The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 28, 1895, Image 4

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    .V.. - ............ ' -s j i, i-'. '. . .'.--"-.-..,, . ; " ,
S jiUiiv A?ifpuAy, AoHUi Witituix toMiii. 'fi, ite
When you too those, tal
brass, centre draft Banquet
lamps in our show window
today for 1.16 you'll say
'.'Were been making ugiu u
them." The lamps them
selves would call it a burning
; Heavy .oled ina'a shoes $2
Branded on the sole by the
maker to sell for $3. 'Our
Local weather for twenty-four hour
ending at 5 p. m. yesieritay, iun. ....
by the United States Department or Ag
rlculture, weamer uuii-uu.
Maximum temperature, 50 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 42 degrees,
propinliaton. 1.02 Inches.
Total precipitation from September 1st
lWlii, to (late, 8.SS incnes.
Deficiency of preclpitalton from Sep'
tember 1st, lKis, to Hate, incnes.
vnur croeer for Ito BCemi tea. It
will' pleaee you.
; E. O. Cough Syrup will cure your cough
For ea".e at Estes-unain irug Miore.
Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays
the highest casn price ior iur sums.
The coolest and best glass of beer In
town can be bought at the Gambrlnus
saloon, 12th and Commercial streets.
Those new perfume-. Just received at
the Estes-Craln Drug store are tne unest
In the city.
Purest of wines, liquors and cigars
elegant free lunch all the dally paper,
at the Gambrlnus, 12th and Commercial.
Hunger is a very disagreeable sensa
tlon. There ,s a place in "this town where
you an satisfy .ts demands wltn tne
cleanest and best 25 cent meal you ever
ate. That place Is Joe Terp's.
Just arrived at Coneland Thorsen's,
a nice line of high grade footwear for
ladles, all widths from A to EE. No
rouble to show goods, and satisfaction
guaranteed to every purchaser. Call and
examine them.
wjiof hrinira nennla back to the AstO'
rla Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere else? May
be It s one tmng, ana may ue u - iuinra,
tint tl. fnr-t remains buck they come.
And of course the Astoria Wood Yard is
proud of It.
Nothing so distressing as a hacking
cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer
from It. Nothing so dangerous If al
lowed to continue. One Minute Cough
Cure gives immediate reVlef. Chas. Rog
SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, is In great demand
Pocket size contains twenty-five doses
onlv 25 cents. Children love it. Bold
by J. W. Conn.
Corner 13th and Commercial Streets.
All kinds ot I1.A and poultry on Jiand,
including a sde.'led slock ot cigars and
tobaccos, cindleft fruit, etc. Give mo a
trial. MRS. FKAKES
Ndiv Hestaurnnt Swve all the deli
cacies of t;he mon at the lowest pilees.
Open until midnight. Special attention
given to theatre parties. No. r71 Commer
cial street.
Notice In 'hereby given that eenleVl pro
poses will be received by the committee
on ways ami means of the city council
ot the City of Astoria, Clnitp County,
Oregon, unitll December I'.tih, 18,i, nt 2
o'clock p. m., for tihe sate of Astoria mu
tilcijU bonds In the sum ot $50,000 at six
percent for twenty years.
For full partkmlara adthva K. Oxburn
'Auditor and Police Jw.lge, Astoria, Ore
gon. The rlRfot to ivjct any and nil hMs to
hnrflby resecml.
By order of the Common Council,
Aetost: , K. OSItURN,
Auditor and Polieo Judge,
Astoria, Oregon, Nov. 11th, 1K'J3.
Overcoats ami winter wraps will he In
fashion. Thoy can be discord, tempor
arily While traveling In the Meowi heated
trains of the Chl.-agj, Milwaukee wind Si.
Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for
peed aind for sealVty, no other Una ran
compare with tlii grou ralhvnv of the
fop; rent.
Throe comfortably furnished rooms,
with fln'l-cUiMd table board, at Mrs. Hoi.
dn', corner 9th and Dunne streets.
boaiM without room U dshvil.
