The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 06, 1895, Image 3

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    4 IM't
i l j vie i r w j r r i
I ,ja v i ill i i
II . 1 1 l J
Castorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor OIL
It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting: Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething: troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates the food, regelates the stomach
xand bowels, giving: healthy and natural 6lcep. Cas
torla is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
" Castoria (a n excellent medicine fbr chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of it
good effect upon their children."
Dr. G. C Osgood,
Lowell, Mess.
"Castoria is the best remedy for children of
Which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothera will consider the
real interest of their children, and use Castoria
Instead of the various quack nostrums Which
are destroying; their loved ones, by forcing
plum, morphine, soothing syrup and other
hurtful agents down their throats, thereby
leading; than to premature graves."
Dr. J. P. Klnchelob,
Couway. Ark.
. The Cantaur Company, 77
Notice Is hereby (riven ttnat by virtue
of a warrant issued by the Auditor and
Police Judsre of the City of Astoria to
me directed, doited t!he ITilh day of Octo
ber, 1893, and against
W. E. and M. 8. Warren,
Oomimamldns me to levy upon Lot No. 7,
Block No. 61, McCiure'e Astoria exuended
ed by Cyruo Olney, and collect the
mient due tihweon, amounting to H3.76, for
the construction of a sewer on 12th street.
I 'have this day levied upon eafJ de
scribed property, and on the 17;h day ot
December, 1890, at 2 o'clock p. ra of said
day, at the court house door In the c ty
of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, wis
proceed to still at pmbllc auction, tad
property 'to the highest bidder therefor,
to pay said . aBseswment and copM and
expanses of sale. Said a'e to be for
United State9 SJld and silver coin.
Dated Astorl.1, Grown, November 16 1895
Chief of Police of the City Astoria
Notice is hproby given that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Aud tor and
Police Judse of dhe City of Astoria to
me directed, dalted the 17'tih day of Octo
ber, 1S95, and against
D. K. Warren,
Commanding me to tevy upon lot No. 9,
In Block No. 66'4 McClure's Astoria Ex
tended by Cyrus Olney, and collect the
assessment due thereon, amounting to
(33.76, for the construction of a eewer on
12 th street.
I have tlhis day levied upon sa'd de
BCrtbed property, and on the 17th d.iy ot
Decemlber, 1896, at 2 o'clock p. im. of sala
day, at the court house door in the city
of Aetoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, wl.l
proceed to soil at public auction, said
property to the highest bldUar (herefor,
to pay said assessment and costa ana
expenses of sale. Said tale to be for
United States gold and silver coin.
Dated Astoria, Oregon, Novpimtoer 16, 1893
Chief of Police of the City Astoria
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by tne Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria to
me directed, darted the 17'ih day of Octo
ber, 1896, and against
Laura M. Wh-dley,
Commanding me to levy upon Lot No. 4,
in Block No. 18, AdUlr's Aufoffa, and col
lect the asswsment due thereon, amount
ing to Two Hundred Dolare ($2C0.00) for
the Improvement of itOtlh street from the
north side of Franklin avenue to the
south side of Duai'e a.reet,
I have this day levied upon ea'd de
scribed property, and on the 16-th day if
Decemlber, 18aB, ut 2 o'clock p. m. of said
day. In front of title court house door in
the city of Astoria, Clatiop County, Or
egon, will proceed to evil at public auction
mild property to the hdghest bidder there
for, to pay eaid issesament and costs and
expenses of sale. Said sa'.e to be for
United Statea gold and sliver coin.
Dated Astoria, Oreson, November 16, 1893
Chief of BoMce of the City Astoria
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria to
me directed, dalted the IT day of Octo
ber, 1893, and against
C. W. Fuiton Vj. J- C. Dement ,i
Commandtng roe to levy upon Lot No. t,
in Block No. 57, McClutv's A or a extend
ed by Cyrus 0".ney, and collect the as
sessment due thereon, amounting to $36.76,
for the construction of a eewer on 12Jh
I have Uhls day levied upon fa'd de
scribed property, and on the 17th day ot
Decemlber, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said
ly, at the court house door in the c'ty
of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, will
proceed to soli at public auction, faid
property to tie highest bidder therefor,
to pay faid aa?essment and costs ana
expense of sale. Said ale to be for
United States gold and silver coin.
