The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 24, 1895, Image 2

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Bent ty mall, per year...
Bent by na.n, per monrt)
Sorved by carrier, per week..
.. .60
.. .15
Sent by mall per year, $2.00 in advance.
Postage free to subscriber. v
AH communication Intended for pub
lication should te directed to the editor.
Business communications of all kinds and
remittance must be aMroaaed to The
The Astorkwi guarantee! to lt sub
scribers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising nates can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan, the second old
est weekly In the state of Oregon, has
next to the Portland Oregonlan, the
largest weekly circulation In the state.
Jno. T. Handley Co. are our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their stand
on First street.
It is with a feeling of satisfaction that
we call attention today to the Autorlan's
new dress. The Linotype machine pur
chased by this office three years ago, a
long while, it will be remembered, before
any other Pacific coast newspaper se
cured such an Innovation, has done Its
work from that day to this in a most
excellent and satisfactory manner, and is
In better running order now than when
it was bought. During the last month
an entirely new keyboard has been added,
and yesterday a complete set of changed
matrices was placed In the machine.
These alterations, together with every
other improvement that has been patent
ed since Linotypes first came Into use,
have made our instrument perfect. A
new dynamo and motor, with a number
of electrical devices, have been added to
the facilities of the press room, which
will repay a visit from people Interested
In intricate and powerful machinery. The
typographical work on the Astorian, as a
result of these Improvements, makes the
paper the cleanest and neateBt looking
daily in the state of Oregon. This is a
condition of things of which our citizens
in general, as well as the Astorlan, may
well be proud.
The annual report of the superintendent
of the life-saving service has Just been
published, and it presents a large number
of facts of particular Interest to people
In this Btate and indeed all states border
ing on sea coasts, showing the Immense
value of this most Importnnt branch of
the public service.
It Is all the more interesting because
the United States government Is the only
government In the world that has es
tablished a life-Baviiig service and sup
ported it from the national treasury. In
other countries this service Is entirely
voluntary, and Is carried on by means of
Individual benevolence. Our service has
been In successful operation since 1S78,
and has been the means of saving thous
ands of lives and millions of dollars'
worth of property.
The present report shows for the year
that Is past that 4S3 vessels were wrecked,
on board of which were 6,402 persons, and
of these only twenty individuals were
lost. The value of the vessels and their
cargoes aggregated more than $10,000,000
and of this only about 11,500,000 was lost.
The number of vessels totally lost was
Beventy-three, Nearly a thousand ship
wrecked persons were succored at the dif
ferent stations, and an Immense number
of minor casualties to small craft and to
individuals was prevented by the skill
and alertness of the llfe-suvers. There
are many other features of the report
that are of Interest to the gcnorul reader.
The old Btorles of the wreckers on the
Atlantic coast are not fables by any
moans, and many a vessel was In tho
(lays not so very remote lured to Its
luln by the half pliales of that time,
but all that has long Leon dune
lway with through this most elllcient
government Institution. lCxUnt-he as are
our cohMs uml fraught with perils to
sailors, tho got eminent protection Ima
an far as possible, been thrown over
them. The whole establishment now cm
braces 2M stations. Of these Sl are on
the Alhmtlc, llfty-tlireo rn the lukes,
thirteen on this onst, and one at the
fulls of the Ohio.
It Is a most bcnetkvnt dopnrtnient of
the government.
Two yeurs ago the advocates of the free
coinage of silver at 10 to 1 appeared to be
growing In numbers and Influence, espe
cially In the Western and Southern
states. Astute demogogues began to
trim tljelr sails accordingly that they
might catch the wind of popular favor,
and those who had presidential ambitions
preserved an owl-llko Blleneo (like Vice
President Stevenson) that they might be
ready at the proper time to adopt opin
ions dictated by party conventions. But
a campulgn of education was Btarted, and
already public opinion has settled down
us opposed to the free coinage of silver,
except under an International agreement
entered Into by the I'nlled Slates and
the powers of Europe. This change of
sentiment may be Judged from the
speeches of public men and the articles
published In the newspapers, but more
convincing proof Is to be found In elec
tion returns. In Illinois the Democratic
party had fallen Into the hands of the
advocates of 16 to 1 free sliver coinage.
The chairman ot the Democratic state
central committee has been especially
active us a free sllverlto. He called a
state convention, which declared for free
coinage at 16 to 1, and tried to mako it
appear that the Democrats of the rtate
were overwhelmingly In favor of this
dogma. At the November election an
opportunity was given to the Democrats
of the Eighteenth Congressional District
of Illinois to express their sentiments
at the polls. An ex-congressman, one
Lane, was named for congress on a fwp
coinage platform and r art-led on an active
canvass for votes. The first candidate
named by the Republicans dltd, ami tlu
xoend was named barely in time to have I of
his nomination papers filed, so that he
ti',1 no time to do more than make It
known that he was a sound money man
before, election doy arrived. Tho district
has been heavily Democratic-, and the
Democratic canvass was actively manag
ed by home and imported sllverltes, in
cluding Bland, Bryan and Stone, with
tho result that the Republican candidate
was elected by 3,000 majority, In a district
that gave Cleveland 2,800 majority.
Mr. A. Bergman has "ordered" the As
torlan to apologize for tho following
"He was caught in the act of erasing
official figures in the books and was sum
marily dlsmlsed."
