The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 05, 1895, Image 3

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    Till; aULY " . TUmmi'. MOJiXINfl, Mpfltal 5, 1805.
1 t
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
fevcrishness. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething: troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving- hcaltby and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
"Castoria Is an excellent medicine forcMl.
dren. Mothen have repeatedly told me of its
good effeet upon their children."
Dr. G. C. Osgood,
. Lowell, Mass.
" Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not
far distant when mothers will consider the
teal interest of their children, and use Castoria
Instead of the various quack nostrums which
are destroying their loved ones, by forcing
plum, morphine, soothing syrup and othtr
hurtful agents down their throats, thereby
sending them to premature graves."
Conway. Ark.
The Centaur Company, 77
Notice 1b hereby given toot by virtue
of ia warrant issued by the Auditor and
ruee juutre or tmo city or Astoria to
me directed, doited the 17;(h day of Octo-
uw, iso, and against
W. E. and M. S. Warren,
Comimandlntr me to levy upon Lot No. 7,
Block No. 61. McC.ure's Astoria extended
ed by Cyrus Oiney, and collect the ass Da
mon t due Mwreon, amounting to JH3.76, for
the construction of a sewer on 12th street.
I 'have this day levied upon rail de
wrlbed property, and on the lT:lh day ot
December, 1S05, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said
day, at fhe court house door In the c ty
of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, wla
proceed to will at public auction, tad
property to the blithest bidder therefor,
to pay suid aasoaomont and coiytB, and
expunses of sale. Said ta'e to be for
United States gold and a'lvar coin.
Dated Astoria, Oregon, November 16 ISM
Chief of Police of tine City Aetora
Notice Is 'heirby given that by virtue
of a warrant ls.-ued by the Aud tor and
Police Judre of phe City of Astoria to
ma directed, daited the lTWi day of Octo
ber, 1803, and against
D. K. Warren,
Commanding me to k-vy upon lot No. V, j
In Block No. McCUire's Ast ria Ex
tended by Cyrus Olney, and colle t the
assessment due thereon, amount ng to
$23.78, for the consiruct.on of a tewor on
tilth street,
1 have tthta day levied upon ea'd de
scribed property, and on the 170.1 d y ot
December, l&HG, at 2 o'elrck p. m. of said
day, at the court house door In the oily
of At'toria, Clatsop County, Origon. wl 1
proceed to soil at putolic auo.lin, caid
property to ttie -hls'hest bidlJer tiierefor,
to pay fttid aa-e.-w.uent and eos.s anu
exponBcs of snle. Said la'.e to be for
United States gold and silver coin.
Dated Astoria, Ore;xm, Nov.mb r 16, 1893
Chief of PoMce of the City Ar-toria
Notice Is hereby given (hat by virtue
of a warrant lsued by the Aud. tor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria to
me directed, daited the 17'uh day of Octo
ber, 1895, and agalndt
Laura M. Wiuiiley,
Commanding me to levy upon Lot No. 4,
In B.ock No. 18, Adair's AistJuli, and col
lect the asijetfamont due tllicreon, amount
ing to Two Hundred Doiars $2iO.Uu) for
the Improvement ot STitlh street from the
north side of Franklin avenue to the
south side of Duai'e a.reet,
I have this day levied upon ea'd de
scribed property, and on the 10th day f
December, 1SU6, .it 2 o'clock p. m. of sala
day, In front of the court tiouee door In
the city of Astoria, Clati op County, Or
egon, will piroceed to evil at pubtic auction
fuild property to the highest bidder there
for, to pay said isses.-iment and coEts and
expenses of sale. Said sa e to be lor
United States gold and silver coin.
Dated Astoria, Oregon, November 16, 1895
Chief of Poilcs of tfie City Astoria
Notice is noreby given that ty virtue
of a warrant Issued by tiio Auditor and
Police Judge of the City ot Astoria to
me directed, d.uied tine 17;h day of Octo
ber, 1S95, and against
C. W. Fu'.ton 14, J. C Dement
Commanding me to levy upon Lot No. I,
in B.ock No. 67, McClure's As or a extend
ed by Cyrus Olney, and collect the as
Bessnvent due thereon, amountin? to $35.76,
for the construction of a sewer on 12.h
I have this day levied upon fafl de
ecrfbed property, and on the 17th day ot
December, 1885, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said
day, at the court house door In the city
of Aetorla, Clatsop County, Oregon, will
proceed to sell at public auction, fid
property to tiie highest bidder therefor,
to pay a!d assessment and costs ana
expenses of sale. Said sale to be for
United States gold and silver coin.
