The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 07, 1895, Image 3

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    THE DAILY ' isTO&UN, , ASIOJUAi illUESDAi? jiiQMIKG, 1 NOVMEER ' ri wl
tt lilH i
for Infants and Children.
MOTHERS, Do You Know that Paregoric,
Bateman's Drops, Godfrey'! Cordial, many so-called Soothing; Syrups, aud
most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine?
Po Tom Knoir that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic pobonsT
Wo Yon Know that In most countries drngglata are not permitted tosell narcotics '
Without labeling them poisons?
Po Yoq Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child
unless you or your physician know of what it is composed ?
Po Yon Know that Castoria Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of
its ingredients is published with every bottle ?
Po Yon Know that Castoria Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher.
That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than
of all other remedies for children combined?
Po Yew Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of
other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word
" Castoria " and its formula, and that to imitate them ia a slate prison offense ?
Po Yoq Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection
was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless f
Po Yon Know that 33 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35
cents, or one ceut a dose?
Po Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
tie kept well, and that yoa may have unbroken rest?
Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facta.
The fac-wlmlle
Hlgnntnre of
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
R. P. EliMORE,
Sailing dates to and from Tillamook and Nehalem depend
on the wejther. For freight and passenger
rates apply to
0. R & N. CO.,
1 Rfter (Deals!
Or at any oilier time
when you wieli a good
cigar ask Mr the well
known, uome-mwle,
lmnd-maJe, white lulior
"La Belle Atoria."
Conceded by all smokers
to be the beat ciar
71 Nintl? Street,
Astoria, Oregon.
: first Class Funerals :
POME'S Undertaking Parlors,
Raw ttawuut Embalnlnc a Specialty
The only railroad lighting ita trains t7
Toe only railroad using the celebrated
4xne berth reading lamp. -
Tha coaches now ataniiur on "The Mil
waukee" are Palace oo Wheels.
On all Its through line, the Chicago,
WAnuke and St. Paul Railwwy runs the
moat perfectly equipped train of Bleep
ing. Parlor, and Piig Car and Coaches.
For lowest rate to any po.nt in the
United t&ites and Canada, apply to ticket
vrtrxs. or address C. J. EDDY,
General Agent.
Portland, Or ego a.
Is on every
Open por
Special Charter.
Agens, Portland.
Gentlemen: I had occasion to uss
several boxes of Krauae'a Headache
Capsules while traveling be Chicago to
attend the National Democratic Con
vention. They acted like a charm In
preventing headaches and dizziness.
Have had very little headache since
my return, which is remarkable.
Yours, resoectfuli
Ed. Renovo Pa.) Record.
For sale r Chas. Rogers, Astoria.
Or., sole agent.
Picnic Canned Goods,
Camp Stoves,
Camp Cooking Utensils, '
And the latest
All-Wool Sleeping Bags
At all prices- Just the thing for camp
ers, prospectors, etc Sure tokeep warm
at nights. Better than blankets.
Bla J la a aaa-eoiaonona
nniof lor uoBrMM.
OlMt, flyaraatorrktra,
Whiua, aaaatarftl dis
charge., or anv iaflammo
iioa, trrttatioa vr u I erra
tic a of tnneeai m-
wEtUS CS"!i1 flu. brum. oa-rio(it.
or erat la staia wrapper
br expfMN. prepaid, to
i n. or 1 botlk. 2.7J
Circular ant rmoMt
Sw Shimi, 11111HM
cwaan.s fJ
Tide Table fop November, 1895.
uw watir.
P. H. ft
"BOI2 2!
