The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 10, 1895, Image 2

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JOHN T. UUTKR. Editor.
Telephone Vo. 66.
Sent by mall, per yew
Bent by "Mil. Pcr month
Survud by currier, jilt week
. .60
. .IS
Sent by mall per year, $2.00 In advance.
Postage free to subscribers.
AH communications Intended for pub
lication Bhould be directed to the editor.
Business communications of all kinds and
remittances must be addressed to The
Th6 AstorUn guarantees to Us sub
scribe the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising nates can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan, the second old
est weekly in the state of Oregon, has
next to the Portland Oregonlan, the
largest weekly circulation In the state.
Jno. T. Hand'.ey Co. are our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every morning at their stand
on First street.
T'.ie Increase of Insanity In all parte of
Mie country and a.nong all cliasstU of tine
population to becoming a very eerlous
mitter. In every ii.ate, 'tine etatlsticl.'Uie
tell us, tine rate of Increase In registered
Insane to far beyond Uhe rate of Increase
In population. TOierc has beeen an in
crca:3 of 70 per cent, of lneane persons
in eeverul of the utatce) during the hast
el&iit years. The older portions) of the
country have a targwr raitio of Insane
Kuan 'tfco newly settled onea, or the ob
vious reason that tine people In the latter
are younger and more vigorous. Local
conditions undoubtedly have u good deal
to do wilih the case; end one of the most
important of these, we are assured, Is
t3rat of race. It ks because ttie negro
race has ihiitiherto been but little affected
by Insanity 'that tihe proportion of ttie
Insane is so small 1n our former slave
sfatpp; and Mr. F. B. Sanborn says It Is
liecuuse tlhe Northwestern European races
are peculiarly liable to Insanity 'that the
proionlon is so great wthcre those make
a large element In Mie population. There
aro condltilons of climate, also, of occupa
tion, of forms of living, that tend to In
crease or diminish the proportion In dif
ferent localities; but Bho Information Is
not yet sufficient in tt.i'ls relation to
Justify any dellnlte afflcrtlona
As for the causes of Insanity, 'the ex
ports are now generally agreed that most
of llioso tabulated ore mere guesses,
made by local physicians, and not to be
relied n;on for purposes of scientific an-
alytOs and conclusion. For Instance, "re
Uglous excilcment" figures largely in
mort of dhese tables, ttVvarcaa It is in It
self tt very rare dure of Insanity, but
ctea Mie manilfi station of the Iniiaiilty
once utaJ)lliJioi by olficr causes. TJiOife
wfio know matt, about the ma'tter the
physicians in charge of asylums, and 1h
recognized authorities upon the subject
are of the opinion that the true causes
ore almost always physical, instead of
mental, The mind Is overtlhirown, Wiat is
to say, by various bouXy ailments, toy ex
cesses of vilfTerenfrj kinds, by accidents
whAh t-.ave no direct relation to Mie bra n,
This Implies, of course, Wiat whenever
those couiKa can be reached and removed,
(he Insanity can be cured; and tho sta
tistics show tOiuit there Is now much more
duocess In t'he treoummt of audi cases
than ICieva was some years ago. But
the ugly fact remains toot Insanity Ib
Increasing every ytur, r.ot only In our
country, but in all the civilized rations;
and Uhe explanation Is uupjiosed to lie In
the intensity of modem methods of life,
and (he general anxiety to accumulate
Tlina.'a are two contentions ibeoween
Great 'Britain and Venezuela. One Is a
trivial matter iw-JJH wWL'a tdie United
Slutted tvctl not be concerned. Tending
i:;Utlei.nent of iboundary line, It was
agirced fcawoen llie governments cf Great
UriWIn and oi" Venezuela 'that r.o
mould te made on either
side of ,ue SJh'jun'bur.ta line dctlnul In
1SI0. In virtsxtbn of m sretM a
British surfeant of police na'.ned1 Barnes
o.OskPcJ ibe river wild, two comt-nuiilons at
Uram and iplnniod ,ti BrAiu flag on the dSJe. Unj Venviuelan police
arrtwteU ttie tre.-pa.semk kirqve them
aMs too river, and wluin Brills.) terri
tory, aa auJnred, arretted ttiun. Vemz
uelu coneedts that under the asrecjiKiit
tier police land no KlgUt to 'make arrests
on Unit niilo of itjho river. The ISrltlsh
H'n'srnnwnt, on the ot'hw ttvwii, declines
to be rci:,)or.iJjbI for Cie tixpass inm
mttted by Baunw and his associates on
Veneuelan Boil, autiing fcilhliid tlie pre
text tCiat K was not done as an ofllclal
uet. Tills la "tUc Urunn Incident." Tlie
Vnlti-J Sialcs lit not conetrneM In the nd
Ju.itiment of Kie 'B.4tki:i clam for dnm
is artrin-j out of the tTruan Incident
except In tj far as it mny coJidiltu'te a de
tail of 'its fur greater question namely,
attenvpt by Grt Brtijln forcibly to
tvJld a lairgi pjrtlon of Venezuelan soil
to ttihUCi b'iis can sSiow no ifitl.
