 Mm t.t do. or at least what
Senator I'hum!. r though! Hie country
Would expect Mr Morrison's reply did
nni please Mr. t'l.andler any titer than
Mr. Moeley s. an.l no wonder, for fn
honorable gentlemen who comMise the
Interstate commerce c"nnnistoii havs not
been verv nggressivr if I He veai. and
have busied themelrs largely in prepnr
Ing stctNttcal reports.
The comml sioit i-ui succeeded during
the seven years of us eilsten... In op
Mining one criminal comictton for vlnli-
tlnn of the law which brought it ;nt 1 ,.g
Istunce-a freight sg-i'l of tin. name ot
Toser. at Hannibal. Mo. w hi. by -he
way. was in vcr pun!. tied afi.r convic
tion It i ixipuliirly Ixllewd irmt ihe
romm!ston have come 10 ihe conclusion
that the Inlerslal" law will he declared
i If the (.tie Is ever made
before the s'.iptenie court, and that th
verv etl.-ienci of ihe commission dcpon-le
upon Its not h,.pg too ag-gres.iv-f.
At unv rate, the 1 nmmlsalnn
and Ha rulings are no longer considered
of much Importance In the traffic de
partments of the railroad companies, and
fCoU and combinations have tt-n
formed lately under more or less thinly
iiisguiseti devices, and Hie l. 1.. lives and
aperlal agents who. In Judge Cooley'a
time, used to iairv consternation Into
railroad oin.-rs. no longer eilsi, or If they
do exist their presence 1, no longer con
sidered to le a menace.
The last prominent attempt lu convict
anylKHly under this Inw was brought
against the oitb inls of the Ijiokawenna,
la-hlgh ami Wabash rompinl. s on evi
dence which was furnlshe.i direct frnm
the Wabash auditor's nfhVe by a ills
charged clerk, who b.k s of ihe
billing showing rebates or dH. rlmlnstlnn.
It looked like a clear eas,.. but ofi-r drag
ging nlong for a year or more It finally
came tn trial 11 11. 1 all uf the defendants
were discharged
Senator f'hiindler, however, was deter
mined in smoke the lommlsalon out, and,
having begun with the secretary ami got
ten no satisfaction, he passed on in ihe
chairman, where bo hn l no heller lin k
Then he wrote a leii.r lo President
''b.vnnnd hlm.ielf. In h, h I , sa d things
thai some peoplo thought ,.r
ttste. and perhaps Imp. rtlneoi. l,,, 1t
nnv rate. Hie row Hun h raised over the
agreement has ep arly r. suited in causing
action lo be taken and I'halrman Morri
son now re,,u..sts the attorney g, neral to
l eein pro-eedlng to annul the agreement
whet In r unythlng will nut of It
remains to be n, but 11 , certain Ihnt
the pr.- icms submitted t i. (r ngrcemiTf
to the' legal departments of son ,. ,,f n,e
greatest railway rrrpomtlnn In 11...
trv before i wnK itrmlly Hgiud. and that
ney 0".'ve UlCy 1.,'IVC
nn olr linhl. law
proof Urn urnent lu Bland on
nkii .101 m,.e, r r ii,c ..pinion
that the attack on the joint ,rnnV
-..e ...... ... win. in I'm end. com- to
nothing. They y ,,.,, n ,
1 n 'nomination for lh
evening ii'-mnrnllxatlon of
rates No att-mpt Is m be male lo
.1 h . u r""'1"' " ''"lm
, ... ,or in., purpose
ih. L 15 'r r, v """ brnvlded
they miik-o no attorn,,! to f,orn lh
. . ... . ... . ""' "l,,r "irlff
... . .., ,,. miersiaip :mm,.rrK
commlsKloners for freight nod
gera. 1
Is hereby v , .f,.. )))(,
Hole? -h.' ,r""'r,y ,n"W" " 'he TIKI,
llotel-whleh H v ...
(i.l. it.- r f. . ..ovroioer
nth, Pi't. for m iavs.u.111 for Ml fh; n,Z '
"'. "" "no conilll ons
same aa before.
J. If.
r. OKAY,
"Ht Ives," the novel left suleitantlnlly
eompletp, and unpublished, by Uohert
leiuls Hlevenson at his death, Is descrlb
ed as purely a romnne, of ndvenlure.
It Is 1 tha slory of a French prisoner rap
lured In Ihe Peninsular wars, v ho I
shut tip In Fdlnbtir fastle; ihera he
falls In love wllh a Beotoh Kr who. with
her aunt, fre..ienlly vlsli, the prisoners.