6 28 2 6
K 6f 2 V
!li.inl ft
0 36i 0"4
7 OtM 0 0
7 43-0 8
8 20-1 6
Saturday. . 'i
Monday. .. 4
Tuewluv . . 6
7 at 2 B
8 02 3
9 01
2 6
-0 2
-1 8
WtKlu'Bd'y G
8 418 111
9 60
10 40
9 80 3 6
Friday fc
10 8513
11 41
Batunlay.. V
11 63 7
0 46! 0 9
1 48 1 8
2 oil1 16!
i i
Monday.. ..II
Tuesday.. .12
Wedn'wry IS
Thuiaday .1-1
FriiUv is
4 82
6 26
848 17
441 19
627 22
6 12 2 6
Saturday.. Ill
7 01
6 65 2 8
7 4S
8 '8
9 18
Monday .. li
Tuesday . . 1!'
Wedn'sd'y 'J
7 38,8 !
0 2
.0 4
1 1
8 2613 41
9 16 3 6
10 1213 8
11 18 3 9
0 80 1 (I
10 01
lluinuluy .zi
Friday.... a
Saturday. it
-u.d . v j4
Mo day . if
10 61
12 83
2 40
8 32
1.2112 1
I 113 2 4
808 27
4 8913 2
618 38
4 lKj
1 1
6 00
r n. a a
-aim day . .:J
6 37
IVIarlne IBatters, Here, There and
The Harr.yon leaveia Tar Slu&law this
Kie Indiana will bo here " f rjm Port
land tomorrow morning. SI.-j 1a ail ready
for sea.
The Eclipse la halving Wro of her pro
pellor blatles repaired at the Aatorlu Iron
The Tasmania will probably go to sea
tomorrow. She Is now iful.iy taden with
her cargo.
Th Bnltfclhi 'bairlt 'Pas of lirander Ion
out for QueenStowin yesterday morning
tanl'en with wlheat.
The 'American tlhlp George Curtis left
out at noon yesterday, iwlheat laden for
the United Kingdom.
The BuUUah c0lp Earl Burgess, pre
viously reported at Montevideo, was sold
at auction on the 3d of October for
83,000. The purchaser will make that
imudh money out of Che old Iron.
The China steamer Asloun may be look
ed for this afternoon. She will lose no
time In disclvarjliig her cnrj ut river
points and proceeding on her outward
voyage. She is torn", d.iys behind sclhedule
The IhyiJroginaiplhiic office ends out the
following notice: "Notice Is hereby given
tihiat, on ccoun.t of :Mie ecarclty of water
and until the rainy season sets in, Cape
Flattery fog signal will blow out once
in five minute's, except 'Wlhen bearing a
Vfijsel'a-Wlaor horn, wlien tihe fog
isigifl'al TV111 brtuiViteguliarly until 'the vessel
The toark Cape Horn Pigeon arrived
from tho Oethfftsk sea yesterVlHy 'wlHi 80
'barrels 'wta'le oil, 840 barrels sperm oil
and 8,000 poundB bone. When oft Point
Reyes a sdhool of eperm whales was ob
served twenty-five milles laway. This is
tlhe first of the iwihallng fleet to return.
Ofhers iwlH follow In during the next
tMnty day.-Catl.
NegoMaitlons that Tiave been under con
Blderitlon for some time looking to an
aimfcaibie adjustment of the troubles be
tween the Piaclflc Wail and the Panama
railroad Ivave been declared off. It Is
said he, rajljrbad company will continue
to maintain utn Independent steairuFhlp
line betweeen San Francisco and New
York via Panama.
The rih'lp Benjamin F. Hunt, Jr., whlloh
arrived tn New York from Calcutta Sat
urday, Is well known In Astoria shipping
clrclea She (had a trying time of it and
came near to being cast away. She was
on iher beam ends and labored so heavily
'ttiat It was Ihouglht the masts would be
putted out. FinaWy tihe captain put her
before the wind and ran until all danger
was past.
Captain Thoraaijel, of the schooner
Queen, leave for Scotland today to tu
iporlnteind tihe biCdlnfr of a new four
masted sclhooner. Sihe will be placed
umrer the Hawaiian flag and be named
tde SitiranBer. She ts to be all of eteel
ami mill tiave no topmasts. She will
carry 1,20000 Ifeet of lumber. She will
be bulllft on tihe Clyde and will be owned
by tihe same ptwrtes- that had the Jtfhn
Eroa burnt. 8. F. Chronicle.
