The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 04, 1896, Image 2

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gaily gotovimu
Telephone No. M.
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Postage free to subscriber.
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lication should be directed to th editor.
Business communication of all kind and
ramltotm-ea tnuat be addressed to The
The Aatortan guarantees to Its ub
ecrRera the lrgt circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising ratea can be had on ap
plication to the buelnMt manager.
The Weekly Aatotlan, the aecond oU
eat weetty In the t' oC Oregon,
next to the Portland Oregontan, U:e
Urreet weekly circuit ion In the Mate.
Jno. T. Handle Co. are our Pert
land agents, and copies of the Aitorian
can be had erery morning at their atsJ
n Flret street.
The Cuban chief has beaten Spain'
greatest general. So much la ma le clear
by the new from the "ever-faithful Isle."
General Campoa recently took the field In
person against the rehela. He had ten
men to their one, besides vast superiority
In equipment and supplies. He planned
rhiewd strategy, by which he meant
either to capture the whole Insurgent
army, or to drive It Into the swamps ot
the Zapata Peninsula, where It icuM
easily be kept harmless. He has m.e
been forced to retreat, to fortify his
camps against attack, ami to Impress Into
his service, for enforced military duty.j
all the cltliens he can CM hold of. tie!
has ben outgeneraled, outmaneuvered.
outflanked and beaten in every engage-1
ment In the campaign. Genera! Gomes;
has broken through his and men-l
aced the rear of his army, and marched
all around him. At present General Cam
pos aeems to be standing at bay. f,ar
fully awaiting an attack, and wondering
whether the next blow will fall upon him
or upon Matanxas or Havana.
Not long
ago he was planning to put a line ot!
soldiers clear across the Island and march
them eastward, sweeping the rebels Into
the aea at Cape Mays! Now he is hop
ing the rebels will not march westward
It like manner and drive him Into the tea
at Cape San Antonio. j
The war has been In progress less than i
a year. General Campos has iw.w) vet-1
teran troops at his command, with a;
nation of K.DUu.Css) at his back. The rebel j
army numbers about lo.OAi, with about :
half a million to draw
The total
population of Cuba is only about l.oW.'iw,
half berig In garrisoned cities under j
Spanish guard, an.) not more thn rn. I
- , , , I
third of the population can be reckoned
..,.., , , . .
as actively in revolt. The Spanish have, !
threfore, loS.OW soldiers to suppress tnei
revolt of 5W.0W) or S.v.(:o men. women and
children; as many soldiers, that is. as
there are men in the whole Insurgent
population, combatant or non-combatant.
and ten times as many as the actual rebel'
army. Yet they have been steadily los-i
Ing ground. Today the Insurgents hold
more than half the island, and are over
running more than half the remainder.
Draw a line across the map of the island
at Santa Cly.ra, from the mouth of the
Sagua ri er to Point de. San Juan. All
east of that-to-wit. half of the province i
of Santa Clara and all of Putrle Principe
and Santiago de Cuba Is In th- hands otj
the rebels, with the exception of less than'
a score of garrison towns and seaports. '
Draw another line across, from Matanxas!
to the Bay of Brca. and the territory be-j
tween It and the former to-wlt, the resti
of Santa Clara and nine-tenths of Matan
ras is the prestnt scene of war. The:
rest of the Island, west of Matanxas. com-'
prising the provinces of Hi-.-ana and
Plnar del Rio. Is still undisturbed, though
ine insurgents may invaue u at a.iy time.
and filibusters from Mexico may land ui
on Its shores.
. Bum iatc 1,111,119 ii 10 wure
than Idle for Spain to kep up the nre-
tense that there is no war In Cuba, but j
merely some desultory rioting. There Is
war, civil war, fully as much as there was
In this country thirty odd years a?o, the
existence of which Spain waa so quick
to recognize; and we are inclined to think
the Insurgents have r.ow far better prom
ise of success than the Confederates in
this country ever had.
The annual holiday convention of the' Important to AmerVrar.s seeking Dng
Biot.. T.h.r- ai,i 1 ! ah 'aptUU for nsw enterprise. A U
which is now being held In the Hi(?h
School at Portland, is Illustrative of the
growing tendency of the educational
forces of the country to secure through
organization and comradeship a certain
harmony of
meth'jd and unity of nur-
It Is only through Interdependence ot
the various departments of the educa-i
tional system, one upon the other, work-!
Ing together for the attainment of a den-
nlte end, that the work of our public'
schools can be made to turn out the high-;
est type of a symmetrically developed
manhood and womanhood, fitted
to .-e-
spond to the best ideals of citizenship.'
There should be uniformity of methods
of Instruction as well as uniformity In
text-books. There should be a wise cor
relation of ideas In every part of the!
educational plans, from the kindergart;n!
to the university, and it Is only through i
tnese f.nnuai gatherings that the eoli-'
darity and uniformity of the common
school system can be maintained. !
tf nm,er rr. I. .,i,i .h. ..!
