THE DAILY AtfTOIUAN, A3T0KM, BIWDAY HORNING, &E0MRER 29, m&. ii uro mi (.i,i hed at & kOtf atout h,lf price aud ut the Lesinnjcg instead or at tne f ndl of the season, too. Jlero is the reason: ' We ordered dark blue and the factory send dark plaid ones instead, and rather thiin have us return them th-y lopped a snug sum off the original price. They will last, todav m Mondd p rhaps a lev; fur Tuesday; but it won't be sale to wait. THE ARCADE. YESTERDAY'S WKATHER. Local weather for twenty-four hour ending at 6 p. m. yesterday, furnished by the United State Department of Ag riculture, weather bureau. Maximum temeprature. 41 degrees. Minimum temperature, 34 degree. Precipitation, .11 inch. Total precipitation from September lit lata, to date. 26.97 Incite. Deficiency of preclpltalton from Sep tember 1st, 1865, to date, 2.18 'nches. I to blend tea l the best Ask your grocer for It, and take no other. Meany ! the leading tailor, and pays the highest cash price for fur lklns. Go to 1M 8th street, oppos'te the Ourt House, to have your umbrella repaired or re-covered in first-class style. A corrpl to stock of fixtures and repairs always on hand. What brings people hack to the Asto ria Wood Yard after they have punded the possibilities everywhere elBT May be it's one thing, and May be It's another. But the fact remains-back they come. And of course tht Astoria Wood Yard is proud of It. Jno Hahn & Co.. Commercial street, hava au excellent stock, from which to choose a haiwoi.ii) and useful Christmas present, con isl ng of quilted and felt slippers, gentlemen's aJOrt?d embroid ered slipper. Indies' and gentlenv n storm Alasti f; lined rubbers and a complete and stylish line of boots, shoes, etc. No excuse for sleepless nights when you can procure One Minute Cough Cure. This will relieve all annoyances, cure the most severe cough, and give you rest and health. Can you afford to do without It? Chas. Rogers. SHTLOH'B CURE, th great Cough and Croup Cure, la In great demand Pocket size contains twenty-five dosee only 25 cents. Children Jove It. Bold by J. W. Conn. AN ENIGMATICAL BILL OUT PARE. For a dinner, served on the Dining car of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, wHl be sent to any address on receipt of a two cent postage stamp. Ap ply to Goo. H. Heafford, General Paewon. gar Agont, Old Colony Building, Chicago, Illinois. THE BON TON. Naw Restaurant Serve all the deli cacies of the season at the lowest price. Open until midnight, ypec'.al attention given to theatre parties. No. 671 Commer cial street. FROM NOW UNTIL SPRINO Overcoaita and winter wraps wili be in facfrton. They can be discarded, tempor arily while traveling 4n the at earn heated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Si. Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for speed and for swifety, no other Una can compare wtth thai p-sat railway of the West. FOR THOSE WHO EAT For the remarkaWy amaU aunt of 16 cents one can procure an excellent chick en dinner every Sunday at the popular "Denver Kitchen," east side of th street between Aetor and Bond. Mr. Richard son, the proprietor, also assures the pub lic that Obey can obtain at his place a weCl-cooked, well served breakfast, din ner or supper any day in the week for the above mentioned price. Give him call and be convinced that he epeaks the truth. ECONOMY IN FUEL. The Eureka Fuel Econonlscr. U a sci entific', preparation wihldh augment) the lntiily of coal and wood weat in ttie proportion of S3 per cent. If the direction printed on each pack age 1 cui-ePutlly observed, tne Eureka Coal Kconomlxer will rive to any trdlna ry or middling coal the utume value a Una of superior quality. The Eureka Fuel Economizer prevent the hoou, the cinder and the formation of smoke, WlUch may spoil, in an apart ment, so many vaiuailxe article, such curtains, paintings, etc. The Eureka bum any kind of (as whUc-h might destroy the breafhuihle air; apartment and factor a in vhich It to used are consequently more healthy ai d oomfor table. In leea than five minute, one can obtain a very brisk fire which wt tkurt thirty hours without being Btlrr ed up and without any addition of freah coat. Hence an economy of coal, work and money. The Eureka BconomUer produoee a heat (nor soft and more conecntrated; when a normal heat to wanted, the ventUutlon must be party Mopped and, ug.iln, an economy In fuel I to be relied upon. We guarantee that our preparation pro duces no Injurious efltact on ttte heatfh, and doe not affect hi any way stove, ranea, graft, etc. Lance