Three vesseha arrived from porta In
Alaska yesterday iwltlh salmon, as fol
lows: Harvester, 1,800 cases; John C.
Potter, 36,362 caises; . L. J. Mors, 31,000
canes. No more viwcls are expected.
and It Is presumed the entire pack in
tended ror tine market . has been vent
down. There have been fwenty-eeven
vessels direct from the canneries and
five consignment by the Victoria team
era. Total reoelpta for the n are
630,658 cases. It Is presumed some Sots
have been hipped from points at the
north direct overland. Bulletin.
Captains McDou.yall and Sproule who
left out yesterday for England wlt.h their
speedy and beautiful vetuete, tlva Pars
of Bramder and George Curtly Ihuve made
a wager of a small amount, which will
iflve the eklpper of the eh-lp making te
longest passage the privilege of raying
tlOO and tlhrree suits of cMte to h'j rpr
ponent. BotDi vesseSs are fai ea'tcrs and
botih have made the pannure to "he United
Kingdom in very quick tdme. The Curtis
seems to be the more general favorite
(hough there are many along the water
front who believe that the pass of Gran
der will win tihe race.
The last of the na'rrron fleet arrived
yeisttriAay. ways V..i Kxa'.ilner of Sun
day. T:ve Jin C. Potti-r, LMewelyn J.
Morse and Harvester a'.l arrived from the
fisheries, but none of them brought b'g
caitohes. The Morse and Harvester iwere
loaded, but the Potter wu Ht,iht. She
hiad Ian earthquake experience on tha
2th of October. The .Mp was tossed
ah'-'ut like a cork, and the Chinese pas
sengers from the cannery were alnvcirt
scared to death. "It made the ship
shake as If she Jumped over a coral reef
In a heavy swell," said the captain yn
terday. Today, If the weather 41 favorable, tho
BrltWh bark Lad as. Captain Messenger,
wEl be dispatched by Turner, Bee ton It
Co.. iwltlh cargo of 83,623 cases of sal
mon, valued at 8341,847, consigned to
Liverpool, England. The cargo was all
loud.! at the auter wharf and makes
Che fourth, rent forward thus far this
season. The fifth will to'Aow almost
Immediately, aa the Dutch bark Mary
Jose is reported 4to have been Ioided ca
the Fraser river witSi hi the neighbor
hood of JO 000 cases. She Is the smallest
of the 1896 fleet, and will, so far as Is
known, be the last vewel but one to call,
viz.. the BrltlWri bark John Gamble.
Colonist. .
CA Taotma special to the Settle P. I.
soys: "A clipper eb'v ra:e from
Tacoota to Adelaide, on 4yg wscrr. If
a!xut to Wake place. Tie contestants
will be the Hawaiian tatrk Mauna. Ala,
Captain 8trrt:h. and tixs Rermo.'i bark
Bertha, Captain Rasrh, boV now load
Insr lumfcer at the Taeomu mill. The
bn woo mads several day sto. but the
mount hoi not 4n mads purlc. By
A. U. II P.M.
hju ft.lih.m ft
0 wf7 0i ir.Vi8 2
U 11 7 1! 12 2j 8 G
1 1 7 0i lzftS87
2 On 7 0 1 SO 8 8
2lM! 2 OS 8 8
i&'it, 2 61 8 8
i t,tiC, 8 4" 8 8
6 20 6 61 488 7 8
8 111 6 Si 6 4874
7 17 8 8, 7tu7i
818 7 2! 8 2470
901 76 V8u73
0.-2 811 10 417 6
10 8 Hi 11 40 7 7
1128 9 1 .