We were wrong, it appears. In saying
that Mr. A. Bergman was caught in the
act. He wrote a letter to a Portland
tailor, offering to settle his delinquent
Uxes for three or five dollars when thoy
only came to eighty cents, and he told
the same Individual that if the party
holding the tax titles made any fuss, he
could fix It up. The party holding the
tax titles was the county of Clatsop.
The money charge opposite Polivka's
name was found to be erased. Mr. A.
Bergman's letter to Poltvka was sent to
the county officials. Mr. A. Bergman
had been working for sevoral weeks on
the county books. We will leave It at
that. Mr. A. Bergman was not caught
with the knife in his hands scratching
out the figures. The sheriff thought the
facts strong enough and the evidence
conclusive enough to dismiss Bergman
This is our apology.
The adjourned Republican convention
which meets tomorrow afternoon to noml
nate candidates for the coming city 'dec
lion has before It a plain duty which
we have no doubt lis members will bear
In mind. The Republicans in Astoria were
never stronger than they are at th.s
time. They have the confidence of the
people and, beyond all, they deserve it,
The selection of a strong, clean ticket
means an overwhelming victory. No un
stable or Incompetent man should be hon
ored with a nomination, for his defeat
would be certain and well deserved.
With bright, energetic and worthy can
didates in the field the Republicans will
win, and win easily. The delegates have,
during the last two weeks, worked hard
and conscientiously to secure nominees
who will reflect credit on the men ami
the party that selected them.
Let the result of their deliberations to
morrow prove that they have succeeeded
Wonted to know:
When four Individuals appoint them
selves a committee to call a convention
of a defunct and dishonored political
party; when they call that convention
with four delegates (same crowd); when
that convention (of four) meets in the
back of a saloon and nominates a ticket
consisting of four (same crowd), and five
others added;
whether thero is any
community anywhere that would not
turn awuy In disgust and contempt from
soclul, political or any other kind of in
tercourse with such pitiful mountebanks?
A wonderful mechanical device known
as a hellostut which has Just been added
to the astrophyslcal observatory at
Washington Is said to "pump sunshlre
and weigh rainbows." This instrument
will be valuable to the Citizen Demo
cratic law office Flavel townsltc Elec
Hon Company, Limited, although It Is
not known that there are any rain
bows to wcltth, and all the sunshine
which the hollostat conld pump by work'
lng overtime would not dispel the gloom
that hangs over that powerful organ!
Mayor Kinney may as well understand
that before he can get back into politics
he will have to open those stock hooks
to the public, and telegraph for Ouorge
Gould to keep his promise and come
at once. At such a crisis as this In the
mayor's career, Gould has no right to be
skulking In New York, v
Tho cold frosts these mornings are given
us by a merciful dispensation of provi
dence, which In this manner is gradually
preparing the "Citizens' " party (all four
of them) for what will happen on the
11th of December.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others,
An acquaintance met Horuco one day
aid tuul; "Mr. Greeley, Iva stopped
your twoer." "Haive you?" id Horooe.
"Well, Chat's too had," and tihe old white
hut went its -way.
Tho next imtornlnis Orteiey mot his cub-
oorlher 4nln and ald: "I ijhought you
'hunt stopped Hho Tribune?" "So I did."
"liuere 'imiat be same mistake," sad
Horace, for I Just cwime from t'he office,
and t!w 'presses wore running, tins, clerks
were as tny as ever, 'the com p.ohi tors
wero ihanl at wwk, 1 nine ta:nas was
going on ;h same as ye.-iterday, and the
day before." Oh! ejaculated the ub
tvK'bi r, "I idtdm't mean 'iihut J had stoipped
the paper; I stopped only my copy f It
bo-airse, I didn't Hke your editorials."
"Pshaw!" retorted Greeley, "It wasn't
won;.:! taking tup imy time, to tell otto t'ucih
a tritlo as tihat. i.My dear sir, if you ex
pwt to control Whs utterances of the Tri
bune by t)he purdhnwe of one copy a day,
or if yoa tlhlnk to find any newspaper
wot-Mi reading thijt iwdll never express
cwnvlotKwe at right angles wlti!i your
own, yoti are doomed to dtliuppolnttnent."
A llf of Prof. Huxley Is being pre
pared by his son, 'Mr. L. Huxlej,
Mr. .1. J. KelL SharpBburg, Pa.
Dear Sir- I am glad to say a good
word for Krause's Headache Capsules.
Kfte-r coffering for over three years
with unite neuralgia and Its consequent
tuonmli (vhlch seemed to baffle the
efforts of some of our best physicians)
you suggested this remedy which gave
me almost instant relief. Words fall
to express the praise I should like to
hi slow on Krause's Headache Capsules.
Orstfiillv 'Yours,
Montrose, Pa.
Willi somebody please tell us why oug
lawmakers are timer arrested for pars
ing wortihless Jjtls? 'Boston Transcript.
Old people who require medicine to reg
ulate the bowels and kidneys will find
the true remedy In Electric Bitters. This
mdrtln A,-m nnt atlmnlflt nd contains
no whisky nor other Intoxicant, but acts '
as a tonic and alternative. It acts mild
ly on the stomach and bwels, adding
strength and giving tone to the organs,
t'.iftnl.v aMtn ntir In tha mrfonnir:n
th functions. Electric Blttere l an
excellent appetizer and adds dlgestloi.
Old people find H Just exactly what they
need. Prloe CO cents per bottle at Chaa.