For the remarkably amall sum of lb
cents one can procuro an excellent chick
en dinner every Sunday at tho popular
Denver Kitchen," east side ot 8th street
between Astor and Hond. Mr. Richard
son, the proprietor, alao assures tho pub
lic that they can obtain at his place a
we-.l-cooked, well served breakfast, din
ner or supper any day in the woek for
the above mentioned price. Give him a
call and be convinced that he speaks the
For a dinnor. served. on the Dining cars
f the Ohloaifo, Milwaukee and St. Paul
Hallway will bo ..-m to any addrvss on
" lwo cent postase nuunn. An.
Ply to Geo. H. Heatfonl.' (WihtuI 1-a'fki
Kr AMlt. Old C'ol.lnv llll.i,..
Tll..,a ' vmu-.i
There Is nothing but bold, clear-cut
truth in the statement that to secure per-
ftct fit. quality and style In ymt aho
at the lowest reasonable prtcea-you must
go to the firm of John Hahn 4 Co 478
Commercial street. ''
1 Hove You
Seen Ouf
I $
j Stamped Ilineips, t
1 Dolllrt, fray Cloths,
Splashers, pillow Shams,
Laundry Bags, Collar &
Cuff Bags,
Table Covers, Cushion Covers.
I filbert Danbar
Use the Royal Society Silks.
King Turkey today.
Side combs at Dunbars.
W. H. Gucnn, of Seattle, Is in the city.
Drlscoll, of Gray's River, is in
J. Bunswamjer, of St. Louis, is at the
Astoria weather Is all right when it does
not rain.
Kggnos as your mother made it at
The Office.
Chas. R. Wright, of Boston, is a guest
of the Occident.
Jno. W. Westport,
giving In the city.
is spending Thunks-
L. Wise and A. Lund, of Skamokawa,
are visiting Astoria.
O. A. Johnson and II. Kinsey, of New
York, are at the Parker.
There are two kinds of salmon twine-
Marshall's, and the others.
P. O'Hara, of Skamokawa, called on his
Astoria friends yesterday.
Umbrellas, HOc at Dunbars.
The storm yesterday did not dampen the
ardor of the school children.
an church Thanksgiving nay at 7:45 J),
m. Admission 10 and IS cents, - Good pro
gram. AH Invited.
August Erlckaon Is spending ids Thanks
giving In Astoria.
Front the latest acocunts tho Red Men's
ball must have been a howling success.
With the funds being raised for the
AmateurBand, It Is undsrstaod that prof.
Navonl will bo employed as Instructor,
as tho boys have gone as far as they can
by themselves.
Don't forget that an experienced fisher
man, when he won the choice of various
kinds of ilsh twine, as nrst prize In a
Bailing: race at the last Astoria regatta,
chose Marshall's. Why?
Mr. C. C. Stlfller, of Southern California,
an expert accountant, arrived in Astoria
yesterday with his family, ond will make
this hla home and will be engaged with
the railroad contractors.
The Adair school is Justly proud of
the record for the past month of room
six. As It has neither an absent nor
disgrace (tardy) mark. 'The per cent of
punctuality and attendance is 100.
Thanksgiving day services at Grace
church today at 10:30 a. m. Morning
prayer sermon and Holy Eucharist. Ho
ly Innocents' will Join In the service. The
offering for the Good Samaritan Hospital,
Citron, Lemon, and Orange Peel, Cur
rantsfl Raisins, Sweet and Roiled Cider,
Nuts, Cooking Brandy, Cranberries,
Plum Pudding, Mince Meat, Oranges,
Lemons, Grapes, etc., etc., at Foard &
Stokes Co.'s.
Embroidery rings,
5 cents a pair at
Hereafter, the three best reports of the
Friday afternoon school exercises, writ
ten by pupils, not exceeding 100 words,
each, no two reports of the same room or
class to be received, will be published In
the Astorian. -
This being a legal holidny, the general
delivery and carriers' windows will be
open from 9 to 10 o'clock a. m. and from
6 to 6 p. m. Money order and registry
windows closed all day. Tho carriers take
a holiday. Herman Wise, P. M.
