THE DAILY. ASTORUN, ASTORIA, FRIDAY. MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1895. Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castorla. "Ctaterte Utn excellent medicine for chil dren. Mother hare repeatedly told me of 1U good effect upon tbdr children." Dr. O. C. Osgood, Lowell, Man. "Castorla ii the beat remedy for children of Which I am acquainted. I hope the day la not far dlstaat when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castorla instead of the various quack nostrums which art destroying their loved ones, by forcing pitua, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." D. J. P. KBfCHELOB, Conway, Ark, Thsj Centaur Company, 77 FOR ' w TlhbflmOOK, NEHALEM AND COAST POINTS STEAHERS HUGUSTfl. Sailing dates to and from Tillamook and Nehalem depend on the weather. For freight and passenger rates apply to ELMORE, SANBORN & CO., Agents. O. K & N. CO., Rftep (Deals! Or al any other time when you wich a good cigar ask for the well known, home-made, band-made, white labor cigar "La Belle Astoria." Conceded hy all smokers to be the bent cigar manufactured. W. F. SCHIEBE, 71 Nirt5? Street, Astoria. Oregon. EVERY REQUISITE FOR : first, Class funerals : AT POKE'S Undertaking Parlors, THIRD STREET. Raw ReatauMt- EabalnlBt a SpaclaltT A GOOD WORD. Mr. J. J. KeU. Sharpsburg. Pa. Dtar Bir I am glad to say a good word for Krause's Headache Capsules. After suffering for over thrae years frith acute neuralgia ana iu conjquju. Afford of 'aome ofTuTbWt physicians) you suggested this remedy which gave ataost rnstant relief Words fail to express the praise I should like to bt stow on Kraut's Headache Capsules. Gratefully lours, MRS. E. R. HOLMES. Montrore, Pa. IS LTU Castoria. "Castorla is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. AftCRBB, M. D III So. Oxlord St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castorla, and ' although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it" United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allen C Smith, Prts. Murray Street, New York CKy. Alili Open por Special Charter. Agens, Portland. "A TALENTED EDITOR." Gentlemen: I had occasion to use several boxes or Krause's Headache Capsules while traveling to Chicago to attend the National Democratic Con vention. They acted like a charm In preventing headaches and dizziness. Have had very little headache since my return, which Is remarkable. Tours, resoectfuliw JOHN U. SHAFFER, Ed. Renovo (Pa.) Record. For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Astoria, Or., sole agent. FOARD & STOKES GO. DEALERS IN Picnic Canned Goods, Tents, , Camp Stoves, Camp Cooking Utensils, Baskets, And the latest All-Wool Sleeping Bags At all prices. Just the thing for camp ers, prospectors, etc- Sure to keep warm at nights. Better than blankets. Blr 48 la aofl-tKrlaVTfMKM I linked' for XroDorrbcBav, i file, grmtorrhop( i Whiuw. nniktortl dis- I eharffai, or &r iufiamraav- uoo, iitiuhmjB vt uioertv two ot dd oevii nwra- L . tMor mnt in lai wrupprr, V X S- 1 If riprm, prepaid, tot V. im-.-U :.M Si m, or S bottka, (2.7S. i'V B Circular amt request. gf Mt t. WHMIt. Tide Table for .Novembef, 1895. Uinn water. LOW WATER. DATE. A. U. II T.U. h.m ft. On. 7 0 0 II 7 1 1 2. 7 Oj 'h.m I ft ji.nijjt 0 0112 2. 6 28 2 5 I k ft". 7 I 78 2 9; h.m " ft Friday.... But (inlay. INDAY , Mouiluy..., Tuewluy . . ilnitxliiy. Fricluv 11 .V 8 21 IS ': 8 (I i.' y s 7 1 )8 8 1! II 81 i M 8 tl! I J::.1 0 ii 7C.) 04 00 7 4H -03 -0 6 -06 ai;7o 1 4.NU H 8 1 I '.' ..II li 6 I'.' ii .-! 7 I7iii S, 8 1:1,7 21 1)01 7 A: BiftHl' 8 20 8 irj 8 801 8 4:i 8 ;l 9 50 10 40 -03 0 0 4 !!8 7 8 S48I7 4 10 :ir!3 1141 05 3 3 2 6 Satiiiiliiy. SUN DAI'. Monday.,. Tut'Htlav . . 