The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 19, 1895, Image 4

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ftAjiy . Aip' proper mpbwn np;vote i9,'. i9s.
They cay. Who says?
Well, almost all Astoria, that
'we have the best assortment
of tin and copper wash boil
ers in the city. You'll ay
so, too,, if you come and ex
amine them. .
Local weather for twenty-four houra
ending- at 6 p. m. yesterday, furnished
by the United State Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature, 62 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 45 degree
Precipitation, .02 Inch.
Total precipitation from September lit
1895. to date, 6.87 meneB.
Deficiency of precipitation from Sep-
temtxff 1st, 1896, to ante, v:a incnes. ,
Aic tout erociT if or I to Blend tea. It
will pJeaae you.
E. 0. Cough Syrup win euro your cough,
For va'e at Estee-Craln Drug more.
Meany It the leading tailor, and pays
the highest cam price for rur sums.
The coolest and beat glasa of beer In
town can be bought at the Gambrlnus
saloon, 12th and Commercial creel.
Those new perfumes. Just received at
the Estes-Craln Drug Btors ars tne nnest
In the city.
Purest of wines, liquors and cigars
e:gant free lunch-all the dally papers,
at the Oambrinui, 12th and Commercial.
Overcoat's ami winter wraps will be in
TeWcm. They can be discarded, tempor
arfly iwhfle traveling in the Btoora heated
trains of the Cblcago. Milwaukee md St,
Paml Railway. For soltd comfort, for
peed tuid for eeefety, po other Una cab
compare with this great railway of the
For a dinner, evrvsd en ths Dining cars
of je Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
Railway, will be sent to any address on
receipt of a two cent postage stain p. Ap
ply to Geo. H. Heefford, General num
gr Agent. Old Colony Building, Ohlcugo,
' 60x100, Corner 8ft and Astor streets.
60x100, Opposite 8:ifwn's store best
buy in we city.
60x100 Opposite Gan Fae-tory-omer.'
60x100 on Duane, between 9th and lOlh
Streets. ' i -
- . - 462 Bond street.
-iwree comrortaoiy furnished rooma.
winn nrvfciaas table ooara, at Hra. Hoi
oen , corner itat and Dunne streets,
to without room Tf Owned.
Trade With Foard St Stokes Co., deal
ers H Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
provisions, flour, fruits and vegetables,
They will surely pleas you.
Hunger is a very disagreeable sensa
tion. TJwre is a place In this town where
you can satisfy tta demands with the
cleanest and best 25 cent meal you ever
te. That place la Joe Terp's.
Just arrived at Copoland Thorsen's,
a nice line of high grade footwear for
ladles, all width from A to JOB. No
trouble to show goods, and satisfaction
guaranteed to every purchaser. Call and
examine them.
For the remarkably .mall sum of 16
cent on can procure an excellent chick
en dinner every Sunday at the popular
"Denver Kitchen," east side of th street
between Astor and Bond. Mr. Richard
son, the proprietor, also assure the pub
He that they can ebtaln at his place a
well-cooked, well served breakfast, din
ner or supper any day In the week for
the above mentioned price. Give him a
call and be convinced that he apeak the
The Resort
478 Commwoinl street, is the bluoe
where tbe businessman and tbe laboriug
man go (or what is called "BEST ON
THE COAST," or nioe oool drink of
tbe celebrated Qambrinni beer. Sand
wiches of every kind made to order, and
an elegant free lunch served every day.
Hot Boston Baked Beans served eve-
other afternoon. You are welcome.
Grosbauer & Brach.
What brings people back to the Asto
ria Wood Yard after they have sounded
the possibilities everywhere elseT May
be K's one thing, and Mar be It's another.
But th fact remains-back they come.
And of course th Astoria Wood Tard is
proud of It.
Until further notice the stumer Lur-
ltne will take Hue run of the R. R. Thomp
son on tto Afltorla-Pwuna route, leav
ing Astoria from the O. R. and N. dock
at a. m. dally, except Sunday, ami
Port land A am Ash street dock at I p. m .
dally, except Saturday. The Luritne win
take freight and paasanjrers both from
her own wharf and the O. R. and N. hi
this city and Portland. Tickets issued
by th O. R. and N. Co. or Vancouver
Transportation Co. are good on boaits or
either company.