Tlie necemd contention is 4itw one
KM may tnvcve r:ie t'nltej States and
rtie Mrj.-o dod:rlne. Great IWtaln ac
quliyyl rtt b known as Britten Guiana
trom tde B-uUfii. Th flmt known survey
Is to be founvl in a pubHAV'd In Ed
Inrburg In 1817. Tiie auCiomlclty of this
itaip the ii)rieniiatli of Great Britain
havo not admitted nor de.nlfa. In 18!U
,ii la known as the 6,Cionvbinv!i 11
w-u accepted by Great Britain as the
Venezuela, Venezuela, tiever sdirtl.itp.!
comeln-w of tJw ecWomburah Kne. a
ot..ora to ths survey and map of IH7.
l'enetnaltlng still Turdlwr Into Venezuela
th? BrltiA frontier has been aggreartvrly
extenjd by cM -hunting advntu-erj
1 un-
ttl cix-lr now ''e'.alms" threaten to orec
Date aeau.U cenftk t. Ixird Salk-feury hus
expnessal . iSjln(pnn to sUb'trul ihs
territory tCtu lnvnv 0 f.-. not i
html toe kthombunsi! line. f
Tills Is tf.i rail fcie fceStreon Venezuela i
anj Great Britain and It U In region to '
V-io fl,pj)!icatlon of the Monroe Doctrine to
til.lj iiiuo Chat Bho United Statos may be
come Involved wWh Great Brttaln.
Governor AltgclJ's ajinounccmtmt Kia-t
he s not a. candW ite for C:e senate gives
new point to a curious s'late of affairs
tint 3iis txen recently lVi,:orlox His
rcxrons for decllnlns the alle-gCd twnor ot
such a candidate are sunk-lent for all
men, of nailnatovct; tftado of -opinion, and
PIjcw ICilat he li a. t.'tateanrn tf the panic
serolbie stP as the jjirmnt e.-nator,
aomjnk'l rail'nwr, amd the cx-potumaater
gunerat, Mr. Dlckln.on. It was only last
week that booh of thoie statemen refined
Wl,.tli honors, tire fo.vner deciding to retire
from the senate at tho expiration of th
prciwnt term, srtd the latter suceefllng
aftr a blt'to,- flgC.'t In defeating hilmtaelf
for Itoe nomination to be niayor of De
troit on Wie De-moiajtio ticket. And ths
same prudential motives aetuatevl a'l of
Bheoi. In the case of Me-jriri. AVIgre-ld and
Palmer H Ib a moral certainty that the
next senator from Illinois will be a R2
publioan, whumka to the 'hold-over syate-m
In tlht state leijtelature, and both ure
alt present labeling u:idec the preemt
disadvantage of belonging to tlhe opixisite
party. Nor did Mr. Dickinson rellsfli the
profipeot of an unsuccessful campaign and
so he used every e'ltort to choke Ci's pop'
ularlty at nuch a momentous crisis. The
now rule In politics as in some forms ot
warfare. Bet-ma to be f.Vat "he w-iho fights
and runs aiway 'Will live to light some
dther day." OPaihnps an era of negative
politics la being Inaugurate!.
We understand Uhat tllie Democnats feel
tthat i;hey have been ins'ulted by th'e action
of Uhe Ropulb'.loain city convention In post
poning Its nominations to a later da)te.
SudH lactlcm not only distinctly
against tlhe desire of our Democratic
brethren, but agalntt 'tihelr expressecT
wisftes. The Re.publicains, by ttiua tramp
ling on the feel'Ings of their feller citizens,
Wave exhibited an astounding disregard
for common decency and the rights of
mam, coupled iwltih the name of the "Clltl
zena' party." The convention ought to be
adliamed of Ilisdlif.
The DenKMlStizeps'-TB-cemti-on-tlhe-dollar
party will now hive two weeks less In
wihlah to vilify Km nominees of 'the Re
pubWcan convention. Tills will save them
lots of hard work and tlhey ought to be
proportionately grateful.
Wlloi the CIMIzeru' party dodge playel
out, tho only (hope of the Pefnioerat
seems to be the formation of a Ku Klux
club or something of that sort.
As every bullet has Its billet, so, tlhese
soul stirring itlmeu, every Astoria street
corner has Itu political oraitor.
War with Turkey fast npprone'hett as
ThantagtivlnB dty draiws nigh.
T.ue Mo isiew Alexande-r, of Oakiand, Cal.,
wHio, with thulr f,i,Jher, covered 1,800 miles
of Europe this summer on their blcyclea,
were tae lltat 'Wihee-lwomcn ever rcen In
ome of the Tacicj t'j'jy visited. All
througi Switzerland they were more or
less novel, for the land of mountain
pipt has nlway.i he. a considirod rather
liiaccetHlble to the blyyelist. They were
the first women to so ovor the Genrmt
pass, whlfh is 7,0uo feet high, on blcycle.
They h'.'o went over the 8,000-foot hl(. i
Grun&eJ pass from Interlaken to Geneva.
The ndvonturouu young women ore p'on
ning many mora su.Hi Journeys, and tlhey
have made a Hsu of s:igeJtlom w.-'leia
would prove valuable to other b'cyellng
toui'L". Here are isomo of then:
"Tho cot of such a trip can ba esti
mated at 2 for oaih day spoilt In Eng
land, $1.60 a day for France .and 11.73 a
dny In Switzerland. That Includes the
bcHt klnvl of living, and It can ba made
for very much less If one dcislr s. As
for wheels, by all means take an Ameri
can bicycle. Take your own little kit
of tools, blowpipe and little patahas and
take duplicate tires. It ia almost Im
poralbl,; to get an American lire fixed
In Europe. American lubricants r.ould
also be taken along.
