The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 03, 1896, Image 4

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iiiio iUiiY aswhIan, aswmU, FkIoAV M0unio JANtAinf i.
I i
As the colored waiter on the
Mississippi steamboat e.iiJ,
"This is not the first ring
ing of tho second bell, but it's
the second ringing of the
first bell." Wc tell you again
of those Men's $1.08 Mackin
toshes, worth double, and you
must not bo disappointed if
you wait for the ringing of tho
second 111 and find them
Ixk weather for twenty-four beur
ending It lr - yerstcnlay. furnished
by the United -state Department of Ag
riculture, weaker bureau.
Maximum temperature. degre..
Minimum temperature. degree.
Precipitation. . Inch.
Total prectp.lta.ttoa fro: Sefrtatnber lt
JSHa. todate. 17.73 Inches.
lvActacy precipitation from Sep
tember Int. lsi, to dau, 151 inches.
Christmas ornament at Smith'.
Ito blend tea la tha beat. Ask your
grocer for It. and taka no other.
Meany Is the leading tailor, anj pay
tha highest cash prloa for fur Ulna.
Oenulna Ftndon Haddock. Imported
8tock Fish. Anchovlea and Hollan.l Hcr
rln; alo Fine Hloater Mackerel: try
them. Foard A Blokes Co.
t v-.t Sih atreet. oppoaite the Court
Houoe. to have your timbrel! repaired or
re-verd In firt-cla? atyle. A complete
atock of fixtures and repairs always on
Just received. St. Oervals. Neuf. hat.l. (
Philadelphia Cream. Kronenkase. Sierra. '
fVhlosa Ks, Kdam. Swiss, Jedyost. and ;
many other varieties of fine American asd
Imported cheese at Foard Stokes Co.
rrlee C B. Smith's fine Chrlstma can
dies. W bax- the finest and most complete j
assortment of canned fruits that has ever j
been placed on this markt You can !
convince yourself of this by ivln us a'
call. Eight cans for SIM.
What brtnsT paopU fcack to the Ato
ria Wood Yard after they hars sounded
th posalbllltls ersTTWher else? May
b It's on thins;, and MaT be It' another.
But th fact remain tavck they com.
And of course th Astoria Wood Yard Is
proud of H.
Seventy-two Christmas candles fr 15
cent at C. B. Smith'.
Jno Hahn ft Co., 43 Commercial street,
hav an excellent stock, from which to
choose a haniis-owe and useful Chr1:mas
present, op'isi n of quille.1 and felt
llDoers. rcatlemen's assorts! embroid
ered slipper, ladies' nd itentler. n's
storm AJasti f'.H lined rublrs and a
complete and stylish tin of boots, shoes,
C B. Smith has the finest display of
Christmas randies In the city. His prices
cannot be beaten in th ci.y.
Have you overlooked any of your
friends at Christmas? If so. you can
square yourself by presenting them with
nice bottle of penumery as a .-ew
Years' gift. We received a large invoice
of these roods too late for the Christmas
trade, consequently have a fine line of t
fresh roods for the New Year. Estes-I
Craln Drug Co. I
Charles WirkkaJa' saloon, on Astor and i
"th streets, which has lone; been one of j
the most popular ana best patronised
drinking pUces in the city has been
moved from Its present location to the
lot Immediately east of the Casino thea
tre. Many improvements will be add.d
a Mr. Wlrkkala Intends keeping up the
reputation his saloon has had since be as
sumed charge years ago. Only the best
wines, liquor and cigars sold at the bar,
a musical concert by the best talent in
the city, under the leadership of Irofes
sor Schwab, the well known plani".
glx-en nightly. Call around and bring
your friends with you.
No excuse for sleepless nights when you
can procure One Minute Cough Cure. Thlr
will rliv all annoyances, cur th most
sever cough, and giv you rest and
health. Can you afford to do without It?
Chaa. Rogers.
New Rastaorant Ssrve all the dIi
esataai of th mmm-jn at the lowsat prtcv.
Op tsntB midnight, special artanttoti
riven to partlea. No. 171 Commer
cial street.
Overooaru and winter wraps wr.r. be in
factum. Ttiey can be discarded, tempor
arily rwtiile traveling an tiw at cam heauri
train of the Cbicsgo, Milwaukee and Si.
Peru I Railway. For oiid comfort, for
epeed said for afety, no other tine can
compar with trtsi great railway of the
For th remarkably mall sum of li
cnt on eaa procure an excellent chick
en dinner every Sunday at the
"Denver KItcfaan," east aid of Ith street
between Actor acid Bond. Mr. Richard
son, the proprietor, also assure the pub
lic that they can obtain at his place a
well-cooked, wett served breakfast, din
ner or supper any day in the week for
th aboT mentioned price. Give him a
call and b convinced that b speaks the
A twister In twisting
May twist him a twist.
For In a twist
Three twists make a twist;
But If one of tfie twist
Untwists from the twist.
The twist untwisting
Untwists the twist
That 1. when It' twisted with any
other twin than ItARBHAIX.'S.
Mrs. P. F. Woodford has been so suc
cessful with her classes In stenography
that she has decided to continue them.
Lessons will be given during the evenings
at the same rooms In the Tlg'ne Hotel,
and another class will soon lie filled out.
For terms call on or address Mrs. P. F.
Woodford, Flavel Building.
Regular monthly meeting of the Colum
bia River Fishermen' Protective Union
will be held at their reading room Tues
day, Jan. 7, 1SS6, at 7:30 p.'m. sharp. An
offer for the scow Pathfinder to be con
sidered. Members In good standing are request
ed to be present and have their hook
or receipt alonif. KOFUB J R.N8 UN,
ROYAL Baking Powder
bat boco swarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
LtCid Cloves I
Black Glove 1
Button Glovttl
Colored Gloves! 31
J All kM 4 M OWS, ,!
Every pair (ll'AeANTEED.
I Albert ? Danbar
k . . f . m mm j
Collection day -everybody at borne.