0 8.17 8: 12 O1) '9 3
1 Vi 7 7 12 46 9 I
2117 6 181,9 8
8 01 7 4 2 1.V8 9
3 m 7 0 8 Oil 8 4
4 40 7 0; 8 6tj7 7
SmH: 4 4471
11 111 6 8 S426 4
7 0." a ft, 6 -'-0 6 0
7iW71i 8 ( f. 8
8 84 7 2! 9 0890
9 18 7 6' 10 08 61
9 5h7 9! 11 tti 8 8
10 3611 1162 6 6
n.oj ....)..
Its ' t'ertna ' Captain Siwitlv 4et that Ihe
will beat the: Bentlha Iri'to Adelaide Ave
eaillng days. ' The ships will not sail
on the sainve dUite, but fhe bet will be
decided on Uhe actual tailing time. . Each
will oaary atoout he mine cargo. The
Ma una Is of 81S tona bunlen nd the
Ueriihu, 1,653 t3v.'t. It '.a expected that
Uhe Maiuia Ala will get to c& tomorrow,
but the lier'tiha will not bo out for pos
titCy a fortnlt." ,
For ' tha first time In imany years
coui tezics were yesterday exchanged be
tween Brrtleih and American warships In
Ksqu'lmaH, soys tihe The big
United Suites cruiser Philadelphia, flag
(Jhlp of the Pacific squadron, yesterday
Bteaimed Into harbor and moored off the
naval wihaiif. The customary salutes
were then given and acknowledged by
the heavy guns of the Royal Arthur,
The usual admiral's volley wai then
fired. During the attemaon (he veil
ing ship's ofBccra were received on board
the Royal Arthur, and tday the call will
probably be returned, as W is expected
the FhlladeOpfrla will make a etay of
acme few days In port. To the ob
server ashore the Fihilade'phla. presents
a ep'.endid appearance, and thoueh smaller
t'hiam the British fta;e(ilp ift has been
stated that the internal construction of
the twovessels and their rpeed are very
A correspondent of the Call saysr "In
yesteirday'fl CaH was published a cable
gram from Adelaide, South Aualmalia, an
nouncing the sale arrtMal 4n that port of
the much overdue shtp Earl of Hope
town. This vessel has been 'a source of
much speculation to the gamblers, and
her price Just before the arrival of
our wire (had reached 70 per cent.. On
'the L an don markets a fortnight Rgo 40
to 45 per certt. was offered and paid, and
in the meanwhile she had rtaen to 70
offered and wanted. The Earl of Hope
tawo sailed from Vancouver, B. C, on
the 23d of 'May, and passed Totoosh May
21, bound to Adelaide with a cargo of
lumibem, and flalled'to make her port be
fore October 27, thus covering over five
months on a passage which under ordi
nary conditions should be made In from
seventy to ninety days. Many rein
surance 'men hod great faith In her ow
ing to her high character, she being a
new fhlp built entirely of steel in 1S92
at Pont Glasgow oy Russell & Co., to
the highest class alt Lloyd's, and their
sanguine ideas have now been fully
Justified. More nearly concerning San
Francisco underwriters are the Scotch
cool-laden vessels Nordlyiset from the
Clyde June IB, and the Cjs.ibona, also
fiom the Clyde Slat of July, fcr Cali
fornia. ACUIhough not overdue, the de
elrucCton by fire at sea of the German
hip Eurapa "bound to San Francisco
"from Leiith, Scotland, has caused these
.two ships to be offered for reinsurance
and 20 per cent, has been paid on each,
the cargo of the Caisialbona being from the
came colliery as the Europa's tfilpmont.
The Nordlyset Is a steel bark of 1,618
tons register, built at Greenock in 1891
by Rueae'l & Co., and owned In Norway;
and tihe Caculbona, late the ehlp North
Olf London, 1s an Iron bark of 1,296 tons
register, buillt at Birkenhead In 1868 by
J. R. Clorn & Co., and now owned by
CUsattona & Co., of Genoa, Italy.