Dated Astoria, Oregon, November 16, 1833
Chief of Police of the City Astoria.
Notice ts hereby given tfhat by virtue
of a warrant ls?ued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of rhe City of Astoria to
me directed, dated tlhe 17th, day of Octo
ber, 1S95. and against
C. W. Fu ton J. C. Dement 14,
COmrnanding me to levy upon Lot No. 7.
in Block No. 57, McClure's Astoria extend
ed by Cyrus Olney, and collect the aHsess
ment thereon, amounting to $15.76. for ttoe
construction of a ew-er on 12tii street.
I have nhlo day levied upon said de
v scribed property, and on ttie litft day ot
December. 1S35, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said
day, at the court house door in tive eity
of Astoria. Clatsop County, Oregon, will
proceed to aeii at public auction, sale?
praparty to ttie hiqtieat bldtVr therefor,
to pay said aveaement and costs and
erpnnc of sale Said sale to b for
r-l?ed p-atrs gold ard a:!ver coin.
Dated Airtoria, Oregon. November i. 1635
Chief of Foils of City Atrta
El U M
"Castoria is owe!l adapted to children that
I recommend K as superior to any prescription
known to me."
H. A. Archer, M. D.,
hi So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. V.
"Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castorla has won us to look witk
favor upon it"
United Hospital and Dispensary,
Boston, lias.
Aixsif C. 8 mm, Prti.
Murray Street, New York City.
Notice to hereby given that by virtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria to
me directed, dated the 17th, day of Octo
ber, 1896, amd agalnist
W. E. and M. S. Warren.
Commanding me to levy upon Lot 6, in
block No. 61, McOIure'e Astoria extended
by Cyrus Olney, and collect the a.iesa
ment due thereon, amounting- to $23.76, for
the eontruRon of a eewer on 12th street.
I have this day levied upon ea. d de
scribed property, and on the 17lh day ot
Decemlber, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. im. of said
d.iy, at "the court house door In the city
of Astorta, Clatsop County, Oregon, win
proceed to sell at public auction, ra'd
property to the highest bUlor therefor,
to pay iUid aesement and costs na
vpunses of sale. Said fale to be for
United States gold and s'lveir coin.
Date Astoria, Ore;on. November 16, 1896
C. W. LOUGtfErtY.
Chief of Police of the City Astoria
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
if a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria to
directed, doted tlh617lh day of Octo
ber, 1893, and against
W. E. and M. S. Warren,
Jorwmiandlng me to levy upon Lot No, 8,
In Block No. 61, McClure's Astoria extend
ed by Cyrus Olney, and collect the asseta
ment due thereon, amounting to $43.76, for
the construction of a sewer on 12th ftireet.
I have this day levied upon ead de
Bcribed property, and on the 17'0ii day ot
Decemlber, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m. ef said
day, at the court house door In the city
of Astoria, Clatsop Coumty, Oreg:n, will
proceed to sell at public auction, sid
property to the hlRiliest bldvlor therefor,
to pay said assessment and costu ana
expenses of sale. Said sale to be foi
United States gold and silver coin.
Dated Astoria, Oregon, November IS, 1895
Chief of Police of the City Astoria
After (Deals!
Or at auy other time
when you with a good
cir ask for tha well
kniiwu, Lome-made,
hand made, white labor
"La Belle Astoria."
Conceded by all stiiohtrs
to be the best cigar
munufaoi tired.
71 JSlinti? Street,
Astoria. Oregon.
As Franklin saya, good dress opens
all doors, you should not lose sight ol
the fact that a perfect fitting suit is
the main feature. W&namaker &
Urown are noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of qualities. Their rep
resentative visits Astoria" every three
months. Office 64 Dekum Building,
Portland, Or Reserve orders till you
"lave seen the spring line of samples.