Rogers' Drug Store
I m sure I foit the rant one. Parker.
Didn't you see tho feaiuhors fly?" "Yes,
sir, and tooli tihe Wrda iwlv "em." Fun.
The heating properties of DeWltfs
Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It
cures eczema, skin affections, and is sim
ply a perfect remedy for piles. Chaa.
It is toted, says toe Tlmea-Mount-aineer,
that there are 35,000 Indian war
veterans on the Pacific couBt, wiho are
entitled to peneions for eervlces rendered
in wanis tnicldienlt lx 'tine uettlement of the
Ntortlhwcot. These men were of as much
service to the nation In flgihtlng the In
dian aa were the veterans of the civil
war, and if men are to be mo warded ac
cording to services rendered, are en'lhled
tto recognition by the government. Many
of tifrcee .men are residents of Oregon,
and their claims are certainly worthy
the attention of Oregon's representative
in congress. . .
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
DuluHi lhaa two of the tallest police
men in tine country. Patrolman Royal
MCKenaie is fecit Inches Ihinh and
Is attilt growing. Me Is only 26 years old
and welgihs 257 ipoumJj. He can reach a
point ten feet from tihe ground. Dtec
tlve Thomas Hayden, also of Duluth, is
6 feet T inches ball. The ' t)wo make a
great tealm and t'he tough woodsmen of
the VVolnity tore not Inclined to be bo's
lerous when either is around. Superior.
Wis., claJlms to have a policeman a trifle
'taller titxain (MoKenzle, hut the is nast
growing age, ajid McKenzle hopes to
'Beat inim fterore tfhe year Is out.
The best salve in the world foi Cut
Bruises, Sores, ulcera. Salt Rheum
e'ever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Con.s. onl All Skin Erup
tions, and positively rurea Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to fjlve
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded
Price, 25 cents per tiox. For sale bj
Chas. Rogers. Odd FMlows' building.
Galdos, the Spanish novelist, who Is
called great even by his contem
porarles, Is a bachelor of 60, who leads a
very simple and retiring life. He has
written twenty volumes of national ept
sodes, historical romance, etc., and they
have been uniformly popular since' the
first of them, the "Trafalgar," was pub.
llshed In 1873.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited. v
The Eureka Fuel Economizer Is a eel'
entlflcaC preparation which augments the
Intensity of coal and wood heat in file
proportion of 33 oer cent.
If the dllreetion printed on each, pack.
age Is carefully observed, tine Eureka
Coal Economizer will give to any crdlna.
ry or middling coal the tKume value as
tiuajt of sunerlor Quality.
The E&reka Fuel Hcononlzer prevents
the shoots, the cindors and the formation
of smoke, Which may spoil, in an apart'
memt, so many vaiuiaible articles, such
a cvrtajtns, paintings, etc.
The Eureka burns any kind of gas
which might destroy the bneat'Wuble air
apartments and factories In 'vhlch it is
used are consequently more healthy and
carmforto'bte. In less than five minutes,
one can obtain a very brisk Are which
WM Host thirty hours without being stirr.
ed up and without any addition of fresh
coal. Hence an economy of coal, work
and money.
The Eureka Economizer produces a heat
more soft and more conecntruted; when
a normal heat is wonted, the ve-ntilotlon
muHt be partly stopped and, again, an
economy in fuel Is to he relied upon.
We guarantee Uialt our preparation pro.
duces no Injurious effect on the heoith,
and does not affect in any way Btoves,
ranees, irraltes, etc.
Laree consumers can obtain the pro.
duct, which we do not hesitate In term
ing "m.vrvolous, ' alt much more reduced
Bach package bears, with very explicit
directions, our trade murk, representing
four hands crossed together above
lion with this motto: "In union there
is strength." Any counterfeiter shall be
dealt according to law.
We receive too frequently appUcoitions
for saamles. and It IB with rtrot that
we are compelled to refuse the rending
at the saime. Heretofore we have .id
erta'.y given away saimoles In order to
popularize our product, twit we cannot
afford to support such heavy expense any
longer. The moderate price of fcur pro
dtct Is in the reach of anybody who
wants to try tt. It Is for tho same reaBon
fliat we have decided to send It direct on
receipt of 23 cents.
To dry Is to be convinced that our pro
duct is a triumph of science.
23 cents each package, sent free of
llHo Broadway. New York, V. S. A.
Notkw lo hereby given, That tihe Com
mon Couin-ll of the city of Astoria have
ditriitinoU to establish time gr.uw ox
Antor tret in Adair's Astoria, from the
west line of fcth Ktreet to tine east Hne
of 40t0i utreet, nt the following neignts
ohove tho 'bane of grades as estahlistied
by Ordinance No. 71. emitted "An Ordl-
naiK-e to fftaiblWhi a uase or graueai iw
tCio stoeet of Astoria, as follows, to-wit:
At tine crossing of tit'h street, z leei.
A t t he crratelng of Mi oMvet, 2o feet.
Tt'.ie rexMlns to be level amd 'Wie street
t.i li level between euM cro.ngi.
At any time 'Within ten uuys prom wie
fln(l pubMcutlon of rnts notice, lo-wu:
Within ton days from the 2;h dtty of
Novrtrr.b -r, 1R5, r more trance can be made
aiavhst said proposed grad?, and If with
In sild time a rwttten remonstrance
ajralrst tho nme he filed wttfh the Aud'tor
and Police Juil.e by tte ownws oi mree-
nvnrtwi of the Drenwiy adjacent to raid
portion of said ptret, such grade shall
not wi established.