"It id also well to Join the Cycling
Toui''i;:s' Club of England, for you will
then he ifurnlsht'l 'With the best maps
amd guide bookn, will secure n discount
at nil il.'Xel-s, and In France will be able
to brlni? your whoel in the country with
out being compelled to put up a deposit
to cover the -custom house duty. Wear
medium chcthlng, and carry on the front
of i'lie .sliwl as fma'.l a bundle as pos-
H,le. consluiilng simnily of one suit of
nndenweiir and light goss'a-ncr rubber
cloak." New York World.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Contains no Amnmida or Alum.
A rn.'e was recently rowed at Deal,
Eiig'1'.i'nd, between four four-oared cre-ws
of boatmen over CO years of ase. The
wlnr.'lna caaumen averagedi 70 years,
wl'-.Ue i.'ielr coxa'.valn was 85.
The EurrJea Fuel Econa'nlzer Is a scl-entlfli-a'l
pi-oparAtlon Whttlh augments the
Intensity of coal and wood boat In the
proportion of 33 per cent.
If the direction printed on each pack
age Is ewefully otiserved, the Eureka
Coal Economizer win give to any c nil na
ry or middling coal the ifeume value as
thtit of superior quality.
The Eureka Fuel Hcononlier prevents
the sho.)ts, the cinders and the formation
of smoke, w'hleh may spoil, In an apart
ment, so many vaiiuaib.s articles, euoh
so curtuilns, paJntlngs, etc.
The Eureka burns any kind of gas
wliileh might destroy the brwtt'hlibls air;
apai'tments and factories In H-hlch It Is
used are consequently more healthy and
comfortable. In l'ss than five minutes,
one can obtain a very brisk firs which
will liust thirty hours .without being stirr
ed up and without any addition of fresh
coaC. lli'nce an economy of cool, work
and money. .
Tire Eureka FJconomlzer produces beat
more soft and more conecntruted; when
a normal boat Is wanted, the ventilation
niuiit be partly etojvpeel and, again, an
economy In fuel is to be relied upon.
We guarantee that our preparation pro
duces no Injurious effect on the heaith,
and does not affect in any way stoves,
ranges, graltes, etc.
Uu-'e consumers can obtain the pro
duct, which we do not hesitate In term
In "nvirvlous," at much more reduced
Each package fceHrs, with very explicit
directions, our travle murk, representing
four hands crossed tog-ther above a
Hon with this motto: "In union there
Is strength." Any counterfeiter shafl be
deatt according to law.
We rtct4ve 100 frequently ipiillcttitlona
for wimples, anl It In with nvret that
we aro compr V'ed to refuse the sending
of Uie sanw. Heretofore w have tib
erU.'T.y given aiway samples In order to
poTMilarlze our prodiM, but we cannot
afford to support such heavy .xpensefcuiy
longr. The moderate price of our pro
dmt Is In the reach of anybody who
wants to try it. It Is for the same reason
that we have dec Mel to send It direct on
receipt of IS cents.
To try Is to be convinced thfct our pro-
dk-t la a triumph of science.
1 rents cucl p.itke, oi,t five of
110 Brosdway. New York, U. 3. A.
Wi.ille ne1: a leaf seomu faded, 'While the
Wl'.'hi ripening harvest prodlgiaOly fair,
In brlfeilite:'! euTj'.ilno task, fh-ls nipping
Sent 'Irim !r:'.-ne "tar-t clltr., w'-ere win-
ttr wleris
His icy cl.nster. ' fcr'.'lsste yields
Of bitter i'lian;c, in' I 'bids I'll.; be-
And iwffcipers to the silent hi. Js; "Prc
Tare A.ilni't Ulio t'liria'teiilr.j foe your 'trusttist
For '.Tie, wilio under kindlier laws belong
To tia'tuire's tunaful quire, this nustllng
dry '
Tliroug'li leaves yet preen ar.d yon crystal
fine sky,
Announce a season potent to renew,
'MJd frost and snow, the Instinctive Joye
of song,
And nobleir caoes than llstl-oji summer
D. W. Fu'ler, of Canajoharle, N. Y.,
says that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery In K'e house and his fam
ily has alwsys found the very best re
sults follow Its use; that he would not
be wl'hout it, If procurable, a. A. Dyke
man. Druggist, Catsklll, N. Y., says that
Dr. King's New Discovery Is undoubtedly
the best cough remedy; that he has used
It In his family for eight years and that
It has never failed to do all that Is
claimed tor It. Why not try a remedy
so lsng tried and tested. Trial bottles
free at Chas. Rovers' drug store. Regular
size 60c. and $1.
There 4s an o".d, a very old. tale told
of a venerable lady, wWo, after seeing
me ptay or "Hamlet" for the first time.
said: "It'a a very good play, as plays
go, bat It Is nviidte up of quotation."
This good dame, although she was prob
ably unaware of It, was acknowledging
in a rouneiaoout way perhaps the Indebt
edness of our language to our national
bard; iphrastur, sentences and sometimes
whole llnei from tr'ti wrltinsra have been
crysttallzed, as tt were, into colloquial
English, and there are probably more
quotations fi-awn from tlhe works of
Shakespeare tfhan from' those of any
other author, ancient or modern. Cham
ber's Journal.
Gentlemen: I have always recom
mended Krause's Headncne Capsules
wnerever i nave Had a chance. They
have proven a veritable boon In my
family against any and all kinds of
'teadache. Yours truly,
Leavenworth, Kansas.'
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Oregon, sols agent.
One of the ipa irons of a grab-bag at a
recent iMalne fair was dtflSusted at get
t'lng out of 'the 'bag an order by the local
girave digger: "Good for one grave dug
amy time during tin ensuing year."
It's Just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier
to cure a severe cough or cold with It.