' " " i""liio say to my friends the orchestra
of the programme committee at the con-; variably begins to play forte."
vent ion of our state teachers now In
session to keep the deliberations from de
scending to mere pedagogical controversy
and to sparring for advantage in mere
cstentallous exploitation of dry erudition
these gathering ought to be productive
of permanent and substantial benefit. The
teacher ought -to prevent themselves
from drifting In narrow pedagogical chan
nel too far from the common people. j
AmonfT the objects to lie attained by the'iil romvnt.'on of (fa. hers are; The
s.!tinuiat!''-n f professional prid". the
discovery of abuse and the suggestion
rf rencillc for their correction, the ex
change of Mom that rcmei from pcraonal
cKi-cricnio In the f-nopltvcm, the beneflt
of contact with the min . ot the brightest
educators, the cultivation of the esprit do
corps, which helps to make the cAtca
tloral army a compact, agx-esslve and
effective force In attaining th, hlghett that are possible under our free
school system.
It cost t'nel Pm snXhM.ll to maintain
the New York during the fiscal year end
ing June V tM. U would have cost a
gnat deal more than that If the New
York had really done anything. The
heaviest Item In the expense of the last
year was lasts." used In paying her
officers and crew; JV.S3.I went for re
pairs, a very largo sura for a new ship.
The San Franeleo used the tidy little
sum of $ during the year; UwJ.;
was expended In repairs Just before her
departure for the European station, where
she now Is. l-ess than tT,l.1U l was
necessary. evcluslve,of medicines, to pay
the expenses of the comparatively small
number cf vessels the I'nlted States kept
In commission during the year ending
June Js, m
During the year there wes expended to
ward additional ships i:tC8.:u SS, and
there can be no manner of doubt but that
the money was well expended. It Is I
great pity that so little of It was expend
ed at navy yards, for. with property
valued at almost at the various
stations, it Is a waste of capital to send
all the work to private contractors. Were
the navy department a private corpora'
lion, and proceeding after this manner,
any court in (he country would appoint
a receiver to manage Its affair within
twenty-four hours It cost no less than
U to pay the salaries ot the officers
who are detailed for duty In yards.
It Is an Interesting question when ten
der of a silver coin can be refused by
reason of abrasion. The question was
brought before the supreme court of the
I'nlted States In a case involving the re-
! fusal of a ten-cent piece offered In pay
ment of car fare on a street railroad In
Jersey City. The conductor refused the
coin when tendered because he thought
It was not worth par. having been worn
by abrasion while In circulation. The
passenger was ejected from the car and
I brought suit for damages. He recovered
a judgment, which was afflrmed by the
supreme court of New Jersey, and this
Judgment has been affirmed by the su-
I preme court of the I'nlted States In an
I affirming the judgment Chief Justice
Fuller referred to the law regulating the
passage of defaced and abraded coins,
and declared that there was no provision
against the passage of silver coins which
were abraded only by circulation, and that
they were a legal tender as long as they
bore the semblance of the coin.
I'ncle Sam cannot fail to notice that the
Canadian farmers near the bord.'rs .re
firing all the eggs at him they can raise.
j We are confident that Spain will not Join
ary nation In making war on the United
Slates. In case of hostilities, of course.
we should have to Insist upon It paying
fcr what the Duke of eragua ate during
e "or'li' rlr'
General Miles' warning that our ccast
defenses are wholly Inadequate was high
, ly Impolitic, no doubt. But as It suc-
sceded in stimulating congress to the per-
formance of its duty in the matter, that
will be overlooked by posterity.
Martinex Campos, Spanish captaln-gen-
eral of Cuta. "authorlxes the most ex
i pliclt and unequivocal statement that the
I insurrection will be put down." Hut It
I will be noticed that he explicitly and un-
equivocally neglects to say when,
There Is an Increasing tendency to view
the Venexuelan war through the large end
of the spy glass.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all othtrs.
Counsel-Then you think he struck you
with malice aforethought? Witness tin-
flicrn a n: 1 v I I ml.', tu-i-a ha hit me
witn a t,ricl(. vhere wasn't no mallet
nor nothin' cf the kind ubout. New York
All tr.e patn: metJls-iesj advertised
n this ptper. together with the cnolo-
est perfumery, and toilet article, etc,
an be bought at tne lowest price at
J. W. Conn' drug itore, oppoait Oo-
cldent Hotel. A-torta.