Special attention paid to Btesrr'bf,fit r
"tiring, flrst-class horseshti-ln: ?'
197 Olney street, between Third and
taA Fourth Astoria. Or
: first Class Funerals :
POpLi'S Ondertakirjg Parlors,
Rates RessonaDis. Embilming a Specialty
Gentlemen: I had occasion to uaa
several boxes of Krause's Headache
Capsules while traveling to Chicago to
attend the National Democratic Con
vention. They acted like a charm In
preventing headaches and dizziness
Have had very little headache since
my return, which is remarkable.
Yours, resoectfuliv
Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Or., sole agent. ,
rtlff CI la a non-rtMarntmm
rmidr fr (oDorrhm,
t-lnvt. gpermarorrhu-ft,
WhitM. iiBiloril du-
I chmrgfta. or nr infl&m trit
ium. irritAtiua or vlcera
I rvu twai . (ion of ddcoqi mem
lrHtEal(Hti'f!0L "'" oo-aalriBjeul.
iC(n.(l Tn 97 sna-n.
S.'-A tiT eiprwa. nrrpinl.
' .Ol. ut I boll li. 2.7S.
V' B CircsUr sent uu request.
Tide Table foi December, 1895.
It 100 ViTXn. LOW WATKR. '
A. U. I f. U. A. M. P. at.
h m ft. ih.m ft.llh.m I ft
0 .r t 0 n 8 6 rfiT 4 0 ru,-oi
1 2l 7 li Hi' 6.1I8U 731-Sn
J 05 7 1 107 HO 71X85 8 12-0 9
I i'l l ! 1 SO 9 ' H 01 it 0 8 M 0 !
:W7H aasR7 8 4.H 3 5 9 i t) -0 6
1 1 7.1 S3lRK 9 IS8 5 10 2! -01
"IV" I 4 SO 7 7 10 4 1 !t i' ,113 II C
i 70 61i7- ll&20
(132 7 71 6. VI (17 , 0 (Mi 1 2 1 () 2 6
7 2i7ll; 8 0- 8 1 02 1 1' 21-2 18
8 2 8 2j '.'it) (I I 2 1" 2 4 8 20 0 9
!UC8li HI 3, (ill 8 0120 4 2U 01
I0 02in H 7 0 4 05 8 8 5 1') -06
10 r.t 9 a i084 80 . -11
08 72 11 SS198 65836, 6 6' -1 41
I2l7u I22i9 641 3 ' 75-14
2 nv 7 4 j l lo'o 1 7i7 8 12
2 517 6 I tVI 8 8 17 8 7 8i"' 0 7
3 i'2 7ft 2 HH 2 9 05 3 (i 9 34 -n 1
4 10 75 8 22 76i 3 5 10 Ou 0 6
4 4 7 5 4 0 7 0! 10 47 3 4 10 44 1 1
5 20 7 6 5 00 6 81114 32 11 In 17
8 00 76 60 6011287 80 li 68 24
6 46 7 6 7 03 5 6 1 2 7
7 2'2 7 8 8 Il5 4 0 48 2 9 2 4d2
S'0 7 9 346 5 1W34 3 36 1 6
9 ll 10 43 5 0 2 4237 4 2 68
1149 8 4 11 42 6 4 8 46 8 9 6 12 0 I
0H4 : ...... 4 42,4 2 665-0 6
806'i 1121 89 684 40 6 38-10
1 1570 12loi' 624.1H 71812
M iNllAV . I
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SIND Y.21.1
Mo- d y ...u
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ICapine Jlttters, Here, There and
Every aiheri.
The Manzanlta went out to Tillamook
Rock with supplies yesterday.
The Cluverdon completed lightering the
balance of her wheat cargo from the R.
R. Thompson yesterday afternoon. She
will leave out for Europe on Uunday.