Dated Astoria, Oregon, November 16. 1S95
Chief of Police of the City Astoria.
Notice is hereby p!ven that by v:rtue
of a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judire of fhe City of Astoria to
me directed, ded the 17th day of Octo
ber. 1SJ5. and asalnst
C. W. Futon i-j, J. C. Denwnt '4,
hi Block No. 57, McClure's As'.oria ex en.1
eJ by Cyxus Olney. and collect the ai5
ment th-pre.-rfi, amounting to J15.7B. for tho
construction of a sen-er on 13;h street.
I have fcii3 day levied upon oa:d de
eT(lv.l property, and on tile 17t!i day or
Dectwrf!)er. 13Ti5. at 2 o'clock p. m. of said
ijiy. nt the ctxirt hoose door In th-e city
or'A-toria," Clatsop County, Oregon, will
proi-i-i 10 s-ti at public auction, said
fr-.yfrty ti t'-e h:-r?e: b!lT therefor,
lo pay s-alJ nt.-nffit and costs and
(.-rprf."-" rf mle PsM io be for
i'"!te.l States sold and silver coin.
"alcl Aster1. Oreron. Novinb-r H. 1SS3
Chief of ToMea of t.City Astwrta
" Castcrla Is o well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to mc."
H. A. Archer, M. D.,
hi So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we arc free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital and Dispensary,
Boston, Mass,
Aixbn C. Smith, Pres.
Murray Street, New York City.
Notice is iiwoby given that toy virtue
of a. warrant issued by tine Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria to
me directed, dated the 17tih day of Octo-
bea, 1895, and against
W. E. and M. S. Warren,
Commanding me to levy upon Lot 6. In
block No. 61, McOiure'9 Astoria extended
by Cyrus Olney, and collect the assess
ment due thereon, amounting to (23.76, for
the construction of a eewer on 12th street.
I have this day levied upon ra d de
scribed property, and on the 17ilh day ot
December, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. on. cf said
day, at the court (house door In the city
of Aiftorta, Clatsop County, Oregon, win
proceed to sell at puibllc auction, rati
property to (he highest bidijnr therefor,
to pay Ud ao?esement and casta ana
vcpnnse of sale. Said falo to be for
United States gold and silver coin.
Dated Astoria, Oregon. Novemab r 16, 1895
Chief of Police of the City Astoria
Notice is hereby given thiat by virtue
f a warrant Issued by the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Astoria to
e directed, dated the 17th dit of Octo
ber, 1895, and against
W. E. and M. S. Warren,
Jomimiandlng me to levy upon Lot No. 8,
in Block No. 61, McClure's As.oriu ex end
ed by Cyrus Olney, and eoilect the asse s
ment due thereon, amounting to $41.7ti, for
the construction of a setver on 12th ftnet.
I have this day levied upon ead de
Bcribed projierty, and on the 17uii diy ol
Deeeimlber, 18!!5, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said
tkvy, at the court house door in the el'y
of Aiitoria, Clatsop County, Orcg n will
proceed to sell at public uuction, s id
proarty to the highest bld'drir tht-refor,
to pay Paid aassment and costa ana
expenses of sale. Said sale to be foi
United States gold and silver coin.
Dated Astoria, Oregon, November 1 1S95
Chief of Police of the City At-toria
After (Deals!
Or at auy otlnr tinit
wlit'ti jou winli a nciocl
fijjiir uek for the well
known, liome-tUHile,
liiuid mudo", white labor
"La Belle Astoria."
Oonceiled by all sinoUeM
to be the bent ciaar
ruaoufiioi tired.
71 IMintri Street,
Astoria. Oregon.
As Franklin says, good dress opens
ill doors, you should not lose sight ot
the fact that a perfect fitting suit Is
the main feature. VV'anamaker &
drown are noted for fit, workmanship
md superiority of qualities. Their rep
resentative visits Astoria every three
months. Office 64 Dekiim Building,
Portland, Or Rpsprve orders til! you
"lave seen the spring line of samples
Special attention paid to tfnibmt n
'Hivlnz. flrst-r'.nss horseshoelnK e'i
IS7 Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth Astoria. Or
: First Class Funerals :
P0HI'S Ondertakipg Parlori,
Rites Rmkhmdi. Embalmlnc a Specially
Gentlemen: I had occasion to use
several boxes of Krause's Headache
Capsules while traveling to Chicago to
attend the National Democratic Con
vention. They acted like a charm In
preventing headaches and dizziness.