We have choice property In Van Du
sen's, Aiderbrook, Adair's, 6htv!y's, Mc
Clure'a, Taylor's, New Astoria, Warren
ton, and Astoria Addition to Warrenton
for sale. Also money to loan In sums of
1200 to $3,000 on good real estate security,
Special attention paid to steamboat re
pairing, nrst-ciasa horseshoeing, eta
197 Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth Astoria. Or.
fyxjal Societg
Art Silks,
Six Skeins for 330.
Embroidery Silk,
loc. Per Dozen.
HJnitting Silks
. at 25c.
a Spool.
filbert Dunbar
Capuiin Jack a spellbound audienct.
A startling thing In clothes the bill.
. avris. Sore-son, of Cray's River, was
in town yeuterday.
Bite the dustthe man who tests a
coin with his teeth. ,
The Liquor ''Dealers' Association held a
tynlcM meeting last nifcth?.
Mrs. HoQt returned from her Portland
vtoit yesterday on the Telephone.
Those engaged m ouDdoor work were
glad to eee ttoe suroslhane yesterday.
The on. C W. Fitfton went to Port
land Sureduy might on a business trip.
Ttie gobble of hl Ttnkfag4vig' tur
key Is heard througih the ,punpk!n vims
Pivldnt T. H. Curt1, of the North
west Construction Co., went to Portland
R. L. Boyle returned from Portland
yeaterVlay, (Where ibe w caWed on Im
portant touslneM.
Alex. 0mttA)ell returned yesterday from
Boaatde wtwre he reports having spent a
moat Oellghltrui day.
Mrs. Punga returned on the Telephone
yesterday afternoon from a vl;t of eev,
oral day in Portland.
iD. tnirt Jr. yesterday received from
ihe eoretairy of state tylrs tbpipointment
j a a notary pbUc Ifor Clatsop county.
The gradf arid curves on the Goble
road aire iaM to ba taut on the plans and
scales of ah Southern Pacific railroad.
the mill, veiy tarly resulting In hit
death, with graxt preeenec of mind and
promptness iMr. Tom TrulUnger jumped
into Une nnalber and pulled the tittle fel
low out aa he was coming up for the
antra time. It is thought the lad will
entirely recover.
There were no oases in the police court
yetiteiMay not urea a, Sunday drunk.
AatoirUi is getting In line with, the
besf-ln fact le equal to luiy city on the
coast tn this respect. When there are
not enough occupants of he city jail
'to cJean the street, tilings are surely get
ting on to. moral plane. 60 remarked sev
orkU byMtaTrfars yeatorJay who heaid the
ireconi of the court.
It has been reported by several differ.
ent parties that ithfe teanwtera hauling
Hhe BCorte from the dock up to the water
iworlds are in the faalUt of urunerclfully
oeaung lihelr horens. It iwos thought that
'uhe iwgons were Bometlmes overoladed,
pancicrularry Idurtncr the wet weather and
that anotlher cause of the horses' inability
10 pun was that they were shod with
shloea tvavlng mo corks.
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying in
every way to make them th most en
joyable in town. All the "good things"
of th season cooked by our excellent
cook in th most delicious style. Perfect
If you invito a friend to the Palac
Restaurant ths placs is a sufficient guar
ante that fa will receive a good meal.
The Palace Restaurant
178 Commercial Street " :,
Par fin phoitosjrapih- or crayon portraits
call on W. F. Snodgrass, 728 Commercial
atreet. The best and cheapest ptice in
Crt. Bben Parker vVtSted his ranch on
Young's river Siuid'iy afternoon. He re
ports the roads m fair corMttoIh for the
The young ladies of St. Agntu Guild
will give a sociiat at the home of Mis
Zetlta Smith, Tu;siiay evening, November
aUtlh, 1896.-
The loirge' window of 'the Antorta Land
and investmient Company's office Is toeing
ddcarkuuxll iwlthl a tine niap ehbwtn the
Columbia river, Astoria and Ftevet.