The Society Minerva held their regular
meeting last night. A Bplendld program
was rendered, after which the society de.
bated the subject, "Should commrecial
education be preferred to a mechanical
trade." Affirmative, O. Settem; negative,
P. Stengland.
John Swan and J. W. Reed, of John
Day's, were In town yesterday.
Geo. F.l Robertson, of Portland, regis
tered at the Occident yesterday.
A. E. King, of Ilwaco, was in town yes
terday, on his way from. Portland.
Auction sale of dry goods Friday after
noon at 2 p. m. at Oregon Trading Co.
Marshall's twine 50-15 ply Is the
strongest, cheapest and best In the world.
The beHt Tom and Jerry and eggnog
will be found Thanksgiving day at The
Is a time-honored adage which
"To owe Is human; to pay up
James F. Kearney and Miss Josephine
F. Leinenweber were yesterday granted a
license to wed.
The only business transacted at the
adjourned meeting of the council held
last evening was the passage of the rail--way
franchise ordinance which gives to
the Astoria and Columbia River Railway
Company the right of way through cer
tain streets in the city.
Mrs. J. J. Lynch and her sister, Mrs.
Smith, came In from Mlshawaka yes.
terday for the purpose of removing Mr.
Lynch, who Is at present conllned In the
hospital, with rheumatism, to the hot
springs in California, where it is hoped
that he will ba benefitted.
The talk made last evening before the
cty council by land agent Gojxlin on the
railroad franchise deserved the innny fa
vorable comments which it received. Mr.
Gosslin thoroughly understands his bus
iness and knows how to present his facts
so that others can understand them.
John Little, H. P. McCain, Jus. Mitchell,
and Jos. R. Kratthoff, U. S. A., were in
the city yesterday.
Mr. K. C. Holden went to Portland lust
night where he will remain a week on a
Isit to his daughter.
Engineer Jamieson, of the railroad com
pany, went to Portland hiBt night to
spend his Thanksgiving.
Queer sights were seen on the streets
lat evening as the time approached for
the opening of the ball.
The Astoria Amateur Rrnss Rand, a c.
serving organization, and one which has
herctofroe had no assistance from the
citizens, has now reached a point whers
they can no longer maintain their organ
ization without some help. A paper is be
ing circulated for subscriptions which will
no doubt be heartily given, as the town
cannot atTord to be without a band.
Celebrate Thanksgiving Day in
an Appropriate Manner.
Blight Essays, Recitations and
Music by Bright Pupils- Princi
ples of Character Tanght.
J. C. Murray, representing Goldsmith &
iOeweiiberg, of Portland, is spending
Thanksgiving in Astoria,
Kgg nog at the Railroad Exchange, No.
430 Hond street, today the new general
manager of the road will preside.
Mr. Ed. M. Swasey, of the "Free Press,"
Redding, Cal., paid a visit to Astoria
yesterday, on his way to South Rend.
Thanksgiving lunch, with Tom and Jer-
ry-at The Olllce. '
P. Robinson, R. T. M. Sutterthwalte,
and II. F. Gullixson, of San Francisco,
were guests of the Occident yesterday.
Miss Violet Howlby, who has been at
tending the Portland Academy, arrived
ome yesterday to spend Thanksgiving.
Royul Society silks at Dunbars.
A black fult hat is nattily trimmed with
ellow seedy hearts of popples and velvet
hrysanlhemums of colors to harmonize.
All of the merchants yesterday reported
an exceptionally largo trade. Everybody
Bccmt'd to hnve something to be thankful
Mr. K. M. Zller, who came in from
Mlshawaka yesterday, says that tho
roads In that section are all but impassa
Yesterday John Peterson and - Cosmo
Frnnciscovitch forfeited their bail of J25
each, for selling liquor without a license,
and the cases against W. tV. Whipple and
Joe Terp were set for trial tomorrow.