11 5(8 7 0 45 0 1 sjl 8 2oo'l 5 7 l 7 i 1 15 8 '24 7 0i 9 80 7 S 10 11.7 01 11 40.7 7 2 28 8 84 4 82l 1 Wt-dn'mPy 8 48 1 7: 4 4'l J 5 27 2 ! 6 12 2 51 6A528 07 i nurauuy Friilay .., .oa II 'W. 1 1 U Hill s IKM7 7: ill 7 5 o m .0 9 Hatuniiiy. SUNDAY. 12 05 i) a 12 40 0 I 1 ill t) 3 2 15'S t 8 00 8 4 Ml T t 7 01 l 7 48 -14 Monday . Tuesday . 7 88 3 I 8?:i 9 IS .1 1 8111 7 4 8 26 8 4 158 U 08 02 W iilnVl'y 10 01; 1 nui-Miay Fridav... 4 41) 10 12 3 8 11 188 a 0 30 1 6 10 51 .0 4 4 4217 1 6 420 4 6 (0.U 0 8iu r8, OOk'9 0 11 40; 12 83 1 881 2 40 1 1 87 33 29 SaturUi j J B 1H 7 U.V Vondav.. 7 S(i; B IS 1212 1 2 1.(12 4 Tuoitrtav .. 3 32 4 18! 5 001 24 17 I 1 04 01 Wedirsd'N 1008 61 IW 2 7 8.511 2 t) Thursday. HH7 9 110:16 8 6 r nna) 10 a." tt l 11 10 8 6 41,3 2 61H;3 3 6 37 615 SHIPPING DAY BY DAY JWarlne (Batters, lm, There and Everywhere. The InUlatiia ia all ireaVly to go to sea. Tho Amerlcam eftilp Reaper started up th river yesterday mopnlnff in tow or the Oklaftama. The Oovenby HM completed tier w"heait eairgo at nthe O. R. and N. dock yester day and was tia.ul'dd out Into the stream, Tine captain of Hhe Doventy Hall will 'be down from Portlaind tlhls imorning and tihe vessel will leave out tua soon aa possi ble. Th'o .bark DeemaJh Is etlll 'waiting for ain opportunity ito go to eea. As soon as uhe weather sitiawu s4i?n'3 of 'moderating iShe ivBil be taken auitelde. For some reason or other 'the Aaloun did not leave Fortlumdi till yesterday af ternoon. If she has luck she may readh here ait 10 o'clock tflvis morning. The 'HarwIeonV captain found ithat the waves were stiU Jtttnplng about too vig arou'rfy for Ihls steamer yesterday, and H?ludtaTOtly decided not to run 'her ip agalncit an elg'hty imlle galle. She in still t It'd up at t'He O. R. and) N. dock. The work of unloading the tin ttrom the Crown of SrotCa.nd VW3 cairrlcd on be. t ween rihloiwrs yeBttinda.y and B. considera ble aimount was tuikon out. The curgo aill apipeairy to be In excellent condition. About 1000 cases etlll a-emlaln aboard and this 'wlM 'be transferred Urito t)h ware- ih'cuse today. The 1ark Bed'forduhtre was WousOit up fron tier andhorage In front of tlhe Sca side oaimntiry yeeteiMay n!d diropped In the sbream just above mine Galgate. The weatlher below looked very dirty for an anohiored vessell, Bind Captain Hugo de cided to Suave her closer to the city during her sltay ihere. The Alice Blainohapd tried to get out 'aigaln yastertlay morning, hut was forced to return to her dock once more. This is the fourth umsucoesiaful aftempit he lhas imiade to get away since she came adwn from Portland. If appearances count for anything, efhe rwill he forced to remtiln idle again today. The Bnltifelh bark Stanmore, which ai". rived In Txooma Tuesday from Califormfa to loald lumber, reports having passed tlhrous'h large of floating luimtoer off De structlon Island. The l'umer cons!'d lairge'.y of heavy timbers. It 1s thought It was Jclt'tiBoneil from 'tlhe deck cargo of same outward bound l'U'mlbor carrier from the Sound. The steel tank steamer George Loomis was launched ait 6 p. im. Saturday from the yards of the Union Iron Works, says tlhe Comim'Erclall News. She will be used n tho oil 'trade, plying beitween this port and the 'Southern California regions. She ia owned by th Pacific Coast Oil Com pany, ooet $90,500 to touCd, Is 175 feet long on tlhe 'water line, 27 feet 3 inches beam aind 17 feet 6 inches depth of ho"d. She has six tanks aind will use oil as fuel. She is provided1 with triple expansion en gines of 400 indicated honse powr, and Is expected to develop 9 knots. Her tTiaJ trip iwlll take place (n about