Pilot Tan McVickcr ba returned from
South lUnd.
C. Meaham. of Biookfli Id, wa In the
city yesterday.
The pile driver will resume work on
the railroad hridji tl.l mornintt.
C. J. XlcC!oan. of Chinook, nnd II. It.
Itorthwtck. of Uohle. are itiieet of the
rartle desiring to locate on liovemm-nt
land will please cell at our ollb-e. It U
ltoylr A Co.
The entries for the A. F. C. indoor
rune will be closevl tonlhl, tloed iort
Is promised.
County Clerk Punlmr yesterxlay isuel
a marriage to It O. Irael n l AK
ncs Stoc kton.
i rrof. IVRr" .lanolnc scho! rc-ojvns to-
1 nij-hi ar.d another class Is betns. formed
I of beginners. i
A fashion devotee say. that a bit of
real la.-e adds an air of distinction to the ;
plainest bonnet.
White Is the favorite color for children's '
powus, and is often cocered with lac and j
decorated with notions.
Watch parties, leap year parties, wed- j
dine, and halls innumerable, have made I
the week in society a gay one.
LOST On Commercial street, leather'
ar.d sl!k handbag. Tlease return to the i
Asiorian offlce. Kev. T. Trumbull.
Robert Wakeileld. the bridge coMractor,
R H-itohlnson. and W. Tarrant, of Port
land, are registered at the Occident.
Word kii received from Fort Stevens
yesterday that Mr. Hevardt. who has for
a long time beea sick, is now tmprivi-ig.
The committer on the memorial for the
battle ship Oregon will meet this after
noon at J o'clock at Pr M. M. Walker
World's Almanac for Ks January Cen
turv. Harpers'. Se'ribners", Cosniop.litan.
McOure's and Munsey s, at C.ri.Tn &
''Virtu Increases under a weight of
brrden." and results increase with a
comprehensive expenditure of money in
gjod advertising mediums.
Rogers' Sarsaparllla Is a specific for
Impurities of the blood. It cures rheu
matism, pimples, liver complaint, and foul
stomach. Eighty-live cents. I
"BHtr late than never." Th golden j
opportunity is sun cpen to him who!
would enrich himself bv judicious adver
tising. None other will pay.
If you want a lot In Astor a Addition to
Warenton b. fore the price is advanced,
get It before next Saturday evening. Jt.
L. Boyle 4 Co., sole agents.
The Finnish r.-otherhood Pall New
Year's r.icht waa a most successf-il aff.iir.
Fifhcr's hall was crowded and the tine
supper was served on the stage.
If you don't believe Astoria Is th I -est
location on the coast for a larre rlty,
lor.k at our map la our window of the
Pacific coast. R. U P.oyle & Co.
Th Roys' Brotherhood will give a leap-
V-ar ball on the evenine of Janiurv it h nf
Fisher s hall, for the benefit of a lady !
whose hushand was drowned sometime
Tomorrow evening the ReU-kahs will
give a lit. rary social in Odd Fellows' hall
at which a small admis-ion will be
charged In orclt-r to raise a fund for the
lodge to work with.
J. C. Abbott, agent of the N:w York
Life Insurance Co.. was In the rp.y yes
terday, returning on the T?lephone to
Portland, l e will come back next week
to remain In Astoria for some time.
The A'or!a Toilet Supply Cj. has been
presented with a New i'-a.-s' pr-sen; of
Mr. '. A. Weymrith. manager of the
Model Toliet Supply, of Portland, who w.ll
remain to l-.ok after the business her.
Fift.en y-ars ago Tacoma had a pop 1
lition r,f j.i people: today -h" has X ).
Asoiria is far better located for a lurjre
rorrmercial city, and row is the time to
get in on the ground Poor. R. I P.oyl
4 Co.
Tht- nt -rtalnment under preparation by
Prof. Heirs iiroma-i to surpass the one
r.-cntly given by him. H d"dre all
those who assisted In th foi-mer enter
tainmeuf who w;,nt to participate In this
one to r'port their wishes to him.
O. W. P.aymond, of young's Rivr, rpm'
New Year in the eltv, and had on ex
hibition patent knitting needle, with
which he was -o successful m business
that the hoys say he had to enlarge the
size of his hat the next morning.
J. J Lynch, of Mii-hawaka, who a
menth ago went to Byron Hot Springs,
California, to be treated for rheumatism,
r.-turned to Astoria on Wednesday's
steamer not improved at all In health. He
will go back to his Nthaiem home for
the winter.
Kn ixquislte gown for evening w ar has
a pale-blue velvet Louis XVI waist, with
vest of heeded pet. The neck Is low
In front anl stran-ls i f bei.U adorn the
should, r seams ard the bias velvet fold
nrotird the fUet. White French lace en
hances the gown.
Merchants yesterday reported that col
lections for the month were m'uli b'tter
than for It.e same month for several
years past. Much eneour igement was
felt on Ihe street and It was pndl te.l
that ihe new year would be in? of un
U:.ual prosperity.
Paymaster Jon yesterday bought such
a large quantity of supplies for the rail
road camps that the ilarvist Moon could
not carry all of the goods on one trip.
The purchases were divided amongst the
different stores, and consisted of meat,
groceries, hardware, clothing and boots
and shoes.
A well known doctor, recently visiting
Astoria, was heard to say that "in Rus
sia there are som' thing over fifteen thous
and doctors, and of this numlier, so 1
hear, a little more than five hundred
are women. It seems as though the fair
sx were rapidly forging fo the front.
II is no longer a man's world that we live
Ih, but, a some one rctvtsikrci Oik other
day, 1 wonder If In (he evolution of wont
en toward, man' estate, vho will ly nt
by become gentlemanly enough to take
off hot ht In the theatre,"
Mr, ltonry Olvn, who died on the first
of consumption, will I burled from Hie! nt 1 o'clock, today, j
llnrry Phillip, Hie well Known mixer,
at Krlckson'm hear the mark on lil
eye 01 a .ew year proni n wouiu it
perfectly willing to relvirn to the giver
only he can't. If there to stay awhile.