Let your next purchase for a cough be
One Minute Cough Cure. Better medi
cine; better results; better try It. Chas,
A Cincinnati book dealer has the fol
lowing note uaited 18S0 from Mrs. Hor
rlet Beecfier Stowe: "You are right as to
'Uncle Tom's Cabin;' It was not written
on Walnut Wlla, but in the old Tit
comb house In Brunswick, Me. It took
Maine air and vlgo. adUed to Cincinnati
and Kentucky experience, to perfect that
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Old MIDSonalre George, I've Jiwt sent
6 guilnea ito the "Balaclava Veterans'
Hon." His Only Son and Heir A
guinea, falHror? Why, I've sent more
than that out ef imy mlse al!e lhalf-pay!
O. 'M. A ht but you've got great expecta
tlons, George. I've got none! Punch.
Acts at once, never falls. One Minute
Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and
that fevorlslh condition which accom
panies a severe cold. The only harmless
remedy that produces immediate results.
Chas. Rogers.
In the rforemoAt rank of colonial pre
mier is Mr. Reed, of New Sou.h WaJeu.
To look a greater fool than he is seems
to 'be one of his dearest wishes, and he
enjoys the reipiuialtlem of being the beau
Ideal of a "Pleccadllly Johnnie." He Is
fond of t'.ieateir going, nnd his eye
glasses and generally fopplih exterior en
a'tle I'ha nmlienec to dl'itlngu.'iU him at
A. G. Bart'.oy, of Magic, Pa., writes: 1
feel It Is a duty of mine to Inform you
and the public that DelWtt's Witch Ha
zel Salve cured me of a very bad case
of eczema. It also cured my boy ot a
running sore on his leg. Chas. Rogers.
Jose-i'i Tion-ipson, t'.ie African explorer,
who recently klled at 65 years of age,
was tire only man mho peneitralted to
trie Interior fiom all tour sldeu. From
M'oroe-co on the nor"! he explored Mount
Atlas, from tho west he went up the
Niger, from t'.ie Cape he reached tilve
great lakes and the p.iot where Living'
stone died, and from the caat he trav
eled uu-jus'Ii tie Masai cojntry to the
lakes. In all 'Ills expeditions ne never
found It neeuary to use a revolver or
rifle agntnat a 'human being.
ROAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
"I Ihkue a goodi divil about double tax
.tlnn " i-jild the dtiranaer. "M iy I ask
wi.tH t ts?" "Certainly," replied the
ipcomoter. ''Wj call It doub e taxation
iw,. .i'a hava n imv both the ctv and
the aldermen for la frtinahlse." Chicago
When Baby was sick, we gsre her Csstoris.
When the was Child, she cried for CastorU.
When the became Mist, she clung to CastorU.
When she had Children, the gave them Csstoris,
Tnuu,in in Americans seeking Eng
Msih Cttptlal for new enterprises. A lMt
conUilnlng the n amies ana aiaree wi
350 suecessf is promoters who have placed
over tlliO.OUu.uiu m r
vestments wtthm tilie last SI years, and
over fl8,O0O,0O for the seven months of
ISitj. I'llo, B. or til, pay.uble by potsJ
order to tho London and Universal Bu
reau of Invtstors, 20. Cheuplde. London,
E. C. Subscrtbeiw nil be entitled, by ar
oHih rhe directors to receive
oUhr personu; or Utters of lntroductoln
to any of tnesa su-caaiu iru,iji .
1V.s list Is first cCass In every respect.
itc- nui.ii or Arm whose name o-
peara tticrelrv may be depended upon.
For placing the rouumrwr 11 wm oe
found lnvatuaK'S Bonds or Shares of In
r,.inwnr..liil ajkl FimLncitk con
cerns. Mortiriga toant, Sals of Lands,
Itatetits or -Mines.
ISlSa FOR a cast- IT WILL NOT CUBE, ti
--w . 1 1 tH7DWff1flWin
Ansgreeaoie uuu ve iiu 11 om -Bold
by Druggists or sent by mail Sc.o0&.
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
fTf VWi The Favorite I00TH TOWIH
ii.U llUfortheTcsjaVaaUoUi.21ia.
For Sale by 3. W.
How mIke Fortune
$100 for fcvery"l5lT0.0O invested
Can be made by our new
f 10.00 and more made dally on small In
vestments, by many persons who live
away f rom Chicago.
All we nsk Is to investigate our new
and original methods. Post vorklngs of
plan and highest references furnished.
Our Booklet, "Points and Hints," how to
make 'money even when on the wrong
side of the market and other Information
sent FREE.
Gil more & Co., Bankers and Brokers.
Open Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, HI.
MUSIC Hfllili.
r KEATING S CO will open their
kick Music Hal. at 3-VJ Astor street,
Saturday the ICth. They will
w keep numberless good liquors
tnd cigars besides having good music all the
Notice is hereby given tlh'at the astipfls
ment made by Ordinance No. 2.017, of the
city of ABtorla, confirming the aasess
merJt on Roll No. 7, for the Improvement
of Fourteenth street from 'tlhe north line
of Grand avenue to the norKv Wne of
Jerome avenuo, In flhlve'.y'a Astoria, Is
now due and payable 'In United Spates
gold and fllver coin at Vhe office cf the
city treasure.-, and if not paid within
five days from the final publication of
tints notice, to-wlt: On or before Friday,
Novemlber 29, 1895, tlhe common council
will ot'Jor wanrantts issued for collection
of same:
Astoria. Savings Bank, trustee, S.