Alt Vast week, three times a day, the
momlbeiu of 'the C-thollc church faithfully
attended the nnhntoa wervlces, during
wthlori muchi good accompiiUied.
Mamufaoturers of every diwcrlptlon of
Countfee, Mattreeees, etc,
Patrons I
T;e btu't buy in real estate in the city
todlay lis 'Uhe lot opposite S.Uina!hian's store
on ommerctal Street. It is for oa'e. As
torla (Land and Investment Co., 462 Bond
Peter Bayard, who was Injured wWlle
working In Herman WW new store last
Friday, Is not t the hcspltal, as stated
In one of the evening paper.?, ibut at his
awn home under the care of Dr. Jay Tut
Ue. A iwag on t.he tltrcetsi ya.'terday, learn
lnp thait the ehip owhan was loaded
wilbh idtrt ballast from Ireland, remarked
Uhiat lit iwouMi he a good time for all true
Irlettimen to get native soil In which to
grow spuds.
Cake Walk
The .Baidhelors' Club had a box party
ait Me eroterHiaiminent at the opera house
last mlglvt. Mesnra. 'VXHierlty nd Mooer
looked a llrtie bit out of place, as ttvpy
aire unuaKy found with the laxHes on all
such occaalointt. ; ;
A gentlemitin remarked yesterday that
he t'hbugtut he would .buy several round
trip ticket on the San Frame !sx steam
eru arti just mil up and' down between
the it wo ports for a month as 1t nvouM
be c;waper than Kvlng at home.
The' gang of wtolrmxyn tm the Postal
TekwraiU dine 1s now camping wllhi Con
tnactor Normlle's men on the pipe tine
juLrt above the reaarvolr. The telegrjph
people are mlaklng rapid progress and
will be hi the ctty in tat few days.
The propirle'tors of the Caalno irestaurant
have moved Into .:hir new quairters, the
Bon Ton, No, B71 Comm?rc:ail Ftreet,
They will give a gronVl opcerring today,
upvn nl iici loceiCon an excellent turkey
ami dhllcken dinner 'Will he eerved in
ftnst-cOam etytee.
The naiilroad Iron to he used on the
tramway in the construction of the rail
raali grade above Tongue Point, some, 20
ion, arrived on the Gaitzert Sunday and
was Whipped hy barge yesterday to the
porm wnere work is in progress. lAddl
Comal imen are beimr emnlbved as need
e4 tmi tho weather wilt not stop the
worn. -line inairge te expected today with
a -joi or twe cedar piling for the bridge.
Some complaints Wave been made hv
various partks of the dirty condition of
Cummorclai and lSth streets. SuDerln-
tendent CWadwlck says that wiHIle this Is
ue of la number of the streets, there
are certain tax-Dave who obifpi tn
the exipemise of Btreet celanlng, both, on
vne ground of economy ajnd because the
pmnxing or the streets .weans longer if
there Is a coating over it as well as the
facit that It Is easier on vehicles not to
run on the bare planks.
A very pleasant party iwias giiven at the
res ktence of (Mr. and Mrs. Tttotrvald Fred
erictason tn Upper tAsotrta Salturday even
ing. 'iTiose present "were: The MUees
Hilda Iiund, Ida Ahdeton, Lena. Hess,
Bmille Munchausen, Mornte Laurttzson,
Anton la. Johnson, . Majl Fretlckon,
Mleteirs. Sofus Jensen, Fred Johmson, Pe-
aer Walde, Lorenlts anson, Lars Bel
tamldfi CC Hist. JoWahaon. Andrew Bare.
Harry Brulin, (Hans 'PrtUerlda , and
ur. ana Mrs. Thanw awl Froderiekaon.
The evening was spent In gaimes land mu
sic. A nice supper was serevd later.