I Lawyer Have you formed any opinion
on this case? Juryman No. tlr. "Io
J you think, after the evidence on both
I -ides Is all in, you would be able to form
j any opinion''" "No, sir." "You'll do,"
New York Weekly.
containing the nmea and addre.') ot
3f auor-essjf -i! promoters wh- nave placed
over li').m,V Storting In Foreign In
vestment wltliln the la six years, and
over 1S.W), Vic the seven month of
li95. I'l ic -, fi, or lii, jnyMe by postal
order to tho London and Universal Ru-
reau of Invefjrs, 20. Cheap.lde, London,
i E. C. SutaerAivm wll be entitled, by ar-
either pecr.j: or lttcr'of intr.5ductoin
to any of rhem prmoter.
1Tr'i" nr4t cfafls ln 'very resipect,
and evejry man or Arm whose name ap-
t,ierfcln Ztod upon.
For pacing the following It will be
found InvuluaMe Bonds or Share of In-
dustrta". Commercial and Financial con'
oerns. Mortgage bans. Sal of Lands.
Patents or Mlnt.
"No." she said lanvui.iiv "r .av
""'ft I am interested In the opera."
'. 'I111"6'1,7. "
. N' .Whenever 1 think of something
Mr. J. J. Keil. 8hanbu.-f, Pa.
Dear Sir--1 am glad to say a good
word for Kraase'i Headache Capiulea.
After suffering for over three year
with acute neuralgia and it consequent
Insomnia (Thich seemed to baffle the
efforts of some of our best pbyilcian)
you suggested this remedy which rave
me almost Instant relief. Word fall
to express the praise f should like to
.Vstow on Krause's Headache Capeules.
Oratefiillv 'Yours,
Montrose. Pa.
Discusses the War Question In No Un
certain Tone.
New York Tribune
Itlshop Doner, when a.-k.'d yent.rd.iy nt
his home, No, SHt Washington S.iuuc
North, about the enetuelan situation,
said to a Tribune repoiter:
The woild, dining the past vrieli, 1ms
been treated to a wry Impressive illus
tration of the difference between politics
and statesmanship. Two nations on on
other continent have a difference ntxut a
batim'ao line. The strorgrr of the two
Is allied to u by race and linens ; the
weaker Is a survival of a civilisation
which once thietttened tho liberties of the
Anglo-Saxon wot Id. Cne of th-m claims
to have a case buttressed by amide evi
dence and capable pivof hy historic docu
menls of liblispuliib'c authority; the other
has. thus lai- mainly contenie.t ltelf
with lnrae claims a:ul v-no statement.
"At this point a thlid ration, which Is.
or which claims to be. more powerful
than either. Intervenes, not to asH, as It
might properly do, rs ih. champion
the veker nation, that the proofs of the
claims of the stronger be clven to the
world, but t!.T the who'e question shall
be submitted to t!- dv!slen of a com
mission appointed by Itself It Ivlnir dis
tinctly and explicitly hostile to the claims
of one of the two parlies at issue, and
therefor disqualified from acting lin-partlally-wtth
the threat hrhln.l lis do.
mand of war.
"This Is not statesmanship. States
manship means, among other thlncs.
knowledge, foresight, deliberation, the
habit of cool Judgment, and. In Its h ghest
aspevt, the Instinct of equliy. No one
of these would seem to have leen pres-nt
In the speoiaote to which lately we have
been treated. A doctrine tth Monroel,'
has been Invoked which eminent pub
licists asscre us has only the m;st re
mote ami Indirect (waring upon the ques
tion at Iss ie. A method of settlement
has been proposed which. If It hsd been
proposed to ourselves, would have he.-n
laughed out of court with the mot vn-
,u:Ki'i"eM viMiirmi'i, ano in aiiernanve
nas oeen mrrmcne,!. it not lm"oril.
whose tremendous consequences are Ir, af
el almost as Itghtly as If they were those
of a game of lawn tennis.
"The ministers of the Prince of Peace
may well rememlver !hoe oons-q-ienees
supremely at this moment, when dris.
tendom pauses with listening ear to catch
the first strains of that anirello hymn
which, on the morning of the birthday of
the Savior of the world, sang above Hie
mancer of the Kabe of 1'ethlehem. Glory
to Ood In the highest, and on earth peace,
goodwill to men.'
"If. as the Apostle St. Peter reminds
us, "the dumb ass, speaking with man's
voire, forbade the madness of a man who
claimed to be a prophet.1 then the hum
blest messenger of Jesus Christ may rot
refuse to lift up his voice against a
recklessness of precipitancy, and a pas
sion for the display of plnchback patriot
ism, which are alike unworthy th name
of 'American' and Christian.' War Is a
relic of barbarism at Its best . state.
