THE DAILY AtflOltlAN, A8TOJUA, SUNDAY MORNING, DEjCEMBER 1, 18J)5. Xh gusto virttn J- T. Llt-UTKR. JiOIlor. Tt.R.VS OP SUBSCRIPTION T ' - i'liono No. 06. DAILY. . nt tiy inull, per year t-Mil ly jir.iil, per month......... .J7.0O K.-rved lv carrier. ter week 16 WKIOKLY. Sent by m.xll per year, $2.00 in advance. Postage free to subscribers. All communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Buniri.a communicttt!on of ail kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorlan. The Astoriun guarantee to lt aub- sorlbers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. The Weekly Astorlan, the aecond old. est weekly in the state of Oregon, has next to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation in the state, Jno. T. Handlcy Co. are our Port land agents, and copies of the Astorlan can be had every morning at their atand on First street. THE WOMAN'S BIBLK. If anything had been needed to con Incredulous man of woman's Ineffa ble superiority, the Woman'H Bible Is cal culated to do so. If the forthcoming sections are equul to the present lesue of the Pentateuch, which Is now before us in all the richness of Its erudition and did ion and the calmness of Its logic, the complete work will be a wonder and a Joy. As an expression of naive femi ninity alone, It Is 'calculated to figure as a unique addition to literature. But as an argument It is a colossal vindication. The alleged tyrant has long ago given up protesting In a voice weakened by Iteration and drowned by the strident shrieks of the oppressed, that he ac knowledged her superiority. He has grown used to being branded as a tearer down of female rights and has learned to balance himself with uneasy compla cence upon the tottering throne to which his victims have raised him, while they reveled in their wrongs. But the time has come for him to make a su preme effort to be heard and to Insist on granting to- woman the last stronghold of his prerogative the right to be su premely, surpassingly funny. The Woman's Bible is compiled of all passages of Scripture which contain any reference whatever to the fomale, gen eral or Individual, and Includes, as In vidious distinctions, most references to men, followed by the natural and logical query, "why not women?" To each of these plumages Is appended learned com ment from the pens of the "distinguished women" who have been appointed to the holy task. Among the members of the committee are a few Hebrew and Greek scholars whose services have doubtless been Invaluable, but for the most part the commentaries seem to be based main ly on the personal views of the wflter, which of course furnish a more unassail able foundation than any other conceiva ble one. They begin their "higher criti cism" with a bold demand for recognition In the Trinity. It Is a doctrine which has been so variously "explained" that the feminine version of Us significance Is at least entitled to a hearing. ' They also announce at the start that their reason lias repudiated the divine authority of the Bible; yet, as moHt men and women are too unintelligent to have arrived at this stage, they consider It worth while to show the falsity and Injustice of Its attitude to women. The first of the two writers In Genesis seems to bo tho only Biblical author who deserves commenda tlon at their hands lie represents man and woman as a simultaneous creation and says nothing about the "dominion of man. Any later concessions to the woman, as In the fourth commandment, for example, are hailed with sarcastic surprise, deadly and crushing In the ex treme. - As for the rib story, It Is scorn fully yet gravely dismissed as a "petty surgical operation." To give anything llko an exhaustive re view of this Important, not to say mo mentous, work, would require time and space beyond the limits of any mere newspaper. Yet there are passages In it which cry out for quotations, as, for ex ample, the following, apropos of the Im mediate descendants of Adam: "Inter marriage with the descendants of Cnln have corrupted the progeny, perplexed the Creator and precipitated the flood. AVc are told that, in the matter of the temptation, the "conduct of Eve was, from the beginning to the end, so superior to that of Adam." And again: "It takes six verses to describe tho 'fall' of woman; the fall of man is contemptu ously dismissed In a line and a half," Could anything be more conclusive of tho pre-eminence given to woman In the Wide, even were It not Just the contrary that the dear ladles are endeavoring to prove? Again, apropos of the taking of the women's Jewels for the making of the gulden calf, we are reminded that "It was Just so In the American Devolution in 1TT, the first delicacy the men threw overboard in Boston harbor wns the tea woman's favorite beverage. The tobacco and whKky, though heavily tax.'d, they clung to with the tenacity of the dovll '''" Ho they did, the horrid things. Tn ciownlng achievement of this re l.i.r'r.ji.le production, however. Is to be :.rl In the Incomparable chapter unent 1 ' a.,!i. It is inipoiisulile to do K5'!hli!C like Justice to It In review or u...,(uiu-ii. H must lie read In Its svib i:rm Mi'In iy. unit It Is cruel to dctaoh ' ( .1 11 si', !, ,,!!