Bob" May, the well known traveller
Tor Mason, Etonian & Co., was In town
wuuraoy evening visiting old friends,
ood a.'ivays (has a good ttory for Iht
ooy, aind among Kie grist .was the fol
lowing, toM on himself: On one cf his
recent trips in a email town he attended
a perofrmance of "Bnociiv Arden" with B
customer. It waa in itlhe scene where
Bnodfr, the poor castaway on the desert
Isllind, kneeling under tlWe palm tree, arx-
loiBiy o.-ans the horizon for a tflvlp, that
one auuiemce- hung spellbound on the
words of tne aotor: "No sail from day
to .day." At this point Bob nudged his
11 lena, ami in a wtoiper, aukllble throiwh
out the lower portion of the house, uld:
"That's Dike my bosu. He's looking for
me. na i n bet hie la sayilngv 'No sale
irom way to eay!" Thcv-e who heard thla
splendid bit of witticism were convu'sed
with laugwter. Tie scene was wnnUrrl
hut Bob oM a big hY.l on the
of It.
Yesterday afternoon a ire-orter ihmn.
pened to strike Captin Jiack Orawfrmi
at (the Packer House .while he was writ
ing a reply to a letter received heir fmm
tills itttie eteven-yeair-old daughter. The
young vauys letter sta'ted that ee was
Just going to ' water the cattle on h
hkj.-ne fanmi In 'New Mexico. nd nxaa wi-it.
ten on a typewriter in very goo form.
TJie document closed with a double row
of signs which- the called "kUUes," and
expressed the hope that dear pap would
he home ifor Chnlstmas. The captain
said he was goilng to try ito "get there,"
anU In the cornea iof conversation told
something of Wis experience an p?clal
agent of the juAlcial department under
Hairn', ad'milnlstnilt'ion. He eaJd that
aimong other .tunings 'he arretted 67 men
for Kt'lng liquor to Indians, anli 'hiaa
everj"one of ttiem convicted. He alo
etated ttiat the recent gathering of the
O. A. R. at Louisville -as the largest
wiiu G-ranuesi event. or tme kind that had
ever occurred Ho the Untted SBaites, baa
turned Kentucky to a .RepuMteain etate,
and had done more o trfrtd the North
and South together than any other event
that had ever taken place.
Highest Honors World' Fair,
. Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
To the Ball and Cake Walk Tuesday
Night, November 19th?
A rare treat to in store for Herman
Wise's customers next Tuesday night; in
t.rkler to celebrajte the opening of s new
store and to estalbHah friendly relations
wJth his coistomers, Herman Wise has de
cided on this dance and ralke walk, and
phomlses to cause a bushel of fun; besides
the winners of 'this wark twIUl receive a
fine rubber mackintosh, and the winner1 ee
partner will receive the ttake. (Monday's
the last day on iwhddh you may secure
your tickets; It will he a popular ball;
no BirtetiocnaiHc affair, but ta good time for
the platn, everyiday people; .disreputable
dhoracters will be kept out. Every gen
man must harve ai ticket, ladles free
with escorts. Mr. 'Wise twill open his fine
new store on 'Wednesday evening, He
will sell goods at his old stand all day
Monday. Better get in now or you will be
sorry for trussing a treat.
Notice Is Hereby given, that the Com,
mon Council of 'the City of Aston harve
datenmlned to eotahltsh the grade of 46th
street from the north line of Astor street
to the south line of oilieyway running
through Block 'No. 102, all in that part of
Hie city of '.Astoria as ml out and re.
corded by John 'Akfata', at the following
heights above Uhe hane of grades as es-
tulblltfiied by Ordinance "No. 71 entitled.
"An Ordmaince to establish a base of
gnadets for the sttreets of (Astoria, to-wlt
At the inters ectlon of 46th street with
ABtior street, 25 feet.
At the Inrte ectlon of tfth street with
eltey-way running thrrougTi 'Block No. 102,
a reet.
The street and crossings to be level
thirougciout the width thereof.
At any throe (within ten davis from the
nnaa punuioMtlon of this notice, to-wlt
Within ten days rUnom the 23d of Novem,
ber. 1896, remonstrance can be made
against atd proposed gilaide and If with.
in nam trme a, (written iremons'tirance
agalnist theeame tee filed with the Auditor
and Police Judge by the owners of three
fourths of the property adjacent to said
portion of taid street, such arade ehaf!
not be eatabllGhied.
By ortfer of Whe Common Concil.
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Aatariia, Oregon, November 11, 1895.
g Dance !
The Reliable
Price Clothier.
