The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 05, 1895, Image 4

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    Ouo suan make this best, i
.wtlicr that; nnoilicr the next
thins:, and to on,
Oar iob is to search the
ruun'l wbiM over and pick out
the things and tho men who
need tho money your money
it is at last and make it go
far as we can
This is how wc came to have
those handsaws for you at. as
low price as 33c., 49c and a
first-rute one, fit for a car
penter, for 57c.
Come ar?d see them.
i . I
1 filbert Dunbar !
Local weather for twenty-four hour
ending at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished
by the United states Department 01 Ag
riculture, weather Bureau.
Maximum temperature, 48 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 42 degrees.
Tironlttitnf inn. .43 inch.
Total precipitation from September let
1S95, to date, 12.91 incnes.
Deficiency of preclpitalton from Sep
tember 1st, to aaie, b.m Irenes.
Ask your grocer for Ito BSewd tea. It
will ploaee you.
E. 0. Coiurh Syrup wtll cure your cough
For eate at Eates-Cmln Drug more.
Meany la the leading tailor, and pays
the highest cash price for fur skint.
Those new perfume, Just received et
the Estes-Craln Drug- Store are the finest
In the city.
Hunger Is a very disagreeable sonsa-
tlon. There a place in this town where
you can satisfy It demand with th
cleanest and best 23 cent meal you ever
te. That place la Joe Terp'a.
Wliat brings people back to the Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere else? May
be It s one tiling, ana way De h anmner.
Rni Hia fact remains back they come.
And of course the Astoria Wood Tard Is
proud of It.
No excuse for sleepless nights when you
can procure One Minute Cough Cure. This
will relieve all annoyances, cure the most
severe cough, and give you- rest and
health. Can you afford to do without It?
Chas. Rogers.
SHILOH'S CUKE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, la In great demand
Pocket eize contains twenty-five doseg
only 25 cents. Children love It. Sold
by J. W. Conn.
Corner 13th and Commercial Street.
All klnde of flsfli and poultry on hand.
Including a s-ilo-'ted stock of cigars and
tobaccos, candle., fruit, etc. Olve me
ti-iul. MRS, FEAKE8
Neiw Restaurant Srve all the dell-
owle of Mie ecason at the lowest prices.
Open urvtll midnight. Special attention
given to theatre parties. No. 671 Commer
cial atreot.
Nottce Is hereby given that aealdd pro
posal's will be received -by tlhe eoinmilttee
on ways and means ox rive city council
of the City of Awtorla, Cloibejip County,
Oregon, uwt'Il December IGtfh, IfflB, at i
o'clock p. m., for tlhe saCe of Astoria mu
nicipal bonds in the sum of $50,000 at six
per cent for twenty yors.
For full partlc-ularn eddrea IC. Oaburn
Auditor and Police Judge, Astoria, Ore
gon. The right to reject any land all bids la
hwoby reserved.
By order of tlhe Common Council,
Attest: K, OSfBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Aetorta, Oregon, Nov. lltlh, 18M.
Overooait ami winter wraps will be in
fartflon. They can be discarded, tompor
aril' while traveling to tihe team tinaied
tnalns of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul Railway, For solid comfort, for
upeed amd for eei&fety, no other line cam
compare with tihta great railway of the
Throe comfortably fumtahed room,
wilih lVrwt-claws table board, at Mr Hoi.
don'e, corner 9th and Duana streets.
bcaoM -without roam it desired.
There Is nothing but bold, elear-cut
trutih In tlie statement that to secure per.
feet fit, quality and style in your shoes
at the lowest reasonable price you must
go to the firm of John Hahn ft Co., 479
Commercial treL
The open fields lie shivering In the
Rude winter's hand at autumn's cham
ber door has knocked;
Denuded limbs stand bare on naked
What wonder Is It, then, that corn Is
nocaea 7
Rochester Post Express.
Purses at Dunbar's.
C. B. Smith's for choice randies.
Capt. Banks will leave for San Francis
co on today's steamer.
Capt. U. B. Scott, of the P. S. and C.
R. N. Co., Is In the city.
II. and O. Sloop, of Hare, were among
Astoria visitors yesterday.
County Clerk Dunbar yesterday Issued
a marriage license to Alexander Frazler
ana famine Yenrn.
