The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 08, 1895, Image 1

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' - -II . ..
MrAAA ifV jftr j
fl Forecait for Oregon and Waihlngton,
tfalr weather. h
4 The ASTORIAN hai tin largsst LOCAL
H t l-.l 11.. I a r-T.irn. .1 . I
j circuiiiiiwii we iirggu ur.ntnAL circu'a- .
,J tlon, and the largMt TOTAL circulation of
C all papen published In Astoria.
NO. 253.
Can You Tell Why?
Says a man to me yesterday,
when showing me a suit that
he said he "was faked in buying
W'WiP' U elsewhere and paying more than
r j o "b"
lar prices," especially when he
had bought suits of me that
gave entire satisfaction, and he
liked my "style of doiDg busi
ness, strictly one price and
throwing in nothing" while
selling Men's or Boy's
Clothing:, Furnishing
Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots,
Shoes, Trunks, Valises,
Umbrellas, Mackin
toshes, Etc.
The One Price Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
Full Text of the Proceedings of
the Recent Session. '
Were Considered and Adjusted
Urge Number of Bills Paid
Tax Question Decided.'
Compile! by F.'I. Dunbar, County Clerk,
by Oder County Court.
Open every day from 3 o'clock to 5 :30
and 6:30 to 9:30 p. m.
Subscription rates $3 per annum.
Southwest cor. Eleventh aud Duane Sts.
They Lack Life .
There are twines Bold to fishermen
on the Columbia river that stand In
the same relationship to Marshall's
Twine as a wooden image does to the
human being they lack strength life
evenness and lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself Into the belief that other
twines besides Marshall's will do "Just
as well." They won't They cannot
School Books!
School Supplies!
At Greatly Reduced Prices. v '
Oregon Books Slates
Pencils Tablets
Pens Erasers
Everything fleeessary for Sehool Use.
Griffin & Reed.
In a desirable location, 2 blocks from High School.
On the new Pipe Line Boulevard Just the place for a cheap home.
STREET OAR LINE will be eitende.l this summer to within 5 minutes
walk of this property Will sell at decided barifinn.
In 5 or 10 aore tracts inside the oity limits also adjoining Flavel.
GEORGE HILL,. -471 RondSt., Occident Block,
Ladies' Grey Woolen Vests
AT -
75 Cents a Garment.
These same garments sell everywhere for $1.
- - flen's Overcoats - - - $10
These same goods are marked out at all the stores as
bargains for $1 1.50.
6 50 - - Men's Suits - - 6.50
A Full Line of Shoes and Hats.
600 Commercial Street.
qp Ileaf Life
wvbcd eaa spend but on or two yean at school why not take eonree that cm
completed In that timet The eolle lnclode a short BNOUSH COTJRBB tw
Sldea a B THINE 88 and SHORTHAND COURSE. Tor cataloffnaa sddreaa,
(U TASsax, $r. - - HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. - - rSdUmox,
(Offlctel Report.)
In She County Court of h Start of
Oregon, In and for tlh County of Clatsop,
Monday, November ftb, 1895. First day
Present, Hon., J. H. D. Gray, Judge; R.
M. Wooden, and C. Peterson, Comndsslon-
er; F. L IXuabar, Cleric, tuid J. W. Hare,
Sheriff. .
Court mot and vri.e duly opened at 10
o'clock L ' , .
Petition from T. O. Trullliier, et al,
feqfuemineT that Una order marie Juno 6Uh,
189G, releaaiiieT itlhe chilma of the county
for taxes on lands and lots known as
"Railroad fiubaldy" be txvodlfled and
changed 60 as to Include certain other
lands and premises omitted In said order,
was ire ad and ifatcen under advisement
and consideration until tomorrow at I
o'clock, pr in.
Petition of O. I. Peterson requesting
thait an order be 'mode auUhorlzlng the
clerk to accept the amount of state tax
and aberlfTs1 cost on tax eale of mort
gage assessed to J. W. Hardwlck for year
1892. ' Granted and so ordered.
Oonamindca tlon from H, C. Thompson
was reexl, o'flerbig to pay 115.00 for an
assignment to him of tax sale certificates
of property aasasaed to E. P. Thompson,
said property "having been told in fcy the
county for $19.47, and ahat two of tttie
loto mentioned In said assessment were
4tsM4ujeesed, agdaking uttat tbe
VMus te,,aicepted,jand ,tlha( county Judge
be awtthorlzetf to assign cenlficute to H.