Have had very little headache since
my return, which Is remarkable.
Yours, resoectfuliv
Ed. Renovo (Pa,) Record.
For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Astoria,
Or, sole agent
Vf rmlf f.T OonorrhO'a,
t"f filwl. 8pf:rjnntorrb(f-a.
V-l tviiitr. auDaturftl di.
M ctiarK, r aur IriUariiuu
lion, irritA!in ir u.-i .
. ti'-n 'f Hi II C O W I:i'-;.
Sold by MtrtixiilAtA,
' r"or fM in plin wnpp-T
,1 hr itxprt. pn ifcil.J. It,
M fi.oo. r 1 botti, ft.lh.
f Ja 1 1 id.?.
J Gnuud
laVJ ao. M MtU:nr
V cat. 7
Tide Table fop December, 1895.
P. at.
h.m ft
A. M.
h m it.
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!h.m I ft
1'.VIA ,
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212' 18
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lYIarine Hitters, far, Tfcere atd
The Columbia leaves out for San Fran.
Cisco this morning.
The barkentlnn Portland crnRRntt mil
over the mouth of the river af
ternoon. Bhe is bound to San Francisco
The steamer Elmore arrived In last
evening from Tillamook. She brought In
SuO cases of salmon, 200 boxes of cheese,
and 50 boxes of butter.
The German ship Albert Rickmers was
towed to sea yesterday by the Relief,
with Pilot Mathews in charge. She Is
bound to Falmouth for orders.
Tho British ship Raverscourt has ar
rived at Quecnstown from San Francisco.
On the voyage considerable rough
weather was encountered. She ran Into
a cyclone on July 14th and lost nearly a
whole suit of sails.
The British ship Leverbank was towed
to sea yesterday morning with a cargo ol
wheat for Europe, says the Call, Tho
captain would not take a pilot and the
steamer Tillamook, which arrived from
the north today, reported the vessel only
eight miles off shore.
The O. R. & N. steamship Mount Leb
anon finished discharging yesterday In
Portland and moved today to the flour
mills, where she will begin loading. There
Is more fi eight offered than the Mount
Lebanon can take in carpo. Her princi
pal loading will consist of 3,000 tons of
flour, 350 tons of miscellaneous freight
pnd 92,000 feet of lumber. There will also
be on board two polo ponies consigned to
Englishmen living in Yokohama. The
passenger list thus far consists of three
cabin passengers and 32 steerage.
"A suit Involving nearly $1,000 has been
begun In the superior court here over the
contract for the schooner Mary Buhne,
chartered by D. W. Sterrett last summer
from Rothschild & Co. for a trip to
Alaska. Sterrett had the contract for
building a government school at Una
laska, and chartered the Mary Buhne to
carry men and material to that place,
lie now claims that the terms of the con
tract were violated by Rothschild & Co.,
and that the shipping firm Is in conse
quence Indebted to him In the sum of
$012." Port Townsend Call.
The statement that the gasoline launch
Lucero was likely to be rejected by
Charles G. Fair, which was published on
Sunday on the authority of the San
Francisco papers, does not at all agree
with a letter, from Captain H. M Hughes,
her commander, to H. Englebrecht, the
father of R. T. Englebrecht, the hu'lder.
In this letter, says the P.-l., Captain
Hughes, under date of November 29, says:
"I am going to Inform you that I bad a
good passage from Astoria, and came
down without a stop. I suppose you will
soe by the newspapers the usual twaddle
about Mr. Fair going to Europe and not
accepting the vessel. I am happy to
state that Mr. Knight, Mr. Fair's attor
ney, was all over tho vessel today, and
he is more than pleased with her. He
is a good critic and his opinion goes a
long way Ho is anxious to have her
finished, so ho can -try her. He has
gone away for two weeks, so when he
comes back she will be all ready for
him." Mr. Englebrecht does not enter
tain any doubt of the acceptance of the
boat, and attribute the unfavorable state
ments of tho San Francisco papers to
loct.1 Jealousy that his Bon should, have
succeeded in taking the contract away
from the home shipping builders.