F. D. Hull and wife, of Cray's River,
ore visuing menus in Astoria and will re
main several weeks.
Sachet Powder at Dunbar's.
An ingathering of Thanksgiving Items
at the W. C. T. U. today at Rescue Hall
at z o clock. You are are welcome.
Don't blame us If you don't get a lot In
Astoria Addition to Warrenton while they
are cneap. it. L. Boyle & Co., sole agents.
Christ. Olsen, of Chinook. E. L. Oseond.
Olney, and Hans Ogdendall, Clifton, were
among Astoria's country visitors yester
There will be a full attendance at the
Chamber of Commerce meeting tonight
Matters of great importance will be considered.
Silk Mittens at Dunbar's.
Stock FHsh, Anchovies, Cape Cod Mack
erel, Eastern Codfish, Smoked Herrings,
Bloaters, Norwegian Herrings, etc., etc.,
at Foard ft Stokes Co.'s.
Finest American mixed candles In
city, JOo per lb., at C. B. S mlth'a.
A fine 80 acre farm In the Nehalem Val
ley, cheap ; $100 cash, $100 each year, at k
per cent. A rare bargain. R. L. 3oyle
a lo., sole agents.
Sleigh bells at Dunbar's.
The rush of travel to and from San
Francisco, on the reduced rates of fare,
still continues, and still there are some
people left at home.
The battering pile driver will commence
work today at the Young's Bay bridge,
weather permitting, under charge of Mr.
Wm. Chance, superintendent,
There will be an auction sale of dry
goods Friday afternoon at 2 p. m., at the
Oregon Trading Co., 600 Commercial st.
This Is a special sale for ladles.
Ribbons, the cheapest, at Dunbar's.
In the police court yesterday Wm.
Gooltz forfeited $25 ball for selling liquor
without a license, and Ooo, Balsam for
felted $r for using Indocent language.
The Ladles' Guild of Grace church will
hold their sale of Fancy Articles In the
basement of the church, Thursday, De
cember Mil. Sale to commence at 2:30
to do the same thing with his good or
111 fortune. A straw too short or a straw
Just long enough makes the difference be
tween success and failure.
When a man marries a deaf muto he
take a silent partner.
Stop that tickling In the throat with
Rogers' Bronchial Tablets, only ten cts.
An attractive toque Is of pink velvet
with a band of sable fur round the brim.
The Roman satin bows are relieved by a
tall white osprey fastened with a Jeweled
The board of assessors on street Im
provement assessments did not meet yes
terday, because there was no quorum.
There will be another meeting next Tues
day and all adjustments of such matters
will have to lay over another week.
In the Store for
"Talking of pipes," said a popular deal
er ycBterday, "briar-root pipes are cut
out of the wood of the tree heath, which
grows In Bouthern France and I'a'v, and
the pipes are manufactured at Nuremburg
and at St. Cloud, In the east of Finnce.
The rapidity und thoroughness with
which the men unikr Superintendent Si
mons are doing the work of laving the
distribution water pipes Is a surprise and
matter of favorable comment amongst
all who have paid attention to the matter.
Silks at Dunbar's.
I. L. Osgood says from now on until
the day of election he Intends to do all
he cm to sell his men's and boy's mack
intoshes at factory prices, and his men's
suits at $10.00 that are equal to and belter
than those that are offered elicwh?re for
more money.
Mr. Lord, father of Chief Engineer Lord
of the Columbine, last night started for
Maine, to make a visit to his old home
which he has not seen In 40 years. Ho
will visit the Sound on the way, going
East via the Canadian Pacific from Van
couver, B, C.
!a prominent business man yesterday
said that he was veiy glad to see so rrauy
new members In the Chamber of Com.
merce, and that It was a sign of en
iwakenlng In all lines when the represen
tative body of the clty'B enterprise wns
in a glowing condition, and when that
body was dealing with (he live and per
pertlnent questions of tho city's progress.
Orowth and prosperity must follow.
Handkerchiefs at Dunbar's.
The little rive-year-old son of Mr. Ein
monson, of the north side, yeHterday had
one of his hands almost cut off at the
wrist Joint. It Beems that the till d was
playing with his brother and an axe,
and between the three the dreadful acci
dent hapepned. Dr. J. A. Fulton, who
dressed the wound, says that tho boy will
be a cripple for life. When he came to
examine the cut the hand was hanging
only by a single cord at tin back and
could be doubled back upon the arm. An
other case of dangerous playthings.
