-!-S- I I They, sny. Who says? Well,-' aim'opt "nil Astoria, that wo have the best; assortment of tin anl .corp'-r wash boil er in tho ciy. You'll say so, too, if yon ronie and ex amine them. f THE ARCADE. YESTERDAY'S WKATHEK. Local weather for twenty-four hour ending at 5 p. 'in. yesterday, furnished by the United States Department or Ag riculture, weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 51 degro.'S. (Minimum 'teimpenuture, 43 clegce. . Precipitation, none- ' ' Total precipitation from September 1st 1S'J3, to date, 6.87 Inched. Deficiency of preclpltalton from Sep ttcitfjer 1st, ISUj, to Onto, 9.63 Inches. BUSINESS IiOCALS. tiet vattr erocer tor Ito Keml tea. It will please you. . B. 0. Cough Syrup wtll cure your cough. For eate at Estcs-Craln Drug Store. Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. The coolest and best glass of beer In town can be bought at the Gambrlnus saloon, 12th and Commercial streets. Those new perfume, Just received at the Kstes-Crain Drug Slore are the finest In the city. Purest of wines, liquors and cigars e'.egant free lunch all the dally papers, at the Gambrlnus, 12th and Commercial. Trade with Foard tc Stokes Co., deal ers H Groceries, Hardware,, Crockery, provisions, flour, fruits and vegetables They will surely please you. Hunger Is a very disagreeable sensa tion.; Tbsre .1 a place In thlatown where you loan satsfy ts demands with the cleanest and best 20 cent meal you ever ute. ThuK place Is Joe Terp's. Juirt arrived at Copoland Thorsen's, a nice line of high grade footwear for ladles, ail widths . from A to EE. No trouble to show goods, and satisfaction guaranteed to every purchaser. Call and examine them. What brings people back to the Asto ria Wood Yard after they have sounded the possibilities everywhere else? May be It's one thing, and May be It's another. But the fact remains back they come. And of course the Astoria Wood Yard is proud of it. ;" Nothing so distressing as a' hacking cough. Nothing go foolish as to suffer from It. Nothing so dangerous if al lowed to continue. One Minute Cough Cure gives Immediate reilcf. Chas. Rog ers. . TO-HIGrlT We Will Open Our New Store ! You are respectfully in vited to inspect our new quarters. , . No Goods Sold Until Thui irsday Morning! j t r I ti ' f I k j IJ AlffYnf- ll'rA I 5 Ml' I I id II V"f IStT tV4' ' liVliJvj .'."''-' I . . The Reliable 1 Price Clothier. R w jSt Tt J9 J JS. r x - 'Royal Society ; Six Skeins Tor 25c. I' . TeiT-Yard Spool ' ' $ ; ioc. Per Dozen. 1 Knitting Silks ' ' at 25c. a Spool. I Albert f DaDblf J AROUND, TOWN. J. . Ooulter, of Ilwaco, lo In t:he city, Jc Longtlr., of . Cathlamet, 1s lri the city. ! 1 ' , Ohrristen.n, of Walliiskl, is in town. The Apple dumpling now fills a long- felt want. ... . . . Chas. F. Heath, of Lowell, .Mas?., Is at ilh Occident. H. S. MoOowan, city yeterday. of Chinook, was 1n the A Deajardler, of Uhe Occident. of Chiangs, Ls a gUiMt George Hartley yeJtardjy retivrned from his Portland visit.. John Bunkc, of Young's river, spent yes terd(y In Astoria. F. Beerman, of Necamnlcum City, ls a guest of the Parker. Mr. Dr. Owena Adair, wias In town yesterday. of Sunnymcad, The straiw that broke the cornel's back waa not In a lemonade. P. Peterson and Nell Qihnore, land, are at the Parker. of Pert Jrthn Lund berg, of Blind Slough, Is ve iling his Astoria friends. C. C VanEtten went to tPontland: lnnt nlWht on a short burtlnes trip. Mrs. R. West, of Westport, called on her Astotria friends -estorday. . .,' j J. C. Birr-?tt, and D. Hewitt, of. San Fnumoiacj, are regliitered at tih& Occident. Jan. Stokes and Win. MWrcgor went duck hunting yesterday morning nenr Tongue Point. Mrs. Henderson and Miss Henderson, of Young's River, were visitors In tho city yesterday. Mirts. R. J. Morrinon, of Clatsop Grovo, and 'Mr.. ID. K. Warren, of Warremton, were In tihe city yesterday. , This afternoon at l':00 o'clock the pillow 'tlh'iirns will be ployed out at the residence of Mi's. Heiivfolds, 370 WW 17tti street. R. L. Dutfiam, vlce-prceldent of lh Commercial National Bank, of Portland, made a brief visit lo Astoria yesterday. For fine phdtogruipto or crayon portraits call on W. F. flnodgrasa, T2& Commercial street. The Ibertt unJ Cheapest pCuce In town. There are many rumors nllout tmit there will be some Interesting developments re sulting from the recent meeting of the Liquor Dealers' Association, Rlneo tho b w.n in busings Ihe City Tel epiiione Co. hns added m.iny new phoiles to the exahange. Tho latejt was No.. 74, yestenlny put In the new office of R. L. Boyle ft Co. . Lrnw your ortlers at ithb "Pat" Mar ket, 571 Commercial street, for Thank giving tiimkny. One mhbu.nnd poundB cumo direct from Southern Oregon this morning. ... 