J. M. Turney. W. H. Stevenson and
wife and "Nations," returned! Saturday
from Be-oMe to Portland. The party
'have bee.t ftshflng and hunting for a num
ber of weeks, and rep)rted good sport
And any number of big tkh Mtories were
flying around the aocM yesterday even
.Several merchants and property cwn
ern have recently been discussing the
proposition of fmtefilfW Fifleenthi vtreet to
tihe edUe of the dock line ami It c prob
able tMit some action mill be taken In
the near future. In vase of Are In that
wlclntty it wouM be a matter of great
Ca,piln Jaiok Craiwford. the "Poet
Scout," gave a most Interesting enter.
falrvment in Fi.-tW'a theatre lust night
to an Audience thoroughly appreciative
of the many good tlhUnga he said. An
extended report of Captain Jack's talk is
unavotdalbly held over till tomorrow
througih tack df space.
The tug Emm H&y.wanl yesterday
.went up to Portland having In tow
bairge, loaned with the two O. R. and
N. coaches used last summer on the Sea,
rXhore iuload. and also the barge Auto-
c-iat. The locomotive which was brought
down tn She summer ma not returned
aa that wu purcMMid for permanent use.
The tailor-made suit is king of the
day. It Is practical and useful for so
many occasion. Although, not always
according with the feminine tov of the
dainty and pretty fuasiiMe tt Is fetch.
Ing beyond dispute. ,.Th rrweeful out
lines of a pretty form never look so well
a (when deftned by .the curves of ihe
tailor gown.
CTu,vt!ntIn;-f-l CehWLTJoter
tus prepared ' petition ..of property own-.
era ror n erection or an electric Ight
at ths corner of Bond and 14th streets.
nrhkii wttl be prcsenr-Wl to tr rouncll to-
mo ow evening. Many people In tw
p it have fallen overboard at this cor
ner, milt b shouHNt that a Ugh win
be of twoefft.
Testerday ftemoao a lad &imi
Cheaper iro Tiavsl Than It U to Stay at
AnoXier cut h 1 ibenn mnHa In
raltes to Sn Farndlsco hy the O. R. and
N. Co- Taking effect at once. The rates
between lAlsloria nd San will
be: 'Oitoln, G.0O; steerage. J2.50. The S
6. State of OaMfornltt. w:tl ni M'ejlnesl
day morrflng. G. W. LOUNS'BERRY,
- - Agnt.
Anyone detjlring to make fan:y articles
neerliewiork, cokes, pies and bread for
"Biy-.n" will please laeve mrtl
at the PublkJ pibr'ary where further in-
lurmu'uon may. be obtained.
Numfber 430 Bond Street, hew . -
other pldture of the engine, that is to he
on t'ne now road, wtth .Vlke Logon as
-ivrrinragfni, in Doots. . Ths best of 11
quors and cigars wj on hand.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
Ther i aothlng but bold, clear-cut
truth in ths statement that to secure per
fect fit, quality and style in your shoes
at the lowest reasonable prices you must
go to the firm of John Hahn ft Co.. 479
Commercial street.
Corner 13th and Commercial Streets.
All kinds of flh and noultrv An nnnil
Including a sileMed stock of els- -i
tobaccos, candle fruit, etc. Give me a
U-lal. MRS. FEAKtS.
Notice la hereby given that aet in
specifications, strained diagrams, and bids
will be received by the County Court of
the Stake of Oregon for Clatsop County,
until 'Monday. Januarv ftrh lout b
o'dcrk p. nv, for the buikilng. erection
and iconstrutMlon of a bridge across the
Kiver . in Clatsop coun
ty. Oregos, acordins: to suctt nlu.
ciflcatlon and diagrams, at a point where
the county roa leadtnr from cimi
Junction City, to N. E. corner or kuirf
C. N. Hess on Young s Bay. crosses Mid
river. Each, bidder hli tenif .