a month. Caiptaln Brtdsett, of the San Benito, will oomiirtand her.. Laito yesterday afternoon, says tho Post-I'ntelllngencer, both the Anaconda and Python wore busily excavating tlhe South canal, the one d'isdhiairging east of Commercial eiHreet, near the Puget Sound Saiw Works, and tlhe other in the Stetson Post property, south of the Oregon Improvement Company' 'bunkers. The dredgers are lying quite close together, the Python being 'nearest the mouth of tlhe canal, while the ends of 'the dijchiarge pipes are widely separated. The bulk head enclosing the fill is most substantial, amd ts continuous except for a epace of seventy-five feet in the Stetson & Pdst property, while there is a strong bulk head of Blahs and imlll timbers held ir. position by piling. The bush bulkhead beginning 'With the boundary of this Ore gon Improvement property rum directly south. i There Is no appreciable Increase In the daily grain receipts at the port of Ta comai says the News, although! grain men tlhlnk Portland 1s losing its hold on the Eastern crop. The farmers are till holding on .to their grain with a deKUtf .ntinaltton to have better prices before they sell. The prices offered and paid by local buyers are now fully as good as these paid by Portland dealers. The greater part of tlhe wheat now being re ceived hire coimen from the Palouse and W'alla Walla dajtrid's, with the Palouse contr'Siiting the most. The Hunt road tap3 the Palouse country and fts tribu tary to the Northern Pacific and Tacoma. The Walla, Walla district Is drained prin cipally by the O. R.& N. Company's feeders, i is now reported that the O. R. & N. road has been giving the farmers free storage In warehouses along their lines. It ia said that the old rates of 50 cents a ton were reduced to 26 cents toy competing roads in hopes of under bidding the O. R. & N. But investiga tion among the farmers reveals the fact tlhiait they were paying no etonage fees at all. Fifty cents a ton on wheat means a (laving of 1 cents a bushel, which, it to plainly seen, would capture the crop. Tire quality of wheat now being received here grades higher than that which came in earlier In the season. The present daily receipts grade mostly No. 1, the gram Inspectors eay. The local (Clippers say tihe grain has not all been moved, and tr stfll expect to make4tirge ship ments (hla year. Very heavy and weak markets were dally -wired from the East and Europe throughout the week, and wheat Is now very cheap Indeed. Low, however, as are prevailing prices. It must be admitted that present conditions offer but little en couragement that values will Improve I-t'-ie neiir futtr. About a month atro signs were not wanting of a revival of Interest in the trade. In England values took an upward turn. acompanWd by an Tprov1 "mand. B";e"-n, an1. In fact, all Anwrfcan. markets were generally of a hardening tendency, and appearances at that time certainly warranted tlhe be lief that the situation bad changed for tlhe ibattor and of a jiermnment character. Exports of iwlheat land flour have been (HberaJ, with every prospect of free thlp monit t)!roulhout Khe season. Rece'p.g at tlhe principal Inland ports had hien excecUlngly heavy, and It wan thought tihat the rufh of snp!)llcs to nhe market eie this iwouM tu'.l off, an 1 that no Bpe clal VJiffloulty -woull bo 'found fa fak ng cure of freti!i fni.ppllci3. At this Juncture, cotniwy to all xpeotations, the move ment of prain from ttve Weft and North west, irsteaJ of tlhicwlng a decrease, 1 gai to incrtuso rapidly. The-e abnor inrallly largo rcocpts hotl' a ilejircsslng effect upon he trade and the pri.-es give 'W.iy. Europe followed the American de cline, and the earlier promkcd In wheat waa cttneckoJ, tr.