Oape Flattery Fog Signal.
Notice I hereby given that on and after
October 30tih, 18B5. on account of scarcity
of water, Cape FDaibtery Fog-Slgnn'C w'll
hOow but once In five minutes until ihe
rainy season sets In, excepting when
hearing a veeel whistle ffr horn, then the
fosr-rigniill will bxv reyularly until vessel
Is passed.
This notice affects the List of Lleh't and
Fog-9lgnals, Pacific Coast, 1895, Pane 22,
No. 989, and the List of Beacons and
Buoys, Pacific Coast, 1891, Page 48.
By ordw of the Lljrht-Hou3 Board.
' Commander N. S. N
Inspector 13th L. H. District,
You ought to .keep your flesh up. DB
eaise will follow, 1f you let it go bellow a
heaithy standard. No m'ltter how this
comes, what you need Is Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. That is the
greatest flcsh-bullder known to medical
science, far surpareing filthy cod liver
oil and all 'Its nasty compounds. It's
suited to the most deillcoto stomach..
It makes the morbidly thin plump and
rosy, wth health and strengtlh.
Send for a free pamphlet, or remit 19
cents (stamrw) and get a book of 168
pagMS with testimonials, address; and
portraits. Addro World's Dispensary
Medlcail Association. 663 Main street, Buf
faCo, N. Y.
Rupture or breach permanwitly cuied
without the knife. Address, for pam
phlet and referonces, World's DUpenenry
Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
Tihe aljconquerlng bicycle ha9 Invaded
Jiacllin. taind is now n. fa.mTHInir jdirht In th.
land of .the ricksha. The Europeans
take to H kindly and the little brown
men and women aire equally enthusiastic.
Some of the Japanese women, sUyts an
Unjldlnd tttHlmv (ha a l rtn.J A nnan VI.
cycle costume that Is a combination of the
Liioonwra wrtm tine native dress. It is
neither Japanese nor European. Com-
'oinea witui the upper port of the kimono
oossume tihe Japanese ladles clothe their
Wether limftM n ,Uth f rtt nAllfcai.
hockera, trousens, zouaves, nor bloomers.
jub luoiicraus ertect is Heightened by
tlhlA elrl ihla-V"lncr n nntlnnol Ihl. A
--- - u'L.v..u, i , t ri u. II
Ing the toes hi developed to Its largest
cmem. ah uiai you see wnen she
pufues you Is a pair of round and pretty
heels wabbling In an uncertain manner
and a little body ewlled up that makes
you think of a gay ltttle monkey on top
t a pole. 43an Frandleco Examiner.
The best salve In the world foi Cut.
bruises. ftnrea TTlMra O.H Dh.nm
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Con.s. and All Skin Erup.
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
uencci nausTBciiou, or money refunded.
r-nce, zo centj per W)X. r or sale by
"has. Rogers. Odd FpIIows building.
Serejitor pi.ilce Is oiaklng a bimetallic
cajmpailgn Hn Ohio. That Is to ay, he
talka gol'Ji and upends silver. Kansas
City Journal.
SHTLOH'S CURB Is sold on a guar
ntee. It ures incipient consumption.
b 1 .1 , i M . .
i mo vvbi vougo Mire, imiy oni
ent a dose. 25 cents. 50 cts., and $1.00.
For Sale by J. W. Conn.
The bla.'k-bearded pirate, with a knife
between h's teeth, boiided the paiMenjter
BhTp. "Throw up your hands!" he shout
ed. The passenger hanging over ths
ram smiled feebly. "I think I did, net
less uian an hour ego," toe mid garplng.
ty. Cincinnati Enquirer.