uw, cma or cerune. check payabl to
the order of the County Clerk to the
mount or en per cent of his bid, which
shall be forfeited to the county in mm
the award is made to him and he failsH
Kieci or recuses ror te oeriod at t
day after euch award made, to enter
Notice is hereby given, thlat the Com
mon Council of the Ctty of Astoria, have
dldtormlined to eecabltolh the gnvude of Ex-
ciWange street from the claim line between
MoClure'a and ShlveCy's Donation land
claim, to the west line of Eth street, all in
the city of Astoria aa laid out and re-
cordted by John McClure and extended by
Cyrus Olney, at the following heights
above 'tine base of grades as established
by Ordinance No. 71, entitled; "An ordl.
naince to establish a base of grades for sUroets ' of Aatorla, to-wilt:
At .hie claim line between the Sblvely
and Mk-Cliwe Dorfatton Laml Claim, 2J
At the crossing with 12th street, 26 feet.
At the crofing with 11th street, 24.5 feet.
At the crossing with lOtih street, 23 feet
on the north line of the street and 30 feet
on the south line of atreet.
At the crossing 'wiltfh 9th eltreet, 43 feet
on the north line of the street and 46
feet on south line of the street.
At the crossing with Sth street, 52.5 feet
on narlth line of street amd 55.5 feet on
somffii line of street.
At the crossing with 7th street, 61 feet
on north line of street and 64 feet on
south line of street.
At the crossing' with 6h Btreet, K feet
on north tine of street and 88 feet on
south line of street.
At the crossing with Sah street, 167.5 feet
on north line of street land 160.5 feet on
south Sine of street.
The crossings to be on a level from
east to weat and the (Street to be on an
even tt.ope betiwietfen croasknKB. ,
At any time wltllitn ten days Prom '.he
final publication of this notice, to-wlt
Within ten days from the 29th day of No,
vember, 1896, remonstrance can be mode
against said proposed grade and 4f -tvtth
In said time a written - remonstrance
against the saime be filed with the auditor
and -police Judge by the owners of three.
fourths of the property adjacent to said
portion of aadd street, such. grade ehoill
not be eatabltahed.
By order of 'the Common Council.
Attest: K. O8BURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Aat'orla, November loth, 1895.
New Goods
flovelties in Xmas Goods Will Be Shown
prom flow On.
Down Pillows in All Sizes!
Cushions in All Shapes!
Covers for the Above ii? Silk, Velvors, Denims, Iainen, Btc,
Hem and flieh Designs
in Drapery Silks I
A large assortment of Ladies' Flannelette
Robes or Lounging Gowns, in very pretty pat
terns, at prices ranging from $1.50 to $3.00
The Leading House of Astoria.
J ILlllln
yjUKisH Ap oiiisi
Only the best grades sold by
, .Jr.
' a-Aj)but
Columljb IivQr
bJ,;hJl?Uvbuy tlMosllAo vou Know 1 m
What you r orttmo uw IHAtMAlik
' Mn (. Amnio
N'odue b hereby given, That the Com
mon Council of Uhe city of Asfoiia tiavc
detenmtneJ to establkb the crda ot
Astor Street in Adair's Atorit, from the
west line of 45th street to the east line
of 46tlh street, at the fol tow I ny heights
Wanted A good gtri for general house-
'Work toy Mrs. J. T. Lighter, corner of
16th and franklin avenue.
Wanter to rent A centraiCy located
house of seven or eigtht rooms. Address
M., th olDce.
WANTED Agents to reDresent the
old National Life Insurance Co.. of
above the base of grad s establtoed IX1' .V FLfU,lher ln.f?,rn
by Ordlmunce No. 71, entitled "An Ordi- r'
to estabiWh: a ;be of grades for F U. V.i om
the stireets o Astoria, as follows; to-wlt
At the crossing of 46 tJh street, 25 feet.
At the ore ing of Wi street, 26 feet.
The crofeinm to be lsvet and the street
to be level between SU& crcwtntK
At ny time within ten cays from tits
fYmtl pubHcMtton of thts notice, to-wlt
WANTED Man or lady to collect, do
soma office work, and manage agenta
You will deal through your leading mer
chants. Something new and very popu
lar. Wt pay all expenses. Position per-
Withtn ten days from tts h y of SSTs 1TTXS - S?n T
November. 1896. remontns-ce Mn b mode fu Lw J. plcuil John Flnney
November, 1896, remonstrance can be made
aguifa- said proposed grade, and if with'
in ihi time a rwttten remonstrance
against the same be flled wttlh the Auditor
and PoHce Judse by the vtmtn ot rtiree-
rourohe of the property adjacent to raid
portton of said street, audi grade ShaH
not e established. : , - . . .