The light draft O. R. & N. steamer El
more last evening, says an up river ex
change, had a narrow escape from de
struction, Bhe drifting In on the rocky
bank of the river at a point about three
miles above Oregon City, remaining on
the rocks until this morning, when she
was released from her perilous position
and taken to Oregon City. Tho Elmore
was on her down trip from Dayton tc
Portland when the accident occurred. All
day the wind had been blowing a gale,
accompanied by heavy squalls. As night
closed In these squalls Increased In vio
lence. The steamer was light In cargo
and had very little hold on the water,
It being at times, even In the open river,
hard to keep her pointed down stream.
Three miles above Oregon City Is a dan
gerous point in the river known as Rock
Island. Here the channel narrows to 2fcti
feet, with sharp, Jagged rocks on either
bank. Capatin P. J. Young, of the El
more, as he neared the entrance to the
pass rang for full speed ahead, hoping
to take advantage of a lull in the storm
and get the boat through. In this he
was mistaken, for Just as the Elmore
reached abreast of Rock Island a squall,
heavi' r in force than any preceding it,
struck the steamer and, careening her
over swept her onto the rocky shore. The
steamer struck broadside, wedging herself
In on the hank. Captain Young, finding
he was only straining his vessel by at
tempting to work her off with the en
gines, decided to lie on the rocks during
the night and with daylight get out
kfdges and attempt to warp the steamer
off. In this he was successful, the El
more being freed at 8 o'clock this morn.
Ing. The steamer was leaking some, but
finding the pumps able to handle the
water Capatin Young decided to continue
on down to Oregon City.
Marvellous Cnse of a Berlin Man Who Is
Bullet Proof.
(London Daily Graphic.)
In Berlin a Bingalese bafT'es all Invest!
gations by physician: by the impenetra
bility of his skin. The bronzed East
erner, a Hercules In shape, claims to have
found an elixir which will reiider the hu
man skin Imp.-rvioiu to any metal point
or sharpened edge of a knife or dagger,
and calls hlmKelf the "Man With the
Iron Fkln." It Is true that It has been
lmpIMe t- even scratch his skin with
sharply p"'n!ed raHs, with finely ground
knivf find daggers. He 11 now exhibit
ing hlf'-'tr, and his greatest frat l o
pa- with his entire body through a hoop,
tho ni.i rtf whlr-h Is hardly fc!g enough
to admit his body and Is closely act with
sharp knife points, daggers, nai's and
other equally pleasant trifles. Through
this hoop he squeeze his body with so-
soluto Impunity. Tho physicians do not
agree with his Immunity, and somo ot
then think that Rhannln, which Is his
rame, Is a fakir who has by long practice
succeeded In hardening hlmBelf against
the Impressions of metal upon his tkln.
Tho profesjors of the Berlin clinic, how
ever, considered it worthwhile to lecture
about the man's skin, pronouncing It an
Inexplicable matter.
Fast Bo-Uon Express Unpopular With
Railroad Hon.
(N. Y. Herald.)
The "ghost train" no longer runs over
the New York, New Haven & Hartford
road between Boston and this city. It
wus one of tho fastest and most com
pletely equipped of the trains in the ex
press service of the road. It was not
known as tho "ghost train" by the rail
road authorities, and it is said that the
uncanny name, bestowed upon It by tht
passengers -find resldonts along the line,
had something to do with Its discontinu
ance. The exterior of all the cars which com
posed the train, from the express car to
the ordinary day coach, were palnti d a
solid dead white. Every night a train of
these white cars pulled into the Grand
Central station at 9 o'clock, and at the
same hour a similar train reached the
Boston terminus. To the railway au
thorities this service was known as the
"New England Express," but the long
unbroken string of white cars dashing
through the darkness, appearing almost
like a spectre, became known all along
the line as the ' ghost train."
Nothing was thought of this appella
tion at first, though the management Is
said to have not particularly relished It.
Sensitive persons, however, objected to
riding upon the train, and It was aban
doned. The cars were sent to the shops
and painted a different color and are still
In use on the road. The reason for the
change, according to the railroad officials.
Is that It was almost Impossible to keep
the white cars clean.
(Cincinnati Enquirer.)
Farmer Hayrlx My boy wants me to
send him to college, but I don't believe
the result Is wuth the money, do you?
Farmer Konschock Yaas. My cousin
Jake's boy, he went to collidge and
growed slch a head of hair and slch a
lot of muscle that he's makln' $250 a
week as the "Wild Giant of Madagas
car," an' only has to show twlcet a day.