No vessels have been reported In Bight
outside for the past few days. The pre
vailing southeast winds Bhould bring in
some more of the 1896 grain fleet before
The steamer Columbia pased out on her
way to San Francisco yesterday, morn
ing. She went down the river at an early
hour, but waited in the vicinity of the
jetty for an hour till the condition of the
sea was a little more favorable.
The Reaper Is taking sand ballast from
a Pritlsh Bhlp in Portland. She will be
down the river on Monday and will pro
ceed from here to Honolulu in ballast.
She will take a full cargo of rugar from
the Hawaiian Islands to New York.
The Seattle Post-Inlellingenjer sUt:
that th9 Puget Sound & Alaska Steam
ship Company,, owner of the steamship
City of Kingston, has filed a libel against
the steamer Mary F. Perley for $1,685
damages. On November 10, 1893, the two
steamers met In a collision during a
heavy fog off West point, while the
Kingston was on her way to Port Towns
end and the Perley was on her way
from Everett to Seattle. The libelant
claims that the collision was due to the
Mary F. l'erley, who is alleged to have
been, running out of her course on ac
count of the fog, and at full speed. It is
claimed that if she had been going at a
proper rate of speed the accident could
have been avoided.
The American bark Richard III. had a
narrow escape from Lecomlng a total
wreck. She was on her way here from
Puget sound and off the Fatallones be
came becalmed. The current set her In
toward the rocks, and the captain, in
order to save his ship, put out the kegde
anchor. This only held for a few min
utes, and when the line parted it seemed
as though nothing could save the ship.
Just at that opportune moment the tug
Sea King, with another ship In tow, hove
In sight. Ciptaln Rasniussen immed'ate
ly went to the assistance of the heavily
ladcrr Richard III. and towed her to a
place of safety. He ;han came on to
port with his other tow. In spite of the
fact that it was a dead calm, If the bark
hid ever struck the rooks she would, In
her heavily laden condition, have become
a total wreck. Call. ,
The Examiner says: "The Pacific.
Coast Stameshlp Company's steamer
Umatilla sailed for Puget sound yester
day morning. As the rate. Including
berths and meals, was only $8 cabin and
$3 steerage, there was an Immense crowd
of passengers, livery stateroom was taken
und cots had to be put In the social hall
and dining room In order to accommodate
everybody. In the steerage there was
quite a number of Japanese and Chinese
bound for Yokohama and Hongkong via
the steamers of the Canadian and
Northern raclflc. It looks as though
this would draw the Pucllo Mall and
Occidental and Orlmtal lines into the
fight, as they will have to cut lates to
protect themselves. The fare charged a
Chinese by the two lines Is $50, and a
Japanese pays $1)1. By taking the steamer
to Victoria, K C, the Mongolians ran
better that rate by a couple of dollars.
Hence the exodii3 by the Umatilla. Those
who ought to know say the fight has
only just begun, and It will be very far
reaching In Its effects before many weeks
are over."
The captain of a certain large sailing
vessel is probably the most polite officer
In the whole mercantile service. He has,
however, a great Idea of his Importance,
and loses no opportunity of Impressing It
upon his crew. In particular, ho insists
upon being eddresped as "sir" by every
one on board. One day a new hand
Joined the ship, and a short time after
leaving the harbor, being a seasonea oia
salt, he was entrusted with the wheel
The captain came up and put the usual
"How's her head?"
"Nor'-by-east," answered the old tar,
very gruffly.
"My man," suavely answered the cap
tain, "on this cra,ft, when one of the
crew speaks to me, he gives me a title of
respect. Don't you think you -.r.lght do
so to? Now, how's her head?"
"Nor'-by-east, I tell yer,'' shouted the
tar, displaying not a little Irritation.
"I'm afraid you don't quite ..nderstand
me," responded the captain, good-humor-edly.
J.ct me relieve you at the wheel,
and then do you take my place and ask
me the question. I will then show you
how it should be answered." They ac
cordingly changd places.
" 'Ow's her head?" roared the tar.
"Nor'-by-east. sir," replied- the captain,
wl h emphasis on the sir.