The photo of the Ion and short ef It may
he artistic, hut I hilllp would have pie- ;
ferrcd that a longer time elapsed before t
the act wn staged. '
School Clerk II. It. Ferguson commerced j
Uklne tae ik'IhvI census yesterday. From
Alderhrook to ilatilhorn's cannery Ills
hook show that trior niv t.lT children.
sgatnst 107 (not year In the .une district. I
Thla with the trn children who have re-j
moved from the district, Mr. Ferguson
My, make about 7i more than are!
shown In the county census, t
The second ipiarterly meti-i if ile
First M. 1". t . -ch of At,r!i vld be
held nexl Sabbath I . lnnlnr with h love
feast nt li Instead o( the uoutl iiio-um!
elas meot'TK. Treacliln ut it o. m. bv
Rev. O. W" liu D. !., of IVrila:i,l. to
te followed by the ivmitiunl n r"-vue.
n.e eimh letters will re re and an
will be Klven to my w ho
may wish to unite with tho church.
Tha larcrot remnant sale that has ever
taken place will begin Monday mornlwr.
to continue for fouvt.M.n .lays, at Cohen'
law Frlce Store. Now la your chance
In v,-t rittf .Ir. PivmI. foe l.'S. mourv
than ever tvfor effere.!. I have lo a
few more rapes and Jackets which 1 have
concluded to sell at ; ler cent off
I.ow lrlce, Sloie. 4l llond Sliert
Mr. Julius K. Flnke. nf Urookri-ld, wn
lsltlnif hi friends In the city st rday.
He Is of th firm ef Fink liros., which
owns the line plant for mamitact.irtnx
staves and fish kits. The plan has a ca-
pacity of J.OA' staves vr day, an I hea.
shipments are made to San Francisco
The tirm emidovs lllteen nun and will1
siwn have to employ more If buiitcs
keeps up. None but the tet of fir and
hpru.e t emploved In the niak:iii; of th"se
staves, of which lhr Is an unliniit.d
supply on Mr. Fluke's ranch
A very pleasant evening was spent nt
the home of Mr. and Mrs P. lLivafl
New Year's eve. A party of thlr f:t
called on them to spend the balance of
the year ad a hearty reception was ex
tended by the hot and hostess and all
ma.lH lo fe. at home. Almtit o'clock
bountiful spread was serxesl a-ul sin; -
and gain. employed the time until
the church bells broke Hie m!.ln::;ht sl
bnce to wrier in the m w year, when
all responded to exchange n. w ear's
greeting. Those present acre Mr an. I
Mrs. F. Hayar.1. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hiuwn.
Miss Olsen. Mi Annie I'axard. .Mr Pe
terson, Mr. A. l-ayatd. and Mast r Henry.
Somebody told a parrot story the other
day, and that started the loy. On- of
them told the story aiout the in tlie
metropolis who bought a bird. an. I was
very particular that it should be nf a
moral lone In conversation. The br.l
ibal.r guaranteed the one she picked out.
Uy some mistake In delivery Ihe boy got
hold of th one that had been id'icatcd In
a saloon. When the bird was .1.1 v rod
the lady who bought It had a caller, and
as they came up to the cage anl begun
to talk th usual style of stint that .-o-i.le
lavish on such pet, the parrot rock-
rd Its head on one side very Jauntliv ard I w. re adopted.
said: "Now, for heaven's sake don't ask Audit, r thd.orn ;: la !' r-iflar
me to have a cracker-I've sworn off " ; roll report railing r. r the fo'l-.wing v iv-
, : ir.ents: Polio- di i-.irlni.-nt, .Vsi.o tr-cl
Athena Andreano. a C.rerk tl.hermtn of I d 'partm. nt. !. - r.-.ors'. P ' The
Cllffton. Clatsop count v,
was brought to
the county jail yesterday by Sherl-e Hare.
He waj, c.insi ler.-l to be crazy by hi
fellow fishermen and ha 1 an elimination
before Judge dray New's morning.
His insanity Is pronounced ai d he :ll be
taken lo the state asylum t Salem The
man is of the belief that lie iiai j ;st es
caped from a Mexican prison nnd wants
the I'n'ted State to secure a larce in
demnity for him because of his false Im-prisenm-'nt.
t?ome of the frlei-d of ihe
man want to take ear nf him. anl If
they are w illing to giv bonds for Irs care
and protect! m h will 1- gle n ov-r tn
At 4 o'clock on the nioreilne of the nev '
vear daylight wxs knocked through Ccr-
romhe hill, or woul-l liav.. bu n had there !
been d.-ylUrht Tlie water w..rl:a tnnn.-l ,
was rorrp'eted so far as tlirfx.-ivvlin ;
is concern- I. nnu there row rem ilas th
concreting to l- .lone on the south iv
feet and Hi- pin to lav As PD fr -t fieri
week Is ihe average the concreting will
re .., two nnd ii l atf weeks to
finish, and bv February 1- ' lU elne. r
Adam calculates that the water can b j
turned Into the city. Th" i-nirln rr!n"
.nri, in .tnriine th.- tunnel .... avatlon
work from each end deserves much credit
as the n.eo'.lng of the two In the e. n'. r
of the hill was almost on t.xaot line.