The Liquor Dealers' Association caused
another arrest In the afternoon, that ot
the proprietor of tho Bon Ton, whose
case will also be heard tomorrow.
Herman Wise, the Reliable One Price
Clothier, requests all of his customers
who have bought goods since ho opened
his fine new store to-call and get their
tickets to the Masquerade ball; every
purchaser of $5 worth of goods Is entitled
to a ticket entitling holder and ladles to
admission; a number ot fine prizes will
be presented to the best dressed maskers
the best sustained characters, and the
best dancers.
All silk satin ribbons for fnncy work,
.02c to 12'4c per yard at Dunbar's.
Astor Lodge, K. of P., last night elected
the following officers for the ensuing
year: C. C, K. E. Shaw; V. C, Adolph
Johnson; prelate, Jerry Ruben; M. of W.,
Theo. Josephsen; M. of K., J. fl. Ross:
M. of V., August Dunlelson; K. of R. and
S., D. R. Blount: M. at A., C. II. Oerk
wltz: 1. a., L. Anderson: O. G C. G.
Pondbury; trustee for three years, Alex.
Campbell; hall committee, August Dan
lelson, Adolph Johnson; medical examin
ers, O. B. Estes, Jay Tuttle.
Oscar Wlcklund, of the Point Adams
.He Saving crew, rode the third degree
goat In Astor Lodge No. fi, K. of P., last
Grand bull In Suoml Hall, will be given
on November 30th, at 8 o'clock Saturday
night, by Kalewa Band. Admission DO
Mr. J. J. Price, of Portland, and Miss
'.nuna PeVol, a former resident of As-
oiia will be married in Portland this
Try the
P. N. Corsets for sale at Dun.
8. II. Willett yesterday commenced tho
Job of moving the building in which his
In shop Is located, to the lot adjoining
he Astor House.
Pumpkins. Hubbard Squash, Caullfiotvcr
Celery. String Beans, Qreen Peas, Toma-
ocs. Cucumbers, Artichokes, Sprouts, at
Foard & Stokes Co.
Slock Fish, Anchovies, Cape Cod Mack
erel, Eastern Codfish, Smoked Herrings,
Bloaters, Norwegian Herrings, etc., etc.,
at Foard & Stokes Co.'s.
New Jersey may be the home of the
mosquito, but. In view of the fact that
It is also the home of Marshall's twine
factories, the world can forgive it.
Leave your orders at the "Pat" Market
571 Commercial street, for Thanksgiving
turkeys. One thousand pounds came di
rect from Southern Oregon this morning.
Mr. Robert Paul, the draughtsman who
made the tine map of Astoria for P. L.
Hoyls & Co., will arrive hero next Mon
day and begin at once to draw. another
map for this firm, beginning at the west
end of the railroad bridge, where the first
map of Astoria leaves off, and runulng to
the Ocean beach, taking In Warrenton,
Flavel and new Astoria. This firm ot
real estate agents deserves the greatest
cerdit for having In their office the finest
map ever shown in this city, and any
ono deslrng to know where any properly
(s located In Clatsop county can do no
better than call upon them. ,
It was stated on good authority yester
duy that the owners of the I. O. O. F.
building had given permission to Messrs.
D. McTavlsh and Harry Hamblett to
tear out the Bide of the building, In order
that they might be able to get the largo
elk, which they had presented to the
order, into the lodge room: the bulliling
could then be rebuilt around his Elkshlp.
It would be too bad If the memorial ser
vice Bhould have to be held without the
new ornament to the lodge room. H
was also reported that failing to get the
elk Into tho lodge room Mr. Hamblett
Intendea to photograph It and present the
picture to the order. The Elks do not
care for expenses.