( nee. It Will KO down l "- ''!'' as a last, Incontrovertible -1 1 , t i , t f..r il., it -keen lnlght and -'- l'er . HM-ivh wlih which the I" ti er-prciaily endowed," i !" v. h - i remind, d by this long. ":!; ii'.-l didactic beast of the ap i i f v.m,u tor the last half century! y knows that Atr. C. J. Curtis stmt.-.! for city attcrn.-jr with :,t 1,0 iinl tin) flllit.Kt d grev Ihe r.r..ii('!l. Ho VM n-'m a .. r.i.itorlty of the con- ' V a "se that ma- i v. as ah'.i to sway . i . tul'i voles one way or the other. It has bi cn the boast of this man oves and over n gain that ho was able to "work" Union town any way he wantd to. This Is not oniy an untruth, but a deliberate insult to tho common sense and independence of one of the most enlightened and honor able sections of the community. THE TRUE SITUATION. It has been said that liars need short memories. The men who Insist that It would be a crime to disturb business now by any tariff agitation who are they? Precisely the same men who persisted In disturbing business, even In .the utmost prostration after the panic of Di93, with a tariff revision which lasted a whole year. The same men, aiso, who furious ly denounced the senate bill as a surren der of their principles and hopes, a be trayal of public Interests, a sale to mo nopolies, the product of corrupt bargains, a measure of "perfidy and dishonor," and then passed it. But now they declare (hat it must stand untouched, with all Its special favors, the, fruit of criminal bargains, becu-je any agitation for a change would disturb business. These men started with a glaring untruth when they asserted In 1893 that the prostration was caused by the silver act, and not by the threat of free trade. It has led them Into the amazing absurdity of claiming that the country has been rendered more yjrosperous that ever by an Infamous bar gain with monopolies and betrayal of the form which they called necessary to public prosperity. This notion that any and every change of duties must -cause depression is not merely disproved by experience, but is on Its face a glaring absurdity. When ad vance of duties is proposed, It Is for the purpose of(curIng existing evils, checking excessive foreign competition, adding new encouragement to domestic production Every buyer reasons that the Immediate effect of higher duties will be to advance prices to some extent, until the establish ment of new works has Increased the home supply of the product. In conse quence every buyer is tempted to pur-. chase promptly and to the full extent of his wants, for the change, If effected, can do him no harm, and he is anxious to have as large a stock of cheap goods on hand as he can In case of any rise, Manufacturers also take time by the foie lock and lay In stocks of material, and push their works even In advance of or ders because the better prices, if secured, will give some profit on an output which might at existing conditions yield none, Thus there Is always a more business and a hopeful condition of industry when the object of pending legislation Is to af ford greater defense and encouragement to home production. The necessity of a larger revenue will 'compel Republicans to consider In what direction duties may be advanced. They will not be deterred In the least by the Democratic untruth that any change In that direction must check business. Many people think that we spend enoueh money or its equivalent on our roads to make them as good as those of any other country. That Is correct, but the trouble Is we don't spend it In the right way. Our labor la misdirected. At some season of the year, when farm work Is less pressing than usual, the farmer "works out" his road tax. Gen erally it Is 'about the worst time of the year for the roads; but that doesn't mat ter. He takes his horses and plow and scraper, plows up some furrows in the gutter between the wagon track .and the sidewalk, and scrapes the earth up Into the middle of the road. That makes the road rough and lumpy. You must drive over It at a walk, as over a newly plowed field.' If the weather remalnB dry It gets dusty; If rain comes on it is mass of mud. In