1 An Inrmeiso school of sairdlne was yesterday washed ns'hore all alonK Asto ria' 'Water front. People wciro Ijusy all dny g.i'iiheriitg them In and hundreds ef pulls and hRskets were JUled find carried away. "' , The Van Dyke boillce Is mode of prcjeh Alwerlnn slllc, trled In front (With lines of gold envbrbldery. The bamd collar and 11111 lu'at Intr epaulettes falling over the KilCoon uleeves itlhat ere of Van Dyke violet Velvet. A. ne.v kind of canned sliced peaches hna Junt been lxvelved on the market ni'Ufi are put uji In very m;iduome puck iinrea, an.l are nui)oseil to to the crertm of California fruit. Ph cans resemble 'the Ulitf pou ml (salmon tlnu. 1 The c.vKnly Jiklare yesterday arno'n'ley J. A. KnW.n raardlan of Mra. Helen KluM'iv. under bonds of .'0fl, which were duly Mid. An ordnr wu- also entered Fcttlng the 21rd of December for the final ncoiKitln? In the Mtate.pf J. L. Ayer, Eic-ly yerlterdoy morning one of the new hnni'rt wrcktng in the .watjr work tunnel fnlntd film t.hs foul air and tvad to. be carried out of the Hinnol. Occasionally, In i.plt cf the big fans, the nlr gets bad for a time and one unaccustomed to t cannot mand It. , , A Kw'-y rtmawny teturml n, 1 it street yc-iNnlnv mvon. One of the foui; he'se teaims rniritsvHl in hauling material to the water works got oiway from the driver aid pawl down the hill to Franklin nveniie, thence weot to Utfli and were hrctwit up at McTaivlffh's bam. Not muifi dnimage was done. T.w1 'nUter commlrslone-a ''leld a special meeihiir vroter&tir afternoon t which ronsKk r'ble buslnesm. In connection wifh te cm miction vork was tnnatjted. A'mong other 'matters the order for the five foot 1rn fence, to b placed around the ton of tfie reservoir, was decliled to be given at onoe to (he Cincinnati fiitn. , l T S V. V. -J . . .. ....... '...1 nil. it . liuiiim iiua icii-cvrM w a paiper pnblUhed In Chicago, whloh' con- tans . most Interesting article. It Is td-apla'thni !for the first time, Jn Hngl'iVi of tlho full constitution cf the Kington) of Norway. Mr. Hellnnd kindly dorvated Wis copy of tfio paper to the 's torlitn. Wlint was formerly the Cislno r??t.iu- rant ti.M ben removed to 571 Conw street, and was yesterday opened Ton." A large number of p enJoycl the turkey dinner ywterds It .infe to miy 'thiut the new v xl'.t i .w4l tkironiard. Tine roon rant Ci.i ben removed to 571 Commercial as the patrons yvnterday and enture 1:1 'bj wtll fkuroniaed. Tine rooms are hamVcvnety dooirated and are very t t it vivo en vcry'',way,. The "quantity and quality of the viands solved seem to e to r:ie standard and are served 'in j ap; ;lr.lng manner. ; An f rror was mule n yesterday's ttf- ! c-ni cf Has Chamber of Commerce pro. j revllnus In leaving off the signature of 1 t vi cf, t'vi committee on tihs 'memorial j 'rtH'(N congrero In regard to IhS quts-, 1 t'iii of ifwrttlWllonA The names omitted '( h- of J. H. l. Gray and biias B. F.ni.'v. T5 copy for the press was prs iPar. J hunriedly, and . the signatures , omlue.1 In an ovsrxlght. Judgs Gray is deserving lof muoh. oredft for untiring seal In the rmraitter, to (which. In large measutt,-?s due h twoeea of the move ment In getting up the urtorrfoiital. Yesterdaiy Dr. - if:. M. Walker received letter Ifromi hie friend, iDr. Brook, the surgeon at Fort Canby. .stating that tho 1ny Ibfforo Oont. W. C. CVmhton, of the United (States life uaivlng service, ami who I cv well and favorably known In Astoria whilst on the dock at Fort Canby, fell and dislocated Iris shoulder. .The captain win be confined to his ruo.n at tho fort for t umfber of days. Until further notice tin steamer Lur :itio will take the run of the It. K. Thomp son on tho Astoria-Portland route, leav ing Astoria from the O. R. and N. dock at 6:45 a. m. dally, except Sunday, and Portland fiam Ash street dock at 8 p. m. dally, except Saturday. The Lurline wHl take freight and passengers both from her own wharf and the O. R. and N. In this city . and Portland. Tickets Issued by the O. R. and N. Co. or-Vancouver Transportation Co. are good on boats of either company. T'.re cake walk and hall given by Her' man 'Wise ac Klnher'a 'Hall lat evening wia ai maet ucx;es.