Mr ft oi g Parib y. n'ar who-s ranch
at Klk i're-K th terrible tra-,-. oy ncirred
In v.hl. h Mr. W eld. I. ken l..t hli life-
last Frtdav. enme up iron, the b-a'-n y s
terday. .Mr. Hanby la quite pn
by tl.e event, as he v.n.-rii..l
tat. di
h o' i
man. w ho was .pine a naiurail"i in n- ; i.'i'ii i-i-i. i.i. - ., ,., ,
way. He says that th- account given by; ohnng" a once i .tahll-h d grade where
Postmaster Johannsen. of Seaside, was j Improvements ha e l en made, by a pe
ecrre. t in th main, let the archl-nt oc tltlon. We've got to be car. fill hoar we
rurred on the government rerv". and ! - with these 'Hcrgman ordinances.' 1
not on Hal.l Hill, add that the old man!
never answered any of his call whilt 1
Mr. P.nrtlev wns following Mm up th -
hill. He thinks Wei.cb ken elth.j- let ,
the trull or overcome with l"..i'i
failure lo which he wi s sub), d, J st n
the time be reached a ilangero is place
In the trail, wti-h to flop 'limbing means
to slip down the 'I d'- b tiding to the
precipice. Mr. W.-I-Mckei.'s rerrains were
burled bv Coroner Pebl in rhe vide of
the hill down which he had fa'bn. as p
Was to get the be.v up 0V r
the precipice. It was securely j. -.-pd
by trees and roe-k. and may be um.-.j
in the spring, if so desired.
I will receive seale-d bids at my enVe,
Astoria, Oregon, until 12 o'clock, n on,
Saturday, January 4th, 1-11, for the rental
of the Hotel Tit-'he Astoria, together with
the ftiiiillMto therein, as per Inventory In
mv oossessloti. I will give n lea-e to
the highest bidder until said property I
shall la- sold at referee a ai-.
Thomas O Oonncll, a miner at the Vir
tue mine. Laker county, Wednesday night
fell down a shaft from Ihe rt-foot level
to the bottom, a distance of ill feet. Ills
bralna were dashed out and every bone In
his body broken.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Onld Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Mo6t Perfect Made.
4o Vccrr the Sia!:.?.-.
!a business session
The City Council Get Throuyh a Lot
W I.',L
Kt.b.itlt; txlirit.
roR nil :it si.ryi(.i:s
Several Stivct Oulinaacfs Vicrc Intiwtmi'd
unit Unje Sumner l MisccllaiicoB
V,l.iiitii Vcrc Onlcrctl I'siil.
The la t Iviailar council meotlint with
j Mayor Kinney prcsldm previous to the
nual ses;ou a held Ut nlKlit. All Itie
I'.ieitibtis were pnsuil. .tyor Kinney In
the chair, and I'ounclliucn laiiBoitliy.
Thomson, and TrullltiKer were tlien, sip
pln the few iviiialniii sweet of alder
manic lilo thai remained, while Frank
I'nikvr. C W, Holt and Auditor-to-l-e
Nelson watched the proceeding tialhoiinj!
up the tlowcis of ilietotle and a lew use
full pointer for future reference
After Hie m nui. of the prvcdln meet
Inn had been lead and apprjM. Uuuor
license were Kratitcd to tho follow lit.
urosiwuer lira, n turer. uo....
. vensou. I neo.ioiv i-racaer.. jonn en-
sou isuretlos. I teo.tore Itiacaer, i naiii"
WrlKhn and Harris .Si Wrucht (sur. tlv. J
YV. tturprtiiant. W. 11. Clinton )
When I he iva.ltnit ol petition was
reached. Auditor I'sburn iiii.'ovIt.I il.
from Clinton Son axkin for further
time on their Wli street rvnirn-'t wh. h
j hould have b.en couipleie.i on tne him
1 day of the Sch.'rn.vkaii objected
i vigorously to any extension of line, lie
said that Providence hud ciunti'd to Clin.
! ton .s Sons tour week of flue weather
j and If they Hadn't taken advantage of It
; they had nobody to Wain but them.
j . los. The mutter was ref. rre.1 to the
street committee.
I A petition from sevetal eltliens Tor the
j Improvement of Franklin ave vie from the
1 west line ef KlKhlecuth sfeet la the
! west line of Setentteiith was ief.rie.1 to
the same commit
Morris a Whit-h. a.t. ihrouh their
uo nt. Frank Paiton. bid in a eoinmunl
caMon inforTv.lnir tbe cMirc-.l tint a their
bid for l".' of ctiy bonds had not been
conslden .1 bv "v oir bono. abl U .ly,"
tl'n v desired to pull out and with. Iraw tlie
r. YM Infol limloll tl:i ' sc. in lo
materially trouble the council when or tlie communication to tv ;!;irul in
The Water eon.mltt.e td'olt.-l. In the
matter of the ' water works c'aun.
that the cltrk of the water c. lnm s. sloll
, and the city auditor miouio eel io . inerj
tut nnve nn accu -ntiog i ne rommn,-
: on stre.-ts and public ways reeominon.i.M
, tb: t the peiltlon of t'l Paci'.e l'o-tal j
Telegraph Co. for permission lo con-tr.ict j
a line t lis (.rote.. ted otln e In th' dtv
! grant.hl. and that the route of nch
. line should be ugt..d on b the eotnianv
1 ai'. 1 committee ,'cll'llv. the f irm r Iwlng)
glcn Hit same rights In the nailer as.
' lul l he. n allowed the West, rn 1'n on In
th- iv,aier of the remciisitanres acalnst 1
Ihe Ator stres't and t'edar s:reet ::rades !
th-1 street cnmmltice reeommeii ! .1 thai i
no fovlh r notbin be t ik. n tow ir ls the
cMblls''inent of grab on either thor-j
oituh'ar' The -ar.i c.ontnlm e r. o j
m.n. led the Impr." .-ment of T-nth sft-et,
from to Krahklf n.en'-e j
Tie committee oa health and s:i.-e re-j
romniendcl that ihe il ; 1 1 n invmt fir:
; the su;it'resst"n a m-.u.o-e I s ii ,..n in
the west . mf of 'l e etIV I.' referred to
th.- trvor"!- eo All C.e r. p r:s
: aceonnis were or.i- ti.i tm'.i i to- ation-.r
then announced r.-l-.-rt on ' sv.i-i.-s"
fi r tlv rnayor and cout-..l. lie was ask, d t
lo read the list In detail, and every ru-iu-j
l r of the chuml-er 1 t a- .-d up to hear tils
fate. The iifnonnfs had l-e--n reach d )fi ,
tho ' de.Picti n" pl;.n-a !' "i -eiia'iv t,,
I '.'.' e v P'oetlhi: M.--s,-.( Th-' follow i-l-T are!