"Then keep her so, my man, -whilst I
goes forrard and has a smoke," was the
startling rejoinder from the old reprobate,
who calmly commenced to suit the action
to the word.
For the first time on record the captain
lost his temper.
"With hardly any Inquiry from Hurope
for our cargoes, or at best only a meager
demand, It is not surprising that the
week's record of transactions is a dull
one, and that exporters are not In the
mood to- do any extensive buying, and
export operations are confined entirely to
meet engagements entered Into i-arller-in
the season. As warehouse stocks are
comparatively large, and ,:harte.-ed ton
nage given prompt loading upon arrival,
there can be no doubting the fact that
shippers have wants thoroughly provided
for, so far as the present and Immediate
wants are concerned, and If there are
large buyers In the markets It must be
for the purpose of securing train for c"ls
tant arrivals. At present the situation
I so depressed and Inactive, that al
though there are a number of lesir.iblr
vp aria In port, offering to vork business
st reasonable rates, exporters find no In
ducements or "neouragements In fore'gn
advices to warrant an active movement
here, and hence tonnage is neglected, and
only engaged vessels are receiving any
attention. In rejfard to the selling In
terest, prices offered am so low that the
larger holders generally refuse to part
with any portion of thidr holdings, and
only the smaller and weaker holder i, who
are either discouraged or prosed to real
ize, show any disposition to offer, and
when on the market are disappoint! d nt
the low bids received. Reports from the
Interior are that holders will not sell un
less they receive from 2'jC to (Jc i,bove
prices publicly quoted here in Portland,
and claim that exporters are putting out
larger offers at different points no ns to
enable thorn to get round lots. We are
unable to find one shipper yet who w'll
acknowledge this; all are claiming to pay
for Walla Walla hero In Portland '9fi50c
per bushel and Valley 52'jC. London
quotations for Wnlla Wulla for December
and January shipment, and prompt ship
ment, per quarter of 600 pounds. Is 15s 3d.
Receipts are coming forward liberally
from Eastern Oregon and Washington,
The valley Is sending Its usual daily re
ceipts." Commercial Review.
The appetite, Improves digestion, and re
stores health and vigor; all the organs
of the body are aroused to healthy action
by Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discov
ery. Mire than all, the liver and that's
the key to the whole system. You have
pure blood or poisonous blood, just as
your liver chooses. The blood controls
the health, the liver controls the blood,
the "Discovery" controls the liver.
You can escape just about half the Ills
that flesh Is heir to, by being ready for
them. Brace the Bystem up with this
medicine, which prevents as well as cures.
For all diseases caused by a disordered
liver or impure blood, dyspepsia, bilious
ness, tha most stubborn skin, scalp and
scrofulous affections, the "Discovery" Is
the only remedy so certain and effective
that, once used, it Is always In favor.
Send for a free pamphlet. Address
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Chief Arthur, of the Order of Locomo
tive Engineers has just return-d from his
birthplace. Paisley, In Scotland. He says
that after an absence of fifty-two years
from that town he finds It practically un
KARL'S CbOVER ROOT will purify
your blood, clear your complexion, reg
ulate your Bowels, and make your heal
clear as a bell. 25 eta., 60 cts., and $1.00.
Sold by J. W. Conn.
A grandson of Mrs. Hldd-ms fell dead
in the London streets the other day. He
was an artist, and so poor that he ped
dled his oil paintings on the sllewalks.
Coughing liritates the delicate organs
and aggravates the disease. Instead of
waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It
helps at once, making expectoration easy,
reduces the soarness and inflammation.
Every one likes it. Chas. Rogers.
H. B. Cotton, bow oar of tha Oxford
crew In the la:t four racr-s with Cam
bridge, and a son of Lord Justice Cotton,
died recently of consumption at Davos
Ml the paten: medlaiies advertised
In this pRper, togetner with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.
in be bought at tne lowest prices at
I. W. Conn' drug store, opposite Oc
Irtent Hotel A. toria
London The celebration of the 90th
birthday of Mrs. Robert Keeley, he veteran-
actress, at the Lyceum theater,
proved to be a most successful affair.