-Jiil' affah-. Throughout the evening people iwera coming and going but a large crowd took poeseHSlon of the tom early and remained until a late hioui The principal event of the evening was the dake walk at wMchi Mayor Kin ney, I. Bergman, C. J. Curtis and C. A. Maskrey acted as JukUgca. "There were ao many gnacef uf walkers on tlnd floor that It -was difficult to decldei wiho cihoud have ICva prlzea, but finally tihte cake was eiwantded to THY IA. IHiakvtslt, and the mocklnitoslh! to (Mr. J. Ruuth1. . THE SMITH-UIEB CO. FiJher's opera Ihouse Wtll no doubt be crowded (to Its upmost seating capacity next Friday evenlmg wfhen tho SnuIUv-LIeb Company Iheaded by those two excellent artists, Ctarl Bm'itlh and Miss Beaitrlce Lldb will make their first appearance here. The company comes highly recom mended, 'the press everywlhere eipeaklnz In the Ihlgihieifit tenma of thm.. Thlete" eng'age- ment te ror two nlgihta only and they will present two plays never 'before seen here. The (bill for the opening night will do a doutjle one, the sparkling comedy. The Arabian NIShta" and Itbe romantic curtain radser, "The Violin (Maker of Cre morea." On Badurday evening, their fare well nlitiht, 'they -will present the strong romantic somlmilitary drama, ''Herminie or the Oroes of Gold." NotwUlhstandlng the girealt expense Incurred in 'bringing tma company here, 'Manager 'Begy has arranged the ca!e of pnicea at 25, 60 and a cents. THE BON TON. Ndar Restaurant-Serves all the deli cacies of the eeason at the lowest prices. Open intll midnight. fpeo:al attention given to theatre partieBi No. 671 Commer cial street. THANKSGIVING BALL. The Red Men will glvei a grand mas querade ball at Fisher's Hall, Thanks giving eve., November 27tlh. Gentlemen in costume, $1.00; ladles free. Spectators, JO cents. , , SHILOH'8 CURB, the trreat Cougfc and Croup Cure, la In great demand Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25 cents. Children love It Sold ty J. W, Conn. FINE BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. We have choice property In Van Du- sen's, ACderbrook, Adair's, Shlvely'a, Mc Clure's,' Taylor's, New Astoria, Warren ton, and AwtoTla Addition to Warren ton for sale. Also money to loan In sums of J200 to $3,000 on good real estato security. ... . R. Li. BOYLE & CO. - ' BUSINESS PROPERTY. 60x100,' Corner 8th an'd Astor streets. 60x100, Opposite Sihanaihidin'a store beet buy in whe city. 50x100 Opposite Oan Factory corner. 60x100 on Duane, between iflh and lO.h street?. ASTORIA LAND & INVESTMENT CO., 462 Bond (Street Jlnkis-TOJiay I.pKiased a pretty woman by telltlng '.her that a certain red-faced, fmb-tKyvd, - bald-ih&aded 'mortal looked like liven t .(Vtnk8 Get ult! Jink The rcd-iflaced, snub-nosed, .bald-Jheatied mortal waii 'tri 'flat 'baiby.-'Neiw York AVeekly. No word lias yet been received of the arrival at Yoktiitairrta of the Northern Pacific steamship' StraWiuevls, which left Vlctorda for the OiUent on Octobor 12. She departed: from here two weeks be fore tihe feiteaemUailp Victoria, a vessel of the same line, 'which reached the Japanese port a ftur days also. Notwith standing this fatt there is no particular uneasiness felt for tihe overdue LihJp. She Is a new vessel and ls lightly loaded. Not only Vh'to, but Captain James Pan tie, her eKIpper, on leaving there, declared that the trip would be a thirty-day one. The StraUhneVla' madhlinery iwas not. It Is dald",' In very flood running order, and bad iwe liner, sudh as IV? to be looked for at t'h'ls eaason, lhas no doubt retarded progreis.? on, Kie voyage. The Sf'.'a:lh- nevds carries a cargo of 2,000 tons of,, general frelgiht, consisting of the utual asSjrt'iiyent Ol canned (pieatb, condensed milk, nwdhlncipy. Iron pipe, etc., and In cludlnng 1,00 kegs of nails. These nails were desillnekl for Japan arad were of a pecuKar cihnracter, being rtitort ami light and adapted for . use in bamboo work. Tue tftlvip carrfeJ' ibf(Hs 1!5 Chinese 'pas sengers, mcutly 'Eastern merchants. While eraentlally a cargo eteUimer and fiioru of ail decorations or useless houses, Hie Stnat'lMievli Ds considered a good wrtwl. Her lines are good, and In appearance eihe realizes the ideal of the modern fa-'t fielgr.itr. Six thousand four h'Utu.lre i and twenty tons of Oriental frelgiht were brougiht by tCie vesjel in July tihe lairgest Aslntlc fre'ght ever liini'thl on the Pacific coast. The Strath- nevls Id commanded by Captain James Pattie.. She belongs to t'he "Strath line of Gartgow, an) ft One of the S3 steaimdhllps owned by that company. She baa a net tonnage of 2,303, gross ton naire of 3,574, and a dead weight carry ing capacity of 6,700 tons. Colonist. ! ADVERTISED LETTBR3. The f.rilowlng '1st of letters was ad vert Ifel In tihe Astoria postofBce Novem ber 18, 1KC. - And-ron, Car!. Little, Dr. J. Brown. E. Melvln, Ralph. Chumvbor3, Albert. ' Peteieon, John P. Jacotwen, .John, Fonelrn. Becker, rthllllpp. Wlllljim Maurice. When calling for tny of the above Ut ters, please say "adverilssd." HERMAN WISE. P. M , '.'"" Awarded Highest Honors World' Fair, Cold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DIX CFIEAF! ij