When prosecuted for the hghest anil
holieat ends there still follow immeas
urable evils In Its train, of which. In this
land, we are feeling the grave and de
teriorating effects, though II Is more than
a third of a century since they were set
In operation. Even a Hebrew bonds
man ran set us an example with his sw ift
cry. Sirs, ye are brethren, why do ye
this thins?' In such an emergency as
"May no lust of conquest, no bn-"c pas
sion Inflaming us to humiliate a powerful
rival, no blind following of demagogues
eager to pander to the worst, eager not
to appeal to the best In their fellow men:
and. above alt. not tolerance of a leader
ship erased with the love of place and
eager to outwit a political adversary, per
suade us to forget our duty as a Chris
tian nation to cultivate the graces of pa
tience, forbearance and a lofty self-restraint
which are the best graces of
strong men and so to 'study things that
make for peace?" "
i!e f people have piles, but DeWltfs
Witch Haiel Salve will c ire them. When
promptly arplled It cures scald aad
barn without the I lightest pain. Chas.
New York Herald.
The Rev. Lyman Whllney Allen, of New
ark. N. J., author of the epic poem.
"Abraham Lincoln." which was awarded
the H.i) prize by the Herald's committee
of Judges ln the recent literary cont.-sl.
replies today to the sonnet of William
Mr. Watson, who is recanhd as a pos
sible successor to Lord Tennyson ns Poet
Laureate of England, published the fol
lowing appeal for peace between the two
countries on Monday:
O, towering daughter. Titan of Ihe West.
Behind a thousand leagues of foam se
cure. Thou tow-ard whom our Inmost heart Is
Of ill Intent although thou threat, n st
With most untlllal hand thy mother's
Not for one breathing space may earth
The thought of war's Intolerable cure
For such vague pains as vex today thy
But if thou hast more strength than thou
canst spend,
In tasks of peace, and flnd'st h r yoke
too tame.
Help us to smite the cruel, to liefrb nd
The succories, and put the fa se to
So shall the ages laud thee and thy
Be lovely among nations to the end.
Mr. Watson's appeal for je-ace was ca
bled to this country and published In s-v-eral
newspapers, Including the Ibruld.
Mr. Allen felt Inspired to make Immediate
response. His peace note comes to the
Herald over the signature "Hangamon,"
which. It will be remembered, was his
vague identification wh-n the Herald pub
lished the list of successful competitors In
Its contest.
"Sangamon's" sonnet Is as foi' , -s:
O royal Mother, Empress of the i. st'
Whose, ancient sceptre rules o'er iaie:
and sea.
Thy fair undowered daughter greeteth
The centurled bride of Freedom, long re
leased From filial ties and bound by Nature's
To her great lord to serve hlin and to
Tho nourlsher and guardian of the free.
Hath seen her state for nobler ends in
creased Thlnk'st thou she loveth war, when she
hath drained
So late her cup of sorrow? Yet when call
The sons of Freedom all her blood is
Respect. Just mother what she hath main
tained. And thou and she together shall fore
stall Tho golden age of earth' supreme
Mr. Allen I the great grandson of the
revolutionary hero, Col. Anthony Thorn
ton, of Virginia. His first poem was pub
lished seventeen year ago. Since then
he ha contributed several verses, and his
effort have been greeted wllh conddera
ble success. The hymn entitled "The
Coming of HI Feet" ha established
itelf In popular favor. "Abraham I, In
coin," however, was his most ambitious
Although In the first Instance as slug
gish a a tortoise, the kidney become
s lively as a cricket when a healthful Im
pulse I given to them with Hosteller's
Stomach Bitter, a promoter of activity
In these organ which counteracts a ten
dency to their lethargy and dlseaae. En
action of the kidneys, it should be remem
bered, I the first tage of those danger
ous renal maladie against which the re
source of medical science are too often
exhausted In vain. Peril I forestalled
by Hie Bitters, which averts ilrlght's
disease, (linbeles, dropsy, pravel and th-1
eradicating malarial, bilious, and nervo
ailments, dyspepsia, constipation, and
thoumailiro. Appetite, and sleep are Im
proved and ron alesoenoe hastened iy It
iM iieilelenl nction. Kllher when health
slightly or seriously Impaired, the aln
of this restorative and preventive medl
rlne Is sv-,lil,v made manifest.
Rlie was Nil ii on t'htistmas mornlnti, ex
acily twenty Veins sini:
l)f course 8t. Nicholas klssnl lier-the ol
saint Is never slow
And on every blrih-morn since Ihen. Ju
as regular as his round.
tomeehore on this ilalnty maiden, Hi'
Hl.l t'hap'a tjlft Is found.
First 'twas teeth, then 'twas dimple
then 'twas gibberish and talk
Then a wobbly-toddly stirt of ere p and
very straddle walk:
Then blushes came and tcauty. wtih
wealth of wavy hair;
i Thm eves Dial trapped a fellow's hear
and lips that said 1
A year into the old Hulnt
IttlH'Icd "Love,"
left a bun. 11
II was lied around with heart strlng
iin.l us seal looked like a dove.
She iiH-ned It and tasted It. We jolne.
In merry laugh;
Hut while she was not looking. 1-1
the other half.
Ker since that happy morning we liav
had a lovely tune;
She lugs my half, while 1 beg hers; It
rey quite sublime.