course of time It gets worn down fairly smooth and hard; and then It Is time to "work out" some more taxes, and scrape up some more sods and loose dirt again. That Is what road-making has meant In most country places In this state, and what it still means on thousands of miles of highway In the moBt highly improved states of this Union. If, instead of that, the same amount of work had been given for the last twenty-five years to laying drains and making macadam, or even good gravel roadways, we should have today a network of roads all over the Union on which any kind of vehicle could run with ease at any time of the year, We need no carriage tax, nor window pane tax, nor gold watch and silver spoon tax, but only an intelligent and systematic application of our ordinary revenue to the making of roads on a scientific plan. The "friends" of Mr. C. J. Curtis have been Industriously circulating the state mont that Mr. George Johnson, candidate for the ofllc of city attorney on the In dependent ticket, "has not the ability to fill the position." It may not be out ot place to say that Mr. Johnson passed his Oregon law examination, after years ot conscientious study, at tho head of the list of applicants before the supreme court, and that he was complimented from the bench by Judge Murphy on his excellent showing, We append the following letter, dated the "University of Washington and Lee, Lexington, W. Va., July 11, ISM." This letter Is signed by C. A. Clraves,' prof ossor of common and statute laws, and John Randolph Tucker, dean of the university and professor of equity and commercial law, and of constitutional and interna tlonul law. Mr. Tucker is known to every attorney in tho United States as one of tho most brilliant lawyers now living: Mr. Gcoi'Ke Johnson, of Astiria, Ore. attended this law school in the session ot KH-X of nine months. Ills diligence and studious heblts wert exemplary, and Ins acquirements In the law were ample to quality him for successful work In his profession. lie exhibited unquestionable native ability as a thinker and .leaker, and his IiIkIi und honorable character and stiullous methods give promise. In our opinion, of a high position In the profes sion ho has ch.ix.-n. We do not hesitate to say this of him, for ho has .lot only merited our commendations as a student, but our friendship and esteem as a Thi. w.ukly sheft conducted by C. J. Curtis says in Its lus of yesterday. In It'gard to on of that genth-man's numer ous xi!ar,atlom: 'Tor prm.f of this nf. r to K. Osburn, ;i;,.l.La' t poll,--. .iui;;p..' Use abo bears uut the rumor that bos iirrei-t tor SCW.U .Uv iit M J, int it .,., .t cud r -urn nr n-nk-mr a '!'"' ""-re! tloc.tlon, Irrespective of tho fate of I he balance of either ticket. The formation of this mutual admiration society needs only Mr. Osburn's defense of his friend Curtis to ccmvnt the union. Naturally. In response to Mr. Curtis' appeal, Mr. Osburn will be quick to come to the ccrntch with explanations sntlsfnctory to Atr. Curtis. MUTUAL CONFIDENCE. Extraordinary Scene on a Railway (The Jybaert de Kater.) An amusing anecdote of a lady ana gentleman who were traveling together runs as follows: They were strangers together. All at once the gentleman said : "Madam, may I ask you to ,ook out of the window? I should like to make some change In my toilet." "Certainly, sir," she replied, at the same time getting upand turning her back upon him. ' A few moments afterwards he said: "Now, madam, I have finished and you can sit down again." When the lady looked round rhe saw her wale companion transformed lntd an elegant lady, wearing a thick veil. "And now, sir or madam, whatever you are," -said the lady. "I would also request you to put your face out of the window as I, too, wish to make some alterations In my attire." "Certainly, madam," said the man In woman's clothes, and turned at once the other way. "Now you may resume your seat." To his great astonishment the man m woman's garb, on sitting down again, saw his traveling companion transformed Into a man. He burst out laughing and said: "It appears that we are both trying to run away. What have you done? 1 have been robbing a bank." ''And I," said the quondam lady, as he fitted the "darbies" around his fellow passenger's wrists, "am Detective J , from Amsterdam, and have been on your track for the last couple of days and now (presenting a revolver) keep still." UNDER THE WRONQ HEAD (Tcxns Siftlngs.) Parson' Downycouch You promised to publish my Bermon In your paper, but you have not done it. Editor Shears It must be In the paper, 'because I know I had the proof of It. ParBon Downycouch I've looked for It, but cannot find it. Editor Shears What was the text? Parson Downycouch "Feed My Sheep." Editor Shears Here It Is; the new fore man has put it In the sotckralslng de partment. Here It Is under the head of "Sheep-Raising in Western Texas." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. THE DEACON JUMPS A DAY. "Johnny," sharply called out Deacon Ironside, "get up! It's 6 o'clock." Johnny came tumbling down the stulr way In exactly three" minutes, fully dressed. "You're Improving," said the deacon, grimly. "This is the first Sunday morn ing I ever knew you t'o come down In less than an hour. 1 won't have to stand over you with a club this time to get you ready for church." "For church?" echoed Johnny. "1 guess no. What are you talking about, father? Hunkins Bros.' circus is goin' to pass our house In about half an hour on their way to Jimtown. I was aw fully afraid I would miss seein' It. This ain't Sunday. It's Saturday." "Er I guess you're right, Johnny," feebly rejoined tho good deacon, rubbing his chin. PROVEN A BOON. Gentlemen: I have always recom- nended Krause'a Headacne Capsules wherever I have had a chance. They nave proven a veritable boon In no 'umily ngalnRt any and all kinds o eadache. Yours truly, J. W. WALTER. Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chns. Rogers, Astoria Oregon, sole agent. ELIGIBLE. (Harper's Bazar.) "Why don't you apply for a pension ?' "Why (-Mould 1? 1 have never been wounded." "Well, they tell me you lost your head at Antletam. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others, AN IRREVERENT VIEW. (Minneapolis Journal.) First Armenian Any fun tonight? Second Armenian Heaps. All the boy are going up and get slaughtered by the Turks tonight. Want to go along? DeWltt's Little Early Risers for bilious- new. Indigestion, constli atlon. A small pill, a prompt cure, Chas. Rogers. The full name of Chevalier, the London music hall singer. Is Albert Oneslmo Brlt- annlcus Qwathveoye Louis Chevalier. It would make a good yell for a W elch col lego. ECONOMY IN FUEL. The Eureka Fuel Eeono-nlzer Is a eel- entitle: preparation which augment the Intensity of coal and wooa neat in tne oronortkMi of S3 oor cent. If the dlreetton printed on each pack age U carefully alwerved, Uie Eureka Coal Eeonomlser will give to any crdlna- ry or middling coal the iftume va.ue as Umxit of superior quality. The EiKvka Fu.U Kvononuer prevents the shoals, the c Indues and the formation of smoke, which may spoil. In an apart ment, so many vuitU., such curtail ns, paintings, etc. The Eureka burns any kind of gas which mlg'lit destroy the bneat'hmbie air; apartments and factories In 'chlch It Is used are conaequent.y more cieaj-my ana comfortable. In less than five minutes, one can obtain a very brts-k fire wihlch wiU lest thirty hours without being stirr ed up and without any addition of fresh coal. Hence an economy of cool, work and money. The Eureka Economlier producer a neat more soft and more concent ruted; when a normal neat is wvjuea, tne ventilation must be partly stopped and. again, an economy In fuel Is to be relied upon. We guarantee that our preparation pro duce no injurious effort on the heaith, and does not affect In any way stoves; ranges, graces, etc. Lunge consumers can obtain the pro duct, widen we do not hesitate In term ing "nwvclous," at much more reduced price. Ert package beara, wlta very explicit directions, our trade murk, representing four h&ndi crossed together above a lion with this motto: "In union there is strength." Any counterfeiter snail be dealt according to law. We recWve too frequent. y oppilciuions for sample, and K as with r.vrot that we are compelled to refuse the rending of the anw. Heretofore wns have .lb era.'.! y given awajr samples In ardor to popularise our product, but wo cannot afford to support aucih heavy expense any longer. The moderate pile of our pro duct la . In the reach of anybody who want to try it. It ts for the same reason Nut we have decldeU to send it direct on receipt of S cents. To try ts to be convinced ttrjt our pro duct Is a triumph of science. 2 cents each pvicloage, sent free of A.1LKICAN EUREKA Fl'ELECONO.MIZm CO use Brasdwsr. New York. V.S.A. A LITTLE GIRL'S WISH. "Mayn't I be a boy?" said our Mary, The tears In her great eyes of blue, "I'm only a wee little lassie, There's nothing' a woman can do. " 'Tis so, I heard Cousin John say so, -He's home from a great college, too; Ho said. Just now, in the parlor, 'There's nothing a woman can do.' " "My wee little lassie, my darling," Said I, putting back her soft hair, "I want you, my dear little maiden, To smooth away all mother's care, "Is there nothing you can do, my darling? What was that 'pa' said last night? 