C. Thonnpson. j
Ordered that offer be acobpted and Uhat
Uhe county judge assign said certificate
to H. C. Tdiompeon.
Appliloatlon of Midhael kenney, Super
visor of Road Diatrict No. , for 7,600
feet of lumber to repair trldgo at Sven
son's landtag, allowed and so ordered.
Oommuntoation from Oso. D. Barnard
& Co., relating to covers for Indexes for
reconder'v office, ' read and ordered filed.
In the matte of peddler's Hcenee; or
dcred tDidt' tilve amvoUiit, (i0.00) heretofore
fixed as a peddler's licence, be and
Is Oiertfby rescinded, and canceled, ejid
that the following amounts be nd
are thereby asseeoed on each pedkller here,
after to vend, sell, or retail at private
sale, any goods; warea and merchandise
iwitJhln Clataop County, to-wit:
Peddlers on foot $ SO per annum
Peddlers one horse team.... 120 " "
Peddlers, two horse team... ISO " "
Petition read from D. B. Montelth and
T. K. WeaUherford offering $200.00 as a
settlement and compromise of tax sales
of Lot 10, Block 66&, Lots S and 10, Block
C8, Lots S and 10, Block 61, UcClure's As
toria, for the years 1890, '91, '92, and '93,
and asking an Acceptance of said offer.
Ordered referred to J. Q. A. Bowlby for
examination as to Interests' of county
therein, and continued until sudh time as
he reports.
In the maOter of the application of John
Hahn and others to establish a county
road. Now at this time Is read the peti
tion of John Hahn and ofhera to survey.
locate and establLui a county road, In
CCataop County, as follows, to-nit: Be
ginning at ths U-tmlle post on the sur
veyed county road from North, Nehalera
to the onemtte post from the north line
of the donation land cUlm of Frederick
Beerman in satd county, said 13-mUa pott
being1 in the northeast quarter of Uhe
sorutlheaat quarter of Section 2i Townehlp
6, north, range 10 west of the Willamette
meridian; thence In a northeasterly direc
tion to She nonuh bank of the Necannlcum
river, Dhence eaaterty by ten most prac
ticable route to a slake maifced "R" In
the northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter In Section 23, Township S north,
r&nge 9 west, at said meridian, thence
northeasterly to a point on section line
betewen sections 13 and 24, Township 8
north, range I west, of said meridian, 600
feet west of one quarter corner, between
said sections.
' Also beginning at the above described
stake, marked "R," thence running In a
southerly direction by the mat practica
ble route on the east side of the creek
of Upper South. Fork of Neoannicum
river to a stake at the Northeast corner
of the aouthmrest quarter of the northeast
quarter of Section. 26, Township t north,
range vest, of aJd meridian. Ordered
that same be allowed; bonds fixed at
$200.00; Carl Johnson, W,' H.' Ahlers and
Louis Ohance appointed viewers; P. E.
Hickanan, surveyor, to meet at residence
of Oar! Johnson, TJurJay, Nov.-?, IKS.
Tine following bills on the General Fund
were examine and. allowed.
Jurors' fees, Circuit. Oourt," September
termv txt.10; Witness fees, ClreuK. Coart,
September . Term,: $2M.J0; 'Wtlrteat tttm.
Oraad Jury. H32J9; F. L Dunbar; stamps;
COO; Aifred GUbboos, senieea as avsenor
for October, $1.04.00; Robert Orbeon, ser
vki deputy assessor per diem and
cvirtfene. KlZZii Sam. A. Koser, sen.
rices a deputy assessor per diem and
overtime, $124.60; O. Zeigter, services re
corder's office, $79.00; Oeo. Brown, service
assessor's office, $103.60) W. L. Jackson,
services aasesor's office, 1,14.75; J. W. Hare,
sheriff, serving subpoenas, etc., $25.75; J.
W. Hare, sheriff, board of prisoners for
October, $194.60; J. A. Fulton, examination
John Fitspatrick, insane, $5.00; Jay Tut-
Ue, exaimdnatlon Herman Ostman, Insane,
$5.00; A. L. Fulton, ' examination Thomas
Love, Insane, $6.00;'Jahoa Abercromble, ex-
aminabion Thomas Lave, insane, $5.00; C.