consumers can uttaln the pro duct, which we do not henrtaie In term ing "msurvoloua," at much more reduced price). Bach package beans, wtth very explicit dureotkms, our trade murk, repreeeotine four hands croeeed together above a Hon with thl mono: "n union there t atrength." Any counterfeiter hall be dealt according to law. W recvlv wo frequently application for aumple, and It ht with rrt that we are compiled to refuse the tending of the uiik. Heretofore we have .lb era'JIy given away aenplas In erder to popularise our product, but we cannot afford to support uch neavy xpene any lontcnr. The moderate price of our pro duct I in tit reach of anybody who wanta to try it. It h for the Mune reason , that we have decided to lend It direct oa receipt of 26 cent. . To wy I to be convinced that our pro duct i a triumph of science. 26 cents each package, Beot free of charge. AntklCAN EUREKA FUEL ECONOMIZER CO 1 180 Broadway. New York, U. S. A. A TWISTER. A twister in twisting May twist hint a twist, For In twisting a twist Three minis make a twist; Tiut If one of the twist t'ntwlsts from the twist. The twist umwtrlns; rpfnlsu the twist. 1 .'.at I when It's wlated with njr tarms than MARSHALL'S. HGYAL Unking Powder I &" f!nJed hlzhcst I. ; r; nr3 tt CYCry WCflifS fair Lisced Cloves t Black Gloves I $ Button Gloves ! i I Colored Gloves! 1 All kinds of GLOVES, and Every pair GUARANTEED. I Albert Dunbar f AROUND TOWN. The bonds most sought for by a duko With mortgaged patrimony . Invariably you will find Are those of matrimony. New York Recorder. Christmas ornaments at Smith's. Marshall's Twine noth ng like It for fish nets. Last night another visit from .Jack Frost. Sliver novelties in large variety, at H. Ekstrom's, DCO Commercial street. Theo. Christenscn, of Walluskl, was among yesterday's country visitors. Rogers' Chocolate Tablets destroy all kind of worms In children try them. See our ten cent Bilk handkerchiefs at the Oregon Trading Co., 600 Commercial street. C. 11. Callender, the well known saw mill man, of Knappton, was In the city yesterday. Solid silver and plated ware a large as sortment, at H. Ekstrom's, 600 Commer cial street. J. C. Abbott, C. D. Wllletts, and E. A. Seeley. of Portland, were gueats of the Occident yesterday. Diamonds, watches, Jewelry, suitable for Christmas presents, at H. Ekstrom's,' 500 Commercial street Wm. Anderson, the Deep River mer chant and John Anderso'n, of Onclda, were In the city yesterday. Opera glasses, gold and silver mounted umbrellas and canes, at H. Ekstrom's, 600 Commercial street. A. H. Kllndt and H. Jalnmr, of Gray's River, were among the visitors yester day, from the country. At Grace Church today there will be more Christmas music, and at midnight Tuesday a watch service. Mr. Frank Stokes nnd family returned yesterday from Son Franlcsco wlieio they pcp.t u pleasant two weeks. No Weekly Exumlncrs arrived from San Francisco yesterday morning and many readers were disappointed. Yesterday Mr. M. J. Kinney presented all of Ills fishermen Vltli a large turkey for their New Years' dinner. C. D. Smith has the finest display of Christmas candles In the city. His pi Ices cannot be beaten In the cKy. D. H. Heckard, Jno. Gibson, D. J. In- gulls and C. 8. Tow, of the Lewis and Clarke, were in town yeslotday. Mr. McClellnn came down from his kaolin mine, near The Dalles, yesterday and reports matters In good shape. Mr. A. J. Welch, of C'atsop, Is v'Bltlng his sister-in-law, Mr. Nancy Welch, and will spend several days In this city. R. L. Gaston, the Nehnlem merchnnt, and R. 8. Cartithers and wife, of C'atsop, visited their city ftiinds yestJtday. The contractors expect to commerce the superstructure of Erlckson's new build ing on Astor Btreet some time this or next week. A pretty mnllnee hat for ladles Is of pule lavender and has for Its Bole trim ming loops and ends of wide lavender rib bon. Ruy Marshall's twine and save fifty per cent of your next year' outlay. It is the best llBh twlna on earth. Ask fishermen who uso It. Look out for the second annual ball of the Astoria Amateur Rrass Hand, to be given New Years' night. A good time is promised to all. Genuine Fliidon Haddocks. Imported Stock Fish, Anchovies and Hollnnd Her ring; also Fine Woater Mackerel; try them. Foard & Stoke Co. Carl Shiner, one of Foard & Bt-k-s' head clerks, Is reported as being alive af ter his Christmas celebration and making preparations for New Years'. Here Is a suggestion "Make your adver tisement an argument deriving Its f rce from the situation, and present it clearly to