v F f tsj- &3isa Most Perfect Made. -40 Yean the StanJard. mm "MEN MUST WORK WOMEN MUST WEEP." It was a great poot who penned the above lints, but lie wa-s very much mis taken. He wu wrong In saying tlmt women MUST weep. Women were never Intends to pass their lives Hi misery. Why should they weep?. WOMEN'S WEAKNESSES are the curse of womanhood. They 'have wrung tears from 'many a wife and mother. What a pathetic story could be told of the suffering caused by elck headaches. backacihes, miserable tired feelings, and the (thousand and one painful symptoms .wWIdh so many women endurj. Bui It Is all u.meoesary. THEY CAN BE CURED. Thousands of happy women testify to this fact. Ask tae.n and! they will tell you how much tiiey owe to the benefit received from taking Warner's Saie Cure, the best and most reliable remedy for all ailments of womankind. As a means of relieving and curing kidney, bladder and female troubles and even the dread Brlght'a diseaes Itself, this great Safe Cure iia never been equalled. A short trial will speedily prove what It can do for weak, weary women who need help. 'AT. THE JBETHODI8T CHURCH. Interesting) Sermon by Walters. the Rev. Mr, Sunday a large congregation a'ssc.nbled at the M. E. churdi to hear the Rev, Mt. . Walters. One of the notable feat' urea of the service was the hearty con gregational singing iwihldh all seemed to enjoy and. In iw'hldhl all took part. The mlrtlster took for his text, '"Only in 'the throne (will I be greater than ithou" Genesis xv:40, the subject being 'The Tower and Influence of the Chris flam Oharacter." Me said1 an part: The literature of all the centuries fal'e to give us a (more Interesting, entertain. Ing ankl Irs:ruct1ve narraltlve than the Hebrew story of Joseph hi Egypt. It contains all the dharms of romance, coupled iwitif the inspiration and Instruc tion of fact. ' It Is strange enough for notion and grand enougti In its moral effect to leave Its Impress upon all sue- ceedlng generations. The Btory of such fidelity to God's moral law and Its glori ous rewiartls cannot too often be repeated in t'he ears of the youth of our times. HurrJan nature 1s 'tihe same 1n every age. The sniatres placed In the path of purity mapped out before that Egyptian elave are found everyiwfhere In tihe path of America's young (freemen, and the same reasons for rebalance 'that ex'leted on the banks of 'the Nile 3,500 years ago obtain today on the Wanks of the Columbia, In the state of Oregon. Yea, more. The The experience of 3,500 years only makes more plain the .wisdom of the Hebrew youth in choosing the pathi of social purity iwMdh became tihe highway to that renown culminating on the throne of the Old W'orld's sdhooimasters. Our eubiect,' therefore, furnishes us an Illustration of the elevating Influence of a Christian dhiaracter. The word character is a generic term and, like many words, may be variously used, either with or without any thought of any ntoral concept. But wdien I prefix 'dhe word character wlthi the word Christian, I mean to lm part to that 'word a definite meaning a meamitnff iflhaf transcends all, Includes ail and permeates all 'these various charac teristics of national, mental ond eoclal life of tihe wWole race. For the Ohttiotlan character is at home In all the walki of life aniong all the races of mankind. Moses may be Jew, Socrates may be a Greek, Con ifuelus a Cihlniiman, Zoroaster a Pers'an, but Christ is a man with love and sym pathy and salvation for ail mankind. The Christian cihlaracter Is what the world Us ispuillng for. It gioaned for 4,000 yeiaim for .what It at last found in Bethltiheim's ba'be. Fortunately for ois, we have on this coast the followers of two great leaders of (human character, Moses and Confucius, and I am sure 1 need but to mention these to convince any (Intelligent audience that neither of these Is the character that the iworld wants. The one be'.levlng in a 'hialf truth soon cfhl&niges It Into a iwthole lie, and that strange fate pronounced in the divine oracles saying "I will make you a hiss ing and a byword," In all nations lhas not only been true; but all nations in the civilized world has taken up the by word of Eugene Sue, and commanded the race to "move on." Wlhlle, what shall we say of tihe-othter. You need not go to China to see China China unmiti gated, debased, Idolatrous, nnmoved as a rock in 'tihe ocean, 'with the surges of Chrlstaln civilization washing the walls of their dwelling places. Here 1s a otiaraoter that while tiiaveKng one way ihos been looking In tihe opposite direc tion for 2,300 yeara really ihe lhas been looking backward eo long that he does everything toaclowaiU. 'He is the danl fin of mankind. 