The people had a taste of our last $11.50 sale and insist on
having the same continued.
A large number of NEW PATTERNS in suits received
lately. Everything goes. Come early and secure your choice.
The Reliable Price Clothier.
Compiled by F. I. Dunbar, County Clerk,
by Order County Court.
A well known business man yesterday.
during the noon-day meeting of a few
congenial spirits who were making an et-
ort to throw off the general gloom of the
murky weather, asked In a confidential
manner If there wits anything more be-
nmlng In n wnmnn than red cheek?.
'But," he said, "nature ought to provide
them, and, if she does not, cosmetics may
be used, though very sparlnKly. There
was a young womnn not far from here
who always Imd red cheeks, and sreh
red cheeks! They were like a morning
unrlse, and tho color was not of rouge,
either. Oh, no, she knew something worth
two of that, and for the sake of the fill?
iex I nm going to give the Ferret nwny.
She used mustard plain mustard some
thing that no other womnn ever thought
of. A mild, very mild, mustard plnsler
on the cheeks at night, and In the morn
tng such a heavenly ml! Hut one di y
alas, the plnster was too Htren'.', and
when morning cnmelul why wring your
hearts with the snd ta'.c?
(Official Report.)
In the County Court, Monday, Decem
ber 2nd, 18113, 1st day December Term.
Present, Hon. J. II. IX Gray, Judge; R;
M. Wooden, and Chris. Petereon, Commis
sioners; F. I. Dunbar, Clerk, and Jas. W.
Hare, Sheriff.
Court met and was duly opened at 10
o'clock A. M.
Communication from J. R. Wherry,
read, requesting an ullowance of $S.;u,
with which to purchase powder and fuse,
for the purpose of assisting the volunteers
In opening new read known ns Elsie
road: alio an allowance to assist In l'U
'ug or bridging canyons. Ordered that J.
R. Wherry und S. A. Grog? be a'lowcd
W.50 with which to purchase powder and
fuse, and that they be requested to fur
nish the court with the length, width, and
and accounts of the various county offices
the court being of the opinion
books and accounts of the county
should be examined and checked from
July 1st, 1895, to December 31st, 1895, as to
their correctness and a proper accounting
of the county funds. It Is ordered that
J. C. Jones be employed at $5.00 per day,
to take charge of and supervise said work
and report at the earliest date.
Bills on Special Road Fund presented
and allowed as follows:
Lloyd Loomls, labor, Road District No.
1, $12.0D; Sam Vannlce, labor Road Dlst
No. 1, $21.50; John Anderson, labor Road
Dlst. No. 2, $9.75; Carl Johnson, labor,
Road District No. 3, $13.35; N. Bozier, la
bor Road Dlst. No. 6, $20.00; Fred Olscn,
nails for Road Dlst. No. 6, $2.50; O. A.
Cole, labor, Road Dlst. No. 13, $1.50; J. W.
Miller, labor Road Dlst. No. 13, $4.00; Jas.
Fox, labor, Road Dlst. No. 13, $0.00; P. O.
Wage, laying 20 rods of puncheon, $10.00;
Road Dlst. No. 15; R. M. Gaston, building
bridge, Road Dlst. No. 15, $2.25.
Hi I The Iiomest Prices and
the Largest Assortment I
A tii.lln.i.tin ,.t W n HlrnH
,,, ,tu ..i.....i..m. turn ui , , l, ..m., . ...,
posed bridges or fills.
Report of Chas. H
Miller, snp"nlpor
I'on Pons, all coljr.i, at Dunbar's
For a dinner, worved oot-jne Dining care
of the Chicago, MJltwauke and St, Paul
Rallwuij, w,IIJ '68 8nt to any address oi
wiif a two cent postage atamp. Ap
ply to Goo. H. Ilea if (j rd, General Haaoen.
gr Agwut, Old Colony Building, Gil leu go,
Come to my office and I will show yor
catalogues of all teeth In the market,
and that the S. S. White & Sibley teeth
ure the highest priced and best mad.