The V. S. Qov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Francs has 300 senators, while this
country has but 88. This may go far
4otiKd explaining why the French gov
ernment has, on an average, something
mere than three tames as much trouble
as that of the United States. Washing,
ton Star. .
i '
T. W. Fuller, of Camajofetrle, N. Y.,
says that h always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery rn the house and his fam
ily has always found ths very beat re
milts Mlrw Its use; that he would n:t
be wl'hout It, If procurable. O. A. Dyke
man. Drunrist, Catsklll, N. T., says that
Dr. King's New Discovery Is undoubtedly
the beat cough remedy; that he has used
it In hU family' for eight years and that
It has never failed to do all that la
claimed for It. Why not try a romedy
so Isng tried and tested. Trial bottles
free at Chan. Rogers' drug stort. Regular
slse 60c. and $1.
An Easterti paper suggests that some
bcUy Should Invent a way "whereby the
president of the United States could go
fleuing 3bo dayi In the year, and carry on
r.1s executive hujilntes by pressing a but
ton." Well, hasn't Sir. Cleveland come
prfi'.ty close to "Inventing" that sort ot
a way? Only the advent of cold weather,
rijpat-ieir.itly, prevents Us comitate, all-t'he-year-rounij
euccesj. Los . Angeles
.ill the (nten: medicines advertised
n this witwr. together with the choic
est perfumery, and toilet articles, etc.,
ii n lie hnuelit Rt tne jnweat prices at
J. W. Conn' drug stor. upposite Oc-
I lnt Hulei K. torls
Gunman Is plainly whlppeJ In Xlary
lanl. The desperate effoirts ot hid elec
tion oupervtsors In Baltimore to aid and
conoeUl the fraui Intent registration or
voters are a confession that he Is afraid
of an horrctit election. Now York Re
KARL'S CbOVER BOOT wi'.! purify.
your .blood, clear your complexion, reg
ulate your Bowels, and make your heal.
clear as a bell. 25 cts., 50 cts., and 11.00.
8old by J. W. Conn.
Spciaklng of the Corbett-FltB.ilmmons
fiasco, does not the result look ejme
vhnt like Immorality caa bo leitislated
aswlnut successfully? Mempihls Commcr-clnl-Aiprwal.
The healing properties of DeWltt's
Witch Haxel Salve are well known. It
cures eczema, skin affections, and Is sim
ply a perfect remedy for plies. Chas.
She Do you know tWit If wastage was
put 'back to three cents we would make
money. He We? Who? She Every
body, cCupld. Because then the mer
chants would mark their goods down to
11.97 from $2, Instead of $-1.98, as they do
now.Minneapol'ls Journal.
There are many good reasons why you
should use One Mlnut Cough Curs.
There are no reasons why you should not,
it In need of help. The only harmless
remedy that produces Immediate results.
Chas. Rogers.
In Swltierland Guide There has been
a landslide in the newt cvunlton. Travel
ing Politician You don't say! What's
the majority? Puck.
ROYAL Baking Powder,
Highest ot all la leavening
Strength V. &. Government Report
"This predicting the wtalher's mighty
easy," said the skeptic, "Could you do
It?" "Certainly. All you have to do is
to predict a hot wave when It's cold,
and a cold wave when It's hot, and stick
to It." Washington Star.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria
When congeras assembles the people's
repreisenitatlveis will desire to see the
document deflnllng the Monroe dootrlne
recertfly sent to Ambassador Bayard for
the ilniformatlon of the British govern'
ment. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.
baby growth
'The baby's mission is
growth. To that little bun
dle of love, half trick, half
dream, every, added ounce
ot flesh means added hap
piness and comfort! ; Fat is
the siemal of perfect health,
comfort, good nature, baby
Sratt's Emulsion, with
hypophosphites, is the eas
iest fat-food baby can have,
in the easiest form. It sup
plies just what he cannot,
get in his ordinary food,
and helps him over the
weak places to perfect
Scorr & Bowmi, ChtmuU, Kw York, 50c. and $ 1.00
Fry vMh
Try everytlilngf from potato
chips to doughnuts in uotio-
lene. Fut Cottolene in a coia
oan heat it slowlv until it
will delicately brown a bit of
bread in half a minute. Then
put in your food. It will pay
you to try Cottolene just this
way see how delicious and
wholesome it makes the food.
on in rename, .. .-.r "-. v
threa, and v pound Una, with trad g
iWiMu"nd tuar'B htodimeotr w
HnjHnn,wrRHn-v...Hf .....