. Curtis, Dept. District Atty., examina
tion .Theodore Love insane, and case of
SUate vs. Bottom, $10.00; J. W. Hare, trav
eling expenses, etc., $U.; C. fl. G under
son, Stamps, expressage, etc., $5.75; Foard
ft Stokes, provisions, Mnr. illcktJeon, $5.05;
Mr Davlch.' $6.00; 8col field ft Hauke,
provisional, Mrs. Mattson, $4.95; A. V. Al
jen, provisions, Mrs. Sedelck, $5.30; A.
Balcka, $5.06; 'Mrs. Salkka, $5.80; Mrs, Wes
terburg, $6.25; Mary Peterson, $4.90; Ross,
Higgins ft Co., provision J. M. Murphy,
$5.20; Mira. Banisn., $5.95; provisions for la
borers on "water works, ,$20.07; Campbell
Bros., provisions, Mrs ;)ftaymond, $7.36;
C. E. Ward, care of J. ;B. Oaboni Sept,
ltih to Nov. I, $U.0; steamer Uncle Sara,
trip to Taylor's sands for sheriff, $5.W); H,
w. weeks, subpoenaing 1 witnessea for
sberiff, $4.00; Queen Navigation Co., trip
to Blind Slough for Sheriff, $10.00; Howell
ft Ward, candles and brooms for jail,
$4.25; H. F. Prael ft Co., .hauling lumber
for street, $1.00; Aetorla .Gas Light Co.,
gas for September and October, $19.65; As,
toria Wood and Coal Yard, 25 cords of
V. M. Wood, $112.50; Astoria Transfer Co.,
houses, buggies, expreasage, etc., for ther
iff, $11.00; Dally Aatorlan, publishing pro
ceedings, $6.00; Herald Fublkhlng Co.,
publishing proceedings, $8.75; J. S. Delling.
ger, (b tonka for sheriff, $2.25; Grlilln ft
Reed, stationery, court house, $5.65; Joe
Andrew, repairing and filing saws for
dhexlff, $3.10; Astoria Iron Works, -repatie
tag jail door, $2.00; Clatsop M1U Co.; lum
ber for Bridge, Road District No. 6, $3.80;
lumber for streets, $19.63; iM. C. Crosby,
keg of .wire-nails, saw b!odesi etc., $6JD;
R. C. F. Aetbury, Countyi Map, $10.00; Y.
C. Hlckunam, drafting, recorder's office,
$9.00; F. H. Surprenant, damage to horse,
hiaimess, etc, $5.00; costs, sjate va. Maihan,
$10.70; vs. Geo. Feakes, No. 1, $12.55; va.
Geo. Feakee No. 2, $15.35;, Geo. Feakes,
No. 3, $13.46; va. Peter Johnson, $78.00; vs.
Nina Wilson, No. 1, $18.65; ;vs. Nina Wil-eon.-No.
2, $29J0; vs. Frank Corry, $17.60;
Wiu Lucas, $14.30; va A "'3. ' Pepl, 918.06;'
va T. Prout, $10.80; vs. Sillier, $17.45;
va Cwipt. Lewis, $9.65; vs. G. Holmes,
$35.60; vs. G. Mandenaxa, $28.75; Frank J.
Taylor, opinions regarding delinquent
taxes, $26.00; Jaa. Corbctt, serving sub
poenas for sher iff, $5.00; Oregon Telephone
Co., telephone, for Nov., $3.00.
Bills on Special Road Fund examined
and allowed a follows:
Will Deaiv 419.60. Lold Loomls. $19.60.
labor Road Dist. No. 1; C. A. McOuire,
(Continued on Fourth Page,
Result of Kentucky Election
Speaks for Itself.
Bradley a Good Man but Would Have
Fallen Short but for Hardin and
Blackburn's Mistakes.
Chicago, Nov. 7.-The Daily News Waah
ington special says:
Searetary Oaril&Ce returned from Ken
tucky tUtls morning. He promptly gave
orders to his acting aecreiary to say to
nawupajper correspomleinu he de
clined to be rniterKewed on the resu.t in
Kentucky. Air. Carlisle believes tliie
result speaks for itself, and carries a po-
iucai moral wWift it. Colonel Sam Gaines.
chief of mails in the treasury department,
who iwewt home to vote and returned
winn, tine searetary, eaM:
'Colonel Bradley iia a good man.
was clerk of the court of appeals of
ivenioucKy ror many yeans and Colonel
uradley practiced before the court. His
a busty and popuMrlty have not been
overestimated. But with these points in
his favor he iwouM have been "1,000 votes
eworc or election had Hardin .and BUck
burn not eouwhit to override the expressed
wan or une iemooratlc patuy."