In America and only cost the dentist $1.6t
and $1.47 by tho single set, und that 1
n?e these two brandj exclusively and havi
So seta thut I will make up for any anr.
all fur tho above price between now and
the holidii)1; that It Is strictly false as
huH been reported that I use any Inferior
rrmieriiil or do any Inferior work or ad
vertise anything that I can't do.
tv:2 Commercial street.
Q. D, Fahnestock, general agent for the
Pacific Coast of the American line of
trans-Atlantlo steamers, headquarters In
Han Francisco, spent yesterday In Asto
All persons having articles for the sale
at Grace Church, will please hand In the
tame by x o'clock today.
There will be a special table with nrtl
clea for children.
C. B. Smith, the confectioner, lias thr
finest selection of candies, nuts, and
Christmas tree decorations ever offered
'or snla In 'this city. His prices and quo)
nf of goods cjnnot be beaten on Ihe
Glove mending silks at Dunbar's.
Get you a lot In Astoria Addition tc
varreuton while thay are cheap. R. L.
uoyie uo., sole agents.
Citron, Lemon, and Orange Peel. Cur-
-antstl Raisins, Sweet and Boiled Cider,
Nuts, Cooking Brandy, Cranberries,
Plum Pudding. Minos Meat. Orano-ex
Lemons, Grapes, etc., etc., at Foard ft
oiokos co. f,
Aprons at Dunbar's.
MxlOO opposite Bhanahan Bros.'
V.'.xlifi, ;nnd street, central location.
IPixlen, Kxehirige street, between 11th
und ):'th.
levxin), Dnane (street, between 9th and
101 h.
9S, Corner lilt and Atur treetl.
!'ii, Corner llth and luane. '
Lot 1, tilo -k 4, McClure'a.
Lot !. I'loi-k 3. McClure'a.
iiounea lo lent.
Furma In CIMsop and Columbia counties
f.-r sale.
Timber lands! for hul".
Seaiiiie ami summer resul t property for
l ira Insurance. The Sun, of Lon-lon,
e,;;.ii. J 17ii.
i'J Bond Ptreet.
We have the finest and most romnletr
ssortment of canned fruits that has ever
een placed on this market. You car
convince yourself of this by giving us a
can. Night cans for $1.00.
This beautiful cornor resldonce Jot op
Irving avenue must be sold In the next
six days or It will be drawn from the
market. R. L. Boyle & Co., sole agents.
Shell Hair Pin at Dunbar's.
Contractor Corey yesterday sent the
steamer Rich with a load of lumber and
supplies for the railroad camp. Another
lot of men came down from Portland and
were at once sent to the camp above
Tongue Point.
Dr. Bishop, with the assistance of Dr.
Kates, performed a delicate operation on
the wife of Rev. E. a Bolllngir Tuesday
forenoon, ehe recovered nicely from the
operation, and will probably be out again
In a couple of weeks.
Cow Bells at Dunbar's.
One of the profoundeat disappointments
of boyhood la to try to get cldor out ot
a barrel with a straw that Is Just two
Inches too short. Many a man has tried
There Is no reason why the people ot
Vstorla should go to Portland, Snn Fran
Msco, or any other place for toilet artl-
lcs, druggists' sundries, or dines 1
arry as complete nn assortment of each
is any retnll house west of the Rocky
Mountnlns. I hnvo Just reeelvi d 75 dozen
ooth brushes, from direct Eastern lm-
norters to sell from 5 cents to 75 cents;
'ISO Prophylactic and Dental Plate tooth
brushes; 20 dozen hair brushes from l."c
o $7 each. Cloth brushes from 10c to 2 5"
iach; lather brushes from 10c to $1 enrh
nd shoe brushes nt nil prices; dressing
ombs from 5c to $1.25 : 50 different hand
kerchief extracts In bulk, and a large as
sortment of bottled goods In ebo'ce '
idors of Imported snd domestic manu
'actures, also some very handsome cut
glass bottles filled for holiday presents
n fact I carry everything gene ally 'o- n
'n a first-class drug store and at the low
est prices. I would llko every one to call
nnd examine these goods, whether yon
want to buy or not. Wo will take great
pleasure In showing th.-m.
All the baking powders exhibited at the
Chicago Fair, except one, were found tc
contain alum or ammonia, lioynl Baking
Powder is absolutely pure.
Stewed Fruit.
Graham Mush. Cream.
Fried Ponllsh. Slewed Potatoes.