By order of Dhe Common Council.
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria, November 15tlb, 18D6.
Is there a man with heart so cold.
That from his family would withhold
The comforts whloh they all could find
In articles of FURNITURE of tb
right kind.
And w would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se
of Dining Chairs. We have the Urges
and finest line ever shown In ths city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
thp closest buyers.
Mgr., P. O. Bos 484, St Louts, Mo.
FOR RENT Furnished room on around
floor in private faintly. 414 Kxdhninge St.
JAPANESE! GOODS Just out Just re-
celvsd Just what you want, at Wins
Lee's, 64 Commercial street.
uww mm nie ms T ntm the-mh-TfrV-Tr5m shakes, loose or rotten. knots.
Mr requirtd by ami bo the iettetfkAWof
county court. The Diana. DeaM.'
tions and diagrams nrUl be subject te Mm
approval or the Hon. Secretary of War,
of the United States. Tbe payment for
said contract to be made fey an order on
me county Treasurer. The rlht tn
reject any wnd all bids Is hereby reserved.
uy order or tne courty Commissioner
Count Clark.
Notice Is hereby -iven tht sealed era. I The tmdwsigned -well mM his farm 4n
posals wRl be received by the oocmnlttee TWajnook county, Oregon, ait a reasonable
on sterets and pubJc ways of the city I fu and on easy terms, 16 or 20 acres ts
of Astoria. unfE Wedneelav. November I In grass, ths ie containltyr ll ao-ea.
, 1896. at : o'clock p. ta., for upplylng TJe iace is etated rltfnt on the county
the City of Astoria with 100.000 feet (boar I a. nere t nom bottom and tili
meest jre.) of street p'-umk, stringers, slde-l - can he cieared easily. There
walk lumber, c. 1 a a i s on unaxr.
Poopoeals shall be makle on Wanks far-1 OTTO JOHNSON.
nldhed hy the Auditor and Police Judrel
and cnMrwsed to the Committee on Stre etsl
and PnWlc Ways,
Proposals hall stats the price per thous-l
anvl tit mills or on dock.
Snap A Kodak
at any man coming out of
our store and you'll get a
portrait of a man brlmmlns
over with pleasant thoughts.
Such qaallty in the liquors f
we hsvetoofleriireennuKliIo
Conpe and Try Them.
1T4 FrankUo are., Astoria. Or.
MONBT Apply to
Titls and Trust Cs.
Astoria Abstract,
J75.M9 PER WEEK using and sellins
BUkaiwiS be Wd ntonthly (by warrants I
on Hi Ctty Trea-nrer) for all lumber de-
versa the previous month.
The rieht U reject any .nd a3 bids I
hardby reserved.
No contract wlX be entered Into iwlea Dynamos for Blatinr watchaa .i
approved by the Common Counc41. land table war. Plates wold. aiivaV
y - -a 1. Mr vwnuukiov uaa nu BJ W l I uiuc WUh PSa- ma nT Tf
ad Puttie Wy. I ferent atc for Mnt fkmlUM
Attt: K. OSBURN. l-JKm. Env opcimttd: no t.hma.
AiwVMa sHil tA T..M I kl mpaM(s Cf t w-r .
Qrocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria sad Upper Astoria
Flo. Teas arid Coffets. Table Dellcac ei DoaMttp
- T,?P, "" Verabk,.
, , Cur4 Haas. Bacon. Etc.
Ihofce Fresh and Salt Meats.
Are You Going East?
If so, drop a line to AC Sheldon.--general
agent of the "&ZvZuZ
Route." 150 WhtnrtJ V p0rtl?.
He will mall vou tvJ JJl0"-
tims table., wd ZESTS'
through rates to any
Dated. November Mr, ISO.
Asrai tV- xr-.ka t i I n r. j a . .
sute feS oS Trullnger' dock at