-npcarlly at least. While in the face ,of the present de moralization there eeen:s to be no rtason to doubt th,t an lmprovfment wi'.H occur later In tibo sfason, present vlstWe t tocks mifst be diminished before uny material advance 4s Kke'.y to hike place. Com mcirolal Revldw. Tho llMirtc CiwtierT pai Ril up the Sound Tuesday, out from San Franclci?o since Ontobor 29. On the sume day the Levi Q. Burgess left the Oolden Gate for Ta coma, and it -was dwchld to take tWa opportunity of deckling the rivalry be tween the two vessels, both claiming to be the faster ehlp, with odds a liittie In favor of the Seattle boat. There was very little difference in their time of get ting under 'way, and for the first day they kept company. After thla they sighted each other several times, first one being ahead and then the other. They iwere in eight of eadh other off Capa Flat tery, but the Tacenttji boat passed the Oipo imany lengths ahead of the Gatherer, which did Wot enter the Sound until an hour later. Both boats will load with coal for the return voyage, even cargoes, and the Gatherer iwlll make a greater effort 'thts time to gather in the tiaiure'.a of victory. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Oape Flattery Fog Signal, Notice to hereby given that on and after October 30th, 1895, on account of scarcity of 'water, Cape Flolttery Fog-Slgan'.C will follow but once in five minutes until the rainy season sets In, excepting when hearing a vesel whistle or horn, then the fog-algniafl will blow regularly until vessel is passed. This notice affects the List of Llfth't and Fog-Signals, Pacific Coaat, 1893, Page 22, No. 989, and the List of Beacons and Buoys, Pacific Coast, 1894, Page 48. By order of Que Llght-Houea Board. O. W. FARENHOLT, Commander N, S. N., Inspector 13th L. H. District TO BUILD VP. BoUh' the flesh and the strength of pale, puny, Borofulous ohiJWren, get Dr. Plorce'a Golden Medical Discovery. It's the bet thing known for a wasted body land 'a 'weiaikened system. It thoroughly purified the blood, enriches it, and makes effective every natural means of cleans ing, repairing, and nourishing the sya- 4'm: In recovering from "La Grippe," pneumonia, favors, or oilhwr delb.utauliig diseased inotlniing can equal it as an ap. petlzlng, rcutorative tonic, to 'bring b.ick hetuSllh lamd vigor. Cures nervoU.4 anl geaiaral debility. All dlseasea of lower bowel, Including rupture, and pile tumors radicaMy cured Kook of particulars Ifree. WortJd's Dls- pan'sary lledlical Ae'socmltlon, 6S3 Main St BufTato, IN. Y. Statistics lhow that there are 1,674 co operative stores in England, a member ship of 1,343.618, a loan capital of over $10,000,000. The pales of these tftore3 last year amounted td $250,000,000, and brought a profit of 10 per cent. All tha parent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the cholo est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc. an be bought at tne ioweat prices a' J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc cident Hotel. A. tori a. ' The ohaln gear on safety bicyefes is to be supplanted henceforth by a metal rib bon made from a steel analagous to that used in piano wires. Orifices are cut at regular Intervals in the ribbon which engage the sprocket wheel. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla L1MJLY lIGOR ONCB MORE In harmony with the world, 20O0 completely cured meu are singing nappy pralaei lor me greatest, grand est and most sac ce3ful cure for sex ual weakness and lost vigor known to medical science. An accnuntof this won derul discovery, In book form, with ref erences and proofx, will hAUtn). in auf. ferlng men (sealed) free. Full manly vigor permanently restored. Failure impossible ERIE MEDICAL C0.,BUFFAL0,N.Y. TflEflSTOflflSflVlflCSBIlM Acts as trustee for corporations and In dividuals. Transact a general banking business. Interest paid on time deposits. J. Q. A. BOWLBY President B0NJ. YOUNG Vies President FRANK PATTON Cashier DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ Tiripg, A. 6. Reed, D. P. Thompson W. li. Dement, Oust Holmes. RTORIA IRON WORKS Conromly St, foot of Jackson, Astoria. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marin Engines, Boiler work. Steam boat and Cannery Work a Specialty. Casting! of All Descriptions Made to Order on Short Notice. John Fox. President and Superintendent A. L. Fox Vice President 0. B. Prael Secretary How make Fortune $100 for every 10.00 invested Can be made by our new SYSTEMATIC PLAN OF SPECULATION. $10.00 and more made dally on small In vestments, by many persons who live away from Chicago. All we ask Is to Investigate our new and original methods. Past 'vorklngs of plan and highest references fuminhed. Our Booklet, "Points and Hints," ttiow to make money even when on the wrong side of the market and other Information sent FREE. Gilmore A Co., Bankers and Brokers. Open Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, Til. FREEMAN & HOLMES. Blacksmiths. Bpeclal attention paid to atacunboat re pairing, first-class taorseahoetnr, eta LOGGING CflJKP BOM A SPECIALTY l7 Olney street, kit in Third and and r"jnrth Astoria, fir MUSIC BRhh. KEATING ft CO will open thd' ww Matte Kali at Anr strert, 8aturday the ICtb. Thsy will w V keep Bumberlesa good liquors aod cigars besides bavlng good muale all th time. IfM lit; ITIEB TILLS. Send your uddrens to II. E. Buckuietfi & Co., Oiloago, and get a free umiple box of Dr. King's New Life Tills. A trial will oonvluee you uf their merits. 'IHicb.' pills arc easy In action and are particularly efC.'Ctlv) in the cure of Cons'.lpatkm and Sick Hoidac-he. l)r Maltiru nnd Llvtr Tiuub.esj t!.y have been proved invalu able. They are guaranteed to be perfect ly free from every deleterious subWtaniK end to be purely vegetable. They da not weake. by their acutog, Uul by giving toas ti) stiom'ach anu bowrtH greatly In vlniar.itlng the O . Rjul'tr size 25c per Iwx. Sold kai Ohtm, H:-rs, Druggist. There are 976 treot railway companies In thts counti'y. KARL'S CLOVER BOOT will purlfj; your blood, clear your complexion, reg ulate your Bowels, and make your head clear as a bell. 25 cts., bO cts and T1.00. Bold by J. W. Conn. Mary Murpiay, a 12-yeir-oM Phllade!. phU girl, elyhs 210 f oujiifs. Say, why don't you try PeWItt's Little Early Risers? These Utile pilla cure headache, Indigestion end constipation. They're small, but do the work. Chaa. Rogers. None of Senator Quay's friends cull fiim "Mat." They epeuik to Slim and of tilm as "Was ColoneJ." There are many good reasons why you should use One Minute Cough Cure. There are no reasons why you should not, if in need of help. The only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results. Chas. Rogers. Justice Wttite, of the United States su preme court, rides a bicycle to and from the capltol. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to alt others. The Maharajah of Patlala, In India, Jiiaa engaged Heairne, the English bowler, to teaah his sons cricket this winter, . The heating properties of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It cures eczema, skin affections, and is sim ply a perfect remedy for plies. Chas. Rogers. The production of coal In New South Wales In 1894 amounted to 8,672.076 gross tons, agaiinst 3,278,328 tons in 1893. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria - News Is received in London of the dcatiti of MiikoMo, one of LlvlngWtone's moat faithful fcClanors 'in 'Africa from 1861 to WA, What imukts his taking oft the adU"r to tho fact ttuit he left 45 widows to mourn him. scrofula Any doctor will tell you ;hat Professor Hare, of eff erson. Medical College, ' Philadelphia, is one of the highest authorities in the world on the action of drugs. In his last work, speaking of the treatment of scrofula, he says: " It is hardly necessary to state thatcod-Hver oil is the best remedy of all. The oil should be given in emulsion, so prepared aa to be 'He also says that the hypophosphites should be combined with the oil. Scott's Ernulsion of cod- liver"oil, with'hypophos phites, is precisely such a preparation. UNSET LIMITED. SEASON OP IS95-1806. WILL KUJ Tmiee a Week BETWEEN San Francisco AND New Orleans Over the Great s unset Doute Leaving San Francisco i Tuesdays and Saturdays From Tuesday, Nor. 5, 1895. The mot complete, modern, elegantly equipped and perfectly arranged Vstl buCed TranfoniJtMtaJ Train In America. Nmw Eiiltmiwic, especlily nValjned for this service. . Direct connections In New Orleans for all Eastern points. Quick time. IHEBEST TOBACCO. I872 . 1895 pisrper Brothers, Sen ' Astoria, Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Ship Chandelery, Hardware, ....... ' Iron & StPel, Coal," Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fair bank's Scales, Doors & "Windows, Agricultural Implements Wagons & Vehicles. . E. flcNEIL, Receiver. 0 Givea Choice of Jmo Transeontmental JrCOUteB, Via Via Spokane Ogden.Denver and and ' St. Paul. Omaha or St. Paul. Pullman nnd Tourist Sloop Free Reotlnlng Chairs Car, Astoria to San Francisco. OoTuimWu, Tuesday, Nov. 6. State of California, Sunday, Nov. 10. Columbia, Friday, Nov. 16. ' Staite, Wednesday, Nov. 20. Columbia, Monday, Nov. 23. State, Saturday, Nov. 30. OaluraWa, Thursday, Dec. 6. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. The T. J, Potter will leave Aatorla at 7 p. m. dally, except Sundiy; leave Fort land at 7 a. m. daily, except Sunday, The Bteamer Iurtkne will Aatorla at 6:411 a. m. dally, except Sunday; leave Portland at 1 p. m. dally, except Satur day, For rate and general Information call on or address Q. W. LOUNSBERRT, , Aenit, W. H. HURLBURT, Oen. Pas. Xgt, Portland. Or. Are ' You Going East? Be aura and aee that your ticket reada via T HE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. -tha CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS and' OMAHA KAILWAYS. Tola la tha GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and ' 3outh. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vea- tlbuled Luning svna Dieeping w Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have a-lven this road a national reputa tion. All clasaea of passengers carried on the vestlbuled trains without extra charge. Bhlp your freight and travel over this famoua line. All agenta hv ticket. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVaOH, Oen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt I4H Washington at. Portland. Or. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins. Chattanooara. Tenn,, says, "Shllor"s Vitallzer -BAVf.O Mr Lir r;.' I ct!Idr it tne Iwt reis- inly for a debilitated system I ever naed. ' For Uyspepaia, Uver or Kid nay trouble. It excella. Pilve 76 eta. For bai oy j. w. uonn. PIPE Mm ' oil Ho Mio Japanese Bazaar SXNQ LUXG. Prop. Qlnter Coods Jast IJeeeiv-.d,. An excellent stock ot underwear, hos iery, caps, etc., t extremely low prices. 