Rice Mutllns.
Chicken Pie.
Chicken Soup.
Halibut Steak, a la Flamnntle.
Baked Ribs of Beef, Yorkshire Pudding.
Potatoes In dice, with Parsley Butter.
Celery Mayonalse. .
Cracker Pudding.
The following transfers were filed wltn
Recorder Gunderson yesterday:
C. C. Grimes and wife to C. II.
Sloop, 25 acres In section 10, town
ship A north, range 10 west $
C. li. Sloop to Mrs. B. Sloop. S'-i
acres section 10, township 6 north
range 10 west
W. S. Kinney and wife to M. J.
Kinney, lets 18 , !a 23 and 21,
Block 10, Gearhart Park
J. 11. Nlchol and wlie to C. R.
Hlgglns, Lots 15. HI, 17, IS, 19, and
20. block 7, and Lot 15, Block 8.
Flavol Center 7:5
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Old Medal, Midwinter Fair.
If you want sure relief for paint in the back, tide, chtit, or
' t, u an
A -1 1
Porous S I
b Plaster k
it and imlta-
- U i
f1 l
!iND- Mot one of the host of counlerfe
Road District No. :;, rend, slating that
he had let the following contracts for
bridges between Hopkins and Vesper;
Rrldge No. 1, 70 feet long, and No. 2,
'eet long, to J. Llndhertr, for $roro: No.
1, S5 feet lonp, to T. N. NeTon, fer S?,C,.C,n;
No. 4. f.0 feet lonn. to .1. Ne'son. for $20.00:
approved and ordered placed on file.
fn the mntror nf Ihe rieltlnn of the Pos
tal Telegraph Cnble Co. to c'-oet end
maintain a telegraph and te'ephone line
upon any of the eountv ronds In Clatsop
county: It Is ordered (lint sa d company
' e granted the rlirht nnil privilege of con--Xrnctlng
and maintaining a telegraph
nnd teleph .me line npnn the county roads
between Astoria and Westnort
fn the matter of a brldtre nc-oss the
Veonnnlouni at Senside: Now oDmes K.
M. Grimes nnd requests that a gate be
laced neioss the nbove named bridge so
as to prevent mock from cro-s'iicr upon
Ms preniNes. Oiden d that sitpeHvlsor of
Rond District No. 3 he Instructed to p'uee
1 serviceable dniib'c gate up'm the west
end of said bridge nt the least possible
"pcnse to the county.
In the matter of the pelltnn of John
Hnhn and others to lay out and estab
lish a county road beginning nt :he 13.
iille post on the county rond lend'ng from
F. Beerman's D. L. C. to the south boun.
dary line of Clatsop county to a point on
the section line between Sections 13 nnd
21, Tp. 5 N., R. W., and nlso from a
nolnt In Section 23, to a point to S ctlon
".". T. 5 N., It. 0 W, At this time Is rend
the report of tho viewers und surveyor
In the above entitled road nnd o dered
'aid over until tomorrow for second rend
Report of It. L. Ward, County Treas
urer, read, showing that he bud called
'bo sum of $5,9:10.95 principal, and $1,540.4'
Interest of the outstanding warrants
for payment, that have not been present
d nt this date.
Peter Anderson appears and requests
'nt the sum of $11. SO, taken from the
body of John Olsen, deceased, by the
r.'-orer. and paid to the treasurer ,le
refunded, the same belon-rlng to him
"eter Anderson und Peter I!iac1i sworn
and testified to the ownership et the
money. Ordered that Ihe requ st be
granted, and a warrant issued on th
treasurer in favor of Peter Anderson for
Ordered Hint court do now adjourn until
tomorrow nt 9:30 o'clock a. in.
Tuesduy, December 3rd, 1R95, fecoid day
same present ns yesterday.
Court met and was duly opened nt 9:30
a, in.
Bills on General Fund presented and al
lowed as follows: .
Dr. Jay Tuttle, examination Helen S- en
sen, Insane, $".(0: T. E. Coe, one dnv's
services as deputy sheriff, $3.00: J. W.
Hnre, sheriff, board of prisoners, $Pi7.1S;
J. W. Hnre, sheriff, expenses serving pa
pers, $30.00; Sam A. Koxer, services In
recorder's otllce, $12 00: O. Zelgler, ser
vices recorder's oflice, $75 00: A. T. Brnk
ke, services recorder's oflice, $1S.OO; Robert
Gibson, copying tax roll, $i;iP0; Geo.