Bv ordor of the Common Council.
Atlcm: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, November 15th, 1895.
Nv-ttlce is (hereby Riven, that the Com
mnn Ooiwicil of tthe City of Astoria trave
ddtofimined to estoibllfh the grade of th
shroet from the north Hr.e of As tor ettreet
to tih south fine of oAey-way running
rhroufiih Block No. 102, all in thiat part of
the cltv of Astoria as lsld out and re
corded by John Afata at the following
fcetsflrts above tin tuise of grades as es-
tiiiblWlwd hy Ordinance No. 71 entitled
An Ordinance to establish a base or
cru)x3 for tihe stttveto of Astoria, to-wit:
At tine mteirsection oi won eiccei wun
sum: street. 25 foot.
At thf tntorseetlon of Wth street with
altay-way running throueil 'Block No. 103.
23 feet.
Tins street and crossings to be level
ttwoircftotit tihe wMih thervof.
At any time within ten days from the
final! puMlostlon of thle notice, to-wit:
Within ten days from the 3rd day of De
cember, 1896, remonstrance can be nude
against said proposed intule and If with
in said time a written rvmons ranee
aisslrwt h"ame he fl'd with trxe And tor
and Police Jutr hy hs owners of thre
1W: of property adjacent to said
portion of M street, such grade ha!
nn be ratiaM'Cvd.
By ccVlrr of tt Common Council.
Attrl: K. OSfU'RN-.
Auditor and ro'A-e Jilge.
Astoria, Oregon. November i9:h. isai.
Gentlemen: I have always recom
mended Krause's Headline Capsules
wherever I havs had a chance. They
have proven a veritable boon In my
family against any and all kinds of
neadache. Yours truly,
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Astoria,
Oregon, sole agent.
William Beckett has been appointed
coachman to President Cleveland. He Is
a middle-aged colored man and has lived
In Washington all his life.
Acts at once, never falls. One Minute
Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and
that feverish condition which accom
panies a severe cold. The only harmless
remedy that produces immediate results.
Chas. Rogers.
Employer You say you would like to
go to your grandmother's funeral this
afternoon, James? James Yes, sir, If it
doesn't rain. Life.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castori.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she hod Children, she gave them Castorla.
Anagreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC.
Sold by Droggfstsor sent by mail. 6c.60o,
and 1.00 per package. Samples free.
trr YJt The Favorite looTBromn
HJ JLaVfortheTwthaDdiireaUisa,
For Sale by S. W. Ccmn.
Conromly St., foot of Jackson, Astoria.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Land and Marin Engines, Boiler work, Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Cattlngs of All Descriptions Made to Order or
anon notice.
John Fox. President and Superlntenden
A L. Fox Vice President
0. B. Prael Secretar-
The Oasis of thf
Colorado desert
A Hew
Dry and Pure Tropica
Pronounced by Physicians tin
most FavoraMe in America
tor Sufferers from . . .
Lung Diseases anc
Rheumatism '
Vlany Remarkable Curei
The objections urged against Indio
n the past by the large numbers whi
tnerwise would have been glad to tak
ntvantage of its beneficial climate, ha
ieen a lack or suitable accominoda
imi. The Southern Pacific Company
akett pleasure In announcing that Bev
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottaget
.iave Juwt been erected at Indio eta
.tun, mat will be rented to appllcanti
it reasonable rates. Tfcey are fur
iithed with modern conveniences. bud
,nled with pure artesian water, and Bt
uuateu as to gove occupants all tht
tdvamages to be derived from a mon
r lexs protracted residence in this de
igutful climate,
(from the San Francisco Argonaut)
"lit the heart of the great deaert ol
he Colorado which the Southern Pa
mo road traverses there is an oast
ailed Indio, which, In our opinion, 1;
he sanitarium of the earth. We be
leve, from personal Investigation, tha
'or certain Invalids, the-e Is no spot oi
nis ;ianet so tavoraoie.
i. T. Stewart. M. I., writes: "Thi
purity of the air, and the eternal sun
shine, fill one with wonder and delight.
jvature has accomplished si
much that there remains but little for
man to do. As to Its possibilities as
health resort, here is the most per
feet sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry sol)
for rain Is an unknown factor; pun
ixygen, aenpa atmosphere and pun
water. hat more can be desired?
It Is the place, above all others, for
lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu
mattes. Considering the number ot
sufferers who have been cured, I havi
no hesitancy In recommending this
genial oaslB as the haven of the afflict
Is 612 miles from
and 130 jiiles from
Fare from Los Angeles
For further Information. Inquire ot
ny Southern Paciflo Company agent.
or address
Asst Gen. Pa a Agt a P. Co.
Dlst. Pass. Agt
. F1t" virt Alder St. Portland. Or
Notice Is hereby given that the assets
iment made by Ordinance No. 2,018, of the
city of Astoria, confirming the assess
ment on roll No. 8, for tihe limiprovemtnt
of Bond street, in Adair's Astoria, from
tins west line of Forty-eecond street to
tihe west line of Forty-nftlh street, le now
due and payable in United States gold
and silver coin at tihe office of uhe City
Treuisurer, land If not paid witfhiin Ave
days from the final publication of this
notice, to-wH: On or before Mondu-y,
Deeemlber At, ltes, nine common Council
will order wairramta Issued for the col
lection of the same.