"Kentucky democrats wore with Sec.
retary Oairtole In his opposition to free
silver and mode their position c:ar in
the platform, and wnen Hairdln ana
Bltackbum twent into the camna.irn ana
deliberately lUHd a revolt against the par.
ty piaxiormL iwiey met the defeat tlhe-v
deserved. Prominent Derrtocira'ts told me
una they had been compelled to net rid
of Blackburn and Hardin, and these two
trrftaldng features were promptly brushed
aside by Democratic votes. If Hardin
aind BlacJdbunn hiad acquiesced in the plat-
lonra ana eimpiy omitted the silver issue
from their spheres bothi wouid have been
In 1833 he beeaimo n member of the Ore
gon iiteam Mavigntion Co., and a year
later was made 1U vice prealdnnt. He
came to Pasadena four years ago and
purchased Canmelltu, which It laid out
in beautiful landscape effects. He Dur
ohused the Oneonti stock farnv etocking
It with ome of the finest iioraea in the
country. .
I -flTAiffiiT rinnnn i nn
human .mtam
Thalt 'the Ooihatt-Fttasimmons Mill Will
Come Off. .
Dalian, Tex., 'Nov. 7. After the li:i In
the pugftltstlc excitement for a few days
matters lluaive taken a fresh start, Said
Dam Stuart tonight:
"I leaive for El Paso In the morning,
and Unlink the place and time for Oorbcitt
and Fftzsimmiona to tight will be found
and fixed between now and Sunday. I aim
making this move individually."
Protection Styled as "Stolte SeciallEim.'
Experience of Captain Granger
of Earl of Zetland.
Drawing: Twenty Feet and Elfbt
Inches She Was Grounded Three
Times on the Down Trip.
Captain Granger, of the Brit ltd bark
Earl of Zetland, which arrived down from
Portland yeatordny, spent the evening
with friends athore and during .the course
of conversation had considerable to ay
about hie experiences on his trip. to Port
land for his cargo of wheat. . The cap-
uln is one of the typical eea-faring men,
of medium height, rather slender build,
and with a keen eye. He expects to sail
for England today or tomorow.. He said:
"We bad some Ifttle difficulty when first
errlvtng In Portland. There seemed to
Lave been no arrangements made for our
btrth and we were told to anchor In the
etneam. We did so, and were then board
ed by an officer who Informed tu thai
It would also be ' necessary to drop an
anchor aoem. A ifew mlnuti-s sifter this
instructions came for us to dock at 'a
certain wharf and these little maneuvers
just cost the Ship $20 extra.
"Wo left Portland for Astoria at 8
o'clock yesterday morning. . Just after
getting under way the ship was grounded
opposite the Montgomery wharf In the
harbor of Portland. The vessel wcj draw.
ing 20 feet t Inches on leaving the dock
and of course I aa somewhat disgusted
to go aground at the starting point After
considerable work we were floated tand
proceeded down the river. .
"At Hunters' Point we were, again
grounded and touched bottom once mors
at a place I think they called 'Jim Crow
Point.' At 7 o'clock we cast anchor for
the night, Jim above Oak Point, and
cams on down ths river at half past tight
the) morning. " .
."It .will be a great advantage to ship
masters' when you get your reslroait to
Astoria and we can get our cargoes here,
Much delay, expense and annoyance will
be -saved,' and ships having copper bot
floras tarta snett be afe 4n coming; to the
Oolnmbta for sarroca1 7 ,. . v
-Captain ITSSnam seed be thoujhi 7m was
voJdug tk tssncbnent of a maJorUy of
sfaliMCBsMsrr whs visit this pore.
Edirtburg, Nov. 7.-Unlted States Am
bassador Hon. Thomas' E. Bayard, deliv
ered the innugunal address Ohls evening
to tlhe Fhillooophiicail Society. It was enti
tled "Individual Liberty, the germ of na
tional prcreas and permanency."