An Immense concourse of fashionable
people and artists attended the reception
at the theater.
One Minute Cough Cure is a popular
icmedy for croup. Safe for children and
adults. Chas. Rogers.
Detroit The American Window Glass
Jobbers' Association tried yesterday to
transact business without being In touch
with the manufacturers, but finally came
to the conclusion that they must see the
latter, and adjournment was made to
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest ot all la leavening
Strength. V. S. aovernment Report
John Livingstone, a brother of Dr. Liv
ingstone, the great African explorer and
missionary, is visiting his son, who lives
In Fremont, Wash. He is 86 years old.
Plies of people have plies, but DeWltt's
Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When
promptly applied it cures scalds and
burns without the (lightest pain. Chas.
The popular notion of Henri Hochefort
as a Bohemian of Bohemians is erron
eous. He never drinks wine, liquor or
coffee, and does nut smoke or gamble.
He has a striking head, with an enor
mous crown of while hair and a power
ful forehead.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria
Gladstone Is editing 200,000 letters which
he has received from men and women of
high and low degree during his long
career. He will soon have them ready
for publication. They will make a large
volume and will be distributed gratuit
ously among his friends. The edition will
be small.
SHILOH'S CURB la sold on a gi'ar
ntee. It cures Incipient consumption,
t Is the best Cough Care. Only one
ent a dose. 26 cents, 60 cts., and $1.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
Forever Cared,
Four out of five who
suffer nervousness,
mental worry, attacks
of " the blues," ore but
paying the penalty of
early excesses. Vic
tims, reclaim yonr
manhood, regain your
vigor. Don't despair. Send for book with
explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) free.
Signature U printed la t h
BLUB diagonally
serosa the
of every
bottle of
(the Original
and Genuine)
A turthet protection against
tdl Imitation.
' Afwrta far tlx Ualtsd 5at,
JOHtf DUNCAN'S 50N5. N, .Y
m m i m
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun.
derman, of Dimondaic, Mich., we ar;
lcrmiited to make th s extract: "1 have
no hesitation 1n recommend ng Dr. King's
New Discovery, as the r. suits were al
most marvelous in the "tse of my wife.
Willie I was pnstor of tne Hap'.lst
church at Rives .lunc.t-.on she was brought
down -with pneumonia succeeding la
(rlpp?. Terrible paroxysms of c.iU'lilig
wou.d last hours with little interruption
and it seemed as If she could not sur
v ve them. A friend recimmer.dsd Dr.
King's New Discovery; It was quick In
i's work and hlCTly satisfactory in r
suits." Trial bottles free .it Charles
Rogers' drug store. Regular b!zi Mi
and $1.
(Somervllle Journal.)
, Caller I qmppnpo you love your new sis
ter very denrlv, Tommy?
Tommy (eyeing tha baby coldly) Yes,
but I'd a good deal rather have a dog.
If suffering with piles, it will Interest
you to know that DeWltt's Witch Haxel
Salve will cure them. Tills medicine is
a speciflo for all complaints of this char
acter, and If Instructions (which are sim
ple) are carried out, a cure will result.
We have tested this In numerous cases,
and always with like results. It never
falls. Chas. Rogers. ,
Purcell, I. T. A. Frough, of the Star
store, dry goods and clothing, ts In Jail
charged with arson. Lynching seems
The best salvs In the world foi Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Con.s, and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to Rive
perfect satisfaction, or money rerundea.
Price, 25- cents per box. For ssie by
'Tias. Rogers. Odd Follows" building.
Chicago Rothschild Bros., dealers In
dry goods, made an alignment. Liabil
ities, $40,000; assets, $;5,0li0.
Wife Here's an acount of a man whe
shot himself rather than suffer the pangs
of Indigestion. Husband The fool! Why
didn't he Inko DeWltt's Little Early
ers? I used to suffer as bad as he did
before I commenced taking these little
pills. Chas. Rogers.