.'-.' ('...tri.i: Ko.n.v. e-J '... rrul'c.el
f "s T. Young. V .'a; ll. rirma-i, t:.'
s -ho i.-.. :: '-. s h- ne.-ktiii. :: '--: si- v. r
son. s; ,; 'rhoTiif.-n. J.'.'e I.a;i-rw utiie. j
". : el.-h. $.17 .'.' i
Welch w as on hi- f-- I lliitlo d at lv af.
ter the reading of the report ar.d with his
h--art swelling with emotion, a condition
probnblv sup. rinduce-l by the re-olieciion
of hoiidav nuived that the while
I""'11"" ' .lon u.d in th- city, lie was
vr- nearly Kinney r..,e and
remarked Oi.n H-Wi tr.lg'.n In bv
.Imm-iiic bis own mil hr-t and l-tti -.g
t'1" balanco do what th. y wanted to.
while Young sail that for till part he
preferred lo keep his share for iilmseir
""rgmnn moled that ec-rvbodv le p.,i,.
Young Seconded, nnd all vol.. I ' aye" and
looked happy.
An or.l Intrrhluc. .1 by S h.-rii ' k u
-king t hat t he th street aasessm nt roll
l ei nlirnu d. and one by Tlion sen '"ins-
f.-rrlng $'f ."'.-, out of the grn ral ftral Into
the htre.t s-wrr fund, to m-
an oiilstanding warrant, w
tl-olr i.econ.1 readitig.
i arri. .1 to
The ordinance for the establishment nf
a grade on Kiiehang.' street In M -t'
to Ihe w-st line )( Fifth street, b
M.l'lttre's and Slilvely's, was pad
third time Welch objected to the final
passage. He said
find In the eharbx of l-Jl that a grade
was established nnd Improvements made
o - this street. U'e ought to go about
tin o things legally and leave no loophole
Or property ownrr who want to j-et
out of legitimate assessments.
Thomson agreed with W eb h. So did
Kinney. The ordinance win inov..l buck
lo Its second p "!! - n I finally reform!
to the city allot,..-, ...r report.
Ttergnian rose lo slate that the "lb rg-
man ordinances" seented to be bugiars
with aome neoplo, ami Kinney remarked
noit they were wore than the Monroe
The ordinance establishing a grade- on
"Hh street In Adair's anl confirming thi
-"t Ir Ing avenue assessment in Sltlv.-'y's
- - passed their third pading. The third
padiro; of ihe ordintince providing ff.r the
-inner if improving Irving avenue from
"th to ;'Ph was, on motion of
;: '). laid ov.-r till the n'-xt meeting.
Thi; following claims were read and orb-red
paid: C. K. Foster, s 7".; II I-'.
I't ael & Co
.'.": Portland Kl.ctrlcal
Works. in.W; J v. Conn, 132.11; I.'. O.
Kvle, t"'i; J. H. Hltchen. 121; J. P f -!-linger,
1WJ.M1: Foard ft Htok -a, -.-75: rr.
II. Orlbble, IlK.lKi; J W. Httprenaiit, 1.7r,:
Mrs. O'llrlen, 111.71: general labor oi fire
W. Welch, i..i.o; Judges and cletks of elec
A resolution w,is Introduced by toting
directing the auditor to give ne ll'-o of the
establishment of a grade on Ator street
In Adair's from the west lire of 41th street
to tho line of 4lt M. Welch accused
Young of Introducing thi resolution slm
filv lo get round the previous remon
stranoe on the riibjrct, by addlig two
more blocks to the Improvement. Young
wanted lo know whether that was any of
Welch's funeral even If lhat was the in
tentlon. Thomson asked Young If It
really was a subterfuge, and If he ad-
mltted the change trade by We'cn. young
said In', didn't, anil on vote the resolu
tion watt defeated by live votes lo four.
The eount.ll then ndjourneil to Monday
nrxt at I p. m.
North Reach. Wn., Jan. 1, 1!5.
To the Editor.
The last of the Oars'hkwm Party who
hsve been out on the North Reach for a
week returned to Portland on the T le
phone yesterday. Kvery i xpeotatlon, t! ey
say, was more than real'zed, and every
member of the party Is willing to come
1H'k another time. Ho far from Hie
weather being unsatisfactory, It was all
tbr.t could be deslred'-raln, snow, wind
and sunshine alternating with astonishing
rapidity, but sunshine predominated.
The' parly was vrv fortunate in hav-
In at lis illspcsAt pno of llin inosi cKrm
Int tcOttairo on th coast. Nestling
among th willow hettr MacKVfUl Head,
It cmntnaii.tii an rt.vpilonnl view t f th
rooky -lirre wli.-i,. ihe spntr Is nlwny
flying, yet t tiffl.'lenil sheltere.1 If) bo
enjoyable even it storm, lis furnish
ing aro In many rv.pccta uhl.itis and lis
natural attraction are enhanced by th
generous hospllahiy of Mr. W, It. Mac
Kensle. II owner.