'My own little sunbeam has been here . I know, for the room Is so bright' , "And there Is a secret, my Mary, Perhaps you may learn It some day The hand that Is willing and loving Will do the most work on the way. "And the work that Is sweetest and dear est, The work that so many ne'er do, The great work of making folks happy Can be dono by a lassie like you!" Elizabeth R. George. THE IDEAL PANACEA. Jaimes L. Francis, alderman, Chicago, says: "I regard Dr. King's Nerw Discov ery as an ideal panacea for coughs, colds and lung complaints, having used It In my family for Khe last five years, to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other preparations." Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I have been a mlnlsttr of the Methodist Episcopal ohurcli for Bl) years or more, and have never found any thing as beneficial, or Bhat gave, me such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discov ery." Try this Ideal cough remedy sow. Trial IWttles free at Charles Rogers' drug store. Mr. Bernard Grenfell, Fellow of Queen's, Oxford, will go to Egypt soon in com pany with D. O. Hogarth In order to con tinue his study of Greek papyri on the spot. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. "Change cars here," said the porter of the palace car. "Thank heaven! some change Is left to us," said the passengers, as they filed out. Detroit Free Press. 'l if:; mi- ii iili.:v idertiie.l In this peper, together with the oholc si perfume.'y, ana toilet articles, etc. an be uoutrht at tr.e lowest prices at I. W. Conn v drue store, opposite Oc cident Hotel A. torla. USE OF THE LEMON. Sliced lemon Is almost as Indispensable nn adjunct of the toilet as of tho tea table. It will, If used with reason, keep the skin white. If rubbed across the fin gernails It is almost as effective as munl cure scissors In keeping (loan hangnails. Plies of people have piles, but DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them. When promptly n plied It cures scalds and Nirns without the illi;litLst pain. ("has. Rogers. A tablet has been erected In the chape of Glrurd college, I'hllaphelpliln, to com memorate the heroism of Stephen Glrard, the founder of the college, during the yel low fever epidemic of 17113. bUCKLEN S ARNICA SALVE. The best salvo In the world foi Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt H ileum, e'ever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Con h, and All Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to gve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cent3 per box. For sole by 'has. Rogers. Odd Fellows' building. Customer Have you "Prometheus Bound?" Clerk (in book store) I have never heard of Prometheus, sir; but all our books are bound. Philadelphia Rec ord. One Minute Cough Cure Is rishtly nam ed. It affords Instant relief from suffer ing when afflicted with u severe cough or cold. It acts on the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs and. never falls to give Immediate relief. Chas. Rogers. Leopard Have you packed your trunk, Mr. Elephant? Elephant If you don't .top twitting me about my trunk, Leop ard, I'll knock the spots off you, Detroit Free Press. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. mm Si mm H i rr I' 1 li. TOR A CASE IT WILL NOT CURE, Ansgreeable Laxative and NERVE TON 10. EicldhyPniKtrlswior scut by mull 2&O..60O and $1.00 per package. Samples free. f The Favorite TOOTH POTOSa ULw MUfortlieToothflQdBiuUli,2oa. For Sale by J. W. Ct.nn. ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Anuria Fins Tmi mi Coffees, TaH Dellcac'es. DomestJ. nj Tropical Fruits, Veirotahlcs, Suear Cured Hums. Racun. Etc. Choke Fresh - and - Salt - Meats. FORTY-SIXTH STREET GRADE NO TICE. Notice is .hereby given, r-hat the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria, have do-toranlneU to eetablirti the grade of 46th street from the north line of Ator street to the soutih line of a-liey-way running tJurougih Block No, 102. alt In tlwt part ct the city of Astorlt as !l l out ajid re corded by John Adair, at the following hetstirts above he t.'S5 of grsdiB as es- MblkCved -by Orvilnarrce No. il ent tUd, "An Ordinance to eatablth a base of gnaoVv for tthe strata of As'oi-ia, to-wli: At tfae Intersection of te.h street with .eftor street, S3 ftMt. At the' intersection of ifirh street wltn aKey-wwy running; dhrous'l Bkek No. 103. 