Brown, copying tax roll, $15; Sam A. Ko
ser, copying tax roll, $7B.00; A. V. A'len,
provisions for Seldlck, Salkka, Hakka. Pe-
terson, Westerburg nnd Pcliultz, J33.nO: C.
R. Ward, care of Oslmrn, $10.00: C. Nord
strom, care of Sorglund, $li .00: Mrs. A.
Knnpp, care of O'Donnell three months,
2t.00; Ross, llb-glns & Co., provisions for
Mrs. Banish, $5.95: I!. L. Jeffery, rceals
for Jury. $150; launch Function, trip ."to
Lewis and Clarke for surveyor, $5i'0; S.
A. Grngg, to building liritbre rn E'sle
rond, $0.50: J. Went, for building bridge
near J. West's. $10.00: Foard & Stokes,
spikes and bolts for wharf nt Svetison's
landing, $10.00; Astoria Hex Co., lumber
for wharf at Svonson's lnndlr.g, $0".00: J.
N. Jones, boating lumber to Svenynn's
landing. $12.00; Astoria ron Works, cast.
Ing for Young's River bridge, $1.75; tele
phone for December. $3 on; J. R. C'nton.
repairs to electric lights, $2.00; Grlflln
Reed, stationery. $15 s": Chas. Rogers,
drugs for prisoners, $305; Dr. Fulton,
professional Forvices for prisoners, ts IV
Astoria Herald, publishing pro-wdings. I
$12 25: Parker Hanson, supplies f"- Jail.
$0.00; N. D. Raymond, survey for Lewis
and Clarke bridge. $lt it): P. Hickman,
sorvoy Lewis and Clarke briiK-e, $'.'2
Necannlcum road, $12.00; drafting for re.
corder. $1.00; ("art Johnson, viewing Ne-'
ctnnlcum road. $1100; James Bmk, cbnln-
i man Necannlcum road. $13 00; It. M.
! Campbell, chalnman Lewis and Clarke i
i bridge survey, '.. .tH. j
! J. I. A. Bowlby, local services In tax :
mailer. JlOO' II T!ni-mii-.l .& t I
overs for Indexes, $"i,00; C. A. Gearhnrt. !
R. N. Wright. H. S. Lyman, three d-vS
services at teachers' examlna'lon 17 on
coroner's examination of Klmer Moodv
assessment, granted and penalty remitt
In the matter of the petition of John
Hahn nnd others, to lay out and establish
I a county road.
At this time Is read the second time
I the report of the viewers and surveyor In
: the above entitled road, and no objection
or remonstrance having been filed herein,
It Is ordered and confirmed a public road.
in the matter of the petition of A.
Moody and others to lay out and estab
lish a county road; at this time is riad
the petition of A. Moody and others to
survey, locate nnd establish a county
rond commencing nt the wharf at Aldiich
Point on the N. W. M of Sec. 26, Tp.
9 N., R. 7 W., known as Aldrleh wharf,
and running thence southerly lo and
along the east line of the S. W. v, of Sec
2fl, Tp. 9 N., R. 7 W., to the S. E. corner
of the S. W. Vi of said section, thence Iff
a southeasterly direction to the N. W
corner of S. W. '4 of Sec. 30, In sa'd town
ship, running outside of all buildings on
Woody's place, thence southerly along
Sec. line to N. W. corner of N. W. V
Sec. 1, Tp. 8 N., R. 7 W., thence southerly
to N. E. corner of N. W. Vi of S. W
of Sec. 1, thence southwesterly to tho N
E. corner of 8. W. of S. E. i of Sec.
Tp. S N., R. 7 W thence In a southerly
direction to a point where the county
road running from the wharf at Knappa
to the west line of Sec. 30, Tp. 8 N., R. 7
W., crosses the south line of the D. C
Ramcy D. L. C. Ordered that same bt
allowed, bonds fixed at $100.00, George
Aherncthy, John Lundberg and Jona
Pearson appointed viewers and N. D.