Tho Hrly weul pn'pare.l for whatever
might bell.le, nnd dining the great lid
of the SOth sexeral nf I hem lealls.d the
full meaning of t"t expression. He
levn long walks on the sand, lamble
through the woods, Km Ilea on Ihe
beach, rl.les to llwnoo. and duck hunts
through Ihe cranberry marches, every
member of Ihe party gathered additional
health and xlgor lo sound Ihe ptalca Of
the N-ach n a wlnler resort, and of
Uarschkwm In particular, No ucli ex
clusion has eier com down to our beach
before, bnl Ihe weather I warm, and a
week nt Clatsop or Long Uracil will far
surpass In nutl beauty and general
outdoor facilities any sport on the At
lantic Z V
What n Stranger Think of Her Athletic
To the F.lltor: -
Sir: The longer a siinnger remain In
Astoria Hie more he lln.l on which lo
eongiatulate it cltisen One of the In
stitutions which will charter admiration l
the gunnasiiim which our public spirited
townsman, ilcv ' Flaxol. lias p'ac.Al,
without eliaige, at the disposal of the As
toria I'.s'ihall Club A hall, ooinmodlou
and strong, well lighted, and well vrtul
lat.d, clean, ceiitially bs aii l uu I fur
nish..! will. Ihe uii'si modern appliance
for le. lopui. nl. Is soiuethlilg
not often found in cities ol till sue
An athletic .'In11 nunit ring eO memth rs.
who suptiri tlie liistituiion from an ap.
pr.vlall. n of Its alue, laige numbeis of
whom manifest that appreciation bv fre.
ipirnt and regular uw of Its aptwraltn.
Is one of the i.urr. .pi. nt "lln.l" in enr
with ren tht.e limes our population.
As a sch nee. Hlhl lies Is fust forging
Its wav to n ii t . r-at recognition. And
though ilier. ir.n ret t uie'n those who
.1. cry It. th. lr numb, i Is rapidly declln
li.g. and tlulr oVet!,.:n ate lis and Irs.
pr.en.uiice I and ph steal
Icor Is. iti di lt an.l I'l .si, rtl rx.'lclse The
eon. Ink ns uu. I r whl. ti It Is tiiiien and
the In-lruir. Mis l. if ..ins of w hlch It Is
ol.lam.'l w .1-lv .ai. I'll! Itie exercise
must K' had If we w. :l l pl.serre health,
or alt.l t) a .1. -'. r -. I r'a.".! and In. rital
de . .I..MU ttl .r.i.Ut,,f.e with Ills Xe,
Oliver eti.le!! Ibutu s h his ctislr rx-
i rci-e nr.
Indian CI
hts pelld.
I his w.
l h i el-a'r r an I
.! I. J l ' : 1 s i:u-se I.OW-H I
on. I e'ls. l-h!p 1 1 ill .1 I
l..r.k- t. -1 1 ' t,i their appre la I
It'll ef
alic, ties Mens .
" Is us hard sense '
.. i-a
i t
11 Is , i(-v I alin
e, so all.d as
id so fl-'iueltt a
stills, ut'l lie! U
lee It W'! add
at'd s. ,ti niati.' exrr- j
(.. eo'tlinue p'e.isalll, 1
to In.uie euiuulattl e !
...I'V It.e H'.ltke
I.. Ihe Income of the
bulch.-r. cro.-rr and .Unman what II,
nuiv suhtra.'t from th.- hsi. lan and uu. :
d.-Kak. r I
W . luntt "i .1. I.i 1 W aterl.-o was I
won oil the cauipus u' lltotl .'o'lcv---. lied 1
tlie future roar d' .ecp liat-.-oal c -n il- '
t'-.f'S llh.ll ,H -t,. , s ,11-. I n.-rious ptos- .
trat..-i;.ts will t- in tin- wal j
t can t..t .!..-.- Cos tu.le w lliout .'rtling i
alteiitioti to the ad. ill,lae ih'a c'tv !. i
in the p. Isull of Plot li It Krlicgg who'
Is In el'-l-ge ef the g tl isluSl Ml.) Who'
l--rscr;a!l sut.-'. itite-.-ls it. rrercls..
Hav ing nia-t.-i.-.l the ....-r.- cir.l -u'um .f '
th- Ailno:--.ii Athletic Club, of l-'r.ui. !
I'l'i'e. and havlc- bun th-tr ietor In lh,
P.-rtlanl Oh'. :l- liuh. he l a. a'tiln.-.lj
ii-.ii -. , :--us pr i'l 1. n.-i an all around
athlete Nor l this nil Pmf. Kellogg 1
has that i.u-e gl-t ai.llltv to imparl ,n-I ,. i.,,, down lie- how I.i do i
P." and the 'whv do it In )il that way"!
s plainly that the pupil qui, Kly catch
i n inspiration u. ik -s his'
as delightful a. thev .Ue pm-tva! I
si, q il. t, lto.-llte.-u! ui-.t ..hic nn. the
Asiorui I'ooit.ait liut. is in , uiii-ra;.
hit I on liavit-g ...ui.,1 hi s.-rvl
At Ih. r ol ... . rl. ti-o hemng thi. ..
i.-r. I ruust drt-o a hint lo the lad1. of
A-funa Mis k.-ti..i-c. hui r. it Ik-, .i nn-
I-r th- Itistru tt.ui ,.r h-r lo-sb iud for
two i. irs and a ball. I th. -oi.ghly com
p. teet I,, (i, Instruction In this lu re.
l-f..e t..o iii'i- h ti. gl c i 1 i ran. h of won--anlv
.-i!l-;re Tin r. . w In u the
evtnt: i-iun, ts up. n f. r th.- o- tun i.r
th- la lies. ho i-i -n n.-ue i an th- lr Iris
bands ar. l-roth.t s u. . .1 regular mi l s.i-
e'lli'le "X.tcve. Thi. Is tt n r...jci.-
eoil -i.-.- -if 10,'h rauk lii t'-is .oiiutry that
ll.H 111 t been for- .1 to Vtt.,lv It..- r Kill.
facllllle for cil. .th.t i s ..i tun i s-,.
lUllUI-e, the Coll- go if I'. ilttcr-. IttVlllg
purchased a complete .it ,.f Ho- famous
machines nf I ir . ,. r, .d sic kho'ni. at
a cost w hich without th.- era. i ilgup s un
der my . ye d ir.- t ot to. ut ,ri for fear
those who have n v.i s. u th.-m will In
tempted to o(iiui;e no- wlh x -t it g ra 1 1on.