New York The annual meeting of the
National Civil Service Reform League
will be held at Washington on Thursday
and Friday, December 12 and 13.
Gentlemen: I have always recom-
nended Kra'ise'a Headiwne capsules
wherever I have had a chance. They
have proven a veritable boon In my
family against any and all kinds of
readache. Youra truly.
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria.
Oregon, sole agent.
Atlanta Five theaters on the Midway
have been closed on account of Immoral
ity. The proprietors were fined $100
Ml the patent medlaiiea advertised
In this paper, together with the oholc-
Rt perfumery, ana touet articles, eic.
n he bought at tne ioweBt prices a'
I. W. Conn'" drug store, opposite Oc
Ident Hotel A. torla
London The stock exchange opened
very flat, but the tone later Improved and
business closed much better on the favor
able reports from Paris and on political
One Minute Cough Cure is a popular
cmedy for croup. Safe for children and
adults. Chas. Rogers.
Brooklyn, N. Y. By an explosion In the
pump room of Pratt's astral oil wo ks at
Williamsburg, Martin Joyce, a watchman,-
and Andrew Patterson, a pump
hand, were killed.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all la leavening
Strength. V. S. Government Report
Dallas Fire destroyed a building 200 by
50 feet, three stories. In which were the
establishments of the Texas Paper Com
pany and of the Deerlng Harvester Com
pany, of Chicago.
Piles of people have piles, but DeWltl's
Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When
promptly applied it cures scalds and
burns without the I lightest pain. Chas.
Washington The postofflce department
has issued a fraud order against the
United Indemnity Company, of Los Ange
les, Cal.
Cnildren Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria
Birmingham, Ala. As a result of a
feud between the Handley, Jones and
Kllgore families, Joe Kilgore and John
Jones are dead, and John Handley Is
fatally Injured.
SHILOH'S CURB la sold on a guar
ntee. It cures Incipient consumption,
t la the best Cough Cure. Only one
ent a dose. 25 cents. 60 cts., and $1.00.
For 8ale by j. W. Conn.
General and Nervous Debility.
Weakness of Body and
Mind, Effects of Errors
or Excesses In Old or
Yonng. Itnbiist, Noble
Manhood fully Itcatored.
How to Knlre an l
Strengthen WcaU, l:a
developed Portions ot
Body. Absolutely un
failing Home Treatment.
Benefits in a day.
'v from BO H totes aud rnreiu-u
Countries. Bend for Descriptive Book, ex
planation ana prools, uuuteu (auaioui iree.
ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
How fortune
$100 for very $ 10.00 invested
Can be jnade by our new
$10.00 and more made dally on small in
vestments, by many persons Who live
away from Chicago.
All we arit Is to Investigate our new
and original methodx. Past forking of
plan and highest reference fumlihcd.
Our Booklet, "Points and Hin!," how to
make money even when on the wrong
side of the markot and other Information
sent FREE.
GUmore & Co., Bankers and Brokers.
Open Board of Trade Uldg., Chicago, HI.
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon,
general agent of the "Burlington
Route," 250 Washington St., Portland.
He will mall you free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as to the
through rates to any point, reserve
tleeplng car accommodations for you,
md furnish you with through tkl-.ets
via either the Northern, Union, Koutiv
rn. Canadian Pacific, and Great I.orti
m railroads at the very lowest raU i
The Burlfhgtnn Route Is generally
.-onceded to be the finest equipped rail
road Id the world for all classes o
Man IphUI
Marvelous results.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun
aernian, or iMmomiale, Mich., we are
permitted to make th s extract: "1 have
no hesitation in recommend. ng Dr. King's
J0"V Difeovery, as the rsuli were al
most marvelous In the cse "f my wife.
Whl.e I was pastor of the Bap 1st
church at Rivas .luncti.on siie was brought
dJ'n with p.teumuiua succeeding la
grlpp?. Terrible paroxysms of couhlig
wuu.d last hours with little intenup'lon
snd .t seemed as If she could not sur
v ve them. A friend recommended Dr.
Kind's New Difeovery; It quick In
is wnrk and hlchlv satt? facto.-y In r.
suits." TrCal bottles free at Charles
Rogers' drug store. Regular size, 50i
Chicago The police have arrested
"Kid" llubbell, alias "Buffa'o K'd,
charged with assaulting and robbing Mrs.