25 feet. The street and crossing to be level thTO'-isP-otit llhe wU;ti thereof. At any time within ten days from rhe final puffitroHtlon of this notice, to-nit: Within tn days from the 3rd day of De cember, 1SS6, renonstnnc can t made niralrst said proposed rrUde and If with in saM time a. written r'mors ranee atwlnst tcte name ire filed wltn rve Aud tor and Police Judire by tine owners of rhree fotKiU-s of Wre property adjacent to siM portion of id street, moth grade ttiall not be citahl !tie!. , Hy Mc of e OVrrrmcn Council. Atwwt: K. OSBURN. Auditor aoid Tol'.-e Judtfe.j Aritoria, Oregon. November 19;h, lXJj. L VHiDE r Ti mm sj A-TORIA. IRON WORKS Coaromly St., foot of Jscksoa, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marlnt Engines. Boiler work. Situs boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superintendent A. Lk Fox Vice President O. B. Prael Secretary ELECTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that on the 11th day of December, 1K5, a general election will be held in the city of Astoria, Ore gon, for 'i'lty officers, Namely: MAYOR. TREASURER. ' AUDITOR AND POLICE JUDGE. ATTORNEY. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. HARBOR MASTER. SURVEYOR. ONE POLICE COMMISSIONER. ONE COUNCILMAN FROM EACH WARD. There Is hereby set off and established for the purposes of the general city elec tion, to be held on the said 11th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1S95, The following election precincts, to-wlt: WARD NUMBERED; ONE. PRECINCT NUMBERED ONE, shall embrace all of the City of Astoria lying west of Seventh street, as laid out and recorded by J. McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney, and as laid out and recorded by Hustler and Aiken. PRECINCT NUMBERED TWO, All of the City of Astoria bounded on the west by Seventh street. In McClurc's, and Hustler and Aiken's Astoria, and on the east by the eastern boundary of Ward No. One. WARD NUMBERED TWO. PRECINCT NUMBERED THREE, the boundaries of Precinct Numbered Three shall be EXACTLY the same as those ot Ward Number Two, In said City. WARD NUMBERED THREE. PRECINCT NUMBERED FOUR. The boundaries of Precinct Numbered Four, shall be EXACTLY the same as those ot Ward Number Three In said city. The following places are hereby deslg nated as Polling Places for said City elec tion, to-wlt: FIRST WARD. Polling Place Numbered One, In Pre cinct Numbered One, shall be at what Is known as Engine House Number One, on Astor street. Polling Place Numbered Two In Pre clnct Numbered Two, shall be at what, is known as Engine House Number Two, on Commercial street. SECOND WARD. Polling Place Numbered Three, In Pre cinct Numbered Three, Shall be at what is known as "The Welch Block," on Com merclal street. THIRD WARD. Polling riace Numbered Four, In Pre cinct Numbered Four, shall be nt what Is known as "Smith's Cannery, In Adair's Astoria. WARD ONE. Polling Place Numbered One. Judges 10. Z. Ferguson, Charles Wll Bon, and 11. S. Worsley. Clerks II. B. Ferguson, and Thomas Boelling. Polling Place Numbered Two. Judges A. M. Smith, J. M. Hughes, and William LaForce. Clerks H. M. Thatcher, and L. E. Sc llg. WARD TWO. Polling Place Numbered Three. Judges C. R. Thomson, Thomas Dealy, and D. H. Welch. Clerks Frank Cook and Harry Gray. WARD THREE. Polling Place Numbered Four. Judges Fred Wright, George Morton, and W. F. McGregor. Clerks-W. B. Adair and O. F. Morton. The following named Judges are here by appointed and designated Chairmen in the respective Polling Places: Precinct Number One E. Z. Ferguson. Precinct Number Two J. M. Hughes. Precinct Number Three C. R. Thom son. Precinct Number Four Fred Wright. By order of the Comon Council, Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, Nov. 26th, 1895. NOTICE OF FILING OF ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 12. IRVING AVENUE. FROM muh TO 18ilh STREET. Notice Is hereby given that Assessment Roll No. 12, containing tine special assess ment for tine improvement of Irving ave nue, from 15th to 18th street, all In Shive'.y's Astoria, Oregon, ihua been filed In the office of the Auditor and Police Judire and Is now open for Inspection and -will remain open until Wednesday, Dee. 4th, 1S95, prior to which tk-ne all objections to such assessment must be fl'.ed (In -writing) wltlh the Auditor and Police Judge. The Committee on Streets and Public Ways, together with the Street Assessors will .meet 1n tfte Council Chambers of tlhe City Hall, in the City ot Astoria, on Wednesday, December 4th, 1S95, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., to review and equalize such assessment and report their action to the Common Coun cil. K. OSBURN, , Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, Nov. 21st, 1836. NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AC CEPTANCE OF DRAIN IN ADAIR'S ASTORIA. Notice Is hereby given that J. A. Fas tabend, contractor for the construe tlon of drain In Adair's