Hut It's settled, that this Christmas
shall take her. gift and all:
And M. Nick to give me lo her. I'
be ready al his call.
Mra. Phoe Thomas, of Junction City,
I 111- waa told b her doctors alvs had Ocm
j aumpuon and ifcat there wwa oo hope for
iter, out two Docilva Dr. King a I aw lla-
' eoverv compete v cured hr. ml she sav
It saved her life. Mr. Tbomaa Rgger.
IV Florida atreet, Saa Francisco, auuVred
front a dreadful cold, approaching Con
sumption, tried wiUioul rsxull evaryinlnc tnen bought on bottle of Dr. King'
New Discoivry and In two weeks waa
cured. He is naturally thankful. It
such results, of which (has ar eamptea.
that prove the wonderful efficacy of this
nv d.ome in Cornchs and Colds Free trial
bottle at Chaa. Rogers' Drug Store. Resr-
u,ar sue M c ue and U OU.
Mis. Ri-s d. wife of the vaer if th
house, will not go out lit society this
winter. N-cnuse of the. Icith of In
mother, which occurred last sunime
Mrs. rtccds daughter, w ho Is a sweet
looking blonde, was "out" last winter
and will !e among the gay set this year
At the capital the family live at th
Sltorehani. a hotel which they have made
their h sduuanerf for years.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Ihe new American iluchess w.II le pre
senud al court 'on her niarrUtff" next
season by either her rattdtnolher-ln-law
or her mother-in-law. The ,ormT. the
Dnwauer lnu-hess of M.irlUtroiuh, Is now
stayliw at liratiksotne IVne. the place
n r son-in-law. Lord Itnnornr. lira
:o',irnomouili, and her mother-in-law, lb
Marchioness of Blanford. K with he
daiiKhlers. at her lon house In tAiwnde
jentiemen: I have always reoom
mendel Krause' HeaiWne Cupsule
wherever 1 have had a chance. They
nave proven a veritable boon In my
family against any and all kinds of
headache. Yours truly.
La enworth, Kansas,
For sale by Chaa Rogers, Astoria.
Oregon, sole agent.
ne of the stories told of Russell Sage
Is that v hen one day a thief dr ipie-d
lull near film In order to draw his alt. n
tion from enuntlnir some tnnncy ho ha
dtawn nt a bank. Mr. Hone put his foil
on Hie Mil, thanked his informant, tin
Ished his emir.t, stow d his own money
larefully away, and then smilingly pu
the thief's bill also In hi pocket
The best salve In the world foi Cut.
Bruise. Sure. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblain. Con., and All Skin Erup
tions, and pimlttvely cures Piles, or no
pay required. It I guaranteed to gvt
perfect satisfaction, or money remndra.
Price. IS cents per box. For ! bj
Chaa. Rogers. Odd Fellow' building.
more than
Y.Jt'e .e-.'il III.
I lee.
Th' S" v.m.irles of fnte.
The thlnn-r Johnny ililnks the lee.
The worse he wanls to skate.
Wahlngi'n Star.
When Baby was sick, we gave ber Castorla,
When she waa a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Visa, she clung to Castorla,
Wiico she bad Children, the gave theta Castorla.
Anagresable Laxative and N EKVJf TON Id,
Bold by DrugglsMor cent by mall. fOoSOa,
nd $1.00 per paoxag. 6aicplefTa,
TjrAfa TTrS The Favorite TOOTJ POWBH
11.1 11 J fur the luelb and iltaihu.
For Bala br 3. W. Cmo.
Signature Is printed la
BLUE diagonally
cross the
wrapper 1
of every
bottle of
(the Original
and Oenulne)
A farther protection aggies
Mil ImltmtloDM.
' AfenU for th United States,
troubles arising from a weak Mad
Kqually elllcadous la It In clicking
? 150. roa a ca-sc it will not cumx, I
1ii i ii mi ii i 1 lWa'.w'
III I I. lll'Alw.
II VNlillll.lx.
r tv nv.
tiiviiiiiu iii llio hUitk line exwiiilisl
with nealiiese nl iliMloh
- sat lli -
Astorian Job Office.
Solutlflo America!
A.encjf rw
Tltana aaaag.
for tnV' ma tr llsnJIwel tlM
l' N M S CW. m lwT, eiw luu.
OklMl MtM fo seMo tsiuaw IB AlMrlea
K'srv retanl lass) cwi tr us U btvushl buret
lh iMiUtt by a bviw (Km tnt of Aafi la tM
lanrMt trsatsMea of mi eiii patoe I s
wuriX lUuiahllr UltMlrwMhl, S4 U!llltTtt
9U StKKllJ t tthoat IL WlT, (1 OO a i.uoss, iii Si a aa
Nirrr-'E of iMri'i.uniir asp ac
Nolle Is hereby given that J. A. Fa-
latwnd. eoiitraelur for the construe
lion of drain In Adair Aliri. under
th provision of Ordinance No. IstU, on
this l day ot November, tw. riled In
lb ofno of Ihe AUt- and I'otftw Jialg
of tli iVy of Ax. (tie I'nrttfVM of
v Ciiy rHirveyor. and Muixcmwrnibsnt of
Hrern. at-provcl b th (mTiltt on
StnsMt and Public Wear.