'He is a human obli quity. 'He imlgiht have attended a, school for crabs land graduate!1 iwlth' High honor. He i.-epresents a religion tiin.it runs back ward to prehistoric times, and at the eyllub'.ets Kung-fu-'t.-te his eye brightens, for It means the author c-f a faith tiiat (was as old as the world, goes centuries before Christ iwas boin. Time was when civilized infldels lauded to the heavens the Chinese character. Thai was when ih was on t'he other side of the wall. 'Nearer vkw ban broken the enobantment. -- But a O.irJstlan tiiaaracter Is what we ai-e talking about. (Who does not know ami admire a Christian character when they see It ami feel Ms Influence over them. Character in a moral sense M what a man really Is and not wimt a man may think himself to be.. Character is the real condition, and not iwihat a man may be reputed to be by b''s associate. Reputation mty be l.'kened to the pin nacles, cornices ami scrolls, while char acter ls the foundation, the corner posts, the wills and girders of a man's life. Evidently, then the character of which we are talking Is not the natural char acter. What are the mark and evidences ot the Chirlftlan character? First The OhrMani character is a gentle character. Has not the svord gentleman degener ated eomeiwihat in our day!) Does it re quire a tailor and a )ewe'er to bestow the marks of the true gentlemunt May not a true gentleman be found In home spun and fustian as well as broadcloth ami ftne linen? Lett me remind you that Jesus Christ was a true gentleman, not of leisure, but ot toll. In this old book somesfvere is written a (wonderful svn etnee, 'Thy gentlenesa tiatdt made me great,", and It n mikes all 'His disciples great In the proportion that they possess Christ's gerttlexKvs. Second 'A Christian character is a pure character. HJ Jcwerih yteMed to the -solicitations of the tempter this sublime lefttn would never tvasre come down to us that temptation- Is no excuse or apology for commit ting sin. Sin Is a voluntary act cf a free moral agent. 'There ara not bad In fluences enouKhi on earth, or. devils enough In hell to compel a free moral agent to commit sin. p What are the rewaiMs of - Christian character? First Consciousness of self-mastery. It Is no smell Item for a man to b master of. himself. it Is a power that ls often boasted ajkl claimed, but under stooJ by few and pomessed by less. Joseph fleeing hatless and coatles from the presence of .the .waaiton U nus'r of himself and (be Mtostton. and in spite oT (he ljlng accuaataons) tbat sent Mm Into the king' prison he Is en the royal road success, and sooner or later dod' win xalt him to the bosltlon for whlon his loyalty to 00a s .iaw tnimes ntra. . ; Second-Christian, chiaracter elevate ' The tejipi lmpl'lej';i. previous -condition "ot lowliness. To be elevated to ,ithe the place occupied by Joseph might well Inspire a prince heir to the throne. Christian oharacter elevates by remov ing those things that keep tmeii down. Sin ls the cause of all the degradation under whldh the world has groaned from Adaim to this hour. Remove sin, strike the shackles from Its captives, take away its dominion, and man must rise as surely as cork floats. If 1 had but one proposition to make to this audience to night it would be ithls: Christ removes sin "Behold the LamlU of God that takethi awiay the am of the world." Christian character elevates by con ferrlng tnoee xmngs upon us tnat are elevating. First A love for that which ls pure, Men live as they love, and love must be born. Second duties whilch elevato. The exercises of religious devotion are elevating. Thlrd-'By Imparting aspiration that are noble and lift the soul out of the ruts or sordid and eemsh alms. But we find, however, many false Ideas of elevation. That only ls exalted wMch has truth for Its foundation, the laws of God for Its pillars, grace for its adornment and the cross for its Insignia. Such and such alone ls the Christian character. Joseph ruled Egypt because he first ruled himself. AW the 'world's great masters worthy of fhrtltaitlon first became master of self; and (this gives you power to affect the uestnnies or men and so clety. And 'then 'beyonni, in the land where kings have lafd down Uielr scepters, where empire's are forever iwlped from the map of the universe, wnere an auonoruy na yreiaea 10 ttlm that slttciflh upon the throne after the beads of death have been wtlped from the cold brow of (midnight, when all the greatness and pomp of all the ages wouid gladly yield their baubles for what you possess, then will appear In priceless value the eternal elevation of the Christian character. AN ENIGMATICAL BILL OF FAiRE. For a dinner, served on the Dining car of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, will be sent to any address on receipt of a two cent postage stamp. Ap ply 10 ueo. n. Heanroru, ueneral Fasten, ger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chicago, Illinois. CITY BONDS FOR SALE. Notice is hereby given that sealevl pro posals will be received by the committee on ways and means of the city council of the City of Astoria,- ClaiWjp County, Oregon, until Ueoember 15th, 1895, at 2 o clock p. m., for the sate of Astoria mu nicipal bonds In tlie sum of 350,000 at six per cent for twenty years. For full partlcularu adores K. Osburn Auditor and Police JuUge, Astoria, Ore gon. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. By order of the Comlpvon Council, Ante: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, Nov. 11th, 18J5. THE LEADING DENTIST. Why 1s Dr. Howard the leading dentist? Because he makes a success of crown and and bridge work and extracts and fills teeth without pain. REDUCED HATES. Cheaper ito Travel Than It Ij to Stay at Home. Another cut Ihlas been made In ocean rates to Sian Farncfisco by the O. R. and N. Co. Taking effect at once, the rates between Alstonla and San Francisco will oe: Uilbln, 15.00: steerage. 12.50. The s S. State of California Will soil Wednes day 'mornllng. (1. W. LOUNS'BERRY. Agent. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. Anyone desiring to .make fancy articles neeu.ework, calces, pies and bread for the "Exchange" will please laeve word at the Public Library where further in formation may 'be obtained. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. WORTHY OF NOTICE. There ls nothing but bold, clear-cut truth In the statement that to secure per fect fit, quality and style In your shoes- ax the lowest reasonable prices you must go to the Arm of John Hahn A Co., 479 uommercial street. NEW POULTRY MARKET. Coiner 13th and Commercial Streets. All kinds of Ash and poultry on hand, Including a s;le-tid stock of cigars and tobaccos, candles, fruit, etc. Give me a trial. MRS. FEAKES. BIDS FOR BRIDGE. Notice is hereby given that seated plans, specifications, strained diagrams, and bids will be received by the County. Court of the Slaite of Oregon for Clatsop County, until Monday, January eth, 189. at o'clock p. m., for the building, erection and oonstructlon of a bridge across the Lcwfs and Clarke River, In Clatsop eoun ty, Oregon, a cord Ing to such plans, spe cifications and diagrams, at a point where the county road leading from Clatsop or Junction City, to N. E. corner of tend of C. N. Hess on Young's Bay, crosses said river. Each bidder thai! deposit with Me bid, cash or certified check payable to the order of the County Clerk to the amount of ten per cent of his bid, which shall be forfeited to the county In case the award Is made to him and he faiiB, neglects or refuses for the period of two days after such award Is made, to enter Into contract and file Ws bond In the man ner required by and to the satisfaction of saKl county court. The piane. apeclflca tlons and diagrams will be subject to the approval of the Hon. Secretary of war, of the United States. The payment for said confront to be made by an order on the County Treasurer. The right to reject any and all bids ls hereby reserved. By order of the County Commissioners. ' F. I. PUNoAK. County Clerk Dated, November Tth, 1896. FORTY -SIXTH 8TRKET GRADE NO TICE. Notice is Wereby given, that the Com mon Council of the City of Astor have determined to estaiblteft the grade of 4h street from, the north line of Astor afreet to the south line of adW-way running throudh Block No. 102. all in that part of the city of 'AsforU as Wild out and re corded by John Avfatr, at the following hehjih'tB above the base of grades as es tuibllilhcd by Ordinance !No. 71 entitled "An Ordinance to establish a base of gradvs for the sweets of Astoria, to-wit: At the intersection of 3Hi Ftreet with Astor street, 8 feet. At the Intersection of th street with aKey-way running througlh sleek No. 10X S feet. V The street and crossings to be level ttwwuHhout she wM:h thereof. . At jny time (within ten days from the final pu'.Htjlon of this -notice,,, to-wit: Within ten days frdm the 3rd day of De cern tier, 1S95, remonstrance oan be made stotiret eatd proposed' grtude and If with in' saM time a nrlttra remonstrance emlnst the same be filed iwlth. the Auditor and Police Johre by the owners of three (ourtha of the property adjacent to said portion of saM street, such grade than not be eHtblsed. . Tty orVVer of he Currrm-n Council. Attt: t k: JnsBURV, Auditor and PoUce Judge. Astoria, Oregon. November !9:h. 1SJ3. If tou want a