The aj.-esswment Is as follows:
Astoria Savings Bank, E. CO feet
Lot 2, Bl 00k 96 Ill 00
Aetorlui Savings Bank, Lot 7,
Block 63 $12 56
Astoria Sowings Bank, Lot 8,
Block 98 $12 50
H. F. Rrutim, Lot 5, Blrck 6 826 00
H. F. BrufcTi, E. half of Lot 8,
Block 6 $13 00
Jdlvn Caeey, Lot 1, Block 8 $4 00
John Casey, Lot 2, Block 8 $4 00
Jolhn Casey, Lot 3, Block 8 $4 00
Daniel D. Casey, Lot 4, Block 8.... $1 00
Utiriwt OtwhstianBon, W. 50 feet Lot
3, Block 98 $11 00
John Bnberg, Lot 1, Block 98 $17 Oo
John Buberg, W. 25 feet Lot 2,
Block 98 $3 63
John Bnberg, E. 25 feet Lot 3,
Block 98 $5 65
John Brnberg, Lot 4, Block 98 $17 00
Frieda Fjord, 8." half ot Lot 2,
Block 8 $75 00
Frieda FJoird, S. (ha'lf of Lot 3,
Block 6 $75 00
Frledui Fjord, S. hulf of Lot 4
Block 6 $75 00
Annie PcUkes, Lot 8, Block 99 $26 00
3. Hatiated and wire Maria, Lot 1,
Block 104 $25 00
Oust Holmes, Lot 5, Block 98 $12 50
Oust Hol'mes, Lot 6, Block 98 $12 60
Mary H. Letnenweiber, Lot
1, Block 7 $125 00
Mary H. Leinenwefber, Lot
2, Block 7 $125 00
Mary H. Lelnenweber, Lot
3, BCock 7 $125 00
Mary H. Lelnenweber, Lot
4, Block 7 $125 0(1
Mary H. Lelnenweber, Lot
5, Block 7 $26 OU
Mary H. Lelnenweber, Lot
6, Block 7 $26 00
M. H. 'Lelnenwe'beir, Lot 7, Block 7.. $26 00
Mary. H. Leinenwetoer. 'Lot
8. Block 7 $26 00
M. H. Llenoniwefoer, Lot 1, Block 105 $20 00
Mary H. Lednenwetocr, Lot
2, Block 105 $20 00
Mary H. Lertnenwefoer, Lot
3, Block 105 $20 00
Mary H. Lelnenweber, Lot
4, Block 106 $20 00
Mary H. Lemenwefoer, Lot
5, Block 106 $125 00
Mary H. Lelnenweber, Lot
6, Block 106 $125 (HI
Mary H. Lelnenweber, Lot
7, Block 105 $125 00
Mary H. Lelnenweber, Lot
8, Blor-k 105 $125 OO
Mary 'H. Lelnenweber, frontage of
Lot 1, Block 105 $22 50
Mary H. Lelnonwemir, frontage of
Lot 2, Block 105 $22 50
Mary H. Lelnenweber, frontage of
Lot 3, Block 105 $22 50
Mary H. Leinenweber, frontam of
Lot 4, Block 105 $22 60
Frederick LIndstrom, Lot 1, Blck
99 $125 00
Frederick LlndstTom, W. foalf of
Lot 2. Block 99 $C2 60
Frederick Llndstrom, Lot 7, Block
99 $26 00
u?i!Bta S. McGregor, Lot
Block 104 $25 00
w. F. McGregor, Iiot 6, Block 101.. $125 00
Mrs. Bmirraa M naird, Lot 8, Block 6.. $26 00
Ricfhafd Marlon and H. McCor-
mack, Lot 5, Block 8 $4 00
RicthairtJ 'Murton and H. McCor-
maek, Lot 6, Block 8 $4 00
Rlcllvamd Muirlan and H. McCor-
mack, Lot 7, Block 8 $4 00
Ridhiaird Marlon and H. McOor-
mook, Lot 8, Block 8 $1 00
RiChfljnJ M'.nrion amd H. McCor-
mack, Lot 9, 'Block 8 $4 00
HM'.naird Marlon amd II. McCor-
maek. (Lot 10, BOock 11 $100
lldhanl llairion and H. MoCor-
mack, Lot 11, Block 8 $4 00
R'lcihard Marion aind H. M'oCor-
mack, Lot 12, Block 8 $4 00
RlcJhard Marlon and H. MoCor-
mack, Lot 13, Block 8 $4 00
'tici.Wtf Miirlon amd H. MoCor-
mack, Lot 14, Block 8 $4 00
tlohord Mairlon Bind H. McCor-
mack, Lot 15, Block 8 $4 00
Hiahaird1 Miarton and H. McCor-
maek, Lot 16. Block 8 $4 00
IMhaird Marion and H. McCor-
mack, Lot 17, Block 8 $4 00
R.i(iaTl Marlon amd H. McCor-
mack. Lot 18. Block 8 $3 00
Rldhanl Marlon Bind H. M.tCot-
mack, Lot- 19, Block 8 $3 00
Rlelhl Mucion Bind H. McCor-
mack, Lot 20, Block 8 $3 00
t'lclhard Mnrlon aind H. McCor-
mack, Lot 21, Block 8 $3 00
Tiotiard Murlon aind H. McCor-
m'ack, Lot 22, Block 8 $3 00
tichardi Mairion and H. M'oCor-
miaek, Lot 23, Block 8 $3 00
lldhaird Murlon aind H. McCor-
ma-ck, Lot 21. Block 8 $3 00
TiicJiairiil Marlon amd H. MicCor-
mack, Iyot 25, Block 8 $3 00
TildhairJ Marlon and H. McCor-
mlack, Lot 26. Block 8 $3 00 Muinlon amd H. McCor-
mack, Lot 27, Block 8 $1 00
tldhaird Marion amd H. MeCor-
maok, Lot 28. Block 8 $3 00
Urthoird Marlon amd II. MjcCor-
mack Lot 29, Block 8 $3 00
Riohf.ird M'.nrion amd H. !MoCor-
mack. Lot 30. Blook 8 $3 09
rtldSaird Marton amd H. MoCor-
mick. Lot 91. Block 8 $3 00
H'lhairJ Manion and H. M.Ccr-
mack, Lot 02. Block 8 : $3 00
lidhaint Mnrlon- and H. MoCor-
mack, Lot 33, Block 8 $3 OS
tirthacd Mairlon amd H. MCor-
nwck. Lot 34, Block 8 $3 60
J. McGowan. Lot 1, Bock 112.... $26 00
J. J. McGowan, Lot 2, Block 112.
. J. McGowan, Ix)t 3, Block 112.
J. McGowan, Iot 4, Block 112.
J- MoGowlim, Lot 5, Rock 112.
J. McGowvui, Lot 6. Btock 112.
. 3. McGowan, Lot 7, Blook 112.
P. J. McGotwnji. Lot 8. Block 112.
$25 00
"6 00
$2' 00
$15 00
'6 00
$25 00
D. J. MbOowam, Ix)t 9, Block 112.... $25 00
. J. McGowan, Lot 10, Blook 112.. $'5 CO
J. McGowan, Lot 11, B'.odt 112.
J. M-Gowan, Lot 12, Block 112.
J. 'McTKvwon, Lot 13, Block 112.
P. J. MeGowon, Lot 14, Block 112.
. J. 'McOowan. Lot 15. Bio. 112.
$25 00
$25 00
$ 00
$25 00
$25 00
P. J. McGowan. Lot 16. Block 112.. J5S no
P. J. McGowan. Lot 17, Block 112.. $25 00
' J. SKTrtwan, Lot 18. Block 112.. 12". 00
D. J. McGowan, Lot 1, Block 114.... 13 00
f. J. McGowan, Lot 2, Blook 114.... $3 00
f. J. McGowan, Lot 3,j Block 114....