Alter me etjilmiaai wf ti hr-
lnftr rned; If no obieetipni to til
vaMa. nf eurci n.rk be filed and th
IWnmon Cuunr thaM ilem uch am
provetuetrt pnr esjmteisl. .vord Uig
to cootrtws and imiiii mI pcima.
tiona Owrarur. th m ny b aA-eranl.
.irttons to th s-rponv tsf mM
tiHiumsinl or any part thsrwf. may l
fll In th odV ot th Aodltnr and
pAr Jutlir on er lfor Vi rfmmlay,
Nov. V. is
k prnirns,
Aialstor and Jista.
Astoria, Oregon, November !3d,
COMMON liil'Nl'll, To HE KSTAH
I.ish the i;i;aIi: nr ro.MMi:iu'iAi.
Notice is hereby Kiirn that the Com
mon council uf the I'lty uf Astoria. ha
delermlned and Inli nd lo alter the
grade of Commer Mai street, in Adair'
A'tnrta. a lal out cud r-ordeJ by Jo'in
Adair, from the est line nf liih sliret to
the rest line uf street, so that the
grade nf said triieti of said street when
re-established mil be nt height above
Ihe Imse of grades fur sill elty as es
Inblishril br urdiiiance No 71, entitled
'An Ordlname lo establl.iii a base of
grades for the city of Asiurla. to-wlt:
At the Interse, lion i-f said Cominerelal
street alth Juth street, .".i fret
At the crossing of t'oiiimrr.-lal street
wllh 3.'. Ill street. Jtl fief.
Hald crossings to be lev,! and said street
to Im on a stralicht or even slupc between
At any time wlihln l- n days from the final
publication of this nutb-e. to-wlt: within
ten days from Ihe 17th day of 'anuary,
lvjri, remurtsl ranee can be made against
said proposed alteration of grade and II
Ithln said Urn a written remonstrance
against the same shall Im. msde and filed
1th the Audllur and Pullee Judge by
the owners of three-fourths of the prop,
rty adjacent lo said portion of said
street, such proposed alii-rallon of grade
hall not tie made In any event.
lly order of the Common Council
Attest: K nHld'HN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria. Oregon, I'ec. yth. 1V0.
Notice I htifehy given that the Com
mon council of Ihe City of Astoria, have
determined and Intend to alter the grade
of Franklin avenue In Dial part of Ihe
f'lty nf Astoria laid out and terord--d oy
John M'l'lure, ah. I emeu, I.. I hy I'yrus
Olney from the east linn of the lohn Mc
Clure Donation Land Chilui to the west
Ine of Third slreei. so Unit the giadra
when re-esfiilillshed will be ut llelitllls
alKive Ihe base uf grades for suld
y. as established by Ordinance
No. 71, entitled "An Ordinance, No. 71, to
establish a base of grades for the streets
of Ihe oily of Astoria, to-wlt:
At the East lli.e of said 1 tonat Inn Land
Claim, CO feet al North side of street
and !i feet nt south line of str.-e.
At crossing wllh U'tli street, 3x feet at
north tine of street mid II feet nt south
line of the street.
Al crossing with 11th streel, tr feel at
north line of slrtel uiul IS feet al south
line of street.
At crossing wllh bub slreei, M feet at
norlh line of street and r,7 feet nt south
line of Street,
At crossing wllh Jth street, rs r, feet on
north line of street and 71 S feet on south
Ine of streel.
At crossing with full street, MS feet nl
norlh line of street nnd W.5 feet at soiiih
line of street.
At crossing wllh 7 1 It street, 120 feel nl
north line of sireet and 123 feet nt rnuth
Ine of street.
At crossing wllh ilh street feet on
norlh line of sireet and feet on souin
Ine of sireet.
At crossing with fith Hlr t, 17.1. S fi el on
north line of street anil ITii u feet on south
linn of sireet.
At crossing wun tin sireet, lira reel on
north line of street anil IM on south line
of street.
At crossing with .lid street, V21 6 feet on
north line of street, and 221. D find on
south lino of Hlrcct.
The street to be of height mentioned
throughout tho width thereof, at Ihe re-
spectlvo point designated according to
the proposed grade and the slope between
designated points to lie Ktralcht or even.