Astoria, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 1994, on this 23d day of November, 1895, filed In the office of the Auditor and PoIAya Judge of the City of Astoria, the Certificate of tihe City Surveyor, and Superintendent of stress, approved bv the Committee on Streets and Public Ways. After the explrution of the time here inafter speumed, ft no objections to the acceptance of such work he tiled and the Common CouncS eftall deem such Im provement properly completed, according to the contract land pans soul specifica tions therefor, tlhe same may toe accepted Objections to the acceptunce of raid improvement or any part thereof, may toe mej in the office of the AudEtor and PoMce Judge on or before Wednesday, Nov. 27, 15. K. OSBURN, Auditor and Polk-e Judge. Astoria, Oregon, November 23d, 1895. NOTICE OF FILING OF ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 11, 46TH STRRET. IN ADAIR'S ASTORIA. Notlco Is hereby givi that Assessment Roll No. 11, containing the npfc'al assess ment for the Improvement of 45tCi str et from alleyway running tfirough Bocks 101 and 101, to the north line of Asor street, all in the city of Astoria, as la d out and recorded by John Adair and com- morly known as Adair's As.orti. has b en tVed in the office of the Auditor and Po lice Judge and ts now open for Inspection and will remain open until Wednesday, Decemlber 4th, 1895, prior to wWeto. t'me aH objections to such assessment must be fld (in writing) -with the Auditor and Police Judge. The Committee on Streets and Public Ways, together with the Street Assess- will me In the Council Cnanet- of the City Hall, In Use City of 'orla, on Wednesday, Ds-wntoer 4th, IS, at the hour ot 1 o'clock p. m., to review and en ua'. lie such assess nnt and report t!ielr action to the Common Coun cil. K. OsRt'RV, Auditor and Police Judje. Astoria. Oregon. Nov. Ost. 1896. Indio The Oasis of thf Colorado desert A fxew T-lealth ' esort BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical ' Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for Sufferers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The objections urged against Indio In the past by the large numbers who otnerwise would nave been glad to tak advantage of Its beneficial climate, has Deen a lack of suitable accommoda tion. The Southern Pacific Company, takes pleasure In announcing that sev eral Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just been erected at Indio sta tion, that will be rented to applicant at reasonable rates. They are fur nit hed with modern conveniences, sup plied with pure artesla-j water, and so situated as to gove occupants all the advantages to be derived from a more or less protracted residence in this de Ughtful climate. (From the San Francisco Argonaut.) "In the heart of the great desert ot the Colorado which the Southern Pa cifio road traverses there Is an oasis called Indio, which. In our opinion, If the sanitarium of the earth. We be lleve, from personal investigation, thai for certain Invalids, the-e is no spot or this planet so favorable." G. T. Stewart, M. D., writes: "The purity of the air, and the eternal sun shine, nil one with wonder and delight. Nature has accomplished sc much that there remains but little for man to do. As to its possibilities as a health resort, here Ib the most per fect sunshine, with a temperature al ways pleasant, a perfectly dry sol! for rain la an unknown factor: pure oxygen, 'densa atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired? It is the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu matics. Considering the number of sufferers who have been cured, I hav no hesitancy In recommending this genial oasis as the haven of the afflict ed." INDIO Is 6l2 miles from SAN FRAXOIFCO AIM 130 .niles from LOS ANTJELES Fare from Los Angeles' t.oo For further information Inquire of any Southern Pacific Company agent, or address E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. S. P. Co J. B. KIRK LAND, Dlst. Pass. Agt Oor. Firs tnd Alder StRM Portland. Or MUSIC HfljjL). KEATING & CO will open their Music Hal st 39 As-or street, Saturday the K"th. Tliey will A- it It keep numberless goo 1 liquors and cigars besifies having good music nil the time. Canadian Pacific RAILWAY. AMERICA'S Gnatest -- Trin-Continenta Railway System. FROM OCEAN TO -IN- Palace Dining Room and Sleeping Cars, Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. ALSO - Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Views of the Wonderful Mount ain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 aved on all ti-ketn I'mt. Tourist c-r th b.'l on wh els. i iiuipmcutf of the very finea thn-us'.