The city schools yesterday afternoon
held exercises celebrating Thanksgiving
day at which, in spite of the storm, a
large number of the friends and parents
of the pupils were present. It is an ex
cellent idea," said one business man, "to
Instill into the minds and hearts of the
children those principles of character
which enabled the Puritan fathers to
plant their little colony on an unknown
The exercises at all of the schools are
reported as having been most interesting,
if a trifle too long in some instances. The
pupils gave evidence of careful training
and an intelligent Interest in their work
and appreciation of the day they were
The following are a few of the programs
which were rendered:
Tb-j annual Thanksgiving program was
rendered by the Clceronean Literary So
ciety, yesterday afternoon:
The room was very tastefully decorated
by the memebers of the society. Among
the visitors were School Directors Conn,
Thompson, Higglns, and Rev. Bollinger,
each of whom addressed the society.
The regular program was as follows:
Reading, Clara Simpson; recitation, Wil
lie Gray, Rcba Hobson, Anton Johnson,
Thos. McCann, Annie Nowlen; chorus, by
the choir: essay, Ralph Worsley, Bessie
Sabo, Paul Trulllnger; current topics, Ma
bel Copeland, Win Crosby, Grace Foss.
A number of patrons and friends as
sembled with the school children In Room
6 to enjoy the exercises prepared by the
school. Following is the program:
Opening song, Room 4.
Responsive declamation. Room 1
Recitation by three little girls. "Mlnec
Pies," Room 3.
Thanksglvng song, Room 2.
Dialogue, "Gobble, Gobble, Gobble,"
Primary Grade.
. Recitation, Room 3.
A Thanksgiving number, by five boys,
Room 4.
Duet, "The Robin Song," Room 6.
Recitation, Room 4.
"How to Make Pumpkin rics," by three
girls, Room 5.
"The Good Sumaritan," recitation by
Alice Gray, Room 6.
A medley by a number of girls. Room 6.
All sang the national hymn, "America."
In the closing remarks Mr. Jackson
stated that the donations from the chil.
dren to the poor were the largest within
his knowledge, ever given by the school.
There were twelve or fourteen bushels of
potatoes, besides chickens, pumpkins, pies
bread and other eatables too numerous to
mention. All felt that it is Indeed "more
blessed to give than to receive."
Singing, opening verse and responsive
service; prayer, by Rev. J. J. Walter;
"Greeting Song," introductory remarks
hy teacher; "First National Thanksgiv
ing," Thomas Norman; "Thanksgiving
for Harvest," Vitcorla Alt; "Mr. Horner,
of Grumble Corner," Amy Rannells;
"Reuben Fisher," Mabel Williams; "John
White's Thanksgiving," Edith Heyes:
"Hallelujah," with violin and organ ac
companiment: "Thanksgiving," twelve
primary pupils; "The Sparrow's Thanks
giving," Victor Agren; "In Grandma's
Kitchen," Tina Heyes; "Praise the Lord,"
seven primary pupils; "Thanksgiving,"
primary pupils: "That Is So," Claude
Norman; "The Dressed Turkey," Clyde
Norman; "Dr. Turkey Cock," Turie Nord
strom: "Thank God for Pleasant Weath
er," Annie Hanson: "An Awful Little
Maiden," Adolph Mlnard; "God Wants
Us All," Louis Kroger: "The Old Hearth
stone," Mabel Williams; "Come Little
LeaveB," Antonta Haaven; "November
and the Leaves," Henry Norberg; "Early
and Late," Francis Norberg; instrumen
tal music, two violins; "Little Nut Peo
ple," eight boys; "True Charity," six
girls; Instrumental music, organ and tw
violins: "A Boy's Opinion of Thanksgiv
ing," Clarence Norberg; "Mother's Pump
kin Pies," Tlllio Williams: "A Little
Girl's Thanksgiving," Selma Norberg:
"Progress" with song "Jubilee," three
boys and four girls; "Sunllowers," four
girls. Remarks by School Director BenJ.
Young and Rev. J. J. Walter.
At the McClure school Rooms 7 and
Joined their programs. A special feature
or the exercises was the reading of a
prize story and poem written by High
School students, Room 8 having offerer!