100 feet lot 7, block 20 :. TS ft)
AwtorJa. Savings Bank, trustee, S.
100 feet lot 8, bkx-k 20 31 90
F. N. 'Bl anoint, ardhblth'op of Ore
gon, S. 100 feet lot 4. block 20.... 23 75
F. N. BtonaheU, arcCublilh'op of Ore
gon, S. 100 feet lot 5. block 20 47 81
F. N. Rlanchet. archbishop of Ore
gon, S. 100 feet lot 6, block 20 114 90
Otto Carlson. M. 50 feet of Lot 11,
block 19 15 95
Otto Car'sen, M. 50 feet of Lot 12,
block 19 SS 30
Auciu't Danlelson. lot 5, blocks.... 47 85
G. C, 'Mmry C, Katie and NelMel
Flavel. lot 2, block 19 47
G. C, Mary C, Katie and Nellie
Flavel. N. 77 feet lot 1 block 19.... 59 00
G. -C.. Mairy C. Katie and Nellie
F'luvel, lot 3, bio 'k 19 28 75
G. C. Mary C. Katie and Ne'.lle
Flavel, lot 4, blojk 19., 15 00
O. S. Gundtrson, N. 50 feet lot 10,
KoA IB 9 60
G. S. Gunderson, N. 50 feet lot 11,
'bl.ick 19 15 95
G. S. Gund(i:i?jn, N. 50 feet lot 12,
block 19 33 30
Mr.s E. R. Hbive?, N. 50 feet lot 7,
'block 20 33 30
Mm. B. R. Ha-.Vf, N. 50 feet lot 8,
Kock 20 15 95
Ms. E. R. Hawes. lot 9. bloek 20.... 23 75
AMelliMe B. 'Mai'.i, B. 50 feet lot 11,
block 19 1 95
Adelaide Tl. .Maiuli. S. 50 feet lot 12,
K'ock 10 38 30
F. L. F'Srtter and W. B. Olia.-e, lot
1. block 50 .. 114 SO
F. L. PntkfT and W. B. Oha'ie, lot .
2, block 56
F. L. Parker nnd W. B. Chasa, lot
47 85
3, b'ock 56
F. L. linker ar.d W.
28 75
B. thai??, lot
4, block 5J. ...
15 00
F. L. Pmrker and W. B. Cha'e, lot
5. ibtock D6 8 00
F. L. 'Parker and W. B. Oha?e, Cot
6. block 56 4 00
F. L. riirker an'i W. B. Ch'ase, lot
7. bloi"k 56 1 4 00
F. L. Parker and W. B. Chase, lot
8, block 56 8 00
F. .L. Pa.-iker and W. B, Chai-e, lot
9, bl'x 56 15 00
F. L. Parker and W. B. Chase, lot
10. Woc' 56 23 75
F. L. IP;" leer ar.H W. B. OHise, lot:
11. block 66 47 83
F. L. Parker ar.i.1 W. B. Chase, lot
12. bl.Tk 56
O. I. Pete-'?n,
iblock 55
O. I. Petei.-son,
114 90
N. 50 feet lot 7.
N. 50 fe.t ict 8,
38 30
b'.cok 55
J.-hn Riley, let 4, block 55
Tver Raho. lot 9. block 55
Kmiiie Sohiussel. S. 100 feet lot 7,
block 55
Eiile S iYrj uel, S. 100 feet lot 8,
block 55
R'l! S-erVlTai-d, fft 6, block 5S
C. W. FHIvely, lot 8, block 19
C. W. FIMvely, 10'. 9, block 19
Henrietta C. Bwvr.son, lot 5, tolo?k
VI it l'.ui. T1iom?:n, S. 100 feet Wt 10.
block 19
J. F. Vcis. 8. 73 fet lot 1. block 19
IB 7
28 71
M 75
W 60
31 90
114 90
6 00
15 00
5 50
19 15
m 90
By c-der cf the Co.nmM Counc'l this
Plh dav of Nove.TEr, 1f9".
A'ftest: K. OSBl'RN.
AiMitor and Police Judge.
Ai'lcrlo, Ore., November 8, 1895.
Notice Is hereby given that the Cinmon
CounciU of the City of Astorlt, Oiegon
have determined to improve Irving Ave
nue from the east line of 18th stret to
the eat dine of 24th street, aU . In the
city of AstoitU as laid out and recorded
by J. M. Shively, by removing all brush,
kigs and timber, and by grading and fill
ing to the established grade, and pianKing
to fie wHitih of 16 feet throuah the cen
tf.r with good ft.- planking three Inches
In 'tbk-kneea, six Inches in wldM, laid one
Iik-Ii apart on six strlntcv, all to be done
In accordance witm plans and ,?pocmcat'
tons and orvl.namccs In relitlon ihereto.
The lands and preTkWs upon which the
sjiecilal assessment Sliat be levied to de
fray the coat and expense of such Im
provement and district embracing taia
'.unvls ami premtes, be and the samo are
deobrnated as follows, towlt:
AH of Bocks 21. 2u. 26. 27, 2S. , 46, 47. 48.
49, 6t. and 61. all In the town (now city)
of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by
J. M. Shively.
Estimates of the exp?ne of such Im
provement and plas and diagrams of
nuefi iworfc. and or t;ie lo.-aiity to mi
proi-etl. bUw been dk-pw!ted by the city
surveyor uritth the Auditor and Police
Jukre for examln.nion uid may be In'
P'td at te office of muth ottlctv.