At any time wlihln t'n days from the final
publication of this notice, to-wlt: wlihln
en ilnyn from the 17th day of January,
IW.tti. remonstrance can be made against
said proposed alteration of grade and It
within said time a written remonstrance
against the same shall lie made nnd tiled
with the Audit jr and Police Judge by
he owner of three-fourths of the prop
erly adjacent to said porllon of said
treet, such proposed alteration of grade
shall not be made In any event.
Uy order of the Common Council,
Attest: K. OHHURI,
Auditor nnd Police Judge.
Astoria, Oregon, Dec. 30th, 1W,.
These tiny CktmiiIim nro superior
to JJulaam of UipnIIia,
n.ry -:--. .rr, : :;. vlJ
Till: Oasis pi- im
Od i'liAHO i si hi
fl Hew
maow mi; 1 1 v l
OH Till: SI A
Dry and Pure Tropical
PronoiuiciHl liv I'livniciuns tin
mast Kuvtn'iilIt' in Amrricu
for SulVoroia from , . .
Lung Diseases and
"any Remarkable Cures
The objection urged against India
In th past by th large numbers who
otherwise would hav twen glad lo lak
advantage of Its benpflclul climate, ha
ben a lack of suitable aceoiiuiwda
tlon. Iii Southern Pacific Company,
lakes plrnaur In announcing that ev
. Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Just irn erected at Itidlo la
turn, that will be rented to applicant
at reasonable late. Tl cy ar fur
nli hod Willi modern conveniences. up
piled with pur artesian water, and st,
liuated a lo guv occupant all the
advantage to b derived from a more
or less protracted rrsMclue In this d
llrhlful climate.
(From the Pan Francisco Argonaut.)
"In th heart uf th great draert of
th Colorado which tho Southern Pa
clflo road travirse-t'iere la an nasi
railed ludlo, which, In our opinion. Ii
th sanitarium of the earth. W b
llev. from pereoiial liivratigatlon, thai
for certain Invalid, the' I mi spot oi
this planet o favorable."
O. T. Stewart, M. 1).. write: "Tb'i
purity nf the air. and the eternal sun
shin, fill on with wonder and delight.
ratur ha accomplished
much that there remain but little for
man lo do. As to lis possibilities as a
health rraort, tier I the most per
feet unhlne, wllh a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soli
for rain I an unknown factor: pur
oxygen, dnnst atmosphere and pure
water. What mora can be desired f
It l th place, above all other, for.
lung trouble, and a pradl for rhu
iiiHibs. lonslderlng th numlwr uf
sufferers who hav been cure.. I havi
no hesitancy in recomniemlliva; thl
genial oals a th haven of the afflict
Is 6ia milpH from
uiul 1,0 .iiilt-H Croin
Fare from l.os Angelc
t i.oc
For further Informal Inn Innulre of
any boutnern Paclllo Company agon',
or add reus
K. P. llOiirJRH.
Ast. Oeti. Pas. Agt. H. P. Co
Dint. Pas. Agt
'nr. Ftr tnfl Alder H's, Portland. Or
K RATI Ni & CO will open
Muilc IUH al It Astor street.
w Hntiirdsy Ihe K ill. Ther will
Www keep nuinlierlfM goo-l ll'iunn
and clgsrs besides havliif (ihi.I luiiilr ll t li
Canadian Pacific
Ireatest Tra: s-CotirentaJ
Railway System.
-IN- Dining R.joih anJ S'rrpiii"; C,-irs.
Luxurious Dining Cars.
Elegant Day Coaches.
-AI.Hll -
UDServaiinn tars, a. lowing iiiidh,,,
Views of the WonJeiful .Mount
ain Country.
$5.00 and $10.00
'Jv.l on ab II-lets l-jim Tumi I e r-
v r tli
b""t on vh' eis. I iilliitenls of th -Ulli.lUli
- W'
Ctinoillrin Poclfio
ry lliifn"
royal iii mm UK
China and Japan.
China stf:n;er5 leave'ouvpr, fi. C.
rmprif of fudli
I mtircfi of JMpjn
I mirji of (,hin,i
I m r of In ;la
rmpffkS of Jt mi
Lmprtik nf Ch n
II, .
Auftrsllsn stesmer lesvc Vsnrouvrr.
i6lh of cvtry month.
For ticket rates and Information ci
on er addrt..
Aslnrin (Jr,
W. F. Cars "n. Traveling Ki.. A
I .III.:. W.-' I,.
''1. Vitl.., IM r-.i ,i,im
V.iii.iiiiivcr, i-i, (..
hulelail. HcltttllO,
ll.'i nun
iit, not
1-lllMlt IAN AMI Kl'ltilKON.
Allien inmmr piorv, cur,
iiri.lal, I'rleesi Calls, l
Itt'U S. l ' tmf ' ! " VIIIVV
, in", i
I'llM'U IAN' ANK bl'ltiilCON
i nil. v i-vcr ciswit ill iisj ir Hours, It
in ii in ; 1 1" ' "J 1 ,u '" Hua
mi, o n i htich.