P. J. McGowan, Lot 4, Block 114....
P. J. McGowan, Lot 5. Hock 114....
P. J. McGowan, Lot 6, Block 114....
P. J. McGowan, Lot 7. Block 114....
P. J. McGowan, Lot 8, Block 114....
P. J. McGowan. Lot 9. Block 114....
$3 00
$3 00
t t 00
$3 0U
$3 OU
$3 00
$1 00
P. J. McGowan. Lot 10. Block 114..
$' 00
$1 CO
$' 00
H 00
$1 00
$4 00
$t 00
$1 ou
$' 00
$1 00
$1 00
P. J. McGowan, Lot 11. Block 114..
P. J. McGowan. Lot 12. Block 114..
P. J. McOowan, Lot 13, Block 114..
P. J. McGowan, Lot 14, Brock 114..
P. J. McGowan. Lot 15, Bfock 114..
P. J. McOorwan, Lot 16, Block 114..
P. J. McGowan, Lot 17, Block 114..
P. J. 'McGowan, Lot 18, Block 114..
P. J. MoGowan. Lot 1. Block 116....
P. J. McGowan, Lot 2 .Rlock 116....
P. J. McGowan, Lot 3, Block 116....
P. J. McGowam, Lot 4, Blov-k 116....
P. J. McGowum, Lot 5, B ock 116....
P. J. 'McGowan, Lot 6, B'ock 116....
P. J. McGowan, Lot 7, Block 116....
$' 00
$' 00
$1 00
$1 00
$1 00
$1 00
$1 00
$2 00
$3 00
$2 00
P. J. McGowan. Lot 8, Block 116....
P. J. McGowan, Lot 9. Block 116....
P. J. McGowan, Lot 10. Block 116..
P. J. McGowan. Lot 11. Block lis .
P. J. McGowan, Lot 12, Block 116..
P. J. McGowan. Lot 13, Block 116..
P. J. McOowan. Lot 14. Block Vi..
P. J. McGowan, Lot 15, Block 116..
P. J. McGowan, Lot 16. B'o'k 116..
. $2 00
. $2 00
. $2 00
. $ 00
, $209
. $300
P. J. McGowan, Lot 17, Block 116..
J. M -Gowan. Lot 18. Rkx-Jt 11..
U lN"l-n, Lot 3, B'ock 9S...,
L. NVaon. Lot 5. Block 99....
$26 00
Jcfm XordMrom, E. half of Lot 1
Block 99 $SW
Elisabeth Parker, Lot 4, Block 104.. $23 00
Ellzaibetih Parker, Lot 6, Block 104.. $126 0U
Frank! Hat ton, Trustee, Lot 1,
Block 6 $150 00
Frank Pattern, Truaitee, N. Jialf of
Lot 2, Block 6 ITC 00
Frank Patton, Trustee, N. half of
Lot 8, Block 6 M 00
Frank Patton, N. half of Lot 4,
Blook 6 ITC 00
Rogers Trust Co., W. half Lot 6.... $13 0U
Rogers Trust Co., Lot 7, Block 6.. $23 00
Rogers TniBt Co., Lot 2, Block 104.. $26 00
Rogers Trust Co., Lot 7, Block 104.. $125 00
Rogers Trust Co., Lot 8, Block 104.. $125 00
T. Sivarson, Lot 4, Block 99 $126 00
T. Slvenson, Lot 6, Block 99 $26 00
C. E. 8. Wood, Lot 1, Block 106.... $6 76
C. E. S. Wood, Lot 2. Block 106.... $6 76
C. R S. Wood, Lot 3, Block 106.... $6 75
C. B. S. Wood, Lot 4, Block 103.... $6 75
C. E. S. Wood, Lot 6. Block Htf.... $9 00
C. E. 8. Wood. Lot 6, Blook 106.... $00
C. E. 8. Wood, Lot 7, Block 106.... $9 00
C. E. S. Wood, Lot 8, Block 106.... $9 00
C. B. S. Wood, Lot 1. Block 110.... $1 00
C. B. ft. Wood, Lot 2, Block 110.... $100
C. E. 8. Wood, Lot 3, Block 110.... $1 00
C. E. 8. Wood. Lot 4, Block 110.... $1 00
C. B. 8. Wood, Lot 6, Block 110.... $1 00
C. E. S. Wood, Lot 6, Block 110.... $1 00
C. E. S. Wood. Lot 7. Block 110.... $1 00
C. B. 8. Wood, Lot 8, Block 110.... $1 00
C. E. B. Wood. Lot 9, Block 110.... $1 00
C. E. 8. Wood. Lot 10. Block 110.... $2 00
C. E. 8. Wood, Lot 11, Block 110.... $2 00
C. E. 8. Wood, Lot 12, Block 110.... $2 00
C. E. 8. Wood, Lot 13, Block 110.... $2 00
C. B. 8. Wood, Lot 14, Block 110.... $2 00