all to whom It is addressed." The Astoila Amateur Hrsss Rand will give Its second annual bull In Fisher' hall, New Year' evening, The event promises to be a most enjoyable one. Strangers are beginning to come to the city and there was yesterday felt the first rumblings of an improvement in business and tho beginning cf bettor things. Nothing Is nicer for a Christmas pr sent 'or vour gentleman friends than a box of Fl Modelo cigars, Imported by Corbl't A Macleay Co., Portland. For sale by deal ers. Mrs. F. Grer n, tho wife of Chief Green, of the fire department. Is very dangerous ly ill at her residence. It Is Imped by h. r friends that she will oon begin to Improve Seventy-two Christmas candles for 16 cent at C. R. Snilth'a The engineer report that the pile driv ers at the Young' bay bridge were able to do a little work yesterday and that all hands will work today If good weather continues. Dr. M. M. Walker returned yee'e d.y from Portland, where he spent ChritT, with his arm full of package ."d re ports that he had splendid time visaing his friends. Some of the new leave which are be ing prepared for the New Year' turning over by the "boy will be very handsome ly decorated It remains to be een how long they will tay turned. A prominent minister wa benrd to say. the other day: "The beauty of giving Is like the beauty of th sunrise s Mom seen. Put the beauty of inking ah! we have rra'le a ftu.iy v( thl." Chief Green report the new fire alarm vtem sa row complete, with the ex ception of the itnrt' and reluva whl-h Wf re burned out under th o'd avstem ard' which have not yet been returned from Portland, whero they were sent for re pairs, and says that It Is tho best on the coast. The new line is working satisfac torily, except that better results can be obtained when all of the gongs and relays are in place. One of Astoria') philanthropists says he thinks there Is moro merit In giving a ton of coal to some poor family d 'rimr tl'e cold spell thai' In all the professions of religion that were ever made. In planning for the enterfu'nmcnt of your holiday guests, don't forget to order of your dealer several boxes of 'he K) Modelo cigar, exclusively Imported by the Corbltt & Macleay Co., Portland. Tonight, tho weather clerk says, there will be snow. No doubt tho small boys will again get out their jlmli and 8-e how many people., they ran co'l'di with on the sidewalks and street crossings. Just received, St. Gervals, Neufrhatel, Philadelphia Cream, Kronenkase, Blerra, Rchloss Kase, Kdam. Swiss, Jcdyost, and many other varieties of fine American and Imported cheese at Foard & Stokes Co. j Yesterday ivr a busy day umong the merchant. The nerp'e were g ttlng teady to celebrate the opening of thP new year with good dinners and many pack ages were delivered in all parts of the, city. 1 As we are about to Btore away o'd neg atives, we now offer duplicate rrders at a greatly reduced price. Bhou'd you desire a lot of these pictures, kindly leave your order at Crow's Gallery within the next 30 days. The supply pipes of the old water sys tem gave out yesterday and for several hours the water was turned off so as not to allow the reservoir to lie ent'rfly drained. The new plant will not be ready for use any too soon. I Mrs. Narclssa W. Kinney, slate presl- dent of tho W. C. T. U., will lecture to-1 nle-ht in the Baptit ch'ir"h H 'bj ct, ''Social Purity, or the Knicrlit of tho White Cross." Everybody is cordially In-' vlted, especially young men.. j We have the ftnct and most complete ' assortment of canned fruits that hn ever ! been placed on this market. You can I convince yourself of this by giving us a j call. Eight cans for $1.00. PAT LAWLER & CO. Postmaster Wise yesterday received a I telegram from the department onnounc- Ing that commencing today the'e wl'l bei a Sunday mall boat. This will be good1 news to all who like to getthe Sanj Francisco and Portland papers. j liy advisers I mean those who know that' advertlslnR well done Is hound to; lirlnff i-nanlta 1. v Knulnaaa men T mrnn 0 ' very large class of manufacturers who nre "poor In the midst of great we.ilth," 1. e., of possibilities of development. If you want to find out what H-'d of twine is the strongest tO"ghet best, ns'1 j Ihe best fishermen on the river. Thry will tell you MARSHALL'S. It Is made more carefully than any other b and In ; tho market. Elmore, Snnhorn & Co., j age .its. Price C. D. Smith's line Christmas can dles. A physician remarked the other rtny that Instead of colds comlni? from ntmos pherlo changes, as people