Having r.-e.iv. , rim. I - n-ilt tr im this
cllinat-- and mativ curt s es from the
cltii.-ns ..f Astiithi .l it li, g mv nt
thr.-t. mouths. I wl-h l i-ut.r mv ap.
preetatlon of the, mi. I. v. Idle d r- "
Ing attention to our i x--. i.ta-nal facili
ties for phy-hal lulluii. t'l.itk tlie As.
torla l-'oolliall Club for ti . kiulness
Which placed It. .tl t. -. s my
p. sal. Itesjiectfuiiy,
11. I' III S'TI.'-'.Y
A lilornri' soehd x 1 1 1 . gl . ii S.itu-d ty
veiling. January i. bv II. h. k.ih Lodge,
I. o (i. ! m i hid l''-o,,s l a I I' ircii
nonts will be. . rn.l tin I a g. -ti- good
time bad. Conic one, come all, Adnil.
slon. cents.
A Itf.inK Unit ViiI'V.; MI.N'.
Ah liiittu a itirtible alnouiit of surf,, ring
and Inlurv Ii the tnimun r-i.e. Is dtp. to
the litncraitt liiiliuloii of ptiy d'thigh at
laws bv the voitlli of nur Itiiul Itiilnoti
tua-ilces are Induloed in, tbruigh 'rn r
ance of the Inevltabl.. inpiry to t-on.i-ttitlon
and health whbh sui -ly foll.w.
I:y eerv young man, the dliine injnnc.
lion. "KnoiV Ihl'seir," should b.; Well
h'.-d-d. To a-sist sii-li In aeiporiru a
knov. l.-.lire of tliein-el -,.i tirid if Low lo
preserve h'-nlih. and Pi shun those p tn.
i l( us and most ib-ti-iictli. pta-.l-is, to
ivlibii so many fall vl.-tlrli', a i -1 II .1:1 lo
r-'iulin and point out Ilia noun f r lb-1
anil f nr.. to iyty w ho tn.iv 111. w I'tP'giy
I iiv. Nulnre's laws, anl nr.- al
ready suffering th" dir.. 'nuve.iie;io'.,
ai association of medical gent i-'o.-n have
canfnMy prcpatrd a lltilo book which I
ripbie with useful lidor.natl 111 to fery
vout-g num. II will be aent to any ad
dress, sectir.-ly scaled f 1 mn observa I loll
In a plain envelope, by 'he World's lils
periHary Mclbal A mso--.ii ion, -.f ii? Mam
Sti-.:. Ilitffalo, N. V., on r -celpt f en
I'fdMsii hlamps ifor poitlagei, if t ru-b seil
viip t lit: notice.
It liaa often struck mn that children
would gel on much bettor at school If
parent would only eultivate Ih friend-,
ship of the leur-hi r more, and win Iter
eonildenee, says a writer In Home Note.
I am qnl'e sure that If i.vithern would
let the teachers see that they take an
Interest both In tlp-in and the children,
too, It would stimulate Ihn teach r In
their efforts for the advancement of their
pupils. It gland to reason that If a
teacher knows lhat the parenls are co
operating with her Ihe effort which she
puts forth are mote likely lo result In
greater progn ss being made by the chil
dren. There Is no need whatever (o make a
great friend of Ihe I'ncher. but It would
certainly help matters a giod deal If, say,
Ihe teacher were askid to come and lake
tea at a definite time, or spend n cierlaln
evening with tho parents, and children
tnrettter. Much little mnttirs lira worth
t h Ink n Ix about, anil I feel ennvlucid Hint
mothers who try what 1 have suggested
will be please ) with the remi'ts.
The residence of ?dr. Itlalmr. a raneh"r
living on lllg creek, near Yaqnlna, was
burned reeentlv. It Is said th" burning
wns done by por-op i livliifr In YH.pi ria.
rellif for
If you want lure
limbl, us ail
Dkam in Mind - Not on of
Hons Is as good s th tuulii.
Have You
a Sharp Knife!
Tlie New Year's
Turkey Hay Be
dust the Thing for a
The Astorian Job Office
in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiu mum i ' "
Dost of
Is always prepared
nil.l. IIKAlvs.
nrsiNixs cai:is,
And all kinds of Commercial Printing at Prices as
Low, if not the Lowest in the City.
Knsppa. i'r . I n o jl. o,i'.
To the Fditor -
A ibilghtful elltrrlalluii. lit Wn held In
the Presbyterian church I'l.mium mull
under the ausptor. of ihe Sabbath I" l
Two haiid...melv Itllnm.d Irr-s -.u,l..t
the platform, from which nm
and card wert. ill t rtl.u Ic.l to ri.rv cbdd
end youth s.-i.-niy four In all The oi
ttr audlencr was treated lo ci..'y and
not. a well, aft.-r the chll.'r-a bad ie.
. elved their gift A rolle.ilon wa taken
from the school, wl l. h am Hid
nice little um for Ihe Sabbath s, he it
An appropriate musical and lltriarv pro
gram wa render. d by Ihe ch Mil and
. belli pr Hon to the distribution ol i-l'lr
which wa cn.iyc by the large ao-l ea- r
Ijist Sabbath evening a Ohtl.lnwn
non wa pleached bv Ih- pa'or. Rev
M Hol-rtson, from Ih text, Matthew
; which wa an able ilinour The
Week Of p raver Will b. ob.eri'rd In the
church Is gliinlng Ihe Cth of January
An Infallible guide to Ideal result In
c.iok.ry, Or Price llaklttg Powder.
Cullfornlu Ulead Pond.
Fried Yellow Perch
Veal Mine on Toast.
Iliickwlual Cskisi
oysters an litatlu.
S.iltnl of quail
Wafers. Cheese
lllsipie of Clam.
Sardines. C. I. ry.
Turban of Flounder. Willi 'iy t, r.
Htuffeil lleef'a Heart, with llrown Haiic.
Stewed Celery. Poniln PufT.
Roanleil H. plain
ladtue Salad
Cheslnul Ice Cieain.