(1.25 for the best poem and Room 7 $1.50
ror tne best Thanksgiving Btory. Miss
Annie McLean received the prize for the
atory and Donald Ross for the poem.
The blackboard Illustrations by Rtnm 8
were artistic and amusing.
J 1
One Price to the Capil
One Price to the Wage-Earner!!
One and the Same Price to All!!!
And No Deviation for Anybody.
Do yon idealize the tremendous importance of lids "rand sys
tem? Don't you see that herein, lies your protection when you start
out to purchase clothing ? In our establishment -by far the great
est in Astoriaevery article is marked in lainFiures; every
article is guaranteed; every price is guaranteed, and we don't want
your money if you are 'not perfectly satisfied. Wehnow that our
prices are the lowest in the citn. Cnid we mark everything in plain
figures so that you may know it too. You can depend on our ads
being carried out to the letter.
flpew of the JVIany Bargains ii? Oaf Store:
Men's Cassimere or Cheviot Suits -
Men's Cass, Cheviot or Worsted Suits -
Men's Extra Fine Cass, Cheviot or Worsted Suits
Our price, $7.50
- Our price, $11.50
Our price, $15.50
Boys' and Children's Suits
Men's and Boys' Overcoats
flwaq Down!
The Reliable
Price Clothier.
Auditor and Police Judge
1 V;:J' J
J ' Pi WhattvVBatrle'Axe-.- )
v i i.i
Street Commissioner
Harbor Master
Police Commissioner
Councilman 1st Ward
Councilman 2d Ward
Cotmcllmnn 3d Ward
w. f. McGregor.
Why is Dr. Howard the leading dentist?
Because he makes a success of crown and
and bridge work ond exttracts and fills
teeth without pain.
Foster's real kid laced gloves at Dunbar's.
;cr orders early.
License to wed were Issued yesterday
by County Clerk Dunbar to N. W. Chris
tlHiisnn and Miss Birdie Trep. and Rich
ard Montgomery and Miss Malinda S.
Ladies' gloves for morning wear should
lie the four button glove of heavy kid
or dogskin. Other gloves are pearl color
or dead white trimmed with heavy triple
stltrhlngs of silk.
There will be an entertainment-literary
and musical In the Swedish Luther-
"Apropos of the day," said a well
known merchant yesterday, "one little
boy will always have reason to give
thanks, and as he grows older will more
fully realise the Import of the word. 1
speak of the little nephew of Tom Trul
llnger, who, on the LSth, while playing
about the mill and getting tired, started
oft home by himself. A few minute's la
ter his uncle followed and was shocked
to see the body of his nephew Hosting
on the water, face up, as If lifeless. Los
ing no time, the big hearted man Jumped
Into the water to the rescue of the boy
and almost lost his own life m tne etrori
to save that of the little fellow. These
ere things people remember with thanks."
Menu for the dinner to be given
Thanksgiving day at the Hotel Tlghe, by
the ladies of the Presbyterian church.
Turkey with Cranberry Sauce.
Chicken Pie. Cold Boiled Ham.
Salad. Celery.
Sweet and Irish Potatoes.
Corn. Tomatoes. Boiled. Onions.
rium Pudding. Mince and Pumpkin Pie.
Nuts and Raisins. Coffee and Tea.
Price of dinner, !5 cents. No reduction
for children.
Regular monthly meeting of the Colum
bia River Fishermen's Protective Union
will be held at their reading room Tues
day, November 3, ISMi, at ":30 p. m. sharp.
Members in good standing are requested
to be present and have their book or re
ceipt along. SOFUS JENSEN,
The, J. O. U. A. M.. last night donated
$50 for the purchase of tickets to the
Thanksgiving dinner at the Tighe Hotel,
given by the ladies of the Presbyterian
church. The tickets will be distributed
to those unable to purchase their own
dinner. The committee to distribute the
ticket, on behalf of the J. O. U. A. M.,
is composed of C. B. Bayles, B. S. Wors
ley, and A. R. Cyrus. Any one deflrng
a ticket can have it for the asking.