general y sup pose, they generally orlglrate, i- y opinion, by breathing Impure nh Nl-ety-nlno per cnt of what are term d ro'ds are nothing more nor less than po'son ng of the mucous membrane by bad air. Have you overlooked any of your friends nt Christmas? If bo, you can equuro yourself by presenting them with n nlco bottle of perlumcy as a New Years' gift. We received a Inrue Invo'ee of these goods too lute for the Christinas trade, consequently have a fine 1'ne of fresh goods for the New Year. Estcs Craln Drug C. A well known book-se'ler Is ulT'.iiorlly fur th': statement thnt a Hihle, v luted i from typo called rtrl'llnnt, which 's the smallest Ope used In English pr'nl'ng, has been published by the tixfo'd Un'ver slty Press. The volumn contains 1.16 pages, and weighs three ounces. It meas ures three and a half by two nnd one eighth Inches, nnd Is five-eighths of on Inch thick. The funeral of Mrs. Albert DnnVlS"n, of Fort Stevens, was attended by u lnrire number of people yesterlny. T'e ftenm er Mayflower conveyed Astorl.ins to Fort Stevens, and nfter the services took the entire party to Greenwood Cemetery, nnd returned the Fort Stev ns and War en- ton neonle home. The null l-crers were J. Knulson, F. Carlson, M. Olson, C. Ja cobsen, II. Peterson and M. Carlson. Do you know thnt Mnrslin'1 Sr Cn. re fuso to use many tons of llnx offered to them nnnually? They s lent th best uxowth obtainable nnd wl'l not nl'ow a pound of ordinary flax to see the 'pslde of their factories. That's whv there's n twlnn In the world 1 ke M"r3ha'l', Thrt' why three-fourths of tho fiherm n on the Columbia River will buy nothing else. Elmore, Snnhorn & Co., agents. A large party of PortlnnderJ, the guests of Mr. W. R. MoKeiitle, passed through tho city on their wny to Seaside v h re they will watch the cli yenr cut nt Mr. McKenxle's cottage "Gnrscbkrom." The nnrty consisted of Mr. nnd M"S. Tien''' Miss Mnud Dewey, M'ss Adn Jewell, Miss J. R. McFndden, Mls Cnrrlo Rtee'e, M ss Warren, Miss Nice, Mr. Morrow, Mr. Vim Dures, Mr. Jay Kwlnpr, All. Dayton, and Mr. Scaly. The El Modelo clgnr, Imported exclu sively by the Corbltt MHC'ray C v P rt 'nnd, Is having a great run t'irouglnut t'-e West. An observing, com'"on sens pnn cnld recently that he did not hole there were any people on the gV'e mo e reif sacrlllclng, or who are more good thrr these quaint, queer, drnm-bentlng and fife blowing Salvationists. Thrre Is pr task too lowly for them to do, and while dolnt it they win the respect of t!v whole criminal clas, nmornr t hon tv"v do the most of their work. They heven't a long creed, but thev have a record which will Insure their future. Mr. R. L. Royle, the real estate rcsn, who has Just returned from a trip to the Sound, Kays that business Is Improving a little In that country and that every where he went all had a good word for Astoria and her future. The 'ipbT and shingle mills are running and ther- Is every Indication thnt there wl'l be consid erable of an emigration from there to Astoria In the spring. Whl'e In T-e-ma and Seattle Mr. Boyle aranged to adver tise Astoria on the street cars of those cities. Klsewhere In these columns uppvara ihe announcement of Mr. Hammond's return to Oregon. That gentleman will doubtless be In Astoria in a day or two, nnd no doubt the many plans for floating large business enterprise, which a prominent man spoko of yesterday, will he Inaug urated at once. The good work cannot commence too soon, and as that gentle man remarked, too much enre cannot be exercised to keep It on the I nes ot solid business advancement Instead of making It a senseless "boom," of which port of work the people are tired nnd disgusted Notale Lafni'.l, the Italian sailor from the Hertfordshire who w examined be fore Judge Gray Friday to determine hi nnlty. Is undoubtedly a viry sick iran. The testimony ws. to the effect that he was not craiy. but sick. He has eston noihliig for several days, anil Is so weak 11... I I, frt'.Iii In trvn'.s- to wa'k the room. He Is the man who l sad to hn-e at'empted to kl'l the met cf I1" riedfoK'shir with a crn"t-n t-ar, e-d when Sheriff Hare and Deputy Clinton arrested him he w In irons, his le-s and arms bound and then securely Ucd down to a bunk. The cords and Irons were removed, and then this alleged de mon was found so weak that he could not dress hlmsdf, and had to be supiorte 1 by the sheriff and his deputy to get him to Jail. Sheriff Hare and Deputy Clinton are authority for the above facts, and Dr. Fulton states that the man Is not crazy, but simply sick and