Raymond surveyor, to meet at Aldrlcb
wharf December 5th, 1S93, at 4 o'clock p.
m., to view, survey and locate said road
Application of C. Peterson to pay state
tax and costs on tax sale, of land assess
ed to J. R. Cagle and P. Coleman for the
year 1S92, he having heretofore paid taxes
on mortgage assessed on same land,
Application of J. E. Ferguson for can
collation of tax sales on land ass ssed to
Terrence Rogers on account of same be
Ing stnle Innd ns shown by state deed Is
sued August 5th, 1STO; granted.
Ordered Hint the court do now adjourn
sine die.
J. H. D. GRAY. Judge.
(Attest) Commissioners.
F. I. DUNBAR, County Clerk.
- N
Foard 6t Stokes.
Herman Wise has made a big cut In the
price of Rubber Mackintoshes.
There's trouble In the Clothing Camp;
Herman Wise lias renewed his sale of ttu
choice of any suit In his store for $11.50,
and some of his competitors are hot.
Hals und Furnishing Goods, too, share
in the general cut of prices at Herman
A 'K.x ,
, "i o it
1 Sft I-Vs-" n &: SUsfc rr. c 'l r-, r' 1
' r : .
.'.s-v 'j v-. 9-A
V-Vv -f
f-fj With,
I;i u,oi llAILll OVt,
Has C
All Gompetflfon
"Denver Kitchen," east side of 9th street
between Astor and Bond. Mr. Richard
son, the proprietor, also assures the pub-
dc that Chey can obtain at his place a
.veil-cooked? weK served breakfast, din
ner or supper any day In the week for
the above mentioned price. Give him a
a.l and be convinced that he speaks the
Wanter to rent A centra uy located
house of seven or eigihit rsoms. Address
M., Hue oflice.
A twister in twisting
May twist him a twist.
For in twisting a twist
Thre? twists make a twist;
But if one of the twists
Untwists from the twist,
The twist untwisting
Untwists the twist.
That la, when It's twisted with any
other twine than MARSHALL'S.
WANTED Agenw to represent the
old National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpelier, Vt. For further Informa
tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager. K2-4 fV(v.L-oi- Hniiinn o..
Francisco, Cal.
Auditor nnd Police Judge
Street Commissioner
Harbor Master
Police Commissioner
Councilman-1st We.-d
Councilman 2d Ward
Councilman 3d Waul
w. f. McGregor.
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
some office work, and manage agents.
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent. Send four references and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo.
Men and boys can dress well for little
money now; Herman Wise, the LVLible
Clotht-.r, Is on the war path.-
JAPANESE GOODS-Just out Just re
ceivedJust what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 543 Commercial street.
mm joircsoy, J
Chili Is preparing for a hot time; new
If you are Chilly you too, should waim up
by buying warm underolothlng. or over-
$75,000 PER WEEK using nnd selling
Dynamos for plating watches. Jewelry,
and table ware. Plates gtdd. silver.
..00; coroners examination. Peter Pefr- coat from Herman W!so. He is cutting ! nt for .... r.mllte. nd
shops. F.asy operated: no experience
'Rt unoSarign-eJ will tai hii farm in
Tillamook county, Oregon, at a r,- b n b e
fg-u and on easy ter.ns. 15 or 20 icrvs U
In grasa, th whole containing l."8 acres.
The plav t?::uat l rLiv: or. t ie cojnty
road. Tliero 1j both bofom anl !ilg"n
laiH wlvi.'h can beclear.d easl'y. There
Is also a lot of fine timwr.
1740 Franklin avc, Atsioria, Or.
Host rerfect IJodc.
40 Years the Standard.
son. $..ri; Mate vs. Sampson, No. 1, costs.
$11.50; State vs. Sampson. No. 2, costs.
J2S..V: State vs. Mrs. Oltmey. No. 1. $M";
Siato vs. Mrs. Gibney No 2, costs. $l:0i;
State vs. Kenned, costs, SI11.'; D:,l'y As
torlan, publishing court rcceHlinrs.
bt profits. W. P. Harrison
Clerk No. 14. Columbus. fhio.
& Co.
For the remarksh'y small sum of IS
nit. ." . nn..p AT. .nal an. 1. t, -
In the matter of experting the books' en dinner every Sunday at the popular! floor In private faintly. 411 Exchange Bt.
' SS nififilVC f. m
FOR RENT Furnished room on grouu v uvjii IA.
Leave your orders early.