E. Jr. Mack, of Detroit, September 20.
If suffering with plies, It will Interest
you to know that DcWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve will cure them. This medicine Is
a specific for all complaints of this char
acter, and If Instructions (v Men are sim
ple) are carried out, a cute will result.
We have tested this In numerous cases,
and always with like results. It never
falls. Chas. Rogers.
Kalamazoo, Mich. Arrangements have
practically been completed for the affilia
tion with the Chicago university of Kala
mazoo college, one of the oldest Baptist
colleges In the country.
The best salve In the world foi Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Con.s. and All Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents per box. For ssie by
Chas. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building.
Parkersburg, W. Va. A great forest fire
Is raging on the Little Kanawha above
here. Large tracts of woofi- and barns
and fencing have been burned.
Wife Here's an acount of a man who
shot himself rather than suffer the pangs
of Indigestion. Husband The fool! Why
didn't he tnko DeWltt's Little Early Ris
ers? I used to suffer ns bad as he did
before I commenced taking these little
pills. Chas. Rogers.
Father Tommy, stop pulling that cat's
Tommy I'm only holding the tall. The
cat's pulling It.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Contains no Ammonia or Alum.
Charleston, 8. C Steamer Laurada Is
still held here by the United States of
ficials. J. D. Hart, of Philadelphia,
owner of the vessel, Is here arranging
bond for Captain Hughes. He has em
ployed ex-Senator M. C. Butler os coun
sel. Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
(Chlcngo Tribune.)
"No," said the customer, who had been
looking at a copy of Norilau's latest
work, "It won't do. Show me something
else. Wo live in a Hat, and this book Is
too broad."
baby grow
The baby's mission is
growth. To that little bun
dle of love, half trick, half
dream, every added ounce
of flesh means added hap
piness and comfort ! Fat is
the signal of perfect health,
comfort, good nature, baby
Scott's Emulsion, with
hypopliosphites7 is the eas
iest fat-food baby can have,
in the easiest form. It sup
plies just what he cannot
get in his ordinary food,
and helps him over the
weak places to perfect
Scorr & Bowxi, Chemists, Nw York, 50c. and $1.00
a For shortening never use more
Jthan two-thirds as much Cotto-
W lene us you would of lurd. When
fi-lritllY mtll. nl.nnv. r..,t
it ia a colli pan, heating it with
the pan. Cottolcnc produces the
best results when very hot, but as
it reaches the cooking point much
J3 sooner tlinn lanl, en re should be
taken not to let it bum when hot
enough, it will delicntcly brown
a bit of bread, in half a minute.
Follow tlicre directions la using
Cottolcne and lard vill never
again be permitted in your kitch
er or iu your food.
Genuine Cottolcne is sold every- tr
where in tins with trade-marks ti ,
'Cotioiene" and steer's head in
cotton-plant wreath 011 every tm. 4
Made only by f
LMf gwt ta trvwlw Poritttl, (Iff ;nu,
sX-l''i'i 'V w;.
Is there a man with heart so cold.
That from his family wsuld withhold
The comforts which they all could Cud
In articles of FURNITURE of tn
right kind.
And we would suggest at this sf-ason,
nlre Sideboard. Extension Tahlc, or ss
f r'"l"ir Phr1r We h i !""
-i l finest line ever shown In the city
v-1 at price:, that cannot fall to pleas
be closest buyers
V ,i-jar-JC3N3L J. Y '
1 mmmr i
- ' .....
I872 1895
Sell Astoria,
A Specialty.
Ship Chandelery,
Iron & Stpol,
Groceries & Provisions,
Flour & Mill Feed,
Paints, Oirs. Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Faiibank's Scales,
Doors & Windows,
Agricultural Implements
Wagons & Vehicles.
E. flcNEIL, Receiver.
Gives Choice
Jmo Transcontinental
Via Via
Spokane Ogden.Denvei
and and
tft. Paul. Omaha or
fet. Paul.
Pullman and Tourist Sleem
Free Reclining Ch Irs Car,
Astoria to 5an Francisco.
Cduimbia, Tuesday, Nov. 6. .
Siqltfl of California, Sunday, Nov. 10,
Oolumibla, Friday, Nov. 16.
State, Wednesday, Nov. iW.
ColuimMa, Monday, Nov. 25.
State, Saturday, Nov. 80.
Columbia, Thursday, Dec. 6.
Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
The T. J. Potter will leavs Astoria at
7 p. m. dally, except Sundiy! leave Port
land at T a. m. dally, except Sunday,
Tha Steamer Iurtlne' wilt leave- Astoria
at 6:45 a. m. dally, except Sunday; leave
Portland at I p. m. dally, except Satur
day. For rates and general Information call
on or address
Gen. Pas. Act, Portland. Or.
Are You Going East?
Be aura and see that your ticket
reads via
This lr the
And all Points East and
Their Magnificent Track. Peerless Ves
tlbuled Dining" and Bleeping Car
Train and AJotto:
Have given this road a national reputa
tion. All clasaes of passengers carried
on the vestlbuled trains without extra
, . ; i. . A . I
CiiarRe. oup your iicigui nu u.toi
over this famous line. All agents have
W tl MEAD, F. C. SAVaOE.
Oen. Airent Trav. V. and P. Art
UK WaxiilnWon st. Portland. Or.
Mrs. T. B. fiairTtlns, Chattanoom,
TVnn.. w.v. "Khllnr' Vlfoliw
hi 1 I.ii-C.' I cimnier it tne best rer
dy for a dptillttd syiittrn I evei
nwd." For Dypperwa. Liver or Ka
ni.y trouble. It exceils. filve cts.
For Pule by J. W. Conn.
Japan ere i:,
V.'c have Jnrit n -I .
Of f'luIstnillH tOJ'H .-(111
can save om morn y 011 iinyti
ne'l In this line.
417 Pond Street, it'-xt door M M",
Fruit Store,
B. F. A LI. EN,
Wall Pap". ArtUts' Mati-riVs. I'i 1.
Oil!, Glm. etc. M.ifi .
Ruk III J !:.:n,:-- o ( -.
36.5 Co rn m e re 1 f) 1 t r e ..-
41 IMS
1 1 1 1
REASON OF 18r5-i'"-.
Tuiiee a Week
San Francisco
New Orleans
Over tho Great
unset Route
Leaving San Francisco
Tuesdays and Saturdays
From Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1895.
Tho mot co-mntote. m.nVm in.nii
equipped and perfectly ai-ruiufcd Viti-
Diueu iranacontiinemaJ Train In America,
tHids service.
Direct connections in New Orleans
or all Eastern points. Quick time.
Acts as trustee for coruoratlons And In
Transact a general banking business.
Interest paid on time dopoalts.
J. Q. A, BOWLBY Presl.lont
BISNJ. YOUNO Vice JS'resiJont
Fit AN K PATTOX ...Cashier
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Pane. Ce.-iJ
Young, A. S. Reed, D. P. Tnorn.,Bon
W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes.
Pew Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than thots we serve. We're trying in
every way to make them the most en
joyable In town. All the "good things"
of the season oookad by our excellent
cook In tha most delicious style. Perfect
If you Invite a friend to the Palace
Restaurant the place Is a sufficient guar
antee that he will receive a good nieai.
The Palace Restaurant
WHABC BUILDER. 180, Potoffic. ASTOKIA.O.'i
A complete stock of lumtwr on )-.iu-!
n the rough or dressed, i'lworlnjr, rn.-i-tio,
celling, and all kitnls of tlni-h;
mouldings snd rblrr'': ft!!; t ruri;. t
work done to ordr. Terms rnas'TMle
md prices at bJrock. Ail ..!.
promptly attended to. rfll- sM v t
at mill. H. V U tOJAN. I'rrni r.
Blood purifier, give frenrme-? or i
"learnrns to the cmni-:ioi an,i
Constlpetlon. ?5 rta.. fin cts. li.i.-.i.
For Sale by J. v. Cunn.
indored Lit r::r: r;;i
Gentlemenr-TTilfi Is to certify y,
have uHed Kraite'a K.'.Jia- n- i.:-
With Mtlfif-tfirv rpcnlt 1 . .
box which cent int .i. inii , rs j- i n
cured me of a dreadful Mrk t;
Mv wire and mvneif n- i,, t . ..
the medicine mn 'uif i.; ,
Norman LJcbtv r'.i.
commend thnm to tha p;
Jjust what they are r?
I!-!., :
w. j.
Twentv-flve cema r r -
Rnpcra. Aptori.i. "
Captain tswpf-nny, l1. s. A..
Cal., aaya: "t-!v,i
i the fir-t tiif h..- "i '
that would o r" ,
(ta. Sold by J. ( ...
II linn