weak from the need of proper nourishment. T"ie iran denies that he attempted any assault and the ship carpenters who have b"en work ing around the Bedfordshire had heard of none until the man was arrested. Charles Wirkka'a's saloon, on Astor and 7th streets, which has Ion? been one of the most popular and best patronized drinking places In the city, will soon be moved from Its present location to the lot Immediately east of the Casino thea tre. Many Improvements will be added as Mr. W'itkkala Intends keeping up the reputation his saloon has had since ho as sumed charge years ago. Only the best wines, liquors and cigars sold at the bar, a musical concert by the best talent in the city, under the leadership of Profes sor Schwobe, the well known planet, given nightly. Call around and bring your friends with you. TV. a T'nna. Aaturfn fieolfll Club held their regular weekly meeting at their hall in Upper Astoria Friday evening. The following proeram was rendered: RecN tation, Fred Wright; song, T. M. Sanden; music. Upper Astoria Mandoln Clt b; rending. Miss Mary Wi'lls; rec'tatlon, witifu wni.iir music. Master Johnson: music, Upper Astoria Mandolin Club. A recess of ten minutes was taken, after which the elnh's paper, "IC'-dik," was read by Alfred Schroder, and loudly ap plauded. The debate was then had cn the question: "Resolved, That weman should propose marriage." Mr. W. C. Craves spoke In the negative ,and .Mr. Alfred Kinney In the afflrmatlve After a lively and amusing discussion, the ques tion was decided in the negative. On the !lrst of January ner.t, the mag azine Romance, which has heretofore been devoted to fiction entirely, wl'l un dergo a complete change, and will be Is esuecl ns a five-cent magazine, filled with illustrations of a popular kind. The mag azine will be a considerable novelty, the idea being to emphasize the l lusirated side of it rather than the text. The-e will be 48 pages containing not less than "0 illustration:, printed from the best ot plates upon the best of paper. There will be plotnres of noted painters, of people of the day, of nctors nnd actress' s, ot literal y Individuals at home. Scientific matters will be treated of, and nmateur photography will be given a generous Fpacc. . Altogether the design has met vlth a cordial reception wherever spoken of, and the readers will be sure to profit l y purchasing the early numbers whlih will form a perfect little picture book ot genuine, contemporaiy Interest. There is no reason wny the people of Astoria should go to Portland, San Fran Cisco, or any other place for toilet arti cles, druggists' sundries, or drugs. 1 carry as complete an assortment of each as any retail house west of the Rocky Mountains. I have Just received 75 dozen tooth brushes, from direct Eastern im porters to sell from 6 cents to 75 cents; also Prophylactic and Dental Plate tooth brushes; 20 dozen hair brushes from 15o to $7 each. Cloth brushes from 10c to f2.50 each: lather brushes from 10c to $1 each, and shoe brushes at all prices; dressing combs from 6c to $1.25 : 50 different hand kerchief extracts in hulk, and a large as sortment of bott'ed goods In choicest odors of Imported and domestic manu factures, also some very handoire cut glass bottles filled for holiday presents. In fact I carry everything ?eneially to' n i In a first-clnss drtu? store and at the low est prices. I would like every one to call and examine these goods, whether you want to buy or rot. We will take great pleasure in showing them. CHAS ROGERS. OlUTt'ARY. The late Mrs. Herltnnh whose maiden name was Lucy C. lichee, was born In Rnllvnn county. New York, Apr'l 3d, 1S43. She Joined the Pnptit church while quite young, nnd lived a good christian l'fo. She moved with her parents to W'scensin In 1S57, and In IS'll moved to Iowa, wt-ere she married Mr. David H. Heckard In 18(12 who survives her to mourn his g eat loss. Mr. Heckard moved with his faml'y to Orecon In 1Mj.", and settled In Catmns county, whence he enme to Clnts p coun ty in 1S75, where he and his deceas d wife have resided ever since on the Lewis and Clnrko river. Mrs. Heckard was a good wife nnd a devoted mother, hnv'ng rnisrd five children, William J., John A., Chas. It., and David II., who nre a'l llv ng, and one girl, Mrs. Mary E. Gibson, who d'ed very suddenly about seven years ngo. Mrs. Heelinrd wns a very exemplary worenn nnd much respected nnd beloved by the whole community of Lewis nnd darke, nearly all of whom testified their sympathy with the bereaved fnml'y by aecomnanvlng her rema'ns to