Ther Is early In the slory a duel im.lcr
extraordinary circumstances, between Ht
Ives and a fellow prisoner; after various
episodes a danerous plan of escape
decided upon, and the dnrliiK Hi Ives
finally becomes a free man The ,.-nl
that he iindeiifoes while hl.lln -ihoui
If you want a lure, relief for
limbs, ui aa
Btail IN MiNtv Not on. of
tlont Is as good as th 1111
Have You
a Sharp
The New Year's
Turkey flay Be
Tough !
dust the Thing for a
The Astorian Job Office
Best of
Is always prepared
Wll.l. IIKADS.
all kinds of Commercial Printing at Prices as
Low, if not the Lowest in tin? City.
Kdlnburs. his adventure on Ihe " 1 1 -. 1
North Uoad with strangers and tol.Urs, (
bis final eseaM aeross the lord.-r Into
Knalan.l, hn siibsespieut r our-i to i:.L
Inbiirs. and many other In. M. u s ..f ihi
splen.ll.lly coneelved st.iry aie ...l in
the spirited, viva.iou and vii.l"ifnl
style of which Htevens in e ns a ni .si. r
Mr. Hl.lnry In -'ilms. lf an author
snd erltle of rare ahlllly and a insist t
of stylo says of this nool ihnt 'as a
lale of adventure, manners, and the r m.!.
rhlrh Is all It was in.MM to be. :t v 1.
he found a very spirit. 'd un.l eiii.ttnin.
lu; pl.H.e,"
From H B M.-fl.t'lti:. l.lmli .1.
30 lifayetln I'la.e, New Voik
HAII.WAV fdNSTItl'i'TI'i.V IN lv.:
Fewer Miles Ad.bst Than In any of Ihe
IjisI Twenty Years .
Hallway biilhllns. a.r .r.lliut to I. .lay's
Issue of the Hallway Ak'. r.a.'h. .1 In
Ihe I'nlted Htsles this year a low. r polnf
than In any of the last Iwenly v.-irs in
deed. In only l,o yrars sinre i". tb tn
years ano. hss so small a mll. ii-:.' b m
bulll. Diir records for tvir. now l.m'
only I. "s3 miles of trn.-k laid, a it. 10. n.
don decline from the aieai y. r ..'
Ix7, when almost I3.'" mil. s w.-re pni
down In the rlnlit year since that time
the decrease In construction has b..n
reat and continuous, and Ihls year ihe
total built was only al.0111 no miles mote
than In the year lvv., forty ik
if the fnrly-nlne states and let . Itorhs
Into which the country Is now .llv'.L.t.
fifteen made no Increase of railway
milage last year. The niltaue
laid was In Telas, El miles, followed l.v
Indian Territory with i:. Callfornhi wllh
nln..ty-sl, and Ohio I'onnsylwinli. Wes'
Vlrslnls, Maine and fleoritla wllh !
iween eluhly snd ninety en. h.
(if Ihe outlook the Ae ravs:
The bottom has ben reached, nnd n
moderate revival of railway bull. Unit
may be Inked for. Materials are ciccl
Initly cheap, labor Is abundant, i.rii.'tl ni
enterprises are numerous, nnd on rums
of them work has he 11 .bine, business Is
reviving In spite of terrlhV assaults from
pollthnl anil speriilntlvn nuulrrs, nml
Ihe needs nf many localities for
trnnsiortallon facilities must b" ni't.
The railways of the I'liH-d Hint 's i.u
December 31, lW. will BKKr 'Kulo n III IV
over IM.txw miles.
At World's and Midwinter l'nlr, i.e.
Price's ItnklnK I'owiler rec
sward nnd gold melal.
!l .'
I.ll'.b. st
"A On for your bill of fare; ihow tne
your company "-Swift.
Mulaifii (Irup.s.
Ilrenki'ast food, freuiii.
Aip'irni'ns 'Irrili'l
Mutton'.yi, Hrollcd.
(.'rilled Hones llakeil I'uliitoec.
Tousled CrutiipeM,
Illua Point tlyslers.
Puree nf PartrblKes.
Celery. llallshes. 1 Hives.
Bt'iffed Crabs.
Ducks Htewed with Oily.
Hriissela Hprouts.
Boulhdown Mutton Chops. Ooliiort Hauce.
Tlmbale a la Havolalentie.
Chicory Hnlnd.
Nwselroil" I'liddlnif.
Camembert. Wafers,
Creamed Clams In Chafllnf Dbh.