The paper read by Mr. Bayard was a
scholarly and patriotic address In which
the Institutions of 'the United tSates were
glorified. The moat striking passages
were tlhtose in iwtvloh he denounced social
ism and, protection. During his remarks
he said:
"In my country I have twtneased the
insatiable growth of that form of state
eoclailsm styled 'protection,' which, I be
lieve has done more to footer clam legis
lation and create inequality of fortune,
corrupt public life, banish men ?f inde
pendment nna and character from pub
lic councils, blunt public conscience and
nlace Dolitlca upon the low level of mer
cenary scrunble than any other single
Dying Out Exact
Not Tet In.
Oaiuiaur Still the Champion Engllrti Win
'the Four Oared.
' Austin, Tex., Nov. 7. Jake Gaudaur Is
etui t'lie champion of the aquatlo world.
The contest was over a mile and a half
couwe and the trophies were the cham'
plonshlp Richard K. Fox challenge cup
and a purse of $1,000.
T.le Atarters wore B uoear and ITalncs,
ui unKiana, ana jaxe uaudaur and Ras.
Rogers, ot America. Before the auartar
flase were reached on the upper courue
names quit the race and Bubear also
dropped out ten boat lengths below the
mue oroa a half nag, leaving Gaudaur and
Rogers to flnUh the race. Gaudaur won
with a Ave. boat longths" lead, and came
down the course under lain easy 31 stroke
ana won the race in 20:69.
The great four-oared race followed the
single ecua. This race was over a mile
and a ha lf course with a turn, three m!lr.
for Dhe dhamplonrtilp of the iworld and a
pttme or i&w.
The etarten were Bubar, Barry.
Haines and Wlngate, for England, and
Teemer, Rogers, Charley and Jake dam.
aaur ror America. The EnglMl crew won
'Dy etiree lengitlhs. Time. 17:20V. Tlh
-winning of this race by the English crew
aoeorus anem all of the Imoortant Innrri.
at dhls regaiota. This concludes the re
gatta. -
v : May lose alab.vma.
Damocrats Will Probaibly Drop the I'ree
, ; ; silver Question.
Birmingham, Ala.. Nov. 7. A conference
will be held here tomorrow nld'it between
Senators lloroun and Push and the f
silver members of tlhe Alabama congres
sional d.flog'a.toin to determine whether or
not tney win continue the pro'eoutlon of
the free silver carnDalirn Inaamrrated In.
side the Democratic party in ths Mate.
i.eaiung uumocraui are seriously eonsld
orhig the advlealblllty of Fitonpinir nil dlsi
cuaslon inside the party of Che currency
and turning their attention to reuniting
urn jjemwa-atic pairty ror wie coming con
teat. It is feared ttiiait furnhor nvitntlnn
of silver lnalde tlhe parly nilgiht bring on a
pronounced split and the lays ot the state
to the Domocraiey.
Was 'the Cauee of the Detroit Exploeton.
Detroit, -Nov. 7. The work of rejoulnn
the bodies of the vlctima of - Wednesday's
expTosffdh-ld 'the Jotirnel btilldlnir went
on steadily all diay and tonleht.' The list
of missing about .eorreaoonds with nh
ufiw uwiira TaKen out.
Over thirty dead bodies have now been
taken out and idenitilled. but the number
of the dead wlil approximate fonty. To
day's develop intents demonstrate that neg
ligent care of the bollera was the eau;e
of the accident. Official inspectors and
competonlt engineers examined portions of
the wrecked boll ens today and nronounc-
ed the cause as row water, caufine a
super-heated condition of the flues, which
waw followed by a dangerous injection of
com water.
Once More' Falls',' to." .Carry in
' Massachusetts.
The Cause Secured 107,000 Votes, but
Municipal Suffrage lor Women
Defeated by 77,000.
'New York, Nov. 7. A special from Bos
ton says:
The majority against municipal suffrage
for women wus 77,000. The euffrageLrts,
represented by Dr. Henry B. Blackwell,
tuy they are much encouraged by this re
Bu.t, considering the email amount or
umiiey .Uney cou.d use and the hort time
fur Due work.
llae "Vt" vote of 107,000 reveals to
Uattn thubiands of new ifnendd, ihey ay,
and they will 'begin at once Cue organiza
tion of new ciuiuu to cairy on the agita
tion and to secure municipal Burlrage
trora une iegtsiture.