Now York The entries for the big farm
producthow, which will begin at Madi
son Square Garden next Monday, have
Gentlemen: I have always recom
.nended Krause's Headtwne Capsules
wherever I have had a. chance. They
have proven a veritable boon In my
family against any nnd all kinds of
eadache. Youra truly,
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Oregon, sole agent
"If I was a man," said the little boy In
the crowded car, "I'd be glad to g t up
and give my seat to a nice, handsome
lady like that one standing In the aisle
down there."
"Why, sure enough, little one," replied
the man who was reading the newspaper,
rising up as he spoke. "I "
"Here'B a seat, mamma!" called out the
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Contains no Ammnnla or Alum.
WellHboro, Pa. By an explosion ot
dynamite cartridges Frank" A Jdinson
and his father-in-law, Mr. Raymond, re
ceived fatal Injudles.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
"My wife 1b a Jewel," he said, with a
"More precious than silver Or gold;
And O so warm-hearted! Perhaps that
Is why
Her feet are so awfully cold!"
the doctors
approve of 5cott's
Emulsion. For whom? For
men and women who are weak,
when they should be strong ;
for babies and children who
are thin, when they should be
fat ; for all who get no nourish
ment from their food. Poor
blood is starved blood. Con
sumption aud Scrofula never
come without this starvation.
And nothing is better for
starved blood than cod-liver
oil. Scott's Emulsion is
cod-liver oil with the fish-fat
taste taken out.
Two size, SO cents sod 11.00
How Fortune
$100 for very $10.00 invested
Can be made by our new
$10.00 and more made dally on small In
vestments, by many persons Who live
away from Chicago,
All we artt Is to Investigate our now
and original merhod. Past vorklngs of
plan and highest references fumlnhed.
Our Booklet, "Points and Hints," tivw to
make money even when on the wrong
side of the market and other Information
sent FREE.
Oilmore & Co., Bankers and Brcktrs.
Open Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111.
Are You Going East?
If so, drup a line to A C. Sheldon,
general agent of the "Burlington
Route," 2C0 Washington St., Portland.
He will mall yon free of churge, maps,
time tables, and advlpe you as to the
through rates to any point, reserve
sleeping car accommodations for you,
and furnish you with- through tickets
via either the Northern, Union, Houth-
ern, Canadian Pacific, and Oreat North'
em railroads at the very lowest rates
The RurHngton Route Is generally
fonceded to be the finest equipped rail
road In the world for all chtsxes o'
Is there a man with heart so cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In articles of FURNITURE! of tb
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
tire Hldoboarl, Extension Table, or se
I Dining Chairs. We have the larges
A Ant lln ever shotrn in the cily
. ' nt prlce.i that rmnut fair t" plfns
).. ,.-,,.ut buyers
1872 1895
Sell Astoria,
A Specialty.
Ship Chandelery,
Iron & Steel,
Coal, .
Groceries & Provisions,
Flour & Mill Fend,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fairbank's Scales,
Doors & Windows,
Agricultural luipHments
Wagons & Vehicles.
E. flcNEIL, Receiver.
1 m(&
m?m uo who
Gives Choice
Tmo Transcontinental
11 mi urn T
Via Via
Spokane Ogden,Denvei
and and
St. Paul. Omaha or
St. Paul.
Pullman, and Tourlxt Sleeper
Free Reclining Choir Car,
Astoria to San Francisco.
Oolumvbla, Tuesday, Nov. 6.
State of California, Sunday, Nov. 10.
Columbia, Friday, Nov. 15.
State, Wednesday, Nov. 20. .
Coluinlbla, Monduiy, Nov. 26.
State, Stuturday, Nov. 80.
Columbia, Thursday, Dec. 5.
Astoria and PoFtlnd Steamers.
The T. J. Potter will leave Astoria at
7 p. m. daily, except Sundiyj leavs Port
land at 7 a. m. dally, except Sunday.