At the next regular meeting of the Com
mon (imcll the llnal publica
tion of tills nolle, towlt: On Wednes
day. November frith. ISSo, at 7:30 p. m.
at trtte City Hall the said council will
consider any objections to huch improve
ment betng made and If a remonstrance
asaJiKt such imrcovennent lgned by per
sons owning more than one-half of the
proper; y In such district herein described
and In which the special arssrr.ent Is
to be levied shall be filed with the Aud
Sor ard Police Judure before said time
of meeting of the Common Council, no
such Improvement or work enall be or
dered except by a vote of fwo-ttitrds of
the common couik-.ll.
By orjer of the Common Council.
Attest: K. OSBl'RN,
Auditcir and PtfVe Judge
Astoria, Oregon, November 8th,
Acts as trustee for corporations and In
Transact a general banking business.
Interest paid on time deposits.
J. 0. A. BOWLBT President
BBNJ. YOUNG vice president
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ
Toung, A. S. Reed, D. P. Thompson
W. E. Dement, Gust Holmes.
SESSMENT num-i ij;.
Notice Is hereby given that the assess
ment 'made Iby Oidlnamee No. 2015, of the
City of Astoria, comflnmlng tine assess
ment on Roll No. 10 for the construction
cf a iseiwer In 14'llh ttreet in the part of
the City of Astoria, as laid out and re
corded by J. M. Sh'lvely ana generally
known as Shlvely's Astoria, from a point
100 feet south of the eoutih line of Grand
avenue, to the south line of Jerome ave
nue, te now due and payable in United
Skatea gold and silver coin at the office
of the City Treasurer, and if not paid
wltlhln five days from tlhe final publica
tion of ittlis notilce to-wit: On or before
(Saturday, November 30M, 1895, the Com
mon Council will order warrants Issued
for tlhe collection of tihe same.
Astoria Savings Bank, Trustee, S.
100 ifeet Lot 7, Block 20 37.75
Astoria Savings Bank, Trustee, S.
100 feet Lot 8, Block 20 21.40
F. N. Blanche, Archbhaiop of Ore.,
S. 50 feet Lot 4, Block 20 3.85
F. N. Biandhet, Archbishop of Ore.,
S. 50 feet Lot 5, Block 20 3.85
F. N. Blandhtet, Arcihblfhicp of Ore.,
S. 50 feet Lot 6, BCock 20 3.85
Theore Bracker, N. 100 feet Lot,
5, Block 58 18.30
James C. Oa'dy, N. 100 feot Lot 6,
Block 58 28.30
Otto E. Carlson, M. 50 feet Lot
11. Block 19 8.45
Otto E. Carlson, M. 50 feet Lot
12, Block 19 15.15
W. B. Chare and F. L. Parker, Lot,
1, Block 56 45.40
W. B. Chase and F. L. Parker, Lot
2. Block 58 23.40
W. B. Chape and F. L. Parker, Lit
3, Block 56 5.40
W. B. ChaM, Lot 4, Block 56 , None
W. B. CWase and F. L. Parker, Lott
5, Block 56 None
W. B. Chase and F. 'L. Parker, Lot)
6, Block 56 None
W. B. OUase and F. L. Parker, Lot!
7, BloA 56 None
W. B. Chase and F. t,. Parker, Lot)
8, Block 59.! None
W. B. Ohlase and F. L. Parker, Lot
9, Block 56 None
W. B. Chase and F. L. Parker, Loti
10. Block 66 5.40
W. B. Ohlase and F. L. Parker, Lot'
11, Block 56 25.10
W. B. On'asc and F. 'L. Parker, Lot
12, Block 56 45.40
Augci-'t Danlelson, t,ot B, B'.o.Me 55.. 36.00
G. C, Mary C. Katie and Nellfe
Flavel, Lot 2, Block 19 3.10
G. C, Wary C. Katie and Nell'le
Fluvel, Lot 3. Block 19 5.10
O. C, 'Mary C, Katie and Nell'le
Flavel, 'Lot 4, Block 19 None
C. S. Gundciraon, N. 50 fee.t Lot 10,
Block 19 1.80
C. S. Gunderson. N. 50 feet Lot 11,
Block 19 8.45
C. S. OurMeroon, N. 50 feet Lot 12,
Block 19 15.15
Mrs. E. R. Hawes, N. 50 feet Lot
7, Block 20 18.85
Mrs. E. R. Hawes, N. 50 feet Lot
8. Blcjk 20 12 20
Mrs. E. It. 'Hawes. Lot 9. Black 20-. . 16.60
Adelaide B. Marsh, S. 50 feet Lot
11, Block 19 8.45
Adelaide B. Mar.-Hi, S. 50 feet Lot
12. Block 19 15.15
O. I. Petetiion, N. 50 fe?t Lot 7,
B'.ocOe 55 18.85
O. 'I. 'Peterson, N. 50 feet Lot 8,
Block 55 12.20
Jdhn Reily, Lot 4. Block 55 16.60
Iver Safio, Lot 9, Block 55 16.60
Emily SolilU'iMi.'., S. 100 feet Lot 7,
Block 55 7.75
Emily Sdlil'uasel, S. 100 feet Lot 8,
Block 55 24.40
Elizn Shm-herd, ICt 6, Block F5 56
C. W. Shively, Frae. Lot 6, Block1
19 0 None
C W. Shively, Frae. Lot 7, Block
19 None
C. W. Stilvely, Fmc. Lot 8, Block
19 N-ne
C. W. SMvely, Lot 9, B ock 19 None
mhM Slnnctt, Lot 4, Block 58 8
Jowiph Slnnott, S. 50 feet. Lot 5,
Block 58 None
Joseph Slnnott, S. 50 feet Lot 6,
Block 58 . None
Sisterj of Charity of St. Mary's
Hospital, Lot 1, Block 67 22.70
SlfHeira of Ohianlty of St. Mary'u
HoapHali Lot 2, Block 67 12.70
Slfiens of C'r.irlty cf St. Mary's
Hospital, Lot 3, Htock 57 2.70
Slfi'.eTu of C'".a:!ty of St. Mary'iJ
HoTipHal, 'Lot 4, Block 57 iNone
aureus ot nnianty or St. Alary u
'Hafpltal, Lot 5, Block 57 None
Slurfiru of Clarity of St. Mary's
Hcraltal, Lot 6, Block 57 None
HeicintM C. Svenson, LM 5, Block
19 None
MiaO'tla Thomrison, S. 100 feet Lot
10. Block 19 3.60
J. F. Voss. S. 73 feet Lot 1. Black 19 6.10
By oivkr of the Common Council.