- uU Canadian Pacific ROM MAIL STEAMSHIP USE -TO- China and Japan. China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C- Empress of India t-mpress of Jdpan Emprrss of China i rss of India F-prtssof Jiran Empress t Ch na Aug. ;iri. Aug a6th. Sept l6:h. Oct wth, Nov. nth. Dtc, oth Aastraliaa steamer love Vancnaver, B. ioia m every aaonin. For ticket rates and information call on or address JAS. FINLAYSON, Aeent, Astoria. Or. V. F. Csrv-n, Traveling Pass. At;t, ' TVomi. Wh. Ore. McL. D.oii, Dst fss. Aet.. Vancouver, B. C PRFrH8IOVAi CARDS German Phynicla'n. Eclectic. DR. BART EL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Albert Dunbur'a Btore, cor. 9th and Co tmerciul. Prices: CallB. i. oonflnementi, 10.00. Oieratlons at afflce free; medicines furnished. W, C LOGAN. D. r. a. DENTAL PARLORS. Mansell Block.67l Third atreei Uli. EILIV JAWSON. PHYSICIAN AND 6URGEON Office over Olsen's drug store. Hour, lit to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 and 1 to 8 p. m. bun daya. 10 to 11- LIBERTY P. MULLIN1X, M. D., PHYSICIAN AMU UKU1UIN Office, Third St., Astoria, Ore. Special attention given to all chronl disease-. OK. O. B. ESTEfl, PHYSICI -N AND SURGEON. Special attention to diseases of worn en and surgery. Office over Danzlger'n etnre. Astoria Telephone 'o 62 JAY TUTTLifi, M. D- Ktll PHI MOAN. SURGEON. AN AilCOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms and 6, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and t to 6. Residence, 63, Cedar street. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found In his oiilce until It o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until p. m., and from 5 until 7:30 evenings. H. T. CROS-BT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 408 Commercial Street. W. M. LaForce. S. B. Smith. LaFORCE 4 SMITH, ATTORNEYS-AT-YAW, 586 Commercial street. I. Q. A. BUWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LA 17. Office on Second Street. Astoria, or. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlxoa Chester V. Doipn. DOLPH, NIXON & DOLPH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, .6, and 27, Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection business promptly attended to. Claims against the government a spe cialty. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. P. and A, M. Regular communications held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. W. G. HOWELL. W. M. E. C. HOLDEN. Sear-tary. MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE, NOTARY PUBLIC. W. C. CAS9ELL, 178 Tenth street. WHEN IN PORTLAND u!i on Handley & Haas. 150 First street, and get the Dally Astonan. Vlsiturf need not miss their morning p-per vim. there. BEVERAGKH WINES AND BliAN DUOS. l-sre '.11 fandel wine Instead of coffee 01 to.-. Fifty cents per gallon. Don't fore. peach and apricot brandy. A! Frt-ach Cojtnao and wine at Kit x Gilbert Snap A Kodak at any coining im ..I our store and you'll itei portrait of a man hrlinmin... over wltn pleawiht tlionitlita. Sueh qithiliy in tit.- liquof, we have tooHer;uv etumli to PLEASE ANY MAN. Con?e and Try Them HUGHES & CO. EXTENDED SYMPATHY. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you," is sympathetically own in the following llnea, the pre umptlun being that smpa;u in b-Ji-u, or akin to pain or sorrow: "Gentlemen: Please aeuil Kr.iui'r Headache Capsules us follows: Tuo boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna. N. Dak. Two boxes to LUlte Wilcox, Brookinnd, N. Dak. 1 nave always been a Kreiit sufferer from headache and your Cap sules are the only thing that relieves me." Yours very truly, FLORA SEAY, Havana, N. Dak. For BCle by Chas. Rogers, Astoria. Or. Sole Agent A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cess aud Squemciue Streets. Astoria, bra STEAMERS Telephone & Bailey Gatzert Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Co. Two Daily Boats to Portland "Telephone" leaves Astoria at 7 p. in. daily (except 8nmiav). r Lesvea Portland daily at 7 a. m., ex eept Sunday. . "Bailpv tintzcrt" leutroo a n 1 , , ....... noon, 1 uen- day. 'We.lnwday, Tlmrn.lav, Friday and -Wii relay morning at 6:45 a. m. ; Sunday JJ. III. lvea Portliitid daily nt 8 p. m., ex itSnuiltiy. On Saturday al 11 e 11. ni. C. W. STONE, A vent, Astoria. U. B. Scott Presldenet!ePhne tt E. A. Seeley. Qen'l Agt. Portland s. h. wilZirri PLUMBING, das and Steam Fitting, Hot Air, Steam and Water H eating.-. 178 Twelfth wre Atnrta. O, North Paeifie Bremery JOHN KOPP, Prop Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. Leave order with J. I 8unvside Sin . l.rT JT0" 1 Cartoon at tbr the Conopo-Uo Baloon. AU onr,J be promptly attended to. wla Ei"- 1 1 1 -,- - .