THE H. K. FAIRBaNK (gsrHMtArai,
MUSIC Hfllili-
ir KEATING k CO will opeu Ihelr
if il if Muaic IIal at 3-0 At'r ctreel,
Saturday the IClb. They will
44 keen numberlem (ool)Uuori
and elf ara besides having good music all the
Mr. J. J. KelL Bharpsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir' I am glad t say a good
word for Krause's Headache Capsules.
After suffering for over terse years
with aeilts neuralgia and its consequent
Insomnia (rhlch seemed to baffle the
efforts of some of our best physicians)
ou sugKested this remedy which gave
ns almost Instant relief. Words fall
Ut express ths praise I should like tn
htalow on Kraune's Headache Capsules
Gratefully yours.
Montrete. Pa
l l
f fcaaaaitelaf ;
jptpe :
I872 1895
A Specialty,
Ship Chandelery,
Iron & Steel,
Groceriea & Provisions,
Flour & Mill Feed,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Loggers Supplies,
Fan-bank's Scales,
Doors & Windows,
Agricultural Implements
Wagons & Vehicles.
E. ricNEIL, Receiver.
Gives Choice
Jmo Tf anscontmental
Via Via
Spokane Ogden,Denver
and and
St. Paul. Omaha or
St. Paul.
Pullman 'and Tourist Sleep
Free Reollnlng Chalre Oar.
Astoria to San Francisco.
CV.uimbia, Tuesday, Nov. 8. .
State of California, Sunday, Nov. 10.
Columbia, Prldoy, Nov. 16.
Sraite, Wednesday, Nov. 80.
Columbia, Monday, Nov. 25.
State, Suitiurday, Nov. SO.
Columbia, Thursday, Dec. 5.
Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
The T. J. Potter will leavs Astoria at
7 p. m. dally, except Sundiy; leave Port
land at 1 a. m. dally, except Sunday,
The Steamer ivurtlne will leave Astoria
at 6:46 a. m. dally, except Sunday) leavs
PorUand at 8 p. m. dally, except Satur
For rates and general information call
on or address
Age nit,
Gen. Pas. Agt, Portland. Or
Are You Going East?
Be sure and see that your ticket
reads via
This Is the
And all Points East, and
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Ves-
Ubuled Dining ana Bleeping uir
Trains and Motto)-
Have tiven this road a national reputa
tion. All classes of passengers carried
on the vestlbuled trains without extra
charge. Bblp your freight and travel
over this famous line. All agents have
W. H. MEAD, F. C. BAvaQh,
Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Aft
Ut Washlngtoa at. Portland. Or.
Mrs. T. 8. Rawklns, Chaitnoor
Tenn,, says, "Shllor's Vlullier -8AV.D
UT LIFE.' I consider it tne best renv
dy for a debilitated system I evr
naed." For Dyspeoala, Liver or Kid
nay trouble, It excella. Pi We ?t eta.
ror Bale cy i. w. cna.
fill n in
iJoIl ilo IlJo
Japanese Bazaar
CIlDtef Goods Jest Reeeivad,.-
An excellent stoctt of underwear, hos
iery, caps, etc., at extremely' low prices.
417 Bond Street next door to Mouler'e
Fruit Store,
The Oasis of thf
Colorado desert
BELOW the level
, Absolutely
Dry and Pure Tropical
Pronounced by Physicians the
most Favorable in America
for Sufferers from ...