The eteainer Lurtlns will leave Astoria
at . m. dally, except Sunday; leavs
Portland at I p. m. dally, exuept Satur
day. For rates and general Information call
on or address r
Qen. Pas. Agt, Portland, Or.
Are You Going East?
Be sure and see that your ticket
reads via
THE north-western
TbU la tha f
Ami all Points Km4 and
Their Magnificent Track, r.-erlesd Ve
tlbuled Pining- and bleeping Car
Train nd Motto:
"ALWAYS ON llAtli "
Have given this road a national reputa.
tiou. All classes of passenKwrs carried
on the vestibuled trains without extra
charge. Bhlp your freight and travel
over this famous line. All agents havt
Oen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Aft
Itf Washington St.. Portland. Or.
Mrs. T. 8. fiasrklns, Ohattanoof.
Tenn,, says, "Bhllor's Vltallxer BAVKD
MY urn,' I consider it tne oest rew--dy
for a nVtilllUted system I ever
oed." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kid
nkv trouble. It excells. Pi Irs ?& ft.
For Eais by J. w. conn.
n'i-i; i,t..'.-.r .. '
We liiiv 1 1 j :--1 i' 0 -of
Chrlm :!::!. tys ml
can Kavt- ji'ii 1 1 n : n i "!i j
IleiHl 111 II:;.-; Iiii".
417 Rffi'l Street. r. st 0 .r t- V
Ftult Sccra,
Wail P.iper. Kliti' M ;i..-rli'j. p-ilMs.
Oil, (.law. et,.-. -br inese V.. it'!
Rugs a:iJ 1'jhi1 Cv t
365 Commercial i-,t if
will Kim
Tcaiee a Week
San Francisco
New Orleans
Over the Great
J unset fjoute
Leaving San Francisco
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1895.
The mot cornpCote, modern, elegantly
equipped ajid perfectly arranged Vtwtt
buied TnansconUnonital Train In America.
Nw Eqtilpmemit, especlilly designed for
thts eervtce.
Direct connections in New Orleans
or all Eastern points. Quick time,
Acts as trustee for corporations and In
Transact a. general banking business.
Interest paid on time dpoalts.
J. Q. A. BOWLBY President
ui'JNJ. ruUNO Vice President
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ
Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson
W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes. ..
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than thoss we serve. We're tryin In
every way to maks them the most en
joyable In town. All the "good things"
of the season cooked by our excellent
cook In the most delicious style. Perfect
If you Invite a friend to rh Palace
Restaurant the place Is a sufliclimt guar
antee that he will receive a good meal.
The Palaee Restaurant
Addrest. bo 180. Pojtofficu. ASTORIA. OR
A complete stock of lumtwr on hand
in the rough or dreswod. Flooring. ru
tlo, celling, and all kinds of linitih;
mouldings end shingles; also bracket
work done to older. Turois reasunanis
nd prices at bedrock. All oniin
promptly tttendfd to. Office and pa.j
at mill. H. I I.OOAV. Pmo r.
toli1. Orws-on
Blood purifier, gives rreenne-js and
clearness to the eomniniun ni runs
Constipation. ?& its.. iWi r!s , II.iki.
For Sale by J. V. Con.
Gentlemen: Thin In to certify (
have used Krauae'a Hoadaun-? tumult
with satlHfactory results. I r.,,,;; a
box which coot tne -Sj, hnd one ., ht
cured me of a dreadful sick 1.U!,:( h-.,
My wife and mva:!f have Lt.lh i
the medicines mnniif:it(jrl hv "
Norman Li'rty it far Co.. r.nj . ri,
commend thfin to lit t
IJust what they am r rt.-.!itt i.
w. j. i. ,. rcr
Ed. Gazette. T! wr.t i . .i .,,
Twenty-five cents, f ir ( i t .
Reisers. Astoria. Or.. sii k,
Captain 8weenj U. 3. a..
Cal., says: "riniina's ni'u-rij
Is the first me.licine 1 tan
that would no me f ny j, .
Its. Bold fcv J. V. i
ni riQtrT
4 '