On 'the oUner hand, the' managers of the
ntain ciutDrage tutsoeJaUon are particularly
p.eaued witn tbie mJorlty of 77,000. It
is estimated thalt at Kaat 16,000 vote were
cast by women for euftrage. Ihis would
leave an advenes masculine majurhy of
over 90,000, beaMee one demonstration '.bat
a'oiout so per cent of the 'Women, taking
One eit'ate Uamoug'n, do not core tor a vote
at all.
It U recalled that Uhe prohibitory con
ji'tu'iiionul amiemiinient was defeated in
li&i by 40,000 and the effect has been to
prevent furtl.w agitation on that tine.
Railroad Work Being Pushed Rapidly.
Chicago Railroads Will Stay
With Mr. Hill.
Bait Lake, Nov. 7. Political excitement
Is dying out and normal conditions again
prevail. Little Interest Is taken in the
returns today, the result having been so
far dtltecmlined that there is no question,
exceot for some minor offices.
In the Third Judicial District, Including
Salt Lake City, Uhe Dumocrats elected
two of the five Judffis, with, chances about
even on the third. Vancott (Dem.) for
euuerintendent of school In Salt Lake
county, was elected by 100 majority. Three
supreme court Judges on the Republican
ticket received the same plurality as the
governor. The vote, o far as counted,
showed Welle, for governor, about 2.501)
ahead, and Alien, for congress, about
1400 ahead. Tne final count will not vary
much from these figures. No further re
turns have been received from Iho legls
taitive ticket. Nothing more definite will
be known as to the state until the final
count. There is no law saying when the
official canvass shall bo mude.
OolumbtM, Nov. 7. The Repub'lew sta'e
committee tonight figures the Republican
plurality for governor at 95.067. Die Df m
ocTu,ts carried 26 of the S8 counties in ths
Lexington, Nov. 7.-The Leader, the Re.
nuhlican inner n Kentucky, always I
etalwart supporter of Governor McKinley
far -the nrfukfencv. Hod ay oeciarea ror
McKinley for president and GoVcrnor-e:ec;
Bradley for vice-prcsideit.
So Far as Possible Will Help Defeat
the Threatened Strike on
Great Northern.
Chicago, Nov. 7. All railroad having
headquarters in Chicago have given pcsl
tlve assurance 'to President Hill, of the
Great Northern, that aa far as lies In
tlheiir power Ohcy will co-operate with him
In defeating the A. R. U. e:r.k now
tlhrealteined on his road. This support of
the Oreo Northern is Uhie outgrowth of
a plan pursued by the generail managers
of Chicago when they iwere dealing 'Wltf,
the strike of last yeo.r. Mr. HH4 has en
gaged a detective agency to furnlth him
armed guards and 'tuis advised the Chi
cago railroad managers that h!s road
would employ any roJIrond man out of
work who have not committed an act of
violence in Chicago or elsewhere against
Ihe avails during the strike of 1891.
The murk of construction on the itall-
roaid east of Tongue Point ia being push
ed 'forawrd rapidly, and Contractor Cory
is determined to do all that can be done
this winter.
Yesterday 'morning at 9:30 the steamer
O. K, took a large amount of camp outfit.
tools aind eunulies bo Burnelde Pent, to
gether with about 30 men, who establish
ed anouiljer oaimp ot workmen on another
section . under Sub'-CotttmacUr Parker.
Other men -will be added to tttl camp
in the near future and wlH be engaged
all winter on heavy rock work. i
Mr. Corey yesterday brought down from
Uhe Low Is and Clarke,' on the steamer
Rich, tons of the old tools, harness and
outfit ifonmerly used on the Nebailem road
and piled tin em up In the rear ot hie
ofllee In Wve Welch block. Whatever can
be mudo rtt for use In the new work will
be utilised. Much of It 4a pnactlcai:y use
leas from long exposure.
Arec'Jheir 'Lot of Deeda Were Filed Yes
, terday for Kocord.
In yasterdiay'is mention of the new deals
Jijtit nuide the statement should have aald
that the lot purchaised by D. K. Warren
was situated on Bond street, adjoining
Roes, Hlggina & Co.
It lo ruirored that Charles WIrkkala will
oredt a building for himself on the corner
ot 7th and Bond street.
August Erlckeon yesterday wired his
agents, R. L. Boyle & Co., to dispose of
all 'the houses on the lot he recently pur
dhtased on 7th and Aetor streets, and have
the same removed before December 1st,
preparatory 'to the erection of his build
ing.. THE WAR CRY.