(jpei lal 1 1 i toll In dims of wutii
en and insert,
ottii' l'ailsTr slurs Astoria
Telephone Vi Af
.X TI'TTI M ,v
.i'nui'iui;i it
Oftl.', Ibsxii 'id a, Pythian
li, line iioiii. 10 to II ami I in
V llrslilnic M. Cdar trl
n r ciiohih.
a iiiiiiieieii sllrvel,
V M UKene. H. 11, lulls.
M Cuiiinisrelsl tr.
J, g. A. U)W HIT.
A TTtHlNKt ASl) lMtlNf:Uh
AT IJk'.
Oltlc on KevMod Btr!. Astona, Ot
J. N.
tmlpii lib hard NlivM
hreter V. I Ml ph.'ll. NIXON,
Portland. Oregon, II. J4, 14, and IT,
lUiulltoii building All lal and rub
lectin li' ITOinplly attended to.
Claims (4iiil tho fowrnmenl p
TI'MI'I.E l.i'lKlIt NO. T. A. r. and
A, M. Ibulr eoiiiliiilllballoii held
mi the tli'l slid third Tu'dy venln(
of raiiti mouth
W il IIDWKIJ. W. al
E C Ili'li'l.S. eriarr.
l.ii' I.I.ANFol'H
W C rrtl01J,
ITI Tenia tlltst
WHEN IN l'OI(TI.ANt--all un
llaiidley A IUa. 150 First street, and
gel th I'ally As'nr'sn Vliltor need
not mis their morning ppr while
fnn1e wine lttsted of rs.ffe or tea
Fifty rent per gall m Ibm'l forgoi
peach and aprtcvt brandy. Alv French
Cognac and win ai Ales Ollherl
I t at i w in
(irmerlrs, llout, I rr J, I'lovKiuns, I'full
Ve irUI'Irs, t ,ro. kf f y , anj
I'UteJWare. I oi'.i:fn'SuTllrv
( ar. f sv i J su.-it stii Ate.fla (,
D Kn,sr,!,
I r wwr.
nl nf In I i ruiii'lirl I'M' 'i
our tut uiul )i: n nt 4
lirtril i( m tuvi brtinoiit
OUf Mlllt Ir ra-uill tt.oti(litft
Hucli iiiit I in Hi . tht.iH
f h.tVt toufTfl rilOllgli lo
Corr?e ond Try Them
"lo until others a jfu iiuld hav
ntlirr do u.ilo yiru," I ynipatliell.'ll
Iiomii In the folios, lug Unea, th rr.
uiiil' I'. niK thitt s iii.'.ny a . .rn.
ur akin to pain "r xirruw:
"lleiitlenirll. I'leiwe M-llO K rail aea
llead.ii'hc tiiiula a folluw: i'u
b"es to Kloia be)-, llavanna, N. la
l'wo bote to l.lllle Wile. Hrtxikland.
N. Iiak. I Mis alwa heirii a great
sufferer from heniluche and your C'aie
ule are h ctilr thing thai rvllevv
111." your vcty tnily,
Havana, N. I'k
For sal br Chaa 'lingers, At.rla
dr.. Hole Aseiit
J. 15. WYATT,
Attorin. (trr(nn.
I Inrdwniv,
Ship tJluuidlery,
I YovIhIoiih,
Siwtlsl Atienllun I'.ij to Sup(il)lnf Ship.
They Lack Life
There are twine mid to flihermeit
on the Columbia rlvrr that stand In
tlin smile relalliinnhlp lo Marshall's
rwlM! as a wiiodeii Image dues to th
human belug-they lack strength Ufa
- eveiinei -and lasting 1)111111. Don't
fool uirrief Into the belief that other
inlii- beside Miimhnll' will do "Junt
well." They won't. They cannot.
Telephone & Bailey Gatzerf.
"Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. m.
lllllly leil.t Hllllilay).
le aves I'iiiiIiiikI nt 7 , m. rniy , ,t
eept HiiiiiIiiv.
"IHilley liiiUert" leave, Asiorl Tue.
ib.y. e.llle.,y, Tlinr.rluy. Krltlsjy and
..7;:t" "' 6:46 m-; Humuy
Is i aves Pnnland ili.lly Bt , p. , .
ee,i biin.iny. (in sni,,iy , ,, p 'm
W. HTONK, Agent.
('rncers, :
nd : fJutchf?M
Ali.rin nnd l eerr A i.
rin.T..,1.u;if., T.!., ..,M, ., ...
'.il'eil I sins M.. i... ' ,us"'
Choice ' . aj .
Sjlt Mrats.
North Pacific Bremery
Bohemian Uger Beer
Alld A X POIfTKI,,
I'Wve rirrj wtih it...
"linnyalde Hloon oi ,h
th O.-rnoooltiiu, .i' itg. at
b prompuy attended to. 0n,,r" wUI