C. B. 8. Wood, Lot 15, Block 110.... $2 00
C. E. S. Wood, Lot 16, Block 110.... $2 00
C. E. S. Wood, Lot 17, Block 110.... $2 00
C. B. 8. Wood, Lot 18. Block 110.... $2 00
By order of Uhe Common Council.
Attest I K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Po"c Judge,
Astoria, Ore., November 11, 1895.
Notice is hereby given, that the Com
mon Council of tfhe City of Astoria, hive
dfdwanrtlned to esCablfoih tfhie grotfe of Ex
change street lrom title claim line between
McClure's and ShilveVs Donation land
olalim, 'to tihe west line ot 5tlh street, all In
Uhe otty of Astoria an laid out and re
corded by John McCiure and extended by
Cyrus O'.ney, at tfhe following thelgmte
above tme base of grades as established
by Ordinance No. 71. entitled, "An ordi
nance to estiablkslh a base of grades for
One stopeets of Astoria. tx-w!t:
At Um data! line 'between the Shlvely
and MoClwe Donation Lom'i CUi.m, 2s.
At the crossing wiitih 12t)h street, 25 feet,
At tJie rowing witlh 11th street, 21.5 fee!
At the crossing wltfh lObh street, 23 feet
on tihe north line of t'he street end 30 feet
on tfhe south line of street.
At tfhe crossing -witlh 9th eltrcet, 43 feet
on Whe north lme of the street and 46
feet on south Jlne of the street.
At Uhe crossing wWh 8t)h street, 62.6 feet
on narltlh line of street amd 65.5 feet on
son) tlh line of street.
At the crossing wftlh 7tlh street, 61 feet
on north Vine 0 street and 64 feet on
soutfh line of street.
At the crossing witlh 6tfh Street, 85 feet
on north Hne of street and 88 feet on
souitlh line of street.
At tihe roaring with Stih street, 157.5 feet
on north line of street and I6O.0 feet on
south tine of street.
The crossings to toe on a Vevel from
ast to west and Xh sUireet to be on a
even slope betweeen croasinsB.
At amy time wiithln ten days from vhe
final publication of tfhlB notice, to-wtt
Wftlhln ten dams from the 29th day of No
vember, 1895, remonstrance c,an be made
a'-ialnui; eo.M proposed grade and if with
In ta!d time a written remorstrance
against the saime be filed wltfh the auditor
and police Judge by the owners of three-
fourths of the property adjacent to said
portion of said Street, eudh grade ehadl
not be eeta-bllsaed.
By order of the Common Council.
Attest: K. 0BU-RN.
Auditor and Police Judge,
Astoria, November 15th, 1896.
Are You doing East?
If so. drou a line to A C. Sheldon,
genernl agent of the "Burlington
Route," 250 Washington St., Portland.
He will mall yon free of charge, maps,
time tables, and advise you as to the
through rates to any point, reserve
keeping cur accommodations for you
and furnish you with through Meketp
via either the Northern, Union, South
ern. Canadian Pacific, and Great North-
-rn railroads at the very lowest rates
The Burlington Route Is generally
,'nceded to be the ftneRt equipped rail
oan in the world for all rlnoses
$100 for fvefy $10.00 invested
Can be made by our new
$10.00 and more made dally on small In
vestments, by many persona who live
away from Chicago.