Gives Astoria a Good Lift in Business.
Tho last issue of that most creditable
paper published weekly in New York, by
Uhe Salvation Army people, gives Astoria
a good left In business and wUl no doubt
Influence many people favorably towards
"the city by the eea."
The article rcfered to was written by
Catpnin James Weston, the leader or
Uhe forces in Astoria and describes In a
comprehensive manner her large tithing
Industries and various manufactories, giving-
complete statistics of production and
contain four splendid views. One pict
ure Is of the city looking east toward
Tonirue Point, another is a sea view, a
'hlrd the army hall, and the fourth the
custom house. "
Aetorlans ,r cerUlnly Indebted to
Capt. Weston for his good services.
London, Nov. 7. Ths Globe this after
noon, commenting upon the recent olec
ttorw In tlhe United States, ay:
. "Wo think no question is likely to arise
before the presidential year w4ii.Hi will
bring the IVrmoornts back to power. 80
far as our relations with ihe United
Stites are concerned, the Issue Is of ex
ceedlngly little importance." '
Tf tm -town. -I"s ths best;
"WwB't n mmr routrtocs (be skin;
Won't "yellow your clothes."
You wti! be ajrreeabiy surprised.
Sorry yea didn't know tt sooner.
Tomooa's Soap Foam, fargs pBtfkogel,
':'; i.v,S,.C.RED DEAp., ,.( '
rtUsVt,-CakNoy. 7- S. O. Red died
fcls reea re is, Ibis el'y thu stfernoflh-.'
Rr. Jleed 'l? not.b.-en in good heslrh fn
-me yVam Shd Saturday be wss stricken
th para'veis, which terminated in his
d -wet todar.
Ur. Hied wss both In Euc Ablngton,
Msos., In im. Is "J Mr. Reed cams to
ths PaolOs coast and settled In Oregon.
Is Again Hold Out to ths Reorgunlxcre.
Cleveland, Nov. 7. An evening paper
In Rainlpo, N. Y., a ftup'-njuun rail
way transaction wa.j offjeted .v?. erday.
The vast Erie system was sold to C. H.
Coster, Louis A. Fltsgnt-vld, and Anthony
J. Thomas, the reorganization committee,
for $20,000,000 over and above the bonded
Indebtedness of the road. For many
months the Erie htm tuvt manage! to
struggle along under a debt of nearly
rS.O'jO.OM. Reasonably bonded, It would
be a money maker.
Now York, Nov. 7. HVips Steady.
Liverpool, Nov. 7. W.wat Spot, quiet;
dnnuvnd poor; No. 2 red winter. 5a 3d;
No. 2 red spring and No. 1 hard Manitoba
soocks exhausted: No. 1 California, M i'jd.
London, Nov. 7. Hup-UnclnamKed,
Partlamdl Nov. 7 'Whoat Valley.. 51c;
Waila, Walla, 48c.
Tho following transfers of real estate
were Wed for record in the county record
er's office yesterday:
Miry B, Knowles and 3. W.
KmowCes to August Brlckaonf un
divided one-half of lot 4. block
II, MriCluree) addition
J. O. Han thorn and wife to Aug
ust RrlcOcMon, undivided one-half
ot 4, ttoek 11. McClure'e
Clfment Rmdbury amd wife to Oarf
Ahtars, Lot 14. Block 31. Brad
bury's Second Addition to Ocean
T,m. Murray to C. F. West and C.
S. Oarthee, Lot 9, Cock 7, Skip
anon addition
C. B. Upton and wife to M. Foard,
F. R. Stokes, P. A. Stokes, and
Ellv Jam.n. undivided east one
hn!f Block 111, Shlvely's Astoria..
J. N. Dolph and wife to It, Foard,
P. A. SOokes F. R. Stokes, and
Ellv Jo-nscm, 'unkllvtded one-half of
Block 111, Hhlv-ely's AetorU
D. SDuait Jr. and wife to T. D.
(A-wnellua, Lots 1 to 30 Inclusive,
Block 10, Menrlwether Downs
J. H. emililh to J. O. 7'antlhorn ertxt
khury II. Knowleis, Lot 6, Block!
8. McCiure'e i
D. K. Warren and wife o J. O.
Hanftlhorc and Mary B. KnawCes,
Lot , Block M, McCture's 10
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
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