sure relief for 11 COCK S Plaster Bkar im Mind Not one of tions is as good as the genuine. LOOK OUT FORq P A TNT VJUJISJ IflD flfiE- THEY PUfiE? Only the best grades sold by FOARD & STOKES. BERRY'S HARD OIL FINISH HARD TO BEAT. SO ARE OUR PRICES. A TWISTER. A twister In twisting May twist him a twist, . For In twisting a twist Three twists make a twist; But if one of the twists ' Untwist from the twist, The twist untwisting Untwists the twist. That ls, when It's twisted with any otier twine than MARSHALL'S. FROM NOW UNTIL SPRINO Overcoaita and winter wraps -will be in fashion. They can be discarded, tempor arily while traveling In the steaim heated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for speed and for seafety, no other line can compare with this great railway of the West. FOR RENT. Three comfortably furnished rooms, with flrst-class table board, at Mrs. Hot den's, corner 9tth and Duane streets. boauM without room If deBlred. FOR THOSE WHO EAT For the remarkably small sum of lb cents one can procure an excellent chick en dinner every Sunday at the popular "Denver Kitchen," east side of 9th street between Astor and Bond. Mr. Richard son, the proprietor, also assures the pub lic that they can obtain at his place a weCl-cooked, well served breakfast, din ner or supper any day In the week for the above mentioned price. Give him a call and be convinced that he speaks the truth. Snap R Kodak at any man coming out of our store aud you'll get a portrait of a man brimming over with pleasant thoughts. Such quality in the liquors we nave to offer art) enough to PLEASE ANY MAN. Con?e and Try Them. . HUGHES &. CO. EXCHANGE STREET GRADE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria, have tlltlbormUned to esCabWcth true gmalde of Ex change street 'from the claim line between MoC'lure's and SUvlveiy's Donation land claim, (co tlh west Wne of 5Uh street, all in the city of Astoria au laid out and re corded by John McClure and extended by Cyirua Olney, at the following heights above the base of gradts as established by Ordinance No. 71, entitled, "An ordi nance to establish a base of grades for Uhe struts of Aatorla, to-wit: At Utiie claim line between the Shlvefly and McClure Donation Jjand Cladm, 2i.l At the Cftossjng iwi'tih 12 dh street, 25 feet. At the crossing with Uth street, 21.5 fee:. At the crossing with lOtlh street, 28 feet on the norUh line of the street and 30 feet on the south line of street. At the crossing 'With 9th street, 43 feet on 'the north line of the street and 46 feet on south line of the street. At the crossing with 8th street, 52.5 feet on narldh line of street and 55.5 feet on sauth line of street. At the crossing iwlth 7tih street, 61 feet on north Hps of street and W feet on south line of street. At taw orosBlng with 6th street, 85 feet on north Hns of street and 88 feet on south, line of street. At the crossing with Bth street, 157.5 feet on nomuh line of street and 160.5 feet on south ilne of street. The crossings to be on a level from east to west and the Street to be on un even f.ope betwween croasinsB. . At any time within ten efays from ',he final publication bf this notice, to-wit: WlUhin ten daiys from the 29th day of No vember, 1895, remonstrance can be made asainct saM proposed grade and If with in said time a written remonstrance against the same be filed with the auditor and police Judge by the owners of three fourths of the property adjacent to said portion of said direct, such grade shall not be established. By order of the Common Council. Attest: K. OSBURN, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, November 15th, 1895. ASTOR STREET GRADE NOTICE. Notkw to hereby given. That the Com mon Council ot the city of Astoria have deterimneI to establteti the graidu of Astor Street In Adair's A'irtoria, from the west line of 16th street to the east line of jtttv street, at "the following heights above tbe base of grades as establ'aiied hv Ordinance No. 71, entitled "An Orctl' nance to establish! a base of grades for the streets of A:or'i, as follows, to-wit: At the crossing of 43fh street, 25 feet At tho crossing of th etreet, 25 feet. The arosslngs to be level and the street to be level between sail crossing At any time (within ten drays from the final publication of this notice, to-wlc: Within ten days from the 29;h xfciy of November, 1895, remonitnance can be made agate, said proposed grade, and If with in iki time a rwitten remonstrance against the fame be Hied with the Auditor and Police Judse by the owners of llhree- foumsbn of the property adjacent to Fald portion ot said street, such grade shall not be established. By ordwr of the Common Council. Attest: ' K. OSBURN. Auditor and Po'.ice Judge. Astoria, November 15th, 1895. Are You Going East? If so, drop a line to A. C. Sheldon, general agent of the "Burlington Route." 