Roquefort. Wafi r.
Th 'following transfers of real estate
were filed In the ofllce of Recorder Hun.
derson yesterday:
P. u'llara and wife to John M
Hmlih. Lot 7. Illook 4. o'lliira's
Addition to Wnretiton X.
Same to Same, la-it , IIIih k 4. ratne
addition H.'.
Clatsop Co., tax deeil to J. I.
Young, Lot I, 2, 3, Illook 111, Col
umbia 2nd addition in
C. It. Illgglns, lo T iiinu 1 .111 kill,
Lot 4, Illook ft, Astoria Addition
to Warreiilon fti
Far a dinner, ervnd on tne Dln'tig ear
of tih tllicssro, Milwaukee and St. Paul
Railway, will be ent to any address on
I receipt of a two cant postage stamp. Ap.
Ply to 00. It. HeatTonl, Uernt-al laMci.
ger Agent, Old Colony Building, Ohlaigo,
SHTLOH'S CURB, Oi great Cough
and Croup Cure, i In great demand
Pocket lis contain twenty-fly do
only 26 cent. Children lov IL Bold
by J. W, Conn.
The Resort
478 Comrueraial stret't, i the place
where Ihe businessman anil the Uborini'
man go (or what is culled "1SKST ON
THE COAST." or a nice cool drink r,.'
the eelebrstPil (lamlirintis la-ur. HhihI-wi-hes
ol every kind mad to, Rtnl
sn rlennt fren luncli serrotl orerr ilny.
Hot liiistnn I'ukeil Bean served every
olbcr arternntio. Yott are nelooiii.
Grosbtuuer St Bracb
pln la the beck, tide, eheet, er
th. ho.t of coimtrflti end lmlt
Our Stock of Car
vers Will Suit
New Year's Present.
to print to ordor
l.l'.iiAI. iu.anks.
I. AIM l-s.
tk ki:ts.
Tisi Itaiit AT IT
Sinn l ath.r No, so' .an ac
' I'l ri oti.'lrf . mi so u-ii,
lr. "is-, tin- Win' I tiuir lirier played
atd. Hi nil life eXerpt Willi roil
Merit Father Ho t at ooee errc,it
when w plair.i I said gamivt.-r, nut
gambler Von cau l hand e my .Uuntl
ler' money. tr
Report of the Condition
or r
First National Bank
At Ail rl. Ill I he stile nf Ih. -l,, si I lis , ..,
id liu-llie... !ieerml,r IJ, IHO Mi ,
lasun sad .llreoiiuu .
Iller.iralt. sreunsl and illlreeiit'. li
I a. b. in.. 1.1 r. re , ii, uiii.s
I'reniluli,, e ( a Isili.l. ,
sti-k., veurili,,,. ,1,
Illlu-r IU-. I r. sle i,-i' j(ftgi'e'i
1 1 II. d
Hue lriii 11,11 ouai ,i.t"r'eiie
au m
It !! 10
i.r-i 111
u.i.i :
.v m
Da.- f .1 11, 1141,1,. ,, UMtovi
V'e I apololei p avians
l.ll SI
11 i.i 4A'l 0
Itxi 7X
I bee. lcl otl rr .-11..-1 Ileitis ...
ol. 111 ell e S 1 1., 1 1 lk '
Nli k. Is " "
I .,,,., .1 1 .
IH so
....... ,. KI mtsKKVI ts II INK , Vl:
""''r, , isj; 1
a-gal t,tci mile, . I, u.. tj nn nt
i'i I . s 1 tt rel
lip' I.
i-i- ion 1
.. ... I.Vl.tH (l
I K 'i 10
I '. X1 VI Hi
tl.14) It)
11V. PI
"ii 111 sill
... M,IW .'41
I 'An I I I Us
P ''It..
I aC 11 .i.e.
-u p ii. tan. I
1 11 .1.1.1.. 1 I.,,,;, , 1, ;
c s, , , ,t ,, , , ,,
xaiM.nai i-.i k
stain liitj
l'lie to si.le i''li'i."ttu.
I:' ker- .1,,, .,.,1, ,1, I,,,.,
Inched... ,. '
Piiitnial 111 ii
1 I 1 e
s e ill llr- e,,i, 1
I'ouiili i.r Ma sup. ( M
r-,V.W ".,? " "t I'' abole rt
.,,'. .' 1 sae.illliaJ tin. al ,it.
;.: ' ! '- k"...i..i,.i.aod
l , . 1 . s " 'i 'l'I'tl.N.I H.lil. r
"'" HI lo lef re nir ,U Alih
a 0 1 bis uiub r, i-iii ( (iiuuais.
Cru el Micst. N-liii, I hi.I .
Jl'HX A. HI I I , ' I heel.,..
11 . ,'lf'' '""urnnue Co.. of
WANTKU- Man or lady e"l',
isnne ottlc work, and manage ag.ntg.
You win deal through your leadln"mr.
shants Ho.n.thin, new and wry popi-
lna'n.M Vr J". "o.Ulon per Bend four rfsrme and u0
cent for full partlulra John Finn
Mgr., P. O. Do 4M, HI. LoulJT Ho! ,
JAPANKHi: noouH-JuM ZihrtTZ.
celved-Juat what you want, at wing
Lee s, Ml Commercial street.
I7S00 p.;u WKKK. using mid i.lilng
Pj"?? f,,r ,,l""n,c Jew.lry,
and table ware, plate KOr.J ZwZ'
nicks , etc.. .. ,B n(.w gnnri,.1"1:
shop. K.-i.y operated; no experlem"'
big prollts. W. P. Horr,n I n.'
Clerk No. 14, Columbu. ihlo C"
FOR RKNT Hons of ,VRn room, .
bath, with modern conveniences Am,
to fJeo. II. George, 422 Pommemlal. '
Fori RreNT-Furnlsl,,,! rcHm on
floor In prtvate family. 414 Kci;,K, "