the grave In Relth Cemetery, von Christmas eve. Oregon City Enterprise p'ease copy. MUSIC AND FUN. The fourteenth of January has ben fix ed upon ns the date of the e"t rta'nmrnt to be given for the benefit of the lib nry association nt Fisher's Opera Hou-e. The urogram wl'l be very attractive and amus ing, opening with the lively fa-c ot "l'ox n"d Cox," followed by the on-rettn of "A Trip to Europe." the d'alogue ot which Is humorous, the music l'rlght. catchy nnd popular. Much add tlonal -"ii'lc hns been lntrwoven nrd th" cho--i-e are thoroughly trained. Mrs H. T. "i-imby Is the musical d!recto-, whl h Is nn augury of success. Deal's as to caste will be given soon. ARAMENTI CONCERT CO. The concert to be riven tomorrow night by the Arament' r' -npny Is attract'ng -inch, attention. Tho Eustorn press sny of Mr. Hlcplns: Mr. Higgles wields a graceful and pow erful bow, nnd his liquid notes extrae'ed from the king of stringed Instruments were mairnlflcent, and were rapturously applauded. Raltlmore Sun. , Chnrles F. Hlgglns, the violin virtuoso's "eniittttlon, both at home and a'rosd daces him among the foremost of the w renlly great artists who have master -A the Intricacies of that king of lnstru "icnts, New York Mail and Express. Cluules F. Hlgelns' violin bo!"S were highly artistic, receiving and merltl-g the Greatest applauso of tho evening. Ch'cago Times. He Precious, do you give me this beau tiful umbrella because you love me? She -No, darling; I gave It to you because t am tired of lending you mine. Ex change. Mmo. Melha sai g Gounod's "Ave M.irla' at the Chrlstmaa day so. vices at St. Pat- lick's cathrvdal, New York. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Old Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM T-rx .rv -r rs TV" KS, mmm Meet lYrfcct Made, lo Ycais the Staiulanl mm v l. sr A STII-L ALARM. Firemen Narrowly Escape Death, and a Horse Foils Overboard. A stUl alarm was sounded, lato Thurs day night, at the house of Englno .Com pany No. 1, which was promptly respond ed o i,v the hook end ladder company. The fire was found to bo In tho cabin of a gasoline launch at tne ascot a iron Works, but the prompt work of the fire men saved the boat from much damage. A fire caught In somo unknown r.anner in the cabin, and was discovered py a prsslng watchman, who turned In a still alarm. Upon arriving on the scene the Are was found to be well under way, but the boys Jumped aboard with the Habcock and soon had the names unucr control. Had the men known that Immediately be low the fire, and within a foit or two of the burning woodwork, was stowed 76 gallons of gasoline, they might not have been so eager tp f.ave the boat from destruction. Had the gasoline exploded It is not likely any of the fire laddies would have been here to tell the tale. In returning to tho engine house, In the dark, one of the engine horses fe'l over board, striking on the rocks below with a force which knocked him sense'ess. Ho soon recovered, however, and with much labor the animal was fished out, and yesterday did not show any Blgns of be ing much the worse for his midnight plunge. Credit is due to the company for the manner of handling the fire as well as fishing out their good horse so carefully. " THE NEW LINE, Will Be Ready to Operate About Janu ary 6. Mr. Geo. F. Hueson, superintendent of construction, and Mr. J. R. Clark, the local manager for Astoria, of the Postal Telegraph Co., were in the cily yester day and completed arrangements for the opening of the new line. The work of construction eaBt from Kuappa Into Gobie, which has been greatly retarded by the unusually severe weather, will be completed in a few days, and then the line will be brought down from off the hill at the head of 9th street and run into tho new office. It Is ex pected that the first message will be sent to Portland not later than January 6th. The office will be at the rear of the Hawes building, on 11th street, opposite Robb & Parker's office, and will be fitted up at once. The company has spared no expense to put up a first class line and antic pate being able to give ,the very, best of Ber vice. Mr. Clark, the manager, is an ex perienced telegraph operator, being for merly a dispatcher for the O. R. and N. Co., and knows what Is required to run a public office. He will be found to be courteous and obliging and Astor'a wil then possess two pleasant telegraph managers. CHRISTMAS MUSIC. At the First Methodist E ilsCo -a' chvrh the music for Christmas wl'l be gl'en today at the morning and evening service. Rev. Dr. Huntley