417 Ttond Htrpet- nevt dnnr in frmlnra Fruit Store. The Oasis of thh Colorado desert Resort BELOW THE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely -Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for Sufferers from ... .' Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures " v.wmw wigvu agaaUDI A11U1U In the past by the largo numbers who otherwise would have been glad to tak advantage ot tts beneflclol climate, bai been a lack of suitable accommoda tion. The S01ltfhlrn PoMfln takes pleasure In announcing that sv' Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just been erected at Indio sta tion, that will he rented in annllnunr. at reasonable rates. Tfcey are fur- nlthed with modern conveniences, sup plied with pure arteslaa water, and so situated aa ta cova nnmmnnt. Dii .,. advantages to be derived from a more or lens protractea residence In this de lightful climate. (From the San Francisco Argonaut.) "In the hpAft nf tha uraa t Haaai. rtt the Colorado whloh the Southern Pa clflo road traverses there Is an oasis' called Indio, which, In our opinion, It me sanitarium ot tne eartn. We be lieve, from personal Investigation, that iur uenain mvaiiaB, ine-e is no spot Ot this planet so favorable." Q. T. Stewart, M. D., writes: "The Durltv of tha ftir and tha shine, fill one with wonder and delight, Nature hna anonYTinl1aihA1 mn much that there remains but little for man to ao. as to its possibilities as m health resort, 'here is the most per. feot sunehlne, with a temperature al ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soil for rain Is an unknown factor: pure oxygen, denra atmosphere and pure water. What more can - be desired T It Is the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu matics. Considering the number of uuerera wira nave oeen cured, 1 nave no hesitancy in recommending this genial oasis as the haven ot the afflict ed." .. INDIO. : Ta 6l2 milea from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from . LOS ANGELES Fare from Los Angeles l3-oo For further Information Inquire of any Southern Paclflo Company agent, or addresa B. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen, Pass. Agt 8. P. Co. . J. B. KIRKLAND, Dlst Pass. Agt Cor. First nd Alder Sts Portland, Or. J . A FASTABKND, . 1 OENERAL CONTRACTOR, PILE DRIVER, HOUSE, BRIDGE JD WHARF BUILDER Addrasa.boiifo, Postoffic. . ASTORIA, OR SEASIDE --SflWflllili. A AomnlAta atnnlt nf lumhav hand In tha rough or dressed. . Flooring, rua- tlt cvkfllnff mnA all Irln. A a-i.u. mouldings and shingles; alao bracket arnrk dnna tn aMp and prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H. L. LOGAN. Pron'r. flMuilda. Omtno. - ,, NOTICE. The Bartncmhln ' . . V C.WWAUIV BAIDUIIV do tween C. I. Greenlund and Antoa Brtx florists, la horeh- Alm,.lA 1 . . consent, and all debts of the said firm ..... w. u. uiwmuna ana U. Q. Palmberg, and oil outstanding accounta are due and payable to them. v. J. GKBENLUND, ANTON BRIX. , . -va. uh great Blood purifier, glvea freshness and 1: - ."uii.iui ana CJies Constipation. 75 cts, 60 eta. tl 00. ' INDORSED BTTHH FRE38. Oentlftmpn '-Tnta i. A .ia 1L.. . a ao avr ci iny (namr I h.VK Ui1,Kr", Headacna Capsules with aat afutnra m.i. . . ... box which cost tne Sj. nnd one caparle cured me of a dreadful sick h?adache. uiT w- via mvaeir nave both used Norman Llebty Mfg Co.. nnd we Ve- ouiuineiui ineni xo toe public as be In JJust what they ara represented. ... .r.?Mjieruuy, w. j. iruicingoN. Ed. Giuette. rieaut Ho. Twf.ntv.rlv r.r, t f.w . ?n . . - - - .wo a j . f iB a Rogers. Astoria, Or., sole affsnU. ...... , , w, .j. i... ria uww , -j v-nmrra itemeu ta tha first medicine I have eyer four i that wouI4 ao mn ny good. rrii" i eta. Bold by J. W. Coun, Indio t