All we ask Is to Investigate our new
and original methods. Past vorklngs of
plan and highest references furniihrd
Our Booklet, "Points and Hints," how to
make money even when on the wrong
sloe or the market ana other Information
sent FREE.
Oilmore & Co., Bankers and Brokers),
Open Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111
Canadian Pacific
Gralnst -- Tn s-Ca .ttatntaJ
Railway System.
Palace Dining ftoom and Sleeping Cars.
Luxurious Dining Cars.
Elegant Day Coaches.
also -
Observation Cars, ailowing Unbroken
Views jf the Wonderful Mount- .
ain Country.
$5 00 and $10.00
Saved on nil ti-tets Knt. Tourist r -r th
b "-ton wh rlH. i iiuipmeiits of th - very fines
through uL
China and Japan.
China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C
Empress of India
1-mprKS of J i pan
FmiTrcs of Chin
Em iss of India
t-mr-Tss ot J.ii an
Empress ef China
Auir 5th.
Sept. i6ih.
Oct i4th.
Nov. mh.
Dec, 9th
Australian steamer leave Vancouver, B. C
i6th of every month.
For ticket rates and information ca
on or address
Astoria. Or.
V. F. Cars"n, Traveling Pass. Agt ,
I mi, W.i !
( jti McL. Brown, D st ''ass. A;rt.,
Vancouver, B. C.
, 1 Qi - ' " " -
German Physician.
Office over Albert Dunbar's store, cor.
jth and Co imerclal. Prices: Calls. $1,
onflnemenu, $10.00. Operation, at .fflc.
free; medicines furnished.' ,
. C. LOGAtf, D. D. 8..
Maiisell Block, 678 Third street
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hours. 10
to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 and I to 8 p. to. Sua
days, 10 to 11.
Office. 6Mi Third St., Astoria, Ore.
Special attenuon given to all cbroni
diseases. -
uH. U. U. 8TE,
Special attention to diseases of worn
en and surgerf.
Office over Danzlgefs store. Astoria.
Telephone ro m
lAi iutT-IC M. D-
fHyaici-N. euROBON. and
Office, . Rooms and , Pythian
aulldlng. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to
6 Residence, 63D. Cedar street
May bs found In his office until 1
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until I
p. m., and from 5 until 7:30 evenings.
4G8 Commercial Street.
W. M. LaForce. B. B. Smith.
386 Commercial street
i g. A. BOW-BY,
OBice on Second Burnt. Astoi-la. or.
J. N. Dolpb. Richard Nlzon
Chester V. Doipn.
Portland, Oregon, it, 2D, 26, and 27,
Hamilton Building. All legal and col
lectKin business promptly attended to.
Claims against the government a spe
TEiMPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. F. and
A. M. Regular communications held
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
E.C. HOLDEN. Se atary.
178 Tenth street.
Handley Haas, 1&0 I'lrst street, and
gel the Dolly Astomn Visitors need
not miss theii morning pap" vni i
there. .
wk'V ick Ai;k
undel wine Instexd of coffee or te
if ty cents per i?iillon. don't 1-ige
each and uprlcot brandy l;o p iom h
pnnc and n'.vc it Ales iVi!lvrt u
Snap fi Kodak
at iiiy iii;l: coiDtiili utt
our Mo a hihI yrui'ii k -
portrait uf in.-" hrlimnmr
IIM'I Willi ih-.t.ll,: HlO'll-'iltl!
Sui'h quul liy in til liiji;":- s)
we h ive tooT.-i :irr i m imli io
Corre and Try Them.
"Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you." Is sympathetically
hown In the following lines, the pre-
. mi iLn i I'firiB thnt it- I'-'in,
r akin to pain or sorrow:
'tienllemeii: Pleuse oeiid Kraiifc
Headache Cupsules as follows. T-o
ooxes to Flora Seay, Havanna. N. Dak.
t'wo boxes to LUlle Wilcox, Broohlai.i,
M. Dak. i nave always been a gieat
iilTerer from htnduche and your Cup
sules are the only ti'ing that relieves
me." Yours very truly,
Havana, N. Dak.
For sale by Chas. ctogers, Astoria.
Or.. Sole Agent.
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Cass aud Squcmoque Streets. Astoria, Ore
Telephone' & Bailey Catzert.
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav-
' lgatlon Co.
Two Dally Boats to Portland
"Telepbone" Iprvps Astnriu ot i n m
HiiilN (except 8nnilav).
Leaves Portland daily at 7 a. m., ex
cept Snntisy.
A f APIA TtlD.
day. Wedne-day, Thnrsdav, Fridsv and
SHturday mnrninif nt 6:45 a. m : Sundav
"vcninu t 7 p, m.
Lftivt-s Portland dnilv ( H n. m . .
eei-t SnndHy. On Satmday ninhf at 11
. ui.
Atent, Astoria.
r, Telephone No. 11.
U. B. Scott. President
E-A. Seeley. Gen'l Agt. Portland.
Oas and Steam Fitting,
Hot Air, Sleam and
Water Heating. .-.
ITS Twelfth utrwt tfru "r
North Pacific Bremery
Bohemian Lnger Bff
Leave ordera with J r. c . ....
Sunnyside Saloon or Loot, Bomt .t
the ConoDoBtn Sato, 7-.. 7.!!' '
be promptly attended fo. """"