; Lung Diseases and
Many Remarkable Cures
The objections uro-ixl inlnit Inl
In tha Dast bv th
otherwise would have been (lad to tak
aavantage 01 Its beneficial climate, has
been a lack of suitable accommoda
tion. The Southern Paclflo Company,
takes pleasure In announrilnv that
Commodious and
Comfortable Cottages
have Just been erected at Indie sta
tion, that will be rented to applicants
at reasonable rates. Tfccy are fur
nit hed with modern conveniences, sup
plied With Dura artesian water, anri a.
situated as to govs occupants all the
aavantages to be derived from a more
or less protracted residence In this rie-
iignuui cumate.
(From the Ban Francisco Argonaut)
"In the heart ot the great desert of
the Colorado which the Southern Pa
clflo road traverses there Is an oasis
called Indlo, which, in our opinion, U
tne sanitarium ot the earth. We be
lieve, from personal investigation, that
for certain Invalids, the-e is no spot or
this planet so favorable."
G. T. Stewart M. D., writes: "The
purity of the air, and the eternal sun
shine, fill one with wonder and delight
Nature has accomplished so
much that there remains but little tor
man to do. As to Its possibilities a a
health resort, 4iere Is the most per
fect sunshine, with a temperature al
ways pleasant, a perfectly dry soli
ror rain is an unknown factor: pure
oxygen, dense atmosphere and pure
water. What more can be desired r
It Is the place, above all others, for
lung troubles, and a paradise for rheu
matics. Considering the number of
sufferers who have been cured, I have
no nesitancy in recommending this
rental oasis as the haven of the afflict
ed." ,
Is 612 miles from
and 130 miles from
Fare from Los Angeles
For further Information Inquire of
any Southern Paclflo Company agent,
or address
B. P. K0GHR3,
Asst Gen. Pass. Art a P. Co.
Dlst Pass. Agt
Cor. Firs' and Alder Slav Portland. Or.
AJdftn. box tlo, Poitofflta. - ASTORIA, OR
SEASIDE SflWflllili.
A enmnl.t. atnk nt tnmK.. knm4
In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus
tic, ceiling, ana ell kinds of finish ;
mouldings and shingles; also bracket
wvnrlr rlnni rn nrrlAs TMMai
mm w---w w vaws .vauasj ivwsVUUI
and prloee at bedrock. All . orders
promptly attenaea to. Office and yard
at mill. H. L. LOO AN. Pron'r.
Rsaalde. Oregon.
Ths nartnArahtn fc.-. i-.i .
- wz . 1 uiiid vAiBiiuar oe
tween C. J. Greenlund and inimi n-i.
florists, is hereby dissolved by mutual
consent, and all debts of the said Arm
will ha naM Kw r J ri--- .
, V iniii ana t.
Palmberg, and all outstanding accounts
ars dus and parable to them.
KARL'S mnvvn nrwn ' .
Blood nurifler. lvM .ZtL" ' ri
- - . v - - ..cvuuvm auQ
clearness to the complexion and cures, ia cts aw cts , 11.00,
r or eaie Dy J. W. Conn,
Gentlemen sTi ... ..t -. .
1 " ' TOIttf llldl I
have used Krause's Headacne Capsules
with satisfactory results. I tought a
bog which cost tne Jla. and one csserle
cured me of a dreadful elck hvidache.
iniKu nave ooth used
Norman Lk-btr ii.''s Co.. nrHj wo re-
eomrnena tnero to tti pntiiio jv-lr
Jjuat what they are ro-i-w-r tel.
Kespect"!' 7,
Twentv-ftv riii f , -,5 ' . -1" . . .
-. - ' ' ' - - l . i. .
Rogers, Aatori.i. Or., eoia a.:-Ti..
Captain bweeny. 11. S. A.. P,ir, Tn;-?
Cal., says: unnoa's Catarrii 5.
Is the first rneit:ne 1 h ivo - f
that wou!d itis any r - . .,
eta. ioi4 T J. V. C .