Bulml of PnrlrldK'S.
French IVas.
Coffee M.iiihsc.
The feminine element I terribly In ey
res In (lermany. the women exceitllnn
the men by more thnn a million, accoi.l-l
ina; to the latest statistic. j
When a lawyer submits a bi b f It' Is
fair lo ibices that his opponent will be
brl(fer?-nochesler Tlm.
The orthodox Hebrew dale from Ihe
creation, which event they plucc In the
year H. C. 'i'Vi.
t the, ldt, chiit, or
. Porous
th. ho.l of rm.nir.MU and Imlla-
Our Stock of Car
vers Will Suit
New Year's Present.
I s
to print to order
I I 1; I. I f AN KS,
Hiirriv; I ;s,
I i' ui is
II M':ll l.
1: If. I ll
r . w'-l . f imlsV.I rsk iiu
i' ai ie at. Mr 11.4.
T l.rr..
i slih it 1
dll , .orl.or H!h soil llts.HA SLTSSMa wlilns.l imoiii If tbwtnst.
;ii u ii 1 i.tei
I I. ..a ... n .i r ic
. In striioKraphv
l t.. coitlliioe th.-iii
f ma thr r elllntf
In Ihe Tithe Molel,
ill s oil be lllbd .oil
r .i.l.lrrss Mrs. p F.
i '1 M in.-, iln of ihe t'.dutu.
r I 1 H.rn.tis Protective Cnlon
l-'l .1' t'- r loom Tiles,
u . 1'"' s' T 'J. i m eh.irp. All
lb .-ill.
I. . Hl
l.v. J 11
..r.-r f.n
.M. ml.
.1 lo I
.r t. ii
-.... ruihnti.UT 10 be con.
. In ko. -I .ti.ti.rntf are r.-.'i. 11.
!'!.-.. flit i.o.l hn.e Ihelr hook
oi " ... riF-H ji:nhi:N,
H'i. t iry.
PHir.OII'H (Tltr, th frsstt Couuh
snd Croup Cure, is In treat demand
Pocket rise contains twenty. flv d'We
lily S.'. rents Children lovs It. Hold
hv J W Coi.n
The Resort -
Ctimini'tcih! sit. el, id ill
Wlirro ll.l. IIIIS. I.O. .11, l.. Illluirilllf.
man po (or wind is ciillcl "llh.HT UN
1HK 'OAS I'." .,r a mc c.h.i drink of
lln. celebr ilcl ( i'liiilirmiu licei. Sni,,.
i bee nf every kind 111 il l.i nr.lor, ti.
sn fleirnnl fun I 1 n . Ii scrvwl 1 mi jr Jav.
II. d lli.Moii I'uki.l I'.'in.s seiTcl rvery
'illu r itf iTi -u . Y1111 am wclcuue.
Crosb juer & Brach
HMD so IKiull ki.KK Tn AM,.
lp. n everv ilaj (nun :i,,', tn 6 .')
mil t, : Tl'" In II Mil p I,,.
SuUcriplioii latin .i pit niaiuiii.
Snaths,.. t ..r. Mrt enth snd lluan At.
Wl'! don'i m miiI boys .,r hmf. is lo.i
of nbllliy. Jhi lo i'ji.t im,i, . .,.,
lots. Slate ami
and colnlnlssloii.
Keneinl lie ms Halary
Uucliie Fin. KllKln Co.,
Haclne Wis.
WANT K I A it en is 10 .1
"111 Nlltb.lllll Uf- l,,.r..,J V. -I
Motllpellor. VI. For r.inl,.. ...''-
lion, address O. M. f.lolp, (IsneriV Const"
WANTED Man or lady 10 collect, do
.ne ..nice work, and mnae as.nt.
Tou will del through your Isldl.,, m.r
rhanl. Ho,uell,llc ,w very popi
lar. We py u pn... i.0,non per
niatient. Hend four ref,ric. 4 Ua
oem. for full particular. John Plnno
MKT., P. O. H..x Vi, Ht. Uul. Mo
l "H SAI.K.
Just out just r.
"" JP" . t
, .... . ..,,,,,,,,.,,, glrB0ti
M IH 'WMjA N liOi;n,
I'l:is VvFi u- ... .
ferent Hlw.s r..r Ulf-
" :; r"r "".-".. fumllle anl
'It: brnlll.i w ',."". '"Perlncs;
.I,,,., ,. :, ' .."WISOTI A
- ..... n, ..lilliinhlis 0,,