Attest: K. OSBURN,
Auditor ant Police Ju !ge.
Astcria, Ore., Nov. 9th, 1895.
Notice i hereby give.i that the Com
mon Council of the City ot Astoria have
determined to improve- 17ih street, from
Lie Sjuth line of Franklin avenue to the
nor.ii line of Irving avemue (except the
cirwsing of C)rn Avenue) by graiilng
and tilling saiU street to the esab'.lsl.ied
irrade throiuttlv the full wl'tth n.iereoi,
and constructing on each side thereof
a klewaik 10 feet wide within the curb
and leaving a wiioce of two fest next to
ciub for Dlahllng treest i,nd by construct'
Ing gutters on both sides thetvof, and by
nlanklns throughout the full wldt'D, mere-
of, twtween such gutters vvl'tih good, sounei
Hr olink tlhree Inches in thickness.
to be done in accordance with pirns and
fcpeeltlciwloft and ordinances in relation
The lands and premlf upon which the
peclal ansessment sliall be levied to de
fray the cost and expense of such Im
proveTnent and the d'lstrlct embracing
said lands and premUca be t.nd the same
are desltnateJ as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at the northwest comer ot
Lot 3. In Block 15, running thence south
on a stralglit line to the sou:hiwest cor
ner of Lot 10. In Block 23, and thence
east on a straight Hne to tlhe fouuieast
corner of Lot 9, In Block 23, nnd whence
north, on a straight line to the northeast
corner of Lot 4, In Block 14. and thence
wct on a straight line to the place ot
And all lands and premises In raid
district and not Included In sny street
or alley. shaH be subjevt to ea!d cess
Bstlmases of Wie expros of such inv
provement and plans and d'agi-amis c:
such work and of the locality to be Im
proved have been dtvoedted by the City
Surveyor with the Auditor and lNillee
Judge for examination and may ce in
ected at the office of sum officer.
At the next reguftir meting of the
Oonwnon Council after the final publica
tion of this notice, towit: On Alnesliy.
November 90th. 1S95. e't the hour of 7:3n
p. m at the Oity Hall, the sa'.d
mill consider any objections' to suci im
provements being made and if a remon
strance aguinst such improvement signed
by persons owning more than one-thalt
of Wis property In eurfh district here n de
scribed and In which the special s-ts?s-ment
is to be lev'el. sthill be filed with
tce Alitor and Pol'-ce Jwlr? bfore the
raid time of meeting of the Common
Council iro such Improvement or work
rhall be ordered excer by a vote of two
t'lirJs of the common council.
Bv cnkT of fhe Common Council.
Attest K. OSBURN.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Astoria Oregon. November 8th. 1SVS.
Ileal Estate (Deo,
Easiness filun
Of Astoria
-Call Into the Astorlan office
and get sample copies of our tegu
lar Commercial edition.
It Means fdoney
in Your Pocket.
Special attention paid to steamboat re
pairing, first-class horseshoeing, eta
IW Olney street, between Third and
and Fourth, Astoria, Or.
As Franklin says, good dress opens
all doors, you should not lose sight of
the fact that a perfect fitting suit is
the main feature. Wanamaker &
Brown are noted for fit, workmanship
and superiority of qualities. Their rep'
resentatlve visits Astoria every three
months. Office 64 Dekum Building,
Portland, Or Reserve orders till you
lave seen the spring line of samples
Snap A Kodak
at any man coming 011' ul
our stoe and you'll get a
lortralt of a man brimnilnu
iiii-r wltn pleasant thought".
Such quh.lty In th? lliiuori
we huve to offer are eiinut;li to
Conrpe and Try Them
Is there a man with heart so cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could find
In articles of PURN ITU RH of tn
right kind.
And we would suggest at this season,
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or se
of Dining Chairs. We have the larges
and finest line ever shown In the city
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas
ho closest buyers.
Few Hen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than those we serve. We're trying in
every way to make them the most en
loyable in town. All the "good things"
of the season cooked by our excellent
cook In the most delicious style. Perfect
service. ,
Tf vnn invite a friend to the Palace
Restaurant the place Is a sufficient guar
antee that ne will receive a guuu mcu
The Palaee Restaurant
Conromly St., foot ot Jackson, AstorK.
General Machinists and Boiler Makers
Land and Marine Engines. Boiler work. Steam
boat and Cannery Work a Specialty.
Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order on
anon iiuuic.
lohn Fox. President and Superintended
A. L. Fox Vice President
0. B. Prael Secretar
Are You Going East?
r Amn o 11ns tn A C. Sheldon
enerei agent of the "Burlington
j.,.. . ' osn st.. Portland.
He will mall you free of charge, maps,
fime tables, and aavise you us 10 me
through rates to any point, reserve
deeping oar accommoaaiions lor yuu,
and furnish you with ihrough tickets
via either tne iNonnern, union, ouuiw
r.nln UnnlUn nnfl rtront Knrth.
r 1 II, V . V 1 1 (V U 1 1 A UVil'v, " - -
em railroads at the very lowest rates
obtains Die.
Ph. T3i,r1lnf-trtn T7nilto ffetlprnllV
jonceded to be the finest equipped rail
road m tne worta tor aii classes or
Canadian Pacific
Greatest -- Trars-ContinentaJ
Railway. System.
Palace Dining Room anJ Sleeping Cars.
Luxuiious Dining Cars.
Elegant Day Coaches.
-also -
Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken
Views of the Wonderful Mount
ain Country.
$5.00 and $10.00
Saved on all tickets East. Tourist ("fr the
best on wnets. equipments ot toe very finest
Canadian Pacific
China and Japan.
China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C :
Empress of Indlt
Aug. 5lh.
Aug aoih.
Set. i6ih.
ct. mh.
Nov. nth.
rmpress of Jrjn
Emiress of China
Erai-rcts of ll:aia
l-mprrs of Jaran
Empress of Ch na
the, o'h.
Australian steamer leave Vancouver, B. C ,
16th of every month.
For ticket nttes ard itiformation cal
on or address
Astoria, Or.
VV. F. Carson, Traveiin? Pass. Aet ,
Taomi, Wa-h
Geo. McL. Brown, D st. Pass. Azt.,
Vancouver, B. C.
German Physician. Eclectic.
Ofilce over Albert Dunbar's storOcor.
9th and Co imerclal. Prices: talis, H.
conttnements. J10.00. Operations at fnes
free; medicines furnlstud.
W. C. LOGAN. D. V. a,
Mansell Block, B Third sirwl
Office over Olsen's drug store. Hour. '
to 12 a. m.; 2 to i and I to 8 p. m. Sun
days, 10 to 11.
Office, 6Mft Third Bt., ABloriu, Otc.
Special attention given to ail ehroni
Special attention to diseases of wom
en and surgery.
Office over Danzlger's etore. Astoria.
Telephone ?'o 52
Office, Rooms i and 6, Pythian
Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and V to
6. Residence, 639, Cedar street
May be found in his cilice until tl
o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until t
p. m., and from 6 until 7:30 evenings.
468 Commercial Street.
W. JI. LaFofce. S. B. Smith.
385 Commercial street.
J. y. A: BOWLBY,
Office on Second StiveL Art'-rm. or
J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlxuu
Chester V. Dolph.
Portland, Oregon, 24, 25, 26, and 27,
Hamilton Building. All legal and col
lection business promp:ly attended to.
Claims against the government a spe
A. M. Regular communications held
on the first and third Tuesday evening
of each month.
E. C. HOLDEN. Sitary.
178 Tenth street.
Handley & Hans, 160 First utreei. nut
get the Daily Astonan. Visitors nva
not miss their mornln pape- !
andel wine Instcm) af vi-- '. -""lfty
cents per ::aMiiii. !...!''
peach and apl.-ot bruti.iy A i.s.i j-.i-n
'Ojfnsc mirt st A.. iihr-
"Do unto others as y'u would have
others do unto you," m sympa'.heticiilly
hcivvn In the following line, the pre-
liiiiiUKin bring sympi.kii is i ' 'i'i.
or akin to pain or sorrow:
"Gentlemen: i'lease ' seii'J rvrtiiiM- s
Headache Capsules fls follows: 'lv.-ti
boxes to Flora Seay, Havannn. N. Dak.
Two boxes to Llllie Wilcox, Brooklund,
N. Dak. 1 nave always been a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only ttilng that relieves
me." Youra very truly,
Havana, N. Dak.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria.
Or. Sole Agent
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fr.iits
Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and
Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies.
Cor. Cass auil SqiK'moque Streets. Astoria. Or
Notice Is hereoy given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between the un
dersigned, under the tlrm name and style
Oregon Transportation Company, is this
lay dissolved by mutual e,itis":ni. All
outstanding bills or accounts being pay
able to Capt. Pnul Schrader, and he as
suming the payment of all deUs due by
said firm.
Astoria, Or., May 13, ISM.
Telephone & Bailey Catzert.
Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav
igation Co.
Two Daily Oouta to Portland
"Teleplione" leaves Astoria at 7 p. m.
daily (except Sunday).
Leaves. Portland" daily at 7 n. m., ex
empt Sunday.
"Bailev t;sl7rrt" lantjoo t
day. Wednesday, Thursday,' Friday and
.-......,. im.riiuiK m 0:4o R. m ; snndav
evenine at 7 p. to.
Leave Portland daily 8t 8 p. rn., ex
cept Sunday. On Sal u i day nichf at 1'
p. m.
At'en t, Astoria.
IT. B. Scott President
B. A. seeley. Gen'l Agt.. Portland.
Oas and Strzm rUtinjj,
Hot Air, Steam and
Water rletainjr. -.-.
17j Twelfth rr-t. .-.! u. tr
Rortb Pacific Bremery
Leave orders with J. L. rir'.-,. .i..
Suimyslde Saloon or Louis Boitze at
the Coeroo poll tan Saloon. All orrt n
be promptly attended to.