For the Informal call of our many friends
on Tuesday evening-and the many sub
stantial tokens of generous hearts left
with us, we desire to express our most
heartfelt thanks.
Bids will be received by the Astoria
water commission until Wednesday noon,
November 27th, for the furnishing of all
materials, and the erection complete of
a corrugated iron covered building over
the settling basin at the head works on
Rear creek, in accordance with plans on
file at the office of the engineer.
A certified check satisfactory to the
commission, made payable to H. O. Van
Dusen, clerk, or a cash deposit of
will be required to be deposited with the
bid as a guarantee that the bidder will, it
awarded the contract, enter Into a written
agreement with the water commission,
and will. If required, supply a satisfactory
bond for the completion of the work.
Forms for proposal can be had by in
tending bidders on application at the
office of the engineer.
Astoria, Oregon, Nov. 23, 1S33.
lanj Wh af. A-Baffle -Axe.
Has 'To Do WiVh
Columbia Biucr-
"All Gomra effffon
".lllnoliA-aiifcrlficval Seal?-
The Lowest Prices and
the largest Assortment I
The Resort
473 Commercial Mreet. is the plnoe
where the businessman ana the Isboriuor
man go for wlmt isalled "BKST iN
THE COAST." or a nice oool drink of
tbe celebrated Gnmbrinus beer. Snnd
wt"hes of every kind made to order, nnd
n eleeaat fre lunch served every day.
Hot BostoD Baked Benus setved every
other aftoruoou. You are welcome.
Grosbauer & Brach
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years tbe Standard
Foard & Stokes.
A competent girl for house work. Must
be a good cook, inquire at 32C Eighth st.
Boys may be had (and sometimes girls)
for (1) ordinary service at wages: (H)
upon indenture (to work, attend school.
and be brought up somewhat as yoi.r
JAPANESE GOODS-Just out-Just re-ceived-Just
what you want, at Wing
Lee's, 543 Commercial street. iimlcragned will eull his farm An
Ti!.amook county, Oregon, at a m.e nab:e
f e and on easy terms. 15 nr 2ft i.
own); and (3) children may be had for " 'J:"'. u,e wno.e containing 1D8 acres.
legal adoption. Address,
Supt. Oregon Boys and Girls' Aid Socie
ty, Portland, Oregon.
Wanter to rent A centraCiy
house of seven or eii?h!t rxms.
M., this office.
H ie p;a -e J 6viuati ri-i ,t nr. t ...n
road. Tlnere is both bottom and 4ilgih
an-M, wn,lc.h can be cleared easily. There
is alto a lot of fine timber.
1,K trnnldin avc., Astoria, Or.
a i , , "':"-" represent me 1 " en r.cK using and selllna
nVTM. ...",ucn Jewel
old National Life Insurance Co., of
Montpeller. Vt. For further Informa
tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast
Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San
Francisco, Cal.
wait?. I'fl AH irr.M : 1
nickel, etc.. same as new InXi. kV.'
sizes for agents. famMiJ.
Kasy operated:
hie- nmfii. Ti- tj ,',"".
Clerk No-it. ColumW TT Co"
Turkeys,. Chickens, Gee.e, .Ducks--
The best and largest assortment,
alive or dressed, at
WANTED Man or ladv to collect, do
some office work, and manage agents. I
Tou will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. We pay all expenses. Position per
manent. Send four references and ten
cents for full particulars. John Finney
Mgr., P. O. Box 484, St, Louis, Ma.
I. Columbus. Ohio.
Flit! RP.VTtv.ij..,
, ' ' ui " iei room on ground
floor In private family. 4 ExohangeSt?
MONET-Apply to
Title and Trust Co.
t OCT I.., ..
. . MMwnpiion Jin of the A-
Aetorla Abstract. P. dock and the Astorian offlw miS"
; er will please return to this effhe.