250 Washington el. Portland. He will tnall you free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, reserve sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish Tou with through tickets via either the Northern. Union. South- em. Canadian Pacific and Great North- em railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable - - The Burlington Routt Is generally conceded to be the finest equipped rail road In the world for all classes of nveL naini in the back, side, chest, or the host of counterfeits and imita OIliS! WANTED. Wanted A good girl for general house work by Mrs. J. T. Lighttir, corner of 15th and Franklin avenue. Wlaniter to rent A oentraOSy located house of seven or elghlt rooms. Address M., this office. WANTED Agents to represent the old National Life Insurance Co., of Montpelter, Vt. For further informa tion, address Q. M. Etolp, General Coast Manager, 82-84 Crocker Building, San Francisco, CaL WANTED Man or lady to collect, do some office work, and manage agents. Tou will deal through your leading mer chants. Something new and very popu lar. We pay all expenses. Position per manent Send four references and ten cents for full particulars. John Finney Mgr., P. 0. Box 484, St. Louis, Mo. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished room on ground floor In private family. 414 Exdhange St. FOR SALE. JAPANESE GOODS-Just out-Just re ceivedJust what you want, at Wing Lee's, 543 Commercial street. The 'Underaig ned will sell his farm in Tillamook county, Oregon, at a reu&jiuiblu f gune and on easy terms, 15 or 20 acres Is In gmass, the whole containing 158 acres. The piaoe Is situated right on the county road. There ls both bottom and 'high lan.li-). iwihileb, can be cleared easily. There ls also a lot of tine timber. OTTO JOHNSON, 1746 FranMln ave., Astoria, Or. TO LOAN. MONEY Apply to Title and Trust Co. Astoria Abstract, MISCELLANEOUS. $76,000 PER WEEK using and selling Dynamos for plating watches, Jewelry, and table ware. Plates gold, silver, nickel, etc.,- same as new goods. Dif ferent sizes for agents, families and shops. Easy operated; no experience; big profits. W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14. Columbus. hlo. The Resort t 473 Commerciiil hfrcet. is llie pliice where the lusiuesiinmn ami th Inhorinr man go for what is called "BICST kN THE COAST." or a nice cool drink cf tbe celebrated GambrituiH beet. ShikI wi'.:hes of every kind made to order, nud n eleennt free lunch served every day. Hot Bop ton l'afced Beans served every other afternoon. Tou are welcome. Grosbauer & Bracb. FREEMAN & HOLMES. Blacksmiths. Special attention paid to etambui ie .iairing. first-class horseshoeing, etc LOGGING CA,'flP fflORK A SPECIALTY 187 Olney street, between Third and and Fourth Astoria. Or IS THERE? Is there a man with heart so co!d, That from his family would withhold The comforts which they all could find In articles of FURNITURE of th right kind. And we would suggest at this season, nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se of Dining Chairs. We have the larges and finest line ever shown in the city and at prices that cannot fall to pleas the closest buyers. HEILBORN & SON. HSTO$IA - MATTRESS - factory, 378 Commercial Street Manufacturers of every description of Lounges, Mattresses, etc. REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ROSS HIGGINS & CO. Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Aiiorln Fln Tmi nd Coffers, Tble Dellcac es, Domestic and Tropical Fruits. Veeeublps. Sugar Cured Hams. Bacon. Etc. ChoUe - Fresh - and - Salt - Meats. PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER. Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the coim.nittee on sterets and puJxte ways of the city of Astoria, untlC Wedneslay, November 20. 1S95, at 2 ovlock p. m.. for supplying the City of Astoria with 100.000 feet (board meajure.) of etTeet p'unk. stringers, side walk lumber, etc. Ponorefc. ffiall be mod- cn W'lnki fitn. and fllresH to the Committee on Streets and PsKlc Wanv Directs Proposals rtall etatehe price per thous and at mills or on dock, Al ;nmfr rmis ;be good, sound flr free from shakes, loose or rotten knoie. n ILT'3 montWy (by warrant, 212 "ty Tret.,rer tor 1 umber de livered the previous month. The right to reject any .nd aT. b'ds herdby reserved. No contract wit be enter-d into unless Tyed by the Common Count Bv order nf trre Commlfee i. and Putxic Ways. "nmlt'e on Streets AU!Bt: a ? osBURN, Auditor and Folic Astoria. Oregon. November j'