will olMc ate In the morning, and an eloquent a 'rmon may be anticipated. The foil wing music will be rendered: "Oh, the Golden, Glowing Morning," Le Jeune "Te Deitm, No. 2," F. Krorll "Hail, Christmas Morn," Gounod "Hark, the Herald Angels," Mozart "Rlrthday cf a King," N"ldUnger "Fear Not Ye, O Is: ad," Dudley Euck TENNESSEE EXPOSITION. The Cumberland Presbyterian church has been granted space on the grounds of the Tennessee Centennial and Interna tional Exposition, which opens In Septem ber, ISM, for Jhe erection of a reproduc tion of the log cabin In which that church was organized many years ago. REMNANTS! REMNANTS! The largest remnant sale that has ever taken place will begin Monday reor"'ng, to continue for fourteen days, at Cohen's Low Price Store. Now is your chance to get fine dress good- for less mo ey than ever before offered. I have a!o a few more capes nnd jackets which I have concluded to sell at 50 per cent off. I. COHEN, Low Price Store, 401 Uond St eft. BUTTER RATES. Editor Astorian. Not long since the Hera'd hid quite a lengthy editorial In praise of the White Cellar Line of uteam boats. That th'y had gentlemanly employes, finest r-onts, best service, etc. The writer w'll admit eyy of the above to be true ex-'ept the finest boat. The fare Is reasonable, nnd the freight rates to merchants of $1.50 per ton Is reasonable also. Put when a farmer ships nny prod'iee of bis farm, the cinch is applied to hlrn (probably) to learn htm better than to dare to ship anvthlng rut of Cl-'l cp coun ty. Fifty cents Is charged on n 50 p und box cf butter: $1.00 on n lfO-pinnd box. It Is a cent a pound, no ninti.r what the size of the pael-age Is. Our l"cal steamers "luirare half o' these rn"s. So It costs $10 per ton to AstoHa, ard $?0.OO per ton from Astoria to Portla"d J.10 per ton for about 125 miles. We don't -al these living rates (only for the staboat company). We can ship to Liverpool for los money. In conclusion, brother ilal-ymen.- let roe teU you: The Potter or the Lu'ine charge only half of the rate mentioned n'we, and they alo have I'ne beats end gen tlemanly otneers. DAIRYMAN Melville. Pec. 25. RESCUE CLUIi. The meeting of Rescue Club opened w'th all the officers present and a er-wded house. The splendid program consisted of the following: Recitation. "Christmas Day," by Miss Alene Kronqulst. Recitation, "Christmas Stockings," Miss Hazel Estes. Recitation, "Little Maud's Story," Miss Etta Susman. Song, ' Merry Dells," Miss Franklo Fs tes. Recitation. "A Smack In School," Mis Hannah Susman. Recl'ntlop "Solomon and the Dees,"' Miss Rose Kesterson. Recitation, "The Mother's Dream," (by request) Miss Pusle Roberts. Recitation, "The Drunken Travnp and His Dog," Miss A'tma Nyluml. A brief but telling address by ftev. I J. Trumbull. Earnest warning against the beg'nnlng of had habits, by Del. O. B. Estes. The committee on program for rext week Is Mrs. Peloher, Mrs. W. E. Warren and Judge J. H. D. Gray. Alum baking powders are poisonous. Dr. Price's only Is perfectly pure. s MENU FOR MONDAY. Breakfast. Fruit. Graham Mush, with Cream. Porgles, a la 1'Itallenne, Potato Palls, Parsley But'er. Lamb Chops, with Bacon. Raised Muffins. Coffee. Lunch. Creaped Hallbnt In Cases. French Peas. Cold Sliced Tongue. Orange Jelly, with Whipped Cream. Chocolate. Dinner. Raw Clams. Puree of White Beans. Anchovle Wa"rrrcss. Stuffed Smelts. Potatoes, wl'h O-aw. Hamburg Steak, a la Duxelle. Lima Brans. Roast Parirl,le. Lettuce Sa'ad. Indian Puddinjr. Coffve. If you want a sure relief for limbs, use an I Allcock's Bear in Mind Not one of tions is as good as the genuine. Have You a Sharp Knife! The New Year's Turkey flay Be Tough. . . . . . Just the Thing' for a FOARD & vjW i Columbia Rit?cr- Salmon" Br$f Means 6uf Down 5555 3fcy AM GompetTjfon vj 1 fSni.r.Rv.jlu. I ?, , QlatfniF.l fMITTH .,STATPQr . ftiijn- .!Tlnoiia;gtiyiry6tor:irjcyj Scalv j! I tA i T.':s Orl-l.Tsl r.nA (b- i " t:c.iJ.i , iLi; f.,rt:,.i:nii8iut .JOK." I THE CALL rfy printed in wirffis? . $ BLUE, dia;;onaUy , azrzzz the OUTSIDE wra; per o2 cvvSy l-y.J.j of $ To be (riven by the Amateur F.rasa Band The 14th series of the Astoria Building In Fisher's Hall will be Now Y ars eve., and Lonn Association will be opened Jnn Instead of New eVars' night, ns announe- uary 1st, 18DG. Those wishing to subscribe ed In yesterday's Issue. will plcise call on the secretary on or before that date. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT. Yesterday Judge McBilde he'd an ad journed session of the circuit court and the following proceedings were had: Thomas Spencer vs. J. P. ra lon, de murrer was argued and submitted to the court. P. C. Warren vs. A. W. Itoyt et. rl; It was ordered that summotls be served by publication. S. B. Graham vs. T. Taylor, judgment was rendered for plaintifl by deafau t. Clatsop Mill Co. vs. City of A tor'a, et. 8,1., In the matter of the petition of J( hn Burk et al for an order authorlz ng the water commission to pay the petit oners ten per cent of the reserve and $8SS, argument was made and case submitted to the court and ret for tral on tin first day of the February term. Court adjourned to Satu'day, January 2oth, 1806, at 10 o'clock a. m. FOR SALE. Fins residence and business property by Wm. B. Adair, Real Estate Broker. No. 464 Commercial street "ADAIR'S ASTORIA." On Irving Avenue. At Prices Stated until January 1 t. Block 68-Lots 50x100, from $3S to f3H) per lot. Two new houses on this b'eck, three others In contemplation Block r,S-on ncrth side Irving Avenue, a few lots in this hto-k at 1X1 p r let. Five residences air ady on thU i lrck. Visitors will find a p'a"k walk leadl-g t the above property, and an electric light within one block. Block 24 on Duane street, only one block from river froiit-IU0 for lots 5 xW. Water Frontage Above Hanthorn'a cannery, S75 feet to ship channel. MARY ANN ADAIR'S SOUTH ADDI TION. Ten lets 50x100 only two blocks from Improved p-opf rty and less tl an II v min utes' wlk from electric car line, nr now offered in this addition at the very low price cf from 1150 to $:00 per lot. SHiY ELY'S ASTORIA North 1C0 feet Lot 1, Block US. cheap for cash. Buslncs Lot-No. 4, (50x12.') In B'or-k 132, on Commercial rtrect. For si.ort time nly, ROOt). Block 36 Only one block sou-h ot tlec rlc car line, a few lots at "5)p:r lot, 0x100. McCLURE'S ASTORIA. I Fine business lot In Plock west of cus tom house on Pond sireet. K.'(rt. Corner lot (fxlOO In Block IX Astor street, for short time, f'.'M. " . "MERIWETHER DOWNS." Ixits from F0 to tl' pr-r lot. Acreaire Two hundred acre sdjr-inlns; Fkiponon a bargain: Two va'uab'e tim ber claims, within half mile of prcp;sed Nehalem saw mill. pains in the back, side, chest, or . Porous Plaster the host ,of counterfeits and imita Our Stock of Car vers Will Suit You. ...... flew Year's Present. STOKES. raiJ.ii t.l l9 h af. A B aff I e A x e Has 'To Do WiVh wiviihLS Vi ri l-rj ;:::vs;j:r". 3 a f rrtsr rr. 0 - ill i.nitaticns. () DUNCAN'S SONS j: NOTICE. V. L. Robb. Scretary, Ill 11th 3treet. FOR RENT. Three comfortaibly furnished rooms, wltih first-class table board, at Mrs. Hoi den'n, corner 9th and Dunne eu-eeta. boaml without room 'If desired'. BUYERS AND SELLERS. Tho following transfers of real estate were filed in the ofllce of Recorder Gun- derson yesterday: C. R. Hlgelns to John Lunklnen, Lot 1, Block 6, Astoria Addition to Warrenton, J "5 N. O. Hardy and wife to J. E. Hig glns, Lot 6, Block 97 McClure's ... TB0 L. E. Oillett to C. J. Trmcbard, Lots 19 and 20, sub-division of Piock 9. .Adair's Atcrla 300 Mary H. Llenenwebber et al to C. S. Carothers. Lots 2 and 7, Block 1". Adair's Upper Astoria, ripa rian rights reserved 1 H. B. Parker and wife to Catherine H. Parker, 64x96 feet, described by metes and bounds, In Sklpanon . 75 WANTED. WE don't want boys or loafers, but men of ability. S300 to 1300 a month to hust lers. State and general agents. Sa ary and commission. Racine Fire Engine Co., Racine Wis. -. WANTED Agents to represent th old National Life Insurance Co., ot Montpelier. Vt. For further Informa tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast Manager, 82-S4 Crocker Building, San Francisco. Oal WANTED Man or lady to collect, do some office work, and manage agents. You will deal through your leading mer chants. Something new and very popu lar. We pav all expense. Position per manent 8end four reference and tea cent for full particulars. John Finney Mgr.. P. O. Box 484. St. Loul. Mo. . FOR SALE. JPNESR GOODS-Just out-Just re ceived just what " you want at Wing Let', 42 Commercial itreet M I9CELLANEOU3. tTa.OO PER WEEK, usng ard felling Dynamos for plating watches. Jewelry, and table ware. Plates gold, silver. nickel, etc., same as new good a Dif ferent sizes for agents, families and : shops. Fasy operated: no experience; big profits. W. P. Harrison ft Co., ;rwir Nn 14. fnlnmhus, hlo. j FOR RENT. j FOR RENT House of seven rooms and i bath, with modern convenlercr a Apply to Geo. H. George, 422 Commercial. FOR RTNT Furnlsfced mnm on r-oun i floor In private faartly. 404 Exctrsng St. iarivPfeoDle